MHYDRO-SERRCHinC A Tetra Tech Company

Suitability of B romide as a Ground-W ater Tracer Sunnyside Mine San Juan County, Colorado

August 29, 1 994

Prepared for:

Sunnyside Gold Corporation

Prepared by:

Hydro-Search, Inc. 5 0 W e s t Liberty Street, Suite 5 0 0 Reno, Nevada 89501

(702) 324-5900 (800) 347-4937

Senior Hydrogeologist Hydro-Search, Inc.


50 West Liberty Street, Suite 500, Reno, Nevada 89501 Telephone (702) 324-5900 (800) 347-4937 Facsimile (702) 324-5924 i t SU N NYSIOE COLD CORPORATION AN ECHO BAY COMPANY P.O. Box 177 .Silverton, CO 81433 Phone (303) 387-5533 .Telecopy (303) 387-5310

August 3 0, 1994

Bill Robb Dufford & Brown 1700 Broadway, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80290-1701

Dear Bill:

Enclosed please find the additional information on the bromide suitability study.

If you have any questions please call either Larry or myself.


Bill Goodhard TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page

1.0 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y ...... 1

2.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 2


4.0 U S E O F B R O M I D E IS A C C E P T E D P R A C T I C E ...... 3

5.0 L A C K O F D E N S I T Y S E T T L I N G ...... 4

6.0 B R O M I D E W I L L D I S S O L V E IN M I N E W A T E R S ...... 4




10.0 R E F E R E N C E S C I T E D ...... 9



In September 1993 a work plan was submitted for applying a proven ground-water tracing methodology to a proposed underground water impoundment at the Sunnyside

Mine located in San Juan County, Colorado (Simon Hydro-Search, Inc. and Tracer

Research Corporation, 1993). The work plan specified the use of bromide as ^

ground-water tracer. This report provides details of the suitability of the use of

bromide as a tracer which include:

♦ The use of bromide is accepted practice for ground-water tracing,

♦ bromide is stable, (it does not break down or change into something


♦ bromide is not removed by absorption or adsorption by clays or other

geologic materials,

♦ bromide will not be attenuated nor slowed down by ion exchange,

♦ bromide will not be affected by biological activity,

« bromide will not be precipitated, and

♦ bromide, if introduced as recommended in the work plan, will not be

affected b y density settling.

In consideration of the above characteristics the use of bromide as a ground-water

tracer is considered a reliable m e a n s of establishing whether water which reaches the

surface has passed through the underground workings of the Sunnyside Mine.

I:\ADMIN\WP\DIANE\BR0MIDE.RPT 1 A s part of the mine closure plan for the Sunnyside Mine, Sunnyside Gold Corporation

(SGC) proposes to install underground bulkheads in the American Tunnel, Terry

Tunnel, and Brenneman Vein. The bulkheads are designed to contain mine drainage, fill the lower mine workings with water, and allow ground water to return to an approximation of pre-mining hydrologic conditions. Detailed analyses of the hydrologic and hydrogeochemical impacts of the proposed bulkheads are discussed in Evaluation of Hydraulic and Hydrochemical Aspects of Proposed Bulkheads, Sunnyside Mine, San

Juan County, Colorado dated March 12, 1993 by Simon Hydro-Search, Inc.

To differentiate natural water chemistry from the chemistry of waters which have passed through the Sunnyside Mine it has been proposed that a tracer be placed in the m i n e w o r k i n g s so that waters w h i c h h a v e p a s s e d through the m i n e c a n b e identified as such. Bromide w a s selected as the best choice for a ground-water tracer (Simon

Hydro-Search, Inc. and Tracer Research Corporation, 1993).

The Colorado Department of Health has expressed concern over the use of bromide as a tracer. This report addresses those concerns. 3.0 BROMIDE IS SUITABLE AS A TRACER

Bromide is an excellent ground-water tracer for almost all applications. Bromide is an anionic tracer. Davis et al. (1985, p. 1) list the properties of a n ideal tracer as o n e which travels at the sa m e velocity and direction as water, does not interact with solid material, is non-toxic, is relatively inexpensive, is easily detected, and do e s not modify the hydraulic medium. Davis et al.(1985, p.86) then go on to state that dilute concentrations of certain anions, in particular, ap p r o a c h the characteristics of an ideal tracer.

Davis et al. (1985, p. 166) specifically state that b r o m i d e is stable a n d that there is no sorption. Schmotzer et al. (1973) found that bromide (Br) is not adsorbed, absorbed, precipitated, or affected by biological activity. Davis et al. (1980, p. 16)

reports that *' Br" offers one of the best possibilities as a general tracer for ground­

water studies" because of bromide's favorable properties as a tracer, including low

sorption. The theoretical reasons behind the chemical and physical characteristics of

bromide are detailed in the following sections.


Bromide's excellent attributes as a ground-water tracer, combined with its reasonable

cost, have led to its use in a wide range of applications. Davis et al. (1985, p.94)

state that "Br is perhaps the most commonly used ion tracer." Appendix A lists 60

publications which discuss the use of bromide as a ground-water tracer, and the list is b y no means exhaustive. The wide use of bromide as a ground-water tracer demonstrates that its use is accepted practice.


Density settling will not be a p r o b l e m if br o m i d e is introduced into the m i n e wo r k i n g s as proposed (Simon Hydro-Search, Inc. and Tracer Research Corporation, 1993). The a v e rage p r o p o s e d concentration of br o m i d e in the mi n e wo r k i n g s is 1 part per million

(ppm). Davis et al. (1980) state that density settling will not be a problem with chloride if it is introduced in concentrations of less than 3 0 0 0 p p m of Cl'. D u e to the heavier atomic weight of bromide, the corresponding value of bromide would be 1300 ppm of Br* (which is 1700 ppm of NaBr). The proposed method of bromide innoculation will not result in concentrations approaching this value.


Based upon well established solubilities, the introduced bromide tracer will rapidly dissolve as water levels rise behind the bulkheads in the Sunnyside Mine.

The bromide tracer will be introduced into the mine in a manner which distributes the bromide throughout the mine workings and will not result in an anomalously high concentration in any one area (Simon Hydro-Search, Inc. and Tracer Research

Corporation, 1993). The average concentration of dissolved bromide will be approximately one milligram per liter.

I:\ADMIN\WP\DIANE\BR0M1DE.RPT 4 T h e b r o m i d e will b e introduced into the m i n e w o r k i n g s as either s o d i u m b r o m i d e or

potassium bromide solution sprayed on mine walls. The solubility of sodium bromide

in w a t e r is 1 1 6 0 gr a m s per liter (at 50° C) a n d the solubility of po t a s s i u m br o m i d e at

0° C is 534.8 grams per liter (Weast and Astle, 1979 pp. B-109 and.B-124). The

solubility is s o m e w h a t greater for w a r m water. T h e solubility of either c o m p o u n d is

three orders of magnitude greater than anticipated concentrations and the bromide will

certainly dissolve in rising mine waters in the event that the water evaporates from the

initially applied solution.


B r o m i d e is a halide. Other c o m m o n halides include chloride, fluoride, a n d iodide.

Most halide co m p o u n d s are saltlike compounds, and, like table salt (sodium chloride),

are very soluble in water. Very fe w halides are insoluble, and bromide especially tends

to b e soluble.

In ground water there is a natural evolution, as water ages, from bicarbonate as the

dominant anion, to sulfate as the dominant anion, to chloride as the dominant anion

(Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 242). The sequence is caused by the combination of

mineral availability and mineral solubility. Bicarbonate and sulfate are more c o m m o n

than halides (predominantly Cl', but also including Br ). However, once Cl or Br go

into solution they tend to stay there.

l:\ADMIN\WP\DIANE\BROMIDE.RPT 5 Basically ground water tends to evolve towards the composition of seawater as it ages

(Freeze and Cherry, 1979, pp. 241-242). Bromide is the fourth most c o m m o n anion in seawater {Mason and Moore, 1982, p. 235). The prevalence of chloride and bromide in seawater is because almost all compounds of these ions are soluble. The average residence time for bromide in the ocean is one hundred million years (Mason and Moore, 1982, p. 236).


Davis et al. (1985, p. 87) state that anions are rarely affected by the aquifer medium.

Neither adsorption nor ion exchange are expected to significantly decrease

concentrations of bromide. Adsorption is any process by which molecules or ions

adhere to the surface of a solid. Ion exchange occurs w h e n ions in solution change

places with ions at a solid surface. Ions which are adsorbed onto the surface are the

m o s t likely to be affected.

Although certain natural geologic materials, especially colloidal-sized particles such as

clays, m a y exchange ionic constituents, the likelihood of a particular constituent being

exchanged depends upon such factors as pH and the valence of the involved ions

(Freeze a n d Cherry, 1979). T h e charge o n the surface of a colloidal particle m a y b e

negative, in which case only positive ions (cations) can be adsorbed, or the charge on

the surface m a y be positive, in which case only negative ions (anions) can be

adsorbed. For m o s t colloidal particles in the geological environment, the surface will

l:\ADMIN\WP\DIANE\BROMIDE.RPT 6 b e positive (and thus will have the potential to attract the negative bromide ion) only

if the p H is very low.

