------. If ynu Ar·r•lr a delightful pl'llilltlll~a, look .1hnu1 ynu, --Mono of Miclligall. INGH.AM INGIIAM COUN'fY NEWS, MASON, Ml CIIIGAN, TIIURSDAY, MAY 23, 1940


stories nnd ndvJCe. The offlcels elect- eor. 1 mutilate and disfigure books. 'fhe. c~ were: Preslclent, Bu~det~~ Shn.ft; • Mrs. Berthn. Welch, has returnee! I' men who do this are usually short­ VIce presrdent, Rudy ug , secre- to her home on Delhi nvenuc N E · 1 t d r 1 t Fresh tary, Mrs. Margaret Diffcnbaugh; from the winter spent In Cnllfor.nln: term pr1~oner~ w 10 seem ,0 e 1g I nnd treasurer, Russell Lott. The oc- The American Legion, .John Buell . m creatm.g disorder. Bibles are I Strawberry casion was ll happy one nnd is to be No. 238 held a meeting at the town/I often mutr!ated, and an mterestmg repeated next year. The reception hall Friday night to discuss the pro- fact is that from one out of every Sundae committee Included Mr. nne! Mrs. ject of 11 basebu.ll team here this two or three Bibles the last few chap. George Kieppe, Mr. and Mrs. John summer. Wnlter Plpp wn.a here to 1 ters of Revelation are missing. The Hny, Jr., and Miss Tessa Elllott. help make plnns for orgn.nizntion. psychologists may have a word for After the regular Rebelmll meeting Donald Smith has gone to Bucklin, 1 this Monday night nt the I. 0. 0. F. hall, Kansas to tulle n pn.atorntc there for · · · JOe bingo was played, each one receiving the su~mer unci will then return to After a man has been Ill the pr1.s· SPECIAL---MILLER'S HI-TEST n pacltage but. not opening It, ns the Presb terlan seminary In Chic- on for three months he m~y obtam the gifts were those brought or sent ngo whe!e he. will complete his a large notebook and. pencil. Many In by members. As soon ns all were cou~se In the school year. ask for these, but nme out of ten Vanilla Brick, 15cbpt., 2 pts. 25c supplied, Alethu Bermet! was usltcd Mr. ancl Mrs. Leon Tilford spent men abandon note maltmg after us­ to open hers first and ~11 the others the weel1 end at Rifle Lulie. Kathryn ' ing two or three pages of their were hnncled to her, llS 1t wn.a1 n sur- spent Sunday with Mr. ancl Mrs. books. Prisoners attending classes prise shower for her, a br cle-elect Doyt Miller In Laingsburg. may have exercise books, atlases, FATHER'S DAY CARDS of .June 1. Ice cream ancl Jackie Hnrrls, son of Mr. and Mrs. and the like in their cells, and it c~lt cake~0 were served by the comm ee John Horrls, is Ill at his home. is not unusual to see 10 or 20 boolts "A Rainy' Day" News "You Met Yvette" three. The new Legion post will meet at h If Tl · ·d f DR. HESS Mrs. c. D. Alclrich nnd Mrs. Irn nine o'cloclt nt the town hull 011 Me-~ on a eel1 s e . 11s ev1 e~ce o DR. HESS Cole on Thursday night uttenclecl the morinl Day and march to the high interest must not be too read1ly ~c- WEDNESDAY· THURSDAY, 40th wedding anniversary celebration school where there will be exercises cepted as final; n;any m~n th1nk DIP AND DISINFECTANT TUESDAY, MAY 28 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomn.a Peterson for th~ day. I "the extent of their learmng and FLY SPRAY MAY 29-30 nt East Lansing. . Mrs Emory Dullng on Tuesday knowledge can be measured by the DCI'AJratlon Day Continuous Show The Holt grnduatlng class of th1s night gave a birthday party for Mrs. number of books in their posses- Yz gal. 65c-gal. $1.19 SABU from 3 p. 111. year nlUI1bers 43 wlth Beutrle~ Dixon, Mannie Welch. slon." A prisoner condemned to Gal. 98c-2 gal. $1.89 vuledlctorlnn, and Carolyn 0 Connor,. Mrs. carleton Glll of Lansing Is death may have any book or· peri· In Rudyard Kipling's Amaz· !SHE WANTED / snlutatorlan. The other members of entertaining the Twelve birthday club odical and if ne wishes may play the class are Bernice Bird, l Darlyne of Holt at her home Thursday. chess :.Vith a warder However this $1.25 ST. REGIS ing Story /A DOCTOR IN Carlson, Clifford Cooley, Dav d Craw- Mrs. Laura Dietz and daughter, . · th .· ' SAVE 51 CENTS ford, Theodore Daft, Erwin Draheim, Ph IUs have just moved from apart- 1s not compu1 SC!lry on e pu~on~r. 1THE IIOUSEI IBernard Engllsh, Mnrk Fiedler, Theo- me~ta ~t the Jones home, Elm street, The type .of boo!: called for by pns- ALARM CLOCK dore Gu.lltu, Jr., Sarah Guenther, to a holllle four miles west of Holt. oners IS 1mprovmg. HINDS HONEY "ELEPHANT MneRobert Horst, Hancock, Harold Spencer Houcl1, Hellems,Wilford c":!!!!!l~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~~~==~==~=~=~===!!!!!!===~ Hunt, Curl Kelley, Putriclt Kelley, 97c June Lamoreaux, Carlton Laugtry, And Eugene Leyrer, Ethel Lott, Helen BOY'' Mazurek, Betty McKie, Rex Miller, 500 Marcella Moore, Milton Moore, Bruce I THE ALMOND CREAM Moores, Beatrice Nelson, Leola Page, Also Bertha Pekrul, Clifford Premoe, POND'S TISSUES REGULAR $1.00 SIZE Betty Pringle, Elmer Rchlmpf, Mary Simmon, George Thompson, Gertrude SILVER~TONE INN "Oiley To Bed, Oiley To Rise" VunBeel1, Richard Voss, Luella Wat­ 19c 49c ters, Charles Wieland, Mildred Wie­ DANSVILLE, IDCHIGAN And land ahd LaVerne Wilson. The bac· caluureute address will be given by CRO-TOX "Valiant Venezuela" Alst)-Robert Cnmmlngs In Rev. F. E. Ogle, of the Presbyterian 60c, $1.00, $1.50 church at eight o'cloclt ln tim school ANNOUNCES THE SERVING OF "AND ONE WAS BEAUTI­ gymnllBium. ClllSS night Is Wednes­ FUL" day, May 29, and commencement ex­ And PolltlYO Cartoon ercises will be Thursday night, May 30. The sentora appeared In their ·wARE'S CUT RATE "STEALIN' AIN'T HON­ cups and gowns on Wednesday at CLIPPER'S FINER All Seats 10 Cents EST" 8:30. One of the happy closing events COMING SOON-"It's A Date"_:_"My Little Chickadee"-· for the clus~ of 1940 was the ban· DRUG STORE quet given U1em by the juniors on ICE CREAM ''Johnny Appollo"-"My Son, My Son." Saturday night, May 18, at the school The Store That Brought Better Drug ~rices To Mason and served by the junior's mothers. W, E, DISLER, Pmprletor Tho tables were decorated In blue \Vll DELIVER , PHONE GUl' Classified Advertising Visit Your Bank First! Rl\TES-Adverti~emcntu in thiu rlcpartment: 25 cent~! for 25 woruu or lcus for cnch inucrtion. For more thnn 25 warda, one cent a word for each inucrtion. Advcrtiuing m;1y be mailed or tclcphonccl. Dinl M;luon 9011. I

