Curriculum Vitae (April 2016)

Scott D. Campbell Associate Professor of Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning 2000 Bonisteel Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2069 [email protected] (734) 763-2077 (w) (734) 214-9591 (h) web page:

Academic Degrees: 1990 University of California, Berkeley Ph.D., Department of & . 1985 University of California, Berkeley M.C.P., Department of City & Regional Planning. 1980 Stanford University B.A.S., German Thought & Literature; Environmental Earth Sciences.

Other Education: 1986-87 Technische Universität Berlin, West Germany. DAAD Fellowship. Guest of the Institute for City and Regional Planning. 1980-81 Freie Universität Berlin, West Germany. Winner of the Stanford/Freie Universität Fellowship. Research on urban sociology and geography. 1979 Stanford Program in Berlin, West Germany.

Teaching Positions: 2006 - present Associate Professor, Urban and Regional Planning Program, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan. 1998 - 2006 Assistant Professor, Urban and Regional Planning Program, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan. 1998 Adjunct Professor, Urban Studies Program, University of Pennsylvania. 1998 Adjunct Professor, Growth and Structure of Program, Bryn Mawr College. 1990 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Policy Development, . 1989 Teaching Associate, Dept. of City & Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley. 1983-88 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of City & Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley.

Research Positions: 1992-97 Deputy Director, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Rutgers University. 1992-93 Fellow, Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Cultures, Rutgers University. Project: transnationalism and globalization. 1991-92 Acting Director, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Rutgers University. 1991-92 Senior Scholar, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University. CV - Campbell

1990-91 Visiting Scholar, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University. 1990, 1991 Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, Stanford University. (summers) 1989-90 Research Fellow, Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Rutgers University. 1984-89 Research Assistant, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley. Projects: evaluation of industrial development strategies in Oakland; impact assessment of defense spending in the U.S. 1984-85 Assistant Editor and co-founder, Berkeley Planning Journal. 1983 Research Intern, Association of Bay Area Governments, Berkeley, CA. 1982 Research Intern, Bendix Environmental Research, Inc., San Francisco.

Fellowships and Awards: Rackham Spring/Summer Research Grant (2011) Rackham Spring/Summer Research Grant (2008) Faculty Fellowship, Rackham Summer Interdisciplinary Institute, University of Michigan (2002) "Classic Article from the Journal of the American Planning Association (The Essential Planning Library)" designation [from the period of 1915 – 2001] for "Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development." (2001). Faculty Research Fellowship, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning (Winter 2001). "Most Valuable Planner" Award, Urban and Regional Planning Program (from the Graduating Masters of Urban Planning students), University of Michigan (2000). Rackham Faculty Research Grant, University of Michigan (1999-2000) National Planning Award (1997) for Best Article from the American Planning Association ("Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development," Journal of the American Planning Association, 1996). Research Council Grant, Rutgers University (1994/95) Research Council Grant, Rutgers University (1993/94) Faculty Fellowship, Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Cultures, Rutgers University (1992/93) Research Council Grant, Rutgers University (1991/92) Visiting Scholarship, the Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University (1990/91). Post Doctoral Fellowship, the Project on Regional and Industrial Economics, Rutgers University (1989/90). The Charles M. Tiebout Prize (awarded by the Western Regional Science Association for the best student paper in regional science) (1989). DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Fellowship (1986/87). University of California Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (1985; 1986; 1988). University of California Regents Fellowship (1983-85). Stanford University/Freie Universität Berlin Fellowship (1980/81). California State Scholarship (1976-80).

RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP Books: Susan S. Fainstein and Scott Campbell (eds.). Readings in Planning Theory. 3nd edition. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, (2011). Susan S. Fainstein and Scott Campbell (eds.). Readings in Urban Theory. 3rd edition. Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, (2011). The Imagined Capital: the of Berlin and the Symbiotic Evolution of City and Nation-State.

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(completed manuscript under review) Scott Campbell and Susan S. Fainstein (eds.). Readings in Planning Theory. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell, (2003). Susan S. Fainstein and Scott Campbell (eds.). Readings in Urban Theory. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell, (2002). Susan S. Fainstein and Scott Campbell (eds.). Readings in Urban Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. Scott Campbell and Susan S. Fainstein (eds.). Readings in Planning Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. Ann Markusen, Peter Hall, Scott Campbell and Sabina Deitrick. The Rise of the Gunbelt: The Military Remapping of Industrial America. New York: Oxford University Press. (1991).

Peer-Reviewed Publications Articles: Planning for Deep-Rooted Problems: What Can We Learn from Aligning Complex Systems and Wicked Problems? Planning Theory and Practice, 2015, Vol. 16, No. 4, 457–478 (co-author: Moira Zellner). “Peter Hall Tours the Gunbelt (and Other Side Trips to the Legacies of Ebenezer Howard),” Built Environment 41 (1), 2015: 92-102. (co-author: Sabina Deitrick) “Sustainable Development and Social Justice: Conflicting Urgencies and the Search for Common Ground in Urban and Regional Planning,” Michigan Journal of Sustainability, Vol 1., 2013. "Is 'Progress' no longer Progressive? Reclaiming the Ideology of Progress in Planning," manuscript solicited for the lead "Longer View" article in the Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA). paper under second round of revisions "Skeptics and True Believers: Has the Ideology of Sustainable Development Transformed Planning Theory?" Planning Theory (submitted in 2005; revise and resubmit). "Case Studies in Planning: Comparative Advantages and the Problem of Generalization," accepted (with revisions) at the Journal of Planning Education and Research. "The Promise of Regional Planning: Idealism versus Institutions," accepted (with revisions) by the Journal of Planning Education and Research. "Integrating Economic and : The Regional Perspective," accepted (with revisions) for publication by the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. "Berlin, German National Identity, and the Capital City Controversy," under review at Environment and Planning D: Society & Space. "Capital Accumulation and Capital Reconstruction in Berlin: A Reply to Peter Marcuse," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 23 (1), 1999: 173-9. "Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development", Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 62 (3): 296-312, Summer 1996. (*Winner of the 1996 Best Article Award from the APA, and selected by APA as one of the classic readings in the field since 1915; reprinted in Classic Readings in Urban Planning (Jay Stein, ed.), APA Planners Press, 2004). "Interregional Migration of Defense Scientists and Engineers to the Gunbelt during the 1980s," Economic Geography, Vol. 92, No. 2 (1993). 204-23. "The Geography of Defense Production: Conceptual Issues." Berkeley Planning Journal. Vol. 3, No. 1. (1986). pp. 105-118.

