第9回 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference




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3 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

v 1

SIG 10 ()

v 1

() 18 () () 22 () 26

v 2

BASIC () 30

v 2

() 35 XyloStories () 39

v 3

() 43 () 47

v 4e-sports

e 50 () () 54 () 58

v 5

62 () DCGAN 2D () 66 () 70 () 73

4 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

v 6

() 77 () 80 () 84 vs () 88 v 7

() 92 KMD x IGCC () 96 () 100 v 8VR

VR () 104 VR () 107 VR () 111 v 9

115 () () 119 v 10

() 123 () 127

5 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference


FPS () 132 () 136 () 140 MEJMVision VR () 142 () 146 () 150 153 ()

6 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

3 3 ()

9:30-10:00 10:00-10:10 A0122 10:20-11:20 1 A0122 1 A0123 () 11:30-12:30 2 A0122 2 A0123 ( ) 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:30 1 A0122 14:30-14:45 14:45-15:45 2 A0122 15:45-16:00 16:00-17:15 A0121 17:30

3 4 ()

9:30-10:00 10:00-11:00 A0122 11:10-12:10 3 A0122 () 4 e-sports A0123 () 12:10-13:00 13:00-14:20 5 A0122 () 6 A0123 () 14:20-14:30 14:30-15:30 7 A0122 () 8 VR A0123 () 15:30-15:40 15:40-16:20 9 A0122 () 10 A0123 () 16:25 A0122


8 口頭発表

9 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

IG Game Education SIG Activity ReportLessons Learned from the 7th Serious Game Jam and Gamification Activity Report

SIG(Special Interest Group) 2014 12 7 (2) 8 IGS7 I G 1) 5 2) 7 (2) 20 3) 20 4) 15


10 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

7 (2) i ii iii i i ii ,iii aibara.megumianihon-u.ac.jp Lets save the world by the Power of Games!DiGRA Japan SIG 2018 12 91516 7 (SGJ7)(2) , The 7th Serious Game Jam Report Megumi AIBARAi, Yoshihiro KISHIMOTOii , Masahito FUJIHARA,Masakazu FURUICHIi i Nihon University,Play and Learning Lab.,Senshu University aibara.megumi{a}g.nihon-u.ac.jp Abstract We have been held the Serious Game Jam seven times. In this paper, we report about the 7th Serious Game Jam (SGJ7) which was held on Dec. 15-16, 2018. The topics of the SGJ7 are the accessibility for games. It is the first trial for us to having 6 themes. Keyword Serious Game, Game Jam, Serious Game Jam,

1. DiGRA JAPAN SIG 2014 2.1 (2) Lets save the world by the Power of Games! SGJ7 2 7 - -[1] (SGJ7) 2. [1] [2] 2014 7 [3]( 1) 1. SGJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



3.1 SGJ7 6 (12/9) e-sports ( 1) 2 [6] 2.SGJ7 3. 4 T [6] SGJ7 SGJ7 SGJ7 2 SGJ [4]( 3) e-sports SGJ5:74%SGJ6:63% 3. SGJ7 SGJ7 SNSDiGRA JAPAN HP ()13 ()1 (): 2 (): 12 3.2 28 12 1 4 SGJ6 SGJ6 SGJ7 PC SGJ7 SGJ6 1. 2. 3. SGJ7 4. itch.io[5] 1 5. 12/16 開発当日 2日目 12/16 開発したシリアスゲーム 開発当日 2日目 を公開・発表 開発したシリアスゲー 3.3 12/15 ムを公開・発表 開発当日 1日目 12/15 4 SGJ6 企画発表 開発当日 1日目 11/1612/15 企画及びプロトタイプの 各チーム内のコミュニ 発表 ケーション及び事前準備 12/9 11/311/16 テーマについての勉強会 ペラコン実施及びチー ・専門家による事前講習会 ム編成を発表 ・チーム編成 11/1012/1 1 専門家による事前講習 ビデオの公開 エントリー開始 1011/3 登録フォームを使用し募 集を行う エントリー期間 11/1 登録フォームを使用し募 開催案内検討・公開 集を行う SGJ5 SGJ6 10 HPを開設しテーマ,日程, SGJ7 開催案内検討・公開 会場を公開する HPを開設しテーマ,日程, 30 会場情報を公開する SGJ6 SGJ7 6 (45 / 4.SGJ7 SGJ


1 ) 2 Android 1 Facebook

3.5 SGJ7 itch.io SGJ7 itch.io [5] 6 5 itch.io SGJ7 6 7. B.A.T castle of Rhythm 3. 5.1 MissionHY 3.5.4

4. 5.




2 8. 9. (4) 2 Windows Oculus HTC vive Excellent Design Award 3.5.2 Global Free VR Dutch Embassy Award 3.5.5 Yurayura


WORD CROSS(2) 2 Windows

10. Yurayura (5) 2 Grand Prix Award Android 2 3.5.3 Serious Guilder Yurayura B.A.T castle of Rhythm(3)


5. 7 6 SGJ7 Excellent Research Award itch.io 4 3.5.6 YouTube DiGRAJAPAN 4 DiGRAJAPAN SIG Windows [6] SIG

11. 12. 4. 4.1 SGJ7 [1] 6 ,(2017). 7 - -2018/12/15,16< 29 http://www.mediadesignlabs.org/SGJ7/ > (2019/1/16) SGJ6 2 [2] (2007) 29 2 [3] 6 English Please!(2018) 27 , 11(1), pp.33-37. SGJ7 1 [4] https://www8.cao.go.jp/sho 5 ugai/mark/mark.html 2019.1.16 [5] Itch.io https://itch.io/ 2019.1.16 5 2 [6] YouTube DiGRAJAPAN , https://youtu.be/dFKnr3rLbCc 2019.1.16 SGJ6 1 (1) SGJ7 MissionHY2018 27 (PC)< https://mission-hy.itcho/kibodokaizokubatoru >(2018 12 16 ) (2) WORD CROSS, SGJ7 Global Free2018(PC) 4.2 < https://aless1334.itcho/wordcross >(2018 12 16 ) SGJ7 itch.io (3) B.A.T castle of RhythmSGJ7 Serious Guilder 2018(Android)< https://nishizawa0419.itcho/bat-castle-of-rhyth m >(2018 12 16 ) (4) SGJ7 2018 (PC)< https://urugaka.itcho/fps-moratoriariste-sgj7 >(2018 12 16 ) (5) Yurayura, SGJ7 Yurayura2018(Android) < https://mnagaku.itcho/yurayura >(2018 12 16 )

14 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference


i ii iii i ii iii i kissygame {at} gmail.com (Gamify Network)DiGRA JAPAN SIG 2018 8 3 SNS Facebook 52 , ,

Gamification Activity Report

Yoshihiro KISHIMOTO i Kenji ONO ii and Makoto GOTO iii iPlay and Learning Lab. ii Game Journalist , iiiGame for IT, Inc. i kissygame {at} gmail.com Abstract The DiGRA JAPAN Education SIG organized the Gamify Network in August 2018 as a place for learning and exchanging knowledge for developing serious games, applied games, and gamification in Japan. Three study sessions have been held until now and are interacting through the social media group. The current number of members on Facebook is 52 persons including working adults and students. Our goal is to realize a future called "Gamification the great country, Japan." Keyword Serious Games, Applied Games, Gamification, Gamify, Community

ra]xmou 3.5..1-13.2- ]xmxudpxu3- 4-J 5- 5 SG Facebook [sx nux 52 ISG 3 2 L 1 kxa 2018 xbe .04 [sx 2018 8 DiGRA JAPAN L LFG SIG 2018 8 3 2018 8 29 ()19:3021:30 34 4 2 1


( 1) 8-3 2 7

1 1 6-

3 9- 2018 11 5 19:3021:30 4 2019 2 18 4.4 32 1 1 ( 2) ( 4)

2 2 4

7- SNS 2018/12/1615:3018:00


[1] Serious Games Japan, https://seriousgames.jp/2019 1 29 [2] Ludix Lab, https://www.facebook.com/LudixLab/ 2019 1 29 [3] SIG-05 , https://www.jset.gr.jp/sig/sig05.html2019 1 29 [4] Sig05 Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/jset.sig.gbloe/ 2019 1 29 [5] JSET SIG-05 , http://jset-sig-gbloe.cloudblog.jp/2019 1 29 [6] , https://gamewriter.jp/?p=19172019 1 29 [7] 4gamerVR MR 2 https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20181107044/?fbclid =IwAR3e7Eq6BoU3344VxVteg0aeQprYWsflYufUtaQL3Q5hqNP dXnn0mDxTTmE2019 1 29 [8] 7 The 7th Serious Game Jam http://www.mediadesignlabs.org/SGJ7/2019 1 29 [9] 4gamer 7 6 https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999901/20181221097/?fbclid =IwAR1DHWxj7vpUQsWXZ-Eb1Ro7Pr-dTBWNG- McLUAvUVY62wA107-PuBLtwzk2019 1 29

17 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii iii i , ii, iii [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

ICD-1111th Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Gaming disorder 1336 Problematic Internet Use: PIU PIU PIU PIU

, , , ,

Effects of internet usage on psychiatric symptoms and social function

Michitaka YOSHIMURAi Momoko KITAZAWAii Taishiro KISHIMOTOiii iDepartment of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry. ii,iiiDepartment of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: With the growth of the internet, research on the influence of internet use on psychiatric symptoms is increasing. "Gamin disorder", which is a diagnostic criterion for mental illness, was included in ICD-11. However, there are few studies on Japanese. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey for 1,366 university students and investigated the current status of problematic Internet use among Japanese young adults and the relationship between PIU and psychiatric symptoms, sleep, social function, and happiness. As a result, it was found that PIU is also recognized in young adults in Japan at the same rate as in the previous studies in other countries. In future it is necessary to conduct research evaluating PIU more objectively.

Keyword: Gaming disorder, Internet addiction, mental health, sleep, Happiness

1. 93.2% 92.8%87.5%81.0% 79.8%[1] Problematic Internet [2] Use; PIU PIU Social [3][5][6] Networking Service; SNS [7] Attention-deficit 2015 10~20 hyperactivity disorder; ADHD [8] SNS LINE Autism Spectrum Disorder; ASD [9][10] 62.8%Twitter52.8%Facebook49.3% PIU DSM-5 Diagnostic and PIU Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition ICD-11 PIU 11th Revision of the International Statistical Classification of PIU QOLQuality Of Life Diseases and Related Health Problems / Çikrıkci


Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; [11] CES-D State Trait Anxiety Huang Subjective Inventory; STAI ADHD Well-Being: SWB[12] Adult ADHD SelfReport Scale part A; ASRS part A PIU Interdependent Happiness Scale; IHS PIU PIUIAT = 0.93 Young [10] 70-100 40-69 20-39 [13] SWB IAT 40 PIU 39 [16] PIU PIU 1 18 PSQI PSQI 7 SWB Diener 20 SWB [16] CES-D 0 60 16 Lyubomirsky Happiness SWB [17] 2 40 Uchida 20 80 20 ADHD ASRS World Health [18] Organization; WHO ADHD PIU SWB ADHD A B A ADHD = 68.7% = 99.5% IHS IHS 9 9 Hitokoto 45 Interdependent Hpaiiness scale; IHS[19]IHS α=0.82 2.2.3 q-q PIU SNS t IHS PIU PIU PIU PIU PSQICES-DSTAI 2.2 ASRSHISSNS 2.2.1 t PIU 5 ADHD 2015 1 Twitter 2015 11 Twitter SPSS 23 2.2.2 SNS Twitter 2.3 /2 /2 1336 1258 544/1258; (Internet Addiction Test; IAT) SD = 19.3 1.1 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PSQI IAT SD 37.8712.59


38.2 PIU 61.8 PIU PIU 54.317.4 ADHD Twitter ADHD 42.6 70.7 IHS 30.60 6.53 3 PIU 1 PIU ADHD Twitter PIU PIU ADHD 1

2.4 PIU PIU 38.2% PIU PIU ADHD Twitter PIU PIU PIU PIU [20] Mihara [21] Morioka [22] PIU


3 PIU [26]


Hajj A, et al. Internet Addiction and Relationships PIU with Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Self-Esteem in University Students: A PIU Cross-Sectional Designed Study. PLoS One 2016;11:e0161126. [11] Çikrıkci Ö. The effect of internet use on well-being: Meta-analysis. Comput Human Behav 2016;65:560– Twitter SNS 1 6. PIU Twitter Twitter [12] Huang C. Internet use and psychological well-being: 1 a meta-analysis. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw PIU 2010;13:241–9. [13] Lallukka T, Kaikkonen R, Härkänen T, Kronholm E, Partonen T, Rahkonen O, et al. Sleep and Sickness PIU Absence: A Nationally Representative Register-Based Follow-Up Study. Sleep 2014;37:1413–25. [14] Steptoe A, O’Donnell K, Marmot M, Wardle J. PIU Positive affect, psychological well-being, and good sleep. J Psychosom Res 2008;64:409–15. [15] Karlson CW, Gallagher MW, Olson CA, Hamilton NA. Insomnia symptoms and well-being: Longitudinal follow-up. Heal Psychol 2013;32:311– 9. [16] Diener E, Oishi S, Lucas RE. Personality, Culture, [1] United Nations. Statistical Yearbook 2016 edition: and Subjective Well-Being: Emotional and Cognitive Fifty-ninth issue. 2016. Evaluations of Life. Annu Rev Psychol [2] International Telecommunication Union. ICT facts 2003;54:403–25. and figures 2017:1–8. [17] Lyubomirsky S, Lepper HS. A measure of subjective https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/f happiness: preliminary reliability and construct acts/ICTFactsFigures2017.pdf. validation. Soc Indic Res 1999;46:137–55. [3] Morrison CM, Gore H. The relationship between [18] Uchida Y, Kitayama S. Happiness and unhappiness excessive internet use and depression: A in east and west: Themes and variations. Emotion questionnaire-based study of 1,319 young people and 2009;9:441–56. adults. Psychopathology 2010;43:121–6. [19] Hitokoto H, Uchida Y. Interdependent Happiness: [4] Tang J, Zhang Y, Li Y, Liu L, Liu X, Zeng H, et al. Theoretical Importance and Measurement Validity. J Clinical characteristics and diagnostic confirmation Happiness Stud 2014:1–29. of Internet addiction in secondary school students in [20] Ko C-H, Yen J-Y, Chen C-C, Chen S-H, Yen C-F. Wuhan, China. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci Gender differences and related factors affecting 2014;68:471–8. online gaming addiction among Taiwanese [5] Kim B-S, Chang SM, Park JE, Seong SJ, Won SH, adolescents. J Nerv Ment Dis 2005;193:273–7. Cho MJ. Prevalence, correlates, psychiatric [21] Mihara S, Osaki Y, Nakayama H, Sakuma H, Ikeda comorbidities, and suicidality in a community M, Itani O, et al. Internet use and problematic population with problematic Internet use. Psychiatry Internet use among adolescents in Japan: A Res 2016;244:249–56. nationwide representative survey. Addict Behav [6] Xiuqin H, Huimin Z, Mengchen L, Jinan W, Ying Z Reports 2016;4:58–64. RT. Mental health, personality, and parental rearing [22] Morioka H, Itani O, Osaki Y, Higuchi S, Jike M, styles of adolescents with Internet addiction disorder. Kaneita Y, et al. Association Between Smoking and Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2010;13:401–6. Problematic Internet Use Among Japanese [7] Zadra S, Bischof G, Besser B, Bischof A, Meyer C, Adolescents: Large-Scale Nationwide John U, et al. The association between Internet Epidemiological Study. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc addiction and personality disorders in a general Netw 2016;19:557–61. population-based sample. J Behav Addict [23] Tateno M, Teo AR, Shirasaka T, Tayama M, Watabe 2016;5:691–9. M, Kato TA. Internet addiction and self-evaluated [8] Yen J-Y, Yen C-F, Chen C-S, Tang T-C, Ko C-H. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder traits among The Association between Adult ADHD Symptoms Japanese college students. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci and Internet Addiction among College Students: The 2016;70:567–72. Gender Difference. CyberPsychology Behav [24] Chen Y-L, Gau SS-F. Sleep problems and internet 2008;12:187–91. addiction among children and adolescents: a [9] So R, Makino K, Fujiwara M, Hirota T, Ohcho K, longitudinal study. J Sleep Res 2016;25:458–65. Ikeda S, et al. The Prevalence of Internet Addiction [25] Yang MJ, Yen CF, Chen CS, Tang TC, Ko CH. The Among a Japanese Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic association between adult ADHD symptoms and Sample With Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or internet addiction among college students: the gender Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A difference. Cyberpsychol Behav 2009;12:187–91. Cross-Sectional Study. J Autism Dev Disord [26] Orben A, Przybylski AK. The association between 2017;47:2217–24. adolescent well-being and digital technology use. Nat [10] Younes F, Halawi G, Jabbour H, El Osta N, Karam L, Hum Behav 2019.

