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Eastern Progress 1998-1999 Eastern Progress

2-18-1999 Eastern Progress - 18 Feb 1999 Eastern Kentucky University

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Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 18 Feb 1999" (1999). Eastern Progress 1998-1999. Paper 22. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1998-99/22

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1998-1999 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ► Sports ►Accent Four seniors, TV Land's retro programming including delivers baby boomer nostalgia/Bl pitcher Karen Scott, are looking to improve on last year's record of 38wins/B6 Committee considers schedule options Banner ends flips Fridays, Kustra to traditional scheduling of dean of social and behavioral sci- ing of classes was "not an issue as and Monday-Wednesday-Friday class- ences. far as Banner is concerned." The Back's is . calls forum to hear campus comment es lasting 50 minutes and Wisenbaker outlined two dis- length of time between classes is Virginia Falkenberg, chair of Tuesday-Thursday classes run- advantages of going to determined by the uni- the steering committee and dean BY DENA TACKETT which began in 1997. ning 75 minutes. the schedule with 15 versity, not by Banner, and associate vice president of New Editor "It would be risky. It would be The main controversy was minutes between class- he said. graduate studies and research, costly, to try and keep flip Fridays over the length of time between es. More The university encouraged faculty to go to their More than 100 students and and try to adopt Banner," Kustra classes. "Number one. it Eastern is has until April to make the department chairs an have meet- faculty members attended a spe- said at the forum. "At this stage, it The committee proposed two looks sloppy on paper. If ings in their department to dis- cial forum called by President is not possible to simply blow up not the only decision about what kind different schedules, one with 15 we use the traditional of scheduling will take the cuss scheduling. Robert Kustra Feb. 10 in Brock Banner." minutes between classes and the schedule, all classes university in "The goal is to come up with Auditorium. They sat, they lis- Kustra said the discovery that the state- place of flip Fridays. other with only 10, which is what begin on the hour," he Wisenbaker said. what is best for the institution," tened and then they got a chance the software would affect schedul- most colleges and universities in said. "Number two, we working out Karen Janssen, Falkenberg said. to tell administrators their opin- ing only occurred recently. the state utilize. will lose one class at the scheduling Questions were asked about ions about the fact that flip "Eighteen months ago, we The committee is leaning end of the day." bugs created chair of faculty senate and professor of spe- why faculty and student input Fridays will be coming to an end made this decision to move to the toward the schedule with only 10 With 15 minutes by Banner wasn't requested before making in the fall of 2000. Banner system, and I use the edi- minutes between classes. between classes, only 15 SeeA6 cial education, told fac- the decision to do away with flip The forum was called to dis- torial term 'we' because I wasn't "There are a lot of different class slots are available, ulty members to e-mail Fridays. cuss how Banner, the year 2000 here," Kustra said. "Just a few ways to schedule, but the trouble instead of the 16 allowed her with suggestions "There were no choices," compliant software Eastern pur- weeks ago, faculty approached with classroom space is the prob- by the 10 minutes or comments and Wisenbaker said. "We came to the chased, will terminate alternating me about different scheduling." lem if you go with 60 minute between classes and the schedule advised students to e-mail Adam decision by default." Fridays. Eastern has already Both faculty and students classes instead of 50," said Vance Eastern uses now. Back, president of student sen- spent $2 million on the project. expressed concerns about going Wisenbaker, project director and Wisenbaker said the schedul- ate. Janssen's e-mail address is See Schedule/A5 Regents retreat to Northern Ky. Virallnvasion BY DENA TACKETT Another important session dur- News editor ing the two-day retreat is on build- The Board of Regents will be ing a student-centered university. in Covington Friday for its annual This includes the student services retreat, which lasts from noon building, which will begin con- Friday until noon Saturday. struction in February of 2000, the On the agenda for this year's privatization of food services, first retreat are many items that will weekends and technology issues. affect Eastern students, including This is mainly an update for the student wellness center, the Regents," Kustra said. "All Greek Row, the restoration of these things are already known Combs Hall and a variety of other on campus, but it will benefit the discussions. Regents who don't get the same At the retreat, regents will set flow of information as we do here priorities for the W00 budget, on campus." which will be presented at the Also discussed at the retreat April Board of Regents meeting. will be Eastern's 20/20 Plan. "It will be a free-flowing discus- "This is just a way to get the sion that will include top priorities board focused on what the placed on the table," President Council on Postsecondary Robert Kustra said. Education is already doing," Kustra said his priorities are of Kustra said. two different types — operational Kustra said the name is a play and capital. on words, since 20/20 is the pre- "Operationally, I would like to scription for perfect sight. find the funding to deal more "It's the Council's clever little effectively with retention and way of pointing us the right way graduation on campus," Kustra in the future," Kustra said. said. "My capital priorities include Jeff Long, new athletics direc- the building of a campus fitness tor, will address the Board of center. This is also a priority of Regents on what he thinks needs the board, so we will just recon- to be done in the athletics pro- firm that." gram and what he needs to get Kustra said everything in the there, Kustra said. budget part of the meeting has "It will be the first opportunity already been discussed, so there for the regents to hear his plan for will be no surprises. athletics," Kustra said. 'Baiting technique' Andrew Patterson/Progress Beth Thompson gets her temperature checked at the Infermery by dent teacher at Estill County High School, is one of many Eastern stu- used to kill hugs nurse Joan Wernegreene. Thompson, an Eastern student and stu- dents who visited the Infermery because of the latest flu bug. BY SHAWN HOPKINS Rumors fueled by virus not founded in fact Assistant news editor a BY Oem TACKETT not alone. so I'm sure I didn't catch it here, Friday. Food services used Monday's They have no News Editor Thompson, a 26-year-old but it is going around every- Student Health Services has Presidents Day holiday to reason to shut chemistry teaching major from where," Thompson said. examined about 20 students a attempt to deal with its roach Beth Thompson's throat Campion, was one of many Like Thompson, many stu- day since Jan. 13, said Shobhna problem. us down on the hurt. She coughed, had a Eastern students who have been dents sought refuge at the infir- Joshi, director of the program. To do this, they looked to out- headache and a runny nose. stricken with the flu in the past mary, which was backed up until side help in the form of All-Rite 23rd. Her muscles ached and she weeks. Wednesday. pest control. Steve Sims, All-Rite's retail Lamar Patterson, was constantly tired. She was "I don't live here on campus. Thompson visited the center See Flu/A5 sales manager, said that their bug acting food services killing method is more effective director than spraying. Flu Facts by the numbers "What we are utilizing is a bait- » ing technique. We don't spray any airborne chemicals at all," Sims Sims admits he hasn't tried said. any of the bait himself. Roaches eat the bait, return to 20 48 74 The bait is a thick substance Weeks6 Patients Houi No-shows that Sims describes as having the the nest and die. When cannibal- Average flu patients a consistency of peanut butter, ized by other roaches their Length of flu season Time limit to get prescription For appointments last spread into cracks and crevices corpses spread the poison over day since Jan. 13 from infirmary Thursday and Friday where roaches travel. several generations. "It has a sweet taste. They like it," Sims said. SeeBart/A5 Mall gets new anchor, 2 stores lose leases ► Inside ►Wether Accent B1 TODAY Donna Hill BY JAOUA SMTH 40.000 book titles, 20,000 music Activities B5 Hi: 45 _^ (left) and News writer selections, 6,000 videotapes and Arts B3 Low: 34 ^M Tammy Foorre When rumors started about a video games, over 800 titles in the Classmods , A4 Conditions: M checkout a new bookstore chain coming to new DVD format. 2.000 periodi- Perspective A2. 3 Cloudy ^^ customer at Richmond Mall, some of the local cals. 1.500 software titles and Police Beat A4 FKfc 32, Snow the Little businesses there started to worry about 1.500 complementary Sports B6-8 SAT: 32, Snow showers Professor about their future. items, such as greeting cards and stationery products for sale. What's On Tap B2 •UN: 32,Partly cloudy Bookstore in The verdict is in on a new mul- timedia entertainment retail store The prices will be discounted the Mall. Little called Hastings. It will be opening and over 15,000 video tapes, video ► Reminder Professor and its door in the spot where Sun games and DVDs will be for rent Recordtown used to be in the Richmond Mall. They will have free video rental The Theatre Department will debut "The Birds" at 8 p.m. Wednesday will be closing. Hastings will be a 22,468 for children and an extensive chil- in Grfford Theatre. Call 622-1323 for tickets. Andrea Brown square-foot community center. It dren's product section, according /Progress will be customized in a multiple ► MWFweefc entertainment format including SeeMall/AS

• J \ Perspective A2 Thursday. February 18,1999 A* ssa ft*. With scheduling, ifs a matter of minutes Generation X isn't apathetic versity should have learned more Monday, Wednesday and Friday. minutes instead of 50 because stu- ing for 15 minutes between class- about everything. about the new system before they The committee needs to get out dents traveling across campus will es would create a sloppy sched- Mess with their class paid $2 million for it of their offices and try to get from always be five minutes late. ule. scheduling and watch what hap- Students probably won't be able Stratton Building to Campbell Students will inevitably have to Classes won't start on the hour, pens. to convince the university to run Building in 10 minutes. arrange their Monday- but who cares if it serves the stu- There was a large student pres- out and reprogram the software, What members will find out is Wednesday-Friday schedules so dents? ence at the forum on changing but students should voice their that is impossible to do even on a their classes are close together or The committee should listen to the flip Friday schedule to a opinion about how to change the 15 minute schedule. leave hour-long holes in their what students have to say. schedule compatible with the new schedule or live with the conse- The committee doesn't want to schedule so they can make it to Just because 10 minutes banner system. quences. have 15 minutes between classes class on time. between classes works for other Several students were upset The committee responsible for on Monday, Wednesday and The university could make up schools doesn't mean it is right that they were not asked about devising a new schedule is lean- Friday because it will cut down for the lost slot with more night for Eastern's students. changing the schedule to elimi- ing toward a schedule that will the number of class slots from 16 classes. And that would make If students don't want to be nate flip Fridays before the deci- allow for 16 class slots per week, to 15. sense with Eastern's growing non- stuck with a cramped schedule sion was made. but only 10 minutes for students But the committee might as traditional student body. they should let the committee And they should be. The uni- to walk from class to class on well cut the class time down to 45 The committee also feels allow- know how they feel.

► Campus Comments


The flu has closed down several schools around the area in the past couple of weeks. And with so many people sick and away from home and Mom's chick- en noodle soup. Staci Reid. accent editor, asked Eastern students for their home flu remedies, or what they did for relief when they last had the flu.

Usually a lot of rest, chicken noodle soup, Sprite and 7UP.