Book Chapters: “Megaregions and Sustainability,” in Megaregions: Planning for Global Competitiveness, Catherine Ross (ed), Island Press, 2009, pp. 127-139.

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"Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development," in Bergh, Jeroen C.J.M. van den, Kenneth Button, and Peter Nijkamp, eds. 2007. Environmental Planning (Classics in Planning Series): Edward Elgar. "Introduction: The Structure and Debates of Planning Theory," with Susan S. Fainstein, in Scott Campbell and Susan S. Fainstein (eds.). Readings in Planning Theory, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell, (2002), pp. 1-16. "Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development," in Scott Campbell and Susan S. Fainstein (eds.). Readings in Planning Theory, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell, (2002), pp. 435.58. "Theories of Urban Development and their Implications for Policy and Planning – an Updated View," with Susan S. Fainstein, in Susan S. Fainstein and Scott Campbell (eds.). Readings in Urban Theory, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell, (2002). "Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities? Urban Planning and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development", in David Satterthwaite (ed), Sustainable Cities, Earthscan Publications (UK) / Island Press (US), 1999. "The Structure and Debates of Planning Theory," with Susan S. Fainstein, in Scott Campbell and Susan S. Fainstein (eds.). Readings in Planning Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. (March 1996) "Theories of Urban Development and their Implications for Policy and Planning," with Susan S. Fainstein, in Susan S. Fainstein and Scott Campbell (eds.). Readings in Urban Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. (March 1996) "Increasing Trade, Declining Port Cities: Port Containerization and the Regional Diffusion of Economic Benefits," in Helzi Noponen, Julie Graham and Ann Markusen (eds.), Trading Industries, Trading Regions, (1993) New York: Guilford Press. pp. 212-255. "Rüstungsindustrie und Regionalökonomie: Standortstrukturwandel einer Leitindustrie und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Region Boston" ["Defense Industries and Regional Economics: Regional Transformation of a Strategic Industry and its Impacts on the Boston Region"], in Ulrich Becker and Annalie Schoen (eds.) Die Janusgesichter des Booms: Strukturwandel der Stadtregionen New York und Boston, Hamburg: VSA-Verlag. (1989). pp. 90-103. "Environmental and Political Constraints [of Steel Industry Development in California]", in Ann Markusen and Julia Parzen (eds.), A Prototype Industrial Policy Study of the California Steel Industry. Sacramento: California State Senate Office of Research. (1983) pp. 101-111.

Other Publications: Articles Ann Markusen, Peter Hall, Sabina Deitrick and Scott Campbell. "Response to [Elizabeth] Bury, [How Important is the Gunbelt: Some Empirical Evidence]," Berkeley Planning Journal. Vol. 7. (1992). pp. 121-8. "The End of the Cold War in Los Angeles and Berlin or: A Tale of Two (Military-Industrial) Cities," Occasional Paper No. 12, Programme in Strategic Studies, , (Sept., 1990). pp. 175-92.

Reviews: Review of Philip Allmendinger (2001), Planning in Post-Modern Times. in the Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2002). co-authored with Sonia Hirt. pp. 202-4. Review of Karen Stromme Christensen (1999), Cities and Complexity: Making Intergovernmental Decisions, in the Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 67 (1), 119-120 (Winter 2001)

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Review of Jeffry M. Diefendorf (1993), In the Wake of War: The Reconstruction of German Cities after World War II, in the Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol. 61, No. 3, Summer (1995): 404- 5. Review of Edward W. Soja (1989), Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory. in the Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 11, No. 2 (1992). pp. 162-3. Review of T.H. Elkins (1988), Berlin: The Spatial Structure of a Divided City, in the Journal of Regional Science. (May 1989).

Working Papers/Discussion Papers: "Skeptics and True Believers: Has the Ideology of Sustainable Development Transformed Planning Theory?" Urban and Regional Research Collaborative Working Paper URRC 03-9 (2003). [] "The Enduring Importance of National Capital Cities in the Global Era," Urban and Regional Research Collaborative Working Paper URRC 03-8 (2003). [] "Unpacking the Impetus for Regional Planning in the U.S.: Cooperation, Coercion and Self-Interest" Urban and Regional Research Collaborative Working Paper URRC 02-8 (2002). Co-authored with Philip D'Anieri. "Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities," Center for Sustainable Development Discussion Paper, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, 2002. "Case Studies in Planning: Comparative Advantages and the Problem of Generalization," Urban and Regional Research Collaborative Working Paper URRC 02-7 (2002). "Berlin and Washington, D.C.: the Development and Economies of Capital Cities," Urban and Regional Research Collaborative Working Paper URRC 01-1 (2001). "Integrating Economic and Environmental Planning: The Regional Perspective," Working Paper No. 43, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University. (1992). "The Telecommunications Service Sector: Industrial Trends and Prospects for Oakland." Working Paper. Berkeley: University-Oakland Metropolitan Forum, University of California. (1989). "Transformation of the San Francisco Bay Area Shipping Industry and Its Regional Impacts". Working Paper No. 454. Berkeley: Institute of Urban & Regional Development, University of California. (December 1986).

