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Botanica Marina 54 (2011): 269–292 2011 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • Boston. DOI 10.1515/BOT.2011.036

Taxonomic notes on Caribbean Neosiphonia and (, Florideophyceae): five from Florida, USA and Mexico

Nadya R. Mamoozadeh and D. Wilson Freshwater* evidence’’ to determine which morphological characters are Center for Marine Science, UNCW, 5600 Marvin Moss relevant to species identification. The recent coupling of Lane, Wilmington, NC 28409, USA, morphological characters with DNA sequence data is helping e-mail: [email protected] establish an accurate classification of Polysiphonia based on natural relationships. * Corresponding author Molecular-assisted identification (MAI) through use of the plastid-encoded ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxy- genase large subunit gene (rbcL) has proven useful for dis- Abstract criminating species of Polysiphonia s.l. Previous studies of rbcL sequence data in Polysiphonia s.l. detected compara- Molecular-assisted identification using plastid-encoded rbcL tively low intraspecific and high interspecific sequence and mitochondrion-encoded COI loci identified five species divergences, with values ranging from 0 to 1.3% (with an of Polysiphonia sensu lato from 16 Florida and Caribbean Mexico samples. Morphological character states were exam- instance of 2.13%) and 2.6–14.12%, respectively (McIvor et ined and used to identify these species as Neosiphonia baja- al. 2001, Kim et al. 2004, Kim and Yang 2005). A relatively cali comb. nov., N. echinata comb. nov., N. sphaerocarpa, distinct break between intra- and interspecific sequence var- N. tepida, and Polysiphonia anomala. Descriptions are pro- iation makes rbcL a useful tool for aiding species identi- vided and the phylogenetic relationships of the five species fications. were determined through maximum likelihood analyses of The 59 end of the mitochondrion-encoded cytochrome c rbcL and nuclear-encoded SSU sequence data. Neosiphonia oxidase subunit I gene (COI) is another region of DNA that bajacali and N. echinata had a combination of character is employed for MAI. Previous studies of red have states described for Neosiphonia: rhizoids cut-off from peri- shown COI to be successful in distinguishing closely related central cells, lateral branch or trichoblast initials on every and cryptic species as well as geographic groups within a segment in a spiral pattern, tetrasporangia in spiral series, species (Saunders 2005, Robba et al. 2006, Yang et al. 2008, and spermatangial stichidia developing as bifurcations of Clarkston and Saunders 2010, Le Gall and Saunders 2010). trichoblasts, and these new combinations are proposed. The utility of COI barcoding within Polysiphonia s.l. has yet Examination of N. echinata, P. fracta and North Carolina to be established. specimens identified as P. breviarticulata revealed no signif- Phylogenetic relationships among Polysiphonia s.l. species icant morphological differences. Polysiphonia fracta is pro- can also be determined using molecular data. The nuclear- posed as a synonym of N. echinata and the presence of P. encoded 18S rDNA (SSU) gene has limited intraspecific breviarticulata within the western Atlantic is questioned. sequence variation and provides better resolution of taxo- This is the first report of N. bajacali from the Caribbean and nomic relationships above the species level. Analyses of SSU the first report of N. echinata from Caribbean Mexico. sequence data showed that Polysiphonia s.l. is polyphyletic with respect to other genera (Choi et al. 2001). The rbcL Keywords: Caribbean Mexico; Florida; molecular-assisted locus has a faster rate of evolution than SSU allowing greater identification; Neosiphonia; Polysiphonia. resolution of species-level relationships. The use of rbcLto determine species relationships has been common in recent studies of Polysiphonia s.l. (McIvor et al. 2001, Kim et al. Introduction 2004, 2005, Stuercke and Freshwater 2008, 2010). Phylo- genetic relationships within Polysiphonia s.l. can be thor- Polysiphonia Greville () is a large (ca. 200 oughly evaluated when analyses of SSU and rbcLare species) red algal genus whose species have a nearly global compared with one another (Stuercke 2006). distribution. Species of Polysiphonia sensu lato (s.l.) have a Stuercke and Freshwater (2008) examined many of the delicate habit composed of filamentous main axes and morphological characters used to distinguish Polysiphonia branches that are segmented and polysiphonous. A wide s.l. species in an integrated molecular-morphological study. range of morphological variability occurs among the many Little to no intraspecific variation was found in the character species of Polysiphonia s.l. This variation has led to much states for pericentral cell number, rhizoid-pericentral cell debate on the classification of species within the genus. To connection, lateral branch-trichoblast relationship, sperma- revise the classification of Polysiphonia s.l., Kim et al. tangial axis development, tetrasporangial arrangement, tri- (2000) suggested the use of ‘‘independent comparative choblasts/scar cell occurrence and pattern, holdfast type, and

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270 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

cicatrigenous branch formation. The genus Neosiphonia follow the Index Herbariorum ( M.-S. Kim et I.K. Lee was segregated from Polysiphonia ence2/IndexHerbariorum.asp). based on a combination of character states including the fol- lowing from those listed above: rhizoids that are cut-off from Morphological data pericentral cells, spirally arranged trichoblasts or scar cells on every segment, three-celled carpogonial branches, sper- Specimens and slides were observed using an Olympus SZH matangial axes developing as a bifurcation of trichoblasts, dissecting microscope (Olympus America Inc., Center and spirally arranged tetrasporangia (Kim and Lee 1999). Valley, PA, USA) and a Nikon Labophot-2 compound micro- Polysiphonia s.l. now includes species that are predomi- scope (Nikon Inc., Melville, NY, USA). Images were cap- nantly placed in Neosiphonia or Polysiphonia, although less tured using a Zeiss Axio Imager.Z1 compound microscope speciose genera are also included. fitted with an AxioCam MRc 5 camera system (Carl Zeiss Study of the Caribbean marine algal flora has resulted in Microimaging Inc., Thornwood, NY, USA) or an Olympus reports of at least 28 distinct species of Polysiphonia s.l. BX41 compound microscope fitted with a Roper Scientific (e.g., Wynne 1998). Early reports of Polysiphonia s.l. by Photometrics CoolSnapTM camera (Photometrics, Tucson, Harvey (1853) and Børgesen (1918), described several spe- AZ, USA). Species descriptions were written based on obser- cies from Florida, USA and the West Indies, respectively. vations of specimens collected in this study and at the US, More recent reports are the result of floristic assessments and with information from the literature included for char- made throughout the Caribbean (e.g., Taylor 1929, 1941, acter states that were not directly observed. 1942, 1945, 1960, 1969, Almodovar and Ballantine 1983, Ballantine and Aponte 1997, Littler and Littler 2000, Mateo- DNA extraction and sequencing Cid et al. 2006). Caribbean studies specific to Polysiphonia s.l. include reports of species from Belize (Kapraun and Nor- DNA was extracted from specimens according to Hughey et ris 1982), Colombia and Venezuela (Kapraun et al. 1983). al. (2001) with an additional cleaning step using the One- The purpose of this study was to complete integrated Step PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit (Zymo Research, Orange, molecular and morphological analyses of Polysiphonia s.l. CA, USA). SSU, rbcL, and COI were amplified following samples collected from Caribbean Mexico and Florida. the basic PCR recipe outlined in Freshwater et al. (2005) but Examination of morphology and MAI using rbcL and COI using GOTaq DNA polymerase and buffer (Promega, Mad- sequence data were used to identify four Neosiphonia and ison, WI, USA). The thermocycling protocol followed Fresh- one Polysiphonia species within samples while phylogenetic water et al. (2000) but with 35 cycles of denaturing, analyses of rbcL and SSU sequence data were used to deter- annealing at 40, 45, or 508C, and an elongation period of mine the relationships of these species. 90 s. Amplification products were cleaned with a Stratagene StrataPrep PCR Purification Kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA) and used as templates in BigDye Terminator v3.1 sequencing reactions (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, Materials and methods USA). Sequences were edited and assembled using Sequen- cher (version 4.9, GeneCodes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, Collections and vouchers USA). Primers utilized in amplification and sequencing reac- tions are listed in Table 1. Samples of Neosiphonia and Polysiphonia were collected rbcL and COI sequences were generated for as many sam- from intertidal and subtidal substrata in Caribbean Mexico ples as possible. These loci are appropriate for the exami- and Florida by snorkeling (Appendix 1). Samples were dried nation of inter- and intraspecific relationships and were used in silica gel desiccant (Chase and Hills 1991) and deposited as barcodes to objectively assign samples to species (e.g., in the silica collection at the Center for Marine Science, Uni- Millar and Freshwater 2005, Clarkston and Saunders 2010). versity of North Carolina-Wilmington. Examinations of mor- An SSU sequence was generated for one sample per species. phological characters and taxonomic guides were used to Both rbcL and SSU sequence data were used to identify identify species (Børgesen 1918, Setchell and Gardner 1930, groupings of species (clades) within Polysiphonia s.l. Hollenberg 1942, 1958, 1961, 1968a,b, Taylor 1945, 1960, Dawson 1964, Abbott and Hollenberg 1976, Hollenberg and Molecular data analyses Norris 1977, Kapraun 1977, 1980, Womersley 1979, 2003, Kapraun and Norris 1982, Kapraun et al. 1983, Adams 1991, Sequences of Neosiphonia and Polysiphonia generated in Schneider and Searles 1991, Abbott 1999, Littler and Littler this study were combined with rbcL and SSU sequences 2000, Dawes and Mathieson 2008, D. Kapraun unpublished available from GenBank and with some from unpublished manuscript). Specimens were stained with aniline blue solu- studies (J. Kelly and D.W. Freshwater unpublished) and ini- tion (Millar and Wynne 1992) and permanent slide vouchers tially aligned using MacClade (v.4, Maddison and Maddison made following Tsuda and Abbott (1985) for deposit in the 2000). SSU sequence data were also aligned using the University of North Carolina Wilmington (WNC) herbarium. ClustalW multiple sequence alignment feature of the pro- Additional specimens from the United States National Her- gram Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) barium (US) were also studied. All herbarium abbreviations (; Tamura et al. 2007, Kumar et al.