Hometown: Middlesboro Major Police administration Ysar: Junior


Someone took care of me. Someone brought me soup and orange juice. Hometown: Brooklyn. N.Y. Major: Physical education Year: Junior James Carroll/Progress

I drank a whole lot of OPEN HOUSE water, liquids and I overdosed on Advil. Responsibility for dorm safety on shoulders of both university, students Assault, robbery and rape — Oh my! who actually lives there because members lowering the number of burglaries. Hometown: We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto. of both sexes reside in the same building. Cleveland. Ohio Allowing strangers into a dorm, leaving Campus seems to have quite a Simply stopping a guy or a girl is not doors propped open or sneaking acquain- Major: Fire protection going to work. administration few serious crimes occurring in its dorms, tances into rooms is detrimental to not r: Freshman and more than a few are happening in co- * So then a new way needs to be found to only the individual student, but to others ed dorms, namely Todd Hall. identify who is a resident of which dorm living in the dorm. In the past two semesters, students liv- — especially if that student is a resident in a coed dorm. Students should also lock dorm rooms ing in Todd have reported two robberies, when they leave for even a few minutes to an assault and a rape. Or perhaps rounds need to be more stringent. Instead of one or two people prevent burglaries. This high number of reported violent Richmond Police Chief David Harkleroad crimes within a residence hall should lead making rounds to check each floor during the night, maybe three or four should do it said most thieves look for crimes of conven- I drink apple juice and I to an investigation of how people get ience where they have to do as little work as access to dorms. throughout the entire day. don't eat that much. I don't The university has a responsibility to its possible to steal someone's possessions. The current way of checking in a non-resi- students to provide living space that is By locking doors, cars and hiding valu- rest. I get out and do dent is not working because coeducational things. safe from harm. ables, students can prevent a lot of crime that dorms are easier to sneak into simply because On the other hand, students have the occurs in both coed and single-sex dorms. Hometown: it is harder to spot who is truly a resident same responsibility to themselves and The university bears strong responsibil- Washington, D.C. In a single-sex dorm, any member of their neighbors. ity in finding a solution to the problem of MaJorUndeclared the opposite sex is stopped if they attempt Year: Freshman Public safety has received plenty of violent people entering residence halls, to go to a room without being checked in. calls reporting things missing from dorm but students can do plenty to keep them- But in coeds, it is more difficult to know rooms and students can play a big role in selves and their neighbors safe.

Richmond ► To Our Readers .The Eastern Where to find us EKU Campus The Eastern Progress Letters should be addressed ►The Eastern Progress is located Just off encourages readers to write let- Lancaster Avenue in the Donovan Annex on the to the newspaper and should con- west side of . ters to the editor on topics of tain the writer's signature, interest to the university com- address and phone number. ww.progre$s.eKu7edu munity. Letters for publication will be 117 Donovan Annex. Kaslern Kentucky t'niversity. Richmond. Ky. 40475 letters should be typed, dou- verified. The Progress also gives ble-spaced and limited to 250 words. its readers an opportunity to Ah/ssa Brarnlage | Editor voice more detailed opinions in a If a letter has excessive Don Knight | Managing editor column called "Your Turn." spelling, grammar and punctua- Andrea DeCamp. Shannon Lewis | Copy editor* Those interested in writing for tion errors, the editor reserves this column should contact the James Carroll Michael Age | staff artists the right to urge the writer to editor prior to submitting the make revisions. article. The Eastern Progress (ISSN 10814324) is a member of the Associated Unsigned letters, carbon Collegiate Press. Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association and College copies, photocopies and letters Letters and columns should Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers. Inc. The Progress is published be mailed to The Eastern every Thursday during the school year, with the exception of vacation and with illegible signatures will not Progress. 117 Donovan Annex. examination periods. Any false or misleading advertising should be reported be accepted. Eastern Kentucky University, to Adviser/General Manager. Dr. Elizabeth Fraas. The Progress reserves the Richmond, Ky 40475. Opinions ev jssed herein are those of student editors or other signed writ right not to publish letters that Letters and columns may also ers and do not necessarily represent the views of the university. Student edi are judged to be libelous or in be submitted by e-mail at tors also decide the news and informational content. poor taste. .

K t The Eastern Progress, Thursday. February 18.1999 Perspective A3 Postal Service violates artisfs stamp Smoking has become such artist; we're honoring a very smoked like a chimney, I felt a huge issue in the United good artist who happened to betrayed and lied to. States that the U.S. Postal be a smoker," he said. He had misrepresented Service has gotten involved. I am not condoning smok- himself, which hurt. Its new stamp commemorating ing, in fact I am very much I am not saying Pollack is the painting of Jackson Pollack against it, but when you are capable of hurting people by comes out today as part of the involved in a business that is all not telling them he smokes, "Celebrate the Century Series" of about accuracy and the truth, I the Postal Service is doing the 1940s. say leave the cigarette in. that for him. Pollack was an abstract expres- The Postal Service has not How can future stamps be sionist who liked to pour paint accurately rendered a man seen as realistic and true to life onto his canvas instead of using a who happened to be a chain if this one featuring Pollack ALmBRAMiA:*: brush. He also happened to be a smoker if they leave off his leaves out something as impor- Seven and One chain smoker. trademark cigarette. tant as a cigarette? The Postal Service used a It would be like seeing Big Being a smoker is part of Bramlage is a photo of the man from a Life Bird from Sesame Street with- who he is, and Pollack made senior magazine cover, which fea- out yellow feathers or Eeyore no attempts to hide it. (That's journalism tured him pouring paint onto a without his detachable tail. obvious if he was on the cover canvas with a cigarette hang- The Postal Service may think of Life with a cigarette dan- major from Ft. ing from his mouth. it is doing the American people gling out of his mouth.) Wright and Photo submitted On the stamp, though, the a favor by taking the glamour Why should the Postal editor of the cigarette is gone. out of smoking, but it is in effect Service change who the man Progress. Jackson Pollack's work, Autumn Rhythm, Number 30 is typical of the type of painting he spe- Don Smeraldi, a spokesper- telling them a lie. was simply because it is political- cialized in. Pollack was an abstract expressionist who liked to pour paint onto the canvas son for the Postal Service, I had a boyfriend who never ly correct to say smoking is bad? instead of using a brush. He and another piece of his work is featured on a stamp commemo- said the issue is not smoking. smoked around me. I had No one has a right to rating the 1940s and will be released today by the United States Postal Service. The stamp, "We're not honoring a smok- never seen him light up. So change a person's characteris- though, shows the chain smoker without his signature cigarette. er who happened to be an when his friends told me he tics to reflect the times. Advertisement has moved directly onto your computer screen. Is it a growing business, or... ► Letters All "A" is worth keeping The All "A" Classic Tournament is the largest event held on campus. This year was the best yet, Another nail in the newspaper coffin? thanks in part to the positive attitude and patience demon- model for newspapers in the strated by the university com- It will be interesting to watch munity. California company experiments with this new business to see if it future. I would like to add six rea- works. Subscribers would volunteer sons for keeping the All "A" at give-away that offers free Internet access They are off to a good start. After some personal information that Eastern. announcing their plan last Monday, would be fed into a database to be ■ Partial fulfillment of the their server and phone lines were used by marketing. them about everything from the public service requirement in JT erry Seinfeld once joked clogged up for two days. In return customers receive a the university's mission state- about how everyday all the kind of car they own to their People even lined up in front of the free computer with constant income. ment; I news always fits perfectly in company headquarters in Pasadena, advertising and Internet access to ■ $1,000 scholarships for e newspaper no matter what hap- The company takes that wealth Calif. the newspaper's Internet portal of demographic information and selected All "A" freshmen to pens that day. But are free computers anoth- that delivers up-to-date local and attend any Kentucky postsec- DON KNIGHT Well the truth is every week uses it to sell the ad space er nail in the coffin of newspa- international news around the Gone Fishln' ondary institution. Eastern has the Progress staff has to nip and stripped down the side of the pers? clock. received $10,000 to date; tuck the news until it fits into 10,000 computer monitors they Right now monitor resolutions are Possibly one day in the future. ■ more than 200 media out- Knight is a the hole left over after the adver- will hand out. too low to comfortably read long Eastern students will fill out a lets with free pictures, bylines senior tisers have paid for their space. The company does promise to pages of text and the band width lim- questionnaire and have constant and stories from and about keep user's names confidential journalism Now a California company is its the amount of data people bring ads and around-the-clock campus Eastern for five days; and just use the faceless demo- news on their free computer, major from going to use the power of adver- home through their modem. ■ practical hands-on expe- tising to give away more than graphic data to sell ads. No doubt computers will even- complements of The»Eastern rience for mass communica- Richmond and newspapers. The 333-megahertz computer tually replace newsprint. Progress. tions and athletic training stu- managing They are giving away comput- ships with ads stored on the hard Newsprint is just too expensive The whole idea is a little too dents; editor of the ers with Internet access. drive, which are updated when the to purchase apd distribute. much like Big Brother for me, but ■ community service hours Progress. Wired news reported last week user goes online. Just ask the people who lug until then if you want to check out for student organizations; and that Free-PC is giving away 10,000 They also track where you go around 10,000 Progresses every Free-PC's offer, point your brows- ■ exposure of 800 high computers to consumers willing to while online. Thursday morning. er to . school athletes to university sacrifice some privacy. If you don't log on for an extend- Actually after you get over And good luck — since last week athletic facilities. To be eligible, applicants must ed period of time, then the computer the initial wackiness of the idea, over a half million people have applied Lucie Nelson, fill out a form that questions dials in automatically to update them. it sounds like a reasonable for the 10,000 computers. director of special programs Acquittal brings relief from lengthy controversy

First of all, I would like to say if it does- both articles of impeachment, but I can n't fit, you must acquit. Isn't that understand it. right, OJ? Most Republicans What I mean is the punishment would voted for a convic- I don't think not have fit the crime if President Clinton tion. the had been thrown out of office. They needed a This particular controversy has been two-thirds vote for (president's around for too long, and it is ridiculous how conviction. They did- far Kenneth Starr went with the witch hunt n't get anywhere extramarital of the millennium. close. The economy is in affair is SHANNON LEWIS I am so glad the majority of the coun- try's representatives in the Senate voted to good condition and anyone's My turn almost all is well with acquit the president for charges that business — shouldn't have been an issue in the first the country, so let's Lewis is a place. be happy. especially senior But, of course, In the state of Maryland, it is illegal to tape after one controversy the journalism record someone without that person knowing. is over, another has major from What was Linda Tripp doing when she to begin. business of Manchester taped conversations she had with Monica Lewinsky? the entire ADOIIO Pizza and copy Something illegal. So, how in the world Next victim world. 1 Welcome Back! editor for the .were those tapes allowed as evidence? please Progress. I don't think the president's extramarital Jerry Falwell is on Fast Free Delivery Call Dine-In Special affair is anyone's business — especially the the prowl again, and this time he is striking business of the entire world. out at the children's television show, I don't believe the affair had anything to Teletubbies." 623-0330 do with President Clinton's abilities to run Falwell believes the purple Teletubby, Hot Subs and Steak Hoagies Sides the country, and I'm glad the whole thing is Tinky Winky, is gay simply because he Pizza Sub... pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, onions, cheese Garden & salads over — or is it? has a triangle (the gay pride symbol) on & Sauce Baked Spaghetti, Garlic breadsticks, Cheddar Fries, There is a possibility that Clinton will be his head, is purple (the gay pride color) Sausage Sub... mild Italian sausage, cheese Mozzarella Stlx, Jalapeno Poppers, Deep Fned criminally indicted and prosecuted by and carries a purse. Come on, who and 2 vegetable toppings Mushrooms, BQ Wings, Hot & Spicy Wings and Italian Meatball Sub... sauce & mozzarella cheese Wings, Cheese Bread, Frito Lay Chips Starr's office. Good grief, I hope not cares? Ham & Cheese... ham, mozzarella cheese, sauce This stuff has gone on Jong enough. Creators of the show say the colors and 2 vegetable toppings Beverages Let's get on with our lives. were chosen because they were bright for A-1 Steak Hoagie...gie... steasteak, mozzarella cheese, onions, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt. Dew, 7Up, I know the American public is ready and young children. mushrooms & steak sauce*1 Rootbeer, Milkshakes & Anheiser Busch Beers probably was relieved after the verdict was But anyway, the entire show makes no Western Hoagie... steak, mozzarella cheese, onions, Toppings in. sense to me. The sexual preference of one green peppers, S Bar-B-0 Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Onions, Ham, Pineapple, I don't know if this fact has anything to of its characters shouldn't be a main con- Italian Steak Hoagie... steak pizza sauce, mozzarella Bacon, Italian Sausage, Green Peppers, Jalapeno do with my thoughts on the subject, but I'm cern to the American people. cheese, onions & mushrooms Peppers, Hot Banana Peppers, Ground Beet, Black a Democrat, and I believe Clinton is a great We should be concerned with what our Bacon Cheddar Steak Hoagie... steak, bacon, and Green Olives president. children are watching, and I don't think cheddar cheese, onions I didn't enjoy the fact that our Kentucky this show sets a great example. It's just Party Pizza Special Republican representatives voted guilty on goofy. $10.80 APOLLO Lg BQ Chicken Pizza $15.25 ► How to roach us A Blend of Cheddar & 20" Tarty Pizza Mozzerella Cheese, Onions, with 2 toppings Cut in Corrections Phone:(606)622-1881 E-Mail: progresseacseku.edu | Fax:(606)622-2354 Green Pepper, Chicken & about 30 squares BQ Sauce. PiziA To report a story or idea Classified/Subscriptions •Price includes Slate Sales Ta« In last week's story about 'Price Includes Stale Sales Tax Exrjires_2V28/99 crimes occurring in Todcj Hall, Sonja Knight, 622-1881 _JExrjires_ 2/28/99 Adam Cronise's name was News " To suggest a photo or order a DenaTackett, 622-1872 Large 14" misspelled. reprint Hoagie Special Andrew Patterson, 622-1578 Thin Crust Pizza APOUO The Eastern Progress will Features publish clarifications and cor- StaciReid, 622-1872 Special $6.95 rections when needed on the To subscribe Steak & Hoagie & Activities Cheddar Fries Perspective pages. Subscriptions are available by mail at a $8.60 Nicole Johnson or Daniel Bruce PiziA If you have a correction, cost of $1 per issue; $20 per semester; Large One topping Pizza 'Pnce includes State Sales Tax 622-1882 please send it to the editor \\ or $38 per year payable in advance. Expires 2/28799 -Pnce'Pnce lnclu0esincludes Stales,a,e SalesSa,es TaxTa" Exi'il®?^?2/i?_ ' writing by noon Monday Art s& Entertainment Sub & Salad before publication on Paul Fletcher, 622-1882 To submit a column Pizza Sub Special J APOLLO Thursday. "Your Turn" columns should be Sports $5.95 The editor wiH decide if the mailed to The Eastern Progress. 117 Your choice of Shane Walters, 622-1882 $6.25 correction deserves special Donovan Annex, Eastern Kentucky Pizza Sub; Garlic Stix a Pizza Sub; Sausage Sub treatment, or needs to be in & 32 oz Soft Drink Ham 4 Cheese or a To place an ad University, Richmond, Ky. 40475. PizxA Meatball Sub the section in which the error Display The deadline is noon Monday prior 'Price includes State Sales Tax I I 'Pnce includes Stale Sales Tax occurred. Lee Potter, 622-1489 to publication on Thursday. L.iffiilSS J£2'I9-- ,—- LliPir2.-2i.2---

