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January 1979 New Expression: January 1979 (Volume 3, Issue 1) Columbia College Chicago

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Photo b~ James Dodson Inside: The iron glove of teachers Hospital (heaven?) for teens D.J.'s punk out International Year of the Child 1979 2 NEW EXPRESSION • THE INSIDE TRACK by Adorn Lewis

The Youth Development Corporation is looking.., Racial fights l

Managing Editor, Adorn Lewis, Circulation Managers, Hassan Jeffrey Nichols, Whitney Young; Whitney Young Rosell, CVS; Randy Farmer, Lincoln Davis, Whitney Young; Manley. Valerie Piotrowski, Forest View; We asked our photog­ Lisa Melson, Lane Tech. rapher, James Dodson, to News Editors, Evelyn Polk, Business Manager, Steve Greer, Lindblom; Rondah Hannah, Julian; Calumet. visualize Teacher Power Den1se Bronson, Immaculata; Staff photographers, Michael with his camera and here is Kristina Prorok. Whitney Young, Staff writers, En1d Vazquez, De­ Glover, Whitney Young;·Andre what he came up with. Kim Campbell, Whitney Young; Paul, Felicia Willis, Longwood; Williams, Mendel; Maria Villa­ The teacher empower­ Debra Wilson, Juhan. Denise Coleman, Orr; Michael lobos, Whitney Young; Paula Eu­ ment story is on page 3 Glover, Whitney Young; Steve banks, Whttney Young; Peter along with the views of Greer, Calumet; Susan Harvey, Greene, Mendel; Leslie Eubanks, Morgan Park. some teens about teacher Editorial Directors, Enc Williams, Carver; Deborah Padgett, Central empowerment. Lmdblom; Derrick Sm1th . Julian. Y; Kristina Prorok, Whitney Young; New Expression is published once a month except July and August Hassan Rosell , CVS; Roderick Advertising staff, Rhondah Han­ Entertainment Editors, Jac­ by Youth Communication, Chicago Center. non-for-profit agency Sm1th, Simeon; Elaine Takagi, nah, Julian; Deborah Padgett, queline Ryan, Whitney Young, Editonal offices are at 207 S. Wabash (8th Floor), Chicago, Illinois, Lakeview; Ava Thompson, Whit­ Central Y; Roderick Smith, Sim­ Susan Harvey, Carver. 60604. Phone: 663-0543. Circulation Policy: Distributed free in high ney Young; Maria Villalobos, Whit­ eon. ney Young; Kevin Thompson, schools, community centers, stores and churches where teens live, \ Photography Editor, Nona Pa­ Cathedral; Beatritz Henderson, congregate and go to schooL ramore, Columbia. Whitney Young; Paula Eubanks, Staff artists, Jacqueline Ryan, New Expression is a member of the Student Preas Service Whitney Young; Kim Campbell , Whitney Young; Paula Eubanks, located In Washington, D.C. Advertising Manager, Enid Vaz­ Whitney Young; Paula Hogan, Whitney Young; Emile Augustine Copyright © 1978 by Youth Communication, Chicago Ce~ter . All quez, DePauL Phillips; Raynay Collier, Undbtom; IV, Carver; Raynay Collier, Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohi­ Undblom. bited. NEW EXPRESSION 3

Teacher power: wllere does •1t come from? Photo by James Dodson tby Rhonda Hannah with IRaynay Collier, Rod Smith Due to the fact that the story below deals with very ;and Paula Hogan sensitive situations, New Expression has not used the real names of the students or teachers involved. But ;First In a series on teacher­ !Student relations the events that are stated are actually true.

Kathy was accused of point average. in the hall, the teacher over­ refused to let his auto s~ op come up with inappropiate cheating during a trig test. But Sandra wasn't thinking heard and told her that she teacher hit him; his teacher punishment. For example, She denied it. The teacher about grade point average was fed up with the way she told him to get out and not to when Beverly did her English agreed to give her a re-test. when she walked into her had been acting in division all come back without his assignment wrong after the On the second test she scored algebra class without her ID. week long. She also told mother. When his mother teacher explained in great de­ a higher grade, but then the She was told to leave and not Felecia that if the silliness came up, the teacher was tail how to do It, the teacher teacher refused to give it to to come back without it. continued, she was going to vulgar toward her. Mark and threw the index cards at her. her. Sandra was forced to take a send her program in last so his mother went 1o find the She was yel led at and em­ Kathy is typical of most cut and miss out on a day's that next year she would only principal, but he was nowhere barrassed in front of the whole students who face punish­ work. get whatever classes that were to be found. class. A student in class told ment in the classroom. Stu­ David wasn't thinking of his still open. According to a recent study the teacher he had hurt dents don't know where a grade when he talked in his art According to Dave Thomp­ by Thomas C. Timmreck of Beverly's feelings. He said he teacher's power comes from class. He was sent out of the son, First Legal Assistant of Northern Arizona University, didn't care. Beverly broke or how far it goes. Who gives room to the Assistant Princi­ the Illinois Department of teachers are the major contri­ down in tears and left the teachers the authority to pal's office. His teacher re­ Education, under the local butors to discipline problems room. humiliate a student before 30 fused to listen to the reason practice doctrine (Chapter by being unprepared for In another case Debra's his­ other students? Or who gives classes, dissatisfied with tory teacher accused her of them the authority to threaten uu . . uu u • u •• their job, displaying an untidy talking In class. Although to fall a student as punish­ personal appearance, trying to Debra denied it, she still had ment? get on " buddy-buddy" terms to do a four-page report on the When we interviewed a Our authority comes frorrf' the with students and allowing "Defection of Simus Kir­ -cross section of Chicago fact that we are teachers. personal problems to surface dirkas" as punishment. teachers about their authority, in the classroom. Psychologists say the worst we got the same answer. "Our In answer to that study, Dr. thing a teacher can do Is to u •• uuuu • •• u authority comes from the fact • Stephan Jerrick, Executive make class work a punish­ that we are teachers. why he was talking. 121, Section 24-24) teachers Director of the American ment because It teaches a Nobody-no principal, no Another teacher tells us are like parents In the class­ School Health Association, student to hate learning. iJOvernment, no familles­ that later on In life students room. "They have the author­ pointed out that "It Is unfortu­ Dr. Maxie Maultsby, a .Elctually tells us what our will appreciate these laws. "I ity to supervise a child and nate that we don't offer psychiatrist and Director of 3uthority is." am aware of student rights," this means basically doing teachers a course in class­ the Rational Behavior Therapy One teacher told us that she he said, "but I don't think they whatever is necessary to room discipline when they are Center, argues that because ~takes up her discipline rules in training. I don't know why should be enforced." obtain discipline in class~ · teachers are rarely taught from her 12 years' experience Felecia never thought much · Yet high school students some teacher training institi.J­ much about effective ways of :>f working as a teacher. She about her rights until she often Involve their parents in tions haven't gotten bright ilso said that to get students made a joke about her division the "power" struggles with a and offered one. " influencing people, they can to do what she considers right teacher's name. While Felecla teacher, and the parents lose And it may be because unwittingly encourage the she emphasizes their grade was talking with some friends too. For example, when Mark teachers have not been trained very type of unruly behavior to keep discipline that they that they want to get rid of.

by Denise Bronson and Kevin Thompson at McDonald's. Photos by Andre Williams. . In any way haa a teacher ever abuaed you with his power?

John Cooper, Cathe­ dral High School, Sophomore. Kevin Bell, Mendel Yes, by giving unfair High School, Junior. tests and pop quizzes No, nobody messed because we were with me; walt let me talking. think, no.

