Electric aerial violinist Irene Fong performed during the 2019 Continuum Gala and New Wing Celebration. Photo by Michael Blanchard.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 6868 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM SUPPORTING

Each day at PEM we are inspired and humbled by the extraordinary generosity of our donors and dedicated volunteers. On the previous pages, you have witnessed the museum’s mission in action — through innovative exhibitions, public programs, engagement with educators and careful stewardship of the collection. We simply could not accomplish any of this work without all of you.

Your contributions come in many forms and each is deeply valued. Your enthusiastic participation, your fi nancial support of all sizes, your art and your time make our institution what it is today: a dynamic and welcoming museum.

We are grateful to the donors who believe in our work. We appreciate the devoted Guides who lead student groups through the museum, introduce new ideas and an- swer questions with thoughtful care. We benefi t from individuals who choose to donate art, attend the Gala and our many events in-person and virtually, serve on our boards, help facilitate new partnerships, off er suggestions and give feedback on strategic planning.

Together, we are embarking on a new chapter. With your continuous support, we will amplify our programs and exhibitions and broaden our reach to new audiences. Thank you for your multifaceted contributions. Your generosity makes PEM vital, innovative and unforgettable. 69


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 6969 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM GIFT AND ACQUISITION HIGHLIGHTS

PEM has one of the most singular and storied Thanks to the vision of our donors, PEM’s collections of any museum. It is the country’s collection has grown through gifts of artwork oldest collecting museum and it is also a museum and purchases supported by contributions to that has had numerous incarnations over its its acquisition endowment. Here are selected 220-year history. As a result, PEM is very much highlights of additions to the PEM collection in a museum of museums. 2019 and 2020.

Photography present. The photograph is part of a substantial An-My Lê, Untitled, Ho Chi Minh City, 1995 gift of more than 1,600 photographs by 123 (Eclipse). Gift of Joy of Giving Something, Inc. artists that the museum received from the Joy 2019.45.687. Courtesy of the artist and Marian of Giving Something Inc. Created by the American Goodman Gallery. fi nancier Howard Stein, this comprehensive This photograph is from a series An-My Lê created collection features photographs and books while visiting Vietnam for the fi rst time after the by artists primarily of East Asian descent U.S. established diplomatic relations with the or working in East Asia, from 1930 to the country. Lê seeks to resolve memories and images present day. of Vietnam with the reality of daily life there in the


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7070 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM South Asian American Shakuntala Kulkarni, Untitled, from Of Bodies, Hank Willis Thomas, Rich Black Specimen #460, Armour and Cages series, 2010–2012. Cane. 2017. Aluminum with powder coat and Museum purchase by exchange. 2020.20.1. automotive paint. Edition 1 of 2, with 1 artist proof. Museum purchase made possible by the A string of highly publicized acts of violence Elizabeth Rogers Acquisition Fund. 2019. 23.1AB. against women compelled Mumbai-based artist Shakuntala Kulkarni to respond through her On view in Jacob Lawrence: The American work. She produced a series of wearable Struggle, Rich Black Specimen #460 is sourced from sculptures — suits of armor made of cane — historical visual representations of slavery in America. to convey how the protection of women is also #460 was one of four specimens used in print often a means by which to restrict their ability, “runaway slave” advertisements. Hank Willis Thomas mobility and comfort. Organic in nature, fragile presents the fi gure three-dimensionally as a life-sized and feminine in appearance, the armor is both an sculpture in powder-coated aluminum, recasting exoskeleton to defend its wearer from attack as the specimen’s scale as a means to inject person- well as a cage in which to confi ne her. hood into the otherwise cruelly anonymous form.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7171 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Fashion contemporary designs either not yet represented Carla Fernández, Manifesto poncho and jumpsuit, or insuffi ciently represented in our fashion from the Fashion as Resistance collection, Fall/ collection. Additional works purchased by Winter, 2017. Viscose, hand-painted with acrylic designers Carla Fernández, Jamie Okuma, Becca paint. Museum purchase made possible by the McCharen-Tran for Chromat and Tracy Reese Willoughby Stuart Acquisition Fund. 2020.7.1AB. enhanced the breadth and depth of the collection. The generous gifts of Susan Esco Chandler, Vivian Many of these recent additions, including the Hassenfeld, Rana Sadik and the estate of Jane one pictured here, will be included in Made It: Trigére have made it possible for us to add a The Women Who Revolutionized Fashion. signifi cant roster of international modern and


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7272 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Native American Alan Michelson (Mohawk), Hanödaga:yas (Town Destroyer) (detail), 2018. Museum purchase by exchange. 2019.38.1. © Alan Michelson. PEM recently purchased this powerful multimedia installation by Alan Michelson (Mohawk). Hanödaga:yas (Town Destroyer) explores the legacy of President George in late 18th-century Haudenosaunee Territory through today. Composed of a reproduction Houdon bust of , projected video and soundscape, antique tripod, and AstroTurf, this piece will be featured in our upcoming Native American and American art gallery.

Japanese Tanaka Yū, Furoshiki, Wrapping Cloth, 2018. Stoneware. Gift of Carol and Jeff rey Horvitz in honor of Daisy Yiyou Wang. Peabody Essex Museum. 2019.49.22. Japanese ceramic artist Tanaka Yū created this stoneware sculpture to look like Furoshiki, a type of Japanese wrapping cloth traditionally used to transport clothes, gifts or other goods. The visually stimulating work joined PEM’s collection in 2019 and is currently on view in the fashion and design gallery. The piece is part of the museum’s plan to bring the collection’s representation of Japanese art and culture into the present.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7373 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Maritime John Bertonccini, Whaling Vessels in the Ice, Herschel Island, about 1895. Oil on canvas. Museum purchase made possible by the Maritime Visiting Committee. 2019.33.1. A captain in a whaling fl eet, John Bertonccini was an inveterate artist who was said to paint at every opportunity, even using the ship’s paint supplies when his own ran out. His fl eet traveled into high Arctic waters off the Yukon’s north coast in pursuit of their prey, allowing their ships to freeze into the ice so they could winter over rather than make the long journey home each year.

Here he created a bird’s-eye view of their winter grounds, with whaling crews playing soccer and baseball to pass the time.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7474 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Asian Export Probably retailed by Cutshing, active 1826–75, Guangzhou, China, Bracelet, about 1840. Gold fi ligree. Gift in honor and loving memory of my mother Marion McMillin Wooten by Frank McMillin Wooten. 2019.11.1. Success often depends on the ability to build and sustain interpersonal relationships. In the 1840s, Chinese merchants inscribed their names on this Chinese export gold fi ligree bracelet and presented it to Ellen Coolidge, the wife of an Contemporary American trader in China. A highlight of the new Paa Joe, [Fort] Gross-Friedrichsburg–Princestown. Sean M. Healey Gallery of Asian Export Art, the 1683 Brandenburg, 1717–24 Ahanta, 1724 Neths, bracelet was acquired just before the opening of 1872. Britain, 2004–5 and 2017. Emele wood and the new wing. enamel paint. Gift of Jack Shainman Gallery in memory of Claude Simard. 2019.58.2. This work is one of a series of 13 architectural sculptures created by Paa Joe depicting the slave fortresses of Ghana’s Gold Coast. They were made using the tools and techniques that he customarily used in his work as a maker of fi gurative coffi ns, a popular tradition in Ghana. These sculptures are a powerful memorial to the brutality of the transatlantic slave trade. As colonial administrative centers, these buildings housed Africans who were sold into slavery.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7575 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM FINANCIAL YEAR IN REVIEW July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020

The Peabody Essex Museum’s unique 2020 was an extraordinary fi nancial year in many transformation and growth over recent ways. PEM recently changed the fi scal reporting decades has been made possible by strong period from January–December to July–June, leadership and remarkable philanthropy. which aligns better with the museum’s business cycle. From 2003, which marked the opening of the Moshe Safdie building, to 2019, with the For simplifi cation, we are reporting the 2020 addition of the Collection Center and Ennead operating overview as unaudited and Architects-designed wing, PEM doubled its annualized to include the full 12 months operating budget (shown below excluding between July 2019 and June 2020. interest on debt and depreciation) and gave itself the means to present its collections and special exhibitions in spectacular spaces.

Operating Budget | 2003–2019

40 35.1 35 33.7 31.1 31.9 28.9 30 27.4 28.2 24.9 25 23.2 21.0 20.8 22.0 19.2 20.0 20 18.6 18.1 18.1




MILLIONS 0 2003200420052006 2007200820092010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7676 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Revenue and operations were severely PEM was fortunate to receive support from the impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic that forced Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a forgivable the closure of the museum on March 12, 2020. loan from the Small Business Administration that Between July 2019 and June 2020, a total of allowed retention of full staff for eight weeks during 166,700 visitors came to PEM, a decrease of closure, and which is recorded as grant revenue. 25 percent compared to a similar period the Donors to PEM continued to be very generous year before. Earned income, consisting of during this challenging time. This allowed PEM to admissions, shop sales, events and programs, retain operating revenue of $33 million to fund were proportionally reduced. operating expenses and some necessary investments.

