1. Addition to and Adoption of the Agenda

2. PW-16 Equipment Replacement Policy - Request for Council Decision Attached (Pages 3-5)

3. Service Delivery Discussion a. Roadside Spraying Program - Request for Council Decision Attached (Pages 6-7) b. ASB Bursary Discussion - Request for Council Decision Attached (Pages 8-9) c. Utility Rates - Verbal Update d. FCSS Operating Model - Update Report Attached (Pages 10-12) e. FIN-7 Breakdown - Update Report Attached (Pages 13-20)

4. October 5 Budget Workshop Items a. Birchwood Village Greens Internal Signage - Request for Council Decision (Pages 21-26) b. TWP Road 495 - Update Report for Council (Pages 27-28) c. and District Historical Society - Correspondence Attached (Page 29)

5. TWP Road 480 (HWY 616 extension) - Update Report for Council (Page 30)

6. Operating Budget Review a. Council and CAO’s Office (Budget Binder Package pages 4-9 and 19-37) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 4-6 and 16-27) b. Agricultural Services (Budget Binder Package pages 38-49) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 28-32) c. Community Services (Budget Binder Package pages 50-79) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 33-45) d. Economic Development (Budget Binder Package pages 80-83) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 46-49)

e. Finance (Budget Binder Package pages 84-100) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 50-59) f. Planning Services (Budget Binder Package pages 101-108) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 60-63) g. Public Works (Budget Binder Package 109-142) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 64-82) h. Cash Flow (Budget Binder Package pages 143-147) (Public Budget Binder Package pages 83-87)

7. Fire Services Budget Review – Fire Services Package in Budget Binder

8. 2021 Capital Plan Review – Capital Package in Budget Binder

9. Adjournment BRAZEAU COUNTY


SUBJECT: PW‐16 Equipment Replacement DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Lynden Fischer, Director of Public Works and Infrastructure ENDORSED BY: REVIEWED BY CAO: J. Whaley, CAO FILE NO:

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Administration recommends that Council approve changes to PW‐16 outlined in the attached document. 1. TOPIC DEFINED

Executive Summary This policy was created to ensure the schedule for equipment replacement takes into account maintenance costs, warranty periods, and shop capabilities, with the result being equipment replaced at the most cost effective time.

Brazeau County has reviewed the Equipment Replacement Policy and updated it to better reflect current practices as shown in the attached document.

Relevant Policy:



Strategic Relevance: To ensure equipment is replaced at the most cost effective time.

Brazeau County ‐ Request for Council Decision – PW‐16 Equipment Replacement Program Page 1 of 2 3 2. ANALYSIS OF RECOMMENDED ACTION

Administration recommends that Council approve changes to PW‐16 as outlined in the attached document.

Advantages Disadvantages ‐ Equipment is replaced at the most ‐ None identified cost effective time ‐ Policy reflects current practices

3. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATION Operational: No changes to workload required by administrative or operational personnel. Financial: No changes to expenses associated with our current practice. Attachments: PW‐16 with recommended changes

Brazeau County ‐ Request for Council Decision – PW‐16 Equipment Replacement Program Page 2 of 2 4 Policy Name

Equipment Replacement Program

Policy Number


Policy Statement

Council recognizes that the overall equipment maintenance costs are directly tied to the timing for replacement of equipment to ensure that the most maintenance free productivity is achieved from all equipment. This being the case, it is essential that the timing for replacement of each piece of equipment corresponds with warranty periods or the shop's experienced knowledge on the amount of productive, low-maintenance life left on any particular piece of equipment.


This policy will allow Administration to replace equipment using all of the following guidelines: at Administration's discretion, with Council's approval, and on an annual basis. This would reduce the annual maintenance costs and the amount of downtime that takes place when a piece of equipment has been kept too long.

Equipment replacement schedule:

1. Emergency Service (CPO, Fire department etc.) Pick-ups up to and including two tons - 175,000 km or 10 years 2. Pick-ups up to and including two tons - 225,000 250,000 km or 10 years 3. Plow, Gravel Trucks - 8500 hrs/6 years 4. Motor Graders - 7500 hrs/5 years 5. Wheel Loaders - 7500 hrs/5 years 6. Crawler Tractors, Soil Compactors - 7500 hrs 7. Excavator, (Gradall}- 7500 hrs/10 years 8. Agriculture Tractor - 5000 hrs 9. Gravel Pups, Equipment Trailers -10 15 years 10. Skid Steers - 3,500 5000 hrs or 3 10 years

*Equipment with annual maintenance in excess of 25% of the unit’s current value, should be reviewed for replacement*

PW 16: Equipment Replacement Program Page 1 of 1



SUBJECT: Roadside Spraying Program DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Dawnia McCann, Manager of Agricultural Services ENDORSED BY: REVIEWED BY CAO: J. Whaley, CAO FILE NO:

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council approve the proposed service delivery change to the roadside spraying program.