HERFFJONES - .... . : ;~.\.:~ :~1 .... 16 Floor-STEVENS BLDG. Sheri ta Jackson,

Unity High School, ! . . .. I Nicole Chestang, SUITE 1614 Senior. r.j·' ./.·~· .. ->~•. ,- .. ;t ..- . ·..~ . , ..·. ' University o* Chicago ·__ •. __ · ..r-;,_1 17 NORTH STATE STREET The teacher made me High School, Junior (NEXT TO THE WEIBOLDTS STORE) feel real bad because A teacne tnat was the she made me feel my ... ' ··: hardest and the best CHICAGO, ILLINOIS opinion was no good . ' teacher In the school because she was a ~ '· IJOuld fall you if you PHONE 641-1830 teacher. weren't perfect. 4 NEW EXPRESSION Spinning D.J.'s Killing three birds with one jock Photos by Nona Paramore "For all you little brats who are throwing popcorn all over the place, stop before I punch you in the face." Taken from Larry Lu­ jack, WLS "What did Santa Claus bring you? What did your kids bring you? Do you have any kids? My two sons, the killer and the thriller, you know what they gave me? Hell! That's what they gave me." Taken from Tom Joy-:, " I'm just naturally a wild and crazy guy," says larry ner, lujack, morning disc jockey WJPC fOT WLS radio." "You know with all gram director how to feel more at home wi th the the problems in the audience. I still use that same world, the EPA advises style today." "I don't like preaching to "The disc jockey circle Is becoming closer every day. More and us to get rid of 'pollu­ Larry Lujack insists that his kids. And I'm sure they don't more stations are playing the same records, and that's the reason style is just typical everyday like hearing it." for our craziness." tion. My suggestion is Lujack. " I'm just naturally a to take the Richard wild and crazy guy." Doing see the teen listener as a Steel show off the air." Animal Stories or being nega­ number in the rating game. "Did you see a 'Woman called Moses' (with (Charles Mootry, General Taken from Jim Raggs tive to a caller are a familiar part of Lujack's natural style. Cicely Tyson)? she says, I'm in the South, Manager of WJPC, claims that WVON "I act the same way on the but I'm going back to the North where there with Joyner he has the only radio as I do in real life," he Black radio station that has by Rod Smith claims. "Ask my wife." is no snow and gasoline don't cost 53¢ a increased its ratings.) And the These ad lib comments are Jim Raggs of WVON is a gallon. I'm goin' to the North." jocks see themselves as en­ typical of the Chicago AM latecomer to the crazy scene. Tom Joyner, WJPC tertainers who treat teens as disc jock today. There was a " Being the morning jock I young adults while they time when the jock was pure think it's my job to perk U!l the establish their own style of bore, and the station's music listeners," he said . " Giving In­ an early morning man the among teenagers. "There was humor. was the only thing to look for­ formation along with humor ratings for WVON stood at a time when everybody " If I can get a smile or laugh ward to. But the new, far-out and your favorite music kills 2.6. By 1978 that rating had wanted to be like the local out of a person," Raggs says, and crazy style is so enter­ three birds with one jock." risen to 5.8 before Joyner left jock. I think the variations of " then I think my job has been taining that the "crazy" move­ "Working around Herb Kent for WBMX. The ratings there stations killed that," he said. done." According to Lujack, ment is spreading across the Influenced me a lot," Raggs dropped from 5.6 to 4.9 wh9n Lujack also recalled the "The disc jockey circle is radio dial. said. " I learned about how to Joyner jumped to WJPC. days when deejays used to becoming closer every day. Tom Joyner of WJPC attract a crowd." (Herb used Larry lujack switched from preach to kids about drugs, More and more the stations brought his crazy style last to do the Wahoo Ba'man and WLS to WCFL In 1973 for drink and sex. " I don't like are playing the same records, year. Joyner has traveled from started the EJectlrc Crazy Peo­ money reasons. But when preaching to kids," he an­ and that's the reason for our WVON to WBMX and currently ple.) WGFL made the switch to nounced, "And I'm sure they crazl ness." to WJPC, waking up his audi­ "Then I started to develop "beautiful music" Lujack don't like hearing it." ence by cal ling Uganda and my own style-like calling out knew he had to leave in order Tom Joyner also claims to "Everybody is driving asking to speak to ldi Amin or the names of high schools or to act himself. Lujack claims be straight with his teenaged calling his main man, Leon criticizing Richard Steel that he lifted the WLS ratings crowd. "I think that teens like crazy. Don't forget Spinks, to offer advice on (another jock.)" when he returned . today don''t really like being one thing. Nothing im­ dental care. ' The outrageous things that All this switching of deejay focused upon. If you treat proves driving better Joyner feels that as an en­ · the jocks are doing affects the fans from station to station teens as adults or pre-adults, than a policeman on tertainer it's part of his job to ratings as well as the lis­ seems to mean loyalty, but you get a better response than be the life of the party. "I teners. In 1977 when Tom Lujack feels that the days of if you section them off." your tail." learned through an old pro- Joyner worked with WVON as loyalty to a jock have died out So the station managers Jim Raggs, WVON

Minimum Competency $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Test Answers (See pages 6 and 7 .) EARNING OPPORTUNITIES

Reading 12. (D) 1. (B) 13. (D) "Teens" have fun and earn 2. (B) 14 (C) money at the same time. 3 . (C) 15. (C) 4-6/0UT 16 (B) Your earnings can begin at 7. (C) 17. (C) 8. (B) 18. (A) $50.00 to $100.00 duri~ g your 9. (B) 'Rithmetic 10. (A) 1 (C) WHAT TO DO spare time. 11 (D) 2. (B) 12. (D) 3. (D) AFTER COLLEGE . 13. (A) 4 (C) os o quesloon o lot ol young people •n hogh schOol ond college ore oskong (A) 5. (B) lhen. even •I you geotne loneso cOllege degree. where con you use o1 meon•ngtufly? 14. Perhaps tne onswer toes on becom•ng on A11 Force officer ohrough A