Papers Presented at Professional Meetings: “Unsustainability as a Chronic, Manageable Disease? Alternatives to Sustainability-as-Equilibrium,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct 22 – 25, 2015, Houston, TX. “Sustainability cannot stand still: the unavoidable evolution of a planning ideal through the confrontation between environmental and social justice,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2014, Philadelphia. “New Tools for Deep-Rooted Problems: Using Complex Systems to Decode and Plan for Wicked Problems in Socio-Ecological Systems,” presented at the "Wicked Problems in Socio-Ecological Systems Symposium," Oct 26-27, 2013 at the University of California, Berkeley (College of Environmental Design). “The Evolution of “Progress” in Planning and its Rival Narratives: Anti-Modernism and Sustainability,” paper presented at the 15th National Conference on Planning History, Society for American City & Regional Planning History, October 3-6, 2013, , Canada. “The Ideology of Progress through Four Planning Eras: Progressive, Modernist, Urban Crisis, Sustainable,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference,

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Nov 1-4, 2012, Cincinnati OH. “New Tools for Deep-Rooted Problems: Using Complex Systems to Decode Wicked Problems,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Conference, Oct 13-16, 2011, Salt Lake City, UT (co-author: Moira Zellner). “Planning and the Culture Wars: Partisans, Pacifists or Neutral Mediators in the Secular-Fundamentalist Divide?,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct, 2010, Minneapolis, MN. “Free-marketers on the way up but planning interventionists on the way down? Economic crisis and planning’s rescue narrative from the Great Depression to the Crash of 2008-9,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct, 2009, Crystal City, VA. “The Return of Modernist Urbanism? The Prospects and Implications of Modernism’s Rehabilitation in Urban Planning,” paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association Conference, March 5-7, 2009, Chicago, IL “Myth and Rationalization in Planning History/Theory: the case of the naïve modernist planner,” presented at the Joint Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning and Association of European Schools of Planning International Congress, Chicago. July 2008. “The Imperative of Growth, the Rhetoric of Sustainability: the Divergence of the Ecoregion and the Global Megaregion?” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct 18-21, 2007, Milwaukee, WI. “Making Analogies, not Generalizations: Planning Case Studies, Professional Knowledge and Theory Building,” paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 8 – 12, 2006, Ft. Worth, TX "Planning Theory, Intellectual Legitimacy and the Elusive Search for Basic Research in Urban Planning," formal paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct. 27- 30, 2005, Kansas City, MO "Reconciling Nostalgia and Futurism in Planning," roundtable organizer and speaker, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct. 27-30, 2005, Kansas City, MO "Is 'progress' no longer progressive? The ideology of 'progress, and planning thought," formal paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct. 21-24, 2004, Portland, OR "Whose History? Conventional and Controversial Uses of 'The Past' in Planning," roundtable organizer and speaker, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Oct. 21-24, 2004, Portland, OR "Skeptics and True Believers: Has the Ideology of Sustainable Development Transformed Planning Theory?" formal paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 21-24, 2002, Baltimore, MD (session organizer of "Planning, Sustainable Development and Shifting Paradigms"). "The Ideology of "'Progress' in Planning," roundtable organizer and speaker, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 21-24, 2002, Baltimore, MD "Unpacking the Impetus for Regional Planning in the U.S.: Cooperation, Coercion and Self-interest," formal paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 8- 11, 2001, Cleveland, OH "The Construction of Obsolescence in Urban Planning," roundtable presentation, presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 8-11, 2001, Cleveland, OH "Analysis, idealism and institutions: the conflicting traditions of regional planning," formal paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 2-5, 2000, Atlanta, GA "New Regionalism: Seven Views," roundtable presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of

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Planning Annual Conference, Nov. 2-5, 2000, Atlanta, GA "Detroit's Renaissance Center, Or the Joys and Sorrows of Modernist Architecture and Urban Planning," presented at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI, October 12 - 15, 2000 "Globalization and World Cities: The Changing Role and Identity of Capital Cities in the Global Era," formal paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, April 4-8, 2000 "The Changing Role and Identity of Capital Cities in the Global Era," paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, October 21-24, 1999, Chicago, IL "Case Studies in Planning: Comparative Advantages and the Problem of Generalization," presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, November 5-8, 1998, Pasadena, CA. "The Use and Abuse of Planning History," presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Detroit, Michigan, October 1995. "New Trends in Regional Planning: Idealism vs. Institutions," presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, November 5, 1994. "Berlin, German National Identity, and the Capital City Controversy," at the Association of American Geographers Conference, San Francisco, April 1, 1994. "Will Berlin as the Capital of a Unified Germany Emerge as a World Economic Center?" at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Philadelphia, October 28-31, 1993. "The Perseverance of Place: the changing role of capital cities in the postmodern world," at the Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Cultures, Rutgers University, March 3, 1993. "Green Cities, Growing Cities? Ecology, Economics and the Contradictions of Urban Planning," at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 31-Nov. 2, 1992. "Defense Contracting and the Remapping of U.S. Industrial Geography," at Rethinking the Cold War: A Conference in Memory of William Appleman Williams, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 18- 20, 1991. "Integrating Economic and Environmental Planning: The Regional Perspective," at the Joint Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning and Association of European Schools of Planning International Congress, Oxford, England. July 1991. "From Island City to Crossroads of Europe? Planning for the Return of the Capital City to Berlin," at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Austin, TX. Nov. 1990. "The Cold War in the Cities: Urban in Berlin and Los Angeles since 1945," at the 6th Annual Political Studies Students' Conference ("The End of the Cold War? Prospects for East- West Security in the 1990s"), the University of Manitoba, , Canada. Feb. 1990. "Cold War Metropolis: Urban Development, Technological Change and the Case of Berlin," at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Portland, OR. Oct. 1989. "From Dust Bowl to Defense Buildup: Labor Migration and Regional Development during the Second World War," at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, San Diego, CA. Feb. 1989. "Defense Industries and Regional Economics: Regional Transformation of a Strategic Industry and its Impacts on the Greater Boston Area" (in German) at the Conference on Recent Urban Development in New York and Boston, Berlin, West Germany. Feb. 1987.

Invited Lectures: “Media as Mobility or Media as Access? Communicative Action to Mediate Urban Growth, Sustainability and Social Justice,” paper presented at the “City as Media” International Symposium, Korea Press Center, International Conference Hall, Seoul, Korea. September 26 , 2013. “UrbanDisruption@Wayne” Symposium, , February 7, 2013, Discussant.