Drever (1988, p.89) lists the pH at which several c o m m o n geological materials switch

the charge on their surface from negative to positive. Quartz only has the potential

to attract anions if the p H is b e l o w 2.0. Kaolinite (a clay) only h a s the potential to

attract anions if the p H is below approximately 3.5. Montmorillonite (a clay) only has

the potential to attract anions if the p H is be l o w 2.5. Smectite (a clay) will not attract

anions at any pH. However, in goethite (iron hydroxide), which exists near spring

discharge zones, the negative to positive transition occurs at a near neutral pH.

Bromide will not naturally be selected for adsorption even in those unusual

circumstances w h e n anions have the potential to be adsorbed. Divalent anions are

strongly favored for adsorption over monovalent anions (Drever, 1988, p. 218) and

a m o n g the monovalent anions, chloride and fluoride would be adsorbed preferentially

over bromide. Sulfate is a divalent anion wh i c h is c o m m o n (typically in ex c e s s of 90 0

ppm) in waters in the Sunnyside Mine. Hence, sulfate is not only preferentially

adsorbed, but it exists in concentrations three orders of magnitude greater than the

proposed bromide concentrations. Thus, other anions which are more strongly

adsorbed than bromide will have already filled available adsorption sites and bromide

will not displace these other anions. 9.0 TRACER TEST NOT EXPECTED TO IMPACT STREAM ENVIRONMENT

Davis et at. {1985, p. 93) state that "the concentrations of ionic solutions typically used in field tracer tests generally pose no measurable environmental or health effects". Cohen and Stubblefield (1991) report the values of acute and chronic toxicity for various freshwater aquatic species. The most sensitive species they studied was Ceriodaphnia dubia which showed an acute LC50 of 3,470 mg/l of Br', but a chronic value of only 1.6 mg/l Br'.

The recommended average bromide concentration in the water-filled mine workings

is 1 p p m . This is the s a m e as the criterion for wa ter quality r e c o m m e n d e d b y C a n t o n

et al. {1983, cited in Coh e n and Stubblefield). However, the bromide solution will be

greatly diluted upon reaching the surface creeks and should not pose a problem to

aquatic life in surface streams. Canton, J.H., P.W. Wester, and E.A.M. Mathijssen-Spiekman, 1983, Study on the toxicity of sodium bromide to different freshwater organisms. Food Chem. Toxicol. 21:369-378.

Cohen, A.S. and W.A. Stubblefield, 1991, Toxicity of Bromide to Freshwater Aquatic Species (Poster Presentation) S E T A C 1991, Seattle, Washington.

Davis, S.N., G.M. Thompson, H.W. Bentley, and G. Stiles, 1980, Ground- WaterTracers - A Short Review, Ground Water. Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 14- 23.

Davis, S.N., D.J. Campbell, H.W. Bentley, T.J. Flynn, 1985, Ground-Water Tracers, National Water Well Association with Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma, 200 pp.

Drever, J.I., 1988, The of Natural Waters, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N e w Jersey, 419 pp.

Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N e w Jersey, 6 0 4 pp.

Mason, B. and C.B. Moore, 1982, Principles of Geochemistry, John Wiley & Sons.

Schmotzer, J.K., Jester, W.A., and Parizek, R.R., 1973, Groundwater tracing with post sampling activation analysis, Journal of , Vol. 20, pp. 217-236.

Simon Hydro-Search, Inc., and Tracer Research Corporation, 1993, Wor k Plan to. Perform a Tracer Test: Sunnyside Mine. San Juan County ,__Colorado, September 3, 1 9 9 3 .

Simon Hydro-Search, Inc., 1993, Evaluation of Hydraulic and Hvdrochemical Aspects. of Proposed Bulkheads: Sunnvside Mine. San Juan County. Colorado, March 12, 1993, 74p. plus appendices.

W e a s t , R.C. a n d M. J. Astle (editors), 1 9 7 9 , C R C Ha n d b o o k of Chem i s t r y an d P h y s ics, C R C Press, B o c a Raton, Florida. APPENDIX A

Selected References Pertaining to Bromide Used as a Ground-Water Tracer GEOREF D isc 3 1 o f 60 AN: 94-24206 TX: Assessment of nitrate and bromide removal from groundwater in the riparian zone by a tracer study. AU: Altman-Susan-J? Parizek-Richard-R; Kump-Lee-R OS: Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geosciences. University Park, PA, United-States SO: Anonymous. G eolo g ical S o c ie ty o f America, 1993 annual meeting. Abstracts-with-Programs-Geological-Society-of-America. 25. (6). p. 91-92 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1993 CN: Geological Society of America, 1993 annual meeting, Boston, MA, Oct. 25-28, 1993 LA: English DE: alluvium-; aquifers-; bedrock-; bicarbonate-ion; bromide-ion; central-Pennsylvania; chloride—ion; clastic-rocks; clastic-sediments; colluvium-; denitrification-; dilution-; ground-water; monitoring-; nitrate-ion; Pennsylvania-; pH-; rates-; sampling-; sedimentary-rocks; sediments-; shale-; tracers-; United-States; vegetation-; water-wells; wells- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21--and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry SB: B; Bibliography and Index of (1969-present) IS: 0016-7592 '

GEOREF D isc 3 2 o f 60 AN: 90-52916 TI. Three-dimensional statistical moment analysis of the Stanford/Waterloo Borden tracer data. AU: Barry-D-A; Sposito-Garrison OS: Univ. West. Aust., Cent. Water Res., Nedlands, West. Aust., Australia; Univ. Calif, at Berkeley, United-States SO: Water-Resources-Research. 26. (8). p. 1735- 1747. 52 R efs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1990 PD: illus., 3 tables LA: English DE: Ontario-; hydrogeology-; ground-water; surveys-; Eastern-Canada; Canada-; Borden-Aquifer; aquifers-? statistical-analysis; three-dimensional-models; models-; tracers-; bromide-ion; plumes-; jackknife-method; stochastic-processes; experimental-studies; transport-; solutes- DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397 '

GEOREF D isc 2 3 Of 60

HBIHYDRO-SEflRCH i n C ATe.raTech Company AN: 81-00911 TI: Radiometrically detectable substances. AU: Behrens-H SO: Gospodaric, R., Habic, P. Underground water tracing? investigations in Slovenia 1972-1975. # . international-Symposium-of-Underground-Water-Tracmg-(SUWT). (3). p. 223-227 YR: 1976 pp. ta b le « CN*: Third international symposium of underground water tracing? investigations in Slovenia 1972—1975, Ljubljana, 1976 LA: English DE: ground-water? movement-? tracers-? isotopes-? radioactive-tracers? tritium-? Cr-51? Co-60? Co-58? Br-82? 1-131? bromide-ion? case-studies? Ljubljanica-River-basin? chromium-? cobalt-? bromine-? iodine-? karst- DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) GEOREF D isc 2 4 o f 60 AN: 85—71324 TI: Field experiment to investigate ground-water saturated-zone transport processes. AU: Boggs-J-M? Young-S-C? Gelhar-L-W OS: Tenn. Val. Auth., Eng. Lab., Norris, TN, Umted-States? Mass. Inst. Technol., United-States SO: Anonymous. American Geophysical Union? 1985 sp rin g m eeting, abstracts. Eos,-Transactions,-American-Geophysical-Union. 66. (18). p. 269 CO: EOSTAJ YR: 1985 CN: American Geophysical Union? 1985 spring meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 2 7 -2 9 , 1985 LA: English ^ . DE: ground-water? surveys-? M ississippi-? hydrogeology-? movement—? tracers—? bromide-ion? organic—acids? fluorocarbons—, deuterium-? stable-isotopes; Columbus-Air-Force-Base? Southern-U.S.; United-States? saturated-zone? solutes- DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0096-3941 GEOREF D isc 3 5 o f 60 AN: 93—33535 TI: Fiberglass wicks for sampling of water and solutes in the vadose zone. AU: B oll-J? Steenhuis-T-S? Selker-J-S OS: Cornell University, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Ithaca, NY, United-States? Oregon State University, United-States SO: S o il-Science-Society-of-America-Journal. 56. (3). p. 701-707 22 R e fs. CO: SSSJD4 YR: 1992 PD: illus., 2 tables LA: English DE: adsorption-; bromide-ion; ground-water; hydraulic-conductivity? moisture-? movement-; pollutants-; pollution-; sampling-; soils-; solutes-; techniques-; tracers-; unsaturated-zone; water-quality DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0361-5995