> 9

NeWS A4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday. February 18,1999 ► Training Resource Center ► Progress Classifieds HELPWANTEI)... PROOFREADING SPRING BREAK '9»! Student Travel Lifeguards- needed in North Myrtle $6-$8 per hour. Each person is paid Services s America'* #1 Student Tour Beach for 1999 season Will train. according to an incentive program. Job Operator. Dont bool with anyone else Sex abuse case prompts Housing provided if needed For infor- description: Compare nomination forms unS you tafc to us!" Panama City from mation or an appkeatwn cal (843) 272- from teachers and professors to a com- $119, Daytona Bsach from $139, Sou* Beach from J119 Student Travel 3259 puter terminal for accuracy of speing and correct address Part-tome or full- Services 1-80O64M849 change in hiring practice FREE RADIO + $1250! Fundraiser time, mornings, afternoons, evenings, www.ststravel.com open to student groups & organiza- weekdays and/or weekends. Flexfcle SPRINGBREAK BEACHES Daytona tions. Earn $3-$5 per VisaMC app. We schedules Work up to 40 hours per A Grand Jury indicted Getsi Dec. cies, like the Matthew Panama City, Padre, Miami, Cancun, Background 15, 1997 on three counts of first Kentucky supply all materials at no cost. Call for week. Create your own schedule according to your availability. Prefer 2 Jamaca Bahamas, etc. All the popular degree sexual abuse. Department GetSI info or visit our webs*e. Qualified caters receive a FREE Baby Boom Box. Cal years of college Apply in person at hot spots Best hotels, pnees, parties. checks now done He was accused of molesting of Social nioari Browse www.icpt.com Reps earn three brothers, ages 13.10 and 9. Services. !"•■" 1-800-932-0528 ext. 65 2570 Palumbo Dr., Lexington. Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. cash, free tips. Cal Inter-Campus 800- through Eastern This raised serious questions The center guilty to www.ocrnconcepts.com 327-6013 about Getsi's responsibilities provides train- J—JJ EARN $1200 as you train! NYSE BY SHAWN HOPKINS because he had tried to adopt the ing for human *"** Immediate openings in Lexington international communications company Spring Break Bahamas Party Assistant news editor boys himself after testifying to have services, cor- dOf£T66 and surrounding areas Government contracts full + part time Flexible seeking independent representatives. Cruise! 5 Days $279! Includes Meals A case charging a social work- them removed from their home. rectional. abuse Part-time with future serious income & Free Parlies! Awesome Beaches, er with sex abuse caused an eval- In his position, Getsi would have juvenile jus- »*w* ■"BO schedules. Call Jennifer or Tonya at 255-3522. potential. Call 1-800-783-816, 1491 NightMe! Departs from Florida! Cancun uation of both state policy and had a say in cases where children, tice and edu- Dec 22, PIN & Jamaica $399! Eastern's hiring practices. such as the boys, were removed cational sys- spnngbreaktravel.com 1-800-678-6386 O'Charley's now hiring kitchen help. After pleading guilty to 2nd from their homes because of unfit terns serving Jus»5»o. ne Great Opportunity $8.80/hr! Lexmark degree sex abuse, former Eastern parents or guardians. Apply in person Monday - Friday 2 p.m. at-risk chii- recieveda to 4 p.m. Cal 624-8868, ask for Cas. International, Inc. has immediate open- Spring Break Panama City $129! employee Matthew Getsi is out on This case led to a change in the dren and fam- ings on week-end shift. Fri. 4:30 p.m. - Boardwalk Room w/Kitchen next to probation. law saying that social workers are ilies 12-month TYPING/DATA ENTRY 4:00 a.m., Sat. 4:30 p.m. - 4:00 am, clubs! 7 Parties-Free Drinks! Daytona He's got a job and he's work- not allowed to adopt their charges. sai^GetsI ««Pended $6-$10 per hour depending on typing Sun. 2:30 p.m. - 200 am. Other shifts $149! South Beach $129! Cocoa ing, but his""~ lawyer Jack Two days later, on Dec. 17, also available. To apply cal (606)232- Beach $149! 1997, Getsi was suspended with essentially sentence speed and accuracy. Minimum speed Stephenson will not say where. 45 wpm. Job desenption: Entering stu- 5000, TDD (606)232-21 J1 from 8:30 sprmgbreaktravel.com 1-80O67&6386 Getsi pleaded guilty to 2nd pay for the rest of his contract, had two ... dent names and addresses from nomi- am. til 4:00 p.m. Monday through Fri- degree sex abuse on Dec. 22, which ended June 1998. supervisors in Wren nation forms submitted by teachers, day. Lexmark is an Equal Opportunity SPRING BREAK PANAMA CITY 1998. Getsi pleaded down from "We finished out our terms of the short time supervised Employer BEACH! "SUMMIT' Luxury Condos the employment agreement with he worked at ■" counselors ancVor professors. Part-time original charges that included or full-time mornings, afternoons, next to Spinnaker Club. Owner Dis- child molestation. him for that year," said Bruce Eastern. probation. count Rates (404) 355-9637. One was evenings, weekdays and/or weekends. CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT - The circuit court clerk's office Wolford. director of the center. Workers earn up to $2,000+/month Six months later, he entered from the Flexible schedules, work up to 40 hours of Rockcastle County, where Getsi department of social services, per week. Create your own schedule (wAips & benefits). World Travel! Land- FOR RENT.. was tried, said he received a 12- his plea. Tour jobs up to $5,0OO-$7,000/summer. One, two and three bedroom apart- During that time, one of his which is now part of the Cabinet according to your availability. Apply in month suspended sentence with for Families and Children, and person at 2570 Palumbo Dr., Lexing- Ask us how! 517-336-4235 Ext. ments and town houses. Call Hager supervised probation. legal teams, including lawyer Jerry one at the resource center. C55341 Rental at 623-8482. Cox, withdrew from the case. ton. Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. Getsi's legal problems stem Wolford said the way the to 4:30 p.m. back to March 1997 when he Stephenson said Getsi had been training center operates when A+ Personality S3,000/monthly FOR SALE... accused of 20 felony counts, so applied for a position at Eastern's hiring employees has changed in REGISTRATION STAFF potential! International Marketing Computer For Sale. Pentium 100 Training Resource Center they made the decision to make the year since Getsi's firing. $6-$8 per hour. Job description:' To reg- Company seeks outgoing people to Complete multimedia package, with the plea rather than face the more Getsi was hired April 1997 to "We are now doing our own ister students in the Academy by pro- lead expansion in Lexington and sur- monitor $495. Cal 98S8561. work as an independent living serious child abuse allegations. background checks," Wolford said. cessing their nomnations and applica- rounding area 1-800-542-9104 coordinator for the training "It'sjust so hard to goto trial with In the past, with Getsi and tions. Mornings, afternoons, evenings, Computer For Sale. Pentium 166. resource center, which means he that kind of case," Stephenson said. others, the center had relied on weekdays anoVor weekends Flexible TRAVEL.. Complete multimedia package, with worked away from campus. The Training Resource Center the Department of Social schedule. Work up to 40 hours per SPRING BREAK Panama City, Day- monitor. $625 Cal 985-8561. He was responsible for training is a part of the college of law Services' background checks week. Create your own schedule tona, South Beach, Florida., South children in foster care to be able enforcement, but receives most instead of doing one through according to your availability. Apply in Padre Island, TX. Best oceanfront MISC... to take care of themselves. of its funding from outside agen- Eastern. person at 2570 Palumbo Dr., Lexing- hotels and condos Lowest prices guar- Want to lose weight? Come to ton. Monday through Friday 8:30 am. anteed! BREAKER'S TRAVEL Weight Watchers Tuesday nights 5:15 to 4:30 p.m. (800)985-6789 p.m. Richmond Area Women's Club, ► News Briefs Water Street

