cut A Specialist Academy in Humanities out

Junior Prospectus 09

LEARNING TOGETHER FOR INDIVIDUAL SUCCESS FOREWORD Welcome to Slemish College, mid Antrim’s first Specialist Academy in Humanities, a designation which recognises the academic attainment of our students and the dedication and professionalism of all our staff.

Slemish was founded in 1996 to educate together, Protestants, Catholics and those of other, or no, beliefs. Ours is a dynamic and vibrant school, where the individual is highly valued. We are also a school for girls and boys of differing abilities, including the most gifted and talented.

Slemish is a flourishing learning environment, attended by some of the finest students in the NEELB. The success of the school has been built upon the partnership that exists between students, staff, parents and Board of Governors. We are working together for the good and future of our community.

Slemish College is committed to providing a quality educational experience for our students. We look forward to meeting you and invite you to join us in the exciting task of educating the citizens of the future.

Dr R.S. Jennings, Principal. Specialist Academy in Humanities

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I transferred to Slemish, for Sixth Form Study. The first thing I noticed about Slemish is that the teachers are so approachable. It is easy to chat to them about all aspects of work and life at Slemish and we are always pushed to succeed. As a new student to The College, I was encouraged by the fact that my teachers and friends made great efforts to get to know me and provide experiences to develop me as a person. I was delighted to be appointed Head Girl of Slemish in only my second term here. The people I have met at Slemish come from all walks of life, and I am grateful for the fantastic friends I have found here. Slemish is a special place and I hope you will one day experience the great opportunities being a student in this community can bring. Jennie Kealey, Year 14, Head Girl. AIMS & OBJECTIVES Throughout Slemish College, in partnership with my time at Slemish parents and building on the good my teachers ensured I foundation of primary education, was working towards my academic potential. I left the aims to enable each student to develop College with 7 A Levels at grade A. personally, socially and academically, I was greatly encouraged throughout the through active and challenging learning Culture process of applying to Cambridge and well experiences, which emphasise • Promote understanding amongst equipped to tackle the challenges of the interview. individual success and high students and staff, of their cultural I enjoyed every moment of my years at Cambridge and have no doubt that the numerous expectations. backgrounds; experiences and academic challenges provided by Slemish, fully prepared me for university SLEMISH COLLEGE AIMS TO: • Encourage students to show respect and working life. Personal Aims and understanding of those whose Catherine Scullion, 1st Class • Develop a whole school awareness of culture, beliefs, or lifestyle may be Honours, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. the equal worth of each individual, different from their own; including students, parents and staff; • Celebrate the rich, cultural diversity in • Facilitate the professional Slemish College. HOMEWORK development of each member of staff; Meaningful and planned homework is a SLEMISH – A SPECIALIST ACADEMY very important element in the education • Help students develop a further IN HUMANITIES of our students. All students will be awareness of their own strengths The Department of Education for expected to complete a set amount of and potential; has designated homework each week, which will be Slemish College, a specialist academy communicated to parents. Students have • Help students develop self discipline. in Humanities, following a competitive a Homework Log Book which has room and rigorous selection process. This for parent and teacher comments. This Social Aims process involved close scrutiny of The book is vital in maintaining the link with • Encourage the College Community to College’s examination results at all parents which we see as important. work in partnership for the maximum levels and in all subjects, over the last 5 benefits of all its members; years. Using English and Geography as The College has a Homework Policy lead subjects, The College has been which helps develop the necessary study • Develop a lasting spirit of tolerance, recognised as providing and developing skills for success in public examinations, mutual respect and concern excellence in learning and teaching and has a well supported Homework for others; throughout the school. Specialist status Club, where tuition and resources are will allow us to share this experience available for all students. • Develop an awareness of our and additional resources with our responsibilities towards others and primary, secondary and grammar school property. partners, as well as our partners in business and the local community. We are delighted that our success means that not only our students, but those in the wider Ballymena area, can benefit from our status as a specialist academy in the humanities. PASTORAL CARE Slemish College is a child - centred school with a whole school approach to the pastoral care of its students. By building up the students, self - awareness and sense of responsibility Every class has a form tutor, who is through a team approach, we wish to responsible for the welfare, progress ensure that all students will benefit from and development of the students in his, their experience in the school or her, care. The Form Tutor is an environment. All teachers in the College important link between home and assist in the pastoral dimension by college and will liaise closely with providing a caring atmosphere for all parents, on matters of mutual concern students and by being sensitive to the related to the child’s well-being and needs and problems of each happiness. This ensures that even the individual child. smallest of problems do not develop into crises, due to oversight, or neglect. Similarly, the Form Tutor liaises closely with subject teachers and Learning Coordinator, in relation to students’ academic and personal development. A Personal and Social Education structure operates, where each class has weekly periods with its Form Tutor and students have the opportunity to reflect on issues which are important to them as learners and young people.