GEOREF D isc 3 6 Of 60 AN: 88-26267 T I: Comparison o f unsaturated zone movement between tr a c e r potassium bromide and pesticide aldicarb. AU: Brasino-John-A; Hoopes-John-A OS: Univ. Wis., Civ. and Environ. Eng. Dep., Madison, WI, United-States; Natl. Water Well Assoc., Worthington, OH, United-States SO: Graves, B. J., Lehr, J., Butcher, K. Proceedings of the NWWA conference on characterization and monitoring of the vadose (unsaturated) zone. Natl. Water Well Assoc., Worthington, OH, United-States. p. 247-254. 6 R efs. PB: Natl. Water Well Assoc., Dublin, OH CP: U n ite d -S ta te s YR: 1986 CN: The NWWA conference on characterization and monitoring of the vadose (unsaturated) zone, Denver, CO, Nov. 19-21, 1985 LA: English DE: Wisconsin-; soils-; water-regimes; ground-water; surveys-; unsaturated-zone; movement-; tracers-; potassium-broraide; aldicarbs-; Midwest-; United-States; hydrogeology-; pesticides- DT: Analytic; Book; Conference publication CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF D isc 3 7 o f 60 AN: 94-13463 T I: Comparison o f unsaturated zone movement between t r a c e r potassium bromide and pesticide Aldicarb. AU: Brasino-John-S; Hoopes-John-A OS: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Madison, WI, United-States SO: Anonymous. C h a ra cteriz a tio n and m onitoring o f th e vadose (unsaturated) zone; proceedings. PB: Natl. Water Well Assoc., Worthington, OH CP: U n ite d -S ta te s YR: 1985 ON: Characterization and monitoring of the vadose (unsaturated) zone conference, , Nov. 19-21, 1985 LA: English DE: Aldicarb-; environmental-geology? lysim eters-; movement-? pesticides-? pollutants-? pollution-? potassium-bromide? tracers-? United-States? unsaturated-zone? Wisconsin- DT: Analytic? Book? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 22-Environmental-geology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF D isc 3 8 Of 60 AN: 87-41431 TI: A simple stochastic model predicting conservative mass transport through the unsaturated zone into ground water. AU: Brasino-John-Sheldon OS: University of Wisconsin-Madison, United-States? Doctoral SO: 267 p. YR: 1986 LA: English DE: Wisconsin-? environmental-geology? pollution-? ground-water? surveys-? aldicarb-? aquifers-? bromide-ion? central-Wisconsin? experimental-studies ? Hancock-Experimental-Station ? mass-transport ? pesticides-? prediction-? sandy-soils ? stochastic-processes? tracers-? unsaturated-zone? water-table? Midwest-? United-States DT: Monographic? Thesis CC: 21-Hydrogeology—and-hydrology? 22-Engineering-and-environmental-geology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) AV: Univ. Microfilms

GEOREF D isc 3 9 o f 60 AN: 93-13327 TI: Trace-dilution experiments and solute-transport simulations for a mountain stream, Saint Kevin Gulch, Colorado. AU: Broshears-Robert-E? Bencala-Kenneth-E? Kimball-Briant-A? McKnight-Diane-M SO: W a te r-R e so u rces-In v e stig a tio n s. 18 p. 14 R e fs. CO: WRIND3 CP: U n ite d -S ta te s YR: 1993 PD: illu s., 4 tables, sketch map LA: English DE : acid-mine-drainage ? Colorado-? experimental-studies ? graphic-methods? hydrochemistry-? hydrology-? Lake-County-Colorado? lithium-chloride? mountains-? pollution-? rivers-and-streams? Saint-Kevin-Gulch? simulation-? sodium-bromide ? solution-transport ? surface-water ? tracers-? United-States? USGS-? west-central-Colorado DT: Monographic? Serial? Report MC: LAT: N391700? N391900; LONG: W1062100? W1062430 CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology? 02-Geochemistry? 22-Environmental-geology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0092-332X RN: WRI 92-4081 AV: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States

GEOREF D isc 2 10 o f 60 AN: 85-52995 TI: Movement of water in a plinthic paleudult using a bromide tr a c e r . AU: Carlan-W-L? Perkins-H-F? Leonard-R-A OS: Univ. Ga., Dep. Agron., Athens, GA, United-States; U. S. Dep Agric. Southeast Watershed Res. Lab., United-States SO: S o il-S c ie n c e . 139. (1 ). p. 6 2 -6 6 . 19 R e fs. CO: SOSCAK YR: 1985 PD: illus., 3 tables LA: English DE: Georgia-? soils-? water-regimes? surveys-? Tift-County? Southeastern-U.S.; Eastern-U.S.? United-States? Gulf-Coastal-Plain? North-America? movement-? field-studies? tracers-? bromide-ion? laterites-? horizons-? plinthite- DT: Analytic? Serial CC: 25-Surficial-geology-soils SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0038-075X

GEOREF D isc 1 11 o f 60 AN: 77-47491 TI: Degradation of water quality by salt water infiltration in East-central Oklahoma. AU: D'-Lugosoz-J-J OS: U. S . Geol. S u rv ., Oklahoma C ity , O k la ., U n ite d -S ta te s SO: Geol.-Soc.-Am.,-Abstr.-Programs. 8. (6). p. 837-838 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1976 CN: The Geological Society of America, 89th annual meeting, Denver, Colo., Nov. 8-11, 1976 LA: English DE: Oklahoma-? hydrogeology-? ground-water? salt-w ater-intrusion east-central? United-States? brines-? infiltration-? flow-regime discharge-? geologic-hazards? water-quality? tracer-experiments? bromide-? hydrology-? rivers-and-streams? surface-water? chemical-composition DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication; Abstract MC: LAT: N343000? N363000? LONG: W0943000? W0960000 CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) GEOREF D isc 2 12 o f 60 AN: 80-34431 TI: Ground-water tracers? a short review. AU: D avis-S-N ; Thompson-G-M; Bentley-H-W; S tile s -G OS: Univ. A r iz ., Dep. Hydrol. Water R eso u r., Tucson, A r iz ., United-States SO: Ground-Water. 18. (1). p. 14-23. 39 R e fs. CO: GRWAAP YR: 1980 PD: illus., tables LA: English DE: isotopes-; tracers-; techniques-; ground-water; movement-; hydrogeology-; review-; velocity-; bromide-ion; chloride-; rhodamine-WT; fluorocarbon-; radioactive-isotopes; legislation-; policy-; pollution-; contamination-; permeability-; mathematical-models; models- DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X

GEOREF D isc 3 13 o f 60 AN: 89-44646 TI: Vertikale Austauschkoeffizienten und Porenwasserfluss an der Sediment/Wasser-Grenzflaeche. Translated title : Vertical exchange-coefficient and pore-water flow at the sediment-water interface. AU: Dicke-M OS: Inst. Meereskd., Abt. Meereschem., D-2300 Kiel, Federal-Republic-of-Germany; Christian-Albrechts Univ., Federal-Republic-of-Germany; Doctoral SO: Berichte-aus-dem-Institut-fuer-Meereskunde-an-der-Christian-Albre chts-Universitaet-Kiel. 155. 164 p. 196 R e fs. YR: 1986 PD: illu s., 25 tables, charts, block diag., sketch maps LA: German LS: English DE: Antarctica-; oceanography-; sediments-; Baltic-Sea; sedimentation-; environment-; shallow-water-environment; pore-water; sediment-water-interface; organic-materials; geochemistry-; sea-water; tritium -; isotopes-; hydrogen-; marine-sediments; water-; bioturbation-; biogenic-structures; sedimentary-structures; nutrients-; diffusion-; porosity-; tracers-; radioactive-isotopes; bromides-; halides-; hydrologic-cycle; continental-margin-sedimentation; experimental-studies; Polar-regions; European-Atlantic; North-Atlantic; Atlantic-Ocean; Kiel-Bay; salinity-; ocean-floors; movement- DT: Monographic; Serial; Thesis CC: 02-Geochemistry; 07-Marine-geology-and-oceanography SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0341-8561

GEOREF D isc 3 14 Of 60 AN: 89-71775 TI: Model calibration with the aid of an in-situ tracer test; a case study. AU: Dumas-Leslie SO: Anonymous. T ra cers in hydrogeology; p r in c ip le s , problem s, and practical applications. Ground-Water. 27. (5). p. 724 CO: GRWAAP YR: 1989 CN: Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, problems, and practical applications, Houston, TX, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1989 LA: English DE: California-; hydrogeology-? ground-water; Stanislaus-County-California; Pacific-Coast? Western-U.S.; United-States; tracers-; unconfined-aquifers; case-studies; sodium-bromide; porosity-; dispersivity-; data-processing; Modesto-Cali fornia DT: Analytic; Serial? Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X

GEOREF D isc 2 15 o f 60 AN: 87-25340 TI: A natural gradient experiment on solute transport in a sand a q u ifer? 2, S p a tia l moments and th e advection and d isp ersio n o f nonreactive tracers. AU: Freyberg-David-L OS: Stanford Univ., Dep. Civ. Eng., Stanford, CA, United-States SO: Water-Resources-Research. 22. (13). p. 2031-2046. 25 R efs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1986 PD: illus., 3 tables LA: English AB: The th ree-d im en sion al movement o f a t r a c e r plume co n tain in g bromide and chloride is investigated using the data base from a large-scale natural gradient field experiment on groundwater solute transport. The analysis focuses on the zeroth-, first-, and second -order s p a tia l moments o f th e co n cen tra tio n d is tr ib u tio n . These moments d e fin e in teg ra ted measures o f th e dissolved mass, mean solute velocity, and dispersion of the plume. Moments are estim ated from th e p o in t o b serv atio n s using quadrature approximations tailored to the density of the sampling network. The estimators appear to be robust with acceptable sampling variability. Estimates of the mass in solution for both bromide and chloride demonstrate that the tracers behaved c o n servatively, as expected. Analysis of the first-order moment estimates indicates that the experimental tracer plumes traveled along identical trajectories.—Modified journal abstract, DE2 Ontario-? environmental-geology; waste-disposal; ground-water? pollution-? experimental-studies; transport-? Eastern-Canada? Canada-? Borden-? solutes-? aquifers-? field-studies; sand-? clastic-sediments; natural-gradient; tracers-? advection-; dispersion-? spatial-variations DT: Analytic; Serial NT: See also Mackey et al., Roberts et al., Curtis et al., and Sudicky. CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology ? 22-Engineering-and-environmental-geology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397

