ANNEX M: TERMS OF REFERENCE & REQUEST TEMPLATE The following format should be used as a minimum requirement to outline the Terms of Reference (TOR) for each deployment. The Terms of Reference are a key element in assisting the recruitment and contracting process as well as providing benchmarks for evaluation and reporting. Use additional space if necessary. I have read and understood the obligation of the UNHCR office vis-a-vis the Deployee as per the Deployment Partnership Agreement, in particular with regards to security. Place/ Date: – 28 July 2020

Signature of direct supervisor: Arikew Gashaw Signature of technical supervisor (Same as above) Signature of Representative (Required if supervisor is not an international staff)


BASIC INFORMATION AND ACCOUNTABLE OFFICERS UNHCR OFFICE: – based in Niamey with missions to field offices NAME AND E-MAIL ADDRESS OF REPRESENTATIVE: Ms. Alessandra MORELLI : [email protected]

NAME/TITLE AND E-MAIL ADDRESS OF DIRECT SUPERVISOR: Arikew Gashaw, Associate Protection Officer: [email protected]


(if different from the above) N/A – Same as above

NAME/ TITLE AND E-MAIL ADDRESS OF HR/ADMIN FOCAL POINT: Dolma Haraszti, Associate HR Officer: [email protected]

DATE submitted for review to the HQs / Regional UNHCR Bureau/ RBWCA: 28 July 2020

(if applicable; indicate names and signatures if cleared / where clearance required)

DEPLOYMENT TO (Place/ Country): Niamey, Niger

The deployee will be based at UNHCR Representation in Niamey. However, the deployee may be asked to conduct field missions to travel to and work in any of the other UNHCR offices in Niger, located in , Tillaberi, Abala, Ouallam, , and Maradi region.

TYPE OF DUTY STATION (i.e. A, H, B, C, D, E)/ FAMILY/ NON-FAMILY: Category C/family duty station

R & R CYCLE: N/A Niamey is a Family duty station

(Subject to change following UNHCR review of entitlements)


EXPECTED START DATE/ ENDING DATE: 01 September 2020 to 31 December 2020

FOCUS OF DEPLOYMENT: BID Expert Level 2 Child Protection Level 1/ 2 where applicable


 University degree in relevant area (e.g. international human rights and/or refugee law, political/social sciences);  Minimum 5 years work experience in relevant work area (e.g. child protection, protection of refugees, vulnerability/assistance needs assessment, preparing BIA/BID assessment, etc.);  Knowledge of and/or preparedness to become familiar with and abide by UNHCR’s principles, code of conduct and humanitarian goals;  Thorough knowledge of the international legal framework governing refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and stateless;  Undertake assessment of child protection risks, identify gaps and develop appropriate responses in cooperation with partners;  Assist in the establishment/ improvement of mechanisms for identification of children at heightened risk and systems for referral and follow-up (case management), including but not limited to unaccompanied and separated children (UASC). This can include the drafting of strategy and SOPs.  Proven experience in drafting BIAs/BIDs in UNHCR operations;  Provide technical advice on child protection issues (such as UASC, alternative care, sexual and gender based violence involving children, etc.).  Ensure that mechanisms are put in place for the continued monitoring and follow-up of children at risk;  Experience delivering training in child protection (e.g. assessment of best interests, child protection case management);  Awareness of gender issues and how to apply rights and community-based approach to identify and respond to specific needs;  Awareness of the importance of preventing fraud and ways to mitigate risks;  Capacity to adapt to changing work requirements and work in a team;  Excellent interviewing skills (in English), including interviewing refugee children;  Excellent drafting and analytical skills (in English);  Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in teams;  Ability to work in stressful situations and in hardship locations;  International / field experience – particularly with NGOs or UN agencies working with refugees in countries of refuge – highly desirable; ability to work in a multi-cultural team. Specify other skills needed to fulfil the assignment (experience / demonstrable skills):

 Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in a team;  Excellent drafting and analytical skills;  Ability to work in stressful situations and in hardship locations. Languages required, spoken and/or written, and level of fluency

 Advanced proficiency in written and spoken in English and French is essential.  Proficiency in French, Tigrinya or Arabic is desirable