Compiled by Dena Tackett and Shawn Hopkins NoteTakers Wanted GAMP $200-$150O/C1MS 117 accredited occupational thera- PONI y»ur lecture notes py schools and 150 accredited Women, minority TEKAJO Oil the Internet SA votes on SIGN UP ON-LINE© technical programs. internships available lor boys, on Long Lake, Naples, His duties include presiding Maine Noted lor picturesque www.STUDY24-7.com new gym hours over all ASCOTA meetings and Tenured women and minority location, exceptional facilities, and serving as student representative faculty are eligible to apply for the outstanding programs. June 22 - \VI\ A I Kl I SVVI A I Sill K I Student Association unani- August 22 Over 100 counselor mously passed a resolution to the policy-making body of the Academic Administrative AOTA. Internship Program for 1999- positions in tennis, baseball, Tuesday that the weekend basketball, soccer, lacrosse, golf, hours of Begley Building and He is also responsible for the 2000. planning and implementation of roller hockey, swimming, sailing, Weaver Gym be changed. Those selected will be canoeing, waterskung, scuba. the ASCOTA conference in 2000 imissftu The hours now are from 1 assigned to an academic adminis- archery, riflery, weight training. to 10 p.m on Saturday for and for chairing the trator's office on a quarter time journalism, photography, video. Begley Building, with Weaver Occupational Therapy promo- basis for one academic year. woodworking, ceramics, crafts, Gym being closed. The reso- tional task force. The interns will be assigned fine arts, nature study, radio & Be the first to come down to lution proposes new hours If students are interested in duties designed to acquaint them electronics, dramatics, piano first gear and answer the from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. for finding out about the occupa- with a wide range of activities accompanist, music tional therapy program here at question correctly. both Begley Building and which fall within the responsibili- instrumentalist/band director, Localrd on th* airnrrof Finland Main Eastern, SOTA's next meeting Weaver Gym to allow stu- ties of the administrator. backpacking, rockclimbing. rope is scheduled for 4 p.m. March 9 Who was (he United States' dents to plan their exercise Upon completion of the intern- course instructor, general more efficiently. in the Dizney Building Room (w/ youngest boys), secretanal, 135. ship, the intern must write a heaviest President? The motion was spon- nursing, kitchen staff Call Mike Last week's answer Suspicious report describing what was Sherbun at 800-250-8252 or sored by Christopher M. Minds accomplished, insights which email, camptakaioeaol.com. Rice, student rights chair of Financial Aid help may have been gained and bene- Last week's winner John Gutlirie student association. fits from participating in the pro- ( One win per customer, per semester.) The proposal will be available today, Friday gram. reviewed by the Council on Student Affairs before any Staff members from Student Applications are due to the ( I IK is I I \\ si h changes are made. Financial Assistance will be avail- office of the associate vice presi- YOUR SPRING BREAK DISCOUNT VACATION l \ \ ll>c « Chris Pace, the Student able to answer questions and dent by April 2. For more informa- In th« Blur Rldgf Mountain! of Association's new speaker assist in completing the free appli- tion, call the office at 622-2222. The Daytona Welcome Center NORTH CAROLINA pro-tem also proposed that all cations for federal student aid It's warmer here.and He loue spring breakers! |

Compiled by Shawn Hopkins "These reports have been filed Nathan B. Dailey, 19, Frankfort, possession of marijuana and pos- TECH with Eastern's division of pub- *as arrested and charged with session of drug paraphernalia. lic safety. disorderly conduct after yelling at

< ' The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February is. 1999 NeWS A5 Mall: New Flu: 'Rest and fluids'best store to open I advice in combating virus From the front Barbara Fields, a 20-year-old in April fashion merchandising rpajor From the front This is top flu season." Joshi from Louisville, said she heard a said. She said the period of time different version. to a Hastings' press release. between the end of January and the "I heard if 20 more people The new business will be hir- beginning of February is always called the infirmary they would ing about 50 individuals. Mall the prime time for flu. "Usually it cancel classes," Fields said. management said they are very lasts through March. Hopefully it Fields said a lot of her friends interested in hiring the individu- won't be this bad, though." have been sick, but she hasn'4. als who will be losing their jobs Thompson, who is doing her stu- "I think I'm the only one who when the new store comes in. dent teaching at Estill County High hasn't been sick yet," she said. The Little Professor is one of School, said many of the juniors and President Robert Kustra, who the stores that will be closing its seniors she teaches have been makes the decision whether doors at the end of this month. absent because of the flu, also. school will be called off or not, "Germs are running rampant," said there is actually no policy on The bookstore was one of the Thompson said. "People are at the number of sick people it takes first bookstores in Richmond school when they shouldn't be to close down the university. and has been located in the mall and are returning too soon after "We're a long way from that, since August 1988. they have been sick." though," Kustra said. There have Little Professor's owner Friday was Thompson's first been no requests from faculty or Norma Hill found it a shock visit to the infirmary. Most stu- staff that we should have to shut they would have to close. dents, on the other hand, take down the university." "We were working on a advantage of the free medical Kustra said he has seen no evi- month-to-month lease, if I want- advice each flu season. dence Eastern has reached an ed to leave then I could have That is not all they are taking epidemic, and that he doesn't and if they wanted me to leave advantage of though, said Jeane know how the rumors get started. they could give me 30 days to Bogie, senior secretary at student That wasn't the first (rumor), leave," Hill said. Andrea Brown/Progress health services. and I'm sure it certainly won't be When the leasing agency Little Professor customers brouse the shelves in search ot deals. Little Professor will close its doors for good After a total of 74 students failed the last." Kustra said. "I think we called on Jan. 25, Hill said she to show up for their appointments can weather our way through it." had no idea they were giving Feb. 27 to make room for Hastings Entertainment Inc., a music, book and software superstore. Thursday and Friday, Bogie said Since school is no where near her the 30-day notice. They had it and go on," Hill said. Donna Hill, said she doesn't know The new Hastings entertain- she believes students just made closing, students should try to talked about The Little The Little Professor will be what she will do after closing. ment store will begin construc- the appointments to get out of avoid catching the bug. Professor expanding and mov- having its going-out-of-business Record Town, located beside tion sometime in March and class. Joshi said the flu is most com- ing up closer to J.C. Penney and The Little Professor, will close open in April, Bickey said. "It kind of irritated the heck monly spread through the air, sale until it closes Feb. 27. out of me, but there is nothing I then received the store's notice Starting Sunday, it will have its doors Feb. 25. Bickey also said several other when someone sneezes or to close. Record Town would not com- can.do about it," Bogie said. "I'd coughs, or by sharing objects its 50-percent-off sale. stores are coming to the mall in * hate to think I kept someone who with someone who has the virus. "I just don't see any use in ment on the closing. the near future, including a new yelling about it. It's just that the Tammy Fourre, seven-year was really sick from seeing a doc- Joshi said many of the students employee of The Little Mall management seems to hobbies store and clothing tor." who visit the infirmary aren't sure if people in the mall can do what be pleased with the new compa- store. She said the mall is still they want to do," Hill said. Professor, was a bit more opti- Some people were kind they have the flu or the common In order for the new store to mistic about the new mall addi- ny coming to Richmond. Vikki looking for a bridal/formal store enough to call and cancel, cold, but the majority have both. come, The Little Professor and tion. She hopes something good Bickey, Richmond Mall manag- that would like to open in the though, she said. Colds and flus have the same Record Town had to leave the can come out of it. er, said it was to The Little mall. Bogie's belief that people are symptoms, including coughing, mall by March 1, Hill said. "If I am lucky, I'll get a job at Professor's benefit to close The mall is expected to be 95 calling the infirmary with no runny nose, fever, fatigue, muscle "I'm disappointed to lose a Hastings," she said. because they could not compete percent occupied by summer, intention of seeking medical help aches, headaches and sore throat. with Hastings. Bickey said. stems from an outbreak of The difference between the two business. I'm just trying to face Another employee of 10 years. rumors last week. is that the flu, or influenza, has The rumors vary from student more severe symptoms and fewer to student. types of viruses can cause it Bait: Food services gets outside help on own initiative "I heard that if 500 people Most of the students who visit called the infirmary, classes would the infirmary are examined to see From the front The process needs to be Progress, for not mentioning food condition the visitor was accom- be canceled (last) Thursday and whether they have the flu or a repeated every month when the services contacted the media first, panied by a manager for safety Friday," said Veronica Erickson, a cold, then if they have any other All-Rite also took apart machin- putty dries up. The next treat- instead of waiting for the health reasons. 19-year-old undeclared freshman more serious infections, Joshi said. ery, vacuuming up roaches they ment is scheduled in two weeks. department. Food services faces a confer- from Frankfort. Erickson had lost Only the ones who come to the found and searching for others in Acting food services director Patterson also said he was con- ence with the health department her voice due to the flu. infirmary within 48 hours of getting a process that took from around 7 Lamar Patterson stressed food fident enough to announce a liter- Tuesday. Powell Cafeteria has Erickson said she also heard sick are given a prescription. Those a.m. Monday morning to 3:30 p.m. services had taken this action on al open-door policy. been served with an intent to the same story on Wednesday, who do are given amantidine. That Sims said All-Rite's process its own initiative, instead of wait- "If anyone wants to check close. Patterson contended it but it was if 50 people called. She is the only prescription drug that takes longer than spraying, but ing for the health department to (food services), they'are more won't happen. heard it again on Thursday, but it can combat the flu, joshi said. yields better results. force them to get outside help. than welcome to come look at the They have no reason to shut was if 5 more people called. Everyone else is referred to They shouldn't be seeing any "We are being proactive," back of our house, because our us down on the 23rd," Patterson Erickson said she also heard Tylenol. Advil or something else (roaches) within a couple of Patterson said. sanitation is the best in the city." said. He said there has to be a somebody say there were signs to relieve aches and pains. weeks. They should be gone," Patterson was also criticar of Patterson said. risk to the students for Powell hanging in the dorms about the can- "First and foremost, get plenty Sims said. the media, including the Patterson said this was on the Cafeteria to be closed. celed classes, but she didn't see any. of rest and fluids," Joshi said. Schedule: Committee debates amount of time students need between MWF classes "It has been very difficult to From the front This kind of system is used all fix classes so they do not have registrar's office, all of academ- 1994, but because it had been over the country," Wisenbaker any on Fridays and they can split ics, advising and testing, institu- altered before, it cost $118,000 go out and hire experienced Students voice opinions told her. "As I understand, one from campus. tional research, housing and to fix. technical people," he said. "We university right up the road has a "If nothing else, the Monday- billings and collections. The Student System will be have been trying to get a data- of traditional schedule few athletic teams." Wednesday-Friday/Tuesday- SCT's Banner2000-Student implemented for the fall semes- base administrator for months Faculty and students also Allen Engle, associate profes- Thursday schedule provides more software will replace the cur- ter of 2000. now and can't." expressed concern about the tra- sor of management and market- potential for building culture on rent system. HRS affects payroll and per- The library upgrade will be ditional scheduling. ing and member of the steering Fridays, if not Saturdays and "This is the big one and sonnel. Plus2000-HRS software upgraded from NOTIS to a soft- One student who has attended committee, said the scheduling Sundays, at well," Kustra said. what will replace the ISIS sys- was installed from SCT. ware that has not yet been schools using both types of tem," Wisenbaker said. This is Changeover to the new soft- determined, Wisenbaker said. will not affect Eastern that much. ware was completed Jan. 1. HRS scheduling talked about the rut "Is it a change? Yes, but the Y2K, Banner and ROW what is affecting flip Fridays." The committee does not students and faculty get into with only change is that what you do According to the steering is the only system complete at know yet, because the new having the same classes every Eastern is handling each committee's December this time. Commonwealth Virtual Library one week, you will do the same Eastern administrators began week. the next week," Engle said. progress report, the change FRS includes the accounting will require all university Sarah Stern, a 19-year-old adult Engle spoke of what he called discussing the Y2K problem in/ from ISIS to Banner will be the system and purchasing. It libraries in the state to have the fitness and wellness major from the "seniority factor." 1997. Former President Hanly" most difficult. If Eastern were affects accounting, accounts same system. Milliard. Ohio, asked Wisenbaker Those who have been here Funderburk signed a contract to consider altering it to accom- payable, internal audits, plan- "We are in the process of how the scheduling accommo- for a long time want to keep the with Systems and Computer modate flip Fridays, a consider- fling and budget and other either replacing or upgrading dates athletes. Stern is a member old system. Those who are new to Technology Services (SCT) out able amount of money must be financial matters. The software it," Wisenbaker said. "We're of the volleyball team. Eastern want to change," Engle of Malvern, Pa. used. is being upgraded to SCT's trying to figure out what the "We're just concerned about said. The Y2K project began in Wisenbaker said when ISIS Plus2000-FRS system. state is doing." our classes," Stern said. The big One of those new people is January 1998 and was broken was upgraded to fit alternating The Student Financial Aid into nine areas of concern: System will be upgraded to The voice response system thing is that we don't want being President Kustra, who is trying to Fridays, the cost to hire people will be one of the last systems adopt First Weekends, a plan to Student System. Human to do it was $55 an hour, which SCTs Banner2000-Financial Aid an athlete to affect our grades." Resources System (HRS). software. The financial aid to be upgraded. That system is Stern said the volleyball sched- load up the first weekend of every put Eastern out $110,000. The the system used for telephone month with activities to keep stu- Financial Resources System cost today, he said, is $165 an office is the only office affected ule is already made out for the (FRS). Student Financial Aid, by this change. registration. next two to three years, and the dents on campus. hour, costing around $330,000 To make sure Eastern's stu- Kustra said it was confusing to Windowing, Voice Response, stu- to make the change. During the training in flip Friday schedule allowed stu- dent Loan Management System November and December, prob- dent software will function dents to not repeatedly miss the him about what the campus envi- Eastern has already experi- beyond December 1999, the ronment really wants — if they (LMS), Library upgrade and enced the cost of altering soft- lems arose with the software. same class. She said she is afraid other. ware to coincide with the flip Wisenbaker said a reinstallation committee is using the tech- of the way teachers will react to want to have things to do on the nique of windowing. This is a weekends, or if they want to keep The Student System is the sys- schedule, Wisenbaker said. will occur as soon as Eastern athletes missing extensive tem that includes admissions. ISIS received a free upgrade in hires a database administrator. temporary fix, Wisenbaker said. amounts of class. a schedule that allows students to Your Cure for the SWEETHEART Summertime SUJSDAYS