~glve~u Photo courtesy of NBC the 9J8Y to ~her Order a pizza, graclei and more ~ afte· r your • free time . ~ operation lby Lori Hendricks wasn't worried. As he sat there work­ Ing on his painting, he talked about Would you like to: Imagine a hospital ~oom with a becoming a biological engineer. 0 Raise your grade average without long hour~ stereo sound system, where you can I also remember my loneliness dur­ over texts. ,play your own records. ing the week I spent at St. Joseph's. 1 Imagine a teen patient on crutches was In a private room with no one my 0 End all-night cramming sessions. playing a game of pool, or a group of age to talk to. 0 Breeze through all your studying in as little as teen patients deciding at ten o'clock to At St. Luke's the teens are not ·only 113 the time. throw a pizza party. together, but they also have influence. Well you don't have to imagine lt. Every Wednesday there's a speak-out 0 Have more free time to enjoy yourself. These things are happening at Presby- session where every teen patient can 0 Read 3 to 10 times faster, with better con­ 1terlan-St. Luke's Hospital. voice his likes and dislikes. ce~tration, understanding, ~nd recall. It's part of the Adolescence-Young Diane Crykle, the unit leader, told ,Adult Care Program, under the direc­ me, "The teens talk about everything, Evelyn Wood's new RD2 reading system makes it torship of Dr. Gary Strokosch. Pres.­ but one subject. stays the same, the all possible. St. Luke has one of the better young food. They always joke about the adult programs in the state. Due to Its food." •success other hospitals ·such as The food Is another situation Lutheran General and Christ Com- handled in a different way in St. Luke's munity Hospital are establishing their young adult ward. Teens here can own young adult programs. order out food If they're not on a cer­ Evelyn Wood works-over 1 million people, At St. Luke's, the teens have their tain diet. On Tuesdays the teens go to including students, executives, senators, and even own 22-bed ward. Each patient has his the hospital's cafeteria for dinner. It's presidents have proven it. A free 1 hour demon­ or her own assigned nurse. Each two­ their evening out. bed room has a television, phone, Even if their hunger pains come late stration will show you how to save hundreds of lockers and a bulletin board. Teen in the evening, the teens can still order hours of drudgery this year (as well as how to !patients can even decorate their rooms a pizza, because at St. - Luke's the increase your speed immediately with some simple if they desire. teens can stay up as late as they want, Does all of this sound better than according to their doctor's require­ new reading techniques). home? In some ways It Is, but In other ments. They can also bring certain ways a hospital Is still a tough place to musical instruments to play. It only takes an hour, and it's free. Don't miss it. exist. Helen Johnson, 16, who attends During my stay at St. Joseph's Westinghouse high school, told me Hospital two years ago, I found a lot of how she spent her last day at St. reasons to be depressed. Aside from Luke's walking around the hospital. mMtWoociAD2 the daily check-ups, shots and other Because Helen Is thinking about will open your eyes. medications, I was anxious about becoming a nurse, she stopped to talk missing a lot of school work. with people in the X-Ray room and in ------1 How nice It would have been to have pediatrics. She was actually able to WIN A FREE SCHOLARSHIP I the teacher that St. Luke's provides for make her stay a short course in career I its teen parents. She calls a teen education. Schedule of free mini lessons I patient's high school and finds out Helen gave me the Impression that I what classwork they are missing. she wasn't being confined in a cell. *EWRD INSTITUTE - 180 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite I This teacher works with each She was as free as any nurse or doctor 910, Chicago : I patient according to the way he's feel­ making their rounds. "I felt very com­ Sunday through Thursday, Joouary 7-11 I ing that day. Pete Brunovskls, 16, who fortable during my stay here," she Sunday through Thursday, January 14-18 I was back in St. Luke's for the second said. "I went to vfsit a teenage girl a Sunday through Thursday, January 21-25 I time due to a heart condition, told me little earlier. It was as though I was at At 12 :15, 5 :30 and 7 :30PM daily I he felt caught up on .his work and he home visiting one of my friends." I 0 tn: ~ ARCHITtCTURAL • ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Hilton - Euclid at Rohlwing Uirno.MfCHAHICAl 0 Rd ., Arlington Heights . = *HINSDALE Community House - Eighth and Madi­ ~: STIUCTUIAL DRAFTING .. = son, Hinsdale. ~1 STIUCT\IW mn O£T.llLING 10-MONTH m: *HOMEWOOD Sheraton - 1-294 at Halsted, Home­ I =CMll TOPOGWHIC =ESTIMATING DIPLOl\IA • wood. ::J MA 'OlEMA TlC5 .,I *LINCOLNWOOD Hyatt Hotel - 4500 W. Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood. • F,_ Plecement Service • Eaev Finenclng .. *MUNDELEIN Holiday Inn- Routes 45-83-60, Munde­ • Individual lnstrucllon • O.:t or Even~g 0 Enroll now for vur-around coursea. lein Sunday through Thursday, January 7-11 coupon for bulletlnll••••••• 0 .. -•••••••Phone, write~ ~II Sunday through Thursday, January 14-18 I AMERICAN INSTJTijTE OF DRAFTING OF CHICAGO ~ Sunday through Thursday, January 21-25 At 7 :30 PM daily ; 202 SOUTH STATI Slim Chicago 60604 • Phone 427~003 1 If you cannot attend a Mini Lesson, please call (312) I .._ Pho,. : 236-1996 for information and registraflr·n. Ask for I·~_._ . I Joyce. ~------~------6 NEW EXPRESSION This test may affect your graduation plans

by Deborah Padgett board has designed its own Competency test developed by experimental test for graduation. the Educational Testing Service In the September issue of New Beginning in 1980 the Mini­ (ETS), the largest test-maker' in Expression, we published a story mum Competency test will prob­ the country. Other states are about the Minimum Competency ably become mandatory, which already using the ETS testing test In Illinois. A Minimum Com­ means that the Chicago schools service as a means of deciding petency test is a test of basic will have to use the test which whether a student should be skills to determine whether a the state chooses. This also granted a diploma. Paul Hernandez and lolita Manlutac person will be promoted or means that Catholic school and ETS agreed to let us print this study A.P. Biology at Clemente. graduated. private school students must sample so that students would Photo by Marla VIllalobos The state lawmakers passed a take and pass the test to receive have some idea of what they bill last year allowing Minimum an approved Illinois diploma. might be expected to know If the Competency tests to exist in Illi­ The test printed on these State of Illinois makes Minimum nois on an experimental basis pages is a sample of a Minimum Competency a state law. Your guide until1980. In Chicago the school to Chicag9 high schools by Maria VJJI.aobos Reading_ The Advanced Placement Program ou.. tiDtla 1-J ,..., to the following medlc:lne label. Is designed to give high school stu­ 1. According to the directions. if you have a sore throat. fever, dents the opportunity to earn college RAMITOL: FOR TEMPORARY RELIEF and a headache, you should credit. This year the A.P. Program was OF MILD SORE THROAT (A) use Ramitol for more than 2 days expanded frqm 154 classes to 164 (B) call a doctor as soon as.vou can Dosage: 3-6 years: •;. teaspoon at 6-hour intervals classes In 42 Chicago Public high (C) increase the amount of Aamitol you take schools In f''l effort to lure students to 6-12 years: % teaspoon at 6-hour intervals (0) use other medicir:'e to st,op the pain schools that offer A.P. over 12 years: 1 teaspoon at 4-hour Intervals The Board of Education expected 2. How much Ramltol should be given to a 7-year-old child? WARNING: Severe and persistent sore throat or sore throat 1,213 students to transfer. Yet only 8 (A) 1/. teaspoon every 6 hours accompanied by fever. headache, nausea, or vomiting may students were willing to transfer~ (B) Y. teaspoon every 6 hours Richard Ronvlk, coordinator of the be serious. Consult a physician immediately. If rash or lrrlta­ (C) Y. teaspoon every 4 hours A.P. Program, believes that students llon develops, stop uae and consult a physician. Oo not use (D) 1 teaspoon every 4 hours weren't transferring to schools with more than 2 days or administer to children under 3 years of A.P. classes because the classes were age unless directed by physician. 3. You should stop using Ramitol right away if you get a already accepting students and (A) headache (B) fever (C) rash (0) sore throat students were already filling out their schedules before Access to Excel­ ~ ...... c..t...... ,_.,...... , ...... ,..n-.&1211 lence Information came out. After­ ---- wards students didn't want to be re­ ...... _...... _....._ • ll~l'tMO MAA OW«"A (Lui ,.,.._J DO NOI programmed. I l£u1 ...... ,...... I.Ma\f _,I .,. Ronvlk also thinks that the Idea of ~M~·w~~~·~~·~··~~~----~~~~~~--~~~~~~----~~--~·•lw~ transferring to another school as a )~==.AI ,,_.,,.,._1 f ...... ,""-_,..,.,.-..,~.f/.._, ._..,.._ _ J (Wtl~-1 o::. ~·§~~·~====~~=-~~====~==~r=~==~====~====--~.m~~o~ junior or senior for one class was not J ~rt (.'W-M} ( 0.,1 ( YMI'J ..... OAft ~y •POirtO (1/ Jt#,..-f,.,_ '-• JJ popular with students. .... fVo(l I asked five students at Clemente s "' High School who were In the A.P...... classes whether they would transfer to another school for A.P. If Clemente MAYI •OU 10 lO.I 't()UI ... a :.·;::;:·::.:=- ...--=.: =:;· didn't have the A.P. classes. Two said CMOt .. 0 .. -·--. -.

