Citrus exotic pest and disease survey - 2010

Confidential supplement

A report for:



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Published by the Department of Primary Industries Bioprotection Research, October 2010

© The State of Victoria 2010.

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Acknowledgements 4

Introduction 5

Appendix 6: Survey site data 6

Appendix 7: Survey site location and contact details 9

Citrus exotic pest and disease survey report-2010 3


The author gratefully acknowledges the following for their assistance and cooperation during the planning and execution of this survey:

 Craig Murdoch (BV) for guidance and feedback as Survey Coordinator

 Martin Mebalds (BV) for resources such as GPS units, and statistical analysis for the survey

 Mary Cannard (Murray Valley Citrus Board, ) for her considerable and invaluable input into the selection of potential survey properties, contact with citrus growers and provision of property maps and planting data

 Tony Bothroyd (Murray Valley Citrus Board, Mildura) for sharing his valuable local knowledge of the citrus industry to assist in the location and selection of survey properties

 Frann Sette (SunRise 21 Inc, Mildura) for production of a regional map of citrus property locations

 Citrus growers across the region for their cooperation and willingness to be involved in the survey

4 Citrus exotic pest and disease survey report-2010


Under a Commonwealth Government biosecurity program, Australian farming industries are periodically surveyed for the presence of exotic pests and diseases. The surveys, performed with industry support, are intended to reassure our trading partners that certain plant pests and diseases are absent from our farms.

Victorian citrus properties were surveyed in 2004 for citrus canker and in 2006 for a broader range of exotic pests and diseases. As part of this ongoing surveillance program, Biosecurity Victoria (BV) commissioned DPI Victoria to undertake a survey for exotic pests and diseases on citrus properties in the Murray Valley region of Victoria. The survey was to include approximately 40 sites and provide a broad geographical cover of the citrus districts within the region.

The results of the survey are presented in the report ‘Citrus exotic pest and disease survey - 2010’ produced by DPI Victoria. This confidential supplement contains Appendix 7 of that report, listing the site and contact details of properties visited during the survey. Appendix 6 is also included in this supplement for completeness, as it lists the citrus block and patch identification codes for each site inspected during the survey.

Citrus exotic pest and disease survey report-2010 5

Appendix 6: Survey site data

(in order of site location, west to east)

Site Location MVCB Block Block Block no. Patch ID Patch Ha Patch no. Citrus type Tree Date CS# ID Ha of of trees of citrus of trees age surveyed citrus

15 Lindsay Point LIND005 52.52 19442 S 1.78 362 Star ruby on Citrange 20 7/07/2010

14 Lindsay Point LIND001 47.10 25882 AA 2.65 870 Valencia on Cleopatra 40 7/07/2010

31 Yelta WRAG033 20.43 11532 I 2.68 2175 Late Lane navel on Trifoliata 9 29/07/2010

17 Merbein West MERB164 2.45 724 K 0.80 305 Late Lane navel on Citrange 36 14/07/2010

13 Yelta YELT042 0.37 180 C 0.37 180 Washington navel on Trifoliata 50 23/06/2020

16 Merbein MILDE28-1 40.06 15096 G 3.01 2350 Barnfield navel on Citrange 14 14/07/2010

26 Irymple MILDF79-1 0.91 400 A 0.91 400 Late Lane navel on Citrange 9 26/07/2010

1 Irymple MILDF37-15 5.24 2926 E 1.38 756 Navelina navel on Citrange 11 10/06/2010

2 Mildura MILDG3-1-9 20.02 10121 J 2.82 2571 Late Lane navel on Citrange 14 10/06/2010

3 Red Cliffs REDC0276 2.86 1709 Q 0.75 585 Imperial on Citrange 23 11/06/2010

4 Red Cliffs REDC250 4.68 2554 D 1.83 787 Barnfield navel on Citrange 20 11/06/2010

12 Red Cliffs REDC195 3.02 1642 F 0.77 483 Imperial on Citrange 13 22/06/2010

11 Yatpool YATP018A 165.40 98391 3 8.37 5456 Chislett navel on Citrange 6 22/06/2010

40 Iraak KARA019 22.08 4787 H 7.09 2500 Late Lane navel on Sweet Orange 24 5/08/2010


Site Location MVCB Block Block Block no. Patch ID Patch Ha Patch no. Citrus type Tree Date CS# ID Ha of of trees of citrus of trees age surveyed citrus