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» I .NCWS A6 The Eastern Progress, Thursday. February 18,1999 "I'd like to see that the cafeteria managers realize what effect this kind of thing has on their business," Zack Caldwell freshman who distributed a student survey about the the problems in Powell Cafeteria Survey response shows concern BY SHAWN HOPWNS Caldwell said students a choice in the matter of worth it," Webster said. Assistant news editor he was happy whether franchises are brought in John Phillips, a freshman pre- mvwmm with the num- Zack Caldwell, a freshman and which franchises are given med major from Pikeville, put ber of respons- physics teaching major from contracts because the company himself in the "no" column. es he received. usually has exclusive contracts Ashland, was among the hun- "In many parts of the world, "I was just with certain restaurants. dreds of students who received roaches are considered a wonder- impressed that "If the students want to be a an erroneous e-mail from food ful source of nutrition. so many people part of that decision then it "I personally do not eat services that contained a huge cared," Caldwell listing of student e-mail needs to happen soon," them, but I am not going to said. Patterson said. addresses. stop eating at a particular Friday, food Lamar Patterson was unhappy with But he didn't delete it or restaurant just because there services con- Patteson, Caldwell's survey. scroll angrily down the mes- happens to be a few roaches ducted its own acting director "I don't consider that a sur- sage, and then write a complaint running around," Phillips said survey, which food services, vey," Patterson said. "Whoever in reply. Caldwell saw an oppor- in his response. was handed out said Caldwell's did that should not have done it tunity. Caldwell said his eating habits in Fountain survey was that way because it made it "I was interested to know how hadn't been affected at all, and he Food Court misleading. look like people are getting our food on campus is being still eats at campus cafeterias. The 60 sick and that is not true," "As a matter of fact, I still eat at affected by this publicity," responses Patterson said. Caldwell said, referring to the sto- Powell. They are doing the best received were to questions Caldwell's survey question ries of roaches and health depart- job they can to make it clean," about whether or not franchises does imply food poisoning in Caldwell said. ment problems for Powell should be brought to the restau- Powell. Cafeteria. Caldwell said the figures did not rants at the Grill — 51 said they That alleged food poisoning Caldwell cut and pasted ran- necessarily represent his views. should be — and overall satis- actually happened at another col- "I see a huge overreaction dom addresses from the list that faction with Eastern's food serv- lege — Transylvania University. he had been sent and sent these from students who are refusing to ice — split with 29 students sat- Caldwell admitted that was a eat there." Caldwell said. "I'd like people his own survey asking WITH PURCHASE isfied, 30 not and one customer mistake. to see that the cafeteria managers whether or not the publicity had checking both boxes. Melissa Webster responded to realize what effect this kind of This gift features a sleek acrylic lip color caddy to help keep affected where students chose to Lamar Patterson, acting direc- Caldwell's survey with "the recent thing has on their business," he your hp colors neatly organized and close at hand To go eat. tor of food services, said getting problems have affected my deci- added. with it. you'll receive an ultra-moisturning LUXIV/V Ultra Out of the 176 replies student input about the franchis- sions on where to eat." Caldwell received, about 123 (70 Patterson said the incident did- Lipcolor with a coordinating shade of long-wearing Salon ing situation is important. Webster said later she eats off n't hurt business. Formula" Nail Color. percent) said their eating habits He said if the food service is campus more. had been affected, and 53 (30 "Our sales are up for the Acrylic lip color caddy custom contracted out to a private compa- "I think the whole problem month of February," Patterson designed to hold up percent) said they were not. ny, that company might not give with the sanitary problems is not said. - to I 2 Merle Norman lip colors FULL-size LUXIVA" Ultra Lipcolor in Lilac Frtezt Other universities troubled by Banner Travel-sue Salon Formula" Nail Color in Silver bloc BY DENA TACKETT «I made it a point to ask representatives ed suggestions on how to make News editor the software work with flip Eastern has spent $2 million on from three different companies and Fridays, though. Banner, the year 2000 compliant soft- "SCT told me the schedule bul- ware, only to find it is not compatible each told me it (Banner) would handle letin could recognize the alternat- with the alternating Friday schedule. alternating Fridays. ing Fridays," Eggleton said. Eastern is not alone, though. They have provided suggestions Western Kentucky University, Freida Eggleton, on how to make it work, but they which also purchased Banner to registrar at Western Kentucky University are not acceptable." combat the Y2K bug, is experi- The suggestion SCT gave * '%& encing the same problem. yy Eggleton was that the computer ■ Western also uses flip Fridays. would have to be programmed * instructions, help with installation with the date of each individual I Banner is distributed by given the whole story. Systems and Computer and can also train people at the "I made it a point to ask repre- Friday. Schedules would also have Technology Services, SCT, out of schools. sentatives from three different to be printed with each date on Malvern, Pa. Like Eastern, Western faculty companies and each told me it them, Eggleton said. "When you say a class meets SCT provides computer soft- and students are in the process of would handle alternating on Friday at 8 a.m., you have to ware, such as Banner, to over 1,200 examining its class scheduling. Fridays," Eggleton said. colleges and universities nation- Freida Eggleton, registrar at say if it's Friday the 15th or Friday Although the representatives the 21st," Eggleton said. wide, said Neal Gold, account con- Western, said Western discovered were telling the truth about the Banner is not compatible with sultant for the company. the problem several months ago Independently owned and operated software being able to handle the alternating Fridays because it has The school implements it (the and has tried alternate ways to schedule, Eggleton said, none software), we just provide support a built-in calendar and can only make the schedule work. told her off hand about the addi- recognize one Friday. mERLE noRmnn- services," Gold said. Eggleton said when Western tional cost or work that would be "It sees the alternating Fridays <: o s M E T i <: ST ii i> i o s Gold said SCT provides con- was looking at different year 2000 required to alter the software. sulting, technical and financial as a scheduling conflict," FREE wiih th« pufThiic of two or more Merit Norman cosmetic product! Coimeoc compliant software, she was not Eggleton said SCT has provid- Eggleton said. acceuonts no. .rKluoed Offer vaLd at paruepwnf. fle.le No-mar, Cosmetn Stuckot (rom february IS to March 15 1999 One per cuitome. while tupphei Ian A\fe'RE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WITH The Tanning On a Diet? UNEQUALED OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT. Too Bad Salon Hey, only kidding! 624-2414 Try Our Soups, 30 minute beds Salads & Homemade Low Cal. Dressings Madison Garaen

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Students Fox goes nostalgic for classic back to the '70s television BY JAwe HOWARO BY J/MMt HOWAHO Staff writer Staff writer Leisure suits, bellbottoms and What do you get when you mix 8-tracks are something of the past, a 24-hour channel of TV classics but the cast of That 70s Show" and the creators of Nick at Night? brings them back in retro-hip That's right. TV Land, the style. channel that offers the best televi- The show, set in 1976 sion dramas, westerns, sitcoms Wisconsin, revolves around sue and variety shows from the 1950s teenagers who are just trying to through the 1980s. get by in the freewheeling 70s. TV Land airs on FrontierVision The main character, 17-year-old cable channel 44. Eric Forman (Topher Grace) TV Land is successful in creat- leads this group of friends. ing a line-up for baby boomers' Forman has a hot next-door neigh- nostalgia for old TV favorites. bor. Donna (Iaura Prepon), It was rated the No. 1 network whose parents Bob (Don Stark) of any networks launched in the and Midge (Tanya Roberts) are a past four years on the Nielsen little behind the times of platforms scale. and lava lamps. The 1998 Beta Research Cable Forman and the rest of the Operator Study released in group, gullible Kelso (Ashton November reported that 42 per- Kutcher) and his girlfriend Jackie cent of 150 cable operators sur- (Mila Kunis). paranoid Hyde veyed said they would be interest- (Danny Masterson) and foreign ed in adding TV Land by the end exchange student Fez (Wilmer of 1999. Valderrama), take retreat in the TV Land has access to the Forman basement away from his largest TV library of any other parents, Red (Kurtwood Smith) basic network. and Kitty (Debra Jo Rupp). TV Land showcases their pro- That 70s Show," airing on grams in special theme blocks giv- Sundays at 8:30 p.m. on Fox, pre- ing the viewer a variety of options miered on Aug. 23, 1998. from which to choose. The cast of That 70s Show" was profiled in the February addi- TV Land Box Set tion of Teen People. The show, This is for two hours every Other theme blocks able to catch TV Land favorites. with its earned success, was Costello" and "Sanford and Son." 21-year-old business major from recently nominated for favorite weekend. It is put together by the Every weekend, this block fea- TV Land even paid tribute to It also airs favorite old dramas experts at TV I.and. tures cop shows. Some of these Lexington said about "Sanford new series at the TV Guide "Seinfeld." During the final like "Hill Street Blues," and "St. and Son." Awards. Some of these themes can be shows are "Baretta," "Ironside." episode of "Seinfeld," they aired n- Elsewhere" featuring episodes for arranged by actor, episode, guest Some of these classic shows If you were fortunate enough to "Dragnet," "Adam 12," etc. This o-t-h-i-n-g at the same time. which Denzel Washington star, etc. month's block airs from 3 to 6 p.m. were on just in time for kids to be young in the 70s, you had They were the only station to received pre-Oscar raves. watch. An example of this would be Verti-vision is a marathon honor the finale is such a unique shows like The Brady Bunch," "Green Acres" featuring Arnold showing "best of" episodes all in a way. Jaime Robinson. 21, a recre- "All in the Family," "Happy Days," ational therapy major from the Pig, with back-to-back row. The TV Land Time Warp The Museum of Television & Remembering the good "Bewitched" and "My Three episodes of the bacon's best goes back to one specific year in of'days Covington remembers this. Sons." But if you are lucky enough Radio Showcase presents vintage "Me and my best friend used to ever. , time. programs from its archives on TV Students at Eastern remember to be young during the '90s, you February's Box Set features This block also showcases watching some of these retro watch "Leave It to Beaver' after get That 70s Show." land — programs like the lost school every day," Robinson said. Black History Month and airs "retromercials," vintage commer- "All in the Family" series pilot, the shows. Jessica Lawhorn, 21, a This typical group of teens on from 10 a.m. to midnight, and 6 to cials for Tab. and "please don't nursing major from Louisville Some of the TV land variety the edge of adulthood bares a strik- original pilot of "Happy Days," shows aired are "Sonny & Cher" 8 p.m. on Saturdays. squeeze the Charmin." These "Desilu Playhouse," which served remembers watching "I Dream of ing resemblance to teens in the' commercials are designed to Jeannie" as a kid. and The Flip Wilson Show," 90s with only one difference — it's as prototype for The Twilight which was brought back after 23 in the 70s. TV Land (toes West throw the viewer back into a time Zone," Woody Allen specials and "I used to watch it everyday years. warp. live drama work from James with my grandmother," Lawhorn Teenagers haven't changed This multi-hour block features During TVs fall season pre- said. They air That Girl" and the much from the 70s to the '90s, TVs greatest cowboy shows ever. Dean. black and white versions of The mieres. TV Land honored the Some of the other favorite sit A lot of these students weren't like listening to music and talking Some of them include "Have Gun Addams Family." about things your parents would- Will Travel." The Lone Ranger." "tick-tock" schedule. corns featured on TV Land are around when the shows originally They delayed the starting of With so many network TV n't approve of. "Wagon Train," "Daniel Boone," "Hogan's Heroes," "Petticoat aired, but watched them with their channels where you can see typi- their shows by 10 minutes in Junction," "My Three Sons," "I parents. That is why teens of the '90s etc. In February this block runs order to give their viewers time to cal 90s shows, who wouldn't want can identify with a show like That from 1 to 3 p.m. Dream of Jeannie," "Rhoda," "I watched it because my dad a channel to look back on the way 70s Show." sample new shows and still be "Leave it to Beaver," "Abbott and always watched it," Chris Boaz, a TV Land used to be? Classical television You may have seen the reruns, but you probably don't know Show 1*70-1974 1978-1W1 when the great classic shows originally aired. Won two I Qwyneth Paltrow's dad produced this show tt. Elsewhere 1998-1999 Denzel I ton and etaffi 11 Emmyj