/ /

The test below is only a sample of an ETS 'Rithmetic Minimum Competency test. It will give you some idea of what the real test might be. 3.794-288 = In the "Reading" test we have eliminated ques­ tions 4-6 because of lack of space. In the "Rithr.le­ (A) 2.916 (B) 3.406 (C) 3,506 (D) 3,516 tic" test we have eliminated questions 7, 8 and 13 2 14 75 + 9 = How to for the same reason. (A) 23 75 (B) 15 65 (C) 14.55 (D) 14 84 To get the best idea of how well you might do, take this test in a quiet room away from loud music 3. 5,812 - 175 ts about take · or television. Try to answer every question. There (A) 5.000- 100 (B) 5.000- 200 is no penalty for guessing. Do not spend too much (C) 5.800 - 100 (D) 5,800 - 200 time on any one question. 4. 0 09 tS about The answers to the questions can be found on 0 1 1 the test (A) 10 (B) page 4. (C) 10 (D)100 There is no way of knowing what the passing score would be in a Minimum Competency test. OF 32 98 6 OF But a score of 70% in each section might be a safe -4rP~·~·~·~1o~,~·r•~1~~~o+t~·~·-8~p~,1l~,~1~~o~,41~·1~ey_o~·~·~·~~9~~~2 1 1 1 guess. -40 I -2P I I 6 20 I r4o 6Q I 80 100 We invite you to write New Expression with "C 37 •c your reaction to this test. How do you feel about a test like this becoming a standard for graduation? 5 The ltgure above relates Fahrenheit temperatures (upper ' scale) to centigrade temperatures (lower scale). Which centt­ grade temperature IS equal to 50° Fahrenheit? (Al s • c (B) 1o• c (C) 1s• c (D) 104• c

6. About how many ktlograms ts 996 grams? (A) 0.1 (B) 1 (C) 9 (D) 10

9. !! )( ~ = 5 4 'Riting (A) 2 (B) 32 (C) 25 (D) ..!.. 25 32 2 3 :tlons ftK Ou••tlons 1-4: Choose the one underlined word that 10. a= sspelled. Copyright © 1977 by Educa­ tional Testing Services. Re­ (A) 0.37 (B) 0.375 (C) 0.38 (D) 37.5 Found: Adress book, no identification of owner. See printed by permission. - A- B 11 . Which number is NOT equal to 6.25? 100 25 secretary an mam office. (A) (B) (C) (D) 625% 625 4 sl 4 1 c 0 12. Never use cleaning fluids or polish on a television screen be- I cause ______:. Maria-We have basketball practice tomorrow mght. (A) of this hanning the glass 12. A roll of quarters cost $10. How many quarters are in a·roll? A B (B) the glass can suffer from it (A) 40 (B) 80 (C) 250 (D) 400 Hope ~able to be there. Sue (C) of the reason of injury to the glass c 0 (0) they can damage the glass ~------..---- ELECTRIC RATES 13. Jerry's supervisor praised his ability ______· _. Availible: guitar in excellent condition. $45. $3.50 for the first 20 KWH A B C 0 (A) that he works quickly 4.20¢ per KWH for the next 80 KWH (B) of quick work 4.10¢ per KWH for the next 200 KWH (C) for his working quick lr Beginnang Wednesday: instruction in repair and (D) to work quickly A B MINIMUM BILL $3.50 mamtainance of small appliances. Room 204. 14. Eric wanted to buy a motorcycle, but his parents would not c 0 ° 14. Using the rate schedule. what is the charge lor 60 KWH of (A) be accepting it (B) allow their approval :flons lor Questions 5-I: In each of the following sentences, (C) give their pennission (D) have agreement with it electnctty? the error in punctuation or capitalization No sentence has (A) $5.1 8 (B) $3.50 (C) $2.52 (D) $1.68 ' than one erl'or. Directions for Questions 15-16: Choose the word or set of words Thts weeks' film, "Food from the Sea." will be shown that can logically join each pair of sentences. The punctuation will 15. A room is 12 feet wide and 15 feet long. Mr Lopez wants to put A sc be different in the new sentence. but the words must remain in the 2 coats of paint on the cetling. He must buy enough paint to at 8:00p.m. same order. cover how many square feet? 5 Look at this example. (A) 24 (B) 30 (C) 150 (D) 360 "Are you going to spend the Summer working in New Many people trade in cars for newer models. Their old cars still work well. A 8 1¢ SALE England?" asked Jane (A) excepting that (B) even though c 5 (C) and also (D) as if BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE The correct answer is (B). The new sentence reads: "Many people When he thought I wasn] looking. my playfu~ ~other GET THE SECOND FOR 1¢ trade in cars for newer models even though their old cars still work • A BC would take a bite of my chocolate cake well." 0 16 Mrs. Thomas bought two tubes of toothpaste at the sale. The 15. David returned the new toaster to the storp. It didn't work. regular price was $1 .89 The average price per tUbe ts how Mr Mtller wants hts mat! forwarded to 31 Center Street. (A) otherwise (B) unless (C) because (D) or much less than the regular price? A 6 c (A) $1 .89 (B) $1 .88 (C) $0 94 (D) $0 07 Btrmtngham, Alabama 16. The teacher would like to take the students on a camping trip. D She must get permission from the parents. I SELF-SERVICE I ct/ons lor Question 9: Choose the best answer to the question. (A) regardless of (B) but first GASOLINE (C) so that (D) and if I 56.8/ gallon Which way should Davtd Albert Woods ltll out the follow· I ing ltne tn an appltcatton form? Directions for Questions 17-11: Choose the best answer to each question. 17. The same gasolil1'e ts 63.2¢ a gallon at a Full Serv1ce slatton How muc.h ts saved by buytng 16 gallons at the Sell-Service? I - APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT 17. If you had to provide your employer with a written excuse for not coming to work, which of the following should you use? (A) $1 .02 (B) $9 09 (C) $10 11 (D) $10 24 Name:______(A) It is unfortunate on the company's behalf that I was de­ (last) {ltrst) (middle tntttal) tained elsewhere. 18 Mrs Wong has to be at work at 8 45 If she allows 1 hour and _.. (B) My reason is that it was not convenient for me to come to 20 minutes to get there. what ts the latest sh e can leave home? - - -- - work on that particular day. (A) A quarter to 8 (B) 5 alter 8 IVOOds David A (B) D A Woods (C) I had to take my neighbor to the hospital for an emergency (C) Hall past 7 (D) 25 alter 7 ) Woods D A (D) Davtd Albert Woods operatton (D) Employees should strive to attend work whenever tt is :tlons for Questions 10-14: Choose the word or set of words possible to do thts GIGANTIC SALE best completes each sentence 18 lmagtne that you are wnttng a short story about a terrible ship­ BIG $400 TV Whenever Jackte ndes her btcycle ______bestde wreck. Whtch of these sentences would be most effective for NO MONEY DOWN I rer. you to use? ONLY $1 A WEEK (A) and her dog runs (A) The ship sailed closer and closer to the Jagged rocks (B) her running dog Suddenly there was a crunchtng sound as the rocks tore (C) her dog runs into the ship's wooden hull (D) then her dog runntng (B) The ship sailed right upon the tagged rocks It then was 19 11 you buy th•s TV, about how many years must you expect to I• affected as the wooden hull passed over th ese rocks keep paytng for.'t? '.Ay mustc teacher thtnks that Manan Anderson stngs ___ _ (C) The rocks were Jagged. and also they were dangerous, (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 IDJ 8 1 t - _ any other contralto he has ever heard too As the shtp came up near them tt was sure that the (A) more well than wooden hull would undergo extreme damage 20 If a state sales tax ts 5%. what ts the amount of tax on a $400 (B) better than (D) The Jaggedness of the rocks provtded a danger situatton washtng machtne? Stnktng these, the shtp harmed 1ts wooden hull very (C) the most good of (A) $2 (B) SS (C) S20 0) $50 ) [D) more better over greatly 1\N 8 ... NEWEXPRESSION_...... ~~------lr------Growing l?ains You're .grounded! -