1. TOPIC DEFINED As per the following motion at the October 14, 2020 Agricultural Service Board meeting:

109/20 Moved by H. Hughes to direct Administration to recommend the draft 2021 Agricultural Services Budget to Council with amendments as discussed. IN FAVOUR: D. Movald D. Ekstrom H. Swan A. Goddard K. Westerlund H. Hughes OPPOSED: A. Heinrich CARRIED

The draft Agricultural Services department budget, includes a proposed service level change to reduce 6303 Vegetation – 100 Salary, Wages, and Benefits and 511 Materials, Goods, and Supplies.

Administration has reviewed the current roadside spraying practices, and to improve efficiencies has removed one roadside sprayer position from the proposed operations budget. If approved, Administration would also remove one roadside spray truck from the fleet, to be disposed of according to policy.

6 Currently, the goal is to spray all county roadsides with a non-residual herbicide rate. This makes it very difficult to control species at the correct time of the season. For example, tall buttercup is best controlled in June, but thistle should be targeted in August.

Under the new roadside spraying program, the east and west sides of the County would get a comprehensive spray, on rotating years, with residual herbicide rates. This means that timing of control could be better managed based on the species being controlled. Using a residual rate would provide at minimum two years of broadleaf control. This does not mean that the other side of the County will not receive any weed control services. The side-by-side crew will still be available to spot spray any “flare ups” on the area not receiving a full right of way spray that year. This proposed service delivery change will align well with the principles of integrated vegetation management, which is the preferred system for vegetation management in North America.

Relevant Policy: AG-10 Vegetation Management

Strategic Relevance: Ensures responsible stewardship in our vegetation management program.


That Council approve the proposed service delivery change to the roadside spraying program.

Advantages Disadvantages • Budgetary savings • May be perceived as a service delivery reduction • Reduced herbicide loading in the environment • Facilitates a better herbicide rotation to avoid weeds becoming resistant • Improved control of undesirable/legislated species



Removal of one temporary position.

Financial: Proposed savings of approximately $41,000 in the Agricultural Services Vegetation budget. Attachments: None



SUBJECT: Agricultural Service Board Bursary DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Dawnia McCann, Manager of Agricultural Services ENDORSED BY: REVIEWED BY CAO: J. Whaley, CAO FILE NO:

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council approve an increase to the ASB Bursary budget from $1,000 to $2,000, and amend the policy to allow for four $500 bursaries or two $1000 bursaries, at the discretion of the Agricultural Service Board.


At the October 14 Agricultural Service Board meeting, the board made the following motion:

107/20 Moved by D. Ekstrom to recommend to Council to increase the proposed ASB Bursary budget from $1,000 to $2m000. IN FAVOUR: D. Movald D. Ekstrom A. Goddard K. Westerlund H. Hughes OPPOSED: H. Swan A. Heinrich


As per the direction in the carried motion, Administration has made the adjustment accordingly to the proposed operational budget.

Relevant Policy: AG-28 ASB Youth Bursary

8 Strategic Relevance: N/A

2. ANALYSIS OF RECOMMENDED ACTION That Council approve an increase to the ASB Bursary budget from $1,000 to $2,000, and amend the policy to allow for four $500 bursaries or two $1,000 bursaries, at the discretion of the Agricultural Service Board. Advantages Disadvantages • Increased support of local people  None identified entering into the agricultural field at post-secondary institutions • Possibility of additional agricultural expertise added to Brazeau County in the future




Financial: Increase 02-63-01-771 – ASB Youth Bursary from $1,000 to $2,000 Attachments: None


SUBJECT: FCSS Operating Models

DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020

PREPARED BY: Lee Chambers, Director of Community Services


Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is an 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of and participating municipalities or Metis Settlements to: • assess community needs and set priorities • support individuals, families, and communities through preventative social programs and services

Currently, we have an agreement from September 1998, to provide joint community and support services programs in Drayton Valley and Breton. These agreements may be terminated upon mutual agreement or with 180 days’ notice to either party.

The funding breakdown for Drayton Valley and Breton is the following:

Provincial Funding $195,935.00 Municipal Funding $48,984.00 Total Funding $244,919.00 Drayton Valley $163,341.00 Breton $81,578.00

FCSS programs are tailored for the communities they serve and can be administered as grant funding to community groups and/or direct programming for the community. Drayton Valley and Breton have a hybrid model. Drayton Valley and District FCSS has a total annual budget of $484,589.89 providing approximately $130,000 in grant funding to community groups with the remaining funding used in direct programming and administration of the program. Breton has a total budget of $115,688 of which $10,000 is given out in grants. A breakdown of grant funding is attached for Council’s information from 2016-2019.

