Blood-Stained Snow -RIGHT - Operation Nordwind- The Alsatian Hell Setup order

Wissembourg 1 x4

2 x15

Philippsbourg Hatten 3 x1

4 x3 Moder river

Haguenau forest 5 x2

Pfaffenhoffen 6 x7

Rhine river 7 x1 Hochfelden


Herrlisheim 9 x1

Mundolsheim 10 x1 La Watzenau Freistett

11 x31 Historical Background See Blood-Stained Snow -LEFT 12 x29 Briefing medals for each unit exited. It is a one hex move to exit from the board. Entry markers (Terrain 33) are in effect (shown by battle stars) for the 13 x13 See Blood-Stained Snow -LEFT. Rules listed both there and here Allies for the hexes on the Southern edge of the board (and for the pertain to both maps, unless specifically mentioned otherwise! applicable West edges on the Blood-Stained Snow LEFT map) For the This double breakthrough map board (OVERTHROUGH) scenario is Germans entry markers (Actions 33) are in effect for the one hex to the inspired by the D-day landings expansion. When rolling for ground East of the river [only] marked with an entry marker (battle 14 x13 reinforcements, French resistance, Hobart's Funnies and paratroopers star). cannot be called up. When the Axis player rolls the combination Pontoon bridge rules (Terrain 32) are in effect for the German player. allowing him to call up a Tiger, he may choose a heavy tank destroyer This one Pontoon bridge may only be placed on one of the two straight 15 x5 (Jagdtiger) instead (See special rules below). If the combination for a Rhine river hexes between the villages of and Gambsheim. regular tank destroyer is rolled, both sides may choose regular tank destroyers, not just the Germans. Both the Germans and Allies may Special weapon assets Late War rules are in effect (SWAs 4) for units obtain halftracks as well as supply trucks. Only the Germans may thus marked: Anti-tank gun Late War (ASW 5); Mortar Late War (SWA 16 x9 receive flamethrower tanks. 6); Machine gun Late War (SWA 7). The Allied infantry units consisting of 1 figure are supply trucks ( Troops 17). The Axis forces gain 1 medal for every three supply trucks and/or halftracks (See Blood-Stained Snow RIGHT) destroyed. 17 x6 Resupply rules (Actions 24) are in effect for halftracks and Supply Conditions of Victory trucks. The same rules apply to both Axis and Allied halftracks and/or See Blood-Stained Snow -LEFT supply trucks that enter as reinforcements. 18 x2 The towns of Gambsheim, Herrlisheim, Philippsbourg, Hatten and Special Rules Rittershoffen are each worth one temporary victory medal to the Heavy tank destroyer (jagdtiger): A Jagdtiger heavy tank destroyer German forces (temporary medal objective). The town of Haguenau is unit follows the rules for regular tank destroyers (Troops 24) except: it worth two temporary victory medals to the Germans. 19 x6 consists of one figure; it is NOT hit on stars, unless a card (e.g. barrage, airpower) or unit (e.g. tank destroyer, anti-tank SWA, heavy anti-tank gun) specifically says otherwise. In addition, reroll any [potential] hits. If at least one grenade is rolled, the kill is confirmed. 20 x3 All other rerolls are ignored. (Note that if a flag is rolled on the first roll it applies as normal, but may be a potential hit if the unit can't retreat!). 21 x2 Exit rules (Actions 23) are in effect for the Germans for the hexes marked with an exit marker [only]. The Germans score two victory

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