30 Iraak IRAA026 14.91 6120 R 1.56 680 Barnfield navel on Citrange 8 28/07/2007

29 Iraak IRAA025 2.28 737 J 2.05 659 Late Lane navel on Citrange 13 28/07/2010

35 Iraak IRAA064 5.42 3881 B 1.35 1600 Navelina navel on Trifoliata 11 3/08/2010

37 Iraak IRAA-MAIN 49.18 19828 ZH2 3.18 1814 Pollock navel on Citrange 22 4/8/2010

36 Iraak IRAA103 38.90 29969 G 3.90 3253 Late Lane navel on Trifoliata 7 4/8/2010

33 Nangiloc NANGFARM4A 22.87 13312 U 1.46 500 Late Lane navel on Citrange 37 30/07/2010

39 Colignan COLI086 2.01 891 B 1.49 664 Washington navel on Sweet Orange 41 5/8/2010

38 Colignan COLI010 32.37 14366 M 5.60 2487 Late Lane navel on Citrange 22 5/8/2010

32 Colignan COLIFARM7 42.28 17796 F 3.38 1482 Late Lane navel on Citrange 8 30/07/2010

23 Colignan COLIFARM8N 64.76 31696 C&D 4.21 1974 Edwards&Wiffen navel on Citrange 20 21/07/2010

22 Colignan COLIFARM8A 16.46 15557 A 8.93 8590 Afourer on Citrange 4 21/07/2010

25 Colignan COLI042 17.08 7791 W 2.06 890 Late Lane navel on Citrange 29 22/07/2010

27 Colignan COLI043 24.49 10148 B 4.88 1960 Lisbon on Citrange 15 27/07/2010

24 Colignan COLI044 27.51 11880 J 1.72 680 Marsh on Trifoliata 25 22/07/2010

28 Colignan COLI038 27.99 14228 O 1.70 983 Imperial on Trifoliata 6 27/07/2010

18 ROBI_C003 3.86 941 I 2.42 943 Imperial on Cleopatra 19 15/07/2010

19 Tol Tol TOLT015 19.48 8113 A&S 1.28 490 Pummelo on Sweet Orange 19 15/07/2010

21 Boundary Bend BOUN013 16.97 6300 U 2.27 780 Valencia on Citrange 23 16/07/2010

20 Boundary Bend BOUN011 10.55 2700 B 5.32 800 Washington navel on Citronelle 65 16/07/2010

Citrus exotic pest and disease report 2010 7

Site Location MVCB Block Block Block no. Patch ID Patch Ha Patch no. Citrus type Tree Date CS# ID Ha of of trees of citrus of trees age surveyed citrus

34 Wemen WEME003 6.77 2027 A 1.14 522 Valencia on Sweet Orange 10 3/08/2010

10 Narrung NARR008 23.00 9233 H 0.63 256 Grapefruit on Citrange 30 18/06/2010

9 Kenley KENL035 13.67 6738 L 1.79 504 Chislett navel on Sweet Orange 10 18/06/2010

7 Piangle PIAN148 2.43 947 Q 1.42 555 Thomson navel on Citronelle 18 17/06/2010

8 Beverford BEVE002 4.91 2672 G 2.64 1470 Chislett navel on Citrange 6 17/06/2010

Valencia&Leng navel on Sweet 6 Lake Boga BOGA003 3.57 537 A,B,C,D 2.79 341 Orange 18 16/06/2010

5 Murrabit MURR067 38.87 17363 ZB 0.61 325 Washington navel on Trifoliata 28 16/06/2010


Appendix 7: Survey site location and contact details

(in order of site location, west to east)

Site Business Postal Post ContactPerson Phone Mobile Email Blockaddress TOWN Site entry GPS CS# Code

15 Impi Highland PO Box 410, Renmark 5341 Jim Cant 08 8595 8036, 08 [email protected] Kempe road LINDSAY S 34.09216 SA 8595 8115 POINT E 141.01422

14 Ingerson Citrus PO Box 54, Berri SA 5343 Michael Ingerson 08 8582 1625 0428 821266 [email protected] Rd LINDSAY S 34.01265 POINT E 140.97171

