St. Brigid’s Parish, Killester, 5

Parish Newsletter June 2019

COME HOLY SPIRIT! Have you every wondered is there not more to life? Have you ever felt life to be like a going round in circles, and yearned for a sense of direction? Have you had dreams of a better world that have only remained that – dreams? Have you felt powerless to transform your vision of what is possible into reality?

After the death of Jesus all life could have petered out in the little community founded by Him. Even though they knew that Jesus’ body was not in the tomb, that fact was not enough. Without the Holy Spirit we would not believe that Christ is risen, Had the Spirit not come down on the Apostles at Pentecost they would not have understood the message of Jesus’ dying and rising, they would have thought that it was simply an invention and would most certainly not have had the spiritual courage to announce the Good News.

Ancient writers have spoken of how Jesus spoke of giving us a fountain of living water, welling up to eternal life. Water helps not just plants and animals but much more. Though always the same, water will help a palm tree produce dates and a vine produce grapes. In the same way the Holy Spirit, while always the same will help us all differently. It may help somebody to teach the truth, and another to understand Holy Scripture. It may help someone else to have self-control, show another how to help the poor, and help another to be able to stand up to evil. In each per- son the Holy Spirit works differently for the good of all.

Above all the Holy Spirit can help us be united as a community where we all share our gifts for the common good. Nobody has all the gifts. Nobody should expect to have them all. Not even if that person is Pope or President. Instead, we learn to work together, and discover we all have a part to play, and need to allow others play their part too. Fr. Liam

Congratulations to Graduates Recently Girls of St. Mary’s Holy Faith Secondary School and Boys of St. Paul’s College celebrated their graduation. Graduation is not about what college they may now move to, or what career they may follow. It is much more: it is a matter of life and death! The choices young people make can determine whether they bring life to others or whether, instead, being too focused on themselves and their careers they may fail to contribute their gifts to others. “Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life.” These are words of Pope Francis to young people in the recent exhortation Christus Vivit. Instead of the danger of growing old out of sorrow, resentment or fear, doubt or failure, for him “true youth means having a heart capable of loving, whereas everything that separates us from others makes the soul grow old”. (No.13) Later on he says, “If you have lost your inner vitality, your dreams, your enthusiasm, your optimism and your gen- erosity, Jesus stands before you as once he stood before the dead son of the widow, and with all the power of his resurrection he urges you: “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (Lk 7:14).” We congratulate all who have graduated recently and urge you to be young men and women of faith, full of hope and enthusiasm! This month’s calendar

Sunday 9th June – Feast of Pentecost Monday 10th – Feast of Mary the Mother of the Church Thursday 13th June – Feast of St. Anthony of Padua Sunday 16th – Solemn feast of the most Holy Trinity Sunday 23rd – Feast of Corpus Christi Friday 28th – Graduation Day in St. Brigid’s GNS and BNS Saturday 29th – Feast of St. Peter and Paul

POPE FRANCIS’ INTENTION FOR JUNE 2019 Evangelisation: That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are the world’s poorest people.

Praying for Success in Exams

At this time we are very aware of many of our young students sitting State and other ex- ams. The Leaving and Junior Certificate exams commence on Wednesday 5th June. Let us support our young people at this time, offering them encouragement and understanding.

Exam Prayer

Lord, I know you are with our young people and love them. Give them peace of mind as they prepare at this time of study.

Help them focus on their books and notes. Keep them from all distractions so that they make the best use of this time that is available to them.

Give them insight that they may understand what they are studying, and help them to remember it when the time comes.

Above all, we thank you for their ability to be able to study and for the many gifts and talents you have given them.

Help them always to use them in such a way that they honour you and do justice to themselves. Amen

Prayer Before an Examination

Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value is not based on my performance, but on your great love for me. Come into my heart so that we can walk through this time together. Help me, not only with this test, but the many tests of life that are sure to come my way.

As I take this exam, bring back to my mind everything I studied and be gracious with what I have overlooked. Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in my ability, and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today you are there with me. Recently Deceased—please pray for the souls of: Columba Ward - Vernon Drive Con O'Driscoll - Ennafort Drive Vincent Timmons - Killester Park Sheila O'Hare - Furry Park Road

Baptisms—we are happy to welcome into our Catholic Community: Amaya Hemida - Rosemount Avenue Caoimhe Myles - Abbeyfield Margot Hanratty - Collins Avenue East Henry Stewart St. Brendan’s Drive Noah Tinnelly - Road Olivia Hurley - Howth Road

Weddings—Our congratulations to: Glenn Walsh & Jennifer Meehan - Elizabeth McHugh & Owen Farrelly -

SAINT PETER A WINDOW ON THE LOVE OF GOD The choosing of Peter to be the ‘rock’ on which Christ would build his Church teaches us a lesson. Pe- ter, mentioned more in the Gospels than the other Apostles combined, is impetuous and makes as many mistakes as we would in his place shows himself not to a be a super-hero but instead an ordinary man. Someone wrote, ‘If St Peter had been a hero, we could easily have despaired of ever becoming like him. If he had been great, and noble and good, we could have told ourselves that the Church is for the saints, despaired, sat down, and not bothered. But the church is not just for saints, it is for confused, impetuous, cowardly people like us – or St. Peter. In the end it was grace that gave the coward the courage to bear witness when it counted, grace that gave the fool the wisdom he needed to set the infant church on her way, grace that taught the impetu- ous man patience and forbearance. We none of us admire ourselves, however much we would like to; let us not try to admire St. Peter ei- ther, but admire instead the grace he was given, and pray that, weak as we are, we may be given it too, and may use it’.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION While you are sitting quietly in the pew before God, you can pray, read spiritual books, meditate on the mystery of faith and ponder God’s will for us, etc. Adoration really helps you to be open to what God is trying to tell you! Going to Him in this way really means a lot to Him. Remember when you are here, both pray and listen. Listening is so important, so just say a few prayers then just bask in His Presence and an answer will hopefully come to you. Come along and experience the real presence of Christ. Adoration takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10.30am until 3.00pm each day in the Adoration Room on the right hand side of the church near St Brigid’s Altar and on Thursday night from 7.00pm until 8.00pm in the main church. All are very welcome.

