ISSN 0571-0472 '11Wjtrf;;znsas Pami/j J{iswnan, Vofume 42, ~um6er 1-'!daTen 2004

The Arkansas Family Historian

Published Quarterly by Arkansas Genealogical Society PO I30x 17653, Little Rock, AR 72212

Editor Windows or ASCII format, accompanied by a hard copy of the material. Margaret Harrison Hubbard Membership Publication Information Membership is by calendar year and may be The Arkansas Family Historian, the official entered at any time of the year. (Late publication of Arkansas Genealogical subscribers will receive the year's back issues Society, Inc., is published four times a year: of the Arkansas Family Historian) Membership March, June, September and December. classes, per year: individual- $20.00; Commercial advertising is not accepted. household - $30.00; foreign - $35.00; patron­ $100.00; life - $300.00 . ISSN 0571-0472 Queries Editorial Policy Members of AGS are invited to submit one AGS welcomes contributions of family fifty-word Arkansas related query each year. records, public record transcriptions and See the Query Section for details. other information of interest to those interested in family history and genealogy in Book Reviews general and in Arkansas specifically. Responsibility for the accuracy of Authors and publishers who wish to have information and for opinions, omissions reviews or notices of their work published in and/ or factual errors is that of the the Arkansas Family Historian are invited to contributor. submit a copy of the work with ordering information and price, if applicable. Manuscript Submissions Table nf Contents Submitters of articles and material for President's Page 2 possible publication in the AFH are Treasurer's Report -2003 4 requested to send typewritten or FYI 6 mechanically generated manuscripts on Parker and Pierce Family Notes 7 white 8 V2 x ll-inch paper, double-spaced, Applications to Peddle Without a one-inch margins on all sides, with all pages License, Pulaski Co. 13 numbered. The sources from which the History of Marble Landmark material was obtained, specific statements of Missionary Baptist Church 24 facts, or statistical information MUsr be Records of Asst. Conunr. For State of documented; that is, the specific, detailed AR, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen source description must be listed either and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869 including Teachers in within the body of the text or as notes. Freedmen's Schools 33 Previous publication of material in any form 1892 Crawford Co. News 36 must be brought to the attention of AGS. 1905 Arkansas News 37 AGS encourages submissions on IBM Arkansas Queries 39 compatible computer disks in Word for Book Reviews and Notices 42 Index 43 '11ie jlrk.iJnsas 'Famify JrlStorian, %[ume 42, 1fum6er 1 'March 2004

President's Page

AGS began the year with seven of our members attending the 2004 NGS Gen Tech Conference in St. Louis. The world of genealogy and technology is changing almost on a daily basis. Gen Tech does a terrific job keeping the genealogical community up to date on the latest software, equipment and methods. The lectures were informative and the visits to the exhibit hall exciting.

The next national conference we attend will be the Federation of Genealogical Societies 2004 Conference to be held September 8-11 in Austin, Texas. For more details, visit their website at I would like to ask that you give serious consideration to making the trip. AGS will have a booth in the exhibit hall to show our publications and to invite anyone to become a member of our society. It is a lot of fun and with more members helping with the booth, everyone would get an opportunity to attend the lectures that would benefit them. Gloria Futrell and Buford Suffridge did a great job representing AGS at Gen Tech. Our "Priors" books and CD received a great review by Paul Milner in the recent edition of the FGS Forum.

Our Fall Seminar is scheduled for October 8 and 9, 2004 at the Holiday Inn Airport in Little Rock, AR. The Friday workshops have yet to be determined, but Craig Robert Scott will be the guest lecturer all day on Saturday. Craig specializes in military records at the National Archives and is owner of the largest genealogical bookstore, Willowbend Books. He will bring some of his inventory with him to Arkansas and would welcome any suggestions on any books of interest. His website is and e-mail [email protected]. Please put Willowbend in the subject line.

In order to bring in nationally known speakers we must plan years in advance. Otherwise, many of the excellent speakers are not available. Sherry Irvine, our speaker for the Fall Seminar 2005 will be lecturing on how to begin your English, Scottish and Irish research from this side of the ocean. Sherry is the English and Scottish Course Coordinator for Samford Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research in Birmingham, AL. She is also the Tour Leader for the British Institute of Historical and Genealogical Research to England and Scotland each year. If interested visit their website at http://www.samford.edulschools/ighr/ighr.html.

The AGS research trip to is shaping up nicely. We have fifteen rooms reserved at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel next to the Family History Library. When all of the rooms are filled, we will start a waiting list. The airlines will not give a group rate for the flight until May, so please notify me if you want to go and the information will be sent to you when it becomes available. The dates are December 5-12,2004. The hotel will provide an optional lecture on Sunday night on a topic yet to be determined. The Family History Library gives free orientations on different subjects daily, so you will be able to receive the guidance you need from their volunteers.

2 'I1ie}tr~nsas PamiEy Jfistorian, 'Vo[ume 42, :Num6er 1 r:Marcli 2004

My suggestion is you start preparing now, by visiting tbe Family History Library website at, and use the card catalog to decide what you want to research. Having a research plan before you leave saves precious time. Some microfilms that are stored in the vault will need to be ordered in advance.

At the January meeting of the Board of Directors, a committee was appointed to update our Constitution and Bylaws. This has not been done for at least 25 years. In 1996 a committee worked on this huge task, but unfortunately the board did not implement the revisions. For tbis reason, I have asked the committee to have their proposals ready for the May meeting. These proposals will be published in the June and September quarterlies. They will be voted on by the general membership at tbe October annual meeting.

Please note below the new mailing address for AGS. This change was implemented to take advantage of competitive prices for printing and the mail distribution center in Little Rock, which should result in speedy delivery to tbe members. All mail sent to the Little Rock post office will be distributed to the proper person, for example, treasurer, secretary, membership chair, editorial committee, and publication chair. We are establishing a computerized membership list which will be placed at an encrypted storage off site.

WE are here to serve you the members; YOU are the ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY!

Jan Hearn Davenport, President


Arkansas Genealogical Society P. O. Box 17653 Little Rock, AR 72212

3 Treasurer's Report for 2003 By Alvin Black, 162 Black Forest Road, Mount Ida, AR 71957

Cash flow Report by Account 01101103 - 1213 1103

INFLOWS Category General Fund Memorial Fund

Books, Documents 11,066.90 0.00 Dues 8,312.00 0.00 Interest Income 130.22 0.00 Merchandise sales 599.50 0.00 NARA· 247.00 0.00 Other Income 211.90 0.00 Seminar Revenue 9,249.43 116.05 TOTAL INFLOWS 29,933.04 116.05 ·Dollars for Documents Fund

OUTFLOWS Advertising 65.00 0.00 AFH Printing & posting 7,803.83 0.00 Microfilming 378.83 0.00 Misc, 5,210.15 403.00 Newsletter 946.94 0.00 Phone 23.66 0.00 Postage 1,620.68 0.00 Printing 14,113.26 0.00 Rent 1,500.00 0.00 Seminar Expense 8,121.57 0.00 Supplies 356.60 0.00 Web Site Maintenance 312.34 0.00 Uncategorized Outflows 60.00 0.00

TOTAL OUTFLOWS 40,512.80 403.00

Overall Total -10,695.81 -286.95


Cash, Bank Accounts and CD 12,559.07 General Fund 2,258.91 Memorial Fund 165.05 Total Cash and Accounts 14,934.03 Total Assets 14,934.03 Liabilities 0.00 Overall Total 14,934.03

4 'I1ie )f~nsas Pamilj J{iswrian, 'VolUme 42, :Num6er 1 - :Marcli 2004

FYI Seminars genealogical information on members ofthis denomination. St. Louis Genealogical Society will hold its 2004 Genealogy Fair "Sail Into The Past» on The Primitive Baptist Library, 415 Main 3 April 2004 at Maryland Heights Centre, Street, Carthage, IL 52361, (217)357-3723, 2344 McKelvey Rd., Maryland Heights, MO. was organized in June 1978 by Elder Robert Featured speaker is John P. Colletta, PhD. Webb and ~ other trustees (all members Contact the society at PO Box 43010, St. of Primitive Baptist Churches in Hancock Louis, MO 63143-0010 County, Illinois, with a constitution and by­ laws. Federation of Genealogical Societies, PO Box 200940, Austin, TX 78720-0940 has The Primitive Baptist Library is a reference announced ITS 2004 conference to be held in library, rather than a loaning library, but the Austin, TX on the theme "Legends Live library has republished several books which Forever: Researching Your Past For Future are available for purchase, and its collection Generations.» Contact FGS for more of books and records is available for use by information. Primitive Baptists and others (including descendants of members) who are doing Muskogee County Genealogical Society, 90 I research either on the church or on family W. Okmulgee, Muskogee, OK 74401, will members who were connected with the hold a seminar Saturday, March 27, 2004, on church. Over 46,000 names have been Muskogee Campus, Northeastern State entered into a computer database of past and University Conference Center featuring present members of Primitive Baptist George G. Morgan. Contact the society or Churches, the majority of these being for email [email protected] churches in Illinois (nearly half of all the names are for Illinois), Missouri, Indiana, Reunions Iowa, Ohio, , Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, The Chapman Family Association, 770 South Oregon, New Jersey, Arkansas, Kansas and Post Oak Lane, Suite 435, Houston, TX Nebraska. Over 12,000 association minutes 77056-19\3 will hold its 4th annual from various parts of the are Convention and Reunion May 14-16,2004, also part of the Library's collection. It at the Kansas City (MO) Airport Hilton. See encourages Primitive Baptists and their for other info. friends to help preserve their heritage by donating old out-of-print books and The Geer Family Association has scheduled periodicals, association minutes (and its 2004 reunion for July 16 and 17,2004 in especially current year's minutes of the New , MN. Contact Louis Dunlap of association), photos, church records, etc. the association at 58 James Road East, They will gladly purchase copies of records Durham, CT 06422 and minutes they lack.

Primitive Baptist Library The Library sends out a free publication called "The Primitive Baptist Library If your ancestors were Primitive Baptists, Quarterly," four times a year, which lists you might be interested in the following material which is available either free, or by library which welcomes biographical or purchase, to the geneI1lI public.

5 'l1ie)l~nsas 'FamiEy 1fistorian, 'VolUme 42, 1fum6er 1-9rtarcli 2004

Parker and Pierce Family Notes

Submitted by Kirby Watkins, 1511 Tulip Drive, Arlington, TX 76013-5036, who said: "Recently I read about an Arkansas family named Mills who descend from Elizabeth Rumboll who married Peter Mills. Elizabeth Rumboll was a daughter of Francis Rumboll, and granddaughter of John Parker (1570-1612). I myself descend from these Parker and Pierce Families.

"This data can be verified by the volumes written by Winston Churchill; aJso see Victoria's'History ofHampshire by Queen Victoria and her researchers. On the Isle of Wight, members of Queen Victoria's family married Callaways. , . "Sir Winston Churchill traces my Cade family back to Jack Cade of 'The War of the Roses' fame.

"For the benefif of my Parker-Pierce kinsmen, I hope there is room to store this data."

Chain of Title of Rockboume Manor, Hampshire, England

Sir Walter de Romsey owned the manor in 1296. U Joan Payne u Thomas Callaway, obtained the manor from his wife Joan Payne U Sir John CaJlaway (1490-J 547), obtained the manor from his father, Thomas U William Callaway (born 1511), obtained the manor from his father, Sir John Callaway U Francis Callaway, son of William Callaway U Thomas Callaway, son of Francis U Anthony Ashley (in 1670 Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftsbury, lived at Rockboume Manor) U Sir John Cooper, son-in-law of Anthony Ashley U Anthony Ashley Cooper, son of Sir John Cooper, Earl of Shaftsbury lJ Present day Earl of Shaftsbury

In 1670 Anthony AShley Cooper and other men settled the Colony of South Carolina in America.

Phillipe de Caillouet, born c1200 , married Marie Fulk, of the Plantagenet family lJ John Callaway, born in England lJ Sir Walter de Romsey, born 1270 lJ lJ Thomas Callaway married =:> Joan Payne, great great granddaughter of Sir WaJter de Romsey

6 '11ie)l~nsas 'Family KlStmimI, VolUme 4Z, J{um6er 1-%ucli ZIJ()4

U Sir John Callaway Elizabeth Manners b. 1490 Hampshire, Eng. Cousin of Henry VIII d. 1547 Hampshire, Eng.

Giles Callaway, son of Sir John, born 1513, was a page and later a bodyguard for 'Henry vm. Later Giles was a Sea Captain of the George ofDitsa1iI. Thomas Seymour was the lover of Elizabeth, daughter of Henry vm. When Thomas Seymour tried to "take over" the English government, Giles Callaway captured him and took him to "the tower". Thomas Seymour was executed 30 March 1549. In April the government of King Edward VI gave to Giles Callaway properties comprising a major part of Devon. On this date Gil~s Callaway was living in Stroud, Dorset.

Descendants of Giles came to Virginia and Maryland.

Peter Callaway Elizabeth Johnson b. 1645 Northampton Co., VA m. 26 March 1667, Somerset Co., Maryland U John Callaway Mary Gould b. 1685 Somerset Co., MD m. 25 Dec. 1709 Wicomico Co., MD d. 1770 Somerset co., MD U John Callaway Mary Relph b. 1710 Somerset Co., MD b. 1712 Somerset Co., MD d. 1763 Onslow Co. NC U. Levin Callaway Mary Hitch b. 1736 Somerset Co., MD b. 1738 Somerset Co., MD d. 1784 Sussex Co., Delaware U Jehu. Callaway Priscilla Parker b. 1766 Sussex Co., Delaware b. 1767 Sussex Co., Delaware d. 1844 Baldwin Co., GA d. 1845 Baldwin Co., GA U Sarah Callaway Benjamin Pulley b. 1788 Sussex Co., Delaware b. 1781 Halifax Co., NC d. 1865 Baldwin Co., GA d. I 865 Baldwin Co., GA U. James Duncan Narcissa Jane Pulley b. 1801 York Co., SC b. 1816 Baldwin Co., GA d. 1885 Polk Co., AR d. 1903 Polk Co., AR U. Sarah Alzina Duncan Seth Wheatley Hilton b. 1845 Milledgeville, GA b. 1845 Hot Spring Co., AR d. 1923 Muse OK d. 1929 Shawnee, OK U. George Evan Watkins Lillian Cordelia Hilton b. 1880 Scott Co., AR b. 1886 Polk Co., AR d. 1962 Durant, OK d. 1974 Oklahoma City, OK

7 'lJie .ft.~1ISas Pamif:; JllStorian, %(ume 42, !Num6er 1 - ~arcli 2004

U Kirby Dewitt Watkins Ruby Lee Larrabee b. 1920, Muse, OK b. 1924 Ardmore, OK

Using notes from Sir Winston Churchill, Queen Victoria and National Genealogical Society Quarterly No. 50, the article "The Barlow Family of England and Virginia" we glean the following:

George Parker-Margery Carpenter Arthur Barlow-Abigail Cade b. 1545 explored the Carolina coast in 1584 U U John Parker - Marie Gerard Edward Barlow - Joan Rishton b. 1570 b. 1570 Will 1612 Southampton, Eng. m. 20 Dec. 1592 Sussex, Eng. d. 1620 Southampton, Eng. U U George Parker married=:> Abigail Barlow b. 1590 Southampton, England Christened 8 June 1599 m. 13 Oct 1619, Southampton, Eng. Southampton, Eng. d. 1639, Southampton, Eng. U Major George Parker Florence Cade b. 1527 Southampton, Eng. b. 1635, Cornwall, Eng. d. 1674 Accomac Co., VA U John Parker Tabitha Truitt, dau. of George and Eleanor b. 1660 Accomac Co., VA (Merriday) Truitt d. 1745 Worcester Co., MD d. 1731 Somerset Co., MD U George Parker Sarah Smith b. 1700 Somerset Co., MD b. 1702 Somerset Co., MD d. 1770 Worcester Co., MD U John Parker Sarah Gordy, dau. of Peter and Hannah b. 1740 Sussex Co., Delaware (Christopher) Gordy d. 1793 Green Co., GA b. 1743 Worcester Co., MD d. 1825 Hancock Co., GA U Priscilla Parker Jehu Callaway b. 1767 Sussex Co., Delaware b. 1766 Sussex Co., Delaware d. 1845 Baldwin Co., GA d. 1844 Baldwin Co., GA U Benjamin Pulley Sarah Callaway b. 1781 Halifax Co., NC b. 1788 Sussex Co., Delaware d. 1865 Baldwin Co., GA d. 1865 Baldwin Co., GA U Narcissa Jane Pulley James Duncan b. 1816 Baldwin Co., GA b. 1801 York Co., SC d. 1903 Polk Co., AR d. 1885 Polk Co., AR

8 'l1ie Jlrfi.pnsas PamiEy :Jtrstorian, 'V'olitme 42, 1Ifum6er 1 - !Marcli 2004

Parker Page

George Parker Margery Carpenter b. 1545

Children: I. William, 1563-1618 2. Margery Pike 3. Margaret Pierce 4. John 1570-1612 5. George 6. Agnes

This infonnation is in the Royal Naval Station Library on Ply River near Plymouth, England.