As per the direction of Council, Administration has reviewed other FCSS organizations in the province against the Drayton Valley and District FCSS. The goal is to get a sense of the budget requirements for

10 the different operating models, to ensure the maximum benefit to Brazeau County. A comparison was done against four other FCSS organizations, details are below: 2019 Actual Revenue Expense Wages vs Grants vs FCSS Name Total Grants to Org. Wages/Benefits Other Total Ttl Rev Ttl Rev FCSS $ 1,067,600.00 $ 884,300.00 $ 183,300.00 $ - $ 1,067,600.00 17% 83% County FCSS $ 473,768.75 $ 144,246.00 $ 298,738.00 $ 54,119.00 $ 497,103.00 63% 30% FCSS $ 1,127,489.00 $ 61,408.00 $ 779,127.00 $ 286,954.00 $ 1,127,489.00 69% 5% Clearwater Regional FCCS $ 815,214.00 $ 536,302.00 $ 193,000.00 $ 86,800.00 $ 816,102.00 24% 66% Drayton Valley & District FCSS $ 484,589.89 $ 130,090.00 $ 227,731.16 $ 126,768.73 $ 484,589.89 47% 27% Average 43% 46%

Yellowhead County, Clearwater County, and Drayton Valley provide grant programs and direct programming jointly with their neighbouring counterparts. As you can see by the table, their programs are very different due to the level of direct programming or the awarding of grants.

Rocky View County and Wetaskiwin County do not offer joint services with their urban counterparts. The difference between the two is that Rocky View County provides flow through grants to community organizations with little or no direct programming. The FCSS Act and Regulation outline the eligibility requirements for grant funding. A similar model to Rocky View County FCSS may not be viable in Brazeau County due to limited service groups located in the County.

Wetaskiwin County FCSS does more direct programming as opposed to grants. If this model were adopted in Brazeau County, we would need to look at increased programming staff. A sample budget based on Wetaskiwin’s distribution percentages is below:

Revenue Grants to Org. Wages/Benefits Other Total Expenses $163,341.00 $49,002.30 $102,904.83 $11,433.87 $163,341.00 The above scenario would mean a significant drop in service levels compared to the current joint offered FCSS budget of $484,589.89. Other things to keep in mind should Council provide direction to change the operating model of the Drayton Valley and District FCSS: • Potential for duplication of services o Town FCSS would only serve its residents and would not be available to County residents and vice versa • Potential for the disruption of services for current Town and County FCSS users o Brazeau County residents using the current FCCS services would be turned away. • Current services being utilized by County residents may not be available anymore, not without adding programming staff to the FCSS operating budget. o The current FCSS joint budget is $484,589.89 a separated Brazeau County program would only have a budget of $163,341.00 so a County run FCSS could not offer the same programming, without adding significant staff and funding. According to the

11 recent presentation made to Brazeau County Council by the FCSS Program Manager, in 2019 there were 31 direct in-house programs offered to children and youth, families, adults, seniors, community development, and homelessness. • FCSS contributions of $35,751.26 may need to be adjusted for the region • A new Board would need to be established • Minimal community groups based in the County who meet the grant eligibility

Attachments: • DV & District FCSS Summary of Community Grants – 2016-2019

Guiding Documents: • Family and Community Support Services Act • Family and Community Support Services Regulation


SUBJECT: FIN-7 Breakdown

DATE TO SMT: November 20, 2020

PREPARED BY: Lee Chambers, Director of Community Services


During the October 5, 2020 Budget Workshop, a request was made to review the actual costs associated to Policy FIN-7, Community Organization Funding, including in-kind figures. This Policy allows for community organizations to access funding in multiple streams. A breakdown of the last three years of funding is below:

Funding Stream Amount per year 2020* 2019 2018 Community Halls – Operating $65,731.78 $66,502.64 $67,458.82 Community Halls – Capital** $10,000.00 $4,874.53 $77,348.90 Cemetery – Operating $3,054.06 $3,300.00 $375.00 Cemetery – Capital $0.00 $4,874.53 $0.00 Museums (DV and Breton) - Operating $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $34,500.00 Museums (DV and Breton) – Capital $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 Seniors/Disabled/Public Transit $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 Recreation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cultural $500.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 Community Events** $3,750.00 $16,315.00 $10,000.00 Community Events – In-Kind** $1,000.00 $7,385.45 $5,048.92 Youth Sport $0.00 $2,561.32 $1,000.00 Total $133,035.84 $160,813.47 $200,231.64 FCSS (DV and Breton)*** $244,919.00 $244,919.00 $244,919.00 *YTD figures only **2020 amounts reflect cancellations and reduced community events due to COVID-19 ***Includes provincial government funding

Typically, all funding requests are based on applications, with the exception of FCSS. This results in funding for some years being higher or lower than previous, a more detailed breakdown is attached with figures from 2012 to present

13 Details of Community Grants ( FIN - 7) from the year 2017 to 2020 - Cash Only

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Cemetery Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Buck Creek Cemetery Company 3,054.06 3,300.00 375.00 Carnwood Cemetery Company Easyford Cemetery Company Lindale Cemetery Company Northend Cemetery Company Total - 3,054.06 - 3,300.00 - 375.00 - -