GEOREF D isc 3 16 o f 60 AN: 91-34197 TI: Large-scale natural gradient tracer test in sand and gravel, Cape Cod, M assach u setts; 2, A n alysis o f s p a tia l moments fo r a nonreactive tracer. AU: Garabedian-Stephen-P? LeBlanc-Denis-R? Gelhar-Lynn-W? Celia-Michael-A OS: U. S. Geol. Surv., Water Resour. Div., Marlborough, MA, United-States? Mass. Inst. Technol., United-States SO: Water-Resources-Research. 27. (5). p. 911-924. 37 R e fs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1991 PD: illu s., 2 tables, sketch map LA: English DE: Massachusetts-? hydrogeology-; ground-water? movement-? tracers-? Barnstable-County-Massachusetts? sand-? clastic-sediments? gravel-? aquifers-? New-England? Eastern-U.S.? United-States? bromides-? halides-? dispersivity-? porosity-? solutes-? heterogeneity-? velocity-? equations-; spatial-distribution DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397

GEOREF D isc 3 17 Of 60 AN: 88-55216 TI: Tracing irrigation return water by Cl/Br ratios. AU: Goldowitz-Joshua; Davis-Stanley-N? Behl-Elizabeth OS: Univ. Ariz., Dep. Hydrol. and Water Resour., Tucson, AZ, United-States ' SO: Dickinson, William R. Geological Society of America, 1987 annual meeting and exposition. Abstracts-with-Programs-Geological-Society-of-America. 19. (7). p. 678 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1987 CN: Geological Society of America, 1987 annual meeting and exposition, Phoenix, AZ, Oct. 26-29, 1987 LA: English DE: Arizona-? hydrogeology-? ground-water? chlorine-? bromine-? irrigation-? tracers-? surface-water? Southwestern-U.S.; United-States? southwestern-Arizona? chloride-ion; bromide-ion; Yuma-; Gila-River; Colorado-River; Wellton-Mohawk-irrigation-and-drainage-district DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0016-7592

GEOREF D isc 3 18 Of 60 AN: 92-10110 TI: A natural gradient tracer test in an unsaturatd heterogeneous s o i l . AU: Haikola-B-M? Silliman-S-E OS: Univ. Notre Dame, Dep. Civ. Eng., Notre Dame, IN, United-States SO: Anonymous. AGU-MSA 1991 sp ring m eeting. Eos,-Transactions,-American-Geophysical-Union. 72. (17). p. 138 CO: EOSTAJ YR: 1991 CN: American Geophysical Union—Mineralogical Society of America 1991 spring meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 28-31, 1991 LA: English DE: soils-; water-regimes; movement-; unsaturated-zone; tracers-; bromide-ion; bromine-; halogens-; ground-water; soil-profiles; heterogeneous-materials DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0096-3941

GEOREF D isc 3 19 Of 60 AN: 93-37778 TI: The effect of streambed topography on surface-subsurface water exchange in mountain catchments. AU: Harvey-Judson-W? Bencala-Kenneth-E OS: U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United-States SO: Water-Resources-Research. 29. (1). p. 89-98. 38 R e fs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1993 PD: illus., 2 tables LA: English DE: alkali-m etals; aquifers-? Arkansas-River-valley? bromide-ion? central-Colorado? channels-? chloride-ion? Colorado-; drainage-basins? fluvial-environment; fluvial-features; ground-water; hydraulic-conductivity? hydrologic-cycle; hydrology-; Lake-County-Colorado? lithium -; m etals-; montane-environment? movement-; North-America; numerical-models; potassium-ion; recharge-? relief-; rivers-and-streams? Rocky-Mountains? roughness-; Saint-Kevin-Gulch; simulation-? solution-transport; three-dimensional-models? tracers-? U.-S .-Rocky-Mountains ? United-States DT: Analytic? Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397 GEOREF D isc 3 20 o f 60 AN: 94-22110 TI: Transport behavior of bacteria and bacteria-sized microspheres in contaminated ground water environments. AU: Harvey-Ronald-W OS: U. S. Geological Survey, Boulder, CO, United-States SO: Anonymous. G eolo g ical S o c ie ty o f America, 1993 annual meeting. Abstracts-with-Programs-Geological-Society-of-America. 25. (6). p. 349 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1993 CN: Geological Society of America, 1993 annual meeting, Boston, MA, Oct. 25*28, 1993 LA: English DE: aquifers-? bacteria-? Barnstable-County-Massachusetts? bioreclamation-; bromide-ion? Cape-Cod? chloride-ion; clastic-sedim ents; ground-water? Massachusetts-? movement-? organic-materials? particulate-materials? permeability-? Plantae-? pollutants-; pollution-? sand-; sediments-; sewage-? sorption-? thallophytes-; tracers-; unconfined-aquifers? United-States DT: Analytic; Serial? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 2 2-Environmental-geology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0016-7592 GEOREF D isc 3 21 o f 60 AN: 92-35163 TI: The role of physical and chemical heterogeneity in the interpretation of small-scale tracer tests involving microorganisms. AU: Harvey-Ronald-W? Garabedian-Stephen-P; Smith-Richard-L; Barber-Larry-B II; Metge-David-W? Scholl-Martha-A OS: U. S. G eol. S u rv ., Boulder, CO, U n ite d -S ta te s SO: Mallard, Gail E., Aronson, David E. U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program? proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991. U. S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United-States. Water-Resources-Investigations. p. 148-151. 17 R efs. CO: WRIND3 YR: 1991 PD: sk etch map CN: U. S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, technical meeting, Monterey, CA, March 11-15, 1991 LA: English DE: Massachusetts-; hydrogeology-; ground-water; aquifers-; heterogeneity-; USGS-; New-England; Eastern-U.S.; United-States; southeastern-Massachusetts; Barnstable-County-Massachusetts; Cape-Cod; Eastern-United-States; pollution-; sewage-; polluted-water; waste-disposal; tracers-; physicochemical-properties; microorganisms-; transport-; bromide-ion DT: Analytic; Serial; Report; Conference publication MC: LAT: N413600; N413900; LONG: W0703200; W0703500 CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry; 22-Environmental-geology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0092-332X RN: WRI 91-4034 AV: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States

GEOREF D isc 3 22 o f 60 AN: 94-17380 TI: Field-scale solute transport; spatially interpolating the parameters of a transfer function model. AU: Hosang-Juerg OS: University of Basel, Department of Geography, Geoecology Research Group, Basel, Switzerland; Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands SO: Wagenet, R. j., Bouma, J. Special issue; Operational methods to characterize soil behavior in space and time. Cornell University, Department of Soil, Crop and Atmospheric Sciences, Ithaca, NY, United-States. Geoderma. 60. (1-4). p. 119- 133. 13 R e fs. CO: GEDMAB YR: 1993 PD: illu s., 3 tables, sketch maps CN:^1992 conference of Working Group M/V of the International Society of Soil Science, Ithaca, NY, July 26-29, 1992 LA: English AB: The results from a solute transport study done near Basel, Switzerland are reported. The experimental site was a 3.25 ha corn field consisting of well drained silt loam. A bromide tracer was applied to the surface of 40 plots, located at regular intervals on a grid. Soil cores were taken twice at each plot during the experiment. The first time, samples were collected at 10 cm intervals from the surface to 50 cm. During the second sampling, soil cores were taken to a depth of 100 cm in 20 cm increments. Four plots were sampled twice each time to assess small-scale heterogeneities. Solute transport was described as a convective-dispersive process with highly variable parameters within the test field. A poor correspondence between the apparent fr a c tion of the soil volume that is active in transport and volumetric water content was found. This was interpreted a »-oeiiitincf from effects such as stagnant water, locally three-d imens iona 1 flow and infiltration ^ te r wh reaions of the soil which contain the main mass of The soatial distribution of the transport parameters within the test field could not be explained on the basis of soil physical nrnnprties The fields of the transport properties showed spatial dependence'and locally estimated parameters were interpolated over the entire test field by kriging. DE: Basel-Switzerland; bromide-ion; Central-Europe, ^ EuroDe_. chemical-dispersion; convection-; cores-; equations , Europe , experimental-studies; krig in g -; loam -; models-; movement-, sampling-; soils-; solutes-; solution-transport, statistical-analysis; Switzerland-; tracers-; water- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication

Sb I l;"Bibliography°andYindexSof Geology (1969-present) IS: 0016-7061 GEOREF D isc 1 23 Of 60 TI: The2use6of bromide for stream discharge measurements. mt* Huntsman—B—E; S c h u lth e is—E—J , OS: W right S ta te U n iv., Brehm Environ. L ab ., Dayton, Ohio, United-States SO: O h io - J.-S c i. 79 (Supplem ent), p. 29 CO: OJSCA9 CN: 188th annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, Tiffin, Ohio, April 20-22, 1979 hydrology-; rivers-and-streams; discharge-; measurement-;

Di-CA nIIyticfserIalfconference publication; Abstract (1969-present) IS: 0030-0950 GEOREF D isc 3 24 o f 60 TX: Estimation of zero-tension pan lysimeter collection efficiency. au* Jemison—John—M J r ; Fox—Richard—H t , os': University of Maine, Water Quality E^ension Specialist, Orono, ME, United-States; Pennsylvania State University, United-States SO: Soil-Science. 154. (2). p. 85-94. 17 R e fs. CO: SOSCAK YR: 1992 PD: illus., 3 tables LA: English ?rr°rs-; ground-water; hydrology-; leaching-; LEACHM-model; lysim eters-; mass-balance; Mather-water-budqet; movement-? soils-; solutes-; techniques-; tracers-* unsaturated-zone DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0038-075X ' Present;