William Parker m. 1) Katherine Hawkins b. 1563 m. 18 June 1590 Wilmott Roggett d. 24 Sept 1618, Plymouth, Eng. Children: Spouses: 1. Temperance John Burgess Wilcocks 2. Judith Thomas Pierce 3. Margery, bap. 1591 Barlow 4. Mary, bap. 1593 Sheares 5. Elizabeth, bap. 1596 __ Bragge 6. Prudence,bap. 1596 7. William, bap. 1598 8. Nichalas, bap. 159911600 9. Agnes, bap. 159911600 10. Wilmott, bap.1 602 II. John, bap. 1607/1608

Sir George Parker, 1697-1764, Earl of MacClesfield. Mathematician and astronomer, introduced the new style of dates in the calendar in 1752 in England.

Will of William Parker of Plymouth, Eng. Co. Devon, Gentleman Dated 16 Jan 1617, proved 4 Dec 1619

My SOn Nicholas Parker houses ... in the several tenure of Henry Wallis, clerk, Thomas Bennett, the assigns of Anne Cade late deceased and me the said William Wilmott my now wife. My son John Parker all that messuage late in the tenure of John Burges deceased and now in the tenure of Wilcocks as the right of Temperance the late wife of John Burges.

Daughters: Wilmott Parker, Prudence Parker, Margery Barlowe, Mary Sheers, Elizabeth Bragg, Judith Pierce, the wife of Thomas Pierce

My friends: John Bound, the elder, Wm. Predis Overseers: Walter Glubb and Erasmus Junnyn Witness: Phillipe Andrews, Thomas Hardman Teste: Walter Glubb, Richare Bragg, John G1ubb

9 '11ie jI.~nsas

Will of John Parker, Southampton, Eng., 31 Aug 16121Sept.1612 Wife: Marie

To Thomas Smithe clerk of the Parish of St. Laurence, Southampton My daughter Elizabeth C. (married Francis Rumbull) To Wilmot Rumboll, the daughter of Francis Rumholl and Elizabeth my daughter My son George Parker Overseers: Angello Stower and /Ly_ Myers To Cousin: Margaret Carpenter My sisters: Margery Pike and Margaret Pierce Wit.: Henry Carpenter, Tho Smith, Francis Sewell

George Parker 1590-1639, son ofJohn d. 1612 Will of George Parker, Southampton, Eng. 24 Oct 1638 9 May i639 Sons: Robert, George, John Daughters: Anne, Elizabeth, Abigail, Margery My aunt: Margery Pyke My sister: Elizabeth Crompton and her daughter, Elizabeth Mills (wife of Peter Mills) My two nieces: in Cornwall named Wilmott and Mary My now wife: Abigail Parker Overseers: Peter Clougout, John Bengor My cousin Margery Barlowe of the city of Chichester, daughter of my uncle Capt. William Parker of Plymouth. Witness: Thomas Masion, HE.[sic] Singleton

[Note: The above proves that John Parker died in 1612 in Southampton, was a brother of Wm. Parker, d. 1618 Plymouth]

Robert Parker, son of George 1590-1639, grandson ofJohn, d. 1612 Will of Robert Parker 13 Nov 1611, proved 4 April 1673 Southampton, Eng. Wife: Jane Parker Son: George Parker to be paid by his mother Intermeria Vite Son: John Parker, my ingrateful Son John Martin My eldest daughter Abigail Daughters: Margaret and Constance (youngest dau.) My grandfather John Parker did give ... to St. Laurence in Southampton ... and my father both lye buryed •.. Executor: son George Parker Overseers: Wm. Peascod of Bosh am, John Rawlings Wit.: Wm. Siverlock, Henry Paryell, Wm. Peascod. Robert Parker's will recorded Prerogative Court of Canterbury, England.

Encyclopedia Britannica, copyright 1946, vol. 11, page 301

Parker, Mathew (1504-1515) archbishop of Canterbury, born at Norwich 6 Aug 1504.10 1522 to Cambridge, graduated with BA 1525. Commenced MA in 1528. After Anne Boleyn'S recognition as queen he was made her chaplain. In 1531 chaplain to Henry VIT. In 1544 master of Corpus Christi College and in 1545 vice-chancellor of the university. In 1545 one of the commissioners for Cambridge. He married Margaret, dau. of Robert Harlestone, a Norfolk squire, in June 1541 before

10 '11ie )f~nsas 'Family JilSwnan, volUme 42, g(um6er 1 - 9darcli 2004 clerical marriages had been legalized by parliament and convocation. Elected Archbishop of Canterbury Aug 1559.

Sea Captain Wm. Parker (1563-1618) with his brother John (cI570-1612) as first mate explored the coasts of Africa and South America. In 1610 they brought settlers to Virginia. After this Capt. Wm. Parker retired from the sea and became Mayor of Plymouth.

Lillian Gordy was the mother of ex-President Jimmy Carter. Carter descends from the Gordy and Parker families in two ways.

Ex-President Franklin Pierce descends from the Pierce and Pal-ker families. Cicely Reynolds descends from the Pierce and Parker families. She is the ancestor of Thomas Jefferson. Barbara Pierce descends from the Pierce and Parker families. Barbara is the mother of President George W. Bush.

Elizabeth Mills, nee Rumboll, was a granddaughter of John Parker (1570-1612). She married Peter Mills and they came to Virginia. They have many descendants in Arkansas.

11 '11ie )f~nsas PamiEy JflStOrian, 'Volume 42, :Num6er 1 - fMarcfi 2004

Applications to Peddle Without A License In Pulaski County for Civil War Veterans

Submitted by Russell P. Baker, 6525 Magnolia, Mabelvale, AR 72 \03

These records were taken from Pulaski County Record Roll 406 at the Arkansas History Commission and State Archives, I Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas 7220 I. Please note that many applications are very hard to read. Contact the commission for copy prices and ordering information. Shown here as listed at the AHC.

Name Service Record l.lS or Date of Appl. Sheet No. Confed. • Abeles, J. J. Co. "B" 5'· Ark. Regt. May 1861- C 12/03/1906 I 1865 Actwelton, Lee Co. "I" Kitchens Regt. Enlisted C 05/18/1903 2 Crawley's Ridge, Ark. 1861-1865 Adkins, T. M. Co. "A" 4th Bn. Ark. Vols. (Civil C 08/09/1904 3 War) Allen, W. M. Co. "I" 6'" Regt. North Carolina C 0212211905 4 State Troops Commissary Sarg't. About 4 years Arrhart?, George Ex-U.S. Soldier - blind US 11115/1918 5 Arndt, Charles Co. "C" I ~ Mississippi Regt., Inf. C 05/02/1914 6 Col. Goven Badgett, J. L Co. "C" Asa Morgan's Regt. C 12/2211909 7 Arkansas Inf. - Discharged about September 1864 Balisle, Lee Co. "H" 21 ~ Virginia Cav. (Civil C 10114/1902 8 War) Ballew, J. J. Co. "D" 6m Tennessee Reg!. Cav. C 09/26/1910 9 and Inf. Ballew, J. N. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 0311411901 10 Ballew, T. A. Co. "H" 6'" Regt. North Carolina C 11/26/1906 11 Vols. 1861-1862 Barnes, W. R. Enlisted at Cane Hill, Washington C 02/1711913 12 Co., Arkansas 1862 Barron, J. S. Crandall's Regt. C 08/0111905 13 818/1864-31 11865 Barron, R. M. Capt. Blakeney's Co. C 09/0711907 14 McRae's Reg!. ofCav. Barton, W. F. Co. "A" I" Bn. Arkansas Cav. C 04/30/1906 15 714/1861-512511865 Bellamy, W. L Co. "B" Capt. Blakeley's Co. C 01126/1910 16 Spring 1863-1864 Belsha, J. L. Co. "D" 9'" Alabama Regt. C 09/1011907 17 41111861- 4/911865 Benson, John Co. "C" 16'" South Carolina Reg!. C 09/23/1907 18 at Greenville, S.c. 1861-1865

12 '11ieJ(rfipnsas Pamilj JrJStot'Mn, vorume 42, 7Vum6er 1-'Milrcfi 2004

Beso, Fred Co. "B" 200 Heavy Artillery, Rhode US 02/0611916 19 Island, clo Capt. Taylor, at Ft. Adams, R.I. Spanish American War. Discharged at Ft. Warren, Boston, Massachusetts 3/3111899 Blackard,C1eorge Co. "A" 18'· Reg!. Mississippi C 0612711907 20 W. Cavall)',. 4/14/1862- 51 11865 Blakeley, W. E. Capt. Co. "H" 4w Tennessee C 0108/1908 21 Cavalry. Enlisted at Chattanooga, Tennessee 811111861-51311865 Blaylock, D. P. Enlisted in Capt. Walker's C 02/19/1906 21 Company at Ozark, Arkansas April 1861-1862 Boone, R. L. Enlisted at Corinth, Mississippi, C 031?11914 23 about 1861 Boyd, Norman Pvt. Battery "E" 344m Federal US 06/07/1921 24 Artillery, Mt. Vernon, Texas. World War I (Req. license to fish 9/1911917-7/3/1919 Bracking, Thomas Enlisted as surgeon in Baxter's Bn. C 04/07/1902 25 C1. and served 1862-1863, two years. Also served under C1eneral Bragg, Bragg's Army Brewer, N. L. Co. "L" of Forrest's Cavalry. En- C 06/30/1908 26 listed at Tippah Co., Mississippi. Mustered out about 1864 at Oklahoma, Miss. Brown, Frank Co. "D" 35m Massachusetts US 11107/1905 27 Infantry. June 1862-Aug. 1865 Brown, John A. Capt. Owens Battery of Artillery C 12118?/1901 28 (R.?) from Drew County, Arkansas 1862-1866 Brown, T. F. 7w Reg!. Cavalry. Spring 1863- C? 03/0811904 29 April 1864 Buford, C. O. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 03/26/1901 30 Burdell, W. D. Co. "A" 1" Tennessee Infantry; US 02/2311910 31-32 Served until 1865 Campbell, R. M. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 03/28/1916 33 Carlisle, J. H. Co. "C", 35m White Virginia C 07/0511902 34 Cavalry. (Civil War) Carlisle, R. R.? Co. "A" 8m Virginia Infantry C 05/06/1903 35 May 1861-1865 Carmen, T.J. C. "E" 2"" Tennessee Cavalry C 02/2411906 36 October 1861- May 10, 1865 Carter, J. W. Under C1eneral Forest. Enl isted as C 12115/1904 37 pvt. In Memphis, Tennessee. Served 4 years Cauldwell, J. H. Co. "A" 59"' Tennessee Infantry C 10/1311903 38-39 Vaughan's Brigade (Civil War)

13 Chunn, R. D. Co. "F" I" Atkansas Mounted C 11/12/1906 40 Rifles Clarke, W. C. Co. "H" 28"'? Mississippi Cavalry. C 06/24/1907 41 111811862 - 51711865 Clarke, W. S. Co. "H" 25th Mississippi Cavalry. C 0911411903 42 Annstrong's Brigade, Jackson's Div., Forest Cav. Surrendered at Gainesville, Alabama 5/13/1865 Clement, Josiah Co. "F" Arkansas Cavalry. Col. C 12/07/1905 43 Crandall and Capt. Blakeney. Enlisted August IS64 Clements, J. H. Co. "c" Mississippi Vols. Inf. e 09/06/1905 44 Capt. Duff. Served more than 12 months; released at Macon, Mississippi Cole, T. L. Co. "A" IS" Regt. Arkansas Vols. C No date 45 Organized at DeValls Bluff, Ark., in 1862: Capt. James Thompson, Col. Carrel of Pine Bluff, Lt. Col. Daley, Major Bob Crockett. Was in Van Dam's Div. and surrendered at Ft. Hudson, Louisiana. Cook, R. W. Co. "G" 3'" Tennessee Regt. John C 0110511908 46 C. Brown's Command. 5/16/1861- 1865 Cookson, John Bankhead's Battery on Ship of War C 1110511902 47 "Macon" 1861-1865 Cranford, F. M. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 0110511901 48 Crow, John Co. "C" Ohio Heavy Artillery US 09/09/1904 49 81211862-7/4/1865 Darden, J. W. Co. "E" 10m Regt. Arkansas C 10/02/1902 50 Infantry commanded by Col. Medlock Darnell, Claude H. C. "A" 2nd Regt. Nebraska Vol. US 1112911904 51 Infantry. Spanish American War. May 23 I 898-December 1898 Davis, A. H. Co. "A" 5'" Arkansas Infantry. C 06/12/1905 52-53 . Enlisted at Pineville, Arkansas. 6115/1861. Wounded at Kenesaw Mtn. Davis, Henry A. Co. "A" 5m Arkansas Infantry. C 06/0211909 54 Enlisted at Pineville, Arkansas. Served 1861-1865 Davis, John Spanish American War US 11/27/1916 55 Davis, Lawrence J. Spanish American War (disabled) US 04/26/1904 56 Deckard, Thomas Pvt. Co. "If' 7'" Regt. Enlisted US 06/30/1910 57 7/1311898 to serve 2 years. Honorable discharge 2113/1899 at Camp Haskell, Macon, Georgia. Spanish American War

14 'l1ie )I~nsas tFamify "astorian, 'VolUme 42, :JI(um6er 1 - ~an;1i 2004

Dent, Pat W. Co. "If' & "D" Reg!. South C 08/21/1913 58 . Carolina Dick, T. J. Enlisted at Jackson, Madison Co., C 10/18/1913 59 Tennessee Dickerson, J. C. Statement of the State Auditor to C 04/23/1904 60 the effect that DICKERSON is a regular State pensioner from Fulton County Dorsett, James Co. "0" 2'" Reg!. Arkansas C 06/3011905 61-62 Cavalry. May 1862-1865. In Federal prison at St. Louis, Mo., , Alton, Ill., and Rock Island, III. At • close of war went to Richmond, Va. Durham, James E. Disabled Ex-U.S. Soldier. US 08/0111918 63 Discharged for physical disability 5/6/1906 Dunlap, Harry W. Ex-U.S. Soldier. Mustered in US 09/29/1920 64 6/5/1918; Discharged from 326 F.R. Sq. M. C. 06125/1919 World War I. Dunn, W.M. Co. "E" 2200 Mississippi 1861- C 05/0611912 65-66 1865 Dyer, I. H. Co. "G" 4th Tennessee Regl. C 04/0811909 67 Dykes, S. E. Ex-Confederate soldier C 03/02/1901 68 Eatt, Peter Wood Adams Co. Regt. "K" C 1010611909 69 Mississippi Eidson, Richard A. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 12/0811899 70 Elam, Josiah Co. "B" 5th Cavalry Regt. C 10/0511912 71 MississipQi Ellis, Byron Co. "A" 74th Indiana Vols. (Civil US 08118/1904 72 War) Ely, Isaac Co. "0" 16" Reg. Ohio Vol. US 02/26/1904 73 Infantry. Served 4 months. Civil War Emerson, J. M. Co. "B" 19'" Arkansas Regt. Capt. C 0/0111909 74 McCaslin Erisman, William F. Ex-U.S. Soldier US 10/04/1917 75 Everett, Mack Statement of W. B. Garvin saying Peddling 76-79 that to his knowledge Mack Everett W /0 license; was not in the Confederate or summoned to Federal Anny court Faris, S. T. Co. "H" South Carolina Infantry C 1110111906 80 Faust, J. M. 3"' Tennessee Reg!. ofInfantry. 10/07/1908 81 May 1862-Jan. 1865 Ferguson, J. N. Co. "I" 5"' Arkansas Reg!. Gevan's C 03/04/1901 82-84 Brigade in Hardee's Corps of Bragg's Division of the Confederate Anny. June 1861- April 1865