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“Sustainability and Social Justice: Conflicting Urgencies” Symposium, University of Michigan, October 19, 2012. Moderator/Discussant. “Is ‘Progress’ No Longer Progressive? Reclaiming the Ideology of Progress in an Era of Sustainability, Anti-Modernism, and Communicative Action Planning,” Friday Forum of the Urban Planning Policy Department, University of Illinois-Chicago, April 6, 2012. “The Imperative of Growth, the Rhetoric of Sustainability: the Threats and Promises of Global Urban Living”, at the German Academic Exchange Service/Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Conference ("Facing the Four Elements: Developing a Transatlantic Approach to Sustainability"), New York City, October 28-30, 2010. “Future of Urbanism Conference,” (University of Michigan, March 19-20, 2010). Discussant. “Social Theory Conference,” (University of Michigan, March 12-13, 2010). Discussant. “Rethinking European Urbanism for the 21st Century,” Center for European Studies – European Union Center (Conversations on Europe Lecture Series), University of Michigan, Dec. 15, 2009. "Planning is Capital – Elastic/Robust,“ keynote address for the "Future of the Metropolis" lecture series (Europaforum Wien), Vienna, Austria (Oct 7, 2009). “Global Suburbs” Conference, (University of Michigan, March 7-8, 2008). Discussant. “The Role of Graduate Planning Education,” (Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI) Feb. 5, 2008. “Megaregions and Sustainability,” Megacity Symposium, , Atlanta, GA (June 28-29, 2007) "Global Sustainability, Human Rights and Planning" Symposium (University of Michigan, March 30, 2007). Organizer and speaker. “From a Machine for Modern Living to a Grid for Pervasive Computing: Industrial Allegories and Urban Futures,” Centennial “Pause” Conference, (University of Michigan, Nov. 3, 2006). "Equity Planning" Symposium (University of Michigan, April 8, 2005) "The Contradictions of Sustainable Development, " at the "Planning and the Ethic of Sustainability" Symposium, (Seattle), Oct. 20, 2005 "The Future of Planning" Symposium, Organizer and speaker /moderator (UM Urban Planning Program, March 26, 2004). "The Future of Interdisciplinary Research in Urban Planning," Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries in the Urban and Regional Context Symposium, University of Michigan, 4/4/03. "The Promise and Contradictions of Sustainable Development," School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, 4/11/02 "The Future of Regional Planning," Growth Series Speaker, University of Texas at Austin, 4/11/02 "Conceptions of Space Across Disciplines," speaker and organizer of symposium, International Institute, University of Michigan, 4/5/02 "The Terror Attacks of September 11, 2001: Implications for Urban Development," Taubman College Symposium, University of Michigan, September 21, 2001. "McMansions, Suburban Sprawl and the Environment: Challenges for Urban Planning," lecture to the University of Michigan Alumni Association, Michigania-East, New York, August 21, 2001. "The Future as Past: the Rebuilding of Berlin after the Wall," lecture to the University of Michigan Alumni Association, Michigania-East, New York, August 19, 2001. "Berlin and the Globalization of European Urban Economies," Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Feb. 21, 2001. "The Environment and New Urbanism", 4th Academic Symposium on New Urbanism, University of Michigan, February 9-10, 2001. "The Major Themes Emerging in Urban Planning and ," "Beyond Borders" Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 4, 2000. "The Contradictions of Anti-Sprawl Planning," at The Land is our Legacy: An Inaugural Symposium for

8 CV - Campbell the Institute for The Study of the Environment, Albion College, MI (August 31, 2000). "(Re)Constructing Berlin" Conference, University of Michigan Museum of Art, (December 15, 1999). "Theories of Capital Cities," at Eastern Michigan University, Dept. of Geography, (June 1, 1999). "Sustainability for Planners," 1999 Michigan American Planning Association Student Conference," Ann Arbor (March 26, 1999). "Washington, DC and Berlin: the Development and Economies of Capital Cities," Bloustein School Lecture Series, Rutgers University (November 7, 1996). "Sustainable Development," Governor's School, Monmouth University, New Jersey (July 20, 1995) "The Implications of the End of the Cold War for the Gunbelt," New School for Social Research, New York (October 14, 1992) "Die Entstehung der Militärindustrie in den USA und ihre technologischen Folgen," ["The Rise of the military industry in the USA and its technological impacts"], Free University of Berlin, West Germany (1987), in German. "Die Wirtschaftsgeographie der Stadt West Berlin," ["The Economic Geography of West Berlin"], Stanford University in Berlin Program, West Berlin, Germany (1987), in German.

Invited Symposium Participant “City of the Future - Research for Sustainable Urban Development,” German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany, Jan 29 – Feb 6, 2016. "Facing the Four Elements: Developing a Transatlantic Approach to Sustainability", German Academic Exchange Service/Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Conference, New York City, October 28-30, 2010. “Societies in Transition – Adjusting to Changing Global Environments,” German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Stanford University, CA (June 26-29, 2008). Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute, Summer Retreat, U-M Biological Station, Pellston, MI (August 14-16, 2007) Megacity Symposium, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA (June 28-29, 2007) (presented paper) Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Users Conference, San Diego, CA (July 5-8, 1997). "Oxford Symposium on Technology, Industrial Organization, and Spatial Development," Oxford University, England (July 7-8, 1991) "Comparative Regional Research: Setting the Post 1992 Agenda," sponsored by URBINNO: Innovation and Urban Development, The Role of Social and Technological Change, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (July 1989)

TEACHING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Courses For syllabi, see Course Year(s) taught UP504 Quantitative Planning Methods 1999 - 2004; 2007 - 2008 UP523 Regional Planning 2002, 2004, 2006, 2012, 2013, 2015 UP532 Sustainable Development 1999, 2013, 2014 UP538 Economic Development Planning 1998 - 2005, 2012 - 2016 UP539 Methods of Economic Development 2009 – 2011; 2015 Planning

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UP540 Planning Theory 2000-2008, 2010 – 2014, 2016 UP650 Advanced Planning Theory 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 UP835 Research Seminar 2015