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Table 1 Primer sequences utilized in amplification and sequencing reactions of rbcL, SSU and COI.

Locus/primer name Primer sequence References rbcL FrbcLstart 59-ATGTCTAACTCTGTAGAAG-39 Freshwater and Rueness (1994) F87 59-GGATCCTAAYTACGTAAYTAAAG-39 This study F577 59-GTATATGAAGGTCTAAAAGG-39 Freshwater and Rueness (1994) F753 59-GGAAGATATGTATGAAAGAGC-39 Freshwater and Rueness (1994) R893 59-GAATAAGTTGARTTWCCIGCAC-39 Stuercke and Freshwater (2008) R1415 59-CTACRAAGTCAGCTGTATCTG-39 This study RrbcSstart 59-GTTCCTTGTGTTAATCTCAC-39 Freshwater and Rueness (1994) SSU A.2 59-AGACTAAGCCATGCAAGTGC-39 D.W. Freshwater (unpublished) A.3 59-ACA(AT)CGAAACTGCGAATGG-39 D.W. Freshwater (unpublished) CerD 59-GCAAGTCTGGTGCCAGCAG-39 Hommersand et al. (2005) CerE 59-CTATTATTCCATGCTAATGTATTC-39 Hommersand et al. (2005) CerG 59-AGCCTGCGGCTTAATTTGAC-39 Hommersand et al. (2005) CerH 59-TAACCAGACAGATCACTCCAC-39 Hommersand et al. (2005) CerJ 59-TCTCCTTCCTCTAAGTGATAA-39 Hommersand et al. (2005) GO1 59-CACCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAG-39 Saunders and Kraft (1994) GO4 59-CAGAGGTGAAATTCTTGGAT-39 Saunders and Kraft (1994) GO7 59-ATCCTTCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC-39 Saunders and Kraft (1994) GO8 59-GAACGGCCATGCACCACCACC Saunders and Kraft (1994) COI CerR1 59-CCAAAAAATCAAAATARRTG-39 Saunders (unpublished) GazF1 59-TCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-39 Saunders (2005) GHalF 59-TCAACAAATCATAAAGATATYGG-39 Saunders (2008) Mam1R 59-CCICCWCCIGCWGGATCAA-39 This study Mam2R 59-GTATTAAAATTWCKATCWGTTA-39 This study

2008) followed by manual adjustment. Characteristics of the of rbcL sequence data (Figure 1, only UPGMA cluster dia- DNA sequence data sets were determined using MacClade gram shown). Species distinctions were based on values of and PAUP (v.4, Swofford 2002). MEGA was used to perform inter- and intraspecific rbcL sequence divergence from pre- Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean vious studies of Polysiphonia s.l. (McIvor et al. 2001, Kim (UPGMA) and Neighbor Joining (NJ) cluster analyses on et al. 2004, Kim and Yang 2005). The COI MAI alignment COI and rbcL sequence data for MAI. Simple mean dis- consisted of 74 taxa and included 605 sites in the analysis, tances (p-distances) were used in all MAI analyses. ML anal- of which 248 (40.99%) were variable. Four species from 10 yses were performed on reduced (identical sequences Florida and Caribbean Mexico samples were resolved in removed) rbcL and SSU sequence data separately using the UPGMA and NJ cluster analyses of COI sequence data; this program Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference locus did not amplify in some samples (Figure 2, only (GARLI) ( UPGMA cluster diagram shown). Species distinctions were html; Zwickl 2006). The ML analyses included 10 separate based on the 4.80% COI sequence divergence between sam- searches from random starting trees that used default par- ples identified as Polysiphonia subtilissima 1 (NC-24) and ameters, including 10,000 generations without improving P. subtilissima 2 (PHYKOS-3271). These samples differed topology and allowing model estimation during the run by 2.22% in the rbcL data, which slightly exceeds the range (models available from the second author). GARLI was also of intraspecific rbcL sequence divergence observed in pre- used to perform a total of 1003 ML bootstrap (BS) replicates vious studies of Polysiphonia s.l. (McIvor et al. 2001). A on the rbcL dataset and 1000 ML BS replicates on the SSU sequence divergence of 2.22% in the P. subtilissima rbcL dataset. data corresponds to 4.80% sequence divergence in the COI data; the latter value was therefore used as the maximum intraspecific barcoding gap value (Meier et al. 2008) in the COI data. Values of intraspecific sequence divergence are Results and discussion discussed in the remarks on each species.

Molecular assisted identification Molecular systematics The rbcL MAI alignment consisted of 113 taxa and included 1081 sites in the analysis, of which 402 (37.19%) were var- Phylogenetic relationships of Florida and Caribbean Mexico iable. Five species from 16 Florida and Caribbean Mexico species within Polysiphonia s.l. were determined through samples were resolved in UPGMA and NJ cluster analyses ML analyses of SSU and reduced rbcL sequence data

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272 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

Figure 1 Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean rbcL cluster analysis for 113 Polysiphonia s.l. samples. The 2.13% and 1.3% sequence divergence levels are indicated by vertical dashed lines. Florida and Caribbean Mexico species are shown in boldface type. P. , Polysiphonia; N., Neosiphonia.

(Figures 3 and 4). The specific relationships among these that contain species typically regarded as Polysiphonia sensu species are discussed later in the remarks on each species. stricto (s.s.). These species all have four pericentral cells, The reduced rbcL alignment consisted of 52 taxa and includ- rhizoids in open connection with the pericentral cells, tetra- ed 1334 sites in the analysis, 528 (39.58%) of which were sporangia in straight series, and spermatangial stichidia that variable. The rbcL topology contains several strongly sup- developmentally replace trichoblasts. Species in these clades ported clades as well as groups of clades and species with include the generitype, (Dillwyn) Gre- unresolved relationships. Near the base of the topology are ville. Another well-supported clade (rB100) contains a group two well-supported clades (rbcL bootstrap values wrBxs100) of species referred to as the ‘‘multipericentral cell group’’

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Figure 2 Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean COI cluster analysis for 74 Polysiphonia s.l. samples. The 4.80% sequence divergence level is indicated by the vertical dashed line. Florida and Caribbean Mexico species are shown in boldface type. P. , Polysiphonia; N., Neosiphonia. by Choi et al. (2001). These species all have 7q pericentral The SSU alignment consisted of 44 taxa and included cells and rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells. The majority 1602 sites in the analysis, 158 (9.86%) of which were vari- of species in the rbcL ML topology are placed within a large able. The major clades and species resolved in the rbcL unsupported (rB-50) group of species and variously sup- topology were also resolved in the SSU topology. Two clades ported clades that contain both Neosiphonia and Polysipho- containing Polysiphonia s.s. species are strongly supported nia species. Although species of Neosiphonia are scattered (SSU bootstrap values wsBxs99 and 100) and received mod- throughout the topology, a strongly supported clade (rB100) erate support (sB78) for resolution as a monophyletic group. of predominantly Neosiphonia species is apparent within this Another well-supported (sB91) clade contains ‘‘multiperi- large grouping. central cell’’ species of multiple genera including Polysipho-

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274 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

Figure 3 Maximum likelihood rbcL tree (lnLs–14603.23387) for 50 Polysiphonia s.l. and two outgroup species. Bootstrap proportion values for branches are shown for each node when )50. Florida and Caribbean Mexico species are shown in boldface type. Vertical bars show: A) Polysiphonia sensu stricto clades; B) the ‘‘multipericentral cell’’ clade; C) predominately Neosiphonia clade. Car., Caribbean; Pac., Pacific; NC, North Carolina; FL, Florida; OR, Oregon; P. , Polysiphonia; N., Neosiphonia. nia, Boergeseniella Kylin, Enelittosiphonia Segi, and Taxonomic observations and remarks Vertebrata S.F. Gray. The majority of species are contained Genus Neosiphonia within a large, strongly supported (sB91) grouping of species Neosiphonia bajacali (Hollenberg) N.R. Mamoozadeh and clades that include both Neosiphonia and Polysiphonia et D.W. Freshwater, comb. nov. species. A clade of predominantly Neosiphonia species is (Figures 5–8) contained within this large grouping and received moderate support (sB87). Basionym Polysiphonia bajacali Hollenberg (1961, p. 347).