It's quieter than usual in the school pm on weeKdays and midnignt on • library. Janice and I find a round table weekends. Most work days she had to "You know ... how when near the windows. I am gathering facts stay and clean up, which would take By E~alne Takagi about family curfews. about an hour and a half, and then it you're having fun you lose She tells me about her life. She would take her about an hour to get track of the time." goes to school, goes. home, watches home. (I guess curfews don't hold up If TV, does homework and sometimes you're doing something that parents cooks dinner. "That's about it." (I'm see as constructive.) disappointed. I want conflict.) After work she would attack her Janice doesn't go out much . When homework. ''I always did my she cooks, she's home between 5:30 homework no matter how wrong it One Friday night she came home late At first her parents had the " Go ahead and play as long as you play in and 7 pm. I keep pushing, and finally I was. " from a party and was grounded. Well get the type of information I'm looking. Janice never had trouble with the the next day was Saturday, and she front" philosophy. Then In sixth grade she went to a birthday party which ran for. Her curfew Is 8 pm on weekdays. pollee on the way home from work. She was invited to a party. "I was all till pm. (Her father drove her home.) If she's late, well. .. "They stand by usually oot a ride with the manager, dressed up and walking out when my 9 the door and walt for me to come in, But sometimes she'd have to call her father said, 'Where are you going?' It In seventh grade she was.invited by and then they start yelling at me." father for a ride. Her parents were less was a birthday party and I even had a an old girlfriend who lived out of the On weekends It's a different story. than thrilled about the job. "My father gift." She stayed at home and pouted. neighborhood, to a sleep-over. To get "My mother gives me money to go out would call the manager and yell about She tries to be reasonable. Once permission she begged and pleaded. and eat. .. as lonp as you eat some­ my hours. Sometimes I'd have to say, she got home on a Friday night at 2 :30 "Please, you got to let me. I'm old thing." Then she says, "Come home "I'll quite." But Janice stayed on until , am. (This was because she had to stay enough. I've never beeh to one." He let at work and help take Inventory. The early." it was too IJlUCh. She quit on her own. her go. Midnight is early. And Janice's older Before the McDonald's stint, Janice next morning (Saturday) her mother She liked sleeping over at her brother almost always goes wherever didn't work. She had an active social woke h_er up at 7 am because she had friend's house. She liked that feeling she goes. Sometl•nes she resents this. life-but only on the weekends. She not finished her homework for of "I'm on my own." Living with a "I'm responslb:u. I can take care of went to parties and saw a lot of Monday. (I was shocked to hear it. I friend's curfew is always a lot easier myself." Her parents don't see it quite movies. Sure there were problems with don't do my· homework until Monday than living ·under your own curfew. the same way . "They think that they curfew. "You know ... how when you're morning.) But back under her own roof she's (brothers) can protect me." · having fun you lose track of time." At th1s point I wanted to know how still not on her own. I wonder what her Last year Janice worked the last Every so often Janice let the "vice" her curfew time had changed over the parents will do when she's 18. shift at McDonalds, which closes at 11 of youthful galtety get the best of her. years.

blom lunch. Those who do it without gagging have proven their ability to concentrate and practice self control. by Eric Williams Applicants are then taken to ROTC hall where they are tested In self defense. The school invites several neighborhood residents (thugs) to come In and chase the prospective students, while yelling "Gimme your lunch money!" Those who don't get I get some 'fan mail' , caught In the first five minutes show fighting spirit and physical fitness. Dear Eric; Whitney Young " Dear Lisa, The written test, which you I am a student at Whitney M. Young Eric mentioned In one of his articles It fills me with pride to think that criticized, now has some very relevant high school, and like many other that he got a ''D" In journalism. His you were Interested enough to have questions. For example, "Who should Whitney Young students, I have taken writing shows it. And since a "D" at someone read my column to you. But I make the decisions In student a keen "Interest" In a variety of articles Lindblom Is equivalent to an "F-" was shocked at some of the things government?" a) the janitor b) the written by Eric Williams for this paper. anywhere else, I was prone to believe you said. teacher aide c) the students d) the For those of you who don't already that he secretly wishes he could go to Why, you make It sound as If I have principal. Students who answer this know, Eric Williams is a Lindblom Whitney Young but wasn't eligible. something against Whitney Young. question correctly are accepted for student who writes a column "Out The As we all know, Lindblom Isn't hard Perish the thought I Some of my best their good attitude and student Box." In this column Eric expresses an to get Into. I personally took the friends go to Whitney. They've been leadership potential. obvious obsession with Whitney admissions test to Lindblom before I over to my house, and I hardly ever All of these tests are scientifically Young by Including in his articles was accepted to Whitney Young and have to put down newspaper. designed to find students who can such Instances as seeing Whitney on the test were questions like : You're all wrong about the Lindblom keep up the Lindblom tradition­ Young students trying to set them­ WRITER Is to BOOK as PAINTER Is test. It's obviously been a long time smoke cheap marijuana, start lunch­ selves on fire with Blcs that wouldn't to : a) photograph b) picture c) bowling since you took the test or else you room riots, stage walkouts, cheat on flick because they couldn't decide ball." Although this test probably wouldn't make fun of it. It has been tests, lie to teachers and hall guards what to eat for lunch ; having an ex­ posed problems for Eric, Lindblom modified to test students In really and still maintain a 3.0 grade average. clusive Interview with SaMa Claus was probably his only hope for high relevant matters. Right now I'm putting my Lindblom who says that he gets "a lot of letters school. The test begins by lining up leadership to use by starting an "Out in crayon from a place called Whitney So here's to you Eric. Keep up the students, pointing them to a staircase the Box" fan club. Maybe you or some Young," and after seeing a strange "good work" and maybe one day, and saying, "Go up!" Those who of your friends would like to join? person on the L-platform killing ants, Whitney Young will give you the time succeed show gQod coordination and Send all compliments, complaints, Eric Is quoted as saying, "If all of the of day. an ability to work complicated Ideas and money to Eric Williams, weird people In the world were killed, Sincerely, problems. Editorial Director, New Expression 207 there wouldn't be anyone left to go to Lisa Jeffrey Next they are forced to eat a Lind- S. Wabash (8th floor) Chicago 60604.

by Ava Thompson Gentlemen prefer warm legs and Felicia Willis

Winter warmth has taken on a look of fashion for '79. Leg Socks are definitely vogue. The newest crazy socks have accessories can change the plain, drab look to a fashionable pockets for money, combs or whatever you can fit In them. Insulated loo~ . Knee-hi's are not Ideal for people who tend to have "cold Bc!ot toppers or leg warmers, which are worn Inside the feet." The elastic which grips around the calf cuts circula­ boots, are terrific to fight off frostbite. They come In a tion, causing your Legs to feel cold. variety of solids, stripes and colors and usually run from For a complete look Danskln has organized sets of hats, $3.97 to $8. leg warmers and sweaters. They are color coordinated for Tights also add that extra layer of skin to your body. Bulk sizes small, medium and large. tights are thicker than the smooth nylon-like ones. You can Footles are very light but help to keep feet warm. They dazzle up that old skirt by adding a pair of tights for a chic won't cause boots or shoes to feel snug If shoes are sized look. Tights come In diamond, cable, ribbed and waffle correctly. textures with a bright collection of colors. They cost from All these accessories can be found at Sears, Carson's, $2.50 to $10. Ward's or any hosiery shop.