GEOREF D isc 3 25 o f 60 AN: 89-71782 TI: Using tracers to delineate leachate migration from a closed hazardous waste landfill. u AU: K in se lla -Jo h n -V ; Ram-Rama-S in hydrogeology; principles, problems, and practical applications. Ground-Water. 27. (5). p. 725-726 CO: GRWAAP * ' p /Zb YR: 1989 A2 hyfr°geol°gy? principles, problems, and practical applications, Houston, TX, Oct. 30-Nov. 1 , 1989 LA: English ^-C oastal-Plain? envir°nmental-geology; pollution-; North-America; ground-water; tracers-; landfills-? movement-; s^able" lsot°Pes? oxygen-; potassium-bromide? lithium-chloride? Freon—11; hydrogeology—; pH— Ser^-a1'* Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21—Hydrogeology—and—hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X F «»««w

GEOREF D isc 3 26 o f 60 AN: 90-25736 T I: T estin g sampling design methods using th e Cape Cod. models ^racer test data and one-dimensional transport AU: Knopman-Debra-S? V oss-Clifford-I; Garabedian-stephen-P OS: U. S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United-States? U. s. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United-States SO: Pederson, Gary L ., Smith, Martha M. U.S. Geological Survey second n a tio n a l symposium on Water q u a lity ? a b s tr a c ts o f th e te c h n ic a l se s s io n s , Orlando, F lo rid a , November 1 2 -1 7 , 1989. u. S. Geol. Surv., Reston, VA, United-States.

C0^nXGR0AGRePOrt"*^Un^ted"*StateS"GeOl°g^Cal*'SUrVey*"*1978^ ‘ P ' 46 YR: 1989 Nov 12C17^ i989°na* symP°s*tun on Water quality, Orlando, FL, LA: English DE: M assach u setts-; environm ental-geology? p o llu tio n -? USGS-? New-England? Eastern-U.S.; United-States; southeastern-Massachusetts; Barnstable-County-Massachusetts ? Cape-Cod; Eastern-United-States; one-dimensional-models; models-; tracers-? sampling-; design-? transport-; ground-water; hydrochemistry-; bromide-ion . DT: Analytic? Serial? Report? Conference publication, Abstract CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology? 22-Engineering-and-environmental-geology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-p re se n t) IS: 0196-1497 RN: OF 89-0409 ^ AV: U. S. Geol. Surv., Denver, CO, United States GEOREF D isc 3 27 o f 60 AN: 94-06246 , TI: Predicting behavior of contaminants in aquifers using apparent relative retardation of surrogates. OS: Purdue University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, West Lafayette, IN, United-States SO: Environmental-Geology. 22. (3). p. 201-204. 3 R efs. YR: 1993 PD: i l l u s . LA: English . . . DE: aquifers-? bromides-? carbonates-? ground-water? halides-, hydrogen-? isotopes-? pollutants-? pollution-? prediction-? radioactive-isotopes; retardation-; tracers-; tritium- DT: Analytic; Serial . CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology? 02-Geochemistry SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-p re se n t) IS: 0177-5146 GEOREF D isc 2 28 o f 60 AN: 86-15813 , J . . . . TI: Testing bromide as a surrogate for tritium in tracing ground-water movement through a d o lo m itic a q u ife r.

OS: Purdue Univ., Dep. Geosci., West Lafayette, IN, United-States SO: The Geological Society of America,>95th annual meeting. Abstracts-with-Programs-Geological-Society-of-Amenca. 14. (7). p. 543 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1982 ♦ CN: The Geological Society of America, 95th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 18-21, 1982 LA: English . , DE: ground-water; surveys-; Nevada-; engineering-geology, waste-disposal; Bonanza-King-Formation? tritium-? aquifers-? tracers-? bromides-? halides-; migration-of-elements; radioactive-waste; nuclear-explosions; Western-U.S.? United-States? Nevada-Test-Site; hydrogeology-; Amargosa-Desert; d o lo sto n e-? carb o n ate-ro ck s? Cambrian-; ammonium-bromide DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology ? 2 2-Engineering-and-environmental-geology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0016-7592

GEOREF D isc 1 29 o f 60 AN: 78-45030 TI: Iodide- and bromide-tracer studies in carbonate rocks. AU: Leap-D-I-mvestigator ? Sun-R-J-investigator SO: U.-S.-Geol.-Surv.,-Prof.-Pap. (1100). p. 223 CO: XGPPA9 YR: 1978 LA: English DE: Nevada-? hydrogeology-? ground-water? surveys-; aquifers-? tracer-expenments ? iodide-ion? bromide-ion DT: Analytic? Serial; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF D isc 3 30 o f 60 AN: 90-28128 TI: Variation of dispersivity with groundwater velocity in fissured aquifers determined by two-well recirculating tracer t 6 S t S • AU: Leap-D; Mai-P OS: Purdue U n iv ., Dep. Earth and Atmos. S c i . , West L a fa y e tte , IN United-States; Inst. Geol. and Miner. Explor., Athens, Greece so: Morris, A., Paraskevopoulou, P. Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Underground water tracing. Inst. Geol and Miner. Explor., Athens, Greece. International-Symposium-of-Underground-Water-Tracing-(SUWT). 5. p • 203—213. 17 R efs. YR: 1986 PD: illu s., sketch map CN: 5th in te r n a tio n a l symposium on Underground w ater t r a c e r s , Athens, 1986 ' LA: English DE: Nevada-; hydrogeology-; ground-water; surveys-? Bonanza-King-Formation; fractured-materials? Amargosa-Site? Western-U.S.; United-States; water-wells; aquifers-; movement-; velocity-; dispersion-; tracers-; recirculation-tests; tritium-; isotopes-; radioactive-isotopes; hydrogen-; bromide-ion; injection—wells; mathematical—models; models—; hydraulic-conductivity DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF D isc 3 31 o f 60 AN: 92-45783 T I: Apparent relative retardation of tritium and bromide in d olom ite. AU: Leap-Darrell-I OS: Purdue Univ., Dep. Earth Atmos. S ci.f West Lafayette, IN, United-States SO: Ground-Water. 30. (4). p. 549-558. 24 R e fs. CO: GRWAAP YR: 1992 PD: i l l u s . , 1 ta b le LA: English DE: ground-water? movement-? tracers-? tritium-? isotopes-? radioactive-isotopes? hydrogen-? bromide-ion? dolostone-; carbonate-rocks? experimental-studies? retardation- DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X

GEOREF D isc 2 32 o f 60 AN: 87-19624 TI: Estimating porosity and dispersivity of a fissured dolomitic aquifer with a two-well, recirculating tracer test using simultaneous tritium and bromide labels. AU: Leap-Darrell-I; Mai-Pamela-A OS: Purdue Univ., Dep. Geosci., West Lafayette, IN, United-States SO: The Geological Society of America, 98th annual meeting. Abstracts-with-Programs-Geological-Society-of-America. 17. (7). p. 641 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1985 CN: The Geological Society of America, 98th annual meeting, Orlando, FL, Oct. 28-31, 1985 LA: English DE: Nevada-? hydrogeology-? ground-water? surveys-? Bonanza-King-Formation? aquifers-; porosity-? dispersivity-? fissures-? dolostone-? carbonate-rocks ? water-wells ? tracers-? tritium -? bromine-; ammonium-bromide; Western-U.S.? United-States? Nevada-Test-Site? Amargosa-Tracer-Site? movement-? pumping- DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0016-7592

GEOREF D isc 3 33 o f 60 AN: 91-34196 TI: Large-scale natural gradient tracer test in sand and gravel, Cape Cod, Massachusetts? 1, Experimental design and observed tracer movement. AU: LeBlanc-Denis-R? Garabedian-Stephen-P? Hess-Kathryn-M? Gelhar-Lynn-W? Quadri-Richard-D? Stollenwerk-Kenneth-G? Wood-Warren-W OS: U. S. Geol. Surv., Marlborough, MA, United-States; Mass. Inst. Technol., United-States SO: Water-Resources-Research. 27. (5). p. 895-910. 50 R efs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1991 PD: illu s., 3 tables, sketch map LA: English DE: ground-water; pollution-; tracers-; movement-; Massachusetts-; hydrogeology-; Barnstable-County-Massachusetts; sand-; clastic-sediments; gravel-; aquifers-; New-England; Eastern-U.S.; United-States; Cape-Cod; Eastern-United-States; solutes-; monitoring-; recharge-; heterogeneity-; equations-; stochastic-processes; bromides-; halides-; lithium-; alkali-m etals; metals-; hydraulic-conductivity; molybdates-; fluorides-; experimental-studies DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397

GEOREF D isc 2 34 Of 60 AN: 83-25612 TI: Runoff and interflow of water and bromide tracer in a sloping, layered field soil. AU: Lehman-O-R; Ahuja-L-R OS: U. S . Dep. A g r ic ., Durant, OK, U n ite d -S ta tes SO: Eos,-Transactions,-American-Geophysical-Union. 62. (45). p. 872 CO: EOSTAJ YR: 1981 CN: American Geophysical Union; 1981 fa ll meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 7-11, 1981 LA: English DE: soils-; water-regimes; movement-; tracers-; layered-materials? bromide-ion; field-studies; runoff- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0096-3941