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Figure 4 Maximum likelihood SSU tree (lnLs–4146.45008) for 43 Polysiphonia s.l. and one outgroup species. Bootstrap proportion values for branches are shown for each node when )50. Florida and Caribbean Mexico species are shown in boldface type. Vertical bars show: A) Polysiphonia sensu stricto clades; B) the ‘‘multipericentral cell’’ clade; C) predominately Neosiphonia clade. Car., Caribbean; Pac., Pacific; CA, California; NC, North Carolina; FL, Florida; OR, Oregon; RI, Rhode Island; P. , Polysiphonia; N., Neosiphonia.

Description Plants to 3 (–6) cm tall, chiefly erect from as long as wide; light cortication present in some mature limited basal prostrate axes attached to the substratum by prostrate axes; main axes with four pericentral cells (Figure rhizoids that are cut-off from pericentral cells (Figure 5); 7); branches replacing trichoblasts in development; tricho- highly branched; branching subdichotomous to alternate blasts with several dichotomies, to 750 mm in length; scar (Figure 6); erect axes (150–) 200–300 mm in diameter, pros- cells one per segment in 1/4 spiral series; adventitious laterals trate axes (175–) 225–325 mm in diameter; branchlets bas- rare; tetrasporangia greatly distending segments, developing ally attenuated; mid axis segments of erect axes mostly 1= in short spiral series (Figure 8); spermatangial stichidia

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276 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

Figures 5–8 Neosiphonia bajacali comb. nov. (5) Prostrate axis with rhizoids that are cut-off from the pericentral cells, MEX04-09, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s061. (6) Habit of erect axes, MEX04-09, scales0.20 mm, WNC2010-s061. (7) Portion of erect axis flattened to show four pericentral cells per segment, central axial cell (arrowhead), and scar cells (arrows), MEX04-09, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s061. (8) Reproductive branch displaying short spiral series of tetrasporangia (arrows), MEX04-11A, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s056. developing as a furcation of trichoblasts, without sterile tip may be present (Abbott and Hollenberg 1976). Samples in cells; cystocarps urceolate to globose. this study infrequently displayed cortication in limited por- tions of some mature prostrate axes. The original and sub- Type locality Isla Guadalupe, Baja California. sequent descriptions of N. bajacali do not indicate whether rhizoids are in open connection or are cut-off from pericen- Other sources Abbott and Hollenberg 1976, Hollenberg tral cells (Hollenberg 1961, Abbott and Hollenberg 1976, 1961. Stewart 1991). Samples in this study had rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells (Figure 5). Specimens studied Mexico: US-42350, Isotype, Neosiphonia bajacali displays a combination of character extreme south tip of Isla Guadalupe, 18 Dec 1949, E.Y. Daw- states unique to Neosiphonia. These include rhizoids cut-off son; WNC2010-s055 to s57 (MEX04-11A), Blue Bay Marina, from pericentral cells, lateral branch or trichoblast initials North of Cancun, Yucatan, D.W. Freshwater, 29 Feb 2004; one per segment in a spiral pattern, tetrasporangia developing WNC2009-s58 to s061 (MEX04-09), Blue Bay Marina, North in spiral series, and spermatangial stichidia developing as of Cancun, Yucatan, D.W. Freshwater, 29 Feb 2004. furcations of trichoblasts. Two samples of Neosiphonia bajacali were collected from Molecular vouchers GenBank accession numbers Cancun, Mexico (Figures 1, 2). Neosiphonia bajacali is HM573572 (rbcL); HM560659 (SSU); HM573526 (COI). resolved within a strongly supported (rB100; sB87) clade of predominantly Neosiphonia species in ML analyses of rbcL Remarks Hollenberg (1961) originally described Neosi- and SSU sequence data (Figures 3, 4). Neosiphonia bajacali phonia bajacali (as Polysiphonia bajacali) as ecorticate but is most closely related to N. tongatensis in the SSU phylog- in a later description indicated that light basal cortication eny, but this relationship received only moderate support

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Figures 9–14 Neosiphonia echinata comb. nov. (9) Portion of erect axis flattened to show four pericentral cells per segment, FL09-40, scales100 mm, WNC2009-s112. (10) Apical part of main axis showing a lateral branch developing in the axil of a trichoblast (arrow), FL05-07, scales50 mm, WNC2010-s085. (11) Habit showing adventitious laterals (arrows) arising every segment to every few segments, FL09-42, scales0.20 mm, WNC2009-s119. (12) Reproductive branch displaying long spiral series of tetrasporangia (arrows), FL09-42, scales100 mm, WNC2009-s118. (13) Branch apex with spermatangial stichidium developing as a furcation of the trichoblast (arrow), MEX04-8, scales50 mm, WNC2010-s054. (14) Main axis bearing a short-stalked cystocarp, MEX04-10, scales50 mm, WNC2010-s062.

(sB78) and is not present in the rbcL phylogeny. Neosiphonia axes sparsely branched in a subdichotomous pattern; erect bajacali and N. tongatensis share many character states but main axes (275–) 375–500 mm in diameter, basal axes can be distinguished by a smaller diameter of erect and pros- (375–) 500–625 (–750) mm in diameter; mid axis segments trate axes (to 150 mm and 250 mm, respectively), no corti- of erect axes mostly 0.5–1= as long as wide; light to mod- cation, and segments 1–2= as long as wide in N. tongatensis. erate cortication present in some mature prostrate axes and at the bases of older adventitious laterals; main axes with Neosiphonia echinata (Harvey) N. Mamoozadeh et four pericentral cells (Figure 9); branches forming in the D.W. Freshwater, comb. nov. axils of trichoblasts (Figure 10); trichoblasts with several (Figures 9–14) dichotomies, to 500–800 mm in length; scar cells one per segment in 1/4 spiral series; adventitious laterals abundant, Basionym Polysiphonia echinata Harvey (1853, p. 38). every segment to every few segments on main axes giving plants a coarse appearance (Figure 11), linear in shape, var- Synonym Polysiphonia fracta Harvey (1853, p. 38). iable in length from 0.5 to 1.5 mm long; tetrasporangia little distending segments, developing in short spiral series (Figure Misapplied name Polysiphonia breviarticulata sensu 12); spermatangial stichidia developing as furcations of tri- Stuercke and Freshwater. choblasts, without sterile tip cells (Figure 13); cystocarps globose to subglobose, on short stalk (Figure 14). Description Plants to 3 cm tall, entirely erect from single basal holdfast of rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells; main Type locality Key West, Monroe County, Florida, USA.

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278 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