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Seniors/Disabled/Public Transit Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Beehive Support Service 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 Breton Golden Age Club Drayton Valley Community Bus Association 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total 4,000.00 - 2,000.00 - 4,000.00 - 3,500.00

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Museums Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Breton & District Historical Society 20,000.00 20,000.00 14,500.00 15,500.00 Drayton Valley & District Historical Society 25,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 16, 000.00 Total 45,000.00 5,000.00 45,000.00 - 34,500.00 - 31,500.00

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Halls Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Berrymoor 3 B's 4,661.04 4,524.30 5,126.59 2,583.72 Berrymoor Playground - - Buck Creek Community Association 8,809.91 9,627.85 9,048.90 10,310.73 4,000.00 Carnwood Country Society 6,450.89 4,874.53 5,611.94 5,543.24 2,500.00 Cyn-City Recreation - Emergency Funding 2,525.10 3,685.17 868.93 3,327.07 Cynthia Skating Rink - - Easyford Community Centre - - Funnell Community Society 3,733.85 4,342.86 3,888.85 55,029.20 2,500.00 Lindale Community Hall Association - Emergency Funding 7,042.58 10,123.37 54,000.00 7,672.19 61,119.95 7,000.00 Lodgepole Recreational Society - Emergency Funding 12,694.39 13,932.40 4,300.00 8,288.45 47,048.00 7,000.00 New Moose Hill Community - - Community League - - 8,660.81 3,438.50 Rocky Rapids Skating Rink - -

14 Community Centre 5,931.58 - 4,924.13 3,335.29 Violet Grove Playground - - 25,312.00 Whitby Community League - Emergency Funding 10,000.00 13,882.44 14,654.75 10,000.00 12,174.90 7,000.00 Total 10,000.00 65,731.78 4,874.53 66,502.64 77,348.90 67,458.82 188,509.15 42,684.58 Details of Community Grants ( FIN - 7) from the year 2017 to 2020 - Cash Only

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Cultural Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Breton & District Historical Society 500.00 Breton Golden Age Club 10,000.00 Boxing Alberta 3,000.00 Drayton Valley Fine Arts Drayton Valley Metis Multicultural Association Hearts & Hand Quilter's Guild The Max Centre 500.00 Total - 500.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 - 500.00 - -

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Insurance Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Insurance 15,473.21 Total - - - - - 15,473.21

2020 2019 2018 2017 Community Organization Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Youth Sport Athletes* 2,561.32 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total - 2,561.32 - 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 15 Details of Community Grants ( FIN - 7) from the year 2017 to 2020 - Cash Only

2020 2019 2018 2017 Community Organization Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Alberta Trappers Association 2,500.00 Brazeau Gymnastics Club 6,117.69 Breton & District Agricultural Society 500.00 Breton FCSS 750.00 Brighter Futures Family Resource Society 1,315.00 1,000.00 999.00 Community Scholarship Trust Society 2,000.00 Drayton Valley 4-H Beef Interclub 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Brazeau Snow Club 5,000.00 Drayton Valley & Brazeau County Fire Servies 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Community Foundation DV100 (DV Race or Ride) 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Dance 1,000.00 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Fine Arts Society 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Health Services 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Horse Club 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Paddling Club 2,500.00 Drayton Valley Pro Rodeo 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 DV Alumni Committee 2,000.00 Eagle Point - Blue Rapids 1,000.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Hearts and Hands Quilt Guild 1,000.00 Lions International Club of Drayton Valley 500.00 Pembina Regional Aerodrome Association - Drayton Valley 1,000.00 Rotary Club of Drayton Valley 1,000.00 1,000.00 Safari Club International 1,500.00 1,500.00 SHARK Park Playground 50,000.00 University of Alberta 1,000.00 Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse 1,000.00 Total - 3,750.00 - 16,315.00 - 10,000.00 - 76,616.69

Community Organization 2020 2019 2018 2017 Funding 2012-2017 Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Capital Operating Total 10,000.00 122,035.84 19,874.53 138,678.96 77,348.90 117,833.82 188,509.15 170,774.48 16 FIN-7 Community Organization Funding - Event Grant Breakdown

2020 2019 2018 2017 Organization Cash In-Kind Cash In-Kind Cash In-Kind Cash In-Kind Alberta Trappers Association $ 2,500.00 Brazeau Gymnastics Club $ 6,117.69 Breton FCSS $ 750.00 Brigther Futures Family Resources Society $ 1,315.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 999.00

Community Scholarship Trust Society $ 2,000.00 Drayton Valley 4-H Beef Interclub $ 1,000.00 1,500.00$ $ 1,000.00 $ 482.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,114.00 Drayton Valley Ag Society*** $ 5,000.00 $ 500.00 Drayton Valley Brazeau Snow Club $ 5,000.00 Drayton Valley Dance $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Fine Arts Society $ 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Fire Services - 2020 AFFCA 1,000.00$ Bonspiel Drayton Valley Health Services Foundation $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00