GEOREF D isc 3 35 Of 60 AN: 88-16314 TI: Bromide as a conservative tracer for soil-water studies. AU: Levy-B-S; Chambers-R-M OS: Univ. Va., Dep. Environ. Sci., Charlottesville, VA, United-States SO: Hydrological-Processes. 1. (4). p. 385-389. 16 R e fs. YR: 1987 PD: illus., 2 tables LA: E n glish DE: Virginia-; soils-; geochemistry-; surveys-; processes-; sorption-; Albemarle-; tracers-; moisture-; potassium-bromide; Southeastern-U.S.; Eastern-U.S.; United-States; Charlottesville-; Appalachians-; North-America; experimental-studies; horizons-; Albemarle-County DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 02-Geochemistry; 25-Surficial-geology-soils SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0885-6087

GEOREF D isc 3 36 o f 60 AN: 90-19720 TI: Surface, subsurface water interactions in an alluviated stream channel of an upland forested catchment. AU: Mathews-N-C; Hornberger-G-M OS: Univ. Va., Environ. Sci. Dep., Charlottesville, VA, United-States SO: Anonymous. AGU 1988 f a l l m eeting. Eos,-Transactions,-American-Geophysical-Union. 69. (44). p. 1220 CO: EOSTAJ YR: 1988 CN: American Geophysical Union, 1988 fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 6-11, 1988 LA: English DE: Virginia-; hydrogeology-; hydrology-; drainage-basins; fluvial-features; surface-water; ground-water; streams-; tracers-; Shenandoah-National-Park; Southeastern-U.S.; Eastern-U.S.; United-States; transport-; water-storage; alluvium-; clastic-sediments; solutes-; rates-; injection-; bromide-; discharge-; variations- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0096-3941

GEOREF D isc 2 37 o f 60 AN: 86-69116 TI: Performance, analysis, and simulation of a two-well tracer test at the Mobile site. AU: Molz-F-J; Guven-O; M elville-J-G; Crocker-R-D; Matteson-K-T OS: Auburn U n iv ., Dep. Civ. Eng., Auburn, AL, U n ite d -S ta te s SO: Water-Resources-Research. 22. (7). p. 1031-1037. 15 R e fs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1986 PD: illus., 1 table LA: English AB: During the late summer of 1984 a two-well tracer test was performed which involved travel distances of 38.3 m to 90 m. A bromide tracer slug was injected at one well while groundwater was simultaneously pumped from the other well. The two-well test, which required 32 days to complete, was then simulated using a three-dimensional advection-dispersion model with a longitudinal dispersivity of 0.15 m, a transverse dispersivity of 0.005 m, and the permeability distribution being measured independently in a single-well test. (Single-well test results, which involved a travel distance of 5.5 m, indicated that the hydraulic conductivity varied by about a factor of 4 throughout the aquifer thickness.) The two-well test simulation, made without knowledge of the test results, and without any calibration, was remarkably good. Local hydrodynamic dispersion was negligible, so that the concentration versus time breakthrough at the withdrawal well could be simulated just as well with a quasi-three-dimensional advection model having zero hydrodynamic dispersion. This implies that over the travel distances applicable to the two-well test the spreading of the slug in the aquifer depended mainly on macroscopic velocity variations that were quantifiable in terms of the inferred permeability distribution.—Modified journal a b s t r a c t . DE: ground-water? surveys-? Alabama-? hydrogeology-? Mobile-County; Southern-U.S.? United-States? Mobile-? aquifers-? simulation-? testing-; tracers-? wells-? hydraulic-conductivity; three-dimensional-models? models-? permeability-? experimental-studies? dispersion-? advection-; pollution-? transport-? movement-? southwestern-Alabama DT: Analytic? Serial CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397

GEOREF D isc 2 38 o f 60 AN: 86-27828 TI: Design and performance of single-well tracer tests at the Mobile site. AU: Molz-F-J? M elville-J-G? Gueven-O? Crocker-R-D? Matteson-K-T OS: Auburn U n iv ., Dep. Civ. E ng., Auburn, AL, U n ite d -S ta te s SO: Water-Resources-Research. 21. (10). p. 1497-1502. 9 R efs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1985 PD: illus., 2 tables LA: English AB: In a given observation well, a total of 7 sampling zones were isolated using inflatable packers and silicone rubber plugs. All instrumentation was contained within a removable insert that extended from the well bottom to the land surface. Each sampling zone contained an electrical conductivity probe and was connected to th e su rfa ce w ith two len g th s o f vacuum tu b in g . When combined with peristaltic pumps, the tubing allowed mixing of the sampling zone contents as well as water sample collection. A total of 5 experiments were performed using bromide as a conservative tracer. Results showed that the sampling zones were well isolated and that sampling zone mixing was necessary to achieve results that were independent of probe placement within a given zone. Both electrical conductivity and bromide concentration breakthrough curves indicated the presence of a high horizontal permeability zone in the bottom third of the aquifer, although the concentration data were considered the more accurate and reliable. Permeability values based on tracer travel times from the injection-recovery well to the multilevel observation well varied by a factor of 4 over the aquifer thickness. Such results are reasonably consistent with permeability trends inferred during thermal energy storage experiments performed previously at the same site .—Modified journal abstract. DE: Alabama-; hydrogeology-; ground-water; surveys-? well-logging; techniques-; testing-; Southern-U.S.; United-States; Mobile-region? water-wells? tracers-; Gulf-Coastal-Plain; North-America; design-; field-studies; aquifers-? permeability-; electrical-conductivity; hydrodynam ics-; movement- DT: Analytic? Serial MC: LAT: N310000; N313000; LONG: W0874500; W0880000 CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397 GEOREF D isc 3 39 o f 60 AN: 90-13049 ^ TI: Performance and analysis of single-well and two-well tracer tests at the Mobile site. AU: Molz-Fred-J; Guven-Oktay; M elville-Joel-G OS: Auburn Univ., Civ. Eng. Dep., Auburn, AL, United-States SO: Abstracts-with-Programs-Geological-Society-of-America. 18. (6). p. 698 CO: GAAPBC YR: 1986 CN: Geological Society of America, 99th annual meeting, San A ntonio, TX, Nov. 1 0 -1 3 , 1986 LA: English , DE: Alabama-? hydrogeology-? ground-water? Mobile-County-Alabama; tracers-; bromide-ion? hydraulic-conductivity; aquifers-; Mobile-Alabama? Southern-U.S.? United-States? confined-aquifers? perm eability-; movement- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract MC: LAT: N304000; N304000; LONG: W0880500? W0880500 CC: 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0016-7592 GEOREF D isc 3 40 o f 60 AN: 89-71789 TI: A theoretical and laboratory study of the effect of wellbore mixing on the results of tracer experiments conducted in fractured rock. AU: Novakowski-Kent-S OS: Natl. Water Res. Inst., United-States SO: Anonymous. Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, problems, and practical applications. Ground-Water. 27. (5). p. 727-728 CO: GRWAAP YR: 1989 CN: Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, problems, and practical applications, Houston, TX, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1989 LA: English DE: ground-water; movement-; monitoring-; tracers-; fractured-materials; laboratory-studies; theoretical-studies; sodium-bromide; dispersion-; Laplace-transformations DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X

GEOREF D isc 3 41 o f 60 AN: 93-41351 TI: Behavior of dense aqueous phase leachate plumes in homogeneous porous media. AU: Oostrom-M; Hayworth-J-S; Dane-J-H; Guven-0 OS: Auburn U n iv e rsity , Department o f Agronomy and S o i l s , Auburn, AL, United-States SO: Water-Resources-Research. 28. (8). p. 2123-2134. 26 R efs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1992 PD: illus., 3 tables, 3 plates LA: English DE: aquifers-; bromide-ion; dense-nonaqueous-phase-liquids; density-; experimental-studies; ground-water; homogeneous-materials; iodide-ion; laboratory-studies; leachate-; models-; movement-; physical-models; plumes-; pollutants-; pollution-; porous-materials; simulation-; sodium-ion; solution-transport; tracers-; unconfined-aquifers; waste-disposal-sites DT: Analytic; Serial NT: Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Paper 3-913175. CC: 22-Environmental-geology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397