··•·• ...... ,..... ,...... ,.. ,,., .... ,.. ,.. ,..... , .. , .. 11 BABY CJHfCI(H, l•lngllnll L!•ghm'Jlll AT WILLIAMS'rON. OloBing out WAN'L'l.DIJ ·Ill l'm•rl••r l;i~H, w<•lt~hl l Lil·cHtock-'l'ool•i l'rmn olll' lliii'IY Hlllilll'ing, lwnvy rmlo or' monumuntH nnrl murlrcrB. l'mm 7fi In HO )lllii!HI:J, Hnlp)l 111ri­ t...... ,...... --...... , IJlYJIIIf lltll'lc. All ottl' ('lllc•lcH tlJ'e Hir·~ •ro he r1old bulow eont. Mt•n. o. W. Will'lfl, Jmth ht eed.l. R 0. I · $1.21"• yard. '1'. ,J 1 Joltr., telephmw 1 Jlret>dl'l', Wl'ile rll' viHit LoWIen with over 20 GELDING:-s~und~ yenrs' experience und fully Insured well brolre, will wot'lt any place, I grown !rom certified seed lust WIRE l"ENCING, steel and cedar ugulnst accidents while worlting on fOl' Hille; Duroe-.Tcrsey bout·, I YCill', for sale. F. E. Simonds, R. F. fence posts, also Spnrton fence your premises at no cxtm charge. about 2GO pounds: pum~ 1 D., Leslie, opposite Scoville school; jaclr; also windmill with steel del-l 2 miles cast of Leslie on Bunlter conti'DIIcrs. C. A. Davis, Eden 21w2 Two n.ll-Rtccl drilling machines. A., '" E 'TJ ,., t b Sun ford, phone 6301, Eaton Rapids. rlclr. Ludell W. Cheney, 427 Col-I Hill road. :!lw2p NOW IS • H • Mo.!. " uy g"cnu 1ne I p1-11 lege road, south of Plnlt school, 1·------­ Olga Pocahontas coni for next, ---~------Mason. 20tf : WHI'l'E DENT SEED CORN for winter.. r ,~Ill npprccla~n rcce:vlng BEST MARKET PRICElS for beef I N Ss sale, ~2.50 bu., 56 pounds, shelled. your ot dcts. C. A. Duvls, Eden. I Ides "h lts If Ll HEAVY SINGLE WORK HAR E • ' Emery H. Jewett, telephone 21382, 21 w2 1 , ~ ecp pe , cu s 1t 1ns. nn lllre new, for sale, $19.00. E. Zr~~kc, on Dmtter 'l'rall, 1% miles east of 1 -----·---..,.--.,....,..,..,-=---·- Sinclair Service, 1H State street, 11rst house north of M-36 011 Wnllr- 1 Mason. 10w3 EXTRA FANCY PETUNIAS und Mnson. 1tf cr rom!, 1'!:. miles west of Dans- -~------gemnlums In P"ts, also many varie­ ville. 20w3p POLAR YELLOW DENT seed corn, ties of Jlowers nnd garden plants in WOULD YOU pump 350 gallons of The Farmers Bank high yielding, best uduptcd for lints. Hablltzcl's Greenhouses, 331 water per hour by hand when u 10 GOOD MILCH COWS; also two Ingham county, $2.50 bu., 56 lbs., College t·oad, phone 5782. 21w1 Westco costing nbout $85 Installed The Oldest Bani' in lngham'County well matched Belgirrn mrrres, wt. shelled ond graded, bags free. A. will do It for lc for pow­ Member F. D. I. C. and Federal Reserve System :moo pounds; g-ood hame~s and W. Jewett, Mason. 19w·l TOMA'l'O PLAN'rS unci all vegetable er'! Spencer Home Equipment Ser­ leather nets, for HILle, 11 bnrguin. plants, 11ic dozen, 2 for 25c: Hower vice, 120 W. Shinwassee St., Lan- plants, 20c dozen, in llnts. King­ Rob Burlrley, ;J mtles west ancl 1 PLANTS, PLANTS, PLANTS, for sing. •15-tf mile south of Williamston. 21w1p Carter Nursery, US-127 ut South sale, tomato, cabbage, pepper, zln­ street. 21w1 Townsend Club Hears [ ____L_e...::.ga_l_N_o_ti_ce __ _ Legal Notice nhw, asters, marigolds, saJvia, pe­ CUCUMBER PICKLE CONTRACTS I SORREL GELDING, 5 years old, tmuus, snupdmgons and many cnn be secured by calling at the Speaker Explain Plan I HEARING CLAIMs. GIGNAC-AUG. 1 LICENsE TO sELL. ARNoLD-JUNE weight 1600 pounds, for sale: also 10 others. E. M. Holley, 317 East Ash SCOTTIES, blue!{, priced to sell; a]so office of the H. w. Madison Co,, I StntP of Mil·hig'au. 'J'bu p 1 olmtc Court. fot· Stale of Mlcht~run. Tht! r 1·olmtt• Court. fur one Spl'ingcr Spaniel. At furm Mason, phone 7111. 6Lt' --- the County ul lllJ.l'h~Lm. lhu C:uunll' nf 1nJ..:'ilnm. ,Jersey cow, 11 years old. John street. 20w2p Ellsworth, 1% miles west of Ame­ one mile north of Okmnos. L. F, AI\t:Ji~ltiCAN, ,S1,,~~DARD IS CLUB'!-; AL n i'it'K'Iiun of Hnitl CoLul, IH•hl Ht the At n .. L :-IHtun of tmtd Cutut, ht Ill at. thn li us Center on Barnes road. 20w3p 1 1 l'AIUIOIIC GOAIJ, I Ptohnlt• OUtce in the Clty nf MnHtlll, in lht• r:t·uhnlu Olltct• in the Ctly of Mn•.ofl, In tiHIII TESTED SOY BEAN SEED fm· srrlc, Guile. 2 W PI ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING-~ anid County, 011 tht· .!.!nd dny uf Mny, A. 11 • ~-~'.\t//.t.y, un tht• ~:!ntl tlny or Mny, A. u. We now have one of the latest de- 1 '<11l FOil SALE-Columbus wagon and $1.25 per bushel. George Collar, one ELECTRIC WATEll PUMPS new "The Townsend Plan wlll tulte the , l'i: Mutt<• I' or lhe gHlntv o( [([;NHY o. JOliN AltNOLIJ, iil>o "'"""" IIH ~1(;1111<•1 A",: cast of Lcshc on P1tchburg- ro,Ld 21wl minuting a costly J'ob. The 100-foot by Joseph Wnrnoclt, Galesburg, Mlch- (,[I,NAC, ll~CVIIHv•l. . ""'"· ol!J •. , .. ,,c l.nuwn ""John i\Juold, lle- RED COMB POULTRY FEEDS, 98% ------~------igan when he spo1tl 111 •mid eHLnlu HJtpt•nr two nules east o! Mason on Bun- at fat m of D. G. Barr, 1 mile east worlt. Will accept paperhanging lwr Hill road. 21w2p of Teaspoon Corners. 21w1p VanStccl!llul, inquire first house now WClC put 111• Ill ttll I) rloc k II\ tlw folunuun, HIL!d lllllt' Ill inl'l' ritdd c•ourt nt HIUd tllfl!' nud nlncc ln to cn·culatiOn it nnd Jlince huJJar heJ•chy UIJJlotnlt.HI fn1 thl! Hhuw cnmw why ,'L hcenfll' t.o H·IJ t) " nt ·~uHL west of Ktng-Cartor Nursery on I jobs and houseworlt. Mrs. Ohve 1 1 1 1 Brown, 813 Jefferson, phone 7551. WOUld nid n}:OS• f Xllrninnt.Jnn UJui lldJU:;lmr•nt. of nJJ t!l.timu of liUttl 1 :illllt.! Ill HHid lt.!lll eHlltlt• tdwultl not. REGISTERED OLD-FASHIONJCD 1 WHITE CAP yellow dent seed corn South street. 21 wlp • L"' HIHI dPm,lllliH llJ.\'JLIIaaL nnlcl dcccnscd. be gtanl!•d, 1 21w1 pcrtty. Most peo- H i11 Futther Dl'tlt•J·et! 'l'hut pul,hc not.tt•u It iH Furth(•!' Ordered, 'J'lwl public notico Blaclr nnd Ta1; m:Lie, 11.: / also Home famous Iduho po: ~'ox, ho~llld, ~alrlng }JIC UrC OJl}y giV- thel't•t~f he ~l\1.!11 by JIUbi!ctltillil Of I~ COli)' theteof h~ J-iJVt:!ll •by Jlii!Jllcnlioll of ll t'OJI:f stud, 3-Jncl~" c.u s, ,, f1nc dog, sc: tatocs. Floyd Cudy, 1 mtle cast of BRITISH COLUMBIA red cedar ._... __...... shingles, also gulvunlzed roofing, ,...... _, ing the p}UJl f.L of li11ti 01 dt:l', fot lhll.'t• HUCt'PHHIVtl W(Jt'ltti of t.hiH ot•titU', fnl' lhl't!l' HUCCCit::iiYC Wt•L'kll vice fee, S.J.OO. Art DuboiS, SIX i Aurelius third house north on Ed­ I Ji'ot· Rent 1 , , , , Jll'l'Y'UIIH to auld duy of ht•lllliH-:'o in the !JI'evinll:t lu Haiti tltty uf luml'ln~. tn tlw nules cast of Losllc on Leshe-Fitch-~' gar roacl, telephone 506 Au;·eJius. 1 for sale. C. A. Davis, Eden. 18w•1 ,...... " ...... Slll fncc SLU vey, In~hll!Jl CtHmty N1·\~11, n ncWHPiliH 1 pttl\t('fl In..:-harn C'cntnty Ncwu, n nt•WHIJtLI•t•t printud ______Cll'cuhttt•d IUllCI (']!'CIIInlt•d they 11ecd tO gO ILnd In county, Ulld 111 Hllld county burg road, first house south of ------CEDAR FENCE POSTS; medium !~OUR-ROOM APARTMENT, fur­ to the bottom of A tJ "" vopy. JOliN McCLELLAN, A till>' 'wy. JOliN ~lcCI.F:!.f,AN Laberteaux school, Nims road. POT ATOES-Sand grown seed und grade 3loclr salt, for sale. Francis nished, nvatluble about June ·1, for MAitTIIA 'I'IlAYER, .JUtlge of Plohntt• DAVID C BEA'I"l'Y Jud~re ut Ptuht~t~~ 1 1 the plan in order Deputy Hei-\'IHLE!I of Pt•uhnte. 2lw,l Ht•gl~ler of Ptubu'tt~. . 21wa . 2 W P table slack, 60c nnd 90c per bu. C. Schlosser, 221 N. Jefferson 31tf rent. Don Davidson, 200 West Syca­ to appreciate the ------I. Richner 1135 Dexter Tm1l, 11;" ------~~------more or 202 West Sycamore, tele- necessity of re- FINAL ACCT. One group of hats, formerly .$1.98 SOW n.nd six pigs, miles south und \ mile west of '36 FORD TUDOR DELUXE, new 5'~-wec!ts-old 2 phone 6521. 21w1 warding our State of Mlcln).:'nn. 'l'h" Pl'olmte Cum·t fot and $2.98, now $1. Paristyle Shoppe unusually nico p1gs, for sale ren- Dansvrllc. 21tf motor and battery, good tires, It· the County of ln~-:ham sonablc. Art Dubois, slx miles cnst trade for cows: nlso $800 oontmct SCillor C lZens At a HeHHion of flnlci Courl, twld nt tht• PASTURE for dozen hmLd of cattle for what they nre justly entitled." Pi·ohute Olhce Ill thv Cily or Mu.on, lu Huh[ of Leslie, fitst house on l'lght south' SEED CORN-Early Hlll'on Yellow on four-room house near Fisher ln for rent William Shurland, Dnns­ According to Wnrnoclt, the goal County, on thv 2:Jrd of be gtven by JlUbllcntlon of n cofly 21 1 •·~·•·•-·•·-···-·------grea er S rt II On O Well ' e of l!JIH older, fol' tlu·ev HIIVCCHHIVe WVCkH @ ...... 22c lb. . · W 1 west. 21wl FARM HOME fo1· sale, tt•nde OI' rent, speultel' concluded thut "blg business m•evlous to said duy of hearln 1t, In thv u FURNISHED ROOM for rent. •122 should have a fair and honest In- rn.,hum County New•, a new"'"'""'' 1orintvd Grade 8 Laa·ge Eggs, TWO 4-FOOT FLOCK FFJJ1JDEHS; i _ .. 1 1 ,,,,. .... 120 acres, free and cleur. Come und EILSt Columbia street. w p 21 1 b t t it h t 0 d " untl ch·culutcJ !n Hnld county. 11 Star fountulns (for Mason jars); I f Household Goods 1 see owner. Charles Schuchaslde, ~ __ come, II no as ns ny. A true cow. JOliN McCLELLAN, @ ...... 20c doz. four two-quart gulvnnlzod faun- ----.. 3885 Frost road, Webberville. 19-4p FOR RENT- Three apartments, RU'rH llARR, Jud"c o[ Pt•obnte. Smooth Sand Grown (eat- Damage To Dishes Results I Deputy Rcgl•lcr of Ptobute. ~1\\:J talns: seven bnby clnclt feeders; I USED WASHERS for sule. Muytag 6-ROOM HOUSEl and one acre of ~~T!j~~e~~/1~~e~n~ [~ 1}~~f~~·~o~~~ ing) Potatoes ...... @$1.30 500-chiclt automatic coal brooder square tub, large balloon roll lund ncar Lansing for sale, $1400; 11 From Nove 1 Accident FINAL AccT. cARN-JUNE 11 with canopy and gulvnnlzed pipe, ; wringer, also Universal washer, building 25x·10, two stories high, COOL, JVIODERN APARTMENT, 31 Stlltc of Mieh!gun, 'J.lhe Probnte Court for Irish Cobbler (eal'ly) Seed for sale, $12 complete. Claude completely reconditioned, a real ulso building 18x30, multc good or •l rooms, furnished if desired. One of those novel accidents oc­ the County of Inghnm. i At u xeKtilon of tmhl Court. bchl nt the Potatoes .. @ 90c & $1.30 bu. Nichols, 4220 Columbia road, Ma-l buy at $29.50. Silsby Implement grnnury nnd bnrn and frames cun Separate entruncc, prlvatc hath, cm·r·cd in front of the News office at P1•obnte Olllce In the City of Mnaon, in snit! son. 21w1p Co., telephone 5141. 21wl be moved. Priced cheap. 10 acres, garage, electric refrigerator. 423 2 p. m. Tuesday. County, on tho 22nd duy or Muy, A. D. Red Comb Balancer (lay- Cnrs driven by Mrs. Clarence Eifert IU·IO. tine house, wood, good ground, low West Ash street, diul 6751. 21w1 PrcHcnt, HON. JOHN McCLELLAN, ing mash) ...... @ $3.00 cwt. 55 0. I. c. SOWS, two 0. I. C. boars, SPINET PIANO: l~actory sample. down puyment. R. E. Whitney, und Mrs. Loren Sweet collided eight plgs, Jersey-Guernsey cow, Judge of Probate. Nationally !mow matte. Rnthet· Leslie, Michigan. 2.0w2 . 3-ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnish- und locl•ed bumpers us Mrs. Sweet In the Matte~· of the E•tntc o[ IIOW ARO Red Comb Chick Starter, for sale. 0. G. Lnnghum, 247 Ives than box and reship to factory will cd, with bnth, two clothes -closets, wus pulling out of a pnrldng place. CAHN, mcntully lncompetunt. @ ...... $2.75 cwt. rond, Mason, telephone 3885. 21w1 sacrifice. Terms. For full lnforma- SMALL MUCI{ FARM, five acres, uutomatlc heat, automatic hot Neither of the ladies wot'J'jed about J, C. Col'tumt huvln~-t flied In ttnld court hltt finul utlmlnlHtrutlon uccount us guurdlun (Prompt deii\'Cry every Saturday) tlon where- plano may be seen In flowing well, small house, ncar Mu- water, hardwood floors, newly dec- the dnmugc to the curs: n crumpled nml h\11 tUltltlon llt'uylnK for the ullownncc I CHICKS, $6 hundred this wcclt, MILSon, write to Mr. E. C. Wales, son, for sale. See Hugh W. Silsby m·uted, available June 1. Inquire rear fender on the Eifert car and u thereof, Free Movica Every Friday Nlrbt hatched from AAA stock E. Wal- H12 Farmer St., Detroit, Michigan. at Silsby Implement company, Joy 0. Dnvls Clothing store. 21w1 dented grill on the Sweet cur, since It !11 Onlcrcd, 'l'hnt the 17th dny of June, 1 A. D. HI~O. nt ten o'clock In the forunoon, Vlalt our Balcony lee Crcnm Parlor !nee, first fom· corners west of 20w4p phone 5141, Mason. 21 w1 -·-;:;;::;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;~~::;~;:;:;:;::;::;:; both carried insurance. ut Hald Probnto Olllcc, be nnd ill hereby ll!J· You'll EnJoy h. Dansville, second house south on ------~ ------t-..-- . : The trouble was that some glass polntetl for exumlnlng nnd nllowlng ttnld nc· Clarlt road. 21w1p LARGE BABY BUGGY, practically REAL ESTATE for sule. $300 down Miscellaneous . count uml hunrlnJ.C Htdll )Jetitlon: I ! J dishes Clll'J'Ied on the front sent of the It lH F'urthet' Ot•tlerCLl, Thnt llllblic notict! new, used only one season, In ex- buys a good six-room home in Ma· '--...... _ ..... _, • • 1 1 • • • 1 Eifert {!fir were brolten. The dishes the1eof be Riven by llUbUcntlon o[ n coi•Y SOW AND PIGS, also English Shep- cellent condition, for snle. Mrs. C./ son, ull modern except furnace, CARD OF THANKS. The fnmlly of were not covered by the Insurance. of thin ordel', fo1• tht•ee HUccesHivc weelca herd dog, for sale. R. W. Adams, D. Smith, 7255 South Jcffet·son, balance ciJ.Sy terms. A very nice the late David Williams wishes to I•t•evloua to ttnhl dny cf hcuring, in the 1 lnghnm County New~. n ncwtt!Hl!HH" !ll'intcd six miles south of Willlnmston, .~ telephone 9881. 21w1' 5-room nil modern homo, In n good express their thnnlrs and nppreeln- LEG BROKEN nncl circulntetl ln Htlitl county. mtlc west. 21w1 locution In Mason, cnn be bought tlon for the lovely flowers nnd ex- William Blanchard, employed with A tnw oopy, JOHN McCLELLAN, USED ELECTRIC WASHERS, small at a good price. A very good 8- prcsslons of sympathy, nlso the E. D. Whipple nnd Son, received n DAVID C. llEATTY, Judge or Probutc. Rcglatcr of Plobi~lc. 21\\3 HEAVY COLUMBUS WAGON und electric 2-burncr runge with oven room, ull modern steum-hentcd nurses ut the Ponton hospital, Dr. broken leg In u fnll whllc worldng on True ruclt, low wheeled (wheels in excellent condition, $20. Also home in Mason w!U1 hnlf ncre of Smith, und the rand construction the Hnrdlng house thls week. Wanted: Listings of farms n.nd city have been cut down) very good used oil nnd giJ.Sollne stoves und ground, $2750 with u rciJ.Spnuble men for their Jnndnesses. Mrs. property. Call Dean Taylor Rcnl Es­ condition, for snlc. J. W. Discnroth, herrters for sale. MIJ.Son Plumbing payment down. Claude Post, Real Dnvld Williams, Mrs. A. L. Pearce, PURCHASE SILOS tnto, 7241, or Harold Barnhill, 7672. 14 ',!, miles south of Mason or & Heating company. 21wl Estate Brolter, Mason, Mich., tele- J. L. Kilburn. 21w1p Glen Every, E. D. Frnnltlln nnd C. seven miles south of the Rnppclye phone 6711. 21w1 A. Davis huve caoh purchased n new 111llng station on Hull rand, route USED ELECTRIC lUNGE, $30; VICARY-In loving memory of Mux­ 40-foot Smith silo from AI'tic Wood 3, Jacl•son. 21w1p used giJ.S range, $12; used gasoline ...... • • • t lne, who passed awny eight years of Leslie, ugcnt for the Smith com­ PARTS FOR runge, $25, for sale. May l Wanted t ugo May 25. puny. USED MANURE SPREADER, 1!1 be had on terms. Consumers Power ...... _, ...... I I • I ...... Just a thought of sweet remem· PRACTICALLY good condition, for sale. Silsby company, telephone 95<11. 21 w1p PLOWING, grudmg, biJ.Sement dig­ bruncc DOLLAR DAYS AT SCIIMIDT'S EVERY MAKE Implement company, phone 51-11, - ging, general teumworlt. A. Clarlt, Just n memory fond und true The Schmldts department store Is FORSA~E MIJ.Son. 21w1 USED FURNIT1JRE-8-3x!0-6 Ax- Silsby farm, \4 mile west of traf­ Just a toltcn of affection offering hundt•eds of Items at worth­ AND MODEL OF minster Rug, dining tubles, buffets, fic llght on West Columbia r·oud. And u heartache still for you while savings Friday and Saturday CAR OR TRUCK 2 GUERNSEY COWS, springing, unci bed davenport, davenports, library 18w4p 40 acres pasture, spring water. one two-ycur-old due: also some Just a tear In sllence fulling by way of a May Dollar Days sule. tables, fi!Lt top oalt deslt, Indies' And a yearning just for you. Page nine of this Issue of the News Speedometer huy for sale. Joe Rlbby, 2% miles · desk, Leonard elcctrlc refrigerators, MORE NET DOLLARS FOR YOUR Will Hanna house on Oak St. Cuhle" no1·th and enst of Holt on Fino Father, mother and sister. 21wlp curries u complete page of renl bur­ breulrfast sets. A. B. Bull, Mason. beef cows; also duy-old and up gains. 2llc 1111 Tree road. 21w1 calves wanted. Robert Sheuthelm, See Carl Jewett, Mason. 21w1/ CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank 2010 avenue, Lan­ my friends and neighbors for their GOOD JERSEY COW for snle, seven IF you nrc looldng for u real buy in AUCTION SALE lly