21 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i i [email protected] SIR , ,

A Preliminary Study toward the Development of SIR (shit-game is real) Index Hiroshi YAMAGUCHI i iFaculty of Global Media Studies, Komazawa University [email protected] Abstract. In recent years, the real and game worlds are increasingly interacting to each other, through developments and diffusion of various attempts such as serious games and gamification. This is at least partially because the real world is not such pleasurable as games - in somewhat dirty words, "sit (game) is real." This comes from a quote of the main character in a Japanese anime "World God Only Knows." In usual performance measurement of gamification, they measure how much game elements improved the real-world things; but in this study, the author tries the other way around. The author proposes "SIR" index, namely, an index that measures how much the real world is a sit-game. As a preliminary study, the author analyzes twitter data to explore what this expression actually means, and also attempts to extract the problems for actually calculating index. Keyword. gamification, index, sit is real

1. [3] 1 GO AR e [1] 1 2 3 2008 2010 4 !! [2]


2. 2.1 2 [8] 1 4 [1] 2. 1. [7] 2.3 Shit is realSIR 3. 3.1 [4] 2 4 [5] [6] 2.2 [7]


1 Yamaguchi[11] 3.2 twitter (4) 2018 7 1 12 31 1,719 KJ 6 (5) (1) [8] [8] (6) (2) (2) 1 3.3 [9] 6 KJ 1 3 (1)(2)(3) (5)(4) (6) 2 (3) [10]


[16] 1. KJ AI 4. SIR 4.1 SIR [1] , .,2011, , Huizinga, J. (1938) Homo Ludens: Proeve eener bepaling van het spel-element der cultuur, Wolters-Noordhoff cop. [2] , . [3] 2000 , , 23, pp.167-186. [4] , , ()1990, , Caillois, R. (1958), Les jeux et les hommes, Gallimard. 4.2 [5] , , () (1996) , , Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990), Flow: Heilbrunn[12] The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper & Row. [6] ,, , ()(2011) (), , Salen, K., and E. Zimmerman (2004), Rules of Play, MIT Press. [7] (2012) NHK [8] , , , SIR ( )(2011) , , McGonigal, J., (2011), Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Cn Change the World. Gernert. [9] Schwartz, B. (2004), The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less. Harper Collins. Castronova[13] [10] (2012) , SB . [14] [11] Yamaguchi, H. (2007), On Policy Issues “in” Virtual Worlds: Beyond the “Seniority-Based Dragonball Economy, , 1(1), pp.57-76. SIR [12] Heilbrunn1, B., P. Herzig1, and A. Schill (2014), Towards Gamification Analytics - Requirements for Monitoring and Adapting Gamification Designs, GI-Jahrestagung (2014), pp.333-344. [13] Castronova, E. (2001), Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of SIR Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier, CESifo Working Paper Series No. 618. https://ssrn.com/abstract=294828. [14] Yamaguchi, H. (2004) An Analysis of Virtual Currencies in Online Games, The Journal of Social Science, 53, pp.57-76. [15] Sampson, S. (2017), Angry White Males as Suffering Subjects, SIR https://antroperspektiv.org/2017/01/20/angry-white-males-as- suffering-subjects/ 2019 1 30 [16] , (2016), , [15] 18(2),18, 65-76.

25 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

[email protected], [email protected] , , , ,

A survey on the impact of the coverage period on the pre-registration event in social games Tatsuya FURUYAMA Takashi IMAGIRE Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University [email protected], [email protected] Abstract With the spread of smartphones, social games have increased. In social games, the number of users is an important indicator of business because increase of users is directly linked to profit. One method of acquiring users is "pre-registration". In this research, we investigated the existing games on the relationship between the pre-registration period and the interest in the game, and examined the optimum KPI. Keyword social games, pre-registration, customer acquisition, business measures, active users

1. DAU (Daily Active Users) ARRPU MAU MAU MAU TV 2. = "#$ ∗ ∗ #&''$ MAU (Monthly Active Users) ARPPU Ultima Online 1997 (Average Revenue Per Paid User) MAU


[1] 2001 [2] ID "NEXON Account System" Twitter[9] 5. 47 6 41 41 2019 1 31 5.1 84.2 2 (1) 15 3. Re:Dive(2) 221 Fate/Grand Order(3) [3][4] (4) 214 199 1 70 220 [5] 20-29 70-79 150-159 [6] [7] • 3 • 2 • 5 [8]

4. 1. ()


2 3. 4 () 2015 23.7 2018 56.5 Social Game Info[10] 10


5.2 4. 3

( ) 36 5.2 ○○ APPLION[11] 1 PUBG MOBILE (5) 130 (6)FAITH(7) 100 39 5 6 7 -0.10 -0.66 50 50


6. 50

5. [1] “Ultima Online Public Beta Testers” (The Wayback Machine), http://web.archive.org/web/19971018085506/http://www.owo.com/ town/last.html2019 1 31 [2] (The Wayback Machine), https://web.archive.org/web/20031204044156/http://gamewww.nex on.co.jp/elancia/2019 1 31 [3] 2013, , , 58 , pp.277-286. [4] 2013, : , , 4, pp.109-131. [5] , , 2014, , 2014 , pp.304-306. [6] 2017, , , 23, pp.181-187.

6. [7] 2015 , :, , 10, pp.45-61. [8] , , http://mizkos.jp/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/2012sato.pdf 2019 1 31 [9] “Twitter”, https://twitter.com/ [10] “Social Game Info”, http://lp.atsenko.com/ 2019 1 31 [11] “APPLION”, http://applion.jp/iphone/rank/jp/gross/ 2019 1 31

(1) 2017. (iOS/Android) (2) Re:DiveCygames2017. (iOS/Android) (3) Fate/Grand Order2015. (iOS/Android) (4) , NHN PlayArt2015. (iOS/Android) (5) PUBG MOBILE, DMM Games, 2018. (iOS/Android) 7. (6) , , 2017. (iOS/Android)

(7) FAITH, , 2018. (iOS/Android).


BASIC Re-launched “Micom BASIC Magazine”


, BASIC , ,

1) 40 2) , 20



1948 1967 BCL BASIC 2010 CEDEC

30 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

BASIC - - i ii i ii, [email protected], [email protected] 1981 BASIC 2003 2018 , BASIC , ,

Re-launched “Micom BASIC Magazine” - Report from editor and magazine contributor - Keita MIZUKAMIi Taro OHASHIii iHOSEI University Graduate School of economics ii, DEMPA PUBLICATIONS, INC [email protected], [email protected] Abstract In 1981, "Micom BASIC Magazine (Beemaga)" was launched as a posting magazine of the game program. Many microcomputer boys learned with Beemaga and brought up many engineers who are active today. After being suspended in 2003, Beemaga re-launched in 2018. This announcement summarizes what we have pursued at the time, the future, pursuing the process from the launch of Beemaga - the days off to the restoration to the re-launch. Keyword be-maga, Micom BASIC Magazine, DENSHI-KOSAKU Magazine, DEMPA PUBLICATIONS

1. BASIC 1981 4 2. BASIC 2.1 1 BASIC BASIC NEC TK-80 EX-80 ROM BASIC VGM 1979 NEC 2003 PC-8001 16 8 BASIC 2010 BASIC CEDEC CEDEC AWARDS 2010 1977 [1] 1 2018 12 BASIC VOL.2[3] 3 1981 () 53 8 10 BASIC


2.2 3 S I/O BASIC 1

2.4 BASIC 34AI[ 2

YK-2 (1) BASIC

2.3 1981 4 1 1981 4 1981 5 1990 30 BASIC


BASC 1999 4 2001 4 PC CD-ROM PC Disk BASIC MS-DOS on BASIC OS MS-DOS BASIC MS-DOS Windows OS Microsoft Windows VisualBASIC /VGM 2003 5 BASIC 1

3. 3.1

B 2008 2013 2015 2015 3 19 BASIC 2018 11 12 BASIC 2020 PC BASIC C++ Java BASIC


B 2

1 2.5 2003 1999 4 1990


2015 11 2018 1 2018 7 OPEN MUCOM PROJECT[8]MML ALL ABOUT BASIC BASIC BASIC BASIC PC Smile BASIC[5] IchigoJam jig.jp [6] IchigoJam 1,500 2,000 BASIC

3.2 2018 12 2018 12 19 BASIC HSP 2018 C ]S 2018 IchigoJam

3.3 [1] CEDEC AWARDS 2010 BASIC http://cedec.cesa.or.jp/2010/event/awards/prize/ 2019 1 26 [2] (1979), , VOL.2, pp.19 [3] (1985), BASIC Magazine Amazon [4] BASIC http://www.mext.go.jp/component/a_menu/education/micro_detail/__ 2 icsFiles/afieldfile/2018/03/30/1375607_01.pdf 2019 1 26 [5] SmileBasic 3 SmileBASIC 4. http://smilebasic.com/ 2019 1 27 [6] IchigoJam - (1500 ) https://ichigojam.net/ 2019 1 27 [7] - Falcom https://www.falcom.co.jp/music_use/ 2019 1 27 BASIC [8] OPEN MUCOM PROJECT https://www.ancient.co.jp/~mucom88/ 2019 1 26 VGM VGM [7] 2018 12 mucom88 (1) , , 1980.(Arcade)

2 2019 1

34 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii iii i,ii,iii [email protected] (TCG)TCG TCG TCG Arduino Unreal Engine 4 Arduino Arduino Arduino uno R3 , , , Arduino, Unreal Engine 4

Development of a gamified programming learning support using trading card game style that focuses on narrative mode of thought Takahiro NOZAKIi Katsuhide ABEii Mitsuhiro OGAWAiii i,ii,iiiFaculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University [email protected] Abstract Computer programming learning has still been difficult in some cases. This difficulty can be depending on a leaner, not only language. As a method to support learning programming language for person being not good at programming skills, Trading Card Game (TCG) style is considered as a tool with narrative mode of thought expresser. Then, we have been thought TCG style may be helpful for understanding computer programming. As a result, a prototype of programming support system for Arduino in TCG like style is developed and demonstrated. This system allows to invoke Arduino development environment and compile the source-code generated by TCG like style and load it an Arduino hardware. Keyword Programming Education, Trading Card Game, Learning Support, Arduino, Unreal Engine 4

1. b) 2. (TCG)TCG TCG a)


TCG Arduino [1] Arduino paradigmatic mode Arduino uno Rev3 [4] TCG narrative mode TCG narrative mode TCG TCG Labov Waletzky (narrative) [2] Labov Waletzky Abstract Orientation Complicating Action Orientation Evaluation Action Resolution Coda 1. TCG TCG 1 Arduino Arduino TCG Arduino Processing TCG Arduino TCG [3]

3. TCG Windows 10 Unreal Engine 4 (Epic Games) Visual Studio 2017 (Microsoft) Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint Blueprint C++ Visual Studio 2017 2. TCG 1, 2 2


Arduino 1 Arduino.exe Blueprint C++ TCG Arduino Arduino uno Rev3 1. Arduino Blink Arduino uno Rev3 LN void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); 4. } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); TCG delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); Python } 3 LN: Line Number, 4

TCG 3 3 3 Python 1 F# Haskell 3 Arduino {} }

3. 1

1 4. 3 Arduino Arduino IDE () Arduino.exe 5. Narrative TCG Arduino.exe [5] arduino.exe ----upload FILE.ino FILE.ino .ino Arduino Arduino.exe IDE Arduino Unreal Engine4 Blueprint


[1] Bruner, J., (1986) Actual Minds,Possible Worlds. Cambridge University Press. [2] Labov, W. and Waletzky, J., (1967) Narrative Analysis :Oral Versions of Personal Experience, Helm, J. ed., Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts, University of Washington Press, 12-44. [3] 2018 3 , 7 , , pp.41-44 [4] Arduino, https://www.arduino.cc/ (2019 1 29 ) [5] Arduino, ARDUINO(1) Manual Page, https://github.com/arduino/ Arduino/blob/1.6.4/build/shared/manpage.adoc (2019 1 29 )

38 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

XyloStories i i Nadia Gloenwaldii i i i ii E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] , . , . , , Arduino Raspberry Pi , XyloStories XyloStoris . , , Arduino, Raspberry Pi

A Prototype Development of XyloStories - a Serious Game to Support Music Teachers for Kids - Toya SAITOi Koji SUGINUMAi Nadia Gloenwaldii Megumi AIBARAi Masakazu FURUICHIi iNihon University College of Industrial Technology iiUniversity of the Arts Utrecht E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract: In music classrooms for three to five years old kids, music teachers use picture book type textbooks and real musical instruments such xylophones or drums. In order to make their classrooms fun for kids, music teachers spend much time to prepare for class contents from scratch every time. If the teacher has many such classes, the amount of time that they spend for preparation becomes enormous, which is a big problem for teachers. In order to solve such problem, we have decided to develop a serious game type textbook used for music classrooms to support music teachers. In our prototype system, we used xylophone as a real musical instrument, and the xylophone is used as the input device for the serious game, so we have named it “XyloStories”. In order to link xylophe and the serious game, we used Arduino for sensor module and Rasberry pi as a signal processing unit. In this paper, we describe the outline of the serious game system. It will also be demonstrated at interactive session. Keywords: Serious Game, Music Education, Arduino, Raspberry Pi

1. , XyloStories. XyloStories . , . [1]. [2], , 2. , . , , . . P-Chord (1) [3], (2), Chrome Music Lab (3) , . P-Chord , . , , . , . . Chrome Music . Lab , , . , , . . Yousician (4). , , , . , , . . , , , Arduino UNO [4], Raspberry Pi [5] . , , , . ,


. , Arduion D2 RX, D3 TX , Raspberry Pi 8 Pin RX, 10 Pin TX . Raspberry Pi Arduino 3. . , 1, 2 . , .

3.1 , . , 35 , .

, SPM0405HD4H [9] 1. . , Arduino GPIO , Raspberry Pi . Arduino 3.3 Raspberry Pi , , , . Matlab GPIO Arduino Digital Pin fir1 ( FIR . Raspberry Pi Arduino ) 48 FIR USB PC . 4 . . , Matlab filter 1 , . , Arduino , 0.8 , . Raspberry Pi , . Matlab Coder Arduino Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi .


4. XyloStories , 3.2 XyloStories, , , Arduino UNO . SPM0405HD4H, Raspberry Pi . 1 . . 4.1 900 ~ 2200Hz XyloStories , 5000Hz . , PC Arduino Clock , EX03 , Raspberry Pi . , 12MHz, 3.0Hz , Arduino . . , 900 ~ 2200Hz Arduino A5 . , 5000Hz . GPIO , LM358. C1 Raspberry Pi . Raspberry 1µF, C 0.01µF , R1 Pi Arduino 220Ω, R2 5kΩ 723Hz3184Hz . , . Arduino . , A0, A1, D13 , HIGH, A2, A3 LOW . . GPIO Arduino Raspberry Pi GPIO ON/OFF Arduino Digital Pin ON 10 . . , Arduino Digital Pin ON


USB , PC 21 Pin D11 C7 . 2 . 3 . 4.3 , . , . . , . , . 2 , , . 2.

2. C6

D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7

4 . . Start . Menu ,

3. . C6 , C6 , D6 . Friend Select , 4.2 XyloStories , XyloStories . Study , Menu ,Raspberry Pi GPIO ON Arduino . , . GPIO , . Arduino Digital Pin 3 1 . . 1. GPIO Digital Pin,

Arduino Raspberry Pi GPIO Digital Pin 3 Pin D4 C6

5 Pin D5 D6

7 Pin D6 E6

11 Pin D7 F6

13 Pin D8 G6

15 Pin D9 A6

19 Pin D10 B6



3. [1] (4 ,III ) 12 2018 12 12 [2] , , 8, 127-134, 2016/12/20 : 2018 12 12 [3] , The Growth of Children and Music, 5, 125-129, 2006- 06-16 : 2018 12 12 [4] Arduino Home https://www.arduino.cc/ 2018 4 4 . [5] Raspberry Pi — Teach, Learn, and Make with Raspberry Pihttps://www.raspberrypi.org/ : 2018 12 27 [6] : - http://akizukidenshi.com/catalog/g/gM-05577/ 2018 5. 9 2 . XyloStories, XyloStories . (1) P-Chord, Asoft.iOS, 2013. (iOS, Android) AB https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/p-chord/id564188907?mt=8&ign- A mpt=uo%3D4 (: 2018 12 12 ) (2) , UNI-TY INC, B XyloStories 2013. (iOS, Android) . . https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/%E9%9F%B3%E6%84%9F%E3% 83%88%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8B%E3%83%B3 , %E3%82%B0-%E3%81%82%E3%81%9D%E3%82%93%E3%81 , , %A7%E3%81%BE%E3%81%AA/id718605554#?platform=iphon . , e : 2018 12 12 , . (3) Chrome Music Lab , Google, 2016.(PC) https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/ (: 2018 12

12 ) (4) YousicianYousician2014(iOS, Android, PC) 6. https://yousician.com/ 2018 12 12 , XyloStories. . . , . , XyloStories , , , , . , .

42 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Journal of Digital Games Research

~~ i [email protected] , , ,

Emergence and Development of the Chinese Media Mix - Comparative Case Studies of Game Studios in China- Akinori (Aki)NAKAMURA College of Image Arts and Sciences, Ritsumeikan University [email protected] Abstract The present studies focus on the business model in the media industry which is prevalent in various media conglomerates in Japan, North America as well as Europe being known in Japan as “media mix.” Based on the assertion of Contingency theory, if China’s business environment (the present paper include a broader definition of Chinese speaking nations) is distinctly different than those of Japan, North America or Europe, then the media mix if being practice at all, may emerge and developed in its own terms. The studies then focus on several Chinese digital game publishers and compare and contrast similarities as well as differences. The studies conclude that there is the distinction in how the media mix being practiced and developed among Chinese game studies throughout years of the industrial development, confirming the claims made by the contingent theory scholars. Keyword Media Mix, Chinese Game Studios, Pan-Entertainment, Comparative Case Studies

1. IP Intellectual Property 3 IP IP SNS 1 IP 2018 10 9 1 3 X-men 1 DC 1 20 IP Jurassic World: Fallen KingdomIncredible 2 Dr. Seuss' The Grinch 2. 2.1 [4] 2 1955 1972 15

43 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Journal of Digital Games Research

2.2 1 PC-DOS 1995 1 1996 WIN95 1999 2002 1957 2003 2004 1 1958 10 1 100 1976 200 90 PC 6 8 1990 70 PC 2003 2004 2009 2001 MMORPG Online Pearl TV 2017 3 1996 15 2001 Online MMORPG 2004 Unreal2.5 Online2 1999 1999 ( )2000 () 1999 11 1 MMORPG 11 7000 2007 2011 9 2 4 OL 3 3000 2012 3 5 OL 1 MMORPG 2016 5 IP 2001 2003 5 2012 1 7 3 2004 [4] 15

44 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Journal of Digital Games Research

2004 2005 2 8 DVD 2005 6 [3G 32015 30 6G3] 2005 2 Sparkly8 1013.8 ]3C7 2009 83 2016 2007 8 8 Sparkly 11 8 IP 6G 3G6 []63 3 8 Sparkly ] 8]3 2.3 [6] 8]6[ 8G3 7]C]D]8 30 G3[[ 2 ]8 Hangzhou Xuanji Science and Technology Information Corporation2015 Sparkly Key Animation Studio ,Sparkly CEORobin Shen CG 78 IP G 2007 82[2 Robin Shin CG (CCTV) 8383C8 600 535IP DVD 1 ] 90 IP C53 125 3.3 Hulu 2006 37 2014 CG 5984.98 11.7 10 8] 8 4 2 3 5 8 II ]20144 7018 2015 4 702182015 9IP2Sparkly80 13 Shirley ]02120173 012017123 2006 [ 018 2009 ]8 2015 ]3 2 SparklyG ]5 7 350 01 VFX

45 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Journal of Digital Games Research

9000 (14 85000 ) 50 VFXCG IP 6 4000 1500 1800 1530 VFX/CG 1 3. 2.5 (41 2500 )VFX/CG

5000 6000 8 2500 9 IP 9000 100 1970 2000 250 1980 2 IP 4 4 II ICT 1 4 1 Levp II II 1 1 =16.5 SNS [1] M 2015 [2] Box Office Mojo (2019) "Yearly Box Office 2018 DOMESTIC GROSSES,"https://www.boxofficemojo.com/yearly/chart/?yr=201 8&p=.htm2019 1 30 [3] (1998) [4] (2018) Gz : pp 354-360 [5] 2018, http://ip.people.com.cn/n1/2018/1101/c179663-30375913.html( 2019 1 24 2016 1 [6] (2018): pp 360-364 [7] (2018):pp 360-370

46 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii, i [email protected] 1990 , , , ,

Research of " Women’s Games" based on the game magazines.

Takashi OBANA i Chitoko KOIDE ii i Chubu University ii, Osaka Shoin Women’s University i [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine and describe the trend of Information on introducing game shown in game magazine, published after 1990s. In our study, The necessity of reexamine relation between of woman`s games and magazines. and We tried to express the transition of Information for game magazines according to revolution of game using coating sheet. Keyword Women’s Games, OTOME Games, Game History, ”DENGEKI GIRLS STYLE”, ”B'sLOG”

1. 2. 20 2003 Girls StyleB’s LOG CESA Girls Style [1] 2003 2003 12 PlayStation Girls styleB's LOG 2005 2007 5 25 2012 5 BLCool-B [2] CD 1990 2018 7 Web [3] B’s LOG Girl’s Style


2002 3 20 E-LOGIN 2002 9 [4]B’s LOG 4. Girls Style BL PlayStation[5, Girl’s Style pp.301-321] Girl’s Style 50 Web [6] 3. [5, pp.316-318] Bs LOG Girls Style [5, p.v] 12 [7] [5, p.v] 2006 2010 Web 2010 TV [5, p.vi] CD Web [5, p.v] 2010 Web Web Web [7, pp.46-47] [8]



4. Girls StyleB’s LOG

[1] 2003436, pp.114-117. [2] Wikipedia Girls Style,https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E- 9%9B%BB%E6%92%83Girl%27s_Style2019 1 28 . [3] , http://dengekionline.com/g-style/ 2019 1 28 . [4] WikipediaB's-LOGhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%27s-LOG 2019 1 28 . [5] 2015 , . [6] 2001 , . [7] 2014 2014 . [8] 2018 : , , . [9] , 1989 Comparepolitan, .

49 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

e - - i ii iii iv v vi vii

Crystal L. Patil Judith M. Schlaeger i,ii,iii,iv ii,iii,iv,vi,vii ii,iii,iv,vii v,vi University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Women, Children and Family Health Science i [email protected], vii [email protected]

e e e 2 e e e

e , , ,

Electronic Sports Athlete’s Complaints and Consideration of Acupuncture - Interview Survey of Pro-gamers - You HIRAMATSU i Tomoaki TAKANASHIii Hiroyoshi YAJIMAiii Miho TAKAYAMAiv Crystal L. PATIL v Judith M. SHCLAEGERvi Nobuari TAKAKURAvii i,ii,iii,iv Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Science, Affiliated Acupuncture and Moxibustion Center ii,iii,iv,vi,vii Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Science, Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ii,iii,iv,vii Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Science, Graduate school of Health Science v,vi University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Women, Children and Family Health Science i [email protected], vii [email protected] Abstract To improve athletic performance, professional sports athletes often include acupuncture as part of their conditioning and overall health. E-sports athletes may also benefit from acupuncture, but no studies have been completed. To begin to address this gap, we interviewed two e-sports athletes, whom we provided acupuncture, to document their complaints and determine if acupuncture was beneficial. They reported experiencing mental and physical stress from competition, practice, and adverse living conditions that negatively affected their gaming performance. They also had musculoskeletal pains. The participants reported that their gaming performance improved and that they experienced less pain with acupuncture. Results suggest that rigorous research is needed to assess if acupuncture effectively reduces e-sports athletes’ musculoskeletal pain and improves gaming performance. Keyword Electronic Sports, Sports, Health Care, Acupuncture

1. e 1.1 e 1 1971 [1] 1. e [2] e 0.16mm22G 0.72mm


1.3 1990

Evidence-Based Medicine [3] e e 2. AE 12 e 2

2.1 AE League of Legends

2.2 2018 10 28 e e


2 2 4 2. 1.2 3 45 IC e 28 1 2 2.3 e [4][5][6] Grounded e Theory ApproachGTA 2018 612 AKIHABARA ENCOUNT AE

League of Legends (1) League of Legends 1 AE League of Legends 40mm 0.14mm 1 1530


3. b. 2 3.1 10 16 2 20 1 ADCAttack Damage Carry 1 SUPSupportADC 1 SUP 6 c. 3.2 c. 3.2.1 a. League of Legends b. 4 c. d. e. f. g. 7 22 1 a. b. c. d. 3 d. d. d. 4 e. g. f. 1. c. e. e. 3 c. f. f. 4 3.2.2 a. League of Legends a. League of Legends g. g. 3 League of 2 Legends 5 5 e. a. League of Legends b.


e 4. e 5. e 2 4.1 e e c. d. League of Legends ADC e. e c. League of Legends AKIHABARA ENCOUNT e 16 [1] (2008) , , 58(5), pp.758-765. [2] Reston, J. (1971.7.26) "Now, About My Operation in Peking; Now, Let Me Tell You About My Appendectomy in Peking", New York Times. e https://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/health/1971acupunctur e.pdf 2019.1.31 e [3] Zimerman, AL. (2013) Evidence-based medicine: a short history of a modern medical movement, Virtual Mentor, 15(1), pp.71-76. [4] Strauss, A., Corbin, J. . (1999) 2 , 4.2 e . e [5] (2006) , . [6] (2008) , . [7] (2006) , , 56(2), pp.166-174. [8] (2013) de Quervain 1 [7][8][9] , , 62(6), pp.613-614. [9] (2013) visual analogue scale , , 76(4), pp.263-272. (1) League of Legends, Riot Games, 2009. (PC)

53 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii i,ii 700-0005 1-1 [email protected], [email protected]

Watching Support Focused on Characters' Move and Stamina in Fighting Game Yousuke Miyauchi i Tomoki Kajinamiii i,iiFaculty of Informatics, Okayama University of Science, 1-1 Ridai-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, 700-0005 Japan [email protected], [email protected] Abstract This paper proposes a watching support method focused on characters’ move and stamina in fighting game. The screen of the fighting game has a bar displaying characters’ stamina, and the player can adjust the distance to the opponent by move the character from side to side. However, it is hard to understand the amount of movement and the accumulation of small attacks of each character. Therefore, This paper develops a system to visualize the characters’ movement and decrease of stamina within a certain period of time. Keyword fighting game, e-Sports, watching support, information visualization

1. 1 e-Sports 2 2D 3D 2.1 2D # n t !" ( 1 ) [1][2] [3] [3] [3] 1 (1/30 ) 2 ()() 2. 1420 150 (5 ) e-Sports

OpenCV 1


2.3 t 2.1 2 a b 2.2 # n t 2" 4 o () # 2" = 3 + 5 ( 4) 30 150 (5 )150 1 4 150 n t n t # $" 1 2 5 # # # # !" < & !" > & $" = !" − & ( 1) # # # 6" = 2" − 2"/781 ( 5) # # !" = & $" = 0 ( 2) # 5 6" !# t n 1 " n # 2 $" # t n !" n t ∆, 3 ( ∆, = |$# − $# | ( 3) " "/01 ) 60 $# t-30 n "/01 (2 ) 1 / 3 3. 3 Cha1 1 Cha2 2 1 A 30 # $" 4 # $"/01 B 30 30 4 3 ( ) 2/5 1 () () 30 (1 ) / 1 3



4. b: 4.1 5 20 c: (4 ) 3 (X-Z) 4.2 d: (1) 5 (2) 7 7Good1Bad (3)1 2 5.1 4 (4) 4 4.3 2 2 5.3 3 2 3 68% 3 5.1 4 (1-4) 1 2 3 4 2 X Y Z 15 14 12 13.6 / (%) (75%) (70%) (60%) (68%) ( 150 ) 5. 7 5.1 5 ( ) 3 1 2 a 4 4 3 1 2 (EGK) 3 4 4 12 A-L 5.2 (1) b (2) H (3)(5.1 4 )1 (4)4 a:


(D) a b E c 3 () 4.83 (7) [] 5.17 (9) (FHL) 4.17 (5) [] 4.00 (2) ()(ACDE) 4.42 (GHJ) 3.83 (G K) 3.50 3.00 6.33 (12) () 6.33 (12) 3.67 (5) [] 3.50 (4) (A-L) 5.25 (8) 4.42 (6) 5.17 (9) 4.08 (6)

/ 6. d () [] (E) (BFGHIJ) [] (JL) HP (A) [1] 2007 , (GI), pp.1-8. () [2] Lu, F., Yamamoto, K., Nomura, H, L., Mizuno, S., Lee, Y., Thawonmas, R.(2013) Fighting Game Artificial Intelligence [] Competition Platform, proc. of 2nd IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.320-323. (BCDEF [3] (2018) HIJL) , [] , 6(1), pp.17-27. (EGK) 9 (1) V2016. (PS4PC)

57 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii i.ii [email protected], ii [email protected] 2 e-Sports, , , ,

