Lancashire Eastern Divisional Headquarters Greenbank Police Station Whitebirk Drive BB1 3HP

4th November 2020

Re: Anti-social Behaviour of Students/Breaches of COVID 19 Restrictions

Do you know where your child is and who they are with?

On 31st October 2020 at approximately 8pm, officers from Constabulary were called to reports of a large group of teenagers consuming alcohol, setting fireworks off and generally causing a disturbance and distress to local residents in the Lower / Ewood area. On arrival police have witnessed up to 50 teenagers congregated in woodland, most not social distancing and a large percentage in a drunken state or having consumed alcohol. The ages were from approximately 13 years old upwards. On seeing officers, the groups have fled leaving bottles of alcohol and fireworks behind. A large group have then continued to shout abuse at officers and throw bottles and other items at local residents’ properties.

Due to officers having to deal with several completely intoxicated teenagers and having to ensure their safety and take them home to parents, on this occasion arrests and formal action was not taken. However, the incident was captured on body worn video and Lancashire Police are liaising with the school to identify those involved and take action where appropriate.

Apart from the obvious issues associated with teenagers consuming alcohol and causing unnecessary distress to local residents, many of whom are elderly, the socialising with those outside your household in such numbers and lack of social distancing can cause the spread of COVID 19 and potentially cause issues with the ability to maintain social bubbles within school.

You will be aware of the new COVID restrictions that are to be implemented on Thursday 5th November 2020 in England and will be enforced where appropriate. Lancashire Constabulary would like to remind both parents and students that it is not permitted for students to mix with other households outside, except for exercising or visiting a public place and with ONE other person only. Lancashire Constabulary are aware that everyone especially children may find it hard in the current situation of restrictions but hope that people abide by them in order to protect each other throughout these difficult times.

Yours Sincerely

Lancashire Constabulary