I really love Slemish. I love all my teachers and I am so happy to go to an integrated school. It’s fun to meet people who are from all different areas and backgrounds. Learning to Learn is a new subject to me and I understand so much about the way I learn. Do you know that understanding your emotions and habits can affect how you learn? I think that’s a really interesting subject. I represented Slemish at The Inter Schools Show Jumping Competition. I got a double clear set of rounds! Come to Slemish College – especially if you haven’t experienced an integrated school before. Amy Griffith, Formerly Ballyclare P. S. SIXTH FORM The College is fortunate to have a thriving sixth form. Currently 30 ABILITY subjects are running at A Level. In order to develop the diverse talents of Classes are usually under ten. our students, we band classes from The College operates an innovative Year 8 onwards, in groups of similar prefect system, under the leadership ACADEMIC ENTRY ability. The Government, in the booklet of the Head Boy, Head Girl and their In recognition of the fact that Slemish entitled, “Excellence in Schools,” deputies. We have established links College is an all ability school, the pointed out that schools should be with a number of universities, including Department of Education has given banding students according to ability Cambridge. The majority of Upper Sixth permission for 35% of our in-take to be and we have followed this directive, students proceed to their first selected on the basis of their transfer as well as using innovative approaches choice universities. grade. Students attaining higher grades to organising classes to meet the in the transfer test now have the same different abilities of our students. opportunity for entry to Slemish as they The College is recognised as being at would have to any grammar school. the forefront of developing effective Parents should note that if a child were learning, through the use of cognitive Slemish, for me, has not selected on the basis of their teaching methods. been an amazing experience. transfer test grade, then the application The teaching has always encouraged would automatically be considered for me to stretch myself and achieve top grades. We receive a great deal of individual placement under all ability entry. attention from teachers at our school, and are Further information on admission criteria always encouraged to learn in the style that is available from Dr. Jennings, or suits us best. We are always expected to be Mr. Weir, at the College. the best we can be and then strive to be better again! I will certainly remember the many trips I enjoyed: language study in France, Geography field trips, Corrymeela and Spirit of Enniskillen residentials and Gold Duke of Edinburgh expeditions – all these contributed to developing me as a person. The most special experience was my most recent Slemish trip – building houses in Zambia! Stephen McCall, Year 14, Head Boy. ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES The College has a strong commitment to enhancement activities and offers a wide range of clubs and societies, which are well supported by students. These include:

Art Club; Maths Club; Mathematical Challenge Club; Media Studies Club; English Club; Young Scientists’ Club; Geography Club; Technology Club; Eco Schools Home Economics Club; Choir; Chamber Choir; Music Ensemble; Page Turners; Irish Traditional Music Group; Comenius; European Culture Club; Drama Club; Mini - Enterprise Club; Ichthus; Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme; Computer Club; Hockey Club; Equestrian Club; Netball Club; Soccer Club; Rugby Club; Gaelic Sports Club; Badminton Club; Camogie Club; Athletics Club; Golf Club; Trampoline Club; Tennis Club; Cross Country Running Club; Senior and Junior Debating Societies.

Subject celebration days are regularly held and there is an annual Slemish Film Festival.

I was really worried about making friends, although I was excited about getting into Slemish. I needn’t have worried, because I have made lots of friends. When we went on our residential I made the best friend you could ever have. I really liked Rock Climbing at the residential because I am quite good at it. I am on the Netball Team and go to Drama, Choir, Eco Schools and Homework Club. I think Slemish is a great school and I’m really glad to be here. Francesca Blaney, Formerly St Brigid’s P.S. COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE at Slemish College offers the opportunity for young people from differing religious and cultural backgrounds to be educated together, in an atmosphere of respect, tolerance, trust and understanding. The deliberate mix of young people and teachers from different backgrounds, is unique to integrated schools. At Slemish College, we believe that DRUGS EDUCATION young people should grow up not only knowing about Within the College there is a Drugs Education each other, but also have the opportunity to build Programme which focuses on self esteem and the friendships, which will last. We are convinced that ability to make decisions. The College has also difference is not something to be afraid of, but rather that set in place a policy for dealing with drug related it enriches and adds value to a young person’s own incidents, in accordance with NEELB advice. The religious, or cultural identity. At Slemish, integrated Policy is available, on request, from the College. education is carried out in a school, which is committed to high academic standards for its students. We believe that PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT all students have the opportunity to succeed if given the Slemish College has a parents’ council which is opportunity to do so. At the College, we seek to ensure made up of all parents with students at the that each child fulfils his/her academic potential. We focus College. All new parents are strongly encouraged on the specific needs of each child, believing strongly in to play an active role in the Parents’ Council, the self - esteem of the individual and that self - respect which both mobilises and organises parental encourages respect for others. support and participation, and advises the Board of Governors on matters of concern to parents. Slemish College is at the forefront of developing effective The College promotes and encourages parental learning through the use of thinking skills. Extensive involvement at all levels of College life. research and teacher training have been invested in ensuring that Slemish leads the way in this field. Teaching staff have travelled as far as the United States to further knowledge, and lessons at Slemish are planned carefully to take account of students’ preferred learning styles. Results suggest that these approaches lead to enhanced learning opportunities. The teaching methods used by Slemish College have attracted a worldwide audience, and we hope to build on this reputation through the dissemination of good practice.