15 'l1ie .ft~t1S4S 'Famify :JIrswrian, 'Volinne 42, J{um6er 1 - ?daren 2004

Fleming, M. M. Co. "K" 3'· Arkansas Reg!. C 07/2411911 85 Garrett, J. M. Co. "8" 2" Louisiana Regt. April C 05/2311910 86 5, 1861 - 61711865 Gibson, J. M. Co. "H" 18m Regt. Forrest's C 10/1511907 87 Cavalry from the State of Mississippi. Paroled at Gainesville, Alabama 1865 Goldstein, Moses Co. "F" 6"' Regt. .S. Inf., Civil War US 06/2111912 88-90 Gowdy, James B. Ex-Confederate soldier C 09/1211908 91-92 Gray,D.L. Ex-Confederate soldier. Enlisted C" 03/10/1913 93 about 1864 Gray, J. H. Co. "B" Col. Moreland's Regt. C 05/0811902 94-95 Served 3 112 years. Griffing, W. L .. Enlisted in Sevier County, C 03/30/1914 96 Arkansas about 1862 Guidy, T. P. Co. "F' 8m Louisiana Infantry. C 05/05/1903 97 Capt. DeJean, Col. Kelley, Stonewall Jackson's Div., Tyler'S Brigade Gurry, Charles Ex-United States soldier Spanish US 03/05/1915 98 American War Hall, C. A. Co. "C" 2~ Mississippi Regt. Vols. C 08/0611906 99 Enlisted May I, 1861. Released at Lynchburg, Va. after close of war Harnm, William J. Co. "K" 1~ Regt. Arkansas Vols. C 10/0311902 100 Hancock, A. Co. "B" 12m Tennessee Infantry, C 04103/1902 101 General Preston Smith's Brigade General Cheatham's Division. Remained until fmal surrender of Gen. Johnson Hanks, A. M. Co. "C", 41~ Alabama Regt. C 11115/1909 102 Enlisted May 10, 1862. Served until March 23, 1954 when he was captured by Federals Hanser, William Co. "F" 4m Kentucky Cavalry C 0612111910 103 Hardcastle, W. F. Co. "B" McRay Battalion. Served C 04/10/1907 104 during the month of August 1861. Honorable discharge . m Harp, Josh? Sr.? Co. "C" 3 Arkansas Regt. C 0312911907 105 Cavalry. 1861 to end ofl865 Harrison, H. A. Co. "0" 200 Mississippi Cavalry. C 07/23/1901 106 April 1862 - Springof 1865 Haynie, A. D. Enlisted in Pulaski County, C 10/1711914 107 Arkansas 1861. Served to 1865 Heffington, W. L. . Co. "B" 1st Missouri Cavalry. 12107/1905 108 Enlisted June 1861, released 1864? Hendren, J. H. Capt. Bledsoe's Battery. Enlisted C 107125/1906? 109 near Lexington, Missouri and served in Confederate Army until surrenderin 1865.

16 '11ie )I.~nsas

Hendren, J. H. Enlisted in Shelby County, C 10/10/1913 110 Tennessee 1861 Holmes, J. M. Co. "A" 4" Arkansas Cavalry. C 12/1811906 III Discharged June 1865. Resident of Arkansas 48 years in 1906 House, J. J. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 09/07/1915 112 Howard, J.H. Capt. Bates Company in Dobbins IC 19/18/1895 113 Regt. of Kentucky Cavalry. 1852- 1865 Hudson, C. H. Enlisted in Johnson County, C 06/0211913 114 Arkansas 1862 Hughes, J. W. Co. "K" 16m Mississippi Regt. C 06?/04/1915 115 Infantry Jackson, D. H .. Co. "A" 6/1511862-Spring 1865 C 12119/1905 116 Jackson, Marshall Co. "E" Monroe's Regt. Arkansas. C 06/05/1909 117 Discharged April, 1865 Jackson, S. R. Co. "r' South Carolina 18ID C 1lI02l1905 1I8 Infantry. November 1861-June 16, 1865 Jamell, Salem Ex-U.S. Soldier US 10/23/1919 119 Jemell, Jed O. Served 22 months in World War I; US 04/1911920 120 discharged with grade of sergeant December 29, 1918 Jones, W.D. Ex-Confederate Soldier C 02/2311901 121 Kalb, D. J. Ex-Soldier 1211211916 122 Kelley, John T. Enlisted at St. Louis, Missouri US 12/0511913 123 1898. Spanish American War Kelly, A. J. Enlisted in Lincoln County, North C 04/0411914 124 Carolina 1861. Kenady, Green B. Co. "B" II"' Arkansas Mounted C 0811211902 125 Cavalry, Legan's Brigade. Remained until final surrender King, W. S.? Co. "B" 55'" U.S. Cavalry Civil US 03/2311903 126 War Kinsolving, W.S.? Co. "E" 8m Virginia cavalry. Capt. C 08/01/1906 127-128 A. C. Everett and Col. Cook, Jenkins's Brigade. 6/6/1861 - at Coo's Mouth, West Virginia, continued in service until April 1865 at Princeton, West Virginia Kirkland, M. S. Co. "r' Tenth Regt. Mississippi C 08/0)/1903 129 ·Infantry. I 863-May 25, 1865 Kirkwood, John B. 4"' Battalion and 20" Arkansas C 09/05/1906 130 Regt. Also with General Rust's staffin 1861, released from said duty in 1863. Kramer, David M. Co. UK" 1$I of Cavalry from State US 11105/1914 131 of New York. 1908-1910 Kynette, A. J. Co. "c" Vi~inia Infantry, Light C 02/0811911 132 Artillery, 2 Battery

17 '11ie )I~nsas

LaDossor, Wm. L. Ex-U.S. Soldier 1890-1891 US 1211811914 133 Layman, J. S. Ex-Confederate soldier C 08129/1919 134 Lea, John H. Co. "A" 2M Tennessee Cavalry. C 11/16/1904 135 Discharged at Charlotte, North Carolina. Civil War. Ledford, E. C. Co. "8" 5200 Regt. Georgia. March C 03/2511904 136-138 1862 until fall of Vicksburg 1/4/1863. Went home. Was elected sheriff of White County, Georgia . Linder, Myer Enlisted at 80ston, Massachusetts US 10/21/1913 139 1898. Served to 1899. Spanish , American War • Lindsey, J. C. Enlisted in Capt. Taylor's Co. May C 10/28/1906 140 or June 1861; served in said company until 1862 when he was wounded at Battle of Shiloh. Later re-enlisted in Capt. Henry's Co. in Kaiser's Regt. Discharged at Memphis, Tennessee, June 1865 Logan, Samuel D. Co. "C" Missouri Vols. (CSA) C 02121/1906 141 August 1862 Lovill, Wm. Co. "8" 4ffi Kentucky Regt. C 03/12/1906 142-143 Infantry from Tennessee. Sept. 1861-May 1865. Wounded in Battle of Shiloh and Chickamauga Lowry, F. L. Co. "C" 22 00 Regt. Cavalry. 06/06/18657 144 Enlisted May 1863-discharged Sept. 1865 Civil War Lucas, J. T. Co. "C" 23'" Georgia Infantry as C 01/0411903 145 Corpora!. July 1;861-1865 Marion, B. Enlisted in Lawrence County, C 10/1411913 146 Alabama 1862 Massey, J. K. Co. "C" I" Arkansas Regt. C 12/05/1901 141-149 Mustered in at Batesville, Ark 1862-paroled 1865 at Jacksonport, Arkansas Midgett, N. Co. "H" 18m Arkansas Infantry Jan. C No date 150 1862. Discharged at 'Tupelo, MissiSSippi ale disability in August 1862. Misenheimer, J. H. Ex-Confederate soldier C 1II2111916 151 Montgomery, J. R. Co. "C" 11m Mississippi Infantry. C 1II0111905 152 Res. of Bayou Meta Twp. 1905 Moody,J. G. Co. "K" 6th Arkansas Regt. June 1, C 05/02/1906 153 1861-1865 Myers, H. H. . Ex-Confederate soldier C 11103/1904 154 McClure, W. W. 2"" Regt. Missouri Co. "H" Civil 04/0611 911 155 War McDade, W.S. Co. "C" 19" Regt. Arkansas, Col. C 10/23/1914 156 Hardy

18 '11ie ;4.~nsas Pamify JCistorian,

McDaniel, Frank Enlisted in McIntosh, L.ouisiana C 05/14/1913 157 about 1861 McDowell, T. H. Hart's Regt. McRay Brigade 1861- C 10/10/1906 158 1865 McGraw, George W. Co. "E" Opgdenburg's Infantry C 01117/1906 159 Vols. 1863 - November 1865 McKenzie, J. C. Blocher's Battery, later known as C 10/12/1906 160-161 Zimmenilim's7 Battery. Enlisted in Capitol Guards, June 1861-Sept. 1862. Discharged at that time alc impaired health. Then enlisted in , Blocher's Artillery and served until 5/31/1865 McKeown, David First Cavalry - Civil War 04/10/1912 162 McL.emore, F. K. Co. "K" 23'" Regt. Arkansas C 10/2811914 163-164 McMichael, J. F. Co. "A" 5'" Tennessee Regt. C OS/21/1903 165 organized at Paris, Tennessee. 5/20/1861-6/16/1865 McPherson, C. R. Co. "E" Major Weatherspoon's C 1lI24/1906 166 Company. Released at Little Rock December 2864 Nixon, W.H. Co. "K" I 0" Arkansas Mounted 05/1911911 167 Cavalry. Civil War Norfleet, J. A. Co. "K" 1" Arkansas Vol. Infantry, US 11/1811903 168 Spanish American War. Enlisted 511811898, mustered out at Ft. Logan H. Roots 10/2511898 Nowell, D. Enlisted in 4th Battalion from Little C 1211611907 169 Rock, 1861. Mustered out 1865 Nowlin, C. W. Co. "c" 19" Virginia Reg!. C 12/27/1901 170 O'Donnell, Charles Mustered in August 1917.163 US 09/29/1920 171 C. Aero Sqad. Discharged on July 22, 1919. World War I. Ostrowski, Julius Co. "M" 19" Regt. Infantry. US 10/2111912 172 Spanish American War Overstreet, J. H. Co. "c" Arkansas Infantry, Col. C 02/02/1908 173 Goo. W. Baucum commanding Parks, M. M. Co. "B" 5m Ohio Infantry Vol. June US 07/1711906 174 30, 1897. Disability discharge November 24, 1897 Parsel?, Tom Belonged to General Roane's C 01120/1912 175 headquarters as a spy Pate, Ollie Co. "A" 12D1 Kentucky Cavalry. US 05/0111914 176 Spanish American War. 1898 Patterson, J. M. Co. "c" 19" Texas Cavalry. C 04/13/1905 177 Enlisted at Dallas, Texas and served 1853 - _. Discharged ale of rheumatism. Peterson, J. N.? Co. "c" \3U' Teunessee Cavalry C 01/25/1901 177 May 1863 to close of war

19 '11ie .ft~nsas 'Family Ji"lStorian,

Phillips, J. A. Co. "8" Frazier's Co., 2~ Arkansas C 05120/1907 179 Regt. Released from Federal prison March 3, 1865 Plunkett, R. D. Enlisted in Pulaski county, C 01113/1914 I 79-A Arkansas 1861 Pratt, Thomas C. Ex-Confederate soldier C 06/27/1901 180 Presley, Ephriam Co. "A" 13 5'" Regt. U.S. Colored US 06/04/1902 181-182 (col.) Volunteers, Civil War Price, J. W. Co. "H" Glenn's Arkansas Regt. C 09/30/1909 183 Dischar~ed 186 Ramsey, T. J. Co. "T" 200 Tennessee Infantry. C, 1112011909 184 Discharl!;ed May 1865. Civil War • Rice,G.W. Co. "G" 1" Arkansas ReJn. C 09/081\902 185-186 Robertson, R. W. Co. "K" 154m Tennessee Infantry. C 09/1211906 187 Cheatham Division. Enlisted May 14, 1861. Mustered out or paroled in 1864 at Hollv Sprinl'(S, Ohio Rodenizer, William Co. "M" I" West Virginia Regt. US 12/07/1920 188-189 Spanish American War Rotenberry, H. F. Co. "H" 44" Alabama Vols. C 09/2211 9021 190 Rowan, I.R. Co. "C" I" Mississippi Infantry. C 0113011904 191 1861-1865 Rowe, Samuel F. Co. "C" 3'" Reg. Indiana. Civil War C 0112711911 192 Ryals, J. A. Co. "8" 4m Mississippi Infantry. C 0113011904 193 Enlisted 1861, paroled at Appomattox Courthouse April 15, 1865 Sassen, Nave Enlisted May 27, 1918 at Ft. Smith. US 111111919 194 Arkansas, discharged December 23,1918. World WarI Sayles. Thomas Enlisted at 8utlersville (Austin) C 0511511906 195 Arkansas. Served from1861-1865 Severance. Daniel Co. "D" 28m Michigan Regt. Civil US 03/0211901 194-197 N. War Severs, Samue I Discharged soldier ofU.S. US 10113/1908 198 Drawing pension of $8.00 per month. Seymour, Freddie 16m U.S. Infantry, Spanish US 1113011912 199 American War. Enlisted in St. Louis, Missouri 1898 Sheridan, H. A. Ex-soldier, Civil War 02/06/1916 200 Shoulders, A. Ex-Confederate soldier C 02/2211901 201 Smith, Asbury W. Co. "K" 2"" Texas Cavalry, Col. C 04123/1914 202 8ailor Smith. Henry P. Co. "G" Georgia Regt. Served until C 05/29/1909 203 close of war Smith, W. T. Co. "F" I" Kentucky Cavalry, C 03/08/1902 204-205 served from 10/811862 to release at Greenville, Tenn .• 1865 Soloman, Ollie Ex-U.S. soldier; lost his hearinl!; in US 09/1511919 206

20 'l1ie .Jl~nsas 'Famitj Jlzstorian, 'VolUme 42, :J{um6er 1-'Marc6 2004

the war Summerhill, T. A. 9" Tennessee Cavalry. Enlisted at C 04124/1907 207 Murfreesboro, Tennessee April 15, 1861 and served until 1865 Sowe ll, H. L. Co. "D" 42'" Mississippi Reg!. C 11107/1906 208 Served in said Reg!. until February 22, 1865 Stacy, George S. Enlisted in Co. "L" 13m Reg!. US 05/0511921 209-210 Infantry at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri on April 24, 1911. Honorable discharge April 17,

. 1914. (Req.license to fish) Stevens (Stephens), Ex-Confederate soldier. On the C 11/1211908 211-212 C.P. record of pensioners from Pulaski County, Arkansas. Stevenson, B. F. 2"" Kentucky Infantry, 1861-1865 C 0112811905 213 Stewart, A. L. Enlisted in Smith County, C 0711511913 214 Tennessee 1861 Stewart, David B. Ex-U. S. soldier. Civil War US 11123/1903 215 Stobaugh, A. J. Co. "F" and other companies, 16m C 1210711906 216 Reg!. Enlisted 10/29/1861 Street, H. L. Co. "A" 16m Tennessee Reg!. C 05/18/1901 217-219 January 1863-May 1865 Swaggot, Christian Co. "B" 3'" Regt, Kentucky C 01102/1913 220 Cavalry. Enlisted at Louisville, Ky. 1864 Taylor, S. S. Co. "A" 4'" Bn. Infantry of South C 09/03/1915 221 Carolina Tedford, C.C. Co. "A" 10m Arkansas Reg!. C 12/0311908? 222 Cavalry Tennyson, Rev. Enlisted as pvt. in Co. "A" 12m US 05/06/1901 223 Addison Regt. U. S. Col. Infantry. Vol. Under name of "Addison Jamison" in Tennessee. Discharged at Nashville, Tenn. 7/24/1863- 111611866. (Pension Claim 1027674, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, DC Thompson, J. B. Enlisted in Cass County, Georgia C 11122/1913 224 1864 Traylor, Joseph B. Co. "E" 13'" Virginia Cavalry. 0211811905 225 9/13/1863-1865 Ware, T.E. Ex-U. S. soldier World War I US 01/03/1919 226 5/2911918-12/411918. Mustered in Pulaski Co., Arkansas Wells, Edwin G. S. Texas Rangers, then transferred to C 07/2411905 227 9th Texas Cavalry. April 1861-1865 Whitehorn, W. E. Ex-Confederate soldier C 08/16/1902 228 Witkowski, leranle Ex U.S. soldier 0412411908- US 07/0111919 229 6121/1910