with decorations. Mrs. Roberts was son of Detroit were weel< end guests Duane, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Chester --- presented with several gifts f1·om of Mr. and Mrs. W . .J. Maclam and Dnvid nnd daughter were dinner I1 The Women's Union of the Baptist FLOWERS tile group. • * • Members of Dlvlslon family. guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy David of church wlll meet Wednesday, Mny 1 of the Presbyterian Ladles Aid so· Mrs. Helen .Jump, Fred .Jump and Flint Sunday. 29, at two o'clocle at the home of AND clcty also honored Mrs. Robert:B ut a 1 Mr. nnd Mrs . .John Gar!leld of Munltll Dan Doyle attended u banquet glv- Mrs. H. J. Bartley. Mrs. Isabelle Call party nt the home of Mrs. Russell were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. en by the Mutual Benefit Insurance will be assistant hostess. Mrs. Clnr· POTTED PLANTS Coltson Wednesday. A potlucle dln- C. A. Clinton. . company at the Hotel Portet·, Lnn- ence Ellison will have charge of the ncr was served at one o'cloclc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman nnd sing, last Thursday night. program, tlJC subject of which wlll be FOR Mrs. Rose Bush were h1 Douglas Mrs. C. H. Cllppel', Mrs. W. S. "The Bible." The meeting Wednesday WINS NATIONAL RA'l'ING Sunday to vlslt Mrs. Lilllnn J!Jddy, a Rhodes, Mrs. Mason m. Reynolds and will be the first meeting of the 'Danescots DECORATION Ima Palmer was awarded second sister of Mrs. Bush. Mrs. V. J. Bt•own attended a brenle- church year. The theme to be studied division rating for Class B cornet Mrs. H. L. Bennett and Mrs. Ger- fast In Jnclcson Thursday as guests thls year Is "Witnesses of Light." I at the national solo music festival trude Mitchell of Olwmos were call- of Mrs. J. N. Baker. Mrs. Alfred Allen wlll hnvc charge of ers Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert B. Wallace the lnstnllatlon of newly elected of- Colonial DAY ln Battle Crcelc Just Thursday. Miss Palmer had previously won first Bennett and family. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nichols fleers. Mrs. W. J. Trumbull will lend dlvlslon rating 1\t the state festival , William B. Swnlm }s confined to spent the week end at Higgins Lake. the worship period. ln Ann Arbor, qualifying her for t11e Ills home on Wlllougnby road with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hnrlcness were I · --- ' Beauty Jewett's Flower Sho~ national contest. Luelle Dean played injuries to hls left Jcriee received In also at their cottage ut Higgins Lake 'rhe Mason Woman's club wlll hold Irlowerphono 2-1231 piano accompaniment for Miss Pal­ a fall Tuesday. for the week end. 1a May brenl