Total Operating Revenue | $33 million

PPP Grant Earned Income 8% 9%

Contributions 22%

Endowment Income 61% IN $ MILLIONS Earned Income 3.0 Endowment Income 20.3 Contributions 7.2 PPP Grant 2.5 Total Operating Revenue 33.0


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7777 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM When the pandemic began, expenses were exhibitions, facilities, retail, management and immediately put under tight control. Four fundraising expenses totaled $32.9 million in 2020. exhibitions were canceled and one was Beyond operating expenses, PEM continues rescheduled for a fall 2020 opening. While the to acquire works of art, invest in facilities and PPP allowed PEM to retain staff temporarily, PEM technology assets, and meet debt obligations. had to lay off 15 percent of staff in mid-June 2020 The largest asset category is the long-term to adjust to a reduced level of operations. Personnel investment portfolio (endowment and board- costs represented 61 percent of operating expenses designated funds) of $488 million, followed by in 2020, which was not sustainable. building assets valued at $200 million. The main During this crisis, to shore up its fi nances, PEM liability is the debt of $78 million taken at the took decisive steps to pivot to a digital practice times of facilities expansions. The statement of of sharing art experiences, and provide uplift and fi nancial position is strong with net assets at support to the community. The programs and $633 million as of June 30, 2020.

Operating Expenses | $32.9 million

Fundraising 12%

Management and General 16% Programs and Exhibitions 49%

Retail Services 3%

Buildings and Security 20%

IN $ MILLIONS Programs and Exhibitions 16.0 Buildings and Security 6.5 Retail Services 1.2 Management and General 5.3 Fundraising 3.9 PEM’s audited fi nancial statements Total Operating Expenses 32.9 are available upon request.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7878 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM The Museum Shop team earned glowing headlines by introducing a series of cloth face masks inspired by select works in the PEM collection.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 7979 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM We appreciate the generous support of the outstanding donors listed on the following pages. PEM would not be the thriving institution it is today without their partnership and loyalty.

MUSEUM VISIONARIES Nancy B. Tieken* We gratefully acknowledge the following Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo/ visionary donors who have provided Van Otterloo Family Foundation major support to museum priorities since January 1, 2006: Gifts of $500,000–$999,999 Anonymous (2) Gifts of $1 million and above Affi liated Managers Group, Inc. Anonymous (6) Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Barton Carl* and Iris Barrel Apfel Jeff rey P. Beale Barr Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Carlson Estate of Dorothy Addams Brown E. Rhodes & Leona B. Carpenter Foundation Sam and Tracey Byrne The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Calderwood Charitable Foundation Connie and Stan Grayson Susan and Appy Chandler Mr.* and Mrs. Francis W. Hatch Jr. Mr.* and Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr. HBB Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hawkes Terry and Eva Herndon Mr. Sean M. Healey* Angus and Leslie Littlejohn Mr. and Mrs. Ulf B. Heide The Lowell Institute Tim and Joanie Ingraham Mr. Hoyt W. Ludington and Institute of Museum and Library Services Ms. Ana B. Colmenero Estate of Russell W. and Martha T. Knight Estate of Thomas D. McKiernan Carolyn* and Peter S. Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Off en The Lynch Foundation Jane and Neil Pappalardo Massachusetts Cultural Council The Richard C. von Hess Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ernst H. von Metzsch National Endowment The David P. Wheatland for the Humanities Charitable Trust Mr. Charles W. Pingree* Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Pratt Gifts of $100,000–$499,999 Nancy and George* Putnam Anonymous (9) Mr. Robert N. Shapiro Mr. and Ms. Anil Ambani American Dental Partners, Inc.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8080 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM American Express Foundation Ellen and Steve Hoff man Estate of Priscilla C. Archibald Barbara and Amos Hostetter Audemars Piguet Judith S. Howe BAE Systems W. Bradford Ingalls Charitable Foundation Susan Baker Leavitt Joanie V. Ingraham L.G. Balfour Foundation Kathleen and Ronald Jackson Bank of America Estate of Margaret H. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Clement Benenson Shirley Z. Johnson and Jennifer and Andrew Borggaard Charles W. Rumph Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brauer JP Morgan Chase Foundation Estate of Marion E. Carr Constance Killam Trust The Catered Aff air Mary S. Kingsbery Fay Martin Chandler* Jim and Mimi* Krebs Christie’s Estate of Susan D. Lillie The Coby Foundation, Ltd. Ruby W. and Lavon P. Linn Foundation Samir and Nilima Desai; Susan and Henry Livingston The Desai Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gururaj Deshpande Michael H. Malamy Eaton Vance Management Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group ENGIE NA The Manton Foundation Estate of Adele Q. Ervin Mr. Walter C. Meibaum Mrs. Saluni P. Fadia Mr. Dan L. Monroe and Fidelity Investments Ms. Catherine Wygant Fiduciary Trust Company National Endowment for the Arts General Electric NBT Charitable Trust Phillip Gillespie/State Street Foundation Kate and Ford O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus R. Gillespie OSRAM Merry Glosband Ota Folk Museum Gourmet Caterers, Inc. Eunice and Vincent Panetta Paul and Lauren Gudonis Christa and David Pannorfi Estate of Henry E. Haley Mr.* and Mrs. John O. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrison Dr. and Mrs. Mahesh M. Patel Margaretta and Jerry Hausman PEAK Event Services Hawthorne Hotel Prince Charitable Trusts Tom and Monica Healey Jeff rey F. Rayport and Hillary Rayport William Randolph Hearst Foundation Abby and Gene Record Mr. Andrew and Dr. Erin Heiskell Mrs. Louise C. Riemer Carla and David Herwitz Abigail* and George Owen Roberts Highland Street Foundation Chip and Susan Robie and Mr. Timothy T. Hilton The Haslam Family Foundation Galen Ho and Patricia Fae Ho Molly E. Ryan Lisina M. Hoch* Salem Five


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8181 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers

In 2019, Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers sponsored the nationally touring exhibition Jacob Lawrence: The American Struggle. Over the years, the couple have off ered steadfast support to PEM with gifts of art as well as annual contributions to the East India Marine Associates and important contributions to the Phillips Library collection.

Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation The Art Consortium Mr.* and Mrs. William L. Saltonstall Neale and Louisa Attenborough Mr. C. Franklin Sayre Estate of Barbara A. Bagge Abigail Lash and Austin Shapard Mr. B. Devereux Barker III and Estate of Ellin Smalley Mrs. Jilda Barker Thomas Stone and Valerie Warrior Joshua and Amy Perry Basseches Mr. and Mrs. William S. Strong The Bay and Paul Foundations Joyce and Steven Tadler Robert L. Beal Terra Foundation for American Art Jacalyn Elizabeth Stuart Bennett Mr.* and Mrs.* William F. Thompson Carole and John Benning Mr. Jurrien Timmer Dr. and Mrs. Mark Berenson Sandra Urie and Frank Herron Estate of Barbara Beyea Christi and Jan van Heek Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Mr.* and Mrs. Christopher M. Weld Nathalie S. Binney Estate of Richard Wheatland Mrs. George P. Bissell Jr. Mr. Kemble Widmer II and Allie Flather Blodgett Ms. Betsy Garrett Widmer Mr. Robert M. Bohlen and Dorothy Anne Wilson Trust Ms. Lillian A. Montalto Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust Ms. Sharon D. Bonner Boston Private Bank & Trust Co. Gifts of $20,000–$99,999 Edward and Maureen Bousa Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs.* John M. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abramson J. David* and Barbara Broudo Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Jenifer and Michael Agosti Lee and Shep* Brown AKC Fund Mr. and Mrs. James Bryant Terry* and Dick* Albright Mrs. Joan Buchanan Estate of Helen Alconis Judge Thaddeus Buczko Mr. Robert Amory III Mr. and Mrs. Erich C. Buddenhagen Applied Materials William J.* and Patricia N. Bursaw


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8282 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM John and Mollie Tower Byrnes Katherine H. Duff y Dr. Frederick C. Cabot* Meg and Mark du Four Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cabot Eastern Bank Paul and Virginia Cabot Arthur R. Errion, MD* Charitable Trust Express Card Systems, Inc. Heather Cairns and Michael Lafayette Mr. Erling Falck Lee Campbell Jr. Nancy Forgan Farnam Charitable Mrs. James A. Carroll Jr. Lead Annuity Trust Cell Signaling Technology Inc. First Republic Bank Martha and Neil L.* Chayet Julian H. Fisher Mr. John D. Childs Kate Sides Flather Chubb Group of Insurance Companies William C. and Joyce K. Fletcher Dean Forrester Cobos and Nancy B. Cobos Form Creative Services Sherryl and Gerard Cohen Henry Frechette and Judy Hodge Mrs. I. W. Colburn The Freeman Foundation Sheila* and Herb* Collins Friends of Heritage Preservation The Computer Merchant, Ltd. Charles and Brenda Furlong The William F. Connell Family, Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gaff ney Connell Limited Partnership Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gardiner Connolly Brothers, Inc. Matthew Gardiner and Consulate General of the Netherlands Rebekah Lord Gardiner Justin and Molly Cook Charles and Susan Gessner Laury and Nancy Coolidge Glovsky & Glovsky Julia D. Cox Harriet Carlton Goldweitz* Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor Crandall Gorton’s Correnti & Darling, LLP Greater Boston MINI Dealers Cummings Foundation Mrs. Cynthia Rich Grossman* Cunard Jon and Kim Guerster John Curuby Halloran Consulting Group, Inc. Philio Wigglesworth Cushing Ruth Hamlen Mr.* and Mrs. Rufus G. Cushman Kevin Hannaway and Rayna Lesser Hannaway Darlene M. Daggett Mr. and Mrs.* Anthony J. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard R. Danforth Lynda Roscoe Hartigan and Roger Thompson Mr. and Mrs.* Darling Jr. Harvard University Outings & Innings Ms. Mary E. Darmstaetter Eric and Dorothy Hayes Mr. John H. Deknatel and Ms. Carol N. Taylor The Gregory and Maria Henderson Foundation Mr. Arthur T. Demoulas Elaine MacDuff Hepworth Deschamps Printing Company, Inc. Chester and Davida Herwitz Mr. and Mrs. David C. de Sieyes Charitable Trust Brenton and Elizabeth Dickson Mr. William R. Hettinger Ms. Sherry Doane Joseph Hill and Alison Chase Judith and John Dowling Richard* and Polly Hill