An Interface for Supporting Post-Match Play-by-Play Analysis of a Fighting Game Based on the Players' Eye Movements Ryohei Odai Tomoki Kajinamiii i.ii Okayama University of Science [email protected], ii [email protected] Abstract In this paper, we propose an interface to support post-match play-by-play analysis of a fighting game based on the players' eye movements. The fighting game, which two players fight each other by operating their use characters with in the same game screen. Players may look back on their own matches and review playing. However, previous studies have not consider using two players' gaze data for supporting post-match play-by-play analysis. We construct an interface visualizing similarity two players' focusing area and eye movement on game screen for supporting post-match play-by-play analysis. Keyword e-Sports, fighting game, post-match play-by-play analysis, eye movement, interactive interface

1. 2.2 t n area ! "#, % 1 CPU( 0 +,, !&'(& "#, % = * 012 1 ) AI [1] -.&/ area x,y [2] 25pixel 3456(1 [3] =1/30 ) * ! 255 2 &'(& P1 / P2 area !&'(& P1 P2 area ( 1) P1 $() $() (!"# , &"# ) $ $ (!"', &"') $ $ 2. (!"#, &"#) $() $() 2.1 (!"' , &"' ) 2 area / 25pixel P2 1 2.3 t P1 P2 0 0 0 0 0 / (682, 982)(68+, 98+);828+ 4 2 0 ;828+ ≤ =- 2


0A∆0 0A∆0 ∆0 =- 1/5 (68K , 98K );8J8K 3 PS P1 P2 PF ( 4) ∆0 =- ;8J8K ≤ =0 3 0 0 =- − ;828+;828+ =0 1/20 ( 2) 2.4 0 0 (68J, 98J) t P1 !"– d 0A∆0 0A∆0 0 0 0A∆0 0A∆0 P1P2 68J , 98J (68K, 98K)(68K , 98K ) & & (#$), ($)) 45 t d P1P2 3 & & (#$%, ($%) PF ! &+∆& &+∆& "P2 (#$% , ($% )

2 &+∆& &+∆& & & (#$) , ($) ) (#$%, ($%) PS 2.4 / % + ∆%P1 P2 (#& , (& ) !" $) $) 0A∆0 0A∆0 0A∆0 0A∆0 0 0 682 , 982 68+ , 98+ (682, 982) 0A∆0 0A∆0 4 682 , 982 P1 (60 , 90 )(60A∆0, 90A∆0)P2 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 3. 2 B0° ≤ B ≤ 30° 165° ≤ B ≤ 195° 3.1. ( 3) 5 0 0 0A∆0 0A∆0 0 0 (682, 982) 682 , 982 (68+, 98+) P1 P2 0A∆0 0A∆0 (68+ , 98+ ) 30 30 15 x 30 y 3

-1∆- -1∆- (*+4 , /+4 ) P2 (*-1∆-, /-1∆-) +, +, - - - - (*+,, /+,) (*+4, /+4) P1 Processing3 12 csv 0° ≤ $ ≤ 30° 1,454,459 1,661,202 2,478,460 2,655,202 (1 a 3,478,460 3,651,203 jpg) (*- , /- ) P2 +4 +4 -1∆- -1∆- P1 P1P2 (*+4 , /+4 ) - - (*+,, /+,) -1∆- -1∆- (*+, , /+, )

165° ≤ $ ≤ 195° 1


3 / 2.5 0 0 5 t PF (68J, 98J) 0 0 PS (68K, 98K) % + ∆% 3.2 0A∆0 0A∆0 PF (68J , 98J ) 6 0A∆0 0A∆0 0 0 PS (68K , 98K ) (68J, 98J)


UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st](1) (1) 2.2 2.3 (2) / 2.4 2.5 (3) (4) / 6 (6:good,1:bad) (2 1 0.5 ) ( 4. ) 4.1 1: ≥ 2: > 8 (A-H)2 4 2 4 2 4.3 4.3.1 UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st](1) 1 / FIGHTING CLIMAX IGNITION(2) 1 1 8 6 G H (a) 2 2 CvsD GvsH CvsD GvsH 2 CvsD GvsH (b) ()

6 1 AvsB EvsF 4.2



(C,D,F) ( 6.3 ) 4.3.2 3 6 (6:good,1:bad) 4 ( ) 1./ 1() A B C D E F G H / 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5.5 2 4 6 6 4 6 6 6 5.0 2. 9 36 5 56 AvsB 3 34 2 10 (B)(G) 34 10 26 31 CvsD 13 55 12 21 6 52 4 33 EvsF 3 52 3 27 (D) 49 20 34 52 (C) GvsH 14 10 10 52 3. 4.0 (6) 3.4 (5) 4.3 (5/6) (B) 4.6 (6) 3.9 (4) 4.6 (6/7) (H) 3.9 (6) 3.3 (4) 4.3 (5/6) 2.1 (0) 2.4 (2) 3.4 (2/5) (C)(D) 5. (E) (H) (B)(C) B [1] Lu, F., Yamamoto, K., Nomura, H, L., Mizuno, S., Lee, Y., Thawonmas, L. (2013) Fighting Game Artificial Intelligence Competition Platform, IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer B Electronics(GCCE 2013), pp.320-323. [2] Kajinami, T., Hasegawa, K. (2017) Watching Support System by Annotation Displaying According to Fighting Game Situations, Entertainment Computing 2017(ICEC 2017), pp.435-438. [3] Zuin, L, G., Macedo, P. A. Y,. Chaimowicz, L., Pappa, L, G. (2016) Discovering Combos in Fighting Games with Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016, pp.277-284. (E)(D) (1) UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[st] 2017. (PS4) (E) (2) FIGHTING CLIMAX IGNITION, , , 2015. (PS4)

61 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

- i i [email protected]

A Software Implement of Intelligent Game Engine An Intelligent Game Engine Design Youichiro MIYAKEi iDiGRA JAPAN. [email protected] Abstract For large-scale and complexity of game, techniques of artificial intelligence are being applied, but there is not a whole technical design to apply artificial intelligence to digital games. An intelligent game engine gives many good chances to use artificial intelligence in game development. In the paper, a plan of implementation of the intelligent game engine is introduced. Keyword Game Engine, Intelligent, AI

1. Proof of Concept 2. M D M M D Development ActionD AI




4. D 1.

D M D D 2. D 3. M D

5. M D AI AI D M 6. 2


– 7. 8. 2015 [3][4]

9. AI



[1] 2018 , pp. 47-50 [2] 2018 , pp. 59-62 [3] Barbuta, A2018 HORIZON ZERO DAWN: AN OPEN WORLD QA CASE STUDY, Game Developers Conference 2018 https://www.guerrilla-games.com/read/horizon-zero-dawn-an- open-world-qa-case-study [4] Routhier, N (2018) Name 'Assassin's Creed Origins': Monitoring and Validation of World Design Data, Game Developers Conference 2018 https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1025452/-Assassin-s-Creed- Origins

65 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

DCGAN 2D i ii iii i,iii ii i [email protected], ii [email protected], iii [email protected] GANGenerative Adversarial Network GAN GAN , 2D Generative adversarial network (GAN)2D

A Study on Stage Generation for 2D Action Game based on DC-GAN Kotaro NAGAHIROi Sho OOIii Mutsuo SANOiii i,iii Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology ii Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University i [email protected], ii [email protected], iii [email protected] Abstract In recent years, Researchers has studied generative adversarial networks (GAN) in an image generation. We have verified a method to automatically generate a dot picture game stage using GAN. Specifically, we eliminated the blur of the boundary line in the image generated using GAN by coloring the objects in the stage in advance. In this research, we verify to automatically generate stages of 2D action games with different systems in the same way. Keyword Deep learning, Generative adversarial network, 2D action game, Automatic stage generation, Image generation

1. GAN Generative Adversarial Network [1] Data Argumentation [2]GAN 1.2 DCGAN GAN DCGANDeep GAN Convolutional GAN[6]DCGAN 1 CNN GAN Denton GAN LAPGANLaplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks[7] [3] Radford DCGAN GAN DCGAN 4 1.1 (1) GAN Volz CNN Bros. (1) DCGAN Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution StrategyCMA-ES 2 Generator GAN [4]2009 fractionally-strided convolution Mario AI A * (2) CNN Giacomello DCGAN global DOOM(2) FPS First Person shooter average pooling[8] global average game GAN GAN pooling Lin DOOM [5]


1. DCGAN [5]

2 2D Super Mario Bros.(1) max pooling [9] GAN 2.1 GAN DCGAN 3 (1)

2. Global average pooling CNN global (2) average pooling 2 global average pooling (3) Batch Normalization (3) batch normalization DCGAN batch normalization generator discriminator 2.2 (4) Leaky ReLU 2.1 Generator Tanh ReLU discriminator Leaky ReLU Leaky ReLU ReLU x 2D 0 0 2. 0 255




RGB DCGAN 5. ( 1) 4 ( 2)

2.3 255 Super Mario Bros. 212 3,358 169 5 127 84 DCGAN 41 3. 2D 16px 256px 224px 16px (3) 256px 224px TV 2D 1,227 6 DCGAN DCGAN-Tensorflow[10] 3.1 1,300 CPU 1 2.50GHz 16GBGPU NVIDIA GeForce

1. DCGAN [5]


GTX860M 3.2 DCGAN 7 43 12


GAN 6. GAN 8 Super Mario Bros. 5. 7. 2D 8

Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks, arXiv:1511.06434, 2015. [7] E. Denton, S. Chintala, A. Szlam, and R. Fergus: Deep generative image models using a laplacian pyramid of adversarial networks. [1] I. J. Goodfellow, J. Pouget-Abadie, M. Mirza, B. Xu, D. Warde- Advances in neural information processing systems, pp.1486-1494, Farley, S. Ozair, A. Courville, and Y. Bengio: Generative Adversarial 2015. Networks, Advances in neural information processing systems, [8] M. Lin, Q. Chen, and S. Yan: Network In Network, arXiv:1312.4400, pp.2672-2680, 2014. 2014. [2] E. D. Cubuk, B. Zoph, D. Mane, V. Vasudevan, and Q. V. Le: AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Policies from Data, [9] GAN arXiv:1805.09501. [3] https://www.nissan- 2018 global.com/JP/NRC/HAMALAB/, 2018/10/7 [10] Taehoon Kimhttps, “DCGAN in Tensorflow” [4] V. Volz, J. Schrum, J. Liu, S. M. Lucas, A. Smith, and S. Risi: ://github.com/carpedm20/DCGAN-tensorflow Evolving Mario Levels in the Latent Space of a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network, The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp221-228, 2018. [5] E. Giacomello, P. L. Lanzi, and D. Loiacono: DOOM Level (1) Super Mario Bros.1985. (FC) Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks, (2) DOOM, id Software, 1993. (PC) arXiv:1804.09154, 2018. (3) 1986(FCD) [6] A. Radford, L. Metz, and S. Chintala: Unsupervised Representation

69 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii iii i ii, iii [email protected] , , ,

Physiological measurement by game devices embedded sensor and its application for future health care Seiya OTSUKAi Yanjun SUNii Mitsuhiro OGAWAiii iGraduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University ii, iiiFaculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University [email protected]

Abstract We have been investigated about physiological measurement during game playing and developed customized sensor device for the purpose. In this study, we attempted to discussion about application of physiological measurement instruments for daily health management in home. When these measurement devices would be embedded within game devices, game devices will be able to be used as health management bases in near future. Keyword Game Device, Physiological Measurement, Health Care, Physiological Measurement Instrument

1. [1] [2] (coevolution, co-evaluation) 2. Ehrlich Raven 1964 [3]Les jeux et les hommes wikipedia wikipedia Health Management System Health Management 2016 8 9977 1 3801 [4]


VR [5] 4. 4.1 VR [6, 7][6, 7] VR VR 1 2 [8] [6, 7] [6] [9] 76%[7] 96% 64.8% [6] 1 1 59.5% [6, 7] 4.2 2 [10] 2 3. S/N R PlayStationVR VR () (VR ) VR S/N R


S-T [1] , () (1973), . [2] , , () (1990)

, . 4.3 [3] Ehrlich, Paul R., Raven, Peter H. (1964) Butterflies and Plants: A 4.1 4.2 R Study in Coevolution, Evolution, 18 (4): pp. 586-608. [4] () (2017) 2017, Gz . [5] Kato, T., et al. (2010) Factorsassociated with day-by-day variability of self-measured blood pressure at home:the Ohasama study. Am J Hypertens., 23(9), pp.980-6. [6] (2005) 1 10 , , 11(1), pp. 14-22. [11] [7] (2006) 2 1 , , 12(1), pp. 15-24. [8] (2018). VR [10] , , 11(1), pp. 15-28. [9] (2017) , , 117(219), MBE2017-39, pp. 23-28. [10] (2018) , 2018 , , pp.37-39. [11] Sharma, M. et al., (2017) Cuff-Less and Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring: A Methodological Review, Technologies, 5(2), 21; https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies5020021


JSPS 15H02798 18K19844

72 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii iii iv i, iii, iv ii [email protected]

Attempt of open source hardware of physiological measurement system during game playing Tatsuya HIROSEi Seiya OTSUKAii Yanjun SUN iii Mitsuhiro OGAWAiv iFaculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University iiGraduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University [email protected] Abstract We have been investigated about physiological measurement during game playing and developed customized sensor device for the purpose. In this study, we attempted to describe the methodology of public access to make and/or duplicate our devises and systems in other research groups. This attempt should be considered as a follower of the open- source-hardware movement. Keyword Open-source-hardware, PPG sensor, Physiological Measurement, Player Metrics

1. player metrics ( , ) [1] VR 2. A) B) B)


B) p .com[3] a) b) p c) a) .com web Ki-cad CAD web Gerber [4] d) Ki-cad CAD Gerber e) e) Ki-cad 1

3. VR

VR 1 Ki-cad [2] [2] web RS ü ü [5, 6] ü 3.2 ü [1] [2] [3] 2 [3-] () [3- ] [7] 3.1 Gerber web (Gerber , ) 3.3 web 3D Gerber DMM.com DMM.make[8]DMM.make [3-] [3-]


3D CAD Shade 3D 10 STL [3-] 2 3 1 [3-] 4.2 web 5 Shade 2 6


2 Shade 4. 4.1 p .com youtube 6 LED 3 4 4.3

7 7



5. 4 4 5.1 5.1.1 4.3 p .com

1 : 30mm , 2019 1 30 10 (), 1 ( web ), 10 , 5 ,


[1] , , (2017). , 2016 5.1.2 , pp.138-141. [2] , , , (2018). VR , , 11(1), pp. 15-28. [3] , https://www.p-ban.com/ 2019 Arduino Arduino uno 1 30 R3 10bit A/D 0V 5V [4] Ki-cad, http://kicad-pcb.org/ 2019 1 30 1024(=2^10) [5] , RS , https://jp.rs- online.com/web/ 2019 1 30 Arduino A/D analogRead() 0.1ms [6] , , https://www.marutsu.co.jp/ 2019 1 30 100Hz [7] MISUMI Corporation, MISUMI-NOVA, https://jp.misumi-ec.com/ 5.1.1 0V 2019 1 30 [8] DMM.com, DMM.make, https://make.dmm.com/ Arduino 2019 1 30 [9] (2018) MATLAB , A/D [10] Mathworks, MATLAB, https://jp.mathworks.com/products/ matlab.html 2019 1 30

5.1.1 5.1.2 Arduino


5.1.3 MATLAB [9]MATLAB [10] 2 5.2 web

6. VR

JSPS 15H02798 18K19844

2 S/N

76 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i i [email protected] 10 , ,

The effect of cognitive resources on the evaluation of digital games

Yoshiyuki Tamamiya i iHakuoh University. i [email protected] Abstract The current study was designed to investigate whether digital games which are difficult to control its character deprive cognitive resources of the players more than the games which are easy to control and the deprivation makes the games less fun. Twenty undergraduate students participated. They were randomly assigned to one of the two condition and asked to play a tennis game for 10 minutes. The deprivation of cognitive resources was measured by the number of confirmation of the game instruction. After the game play, participants fulfilled the questionnaire about how fun the game was and how difficult it was to control the character. The results showed that participants who played the difficult game confirmed the instruction more than those playing the easy one. However, there was no significant difference between the two condition on subjective measures. Keyword: cognitive resources, the evaluation of digital games, operability

1. [4] [5] () [6] [1][2]e 1 2. 2.1 20 ( 12 8 19.6 ) 1 ”Mastery of controls”[3] Przybylski [3] 2.2 Mastery of controls ”” Switch (1) 2 Mastery of controls () ()


2.3 1..() ( :) 2.4 2.4.1 () () () 4 3 2

1 4 1 2 3 4 4 ( ) 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 43 1 52 1 6 7 7 1 ()115 11630 2 3160 36190 491120 5121 180 6180 7 7

1. *: p < .05

2.4.2 4. 2.5 3 10 3. 3.1 10 5 ”Mastery of controls” 3.6 3 1 3160 6190 3.2 FPS t ( 1 1) (t17 -2.39, p < .05 [7]


Nintendo Switch [8]

[1] (2004) , , 28(4), pp.349-355. [2] Skalski, P., Tamborini, R., Shelton, A., Buncher, M., Lindmark, P. (2011) Mapping the road to fun: Natural video game controllers, presence, and game enjoyment. New Media & Society, 13, pp.224– 242. [3] Przybylski, A. K., Rigby, C., Ryan, R. M. (2010) A motivational model of video game engagement. Review of General Psychology, 14(2), pp.154–166. [4] Matthews, G., Desmond, P. A. (2002) Task-induced fatigue states and simulated driving performance. Quarterly. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Experimental Psychology, 55A, pp.659–686. [5] (2015) , , 58(1), pp. 34-51. [6] 2016a dictionary lookup system by gaze DLUSG , , 5, pp.105-109. [7] (2009) , , 50(12), pp.2782-2795. [8] 2016b , , 5, pp.94-98.