Thesis Advising

Dissertation Committee Chair: Devon McAslan, Neighborhood Walkability: Exploring the Connections between Transit and Walking in Seattle Neighborhoods, expected completion date: 2017. Justin Meyer, “Art museums and their connection to neighborhood change: A case study of the Portland Art Museum in Oregon, ” completion date: January 2016. Thomas Skuzinski, “Regionalism and Rationality in Planning: Applying cultural theory to municipal land use policy preferences and behavior in Metro Detroit," completion date: February 2015. Shohei Nakamura, “Formalizing Slums: The Interplay of Land Tenure, Tenure Security, and Housing Improvement,” completion date: September 2014. [co-chair with Gavin Shatkin] Salila Vanka, " Public Space and Life in an Indian City: The Politics of Space in Bangalore," completion date: May 2014. [co-chair with Gavin Shatkin] Nathan Podrid, [project on non-metropolitan regional networks and institutions], [withdrew from program]. Leon Andrews, "Designing a Youth Master Planning Process and Product that Fully Integrates Youth Development Principles: A Case Study of Hampton’s Youth Master Plan," [withdrew from program] Carolyn Loh, "Five Acre Minimum: Managing Exurban Growth Through the Planning Process," completion date: October 2008. Carlton Basmajian, "Planning for Sprawl: Regional Development and Local Politics in Atlanta, Georgia, 1970-2002," completion date: September 2008. Phil D'Anieri, "Regional Reform in Historic Perspective: The Development of Metropolitan Planning Institutions in Detroit, 1960-1990," completion date: January 2007. Chris Coutts, "Greenway Accessibility and Physical Activity Behavior in two Michigan Cities," completion date: Fall 2006. Moira Zellner: "An Agent-Based Model of Coupled Land and Water Use for Michigan: Generating Policy Recommendations for Sustainable Water Use in the Presence of Temporal and Spatial Interaction, Heterogeneity, and Uncertainty," (co-chair with Dan Brown). Completion date: Fall 2005. Sonia Hirt, "After the Crisis of Modernity: Urban Planning and Patterns in Post-Industrial Cleveland, Ohio, and Post-Socialist Sofia, Bulgaria. Completion date: May 2003. (co-chair with J Levine). Seema Iyer, "The Urban Transition in Post-Soviet Russia: Adjustments to the Planning Process in Different Urban Contexts," completion date: Spring 2003.

Dissertation Committee Member (Urban Planning): Patrick Cooper-McCann, Planning Beyond the Local State: Park Provision in Detroit, expected completion date: 2016? Napong Tao Rugkhapan, Historic Preservation as Governmentality: Penang, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City,” expected completion date: 2016? Ian Trivers, “Mobile Urbanism and the Redevelopment of Distressed Postindustrial Cities: The ‘descendants of the High Line’”, expected completion date: 2015-2016. David Weinreich, “ & Finance Through Multijurisdictional Collaboration: Regional Transportation Planning in an Era of Decentralized Government”, expected completion date: summer 2016.

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Kate Owens, Negotiating the City: Urban development in Tanzania, completion date: 2014. Nghi-Dung Nguyen-Phuoc, “Making Way for the Modernizing City: The changing politics of urban land expropriation in contemporary Vietnam,” expected completion date: 2016? Nick Rajkovich, “Assessing and Reducing Exposure to Thermal Stress in Cuyahoga County, Ohio,” completion date: summer 2014. Paul Coseo, “Green Alley Assessment: Evaluating the impact of sustainable infrastructure on the urban heat island in Chicago neighborhoods,” completion date: January 2013. Neha Sami, “Who develops? The changing urban politics of real estate development in post- liberalization India”, completion date: Feb 2012. Deirdra Stockmann, “Localizing Food Policy: Why cities are rethinking the urban-rural divide”, completion date: Nov 2011. Charlie Kaylor, "Bypassed by Broadband: Community Planning for Telecommunications Infrastructure," [withdrew from program] Nina David, dissertation committee member, "An analysis of coordination in growth management efforts - Evaluating the quest for planning's philosopher's stone," completion date: summer 2008. Sanjeev Vidyarthi, dissertation committee member, "Informalizing the Formal and Localizing the Global," completion date: spring 2008. Tae Jung Kwon, dissertation committee member, "Do Different Urban Configurations Alter Pedestrians' Perception?: The Morphological Approach to Walkability in the Virtual Reality Urban Setting," completion date: fall 2007 Francisco Lara: "The Impacts of Institutional Innovation on Transboundary Networks and Cooperation for Environmental Management along the US-Mexico Border," completion date: Fall 2002. Qiang Hong, "The Travel Behavior of Home-Based Teleworkers," completion date: 2002. Andrea Frank, "Geopolitical Fragmentation and Patterns of Social Structure in Urbanized Areas in the United States, 1960-1990," completion date: December 2000.

Dissertation Committee Member (other programs): Sara Meerow (SNRE), “A Green Infrastructure Spatial Planning (GISP) model for building resilience in coastal megacities” Scott Kalafatis (SNRE), “Focusing Adaptive Capacity: Policy Entrepreneurs’ Role in Municipal Climate Change Action” Joshua Cousins (SNRE), “Stormwater Politics: Nature, Technology, and Environmental Governance in Chicago and Los Angeles” Justin Williams (political science), “Spatial Justice and Detroit's Redevelopment” Kush Patel, (architecture), “Discussing the lived: Interrogating space and its relationship with experience,” expected completion date: late 2015. Deirdre Hennebury (architecture), “An Investigation of the Architectural, Urban, and Exhibit Designs of the Tate Museums, Millbank & Liverpool,” completion date: January 2014. Matt Heins, (architecture), “The Shipping Container and the Globalization of American Infrastructure”, completion date: fall 2013. Maria Tucker (School of Natural Resources), “Environmental Organizing in the Digital Age,” completion date: March 2011. K. Fusun Erkul (architecture), dissertation committee member, "A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Suburban Life,” completion date: September 2009. Sangyun Lee (School of Natural Resources), dissertation committee member, "Hopes and Opportunities for Inner City Residents: Racial and Socioeconomic Assessment of Neighborhoods Adjacent to Brownfields in the Tri-County Area in the Detroit Region," completion date: May 2008.

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Allen Ward (History), "Mines, Mills, and Malls: Regional Development in the Steel Valley, 1947-1997". completion date: August 2006. Andrew Needham (History), "Power Lines: Metropolitan Space, Energy Development, and the Making of the Modern Southwest, 1945-1975, " completion date: June 2006. Geoffrey Duh (School of Natural Resources), "Knowledge-Informed Simulated Annealing for Generating Prescribed Spatial Patterns in Resource Allocation," completion date: 2004. Rob Corry (School of Natural Resources), "A landscape index approach to evaluating the small mammal habitat quality of designed scenarios for agricultural watersheds," completion date: Summer 2002.