Office Space, including sufficient interviewing rooms

Computer/Laptop (including in the camps, if applicable); digital cameras, flash disks and other necessary computer equipment. Access to proGres data base system, internet, email, and other necessary software Serigne


Transportation from temporary housing to office, at start of deployment

Transportation from office to interview site, where necessary

Cell phone, radio, and/or any other necessary communications equipment

Clerical support

Direct Supervision

Operational and administrative on-site briefing and orientation

Briefing with relevant partners, where necessary

Standard Operating Procedures and other guidelines

Administrative support to obtain work permit and, where applicable, resident visa

UNHCR identification badge, UNHCR ID card

Transportation upon arrival in capital city to office/ duty station outside the capital


If the deployment is in a duty station where international staff customarily reside in UNHCR housing, will housing be provided to the Deployee? N/A

Yes No N/a (n/a is for locations ,where international staff do not reside in UNHCR housing) If the deployment is in a duty station where international staff customarily reside in independent housing, what support is UNHCR able to provide the Deployee in finding and obtaining housing? N/A

In Niamey, the deployee will be responsible for finding his/her own accommodation. When on mission to field offices, the deployee will be expected to stay in UNHCR guesthouses, except Tillaberi, Tahoua,Agadez and Maradi where hotels are available. Neither guesthouse nor Hotel is available in Ouallam however UNHCR colleagues based in the locality can facilitate accommodation arrangements.

If the Deployee is to reside in independent housing, are there any MORSS or other restrictions on the type or location of housing?

YES. The house has to be evaluated by the Security Officer, prior the signature of a lease agreement. Some areas are out-of-bound for international staff. The security risk assessment made will highlight recommendations to fulfil MORSS requirements.

Is the Deployee expected to go on Mission? If so, where, how frequently? What accommodation is available at the mission location?

The deployee will be considered “on mission” when traveling within Niger. He/she may be requested to travel to Agadez, Tillaberi, Abala, Ouallam , Diffa and Maradi regions, according to need. In these locations except Tillaberi, Tahoua, Agadez and Maradi UNHCR guest houses are available. The deployee can stay in hotels/rented house in other locations.


Security level in country/ duty station/ at the mission location:

Security level is 3 for all the country except for Diffa, Nguigmi and Bosso area which are rated 4 on the UN SLS.

Name and title of security officer and contact details (telephone, email address): Sabti Karimou, Security Associate; [email protected] Tel: +227 91 25 66 35

Confirm that the UNHCR Security Officer or UNDSS provide a security briefing to the Deployee upon arrival.



Please indicate whether there are any specific security measures that need to be taken into consideration for this deployment (e.g., curfew, travel restrictions, recent security incidents).

Countrywide, road journeys should happen under day light. In Diffa Region, travel restrictions are in place with à curfew being implemented. Travel to refugee hosting areas and camps close to the Malian border are partially done with military escorts. Security incidents occur in Diffa region ever since Boko Haram started operating on Niger territory, even though humanitarian actors are not a target. Ambushes have also been reported in Tillabery and Tahoua Region. ACCOUNTABILITY AND SUPERVISION

Chain of authority of all staff to whom the Deployee is expected to report to in order of authority

UNHCR Country Representative, UNHCR Assistant Representative (Protection), UNHCR Senior Protection Officer (ETM), Protection Officer, all based in Niamey

When on mission, the deployee will report to the relevant head of protection in each office.

Name, title and contact details of responsible person at HQ, the Regional office/ Hub level – where applicable

Guy Rufin Guernas; Senior Regional Protection Officer: Guy-Rufin Guernas; [email protected]



Niger is located in a geopolitical sensitive area in Africa, linking the Sahara desert with the Sahel, as well as West with Central Africa. This land-locked country not only accommodates a large number of refugees from neighbouring countries but is also a major transit hub for migratory movements northwards to Algeria, Libya and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea toward the European Union (EU).