GEOREF D isc 3 42 o f 60 AN: 93-45680 TI: Analysis of fluorobenzoate tracers by ion chromatography. AU: Pearson-R-J; Comfort-S-D; Inskeep-W-P OS: Montana State University, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Bozeman, MT, United-States; University of Nebraska, United-States SO: Soil-Science-Society-of-America-Journal. 56. (6). p. 1794-1796. 7 R efs. CO: SSSJD4 YR: 1992 PD: illus., 1 table LA: English DE: bromide-ion? chemical-analysis? fluorobenzoate-; geochemistry-; ion-chromatography; methods-; monitoring-; soils-; solution-transport; tracers-; unsaturated-zone; water- DT: Analytic; Serial NT: Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Journal paper No. J - 2 8 3 3 . CC: 02-Geochemistry SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0361-5995 GEOREF D isc 3 43 Of 60 AN: 93-13481 TI: Salinity trends in the wheatbelt of Western Australia; results of water and salt balance studies from Cuballing Catchment. AU: Salama-R-B; Farrington-P; Bartle-G-A; Watson-G-D OS: CSIRO, D iv isio n o f Water R esources, Wembley, W est. A u st., A u stra lia SO: Journal-of-Hydrology. 145. (1-2). p. 41-63. 35 R e fs. CO: JHYDA7 YR: 1993 PD: illu s., 1 table, sketch maps LA: English AB: A study of water and salt balances within a first-order catchment in the Western Australian wheatbelt has shown that the salt load in the main surface drainage comes largely from groundwater discharging upstream from the basement highs and dykes that extend across the surface drainage and conductive channels within the regolith. Although salt fall from rainfall is about 2.0 g m(-2) year(-l) (Cl(-)), the stream load ranges from 180 to 850 g m(-2) year(-l) with an out/input ratio of 100-425. Salt storage in the catchment varies from 900-4000 g m(-2) in the top 3 m, to 27 000-71 000 g m(-2) in the 3-15 m depth range and 5000-21 000 g m(-2) below 15 m. Groundwater discharge calculated using Br and Cl as tracers for the groundwater component fluctuates between 20 and 40% of streamflow. Stream salinity during the last 3 years was below the long-term average. This is attributed to a reduction in groundwater discharge caused by low rainfall during this period. The downward displacement and leaching of salt stored in the regolith indicates that if groundwater levels continue to rise, the quantity and salinity of groundwater discharge w ill continue to increase causing further rises in stream salinity. DE: agriculture-; Australasia-; Australia-; bromide-ion; bromine-? chloride-ion; chlorine-; Cuballing-Australia; discharge-; geochemistry-; ground-water; halogens-; hydrochemistry-; hydrology-; land-use? rainfall-? recharge-; rivers-and-streams; salinity-; salt-balance; surface-water; tracers-; water-balance; watersheds-; Western-Australia DT: Analytic; Serial MC: LAT: S313000; S310000; LONG: E1180000; E1170000 CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry IS! 0022^i6^O^ra^ ^ an<^ In<*ex °^ Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF Disc 1 44 of 60 AN: 74-07899 TI: Groundwater tracing with post sampling activation analysis. AU: Schmotzer-J-K; Jester-W-A; Parizek-R-R mapsK 19730l‘ V01' 20' N°' 3' P ‘ 217"236' iHus. (inol. sketch CO: JHYDA7 YR: 1973 LA: English DE: Pennsylvania-; Hydrogeology-; Tracer-experiments; Rock-Spring; Oak-Spring; Ground-water; Movement-; techniques-; bromide-; ion-; spectroscopy-; activation-; isotopes-; bromine-; Br-80; activation-analysis; Springs-; United-States; sinkholes-; -; Environmental-geology; Pollution-; ions- DT: Serial NT: Low concentrations of nonradioactive tracer, bromide ion, ^ ^ique',springs' singles, applications, Pennsylvania. CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF Disc 2 45 of 60 AN: 87-60569 TI: Bedeutung des Bodenskeletts fuer die Verlagerung und Verteilung von geloesten Stoffen in einer Rendzina. Translated title: The significance of the soil skeleton on the displacement and spatial distribution of solutes in a Rendzina. AU: Schulin-R; Selim-H-M; Fluehler-H OS: Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochsch., Fachber. Bodenphys., CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland; Hess. Landesamt Bodenforsch., D-6200 Wiesbaden, Federal-Republic-of-Germany SO: Hoelting, B., Ehlers, w. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie und der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft. Proceedings of the Hydrogeology Section and the German Soil Society. Hess. Landesamt Bodenforsch., D-6200 Wiesbaden Federal-Republic-of-Germany. ' Zeitschrift-der-Deutschen-Geologischen-Gesellschaft. 136. (2) d 397-405. 4 Refs. CO: ZDGGA6 YR: 1985 PD: illus., charts CN: Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie und der Deutchen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Braunschweig, 1985 LA: German LS: English DE: hydrogen-; isotopes-; tritium-; soils-; geochemistry-; experimental-studies; mathematical-models; models-; Rendzinas-; leaching-; spatial-distribution; solution-; dye-tracers; isotope-geochemistry; radioactive-tracers; bromides-; halides-; surveys- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication CC: 25-Surficial-geology-soils SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0012-0189

GEOREF Disc 3 46 Of 60 AN: 88-03529 TI: An experimental study of solute transport in a stony field soil. AU: Schulin-Rainer; Van-Genuchten-T; Fluehler-Hannes; Ferlin-Peter OS: Swiss Fed. Inst. Technol., Zurich, Switzerland; U. S. Dep. Agric., United-States; Swiss Fed. Inst. For. Res., Switzerland SO: Water-Resources-Research. 23. (9). p. 1785-1794. 23 Refs. CO: WRERAQ YR: 1987 PD: illus., 4 tables LA: English DE: soils-; water-regimes; movement-; ground-water; pollution-; transport-; experimental-studies; unsaturated-zone; geochemistry-; hydrochemistry-; field-studies; stony-soils; bromide-ion; chloride-ion; heterogeneous-materials; tracers- DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry; 22-Engineering-and-environmental-geology; 25-Surficial-geology-soils SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0043-1397

GEOREF Disc 3 47 Of 60 AN: 90-29397 TI: Use of applied tracers in studies of natural groundwater recharge. AU: Sharma-M-L OS: CSIR0 Div. Water Resour., Wembley, West Aust., Australia; CSIRO Div. Water Resour., Wembley, West. Aust., Australia SO: Sharma, M. L. Groundwater recharge; proceedings of the symposium. CSIRO Div. Water Resour., Wembley, West. Aust., Australia, p. 11-23. 41 Refs. PB: A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam CP: Netherlands YR: 1989 PD: illus. CN: Symposium on Groundwater recharge, Mandurah, West. Aust., July 6-9, 1987 LA: English DE: ground-water? recharge-; rates-; tritium-; geochemistry-; tracers-; isotopes-; radioactive-isotopes; hydrogen-; bromide-ion? radioactive-tracers; water-regimes; movement- DT: Analytic; Book; Conference publication CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF Disc 3 48 of 60 AN: 90-66589 TI: Assessing potential of groundwater replenishment on the northern Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia. AU: Sharma-M-L; Anson-B OS: CSIRO, Div. Groundwater Res., Wembley, West, Aust., Australia; Univ. Coll. London, Dep. Geol. Sei., London, United-Kingdom? Water Auth. West. Aust., Australia SO: Jones, G. P. Groundwater monitoring and management. Univ. Coll. London, Dep. Geol. Sei., London, United-Kingdom. IAHS-AISH-Publication. 173. p. 171-182. 12 Refs. CO: PIHSD9 YR: 1990 PD: illus., sketch map CN: International symposium on Groundwater monitoring and management, Dresden, Mar. 23-28, 1987 LA: English DE: Western-Australia; economic-geology; water-resources; ground-water; aquifers-? recharge-; Australia-? Australasia-; Swan-Coastal-Plain; hydrodynamics-; water-balance; water-management? hydrogeology-? saturated-zone; unsaturated-zone; tracers-? chloride-ion? halides-; bromides- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0144-7815

GEOREF Disc 3 49 of 60 AN: 90-55138 TI: Movement and fate of agrichemicals in field soils as indicated by the simultaneous study of atrazine and bromide. AU: Sophocleous-Marios; Townsend-M-A ? Whittemore-D-0 OS: Kans. Geol. Surv., Lawrence, KS, United-States SO: Anonymous. Third scientific assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. Eos,-Transactions,-American-Geophysical-Union. 70. (15). p. 326 CO: EOSTAJ YR: 1989 CN: Third scientific assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Baltimore, MD, May 10-19, 1989 LA: English DE: soils-; pollution-; transport-; ground-water? experimental-studies; atrazine-; bromide-ion; tracers-; movement DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 25-Surficial-geology-soils? 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0096-3941

GEOREF Disc 3 50 of 60 AN: 90-44076 TI: Movement and fate of atrazine and bromide in central Kansas croplands. AU: Sophocleous-Marios? Townsend-M-A? Whittemore-D-0 OS: Kans. Geol. Surv., Lawrence, KS, United-States SO: Journal-of-Hydrology. 115. (1-4). p. 115-137. 20 Refs. CO: JHYDA7 YR: 1990 PD: illus., sketch map LA: English DE: Kansas-? environmental-geology? pollution-? soils-? surveys-? ground-water; Stafford-County-Kansas ? Pratt-County-Kansas ? Midwest-? United-States; south-central-Kansas? Great-Plains? North-America? Great-Bend-Prairie? agriculture-? pollutants-? herbicides-? atrazine-? bromide-ion; tracers-; geochemical-profiles; biodégradation-; soil-profiles; movement-; transport-; porous-materials; aquifers-; water-quality DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 22-Engineering-and-environmental-geology; 2l-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 25-Surficial-geology-soils SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0022-1694