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8383 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hodgson Jr. Lotus Gifts Mr.* and Mrs. Charles H. Hood II Ludcke Foundation Frederic and Johanna Hood Nancy and Thomas Lurie HUB International New England Ms. Julie Mackin and Mr. Daniel Clevenger Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hunnewell Jr. Amanda Clark MacMullan and Roy A. Hunt Foundation Russell J. MacMullan Mr. Alexander R. Ingraham Mr. and Mrs. Jeff rey S. Mallon Alice Wheatland Ingraham The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation Mr. Samuel Ingraham and Mrs. Elizabeth Preysner Marine Society at Salem Ira Motor Group Mr. Michael Mars and Ms. Terri Campbell J.P. Morgan Private Bank James A. Marsh 1996 Charitable Annuity Trust Gina and Walter Jacob Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Massey Estate of Frederick Johnson Matter Communications Mr. and Mrs. Leopoldo A. Johnson Mr. William Johnson Mayer The Journeyman Press, Inc. McCue Corporation Jules Catering Daniel and Jenifer McDougall Marie-Louise and Stephen G. Kasnet Mr.* and Mrs. William McKay Keamy Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Preston D. McSwain Mr. and Mrs.* John F. Keane Sr. Robert and Françoise Meahl Karen Keane and Daniel Elias Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Melden The Kelton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel Barbara and R.T. Paine Metcalf Maryann Knight Ekberg and Eric Ekberg Joseph and Jill Milano Jeff rey and Julie Korzenik Susan* and Alan Miller Samuel H. Kress Foundation MIT Activities Committee Dr. William Kropa and Dr. Catherine Sullivan-Kropa Michele and David* Mittelman John* and Marilyn Kucharski Mondriaan Fonds Beedee and Ted Ladd Christine and Bob Monk Landry & Arcari Rugs and Carpeting Mr. and Mrs. Gonzague and LandVest Elizabeth de Montrichard Saundra B. Lane Montserrat College of Art Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lash Elizabeth Creed Moore Mr.* and Mrs. John Lastavica Estate of Grace Morrison Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee Garlan and Jody Morse Mr.* and Mrs. Howard Lester Dr. Shirley M. Mueller George and Emmy Lewis James X. Mullen and Nola Anderson Mr. Stephan Loewentheil National Folk Museum of Korea Mr. James H. Long National Grand Bank Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Loring III National Historical Publications Mr. and Mrs. George G. Loring & Records Commission Jonathan B. Loring The Netherland-America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Loring Mr. and Mrs.* H. Gilman Nichols Jr.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8484 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Matter Communications

“It remains a privilege to have such an important cultural resource here on the North Shore. We’re proud to have our brand associated with all the exciting programs underway at PEM,” said Scott Signore, Principal and CEO of Matter Communications. Matter Communications was a visionary sponsor of the 2019 Continuum PEM Gala and New Wing Celebration.

Jean Nichols and Richard DiPerna Peter and Lucy Robbins Tim and Lori Noonan Jacqueline and Daniel Rosenthal Northeast Auctions Edward* and Susie Rowland Mr.* and Mrs. Bradley Plumer Noyes R.P. Marzilli & Company, Inc. Nunavut Department of Culture, Dr. Russell and Susan Hubbard Ryan Language, Elders and Youth The Salem Inn Richard and Linda Olney Salem State University Mr. and Mrs.* Gerald F. O’Neil The Susan M. Salt Trust Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation Dr. Mary Wheatland Schley Mr.* and Mrs. George A. Page Jr. Barbara B. and Edward M. Scolnick Elizabeth H. Paly* David and Marie Louise Scudder Thomas Anthony Pappas Charitable Foundation, Inc. Anne L. Seamans* Nancy Paige Parker Dr. Henry F. Sears and Dr. Sharon Bushnell Peck Stacpoole Foundation Mrs. Philip H. Seaver Sheldon and Leena* Peck The Seminarians Estate of Ms. Carolyn T. Peirce Sensitech Inc. Mr. Lea and Susan* Pendleton Mr. John R. Serafi ni Sr.* People’s United Bank The Shane Foundation Dr. Brian Pereira and Dr. Sunita Pereira George and Isabel Shattuck Mr. Christopher W. Pingree Shetland Properties of Salem Jay and Becky Pingree Ronald and Mary Skates PlayPower, Inc. Skinner, Inc. Port Lighting Systems A. Homer Skinner* Olin V. Porter Trust Derek A. Smith and Rebecca Oldfi eld Smith Putnam Investments Mrs. Walter A. Smith Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Reaske Ms. Anne-Marie Soullière and Reed & Barton Foundation Mr. Lindsey C.Y. Kiang Reserve Modern Event Rentals, LLC Mr. Robert C. Stevens* Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rich Estates of Evelyn and Edward C. Stickney Ridgestone Foundation The Stobart Foundation


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8585 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM 86

22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8686 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Mary Ann Streeter PEM deeply values all donors whose annual Dr. William E. Strole Jr. gifts provide substantial support to all SV Design aspects of the museum. Ralph and Christina Sweetland Donna and Richard Tadler ANNUAL DONORS TD Bank The following patrons provided critical support Mr. William E. Teel* from January 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020: Richard and Peggy Thorndike III Libby and Spike Thorne Gifts of $1 million and above Dr. Edward G. Tiedemann Jr. Anonymous Toshiba International Foundation Mr.* and Mrs. Gerard B. Townsend Gifts of $500,000–$999,999 William and Kathleen Truscott Mr.* and Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr. Trust Family Foundation Nancy and George* Putnam Patricia B. Tudbury Trust Estate of Anna Glen Vietor Gifts of $100,000–$499,999 Vinwood Caterers Anonymous Edwin S. Webster Foundation Jeff rey P. Beale Mr. Henry Birdseye Weil and Ms. Ann Uppington Mr. and Mrs. Clement Benenson Jill and Peter Weise Susan and Appy Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Wellman Margaretta and Jerry Hausman Richard and Christine Wellman Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hawkes Wells Fargo Private Bank Tim and Joanie Ingraham Estate of Ruth and Richard West Estate of Russell W. and Martha T. Knight Susan Whitehead Mr. Hoyt W. Ludington and Ms. Ana B. Colmenero Jennifer T. Williamson Massachusetts Cultural Council Windover Construction, Inc. Jane and Neil Pappalardo Winterthur Museum Sandra Urie and Frank Herron Frederick S. Woodland Jr. and Robert O. Corcoran Christi and Jan van Heek Mrs. Patricia H. Zaido Mr. and Mrs. Ernst H. von Metzsch Dr. Xiaohua Zhang and Mr. Quan Zhou *Deceased Gifts of $50,000–$99,999 Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Carlson LEFT The Native American Fellowship Program Mr. and Mrs. Ulf B. Heide Class of 2019 with Karen Kramer, Program Angus and Leslie Littlejohn Director and Curator of Native American and Dr. Brian Pereira and Dr. Sunita Pereira Oceanic Art and Culture (far left), and Jennifer Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Pratt Himmelreich (Diné), Program Manager (far right). The program, supported by The Andrew W. Mr. Robert N. Shapiro Mellon Foundation, is recognized as a model Joyce and Steven Tadler for talent development in the nonprofi t cultural Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo sector. PEM has extended an invitation into 2021 to the Fellows who were unable to participate last summer due to the pandemic.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8787 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Gifts of $20,000–$49,999 Gifts of $10,000–$19,999 Anonymous (2) Anonymous Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers Peter and Sue Andersen The AMG Foundation Applied Materials Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Barton James and Elizabeth Ayer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brauer Bank of America Sam and Tracey Byrne Ms. Sharon D. Bonner John and Mollie Tower Byrnes Jennifer and Andrew Borggaard The Catered Aff air Mr. John M. Bradley The Coby Foundation, Ltd. Barbara Broudo Eaton Vance Management Bully Boy Distillers, LLC Fidelity Investments Mr. John D. Childs Form Creative Services Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Gourmet Caterers, Inc. Connolly Brothers, Inc. Connie and Stan Grayson Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor Crandall Mr. Andrew and Dr. Erin Heiskell Mr. David d’Entremont Carla and David Herwitz Mr. and Mrs. David C. de Sieyes Highland Street Foundation Fiduciary Trust Company Lisina M. Hoch* First Republic Bank Barbara and Amos Hostetter Flou(-e)r HUB International Charles and Brenda Furlong The Lowell Institute Groom Construction Co., Inc. Mr. Peter S. Lynch Halloran Consulting Group, Inc. Matter Communications Mr. Anthony J. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Gonzague and Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrison Elizabeth de Montrichard Harvard Pilgrim Health Care National Endowment for the Arts Mrs. Francis W. Hatch Jr. Olivia H. Parker Mr. William R. Hettinger Dr. and Mrs. Mahesh M. Patel Mr. Timothy T. Hilton Abby and Gene Record Galen Ho and Patricia Fae Ho Chip and Susan Robie and Judith S. Howe The Haslam Family Foundation Roy A. Hunt Foundation Molly E. Ryan W. Bradford Ingalls Charitable Foundation Salem Five Journeyman Press Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Brian and Mary Kennedy Abigail Lash and Austin Shapard Maryann Knight Ekberg and Eric Ekberg Mr. Jurrien Timmer Jonathan B. Loring Patricia B. Tudbury Trust Mr. Michael Mars and Ms. Terri Campbell Weld Foundation Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Massey Mr. William Johnson Mayer Jean Nichols and Richard DiPerna Kate and Ford O’Neil


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8888 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | The Coby Foundation, Ltd.