31 Carmen Dimase 13 Henderson Place, 3500 Carmen Dimase 0432 055266 [email protected] Lot 33, (Lock 10 rd YELTA S 34.12177 Mildura VIC off Old Mail Rd) E 141.89696

17 Karalieganics RSD Paschendale 3505 Barry Smith 03 5025 2517 [email protected] Block 164, MERBEIN S 34.17664 Ave., West Merbein, Paschendale Ave. WEST E 142.01509 VIC

13 MJ & JM Cupper PO Box 246, Merbein 3505 Merv Cupper 03 5025 2249 [email protected] Lot 2, Cupper Rd. YELTA S 34.12888 VIC E 141.99623

16 Belvedere Farms PO Box 2299, Mildura 3502 Paul Scopelliti 03 5024 7644 0417 395965 [email protected] Gibbs St. MERBEIN S 34.18603 VIC E 142.09103

26 C&B Hippisley PO Box 1002, Irymple 3498 Christopher 03 5024 5877 0431 184924 [email protected] 3112 16th Street IRYMPLE S 34.25419 VIC Hippisley E 142.17204

1 McGlashan PO Box 1043, Irymple 3498 Chris McGlashan 0418 247220 1442 Sandilong IRYMPLE S 34.22332 Vineyards VIC Avenue E 142.17073

2 Yuan P/L PO Box 1085, Irymple 3498 Mirko Bistrovic 0401 683530 [email protected] Cnr Millewa & MILDURA S 34.24292 VIC Karadoc Ave, E 142.13844

Citrus exotic pest and disease report 2010 9

Site Business Postal Post ContactPerson Phone Mobile Email Blockaddress TOWN Site entry GPS CS# Code

3 C&G Robb PO Box 630, Red 3496 Chris Robb 03 5024 2264 0417 126 248 [email protected] Block 276 Wonega RED CLIFFS S 34.29004 Cliffs VIC Road E 142.23209

4 Hutchison PO Box 221, Red 3496 Greg Hutchison 03 5024 3326 0427 243326 [email protected] Block 250 Azolia St RED CLIFFS S 34.29026 Vineyards Cliffs VIC E 142.20201

12 Mansell Farms RMB 8240 Kulkyne 3494 Robert Mansell 03 5029 1560 0408 291 560 [email protected] 70 Kulkyne Way RED CLIFFS S 34.33500 Way, Colignan VIC E 142.19223

11 Sevenfields PO Box 10130, 3502 Grant King 03 5051 3800 0437 367 722 [email protected] Yatpool West Road YATPOOL S 34.36786 Mildura VIC u E 142.17912

40 Pardo Farms PO Box 901, Red 3496 Tony Pardo 03 5024 0276 [email protected] Kulkyne way IRAAK S 34.39447 Cliffs VIC E 142.27802

30 Minter Magic PMB 22, Red Cliffs VIC 3496 Darren Minter 03 5029 1518 0427 567987 [email protected] Hards Lane IRAAK S 34.41086 E 142.30305

29 Minter Magic PMB 22, Red Cliffs VIC 3496 Darren Minter 03 5029 1518 0427 567987 [email protected] Danes Road IRAAK S 34.40551 E 142.30777

35 A Barko 136 Barko Rd, Iraak 3496 Bert Barko 0427 502914 136 Barko Road IRAAK S 34.42449 via Red Cliffs E 142.34535

37 Rentiers P/L PO Box 4115, Mildura 3502 Craig Thornton 03 5018 5555 0427 291669 [email protected] Kulkyne Way IRAAK S 34.41317 VIC E 142.25887

36 Cottrell PO Box 241, Gol Gol 2738 Mathew Cottrell 0438 594010 [email protected] Mondall Road IRAAK S 34.44014 Nominees P/L NSW u E 142.28127

33 Sevenfields PO Box 10130, 3502 Grant King, Ken 0437 367 722, [email protected] Steve Collett Drive NANGILOC S 34.47692 Mildura VIC Holmyard 0427 338637 u E 142.34386


Site Business Postal Post ContactPerson Phone Mobile Email Blockaddress TOWN Site entry GPS CS# Code

39 Goldup Farms PO Box 482, Nangiloc 3494 Glen Goldup 0427 291765 [email protected] Hewetts Road COLIGNAN S 34.50879 VIC E 142.37860