Amy Campbell/Progress ► Movies


Patch Adams (PG-13) 7:25, 9:55 Varsity BIUM (R) 12. 2:20, 4:40, 7:15, 4$nT

■ 11:45 a.m. Women's studies TUESDAY Dan McB luncheon meeting. Dining Room A, Powell Cafeteria Good Luck from your ■ 9 p.m. Open game room in ■ 4:30 p.m. Dr. Suess Day friends at... honor of Black History Month, Dinner, Powell Top Floor Powell Game Room Cafeteria, Powell Building ■ 4:30 p.m. Student Madison Association meeting, Jaggers en Room, Powell Building « . - SATURDAY ■ Andrea Brown/Pregmt ■ 7 p.m. "Understanding and M*mb«* of the gospel ensemble practice for this weekend's appreciating diversity," Herndon 152 N Madison Ave. 623 - 9720 performance at the African American Achievement Banquet. ■ 8:45 a.m. Eastern Habitat for Lounge, Powell Building Humanity, Daniel Boone statue ■ 7:30 p.m. Caduceus Club Triple event weekend or 505 Irvine St. For more infor- Program, Timothy Tout will mation call 622-2874 speak on pharmacy, Moore 123 The office of Multicultural Student Services will con- ■ 2 p.m. Women's basketball, ■ 10 p.m. East Side Area tinue celebrating Black History Month with three Eastern vs. Middle Tennessee Council meeting. M FLORIDA L£ events over the weekend. Tech, Alumni Coliseum Commonwealth Lobby, second ■ Open game room will be held in the Powell Game ■ 4:15 p.m. Men's basketball. floor Room. Join students for a night filled with free bowling, SPRING BREAK pool and spades tournament. Students will also have the Eastern vs. Middle Tennessee opportunity to meet and mingle with their peers and win Tech, Alumni Coliseum FROM $159 PER WEEK' prizes. ■ 9 p.m. Red, Black and Green WEDNESDAY ■ The Red. Black and Green Ball and African Ball and African American SANDPIPER BE/KON BE/*H RE* AmericanFashion Show will be held in the Keen Johnson Fashion Show, Keen Johnson PANAMA CITY BEACH Ballroom. This fashion show will showcase the latest in Ballroom ■ 3 p.m. Adult diabetes support African and African American attire. Tickets for this event group monthly meeting, can be purchased in the office of Multicultural student ser- Madison County health depart- vices in Powell Building, Room 130. ment, call 623-7312 for more 2 OUTDOOR HEATED POOLS • 1 INDOOR HEATED POOL ■ The African American Achievement Banquet will be SUNDAY information HUCF BEAr.H LRONT HOT TUB held in Keen Johnson Ballroom. Scholars and leaders will ■ 8 p.m. The Birds," Eastern I A/Y RIVER RIDE • SUITES UP I'O 10 PERSONS be recognized for their personal accomplishments and con- 3 p.m. African American vAUBOAlS • TIKI BEAc H BAR • JET SKIS • PARASAILS tributions to the African American culture at Eastern. A ■ Theatre, Gifford Theatre musical program will be provided by the EKU Gospel Achievement Banquet, Keen ■ 10 p.m. Central Area Council HOME OF THE WORLDS LONGEST KEC PARTY" Johnson Ballroom meeting, Todd Rec Room Ensemble. FREE DRAFT BEER ALL WEEK LONC

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i j Arts Pml Fletcher, editor DO The Eastern Progress Thursday. February 18, 1999 DO The Birds' fly into Gifford BY SAM QgM has been working with the physi- off communication between Staff writer ' cal comedy." humanity and the gods. John Drago, a performing arts 'The Birds' Aristophanes, writer of the social The humans are delighted with major, plays Athenian When: Feb. 24-27 the idea of the birds assuming satire The Birds," was considered Pisthetaerus and performing arts the foremost poet of old Attic come- Where Gifford Theatre godhood. dy in Athens. He was one of the last major Tiffany Kavanaugh plays Prometheus, a friend to Euelpides. The play also stars Behind the scenes humankind, comes and explains writers to use this style. Dennis Bell, Kevin Collins and Appreciated by people like humanity abandoned the gods Karin Ashner. "What's so funny about The and now only worships the birds. Plato, his plays were full of wit and "(The play is] really entertain- fantasy. During his life he wrote Birds?" will be the topic of the Three gods — Poseidon, ing and a positive change from Hercules and Tribailus — come over 33 works, 11 of which are still music," said Bell, a freshman in existence. humanities forum tonight at 7 upon Rsthetaerus as he is cook- music performance major. ing. He offers them food if they "The Birds" was first pub- Ashner had to learn how to p.m. in Room 108 of the lished in 414 B.C. It takes place bring the scepter of Zeus. He said yodel for her part in the play. Crabbe Library. the birds will be supreme on earth from 431-404 B.C. between "I had to listen to this yodeling Athens and the fictitious city of and the gods will be supreme group called Riders in The Sky," above the clouds. Photo submitted Nephelo-Coccygia. she said. Following their pets, they find a The theater department will Pisthetaerus believes this is Quiet Riot Is (from left): Rudy Sarzo. Kevin DuBrow, Frankie Banali and The play is about two shelter inhabited by Epops, who beneficial for everyone. This Carlos Cavazo. The band was very popular in the early 1980s. present their production of The Athenians, Euelpides and was once a man known as Tereus, Birds" beginning Feb. 24. angers some of the gods and caus- Rsthetaerus, who want to escape but was changed because he es arguments among them. Assistant professor of speech and the problems of Athens. angered the gods. theater arts Jeffrey Boord-Dill is In the end Pisthetaerus They meet a bird seller and buy The Athenians explain they receives the scepter, the birds directing the play. two birds — a jay and a crow. He want to create a city among the Quiet Riot to play become gods and Pisthetaerus "This play has a lot of physical tells them the birds will lead them birds. Rsthetaerus suggests they comedy in it," he said. "Everyone becomes not only the king of the to a bird that was once a man. build a wall around the city to cut birds, but also the supreme deity. TTie Firehouse PROGRESS STAFF REPORT — vocalist Kevin DuBrow, bassist Rudy Sarzo (after a stint in Yes, it's true boys and girls. Whitesnake), guitarist Carlos Quiet Riot, who sold over 8 mil- Cavazo and drummer Frankie lion albums in the 1980s, is com- Banali. ing to Richmond. Quiet Riot is preparing for the The hard rock/metal band will March release of a new album Young at Art play The Firehouse, 122 East entitled "Alive and Well" and a six- Main St., week tour of tonight. Europe. "Metal Quiet Riot with The band High school Health." participated in their debut Torque, Peter Dragon last year's album, and Blue Honey Rock Never artists show became one Stops tour and of the best When: 7 p.m. tonight will do so selling again in 1999. their stuff albums of Where: The Firehouse Torque, Peter the early Cost $15 Dragon and 1980s and Blue Honey spawned hits will open in Giles like the title track, "Love's A tonight's show, Bitch" and "Cum on Feel The which begins at 7 p.m. BY AMY CAMPBELL Noize." Quiet Riot has been performing Graphics editor The current Quiet Riot tour a 90-minute set at recent shows. A piece of artwork is, in theo- brings together the four original Tickets are $15 and ages 18 and ry, an extension of the individual members who were featured on up are admitted. Call 624-3473 for artist. This fact makes having an the No. 1 album "Metal Health" more information. exhibition a possibly nerve- wracking experience. The reaction of the crowd to the work is a reaction to the artist. It takes a mature and tal- Kinleys will appear ented person to be able to put artwork under the scrutiny of the public eye. The 14th Annual Bluegrass at Berea Wal-Mart Regional High School Art Exhibition currently on display PROGRESS STAFF REPORT in the Giles Gallery highlights I Epic recording artists The more than 200 incredibly mature Kinleys will be making a personal high school artists. appearance at the Berea Wal-Mart On Valentine's Day these stu- on Saturday. dents were also awarded the top Don Knight/Progress Twin sisters and country three places in each media, as A paper mache by Rebekah Booth of South Laurel High School. The art show runs through March 12. singing duo Heather and Jennifer well as two Outstanding Kinley will sign autographs for Historical Perspective awards Paul Laurence Dunbar High teacher, she feels art classes "learn about the subjectivity of fans beginning at 4:30 p.m. and Best of Show. School, won Best of Show for his The pair, who have recently should be just as fundamental as the art world." completed a European tour, will "I am amazed, but not sur- City Scape, a ceramic vase decorat- math or English. Having an exhi- The professionalism of the prised, at the quality of work pre- ed with colored glazes applied in bition like this, one of only five in release their second album in sented here today," said Gil Smith, exhibition and the exposure to May. the shape of a graphic city scene. the state, reinforces the impor- Eastern for these students vali- chair of the art department. The coordinator of the show, tance of supporting art students Their current single and video Anne Baughman, a junior from dates having a career in art. is "Somebody's Out There professor of curriculum and and getting them into college. Not only is this an educational Watching" from the recently Franklin County High School, won instruction Julie Bucknam, The student artists on display second place for her work Rhythm experience for the students, but released 'Touched By an Angel" applauds the students for their were judged first by their respec- something that can be appreciat- soundtrack. and Blues, a hanging sculpture of accomplishments. tive high school teachers. After metal and wire in the shape of an ed by the entire community. The Kinleys have been nomi- "We award students in athlet- being submitted, the works are Younger artists are often unin- nated for a Grammy and for Best abstracted drum-set. She was ics and academics, so we ought then juried again by a committee Photo submitted "really surprised at the amount of hibited by the expectations that New Artist at the 1999 American to award students in art," .of-eollege art professors. fall on adults. The 250 pieces on Music Awards. The Kinleys are Jennifer, left, and outstanding work" as well. Bucknam said. According to Bucknam, this Phillip Jones, a senior from display reflect a surprisingly The pair spent much of 1998 Heather. The singing duo are twin As a former elementary art process helps young artists mature perspective on art. touring with Clint Black. sisters from Philadelphia.