GEOREF Disc 3 51 of 60 AN: 90-31407 TI: The use of tracers in HDR reservoir characterisation. AU: Stelfox-A-L; Richards-H-G OS: Camborne Sch. Mines, Geotherm. Energy Project, Camborne, United-Kingdom SO: Reynolds, J. M., Tarling, D. H., Scott, S. C., Ford, M., Caswell, S. Abstracts for the Fourteenth UK geophysical assembly. Geophysical-Journal-International. 101. (1). p. 299 YR: 1990 CN: Fourteenth UK geophysical assembly, Plymouth, Apr. 18-20, 1990 LA: English DE: England-; economic-geology; geothermal-energy; hot-dry-rocks? fluorescein-? bromide-ion? tracers-? Rosemanowes-; fractures-; Great-Britain; United-Kingdom; Western-Europe; Europe-? ground-water ? movement- DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 29-Economic-geology-Energy-sources SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0955-419X 52 Of 60 AN: 83-25080 TI: A new method for simultaneous measurement of Cl, Br, N03 , SCN, and I at sub-ppm levels in ground water. AU: Stetzenbach-K-J; Thompson-G-M SO: Ground-Water. 21. (1). p. 36-41. 6 Refs. CO: GRWAAP YR: 1983 PD: 1 table LA: English DE: hydrogeology-? methods-; chemical-analysis; chromatography-; ground-water; composition-? chemical-composition? chlorine-; analysis-; nitrogen-; iodine-; bromine-; chloride-ion; bromide-ion? nitrate-ion? measurement-? liquid-chromatography? ion-exchange; iodide-ion? thiocyanate-? inorganic-materials? nitrite-ion; tracers-; dye-tracers; ion-chromatography? ultraviolet-absorption; trace-elements DT: Analytic; Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology? 02-Geochemistry SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X

GEOREF Disc 3 53 of 60 AN: 90-65317 TI: Solute and heat transport experiments for estimating recharge rate. AU: Taniguchi-M? Sharma-M-L OS: CSIRO, Div. Water Resour., Wembley, West. Aust., Australia SO: Journal-of-Hydrology. 119. (1-4). p. 57-69. 22 Refs. CO: JHYDA7 YR: 1990 PD: illus., 3 tables LA: English DE: ground-water? recharge-? rates-; soils-; water-regimes; movement-; infiltration-; experimental-studies ? heat-transfer? solutes-; transport-? bromide-ion; sand-; clastic-sediments; loam-? Collie-Loam? Bassendean-Sand? temperature-? tracers-? heat-capacity DT: Analytic? Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0022-1694

GEOREF Disc 3 54 O f 60 AN: 91-12943 TI: Synthesis of stable-isotope-enriched tributyl(124)tin bromide for environmental tracer studies. AU: Testa-J-P Jr? Dooley-C-A OS: Comput. Sci. Corp., San Diego, Ca, United-States? Nav. Ocean Syst. Cent., United-States SO: Anonymous. Third chemical congress of North America? book of abstracts. Chemical-Congress-of-North-America,-Abstracts-of-Papers. 3. YR: 1988 CN: Third chemical congress of North America, Toronto, ON, June 5-10, 1988 LA: English DE: geochemistry-? experimental-studies ? organo-metallics ? stable-isotopes? isotopes-? synthetic-materials? tracers-? tributyltin-? tributyltin-bromide? Sn-124? tin-? metals-? gas-chromatography? spectroscopy-? mass-spectroscopy? applications-? chemical-analysis; detection- DT: Analytic? Serial? Conference publication? Abstract CC: 02-Geochemistry SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF Disc 3 55 of 60 AN: 89-21418 TI: Experimental and theoretical analysis of solute transport from a diffuse source of pollution. AU: van-Ommen-H-C? van-Genuchten-M-T? van-der-Molen-W-H? Dijksma-R? Hulshof-J OS: Agric. Univ., Dep. Land and Water Use, Wageningen, Netherlands SO: Journal-of-Hydrology. 105. (3-4). p. 225-251. 54 Refs. CO: JHYDA7 YR: 1989 PD: illus., 5 tables LA: English DE: ground-water? pollution-? transport-? soils-? water-regimes? movement-? Netherlands-? environmental-geology ? experimental-studies? theoretical-studies? solutes-? Western-Europe? Europe-? Hupselse-Beek? tracers-? mass-balance? convection-? dispersion-? agriculture-? field-studies? statistical-analysis? drainage-basins? fluvial-features? nonpoint-sources? bromide-ion DT: Analytic? Serial CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology ? 22-Engineering-and-environmental-geology? 25-Surficial-geology-soils SB: B? Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0022-1694

GEOREF Disc 3 56 Of 60 AN: 88-39104 TI: Solute leaching in light-textured soils? prediction of solute leaching in light-textured soils using a chromatographic plate method. AU: Vinten-A-J-A? Yazid-S? Naysmith-D-B? Parkes-M-E OS: Edinburgh Sch. Agric., Edinburgh, United-Kingdom SO: Transactions-of-the-Royal-Society-of-Edinburgh:-Earth-Sciences. 78. (4). p. 341-350. 21 Refs. YR: 1987 PD: illus., 8 tables CN: Hydrology in Scotland, Edinburgh, Oct. 15-16, 1986 LA: English DE: nitrogen-? isotopes-? N-15? chemical-analysis? methods-? chromatography-; soils-? surveys-? Scotland-? geochemistry-? tracers-; leaching-? ions-? nitrate-ion? bromides-? halides-; water-balance; experimental-studies? solutes-; transport-; equations-; theoretical-studies; Great-Britain; United-Kingdom? Western-Europe; Europe-; immobile-water DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication CC: 25-Surficial-geology-soils; 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0263-5933

GEOREF Disc 2 57 of 60 AN: 80-43242 Tl: Geochemistry of bromide and iodide in natural waters; implications for tracer studies. AU: Whittemore-D? Savage-M-H? Feder-G-L OS: Kans. Geol. Surv., Lawrence, Kans., United-States? U. S. Geol. Surv., United-States SO: Eos-(Am.-Geophys.-Union,-Trans.). 61. (17). p. 233 CO: EOSTAJ YR: 1980 CN: American Geophysical Union? 1980 spring annual meeting, Toronto, Ont., May 22-27, 1980 LA: English DE: hydrology-; techniques-; tracers-; pollution-; detection-? ground-water; geochemistry-? bromide-ion? surface-water? tracer-experiments; hydrochemistry-; iodide-ion; chloride-ion; brines-; salt-water? movement- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0096-3941

GEOREF Disc 3 58 of 60 AN: 88-27071 TI: Bromide as a tracer in ground-water studies; geochemistry and analytical determination. AU: Whittemore-Donald-0 OS: Kans. Geol. Surv., Lawrence, KS, United-States? Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, United-States SO: Proceedings of the Ground water geochemistry conference. Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, United-States. p. 339-360. 60 Refs. PB: Natl. Water Well Assn., Dublin, OH CP: United-States YR: 1988 PD: illus. CN: Ground water geochemistry conference, Denver, CO, Feb. 16-18, 1988 LA: English DE: ground-water; geochemistry-; bromide-ion; tracers-; salinity-; aquifers-; applications- DT: Analytic; Book; Conference publication CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present)

GEOREF Disc 3 59 Of 60 AN: 89-71793 TI: Experimental and analytical considerations in the use of halides for tracer studies. AU: Whittemore-Donald-O; Hathaway-Lawrence-R OS: Kans. Geol. Surv., Lawrence, KS, United-States SO: Anonymous. Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, problems, and practical applications. Ground-Water. 27. (5). p. 728 CO: GRWAAP YR: 1989 CN: Tracers in hydrogeology; principles, problems, and practical applications, Houston, TX, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1989 LA: English DE: ground-water; geochemistry-; tracers-; halides-; chloride-ion; bromide-ion; iodide-ion; hydrochemistry- DT: Analytic; Serial; Conference publication; Abstract CC: 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology; 02-Geochemistry SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0017-467X

GEOREF Disc 3 60 of 60 AN: 93-13483 TI: Field-scale transport from a buried line source in variably saturated soil. AU: Wilson-G-V; Jardine-P-M; O'-Dell-J-D; Collineau-M OS: University of Tennessee, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Knoxville, TN, United-States; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, United-States SO: Journal-of-Hydrology. 145. (1-2). p. 83-109. 31 Refs. CO: JHYDA7 YR: 1993 PD: illus., 2 tables LA: English AB: Lateral subsurface flow through the upper soil layers (stormflow zone) during storm events has been shown to be a dominant mechanism of contaminant transport in forested watersheds. Data bases for multi-region flow and transport modeling for hydrogeologic conditions where stormflow predominates are lacking. Direct measurement of the tracer flux under field-scale conditions are non-existent. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the significance of three hydrologic pore regions to stormflow. Two tracer releases were made from a buried line source during storm events and the spatial and temporal variability in solute concentration and the tracer fluxes were measured. During one of the injections, macropore flow was extremely rapid with solute transport to a doWnslope trench 65m from the line source taking just 3.2h. Mesopore flow appeared to be significant for short distances in that tracer movement to solution samplers just 3m downslope of the line source occurred within 3h of the release. Soil sampling 6 months after the second release revealed that the tracer plume was refracted in the direction of the fractured bedding plane, and therefore did not coincide with the array of samplers for distances greater than 13m downslope of the source. Soil sampling data suggested that micropores served as a sink/source for Br(-) with 47% of the non-reactive tracer remaining immobilized by micropores at the termination of the study. Interaction between the upper 2m of the stormflow zone and the groundwater system was believed minimal; however, lateral flow below 2m was concluded to be significant. DE: Anderson-County-Tennessee; bromide-ion? bromine-? eastern-Tennessee? field-studies? government-agencies? halogens-; humid-environment? movement-? Oak-Ridge-National-Laboratory; pollution-? saturation-? soils-? solution-transport; storms-; Tennessee-; tracers-? United-States; waste-disposal; water-regimes DT: Analytic; Serial MC: LAT: N355600; N361600? LONG: W0835700; W0842700 CC: 22-Environmental-geology; 21-Hydrogeology-and-hydrology SB: B; Bibliography and Index of Geology (1969-present) IS: 0022-1694