Doctoral Qualifying Exam Supervision and Committees: Carlton Basmajian Dana Kornberg Sophia Chen RJ Koscielniak Chae Gun Chung Tae Jung Kwon Patrick Cooper-McCann Sangyun Lee (School of Natural Resources) Rob Corry (School of Natural Resources) Devon McAslan Paul Coseo Michael McCullough (architecture) Joshua Cousins (School of Natural Resources) Sara Meerow (School of Natural Resources) Chris Coutts Justin Meyer Phil D'Anieri Nakamura, Shohei Nina David Nguyen, Nghi Geoffrey Duh (School of Natural Resources) Kush Patel (architecture) David Epstein Nathan Podrid James Fishelson Todd Ramsden (School of Natural Resources) Andrea Frank Tao Rugkhapan Shana Greenstein Neha Sami Mandeep Grewal Eric Seymour Matt Heins (architecture) Qingyun Shen Deirdre Hennebury (architecture) Deirdra Stockmann Sonia Hirt Ethan Schoolman (Sociology) Qiang Hong Maria Tucker (School of Natural Resources) Seema Iyer Catalina Velasco Scott Kalafatis (School of Natural Resources) Sanjeev Vidyarthi Carla Kayanan Salila Vanka Charlie Kaylor Allen Ward (History) Luna Khirfan Cameron Weimar Eun Young Kim Moira Zellner

Masters Thesis Committee Chair: Deirdre Hennebury, "Urban Reimaging and Cultural Development: The Cases of the Tate Museums in London, Liverpool, & St. Ives," completion date: May 2011. Joy Ziegeweid, "Minimizing Long-Term Risks in Public-Private Partnerships for Water Provision in Russia," completion date: May 2006. Daniel Shoup, "Troubled Waters, Drowned Sites: Regional Planning, Archaeology, and the Southeast Anatolia Project," completion date: April 2006. Katie Rich, "Unraveling the Threads of the Creative Community: Ideology, Strategy, Myth". Completion date: Summer 2003

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Masters Thesis Committee Member: William Kaplowitz, “Planning Theory in Action: Partnership Minyanim in the United States,” Completion date: April 2008. Kyung-min Nam, "Impacts of Information Technologies on Regional Structure: Focusing on the Case of South Korea," completion date: Spring 2004 Marty Baker, "Colonial Cities and Planning Ideology in Kenya, 1901-1933," Completed April 2001

Masters Professional Project Chair: Anna Sokol, (topic: using GIS/spatial analysis to determine optimal location of ER stroke centers in Michigan), completion date: May 2006. Greg Claxton, "Selling Green Power to Non-Residential Customers: Investigating Strategies for Smaller Public Utilities," completion date: Summer 2005. Sebastian Anapolsky and Silvana Kostenbaum, : "The Genesee County Land Bank and its Relationship with the Community Development Corporations in Flint," completion date: Summer 2004 Sean Read, "Affordable Sustainable Housing in Detroit" completion date: December 2001. Charlie Kaylor, "Expanding the Role of Information Technology in City Planning and Services". Completed April 2001 Randy Deshazo, "Expanding the Role of Information Technology in City Planning and Services". Completed April 2001

Masters Professional Project Committee Member: Pierre Batton, [commercial vacancy in Detroit], expected completion date: Spring 2016. [with Eric Dueweke] Naomichi Murooka, "The Role of Infrastructure in the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs): A Collective Input from the Development Assistance Committee Network on Poverty Reduction to future PRSPs renewal" completion date: Summer 2004

Faculty Supervisor of Student Competition Team: ULI Hines Competition, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016.

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) supervisor: Holly Flynn (2000-2001)

Guest Teaching “The Power and the Barriers to Participatory Planning,” UP528, Prof. Pimentel-Walker, Mar 30, 2016. “Berlin’s Urbanization Histories: Lessons and Limitations for Detroit,” Arch 562, Prof. Wigger, Jan 26, 2016. “Concepts and Measures in Urban Planning Methods,” UP504, Prof. Merlin, Jan 11, 2016 “The Role of Economic Development in Planning,” UP505, Profs. Etienne & Dueweke, Oct 29, 2015 “The Concept of the Megaregion,” UP594, Prof. Fishman, Feb 9, 2015 “Planning Theory, Urban Renewal and Blight,” Arch 823 (Prof. A Herscher), 4/8/14 “Academic Publishing,” UP835 (Prof. Shatkin), 11/8/10 "Economic Development and Urban Planning,” UP423 (Stockman), 3/9/10 "Major Themes in Local and Regional Economic Development,” UP423 (Stockman), 3/10/09