I could have chosen any school to attend. My sister had come to 6th Form from another school and she really enjoyed it and did well here. So, I thought I’d come from the start. I really wanted to get involved in Drama, and enjoy going to Drama Club. I am on the swimming and cross country teams and have enjoyed the races and gala I have competed in this term. I get the bus from Ballyclare and when I first started using it the older students really looked after me and made the journey easy! David Hamilton, Formerly Kilbride P.S. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Slemish College. I had many opportunities to extend my learning, and benefited from the close attention given by the teaching staff. I feel I was well prepared at Slemish College for the challenge of gaining a place at Cambridge – both academically, and practically. The application and selection process was most demanding, and I was delighted to be successful in gaining a place to read Natural Sciences. Alex Watson, 1st Year – Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. CHILD PROTECTION Slemish College operates a Child Protection Policy. This is available at the College Reception.

ACADEMICALLY GIFTED CHILDREN A significant number of students at Slemish College are academically gifted. Close attention is paid to the needs of these children, and suitable teaching support programmes are drawn up for them. This has resulted in students regularly taking GCSE examinations up to three years early. Gifted students also have the opportunity to take AS/A2 level study, up to two years early. Groups of particularly gifted students receive tuition, using cognitive activities.

We are proud that our first student has gone up to Cambridge University, in October 2005.

The link with the in our sixth form, allows gifted students to take third level courses prior to completing A Level Study. A number of gifted students, in the junior school have embarked on Open University courses. More information on Open University courses can be found in our Sixth Form prospectus.

The College policy of using thinking skill methods in teaching has proven particularly effective with gifted students.

Parents may arrange an appointment with the Principal to discuss any particular needs with regard to gifted children.

Since nursery school I have been in an integrated school and I wanted to stay in one! I love being around all different types of people. I love my teachers and my favourite subjects are Art, History and Geography. I loved meeting new people in the clubs at Slemish. I am on the Hockey and Swimming teams. I go to Choir, Page Turners and Drama Club. Bethany Dent, Formerly Corran Integrated Primary School I felt confident about choosing Slemish because THE FOLLOWING SENT LETTERS OF my brother and his GOOD WISHES ON THE OPENING OF friends had told me that sports were good SLEMISH COLLEGE and that the teachers were really nice. Learning is really different in Slemish. We Jacques Santer change classes and I love the way we get President Of The European Commission active in all our subjects! I enjoy being on The Cross Country, Rugby and The Most Revd DM Tutu Swimming Teams. Peter Meehan, Formerly Archbishop Emeritus of Capetown Braidside IPS

Prof. SME Bengu I had heard that Minister of Education, South Africa Slemish was a really good school and I was Rt Hon John Major MP really impressed on the Former Prime Minister Open Night. Slemish is better than I had even thought it would be. I made Mary Robinson friends really easily and I Former President of Ireland think my classmates are great. I am good at Maths and it is my Sir Patrick Mayhew favourite subject. We were doing Former Secretary of State for NI. angles recently and I really enjoyed making triangles to demonstrate the different types. Lord Fitt Jude White, Formerly Member of House of Lords Ballymena P.S.

Kenneth Branagh Actor/Director

Seamus Heaney The Most Revd. Nobel Prize Winning Poet Dr RHA Eames, Archbishop of Armagh

Mary Peters Rabbi Julia Neuberger Olympic Gold Medalist Chancellor of the University of Ulster

Gary Lineker The Blue Peter Team Former Captain of England Football Team The Governors, Chaplains & Staff of St Bede’s Integrated School, Surrey. Paul Clarke TV Personality John Bruton TD Former Prime Minister of Ireland. James Galway International Musician David Blunkett MP Former Sec. State for Education Geoffry Martin Head of UK Representation in the EC Marjorie Mowlem MP Former Sec. of State for NI

Alex Ferguson On behalf of Manchester United FC

The Rt Hon Basil McIvor Former Minister of Education for NI LEARNING TOGETHER FOR INDIVIDUAL SUCCESS Teaching Awards

2000 Mrs H. Law N.I. Second Level Teacher of the Year

2001 Mrs H. Lytle N.I. Beginning Teacher of the Year

2001 Mrs. M. Rapson N.I. Classroom Assistant of the Year

2002 Dr. R.S. Jennings N.I. Principal of the Year U.K. Principal of the Year

2002 Ms C. Quail N.I. Beginning Teacher of the Year

2002 Mr. T. Manson Highly Commended Second Level Teacher of the Year

2005 Mr M.S. Bennett N.I. Second Level Teacher of the Year International School Award Junior Prospectus 09 page design: www.

Specialist Academy in Humanities

Slemish College t. (028) 2563 0156 Larne Road f. (028) 2563 2944 Ballymena e. [email protected] BT42 3HA w.