The Coby Foundation was established in 1994 by Irene Zambelli Silverman in honor of her mother, Irene Meladakis Zambelli. Each year, The Coby Foundation provides support for major fashion and textile-related exhibitions, many featuring women artists and artists of color. PEM is grateful for the foundation’s longstanding support, most recently for Made It: The Women Who Revolutionized Fashion, an exhibition that celebrates women like Mrs. Zambelli.

Ota Folk Museum William and Joan Boecke Andrew and Laura Pappas Boston Private Bank & Trust Co. PEAK Event Services Robin Brown Port Lighting Systems Patricia N. Bursaw Mallie and Stuart F. Pratt Lee Campbell Jr. Putnam Investments Mammen and Preetha Chally Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rich Dean Forrester Cobos and Nancy B. Cobos Mrs. Louise C. Riemer Sherryl and Gerard Cohen George Owen Roberts Justin and Molly Cook Amar and Deepika Sawhney Julia D. Cox MR. SID, Inc. Peter and Catherine Creighton Mr. and Mrs. William S. Strong John Curuby Ralph and Christina Sweetland Philio Wigglesworth Cushing Dr. Edward G. Tiedemann Jr. Joan S. Cushman William and Kathleen Truscott Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard R. Danforth Turner Construction Company Priscilla Deck and Sean Kelly Wayne J. Griffi n Electric Inc. Catherine Dee and Elizabeth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Wellman Mr. John H. Deknatel and Ms. Carol N. Taylor Dr. Xiaohua Zhang and Mr. Quan Zhou Samir and Nilima Desai; The Desai Foundation Meg and Mark du Four Gifts of $5,000–$9,999 Ennead Architects LLP Anonymous (4) Charles and Caroline Esdaile Joanne M. Agababian Julian H. Fisher Jen and Mike Agosti Kate Sides Flather Mr. Robert Amory III The Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Bank of America Private Bank Henry Frechette and Judy Hodge John and Molly Beard Mrs. Charlotte Freedberg* Carole and John Benning Matthew Gardiner and Rebekah Lord Gardiner Dr. and Mrs. Mark Berenson Charles and Susan Gessner Nathalie S. Binney Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus R. Gillespie Allie Flather Blodgett Merry Glosband


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 8989 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Jeff rey Beale

“I love PEM because every visit to the museum is diff erent, exciting and fun, and you always leave feeling better about the world and yourself. The way PEM puts together exhibitions and stories is unique and diff erent from other museums There are always surprises and interesting twists and turns in the space and in the stories.” In 2019, PEM opened the Jeff rey P. Beale Gallery, an engaging space devoted to contemporary art and multisensory experiences, including the Kimsooja: Archive of Mind exhibition pictured here.

Paul and Lauren Gudonis Alan Miller Kevin Hannaway and Rayna Lesser Hannaway Christine and Bob Monk Harvard University Outings & Innings Elizabeth Creed Moore Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hodgson Jr. Mr. H. Gilman Nichols Jr. Ellen and Steve Hoff man Richard and Linda Olney Mr. Alexander R. Ingraham Sheldon and Leena* Peck Mr. Samuel Ingraham and Mrs. Elizabeth Preysner Mr. Lea B. Pendleton Kathleen and Ronald Jackson Prince Charitable Trusts William and Janet James Jeff rey F. Rayport and Hillary Rayport Susan Kaplan and Michael Unger Dr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Reaske Marie-Louise and Stephen G. Kasnet James and Julie Rose Keamy Family Foundation Jacqueline and Daniel Rosenthal Karen Keane and Daniel Elias Barbara B. and Edward M. Scolnick Molly and K.C. King Sensitech Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel The Shane Foundation Vishal Kothari Sally and Thomas Simons Dr. William Kropa and Dr. Catherine Sullivan-Kropa Derek A. Smith and Ms. Marilyn Kucharski Rebecca Oldfi eld Smith Jessica Lanier and Greg Morell Joycelyn Snell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lash Thomas Stone and Valerie Warrior Alyssa LeBel and Edward Kaye Linda Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee Richard and Peggy Thorndike III Mr.* and Mrs. Howard Lester Kristen and Carter Vinson Nancy and Thomas Lurie WBUR Amanda Clark MacMullan and Russell J. MacMullan Mr. Henry Birdseye Weil and Marine Society at Salem Ms. Ann Uppington Lore McGovern Mrs. Christopher M. Weld McLane Middleton Susan Whitehead Preston and Susan McSwain Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust Robert and Françoise Meahl Mr. Walter C. Meibaum


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9090 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Gifts of $2,500–$4,999 Joanie Johnson Anonymous (4) Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abrams Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation American Steeple & Tower Co., Inc. David Kelly and Regina Recene Nathalie Apchin and Xavier Comte David C. Kloss and Karen Scott Neale and Louisa Attenborough Jeff rey and Julie Korzenik S. Jason Baletsa and Richard Olson Kathy LaBonte William Bancroft and Alice Murphy LandVest The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mrs. Catherine C. Lastavica Mrs. George P. Bissell Jr. Lotus Gifts Willa and Taylor Bodman John and Christine Maraganore Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cabot Marcus Financial Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Campbell Daniel and Jenifer McDougall Cape Ann Tree Service Inc. Mrs. William McKay Martha Chayet Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Melden CIBC Private Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merry The Computer Merchant, Ltd. Barbara and R.T. Paine Metcalf Laury and Nancy Coolidge Stuart Meurer and Susan Bragg Meurer Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Cunniff Jr. Minelli, Inc. Mr. Nelson J. Darling Jr. MIT Activities Committee William and Sara Jane Dehoff Montserrat College of Art Mr. Arthur T. Demoulas Garlan and Jody Morse Eastern Bank William and Jane Mosakowski Rebecca and Larry Ehrhardt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mueller Essex County Community Foundation Dr. Shirley M. Mueller Mr. Erling Falck National Grand Bank Fifth Third Private Bank Mr.* and Mrs. Bradley Plumer Noyes Edward Flammia and Greice Zaff ari Oliver Brothers Richard Fried and Pamela Velardo Mr.* and Mrs. George A. Page Jr. General Electric Nancy Paige Parker Glovsky & Glovsky Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Paton Leslie Fraser Gold and Alex Gold Jr. Paul and Virginia Cabot John F. and Anne R. Haley Charitable Trust Annie Harris and Andrew Lippman Pimentel Construction Co. Hawaiian Airlines Mr. Christopher W. Pingree Tom and Monica Healey Pingree Associates, Inc. Joseph Hill and Alison Chase Pitman & Wardley Associates Mr.* and Mrs. Charles H. Hood II R.P. Marzilli & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Durant A. Hunter R.P. McLaughlin Co., Inc. Alice Wheatland Ingraham Mr. Ben Raymond Institution for Savings Bennett and Dorothy Rich Moira and Lance James Peter and Lucy Robbins