Other sources Harvey 1853, Taylor 1960, Dawes and and P. hapalacantha Harvey from Key West, Florida, USA. Mathieson 2008. A report and description of P. breviarticulata (C. Agardh) Zanardini were also included among these original species Specimens studied Neosiphonia echinata (Harvey) N. descriptions (Harvey 1853). These species all have erect thal- Mamoozadeh et D.W. Freshwater, Florida: US-66789 (slide li with four pericentral cells, segment length-width ratios number US-3323, 3324), Isotype, Key West, Monroe County, generally F1, and numerous adventitious laterals that often W.H. Harvey, Feb 1850; US-22409, West Summerland Key, give the plants a coarse appearance. The character state com- Monroe County, J. Brunson, 21 Mar 1976; US-22404, Alli- bination of rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells, sperma- gator Point, Franklin County, H.J.H., 16 Apr 1950; US- tangia developing as a furcation of trichoblasts, tetra- 22403, Alligator Point, Franklin County, H.J.H., 21 Mar sporangia in spiral series, and trichoblasts or scar cells in a 1950; WNC2009-s112 to s115 (FL09-40), Lake Surprise, spiral pattern on every segment observed in the specimens Key Largo, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 09 Mar 2009; of N. echinata studied is characteristic of the genus Neosi- WNC2009-s117 to s119 (FL09-42), Lake Surprise, Key Lar- phonia. This same combination of character states may be go, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 09 Mar 2009; present in P. breviarticulata and P. hapalacantha, but these WNC2009-s123 to s127 (FL09-44), Lake Surprise, Key Lar- characters were not all observed in the specimens available go, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 09 Mar 2009; for study and recent descriptions do not include this infor- WNC2009-s137 to 140 (FL09-75), KML Mangrove, Long mation (Taylor 1960, Athanasiadis 1987, Dawes and Mathie- Key, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 10 Mar 2009; son 2008), making it impossible to determine whether new WNC2009-s141 to s144 (FL09-76), KML Mangrove, Long combinations are warranted for these species as well. Key, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 10 Mar 2009; Harvey’s original description of Polysiphonia hapalacantha WNC2010-s085 (FL05-7), West Summerland Key, Monroe included no remarks on its similarity to Neosiphonia echinata, County, B. Stuercke, 28 Feb 2005; Mexico: WNC2010-s051 P. fracta,orP. breviarticulata. P. hapalacantha has traditionally to s054 (MEX04-8), Blue Bay Marina, Cancun, D.W. Fresh- been distinguished from these species by its adventitious lat- water, 29 Feb 2004; WNC2010-s062 to s064 (MEX04-10), erals to 2–4 mm in length. The type material of P. hapalacan- Blue Bay Marina, Cancun, D.W. Freshwater, 29 Feb 2004; tha at US is in poor condition, and an assessment of the species North Carolina: WNC2005-s039 (NC-1), Snead’s Ferry, New from this material was not possible. Material at US identified River Inlet, Onslow County, D.W. Freshwater and F. Mont- as P. hapalacantha from Puerto Rico displayed a habit consis- gomery, 11 Jul 2005; WNC2005-s053, s054 (NC-3), CORMP tent with the original species description and seemed to exem- Site OB-1, Onslow Bay, D.W. Freshwater and K. Johns, 19 plify true P. hapalacantha. These specimens showed longer Jul 2004; WNC2005-s001, s059 (NC-5), CORMP Site OB- adventitious laterals that gave the specimens a more lax and 27, Onslow Bay, J. Souza and J. Dorton, 02 Jan 2005; less coarse habit than N. echinata and P. fracta, allowing these WNC2005-s067 (NC-7), CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay, species to be distinguished. J. Souza and J. Dorton, 12 Jan 2005; WNC2005-s026, s104 Harvey (1853) indicated that, while Neosiphonia echinata (NC-14), Bank’s Channel (Site NH-M), New Hanover Coun- closely resembled Polysiphonia fracta, a more robust habit ty, D.W. Freshwater, 11 May 2005; WNC2005-s031 (NC-18), and adventitious laterals that were shorter, more abundant, Bogue Sound, Corkey’s house, Carteret County, D.W. Fresh- and ‘‘more equally inserted on all sides of the branches’’ water, 26 Mar 2005; , Bogue Sound, WNC2005-s008 (NC-20) could distinguish N. echinata. Examination of type material Corkey’s House, Carteret County, D.W. Freshwater, 26 Dec for N. echinata and P. fracta suggests that these two names 2003; WNC2005-s124, s127 (NC-25), CORMP Site OB-27, represent one morphological species as no satisfactory dif- J. Souza, 12 May 2005; Polysiphonia fracta Harvey, Florida: ference was observed. It seems possible that Harvey’s mate- US-66791 (slides US-3320 to 3322), Isotype, Key West, rial of P. fracta is simply a diminutive form of N. echinata, Monroe County, W.H. Harvey, Feb 1850; Texas: US-2329, and this possibility was also suggested by D. Kapraun (unpub- near Aransas Pass, Corpus Christi, E.Y. Dawson, 12 Dec lished manuscript). Although both names were introduced in 1957; Bahamas: US-14293, Eleuthra, M.E. Hay, 10 May the same publication, N. echinata appears to be more widely 1981; US-14294, Eleuthra, M.E. Hay, 08 May 1981; Poly- utilized in species reports and is therefore conserved. siphonia hapalacantha Harvey, Florida: US-66793 (slides US-3325, 3326), Isotype, Key West, Monroe County, W.H. Harvey’s reports of Polysiphonia breviarticulata in Key Harvey, Feb 1850; Puerto Rico: US-202615, Boquero´n, Cabo West, Florida, USA and Vera Cruz, Mexico seem to be the Rojo, M. Dı´az-Piferrer, 26 Feb 1964; US-40250, Boquero´n, first reports of this species in the western Atlantic (Harvey Cabo Rojo, M. Dı´az-Piferrer, 26 Feb 1964; US-78248, 1853). Agardh (1824) originally described P. breviarticulata Boquero´n, Cabo Rojo, M. Dı´az-Piferrer, 26 Feb 1964. from the Adriatic Sea as Hutchinsia breviarticulata C. Agardh. Prior to Harvey (1853), P. breviarticulata was Molecular vouchers GenBank accession numbers known only from the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. In his HM573561, HM573559, HM573558, HM573560, description of P. breviarticulata, Harvey noted that the Flor- HM573557 (rbcL); HM560658 (SSU); HM573503, ida material appeared more robust and with more lateral HM573506, HM573504, HM573505 (COI). branches than Mediterranean material of P. breviarticulata (Harvey 1853). Ku¨tzing (1863) described and illustrated a Remarks Harvey (1853) originally described Neosipho- specimen identified as P. breviarticulata, from Vera Cruz, nia echinata (as Polysiphonia echinata), P. fracta Harvey, Mexico that may be the same Liebman specimen that Harvey

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 279

Figures 15–20 Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa. (15) Prostrate axis with rhizoids (arrows) that are cut-off from the pericentral cells, FL05-06, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s083. (16) Habit of erect axes, FL05-5B, scales0.20 mm, WNC2010-s073. (17) Portion of erect axis flattened to show four pericentral cells per segment, central axial cells (arrowheads), and scar cells in spiral pattern (arrows), FL05-5B, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s071. (18) Apical portion of erect axis bearing many trichoblasts (arrows), FL05-5B, scales50 mm, WNC2010-s071. (19) Reproductive branch displaying long spiral series of tetrasporangia (arrows), FL05-5B, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s073. (20) Main axis bearing cystocarp (flattened during preparation) on short stalk, FL05-5B, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s072.

studied. It differs in branching pattern and segment size from and Freshwater (2008) and Florida and Mexico material of the Adriatic P. breviarticulata that Ku¨tzing also described N. echinata. North Carolina material in WNC labeled as and illustrated (Ku¨tzing 1863). ‘‘P. echinata, 01 Dec 1982, Masonboro Bay’’ most likely The next report of Polysiphonia breviarticulata in the represents specimens published under the name P. breviar- western Atlantic (Kapraun and Searles 1990) identified this ticulata in Kapraun and Searles (1990), who indicated that as the species in intense macro-algal bloom along the coast their initial material of P. breviarticulata was collected ‘‘in of North Carolina. Kapraun and Searles’ (1990) description the sound behind Masonboro Island in December 1982’’. of North Carolina P. breviarticulata appears identical to This material, apart from basal attenuation in some bran- descriptions and material of Mexico and Florida Neosiphonia chlets (particularly ones that are tetrasporangial) also appears echinata, except for the presence of basal attenuation in the indistinguishable from Florida and Mexico specimens. Based lateral branches of P. breviarticulata specimens. Examination on type localities and morphology, it seems likely that North of North Carolina specimens identified as P. breviarticulata Carolina material previously identified as P. breviarticulata by Stuercke and Freshwater (2008) revealed basal attenua- by Stuercke and Freshwater (2008) and perhaps Kapraun and tion to be a variable character state that is present in some Searles (1990) actually represents N. echinata. branchlets, particularly ones that are tetrasporangial, but not This conclusion is supported by cluster analyses of rbcL others. The basal attenuation observed in tetrasporangial and COI sequence data. Four samples of Neosiphonia echi- branchlets could be the result of mid axis segments that are nata were collected from the Florida Keys and two from distended due to the presence of tetrasporangia and in turn Caribbean Mexico (Figures 1, 2). Samples identified as Poly- give basal segments a slightly constricted appearance. No siphonia breviarticulata by Stuercke and Freshwater (2008) other morphological difference was observed between North differed from Florida and Mexico samples of N. echinata by Carolina material of P. breviarticulata examined by Stuercke 0.093–0.19% and 0.50–1.09% in the rbcL and COI sequence

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280 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

Figures 21–26 Neosiphonia tepida. (21) Prostrate axis with rhizoid cut-off from the pericentral cell, FL05-02, scales20 mm, WNC2010-s077. (22) Apical portion of erect axes bearing trichoblasts (arrows), FL05-02, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s077. (23) Habit of erect axes, FL05-02, scales0.20 mm, WNC2010- s077. (24) Cross-sections of young and mature branch axes showing central axial cell and seven pericentral cells, FL05-02, scales20 mm, WNC2010-s079. (25) Cross-section of mature branch axis showing central axial cell and eight pericentral cells, FL05-02, scales20 mm, WNC2010-s079. (26) Apical part of main axis showing a lateral branch developing in the axil of a trichoblast, FL05-02, scales20 mm, WNC2010-s077.

data, respectively. These values are well within the range of Description Plants to 2.5 cm tall, erect from basal rhi- intraspecific sequence divergence observed in previous stud- zoids cut-off from pericentral cells (Figure 15), with some ies for these two loci (e.g., McIvor et al. 2001, Yang et al. branches becoming decumbent and attached to substratum 2008). ML analysis of rbcL sequence data resolves N. echi- by rhizoids; moderately to highly branched in a subdicho- nata within a large unsupported clade (rB-50) of species tomous pattern (Figure 16); erect axes 75–150 mm in diam- and variously supported clades of Polysiphonia s.l. (Figure eter, prostrate axes 225–325 mm in diameter; mid axis 3). This placement is also supported in the SSU ML phylog- segments of erect axes mostly (1–) 1.5–2= as long as wide; eny (Figure 4). The rbcL ML phylogeny places N. echinata cortication lacking; main axes with four pericentral cells as sister to P. havanensis sensu Børgesen and P. binneyi Har- (Figure 17); branches replacing trichoblasts in development; vey, with this relationship receiving weak support (rB72). trichoblasts long, to 875 mm in length, with several dichot- These species are all similar in having four pericentral cells, omies, dense at apices (Figure 18); scar cells one per seg- but the latter two have rhizoids in open connection with ment in 1/4 spiral series (Figure 17); adventitious laterals pericentral cells. absent; tetrasporangia greatly distending segments, in long spiral series near branch tips (Figure 19), 70–90 mm in diam- eter; spermatangial stichidia developing as furcations of tri- Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa (Børgesen) M.S. Kim et choblasts, 40–60=150–180 (–290) mm, with or without one Lee (1999, p. 280) (Figures 15–20) sterile tip cell; cystocarps globose, short stalked (Figure 20), 250–375 mm in diameter. Basionym Polysiphonia sphaerocarpa Børgesen (1918, p. 321). Type locality St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 281