-· I MlrHIIIII Bol.t.y Lou BlunJ[ ftllrl Hol.l.y ·1· .,_,_.L .. E"s"LI·E:-·-·-·~ 1111/H{lll'ly Ullll ,Junwll BIIU!lc, ,fl•, J,nl.• with rt plonln cllniHII' nt. t.lan Mlllor tll!llllol i!lntloct ll't•lr!ny, I'!Ht)llll'flnecl teru WOI'tl prnthml.l!fl hy th11 ul.h­ funtm·y g~·muultl 1111111' lilat.on H11plclti, f11111' of IIlli' pupll11, .fllllll Lynn, Mllou Congressman Explains 1"""1 Afl.llt' vli1!Uug i1111 leo m·nllm IJIILIJt l.lw 'i'nllmt, M'nry IIIIWILt'l( 11iacl Ohlt•loy lnl.ln no1wh, Leo Beo)ul, Mdwol with l.lwil' l.liiwhol', M 1111 llmwl Hnallh, jolnl1'1g' wllh nl:ltul' .Tnnluroi1 n' "'"· """"'_ """"'"" 1 Hneclm•, mnrl11 11 t11111' of Lhn llol'llfll' l!f!Hnly rwlaonl pupllu at. Ilnli'OIL t.o I .:.. -•_"_"_,,_11 1,_u_,,_,,_u_n_t·IJ JPorty nwmlwl'll nf t.ho r,nllll!! rwnlm· Woolon mlllu nt !Guion Htl(lldu. Dtn•- vlnll: l.ho 1•'111'11 I'lunt. nt. nlvm· Houge. ltt'""'lltlon JO~Jjuy~1blo Alfnlr f!!HIIH r!htt(wrotwcl ll,V MIHH Holen Col'll lug- Uw yor11' t.hll pupll!i of t.hn tmhool 'l'ho Annln m:honl, of wltioh Mlun National Defense Plans • nucl Ml1111 MnrJc1 BI'C!I!uhl will hliiVII wlt.h (ll'OCilerln fmm vnrlntllt projc!l!tfl, JJnr.nl Whcwlm· 1t1 llw lotwhm•, nlmrr.il 'l'he IIIUIItoJ'lum of tho fiOhoo( huilcl· 1 May 2·1 fill' IL thl'lliH(IlY trip t.n 0Cllll'- (lllt'f'IIIIIICd II Jllrcno ILIIII llllW flflllg' l•'rlrlny Wll.h 1L plr!llill nt the llohonl, Ilng Willi lumocl Into 11 myl.hlmll pont­ ginn Hay nnrl t.ho 'J'Iwuuruul Tnlnndll, l10olw. On Monclrty Ml'll. lillllot, ti!IH!h· ufl.l!t' whleh nnt.docll' f(l~llwll wm•o on- By William W. Blackney ,. / hnwle IPrlrlt1y night whon tho junlortl 1'hoy will Wtll nat 1.1111 U. H. H. Houl.h er In tho Wnll,cr rllntrlet, who11e j1JycrJ, I have been receiving hundreds of letters from all over the S1xth 1 honol'ed tlw twnlrli'H, tlwlr (llll'eni.R nnd frlonda numherlng nppl·oxhn11lcly 400, clentAmerlcn D. ru.from Clny Delt·oll,w111 1wt tulHnput·lnton- 11 llliJII!r· .,.,,.....,.....,======,...======..,..===- --· -- · -····· J.?iatri.ct ~siting f01: information pertaining. to the ~JatiOJJ~tl ~cfc~Jac I nt l.ho nnnunl junlot· anrl rwnlor J'C· Vl/1111' fill lite trJp, rutuatwn 111 the Umtcd States. I am thcrcfote, devotmg tlus lcttc1 to copllon. Briel' walltt of r1p11rlmcmt Honoring Ml'H. D. ill, Clny, rollrlng- our national defense situation and calling the attention of your read­ hOUHeH, blue ll([y, Htlldtlcd Wlt.h llllll'll presldont of tl&o m. 0, 1', c. r.luh, ers to the effect that propagan------·-·---·------·-··- fl'om whleh Uny lllllloonu wore ro­ Mr11, Mr1clgc Vli!nry ontertnlned tho cll Linn to Umt, millions of clollitrn have' lcaHC!I nt lntm·vttiH, mlnlnturo cvcr­ prog-rrun committee of the club lntlt dists arc already having upon hecn npproprlaterl lmllroctly for nn· g-t·cenH, HWlngtJ rtnd HcrttH plrwcrl to WCC([, public thinking. t1om1l defense. ndv1tntago hei(Jecl to mltlw tho uottlng 'rJw Leslie high IIP.hool hnnd w111 On Thurmlny, Mr1y 16, r1t l p. m. Congress IH w11llng to npproprlnte reniiHtle. A welcome hy Wnllcr Gul­ conduct 11 HcrlcR of 10 open air con­ President noosevclt ndrh·essed tho every dollnr neccsrmry for rt eomplcto lcn with renpon11o hy Grllo McMichael, ceri.R hoglnnlng wlt11 It pro~rnm held joint IHmulon of con~resH nt which the nnllotHLI defense for nur country, hoth wn11 followed by the grnnd mnrch led Wcclncfl[lity night In 'Tuttle Pnrlt. 'fhlll llemlte, tho house 1111cl l.hc members nf In the nrmy, nnvy, mr1rlnc corps unci hy the junior prcHident, Wnlter Cul­ cntortrtlnment Is 11ponsm·cd by tmsl­ the presldenl'H r!nblncl were prcnenl. alr , but congress docs wnnt to loveliest len, tmd Mltm Mylt1 .Jmu1 Niswonger nclltJ men nnd citizens of the vlllnge In the comfle of the wcslclent'll mcs- lmow 11 this money l,q used wisely 11nd and the senior president, Gnlc Mc­ and will he under tho dh•c!!tlon of llll!fe he recommended nn lmmedlntc judlcloualy for the purpo11c lndlmltcd .Jcnn T. Shcnfor, naslstnnt to the Miclmel, nnd Mla11 Bernadine Mool'e, Donald Pnloslcy. '11tc bnncl's ~ 8 mom­ npproprlntlnn of !$R06,000,000 to be dl- nnd not needlcAHiy Sf)Uandercd. president of tho Mlchlgnn Bell Tcle- Gt•eeg's SwlngHters from LnnHlng fur­ hoi's w111 nppenr in new unlfnt'llls. Ladies who'd look their loveliest , .. and wouldn't we vldcd f11l follows: I wrtnt to give you our defense pic- phone company, will flct company nlahcd music for dnnclng. A group of 1111 At the last meeting of the village must !mow first of all that beauty is not 1. I•'nr tho Anny ...... -...... $516,000,000 t.ure for the nrmy nnd nrwy In 10•10 secretary und tren.Eiurer nuccc~dlng tap dnnccrll from Jflclmon entertained connell the following commlttee,q all? •.. worl~ a 2. For tho Nuvy and Mru- 11s comprtrcrl with 10:13. the lnte George .T. Brett, nccordlng wl th solo rrnd group numiJcra. Re· were rctnlned for the ensuing year: mechanical operation. For example, our shampoos and Inc Cm·p~ ...... 250,000,000 Nnvy 1040 1033 to rm announcement from the locnl frc11hmcnta wero Herved, Street committee, Lloyd Pixley nnd :1. To the l'retba.ll player ~f the U. of ~·: ..,======,;1======.,'======11pcnt, thouAnnds of otherwise happy 1930; Jim Rae, cnptmn of this yours ~ -···------homes rendered snd, all because we bn.9ltctbnll terrm of the U. of M.; and were tnu~ht to believe that we were Herb Brognn, cnptnln-elcct of the fighting the "wnr to end wnr." If balll,etball terrm of the U. of M. The America forms the habit of prtrtlcl­ toastmnster wns Elwyn Dell. Music pntlng In every European crisis, then wns fumiHhed by the Leslie high Pre-Decoration Day Amerlcn W111 be just UA had off ItS school bnnd. Prcscntntlon of 50 atll· those European nntlons. For hundreds lctlc awards was mnde by Leo Beebe, of yenrs the pages of European his­ conch of'Lcsllc high school. BY POPULAR REQUEST! tory nre dotted with war. America hn.~ hcen pnrtlculnrly free, In her his­ The Morse and Clnrlt schools closed SPECIALS tory, from participation In European w1 th picnic dinners nt the Miller KROGER'S POUND nfl'airR, with the exception of 1017 Dnlry plant Frldny, nftcr which the nnd 1918. pupils were escorted by their teach­ We have 130,000,000 men nnd wom­ ers, Mrs. Ethel Hull nnd Miss Hazel ONLY en and children to think nhout. We cA K E 10 ·~ Reeder, through the woolen mills rrt have the preservln~ of Amcrlcrm In­ Enton Rapids. The Annis district, of Regular value 19c stitutions, and we hnvc 10,000,000 which Miss Hazel Wheeler Is toucher, men nnd women out of worlt. Can closed the sumo day with n picnic at Fresh baked ... Moist . , . Tondcr , , ; we then afford to aguln be Induced by the school. The older pupils of the Velvety texture, .. Delicious with Meat Department propa~nndlstq to enter another Euro­ otrawberrios Walker district nnd their teacher pean Rtrugglc? Would It not be bet­ joined with other rural .Jncl lb. 11 c gntlons of the United Stutes w111 ndd treasurer, Miss .Janet Finch; chnp­ Country Club French, Thousand Island or at least six billion more to that debt, laln, Miss Reglnn Miller. Miss Noreen Our annual deficit now, In peace times Phillips, Miss Jean Buclt and Miss 3 ~:~ J9c Home smoked Picnics, lb. 15c Is approximately $4,000,000,000. In .Jean Kimmel were elected representa­ SALAD DRESSINC ~:z·10c tives to the Pun-Hellenic council. addition to this flnanclnl burden could Country Club -· Guaranteed Woaco - Porloclly Blo11dod ltrogor the United Stutes snfely Incur obliga­ Following the business session, re­ Home made Bologna, lb. 18c freshmentH were served. Iced Tea %-lb. pkg, tions of from 10 to 20 billion dollars 25c Candy Bars 2 bcuo n year to cmbnrlt In the European The Theta Sigma society nrc my'et­ FLOUR Margalo 5c war? lng this weelt Thursday with Mrs. Gorbor'o Strainod or Junior Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb. 20c pkg. I thlnl' the fathers and mothers of Alice Hammond, nnd the con tract 24%-lb. 77 Japan Tea Yz·lb. 21c Amerlcn, with very few exceptions, bridge club will be entertained Friday sack ( Baby Foods 4 c=• 29c at the home of Mrs. Ethel Shnw. Country Club Fancr would send their boys to fight If the 15-lb. aacl~ 2lc) :United States wns being invaded, Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Lyons and Wax Beans No. 2 caa 18c Camay Soap 3 bar• 17c fighting for home defense, but if I daughters, · Jean and Jonn, were guests Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde KING'S Wo•cot judge the fathers and mothers of l'all Gold Dust Largo pkg. America nrlglit they do not want Aldrich and son, Keith, of Lansing. Red Beans 3 17c Wendnll Horning, son of Mr. nnd COWl 25c again to sec their boys sent across SINCERITY FLOUR Michigan the ocean to engage in nn European Mrs. Lawrence Horning, who reccr.'cly Northern 3 rolla 25c con!lict. returned ft•om two yenrs teaching In 24%-lb. 67 Cream Cheese lb. 19c Towolo Shedd's Dressing The European situation Is critlcnl; Burma, Indln, spolte before n high eaclt ( we cnn not help but be sympathetic; school assembly Tuesday morning. Santa Clara - 84 Sizo Roman Cleanser ~~~~~ 9c Tuesday evening he was guest speak­ King's Flake Flour24Y2-lb. sack 75c but Is It not our duty to disregard the Prunes 4 lb•. 19c (Piua battlo dopocit) Incitements of propagandists, unci er nt nn entertainment held In the qt 27c / lteep cool nnd sane and sensible In the Onondngn Community church, and on COUNTRY CLUB Country Club Graham or Cod Livor Oil Addod - ltrogar'a Interest of our own country? Friday evening he will spenl' at a Y. Soda Crackers 2 b;~~ 25c M. C. A. banquet In Lnnslng, APPLE BUTTER Dog Food 6 ~~~~ 25c Miss Mnxlnc Snow of Springport Country Club Evaporatod Avoodalo SUGAR and a student nt Jncl,son Junior col­ 3 lege was nn over-night guest of Miss Milk 4 ~! 25c Sauer Kraut No. 21,2 Sc Maxine Blnckmore. :!:z. 15c COil 10 Rural eighth grade promotion ex­ ·------· POUNDS C.:nno Autry's la.t[!Bt film for Republic, ercises will be held for the following MICHIGAN MILLED YELLOW 47c "Gnucho Scrcnndc," which 11InyH l,..rldny schools, Thursday evening nt eight 1md Snturdny nt the Fox 'rhcntre, present~ RED RIPE - FIRM 10-LB•. LIIDT Gene nntl Smiley RR rodeo stnrt~, nlmndoncd o'cloclc, in the auditorium of Leslie by their mnnngcr In New Yorlc. Their ntl· high school. The schools and pupils CORN MEAL vcnt11rcs Jn thelr trnnR·contlnentnl trel~ home, lnvolvo them with n gnng of croolcs, pnrtlciprrtlng nrc us follows: Scoville, n 11rctty girl who IH running uwny from teacher, Miss Margaret McClean, pu­ nn unwelcome mnrringc, and n Mexlcnn lb.1 Sc plls, Mary Hutchinson, Frnnccs Vlc­ TOMATOES music flestn in the courHc of which Gene 5 ~~~. 12c I Hittg8 "Gaucho Sercntulc," nnd Smiley, Jn nry, Carl Bartlg; Annis, tencher, Miss Jumbo Largo 38 Size Now Whito his Jnlmitnblc mnnner, renders "'rhc Wooing Hazel Wheeler, pupil, Lulu Isham; PENN-RAD each or Kitty Mncl~'uty." Supporting, illnyers Wolcott, teacher, Miss Helen Ives, Cantaloupes 15c lba. include June Storey, Clifford Severn, Mury Potatoes 10 27c pupils, Rolland Doxtndcr, Rlehnrd 9cBox Lee, Wnltcr Miller, Smith Dnllcw, Willlnm New Crop Large Size Sunklst Valencia Now Homo Clrowa Huhl, . Jo~ Crehan ond LcHtcr Mntthewo. Hawley; Childs, teacher, Mrs. Helen MOTOR OIL FANCY, 2-LB. BOX • • • On the double bill 1!:1 "Men Without Bullen, pupils, Iven Norris, Darrel Oranges dos. Souls," Iluilerl IHI nn entirely different tyrm 39c Radishes 2 bcho. Sc of nrlr~on film this Ccnturc In hended with Kyser, Evelyn Louise Clnt•k; Bunleer Faacy Cuban IJohn Lltcl. Dnrton MncLnnc, Hochcllc Hud­ Hlll Center school, tencher, Miss An­ l G:!n$1.15 Now Firm Prunes . 15c Bon nnd Glenn Ford. RcmnrknbJc becnut!c na Mnrie Owen, pupils, Walter Flam· I it IH Hnid to give the renl "intddc" story llfCLUDES FEDERAL l'AX Pineapples 2 for 25c Cabbage lb. SWIFT'S on nri11on brutullty, the new film 11rescnta me, Mort•is Lnnghrrm, John Schutte; 4c the pcnltcntlnry expose through tho story Felt Plnins, teacher, Miss Rachel of U Htrnight•8hootlng ChRII)nin who Ktrug. BUTTERSCOTCH or CHOCOLATE PORK&BEANS RICH to humanize the trcntmcnt uccordcd Good, pupils, I{nthcrlne Slusser, Wnl­ the Inmates. ter Bruce Dill, Robert A. Cavender; STRAWBERRIES Fancy Quart 3 Tall Cans 25c "The Story of Forty Little Mothcrfl," be .. Miner, teacher, Mrs. Nora Taylor, TWINKLE PUDDING 15c Kinnlng Sundny nt the Fox Thoutrc, brlngA I Eddie Cnn tor buck to tho screen in his flrnt pupils, Norman James Barrett, James ·------~ JELL-0 ___ pkg. Sc pieturc for Mctro-Goldwyn-Mnyer, It niHo Robert Bobzien, Frances Osborne, pkgu. l brlngo to the noreen n now Cuntor. Tho 3 10c Shirley Jean Simpson; Wcclcs, touch­ comedian p)nys un cnrneat, ruther Um!d profcuHor In n role of deep humn.n Jntercnt. er, Miss Virglnln Price, pupils, Fny RIAST lb. IThere ia much comedy, but Cnntor tclla no W. Wright and Howard R. ·Straub; KROGER'S WAX·RITE 11 BEEF CHUCK jolccs nnd ncrforms no gngr~," Tho comedy 18c Ferris, teacher, Mrs. Elsie Bnlzcr, I cmnnntctt from hundreds of Ilrnnlm p)n;ycd on tho nrofcsBor by the boardinf{"Hchool pupils, Betty Jenn Schwartz, Clifton WAX PAPER SHOR.T RIBS OF BEEF lb. NAASSUPREME glrle he teneheB, Tho ccntrnl love Interest Bollman; Clarl<, teacher, Mrs. Ethel 15c in in tho grent affection tho lonely mun 125 Foot ~~ dovclovn for n foundling buby, Though not Hull, pupils, Elnlne Raymond, Don- 10 Prime Standing CATSUP n mualcnl picture, there In mualc in the ald Rhines, John Riggle and Cllllord Roll · C ~ ~ y\\.~ll\ ntory. Cnntor olngs n chnrmlng lulnby, Wood. Miss Margaret McClean, an­ o\\. 14-0Z. "Little Curley Holr In a High Chnlr" to tho nounces the following program: Mu- RIB ROAST lb. BOTTLE b1\by nnd other muDicnl detnlJs nro work· llc 10c ed Into the drnmutlc nctlon of the atory. sic, Leslle high school band; spenlter, - WESCO FEEDS - Boy" Is tho otor7 of tho lovo of a JOUDII' the Rev. E. W. Martin of the Naza­ Egg Maa~ •:~b. S2.15 conAGE CHEESE Rich aad Cnamr lb. 126 Slro-Swoot, Juicy lnd for n hugo elophnnt. An lntcrny Curley, Don Cooley, Rex Young, Don Mlahlgan Stite College Ithe lnw's penalty., Orders and Cash Priced to Save CUCUMBERS, large ______each Sc ____ _ Phelps, Don Whitney, Junior Dcr­ CHECKS ON DAD sham, Robert Rhines, Howard Mnnn, You Money Peck S1.5D.~·bu. S2.75 Blaine Lovett, Arthur Cordon, Clare i W. P. A. Cbecks HEAD LETTUCE ------2 for 17c TRENl'ON (MPA)-Freddle Bjorlt, Andrews, Wllllnm Connell, Junior SEE OUR DISPLAY loaul $5.2.5 three years old, thought It would be Crites, Bruce Omness, Nell Stewnrt, n good Idea to visit the plnnt Where and Don l{nrn. About 150 men nnd his father worlts, so he walked Into boys attended the banquet. Denzil a. locnl r:rrocery and bought a lonf of Parker, president of tlte Varsity club,' Jefferson Food Market brend and a snclt nf potnto chips, Introduced Elwin Dell as toastmaster. · Don Denamore, Groceriea charging them to his father. When Benny Oosterbun from the Univer­ E. c. Smith & s~r•, Meats found the youngster, bound for 'the sity and Herb Brogan, also ot the U. factory, he had eaten the potato chip& of M. were guest spenkeril. Music Willi and part of the bread. furnlllhed by Donald Palosky, the INGHAM COUN'l'Y NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, HHO Paf:r. Seven