As of 1 January 2019, there were a total of 175,418 refugees in Niger, out of which 170,143 refugees from Nigeria and Mali live in rural areas, and 5,275 refugees from Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Togo and Cote d’Ivoire reside in urban settings, with 165 Chadians residing in . Since 2014, the ongoing regional fight against the Boko Haram group have generated significant displacements in Diffa region in south eastern Niger which is now host to a mixed situation, with Nigerian refugees, Nigerien returnees from Nigeria and formal IDPs living in close vicinity. Most of those displaced in Diffa region are scattered in tens of spontaneous sites and some are in host communities.

The UN Refugee Agency acting within its mandate to protect persons in need of international protection has begun at the end of 2017 the evacuation of persons of concern at high risk from Libya to Niger, in partnership with the government of Niger through the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM). The ETM is an exceptional evacuation program that has been established as part of the overall response to the life- saving of refugees and asylum seekers held in detention in Libya. Its purpose is to enable quick evacuation of UNHCR persons of concern detained in Libya, provide access to basic needs in Niger and process the cases for durable solutions or alternative pathways.

As of 26 April 2019, 2782 persons of concern have been evacuated from Libya, out of which 418 unaccompanied and separated children (UASCs), mainly coming from Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan. The most majority of minors are boys. Refugees and asylum seekers evacuated to Niger in the Emergency Transit Mechanism undergo individual case processing in Niger and they are accommodated in the ETM site located in Hamdallay about 40km from Niamey city. Most of these evacuees are victims of human trafficking, smuggling and severe human rights violations experienced during their journey. In Hamdallay site UNHCR and its partners provide assistance and ensure access to basic needs while exploring durable solutions. Assistance, psychosocial support and medical screening is made available to ensure they receive adequate follow up of their protection needs stemming from their experiences before arrival in Niger. Among others, INTERSOS NGO provides protection, informal education and recreational activities to unaccompanied minors including prevention, mitigation and response to SGBV in the site. The minors, but not only adults as well, have been exposed to exploitation and abuses during their journey. Some of them have been separated from their families at a young age, they have left their home country alone or with the help of friends, moving between smugglers and traffickers, travelling through countries like Ethiopia, Sudan or Yemen and finally ending up in detention in Libya. The most majority of the persons of concern including minors are survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, they have experienced extreme violence and severe violation of human rights. The minors have attended only few years school and they have been denied from their childhood, their right to dream, to play, study, leave in a protective environment together with family and friends.

While the Niger operation is engaged to enhance the protection quality of all people of concerns living in the country through various initiatives and innovations, tremendous efforts are being made to seek solutions for them.

To this effect and in light of new resettlement perspectives available to the refugee population living in West and Central Africa, the office plans to resettle the refugees evacuated from Libya, some of those recognized as refugees from mixed migratory flows and those from the existing refugee populations who are in need of resettlement, including a large number of unaccompanied and separated minors.

UNHCR Niger operation will therefore benefit from the work of the deployee to support child protection activities, primarily Best Interests Procedure, in view of facilitating the resettlement of unaccompanied/separated children.

The deployee will be dedicated to conduct interviews and prepare assessment for the BID cases in conjunction with partners and protection staff to be presented in the panels in Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabery, Ouallam, Abala , Agadez Diffa and maradi.

He/she will conduct child protection assessments for individual children at risks and ensure appropriate referral and follow-up (case management), BID reviews and continued monitoring and follow-up. He/she will participate in the best interest assessment/determination as necessary and ensure that regular panel meetings are organized. He/she will conduct support missions to the field offices in order to clear the backlog of pending cases.

Furthermore, the BID Expert will work with field offices to gather statistics and informations related to the risks children face for a more accurate picture of child protection needs in Niger pertaining to resettlement advocacy.

He/she will undertake any other related tasks required by the supervisor.


