APAH: Greek Art – Decoration, Pediments, & Friezes

Pediments as text Mythology Duties of citizens Frieze – linear, continuous Pediment – a triangle Problems of space

Temple of (c. 600 – 580 BC) Corfu, Greece () flanked by panthers (Gingerbread man  ) Medusa slain by Guardian monster Repulse enemies of temple Guardian cats Tradition of Lion’s Gate (Sphinx & Lamassu) Archaic pinwheel pose Shows action Problems with unity and narrative Small figures in corners on right Gigantomachy Battle of Gods and ’ son Neoptolemos killing Priam on left

Temple of Aphaia (c. 540 – 490 BC) Aegina, Greece Unified theme – Greeks vs. Trojans Depiction of figures of same size (life-size) in different poses Solution to space problem at center larger than life-size Dying Warrior, West pediment (c. 490 BC) Archaic Dying Warrior, East pediment (c. 480 BC) Classical Pediment damaged / rebuilt

Temple of Zeus, (c. 470 – 456 BC) Olympia, Greece East pediment Olympic games Penalty for perjury Chariot race Figure of the seer Realism Viewer recognizes and penalty Interaction of Gods/humans gave Oinomaos divine horses Pelops used treachery in race Destruction West pediment Battle of Lapiths and as referee Reason over passion Appears calm Reinforces proper code of conduct (Guests and hosts) Centaurs w/ open mouths Apollo w/ closed mouth

Parthenon Pediments Elgin Marbles British preservation – British theft Pediment figures Extremely high relief East pediment Birth of Athena Cornice as horizon Solved spatial problem Emerging from horizon West pediment Battle b/w Athena and to be city’s patron Athenians sit in judgment Hubris??? or Herakles Reclining Perfect assembly of form

Parthenon Metopes Stories on each side Centauromachy Gigantomachy Illiupersis Lapiths & Centaurs Complicated story Not simple victory Perhaps mirroring Athens’ struggle

Parthenon Frieze Panathenaic Procession Annual event Frieze on exterior cella wall 3’ high Ionic Continuous narrative Athenians on temple again Gods as observers – more hubris Plaque of the Ergastines Aristocratic maidens delivering sacred peplos to Athena Polias Sacrifice of Erectheus Creation of sacred space on Acropolis New interpretation

Nike Fastening her Sandal Parapet (fencing) around Temple of Athena Images of Athena Heavy drapery – shows figure beneath