21 '11ie )lri.g.nsas 'Family 1fuWrian, VolUme 42, g(um6er 1 - 9.iarcn 2004

Whitlock, J. M. Co. "0" 14"' Georgia Regt. March C 03113/1909 230-231 1861-Sept. 1864 Wilkerson, John A. Co. "H" 3" Arkansas Infantry, C 10/10/1902 232 CSA - Co. "8" of same in July 1851.JulyI861-~i1 1865 Williams, G. B. Co. "A" 39m Mississippi Infantry. 06/14/1906 233 July 1863-1864. Civil War Williamson, J. H. Co. "G" 6'" Georgia Cavalry 1861- C 01115/1904 234 1965 Wilson, J. T. Co. "8" 4"' Arkansas Regt. October C 01103/1905 235 1862-1864 Wilson, M. M. McRae's Regt. of Arkansas C 04/28/1903? 231\ InfantIy Wimberly, J. K.· Co. "8" 64 m Regt. State of 1112811909 237 Georgia. Discharged 4/911865 Winn, R. P. Arkansas State Troops for C 1112711911 238 Confederate States - Flannigan's Co., Col. Trader Withers, W. H. 8"' KentuckY Regt. Co. "F" Civil 081141191 I 239 War Woltz, W. H. Ex-U.S. soldier US 01/2811915 240 Wood,J. R. Co. "E" 17'" South Carolina Regt. C 03/15/1909 241 Enlisted February 1852. Served in said company until mustered out in 1865 at Appomattox Court House, Virginia Young, S. W. 6"' Regt. Virginia Cavalry 12/29/1911 242

22 History of Marble Landmark Missionary Baptist Church Garland County, Arkansas

In 1991 Elder Jimmy D. Johnson, pastor of Marble Missionary Baptist Church, compiled a history of the church and published the same in booklet fonn. His introduction to the history credits a number of people, along with the Garland County Historical Society and the archives office in Little Rock, Arkansas, for providing copies of the record books containing the organization, charter members and all the business meetings from 1848 through June 1885.

The church is still active in Garland Connty and is situated in Marble Township. In earlier days Marble Township was large in area and was originally in Saline County. Township boundaries were changed as the area developed, and the township was divitled so that part remained in Saline County and part was in Garland County. A book on this township is being compiled by Garland County Historical Society, 222 McMahan Drive, Hot Springs, AR 719\3, and will be available from that organization. (Copied from flJ'St publication and original spelling retained)

Following is a portion of the history of the church, and the membership roll from the first record book covering 1848 to 1991:

Most likely, the most memorable occurrence in the year of our Lord 1848 would be the gold rush. People by the thousands were headed west in search of riches and a better life.

One of the lesser known routes taken by west-bound travelers was a road out of Little Rock, Arkansas, known as the Little Rock-Mount Ida Road. This route came west out of 12th Street to what is now Paron, then to Beaudry, and westward through now Jessieville, and up what is now state highway 198 into Mt. Ida. From there, it pointed west and connected with other routes in Oklahoma to the westward lands.

Approximately half way between Little Rock and Mt. Ida, a few folk had decided to make their homes along the banks of the clear mountain streams of what was then the northwestern portion of Saline County. (This would later become the northe8st comer of Garland County.)

The official description of this very large and scattered settlement was Marble Township, Saline County, Arkansas. The mailing address was Beaudry, Ark. where the names "Marble" and "Beaudry" originated have been the objects of a long and fruitless search. I have learned that "Beaudry is a French word pronounced "Bow-Ora."

For an idea of the size of Marble Township, using present landmarks, you will readily see the enormity of this frontier community. The eastern line is about two miles east of the present Garland, Saline County line. The north line is the top of Oak Mountain. This is north of the Iron Springs camp ground on Hwy. 7 North, which [is] about five miles north of Jessieville. The west line has been difficult to establish, but it seems to have taken in all the territory up Hwy. 298 to the present Hamilton Church house. The south line was the top of Cedar Mountain, where the entrance to Hot Springs Village is located.

The first known site of the Beaudry Post Office was at the Akin home on Mill Creek, near Newt White's gristmill. The area is presently covered by the waters of Lake Cortez in Hot Springs Village. Beaudry Post Office was later kept by Mrs. Pearl Baldwin, and was under the supervision of Mrs. Eula (Johnson) Rice, when it was discontinued in the mid 1950s.

23 11ie ~~nsas 'Familj Jiutorian, 4'olilme 42, Jofum6er 1 - !Ma:rcli 2004

While the California gold rush is remembered in history, it was by no means the most important event of that year. On Saturday before the third Sunday of October 1848, a small seemingly insignificant group of seventeen men and women met together with two Baptist Ministers for the purpose of organizing a Baptist Church. The location of the place where they met is unknown, but it is very possible, even likely, they met in the home of Mr. Sharp D. Glenn. They were later known to have met there at different times at later dates. Mr. Glenn lived on the middle fork of the Saline River near the present Newkirk Cemetery.

How movement to organize a Church begins is only specUlation. Some of the people had been there for at least ten years. (Sharp D. Glenn moved here on May 12,1838, and he may not have been here first.) It is known that he was a member of the Kentucky Baptist Church, near Benton, Ark., which was organized in 1822.

John Young Lindsey, one ofthe presbyters, was also a member of the Kentucky Church, and a fonner pastore. At this time (Oct. 1848) he was serving as missionary for the newly fonned Arkansas State Convention.

Aaron Boalt, the other presbyter, was the pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church of Benton, Ark. Spring Creek had been organized in 1836.

We are fortunate to have retained the records of this historic event. In January 1967, this writer copied the record of this organization from the original old Church book. Shortly thereafter, this book was horrowed by Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Ark., and during the process of microfilming, all the contents were destroyed. We are thankful, the entire book is on microfilm at the History and Archives office in Little Rock. This record is from 1848 until 1885. The following is a copy of that record. I have chosen to use the same spelling and grammar that they used in 1848.


Be it known to all whom it may consem that we the members of Marble Church constituted this third Saturday in October 1848 into a regular Babtist Church of Christ Jesus by Elder Aaron Boalt & Elder John Y. Lindsey presenting our letters of dismission from different Babtist Churches of Jesus Christ having bin regularly Baptist on a profession of our faith in Christ believing the Church of Christ to be but one in its visible appearance on earth believing at the same time that it is our duty as Christians and members of his body to preserve thee true faith and order of the gospel and to maintain the peace & harmony of Christian union & fellowship a moung ourselves as members of his body to the Glory of God & benefit of his children do therefore a gree for these perposes to give ourselves to God and to each other & united to gether in a Chruch Capasity possessing the right as the Lords free man to give or withhold or do as we Conceive to be right under the gospel with our property or money as we please making neither a bar to Christian union or fellowship and adopting as our faith the New Testament as recommended by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the same time to be govern by rules laid down by him & his Apostles as our Church government done & agreed to this 3th Saturday in Oct. 1848

Anderson Cunningham clerk pro. Copied from the original Jan. 20, 1967, Jinimy D. Johnson

24 'l1ie)frf(pnsas 'FamiEy Jl"lStorian, 'VolUme 4Z, :Num6er 1-'MJm:1i ZIJ(J4


To all to whom it may consern that Elder Aaron Boalt & John Y. Lindsey Regular Ministers ofthe Gospel being a Regular Babtist presberty being called upon by the. following brethren & sisters to wit:

1. Sharp D. Glenn Dead 1863 2. Syntha Glenn Dead 1863 3. Elisabeth Shurley Dismissed by letter 4. Mirna Tyler Excluded June 1861 5. A. Cunningham Dismissed by letter 1871 6. Bethenia Cunningham Dismissed by letter 1864 7. E. H. Quilen Excluded April 1849 8. Malinda Glenn Excluded 1855 9. James Speer Dismissed by letter IO.Elizabeth Speer Dismissed by letter 11. George Speer Dismissed by letter 12. Emely Speer Dismissed by letter 13. James Blocker Dismissed by letter 14. Semantha Blocker Dismissed by letter 15. Elisabeth Speer Dismissed by letter 16. George Blocker Dismissed by letter 17. Morison Cotner Dismissed by letter

Baring letters from different Babtist Churches some by babtism on examining them find them in order & orthordox & did therefore Constitute them into a Regular Babtist Church of Jesus Christ to be intitle to all the right & privileges imminiy as a sovern & independent body or Church endowed with the authority to make her own rules or Laws for her own internal government in conformity to the New testament as a Separate Regular Bahtist Church of Christ by the name of Marble done the Saturday before the third Sunday in October 1848 and sign by the presbyty

A. Cuningham Clerk John Y. Lindsey

From original Jan. 20, 1967, Jimmy D. Johnson


I. Sharp D. Glenn came to Marble and settled on Middle Fork on May 12, 1838. He and his family remained active in Marble Church for several. generations. His son, C. T. Glenn, was a deacon and Church Clerk. This family intermarried with the Newkirks and Youngs. Sharp & Syntha Glenn are the only charter members to remain at Marble until death; Sharp D. Glenn died in 1863.

2. Anderson Cunningham is listed in the 1840 census. He served as clerk in the organization of the church, was the first church clerk and was ordained the first deacon in June 1850. He was one of the few slave owners of the area. He cleared and farmed Cunningham farm which included the Baldwin, Hunter, and Talley farms of today. His property included the land on which Marble Church now stands. At least two of his slaves are buried in the Talley Cemetery.

25 '11ie fl~nsas 'Family Jlistorian, 'Vo(ume 42, :Num6er 1 - 9riarcli 2004

3. The Blocker and Speer families are the forefathers of those bearing these names today. They settled west of Marhle around what became known as Rock Springs. They later became active leaders of the Baptist Church that was organized there. George Blocker was a casualty of the Civil War, being killed by Jay Hawkers while home on furlough in 1863.

4. Morrison Cotner was born in Illinois in 1817 (March 12) of Black Dutch parents. He moved from here to Chismsville in Logan County. He died in 1895 and is buried in Springhill Cemetery (Logan County).

5. Eld. John Young Lindsey was born in Christian County, Kentucky in 1800. He was a charter member of Kentucky Baptist Church near Benton. The first county treasurer of Saline Co. in 1836. He surrendered to preach iu I 842,'pastured Kentucky Church iii 1845, then went on mission field as missionary for the Ark. State Convention. He led in organizing Churches all over central and west Arkansas. His death seems to have resulted from a beating he received while being robbed. Although he lived two or three years, he died Sept. 20, 1866 and is buried in Kentucky Cemetery near Benton.

6. Bid. Aaron Boalt was born in 1796 in South Carolina. He was known to have been preaching in Ark. as early as 1825. Hewas a charter member of Spring Creek Baptist Church in Benton in 1836. He was not ordained until July 17, 1841. He Jed in ordaining the first black man to the ministry in Ark., Wilson Brown, who was a slave, in 1853. He died at his home on the Bland Trail south of Paron in 1861.

7. James J. Cobb, the second pastor at Marble was born in Eastern Tennessee in either 1812 or 1814, depending on which record you use. In 1840 he moved to Flat Creek, Lawrence County, Ark. In the summer of 1844, he along with Eld. P. S. G. Watson, organized a Church in the home of Carney Strangham. Bro. Cobb was called for pastor. Within a short time, they had a meeting house with 12 members. Bro. Cobb was an excellent singer and superior at exhortation. Eld. J. J. Cobb came to Marble as pastor in May 1854 and served the Church almost six years. He was excluded in Feb. 1861 for wishing Melinda Glenn dead and in hell. He also called all Baptist swindlers and left the ministry. He moved to Perry County and resumed his practice of medicine. He moved to Illinois during the Civil War where he died shortly after.


This has been the greatest challenge of the entire undertaking in compiling a history ofMarhle Church. While we have almost a complete record ofthe Church roll, minus those from 1885 to 1890) the paper is old, ink fades, some ofthe names are illegible, making it necessary to look other places, talking to old timers, etc. I suppose a complete roll is impossible, but I have given it my best shot. Some of the names may be misspelled, as they are spelled different in different places. They just spelled them as they sounded to whoever was doing the writing. Several of the members moved off, then came back, sometimes three or four times. Often when this happened, the Church had changed clerks. The new clerk might spell the name different, or use initials, sometimes they would used a nick name.

26 '11itJ(~nsas Pamilj 1r1Storian,

I have tried not to duplicate names, but probably did at times. Then there are different people with the same name, spelled exactly the same. I ran into this in the charter members. There are two Elisabeth Speers; one is a married woman. the other her fifteen year old niece.

Therefore, because of these and other problems not mentioned, I freely admit this roll is not 100% correct. It is, "however, a pretty good list, and with a few exceptions, fairly accurate.

I. Melinda Cotner Dismissed by letter 2. lames Obryant Dismissed by letter 3. Wilson Obryant Excluded July 15, 1855 4. Martha Obryant Dismissed by letter 5. Miley Obryant Dismissed by letter 6. Sarah Stacy Excluded June 1851 7. Nelly Stacy - Excluded - delinquents 7-1855 8. Nobal Stacy Excluded-delinquents 7-1855 9. Gideon Thompson Excluded-delinquents 7-1855 10. Margaret Thompson Excluded - delinquents 7-1855 II. William Smith Excluded - delinquents 7-1855 12. Benjam in Wages Excluded - delinquents 7-1855 13. Minerva Wages Excluded -delinquents 7-1855 14. Elias (Shas) McCool Dismissed by letter 15. Roady McCool Dismissed by letter

Names of Members Received After the Constitution


I. Mary Privette 5-2 L 2. John R. Giles (Minister) 6-4 Dead 3. Wm. J. Neighbors L 4. Mariner Bond 11-2 Dead 5. Elizabeth Smith E (6-1861) 6. Rebeca Wells Baptism L 7. Rebecca Oats 12-3 L (4-1867) 8. Bethenia I. (Glenn) Young Dead (1911) 9. James Crawford L 10. Mary Ann Glenn April L II. Rebeca Alen Baptism (7-1854) E (6-1861) 12. Sarveus Miller Baptism (7-1854) L (3-1862) 13. Christopher Bates Baptism (7-1854) E (6-1861) 14. Charley Oates Baptism (7-1854) L (1870) " 15. Nancy Kilgore Baptism (7-1854 L (5-1862) 16. Mary Ann Glenn Baptism (7-1854) Oead 17. Caloway Bean Baptism (7-1854) E (6-1861) 18. Harriett Killgore Baptism (7-1854) 19. Sarah Crawford Baptism (7-1854) L 10. Jane Garwood Baptism (7-1854) L 21. John Glenn Baptism (7-1854) E(1855) 22. Jacob Wells Baptism (8-1854) Dead 23. Elizabeth J. Geurin Restored (11-1854) L