Child Protection Duties  Conduct BIA/BID interviews and draft the related reports;  Provide technical support to UNHCR CP partner working in the ETM site and guesthouses;  Assist in writing SOPs where appropriate as well as BIA,BIDs to enhance the search for solutions for children at high risks, target of producing 4-6 BIDs per week for UAC in ETM;  In the best interest of children, identify and assess on a regular basis, the risks children may face in the site and guesthouses, refer the children to relevant services in a timely manner, follow-up regularly on the cases and discuss relevant solutions with persons in charge;  Throughout all case processing activities, ensure that all required information is complete, credible and consistent, that the best interest of the Unaccompanied/Separated Children are being prioritized and that the standards set forth in the BID Guidelines are met;  Record all case actions taken in the proGres database and in physical files and in COMPASS in line with the SOPs;  Maintain an efficient follow-up mechanism on for children pursuant to the recommendations in the BIA/BID;  Coordinate meetings of the BID Panel, when requested;  As the Focal Point for Age Assessment, apart from interviewing and assessing, also coordinates with other internal units and liaising with other UNHCR operations for relevant information and documents.  Ensure good working collaboration with all stakeholders for a proactive case identification;  Ensure efficient use of proGres database for identification purposes;  Conduct support mission to field offices to clear backlogs as per Niamey request;  Identify, prevent and report fraud in accordance to the established SOPs;  Provide counselling to refugee children on the status of their case processing and liaise with relevant colleagues to timely follow-up on the cases;  Develop BID statistics for ETM for a more accurate picture of child protection needs pertaining to resettlement;  Ensure on the job, capacity building for UNHCR staff and other involved in the acse of the children;  Strengthen the capacity of UNHCR and partners’ staff on community-based child protection approach and tools in the site and guesthouses;  Follow-up on the identification and documentation of children at risk with partners in ETM site and guesthouses, and ensure a technical management is in place as well as efficient referral systems (including, where appropriate, SOPs);  Provide technical guidance to UNHCR and partners’ staff on child protection tools and on child protection case management for refugee and asylum-seeker children at risk;  When needed, conduct reviews of BIA/BID for the unit and follow through established reviewing process.  In the absence of UNHCR Child Protection Officer, act as the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) in Child Protection (CP) Unit. Tasks under the OIC includes, but not limited to, management of the unit, coordinate all CP activities and maintain the high standard and reliability of Child Protection statistics, assign BIDs to case workers, ensure BID interviews and assessments are done in timely manner, review and prioritize cases for BID panel presentation, manage BID and other CP related referrals to and from RSD or RST units and liaising with units to ensure cases of unaccompanied minors were prioritized for submission. In addition to that, ensuring CP monitoring activities are conducted in the centres and there are presence and participation of CP Unit.


The Deployee will be required to prepare reports following standard forms and deadlines:

 An Initial Report within the first 6 weeks of assignment - optional  Quarterly statistical and narrative reports for child protection and BID  A Final Report (at the end of the assignment or end of the year)  A Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) as per Annex N  The quarterly reports and the Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) must be signed by the direct UNHCR supervisor, the technical supervisor and by the regional entity, where applicable and sent to the NGO employer.


The expert will require a valid visa to enter Niger. Visas are obtainable from the Nigerien Honorary Consulate or Embassy. Entry visa for Niamey is required for the expert traveling with national passports. Please refer to your local Niger consulate/embassy in the country of your residence for visa requirement. Please ensure that you obtain the visa before starting your trip. However, should you need assistance with this process, please let us know as far in advance as possible by contacting Mr Emmanuel Chidende [email protected] and Ms. Dolma Haraszti,: [email protected] Nationals of ECOWAS member states do not need visa before coming to Niger. Niger shares a common currency, the CFA franc (XOF), and a common central bank, the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), with seven other members of the West African Monetary Union. The exchange rate compare to the US dollar stands currently at about 575Fcfa for 1US $. One may spend an hour in the line before getting your money. Major’s banks provide ATM services, however it is not surprise to find ATM out of service or you credit card may be blocked in the machines. Moreover, banks accept the credit cards, visa plus master cards, Maestro. Nevertheless, you may try to deal with the situation. Commercial banks in Niger include:  BIA  Bank of Africa Niger (BOA)  Banque Atlantique Niger  Banque Régionale de Solidarité Niger (BRS)  Banque Sahélo-Saharienne pour l'Investissement et le Commerce (BSIC)  Ecobank Niger  Crédit du Niger  Banque Commerciale du Niger (BCN)  Banque Islamique du Niger pour le Commerce et l'Investissement (BINCI)  Société Nigérienne de Banque (SONIBANK).  UNHCR is using currently the BIA Niger services. Housing cost can range from around USD 1200 to more for a standard house.

Date ……………….

Deployee’s Name : ……………………………………………….