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9191 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Edward* and Susie Rowland Bass River, Inc. Dr. Russell and Susan Hubbard Ryan BCM Controls Corporation Salem State University Rob and Leslie Beatty Salem Witch Museum Mr. Robert Bell Mr. William C. Sano Glenys and Kermit Birchfi eld Roger A. Saunders Bonaccorso & Associates Patricia Scangas and Matthew Dietel David and Mary Bows Schwartz/Silver Architects, Inc. Lee and Shep* Brown David and Marie Louise Scudder Joan Buchanan Mr.* and Mrs. Allyn Seymour Stanley Cahill and Gayle Sullivan Raj and Nalini Sharma Cambium Consulting Group Jenna and Scott Signore David Carlson and Carol Harlow-Carlson Mary Simpson and Wayne C. Sousa Mrs. James A. Carroll Jr. Ronald and Mary Skates Ms. Katrina Carye Harold T.N. Smith Memorial Foundation Laurence and Jerome Chase Mrs. Walter A. Smith Jr.* Christie’s Ann M. Spruill and Daniel H. Cantwell Frank Clark and Lynn DeLisi Mr. Campbell Steward Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Clark The Stobart Foundation Loring and Louise Conant Mary Ann Streeter Stephen and Janet Connolly SV Design Copyright Clearance Center Daniel Szostek and Lynne Warren-Szostek Correnti & Darling, LLP Robert and Karen Taggart Peter and Dale Coxe Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Taylor Mr. Dale C. Critz Sr. Gene and Susan Tremblay CSL International Jay and Karen Trepp Edward and Dawn D’Alelio Stanley and Susan Trotman Jonathan and Amy Danforth Jill and Peter Weise Mary E. Darmstaetter Richard and Christine Wellman Ms. Sherry Doane Christopher and Sarah Wolf Richard and Paula Dobrow Dr. Rosita Kaaháni Worl Dr. Robert T. Doyle and Kent Wosepka Dr. Mary Ann Nieves Mrs. Patricia H. Zaido The Echo Charitable Foundation Henry Ziegler and Jourdan Arpelle-Ziegler Essex County Ornithological Club Mark Evans and Deborah Logan Gifts of $1,000–$2,499 Ms. Holly Fabyan Anonymous Brett and Kathryn Fagin Jeff rey F. and Katherine R. Allsopp Alexander and Nora Falk Anthony & Dodge, PC Beth and Rich Fentin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton Ms. C. Nancy Fisher Axcelis Technologies, Inc. Kristine Fisher and Richard Crangle Bake’n Joy Foods, Inc. Margaret Boles Fitzgerald/The Luce Foundation The Will Barnet Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Anne and William Barton Liz Fragola and Nick Senzamici 92

22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9292 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Angus and Leslie Littlejohn

“The innovative approach PEM takes to its exhibitions captivates the imagination and opens our horizons.” The couple’s generosity helped fund the blockbuster exhibition Georgia O’Keeff e: Art, Image, Style and, more recently, Made It: The Women Who Revolutionized Fashion.

Tom and Kathy Fredrickson Gene and Sylvia Landy Peter and Wendy Frisch John and Cara Lawler Krishna and Sarah Gaddipati Peter and Sandra Lawrence Marian and Thomas Gardner Susan Baker Leavitt Alexander Garthwaite and Dr. James C. Liu and Ms. Alex Bowers J. Brown-Garthwaite Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Loring George Kaplan, PC Richard and Amy Lyman George Gibson and Linda Johns Ms. Sally Mann Goddard Technologies, Inc. Robert and Donna Manning Lee C. Griffi n Marble Harbor Investment Counsel John and Jean Gulliver Marblehead Bank Nancy and William Hammer Ms. Sally Mayer James and Leslie Hammond Sally McGinty Pete and Mimi Hart John and Sally Morbeck Lynda Roscoe Hartigan and Keith and Elizabeth Morgan Roger Thompson Nina and Marshall Moriarty Hawthorne Hotel Northern Trust Charitable Mr. William Heidrich Giving Program Kurt and Charlotte Hemr Mary Jo Palermo and Stephen Hochbrunn Cara and Jacob Hennings Chris and Jenny Perkin R. Michael Henry and Derwyn and Janice Phillips Jeanne Larkin-Henry Jay and Becky Pingree Catherine Huddleson and Alan Kraning Ivan and Elyse Pirzada Meredith Hunt and Chad Colarusso Martha and Peter Pitman Jon and Jessica Hyde David and Ann Powell JB|BD Mrs. Rosa Rasiel Jewish Community Center RCG LLC of the North Shore Cathleen Read and David Locke Gillian Kellogg Monte and Carolyn Redman The Kelton Foundation Thomas and Susan Reilly Paul and Deborah Kuenstner Alan L. Rosenfi eld


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9393 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Ana Colmenero

“I am especially excited to be involved with PEM at this critical moment. In a time of such great social division, our community needs strong, neutral institutions to off er a safe place for the exchange of ideas and to promote understanding. PEM, with its dedicated staff , its diverse collections, its extensive campus and its educational exhibitions, is just such a place. I hope to be part of PEM as it stands strong and works to narrow the gulf that has been widening between people in these troubling times.”

Salem Inn EAST INDIA MARINE ASSOCIATES Dr. Linda Salzman The following members provided critical Mr. Lee H. Sandwen support from January 1, 2019, through Nicola and Whitney Savignano June 30, 2020: Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Schaefer Arthur and Linda Schwartz Founders’ Circle Edward and Joan Shankle Annual membership of $50,000 and above Neil and Anne Shore Mr.* and Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr. Stanley and Joanne Shursky Tim and Joanie Ingraham Smith + St. John, Inc. Jane and Neil Pappalardo Mr. Thom L. Solo Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Pratt James Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Ernst H. von Metzsch Lee Sprague Dr. Jonah Steinberg Chairman’s Circle David Strouss and Tracy Mannix Annual membership of $25,000–$49,999 Structures North Consulting Engineers Susan and Appy Chandler Peter and Lynn Stuart Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hawkes T.E. Andresen, Inc. Barbara and Amos Hostetter William and Jolinda Taylor Angus and Leslie Littlejohn Ms. Anna Thurber Mr. Hoyt W. Ludington and Kimberly Trudel and Daniel McCullough Ms. Ana B. Colmenero Anthony and Pamela Turchi Mr. Peter S. Lynch Bob and Peg Van Andel Mr. Charles W. Pingree* Adelaide and Thomas Vander Salm Nancy and George* Putnam Veracross Richard Saltonstall Elaine and Ralph Viggiano Charitable Foundation Waters & Brown, Inc. Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Wilmot Wheeler Foundation Benjamin Williams President’s Circle Jean Lampton Woodward Annual membership of $10,000–$24,999 Zaplin Lampert Gallery Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers *Deceased Peter and Sue Andersen


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9494 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM James and Elizabeth Ayer Director’s Circle Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Barton Annual membership of $5,000–$9,999 Jeff rey P. Beale Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Clement Benenson Jen and Mike Agosti Jennifer and Andrew Borggaard Mr. Robert Amory III Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brauer John and Molly Beard Sam and Tracey Byrne Carole and John Benning Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Carlson Dr. and Mrs. Mark Berenson Mr. John D. Childs Nathalie S. Binney Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor Crandall Allie Flather Blodgett Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrison Ms. Sharon D. Bonner Mrs. Francis W. Hatch Jr. Mr. John M. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Ulf B. Heide Barbara Broudo Mr. Andrew and Dr. Erin Heiskell Robin Brown Carla and David Herwitz Patricia N. Bursaw Mr. William R. Hettinger John and Mollie Tower Byrnes Mr. Timothy T. Hilton Lee Campbell Jr. Lisina M. Hoch* Dean Forrester Cobos and Nancy B. Cobos Judith S. Howe Julia D. Cox Brian and Mary Kennedy Philio Wigglesworth Cushing Maryann Knight Ekberg and Eric Ekberg Joan S. Cushman Mr. and Mrs. Gonzague and Catherine Dee and Elizabeth Jones Elizabeth de Montrichard Mr. and Mrs. David C. de Sieyes Kate and Ford O’Neil Julian H. Fisher Olivia H. Parker Kate Sides Flather Dr. and Mrs. Mahesh Patel Henry Frechette and Judy Hodge Dr. Brian Pereira and Dr. Sunita Pereira Charles and Brenda Furlong Abby and Gene Record Matthew Gardiner and Rebekah Lord Gardiner Mrs. Louise C. Riemer Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus R. Gillespie George Owen Roberts Merry Glosband Chip and Susan Robie Connie and Stan Grayson Molly E. Ryan Mr. Anthony J. Hardy Abigail Lash and Austin Shapard Galen Ho and Patricia Fae Ho Mr. Robert N. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hodgson Jr. Ralph and Christina Sweetland Ellen and Steve Hoff man Dr. Edward G. Tiedemann Jr. Kathleen and Ronald Jackson Mr. Jurrien Timmer Marie-Louise and Stephen G. Kasnet Christi and Jan van Heek Keamy Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Wellman Molly and K.C. King Vishal Kothari Dr. William Kropa and Dr. Catherine Sullivan-Kropa Ms. Marilyn Kucharski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Lash Mr.* and Mrs. Howard Lester 95

22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9595 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Jonathan B. Loring Laury and Nancy Coolidge Nancy and Thomas Lurie Peter and Catherine Creighton Amanda Clark MacMullan and Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Cunniff Jr. Russell J. MacMullan John Curuby Mr. Michael Mars and Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard R. Danforth Ms. Terri Campbell Mr. Nelson J. Darling Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Massey Priscilla Deck and Sean Kelly Mr. William Johnson Mayer William and Sara Jane Dehoff Preston and Susan McSwain Mr. John H. Deknatel and Robert and Françoise Meahl Ms. Carol N. Taylor Mr. Walter C. Meibaum Meg and Mark du Four Christine and Bob Monk Charles and Caroline Esdaile Elizabeth Creed Moore Mr. Erling Falck Sheldon and Leena* Peck Charles and Susan Gessner Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rich Paul and Lauren Gudonis Jacqueline and Daniel Rosenthal John F. and Anne R. Haley Barbara B. and Edward M. Scolnick Annie Harris and Andrew Lippman Derek A. Smith and Rebecca Tom and Monica Healey Oldfi eld Smith Joseph Hill and Alison Chase Joycelyn Snell Mr.* and Mrs. Charles H. Hood II Mr. and Mrs. William S. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Durant A. Hunter Joyce and Steven Tadler Alice Wheatland Ingraham William and Kathleen Truscott Moira and Lance James Mr. Henry Birdseye Weil and Joanie Johnson Ms. Ann Uppington Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kaplan Mrs. Christopher M. Weld Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Susan Whitehead Family Foundation Dr. Xiaohua Zhang and Mr. Quan Zhou Karen Keane and Daniel Elias David Kelly and Regina Recene Curators’ Circle David C. Kloss and Karen Scott Annual membership of $2,500–$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kneisel Anonymous (3) Jeff rey and Julie Korzenik Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abrams Kathy LaBonte Joanne M. Agababian Jessica Lanier and Greg Morrell Nathalie Apchin and Xavier Comte Mrs. Catherine C. Lastavica S. Jason Baletsa and Richard Olson Alyssa LeBel and Edward Kaye William Bancroft and Alice Murphy Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee Mrs. George P. Bissell Jr. Daniel and Jenifer McDougall Madelon and Ken Bures Mrs. William McKay Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cabot Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Melden Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merry Martha Chayet Barbara and R.T. Paine Metcalf Sherryl and Gerard Cohen Alan Miller


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9696 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Michael Leonard

Salem resident and PEM member Michael Leonard says the museum has changed the way his family connects with art. His family was particularly moved by It’s Alive! Classic Horror and Sci-Fi Art from the Kirk Hammett Collection. “PEM has fostered in my kids an insatiable hunger for such experiences. For that, I am forever indebted to PEM.”