High School To End Stockbridge To I-I old Clnl.ll:l lwupH1Ll, Ann Ar·ltm·, 'l'IWIHitty, Huncllly . wll:h Mr, nml Ml'lf. Vo•·nou nnd 111 lll:nylng with ltiu IHJJJ, ll'vlng. AIH]illl.h. Baseballers Gun For Truck Seuuon TueHduy MICHIGAN USt TAX lAW Gruduution June 6 Mrfl. C, W. Rnnol1 ill lll'l'nnging· 11 l'lnn !li'OgTJJill fill' MnnHll'lnl Dny, llov, 1\fr. nnd Mrtt, ltn.vmn11cl Jlrlllt.ow llll­ l•'lwd udlvltl"H l'or Mu11ou hlfl'h'll Hlnltln ol' .lnelttHIII will glvn 1.1111 nd­ nnulwn 1.111! hlr'l.lt ol' n clrtur;ltl.m· Mou­ ll'lwlc tnrtlll will nnnw nmd. 'J'uemluy H'I'ANIIJo'IJIJJ,J) HIH'I'I•lltH Iii A It N tlre:uJ, eluy, MILY l:J, rtl Huol. hollpltrtl, Lnlllln. TO AGAIN Bf ENf-ORGto Hl'l'l(ifAI, IIONOitH. M I', unci Ml'll. I•', llrll'lh JLnd family Wlli!JJ 1L RCJIIUC] nf 2o Will nomrotn In M1•, unci Mn1. Ji'l'etd Hollnwl 1111- !-lowell, Drop Two Til~s tlw Oupii.JLI Clrnnlt meot 11 lDJUil ltltVo l't:I.IIJ'Jle!CI l.o n eolt:ltffll 11l llctl­ I'IWVIIIIr.H I•'Oit 'l'llltJGIIJ I'IIJit(II•JN'I' fJOitlteo Uw lolrl:h of 11 /lOll ul li'oolo l.t:.,,'ll! Lulw l'ur• l.lw lllllllllll'H S'I'OCIUIJt[l)(lJD ntorod, uHcd o1· consumed In the Mkhltsch sln!flccl, Rlole second and Hecond Inning run splurge that HllW t/ltoriaa. Other st.11den LH to be gradu­ IN I'AIIt OF 'J'IIIUI.LimH. seared on an error Jn the first frame., Mrwon score five of their six trllllcH HltLtc of Mlchlgru1, on which nn oqul­ ated with hnnornhln mention arc Dor­ II-IORTON DO-ALL vulcnt snlcH tax hn.9 not been paid ene Glenn, Mavis Glenn, Luelle Pnl­ mrtton Rrtplcln went Into the lead In caused the dnwnl'ctll or the local diet­ IIY 11011 Jtartlng and Htop­ und getting a single to boot. and Mate who gathered three hit.~ behind the plate. A big third ltwlng ply whe11 s1wh profcAslonnl men mulw plng Is lnstanttLnenuH-a Twelve Musonltcs went out vln the each. that produced eight runs and drove Proctor, Pnul Rudin, 1b ...... 3 0 0 1 seven. 'rcmm \V L Pet. their OWl\ wares are subject to the The 4-H club will meet in the Hamlin, rf ...... 2 1 1 0 Willlnmston ...... fi 0 1.000 sales tnx. Fitchburg school Mondny night. Mrs. Lloyd Gee will entertain the ZIMMERMAN HOME SERVICE Wolf, 2b ...... 3 2 1 0 1 .833 ltes]Jonslhlllty on UHill' •Lee ...... 1 0 0 0 1 Men·y-go-rouncl club Thursday. Jefferson [ THD[[ ~~~~~\~0~···:·::::········ .. ········~ .667 1'he responsibility for pnylng the 314 S. Dial 21301 ••Lane ...... 1 0 0 0 [ [\[[ Haslett ...... 3 :1 Rev. Bntdorff had an operation at MASON To. HAV .500 usc tax •·ests upon the user. He is '"'ltRayJnond ...... 1 0 0 J Stocl{brltll, 2b ...... 1 2 1 0 /regional meet at Flint last wcclc arc Stockbridge at Webberville. n convenience to the taxpayer. Bosticlc, 2b ...... 2 3 1 1 Leo Stone and Harry Smith, •140 Leslie at Olccmos. MILK Accepted by American Medical Association ~k~:.\~is P:::::·::::· :::~ ~ ~ g ~I i~~q~n~~f~hn~~~~dl~~~~ Rlchnr

l•i ·i I" I 1, , INGHAM COUNTY NI~WS, MASON, MICIIJQAN, 'l'lll.JUSDAY, MAY :?.3,·l!W!

3 I· ...F,.;i~r~s:t.~M~_a_s_o_n_._T_e~l-e_p,_h_o~n-e ...... ln...... v ... o""'1""'v,_e ...... d...... ~.... i~r ... ~""':""'i~~- ·~...::~-~~~· .... ~~:::':'-~~i< ....~~... ~- ... ~~... ~~ ... ~ .... ~l--:-1 ...T-w~~ ... f~... o 0...,r n""'-;-~ ...w~ ..~~·:-;. f.~i..f'~~i.;.:·~c:u~ty Driv• Ch~i,;;;,;" -- PI .. 1 llltnry DuMunelr nnrl l!lltrl qulun, . ar urst . ---·~ lmnl.nlntcd, I hch lowllonH nnd In Uw ermnty jnll l.hn Llll'l'c Jlllld Uw Coat Special! mm•l!ltanl., 'IJI.ni.I!H tltnl. l.lw lll'llt l.efr.- __ Uwlt· l>luutu nllnthm'A nt'

l>lrwmlphmw Inlnul:nllml l.li!! rll'llf', In lli:lll'l! MnHon of IIIIIwwr l'nllull', one COOJtlliNA'l'INCIUIHCIUHMION co.n,N,mi,.AI 1 Jt 11\\AitU IIOLIIH GMII,>rlrlr",,•I \ L(.2.,flll·ll't',,,.r,1.11_)·;1IIJ)l;l'.lr<.,W,wlrl·rr'.·o''x"",·swto"r'.. 't',': 'l'h;, ltrJ'cHLII werr. mndr. nt 10 p, m. 0, <1. Purlthiii'HI., lonnlerl wlwrn Lluo ' . " ' bridge ('Jit'fi) • rJon Mnrtln Wehher· WcdncHday nt~:ht hy Sheriff Allnn rruxedo and. Fitted Styles t t lll'f!Hon Pe nl'o9 rI 1'11/l' HI .ore nnw II l lliH IH. A t.rtllc 011 t.llnln" community sur- v Ill c ·("O,JP12):•• • •Jrlltr 1 Ilrrng•l;11rt ' Lrrn- M_'I ncDonn_ldd Ott nn_d nightt t wutchmllllfl ll ) r• ThiH

•.... · 1.?1.. at SC &~ IDT'S FRIDAY·SATURDAV, MAY 24th and 25th GIRLS' AND YOUNG WOMEN'S Play Suits Buy Now···Save! ~~~~it~ We enjoy gh•ing our ('ustomerH the line ''aluoo that are listed here. l\lany Item!! not listed on this page are f/'1 '4~ '1 ~ helng otfl", wHit a l'nll nl' llll!l fluwluv with Mr. nnd Mn1. Ji'lli'J'Illlt.l Ml', und Mm. Clnl'"""" Gurrltl of MI'!(J llAAIIti HI'I•1CJIAL1H'l' WAHNH l't!d, ill tho !1\VII'I.mrt. l'ivm• In l.hn:lnut.h- Hmll.ll'ut' l•latnu Hupld11, Ddrolt W<'l'll viHltoJ'II ol' Mhm 1111d 11'AI~AllaJtS '1'0 Illi: CIAUI•WIIL. lll'n Jl!!lillllntill ol' Mlc!ltlgan. ITuhlmi·d lll!hllfli !!IOfl!!tl IHBI. J•'l'lduy, Mun Gai'I'IH a t!oupli! 1lny11 lnHL wecllt, "Sillll'll Uro t.omh null Hnve l.ho Wllll­ ------··--~------Mllm l':vn Oi!HI.i!l'l", wi1o hn 11 t 1111 gi'1J. Ml'. null Ml'll, r,yJo Mlllm• of Lnn­ llt'n," Jllll'l~phl'll.'HlS ft. (1, Hill, Mh!lt­ llw fll!llool l'ol' liH! punt l.hi'oo Yl!lll'll, 1dng, Mr. MI'H. ,Haymond Wo~·,Jnn '";rl Jg·un Htnto eolltJgn g·amn manngnmnnt will li!IH!h Uw Dunn Hi!lwnl next' Y"lll', and .~orJ, (,aJ·y, ol Vantown, Iu . .r. lllllli!lilfl!lt, /Uid MI:IH l•llill/1 l''dtm·H will ieneh Woi'ilnn nf Whll.e 01ti<, Ml', r~nd MrH. ltnJ•e. flw Piper or I laHielt, and Glenn He enullonH fllJ'nWI'H lnt"l'clHtcHI In M1·. awl Mn1. 11JIHHell flimwnt of Mcll!lllrnl flf Munith, wm·o lfllcHI.H of tho woll'am of lfl'llllllll nesting birds Mllflflll f!ltll

1111111IUonu in 1.111'11 whkh will lwlp to ~ F.~li"'Pi~·;~~~···· lllilllllifll.n dllllllllliln C:OIIIilllllpl!nu of ...... l ft1111l rtncl will 1.111111 t.n l'flirl" food prlnr•ll. I lly !IfI'll, N nrriH llall't l "llnwnvru·, II. 111 only wl11hful lllinh­ ,...... " ...... •··· ...... , lng t.o I;.,!Jnvo il111t. l.ho WIIJ'IH g-oing t.o ht!lllilll. lh11 fnrnw1• of Mld1lg-un in 10·10." M1•. unci Mr11. D. fl. Hru'l" Ill' Mn11nn vitlit."d Mrtl, Nnm unci Mflm Mury ,...... , llrtl'l' Hu~tcllly, M1·. rom! Ml'tl, C!lffl.nn llolliti nnrl Hnn nnrl Mr. fllHI Mm. Ogh• Buclrl nnrl L...... ~~.~~:.~~~~:~:~~.. r!.~~;.;:.~: ...... J Hon wrn·n Hnt.rn·rlny nnrl Hunrluy grroH!.Il of Mr. nnrl MI'H, Mn111'nn Burlr.l rmrl Onrdrlu. Mr. nncl MI'H, l•'l'l"l Hulhig- nnrl fnm­ ily Wllre glwlllH of Mr. unci MrH. Hug-h Dining nnrl MIHH Lol11 nm·ry In Lnn· tliilli Sunclny. Mr. nncl MrH. Chnrlen I


0 Arthritis 0 Rlummutlsm 0 NamriUtJ 0 N llrVOUHnCHH 0 l.ow Vll!LIIty IJ f:onNtlpntlon 0 mgoHUvo DlsnrrlerN 0 Coli Uti, etc, Write For FREE Booldct ...... clcserlhinJ.;" H~iencc'H re­ cent findings on wlmt cauHOII thcHe alllletlrmH nnrl tho method t.lmf; thousands ure n11lng to nvor·c•onm Uwm. ,Just clip thiN nd: ehedc your• ILinldlon nucl send It In with ynur name nml lt

If you wmtt ASummer COAL your Chicll.s- e to grow rapidly ORDER e to feather evenly e to have bright yellow Gives Me the beaks and shanks e to have high livability Equivalent of a eto develop into good layers Vud FREE TON WAYNE CHIC I STARTER

Mason Elevator Every man will see the business-sense of orclfn·ing a full winter's supply at summer savings! The savings equal get­ ting a full ton free! Telephone yom· order, and get set for the winter of '40. Lansing Ice & Fuel:co. 1\IONTIE WOODARD, l\IASON 1\fGR. DIAL 6001

ELECTRIC BROODERS TRACTOR CULTIVATORS We manufncture a complete line of b.lgl1 quali­ ty Electric Brooders. Very economical to operate, Unh·ersnl cultivator-fits all cultivating type THI fORD WAY especially dC!ilgncd circulating heater, automatic tractors, will cultivate any width rows, .also heat regulation, two Inspection holes, Yz Inch mnlces excellent harrow. Especially adapted to Insulation on hover, controlled ventilation, Users report OIJCratlng cost of less than lc per chick Michigan crops-beans, beets, and corn. 0\'Cr OF DOING BUSINESS for the entire brooding season. Deluxe and stBIId· 500 now In use throughout the state. Stop In ard models 850 and 500 chick sb:llli from $19.05 nt om plant and see It now. Priced at $86.00. til $28.95. We Install them on your tractor.

ROBEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY The Ford Motor Compan}' was founded service with the Compnny-sobct·, decent EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN I mile cast of East Lansing on US 16 by a working.man for working.men, Its family men, Hunda·eds of them h

Old lumber made tile walls llld ft une and the roof wns covexell Wilh tnt ptper und enttil Stze Is 4 x 4 x G feet hlgil And tile vegetables dtd not freeze nt 22 de g1 cos beluw zero Last ye 1r 1 drove on U S 31 ftom Txnvmso C1ty Mtchlgun to Mobtlc Alnbnm 1-und 999 out ol cvety thousnntl fields lilnt I snw were shll bcmg plowed up nnd down hlllmstend of across the slope us the should be Bottom tllus trntlon shows how C(\lltour furrows hold rum wnter In the funow unttl the- ground Is ready fm future use Its only common sense SATURDAY ONLY HOME SMOKED-SUGAR CURED

munlly singing N Musselman quar­ tet, Mm jm ie Chrlstlnn Penrl IIru man Marlon Hogle and Ruth Hollo­ way accompnnied by Dolls McMana HAMS M1 and Mts Wlutncy have as thch man spoalcm Pnul Mnrtln of the g·uests Ius broth ex and wife ft om State Journal Awar.::s lm cttizcnshlp nem Unton City In juniot high school and all school actlvlttes wet e pxesented to the stu­ Mt s Tones and het music pupils dents by the sponsors 19~. gave a 1ccital at the M E chutch Whole or Strmg End last Sunday altetnoon The Chiefs went down to defeat nt Mt s Mat gm ct Mil net was In Ann the hands of the VIkings of Hn.slctt At bor Monday and Tuesday by the scm e of G to 1 on the Chiefs HOME RENDERED LARD __ 2 lbs. 15c Mt and Mts Lenard Fmlc and home diamond This Is the fom th de family of Jacl

For Decoration Day Ciurtncy a magician sing gave a very entertaining as sembly p1 ogxam in the school adttor­ mm on Wednesday Many of hts Geraniutns - · Vines - · Petunias . . Potted Plants ttlcl1s were done with the aid of the 4-inch plants, 35c ea., 3 for $1.00, 6 for $1.80, 12 for $3.00 2%-inch plants, 2 for 25c Monday was seniot sldp-day The (Over 100 va1ieties of blooming plants to choose from) senior class visited 1the Acme Busi­ ness college the Lnnsmg National We also have a complete line of vegetable and flower plants in flats. banlc the Lansing fire station the WJIM radio station and the State Journal Tomatoes, Cabbage, Peppers, Egg Plants, Celery, Cauliflower,

The F F A officers fat the next Sweet Potatoes and Bermuda Onions, 15c doz., $1.00 per flat. school year were elected at a mcetmg Tuesday morning The officers Ill e ns Asters, Zinnias, Petunia, Salvia, Marigolds, Scaboisa, Calendula Centaurea, Vetbena, Cosmos, follows Ptesident, Lawrence Shep­ Ageratum, Alyssum, Stocks and Snapdragons. hetd vice ptesldent Fxed Hausex sectctaxy Loxen Evexett tteaSUlel 20c per doz.-$1.50 per flat Eall Mllls 1epot tel Stuart Moore and watch dog Robe1t Ohm Red Raspberries, $3.00 per 100-Urns and baskets filled-Peat Moss, 35c bushel-Large I Blooming Pansies and Forget·me-nots, 25c per basket. The Olcemos Home Ec club hel


IIERCJULE DE IIAUTE-ITTRE Imported Bclgl3n Stl\lllon No. 21704-Wt. 2100 FEES: $7.50 AT FARM TERMS: BY ARRANGE­ MENT Michigana Farms 8~ miles aouth of East L3118lng, CJomer CGUege 41 Cavanaua:b roads Pllooe 'I'UFU Lanshlg Alll'ahrrnr 01 hlll'll l.rllrlug JHll'l.u 11 I'll ( lru•ru>t DOCTOR AND HIS WIFE LllWfl, llu~ol Uolo, ll, A, Duvlu, 1Jor­ flui'Yivlrq~ am t.lr<> hrwhrlrHI, Olml'lr\tl <•lliy I J!ul.l'lo:lc, !tal ph Huplmn, llIJ l Juuhy 111' Lrrlrtrlrrg·; 11n11 Hlut.••t·, 'rlro lrlgh 11dwo! JmiiCI grtvo a t:on­ .lm·r·y f1lll'lllnriiiX, Jr'orll'i.unrr ni'J.:I!nlr.H­ Mr:r, Vm·u l•lrvlu; l.hl'on hrol.h<>l'll, owr•l. for l.lw rrlurlnnl. horly Moudrty t.Jonu In t.lw hl~;h rrdwol will )Hr rop­ MAKE BETTER fOODS flr>OI'f{'n l•'ulr·, ltlelrarrl Jr'ull' uud Or·:rcru Mltur Drll'lrl.hy !•'1'11111. <>ill.l!l'l.alnrtrl 22 llllll'llilllf nl. H:•Jri, 'l'lw hlliHI Willi lli­ rllHmrl.od try tho l'ollowlrrtr ul.rr.(lmrtrr l•'ulr· ol' Now Ynr·l1, l'nl'llllll'IY nl' Lrrrr- glr•J!I or hm• Huruluy /Whool nlrum li'r•J. l'lllli.l>rl by Hrrlph Willilullll rrurl Mi1111 on llw Jll'n~;r·ruu: MJx.,rl dwrwt, ,lrur" QIJICII{ Jr'JW~I•]N VWll'l'J',\Jif.IIJ,-, /ling; llvn J'il'fiiH!nhllilr•cn ruirt IIIIVI!I'III rluy night.. ' 11 M." duh, Cnll, rrt.rulnut l.niiJ'fl'll (JJJ. ul llw plnno, p!Hyncl 11 r•m·rwt Hnlo, pr·ovlng- Allll!l'iert'H VllJCinlrthln :n!pply, r11:hoo! lu .1111111. lr'rurnml Hl\I'Vir:r:/1 wrn·o llul'l'.Y 11pmil. Hrrudrry nigh!. wllh "Br·ltle or 'l'lw Wrtvnu," whldr rrhn lr!iiplo; rtlrphtnll cluh, Om:ru• HunlruH!; a tr'elv"'l llnrt unrl Doris 'l'hompsnn; hmtolmll, Nnl'llHLn t.or•, Hrtv, 0. fl. llnt.IJ•nll. 'rhrt W, H. C. wor·n rllrrnor g'll<:rii.H ol' Mr•. nud MrH, IIIH!OJHI rllviHlnrr rnl.lngu In the t:nn­ l!lrhly; l'oollmll, Alhnrl Lrum; IHtHiwt­ Ouo of l.ho:w rulvarw~>s IH In l.lw lllld nl!lu:lmlr IIH!Ill)H!I':I lll.l.orrdnrl IIH Ml!ll Krtllllll)' rd. Li!IHI!ng- Srmduy, tnutll. Mr·. WllllrmrH 111 l.lro IIJ'Ht hrw­ lmtl, William Btu•glrr; lrnclc, I.oo rofl·igol'!ll.lnn whlr:h hoi!IH Cflllrllty Ollfl hwly nnd hm· Hundny IW!ronl olnw1/ Mr. alHI MrH, Jr'rrurlr Wlllttt unci Hl.onc; anrl t.errniH, C11ml PcrlrlnH, .~rmn pln.ym· In tho Mlchlgrur State whll" tho mrpplleH cnnw to emrmnnin~ "f hoys l!nnw log-ol.ilnr, o!Ho lhn mnm- chlldl'(!ll ol' Ddi'Oit and Mr. nnd Ml'fl. ~>ollege lmnd urul lw g"rtve u rlemon­ Mru·y ~lmllwi'I!IIUJ Is prompter nnrl uonl.erH nt• CJUielr fr·ecze11 thorn fill ilrm1 ol' hm· cllv!Hinn 111' l.hrt Ludlns Ald. I Clrru·le:J IArlll anrl daughter· spent. Hlmlinn on Uw lrmtJ·rnrrcut. '!'he en­ Heni',Y !Poole, Dale Gmtt.on nnd lhat YOILI' ILI'IIIIIlJymoutlt 2-Door were guests Sunduy ut the home of In .Primo condition me­ 1986 Ford Tudor, beater, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bullen and Joe Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Otis. Touring, IIOIV Jllllnt, ILOilO Edwin spent Sunduy in Battle Creek orlglnul lllgh Iustro lin­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Collar spent chanically. Slick $315 of the little things have with Mrs, Martha Collins und Miss as a whistle. Ish, brisk and $250 Suturdny night with M1·. and Mrs. been overlooked. The fam- After The Ball Josephine Lo.sley, Robert Ballard at Mason. smooth The Bullen school picnic was held School will close Fl'iday for the Ily wlll 111m thlll $325 at Potters Park in Lansing Monduy, summer vucution. ono. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Otis and Ber­ ··-···· .... ··c;i;;;--c;.~;~-;;...... 1 nard were entertained ut dinner at 1DS7 Forti Coupe, 60 h. ll., Is ~var Okemos at the home of Mr. und Mrs, 1984 Olds Coupe, i By !\Ira. D. 1\1, OIVen t no A'Uess work In buying $125 ...... , Arthur .McFarren Sunday. Mr. and 1986 Chevrolet M1Jster a bargain at Mrs, Robert Bullard and sons of Ma­ tiLls car with our $250 Town Sedan In I•lnk of Mrs. Floyd Morse's father, Claude son were also dinner guests. guamntee. Shcltrown, and her twin sisters, Fay Mr. and Mrs. Bert NUlls of Mru;on condition, former owner . • • you'll s t i II and Fern, of West Brunch ure visit­ were visitors at the home of llllme•· Otis Thursday,• will gladly roo- $335 glitter with ing her. Mr. Sheltrown Is selling om mend. lOSS Chevrolet evergreen trees. Sunday they were Mr. and Mrs. marl King entertain-! Conch, youl'!l for $125 breath • taking dinner• guests of Mr. und Mrs. Rich­ ed company Sunday honoring Miss beauty, for your ard Luthe1• in Lansing. Mnmmle Curtis, who is visiting re­ 19S7 Chevrolet CoUJKl, individ u a I i z e d Ernest Bogert, Jr., and friend, latives here from New York City. neat· liS a new suit, will 1980 l~ord Tudor. We In­ p'ermanent is per­ George Bennett, of Detroit were wcelt Miss Jean Bartlett visited her 1932 Ohovrolct li·IIllssen­ end guests of the former's father, Er­ aur1t, Mrs. Ellu King, Wednesday. give top Hight $325 vito your whole fect for keeping JHlrformance. $285 gcr Collllll, drive $7 5 nest Bogert, Sr. Erving Frcmun Is now working In family to hts)root It your coif in con­ Mt·s. Therza Austin attended a tile onion fields. , · 1 It !tome for stant fascination. shower In Lansing Friday night hon­ oring Mrs. Artlmr Noback. OASCADES TO OPEN Our stylist has a Opening of the Illuminated Cas­ multitude of en· Mr. and Mrs. Frnnlt ··Johnson, Mr. und Mrs. Marlon White of Lansing cades at the William and Mutllda chantinf:. . c r e a • NAN-C BEAUTY and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyd were Sparl{s foundation In Jackson has J. B. DEAN tions in mind for guestu of Mr. and .Mrs. Harold .Hake been set for the evening of Memorial your success. SHOP Saturday night at a chlclten supper Day. It has been llllnow1ced that MASON . . Dlal6A1, 820 W. Columbia In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's Carrie. Jacobs Bond, noted Ameri- :seventh 'l'{eildlng annlveraaey. . can . coinposer Will appear at the · ·· 'Mr. and .MriJ,. Arthur :prescott_ were eight, jie~fonnanccs of the ,atinuil.ll ':•oaD ' .oooD Dtlnts. .lrAour.. I '• ..., sso,ooo '" · Pt1zrs. .. sn. '"' rotD IIAlii surprlaed ·sunday night on the occas- Caacadea·•··FC~~tlval August· 1'0 ·, 1------·------..!. Ulrough'A\ugust 17. · .· · ...... i INGHAM COUN'l'Y NEWS, MASON, MICUIOAN, 'l'HURSDAY, MAY 23, 1910

