§ 97.37–90 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition)

§ 97.37–90 Vessels contracted for prior draft at the end of the vessel adjacent to November 19, 1952. to such appendage shall be measured to (a) Vessels contracted for prior to a line tangent to the lowest part of November 19, 1952, shall meet the re- such appendage and parallel to the line quirements of this paragraph. of the bottom of the . (1) The requirements of §§ 97.37–5 (e) Draft marks must be separated so through 97.37–50 shall be met with the that the projections of the marks onto exception that existing signs and a vertical plane are of uniform height markings containing the same general equal to the vertical spacing between intent, but not necessarily identical consecutive marks. wording or exact letter type, size, or (f) Draft marks must be painted in color, may be retained so long as they contrasting color to the . are in good condition to the satisfac- (g) In cases where draft marks are ob- tion of the Officer in Charge, Marine scured due to operational constraints Inspection. (2) [Reserved] or by protrusions, the vessel must be (b) [Reserved] fitted with a reliable draft indicating system from which the and [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 17011, Dec. 30, 1965, as drafts can be determined. amended by CGFR 66–33, 31 FR 15286, Dec. 6, 1966] [CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 17011, Dec. 1965, as amended by CGD 89–037, 57 FR 41823, Sept. 11, Subpart 97.40—Markings on 1992] Vessels § 97.40–15 Load line marks. § 97.40–1 Application. (a) Vessels assigned a load line shall (a) The provisions of this subpart have the line and the load line shall apply to all vessels except as spe- marks permanently scribed or em- cifically noted. bossed as required by subchapter E (Load Lines) of this chapter. § 97.40–5 Hull markings. Vessels shall be marked as required Subpart 97.45—Carrying of Excess by parts 67 and 69 of this chapter. Steam [CGD 72–104R, 37 FR 14233, July 18, 1972] § 97.45–1 Master and chief engineer re- § 97.40–10 Draft marks and draft indi- sponsible. cating systems. It shall be the duty of the master and (a) All vessels must have draft marks the chief engineer of any vessel to re- plainly and legibly visible upon the quire that a steam pressure is not car- and upon the sternpost or ried in excess of that allowed by the rudderpost or at any place at the stern of the vessel as may be necessary for certificate of inspection, and to require easy observation. The bottom of each that the safety valves, once set by the mark must indicate the draft. inspector, are in no way tampered with (b) The draft must be taken from the or made inoperable. bottom of the keel to the surface of the [CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51207, Sept. 30, 1997] water at the location of the marks. (c) In cases where the keel does not extend forward or to the location of Subpart 97.47—Routing the draft marks, due to raked stem or Instructions cut away , the datum line from which the draft shall be taken shall be § 97.47–1 All persons must comply. obtained by projecting the line of the All licensed masters, officers, and bottom of keel forward or aft, as the certificated seamen on U.S. vessels case may be, to the location of the must strictly comply with routing in- draft marks. structions issued by competent naval (d) In cases where a vessel may have authority. a skeg or other appendage extending locally below the line of the keel, the [CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26008, May 23, 1996]


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