(1) 2018. (Nintendo Switch)

79 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

[email protected] Fine[5] . , , ,

Empathy as a Motive of Prosocial Behavior in Digital Games and the Frames of Meaning Ji Soo LIM Dokkyo University [email protected] Abstract When playing digital games, players adopt different frames to interpret what is going on in the games. Fine[5] suggests that players may adopt three different selves, or frames when they are playing games or talking about games. The three frames are character, player, and person. With a character frame, players interpret the game according to the rules of the game world. With a character frame, players interpret the game according to the rules of the game. Person frame is the primary framework that the interpretation of every day is based on. How players interpret the game may affect the meaning of their behaviors in the game. In this study, I looked at the frames of meaning that players adopt when they play games, how they are related to empathy toward other characters, and how they affect players’ decisions to help other characters in games by conducting a survey. Keyword prosocial behavior, frame, empathy

1. General Learning Model[1][2] [6] Fine [3] [4][5] 2. Fine[6] 3. [4] [5] Lancershttps://www.lancers.jp Fine Goffman[7] 1970 Lancers FRPG (fantasy role-playing game) Google Form Fine 321 182 138 1 33.92 sd = 9.35


4 1 [5] 2 3 1. NPC 4

(N = 67) (N = 131) β β (SE) [95% CI] (SE) [95% CI] -3.33** 0.04 -0.30 0.74 () (0.96) [0.00, 0.20] (0.55) [0.25, 2.21] 1. 1.71** 5.52 0.59** 1.81 NPC NPC 2. (0.40) [2.74, 13.73] (0.20) [1.23, 2.72] Nagelkerke PC NPC .54 .11 R2 3. AIC 53.86 130.60 χ2 31.83** 9.35**

*p < .05, **p < .01 1 0 PC 4. 2 321 8 313 67 131 (=-0.948, p<0.05; χ2=10.324, p<0.05) 12 103 2. PC NPC 225 PC

221 198 (N = 67) (N = 131) β β

(SE) [95% CI] (SE) [95% CI] -1.65* 0.19 0.67 1.95 () (0.76) [0.04. 0.81] (0.71) [0.49, 8.18] NPC PC 1.04** 2.83 0.81** 2.24 NPC (0.30) [1.66, 5.39] (0.24) [1.42, 3.71] - - -0.95** 0.39 1 - - (0.28) [0.21, 0.65] Nagelkerke .326 .238 (=-1.12, p<0.05; χ2=42.88, p<0.01) R2 1 AIC 63.192 128.89 χ2 16.706** 22.772** p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01


3. (N = 313) β

(SE) [95% CI] 1.641* 5.16 () (0.648) [1.50, 19.26]

0.596** 1.82 (0.183) [1.28, 2.62]

-0.052 0.95 (0.159) [0.69, 1.29]

-1.030** 0.36 (0.150) [0.26, 0.47]

Nagelkerke R2 .289

AIC 345.17

χ2 74.466**

p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01



[1] Gentile, D. A., Anderson, C. A., Yukawa, S., Ihori, N., Saleem, M., Lim K. M., Shibuya, A., Liau, A. K., Khoo, A., Bushman, B. J., Huesmann, L. R., & Sakamoto, A. (2009) The effects of prosocial video games on prosocial behaviors: International evidence from correlational, longitudinal, and experimental studies, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(6), pp.752-763. [2] Anderson, C. A., Shibuya, A., Ihori, N., Swing, E. L., Bushman, B. J., Sakamoto, A., Rothstein, H. R., & Saleem, M. (2010) Violent video game effects on aggression, empathy, and prosocial behavior in Eastern and Western countries: A meta-analytic review, Psychological Bulletin, 136(2), pp.151-173. [3] Shibuya, A., & Sakamoto, A. (2005) The quantity and context of video game violence in japan: Toward creating an ethical standard. In Shiratori, R., Arai, K., & Kato F.(eds.) Gaming, Simulations, and Society, Springer Tokyo, pp.111-120. [4] Lim, J. S. (2018) Using Think-aloud Protocol in Looking at the Framing of One’s Character with a Case Study on Terraria, 10th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, Würzburg, Germany. [5] 2018 , , , pp.100-103. [6] Fine, G. A. (1983) Shared Fantasy, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. [7] Goffman, E. (1974) Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience, New York: Harper & Row.

83 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

- - i ii iii i ii iii [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] interest

How can smart phone game players be classified? - The classification of Japanese players by analyzing interests through game playing - Nobushige KOBAYASHIi Yuhsuke KOYAMAii Ema TANAKAiii iTohoku Gakuin University iiShibaura Institute of Technology iiiFoundation for MultiMedia Communications [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this paper is to answer the question “How can smart phone game players be classified?” by analyzing the interests players acquire through gaming. Though previous research analyzed motivations and play styles of game players, they mainly focused on child or young players. On the contrary, this paper classifies Japanese smart phone game players by analyzing data collected by questionnaire survey to both young and old.

Keyword smart phone game, player, classification, interest, correspondence analysis

1. interest interest 2. GO 2012 Web 2069 7 [1] GO Vincent Berry World of 1,000 10 10 Warcraft 2009 100 1,000 100 3 1 GO [2] 1 30 2 3. 3.1


1 20 1 1 2 2 5 [1] KiSS-18 18 1 18 14 1

1,000 1,001 5,000 5,001 10,000 10,001 30,000 30,001 50,000 50,000 1 1

3.2 3.1

2 [3]



1.2 2 50,000 _1 1 5,00110,000 1 20 _1 0.8 30,001 50,000 1,0015,000 30 _1 _1 _2 0.6 10,00130,000 _2 2 _1 _2 _2 0.4 40 _4 _2 _2 _1 0.2 30 _2 _2 _1 _2 _1 _3 1,000 0 50 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 _2 1 1.5 _2 _1 20 _2 -0.2 _1 60 _2 _1 _2 _2 -0.4 _2 _1 50 _2

-0.6 60

… -0.8 1 2 1 1 2 20 4 50,000 60 1 2 1 3 2030 20 4. 3 2030 20


2030 interest 20 disinterest 1 3 [4] 2

[1] 2013 , , 31(2), pp.67-76. [2] Berry, V., Boutet, M. Coavoux, S. (2014) Playing Styles; The Differentiation of Practices in Online Video Games. In Grenfell, M., Lebaron, F.(eds.) Bourdieu and Data Analysis: Methodological Principles and Practice, Peter Lang, pp.165-180. [3] Fox, John. (2010) Series Editor’s Introduction. In Le Roux B., Rouanet, H. Multiple Correspondence Analysis, Sage, pp.viii-ix. [4] 2017 , .

87 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

- vs. - i ii iii iv

i ii iii iv iashibuya {at} soka.ac.jp, iiecho825cedar{at}gmail.com, iiig1370309{at}edu.cc.ocha.ac.jp, ivnasoh3{at}yahoo.co.jp 2018 6 8 10 , , , ,

Preferences of Game and Real Characters - In-depth Interviews of Young Male Players- Akiko SHIBUYAi Hibiki OKURAii Akiyo SHOUNiii Naoko ASOUiv iSoka University iiTokyo Medical and Dental University iii, ivOchanomizu University iashibuya {at} soka.ac.jp, iiecho825cedar{at}gmail.com, iiig1370309{at}edu.cc.ocha.ac.jp, ivnasoh3{at}yahoo.co.jp Abstract Digital games have been criticized as its stereotyped expression of game characters, but the number of game studies about gender has been limited in Japan. Since digital games in Japan has unique features such as idol games, role playing games, we conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding preferences and general impressions of male and female game characters, and preferences of males and females in the real world. The results shows that interviewees suggested both masculine and feminine features for female game characters preferences, but they mentioned more masculine aspects for male game characters. Keyword game characters, interviews, gender, reality, male players

1. [1] [2] GamerGate [3]Digital Games Research Association 16 25 [6] [7] 149 110 [4]Kowert, Breuer, & Quandt(2017) [5] [8] [9] (1)


( 1. ) (2) ( (3) ( 2. 2018 6 8 20 ) 10 19 24 21.4 2 151 5 1 ( 2 /18575 )1856(5 ' '

PUBG MOBILE (4 2 3.2 3.2. 18 3. ( ) 3.1 10 8 PC4


2. 3.3

( ( ) 3014/21 3.4 3.4. /14/30 4014 3.4.2 16 E 3.2.2 3.5 AE B D


(F) FOST 29 [1] Williams, D., Martins, N., Consalvo, M., & Ivory, J. D. (2009) The virtual census: representation of gender, race and age in video games, New Media and Soiety, 11(5), pp.815-834. [2] Lynch, T., Tompkins, J., van Driel, I. I., & Fritz, N. (2016) Sexy, strong, and secondary: A content analysis of female characters in video games across 31 years, Journal of Communication, 66(4), pp. 564-584. 4. [3] 2014 Access Accepted 440 ”, https://www.4gamer.net/games/ 4.1 036/G003691/20141107133/ 2019.1.28 [4] The World Economic Forum (2018) The global gender gap report 2018 http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2018.pdf 2019.1.28 [5] Kowert, R., Breuer, J., & Quandt, T. (2017) Women are from FarmVille, men are from ViceCity: The cycle of exclusion and sexism in video game content and culture, In Kowert, R. & Quandt, T. (eds.) New perspectives on the social aspects of digital gaming. New York: Routledge, pp. 136-150. [6] Vlisalo, T. (2017) Engaging with film characters: Empirical study on the reception of characters in The Hobbit films, Fafnir Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 4(3-4), pp. 12-30. [7] 2013 , NTT . [8] Fox, J., & Tang, W. Y. (2017) Sexism in video games and the gaming community. In Kowert, R. & Quandt, T. (eds.) New 4.2 perspectives on the social aspects of digital gaming, New York: Routledge, pp. 115-135. [9] McLean, L. & Griffiths, M. D. (2018) Female gamers’ experience of online harassment and social support in online gaming: A qualitative study, International Journal of Mental Health Addiction. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-9962-0 4.3 2019.1.28 (1) , Cygames, , 2015. 4.4 (Android/iOS) 10 (2) , 2017. (Android/iOS) (3) , Craft Egg, 2017. (Android/iOS) (4) PUBG MOBILE, PUBG Corporation, 2018. (Android/iOS) (5) 2017. (Nintendo Switch/ Wii U) (6) , , DMM.com, 2013. (PC) (7) Fate/Grand Order, , 2015. (Android/iOS) (8) A's Portable – The Battle of Aces – , 2010(PSP) (9) 0 , , 2015. (PS4/PS3) (10) , , 2016. (PS4/PS3) (11) Undertale, , 2015. (PC/PS4/PSVita/Nintendo Switch) (12) 04 , , 2001. (PS2). (13) , , 2006. (PS2).

91 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

-- i ii iii iv v i, iii ii iv v [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2016 () 32

Methodological Considerations of Oral History Collection for Video Games: Through the Practice of Game Oral History Project Kazufumi FUKUDAi Fumihiko IKUINEii Akito INOUEiii Morihiro Shigiharaiv Hiroshi SHIMIZUv i, iii Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University ii Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Tsukuba University, iv Journalist, v Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract We organized research project for the collecting oral history in the video game industry since 2016. The main targets are people who were active during an early stage of the industry. This project has published 32 interview documents. At first, this research introduced the outline and achievements of the project. Secondly, We organized general topics of methodology of oral history. Thirdly, the characteristics of the game industry, which was clarified through the research was discussed. Finally, We reconsidered the methodology of oral history based on the characteristics. Keyword Video Game, Oral History, Industrialization, Methodology, Research Ethics

1. [5] Oral History Society [1, p. 50] Tompson [2, pp. 17-18] 2002 [3, p. 5] 2. 2016 2016 3 [4, p. 34] 3 3


1 WP PDF 1 1 32 WP Oral Hisotry Association ”Principles and Best Practice” [9] 2017[10] 3 3 1) Pre-Interview2) Interview 3) Post-Interview


1. 1. WP 2 BEEP 6 2 4 GAMEST 2 6 8 2 2

2016 2017 [5][6]2018 Florent Gorges [7] 3.

1 . http://pubs.iir.hit-u.ac.jp/. < 2019-01-22> 2 [12, p. 41]


3.2 [9] 1 4. 1 23 [9][3, p. 136] 3 4.1 [3, pp. 132-136] [9] [3, p. 141] [11] 3.3 1) 2) 3) 4) 4.2 1990


3 1 1 2 PDF HTML PCOS 3 2019 1 2019 5. [1] . (< 2> 4.1 ). . 2006, vol. 1, p. 5064. [2] Thompson, Paul, . . . 2003, vol. 96, no. 3, p. 291(17)-313(39). [3] . : . , 2002. [4] . . , 2004. [5] . - -. , 2015. [6] . 28 . , 2017, 55p. https://mediag.bunka.go.jp/mediag_wp/wp- content/uploads/2017/03/hitotsubashi-report.pdf. 4.2 2 [7] . 29 . , 2018, 58p. https://mediag.bunka.go.jp/mediag_wp/wp- content/uploads/2018/07/6324bc70620013297b4e8f6cec9b6a1f.pdf. [8] Gorges, Florent, Gorges, Mizuki. . , (), 2018. 2 [9] Association, Oral History. “Principles for Oral History and Best Practices for Oral History”. http://www.oralhistory.org/about/principles-and-practices-revised- 2009/, (accessed 2019-01-24). [10] , and . . , 2017. http://pubs.iir.hit-u.ac.jp/admin/ja/pdfs/show/2021. [11] Yow, Valerie Raleigh, , , , and . : . , 2011. [12] , , and . . , 2015.