Other sources Dawes and Mathieson 2008; as Polysi- Neosiphonia tepida (Hollenberg) S.M. Guimara˜es phonia sphaerocarpa, Abbott 1999, Børgesen 1918, Hollen- et M.T. Fujii in Guimara˜ es et al. (2004, p. 171) berg 1968a, Kapraun 1977, Kapraun and Norris 1982, Figures 21–26 Kapraun et al. 1983, Schneider and Searles 1991, Taylor 1960. Basionym Polysiphonia tepida Hollenberg (1958, p. 65). Synonyms Polysiphonia taylorii Hollenberg ex Williams Specimens studied Florida: WNC2010-s71 to s73 (1949, p. 694); Polysiphonia flabellulata sensu Men˜ez (1964, (FL05-5B), Keys Marine Laboratory, Long Key, Monroe p. 219) wnon P. flabellulata Harvey (1860, p. 330)x. County, B. Stuercke, 27 Feb 2005; WNC2009-s83, s84 (FL05-6), Keys Marine Laboratory, Long Key, Monroe Description Plants to 1.5 cm tall, erect branches arising County, B. Stuercke, 27 Feb 2005. from a prostrate branching system attached to substratum by rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells (Figure 21); highly Molecular vouchers GenBank accession numbers branched in an alternate to subdichotomous pattern (Figures HM573569 (rbcL); HM573527 (COI). 22, 23); erect axes 50–75 mm in diameter, prostrate axes 125–175 mm in diameter; mid axis segments of erect axes mostly 1.5= as long as wide; cortication lacking; main axes Remarks Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa is part of a greater with 7–8 pericentral cells (Figures 24, 25), occasionally 5–6 complex of Polysiphonia s.l. species that share several in immature axes; branches forming in the axils of tricho- morphological character states, potentially leading to spe- blasts (Figure 26); trichoblasts to 620 mm in length, typically cies misidentifications. These species include N. tongaten- with 2–3 dichotomies; scar cells obvious, mostly every three sis (Harvey in Ku¨tzing) M.S. Kim et I.K. Lee, N. bajacali, to four segments and in no particular pattern; adventitious N. beaudettei (Hollenberg) M.-S. Kim et I.A. Abbott, P. laterals absent; tetrasporangia scattered or in short to long acuminata N.L. Gardner, P. japonica var. savatieri (Hariot) straight or slightly spiral series, 50–95 mm in diameter; sper- Yoon, P. masonii Setchell et N.L. Gardner, and P. mollis matangial stichidia developing as a furcation of trichoblasts, J.D. Hooker et Harvey. All are described as having four 60–80=250 mm, without sterile tip cells; cystocarps sub- pericentral cells, rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells, globose to urceolate, 160 mm in diameter, stalked, with wide scar cells one per segment in 1/4 spiral series, tetrasporan- ostioles. gia developing in spiral series, and spermatangial stichidia developing as a furcation of trichoblasts (Setchell and Type locality Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina, Gardner 1930, Hollenberg 1961, Abbott and Hollenberg USA. 1976, Hollenberg and Norris 1977, Yoon 1986). These character states, among others, are used to define members Other sources Dawes and Mathieson 2008; as Polysi- of the genus Neosiphonia. N. sphaerocarpa is distin- phonia tepida, Abbott 1999, Hollenberg 1958, Hollenberg guished from the aforementioned species by a combination 1968b, Kapraun 1977, Kapraun 1980, Schneider and Searles of the following characters: lack of a central percurrent 1991, Taylor 1960; as Polysiphonia flabellulata, Men˜ez 1964. axis, smaller habit (typically F1.5 cm), smaller dimen- sions for erect and prostrate axes, lack of cortication, ulti- Specimens studied Florida: WNC2010-s77 to s79 mate and fertile branches that are not basally attenuated, (FL05-02), Sebastian Inlet, Indian River County, B. Stuercke, segments mostly longer than wide (but not typically more 26 Feb 2005. than twice as long as wide), and a subdichotomous branch- ing pattern. Molecular voucher GenBank accession number Two samples of Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa were collected HM573552 (rbcL). from Long Key, Monroe County, Florida, USA (Figures 1, 2). Only one rbcL sequence was generated from these sam- Remarks Hollenberg (1958) originally described Neosi- ples, but the COI sequences for both samples were identical. phonoia tepida (as Polysiphonia tepida) as having tetraspor- SSU sequence data could not be generated for this species. angia in slightly spiral series but in a later publication Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa is placed within a strongly sup- described tetrasporangia as developing in straight series ported clade (rB100) of predominantly Neosiphonia species (Hollenberg 1968b). This later description agrees with in the rbcL ML phylogeny (Figure 3). This topology shows descriptions of P. tepida provided by Abbott (1999), Men˜ez N. sphaerocarpa as most closely related to Polysiphonia for- (1964, as Polysiphonia flabellulata Harvey), and Schneider fex Harvey, with this relationship receiving strong support and Searles (1991). Tetrasporangia were not observed in this (rB98). These species are similar in having rhizoids cut- study but are listed above as developing in straight or slightly off from pericentral cells, scar cells every segment in spiral spiral series according to Hollenberg’s descriptions. series, branches replacing trichoblasts, and tetrasporangia Only one sample of Neosiphonia tepida was collected in spiral series, but P. forfex has (5–) 6 (–7) pericentral from Sebastian Inlet, Indian River County, Florida, USA. cells, segments shorter than wide, basal cortication, and COI and SSU sequence data could not be generated for this spermatangial stichidia that developmentally replace tricho- sample. Cluster analyses of the N. tepida rbcL sequence blasts. show it to be similar to that for Polysiphonia isogona Harvey

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282 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

Figures 27–32 Polysiphonia anomala. (27) Prostrate axis with a rhizoid cut-off from the pericentral cell, FL09-41B, scales20 mm, WNC2010-s048. (28) Habit of erect axes, FL09-78, scales0.20 mm, WNC2009-s149. (29) Portion of erect axis flattened to show four pericentral cells per segment, FL09-41B, scales25 mm, WNC2010-s048. (30) Apex of lateral branch bearing trichoblasts (arrows), FL09-41B, scales0.10 mm, WNC2010-s049. (31) Main axis showing development of adventitious laterals, FL09-77, scales0.20 mm, WNC2009-s145. (32) Reproductive branch dis- playing long spiral series of tetrasporangia (arrows), FL09-77, scales50 mm, WNC2009-s145.

(Figure 1), with sequences differing by only 1.85%. This is branches with 1–3(–5) sterile tip cells, and branches that comparable to the maximum intraspecific rbcL sequence develop to the side of trichoblasts (Adams 1991, Womersley divergence of F2.13% (predominantly F1.3%) that has 1979, 2003). been observed in previous studies of Polysiphonia (McIvor Neosiphonia tepida and Polysiphonia isogona may also et al. 2001). Neosiphonia tepida is resolved in a strongly differ in pericentral cell number. Hollenberg originally supported clade (rB100) of multipericentral cell species in described N. tepida as ‘‘mostly with 7–8 pericentral cells’’ ML analysis of rbcL sequence data (Figure 3). Neosiphonia (Hollenberg 1958). Whether the term ‘‘mostly’’ indicates tepida is sister to P. isogona in this tree, with the relationship that fewer or more pericentral cells were observed is uncer- receiving strong support (rB100). tain. Harvey did not indicate the number of pericentral cells Neosiphonia tepida and Polysiphonia isogona share char- in his original description of P. isogona (Harvey in Hooker acter states of rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells, scar 1855), but this species is described as having 9–10 (–12) cells that are variable in pattern and frequency, spermatangial pericentral cells by Adams (1991) and (8–) 9–10 pericentral stichidia developing as a furcation of trichoblasts, and sub- cells by Womersley (1979). Womersley also remarked that globose cystocarps. If N. tepida has tetrasporangia in spiral this species may rarely have seven pericentral cells, as sev- series, then this character state would also be shared. P. iso- eral samples collected from southern appeared gona can be distinguished from N. tepida by having erect identical to P. isogona except for this difference in pericentral axes to 250 (–300) mm in diameter, segments 2–4 (–6)= as cell number and were therefore considered ‘‘unusual vari- long as wide in mid portions of erect axes, spermatangial ants’’ of the species (Womersley 1979). He further com-