Garlan and Jody Morse Ms. Anne-Marie Soullière and William and Jane Mosakowski Mr. Lindsey C.Y. Kiang Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mueller Thomas A. Stone and Valerie Warrior Dr. Shirley M. Mueller Mary Ann Streeter Mr. H. Gilman Nichols Jr. Daniel Szostek and Lynne Warren-Szostek Jean Nichols and Richard DiPerna Robert and Karen Taggart Mr.* and Mrs. Bradley Plumer Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Taylor Richard and Linda Olney Richard and Peggy Thorndike III Mr.* and Mrs. George A. Page Jr. Gene and Susan Tremblay Nancy Paige Parker Sandra Urie and Frank Herron Paul and Virginia Cabot Christopher and Sarah Wolf Charitable Trust Dr. Rosita Kaaháni Worl Mr. Lea B. Pendleton Kent Wosepka Pingree Associates, Inc. Mrs. Patricia H. Zaido Mr. Christopher W. Pingree Henry Ziegler and Jourdan Arpelle-Ziegler Mallie and Stuart F. Pratt Dr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Reaske Friends of PEM Peter and Lucy Robbins Annual membership of $1,500–$2,499 James and Julie Rose Anonymous Bennett and Dorothy Rich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashton Edward* and Susie Rowland Anne and William Barton Dr. Russell and Susan Hubbard Ryan Willa and Taylor Bodman Mr. William C. Sano Ms. Katrina Carye Patricia Scangas and Matthew Dietel Chad Colarusso and Meredith Hunt David and Marie Louise Scudder Rebecca and Larry Ehrhardt The Shane Foundation Alexander and Nora Falk George and Isabel Shattuck Kristine Fisher and Richard Crangle Sally and Thomas Simons Margaret Boles Fitzgerald/ Mary Simpson and Wayne C. Sousa The Luce Foundation Ronald and Mary Skates Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fitzgerald Mrs. Walter A. Smith Jr.* Liz Fragola and Nick Senzamici


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9797 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Olivia Ives-Flores

“It is both a pleasure and an honor to be a part of the GenPEM crew. With their creativity and behind-the-scenes access to unique spaces and talent, I know that any GenPEM event will be fun and I’ll discover something new.” Olivia Ives-Flores, founder of Oh! Art Agency, is a member of the GenPEM Steering Committee. She guest curated the fi rst GenPEM pop-up experience, The Salon at Sweet Rickey and EDITBAR, which brought together 23 female artists.

Richard Fried and Pamela Velardo NATHANIEL BOWDITCH SOCIETY Krishna and Sarah Gaddipati The following individuals and families have Leslie Fraser Gold and Alex Gold Jr. made a planned gift or bequest to support Lee C. Griffi n our future: James and Leslie Hammond Anonymous Catherine Huddleson and Alan Kraning Estate of Helen Alconis Gillian Kellogg Carl* and Iris Barrel Apfel The Kelton Foundation Priscilla Archibald* Paul and Deborah Kuenstner B. Devereux Barker III Susan Baker Leavitt Mr. and Mrs. Randolph P. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Loring Mr. and Mrs. John Basler Nina and Marshall Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Beatty David and Ann Powell Judy and Leonard* Berkal Mrs. Rosa Rasiel Mr.* and Mrs.* Ben Beyea Cathleen Read and David Locke Dr. Alan Bezan Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Schaefer Bruce Bolen Mr.* and Mrs. Allyn Seymour Sharon D. Bonner Neil and Anne Shore Nathaniel H. and Susan W. Bowditch Ann M. Spruill and Daniel H. Cantwell J. David* and Barbara Broudo Mr. Campbell Steward Dorothy A. Brown* Peter and Lynn Stuart Judge Thaddeus Buczko William and Jolinda Taylor Elisabeth Shrigley Bundy* Jay and Karen Trepp Madelon and Ken Bures Anthony and Pamela Turchi Mr. Staff ord Campbell* Adelaide and Thomas Vander Salm Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Carlson Wilmot Wheeler Foundation Fay Martin Chandler* Jean Lampton Woodward Dean Forrester Cobos and Nancy B. Cobos *Deceased Harold and Virginia Cogger Lawrence Coolidge Mr.* and Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9898 110/30/200/30/20 1:391:39 PMPM Mary E. Darmstaetter Sheila Robbins Mr.* and Mrs. David Dearborn Theodore and Caroline Robbins Mr. David M. d’Entremont Donald Guy Ross Estate of Adele Q. Ervin Estate of Mr. William L. Saltonstall Ms. Geleta Fenton A. Varela Santos Kristine Fisher and Richard Crangle Mr.* and Mrs. Frederic Milton Sargent Jr. Dr.* and Mrs.* H.A. Crosby Forbes Barbara and Michael Schaefer Merry Glosband Anne* and Peter* Seamans Mr. David R. Godine Mr. Robert N. Shapiro Richard J. Gordon Minerva C. Shreve* Ms. Elizabeth G. Gray Susan P. Sloan Constance Grayson Derek A. Smith and Rebecca Oldfi eld Smith Henry E. Haley* Dennis E. Stark Charitable Foundation Carter H. and Sallie B.* Harrison Estates of Evelyn and Edward Stickney Mr.* and Mrs. Theodore R. Haskell Thomas A. Stone and Valerie M. Warrior Carla and David Herwitz Mr.* and Mrs. Henry S. Streeter Richard* and Polly Hill Dr. William E. Strole Jr. Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph Hinkle William E. Teel* Mrs. Dana Ward Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. David L. Thomas Mr. Alexander R. Ingraham Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thorne Joanie V. Ingraham Mr. and Mrs. James Vaccarino Martha W. Ingraham Trust Mr. Kemble Widmer II and Ms. Betsy Garrett Widmer Mr. Al Richard Ireton Dorothy Anne Wilson Trust The Kaufman and Rubin Family Joe and Barbara Younger Mary S. Kingsbery * Deceased Estate of Russell W. and Martha T. Knight George Lewis Jonathan B. Loring Elizabeth Cabot Lyman Carolyn* and Peter Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Jacek Makowski Estate of Commander Francis H. Markey Estate of Thomas D. McKiernan Mr. Walter C. Meibaum Christina H. Nelson Joan Goldhammer-O’Neil* Christa and David Pannorfi Mr.* and Mrs. John O. Parker Susanne LaC. Phippen* Mr.* and Mrs.* Charles W. Pingree Nancy and George* Putnam Frederic M.* and Sarah W.* Richards


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 9999 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM CORPORATE MEMBERS R.P. Marzilli & Company, Inc. The following members provided critical Salem State University support from January 1, 2019, through SV Design June 30, 2020: Merchant | $1,500–$2,499 Voyager | $15,000 and above Anthony & Dodge, PC Eaton Vance Management Axcelis Technologies, Inc. Fidelity Investments Bake’n Joy Foods, Inc. Bass River, Inc. Captain | $10,000–$14,999 BCM Controls Corporation HUB International New England Bonaccorso & Associates Ota Folk Museum Cambium Consulting Group Christie’s Explorer | $5,000–$9,999 Connolly Brothers, Inc. Bank of America Private Bank Copyright Clearance Center Beauport Hotel Correnti & Darling, LLP Boston Private Bank & Trust Co. CSL International Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Fifth Third Private Bank Fiduciary Trust Company George Kaplan, PC Groom Construction Co., Inc. Goddard Technologies, Inc. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Gourmet Caterers, Inc. Harvard University Outings & Innings Hawthorne Hotel Salem Five JB|BD Sensitech Inc. Journeyman Press Lotus Gifts Navigator | $2,500–$4,999 Marble Harbor Investment Counsel American Steeple & Tower Co., Inc. Marblehead Bank Cape Ann Tree Service Inc. Marcus Financial Advisors CIBC Private Wealth Management MIT Activities Committee The Computer Merchant, Ltd. National Grand Bank Eastern Bank Oliver Brothers First Republic Bank RCG LLC Glovsky & Glovsky R.P. McLaughlin Co., Inc. Halloran Consulting Group, Inc. The Salem Inn Institution for Savings Schwartz/Silver Architects, Inc. LandVest Smith + St. John, Inc. Matter Communications The Stobart Foundation McLane Middleton Structures North Consulting Engineers Minelli, Inc. T.E. Andresen, Inc. Montserrat College of Art Turner Construction Company Pimentel Construction Co. Veracross Putnam Investments Waters & Brown, Inc.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 100100 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILE | Madelon and Ken Bures

Committed to PEM’s mission, Madelon and Ken Bures joined The Nathaniel Bowditch Society to support the museum in a signifi cant way. The group was established to recognize and honor individuals and families who support the future of the museum by making a legacy gift such as a bequest or life income gift. “PEM has educated so many people about world cultures and their gifts to us.”