27 '11ie )I~nsilS Pamify 1f1SWria1l, %[ume 42, 'J{um6er 1 - ~Ii 2004

24. William Geurin Baptism (11-1854) L 25. Elizabeth Geurin Baptism (11-1854) L 26. Elizabeth Shurley L (6-1861) 27. James J. Cobb (Pastor) by letter (9-1855) E (2-1851) 28. Joseph Guest by letter (7-1856) Dead 29. Mary Guest by letter (7-1856) E (10-1861) restore 1882 30. Amanda (Howard) Glenn Dead (1894) 31. Peter Smith by letter (6-1857) Dead 32. Sarah Smith by letter (5-1857) 33. A.S. Glenn E (4-1879) 34. A.I. Ritter L (8-1870) 35. Chery Ritter Baptism (7-1863) L (7-1870) 36. Jane Clubb . Baptism (11-1861) Dead 37. JennettA. Glenn Baptism (2-1853) Dead (1916) 38. Mary Geurin Baptism (6-1863) Dead 39. Nancy Mulky Baptism (8-1863) E(1876) 40. Ann Jordan by letter (9-1863) Dead 41. Zachariah (Green) Jordan by letter (9-1863) Dead 42. John Guest Baptism (9-1863) Dead 43. Louis Legal Restoration (9-1853) E (1868) 44. Martha Oats Baptism (8-12-1866) L (12-1866) 45. Cordealy Roberts Baptism (7-1866) L 46. Elizabeth Dunn Baptism (7-1866 L (5-1898) 47. Mary Hooper Baptism (7-1866) Dead 48. Pegy Ann Dunn Baptism (7-1866) Dead 49. Bertha (Ruth) Ray Baptism (7-1866) Dead 50. Sarah Smith Baptism (7-1866) 51. Emerline Geurin Baptism (7-1866) E (7-1868) Restored 52. Lousisisia Mulkey Baptism (7-1866) L 53. Mary Masner Baptism (7-1866) L (5-1867) 54. Mary O. Geurin Baptism (7-1866) L (10-1877) 55. Sarah Smith #2 Baptism (7-1866) 56. Frances Oates Baptism (7-1866) L (4-1867) Dead 1870 57. Mary Smith Baptism (7-1866) 58. William Oates Baptism (7-1866) L(4-1867) 59. Charles Dixon Baptism (7-1866) E (6-1880) 60. Newton McClure Baptism (7-1866) 61. William Dixon Baptism (7-1866) 62. John Geurin Baptism (7-1866) L (5-1867) 63. Agness Geurin by letter (7-1866) L (5-1867) 64. A. M. Geurin Baptism (7-1866) 65. Elisha Geurin Baptism (7-1866) L (5-1867) 66. Martha Tillery by letter (8-1866) 67. Louiscia Ann Geurin Baptism (7 -1866) E (7-1868) 68. William Morris Baptism (8-1866) L (10-1866) 69. May Morris Baptism (8-1866) L 70. Calvin T. Glenn Clerk & Deacon Dead (1911) 71. Martha Masoner Baptism (8-1866) E (12-2-1871) 72. Mary J. Dixon Baptism (8-1866 73. James P. Howard (Dr.) Baptism (8-1866)

28 '11ie )I~nsas Pamify Jf'lswrian, Vo{_ 42, :Num6er 1 - !Marcli 2004

74. Evaline Howard Baptism (8-1866) 75. T. J. Roberts Baptism (8-1866) L (8-1868) 76. Mary L. Roberts Baptism (8-1866) L 77. James Copelin by letter{ 12 -1866) E (11-1868) 78. Susan Dixon Baptism (9-1866) Dead 79. Jane Akin Baptism (9-1866) dropped 80. Isaac Dunn Baptism (9-1866) E 81. William Glenn by letter (12-1866) L (8-1869) 82. Sarah Evans Baptism (10-1866) L (7-1871) 83. Adaline Johnson Baptism (8-1867) L (9-1869) 84. Joseph Crawford Baptism (8-1867) L (9-1869) 85. Adam Young Baptism (8-1867) 86. Zachariah Young Baptism (4-1868) Dead (1922) 87. Rebecca Oats Dead 88. Francis Oats (9-1870) Dead(l870) 89. Susan Echols Baptism (4-1868) Dead (1870) 90. Daniel H. Smith by letter (6-1868 Dead 91. Amanda Smith by letter (6-1868) Dead 92. Cynthia Ann Glenn Baptism (6-1868) L (9-1869) 93. Albert Howard Baptism (6-1868) Dead (12-1882) 94. Elizabeth Reaves Baptism (6-1868) 95. John Neal by letter (6-1868) E (1876) own request 96. Adaline Geurin Baptised 97. Thomas Hamilton Baptism (6-1 868) 98. Ernaline McCullon 1868 L (10-1870) 99. William Oates 1868 100. Ann Oates 1868 10 1. George Hooper Baptism (7-1868) L (1878) 103. William Geurin Baptism (7-1868) L (1874) 104. Hesikiah Daily Baptism (7-1868) L (1870) lOS. Mrs. H. Daily Baptism (7-1868) L (1870) 106. Ellin Hefley (7-1868) 107. Samuel Simpson (7-1868) E (8-1869) 108. Francis Willhite by letter (1-1 869) L (1878) 109. Susan Geurin by letter (10-1868) 110. Margaret McBee by letter (1869) II I. Martha McBee by letter (6-1869) Dead 112. Sylvania Tillery Baptism (10-1868) 113. James Springer (10-1868) L (1877) 114. David Willhite Baptism (10-1868) L (1878) 115. Isaac Ray (9-1869) 116. Isaac W. Marriott Baptism (9-1869) 117. Jacob H. Geurin Baptism (7-1870) E (1867) 118. John Geurin Baptism (7-1870) 119. Levi Geurin Baptism (7-1870) 120. Carlotta Hains by letter (9-1870) L 121. May Hains by letter (9-1870) E 122. J. M. Amerson by letter (1-1871) L (1874) 123. Matilda Earnest by letter (1-1871) Dead (1873) 124. Matthew Amerson by letter (2-1871) L(1874) 125. Elisabeth Amerson by letter (2-1871) L (1874)

29 '1fte jI~nsas PamiEy JrIStMian, 'VoLUme 42, :Num6er 1 - :March 2004

126. Enoch Causby by letter (8-1871) Dead 127. Clarinda Causby by letter (8-1871) Dead 128. Anny Causby by letter (8-1871) Dead 129. Rhodie Causby by letter (8-1871) Dead 130. Maty Gilbert by letter (8-1879) Dead 131. William Fowler Baptism (12-1871) 132. Jane Geurin Baptism (12-1871) Dead 133. Maty Fowler Baptism (2-1872) Dead (2-9-1873) 134. Theodotia Smith by letter (3-1872 L· 135. Nancy McClure Baptism (1-1872) Dead 136. James H. Mulkey Baptism (11-1872) Dead 13 7. Lidy Ellin Mulkey Baptism (11-1872) Dead \3 8. F. C. Tillety Baptism (11-1872) E (5-1873) 139. Jefferson Howard Baptism (11-1872) E (5-1875) 140. Lucy Geurin Baptism (11-1872) Dead 141. Pheraby Hamilton Baptism (11-1872) E (1876) 142. Tennessee Geurin Baptism (11-1872) L 143. Hesibell Geurin Baptism (11-1872) L 144. Nancy Smith Baptism (11-1872) L 145. James B. Neal Baptism (1-1873) E (1876) 146. Sarah Francis Howard by letter (2-1873) 147. Elizabeth Dunn by letter (2-1873) 148. Lidda Guest Baptism (9-1874) L 149. Nancey E. Heston Baptism (9-1874) L 150. Martha Fowler Baptism (9-1874) L 151. Pherbia Newkirk Baptism (9-1874) E 152. Andrew (Bud) Baldwin Baptism (9-1874) L(1875) 153. T. A. Baldwin Baptism (7-1875) Dead (11-20-1880) 154. Maty (Clubb) Baldwin Baptism (7-1875) 155. Francis Springer Baptism (8-1875) L (1877) 156. E. A.(Manio) Baldwin Baptism (9-1876) Dead 157. Elizabeth Baldwin Baptism (9-1876) Dead 158. Maty White Baptism (9-1876) Dead 159. Maty Corbin Baptism (9-1876) L 160. Jane Corbin Baptism (8-1876) Dead 161. Martha Alezander E (1876) 162. Nancy Neal E (1876) 163. Nancy Dixon E (1876) 164. Adaline Kilgore by letter (5-1877) L 165. Rebecca Corbin by letter (5-1877) 166. Margaret Tillety by letter (5-1877) 167. TheollotierNeigbbors L (10-1878) 168. J. L. Tillety Baptism (5-1879) L (1882) 169. Maty Tillety Baptism (5-1879) 170. Archiball Muse by letter (6-1879) Dead 171. Marthey Muse by letter (6-1879) L 172. Marthey J. Newkirk Baptism (7-1879) Dead 173. Hiram (H:C.) Newkirk Baptism (7-1879) L (1909) 174. Taylor Loveless by letter (7-1879) 175. (missing) 176. Deley Jane Geurin by letter (7-1979)

30 '11ie)f~lI$as IFamiEy Jf"lstorian, 'VoLUme 42, 1(u.. 6er 1-%zrcli 2004

177. John Brooks Baptism (7-1879) L (1901) 178. John Newkirk Baptism (7-1879) 179. Thomas Nuckles Baptism (8-1879) 180. Mary Nuckles Baptism (8-1879) 181. J. T. Kilgore Baptism (9-1879) 182. James Miller Baptism (9-1879) 183. A.J. Bud Baldwin Re-baptised (9-1879) 184. John Howard Baptism (1879) .. 195. Mary Cole by letter (11-1879) 186. Sarah Baldwin Baptism (5-1880) 187. Josetta Riley Baptism (2-1882) L (1885) 188. Tennessee Fowler L (1885) 189. Margaret White L (1885) 190. W. J. Glenn L 19 I. Sarah J. Glenn 192. Dorah L (Smith) Kidd L (1910) 193. Ellin Newkirk Dead (1935) 194. Enos Newkirk 195. Hogan Newkirk Dead (1940) 196. Martha Ellen Newkirk Dead 197. Mayabell Muse 108. David Dawson 199. S. Simpson 200. Emely Baldwin 201. James Newkirk by letter 202. Peter C. Glenn 203. Adalin Kilgore 204. Anderson Cuningham Restored L (1871) 205. Synthia A. Dixon 206. Adline Geurin 207. Isaac Dunn

This concludes the Church roll of the first old book. As you can judge, this list is most likely not complete. In reading the minutes of the business meetings, occasionally I would run across names that had been baptized or received by letter that were not on the rolL A few times I found there was someone been dismissed by letter or even excluded, but could not find the name on the roiL Understand, these names may have been listed, but were lost because of tom pages, faded ink, or other problems that arise in trying to read something that is almost one hundred fifty years old.

31 'lIie ~~nslZS 'Famify :KlStorian, 'Volitme 4Z, Num6er 1 -!March 2004

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Arkansas Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869

Submitted by Nancy Britton, 215 North 80. S., Batesville, AR 72501

National Archives Microfilm Publication M979 Roll 52 [Remarks column contained no data and was elimina1;ed]

"Monthly Rosters of Officers and Civilians Submitted by Subordinate Officers" Report of Civilians employed in the Bureau R. F. & A. L. Little Rock, Arkansas , No. Name Occupation Where Where Annual Born Employed Compen- sation I Henry Page Special Vermont Arkansas $2400.00 Agent & Disbursing Officer Wm. M.Culby Oenl. Sup\. Ohio Wisconsin 1800.00 of Education I W. A. Patterson Clerk Ohio Missouri 1500.00 2 A. J. Thompson Clerk New Jersey Missouri 1500.00 3 John Brooker Clerk England New York 1200.00 4 Arlow Fanning Clerk Ohio Arkansas 1200.00 5 Chas. J. (illegible) Clerk Wisconsin Arkansas 1200.00 6 Fred Krull Clerk Germany Arkansas 840.00 I Enoch K. Miller Agent England Wisconsin 1200.00 1 W. W. Granger Surveyor New York Arkansas 1440.00 I Wm. S. McMillen Painter Arkansas 1200.00 I Frederick Thomas Carpenter Germany Arkansas 1020.00 I Emanuel Akin Messenger Arkansas Arkansas 300.00 I George Frazier Laborer Arkansas Arkansas 300.00 2 Isaac Elder Laborer Kentucky Arkansas 300.00 3 John Brown Laborer Kentucky Arkansas 300.00 4 John Riggs Laborer Virginia Arkansas 300.00 5 Henry Irvin Laborer Alabama Arkansas 300.00 6 Pleasant Mahan Laborer Arkansas Arkansas 300.00 7 Daniel Webb Laborer Tennessee Arkansas 300.00 I Troy Allen Teamster Arkansas Arkansas 400.00

Little Rock, Ark. nf Sept 23 , 1867 Henry Page Special Agent and Disbg. Officer

32 'l1ie )I~Slnsas 'FamiEy 1liswrilJn, 'VolUme 42, 1Vum6er 1 - :Mardi 2004

Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Arkansas Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869

National Archives Microfilm Publication M979 Roll 52

Roster of Officers and Civilians on Duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Pvt. Lands for Arkansas

Bvt. Brig. Gen'l C. H. Smith, Assistant Commissioner STAFF OF ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER Bvt. Brig. Gen. Jno. E. Bennett, U. S. Vols., I" Lieut., 28th US infantty- Acting Ass't Adj. Gen'l 2nd Lieut. C. B. Hall, 28th US Infantry - Special Inspector Henty Page - Special Agent and Disbursing Officer Acting Ass't Surg. E. V. Deuell- Surgeon-in-Chief Wm. M. Colby - Superintendent of Education E. K. Miller - Ass't Superintendent of Education W.W. Granger - Surveyor &c

Acting assistant surgeons: J. E .. Bennett, Fort Smith, in charge of RE & F Hospital 1. O. D. Creaghe, Camden, Ark., in charge of RE & F Hospital J. C. Elliott, Helena, Ark., in charge of RE & F Hospital R. G. Jennings, Little Rock, Ark., in charge of RE & F Hospital J. M. Lewis, Pine Bluff, Ark., in charge ofRE & F Hospital Alfred Mitchell,Washington, Ark., in charge ofRE& F Hospital

Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands For the State of Arkansas Little Rock, Ark. May 1st, 1867

List of Teachers on duty [at Freedmen's Schools] in Arkansas:

Butler, E. M. Butler, Miss S. B. Byers, Mr. Thos. S. Carhart, Miss Emma Clark, Miss Eliza Edwards, Miss Maty ]. Edwards, Miss Lizzie Favers, Miss Maggie Griswold, Miss Ruby Haskell, Mr. Geo. M. Henly, Miss Sarah H. Hitchcock, Mrs. Maty B. Howard, Mr. Dennison Hubbard, Mr. Wm. A. King, Miss Almira

33 'l1ie ~~nsas 'Famifj 1i1Storian, %titme 42, 1(um6er 1 - '.M4rcfi 2004

Lyman, Mr. las. O. Neff,K.M. Pickering, Miss Sarah Pierce, Mrs. Almira C. Stuart, Miss Mary Stickle, Mr. A. B. Stickle, Mrs. Mary S. Stith, Miss Fanny Tenney, Miss Cate B. Webb, Mr. J. B.

I certifY that the above is a correct list of teachers on duty and'entitled under existing Ordeh to purchase rations of the government on the same terms as officers of the army.

Wm.M. Colby Supt. Education for Ark.

[Note: The submitter is interested in knowing if there is a published list of towns in Arkansas where Freedmen's Schools were located. In her interesting article, "Bureau Agents, Post Commanders and Yankee School Marms" Dr. Jane Fagg states that at the end of October 1868, freedmen's schools were operating in new buildings in Helena, Batesville, Lewisville, Camden, Washington, Pine Bluff, Arkadelphia and Fort Smith. Dr. Fagg's article was published in the Independence County Chronicle, v, 25. nos. 1-2 (October 1983-January 1984), pp. 2-36. The list above is found on page 28. Her article also includes drawings of the exterior and interior plans of the school (pp. 43-44).