Remember to keep blowdryers and For weak, chipped nails start at the help soften cuticle~. attachments free from built up grime onset of chipping. Smoothing chips • • • and oils When the unit Is off, wipe and ridges with a nail smoother (In­ It's especially Important to wear otJtslde parts with a damp cloth. Make cluded In Jovan's nail care kit) can sunglasses on a sunny winter day to sure the unit Is completely dry before save nails from breaking . guard against rays reflected by Ice and using again The theory that gelatin helps nails snow. The glare can cause eyestrain, Be ::>ure to take extra caution If you to grow has never been proven true. squinting and headaches. Photo by Nona Paramore blowdry often Try Ultra Max sham­ The best thing for healthy nails Is a When you purchase sunglasses, Feet can get p.retty cold when you poo ll's sptJclally formulated for blow balanced diet that Includes plenty of you should make sure that they block walk In the snow or walt for the bus. dryer users vitamin C and Iron . at least 65 percent of the sun's rays. Try a pair of Scholl i'herma Cushion Also, to protect hair from blowdryen If you don't like the oily feeling of To test this, put sunglasses on In the Insoles for your shoes or boots. The damage, try Preheat, e protective con­ nallpollsh removers, try Revlon's store and look In the mirror. If you can four layers of Insulating materials ditioner to be sprayed on before you lotion nail polish remover. It's a non­ see your eyes easily, you need darker helps feet to stay warm . blow dry. greasy rempver with conditioners to lenses.

' \ I , WashingtQn says teens don't count NEW EXPRESSION 9 Prove them wrong: Write Can you think well enough to figure out what needs to b~ changed in your community, in your 12 school, or m your future? Barrington '\ Elk Grove 10 Can you write well enough to be under­ Hanover Evanston Pal81lne Maine stood? Schaumburg """" New Trier WhMIIng Niles Northfield Can you take the time to address an envelope that will make it to Washington D.C. to the person who represents you and your co'n: cerns? The powerful people in Washington don't think 6 you can or will! According to Sue Nakagawa of Cicero Senator Percy's office, the senator receives very Leyden Oak Part< little mail from teenagers. Proviso Through the eyes of powerful political figures, teens are invisible. They are powerless. Why? Because we are not of age to vote so we are overlooked when it comes time for the politicians to make decisions about our future. In order to make ourselves our repre­ sentatives we can write them, giving them our views on some of the issues that concern us. We at New Expression aren't really sure why teens don't write, but one possible reason may be that teens don't know who to write. If that's the problem, we have the solution ori this page. To ttie left you witt find a map ot the area numbered by Congressional districts. Find your own horne on this map. That will tell you the number of your district. Look for that number underneath th~ map 4 to see who'your representatrve is. Bremen Lemont Another reason teens don't write may be that Lyons teens don't know what issues in Congress really Orland Palos concern them. Below you will find four areas that Worth Proviso Congress will consider in the next few months. They all affect teens. Please don't feel that your letters will go unan­ swered. Each letter that is written is read and given Names of congressmen some thought. You will also be put on the Con­ with numbers of their dis­ gressman's mailing list so if any information is tricts and addresses. All distributed, you will receive it. letters to congressmen Think .. . Write ... Mail ... Be Visible should be mailed in care of 230 South Dearborn, Chi· cago, Illinois 60604. CETA Proposals have been made to broaden the 1. Bennet Stewart (D) eligibility requirements for CETA jobs, making 2. Morgan Murphy (D) 3. Martin Russo (D) more people eligible. Also the Presidenfs budget 4. Edward Derwlnskl (R) proposes a reduction of CETA jobs for the sum­ 5. John Fary (D) mer. 6. Henry Hyde (R) 7. Cardias Collins (D) Draft, Again? 8. Daniel Rostenkowskl (D) Congress tackles Registration for a military draft may be revived 9. Sidney Yates (D) - by the Congress this year. For more informati()fl, 10. Abner Mlkva (D) teen issues in '79 see page 2 of this issue. 11. Frank Annunzio (D) 12. Phillip Crane (R) 13. George O'Brien (R) The following are a few of the youth-related issues College Aid which will be dealt with by Congress during the next Financial aid to oollege for all 1980 high school U.S. Senators for the State congressional session. The proposed legislation may graduates (BEOG) will be decided by this Con­ of Illinois are Senator not affect all teens, but those who are ooncerroed with gress. The Office of Management and Budget has Charles Percy and Senator the outoome of this legislation may want to write their proposed a reduction of one billion dollars in this Adlai Stevenson. Address oongressmen. area. mall to senators In care of the above address. Sen. Tuition Aid Percy Is In Room 3859 and The Tuition Tax Credit bill will allow families to . Sen. Stevenson Is In Room deduct from their taxes if they have children who 3960. If you need further in­ are attending oolleges, private or parochial formation, call the Federal schools. This is the second attempt. first was Information Center at 353- The 4242. defeated. Letters to the Editor ·