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"Graphic Presentation of Statistical Data," UP504 (Prof. Grengs), 2/18/09 "Major Ideas in Planning Theory," UP423 (Prof. Harper-Anderson), 1/8/08 “Sustainability and Planning,” UP423 (Prof. Harper-Anderson), 11/27/07 “Enterprise Zones and Tax Increment Financing,” UP538 (Prof. Harper-Anderson), 10/9/07 "Themes & Concepts of Urban Research," Arch 811 (Prof. Groat), 10/18/06 "Introduction to Planning Theory," UP423 (Prof. Harper-Anderson), 9/14/06 "Graphic Presentation of Statistical Data," UP504 (Prof. Harper-Anderson), 2/13/06 "Concepts of Space, Place, Region," Arch 821 (Prof. Groat), 2/1/06 "Emerging Themes in Planning Theory," UP423 (Prof. Fuller), 1/12/06 "Sustainable Development and the Planning Profession," UP423, 11/3/05 "The Regional Tradition in Planning," UP500 (Prof. Harper-Anderson), 11/30/04 "Economic Development, Urban Planning and the Public Interest," UP423 (Prof. Inam), 10/28/04 "New Directions in Urban Research," Arch 811 (Prof. Groat), 10/13/04 "Conceptions of Space in Urban Planning and Geography," in Sociology 535, Prof. Morenoff (April 8, 2004). Organizer and speaker /moderator of "The Future of Planning" Symposium (Urban Planning Program, March 26, 2004). Moderator/Introductory Speaker for the annual Raoul Wallenberg Lecture, given by Saskia Sassen (Monday, Feb. 9, 2004) "The Role of Spatial Analysis and Spatial Scale in Urban Analysis," (with Prof. Ana Diez Roux) in Epidemiology 804/Sociology 595, Prof. Jim (Nov. 6, 2003). "The Role of Economic Development in Urban Planning," UP423 (Prof. Norton), 3/4/03 "Environmental Regionalism," UP523 (Prof. Baker), 10/31/02 "Planning Theory and Practice," UP830 (Prof. Levine), 9/26/02 "A Review of the Work and Ideas of Manuel Castells," UP500 (Prof. Dewar), 9/18/02 "Urban economic challenges in Detroit" and invited discussant MArch Program (Prof. Comazzi), 2/4/02 & 3/13/02 "The Role of Economic Development in Urban and Regional Planning," UP500 (Prof. Marans), 10/31/01 "The Creative Tension between Planning Theory and Practice," UP830 (Prof. Levine), 9/27/01 "Detroit as Metaphor for the Failures of U.S. Urbanization," Urban Planning Program Symposium, 3/30/01 "The Coming Challenges to U.S. Cities," Arch 526 (Prof. Beckley), 3/28/01 "Sustainable Development and Planning," UP423 (Prof. Warner), 3/13/01 "The Politics and Economic of Suburban Sprawl," UP423 (Prof. Warner), 1/25/01 "Seeking the Transcendent in Planning Theory," UP830 (Prof. Levine), 10/5/00 "Cyberspace, Physical Space and the Challenges to the Authority of Urban Planning," [CAUP opening orientation debate, Sept. 5, 2000] "The Rise of Berlin as a World City," in UP424 (Prof. Dandekar), 4/11/00 "Capital Cities, Power and Architectural Representation: the Case of Berlin," Architecture Program (Prof. Scobey), 4/11/00 "The Challenges and Rewards of an Urban planning Education," (keynote talk, recruitment weekend for potential MUP students, U-M) 3/31/00 "Planning Theory and Case Study," UP830 (Prof. Levine), 11/19/99 "Sustainable Development and Planning," UP423 (Prof. Warner), 11/4/99 "Strategies in Urban Research," in UP835 (Profs. Nystuen and McGovern), 10/13/99 "The Rise of Berlin as a World City," in UP424 (Prof. Dandekar), 4/24/99 "The Multiple Origins of Planning," UP500 (Prof. Warner), 12/9/98 "Strategies in Urban Research," in UP835 (Profs. Nystuen and McGovern), 10/27/98 "The Development of Planning Theory," UP830 (Prof. Levine), 9/25/98 "The Dilemma of Sustainable Development," in UP 502 (Prof. McGovern), 9/24/98

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Reviewer/Studios & Capstones UP634 (São Paulo Capstone, Prof. Pimentel-Walker), April 27, 2016. UP516 (planning representation, Prof. McCullough), April 25, 2016. Arch 506 (Urban Natures, Prof. Arquero), April 20, 2016 UP518 (physical design workshop, Prof. McCullough), Oct 29; Nov 24; Dec 18, 2015 UP505 (Planning Fundamentals, Prof. Etienne and Dueweke), Dec 15, 2015. Arch 672 (Compressions Substrates and Control: Typological and Topological Speculations, Prof. Gilpin), Oct 6; Nov 10, 2015 UP505, Prof. Etienne, Apr 22, 2015 UP505, Prof. Etienne, Feb 26, 2015 UP505, Prof. Etienne, April 18, 2014 ARCH 552 - Arch Design V (Prof. Ghosn), “8Mile Baseline Network Studio”, Dec 16, 2013. Graduate Urban Planning Program Final Reviews, University of Texas at Austin, Dec 12-13, 2013. UP518, Prof. Arquero, Nov. 25, 2013 Graduate Urban Planning Program Final Reviews, University of Texas at Austin, May 8-9, 2013. UP631, Pro. Alarcon (Willow Run), April 25, 2013. Arch 505, Prof. Ghosn (“Landscapes of Energy”), April 15, 2013. UP 518, Prof. Charles, Oct. 9, 2012 MArch Thesis (Samuel Oh), Prof. Buresh, April 29, 2009 UP 631 / Arch 562, Prof. Beckley, April 24, 2009 ARCH/UP 697 (The Global Shelter Crisis), Profs. Lara and Shatkin, April 8, 2008. Graduate Design Studio, Prof. Mary Ann Ray (Dec. 18, 2007) UD 722 Urban Design Studio II (topic: Detroit downtown), Prof. Rahul Mehrotra (Feb 23, 2007) UD 722 Urban Design Studio II (topic: aerotropolis), Prof. Rahul Mehrotra (April 24, 2006) Wallenberg Studio (Arch 442), Prof. Nondita Correa-Mehrotra (Feb. 15, 2006) M. Arch Thesis Review (March 16 + April 13, 2005) UD 722 Urban Design Studio II (topic: revitalization of Eastern Market, Detroit), Prof. Rahul Mehrotra (March 21, 2005) UD 722 Urban Design Studio II (topic: revitalization of downtown Detroit), Prof. Rahul Mehrotra (March 29, 2004) Graduate Design Studio (western Ann Arbor redesign), (Prof. Hecker), 1/29/00 Undergraduate design studio (building designs for two U-M campus sites), (Prof. Barnes), 2/7/00 Graduate Urban Planning Design Studio, (Campus Planning at the University of Michigan), (Prof. Inam, UP518), 4/6/99 and 4/20/99


Service to the Profession

Service to the National Organization Chair, John Friedmann Book Award Committee, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), 2016. Member, Chester Rapkin Award Committee, Journal of Planning Education and Research (2008-2010; chair, 2010) Doctoral Committee of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), 2000 - 2002 (including subcommittee on the ACSP Research/Writing Workshop, 2000 - 2001)

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Editorial Board Memberships: Journal of Planning Literature (1996-present) Journal of Planning Education and Research (2003 – 2009)

Reviewing Duties: Journal of the American Planning Association Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Journal of Planning Education and Research Journal of Planning Literature Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy Society and Space Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography National Science Foundation (grant proposals) Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (conference paper proposals) Blackwell Press Wiley Press Routledge Press American Planning Association Press