34 .11ie)l~nsas Pamify JiIStorian, volUme 42, J{um6er 1 - !Marcli 2004

1892 Crawford County News Items

Cole- 10 men. Submitted by Fran Warren, e-mail: S. T. DuVal Camp, Fort Smith, Captain P. T. [email protected]

Van Buren Argus, October 5,1892 Devaney- 65 m~n. THE SUNNY SOUTHLAND John Wallace Gamp, of Van Buren, Captain John Allen- 58 men. Grand Reunion of the Old Heroes of Dixie's Land John B Gordon Camp, Sons ofU C V, By our Special Reporter HWlIington, Captain Eugene Bates- 85 men. It was our good fortune to be present at the Several 'bId Confederate flags were carried in the Reunion of the ex-Confederate Veterans at Ft procession, torn and tattered by bullet, shot and Smith last week. Our sister city had everything in shell. G. P. Holcomb, Paris, Texas, had the flag of readiness for the large crowd, and the Grey and the 2nd Mississippi. It was in the battles of Blue of the county seemed to vie with each other Manassas, Genysburg, and Seven Pines. John Hill in making everyone welcome. The city was Camp had a flag Which was all through the war. decorated everywhere with bunting and flags. Stonewall Jackson Camp had a Federal flag Each command as it arrived was met and escorted captured at Fredricksburg, Va., by Pickett's to the camp ground amid the cheers of the crowds Division. on the streets. Camp John Wallace, of Van Buren, had the old flag of the 22nd Regiment (Wallace's); it was Mayor Cooke delivered an eloquent address of with the Van Buren and Ft. Smith boys at Oak welcome, which was responded to, on behalf of Hills, Elk Hom, Prairie Grove, Helena and the veterans by Hon. J. E. Cravens, in his happiest Jenkins Ferry. It was carried in the parade by Joe manner. After supper, old comrades met, and Clegg, who owns it. Camp Wallace had another many an eye grew dim at the mention of the name flag in the parade, the property ofR. A. Meyer. It of some comrade who had gone over the river to was the flag of the lst Texas Artillery, of which rest on the other side; while band after band filled he was a member. There were many other historic the air with the sweet strains of Dixie and other flags of which we did not get the records, and songs of the days gone by. There were in line in many an old Vet wept when he gazed upon the the grand parade on Thursday, over 1500 veterans tattered banners he had loved so well and while more than 500 were among the spectators followed so faithfully through the long and on the sidewalks, too old and infirm to participate bloody war. in the long march. Among the camps present and Colonel D. W. Moore, who was appointed by regularly enrolled were; General John B. Gordon to organize camps, Stonewall Jackson Camp of Huntington and deserves great credit for his energy and activity in Hackett City- 200 men. the interest of the U C V. Pat Cleburne Camp, of Charleston, Captain Tot Englan was there with the old bugle which Cabell- 117 men. called together the first cavalry company Ben McCullough Camp, Greenwood, Captain (Carroll's) to leave Van Buren in 1861. Tot blew Milam- 100 men the last call of Monroe's Regiment in 1865. Jeff Lee Camp, McAllister, Indian Territory, Rem Smith, an old Van Buren boy, who went Captain Coleman- 50 men. out with the boys in 1861 as drwnmer, and Who B. T. Embry Camp, of Russellville, Captain J. R. carried a drum all through the war, came from Homer Scott- 60 men. Fayetteville to beat the drum for the John Wallace Hill Camp, of Clarksville, Captain J. F. HilI- 125 Camp. men. On Friday the camp broke up, with cheers for Cabell Camp, Bentonville, Captain N. S. Henry- Fort Smith, and separated, all never to meet again 112 men. until the last roll is called on the other side of the Jeff Lee Camp, of Muldrow, Indian Territory, river. Captain S. Byrd- 40 men. We'll be there; we'll be there; When the general Pat Cleburne Camp, Conway, Captain W. D. roll is called, we'll be there. Duroe.

35 'I1U .ftrn,pnsas 'Family lItstoria1l, VolUme 42, J{um6er 1 - %ucft 2004

1905 Arkansas News

Submitted by Jann Woodard, 12008 Ginger Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, Ark. 1905 Lane, Benton, AR 720 I 5 Mrs. Cornelia Steadman, who was the wife Arkansas Gazette Jan. 24, 1905 of the station agent at Bingen, l.T. and was Little Rock, Arkansas shot and instantly killed by robbers there recently, fonnerly resided in Cleveland Cas Garvin, 14 years old, fell on the ice and county, (\rkansas. She was a daughter ofT. broke a leg at Harrison last week. A. Calloway. W. H. Moore of Bentonville slipped and fell Paul Holmes, a brakeman, whose home is at on the ice, breaking two of his ribs. Batesville, fell from the top of a box car Levi Pierce, a four-year-old boy, at between Magness and Newark Monday while Harrison, has a broken leg as the result of the train was running full speed and though coasting. no bones were broken, he received a number Fred E. Rader of Fayettevitle has a position of severe bruises. in the government experiment station at William, the 15 year old son of Lee Rampart, . Hammons, of Omega, was fatally wounded Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Maxwell celebrated on by the accidental discharge of a 22-caliber Saturday in Texarkana, the thirtieth target rifle. He died two days later. anniversary of their marriage. County Clerk Jesse Core of Jefferson A man named Ed Linders was found frozen county met with a painful though not serious to death near his home in Wells Bayou accident at Tucker a few days ago, when a township, Lincoln county, a few days ago. mule kicked him on the leg, inflicting Wm. Salmon of Western Grove was burned injuries that have laid him up at his home. to death near Flippen a few days ago. The Van Buren: Rosa Boice, a 16 year old house in which he was sleeping caught fire Choctaw Indian girl, was caught in the Iron and burned to the ground. Mountain yards here, masquerading in boys A negro named General Fowler was shot clothing, and was taken in custody by Sheriff and fatally wounded accidentally by a white Moore and Constable Ferguson. Her home is man with a Winchester rifle near Ethel a few at Wapanucka, Choctaw Nation, she says, days ago. and she adopted this disguise to escape her While skating on the ice at Melbourne last enemies. She is perfectly rational. Some week Frank Matthews fell and broke his ladies of Van Buren provided her with nose. suitable clothing, and she will be sent home. J. C. Cash, wife and twelve children of En route home from a visit to her son, L. T. Sumner, Mo., have moved to DeWitt, Ark. Kieger, at Pocahontas, Ark., Mrs. V. Kieger, The examination this morning of Grover 61 years old, of Shoals, Ind., died suddenly Stephens for the killing of Ed Robertson last yesterday afternoon. Friday at Warren, resulted in his being placed S. C. Parish, S. D. Wood, C. L. and R. A. under bond to await the action of the next Pickens and W. L. Cordon, who were grand jury. recently appointed to select a site for a national park in the vicinity of the old Pea [1905 was not a very good year for some Ridge battleground, have located a tract Arkansans] comprising 180 acres and they hope to receive help from the national government to aid them in developing it.

36 '11ie JI~nsas 'Eamify Katona", 'IIoru ... 42, 1fum6er 1 - :M.arcli 2004

Arkansas Gazette Feb. 2, 191 I Mrs. John Simpson, at Lutherville Mrs. George Tucker, at Corning Marriages: (announcements only) Mrs. Emily McCoy, at Goshen Mrs. J. C. Johnson, aged 83, at Winslow Sheridan J. D. Goodwin, aged 78, fonnedy of Boone Eldred Hanes and Miss Allie Baggett, near County, at Stratford Springdale Mrs. Marguerite Lewis, aged 77, near Andy Wilson and Miss Forrest Bullock; at Clarksville Des Arc George Tatum; aged 52, at Montana Walter Howell and Miss May Thompson, at Mrs. John A. Hopkins, aged 65, at Searcy Hope Mrs. J. N. Starks, at Gum Springs Macey Rushing and Miss Fay Wright, at Van Dr. J. M. Davis, at Beebe • Buren Dr. J. P. Marshall, aged 66, at Clarksville Walter Robinson and Miss Myrtle Seibert, at Mrs. John W. Meredith, aged 68, near Des Arc Fayetteville Sydney Carroll and Miss Nota Abbot, at S. F. Bass, aged 62, near EI Dorado Reyno Mrs. Ida Phelps, at Magnet Cove William Webb of Corning and Miss Maude Seibert at St. Louis William Calvin Watkins and Mrs. Mollie McCoy, near Hardy Lee County F. O. Glare and Miss Myrtle Watkins, near Ark. Gazette Jan 2_?, 1906, Clinton F. M. Carr, near Bee Branch, and Miss Lucie Marianna, Jan. 24 - County Judge W. T. Bryant at Damascus Derrick stated today that the smallpox Newt Whitz.el and Miss Beulah Johnston, situation is well in hand. In an official near Springdale statement made at the request ofthe Gazette, Felton Hankins and Miss Kathleen? Martin, Judge Derrick said that the situation may be at Warren summed up as follows: deaths 3, recoveries Houston Strickland and Miss Ida Ellis, at 10, cases on hand 7, the latter all doing well. Woodbury M. M. Garrett and Miss Verna Williams, Two camps have been established, one for near Hampton developed cases and the other for those who have been exposed. All the present cases are under rigid quarantine, and all persons who Deaths: have been indirectly exposed have been vaccinated. The smallpox camp is eight miles T. A. McSpadden, aged 82, at Rogers from Marianna. Ladybird Davidson, aged 4 years, near DeWitt (Note from submitter: Does anyone know if Mrs. Ben T. Gotio, at Reydel the "camps" and "pest houses" were one and T. D. Rogers, at Blytheville the same?) Miss Ida Whitten, aged 2 I, at Prescott Bertie Bishop, aged 6 years, at Lamar

37 '11ie jlri.!znsas 'Family 1fl.ftorian, 'VolUme 42, Wum6er 1 -!Marcli 2004

Arkansas Queries General guidelines for submitting queries: 1) Queries are limited to members only located NW of Beryl, AR. Beryl is about 3 2) Please submit no more than one query per miles west of Vilonia. She was the wife of calendar year Dr. George W. Harrod, who moved from :n Keep the query to approximately fifty words Clarksville, AR, after the Civil War. He was 4) Neamess counts! If possible, rype, double Capt. in CSA and practiced medicine in the spaced. Otherwise, print legibly leaving a AR area. Harrod L. Flake, 3709 Idlewild, space between each line. 5) Capitalize surnames North Little Rock, AR 72116 6) Rememberthe 4 W's Who - Give complete names of interest Elliott, EoIT, Fortune, McIntire, Russ, What - What do you want? Keep it short and Vickers are my ancestral lines which to the point merged in Stone County; however, members Where - Locality in ARKANSAS of these families settled in other areas of the state, as well. Related lines, which also came When - Give a time period to AR are Wall, Knox, McCollum. Anyone Since we always work with a large backlog of with these lines is invited to contact Joan queries) we strive to print them in the order in Vickers, 110 Pine Meadows Loop, Hot which they were received. It may be several Springs, AR 71901 months, however, before your query appears. We do use all queries received in a calendar year by Baker, Abner, h. 1812 Georgia, m. before the end of that year. We continue to receive 1864, Amanda?, b. AL 1842. Their finnily on queries with no name and address included. If the Tuscaloosa Co., AL, 1880 census. Children: query gets separated from the envelope, we cannot use it. It simplifies the work of the all­ James M. Baker, child by first marriage b. volunteer staff of this publication if you send your 1842, m. Martha Schermerhorn 14 Dec 1883 query with your membership fee to Arkansas in Pulaski Co., AR; Sarah E. Baker, b. 1864 Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 17653, Little AL; Reuben C. Baker, b. 1867 AL, d. 8 Mar Rock, AR 72212. 1934 in Broken Bow, OK, while living with his brother Joseph; Nancy A. Baker, b. 1870 Gooch, Teal John William Gooch m. Exie AL; Joseph "Simon" Baker, b. 16 Aug 1872 Pearl Teal in OeQueen, Sevier Co., AR. on AL, m. Mary Elvira Holder in Clark Co., AR, 22 Sept. 1904; two of their children were b. on 12 Nov 1890; he d. 3 May 1948 in Broken Sevier Co.: (Granville (1905) and Beatrice Bow, OK, he and wife buried Golden (1907). Looking for other researchers of Cemetery, Clark Co., AR; Charles A. Baker, these families. Mike Hardester, 3118 b. 28 May 1874 AL, m. Elvira Martha Gaitway Ct., Jacksonville, NC 28546-6983 "Mattie" Murphy on II Nov 1896 in Nevada Co., AR; he d. 4 May 1950 in Nevada Co.; Brown, Lang(k)ford, Tilley Interested in he and Mattie were divorced (his wife and these families in Searcy Co. and North Joseph's wife were cousins); Richard W. Arkansas late 1880s; especially on Elisha R. Baker b. 1877, AL. Mrs. Barbara Morrow, 2 Dogwood Circle, Nashville AR 71852- Brown, Sr., a/kIa "Pap" or ~Preacher" Brown. Roger L. Tilley, M.D., 3 Cotswold, 9317 Benton, AR 72015 Power Want to contact anyone interested in Harrod Looking for grave of Pamela the family of John Gaine Power and Jemima Witcher Harrod who d. in Faulkner Co. H. Power, who came to Magnet Cove, AR, 1876-1877, not listed in Census o/Faulkner 1842-1844, and settled. Children: Josiah Cemeteries. She d. in the Brown Community Peter, Elizabeth Kaziah, William Jasper, Samuel A., Mary A., Pinkney Joseph, James

38 .1Iiefl~nsas 'FamiEy Jruwrian, VolUme 42, Num6er 1-!Mardi 2004

Mitchell, John Tucker and Jemima Alice. Kelly, Ellis searching for descendants of Ralph A. Coston, PO Bo:. 163, Warren, Hiram Kelly andlor Josuah Ellis who moved AR 71671; [email protected] from GA to AR cl858. Names include Cook,Lane, Connor/O'Connor, Phillips, Spry, Laws Looking for anyone with these Roberts, Fritts, Herndon, Dutton and many last names. Della M. Rice, 2209 3"' Avenue others. Jonelle Ellis Russell, 4344 North, TeIas City, TX 77590-7215; 409- Brookshire Circle, Santa Rosa, CA 95405- 948-3693 7802; [email protected]. Hiett1Hyatt Looking for infonnation on a Adamson, Freeman Looking for parents of James T. or T. T. Hyatt and family; believed Carrie Adamson, b. 2/6/1 877,GA, d. they had a flour mill in the Fort Smith area 9/2511910, Montgomery Co., AR SHe m. 1870-1890. Would have moved from Fulton Riley Qualls 1895. Also looking for info on Co. after the 1870 census was taken. Pamela Maryann Freeman, b. 1858, Marion Co., AR, Coleman, PO Box 879, Marcola, OR m. John Keeter 1878. Tammy Sanders, 97454; [email protected] 9535 State Rt. 146E, Dongola, IL 62926; [email protected] Calhoun Looking for parents of Benjamin C. Calhoun b. c1835; m. I) Jennie Bess, Childress, Foote, Stevens Nancy Hopper, m. 2) Molly Hardcastle; d. 1895 Caroline Bass, b. 1855 TN, m. Christopher Jacksonville, AR. Verna D. Corder, 2250 Columbus Stevens/Stephens, 16 Dec 1880 in Hwy.9 South, Perryville, AR 72126; Lonoke Co., AR. Twins b. 24 April 1884 in [email protected] Lonoke Co., a boy, Claude L. Stevens, and a girl, Floy Des Ark Stevens. Floy m. Edward Murphy Need help. John Murphy, b. 1800, Jackson Foote in Little Rock 4 Feb 1911. S.C., d. 3-18-1876, Sevier Co., AR, m. Mary Dorothy Main Keys, 1901 Winne Ave., nee Murphy, in J820 in TN. Mary b. 1895 Helena, MT 59601-4706; DEL934 SC, d. 8-14-1875 Sevier Co., AR. Who were; 406-449-2136 their parents? Family tradition suggests John was son of Jesse (Red) Murphy, a fur trapper Lee, Stovall Seeking descendants of/or who m. a Cherokee. Corinne Stevenson, information on Margarett Stovall Lee, b. 9 2816 Maryland AR., Jonesboro, AR Jan 1847 TN, d. 10 Feb 1934, Little Rock, 72401; [email protected] AR, while an inmate of the Arkansas Confederate Home; husband JotID N. Lee, b. BralylBrawley Seek info on Agnes Oct 1845 MS? d. 24 Sep 1913, Carlisle, AR. Braly/Brawley, b. 1877, and Anna Possible grandson Wilson Lee. Judith Braly/Brawley, b. 1883; both Hot Springs, Riddle Parker, 6273 Red Hollow Road, Garland Co., children of George and Birmingham, AL 35215-1077; Margaret Braly. Anna m. Tom Standly. Peter Braly, 8401 S. Kolb Rd., No. 433,Tucson, AZ 85706; [email protected] Rice Would like to correspond with anyone related to Joseph Samuel Rice and Ellen Wilson Looking for Daniel P. Wilson and (Smith) Rice. Lois Foster, 17720 New family. He came from MS to Van Buren Co., Market Road, Dearborn, MO 64439 AR, c 1871. Had daughter Sarah who m. William Henson. Daniel m. 2) Elizabeth Hampton Need any info on the Joel Marshall Scott in Nov. 1880 in Van Buren Hampton in Carroll Co. 1850 census. Did he Co. Lost family after this marriage. Kathryn have a daughter Hannah Harriett? Wilma L. Garcia, 5111 Tiffany Cir., Killeen, TX Jane Buntrock, 434 East Main, Perham, 76549; [email protected] MN 56573-1714