95 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

- KMD x IGCC - i i [email protected] "KMD x IGCC" KMD, IGCC, ,

Attempt to conserve game culture. - KMD x IGCC - Keita MIZUKAMIi iHOSEI University Graduate School of economics [email protected] Abstract It was said that the game industry does not leave past records in the future. But if someone consciously does not keep a record, what happens there will be lost someday. A game is a culture that is closely connected with the times, that being lost is equivalent to losing the evolution of the game. "KMD x IGCC" reported this time is a game culture archive project which collaborates between research workers and practitioners. Keyword KMD, IGCC, game, archive

1. IGCC IGCC 1 IGCC Web GVl ceKMWa eDb 2016/12

2017/1 Web http://igcc.jp/ 2017/4


1.1 IGCC 1 http://igcc.jp/


1.1.1 IGCC IGCC 2 IGCC 1 GV 2 SGV D CFD: <_.jpg> 1.2 KMD x IGCC < _ .jpg>



p.) iho(( zn jtii 2019 1

KMD x IGCC Youtube 3

3 ((15 ID69 <_HOME - .png>

2 3 SF SF SF GVl .65 4 Youtube / < _ .jpg> /


1 1 2018/8/28 2 2018/9/4 3 2018/9/11 4 2018/9/18 5 <_.png>

100 4 1.2.1 KMD x IGCC KMD x IGCC 2 5 - 1 6 - DECO 7 - 8 - 2. KMD x IGCC 9 - 2.1 Youtube 5 Youtube KMD UHYO Channel 1 10 - 2 11 - NEOGEO ROM 12 - -

6 5 5

4 SF 5 KMD UHYO Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaXd3V0hXeEyih6qtH vyKEA 6 2019 1


2.2 SF KMD Forum

SF 7

2017 8 56 SF 8

6 g / i <_donburaconLL.png>

2018 11 3 KMD Forum10KMD x IGCC

3. KMD x IGCC KMD x IGCC 1 Youtube KMD x IGCC 1 2

7 n SF n 2019 58 SF https://www.scicon.jp/ja/ 8 56 SF LL http://www.donbura.com/sf56/ja/ 9 Facebook 10 KMD Forum http://forum2.kmd.keio.ac.jp/

99 2018 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 2018 Conference

-- i i [email protected]

The analysis of social fixing factor of game arcade that overlook from prehistory -Centering around a relation with the social regulation to gambling- Yasuo Kawasakii I Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Science of Ritsumeikan University. i [email protected] Abstract .This Research project aim to clarify historical back ground that game arcade take root in Japanese society. In this presentation, I will analyze relationship between Game arcade and gambling because it is important view point of historical background. I investigate history of regulation of gambling on modern and present history, and I analyze this history that superimpose on history of Japanese game arcade. Finally, I consider that was not much relationship between Japanese game arcade and gambling, unlike other countries. Keyword Game arcade, Arcade game, History of Gambling, History of Regulation, Game history

1. 1 2 [4,6] William 3 [6] 2. [7]

1 Mark. J. P. Wolf[1p.34] [5] 2 Kent Steven[2][3] 3 [4] [3, pp.492-502]


1884 5 1908 41 [8,9,10] [11][12] [10 pp.241-245] [9, pp.234-250] 3. - - [8,9,10] [8] 1978 [15] 1970 [16]6 4 [8,pp.307-309][14,pp.125-127] 7 4.

4 [13] [16] pp175-182 6 5 77 [8, pp.297-306] 1965 6 [17] 5


1954 13 1884 4.1 - [20, pp.68-69] 8 4.3 - - [19] 9 [3,pp.33-34,pp.48-52][21, p.53] 10 11 4.2 -- 14 15 12 [20 pp.68-69] [7]

8 11 [4,6][3]Kocurek[17] 9[19 pp.102-109] 12 10 JAIA 13 [12, pp.84-87] 14 [22, pp.134-138] 15 [3, p.46],[21,p.54]


16 1967 2 NAMA NAMA JAA, 1973 9 [1] Wolf. Mark J. P .(2012"Arcade", Mark J. P. Wolf ed., Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming Vol01. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press: 34-37 [2] Kent, Steven L(2001) The Ultimate History of Video Games: The Story behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World, Roseville, CA: Prima Publishing. [3] (2005)- TV . 5. [4] (2018) 18 5.1 : 55-65. [5] (2018),Gz . [6] (2018) --2018 ,(:2018/09/01). [7] (2018) :79-96. [8] (1983),. [9] (1989),. [10] 2012,. [11] (1986),. [12] (2000),. [13] ,,,(2010), . [14] (1999),. [15] https://survey.gov- online.go.jp/s53/S53-04-53-03.html :2019/01/21 [16] ” ” https://survey.gov- online.go.jp/s50/S50-05-50-03.html (:2019/01/21) [17] ( ) http://www.nichidenkyo.or.jp/history/ :2019/01/21 [18] Kocurek, Carly, A. 2015 Coin-Operated Americans: Rebooting Boyhood At The Video Game Arcade, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. [19] (1998), . 5.2 [20] (1993) ,. [21] (2016),. [22] Huhtamo, Erkki(2005) "Slots of Fun, Slots of Trouble: An Archaeology of Arcade Gaming," in: Joost Raessens and Jeffrey Goldstein eds. , Handbook of Computer Game Studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 3-21. =2015 [6] NTT :107-146. [23] ,1974/11/16, , 21.

16 [23]

103 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

VR i ii [email protected], [email protected] HMD VR VR, , , ,

Study on Viewing Attitude and Viewpoint of Movie in VR Viewing Experience Hiroki ENDOi Masanobu ENDOHii Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Polytechnic University. [email protected], [email protected] Abstract In viewing experiences in serious games, VR viewers using HMDs with acceleration sensors experience closer to the feeling that they actually went there than viewing on a normal display. We verified the viewpoint of contents that can obtain higher presence by using movies shot at multiple heights. As a result, we found that the presence according to the viewpoint of viewing attitude is higher than the viewpoint of the body height of the viewer. Keyword VR, 360 degrees video, Viewpoint, Viewing attitude, Serious game

1. 2016 Head Mounted [12] Display(HMD) PlayStation VRHTC Vive Virtual RealityVR [13] VR AR Sense of [14] Presence [1][2][3][4][5]VR VR 3. [6] VR HMD PR [7][8] 3.1 Insta360 one HMD 4K 30fps VR HTC Vive 3.2 VR VR 2. 160cm 20 18020cm 140 [9] 0cm VR [12] [10] [11]



• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

1. 4. 2018 10 20 12 15 4 16 6 2 180cm 3 160cm 4 140cm 5 0cm

2. 180cm 6.

1 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 4 0 0 1.88 0.780 2 6 7 1 0 2.44 0.788 3. 160cm 0 2 7 4 3 3.50 0.935 5 5 6 0 0 2.06 0.827


4. 140cm • • • • • • •

5. 0cm •

3.3 5. HMD


2019 1 24 ) [9] (1996), A, 79(2), pp.498-505. [10] (2002) , , 40, pp.89-94. [11] (2002) , A, 85(1), pp.134-136. [12] (2017) VR , 2017 , 2017, pp.23-28. [13] (2018) , , 20(3), pp.289-300. [14] (2013) 3 (<> 3), , 18(3), pp.237-246. [15] , J., 1973, , pp.28-37, Huizinga, J. (1939), Homo Ludens: A study of the play element in culture, New York: Harper & Row. [15]

6. 4 VR

[1] (2011), . [2] IJsselsteijn, W. A., et al. (2000) Presence: concept, determinants, and measurement, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging V, 3959, pp.520-530. [3] Bystrom, K. E., Barfield, W., Hendrix, C. (1999) A conceptual model of the sense of presence in virtual environments, Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 8(2), pp.241-244. [4] Herbelin, B., Vexo, F., and Thalmann, D. (2002) Sense of presence in virtual reality exposures therapy, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Virtual Reality. [5] Tanaka, N., and Takagi, H. (2004) Virtual reality environment design of managing both presence and virtual reality sickness, Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science, 23(6), pp.313-317. [6] VIPOMogura(2018)VR https://www.vipo.or.jp/u/I-2_How-to-make-VR- content.pdf(2019 1 23 ) [7] , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L_vBt85MC4( 2019 1 24 ) [8] VR360 MOVIE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x35hJ1ucf8s(

106 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

VR i ii ii 5 ii ii i ii i [email protected] [email protected] VR

A study on fear control system of VR horror game based on heart rate and its variation Boxin ZHAO i Yoshihisa KANEMATSU ii Naoya TSURUTA ii Kunio KONDOii Koji MIKAMIii iMedia Science Program, Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology iiSchool of Media Science , Tokyo University of Technology [email protected], [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this research is to propose a method to dynamically change fear effect of the scene during play in horror game. The degree of appropriate fear in horror games varies depending on players. Therefore, the authors developed a system that switches not only the sound and brightness in the game, but also the scene itself in the game, according to the state of the heartbeat of the player. Compared with existing research that switches sound and brightness in the game using biometric measurements, it was found that using the proposed method, we can more effectively control the sense of fear according to the player's heartbeat condition. Keyword VR, horror game, procedural generation, biometry

1. [1] 2 3. [4] [3]

1[4] [5] 2.

107 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

Henry[6] 15 5 105 105 115 115 4

2[5] 4

6. 1 3Experiments Process[6] Oculus 4. NAOS QG API 3 1 6.1 3 162 10 10bpm 5

(1) 50 (2) (3) 10 5bpm 10bpm (4) (5) 5. 5

108 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

7. HMD 20 10 1 20 18 30 1 • • • • • • •


7.2 20 10 2 20 17 30 1 1 73.36bpm rMSSD 5 2.57ms 6.2 rMSSD HRV 7 8 Heart Rate VariabilityHRV HRV HRV [7]root Mean Square of Successive DifferencesrMSSD HRV RR R [8]rMSSD 2 RR [8]rMSSD Xavier. Bornas2005[9]rMSSD 7 1 HR RR RR=60000 /HR U T HR RR U T (U/T) rMSSD TRRRR[( - )22+++ (- RRRR ) (- RR RR)] 2 RMSSD = 05 510UU- 5 UT- 1 rMSSD 8 1

109 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

1 8. 85.26bp 1 11.9bpm 9.43ms 82.84bpm 1 9.48bbpm 13.96ms 7 8 1 9

[1] (2018) : AVGRPG (92)pp.105-123. [2] 2019 1 30 9 1 [3] 2014 -- 76.50bpm 2014 rMSSD 2.86ms [4] 2007 1 pp.15-18. [5] 2011 1 27(0)pp.557-562. 85.60bpm 82.87bpm [6] Henry. Fernandez (2017) Adaptive Game Experience Generation Based on Player’s Performance and Electroencephalographic Data) 9.62bpm(12.57%) 6.97pm(9.11%) The Journal of the Society for Art and Science. [7] 2009 10.56ms 13.48ms Vol.11 No.1 pp.57-60. [8] 2006 RRI 44(01)pp.156-162. [9] Xavier. Bornas (2005) Looking at the heart of low and high heart rate variability fearful flyers: self-reported anxiety when confronting 20 feared stimuli Biological Psychology 70 pp.182-187. 19 19

110 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

VR i ii iii iv v ii i [email protected], ii [email protected] iii [email protected] iv [email protected] [email protected] VR 3D i 2 VR VR SSQ Wii VR,,,,SSQ

The Research on Virtual Reality Sickness with Advancing Color and Receding Color Xiaoran CAIi Yoshihisa KANEMATSUii Naoya TSURUTAii Kunio KONDOii Koji MIKAMIii iMedia Science Program, Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology ii School of Media Science , Tokyo University of Technology, i [email protected], ii [email protected] iii [email protected] iv [email protected] [email protected] Abstract In order to verify the effect of the advancing color and the receding color on VR sickness, I designed an experiment about the familiar tunnels in our daily life The software uses unity, and the tunnels have three colors, gray, red, and blue I choose the objective evaluation method: Wii balance board, it can measure the trajectory of the center of gravity shift, indicate the coordinate points in the excel and make the center of gravity movement chart, the center of gravity is more intensely, the dizzy of the personnel body’s feeling is more stronger The experimental results show that red can bring a instability feelings to the experiencer Keyword VR, Color, Sickness, Balance, SSQ

1 VR VR [1][2]VR VR VR VR [6] [3][4] 2 VR 2 VR [] 6 50cm VR SSQ 100cm 50cm Wii 100cm 2 [5]



111 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

3 VR SSQ VR VR 3 44 Wii 4 41 [7] 42 VR VR 3 VR 3 3 3 Wii SSQ[8] 4 45 SSQ VR Kellnedy SSQSimulator Sickness Questionnaire [8]SSQ 16 4 0 absent 1slight 2moderate 3severe . 16

Total Score (TS) N+O+D3.74 Nausea 9.54 Oculomotor O (7.58)

Disorientation (D) (13.92) 3 VR

4 3 46 4

2 3 3 VR

112 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

• ,,5 5.2 • ,,5 30 2 • ,,5 • ,,5 • ,,5 • ,,5 30 5 5.1 26 4 30 1 29 1 23 7 2

29 1 7.49 4.27 11.24 10.41 6.82 3.99 20 10 2 8.42 5.29 13.01 9.29 5.39 5.21 30 3 8.89 5.01 13.32 7.98 4.47 4.88 4 7.87 4.37 12.97 7.82 4.01 4.51 25 5 5 8.03 4.61 13.86 9.55 5.71 4.86 6 8.24 4.98 12.61 9.91 6.31 4.81 1 7 7.72 5.75 11.01 8.46 6.99 5.37 8 6.79 6.33 8.31 8.18 8.01 4.53 9 6.55 5.91 9.94 7.27 6.61 5.56 1 10.72 3.91 13.44 7.11 3.32 3.23 10 7.25 4.13 12.03 7.88 7.53 5.08 2 4.89 2.96 5.38 7.47 4.81 4.01 11 6.47 6.11 11.01 7.37 5.88 5.77 3 8.32 3.24 5.87 6.49 3.29 3.74 12 7.47 5.07 10.31 7.68 7.22 5.35 4 7.35 3.81 9.99 7.98 4.21 3.30 13 6.67 4.99 8.98 8.31 6.45 4.96 5 7.07 4.66 12.42 5.85 3.82 2.87 14 6.81 6.01 9.19 8.15 5.90 5.02 6 7.44 5.12 9.46 5.44 5.47 4.01 15 7.28 4.97 9.46 8.19 6.60 4.40 7 6.91 5.31 8.31 5.81 3.51 3.17 16 6.98 5.66 11.12 8.96 6.46 4.58 8 6.13 4.31 8.89 4.99 4.75 3.29 17 6.72 5.36 9.41 7.86 5.48 4.76 9 6.90 5.08 7.99 6.55 4.13 4.11 18 6.01 5.81 9.97 8.32 5.69 5.03 10 7.22 4.58 8.75 6.11 4.19 3.07 19 6.34 4.99 10.21 8.03 6.02 5.01 11 8.51 4.36 8.89 7.57 5.45 5.21 20 6.25 4.31 10.19 7.38 5.90 4.97 12 6.45 4.45 13.22 6.33 7.03 3.98 21 6.82 5.41 10.88 9.25 5.99 5.71 13 7.04 5.63 11.30 7.18 6.56 4.76 22 6.79 6.23 10.79 9.02 5.14 5.05 14 7.63 5.06 10.41 6.44 7.41 4.01 23 7.96 4.98 10.55 7.74 6.29 4.51 15 6.22 5.10 10.83 7.28 7.95 4.09 24 7.30 5.37 8.33 8.81 3.59 4.69 16 7.24 4.56 10.63 8.01 5.99 3.19 25 6.18 7.41 8.75 6.73 6.34 4.84 17 6.44 4.31 9.23 7.26 6.58 5.35 26 7.33 5.24 8.82 5.76 5.04 3.48 18 6.68 3.75 10.03 7.03 7.10 4.38 27 6.26 4.28 8.86 6.62 3.89 3.33 19 7.01 4.01 9.61 6.36 6.49 3.87 28 6.19 5.40 9.70 5.67 4.44 3.89 20 6.93 4.02 10.05 7.49 7.39 3.41 29 8.07 4.72 9.01 5.89 4.12 3.51 21 6.61 4.43 11.45 9.93 6.39 4.29 30 6.45 5.31 8.16 6.11 3.86 3.99 22 6.25 4.68 9.04 8.76 6.66 4.22 23 7.10 5.21 9.71 8.01 7.05 4.92 24 6.01 3.98 10.66 7.99 6.90 3.71 5.3 SSQ 25 6.98 4.35 10.99 9.61 5.40 2.96 30 SSQ 3 5 26 7.81 8.17 12.89 9.41 6.39 5.29 30 SSQ 27 5.71 5.30 10.75 8.58 7.10 4.26 28 6.68 5.71 11.43 9.24 7.21 5.33 29 7.01 4.49 11.02 8.31 7.94 6.11