Drayton Valley Horse Club $ 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Paddling Club $ 2,500.00 Drayton Valley Pro Rodeo* 1,000.00$ $ 1,000.00 1,506.45$ $ 1,000.00 1,556.00$ $ 1,000.00 1,261.00$ Drayton Valley Triathlon* 1,000.00$ 2,355.00$ 1,854.72$ $ 321.54 DV Alumni Committee** $ 1,000.00 DV Community Foundation* 1,000.00$ 2,500.00$ 1,156.20$ $ 1,000.00 1,097.28$ Eagle Point Blue Rapids Parks Council 1,000.00$ $ 3,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Hearts and Hands Quilt Guild $ 1,000.00 Lions International Club of Drayton Valley $ 500.00

Montreal Canadiens Alumni Hockey Game $ 1,000.00 Committee Pembina Regional Aerodome Association - $ 1,000.00 Drayton Valley Rotary Club of Drayton Valley 1,000.00$ $ 1,000.00 Safari Club International - Drayton Valley $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Chapter The Golden Spur Gymkhana 1,000.00$ University of Alberta $ 1,000.00 Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse $ 1,000.00 Total 3,750.00$ 4,000.00$ 21,315.00$ 7,861.45$ 10,000.00$ 5,048.92$ 26,616.69$ 3,793.82$

*Event Cancelled due to COVID-19 **Event postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19 ***2019 funding separate from Community event pool

17 Community Group In-Kind Support

Organization Description 2019 2018 2017 Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-12-00036 - Brazeau Sports Park $ 44.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Slope Repair Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-17-00030 - Sports Park Parking Lot $ 7,816.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Maintenance Brazeau Junior Rodeo Association / Big AGG-17-00056 - Lindale Rodeo Grounds $ 1,473.00 West High School Rodeo Club Mowing St. Theresa Cemetery AGG-17-00070 - St. Theresa Cemetery $ 439.00 Maintenance Breton & District Historical Society AGG-17-00071 - Keystone Cemetery $ 742.00 Mowing Breton & District Historical Society AGG-17-00073 - Keystone Cemetery $ 135.00 Maintenance Brazeau Junior Rodeo Association / Big AGG-17-00075 - Lindale Rodeo Grounds $ 588.00 West High School Rodeo Club Maintenance St. Theresa Cemetery AGG-17-00093 - St Theresa Cemetery $ 592.00 Mowing Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-17-00111 - Sports Park Spraying $ 288.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Eagle Point Blue Rapids Parks Council AGG-17-00113 - Parks Day Set-Up $ 202.00 Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-17-00127 - Sports Park Soil $ 187.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Screening and Hauling Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-17-00128 - Sports Park Slo Pitch $ 870.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Gravel AGG-17-00134 - Ski Club Hill Mowing $ 1,566.00 2017 TOTAL $ 16,959.00 Breton & District Historical Society AGG-18-00014 - Keystone Cemetery $ 1,297.00 St. Theresa Cemetery AGG-18-00015 - St Theresa Cemetery $ 1,194.00 Brazeau Junior Rodeo Association / Big AGG-18-00067 - Lindale Rodeo Grounds $ 1,836.00 West High School Rodeo Club Maintenance Drayton Valley & District Historical Society AGG-18-00115 - Gravel for Historical $ 238.00 Society Evergreen Shooting Club AGG-18-00117 - 2 loads of gravel to $ 270.00 Evergreen Shoot Club Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-18-00126 - Gravel for Sports Park $ 4,567.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association parking area Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-18-00128 - Brazeau Sports Park $ 304.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Maintenance Funnell Community Hall DC-18-00009 - dust control Funnell $ 463.00 Community Hall NE 15-48-04 W5M Pembina Nordic Ski Club PW-18-00030 - Nordic Ski Club $ 985.00 Maintenance Drayton Valley Ski Hill PW-18-00155 - Ski Hill Mowing $ 552.00 2018 Total $ 11,706.00

18 Organization Description 2019 2018 2017 Brazeau Junior Rodeo Association / Big AGG-19-00044 - Lindale Rodeo Grounds $ 1,579.00 West High School Rodeo Club Parks Maintenance Brazeau Junior Rodeo Association / Big AGG-19-00045 - Lindale Rodeo Grounds $ 944.00 West High School Rodeo Club Mowing St. Theresa Cemetery AGG-19-00047 - St Theresa Cemetery $ 130.00 Maintenance St. Theresa Cemetery AGG-19-00048 - St Theresa Cemetery $ 236.00 Parks Mowing Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-19-00050 - Brazeau Sports Park $ 263.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Maintenance Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-19-00051 - Brazeau Sports Park $ 374.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Spraying Breton & District Historical Society AGG-19-00056 - Keystone Cemetery Parks $ 1,007.00 Maintenance Breton & District Historical Society AGG-19-00057 - Keystone Cemetery Parks $ 287.00 Mowing Buck Creek Community Hall AGG-19-00064 - Buck Creek Parking Lot $ 1,738.00 Gravel Drayton Valley & District Soccer AGG-19-00107 - Sports Park Ditch $ 545.00 Association / DV Slo Pitch Association Mowing St. Theresa Cemetery AGG-19-00116 - St. Theresa Cemetery $ 133.00 Maintenance Pembina Nordic Ski Club PW-19-00030 - Nordic Ski Club $ 1,213.00 Drayton Valley Minor Ball PW-19-00054 - In Kind Gravel for Minor $ (3,919.00) Ball 2019 TOTAL $ 4,530.00