39 .11ie ft~nsas

Beall Russell Beall, was b. 1842, m. Cole Lucinda b. Oct. 1865. Mary Ann m. David Dent 1862. He d. Jacksonville, Pulaski Co., Cloude. After David's death in ? Arkansas, AR, 1885. Who were his parents and women moved to Georgia, possibly Walker siblings? He lived in GA and Carroll Co., Co. Jewel S. Leonard, 6259 Le Road 390, MS, before moving to AR; m. 2) Maria Opelika, AL 36804-1513 Miller. Nina S. Bell, 18009 S. Club Dr., Wellington, FL 33414, 561-795-0436; Martin Seek any info on Samuel and Sarah? [email protected] Martin living in Marion and Newton Counties. In 1880 census, Sarah is shown in Sullivan, Hammon Mary Mildred (Polly) household ofH. T. and Elizabeth Martin, Young, b. 1832 m. I) Gus Sullivan; moved to Prairie Township, Newton County. Margery AR; later m. Dan Hammon. Need death and Wbeeler, 10814 Candlewood, Hou~ton, TX burial for Sull ivan and marriage to Hammon; 77042-1302 do not know where. Marjorie Young, 1633 Dorotby Dr., Grand Prairie, TX 75051; Farley Need info on parents of Ruth Farley, [email protected] b.4 May 1844 TN, d. 16 Aug 1891, Van Buren Co., AR; m. Hugh Y. Rogers in 1858 Ratcliff, Wafford Researching these in in Jackson Co., IL. Van Buren County Saline Co. 1836; Moore, Hall and Barzell in Historical Society, PO Box 1023, Clinton, Rison, Cleveland Co., 1900s; Ellen, AR 72031 Crawford, Bishop, Wright, 1880-90s; and Ascol 1900s in Union Co. Tradition says my Hill Want to locate parents or siblings of husband's grandmother was an Indian on the William Henry Hill, b. March 1840, probably Trail of Tears and left her child in an TN, who m. Aletha Jane Melviney Fowler, b. orphanage in Little Rock. One of the guards 4 July 1850 TN. Their son John Presley Hill on the Trail was the father. The child's name was b. 1880 in Bald Knob, AR. William d. was Cecil Barzell who m. Abraham Ascol in April 1905 in Izard Co; Aletha Jane was lost 1911, per Cleveland Co. marriage records. and never found. In Sep 1943 was in Stone Would like any info on any of these. Co., AR. Connie Pearl, 1309 E. Mt. Marilyn Smitb Ellen, 9210 Haynesville Vernon, Wichita, KS, 67218 Hwy., Junction City, AR 71749; [email protected]

Pilgrim Would like information on Victoria Augusta Pilgrim who m. __Cowger; date and placed unknown. Robert E. Brasber, Jr.,6855 Driscoll, Long Beacb, CA 90815- 4808; [email protected]

Hart, Carter Need information on Jacob Hart, b. c 1823; came to Barry Co., MO c1840; seeking burial site. Charley W. Carter, d. 1871 in Carroll Co., AR. Who was his father? He was b. Jackson co., TN, served in Civil War. Will answer all letters. Georgia Farwell, HC 81 Box 8663, Eagle Rock, MO 65641-9803

West Sylvia West m. Edd BoldonIBoldeniBoldin; two known daughters: Mary Ann Elizabeth, b. 1851 and

40 .11ie .ft~nsas PamiEy Jlrsronan, 'Ilo(ume 42, 9fumlier 1 - *arcli 2004

Book Reviews and Notices

By Russell P. Baker sources of surnames, "where to find" Index to Arkansas' World War I Soldiers A­ information suggestions, glossary of Z by Desmond Walls Allen, Arkansas genealogical terms and abbreviations, place Research, P. O. Box 303, Conway, AR name prefixes, and suffixes, etc, plus tidbits 72033, 6 vols. plus, soft cover, each volume such as the world's worst disaster. Few approximately 250 pages. Write for a price subjects are left out; even internet research quote. Some 65,000 men from Arkansas sites art; listed. This is a wonderfull,ittle served in the U. s. Army during World War book that should be in the back pocket of I. Although these records have been every family historian on every research available at the Arkansas History trip. Just reading it is an education. Commission and State Archives in Little Rock for some time, these are the first Index ofDeath Notices Appearing in The published indexes to appear on the market. Arkansas Democrat - Gazette January 1 to Each alphabetical entry gives the veteran's June 30, 2003 by Oscar Russell, Russell name, service number, race, residence, place Publishing Company, 506 Loop Rd., of enlistment, dates of service, and usually Sherwood, AR 72120-2216,262 pp, hard the date and place of birth. What it does not cover $34 and soft cover $21. Volumes are give is information on the soldier's unit and mailed postpaid. Mr. Russell continues to branch of military service. Copies of the provide Arkansas researchers of all stripes original discharges, containing all of the with a comprehensive index to deaths information, may be obtained from the reported in the largest daily newspaper in History Commission in Little Rock. These Arkansas. Each entry contains the name of World War I records are even more valuable the deceased, the location of their death, in light of the destruction of the original their age, and a complete reference to the Federal Government copies in the 1970s. In newspaper article. Write Mr. Russell for a many cases, these records are the only complete list of his publications. service information for these soldiers that is available. Desmond Allen has also published Russell P. Baker, CA an index to African American Soldiers Archival Manager during World War I and several volumes Arkansas History indexed by Arkansas County. Contact her Commission and State Archives for a current listing of her works. One Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 7220 I Field Guide for Genealogists, second edition, Clearfield Company, Inc. by [email protected] Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 2003, soft cover, 316 pp, index, by Jady Jacobson, $25.95. Contact Genealogical Publishing Co., 1001 N. Calvert Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202- 3897 for more information or a sample catalogue. At long last, a book that fits its name. The genealogical field guide is really a mini encyclopedia of all things a practicing genealogist needs to have at their finger tips. It is a book of lists such as

41 '11ie ~~/lSas 'Family :Ktstorian, VolUme 42, J(um6er 1 - 9ttarclj 2004

Index Washington, 33 Barzell Boalt Arndt Ceci~ 40 Aaron,24,26 Charles, 12 Bass Elder Aaron, 25 Arrbart? Nancy Caroline, Boice Chas.I.,32 George, 12 39 Rosa, 36 Ascol S. F., 37 Boldon/Boldcn/Boldi A Abraham, 40 Bates n Ashley Capt., 17 Edd,40 Abbot Anthony, 6 Captain Eugene, Lucinda, 40 Miss Nota, 37 35 Mary Ann Abeles B Christol'her, 27 Elizabeth, 40 I. I., 12 Batesville, 36 Boleyn Actwelton Badgett Baucum Anne, 10 Lee, 12 1. L., 12 Col. Geo. W., 19 Bond Adams Baggett Beall Mariner, 27 Wood, 15 Allie, 37 Russell,40 Boone Adamson Bailor Bean R. L., 13 Carrie, 39 Col.,20 Caloway,27 BOODeeO., 37 Adkins Baker Beaudry,23 Bound T. M., 12 Abner. 38 Bee Branch, 37 lohn, 9 Akin Charles A, 38 Beebe, 37 Boyd Emanuel,32 James M., 38 Bell Norman, 13 Jane, 29 Joseph "Simon", NinaS.,4O Bracking Alaska 38 Bellamy Thomas G., 13 Rarnp~ 36 Nancy A. 38 W.L.,12 Bragg Alen Reuben C., 38 Belsha Elizabeth. 9 Rebeca, 27 Richard W., 38 J. L., 12 General, 13 Alezander RusseIlP., 12,41 Bengor Richare, 9 Martha, 30 Sarah E., 38 lohn. \0 Bragge Allen Baldwin Bennett __,9 Captain lohn, 35 A 1. Bud, 31 Brig. Gen'l Jno. E., Braly Desmond Walls, Andrew (Bud), 30 33 George, 39 41 E. A (Manio), 30 J. E., 33 Margare~ 39 Troy. 32 Elizabeth, 30 Thomas, 9 Peter J., 39 W.M.,12 Emely,31 Benson BralylBrawley Amerson Mary (Clubb), 30 lohn, 12 Agnes, 39 Elisabeth,29 Mrs. Pearl, 23 Bentonville, 36 Anna, 39 I. M., 29 Sarah, 31 Beso Brasher Matthew, 29 T. A, 30 Fred, 13 Robert E., Jr., 40 Andrews Balisle Bishop Brewer Phillipe,9 Lee, 12 Bertie, 37 N. L., \3 AR Ballew Black Britton Bald Knob, 40 J. I., 12 Alvin, 4 Nancy, 32 Beryl,38 I. N.,12 Blackard Brooker Clark Co., 38 T.A,12 George, 13 lohn,32 Clarksville, 38 Barlow Blakelcy Brooks Conway, 41 ~9 Capt., 12 lohn,31 DeQueen, Sevier Abigail,8 W. E.,13 Brown Co., 38 Arthur, 8 Blakeney "Pap". 38 lacksonville, 40 Edward, 8 Capt., 12. 14 "Preacher", 38 Magnet Cove, 38 Barlowe Blaylock Elisha R., Sr., 38 Nevada Co., 38 Margery, 9, 10 D. P., \3 Frank, 13 Pulaski Co .• 38 Barnes Bledsoe lohn, 32 Van Buren Co., 39 W.R., 12 Capt., 16 John A. (R. 1), 13 Ark. Barron· Blocker lohn C., 14 Benton, 24 J. S., 12 George, 25, 26 T.F., \3 Camden, 33 R.M.,12 lames, 25 Wilson, 26 Helena, 33 Barton Semantha, 25 Little Rock, 33 W. F., 12 Blytheville, 37 Pine Bluff; 33

42 'l1ie llrfignsas 'FamilY JrlStmian, VolUme 42, :Num5er 1 - 511.arcli 2004

Bryant Margery, 8, 9 Colletta D Lucie, 37 Carr John P., S Daily, 29 Buford F.M.,37 Cook Hesikiah, 29 C.O., I3 Carrel Col., 17 Mrs. H., 29 Bullock Col., 14 R. W., 14 Daley Miss FOlTest, 37 Carroll Cooke Lt. Col., 14 Buntrock Sydney, 37 Mayor, 35 Damascus, 37 Wilma Jane, 39 Carroll Co., 39 Cookson Darden Burdell Carter John, 14 J. W.. 14 W.D.,13 Charley W., 40 Cooper Darnell Burges J. W.. 13 Anthony Ashley, 6 Claude H., 14 John, 9 Pres. Jimmy, II Sir John, 6 Davenport Temperance, 9 Cash Copelin Jan Hearn, 3 Burgess J. C., 36 James,,29 Davidson • John, 9 Cauldwell Corbin Ladybird, 37 Bush J. H., 13 Jane, 30 Davis Pres. George W., Causby Mary, 30 AH.,14 II Anny,30 Rebecca, 30 Dr. J. M., 37 Butler Clarinda, 30 Corder Henry A., 14 Miss S. 8., 33 Enoch,30 Verna D., 39 John, 14 Mr. E.M.,33 Rbodie,30 Cordon Lawrence J., 14 Byers Cheatham W.L.,36 Dawson Thos. C., 33 General, 16 Core David, 31 Byrd Cbismsville, 26 Jesse, 36 de Caillouet Captain S., 3S Choctaw Nation Coming, 37 Phillipe,6 Wapanucka, 36 Coston de Romsey Chunn Ralph A, 39 C Sir Walter, 6 R.D.,14 Cotner Walter, 6 Cabell Churchill Melinda, 27 Deckard Captain, 35 Sir Winston, 8 Morison,2S Thomas, 14 Cade Winston, 6 Morrison, 26 Dejean Abigai~ 8 Clark Cowger Capt., 16 Anne, 9 Eliza, 33 _,40 Dent Florence, 8 Clarke Crandan, 12 Cole, 40 Jack,6 W.C.,14 Cranford Pat W., IS Calhoun W. S., 14 F.M.,14 Denick Benjamin C., 39 Clarksville, 37 Cravens Judge W. T., 37 Callaway Clegg I. E., 35 Des Arc, 37 Francis, 6 Joe, 35 Crawford Deuell Giles, 7 Clement James, 27 E. V., 33 Jehu, 7, 8 Josiah, 14 Joseph, 29 Devaney John, 6,7 Clements Sarah, 27 Captain P. T., 35 Levin, 7 J. H., 14 Creaghe DeWitt, 36, 37 Peter, 7 Cleveland Co., 36 J.~. D., 33 Dick Sarah, 7, 8 Clinton, 37 Crockett T.1., IS Sir John, 6, 7 Cloude Major Bob, 14 Dickerson Thomas, 6 David,40 Crompton J. C., 15 William, 6 Elizabeth, 10 Clougout Dixon Calloway Peter, 10 Crow Charles, 28 T.A,36 Clubb John, 14 Mary 1.,28 Campbell Culby Jane, 28 Nancy, 30 R.M.. 13 Wm.M.,32 Cobb Susan, 29 Carhart James 1., 26, 28 Cuningham Synthia, 31 Emma, 33 A,25 Colby William, 28 Carlisle, 39 Wm.M,33,34 Anderson, 31 J. H., 13 Cunningham Dorsett Cole James, IS R.R.?,13 Captain, 35 A,25 Doff earrnen Mary, 31 Anderson, 24, 25 Capt., 14 T. J., 13 T. L., 14. Bethenia, 2S Carpenter Duncan Coleman James, 7,8 Henry, 10 Captain,3S Sarah Alzina, 7 Margare~ 10 Pamela, 39

43 'l1ie }lrk,pRSas 'Family Ji"1Storian, VolUme 42, J{um6er 1 - ?darer. 2004

Dunlap S. T., 15 Deley lane, 30 Peter, 8 Harry W., 15 Farley Elisha, 28 Sarah, 8 Louis, 5 Ruth, 40 Elizabeth, 28 Goshen, 37 Dunn Farwell Elizabth I., 27 Gotio Elizabeth, 28, 30 Georgia, 40 Emerline, 28 Mrs. Ben T., 37 1"""",29,31 Faulkner Co., 38 Hesibell, 30 Gould PegyAnn, 28 Faust lacob H., 29 Mary, 7 W. M., 15 I.M.,15 lane, 30 Goven Durham Favers lohn, 28, 29 Col., 12 lames E., 15 Maggie, 33 Levi, 29 Gowdy Dyer Fayetteville, 36, 37 Louiseia, 28 lames 8., 16 I. H., 15 Ferguson Luey, 30 Granger Dykes Constable, 36 Mary, 28 W. W., 32,33 S. E., 15 I. N., 15 Mary G., 28 Gray Flake Susan, 29 D.I..,16 E Harrod 1..,38 Tennessee, 30 I. H., 16 Flat Creek, 26 William, 28, 29 Griffmg Earnest Fleming Gibson W. 1..,16 Matilda, 29 M.M.,16 I. M.,16 Griswold Eatt Flippen, 36 Gilbert Ruby, 33 Peter, 15 Foote Mary, 30 Guest Echols Edward Jackson, Giles John, 28 Susan, 29 39 lohn R., 27 Joseph, 28 Edwards Forrest, 13 Glare Lidda, 30 Lizzie, 33 Foster F. 0., 37 Mary, 28 Mary I., 33 Lois, 39 Glenn Guidy Eidson Fowler A. S., 28 T. P., 16 Richard A., 15 Aletha lane Amanda Gum Springs, 37 EI Dorado, 37 Melviney, 40 (Howard~ 28 Gurry Elam General, 36 C. T.,25 Charles, 16 Josiah, 15 Martha, 30 Calvin T., 28 Elder Mary, 30 Cynthia Ann, 29 H Isaac, 32 Tennessee, 31 Jennett, 28 Ellen William, 30 John, 27 Hains Marilyn Smith, 40 Frazier Malinda, 25 Carlotta, 29 EllioU George, 32 Mary Ann, 27 May, 29 I. C., 33 Freeman Melinda, 26 Hall Ellis Maryarm,39 Peter C., 31 2d Lieut. C. 8., 33 Byron, 15 Fulk Sarah I., 31 C. A., 16 Ida, 37 Marie, 6 Sharp D., 24, 25 Hamilton Josuah, 39 Futrell Syntha, 25 Pherahy,30 Ely Gloria, 2 W. J., 31 Thomas, 29 Isaac, 15 William, 29 Hamm Emerson G Glubb William I., 16 J. M., 15 John, 9 Hammon' Englan Garcia Walter, 9 Dan, 40 To~ 35 Kalhryn L., 39 Goldstein Hammons Erisman Garrett Moses, 16 Lee, 36 William F., 15 I.M.,16 Gooch William, 36 Ethel, 36 M.M.,37 Beatrice, 38 Hampton Evans Garvin Granville, 38 Hannah Harriett, Sarah, 29 Cas, 36 John William, 38 39 Everett W. B., 15 Goodwin Joel, 39 A.C.,17 Garwood L. D., 37 Hancock Mack, 15 Jane, 27 Gordon A., 16 Gerard General loho B., Hanes F Maric, 8 35 Eldred, 37 Geurin Hankins Fagg Gordy A.M.,28 Felton, 37 Dr. lane, 34 Hannah Adaline,29 Hanks Fanning (Christopher), Adline, 31 8 A. M., 16 Arlow,32 Agness, 28 Faris Lillian, II

