Energizing Waterfront – Unleashing East Potential

發展局 Development Bureau February 2014 Introduction: HK-Barcelona Urban Exchange Kowloon East Litrol Morrot

Place-making Land-water Interface Connectivity Green Urban Design

2 Introduction: HK-Barcelona Urban Exchange

Kowloon East

3 Background: EKE Initiatives - WHERE

Kowloon Bay Business Area Business Area 91 ha 77 ha 320ha

Kai Tak Development 320ha Kwun Tong Business Area 77ha Business Area 91ha TOTAL 488ha

4 Background: EKE Initiatives - WHY HK 2030 Study  Asia’s World City  International financial centre  Gateway into China & Asia

A dedicated Continued demand for CBD Grade strategy to A offices, additional requirement from 2003- 2030 : maintain an 2.7 M m2 GFA adequate and (100,000 m2 / yr on average) steady supply of prime offices

Challenges in making land available in traditional CBD

5 Background: EKE Initiatives – WHY Consolidation and Decentralisation

Find sites within CBD

Relocate govt offices outside CBD

Office Nodes Outside CBD

6 Background: EKE Initiatives – Our Challenge

Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay ₋ developed areas with over 300 existing buildings, mostly in multiple ownership ₋ 25,000 business establishments providing 220,000 jobs opportunities

To maintain economic vibrancy in the transformation process

(Source: Property Reviews of RVD) 7 Background: EKE Initiative - VISION

Transforming KE as another PREMIER CBD – a place where people would like to work, to do business, to walk, to stay and to play

8 Background: Energizing Kowloon East Office


EKEO is pioneer of applying place-making approach to create public space in KE where people would like to work, to do business, to walk, to stay, to play and to enjoy the urban space freely.

9 Background: Conceptual Master Plan version 3.0 Connectivity Branding Design Diversity

10 Main Tasks in 3 Categories

(1) Enhance Connectivity (2) Improve Environment (3) Release Development Potential 10 60’s/70’s Left-over space under the flyover

90’s 90’s

13 Vibrant Waterfront: Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 1 Opened in 2010


Vibrant Waterfront: Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 1 Picnic in festive seasons

15 Under the Flyover - Vibrant Waterfront: From idle land to public space

FF01: 3400 m2

16 Under the Flyover - Vibrant Waterfront: From idle land to public space June 2012 FLY THE FLYOVER 01 site

October 2012

17 Under the Flyover - Vibrant Waterfront: From idle land to public space January 2013

18 FF01 Signages

19 FF01 Events

20 FF01 Experiment on Use and Management of Public Space

21 Vibrant Waterfront: Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2

Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2 under construction

Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 1 completed

22 Vibrant Waterfront: Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2

 Works of Kwun Tong Promenade Stage 2 is under construction and scheduled for completion at the end of 2014

23 Left-over space under the flyover Under the Flyover - Vibrant Waterfront: Creativity, Arts and Culture Operator

Market Sounding Exercise - late 2013

Invitation for Proposals - mid 2014


25 Under the Flyover - Vibrant Waterfront: Creativity, Arts and Culture Operator


2 2 FF03: 2160 m FF02: 3340 m2 FF01: 3400 m Multi-Purpose Creative Hub Informal Functional Space Performance Venue

26 Centre for Paper Recycling LoadingLeft-over and space Unloading under theParadise flyover Vibrant Waterfront: Greening of Hoi Bun Road

28 Vibrant Waterfront: Greening of Hoi Bun Road

29 Vibrant Waterfront: Enhancing Connectivity

Kowloon Bay Action Area

Hoi Bun Road Park

Tsun Yip Street Playground Kwun Tong Action Area

30 More than a nullah Vibrant Waterfront: Tsui Ping River Conceptual Design from DSD’s Consultant

32 32 A place for you Vibrant Waterfront: Kai Tak Fantasy

Competition Area

34 34 Vibrant Waterfront: Kai Tak Fantasy

Reference images

35 35 Barcelona Experience Port Vell

36 36 Barcelona Experience Port Vell - reference for Kai Tak Fantasy

Vibrant Waterfront 37 Barcelona Experience Forum

38 38 Barcelona Experience Forum

Sewage Treatment Plant

Highway underneath Integrated Design Concept for co-existence of utilities and usable public space

39 Barcelona Experience Forum

Sewage Treatment Plant

Decked over outdoor public space

40 Barcelona Experience Forum

Covered space - used for children activities

41 Barcelona Experience Besos River Park

The recovery of rivers as public spaces

42 Barcelona Experience Heritage and Design Details La Rambla

43 43 Barcelona Experience Heritage and Design Details La Rambla  [More slides to be added]

44 Sea shell inspired tiles 44 Barcelona Experience Heritage and Design Details

Sagrada Familia by Antoni Gaudi Park Guell by Antoni Gaudi

Casa Batllo by Antoni Casa Mila by Antoni Gaudi Gaudi

45 45 Barcelona Experience Heritage and Design Details

Study on Industrial Heritage of Kowloon East and its Potential for Public Art/Urban Design

46 Barcelona Experience Public Engagement

47 47 Barcelona Experience Public Engagement


49 如果在九龍東工作的22萬員工能認同九 我們相信 龍東是一個方便步行的地方,有他們樂 於流連歇息的公共空間,這個地方便能 吸引投資、聚匯人才,並提供無限的機 We Believe 遇,成為香港另一個具吸引力的核心商 業區。

if the 220,000 workers found Kowloon East a walkable area with stayable public spaces and sittable spots, then we can attract investment, conglomerate people and provide limitless business opportunities, making Kowloon East an attractive alternative CBD of .

50 透過實行起動九龍東措施,我們 我們亦相信 可以在九龍東營造一個有本地特 色的活力社區。 We also by implementing the EKE Believe initiative, we can make a vibrant community in Kowloon East with its root and unique character growing out of its own context.

51 繼續與社區緊密對話,更妥善處理城市轉型的 我 們 會 過程,營造一個更美好的九龍東 maintain a close dialogue with the community to better manage the urban transformation process in We Will making Kowloon East a better PLACE 52 Design


Diversity Thank you!


www.ekeo.gov.hk 53 54