* 2020 costs are no longer separated from general operations

Brazeau County also provided shale for the Sports Park which was included in the recreation cost-sharing with the Town of Drayton Valley 2018 $ 1,014.31 2019 $ 2,138.52 $ 3,152.83

19 FCSS GRANT - Yearly Granting Summary - Updated December, 2019

2016 2017 2018 2019 Organization Request Decision Request Decision Request Decision Request Decision Aim For Success School and Community Mentoring $ 3,750.00 $ 2,000.00 I AM Empowered Womens Conference $ 5,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,460.00 $ 2,500.00 Conference and Mentoring $ 11,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Boys and Girls Club Drayton Valley Annual commitment $ 50,000.00 $50,000$ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Out of school programs $ 15,000.00 $ 12,512.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 20,000.00 grant retuned $ (6,667.00)

Burden Bearer’s Counseling Center $ 4,500.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 Brighter Futures Family Resource Society Summer Day Camp $ 6,270.65 $ 6,270.75 $ 9,338.29 $ 9,338.29 $ 11,478.61 $ 11,478.61 $ 8,794.10 $ 8,794.10 Young Mom's Group $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Drayton Valley and District Agricultural Society Farmer's Market kids club/Youth Entrepreneurs $ 4,900.00 $ 1,900.00 Drayton Valley & District Community Learning Association Family Literacy Day $ 1,157.75 $ 600.00 Moon Lake First Steps $ 3,715.50 $ 2,600.00 First Steps Whitby $ 2,958.00 $ 2,958.00 $ 6,219.74 $ 2,073.24 Onsite childcare training Denied Drayton Valley Comprehensive Family Violence Institute Moving Beyong Anger and Anxiety $ 3,960.00 $ 2,000.00 Moving Beyong Anger and Anxiety $ 1,400.00 Moving Beyond Anger and Anxiety $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Drayton Valley Family Wellness Program Connect Parenting $ 4,550.00 $ 4,550.00 Drayton Valley Health Services Foundation Young Mom's Group $ 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 Drayton Valley Pre-School Society Pre-School Society $ 15,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 15,825.00 $ 10,000.00 Eagle Point-Blue Rapids Parks Council Education Program $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 11,865.00 $ 11,865.00 Healthy Communities Coalition $ 4,270.90 Integrated Youth Hub Humans Helping Humans Housing Foundation

Proposal Denied Metis Multicultural Youth Society Summer Camp $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 McMan Youth, Family and Community Association Santa’s Workshop $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 Pembina Crisis Connection Society Special Project $ 10,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Operational $ 25,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 20,000.00 River Valley Players River Valley Players Drama Camp $ 1,550.00 $ 775.00 Drive Happiness Volunteer Program $ 9,700.00 $ 9,700.00 Town of Drayton Valley Mommy and Me Craft Day Denied Summer Playground and Youth on the Move Program $ 14,230.00 $ 10,000.00 4S Skatepark Jam $3,063.00 Summer Reading Program $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 Fired up for the Holidays $ 2,288.00 $ 2,288.00 A.L.I.V.E. 55 Program $ 18,100.00 $ 18,100.00 $ 22,250.00 $ 22,250.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,237.00 $ 25,237.00 Youth Programs $ 3,550.00 $ 3,550.00 Parks Play $ 9,640.00 $ 9,640.00 Child Social Development Programs $ 12,835.00 $ - Wild Rose School Division Family Wellness Program Connect Parent Group $ 4,100.00 $ 4,100.00 $ 4,550.00 $ 4,550.00 Safer School Together $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 18,870.40 $ 14,500.00

TOTAL: $ 159,061.90 $ 141,696.75 $ 163,061.29 $ 137,048.29 $ 140,933.35 $ 127,951.85 $ 167,286.50 $ 130,000.00

Granting Budget $120,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 130,000.00 $130,000.00

Note: The 2017 Pembina Crisis Connection Society grant was returned The 2018 Child Social Development Program grant was not accepted



SUBJECT: Birchwood Village Greens Signage DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020 SUBMITTED BY: Lynden Fischer ENDORSED BY: REVIEWED BY CAO: J. Whaley, CAO FILE NO:

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: That Council approve the installation of signage in Birchwood Village Greens.