44 '11ie)l.~nsas 'Famify 1lisrorian, VolUme 42, Num6er 1- ~arcli 2004

Hanser Paul 36 Jennings John 8., 17 William, 16 Hooper R.C.,33 Kramer Hardcastle George, 29 Jessieville, 23 DavidM.,17 Molly, 39 MOl)', 28 Johnson Krull W. F., 16 Hope, 37 Adaline, 29 Fred,32 Hardester Hopkins Elder Jimmy D., Kyncttc Mike, 38 Mrs. John A., 37 23 A. J., 17 Hardman Hopper Elizabeth, 7 Thomas, 9 lennie, 39 Gen., 16 L Hardy, 37 House Jimmy D., 24, .25 Harlestone J.I., 17 Mrs. I. c., 37 LaDossor Margaret, 10 Howard Johnston Wm. L., 18 Robert, 10 Albert, 29 Beulah, 37 Lamar, 37 Harp Dennison, 33 lones , Larrabee • losh?, Sr.?, 16 Evaline,29 W. D., 17 Ruby Lee, 8 Harrison, 36 I. H., 17 lordan Layman H. A., 16 lames P., Dr., 28 Ann, 28 1. S., 18 Harrod Jefferson, 30 Zachoriah (Green), Le. Dr. Geerge W., 38 John, 31 28 Iohn H., 18 Pamela Witcher, Sarah Francis, 30 lurmyn Ledford 38 Howell Erasmus, 9 E.C., 18 Hart Walter, 37 Lee Iohn N., 39 lacob,4O Hubbard K Haskell Margaret Margarett Stovall, Kalb 39 Gee. M., 33 Harrison, I D.I., 17 Wilson, 39 Hawkins Wm.A.,33 Keeter Lee Co., 37 Katherine, 9 Hudson Iohn, 39 Legal Haynie: C. H., 17 Kelley Louis, 28 A. D., 16 Hughes CoI.,16 Leonard Heffington I. W., 17 W. L., 16 John T., 17 lewel S., 40 Kelly Lewis Hefley I Ellin, 29 A. I., 17 I. M., 33 Hendren I.T[lndian Territory). Hiram, 39 Lincoln Co., 36 I. H., 16, 17 Bingen, 36 Kenady Linder Henly IL Green B., 17 Myer,18 Sarah H., 33 lackson Co., 40 Kentucky Linders Henry Ind. Christian Co., 26 Ed,36 CapL,18 Shoals, 36 Keys Lindsey Captain N. S., 3S Irvin Dorothy Main, 39 Elder John Y., 25 Henry VII, 10 Henry, 32 Kidd I. C., 18 Henry VIII, 7 Irvine Dorab L. (Kidd), John Y., 25 Henson Sherry, 2 31 John Young, 24, William, 39 Kieger 26 L. T., 36 Little Rock, 23, 39, Heston J Naneey E., 30 Mrs. V., 36 41 Hill Jackson Kilgore Logan Captain 1. F., 3S D. H., 17 Adalin,31 Samuel D., 18 Iohn Presley, 40 Marshall, 17 Adaline,30 Loveless WilHam Henty, 40 S.R.,17 I. T.,31 Taylor, 30 Hilton Stonewall, 16 Naney, 27 Lovill Lillian Cordelia. 7 Iacobson Killgore Wm.,18 Hitch Jody,41 Harriett, 27 lowe MOl)', 7 lamell King J. Mark, 2 Hitchcock Salem, 17 Almira, 33 Lowry MOl)' B., 33 Jamison W. S.?, 17 F. L .• 18 Holcomb Addison, 21 King Edward VI, 7 Lucas G. P.,35 Iefferson Kinsolving I. T., 18 Holder : Thomas. II W. S.?, 17 Lutherville; 37 MOl)' Elvira, 38 Jefferson Co., 36 Kirkland Lyman Holmes Jcmcll M. S., 17 Jas. 0 .• 34 I.M.,17 led 0.,17 Kirkwood

.. 45 '11ie fl~nsll5 'Famify 1flSf

William, 28, 29 M F. K., 19 Mulkey McMichael James H., 30 Oats Magness, 36 J. F., 19 Lidy Ellin, 30 Froncis, 29 Magnet Cove, 37 McMillen Lousisia, 28 Martha, 28 Mahan Wm. S., 32 Mullcy Rebecca, 27, 29 Pleasan~ 32 McPherson Nancy, 28 Obl)'ant Manners C. R., 19 Murphy 'James, 27 Elizabeth, 7 McSpadden Elvira Martha Martha, 27 Marianna, 37 T. A., 37 "Mattie". 38 Miley, 27 Marion Medlock Jesse (Red), 39, Wilson, 27 B., 18 Col., 14 John, 39 OK Marion Co., 39, 40 Melbourne, 36 Mary, 39 BrokenBow, 38 Marriott Meredith Muse Omega, 36 Isaac W., 29 Mrs. John W., 37 ArchilJ;dl, 30 Ostrowski • Marshall Merriday Marthey,30 Julius, 19 Dr. J. P., 37 Eleanor, 8 Mayahell, 31 Oversm:et Martin Midgett Myers J. H., 19 Kathleen?, 37 . N.,18 H. H., 18 Samuel, 40 Milam Ly---,1O p Sarah?,40 Captain,35 Page Masion Miller N Henl)', 32, 33 Thomas, 10 E. K.,33 Masner Enock K., 32 Neal Parish S. C.,36 Mary, 28 James, 31 James B., 30 Parker Masoner Maria, 40 John, 29 Abigail, 10 Martha, 28 Sharveus, 27 Nancy, 30 Agnes, 9 Massey Mills Neff Anne, 10 J. K .. 18 Elizabeth, 10 K.M.,34 Capt. Wm., II Matthews Elizabeth Neighbors Frank, 36 (Rumboll), II Theollotier, 30 Constance, 10 Elizabeth, 9, 10 Maxwell Peter, 6, 10, 11 Wm. J.,27 Mr. and Mrs. E. Milner Newark, 36 George. 8, 9, 10 N.,36 Newkirk, 31 John, 6, 8, 9, 10, Pau~2 .'':;> McBee Misenheimer Ellin, 31 11 < Margaret, 29 J. H., 18 Enos, 31 Judith. 9 Judith Riddle, 39 .", Martha, 29 Mitchell Hiram (H.C.), 30 Major George, 8 McCaslin Alfred,33 Hogan, 31 Capt.. IS Mo. James, 31 Mar~1O Margaret Pierce, 9 McClure Sumner, 36 John, 31 Margel)',9, 10 Nancy, 30 Montana, 37 Martha Ellen, 31 MargeI)' Pike, 9 Newton, 28 Montgomel)' Marthey J., 30 Marie, 10 W. W.,18 1. R., 18 Pherbia, 30 McCool Montgomery Co., 39 Newton Co., 40 Mary, 9 Matbew,10 Elias (Shas), 27 Moody Nixon Nichalas,9 Roady, 27 J. G., 18 W. H., 19 Norfleet Nicholas, 9 McCoy Moore Mrs. Emily, 37 Colonel D. W., 35 J.A.,19 Priscilla, 7, 8 Mrs. Mollie, 37 Sheriff,36 Nowell Prudence, 9 McCuUoD W. H.,36 0.,19 Ro~IO Sir George, 9 Emaline,29 Moreland Nowlin McDade Col., 16 C. W., 19 Temperance, 9 W. S.,18 Morgan Nuckles William, 9, 10 McDaniel Asa. 12 Mary, 31 WilImo~ 9 Frank, 19 George G., 5 Thomas, 31 Wilm~9 McDowell Morris Wm., 10 T. H., 19 May, 28 0 Parks McGraw William,28 M.M.,19 George W., 19 O'Donnell Paron. 23 Morrow Charles C., 19 McKenzie Mrs. Barbara, 38 Parsel? I. C., 19 Oates Tom, 19 MS Ann, 29 McKeown Carroll Co., 40 Paryell David,I9 Charley, 27 Mllda, 23 Henl)',·10 McLemore Frances, 28

46 '11ie)f~nsas 'Family JtIStDrian, 'Vow"",42, :Num6er 1-fMarcli 2004

Pate J. W.,20 Rodenizcr ~9 Ollie, 19 Privette William, 20 Sheers Patterson Mary, 27 Rogers, 37 Mary, 9 1. M .• 19 Pulley Hugh Y., 40 Sheridan W.A.,32 Benjamin, 7, 8 T. D., 37 H. A., 20 Payne Narcissa Jane, 7, 8 Roggett Shoulders Joan, 6 Pyke Wilmott, 9 A., 20 John, 6 Margery, 10 Rotenbc:ny Shurley Pea Ridge, 36 H.F.,20 Elizabeth, 25, 28 Pearl Q Rowan Simpson Connie, 40 1. R., 20 Mrs. John, 37 Peascod Qualls Rowe S.,31 . Wm.,IO Riley, 39 Samuel F., 20 Samuel, 29 Peterson Queen Victoria, 6, 8 Rumboll., Singleton 1. N.?, 19 Quilen Elizabeth, 6 HE., 10 • Phelps E. H., 25 Francis, 6 Siverlock Mrs. Ida, 37 Wilmot, 10 Wm., 10 Phillips R Rumbull Smith 1. A., 20 Elizabeth C, 10 Rader Amanda, 29 Pickens Francis, 10 AsbwyW.,20 Fred E., 36 C. L., 36 Ramsey Rushing Brig. Gent C. H., R. A., 36 Macey, 37 33 T.J.,20 Pickering Russell Daniel, 29 Rawlings Sarah, 34 Jonelle Ellis, 39 ElilJlbeth, 27 John, 10 Pierce Oscar, 41 General Preston, Ray Barbara, II Rust 16 Bertha (Ruth), 28 Judith, 9 General. 17 HenryP.,20 Isaac, 29 Levi,36 Ryals Mary,28 Reaves Margaret, 10 J. A.. 20 Nancy, 30 Elizabeth, 29 Mrs. Almira C, 34 Peler,28 Relph Prs. Franklin, II Rem, 35 Mary,7 S Thomas, 9 Sarah, 8, 28 Reydcl,37 Pike Salmon Theodotia, 30 Reyno,37 Margery. 10 Wm .• 36 Tho, 10 Reynolds Pilgrim Sanders W.T.,20 Cicely. II Victoria Augusta, Tammy,39 Rice William. 27 40 Sassen Smithe DellaM.,39 Plunkett Nave, 20 Thomas, 10 Ellen (Smith), 39 R.D.,20 Sayles Soloman G. W.,20 Pocahontas, 36 Thomas,20 Ollie, 20 Joseph Samuel, 39 Power Schennerhom Sowell Mrs. Eula Elizabeth Kaziah, Martha, 38 L .. 21 (Johnson ), 23 H. 38 Scolt Speer Riggs James Mitchell, 39 Captain 1. R. Elisabeth, 25 lohn, 32 Jemima Alice., 39 Homer. 35 ElilJlbeth, 25 Riley lemima 38 Craig Robert, 2 Emely,25 H.. Joselta, 31 lohn Galne, 38 Elizabeth Genrge,25 Rishton lohn Tucker, 39 Marshall, 39 lames, 25 Joan, 8 Searcy,37 Josiah Peter. 38 Ritter Speers Mary A, 38 Seibert Elisabeth, 27 A 1.,28 Pinkney Joseph, Maude, 37 Springdale, 37 Chery. 28 38 Myrtle, 37 Springer Roane Samuel A, 38 Severance Francis, 30 Gen., 19 William lasper, 38 Daniel N .• 20 James, 29 Roberts Pratt Severs St. louis, 37 Cordealy, 28 ThomasC,20 Samuel, 20 Stacy Mary L., 29 Predis Sewell Genrge S., 21 T.J.,29 Wm.,9 Francis, 10 Nelly, 27 Robertson Prescott, 37 Seymour Nobal,27 Ed, 36 Presley Freddie, 20 Sarah, 27 R. W.,20 Ephriam, 20 Thomas,7 Standly Robinson Sheares Tom, 39 Price Waller, 37

47 'l1ie)f.'~SJnsas PamiEy Jfistorilln, %Cume 42, !J{um6er 1-'Marcli 2004

Starks Capt., \3 Vite Newt, 37 Mrs. 1. N., 37 S. S., 21 Intermeria, 10 Wilcocks Steadman Teal _,9 Mrs. Cornelia, 36 Exie Pearl, 38 W Wilkerson Stephens Tedford John A., 22 Grover, 36 C. C.,21 Wages Willhite Stevens Tenney Benjamin, 27 David,29 Claude L., 39 Cate B., 34 Minerva, 27 Francis, 29 Floy Des Ark, 39 Tennyson Walker Williams Stevens (Stephens) Rev. Addison, 21 ·Capt., \3 G. 8., 22 C. P.,21 Texarkana, 36 Wallis Vema, 37 Stevens/Stephens Texas Henry, 9 WilliamsOn Christopher Paris, 35 Ware 1. H., 22 Colwnbus, 39 Thomas T.\21 Wilmott • Stevenson Frederick, 32 Warren, 7 William, 9 B. F., 21 Thompson Fran, 35 Wilson Corinne, 39 A. J., 32 Walkins Andy, 37 Stewart Capt. lames, 14 George Evan, 7 Danie1P.,39 A.L.,21 Gideon, 27 Kirby D., 6 J. T., 22 David 8.,21 1. B., 21 Kirby Dewitt, 8 M.M.,22 Stickle Margaret, 27 Myrtle, 37 Sarah,39 A. B., 34 May, 37 William Calvin, Wimberly Mrs. Mary S., 34 Tillery 37 1. K.,22 Stith F.C., 30 Watson Wino Fanny,34 1. L., 30 S.G., 26 R. P., 22 Stobaugh Margare~ 30 Weatherspoon Winslow, 37 A. J., 21 Martha, 28 Maj., 19 WitherS Stower Mary, 30 Webb W.H.,22 Angello, 10 Sylvania, 29 Daniel,32 Witkowski Strangham Tilley J. B., 34 Jeranle,21 Carney, 26 Roger L.,M.D., 38 Robe~ 5 Woltz Stratford, 37 Traylor William, 37 W. H., 22 Street Ioseph B., 21 Wells Wood H. L.,21 Truitt Edwin G. S., 21 J. R., 22 Strickland Eleanor Iacob,27 S. D., 36 Houston, 37 (Merriday), 8 Rebeca, 27 Woodard Stuart George, 8 Western Grove, 36 Jann,36 Mary,34 Tabitha, 8 Wheatley Wright Suffridge Tucker, 36 Seth,7 Fay, 37 Buford,2 Mrs. George, 37 Wheeler Sullivan Tyler Margery, 40 V Gus, 40 Mirna, 25 White Summerhill Margare~ 31 Young Mary, 30 T. A., 21 V Adam, 29 Swaggot Newt, 23 Bethenia J. Christian, 21 Va Whitehorn (Glenn),27 Fredricksburg, 35 W. E., 21 Marjorie. 40 Van Buren, 36,37 Whitlock Mary Mildred T Van Buren Co., 40 J.M.,22 (PoIlY),40 Tatum Vickers Whitten S. W.,22 George, 37 loan, 38 Ida, 37 Zachariah,29 Taylor Vilonia, 38 Whitzel