I wish to compliment Kathy Hawk harder stuff, but the people I know problems I would like to find out woman is definitely out of her mind! If on her article about teenage fathers in seem to know what is right or wrong about. Paula Eubanks would allow the kids the November, 1978 Issue of New and know what can really hurt them. Sometimes I wish you could devote and the adults to be really honest with ExpPesslon. I think It was a fairly I think that the law about drinking a whole page to this section. her, she would hear different opinions accurate portrayal of some of the bur­ should be raised because of the num­ Keep up the good work! other than the one she printed. Has dens and responsibilities that the ber of accidents on the road. Most Gary Wolinsky she brain-washed them Into these average concerned teenage father is teens don't know how to handle them­ opinions? willing to take on. selves and are not mature enough to I was very upset to read such a I have worked with thousands of Keep on writing Kathy. drink. prejudiced article entitled "But it's teens, and I have much different opin­ Kathy D. Giberson Sherrl A. Cosentino safer than cigarettes, mom" by Paula ions about them than she does. I Eubanks (December, 1978). It Is full of would like to know the background of I am writing this tetter about your prejudices and mistaken information. this so-called author that prints only • article on "Marijuana high among Every time I get your paper I im­ What proof does she have about one view of marijuana and acts as if seniors," In your November issue of mediately turn to your section called what she printed in her article? What she prints the gospel truth. New Expression. "Playing It Off." teens did she talk to? I would want to "'!ev. Mary C Alvarado Most of the seniors I know who get I enjoy reading the answers to the talk to the same teens Anyway, since high don't s<>em to becoming an en­ questions that are asked and on when does eating food turn the eater (Ed. note: this letter was over 1000 dangered species. Just because occasion I like the cartoons. into a nutritionist. words, much longer than our space people sm~'9 pot doesn't rr.ean that I feel that the advice you give is very If you're telling me that the teens allows The 99 surveys used in Paula's they are s .Jmbling around causing helpful and interesting . Most of the she interviewed have a right to blame story were secured anonymously on trouble. Some people do get into questions asked deal with the same marijuana for all their problems, this paper with no "brain-washing ") 10 NEW EXPRESSION Teen Teasers by Brenda Klllans Instructions : All of the terms In this puzzle are those used by doctors, How to psychologists, pharmacists and other professionals when talking Sexuality enter about sexuality, not slang terms that 1. Write your list of an are usually used by teens. This quiz swors on a sheet of paper will challenge your knowledge of the As a final point give us tho terms and their meanings. Match the Search title of a sox education terms with their definitions. course that would bo acceptable to parents and other adults. 2 Send the answers along with your name, address, 1 . A drug used widely to cure VD. A. douch age, school and phone 2. Self stimulation of the sex organ ... B. wet dream number to: Youth Com­ 3. Most commonly used method of birth control C. vagina munication, Teen Teasers, for males. D. testicles 207 S. Wabash, Chicago, December's 4. A doctor who specializes In female sex E. Norlestrln Illinois 60604. Do not se'nd organs. F. 'menstruation tho puzzle, just the an answers 5. A common veneral disease. The first symp­ G. dlaphram swers. 1. Jingle Bell Rock tom Is a plalnless sore that appears on an In­ H. gonorrhea 3. All answers must be 2. A Charlie Brown fected area. I. masturbation received no later than Christmas 6. Two tubes which carry eggs from the ovaries J. semen January 26 3. How the Grlnch Stole to the uterus. K. condom 4 People working for Christmas 7. A developing baby during Its first three L. embryo Youth communication and 4 Frosty tho Snowman months. M. sodomy their families cannot 5 Neediest Families 8. Another name for the birth canal. N. Fallopian participate In the contest Christmas Fund 9 An erotic dream, very common In boys ap­ 0 . penicillin 5. The winners will receive 6 The Homecoming proaching adolescence. P. gynecologist prizes from WLS Music 7. This Christmas 10 A word used to describe abnormal sex such Radio 8 Rudolph the Red-Nose as anal Intercourse or Intercourse with animals. Reindeer 11 . The two glands In a male which produce sex 9. Tho Little Drummer hormones and sperm cells. Boy 12. A thick white fluid consisting of sperm cells. 10 House Without a 13. A shallow cup made of soft rubber which Want a job? Christmas Tree provides maximum safety against pregnancy. Now £xpmss10n has opon1ngs tor Prevents sperm from entering the uterus'. several teenngers who would like The December puzzle 14. Used for the Internal cleansing of a woman's to learn how to sell advert1smg. must have been too diffi­ vagina 1 his IS career tra1n1ng lor thoso cult or our puzzle artists 15. Pharmaceutical name for "the pill". Obtained really Interested 1n busmoss and had too much on their through a prescription because "the pill" should advertiSing. Sophomores and minds because we received be used under a doctor's supervision. Jun1ors who are CETA ohglblo can no entries We'll try harder 16. Cycle of changes In the woman's apply at 207 S. Wabash, 8th floor to make the puzzles do reproductive organs that prepares the womb for any weekday until 6 p.m able In the future. pregnancy.

mature, responsible person Some will tell and some serious, he will come and through a phase. Don't be and that you are capable of won't. explain that he Is also going harsh ; give him time. Playing looking after yourself. Secondly, as a young adult Your sister seems to have you are going through a time proved herself. Try getting a In your life which exists so part-time job or becoming that you learn how to choose it off active In a school activity, close friends. by Paula Hogan such as the school band . That In choosing friendships you How would you way you bring new adults Into need to establish a relation­ the picture who respect what ship that both parties will you can do. Your mother can't value. She has to value your stand over you at practice or relationship more than she like 40,000 I am 14 years old and will be on the job. would value her popularity by 15 on January 20. I feel I'm a As far as your being a telling gossip. responsible person, but my member of the male genaer, You could gamble with her people to read mother does not seem to think that has nothing to do with again or possibly choose so. When I have the money to being mature or responsible. another friend that you believe go to the store and buy some­ will value the relationship. thing, I tell my mother that I'm I have a friend (at least I Every alnce I got pregnant I your story in a going to the atore. But she thought I had a friend) who don't see much of my boy­ always has to go with me. started telling others the friend. What should I do? My frlenda seem to think secreta I told her. This made A lot of times males I'm a "mama's boy," and I me mad, and we were going to become frightened , just like magazine? have to tell them Ilea why I'm fight. the expecting female. They with her so much. I have a Now she has come to me have a fear of what's hap­ slater 18 yeara old, and she and asked If we can be friends pening. Like any other person A new teen magazine called Young Chicago needs: was going places and doing again. She aaya we can be he wants to get away from the Teen artists- to illustrate and possibly to do a satire or things when she was 13. I good friends again, and she uncomfortable situation. adventure In comic strip form. think my mother Ia being will not do what she did A lot of times he does, Teen photographers- to take pictures that accom­ unfair, especially since I'm a anymore. What should I do? because he can run and the pany stories. boy. What should I do? First of all, don't be bitter. female cannot. He needs a Teen writers - to fill the pages with stories in two Your problem seems fairly Learning how to choose thinking period, emotionally categories: simple. I suggest you prove to friends Ia always risky. But we distancing himself from you. your mother that you are a all need persons to confide ln. 1) Short Stories Give him time. If he's - shocking - extraordinary JACKETS • SWEATERS • - supernatural -trama PREPARATION EMBLEMS - interpersonal relationships FOR - dramatic scripts • - maximum length of 2500 words COLLEGE BOARDS for ALL SCHOOLS Send your completed story with your name, address and telephone number by Feb. 1. SAT • To: Youth Communication- Young Chicago, 207 S. ENROLLING NOW Wabash, Chicago, IL 60604. C1ll, £ventnu l Weektnda Made the Way 2) Non-fiction (Please call ahead and talk about your 8218 N. Clark You Want Them Chicago, Ill. Idea with Paula at 663-0543 before you start your (312) 764-5151 All Styles • V-Cuts writing and research.) Hoods • Belts • Special Designs · an article that will go with photography or art a profile of a Chicago teen who has experienced COME: TO OUH FACroRY OR PHONF IJS FOR something that could be shared with thousands ~~ · FREF 0£ SIGN KIT f DlJCA IlONA I ct N II II of toon readers (The person profiled could re­ ~ main anonymous.) l fiT I'Hli'AIIATION • Che('r & Pep Club Oulfits lll'li;IAII ll IINCII 1.,1 . ~, investigations of 1ssues that affect Chicago-area Outoi•l• NV t~•• 011ly • Sk1r f!. Swe

By Beatriz Henderson, Kevin Thompson, Lincoln Davis, Valerie Piotrowski and Jacki Ryan