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-; Accent B4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 18,1999

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(THEANSWE San yp tor a *uW> fin* *El • torn Bony, ' Aude Boon Why are the .fn-TN- , ■ requirements for > Auto tladioncs •nlnonouaa SnappMn btf education majors 1 hi m constantly chang- • Bockt So you want to be a teacher... ing? • Brond Nome luggog« Backcountry Snowboarding • Calender* I Ovmophar vbn Ifean I Afnoxon.com .$15.14 The requirements for a teaching degree at Eastern • (hoxolote lover «f - Recently there | ftatnnondnobb com 515.1* seem to change every year. These are the requirements were some changes ' (cjati Shopping com IILtt in admission to the ' Computei Ho'dwcie that all education majors MUST meet as outlined in the fou Save $2.84! program. The 1 Corupjfe' Software 1998-99 course catalog. Kentucky Education > Coftfumet Flert'onri The Ultimata Workout Log Sulonn. ScMoii»Jg and Professional 1 Frog'onoM Amazon com .. $9.60 1. Complete 60 hours of credit Board have adopted ' Health &V|cmm new requirements. Dornetondnoble com $940 2. Receive an ACT composite score of 21 1 Shopping.com $7.M In order for students to be M R .OmCniuflt* 3. Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 admitted, they must have an ACT 1 Vou Save $1.80.' m m Skotmg score of 21. Eastern changed the 1 4. Complete MAT 105 with a C or above Snow & Winter Spo>ts I The Definitive Word on requirements so that students Sunglasses Michael 5. Pass the University Writing Requirement don't go too far into the program NMn Voeo Games and get stuck by not scoring a 21. Amazon.com $15.9* 6. Receive a satisfactory grade on all exams in Vdeos&DVDs Students may take additional test- Bof n«iondnobl« com $15.95 Wotrhes • Wnei I EDF103and EDF 203 ing. Shopping com tia.fr jffl 7. Complete and sign a ••Personal and People in the program have to You Save $2.99.' meet certain requirements to Professional Fitness Declaration" form become certified. Eastern must : Chef Aid comply with these changes from Amazon com 514.99 Panaton. 8. Receive satisfactory recommendations CDNOWcom 51154 KX-TG210B the government. The government G, 5.97 9qP°"9f from four Eastern faculty members A just appointed a new board to look Cordless Phone at teacher education, which •KXTG2I0B 9. Complete the formal interview Dirty Boogie r>.«. s*,« means there may be more Amazon com 511.44 Sony process 4 changes to come. CDNOWcom 511.44 200 Disc CD 10. Have no physical or $4.97 «i*Kn«*l In light of 4CDfCJ(2IC psychological impairments - -il at recent develop- Stunt tor* Noted looW and demonstrate ments in food ser- ...... -.i.»..| Amazon com 511.44 vices, if you have a acceptable social behavior meal plan, can you cancel it mid- semester? 500 Minute Pro-Paid Write these 100 times! Yes. Basic plans Phone Cards can be a pro-rated fc&%iU amount according to Amy Campbell/Progress when you cancel.

"The Answer" faculty and staff are invited to write in Eastern Progress anonymously. 117 Donovan Annex The Answer" is a weekly column designed to Questions should be sent one week in Richmond, Ky. 40475 answer questions about Eastern. Students, advance to ensure placement in the next or e-mail at i$5 0FFj week's paper. Write to . Your Next i Payday Advance \ | Some restrictions apply ■ $100 mrwnuni transaction ■ | One par rat Mh coupon only. • __»)___ Doubleheader __Exp£res3/18/99 University Shopping Center Near Social Security Otlice IQHC Saturday, Feb. 2 623-1199 W88M& Alumni Coliseum Special Ticket Offer: Come play with all the latest toys. Bring or purchase any non- Colonels perishable food item and Date Minim Teyi donate it to the "Madison women - 2:00 pm Web Dciifn Toy, men - 4:15 pm County Food Bank" to receive a FREE ticket to the game for each item donated. (Pick-up bins are located at Middle Tennessee State University Kroner of Richmond)

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» Activities Nicole Johnson, editor The Eastern Progress Thursday. February 18.1999 B5 Lending a helping hand Reaching

BY NICOLE JOHNSON Activities editor As devout readers of the Progress are aware, last semester we ran a column called "Making A Difference." The column spotlighted an organization in the community that was making a difference in people's lives. We encouraged students to get involved in an organization that inspired them in some way. Some of the organizations we showcased were Be a Children's Champion, The Rape Crisis Center. Home Meals Delivery, Habitat for Humanity and Hospice Care Plus. File photo Bnan Simms/Progress "Making A Difference" defi- April Hicks, left, and Theresa Smith, center, deliver meals to Jean nitely impacted the Eastern com- Walters through Home Meals Delivery. munity. Lead on "There was much more new faces to help. semester we plan to continue the awareness due to the column. We "It's really important to have column, but in a new light. Kathy Kustra, former Illinois director of public aid and wife of Eastern President Robert Kustra, speaks to had two or three kids call in that young people (as volunteers) "Reaching Out" will feature indi- didn't belong to an organization because many patients have kids, viduals who work within different a crowd during her lecture for the Women's Lecture Series Tuesday. Kustra spoke on her challenges and and some of our patients are skills needed to balance a family with a professional life. She also spoke on her experiences in arriving at but wanted to volunteer anyway," organizations to help others. said Jeannie Crump, the schedul- teenagers or kids, and it helps if If you know someone who is her current position, challenges and opportunities in her workplace and her vision for the future. The next we can match them with someone reaching out to the needy in some speaker in the series is Vanessa Gallman. editor of the editorial page of the Lexington Herald-Leader. ing coordinator for Home Meals Delivery. closer to their age," said Brenda way and deserves to be featured, Devereaux. the director of contact Nicole Johnson at 622-1872. Organizations that rely on vol- Hospice Care Plus. or send an e-mail to unteers are always looking for In the spirit of activism, this .

GRE,ACT Demolition crew Black i Tost your Black history IQ History Here are some questions we found on the Month Internet. Take our quiz to test your Black test prep m history knowledge. 1. Inspired in part by the underground railroad, what was the offered name of the weekly newspaper published by Federick BY NICOLE JOHNSON Douglass? Activities editor a. The Conductor b. The Abolitionist Gazette Prep yourself for the GRE and I the ACT. c. The North Star The Eastern division of special d. The Liberator programs is offering students the chance to boost low test scores on the GRE and the ACT. 2. What year was it that the police were videotaped beating Applications are available in Rodney King? the graduate school office in a. 1989 Jones Building Room 414. b. 1990 Satisfactory scores on the c. 1991 GRE are a requirement for admis- d. 1992 sion into Eastern's Graduate School, along with graduate schools around the country. 3. Who was Matthew Henson? The GRE test prep is a compre- a. Jazz Musician hensive review course held from b. 1960s Civil Rights Leader 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. every Saturday Habitat for Humanity still c. Explorer of the North Pole from Feb. 27 to April 3. needs help demolishing d. Negro League Baseball Star The cost is $185 and includes a this old house on Irvine study guide and a workbook. Street to clear the way for a 4. Who wrote the anti-slavery novel, The ACT test prep will cover new house to be built sometime Uncle Tom's Cabin?" each component of the ACT and in the future. a. Harriet Beecher Stowe will reveal some test taking strate- Volunteers have a choice of b. Richard Wright gies. two shifts — from 9 a.m. until c. William Lloyd Garrison The course will be held from 9 noon or from noon until 4 p.m. d. Langston Hughes a.m. until noon every Saturday Saturday. Students can feel from March 6 through April 3. free to work both shifts. Tuition is $125 and includes a If you wish to participate but 5. What year did Nat Turner lead the famous slave revolt? study guide and practice exams. need a ride, meet at the Darnel a. 1821 To register for either the GRE Boone statue at 8:45 a.m. on b. 1831 or ACT test prep courses, call Saturday. Everyone else will c. 1841 Eastern's office of community meet at the work site, 505 Irvine d. 1851 education at 622-1228. St. in Richmond at 9 a.m. Eastern's community educa- For more information, contact Amwara ar* l. c, 2. c, 3. c, 4. a. 5. b tion also offers over 130 non-cred- Karlyn at 622-2874 and tell her it courses throughout the spring how many people plan to partici- semester. pate and register for a shift. Source: Black Media Foundation

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« B6 Thursday, February 1«. 1999 The Eastern Progrc Shane Walters, editor Dynasty runs all Wildcats face up to Lady Colonels BY CHRISTINA THOMPSON The I.ady Colonels headed to with the team's effort," he said. "I Assistant sports editor the locker room at the half trailing was proud of how hard the team over the "For every action there is an the Wildcats 39-15 after shooting a played." equal and opposite reaction," said dismal 20.8 percent in the first With the loss against Kentucky, Isaac Newton, describing the laws half. the Lady Colonels' record fell to 11- campus of physics. But the same could be "I was disappointed with our 13 for the season while their record said of Eastern Kentucky's shooting the first half." head coach in the Maybe you have seen (hem women's basketball game against Larry Joe Inman said. "They stands at 8-8. running across campus the University of Kentucky (Kentucky) were a lot more athletic Eastern has now lost five games or clown the Bypass, it Tuesday night. than us." in a row for the first time since the ; doesn't matter what the weather The lady Colonels were defeated Kentucky's athleticism and 1995-96 season. •is like, liny are out there despite be it's because they run Colonels' 10-6 victory over Furman asa for honor, for the university and end. second baseman Adam Basil sliced a pitching staff." I In c olonels capped the sweep Saturday. Martini, who relieved senior home run over the fence in the The Colonels will travel to Macon. back-up themselves. / starter right-hander Eric Bess, allowed over Fur man with a 7-2 victory Colonels' '.t-7 victory. Eastern held a 5- Ga.. Friday to face Mercer University. quarter- Si. the next time you or some- just three hits and had four strikeouts one >oii know is complaining Sunday, opening the 1999 season with 1 margin for the first three innings Ward's squad will continue its peach back tor 1 in five innings of relict. before Furman made an attempt at a state contests with two games against coach Roy about having to walk to class in n cord. The Colonels scored four runs in the rain or cold, or you hate the Senior right fielder Sean Murray comeback with four runs in the bot- Georgia Southern on Saturday and Kttfstoot- the top of the third and took advantage tom of the fourth. Sunday in Statesboro. thought of getting up before noun connci ted on a double and drove in of six Furman errors to snare a win in on the weekend, remember the one run for the Colonels, while junior Junior Corey Fagle. who played six Fastern opens its 1999 home sea- the first game of the double -header innings before being relieved by track teams and what they endure second baseman Adam Basil added son Feb. 26 with a 3 p.m. contest at B7 Murray had four hits, including freshman Nick Lively, picked up the tn In as successful as thev are. two hits and batted in two runs. Field against Wright two doubles and one KBI to lead the two-point win for the Colonels. State University. 1

it * The Eastern Progress, Thursday. February in. 1999 Sports B7 The Man Behind The Mask Joe Smith is catching a break after shuffling between sports