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 283

mented that comparison of P. isogona and N. tepida (as P. Florida (US-2355 to 2357) closely resembled P. anomala and tepida) is required. Specimens examined in this study strictly was therefore identified as such by Hollenberg in the original had no more than eight pericentral cells. Thorough compar- description of the species. Hollenberg observed slight differ- ison of type material and molecular and morphological anal- ences between Dawson’s Florida samples and the Pacific yses of topotype material are needed to clarify the status of holotype of the species, however, including scar cells that do both species. not occur regularly one per segment on prostrate branches and tetrasporangia that occur in much longer series in the Genus Polysiphonia Florida specimen. This same scar cell pattern was observed Polysiphonia anomala Hollenberg (1968, p. 59) in all other Florida samples examined in this study. Tetra- (Figures 27–32) sporangia were also observed occurring in long spiral series in WNC2009-s145 to s147. Scar cell pattern alone is not a Description Plants small, to 5 mm tall, forming dense reliable species identifier as this character is often variable tangled mats, erect determinate branches arising from an within species (Stuercke and Freshwater 2008); it is unclear indeterminate prostrate branching system attached to the sub- whether length of tetrasporangial series can be independently stratum by rhizoids cut-off from pericentral cells (Figure 27); used to distinguish species. erect axes simple or with limited subdichotomous to irregular Three samples of Polysiphonia anomala were collected branching (Figure 28); erect axes 40–50 (–80) mm in diam- from Lake Surprise and Long Key, Monroe County, Florida, eter, prostrate axes 80–100 mm in diameter; mid axis seg- USA in this study (Figures 1, 2). Two of the three rbcL = ments of erect axes mostly 2.5–3 as long as wide; sequences generated for these samples are identical and the cortication lacking; main axes with four pericentral cells third differs by only 0.37%, which is well within the range (Figure 29); relationship of branches to trichoblasts unknown; of intraspecific rbcL sequence variation observed in previous trichoblasts with several dichotomies, long and delicate, to studies of Polysiphonia s.l. (e.g., McIvor et al. 2001). Only 900 mm in length (Figure 30); scar cells obvious, variable one COI sequence was generated from these specimens. ML in pattern and frequency; adventitious laterals frequent to analyses of rbcL and SSU sequence data resolve P. anomala occasionally present, linear in shape (Figure 31); tetraspor- as an independent lineage with variable levels of support angia slightly distending segments, in long spiral series (Fig- (rB-50 and 56; sB91 and 69) for its topological position ure 32), 45 mm in diameter; spermatangial stichidia (Figures 3, 4). development unknown; cystocarps ovoid to slightly urceo- late, short stalked, 120–140 mm in diameter.

Type locality Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. Conclusion

Other sources Abbott 1999, Dawes and Mathieson Four species of Neosiphonia and one species of Polysiphonia 2008, Hollenberg 1968a. were identified in 16 samples from Florida and Caribbean Mexico. This is the first report of Neosiphonia bajacali in Specimens studied Marshall Islands: US-48521 (slide the Caribbean and of N. echinata from Caribbean Mexico. number US-1100), Holotype, Amen Island, Bikini Atoll, G.J. Samples of the other three species do not represent new Hollenberg, 07 July 1948; Florida: WNC2009-s145 to s147 reports from their collection sites, but help confirm their (FL09-77), mangrove near Keys Marine Laboratory, Long known distributions. Further study of Caribbean Neosiphonia Key, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 10 March 2009; and Polysiphonia is necessary to determine the true generic WNC2009-s148 to s151 (FL09-78), mangrove near Keys status of the species reported for this widespread area. It also Marine Laboratory, Long Key, Monroe County, N. Mamoo- seems likely that more than 29 of the nearly 200 Neosipho- zadeh, 10 March 2009; WNC2010-s048, s-49 (FL09-41B), nia/Polysiphonia species are present in this diverse region. Lake Surprise, Key Largo, Monroe County, N. Mamoozadeh, 09 March 2009; US-66362 (slide numbers US-2352 to 2354), Panama City, Bay County, M.L. Jones, 17 Jan 1958; US- 2355 to 2357, Along highway near NW side of lagoon, Lake Surprise, Key Largo, Monroe County, E.Y. Dawson, 28 May 1949. Acknowledgements

Molecular vouchers GenBank accession numbers HM573549, HM573550 (rbcL); HM560654 (SSU); HM573502 (COI). The authors wish to thank J.C. Bailey for reviewing an early version of the manuscript, two anonymous reviewers and the editor for help- ful comments and edits, those listed in the Appendix who provided Remarks Hollenberg originally described Polysiphonia samples, and J. Kelly and B. Stuercke for the use of unpublished anomala with scar cells occurring one per segment in 1/4 sequence data. We are grateful to D.H. Freshwater for facilitating spiral series on both prostrate and erect axes (Hollenberg Mexico collections, J. Norris for assisting with US specimens, 1968a). Hollenberg also noted that a very similar specimen and S. Schmitt for fieldwork help. This research was funded by collected by E.Y. Dawson from Lake Surprise, Key Largo, NSF-BS&I grant 0742437 and the CMS DNA Algal Trust.