38 Colignan PO Box 280, Red 3496 Adrian Chapman 03 5029 1799 0428 131069 [email protected] Boonoonar Road COLIGNAN S 34.54546 Producers Cliffs VIC E 142.32216

32 Sevenfields PO Box 10130, 3502 Grant King, Ken 0437 367 722, [email protected] George Irwin Road COLIGNAN S 34.51587 Mildura VIC Holmyard 0427 338637 u E 142.34552

23 Sevenfields PO Box 10130, 3502 Grant King, Ken 438 367 722, [email protected] Reid’s Rd COLIGNAN S 34.55674E Mildura VIC Holmyard 0427 338637 u 142.34264

22 Sevenfields PO Box 10130, 3502 Grant King, Ken 439 367 722, [email protected] Reid’s Rd COLIGNAN S 34.55240 Mildura VIC Holmyard 0427 338637 u E 142.36552

25 Mansell Farms RMB 8240 Kulkyne 3494 Robert Mansell 03 5029 1560 0408 291560 [email protected] Kulkyne Way COLIGNAN S 34.55954 Way, Colignan VIC E 142.39311

27 Mansell Farms RMB 8240 Kulkyne 3494 Robert Mansell 03 5029 1560 0408 291560 [email protected] Kulkyne Way COLIGNAN S 34.55171 Way, Colignan VIC E 142.39691

24 Mansell Farms RMB 8240 Kulkyne 3494 Robert Mansell 03 5029 1560 0408 291560 [email protected] Kulkyne Way COLIGNAN S 34.55644 Way, Colignan VIC E 142.40257

28 Mansell Farms RMB 8240 Kulkyne 3494 Robert Mansell 03 5029 1560 0408 291560 [email protected] Kulkyne Way COLIGNAN S 34.55360 Way, Colignan VIC E 142.40167

18 A&T Galioto & PO Box 54, Robinvale 3549 Michael Galioto 03 5026 3198 0418 521456 [email protected] Block 3C (No. 81) ROBINVALE S 34.60383 Sons Malaya Road E 142.75371

19 P&S Burkett PO Box 240, 3549 Phil Burkett 03 5026 1981 0428 261981 [email protected] Murray Valley TOL TOL S 34.64542 Robinvale VIC Highway E 142.82565

Citrus exotic pest and disease report 2010 11

Site Business Postal Post ContactPerson Phone Mobile Email Blockaddress TOWN Site entry GPS CS# Code

21 Chislett’s Citrus PO Box 29, Boundary 3599 Linda Chislett 03 5026 8265 0409 331082 [email protected] Murray Valley BOUNDARY S 34.71186 Bend VIC Highway BEND E 143.03419

20 Boram Farms PO Box 25, Boundary 3599 Joshua Boram 0409 977636 [email protected] Cnr Chislett Lane & BOUNDARY S 34.72488 Bend VIC Murray Valley Hwy BEND E 143.17467

34 J&G Keating RMB 3794b, Hattah- 3549 John Keating 03 5026 0209 0408 596619 Lots 1 & 2 of Lot 6 WEMEN S 34.77194 Robinvale Rd. Wemen E 142.65556 VIC

10 Vic Resources 103 Heywoods Rd., 3597 Mark Rhode 0419 903700 [email protected] 103 Heywoods Rd. NARRUNG S 34.78814 Narrung E 143.23357

9 Chislett 762 Kenley Road, 3597 Greg Chislett 03 5038 8238 0400 808443 [email protected] 762 Kenley Road KENLEY S 34.86149 Developments Kenley E 143.34288

7 Andrew Peace PO Box 92, Piangil 3597 Anthony 03 5030 5291 0438 302873 [email protected] Murray Valley PIANGLE S 35.06234 Wines Highway E 143.32996

8 Bail Brothers P/L PO Box 145, 3585 Adrian Bail 03 5037 6644 0417 585750 [email protected] 118-138 School BEVERFORD S 35.23133 Road E 143.46950

6 Kunat Farming PO Box 9, Lake Boga 3584 James Denham 03 5037 2190 [email protected] 320 Long Lake Road LAKE BOGA S 35.46022 P/L E 143.59685

5 C&S Billing PO Box 11, Murrabit 3579 Chris Billing 03 5457 2241 0458 572242 47 Murray Road MURRABIT S 35.50562 E 143.96385


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