MEMBERS Josiah Fisk The following Benefactor and Patron level Mr. Lawrence Frej members provided generous support from Alex Garthwaite and Julie Brown-Garthwaite January 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Geller Dr. and Mrs. George E. Ghareeb Benefactor Vivian Greenblatt and Joyce Flaherty Annual membership of $675 Linda and Stephen Greyser Blake and Nina Anderson Mr. Andrew Hargens and Jacalyn Elizabeth Stuart Bennett Ms. Melissa Fang Bjorn Bie and Ellen Kaplan Tracey Hartford Jay and Kathleen Bothwick Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Hatch Lee Brown Kurt and Charlotte Hemr Joan Buchanan R. Michael Henry and Joyce Burns-Schrage and Darrell Schrage Jeanne Larkin-Henry Mr. Robert Butler William and Emilie Henry Mr. Stanley Cahill and Ms. Gayle Sullivan Elaine MacDuff Hepworth Mr. Marc F. Carey Stephen and Suzanne Ingram Ms. Jane Chmielinski Peter Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Clark Barbara Palmer Jordan Thomas and Marill Demakes Sidney and Geoff rey Kenyon Dr. Juan Jaime de Zengotita and Steven Klomps and Diane Moore Ms. Diana Rodriguez Gene and Sylvia Landy Richard and Paula Dobrow Dr. James C. Liu and Ms. Alex Bowers Dr. Robert T. Doyle and Dr. Mary Ann Nieves Ms. Sally Mayer Jennifer and Thomas Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Paul McLaughlin Ms. Phyllis Ellsworth and Maureen O. Mercer Dr. Richard M. Miller Joseph and Jill Milano Beth and Rich Fentin Paul and Kate Nightingale Michael and Sarah Fentin Myranda O’Bara Daniel and Holly Fionte Matthew and Marjorie Ostiguy


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 101101 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM DONOR PROFILES | Dick and Deb Carlson Steven and Joyce Tadler

“We realize the importance of off ering students in our community opportunities to gain work experience through paid internship programs. The partnership with PEM has already allowed for 12 student interns to gain signifi cant work experience. It is gratifying for us to see the powerful impact of the PEM paid internship program.”

Mr. and Dr. Peter F. Pitman Patron Ms. Marie C. Polcari Annual membership of $400 Ms. Eliza Rathbone Stephan Abramo and Barbe Ennis-Abramo Thomas and Susan Reilly Anthony Aloi and Eileen Quinn Bryan Riebeek and Robert Rucinski Mr. Peter Arden Joseph Runkle and Amy Snodgrass Barry and Sarita Ashar Dominic and Heidrun Ryan Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bailey Nicholas and Trudy Scangas Mrs. Mary E. Ballou Arthur and Linda Schwartz Mr. B. Devereux Barker III and Mrs. Jilda Barker Edward and Joan Shankle Paul and Elizabeth Bastien Jason Shaw and Kate Johns Shaw Letitia and Thomas Beauregard Stanley and Joanne Shursky Nancy and Martin Benchoff Philip and Ann Smith Gregory Bialecki and Mary Herlihy Lawrence and Elizabeth Sorgi Andrew and Elizabeth Blanchard Dr. Jonah Steinberg Judith Boal Diane and Wayne Stemmer Hale and Dorothy Bradt Linda and Daniel Sullivan John and Susan Buck David and JoEllen Sweet Ms. Jane Buley Robert and Karen Taggart Mrs. Helene Cabour Jennifer Taylor and Peter Ordentlich Bruce R. Carruthers Anna Thurber Mr. Edward L. Cave Tina and Donald Tucker Glenn and Maureen Chesley Timothy and Anna Walsh Geoff rey and Martha Clark Ann and Carden Welsh John Clark and Elizabeth Barringer Mr. Francis H. Williams Arthur Clarke and Susan Sloan Peter and Dyann Wirth Richard and Marilyn Cloran Richard and Gabrielle Coff man Marlies Comjean Nathaniel and Catherine Coolidge Gregory and Catherine Crockett


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 102102 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Joseph and Lenore Cronin William Lloyd and Susan Miller Lloyd Thomas Cullity and Sarah Patton C. Todd Lombardo M. Pamela Daniels and Timothy Fidgeon David and Janet Loring Fred Daum and Molly Scheff e George and Barbara Luddy Mr. George P. Dhionis Mr. Mel Manson Brenton and Elizabeth Dickson Barbara and Nancy Manzolillo Herold Doherty* Doris May Jeremy and Mary Susan Douglass David and Debra McIntire Ms. Lisa Dugoni Larry and Sara McReynolds Jennifer and Thomas Eddy Richard and Deyne Meadow Faith and Chris Emerson Peng-Siu and Elaine Mei Mrs. M. Lynne Evans Anne Meyer and John Ockenga John and Deborah Fletcher Andrew and Sharon Meyers John and Patricia Folcarelli Dennis and Ronni Michel Lila and John Foster Mr. and Mrs.* Peter L. Morbeck Ronald and Joan Fox Daniel J. Morrow and Janet B. Morrow Peter and Wendy Frisch Ms. Carolyn Mugar Nicole Gakidis and Jeff rey Huebschmann Mr. Jeff rey L. Musman and James Garrels and Joan Brooks Ms. Lynne M. Spencer Ronald and Sheila Geraty D’dra Octaviano and Randy Barron Leatrice Gochberg Mark and Robin Oderman Carl and Laura Goodman Theodore and Katherine Ongaro Ms. Lucille Grant Morton Sara Oseasohn and Geoff Muller Katherine Gross Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Otis Joe and Luisa Mr. Lawrence O’Toole and Lauren Handelman and David Aronson Ms. Suzanne Pevear Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Harding Neil and Alice Ovsey Lee and Henry Harrison Mrs. Joanne H. Patton Mary Jane Harrison John and Dawn Patton Ms. Clare Hayes Mr. and Mrs. James Pennington Ronald Hilbink and Kay Frishman Mr. Robert M. Polansky Kenneth and Janet Himmel Richard and Sharon Polisson Carl and Betsy Hyam Henry and Louisa Porter Stephen and Darcy Immerman Julie A. Porter Elizabeth Karagosian and Paul Gerry Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pucker Loren and Althea Korte Richard and Susan Quateman Jacob and Melody Kriteman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Randall Tal and Bator Lachmann Mr. James F. Reardon Nancy Lappin Wayne and Holly Redmond Tom and Lisa Laverty Robert and Susan Reece Douglass Lee and Terri Sojot Ruth Riley Gerald Lipsky and Carol Rouleau Frannie and Ralph Roberto


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 103103 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM Jaime and Marta Rodriguez Torson and Andrea Utne George and Ruth Rooks Ms. Kristen Vagliardo Steven and Joan Rosenthal Bob and Peg Van Andel Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ross Sander and Erin van Otterloo John and Carol Sanidas Russ Vickers and Patty MacLeod Stanley and Barbara Schantz Graham and Jan Walker Thomas Schuetz and Joan Petracca Cornelius and Corinna Waud Mrs. Anne H. Scully Georgia Elmes Welles William and Betsy Shields Mr. Luke H. Wenger E. Carle and Lisa Shotwell William and Elizabeth Wheaton Tom and Sally Skillin Ms. Barbara Whitney Ms. Polly Slavet Jill Whitney Christopher and Cary Smallhorn James and Mary Julia Willey Gary and Elizabeth Spiess Arthur and Eleanor Yarranton David and Mary St. Laurent Mr. Luther Zeigler Ms. Anne Symchych Charles and Margaret Ziering Anthony Terrana and Roseann Elichalt Charles and Martha Zoubek

Bruce and Joyce Thomas This list is current as of August 15, 2020. W. and Joan Thorndike Every eff ort has been made to ensure accuracy in Stanley and Susan Trotman recognizing donors. Questions or corrections may be addressed to Julie Fentin at [email protected]. Ms. Lisa G. Ullman David Urion and Deborah Choate


Your membership support enables us to present superb exhibitions, create engaging programs and celebrate creative expression.

pem.org/membership [email protected]