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284 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean rs indicate specimens with L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573574 HM560645 HM573512 ´n, Panama HM573584 HM573511 ´n Bay Jetty, Punta Toro, Colo 09 Mar 2009, N. Mamoozadeh 09 Mar 2009, N. Mamoozadeh 09 Mar 2009, N. Mamoozadeh 10 Mar 2009, N. Mamoozadeh 10 Mar 2009, N. Mamoozadeh 17 May 2009, N. Mamoozadeh 29 Feb 2004, D.W. Freshwater Spiddal Co., Galway, IrelandMabibi, north of Sodwana13 Bay, Feb KwaZulu-Natal, South 2001, Africa D.W.Akkeshi, Freshwater Hokkaido, JapanICW, Pender Co., NC, USA07 Jul 2005, B.Curio Stuercke, Bay, R. South Hamner Island, and28 New D.W. Oct Zealand Freshwater 2004, D.W. FreshwaterBlue and Bay M. Marina, Hommersand Cancun, Yucatan, Mexico HM560626 GU385835 HM573572 AF427526 GU385834 HM560659 HM573526 AF427527 Blue Bay Marina, Cancun,29 Yucatan, Feb Mexico 2004, D.W. Freshwater 29 Feb 2004, D.W.Pwllheli, Freshwater Cardigan, Wales20 Aug 1998, C.A.STRI Maggs Research Station, Punta Galeta, Colo HM573561Banks Channel, New Hanover30 Co., Jan NC, 2005, USA D.W. Freshwater and HM560658 B. Stuercke HM573504 AF342913 EU492909 HM560628 3 4 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 FL09-42FL09-44FL09-75FL09-76 LakeMEX04-8 Surprise, Key Largo, Monroe Co., FL, USA Lake Surprise, Key Largo, Monroe Co., FL, USA KML Mangrove, Long Key, Monroe Co., FL, USA KML Mangrove, Long Key, Monroe Co., FL, USA HM573558 HM573559 HM573560 HM573560 HM573503 HM573506 HM573506 FL09-40 Lake Surprise, Key Largo, Monroe Co., FL, USA HM573559 MEX04-11A Blue Bay Marina, Cancun, Yucatan, Mexico HM573572 HM573526 PHYKOS-2287 West Limo PHYKOS-1996 Choi et al. (2001) MEX04-10 Blue Bay Marina, Cancun, Yucatan, Mexico HM573557 HM573505 number/source Choi et al. (2001) ex (Suhr (Harvey) McIvor et al. (2001) Fujii 14 May 2009, B. Wysor and L. Sargent (Harvey) FL05-7 West Summerland Key, Monroe Co., FL, USA HM573561 (Hollenberg) MEX04-9 (Bailey) NC-6 et et Masuda 09 May 1999, H.S. Yoon and S.M. Boo (Wulfen) Agardh Dig sim Freshwater 28 Feb 2005, B. Stuercke Freshwater 29 Feb 2004, D.W. Freshwater ˜es et sp. NZ04-133 sp. NC-1 Collection information, sample number/source, and GenBank accession numbers for Rhodomelaceae examined in this study; identical accession numbe et et 1 Lee et Neosiphonia harveyi Mamoozadeh Neosiphonia echinata (Wulfen) KylinDigenea simplex Enelittosiphonia stimpsonii (Harvey) Kudo Lophosiphonia Neosiphonia bajacali Mamoozadeh 14 May 1998, M.S. Kim Neosiphonia elongella Kim Neosiphonia ferulacea Kim, Choi, Guiry G.W. Saunders Herposiphonia Agardh) Guimara identical sequences. Appendix 1 SpeciesBoergeseniella fruticulosa Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 285 L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573570 HM560642 HM573518 KML, Long Key, Monroe27 Co., Feb FL, 2005, USA B.Sebastian Stuercke Inlet, Indian River Co., FL, USASTRI Research Station, Punta Galeta, Colo STRI Research Station, Bocas09 del Jul Toro, Panama 2008, D.W.Lake Freshwater Surprise, Key Largo,09 Monroe Mar Co., 2009, FL, N. USA Mamoozadeh 10 Mar HM573569 2009, N. Mamoozadeh HM573552 10 Mar 2009, N.Mataikona, Mamoozadeh Castle Point, North HM573573 Island, HM573549 HM560649 HM560654 HM573525 HM573527 GU385831 HM560638 HM573537 16 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 12 May 2005, J. Souza, D. Wells and09 S. Jun Hall 2005, D.W. Freshwater and J. Souza 04 May 2005, D.F. Kapraun, D.W. Freshwater and B.04 Stuercke May 2005, D.F. Kapraun, D.W. Freshwater and B.11 Stuercke May 2005, D.W. Freshwater, B. Stuercke and26 K. Mar Braly 2005, D.W. Freshwater 26 Mar 2005 D.W. Freshwater 19 May 2005, D.W. Freshwater, B. Stuercke and19 K. May Braly 2005, B. Stuercke 07 Jul 2005, D.W. Freshwater, B. Stuercke and R. Hamner 2 2 2 2 3 3 FL09-77FL09-78 KML Mangrove, Long Key, Monroe Co., FL, USA KML Mangrove, Long Key, Monroe Co., FL, USA HM573550 HM573550 HM573502 NZ04-525 Mataikona, Castle Point, North Island, New Zealand HM573577 HM573536 NC-26NC-27 CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay, NC, USA CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay, NC, USA EU492910 EU492910 HM573539 HM573539 NC-13NC-16NC-17NC-19NC-22 South Masonboro Inlet Jetty, New Hanover Co.,NC-23 NC, Ludens USA Creek, New Hanover Co., NC,NC-31 USA Bogue Sound, Corkey’s House, Carteret Co., NC,FL05-5B USA EU492909 Bogue Sound, Corkey’s House, Carteret Co., NC, USA South Masonboro Inlet Jetty, New Hanover Co., NC, Wrightsville USA Beach, New Hanover EU492909 Co., NC, USA Howard’s Channel, EU492909 Topsail Inlet, EU492909 Pender Co., KML, NC, Long USA Key, EU492909 Monroe Co., FL, USA HM573499 EU492909 EU492909 HM573499 HM573499 HM573499 HM573500 HM573527 NC-10 South Masonboro Inlet Jetty, New Hanover Co., NC, USA EU492909FL05-6 HM573499 PHYKOS-2704 number/source Lee 21 May 2009, B. Wysor et Kapraun 2NC-4 CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay, NC, USA EU492910 HM560631 HM573539 Hollenberg FL09-41B Hooker NZ04-512 (Hollenberg) FL05-2 Lee 27 Feb 2005, B. Stuercke et Fujii 26 Feb 2005, B. Stuercke ¨tzing) Kim sp. PHYKOS-3536 Ku et ex ˜es Harvey 16 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand Norris 30 Aug 2004, D.W. Freshwater Neosiphonia tepida Guimara Polysiphonia anomala Polysiphonia aterrima et et (Harvey Neosiphonia Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa (Børgesen) Kim Neosiphonia tongatensis (Appendix 1 continued) Species Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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286 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573555 HM560636 ´n, Panama´n, Panama´n, Panama HM573556 HM573556 HM573556 19 Jul 2004, D.W. Freshwater and K. Johns 12 Jan 2005, J. Souza and J. Dorton 12 Jan 2005, J. Souza and J. Dorton 11 May 2005, D.W. Freshwater 11 May 2005, D.W. Freshwater, B. Stuercke and26 K. Mar Braly 2005, D.W. Freshwater 26 Dec 2003, D.W. Freshwater Isla Naranjo Arriba, Colo Portaferry, Down, Ireland01 Nov 2004, D.W.Ulva Freshwater and Island M. near Hommersand Stewart03 Island, Nov New 2004, Zealand D.W.Plymouth, Freshwater and Devon, M. England Hommersand Fanad, N. Donegal, IrelandSpiddal Co., Galway, Ireland13 Mar 1998, M.S. Kim AF342916 HM573580 HM560639 HM573542 AF342914 AF342911 AF427529 19 May 2009, S. Schmitt 09 Jun 2005, D.W. Freshwater and J. Souza 11 Jul 2005, D.W. Freshwater and B. Stuercke 19 May 2009, L. Sargent 19 May 2009, L. Sargent 19 May 2009, S. Schmitt 3 3 3 4 2 2 NC-3NC-5NC-7NC-14NC-15 CORMP Site OB-1, Onslow Bay,NC-18 NC, USA CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay,NC-20 NC, USA CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay, NC, USA Bank’s Channel (Site NH-M), New Hanover Co., NC, Ludens USA Creek (Site NH-J), New Hanover Co., NC, Bogue USA Sound, Corkey’s EU492911 House, Carteret Co., NC, EU492911 USA Bogue Sound, EU492911 Corkey’s House, Carteret Co., NC, USA EU492911 EU492911 EU492911 EU492911 HM573497 HM573498 HM573498 HM573498 NZ04-78NZ04-256NZ04-308 Shag Point, South Island, New Zealand Paua Beach, StewartChoi Island, et New al. Zealand (2001) GU385832 GU385832 NC-1 Snead’s Ferry, New River Inlet, Onslow Co., NC, USA EU492911 NC-32PHYKOS-2458PHYKOS-2461PHYKOS-2517 CORMP Site OB-3, Onslow Isla Bay, NC, Naranjo USA Arriba, Colo Isla Naranjo Arriba, Colo EU492910 HM573539 NC-28 CORMP Site OB-27, Onslow Bay, NC, USA EU492910 HM573539 number/source (Dillwyn) McIvor et al. (2001) (Hudson) McIvor et al. (2001) Harvey PHYKOS-2439 Isla Naranjo Arriba, Colo (Dillwyn) McIvor et al. (2001) Freshwater 11 Jul 2003, D.W. Freshwater and F. Montgomery et Harvey 30 Sep 1998, F. Bunker ex Stuercke SprengelPolysiphonia constricta WomersleyPolysiphonia denudata Greville Sprengel 20 Mar 1998, C.A. Maggs 26 Oct 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 17 May 1998, C.A. Maggs ‘‘Polysiphonia breviarticulata’’ sensu Polysiphonia binneyi (Appendix 1 continued) Species Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 287 L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573554 HM560641 ´n, Bocas del Toro, Panama HM573543 HM573521 ´n, Bocas del Toro, Panama HM573543 HM573521 ´n, Bocas del Toro, Panama HM573543 HM573520 ´n, Panama´n, Panama´n, Panama HM573545 HM573545 HM573545 HM560632 HM573538 HM573538 HM573538 ´n, Panama HM573545 HM573538 ´n Bay Jetty, Punta Toro, Colo Marble Hill, N. Donegal, IrelandMarble Hill, N. Donegal, IrelandBiarritz, Aquitaine, France15 Jul 1999, C.A.South Maggs Masonboro Inlet Jetty, New Hanover Co., NC,West USA Limo 25 Aug 2009, B. EU492913 Wysor and D.W. Freshwater 25 Aug AF342915 2009, B. Wysor and D.W. HM560627 Freshwater AF342912 Isla Afuera, Veraguas, Panama16 HM573496 Jan 2008, B.Talisoy, Wysor Vivac and Catanduanes, J. Phillipines Alden 14 AF342910 May 1988, J.Cayos West Tigres, Bocas del25 Toro, Panama August 2009, B. Wysor Curio Bay, South Island,28 New Oct Zealand 2004, D.W. HM573553 FreshwaterSouth and Masonboro M. Inlet Hommersand Jetty, New Hanover Co., HM573543 NC, USA HM560653 HM560656 HM573507 AY237282 EU492920Punta Gorda, Colo HM573520 20 May 2009, S. Schmitt HM56063020 May 2009, HM573578 D.W.Sachon, Freshwater Korea08 HM573501 Mar 1997, M.S. Kim HM573541 AF427532 17 Jan 2007, D.W. Freshwater 20 May 2009, S. Schmitt 19 Jul 2008, M. Albis 17 Jul 2008, D.W. Freshwater 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 PHYKOS-3525 PHYKOS-2628 PHYKOS-3185PHYKOS-3186PHYKOS-3524 Cayos Zapatillas, Bocas del Toro, Panama Cayos Zapatillas, Bocas del Toro, Panama Isla Afuera,PHYKOS-3141 