30 7.69 4.98 10.26 9.21 8.91 4.96 SSQ

113 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

SSQ 3 SSQ 1 TS N O D 63.96 41.33 60.84 99.62 145.53 130.67 201.42 120.95 46.66 40.36 35.77 78.67 30SSQ 250 200 150 100 50 0 Robert S. Kennedy, Norman E. Lane, Kevin S. Berbaum & Michael G. Lilienthal, (1993) Simulator Sickness TS N O D Questionnaire: An Enhanced Method for Quantifying Simulator Sickness, The International Journal of Aviation 5 SSQ 2 Psychology, Volume 3, Issue 3

5.4 B3P1321-B3P1321, 2009 SSQ 4.6

6 VR , VR

114 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii, i [email protected] , ,

Characteristics of "OTOME game" seen from the smartphone application 'Ikemen series'

Chitoko KOIDEi Takashi OBANAii i Osaka Shoin Women’s University ii, Chubu University i [email protected]

This presentation is based on an interview survey from Cybird Co., Ltd., which produces "Ikemen series" about the features of the "OTOME game" of the smartphone application. Through interviews, three items - "stage setting", "game system" and "female protagonist" of the "Ikemen series" will be discussed in detail.

Keyword OTOME Games, 'Ikemen series', CYBIRD , smartphone application








3. 2. [6]





[1] , 2018 , [2] https://ikemen.cybird.ne.jp/title/index.html2019 1 30 [3] [4] [5] https://ikemen.cybird.ne.jp/title/index.html2019 1 30 [6] ,,2006 [7] 2013 ,p.183

118 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

- - i ii iii i,ii,iii [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] BGM 115 46 , , ,

Preliminary study on Development a Selecting Method for Analyzing Music Pieces in Franchise from the aspect of Dual Functionality - Case Study on Analyzing Music of "Tales of the Abyss" - Ubu Satoi Akinori ITOii Ken'ichiro ITOiii i,ii,iiiTokyo University of Technology, School of Media Science [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract When conducting analytical research on game music for large series titles, the method of selecting music that is considered to be of high importance from the viewpoint of content structure will always be discussed. In this study, as a case study of "Tales of the Abyss", the study of the music selection method was carried out as a preliminary analysis. Because of the nature of the target title, since there are many music like functions like drama BGM, we focused on "Music of the place / Music of the situation" through review of previous research and educational method on film music function and writing method. The "Tales of" series focused on the fact that there were many songs having a dual function of "the music at the place is also functioning as the music of the situation", and the game structure analysis through development of the visualization method was carried out . As a result, as a result, we were able to select songs in 115 titles of 46 title. As a dramatic scene, it became possible to make musical comparison by analyzing music of "1 situation 1 song" part and selected songs. Keyword game music, "Tales of the Abyss", film scoring, structure analysis

1. J- RPG 2.


[1, pp.127-133] Collins [10][11] [, pp.128] "on the track""Playing the Drama"[12, pp.129-178] [2, pp.33-34] J-RPG 24 "playing the environment or RPG Collins location","playing the situation" 2 [3] 3. 3.1 3DCG [4] [, 2006, p.8] J- RPG wii TOS-R 2 1970 [5, pp.69-76] PS Chion (APW) [6, pp.185-214] Neumeyer [7] [8] Sijll [9] TOD2 TOR PS2 TOD TOG TOZ TOX Rhyme Cinematography


可視化案 <人物関係色(順次増加)> 好き 嫌い 仲間 保護者 不満 <チャットの状態色(順次増加)> 〜 普通 友好 険悪 喧嘩 悲劇 J-RPG .

3.2 l l l l l l l l l 67 CD 115 46

1. 4. - - [13][14] J-RPG 115 46


B. 115 46

[1] Collins, K., 2008, Game Sound, The MIT Press. The MIT Press. [2] , 2016 , . [3] , , 2014, , DiGRA JAPAN 2014 , , pp.27-30. [4] , , 2015, , DiGRA JAPAN 2014 , , pp.44-47. [5] Bellour, R., 2000, The Analysis of Film, Indiana Univ Press (Original French ver. published in 1979). [6] Chion, M., 1994, Audio-Vision:Sound on Screen, translated by C.Gorbman, Columbia University Press. [7] Neumeyer, D., 2015, Meaning and Interpretation of Music in Cinema, Indiana University Press. [8] , 2014,, . [9] Sijll, J.v., 2005, Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 most powerful film conventions every filmmaker must know, Michael Wiese Productions; 2nd Edition. [10] , , , 2017, , ,41(12), pp.265-266. [11] Fukada, R., Ito, A., Ito, K., 2017, A Structure Analysis on Musical Scenes on Drama Content with Association Analysis, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International 2017, p.97. [12] Karlin.F., Wright R., 2004, on the track, Routledge. [13] , 2006, , . [14] , 2007, , .

Appendix A. "on the Track"24 playing the dramaaudience expectations musical expectationsdon't tip the story tonereading the tone and a adingsemain title main title music can suggest the drama before it occurs whose point of view to play?playing the overview playing what the scene is really about getting inside the character's feelings playing the environment or locationplaying the situation how intensely to play the drama less is more/understating the drama playing through the drama phrasing the dramahitting the action hitting the action with the theme highlightingred herrings scoring the film like a balletunderscoring the dialogue

122 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i i i I [email protected] , , ,

A Study on the Effect of a Problem-Solving Game for Team Building Yuki FUKUYAMAi iMeisei University [email protected] Abstract In this research, we focused on the similarity of “Problem-solving game” which is prevailing in recent years and “cooperative learning”, and aimed to examine the effect of problem-solving game on social / emotional skill. For this purpose, we developed a problem-solving game for team building and practiced for high school students. As a result of the practice, significant differences at 1% level were in "awareness of contribution to the team" and "communication in the team”. It was suggested that a problem-solving game aimed at team building is effective for "forming desirable relationships and participating in building a good life as a member of group" which is the purpose of “special activities”. Keyword Problem-solving game, Team building, High School, Special Activity

1. 2010 [3] 360 [1] NAZONAZO WINE 600 [4] [2] Libardry Cooperative Learning [5] [3]


[6] 3. NAZONAZO 2. [7] [7] A B [8] [9]



120 30 90 70 [10] [11] ENDCOREs [12] [13]

.. . .. t 2018 10 26 (t=2.82, p<.01, df =25, t=2.34, p<.01, df =25) (t=1.94, p<.10, df =25) (t=.70, n.s., df =25)

3.33 3.81 2.82 p <.01 3.74 3.88 .70 n.s. 3.48 3.90 2.34 p <.01 3.69 4.04 1.94 p <.10


3.88 1.01 3.4 1.25 3.83 1.20 4.16 1.19 4.2 1.07 4.25 1.08

[1] SCRAP n.d. http://realdgame.jp/about.html (2019 1 26 ) [2] NAZO×NAZO n.d. https://nazoxnazo.com/about/ (2019 1 26 ) 3.834.16 [3] Johnson, D. W. and Johnson, R. T., Holubec, E. J. (1993) Circlr of learning: Cooperation in the classroom (4th ed.). Interaction Book Company. [4] (2015) : 87, pp.2-4 [5] (2018) RPG DD 25(4), pp.375-391. [6] Snell, M. E., Janney, R., & Delano, M. 2000 Models of peer support in instruction. In M. E. Snell & R. Janney 2000 Social relationships and peer support. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. [7] (2008) . [8] Salen K and Zimmerman.E (2006). The game design reader : a Rules of play anthology. Cambridge, Mass. :MIT Press, [9] (2007) D― [10] 2016 TAAS ― ―. , Vol.19 (2), pp.21-28. [11] (1998) [12] 2007 SD . Vol. 15, pp.347–361 [13] (2009) ,Vol. 57, pp.24-37

126 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i [email protected]

The Process Design of Japanese Learning Using Gamification Yan JIAO Emiko HIROTA Mitsuko FUJISAKI Misaki YAMAGUCHI Yehang JIANG i Graduate school of CoreEthics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University [email protected] Abstract In this study, we focused on “Lift up earner’s motivation”, “intensive learning”, and “community” as a part of practical study of gamification. Moreover, we designed process of learning in Japanese language education of practical activities. The objective of this study is intermediate Japanese learners and we are going to experiment with treatment group and control group. In this presentation we report this comparing experiments. Keyword Gamification, Language learning, Japanese language education, Classroom activities, Language Learning process design

[5, p.252] 1. & [6] 2. 2008 30 2015 20 [7]2017 26.7 7.9 [1][2][3][4] [8] 2018 12 8 [5, p.12] [9][10] 3.


1 3 [11][12] & 60 15 45 7 14 1


08 1 4. 09 2 10 2 4.1 11 1 9 12 2 5 1 07 12 6 12 01 12 1 1. 2017 3 12 2 2. 01 4 02() 4 01 02() 03 3 03 05 04 3 04 06 05 07 08 06 2 09 10 07 3 12 11


4.2 07 0 13 3 4 14 01 2 1 3 03 5 2 7 14 04 3 3 6 6 07 0 2 2 20 09 4 1 5 12 2 1 3 02 05 3 1 4 06 4 3 7 08 3 0 3 10 2 1 3 11 1 0 1 4.3 2.64 1.36 4 2017 3 20 3 1 3 3 10 5 01 14 4 18 10 10 03 14 1 15 60 04 14 5 19 10 10 07 13 2 15 45 09 13 3 16 12 14 3 17 12 30 2 30 02 2 3 05 14 2 16 06 14 5 19 08 12 2 14 10 14 3 17 11 13 1 14 13.5 2.8 16.4 14 3 16 4

5.2 2. 01 4 2 14 12 02. B. 3. A. 5. 5.1 08. A. 07. A.


5.3 07 [1] 2012 , 2012 , pp.91-96. 07 [2] 2014 : , 13 , 21(1), pp.19-34. [3] 07 2017BanG-IM: , 2017, 1-504-22, pp.186-189. 12 [4] 2017 12 , , 24(1), pp.8-9. [5] 2012: <> , NHK 12 [6] , K., D., , 2013: , , Werbach, K., Hunter, D. (2012) For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business. Wharton Digital Press. 1 [7] (2016). 27 , http://www.jasso.go.jp/about/statistics/intl_student_e/2015 2018 12 30 [8] (2018). 29 , http://www.jasso.go.jp/about/statistics/intl_student_e/2017 5.4 2018 12 30 [9] 2013 , , p.41. [10] 2016.9.23 30 , http://diamond.jp/articles/-/102584 4 2018 12 30 [11] Yamaoka, T. (2006) On the Importance of Imitation and Repetition in Foreign Language Learning. ARELE: annual review of English language education in Japan, 17, pp.1-10. [12] 1995, ICU , , pp.219-248.


130 インタラクティブ発表

131 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

FPS i ii i, ii 700-0005 1-1 [email protected] 1 First Person ShootingFPS FPS , , ,

Beginner Support Focused on Pick in First Person Shooting Tomone MAEKAWAi Tomoki KAJINAMIii i, ii Faculty of Informatics, Okayama University of Science, 1-1 Ridai-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama, 700-0005 Japan [email protected] Abstract In this paper, I propose a beginner support method focusing on pick in shooter’s First Person Shooting (FPS) which fight with guns etc. from the individual person’s point of view. Pick is a player selecting his/her operation characters, which affects the game situation. However, for beginners to select appropriate pick is challenging. In this paper, I constructed pick support system that into consideration the compatibility between characters and maps, the strength of weapons of characters, and the speed of characters. Keyword First Person Shooting, Beginner Support, Pick, Pick support system

1. )(0 ) f 1 0 1 FPSFirst Person Shooting #$%&'%() f = ( * 2.1.1 (m) FPS (m) 2 CF-IMF TF-IDF [1] 3 4 [2] CF(Character Frequency) 3 FPS (c)(m)(+,-)(m) [3] FPS )/$ (.$ ) [4] IMF(Inverse Map Frequency) 4 (M)(c)(m) 1 ( 34) 0 1 m 2. 6 () CF-IMF 12-452 m = ( 2) 12-452678 ;<$ CF = =>6 ( 3) ,6 5 IMF = log + 1 ( 4) Rainbow Six $< 2.1.2 DPS(w) Siege(1) (w) 5 2.1 DPS 6 dR f(0 ) 1 3 Damage Per Second m()w( DPS)s( .