California Suite ' 1 Neil Simon's "California Suite," ' which has an impressive cast (Maggie ·---·· -~ -- -- {I Invasion of the Body Snatchers Smith, Michael Caine, Walter Mathau, ·----. Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor), is a This film Is a good bet for science series of sketches about five couples fiction entertainment. at a Beverly Hills hotel. It begins as a The stor.y Is about extraterrestrial sophisticated comedy, but it all falls beings that take over the bodies of apart at the end. The movie begins with Alan Aida ordinary people while they sleep. • j When a body is taken over, the person and Jane Fonda as a divorced couple 1: still looks the same. Yet, inside, the who must decide which will get custo­ .,, individual has no feelings. dy of their daughter. Fonda's and .!i I Elizabeth feels that this process has Aida's lines are snappy, but have ii changed her husband, Geoffrey. depth. ·' r Matthew, a public health inspector, The sketch by Maggie Smith (who ji I tries to help her by taking her to a psy­ plays an English actress in Hollywood chologist. But all Elizabeth finds out to accept an Oscar) and Michael Caine from the psychologist is that other (who plays her husband) are both people in the city also believe these tender and funny. changes exist. Towards the end of the movie, the Brooke ~dams ' portrayal of Eliza­ tone changes. The witty comedy is beth Is outstanding. Her acting ability replaced by the silly antics of Richard Is worth seeing because of the way Pryor and Bill Cosby. ~lthough Pryor she lets her emotions show. and Cosby are funny, their scenes are Many of the special effects a bit too exaggerated. throughout the movie turn out to be On the whole "California Suite" is excellent, especially the manufactur­ successful as a comedy. It could have ing of bodies. been better if the final sketches were One thing the film lacks is a decent more low key. ending. But despite that setback, the film produces an eerie feeling from ~uperman • beginning to end. \ Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a \ . King of the Gypsies plane! No! ... it's Superman! (updated, \ that is, 1978 style). \ \ This is a movie full of adventure and The movie starts off with five excitement. It tells the tale of how ol'}e minutes of "Star Wars" inspired man uses h1s power over the Gypsies. credits. Then it opens onto the icicle He rules as his forefathers ruled, but filled world of Krypton, a highly ad­ deals with business like the Mafia. vanced civilization, and Superman's This isn't your normal Gypsy film. birthplace, where superbaby's mother and father are about to send their only You see very few tents, horses, Queen ... "Jazz" ... Eiectra/ Asylum son to-the planet earth ir:~ a crystallized wagons or forest lands. Instead you Records see apartments and city life. At the star-like rocket ship before Krypton Is same destroyed. time the clothing, music and As a non-fan of Queen, I began to dancing and ancient customs of mind On his long trip to earth he Is taught everything he needs to know for eight listen to their new album with a willing reading and crystal ball viewing still but closed mind. After hearing the remain. or nine lifetimes. So he arrives In Kan­ camp and old-time harmonies of Listen to Us: The Children's Express The movie Is based on the book sas, a naked five-year-otd genius, "Night at the Opera," and the heavier Report K~ng of the Gypsies by Peter Maas, a where he's discovered by his future R&R in "News of the World," I thought Workman Publishing $5.95 (paper­ true account of Gypsy life. earth mother and father who take him that was all Queen had to offer. I back) Eric Roberts plays David, who is to home to be their own. expected one or the other again In inherit the power of the king. He Years later, after his father dies, he "Jazz." Listen to Us is written and edited by doesn't want it. He doesn't even want leaves home and heads north to children and teens. It Is a collection of to be a Gypsy. He actually fights to But no matter what you. are expect­ become Clark Kent the mild-mannered ing from "Jazz," you won't be totally thoughts of young people on such give away his throne. reporter for the Metropolis-Dally subjects as money, religion, divorce David longs to be like the "average" right. From the vigorous chanting of Reporter (played by the handsome, "Mustapha," to the heavy metal, to the and families. American man, who can read, write but all-American Christopher Reeve). Although most of the writers are and hold a steady, legal job. subtle social statements, to the There he meets and falls in love with mellow harmonies and lilting solo pre-teens, the book will be interesting Judd Hirsch plays a vile, jealous, Lois Lane. to teens. The monologues show that parent. He's hard and cold, as he Is In vocals, and even to the sneaky attempt How Superman handles Lois Lane's at disco, the musical style of ''Jazz" many children face the same problems mo5t of his parts. Therefore; he Is per­ death ... how he turns back the earth's as older teens. fect for the role. orbit and the hands of time and brings can only be called "everything" ... an enjoyable, worthwhile purchase if you One 13 year old says, "My mother is Mike Gazzo and Shelly Winters are back the life of his beloved Lois is are a fan of Queen or not. a pain sometimes, and especially my Gypsies. They are marvelously something you have to see for your­ father-he's a real pain. If I told my belleveable. Brooke Shields is David's self. Talking Heads ..•"More Songs about father he was a pain in the ass, wow, sister, and as usual, is breath-taking, After seeing this movie, you will Buildings and Food" ...Sire Records· forget it." especially doing her Gypsy dancing in walk away believing that a man can Another boy, 13, speaking of child beautiful Gypsy clothing. actually fly. It's a movie worth seeing. The Talking Heads have been called abuse says, "I knew something was "the most intellectual of the new-wave wrong because a normal father doesn't bands." Intellectual or not, I would punch you around In the face .... "· call them the best. A 13-year-old boy speaking about Their intellect shows up mostly in divorce says, "My mother used to their thoughtful, sarcastic lyrics. But mention that she might get married the overall product, with some help again. I would start screaming and January 20 Original Youth theater auditions, 207 S. from producer Brian Eno, vibrates yelling at her because I didn't wartt to have a new father. But I wanted my 6 Nineteenth Century Valentines from Wabash, call 663-0543 for appoint­ more quality and talent than most ment. father to get married because he England and America exhibit at the Li­ other "new-wave" or "punk" groups brary Cultural Center, 78 E. Washing­ · 22 "The D.B. Cooper Project" presented whose popularity depends more on seemed kind of lonely." ton, West Gallery thru February. by the Free Street Theater for junior and their outrageous public appearance The book covers life sltuatlons such than on the music they produce. as school, sex, television, feelings 11 Voter Registration at Chicago Public sen1or high school students thru Jan. 31, the Cultural Center Theater, 2:15 At their last Park West Concert, and the way adults treat children. A Library branches thru Jan. 13. Regis­ pm. Dec. 16, the audience was mostly 13-year-old girl, Robin, talks about the tration is for 18-year-olds to vote in the made up of curiosity-seekers, dressed way teachers treat her reputation, "It's Feb. 27 primary for mayor and alder­ 26 Special Olympics for the Mentally in everything from polyester suits to amazing how much teachers gossip or men. Handicapped athletes of Chicago, chains and black leather. We were talk about you. When you get there, 12 Last day to register for Feb. 10 ACT Regional Winter Sports Meet at 9:30 calm but Interested during the first the teachers already have a set opinion test. am at McFetridge Sports Center, 3845 half of the set, while the "Heads" about you. They'll say, 'Listen, I heard N. California. played carefully with blank faces. this and that about you.' " A 16-year­ 13 ."Champions; A Love Story," 8-10 pm, 28 Chinese New Year - good week to visit Finally we began to feel more com­ old girl, who ran away from home, Channel 2. Chinatown. ' fortable with the music, and towards says, "For those who want to run 13 Ongmal Youth Theater Auditions, 207 the end, the Talking Heads had pryed 29 Avon Championships of Chicago, away, try to hold on 'cause the world '3. Wabash, call 663-0543 for appoint­ a cynical, rather dull audience out of is cold and people will knock you Women's tennis thru Feb. 4 Interna­ ment our chairs and had us yelling for more. down so they can get up top." tional Amphitheatre. Tickets half-price No tricks, no gimmicks. 15 Martm Luther King h1gh school presents for those under 18. Listen to Us Is a book that teens can a concert at the Cultural Center, relate to and It may help them realize Preston Bradley Hall, 2:15pm February We will publish activities that Interest or that they are not alone in facing their Involve teens free of charge. Send In­ problems. The book carries a strong 18 "Challenge of the Superheroes," 7 9 "Rocky," 8-10 pm, Channel 2 formation In care of Youth Communica­ message-that teens and chlldrens pm, Channel 5. tions, 207 S. Wabash, Chicago 60604. are people and they deserve respect.