Academic External Review: Member, 3-person external review team, University of Colorado (Denver & Boulder), College of Architecture (Feb 2008)

External Faculty Reviewers (Promotion and Tenure): [various universities]

Service to the Community Member, Ann Arbor Pedestrian Safety and Access Task Force, 2014-15 (appointed by Ann Arbor City Council)

Service to the University of Michigan

University Member, Dow Sustainability Master’s/Professional Degree Fellowship Committee (Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute), 2012-present. Urban Informatics Certificate Faculty Committee, 2015-16 Steering Committee, Sustainable Mobility & Accessibility Research & Transformation (SMART), 2011- present. Faculty Advisory Board, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT), 2013-15 President’s Diversity Council, 2006 – 2014. Co-Chair, Subcommittee on the Recruitment, Retention and Promotion of Faculty & Staff (2007 – 2008) Steering Committee, University of Michigan Health and Society Scholars Program (funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) (School of Public Health) (also includes post-doctoral fellow selection and advising & RWJ small-grant selection committee), 2001 – 2014.

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Fulbright Fellowship Campus Evaluation Committee (International Institute), 2012, 2013 Affiliated Faculty, Center for European Studies (International Institute), ca. 2000 - present External Member, Select Committee, School of Natural Resources and Environment, 2010-11. Advisory Committee, Provost’s Seminar on Teaching Sustainability (2009-2010) Core Faculty Member, Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health (School of Public Health), 2003 – 2010. Ph.D. Fellows Selection Committee, Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute, 2009-2010 Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee (Division III), 2003/4; 2007/8; 2008-2010. Member, Cognate Panel, Faculty Grievance Review Board (2009-2011) Michigan Road Scholar (May 2009), University Of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Government Relations Rackham (NSF) PREVIEW weekend (coordinator, urban planning program), 2007 Advisory Board, Center for International and Comparative Studies (formerly the Advanced Studies Center), International Institute, 2003 – 2007 Faculty Participant, Rackham 2004 Interdisciplinary Workshop: Space, Place, and Landscape Across the Disciplines, 2004. Programming Committee, Globalization's Professional Challenge, International Institute (Ford Foundation), 2001 – 2002. Organizing Committee, "Beyond Borders" Conference (on Michigan Land Use, sponsored by U-M VP Office on Community Relations), 2000.

College Promotion & Tenure Committee, 2015-2016 Diversity Committee, 2015 – present Committee to draft a comprehensive academic integrity and professional conduct policy, 2016 Academic Hearing Group (Academic Integrity), 2016 PARG (Planning and Architecture Research Group) Faculty Advisor, 2011-present College Representative, NextGen/MIWorkspace/Canvas, 2014 - present Member, Internal Grievance Hearing Pool, 2012 - 2016 College Executive Committee, 2010 – 2012 Student Services Task Force, 2010 - 2011 “Future of Technology” Conference Organizing Committee, 2010 “Future of Urbanism” Conference Organizing Committee, 2010 Interdisciplinary Initiative Committee 2009 Chair, Urban Design Faculty Search Committee, 2009 College Task Forces on: PhD Program; Building Space Planning; Interdisciplinary Curriculum; sustainability (URP); size of program (URP), history & theory (URP), 2008 College Executive Committee, 2006 – 2008 Co-Chair, Real Estate Faculty Search Committee, 2007-2008 Co-Chair, Architecture + Planning Doctoral Collaboration Task Force, 2006 – 2007 Centennial Senior Faculty Search Committee, 2006 - 2007 Centennial International Conference Committee ("Global Place: Practice, Politics and the City"), 2005 - 2007 Computer Policy Committee, 2002 – 2008 Real Estate Senior Faculty Search Committee, 2002 – 2005 Outstanding Dissertation Review Committee, 2000 – 2003; 2005 - 2006 Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on the Uses of the Taubman Gift, 2002 – 2003 Member, Organizing Committee, 4th Academic Symposium on New Urbanism, University of Michigan, February 9-10, 2001 Library Committee, 1998 – 2000; chair, 1999 - 2000

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Ad Hoc Committee on Research and Scholarship, 1999

Urban and Regional Planning Program Faculty Search Committee (physical planning and design), 2014-15; 2015-16 Faculty advisor, Agora (student-run planning journal), 2010-2011, 2012-present Curriculum Committee, 2014-present MUP Admissions (application review), 2015 - 2016 Student Services Committee, 2014-2015 Doctoral Admissions Committee, 1998 – 2001; 2003 – 2015 (co-chair in 2004; chair 2005-2012) Chair, Task Force on Curriculum, 2013-14 Strategic Planning Committee, 2012-14 Faculty Search Committee (sustainability), 2012-2013 Organizing Committee, Symposium on Sustainability and Social Justice, 2012 Coordinator of Doctoral Studies, Urban and Regional Planning Program (formerly UTEP), 2004 – 2012 Faculty Search Committee (positions in sustainability, land use and food systems), 2011-2012 Chair, Faculty Search Committee (positions in land use planning and in real estate), 2010 Ph.D. Planning Theory Exam Committee, co-chair, 2005 – present Coordinator, Housing Community & Economic Development Concentration (with Margi Dewar), ca. 2005 - present Urban and Regional Research Collaboration (URRC) coordinator (lecture series, research space allocation), 2004 – 2012 MUP Admissions (application review), 2008 – 2009 Ph.D. Candidacy Hearings Committee, ca. 2001 – 2007 (chair 2004-7) Faculty Search Selection Committee, 1999-2000; 2004 - 2006 Future of UTEP (Doctoral Planning) Program Committee, 2003 – 2005 (chair 2004-5) Coordinator, US-European (Meta-University) Exchange Program, [funded by the US Dept. of Education FIPSE program], 2002 – 2005 Editor, creator and web master, Urban and Regional Research Collaborative Working Paper Series (available on-line through the college web page), 2002 – 2005 URP Strategic Planning Committee, 2003 - 2004 GSI Selection Committee, ca. 2000 - 2010 Student Academic Progress Committee, 2000 – ca. 2008 Research Policy Committee, 2001 – 2003 (chair 2002 – 2003) Curriculum Committee, 1998 – 2000; 2001 - 2002