Executive Summary Further to the request for signage made at the budget workshop on October 5, 2020 by Lyle Banack of Birchwood Village Greens Condo Board, Administration has identified signage needs for that area brought forward by the Brazeau County/Drayton Valley Fire Services. Similar to rural addressing signage present in the County, Fire Services has expressed that proper driveway signage would allow for easier navigation of Birchwood Village Greens in the event of an emergency. The costs for individual lot signs and posts would be $4,275 (171 lots), as well as $1,197.57 for the directional signage with posts as per attachment 1. The total cost being $5,475.57. Birchwood Condo Association has advised they would carry out installation so there would be no additional installation cost .

Relevant Policy: Bylaw 1052-20 - Municipal Addressing System

Strategic Relevance: Level of service to residents

21 2. ANALYSIS OF RECOMMENDED ACTION That Council approve the installation of signage in Birchwood Village Greens.

Advantages Disadvantages Provides emergency services with clear Cost to the County for outside organization direction to residences

Assists non-residents in navigating the area


Operational: None identified, a third party will carry out installation.

Financial: The total cost of signage is approximately $5,475.57. Attachments: Directional signage quote


Edmonton Sales Sales QUOTE 1120-50044946 9015 14 Street NW 9800 Endeavor Dr. S.E. Date 9/24/2020 , AB T6P 0C9 Calgary, AB T3S 0A1 Page 1/3 Phone: 780-440-4114 Phone: 403-248-3241 Printed By nicr Alberta Toll Free:1-800-661-7346 Toll Free: 1-800-242-8404 Ordered By ASHLIE SPICE Fax: 780-440-1326 Fax: 403-248-3967 Phone # +1 780-542-7777 e-mail:[email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Lane Lane 3 website: www.atstraffic.ca

BILL TO: SHIP TO: Brazeau County c/o RMA Brazeau County Brazeau County c/o RMA Rick Beattie [email protected] 7401 - TWP 494 Nisku, AB T9E 8N5 BOX 77 Canada Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R1 P: +1 780-955-3639 Canada P: +1 780-202-8977 Purchase Order # Customer ID Salesperson ID Shipping Method Payment Terms QUOTE 11000077 AB035 COLLECT ROCKET EXPRES NET 30

ORD SHP UOM Item # Description Price Extended Price 1 EACH 14111131 PANELAL1RECHI00W180H120CM White $161.60 $161.60 AL1RCHI00180120 REC AL1 HI 180 120 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None 1 EACH 14111126 PANELAL1RECHI00W120H60CM White $55.79 $55.79 AL1RCHI0012060 REC AL1 HI 120 60 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None

1 EACH 14111127 PANELAL1RECHI00W120H75CM White $76.30 $76.30 AL1RCHI0012075 REC AL1 HI 120 75 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None 1 EACH 12113017 SHEETPSRECHI00W120H75CM $74.71 $74.71 PSRCHI0012075 REC PS HI 120 75 White

1 EACH 94110004 Fabrication Charge - Sales $5.00 $5.00 Fab Shop

1 EACH 14113263 PANELAL1RECHI00W120H40CM White $51.65 $51.65 AL1RCHI0012040Rec AL1 HI 120 40 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None 1 EACH 14111126 PANELAL1RECHI00W120H60CM White $63.56 $63.56 AL1RCHI0012060 REC AL1 HI 120 60 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None

1 EACH 14111167 PANELAL1RECHI00W90H60CM White $51.06 $51.06 AL1RCHI009060 REC AL1 HI 90 60 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None

23 Edmonton Sales Calgary Sales QUOTE 1120-50044946 9015 14 Street NW 9800 Endeavor Dr. S.E. Date 9/24/2020 Edmonton, AB T6P 0C9 Calgary, AB T3S 0A1 Page 2/3 Phone: 780-440-4114 Phone: 403-248-3241 Printed By nicr Alberta Toll Free:1-800-661-7346 Toll Free: 1-800-242-8404 Ordered By ASHLIE SPICE Fax: 780-440-1326 Fax: 403-248-3967 Phone # +1 780-542-7777 e-mail:[email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Lane Lane 3 website: www.atstraffic.ca

BILL TO: SHIP TO: Brazeau County c/o RMA Brazeau County Brazeau County c/o RMA Rick Beattie [email protected] 7401 - TWP 494 Nisku, AB T9E 8N5 BOX 77 Canada Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R1 P: +1 780-955-3639 Canada P: +1 780-202-8977 Purchase Order # Customer ID Salesperson ID Shipping Method Payment Terms QUOTE 11000077 AB035 COLLECT ROCKET EXPRES NET 30

ORD SHP UOM Item # Description Price Extended Price 1 EACH 14111173 PANELAL1RECHI00W75H30CM White $30.31 $30.31 AL1RCHI007530 REC AL1 HI 75 30 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None 1 EACH 12113222 SHEETPSRECHI00W75H30CM $25.77 $25.77 PSRCHI007530 REC PS HI 75 30 White