···-··-··-··--·"-''-·'-··-··-··-~~-··-~~--··-··-··-···-,,-,,-,,-,,-·-··-··-~~-·•:J of M•·. nnd Ml'/1. Vunc:11 M111ul of !~ow- tho twhonl. mw hn11 :tli{IWd hr.r con· ii·,;·~~i~Y Burtna, In1portant British Colony, lm·vi!lll. tm<:t to t.e1wh nl. liw llll!llll unlwol r...... ,. VILLAGE OF DANSVILLE M1•, 11111! Mr11, I,uthm' Clwlr mover! nuxt ymu·. 1 llwl Wllek onto llw 'l'homw1 Olllrun Mr11. Noll Lrwy or .Tnnlwnn Willi 11 L.. ,.. ,:., .. ,..... ~~.~:~~~!.r.:~:!~ .. ~;.~.~!~!... ,.. ,.,, .. ,.. ...f (oo-ll_o_tl_•l-ll_lo_ti_OI__ ._II-11-II_P_II_II-II_ll_fl_ti_·-·-·-Ol-1-ll~ ,j ProvideR 'Bade Door' to China farm IHll'liWnHt of Dnn11vlllo. vh1ltnr of MI'H, ll, U. Hnymcuul :-inn· Mr. rtnrl Ml'll, fioy rtenrJ nlt.tliHlml day. Wlllirun Ct'lltHlnll, Wtfwln Crnndall Hruunulhu l•'nrtnutn Ill<~! mlng, hnrtchnll ll!HI ollw1· c•vcnl11 In !.he t.ullp f<::tllvnl In ITollanll Hundrty. M1•. null MI'H, Hnlph McDonald ru rl nnd Or.nq:re I•JliiHon, .11· .. Wt:l'o 1wlthm• l•'tllll'l'lll IWI'Vil•:enc plies, now llwt many of her eastern ployment problem. Of Burma's grade pupils nf Shinwasscc county. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Rosen Arnold and night and the school will close for the · Manning, nnd nlso Miss Ethelyn Rae, ports are closed by Japanese occu· millions, less than 00,000 now are Mr. and Mrs. Searl Briggs and 1Joyce nnd .Janet were visitors of yenr with the annual picnic at Hanlt·l home economics tcnchcr, will leave pation. Connecting Rangoon-half· employed in industry. Janet and Mr. nnd Mrs. Clayton 1 Mrs. Mntlldn l{lrltland and her son, Schedule erd's resort, Plcusnnt Lake on Frl-. Detroit Sunday night rtt six o'clock way down the long coast of Burma After farming, the. famous teak Collar were dinner guests of Mr. nnd J George, of Fowlcrvllle Friday. dny. Buses will leave for 'the luke : by bont for Nlagarn Falls, arriving -wilh the Chinese provisional capi­ industry is Burma's next best means Mrs. Walter Hasse of Owosso Sun- Rev. Harry Hoyt, Mrs. Hoyt 11nd Fridny morning and parents are re-; there about noon Monday. That after­ tal of Chungking, in the heart of that of livelihood. day. 1 Vern attended an all·dny aesslon of quest~d to accompany children who I noon wll be spent sightseeing at war-torn country, this route covers Mr. and Mrs. Earl Braman wer·e 1 the St. Johns district of the Free Effective are enrolled In the first three grndcs.! Nlagura Falls and . the party will Without Caste System. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ethel Blal. It'• my, No \rouble Fifteen girls of the locnl school way the railway passes the town of ~he East, they have also a frank- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Raymond of visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fran It Collar/ To Lansing " all and plcmnl.. You need only 2 , enjoyed Saturday forenoon nt MSC Mandulay, of Kipling romance. .• css and direct sense of humor akin Detroit and Mrs. Beatrice Hlghfielcll of Wheatfield Sunday. tahlc~poonluh two t1mes a day, Oftrn I to that of the Westerner. of Omnha, Nebraslm were vlsltm·s / Gay Wolcott of l<'owlervllle and . within ~8 hou" - o.omctim" overnight - to pn.rtlcfputc ln Sports Day. They Through Rangoon, as capital and ' II of Mrs. Addie Smith Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Veron Wolcott of Wli- 7:55 a. m. 4:15 p. ·m. ·rlcndid "'!''" "' obtoincd.. the pains I took party in volly ball and soft bnll chief port of Burma, flows most of Yet despite geographic, raciuf and Mrs. Nellle Townsend and Mr. and 11lnmston1 were visitors of their .Jo not qu~ekly '"'~ •nd •I you d.o not and some of the group went swim· 1 lrcl heuer, Hu-Ex will cost you nothang to I • the country's foreign trade, now re­ :Jthcr di!fcrtonces that set it aoart Paul Card were dinner guests of mother, Mrs. Addle Smltl1, Sunday. I 7:40p.m. try ae it is sold by yotJr drURRi$t untlcr I ming. Miss Rae accompanied the 'rom India, )Jolitically Burma "was Mrs. Iva Blough of Lansing Sundny. nn .ahwlutr, monry-l:to1ck cuouilntee. Ru-Ex girls. ported to include incoming trucks, ~ivorced from the larger counln Mr. and Mrs. Gary Briggs of East CQmpound IS for Bale and recommended by . gasoline, machinery, and munitions BUS DEPOT WARE'S CUT JtATE DRUG STORE destined for the Burma-China road vnJy two years ago. Today th 1s cou1; Lnnslng were visitors of the former's I Enjoy LunHing Trip try, as a crown colony of Great Brii· mother, Mrs. Myrtle Briggs, Sun- Last Wednesday 30 chlldren of the as a result of the war in China. All· l'hone 0281 together, Burma's import-export nin, has its own senute and house o' dny. INGHAM ABSTRACT AND first grnde accompanied by five · Mrs. George Weed and Mra. Ray-! mothers unci Miss Shenvllle, enjoyed business was estimated for the last re~rescntatives, although the legi~ SAIIIDEIIT KEEPS YOUR 1n trip to Lansing, visiting l.l1e airport lat10n of these bodies is subJect tc monel Kitchen of Lansing attended MATTHEWS fiscal year at more than $278,000,000. veto by the English governor whr. funeral services for B. C. Raymond TITLE COMPANY nnd Centrnl fire station In the fore­ Rangoon, accessible to river nav­ FALSE TEETH SECRET noon. At noon the group enjoyed a ulso controls national defense anr r.Pa~~.clay and also visited Mrs. Mlnu DAIRY STORE I i!!_a~,ign, 000 miles inland .. is also Yourfnlsctceth won't oe I picnic dinner at Potters Pnrlt, nftcr foreign relntions. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Parlts and Mason Lansing tray you if au give them which an Inspection of the Lawrence family. were visitors of Miss Stella 1 11 doily baJ: in Sanident. Balcery completed the day. league room of U1e church. Games rott of Flint and Mrs. May severance Parks of Lansing Sundny. This amazing dental olate were played nnd light refreshments Accurate, up-to-the-minute cleanser contains a harnt· and son, Vern, of Lnnslng were guests Miss Nella Murphy and Miss Mar· Thursday afternoon Mrs. Frances served. Kieth Allen wna presented n Sundny of Mr. and Mrs. Evert Pet- garet Curtis were entertained Thurs­ Title lnformati1m; backed by le55 patented ing~-dlent Sherman was honor guest at a show­ gift by the department, as he Will teys and attended the baccalaureate day night at dinner nt the home of over EIGHTY YEARS of which melts and washes er at the home of Mrs. Edna Hoyt. soon leave for his new home ncar service. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Howlett. service to reaidents of Ingham I away nil mucin. stains Following n short program refresh· Fluahing. M • d M Ch t M tl Donna Walker closed the Lovejoy I county. Mid odora. It leave& your false teeth men ts were served by the hostess, !. an rs. cs cr ar n and school last Friday with a picnic t Mrs. Alvlrn Martin of Ann Arbor a 1 M frellh. and Q(ean as the dny you first nfter which gifts were presented to Entertain lllothen; 1 wore them. Let Snnldent keep vour Mrs. Sherman. were guests Sundny of Mrs. J oiedell Dteret. It'a gu&rllilteed. ·- The members of the intermediate Barr and fnmlly. department of the Methodist Sunday PW'ty For 1\lothen; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Horvath were school en tertnlned their mothers In visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. WARE'S CUT RATE Twenty-six members of the prim­ the League room of the church Sat· ary clcpnrtmen t of the Methodist Lewis J ennel of Fowlerville. DRUG STORE church and their mothers enjoyed a urday night. After a two-course din· 1\IASON ncr set'VCd by the clnss a short pro· Mr. and Mrs. George ·Vogt were pnrty Saturday afternoon in the gram was enjoyed with Snrnh Jane guests Sundny of Mr. and Mrs. Cline acting as toastmistress. '!'oust Simon Vogt of Fowlerville. FORA BIG to mothers was given by Jim Young. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harlow Hoyt nnd Geraldine Townsend and Mndlyn An· grandson Carl and granddaughter, STYI.EADER derson played a pinna duct. A vocal Maud of St. Johns were Saturday solo was sung by Jacqueline Nelson visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoyt and group singing concluded the pro· and Vern. gram. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Ma· son were visitors of Mrs. Mnry Han­ The Young Peoples Missionary so· na Sntm·dny. clety of the Free Methodlat church John Beattie of Lansing wns a wns entertained Saturday night at visltm· Sunday nt the home of Mrs. ows the home of Mr. unci Mrs. Harry Rosa Anderson. Hoyt. Miss Pauline Ives was In charge Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlrt Holt of River­ of the program, which consisted of dale spent the first of the weelt at Bible games. the home of Mr. unci Mrs. Square Holt. The Woman's Missionary society of Mrs. William Mitchell and daugh· the Free Methodist church met Wed· ter, Marilyn, of Leslie nrc spending nesday afternoon With Mrs. Ella Hay­ the weelt w1U1 her parents, Mr. and hoc. The business meeting was pre­ Mrs. A. C. Dowling. sided over by Mrs. Lillian Somers, The Misses Maxine, Arlene and after which n chapter of the study Rosalyn Miller were entertained Sun­ book, "Heroes of Other Lands," was day nt dinner at the home of Mr. read by Mrs. Ruth Wilcox. and Mrs. Eddy Wnllter in honor of their birthday anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Frnnlt Grimes visited Mrs. .Josephine Howlett and Mrs. Harvey Cole nt the Methodist Old Dorothy Marshall of Mason were Peoples home ncar Chelsea Wednes­ vlsl tors of Mr. and Mrs. Franlt day. Grimes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Raymond nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Diehl Md Mr. Horo are tho now motors that Mrs. Lavonda Foster and fnmily of Lnnslng and Mrs. Ambrose Raymond and Mrs. A. C. Dowling enjoyed ort tho talk of tho outboard the week end In Hart and Mears world I Thoy sot a now high in of Mason were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raymond Sunday. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tompltlns motor porfoJmonco, Powor •. , and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Post. domino ..• simplicity ••• Miss Mary Fitzsimmons of Ann Ar­ Mrs. Irving Holmes of Mason nnd troublo·froo operation , •• posi· bor Is spending a pnrt of her vacation Mrs. Roy West spent Wednesday tivo ono pull starting and long With her sister, Mrs. Clara Brnmnn. With Mrs. Thomas Haggerty of Wll· lifo oro mostorfully c~mbinod Mrs. Joiedell Barr and Clyde and llamston. "LOOK HOW MUCH MORE CAR YOU GET fOR with modern design. Lnurn attended the Hornet• Rodeheav­ Eddie Fitzsimmons of New Hud­ er concert at the First Methodist son enjoyed the weclt end at the A PRICE LITTLE MORE THAN THE LOWESTI11 9~MERCURY chumh in Jacltson Tuesday night. home of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Braman. Miss Genevieve Kern and Miss Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. Franlt Richards of BEFORE YOU BUY guerite Shenvllle attended open house Wayne were guests of Mr. and Mrs. for the Michigan School for the Blind William Richards Sunday. HATEVER you want in a motor car-you'll at Lansing Thursday night. Mrs. Hen· * 0/ds prices bellin at $807 for Coupes, $853 for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Daldn of Lnn· Wdo better with an Olds. For only a few dollars Sedans, delivered at LanBing, Micll. Transpor- : ry Lee accompanied them and visited sing spent Monday at the home of her daughter, Miss Grace Lee. more than lowest priced cars, you get more size, tation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Wnllter. 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Hoyt and Vera Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broolts. and more style, more comfort, more performance and lllly), optional equipment lJnd accessories-extra. spent the first of the weelt with rein· Will Keene were entertained Friday Prices subject to change without ·notice. · tlvcs In St. Louis. more prestige-pl~s economy that compares with night at dinner at the home of Mr. • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE « Mr. and Mrs. William Burlingame and Mrs. Mort Keene and Mr. and the best. Come,