( 1) d R 60() DPS 0 3.2 1 w GHI w = ( 5) GHI678 3 N DPS = M ( 6) OP


3.3 4 Rainbow Six Siege(1) 1 2.1.3 (s) (s) 7 c 2 2 c 2 s 0.66 R s = ∗ c ( 7) *


4. 4.1 2 3 1 3. 3 ( 3.1 ) 3 1 3 8 (A-H) OpenCV 1.0 5


4.4 12 3 0.8 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 (A) (B)

5 2 1 2 4.2 (,,) 10 1.(/) 1 6 5 1.2 9 7 1.29 (1) 3 8 0.38 2.(/) 6 4 1.5 (2)(1) 6 5 1.2 (3)(1)(2) 7 5 1.4 3. 3 (,,) (4)(1) A 0.8 1.0 0.3 B 1.0 1.0 0.3 4.3 C 0.5 0.5 0.5 D 1.0 0.4 0.7 1: E 0.6 0.9 0.2 F 0.8 0.7 0.3 G 0.8 0.2 1.0 2: H 0.9 0.3 0.1 11 0.8 0.63 0.43 5 (5:Good1:Bad)


5. 4 FPS 4.63 (A,D,F,G) (B,C) [] [1] Tang, A., Massey, J., Wong, N., Reilly, D., Edwards K, W. (2012). (F) Verbal coordination in first person shooter games. Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.579-582. [2] Conroy, D, Wyeth, P, Johnson, D. (2013). Understanding player (G) threat responses in FPS games. Proceedings of the 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Matters of Life and Death (H) Article No.32. [] [3] Rodrigo, V-M, Regan L. M, Carl G. (2015). Now you can compete with anyone: balancing players of different skill levels in a First- Person- Shooter game. Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM (A) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp.2255-2264. (D) [4] Rodrigo, V-M, Regan L. M, Carl, G, Scott, B. (2014) The effectiveness (or lack thereof) of aim-assist techniques in First (E) Person Shooter games. Proceedings of the 2014 CHI international conference on Human factors in computing systems. pp.937-946. 3 (1) Rainbow Six Siege, Ubisoft Entertainment, 2015, (PC, PS4, Xbox One) 4. A 5 3 B 5 4 C 4 3 D 4 3 E 5 3 F 5 5 G 4 4 H 5 4 4.63 3.63

135 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii i,ii [email protected], [email protected] 4 , , , ,

A study on the difference between games for women and games for men in the same genre Yuzuka SUZUKI i Koji MIKAMIii i,iiSchool of Media Science, Tokyo University of Technology [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Currently, social games that are easy to do with smartphone are prevalent. Basically they can be played for free, but players need to use “Gacha (Gasha)” when strong characters or cards are needed. In order to use Gacha players need to prepare in-game currency. In-game currencies are sometimes distributed free of charge, but they usually need to be charged. From various investigations, there is no gender difference in the percentage of people who are charging, but it is known that there is a gender difference in the amount of charge. Therefore, the authors thought that there might be some difference between the game for men and the game for women. As a survey method, men's game and women's game were prepared for each of the four genres and compared and verified. As a result, it was found that there is no big difference between the game for men and the game for women, even if there is a gender difference in billing amount. Keyword the game for women, the game for men, charges, difference, social games

1. 25% 44% 31% 100 24160, 24160, 2410,

NEXT [1] 2. 1 3 1 2 35% 31% 28% 38% 3 1 3,344 1,586 35% 18,340 5,453 24160, 1 24160,




(7) 100 100(8) . SideM -- 6 6 86 100 Excel 3.

1 4. 2 2. QUANTIC FOUNDRY[2] 25 3 14.1% 11.9% 10.2% 2 3 17% 5000 16.2% 14.5% 1 100 600 QUANTIC FOUNDRY 200 3 1 100 600 1 3. 1 M 1.03 (1) 100 SideMM (2) (3) (4) --(5) CM (6)


2. is is NO E ENM s 2 1 /.1- s 76450 N Sd s 8 ss M s 36450 0 0 0 0 99 8 8 eCL s s s DIIM 8 8 0

1 1/3 100 M 40 98 44 140 1 63 100 38 3

5. • 4 • • 1 NEXT [1] 1

[1] next 2016.8.24


, https://next.rikunabi.com/journal/20160824/2019 1 9 [2] QUANTIC FOUNDRY2016.12.157 Things We Learned About Primary Gaming Motivations From Over 250,000 Gamers , https://quanticfoundry.com/2016/12/15/primary-motivations/ 2019 1 16

(1) 2011.Android, iOS (2) SideM, 2014. (,Android, iOS) (3) ! KLab 2013(Android, iOS) (4) BANDAI NAMCO Online 2015 (Android, iOS) (5) --KADOKAWA , 2013.PC,Android (6) DMM.com, 2015.PC,Android, iOS (7) Copan Inc Nint inc.2014.Android, iOS (8) 100 2015.Android, iOS

139 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii iii i ii iii [email protected], ii [email protected] iii [email protected]

Procedure generation of undulating footprints considering the nature of the ground and the shape of the foot Taichi MORINAKAi Yoshihisa KANEMATSU Koji MIKAMIiii

i ii iiiFaculty of Media, Tokyo University of Technology [email protected], ii [email protected] iii [email protected] Abstract In recent years, due to the improvement of graphic capability, detailed expressions that could not be expressed in real time have become possible. In this research, we aim to generate the footprints procedurally by the nature of the ground to be bonded. We analyzed footprints expressed by existing games and devised a method to automatically generate footprints considering the nature of the ground and lamination. Keyword procedural, lamination, footprints

1. 1

2. [1] 1. 3 1 1 [2] Unite2016 Tokyo[3] 4. Unity Unity [4] 4.1 3.


2. 6. 4.4 7 9 3

3. 7.

4 3



4.2 9. 1 5. 4.1

[1] 2007 , , , Vol.48 No.12, 2007 5. [2] CGWORLD Entry.jp © 2017 Born Digital, INC. ALL RIGHTS 4.3 RESERVED. [3] Unite2016 Unity5 Unity https://japan.unity3d.com/unite/unite2016/files/DAY2_1030_room 3D 2_Domae.pdf 6 [4] (2010), , 39 2 p215

141 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

MEJMVision VR i ii iii i,ii,iii iM011530845edu.teu.ac.jp, [email protected], [email protected] (VR) VR VR VR VR VR MEJMVision VR, , ,

MEJMVision: Proposal of experience sharing method for location-based VR Genta MAEJIMAi Yoshihisa KANEMATSUii Koji MIKAMIiii iTokyo University of Technology iM011530845edu.teu.ac.jp, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract The modern virtual reality (hereinafter referred to as "VR") has been developed more and more and became familiar to the public. Among them, the location-based VR allows the user to easily experience the VR without preparing equipment. There is a problem in the location base VR that it is not known from the audience what the player doing in virtual space. Therefore, in this research we aimed to share experiences between VR player and spectators to solve the problem. We developed MEJMVision, an experiential sharing system that displays the VR space by stereoscopically displaying the player character in field using reflection of light and using multiple flat panel displays as the background. Keyword Location based VR, experience sharing, perspective gap, stereopsis



1. VR ZONE SHINJUKU 2.1 VR Ishii [1] 4 VR VR Cruz-Neira


CAVE[] VR L VR VR VR VR VR L VR 2 Ibayashi [3] VR 2 Unity Graphics Programming vol.1 [6] Unity Oculus Rift DK2 VR HMD VR VR VR Jones [4]SAR 6 Multidisplay Experience Joining Method Vision 6 MEJMVision VR 45 2.2 Chiba Phantazuma[5] 2 45 VR VR Phantazuma[5] 2 MEJMVision 2.3 2.1 2.1 ReverseCAVE [1]RoomAlive [4] VR VR VR Dollhouse VR [3] VR 2 VR VR 2. MEJMVision ReverseCAVE [1]RoomAlive [4] VR MEJMVision VR 3 VR 3. VR 1 VR



4.2 15 1 2 3 4 5 3. MEJMVision VR MEJMVision 4.6 VR 3.8 VR MEJMVision 4.3 VR 4 MEJMVision 4.1 VR 3.4 VR 1 2 3 4 5 MEJMVision 4 VR 4. 3.4 4.1 VR 5. MEJMVision VR VR 3 VR MEJMVision 1 MEJMVision VR 1 VR 3 MEJMVision 4 MEJMVision VR 5 1 VR 3 VR VR MEJMVision VR MEJMVision MEJMVision 4 VR VR MEJMVision MEJMVision


[1] Akira, I., Shuta, N., Ippei, S., Junichi, S., Masaya, T., Yoichi, O. (2017) ReverseCAVE: CAVE-based Visualization Methods of Public VR towards Shareable VR Experience, SA17 SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 VR Showcase Article, No. 9. [2] Carolina, C., Daniel, J. S., Thomas A. D. (1992) Surround-Screen Projection-Based Virtual Reality:The Design and Implementation VR of the CAVE, SIGGRAPH '93 Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques pp.135-142. [3] Hikaru, I., Yuta, S., Daisuke, S., Natsuki, M., Mitsunori, T., Takashi, O., Takeshi, K., Masaaki, M., Takeo, I. (2015) Dollhouse VR: A Multi-view, Multi-user Collaborative Design Workspace MEJMVision with VR Technology, SA ‘15 SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Emerging Technologies Article, No. 8. [4] Brett, J., Rajinder, S., Michael, M., Ravish, M., Hrvoje, B., Andrew, D. W., Eyal, O., Blair, M., Nikunj, R., Lior, S., (2014) RoomAlive: Magical Experiences Enabled by Scalable, Adaptive Projector-Camera Units, UIST '14 Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, FPS TPS pp637-644. [5] Kazuma, C., Yunosuke, N., Tomoko, H. (2018) Phantazuma: The Stage Machinery Enabling the Audience Members to Watch Different Contents Depending on Their Position by Vision Control Film and Pepper’s Ghost, VRST '18 Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology Article, No. 111. [6] IndieVisualLab (2018) Unity Graphics Programming vol.1, IndieVisualLab.


145 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii iii i ii iii i [email protected], ii kanematsuyh @stf.teu.ac.jp, iii mikami @stf.teu.ac.jp 3DCG 3DCG 3D 3D 3D 20 3DCG

Automatic setting of ability value in consideration of physical characteristics in procedural generation of game character Mika INOMAKIi Yoshihisa KANEMATU ii Koji MIKAMIiii i ii iii Faculty of Media, Tokyo Univercity of Technology i [email protected], ii kanematsuyh @stf.teu.ac.jp, iii mikami @stf.teu.ac.jp Abstract In recent years, most of computer games use 3DCG model. Among them, many players and enemies are produced. In particular, enemy's 3D model often requires many numbers and types. In order to create a 3D model of enemy massive, there is a method of preparing a 3D model for each part such as head, limbs, and the like, and combining it freely and giving the ability value at random. However, with this method, the problem arises that the physical characteristics do not match the ability value of the automatically generated enemy. Therefore, in this study, we created an algorithm to make physical characteristics and ability values match when generating enemy automatically. We compare the proposed system with this algorithm and a conventional questionnaire to 20 people. As a result, all respondents said that the proposed system felt the individual differences of Enemy more strongly. Keyword Automatic generation, ability value, moving speed, 3DCG

1. 2017 (4) 1994 SegaSaturn<1> PlayStation<2> 3D 3DCG (2004) [1,pp.337-340]21 3DCG 3D 1 1 [2] CG [3] 1 1 2. (1) Funkhouser [4]3D (2)(3) 3D 3D


1 1 3D 3.3 1 3D Evangelos [5] 3.3 6 3D Evangelos 3D AutodeskMaya Motionbuilder DCC 1 1 1 4 81 3.4 3. 3.1 2013 2017 4 100 3.4 1 7 100 3 3.1 1.0 0.71.3 3.1 4. 4.1 3.2 [6] 19 50m 3DCG 4.1

4.1 19 50m 832 7.36 0.50

50m / 7.36s = 6.793m/s 6.79m 6 3.2 1 6.8m 6

0.7 3.2 6.82=13.6m 6 3.2 3 1.3 6.8/2=3.4m


4 2 1 6 0.7 5 1 10 6 1.3 20 (3) 0.41 1.14 2.3

5. + + + = 1 = Unity (1) + (1-) = (2)

4 (1)(3) 0 3 2 10 5.1 4.1 (1)

0.84 0.45 0.28 4.2


+ + 5.2 = (3)

+ = (4)



[1] (2004), , , 124 6 p. 337-340. [2] (2013), “ CG ,” , 67 1 p. 12-15. [3] . (2009), CG , , 63 8 p. 1107-1112. 6. [4] Thomas Funkhouser, Michael Kazhdan, Philip Shilane, Patrick Min, William Kiefer, Ayellet Tal, Szymon Rusinkiewicz & David Dobkin 6.1 (2004) “Modeling by example,” ACM Transactions on Graphics, [5] Evangelos Kalogerakis, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daphne Koller, & Vladlen Koltun (2012)“A probabilistic model for component-based shape synthesis,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) Volume 31 Issue 4, July 2 [6] , , 29 , • (2018),http://www.mext.go.jp/prev_sports/comp/b_menu/other/__ic sFiles/afieldfile/2018/10/09/1409875_3.pdf. 2018 12 6 • (1) 2012. (Wii, FC, 1986) (2) , , 2002. (PS, FC, 1987) (3) 2013(3DS) 6.2 <1> SegaSaturn (1994), . <2> PlayStation (1994) . 1


149 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i ii Wang Xiaotongi I i i i 275-8575 1-2-1 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] - FUKUWARAI - FUKUWARAI , , , , ,

A Development of Digital FUKUWARAI a Traditional Japanese Game to Accelerate Intergenerational Communications Saika Shioysi Honami Iidai Wang Xiaotongi Toya Saitoi Megumi Aibarai Masakazu Furuichii iNihon University, College of Industrial Technology 1-2-1 Izumicho, Narashino, Chiba, Japan E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract With the prolonged reality of Japan’s low birthrate and aging population, the importance of communication among children but also between the different generations is becoming critical . In order to solve such problems, traditional play or games are considered good tools to support them, and “Fukuwarai” (lucky face making game) is a typical such game. Fukuwarai is known that all players get lough while they are playing, since it is difficult to make serious face. Moreover, not only players but all audiences get lough. Therefore, we think that Fukuwarai is a good method to support communications between different generations. In this study, we have developed a serious game named “Waraukadoniha FUKUWARAI” which enable to play Fukuwarai at anywhere without preparing any special tools but only smartphones. In this paper, we describe the outline of “Waraukadoniha FUKUWARAI” and the preliminary evaluation results.

Keyword Serious Game, traditional play, Fukuwarai, elderly people, play and rehabilitation, communication






[1] 5 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] (1) 2013

0% 20%40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

152 9 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference

i i [email protected] 29 (A-2) 3 ,

Branching and scenario writers Masaru NAGAKUi iNational Institute of Informatics [email protected] Abstract Report on the results of the workshop type demonstration experiment conducted by a professional scenario writer as an experiment collaborator, In "An Empirical Study on Game Production in Collaborative Environment of Cloud Era" HAYAO NAKAYAMA Foundation for Science & Technology and Culture FY2018 grant research (A-2). In this experiment, we provided real-time collaborative editing environment and Novell's game engine to the scenario writer of the three. And I made software production support such as showing the flow of the scenario automatically. In this paper, I report the analysis results of experimental scenario writers' pre / post interview. Keyword game scenario, branching

1. ryukiscript X (1) (2) (3) 29 (A-2) (4) [1] (5) (6)

2. [3] X web X [2] JavaScript web web X Etherpad[4] web


X IDE web web Glitch[5] PlayCanvas[6] FINAL FANTASY XV [7]

1. 3. (1)Etherpad X X web (2) X Etherpad (3) ryukiscript X OSS (4)(5) (7) X 1 Docker ryukiscript ryukiscript ryukiscript web JavaScript web Chrome node.jsJavaScript web Puppeteer[8] ryukiscript 2004 X


1 4. X LTSA[9] LTSA ryukiscript 6. SSG[10]SSG X web FSPLTSA LTSA ryukiscript SCAT[11] LTSA 2 7.

5. 8. ryukiscript (1) (2) 2 [1] > , http://www.nakayama-zaidan.or.jp/activity-grant04.html 1 2019 1 30 [2] 2018, 6 , , pp.35-38. [3] , https://tyrano.jp/2019 1 30 [4] Etherpad, http://etherpad.org/2019 1 30 [5] Glitch, https://glitch.com/2019 1 30 [6] PlayCanvas, https://playcanvas.jp/2019 1 30 [7] 2018 FINAL FANTASY XV , https://2018.cedec.cesa.or.jp/session/detail/s5ab9c8390d809.html,


CEDEC20182019 1 30 [8] Puppeteer, https://pptr.dev/2019 1 30 [9] LTSA, https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/ltsa/2019 1 30 [10] SSG, https://www.principia-m.com/ts/0136/index-jp.html 2019 1 30 [11] SCAT, http://www.educa.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~otani/scat/ 2019 1 30


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9 700-0005 1-1 Mail: [email protected]