St Brigid’s Parish Shop, Killester There is now in our shop a large selection of First Holy Communion and Confirmation cards together with a wide range of rosary beads, rosettes, prayer books and other items associated with these sacraments on display together with Mass Bouquets and signed Mass cards. So why not call into the shop and see this lovely display for yourselves before you go anywhere else. The shop is located at the car park side of our Church. All proceeds go to Parish funds. We have also put in place at our Shrines, Prayer and Novena booklets for the different devotional prayers and ceremonies taking place in the Church.

The local Legion of Mary meets at 7.30 pm on Monday nights at the Resource Centre. It allows people play an active role in sharing the Gospel in our parish. Because we are baptised Christians we are called to be missionary. We warmly welcome new members.

Parish contact details: Fr. Liam Ó Cuív 126 Furry Park Road 01-833 3793 086 234 2170 Parish Office: 01-833 2974 Parish email: [email protected] Parish Website: Resource Centre Ph. 01-853 4030 email: [email protected] Maths Classes TOOLEN ELECTRICAL 360, Howth Road, Dublin 5 Domestic and Commercial George Humphrey 087- 978 7380 St. Brigid’s Resource Centre STAFFORDS House re-wiring - Fuse Boards - Grant work Every Wednesday Evening Additional Sockets Lights - Shower installations - Outside Lights 17:00 - 18:00 Junior Higher Funeral Homes Connecting New Appliances 18:15 - 19:15 Leaving Ordinary Free estimates - Emergency call out 19:30 - 20:45 Leaving Higher Telephone: 855 0555 30 years Family Business - Fully insured 20:45 - 22:00 5th Year Higher Des: 087 266 1843 and 01 831 5682 15 Maypark, Road, Best Start Creche/Afterschool Playgroup TEC-CETS,ASCC.CEC. Free ECCE Killester School of Ballet and 8.30 AM-11.30 AM /11.40 -2.40 PM. Modern Theatre Dance Curriculum: Aistear, standard:Siolta Trust our family R.A.D. Ballet and I.S.T.D. Modern for all levels. Drop off and Collection Service to take care of your family “Ballet for Babies” – 31/2 – 5-yr. olds on Hot dinners, outdoor area. Saturdays 11.30 – 12.00 noon. Qualified staff. Insured. Strictly by appointment. New opening hours: 7.30 am – 6.15 pm. Email: [email protected] Enquiries to Ann Coffey Tighe 087 9662609/8465507. 26 Killester Park Ph. 086-804 6790 Place your Ad here John Quill F.A.O.I. Ophthalmic Optician LANIGANS Complete spectacle service Funeral Directors Contact Cathy Registered for P.R.S.I. and Medical Card holders A Professional Service Large selection of budget at a reasonable cost at 01 833 2974 and fashion frames 157a Killester Avenue, Dublin 5 Tel: (01) 837 3586 Phone 831 2558 HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE Place your Ad here “To us it’s personal” Professional Home Care From 1 hour to 24 hours a day. Contact Cathy Personal care, errands, meals, etc. Expert dementia care Tax relief available at 01 833 2974 Ph 01 853 5048

The Orchard Preschool and Montessori Free Preschool Year Place your Ad here Morning session: 8.45 am - 12 pm Midmorning session: 12.30 pm - 3.30 pm (Optional extra hour available). Contact Cathy Purpose-built premises with qualified staff For more information contact: Mandy Stephenson BA (Honours) Degree in Early Childhood Education at 01 833 2974 01-831 6848 / 087 775 8149 QUALIFIED LOCAL CARPENTER Scoil Rince Cill Easra and Property Maintenance Service Patrick P. Geaney, Solicitors Adult Ceili Classes every Thurs Floors, Doors, Locks, Decking. 01 8531400/087 2308797 8.30 pm in Resource centre All maintenance work on Domestic and Making a Will/ Application for Probate/Letters Children’s Dancing Classes Commercial properties of Administration Venue 126 Abbeyfield Repairs, Painting, Plumbing, Tiling, Estate Planning Monday -Thursday Roof repairs Soffit and Fascia Enduring Power of Attorney/Wards of Court 3.30 p.m. onwards Free quotes & personal service. House Sales and Purchase Contact Jacqueline Contact: Phill 087 631 5899 Niall Geaney BA LLB 51 Clontarf Rd, Clontarf at 831 8654 and 086-256 1000

Killester Men’s Shed is a friendly and welcoming place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities. The Shed is open to all men

regardless of age 10.00 – 12.00 every Thursday in the Resource Centre New members always welcome, Valuations, Sales, ph. Niall 087 3141310 Letting & Management