~:w-c:u~ ~::;---·~ Marriage Licenses r-- 20 Got don Richardson, Lrmmng I! ~~~~H~~0~~~~~~r;1 ( lt

_,.-- BUSES TO LANSING DAILY m., 12:00, 4:45, 7:20 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 10·15 p. m BUSES TO JACKSON Plulhp talkmg DAILY That was a. m., 2:15, 5:45 3:20 'Julmn fron. ,Journul Entries of the Clrnult Court P· m. Sundays and Holidays 12:00 Midnight CASH Foa· Dead and Disabled BUS STATION !>ETERS DRUG STOltE 330 S. Jelfet son Ave. lelejtltono 6131

"I used to " 'Huh' Somebody stealmg my ~Successor to BLUE GOOSE t1me, eh what? Who IS he, 1f I m not MILLENBACH BROS. CO. gettmg too personal-doctot, law- Tho original company tQ p[ly £or dead LINES ntock "No, he dr1ves a p1ck-up car for a local cleanmg compony Does that mean anythmg to you?" "Not a thmg However, I'll have Jum fired tomorrow But today there's sometlung else-loolt, Beau­ tiful, how soon can you meet me at CASH PAID Eighteenth and Central?" FOR Council met and was called to ordm "Who?" by Mayot Jewett Ptesent, Alde1men "You I mean me Hurry up, DISABLED OR DEAD Dat ltng, Dunsmore Hall, Kean Thor Honey g1rl, I'm a busy man Be­ burn Absent Alder man Cllnton sides, th1s booth 1s hot Grab a HORSES, $3.00 COWS, $2.00 The minutes of the lust meeting hat and tax1 and hustle down here MARKET PRICE FOR CALVES AND HOGS wet e read und appt oved -you see, 1f you wmt too long I'm Ste- The finance committee r epm t the MORTGAGE SALE CARCASS MUST BE FRESH AND SOUND followtng claims und 1 ccommend then nfratd somebody'll sw1pe tt " DeCnult hnvlng been modo ln LlltlonK of n certain rcnl estate ruQrtgugc Phone Collect Lansing 45217 ' Sw1pe what-the hat or the whetcby the power or tmlc therein contntn .. tax1 ~" cd bccnmc 01 orntivc, mude by Curl AnUerH "Your btrthday present, Nut" nnd GJndyH Anders hiH wife, to Snrnh E MurHhnll dnted July 22ntl 192 U and re­ OSCAR MYERS RENDERING CO. "Oh Can't you put 1t m your corded In the olficc of tho Rcgl~ttcr o£ Dcc(hl pocket and br mg tt home?" for Ingham County Mlchtgun, on July 23 '------192G, In Ubcr 269 of rnortgngca on vnge "Good gosh! L1sten, Woman; for 30 nnd tluly Utltdgned by Raid Surnh E Mur Pete's sake get down here so we 1thnll to Grucc L Pm melee nnd Ch1~rlottc A Schubel. by nn nssignment dated October can watch tt eat, w1ll you?" 13 1 fl .. 6 nnd recorded In nalU Rcgl11ter or "Eat?" Du~d s office on April 30, 1030 ln llbcr 283 of mortgm:wa on page I 60 nnd Q.n undtvtd­ Dead or Alive "Eat" cd one-hut£ duly usHIJrncd by snitl ChnriQttc "Shall I bt mg mother?" A Schubel to ( rncc L Pnrmclec hy nn no­ "No, I've got enough stuff here IJignmcnt dntcd December 23 1932, nnd HIGHEST PRICES PAID recorded In Hldd RcRlKLcr of Deed's office to last 1t a year " on December ~7 1932 In llbcr 316 of mort­ "Phllllp Robe• tsonl All r1ght, gngcK on rmge 74. nnd UJ1on which mort Farm Animals collected promptly. 5!unday Service gns:te there iR now due for t•rlnc!Jlnl nntl in­ what does 1t eatl" tercHt tim sum of $1028 00 and no ~utt nt "Hay darhn' " lnw hnvlng been brought to Phone Collect to Mason 3151 recover tmlcl debt or nnY 11nrt thereor no­ "What's the matter'" tlc~J lt~ h~Jrehy gaven thnt on S11turdny Au­ I'AYS OLD llEBT "Nothmg-I JUSt sa1d 'hay'." gnHt 10, 19<1 O, nt ten o clock in the fore­ LINN SINCLAIR STATION BANGOR( MPA)-Voluntury pay­ "0 Phil; you don't-you can't­ noon of onld dny nt the north entrnnco to or JacJ[son 2-7037 ment of n debt of 18 years stnndmg the City IInll Dnlldlng, LnnHing lnglmm you dJ.;ln'tl Not a horse-a real, hve County Mlchlgnn thnt hclnJt n Jlluce "here CEN1'RAL DEAD STOCK CO. has been made to Jim Hope, nlthough horse?" the Chcult Court for the County of Ingham , he had fotgotten Etny such sum due IH held, Bnld nRRlgncc \\ill Roll by virtue or __ "Sony, they were all out of dead tho JlO\\cr of sulc in nnld mortgnge und In him Hope found In an envelope left rmrnunnce of the ntntute In RUch cnnc nt his store $2 82 with an explanatwn ones She s a humdmger, though prQvhlcd nt nuhllc nuct.ion to tl c htghast that It was m payment of n 18-year­ Well, now that you know all the an­ bidder the I mdt~ dcRcrlbed thl!teln or flO swers, what do you thmk of your much ns Rhnll he nccmmnry to AnlaHry the old debt plus mterest nmount due thereon nt the ttmo of snli.J present?" together with tntorcst nt Hoven per cent meet at the councu 1oom on Monday, L1ke a bolt out a clear sky, she 11er nt1nttm nnd nil legal coHta Including- n rhirt:r fhe nollnr nttorney fcc, Rnld Innds June 3 1910, at 7 30 o'cloclt p m to remembered "But-but what about being cl( Hen Led In nuid mortgnR'c na Lot consider any suggeshons nnd objec­ Bert'" I wcnty or RoHe a Addition City of Lnnalng tions that may be made by parties Ingham County Michigan Keller Tractor and "Huh? What'd you expect me to Jlnlod M1ty I G, 19~0 Notice Interested with 1espect to snld lnt· do-wrap up that egg and ma1l hun GRACE L PARMEJ,EE ARRi!moo p1ovements and that the city cletk C F & E T HAMMOND, AttornoyR ror to y~u? By the way, Bert put me AKRIRnco Dusinees Addtcss 601 Amcrlcnn Board of Ro\lcw w1se to Chorus G1rl. Yep, that's Stnte SnvlngB Dnnk Rldg, LnnRlng, Mlchl­ Equipment Co. Property owners Ill e hereby notlfl· gnn 20wt3 ed that a meeting of the board of re­ her name! Satd she's a dandy view for the City of Mason will be Brother owned her a couple o' years FINAL ACCT ENGELHART-MAY 20 held at Ute City council rooms on ago And 1f tt hadn't been for Bert Stnto of Mlchlgnn Tho Probntc Court ror Caterpillar Agricultural Tractors Tuesday, June 4, and on the follow­ they'd •have unloaded some plug the County of Jnghnm ; called-what the devrl now-0 yeah· At n aesRlon of entd Ceurt held nt tho Ing day if necessary, for the pmpose Probnte Office In tho City c[ Mn•on, In of corrections of assessment rolls of Lady m Wlute, or some fool name anld County, on tho 4th dny of Moy, A D Diesel and Gasoline auld City, and U1at meetings of the Boy I Bert's been a nea vous wreck 1040 board of review will be held June 10 the last couple of weeks for fear Proaent • liON. JOliN McCLELLAN, .Tudgo of Prcbnte and 11 for the hearing of objections you'd get w1se or else grve me the In the Mnltor of the Eotnto of LIZZIE Construction and Maintenance Equipment to the assessment roll ENGELliART, Dcconoed. GEORGE KELLOGG, City Clerlt Contrnl TruRt Co hnvlmr filed In onld 2lw2 ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATES court Ita flnnl ndmlnlatro.Uon nceount as Earl D. Whipple & Son, dlssolu· apoelnl ndmlnlatrntor and executor and ltR Caterpillar Tractors, Engines, petition llrn:ylnB' for tho nllownnco thereof, DIVOROE DECREES GRANTED tlon, Earl D Whipple and Ray C. and for tho •••hrnmont and distribution of Whipple. the rcalduo of oald estate, Helen V. Olsen vs. Leo E Olsen n lo OrdoNJd, Thnt the 20th dny of May, Edith Mac Cousins ~s. Wayne A Earl D Whlpplb & So!lll, Earl D. A. D 1010, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Road Machinery Cousins Whipple, Ray c Whipple and Russell at oald Probal- .....~;""n""·~-·i'"';~"' •.N~-.~-.il{- ...i-:·b.-~-~~ ..;;·~-~"'~--.i'~ .•- ...-.:-.:, ..t-~:-:;-:, ...~·,~"'nl 1"'1,.. i:r... ~. .. ~:~,.,.~ .. ~~c... :~-,~-·;~-:~-,:-:~/-li-~-.,~11-,:'-/~~\'-:~~-~"- 1 :.V..Il-:~-,;-J- ...- ...- .•- ...-o- •.i ..~~-:;-·~-~ .._;--··~-.-~.-;i'- .. v-...-.i-~--i·~ ..i-"t;- ...··~ ..- ..... l

MATJUMO NI A L A•:l~ll lill'li.l I'-· I1 I 1...... ~!~:.:... !:.~~~:.~~:.~::~:.}::~;:.!:~ ...... 1 ~~·;;,\,)~'.) lll<:tul of l.lt!Wiyn I Mr. lliHI Ml'fl, f,yJo H•.•v. lwo JliHI Hnn11 nomln.y nlfrht wll.h Mm, Hownl'll .Jn Pot.ler WedneHcllly night. PhyiiiH, al.tmJclr"l Uw Holwlmh'll mot.h- moni In Clinton <:ounty, lllld!Uon ot' a to instruct him to slop' .her. Pnt plcnlr: at. Pottem llfLI'lc. i pnrcntul mcnuge for dinner. He nne! clitllghtor· hnnqucl. 'flHiHclny MrH. itl'Jil· Snydm· hroltc her l'lghl typlcnl Mlchl[.(llll farm to Hose J,nlc!! hod nlrcndy left the upnrtmcnt. She MrH. Dnnncllr~ Bdt•cl nf Hag-hlllW m· Wlllnm Sehoppo, a former t'eHidcnt snid be wanted to "lool{ up some ot cnllecl on MI'R, Mlli',V K. Cnmphcll night. llt'm lnHt wr.clt. Wildlife expet•lminnln!;' arc one on the GmtloL-Sngl- Allee Cole nntl girls nncl Mrs. Dorn hnnHl of Mr. nnd MrH ..John Lny. 1 Ln~ )· C ff• I I t •I Ml'. nnd MI'H, Merton lllce llllc! of her modern mnrringc views. · , for Llewlyn to come home. Slw 'J'ht1 fnmily of Lllcc Beech IHts nwv-1 ,, ·trls.tt' "Y ' 0 LY l·tnnc .t. 1t"· " 1 ~ 8 ·1 family viHiletl l'clntlvcs nt l~rLtnn nuw county bnrclers, one In Burry Bird spent Saturday in Chelsea wllh hadn't fell so nervous ubotit him 1 1 13 1 llOtlllty and one rlt Cr11nc Pond, in Harvey Cole. Anyhow, she was not incapable of cd fmm the . Rnt.nmn· hmmc to a hou~" I Alv•tll·"'' c Crlmplwllnne nrnc.Monday c, VIR eel M111.· I RapidH· · l rcf'cnlly'o t' ' Cass county, There will lw g-ame Hattie Phelps nnd Alnm Squires, I seeing something of Potricia's atti­ since his first high school period of south of Mason. . ' · · Mrlllr cc cH erie wnH oul of school mysteriously late hours. 'l'o enjoy • · Mt'H, G~adys Pollet· n ttendccl Ill I lnHt week wltlt throat lnfc<:tion. rrumngcment urea oren t.o contmllcd I who h11vc been ill, nrc l'eported much tude. Not that Mrs. Law could un­ Mr,q, Floyd Bnlclwln, Mrs. Don Eastern Star rtHHoclaUon In Mason Mrs. F'rcd Mend received n plllnt public hunting. . I better. derstancl how anyone could tire of the exalting sense ol virtue and fidelity, she kept resolving to fore­ Hctynes and Nnney ancl Mrs. Cnrlton 'l'hUI'Sday evening. given by the Lnclles Aiel to the olde. t Of the •t:l slates partlclp. · Heating Co. · friend of Detroit were ·guests of her l'inland· l01t 40,000 tarmn In Its parents, Mr. and Mt'll; Bruce Granger; ·Ingham County News clllh With ·RIIIIIla; · Sunday. · · DIAL 9011