Alistair Birrell

Website: Phone: 0797-663-1618 Email: [email protected]


Freelance Writer Jan 2014 – (London, UK) Writer for various online music and entertainment blogs. Founder of a monthly podcast news email. Co-author of two movies and a television show that are in the final stages of script editing. - Entertainment Intern Sept 2014 — Dec 2014 (, MA, USA) Entertainment intern at, one of the 500 most read websites in the US, with a daily readership of 800,000. Wrote articles including music reviews, opinion pieces and local features.

Boston University – Teaching Assistant Sept 2014 – Dec 2014 (Boston, MA, USA) Teaching assistant for two radio news classes. Responsibilities included editing audio, finding and contacting sources on a deadline, and engineering the half hour on-air shows. Also taught the students new software, including Soundcloud, Adobe Audition, and Wordpress.

WTBU Radio - Engineer/Host Jan 2014 — Dec 2014 (Boston, MA, USA) Host and chief engineer on several shows for the university radio station. These included music shows as well as documentary-style news programs. Ran the board, produced stories, and occasionally hosted the shows. Ran analysis on listenership and ways to improve audience.

Cinematheque - Lead Interviewer Sept 2014 — Dec 2014 (Boston, MA, USA) Lead interviewer for a weekly series of online video interviews with independent filmmakers and directors, produced for the university. Learned the art of crafting questions and controlling the flow of an interview.

Boston University News Service - Arts and Culture Editor Sept 2013 — Dec 2014 (Boston, MA, USA) Editor for the arts, culture, food and fashion coverage for a student run news organization. Assigned and edited stories, and worked with management to agree on the editorial direction of the site. Produced coverage of the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing and the 2014 midterm elections.

------Primark – Sales Assistant April 2014 – (High Wycombe, UK) Sales assistant at a busy high street clothing store.

Waitrose - Sales Assistant Aug 2012 — May 2013 (Windsor, UK) Sales assistant in the fresh foods department at a busy supermarket. Handled the organizing and restocking of products and provided customer service. Coordinated a team of three other fresh foods employees.


M.Sc. Broadcast Journalism - Boston University Sept 2013 - Dec 2014 Relevant Coursework: Online Radio Newsroom, Narrative Radio Journalism, Online Journalism, Advanced Photojournalism, Media Law and Ethics, and a course on the future of journalism taught by New York Times columnist David Carr.

B.A. Music Technology (Hons.) - Lancaster University Sept 2009 - July 2012 Relevant Coursework: Advanced Music Production, Recording and Engineering, History of American Music, Composition and Music Theory, Sound and Space. Minor in Physics. Graduated with 2:1 honors degree (approximate GPA equivalent of 3.6)


Social Media: Wordpress, Tumblr, Hootsuite, Twitter and Tweetdeck, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

Editing Software: Logic, Pro Tools, Audition, Audacity, Final Cut Pro, Sound Slides, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, etc.