Evaluation Agri-Business Finance Fair , 18th-20th June 2015 Claire van der Kleij Country Coordinator Background of AgriProFocus

• AgriProFocus is a network for agricultural professionals initiated by NGOs, finance agencies and knowledge institutes with the aim of promoting farmer entrepreneurship. • We are currently present in 12 African countries and Indonesia. Main Objectives of Agri-ProFocus

Our main objectives are; • Network Development and Coordination • Business and Partnership Brokering • Innovation communities - access to finance • Platform for debate and learning Easy access to agri-business contacts and expertise • Agri-ProFocus as a network offers a central ‘marketplace’ for agri- business professionals (producer groups, input suppliers, traders, buyers, expertise in business development)

• Our job as ‘market supervisor’ is to create an attractive space for easy access and quick linkages Support and provide space for agri-business deals and partnerships • Market intelligence through quick scans for promising investment sectors

• Connecting to agri- businesses, local, regional and international

• Identify potential SMEs to link to your products/services

• Coach development of joint proposal applications

• B2B events and agri-business finance fairs Work with your peers to improve the sector

• Facilitation of sub-sector multi-stakeholder groups

• Exciting knowledge events

• Promote knowledge transfer between and other countries Up-to-date information and online exchange

• Visibility for your work, business and products

• Disseminate information on tenders/calls for proposals from donors

• New developments and innovations

• Space for discussion Online platform Experience at the fair

• The finance fair was held at the Chipata Golf Club

• Main sponsors/partners – DAZ, MAL, SNV, Radio Café, AgBIT, Bankers Association of Zambia, AMIZ

• Mobilisation of farmers – MAL, PROFIT +, Amiran, Radio Café, DAZ, ZNFU, Frontier/SAIOMA, Heifer Exhibitors

• Agricultural Incubation Trust • Frontier Development • SNV Netherlands Development Associates Organisation • SARO • The Dairy Association of Zambia • MRI Seed • COMACO • Pex Hydraulics • FINCA • Kickstart International • ZAMSEED • Profit + • World Vision • Greenbelt Fertilisers • Bank ABC • Garden of Eden Agro Arts • FNB • Mfinance • Mlife • Investrust Bank The event..

• Official Opening by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Hon. Given Lubinda. • Speeches by APF, SNV, Finance Bank • Over 500 visitors were in attendance. Workshops

• How to use Biogas by SNV;

• Benefits of saving by FINCA;

• How to benefit from the cluster programme by AgBIT

• Opportunities and challenges in the Horticulture Sector by AgBIT and AgriProFocus Award Scheme

Farmers were given voting forms and asked to vote for; Best Exhibition Stand: COMACO

Zamseed World Vision Vision Fund Stanbic Bank SNV SARO PROFIT + PEX hydraulics MRI Seed MRI MFinance madson Kickstart Investrust bank HarvestPlus Greenbelt Fertilisers Frontier Development Associates First National Bank FINCA Dairy Association of Zambia Comaco Banc ABC Agribusiness Incubation Trust

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 The scores

Most innovative financial product: Investrust Bank & Finaca 11% 5% 6%

0% Banc ABC 5% FINCA 28% First National Bank Investrust bank MFinance Stanbic Bank Vision Fund 28% NA 17% Most farmer-friendly Package: ZAMSEED

Zamseed World Vision Vision Fund Stanbic Bank SNV SARO PROFIT + PEX hydraulics MRI Seed MRI MFinance madson Kickstart Investrust bank HarvestPlus Greenbelt Fertilisers Frontier Development Associates First National Bank FINCA Dairy Association of Zambia Comaco Banc ABC Agribusiness Incubation Trust

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Exhibitors said… (17 respondents)

• 47% of the exhibitors received 100-500 visitors at their stand • 94% would exhibit again • most in demand were (31%) • Agro-inputs most in demand were seed and fertilizers (29% each) • Agribusiness support services most in demand were marketing (29%) • Visitors were looks to sell mostly cereals (50%) and pulses (50%) to the exhibitors Does the number of visitors / potential clients live up to your expectations?


Only average Satisfactor y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Completely Business contacts made

• 41% of exhibitors made between 50-100 business contacts they would be following up with after the fair

0% 1 - 5 18% 5 - 10 10 - 50 41% 50 - 100 18% 100 - 500 More than 500 23% Deals Made: Financial Services

30% of the exhibitors made deals with financial institution of which: • 40% of the deals were loans • 75% made 5-10 deals • 75% of deals were between 5000-10,000 USD Deals Made: Agro-inputs

80% of the exhibitors made deals on agro-inputs of which: • Seed and fertilisers were most popular (40% each) • 75% made 50-100 deals • Value ranged between 100-500,000 USD Deals Made: Agribusiness support services

40% of the exhibitors made deals on agribusiness support services of which: • 50% were agronomic services • 50% made 10-50 deals • Valued between 10,000-100,000 USD. Visitors said…. (195 respondents)

• 72% were farmers • 37% learned abou the event through radio • 52% of the visitors did not prepare for the event

• 97% of the visitors would attend again

. What is the reason to attend the fair?

General interest & none of the above To attend the workshop / conference To look for agricultural / business… To link to buyers / traders / processors To get in touch with agro-input suppliers To meet with financial service providers

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Was the event worthwhile visiting

None of the above Yes: gained usefull business information / knowledge at workshop Yes: closed a business deal with exhibitor(s) Yes: made an appointment to follow-up with exhibitor(s) Yes: recieved usefull business information (financial, inputs, markets, support) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Financial services

47% of the visitors made contact with financial services at the event looking for:

Opening a bank account 10% 1% 3% Opening a savings 4% account 5% Credit / 1% 2%

Leasing product

Equity investment

Bank overdraft 74% facility Guarantee • Have you been successful in closing a deal with a financial institution? • 31% of the deals were valued between 1,000-5000 USD

Not been succesful at all

Got useful information to make up my mind in the future Made an appointment to follow-up with them after today Closed a deal to get the service / amount I was looking for

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Agro inputs

• 33% of the visitors were looking for seed , 23% fertiliser • 40% of visitors made contacts with agro-input supplier

Not been succesful at all Got useful information to make up my mind in the future Made an appointment to follow-up with them after today Closed a deal to get the service / amount I was looking for 0 5 10 15 20 Feedback on improvements: Exhibitors

None of the above

Time for networking

Exhibition fees

Exhibition space

Forum facilitation

Event atmosphere

Event location

Registration process

Information beforehand

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Buyer/trader/processor

• 37% of visitors made contact with a buyer, trader, processor • Value of deals between 10,000-50,000 USD

Not been succesful at all Got useful information to make up my mind… Made an appointment to follow-up with… Closed a deal to sell the amount I…

0 5 10 15 Agribusiness support services

• 21% of visitors looking for agronomic services • 40% of visitors made contact with providers • Value of average deal was between 100-500 USD

Not been succesful at all

Got useful information to make up my mind in the future Made an appointment to follow-up with them after today

Closed a deal to get the service I need

0 5 10 15 20 Learnings

• Members to sensitise farmers more before event – e.g how to approach banks • More preparation with banks to proactively engage farmers at the stand • Workshops to include more sessions that allow interaction between farmers and banks • Improve on information before hand through marketing channels to reach farmers through member networks Discussion

• Any other feedback?

• How can we improve the event for next year?

• Which partners should be more involved and how? For presentations and speeches from the fair visit our online platform: www.agriprofocus.com/zambia Signing Up is free!