BY TONYA GAMSBEI "Professional scouts recommended Smith Staff miter to us. We were aware of his ability and thought he had an excellent attitude," he enior catcher Joe Smith is known for said. baseball here at Eastern, but not many Ward and the baseball staff knew Smith people know he came here to play foot sball. was coming to Eastern on a football scholar- ship. After graduating from Anderson County "We knew he could handle both — he's High School, Smith wanted to play both foot- very intelligent," Ward said. ball and baseball in the college ranks. Playing two sports and attending classes to Finding a university that would let him become a construction technologist was not play both was extremely an easy task for Smith. hard, but Eastern offered He had to miss three him a scholarship to come " I think Joe is weeks of baseball practice play football and agreed to his first season, but Smith let him play baseball as well. the best adjusted to his busy USA Today named Smith catcher in the schedule. one of the 10 best baseball "Playing baseball and players in the state of conference and football was tough, but I Kentucky after batting .471 still found time for and racking up 16 home maybe even the school," Smith said. runs during his senior sea- country. Smith saw limited son at Anderson County. Jim Ward, action as a freshman on Smith was also an all- the baseball team, but led state football player in high baseball coach the team in batting aver- school and a quarterback age with his .359 mark. his first year at Eastern. w Smith is optimistic Head football coach Roy about his future in both Kidd recruited Smith to come to Eastern and baseball and life. He will graduate in May play as a quarterback, but after one year of and said he is excited about playing his last play, he quit to concentrate on the sport he season of baseball this year. loved — baseball. "We have a lot of talent and leadership to "I didn't enjoy football as much — I liked carry us a long way," Smith said. baseball much more," Smith said. The Colonels are 3-0 after a sweep over After quitting football at Eastern, he con- Furman University last weekend, and the tinued playing baseball and last season he squad hopes to improve upon its 24-29-1 made the Ohio Valley Conference-All record and third place finish in the OVC Conference team. Smith batted .272, hit sue Tournament last season. home runs and drove in 31 runs last season Smith is unsure about continuing his for the Colonels. career as a baseball player after college, but Head baseball coach Jim Ward has high is optimistic no matter the outcome. remarks about Smith. "I would love to play if I have an opportu- "I think Joe is the best catcher in the confer- nity for a professional team, but if not, I plan ence and maybe even the country," Ward said. to graduate in construction technology and Andrew Patterson/Progress Ward's first impression of Smith was very move back home to work in Lawrenceburg positive. for my dad's construction company," he said. Senior catcher Joe Smith was recruited by head football coach Roy Kidd and was given a scholarship to be a quarterback.

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IHIU'/H Bennington Ct. across from p.m., Wed. 7 p.m.; ride our Rd.623-7254 Sun. School Arlington 623-0382 Sun. van. Colonels for Christ 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. School 9:45 a.m. Worship meet 2nd & 4th Thurs. at 10:45 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 7 8:30 p.m. on 2rd floor of Rosedale Baptist Church University Book & Supply p.m. Transportation avail- Powell Building 411 Westover Ave 623-1771 able. Sunday School 9 a.m. STOREWIDE SALE Unitarian Universalist Worship Sun. 10:15 a.m., 6 1090 Lancaster Road First Presbyterian Church Fellowship 209 St. George p.m. Wed. Prayer Service 7 r.^.. 624-0220 (PCUSA) 330 W. Main St. St. For information call: p.m. February 11 - 26th on Selected items. 623-5323 or 623-5329 623-4614 Sunday Service Church School 10 a.m. Sun. and Church School 10:45 Trinity Missionary Baptist Worship 11 a.m. Wed. a.m. Church 2300 Lexington Rd. Dinner 6 p.m. (no charge) 624-9436 or 623-6868 Sun. Call for transportation. White Oak Pond Christian 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Church (Disciples of Wed. Youth & Prayer 7 p.m. First United Methodist Christ) 1238 Barnes Mill Rd Church 401 W. Main St. 623-6515 Sun. Worship 10 623-3580 Worship 8:30 & a.m. Coffee Fellowship Sun. 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Sun. School 11:15 9:40 a.m. Wed. Night Live a.m. 5:30 p.m. Transportation . available. Harvest Family Fellowship 621 S. Keeneland Dr. 624- Richmond House of Prayer 8620 Sun. School 9:45 a.m. (Full Gospel Church) 330 Sun. Worship 10:45 Wed. Mule Shed Ln. 623-8922 or Bible Study 7 p.m.. Sat. 624-9443 Sun. School 10 Outpouring 6:10 p.m. a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m., 6 AtOUkUW. p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. STORE HOURS Transportation available Mon. - Fri. 9am - 7pm Sat. 9am - 5pm ppOrtS B8 The Eastern Progress, Thursday. February 18. 1999 Colonels hope to reverse streak BY SHANE WALTERS will host a first round game on &toneworth &hirt Company Sports editor Tuesday in Cape Girardeau. "Southeast Missouri has been Television Sportscaster Dick a deep team all year long," said Gifts for All Occasions Vitale picked the Southeast Perry. They are a definite con- Missouri State University Indians tender for our conference tourna- • Sport, Wildlife, Farm & Vehicle Designs to win the Ohio Valley Conference ment — they played a very defen- • Variety of Lettering Styles including Greek and advance to the sive game." NCAA tournament for The Indians out- • School Logos a reason. Eastern rebounded the Along with senior • Occupational designs vs. Colonels by 21 and William "Bud" Eley. held Perry's squad to • Complete Inventory of who is projected to Tennessee 35 percent shooting enter this year's NBA for the game, from the Ts. Hats. Shirts. Jackets & More! draft, the Indians are a Tech hardwood. dominate force in the When: 8:45, Eastern shot 29 OVC — dominate percent for the first Richmond Mall Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. enough to also give tonight half, but savored a 623-6852 Sun. 1 p.m.- 6 p.m. Eastern its 21st loss of comeback in the sec- the season Tuesday Where: ond, slicing SEMO's night at McBrayer McBrayer Arena lead to 51-43 on a late -PAID Arena. layup by senior guard I'm Freshman guard Chris Fitzgerald. Whitney Robinson Despite the pumped in 20 points against the Colonels attempt at victory, the PHONE CARDS Indians despite the 77-61 loss. Indians' Cory Johnson and Sophomore Darius Acuff added Nathan Owen found the bottom of 13 and freshman forward Keanan the net on several three-pointers, Weir contributed 9 points. giving SEMO a 16-point victory. "When Keanan attacks the With the loss of three seniors, offensive and defensive glass, Eastern will have several new good things happen for him," said individuals that will place a trade- Eastern head coach Scott Perry. mark on the 1999-2000 roster. "He played well for us against Although ineligible for this PER MINUTE Southeast Missouri." season, center Sam Hoskin and In the past nine games, guard Will Morris, along with Robinson is averaging 20.9 points new recruits Ricardo Thomas 612 Eastern Bypass per contest for the Colonels and and Lavoris Jerry will be definite Rink has gone over the 20-point mark factors next season for the s-^ *J'II~**+ Richmond. k\ 4047: six times. Robinson is also the Colonels. L^UtUUU^ Car Wash Colonel's leader and is ranked "It's tough any time you lose," third in the conference in number said Perry. "Our guys have fought of three-pointers made with 69 hard through it all and are look- (2.87 per game). ing forward to the future and next Southeast Missouri is 14-3 and season." one game behind Murray State in Eastern (3-21. 2-14 OVC) will the Ohio Valley Conference race. face rival Tennessee Tech at 8:45 The Indians are still mathemati- tonight in McBrayer Arena and cally alive in a bid to tie Murray will close out its season with a State for the league title, but will 4:15 p.m. home match-up against Brian Simms/Progress be the number two seed in the Middle Tennessee State William "Bud" Eley scored on a reverse layup past Eastern's Darick OVC tournament. The Indians Saturday. Mattox in SEMO's 16-point win. The loss droped the Colonels to 3-21. Going Into Business Sale Men's tennis team gets only Softball: 38-19 was Feb. 22 - 28 IfiO/^rngSCC al1 Role Playing Games, Anime, one Valentine in 3 matches best overall record u f^m* r and Collectible Card Games. From B6 Bv CHRISTINA "THOMPSON (Yes, Virginia, we have Aliens/Predator Cards too!) defeated by Radford's Youssef Bovzidi. Assistant sports editor While most couples enjoyed the spirit of Sarrazin hit .364 last season. She had four Although the weekend began on a high Valentine's Day, Eastern's doubles teams home runs, 16 doubles%id 34 runs batted in. note for Eastern's men's tennis team, it soon felt only pain as they suffered a 6-1 loss to "Ill be surprised if Kim and Kelly don't hit the Hero's Retreat in the turned sour as the team suffered two defeats Tennessee Tech University Sunday. ball real well." Worthington said. "All the players Saturday and Sunday after beating Austin Lentz earned Eastern's lone victory with have the potential to be very good." Peay State University on Friday afternoon at his defeat of Heath Dweanger in singles In order to win the OVC title, Eastern will have the Greg Adams Indoor Tennis Center. action. Lentz beat Dweanger in a close to overcome the likes of Eastern Illinois and (Neai [fiy Bay) Eastern defeated Austin Peay 4-3 with match 6-7 (7-1), 7-6 (7-4), 7-6 (7-3). Southeast Missouri, two teams that are typically key singles victories by Adam Doyle, Mike With the loss to Tech, Eastern's record the strongest in the conference. Hornback and Christian Lentz. fell to 1-7. At this point last season, Eastern If Eastern wins the conference tournament 625-0099 In doubles action Friday, Doyle teamed had compiled a 5-2 record before going on this year, it will be the first time a team from the up with Jamey Sellars for a win. Eastern's to finish 11-11 for the season and placing OVC has ever gone to nationals. For the first combination of Hornback-Chad Williams fourth in the Ohio Valley Conference tour- time, the OVC has an automatic bid to nationals, Open: noon to 9 pm Mon-Sat also claimed victory. nament so this year's tournament winner will go to the Sunday 2-8 pm On Saturday, Eastern competed against This weekend Eastern travels to regional tournament, which is a part of nationals. Radford University and lost 6-1. The team's Bloomington, Ind., where the team will The talent is there, and it is up to the players lone victory was a result of the effort of compete in a doubleheader against Indiana to accept responsibility and to go out and do the Sellars. He defeated Faycal Rhazali 7-6 (8- and Southern Illinois Saturday. job," Worthington said. 6). 7-6 (7-2). Rhazali teamed with Eric Eastern will not compete at home again Eastern's season starts this weekend when the Christianson to defeat Doyle-Sellars 9-8 until April 11 when the squad will face team travels Friday to Chapel Hill, N.C.. to com- (8). In singles competition, Doyle was Middle Tennessee State University. pete in the UNC-Chapel Hill Tournament. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR Specializing SPECIALIZING IN JAPANESE PARADISE in Fish. Exotic Oil changes, repair oil leaks, heating & cool- l'ri\ Rrplllr* ing problems, brakes, shocks, tune-ups, electrical repair BIG LOUS Soulne'n HiltS Pla;a PETS 946 Comrrierc.ai Or 10% off with student ID PicriTiona KY 40475 SHEAR PERFORMANCE Nevt to DJ rv Man) 127 S. Estill Ave. Richmond, KY 625-1153 10% off with this ad «606i 524-5433

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The beac The Eastern Progress is looking for an will be Assistant Photo this S Every Editor and a The EKU B on Long L Inquire and apply at: "iUNIVERSITY Donovan Annex Room 118 iEBODKSTORE C[NTf RcfCAMI'US 622-1881 fax 622-2354