Veraguas, PanamaPHYKOS-3526 HM573554 Flat Rock Beach, HM573554 Isla Colo PHYKOS-2561 HM573553 HM573522 Punta Gorda, Colo PHYKOS-2630 HM573507 Punta Gorda, Colo PHYKOS-3527 Flat Rock Beach, Isla Colo PHYKOS-2617PHYKOS-2627 Punta Gorda, Colo PHYKOS-3528 Swan Cay, Isla Colo number/source Stuercke NC-11 Harvey Choi et al. (2001) (Dillwyn) McIvor et al. (2001) (Hudson) NC-12 Harvey NZ04-139 (Dillwyn) McIvor et al. (2001) Hollenberg Phillips (2006) Harvey McIvor et al. (2001) Gardner 16 Jan 2008, B. Wysor and J. Alden et Freshwater 04 May 2005, D.F. Kapraun, D.W. Freshwater and B. Stuercke HarveyPolysiphonia fibrillosa SprengelPolysiphonia forfex GrevillePolysiphonia havanensis sensu BørgesenPolysiphonia homoia Setchell Polysiphonia howei 05 Aug 1993, C.A. Maggs 05 Aug 1993, C.A. Maggs 04 May 2005, D.F.Polysiphonia Kapraun, kapraunii D.W. Freshwater 20 and May 2009, Stuercke B. Wysor Polysiphonia macrocarpa (C. Agardh) Sprengel 20 May 2009, D.W. Freshwater Polysiphonia fibrata Polysiphonia isogona (Appendix 1 continued) Species Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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288 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573563 HM560644 HM573510 Onuku, Akaroa Harbor, South23 Island, Oct New 2004, Zealand D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 28 Oct 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 28 Oct 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 28 Oct 2004, D.W. HM573583 FreshwaterFiordland, and Thompson M. Sound, Hommersand Deas Cove, New ZealandBradys Beach, Bamfield, B.C.,29 Canada Apr 1998, J.Seal Warneboldt Rock, and OR, J.T. Harper USASeno Otway, Punta Arenas,Four Chile Mile Beach, AY588412 SantaSTRI Cruz, Research CA, Station, USA Punta Galeta, Colo Isla Planito near Coiba,15 Veraguas, Jan Panama 2008, B. Wysor and J. Alden 15 Jan 2008, B. Wysor and J. Alden 15 Jan 2008, B. Wysor and J. Alden 16 Jan 2008, B. Wysor and J. Alden 01 Nov AY396041 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. HM573564 AF427533 Hommersand 01 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater AY396036 and M. Hommersand 01 HM560643 Nov 2004, D.W.Ulva Freshwater and Island M. near AY617144 Hommersand Stewart02 Island, Nov New 2004, Zealand D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 03 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 17 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 17 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 17 Nov 2004, HM573576 D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand HM560637 HM573495 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 NZ04-130NZ04-132NZ04-140Fujii et al. (2006) Curio Bay, South Island, New Zealand Curio Bay, South Island,Kim New et Zealand al. (2004) Curio Bay, South Island,Zuccarello New et Zealand al. (2004) PHYKOS-1995 PHYKOS-3530PHYKOS-3531 HM573579PHYKOS-3532 HM573579 Bahia Honda near HM573579 El Barranco, Veraguas, Panama Bahia HondaNZ04-244 near El Barranco, Veraguas, Panama Isla Afuera,NZ04-263 Veraguas, Panama HM573540 NZ04-291 HM573564 NZ04-309 Paua Beach, HM573564 StewartNZ04-550A Island, New Zealand Oban, Stewart Island,NZ04-550B New ZealandNZ04-557 Ulva Island near Stewart Island, New Muritai, Zealand Wellington Harbor, North HM573564 Island, New Zealand Muritai, Wellington Harbor, North Island, New HM573576 Zealand Muritai, Wellington Harbor, North Island, New Zealand HM573576 HM573576 HM573576 HM573576 HM573576 HM573495 HM573495 HM573495 HM573495 PHYKOS-3529 NZ04-5 number/source Montagne Kim et al. (2004) Adams NZ04-243 Paua Beach, Stewart Island, New Zealand HM573576 HM573495 Hollenberg Choi et al. (2001) Polysiphonia muelleriana J. AgardhPolysiphonia pacifica Polysiphonia paniculata Polysiphonia pentamera Polysiphonia pernacola 03 Oct 2000, S. Wing and N. Goebel Hollenberg 14 May 2009, B. Wysor and L. Sargent (Appendix 1 continued) Species Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 289 L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573565 HM573513 ´n, Panama HM573566 HM560629 HM573516 ´n, Panama´n, Panama HM573548 HM573548 HM560646 ´n, Bocas del Toro, Panama HM573568 HM560650 HM573524 ´n Bay Jetty, Punta Toro, Colo ´n Bay Jetty, Punta Toro, Colo 26 Feb 2005, B. Stuercke 02 Jul 2004, D.W. Freshwater and K. Johns 17 May 2009, D.W. Freshwater and N. Mamoozadeh Flat Rock Beach, Isla Colo Panama Canal North Ferry Terminus, Colo Devil’s Punchbowl, OR, USASouth Masonboro Inlet Jetty,22 New Jul Hanover Co., 2005, NC, D.W.and Freshwater, USA R. B. York, Stuercke K. Braly,Crawl R. Cay, Hamner Bocas del Toro, PanamaIsla Afuera, Veraguas, Panama EU492915West Limo HM560633Flamborough, AY396039 HM573535 England HM573546 HM560647 HM573547 HM573519 HM560652 HM573509 AF427535 19 May 2009, K. Larson and L. McCann 21 May 2009, S. Schmitt 25 Aug 2009, D.W. Freshwater 14 Mar 2005, G.W. Saunders 26 Oct 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 29 Oct 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 01 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 01 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 GWS2657 Letete Pt., New Brunswick, Canada EU492916 FL05-04NC-2PHYKOS-2454 Sebastian Inlet, Indian River County, FL, USA Cassamir Wreck (WR2), Onslow Bay, NC, USA HM573567 EU492912 HM573514 BERMUDA Tucker’s Bay, Harrington Sound, BermudaNC-9 GU385836 PHYKOS-3226 PHYKOS-3534 SouthPHYKOS-2257 Masonboro Inlet Jetty, New Hanover Co., NC, USAPHYKOS-2309 EU492915 West Limo HM573535 NC-33 PHYKOS-2689PHYKOS-3189 STRI Research Station, Punta Galeta, Colo Cayos Zapatillas, Bocas del Toro, Panama GU385837 HM573515 3 NZ04-39 Shag Point, South Island, New Zealand HM573582 HM573530 NZ04-80 Shag Point, South Island, New Zealand HM573582 HM573530 NZ04-147NZ04-246NZ04-250 Lonnekers Nugget, Stewart Island, New Zealand Paua Beach, Stewart Island, New Zealand Paua Beach, Stewart Island, New Zealand GU385835 HM573581 GU385833 HM573534 HM573532 PHYKOS-3533 number/source Harvey Kim et al. (2004) (Dillwyn) Choi et al. (2001) Freshwater 17 Mar 2009, C.W. Schneider and C.E. Lane Harvey 25 Oct 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand et et (J. Agardh) Hollenberg 04 May 2005, D.F. Kapraun, D.W. Freshwater and B. Stuercke Polysiphonia stricta HollenbergPolysiphonia schneideri Stuercke Polysiphonia scopulorum var. villum Polysiphonia cf. sertularioides (Grateloup) J. Agardh 1Polysiphonia 17 cf. Jul sertularioides 2008, D.W.(Grateloup) Freshwater J. Agardh 2Polysiphonia cf. sertularioides (Grateloup) J. Agardh 3Greville 28 Aug 2009, G. Diaz-Pulido and R. Riosmena 16 January 2008, B. Wysor and J. Alden 17 May 2009, D.W. Freshwater and N. Mamoozadeh 16 Jul 1998, M.S. Kim Polysiphonia scopulorum Polysiphonia strictissima Hooker Polysiphonia pseudovillum (Appendix 1 continued) Species Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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290 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean L SSU COI rbc ´n, Panama HM573571 HM560648 HM573517 ´n, Panama HM573544 ´n, Bocas del Toro, Panama HM573544 HM560655 HM573523 Muritai, Wellington Harbor, North Island,17 New Nov Zealand 2004, D.W.Neuse Freshwater and River M. at Hommersand Oriental, Pamlico Co., NC, USA22 May 2005, B.STRI Stuercke Research and GU385833 Station, J.B. Bocas Landry del Toro, PanamaParque de Juventud, Calle Primero, Colo Isla Afuera, Veraguas, Panama16 EU492917 Jan 2008, B.Tervi Wysor Bight, and Bocas J. del Alden 13 Toro, Panama Jul 2008, S. HM560634 Fredericq HM57357520 HM573533 May 2009, D.W. Freshwater 21 May HM560635 2009, B. Wysor 25 Aug 2009, D.W. HM573528 Freshwater and B. Wysor 25 Aug 2009, D.W.Swan Freshwater and Key, Isla B. Colo Wysor 14 Jul 2007, D.W. HM573562Mataikona, Freshwater Castle HM573551 Point, North16 Island, Nov New 2004, Zealand D.W.Las Freshwater and Cruses, HM560651 M. Central HM560657 Hommersand ChileNahant, Providence, Providence Co., RI, USA HM573508 NUIG Marine Algal Culture Collection, Italy HM565963 AY396038 AY617143 AF427537 20 May 2009, B. Wysor 03 Nov 2004, D.W. Freshwater and M. Hommersand 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 Harvey. NC-21 NC-24PHYKOS-3271 Snow’s Cut Park, New Hanover Co., NC, USAPHYKOS-2701PHYKOS-3144PHYKOS-3145 STRI Research EU492918 Station,PHYKOS-3538 Punta Galeta, Panama Cayos Zapatillas, Bocas del Toro, Panama Cayos Zapatillas, Bocas del Toro, PanamaChoi et al. (2001) HM573529 HM573544 HM573544 HM573544 NZ04-552 NZ04-307 Ulva Island near Stewart Island, New Zealand GU385833 HM573531 number/source L and SSU data. L data. rbc rbc Polysiphonia elongella (Linnaeus) Zuccarello et al. (2004) sp.sp.sp. PHYKOS-2613 PHYKOS-3537 PHYKOS-2635sp.sp. Punta Gorda West, Colo NZ04-515 Kim et al. (2004) sp. PHYKOS-3535 Sequence published as Sequence used in MLSequence analysis used of in MLSequence analysis used of in ML analysis of SSU data. Polysiphonia subtilissima Montagne 1Polysiphonia subtilissima Montagne 2Polysiphonia Polysiphonia Polysiphonia SepPolysiphonia 2003, R. Peterson Polysiphonia Vertebrata lanosa 03Christensen Sep 2009, D.W. Freshwater Womersleyella setacea (Hollenberg) Norris F. Rindi and M.D. Guiry Polysiphonia 1 2 3 4 (Appendix 1 continued) Species Sample Collection location, date, and collector Accession number

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N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean 291

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292 N.R. Mamoozadeh and D.W. Freshwater: Five Neosiphonia/Polysiphonia species from the Caribbean

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