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The Board of Trustees with Brian P. Kennedy, The Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Director and CEO. Not pictured: Tina Ambani, Rosita Kaaháni Worl, Smita Amin Patel, Jurrien Timmer and Honorary Trustee Randolph P. Barton.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Elizabeth de Montrichard Tina Ambani Kate O’Neil Randolph P. Barton, Honorary Trustee Jane Pappalardo Jeff rey P. Beale Smita Amin Patel Clement Benenson Sunita Pereira, MD Stephanie Benenson Stuart W. Pratt, Vice President Jennifer Borggaard, Secretary Jeff rey F. Rayport Samuel T. Byrne, Chair Molly Ryan C. Richard Carlson, Treasurer C. Franklin Sayre Alfred D. Chandler, III Austin V. Shapard Ana B. Colmenero Robert N. Shapiro, President James B. Hawkes, Vice President Jurrien Timmer Andrew Heiskell Gail von Metzsch, Vice President, Carla B. Herwitz Chair of Board of Advisors Timothy A. Ingraham, Vice President Rosita Kaaháni Worl


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 105105 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM BOARD OF ADVISORS Lea B. Pendleton Peter C. Andersen Mallie Pratt Sue Andersen Nancy Putnam Carole L. Benning Christopher R. Reaske Terry Berenson Abigail Record Allie Flather Blodgett Howard Rich Kevin T. Bottomley Susan T. Robie, Vice Chair Karen A. Bratt Jacqueline M. Rosenthal Carolyn M. Brauer Joycelyn Snell Henry G. Brauer Anne-Marie Soullière Thaddeus Buczko William S. Strong Susan Esco Chandler Samuel Thorne John Curuby Edward G. Tiedemann Jr. Philio Wigglesworth Cushing Christine van Heek Darlene M. Daggett Eijk A. van Otterloo Jessica Drislane Rose-Marie van Otterloo Kate Sides Flather Gail von Metzsch, Trustee, Chair Brenda Furlong Susanna B. Weld George L. Gibson Marc A. White Jr. Elizabeth S. Gillespie Susan Whitehead Phillip S. Gillespie Constance Rudnick Grayson GENPEM STEERING Anthony Guanci COMMITTEE Anthony Hardy Amy Brooks Carter H. Harrison Caroline Cox Ulf B. Heide Torry Cullen Howard B. Hodgson Jr. Joe Davies Ellen G. Hoff man Audrey Harrer Steve Hoff man Alden Hawkins Carol Horvitz Phil Higgins Joanie V. Ingraham Olivia Ives-Flores Marie-Louise Kasnet Brittney Kleinfelter Clarence H. King III Niho Kozuru Maryann Knight Ekberg Mallie Pratt Jeff rey D. Korzenik Zainab Sumu Stephen S. Lash Kristen Vagliardo Hoyt W. Ludington Kevin Vigneron Daniel R. McDougall Jason Williams Preston McSwain Elizabeth Creed Moore Scott E. Off en Vincent J. Panetta


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 106106 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM CORPORATE COMMITTEE CONTINUUM Brian F. Gregory, Chair The PEM Gala and New Wing Celebration Senior Vice President, Boston Private Gala Co-Chairs John D. Colucci, Vice Chair Stephanie and Clement Benenson Corporate Attorney – Managing Director, Karen A. Bratt TradeCenter Offi ce, McLane Middleton Susan Esco Chandler and Alfred D. Chandler Greg Bishop, Owner and General Manager, Ana B. Colmenero Oliver Brothers LLC Mallie and Stuart F. Pratt Karen Bratt, Managing Director, Hillary Hedges Rayport and Jeff rey F. Rayport First Republic Bank Molly E. Ryan Julie Brown, Founder, JB|BD Jurrien Timmer and Charlene Selle Thomas A. Dionne, Vice President of Business Development/Chief Estimator, Connolly Gala Committee Brothers, Inc. Molly and Justin Cook Leonard F. Dolan, Vice President, Eaton Vance Meg du Four Investment Counsel Lauren Gudonis Deborah Greel, Structures North Erin Heiskell Consulting Engineers Marci Johnson Laurie Halloran, President & CEO, Halloran Sunita Pereira Consulting Group Sandra Urie and Frank Herron Tracey B. Hartford, Director of Client Services, Windover Construction Amy E. Hunter, Senior Consultant, Cambium Consulting Group Maryann Knight Ekberg, Managing Director, U.S. Trust Lanse Robb, Principal, LandVest/Christie’s International Real Estate Gregor Smith, Partner, Smith + St. John Jean Verbridge, ASID, IIDA, Principal, SV Design Jessica Wistran, Attorney, Glovsky & Glovsky, LLC


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 107107 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM GUIDES Regina Girard Patti Polisar List covers January 1, 2019– Debrah Glasser Ellen Pramas June 30, 2020 Merry Glosband Shari Pressman Judy Audette Connie Gourdeau Bob Purzycki Mimi Ballou Rosalie Graff eo Keith Quenzel Sylvia Belkin Nancy Hackett Betty Rea Joan Benotti Linda Haley Mary Remillong Maureen Bingham Maud Hamovit Ina Resnikoff Janet Bonnema Joan Hannah Ruth Rooks Cynthia Borghesani Laurie Hark Susan Hubbard Ryan Susan Bozkurtian Clara Hastings Reeva Sagal Ellen Brandenburg* Courtney Heath Lois Sargent Fausto Branganti Patricia Ho Gloria Sax Gary Bush Judy Hodge Leslie Scanlon Joan Bush Alice Holden Lisa Seltzer Vickie Caldwell Mary Catherine Huddleson Sandy Sheckman Jane Cashman Shelby Hypes Fran Sheridan Linda Christian Margie Jenkins Jo Ann Silva Karen Clagett Henry Juckett Sally Simons Ann Clinton Sue Kallmes Elizabeth Skates Beverley Cole DL Kaulbach Bobbi Smith Beverly Cook Judy Kearney Rebecca Smith Susan Crown Mary Jane Kelley Joycelyn Snell Mary Cura Alice Leidner Linda Sojda Maureen Dalton Alice Madio Karl Spitzer Alyce Davis Mary Manning-Ritter Dawn Stewart Marci Davis Evelyn McKay Margaret Timpson Marilyn Day Linda McLaughlin Joan Tobin Ann Decker Susan McMullen Paul Trefry David D’Entremont Walter Meibaum Mariana Vaida Hannah Diozzi Elaine Meuse Cheryl Variam Kathleen DiNisco* Christiane Miczek Hazel von Rosenvinge Patty Doggett Paula Mollov Rick Woodland Herold Doherty* Virginia Morbeck* Catherine Wygant Marcia Duff y Danielle Moriarty Joe Younger Judy Eidelman Barbara Nachmias-Kedesdy *Deceased Nancy Farrell Roberta Neuman Harriet Flashenberg Anne Nigro Norbert Florendo Deborah Papps Henry Frechette Bea Paul Nancy Fromson Joanne Paul David Girard Karen Pelletier


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 108108 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM VOLUNTEERS Joanie V. Ingraham Pamela Phillips List covers January 1, 2019– Samuel Ingraham Ashling Reilly June 30, 2020 Judy Kearney Francesca Scaraggi Jennifer Anderson Rachel Kelleher Carol Sanidas Jessica Bonifas Eamon Kennedy Peter Stuart Andrew Brown Grace Ksander Alison Taylor Valerie Carlone Elizabeth Kupervaser-Gould Jim Vacccarino Diane Ciuff etti Geis Ruth Ann Kupfer Pauline Vass Jacinta Crestanello Gerena Magaly Elaine Wintman Ellen Dodge Cassandra Milani Megan Wooster Leslie Downie Virginia Myhaver Rebecca (Becky) Ellis Khanh Nguyen Carolyn Federoff Jane Pace

The Pod, which opened in March 2019 in the Dotty Brown Art & Nature Center, is a multisensory exhibition space designed for people of all ages. There are nature-inspired contemporary and historic artworks, selections from the natural history collection, and stations to explore nature up close or to make your own art.


22343343 PEM_AR_FINAL.inddPEM_AR_FINAL.indd 109109 110/30/200/30/20 12:1412:14 PMPM EXHIBITION SPONSORS PEM exhibitions in 2019 and 2020 would not be possible without the generous support of the following donors and partners:

Burt Adelman and Lydia Rogers Applied Materials Foundation The Will Barnet Foundation The Jeff rey P. Beale Fund for Contemporary Art Jennifer and Andrew Borggaard Henry and Callie Brauer Dick and Deborah Carlson Susan and Appy Chandler The Coby Foundation, Ltd. Mark and Meg du Four Matthew and Rebekah Gardiner Connie and Stan Grayson James B. and Mary Lou Hawkes Andrew and Erin Heiskell W. Bradford Ingalls Charitable Foundation Angus and Leslie Littlejohn Carolyn and Peter S. Lynch and The Lynch Foundation The National Endowment for the Arts Kate and Ford O’Neil Olivia Parker Supporters of the Present Tense Initiative Abby and Gene Record Katherine Redmond Chip and Susan Robie and The Haslam Family Foundation Molly E. Ryan Christina and Ralph Sweetland Nancy B. Tieken Memorial Fund Quan Zhou and Dr. Xiaohua Zhang We are also grateful for the support of the East India Marine Associates of the Peabody Essex Museum.

MEDIA PARTNERS Art New England | The Boston Globe | Boston Spirit Magazine | Northshore Magazine Outfront Media | 92.5 the River | WBUR | WhereTraveler Magazine

The talents of PEM photographers Bob Packert, Kathy Tarantola, Allison White, Ken Sawyer, Mel Taing and Paige Besse contributed to this report.


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