1 EACH 94110004 Fabrication Charge - Sales $5.00 $5.00 Fab Shop

1 EACH 14111173 PANELAL1RECHI00W75H30CM White $30.31 $30.31 AL1RCHI007530 REC AL1 HI 75 30 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None

1 EACH 12113222 SHEETPSRECHI00W75H30CM $25.77 $25.77 PSRCHI007530 REC PS HI 75 30 White

1 EACH 94110004 Fabrication Charge - Sales $5.00 $5.00 Fab Shop

1 EACH 14113201 PANELAL1RECHI00W100H90CM White $79.45 $79.45 AL1RCHI0010090Rec AL1 HI 100 90 White NO HOLES, NO CROPS

1 EACH 12113017 SHEETPSRECHI00W120H75CM $37.36 $37.36 PSRCHI0012075 REC PS HI 120 75 White

1 EACH 94110004 Fabrication Charge - Sales $5.00 $5.00 Fab Shop

24 Edmonton Sales Calgary Sales QUOTE 1120-50044946 9015 14 Street NW 9800 Endeavor Dr. S.E. Date 9/24/2020 Edmonton, AB T6P 0C9 Calgary, AB T3S 0A1 Page 3/3 Phone: 780-440-4114 Phone: 403-248-3241 Printed By nicr Alberta Toll Free:1-800-661-7346 Toll Free: 1-800-242-8404 Ordered By ASHLIE SPICE Fax: 780-440-1326 Fax: 403-248-3967 Phone # +1 780-542-7777 e-mail:[email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Lane Lane 3 website: www.atstraffic.ca

BILL TO: SHIP TO: Brazeau County c/o RMA Brazeau County Brazeau County c/o RMA Rick Beattie [email protected] 7401 - TWP 494 Nisku, AB T9E 8N5 BOX 77 Canada Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R1 P: +1 780-955-3639 Canada P: +1 780-202-8977 Purchase Order # Customer ID Salesperson ID Shipping Method Payment Terms QUOTE 11000077 AB035 COLLECT ROCKET EXPRES NET 30

ORD SHP UOM Item # Description Price Extended Price 1 EACH 14111166 PANELAL1RECHI00W90H45CM White $42.77 $42.77 AL1RCHI009045 REC AL1 HI 90 45 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None 1 EACH 14111128 PANELAL1RECHI00W120H90CM White $91.59 $91.59 AL1RCHI0012090 REC AL1 HI 120 90 White HOLES: PLACEMENT: SIZE: CROPS: None

1 EACH 12113018 SHEETPSRECHI00W120H90CM $87.05 $87.05 PSRCHI0012090 REC PS HI 120 90 White

1 EACH 94110004 Fabrication Charge - Sales $5.00 $5.00 Fab Shop

Goods maybe returned within 30 days of purchase with a Return Authorization number. Goods Subtotal $1,010.05 returned without authorization will be refused and returned at sender’s expense. All items returned must be in original manufactures packaging, and be in new condition. Credit cannot be given for Tax $50.52 merchandise returned in damaged condition due to improper packaging. Freight $0.00 All items returned are subject to a 15% restocking charge. Total $1,060.57 Returns of items made specially or ordered specifically do not fall within our return policy and cannot be returned. 25 26 BRAZEAU COUNTY UPDATE REPORT TO COUNCIL

SUBJECT: TWP 495 (RR72 to RR73) Improvements

DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020

PREPARED BY: Lynden Fischer, Director, Public Works


During the Budget Workshop on October 5, 2020, Council heard concerns from the residents regarding the condition of TWP 495 from RR72 to RR73. This portion was constructed with materials that haven’t provided the stability required for the road and the traffic that utilizes this section.

Administration has reviewed the road and determined a method to repair and stabilize it. There are two components that would improve the condition of the road.

To repair the existing issues, maintenance staff could remove the top layer of material on the road and bring in proper clay. In addition, Administration would also recommend adding a soil cement to ensure the stability of the road long term. This scope of work would cost approximately $125,000.

To further ensure the road remains in good condition, Administration would like to re-route the sewage haulers north along RR 73 half of a mile and enter the lagoon area from the west side. This option however would require Administration to contact private land owners to discuss acquiring the lands that already contain lease road access to our lagoon. This option would also remove the need to spend more than $500,000 to repair the slide on the current lagoon access road.

Attachment 1 – Map of TWP 495 and required lands for alternate access.

27 Existing Lagoon Access Road Alternate Lagoon Access Road

TWP 495 (RR72 to RR73) 28 RECEIVED AUG 2 5 2020


August 20th.,2020

Town of Drayton Valley Attn: Annette Dreissen

Brazeau County Attn: Lee Chambers

Re: Full Time Staff Person

As you are aware, we have made presentations to both Councils illustrating our need for a Full Time StaflF person for the Drayton Valley Museum. As you are also aware, our Society President, Pamela Schaub, will be leaving us in the near future. At that time,our need for a full time staff person becomes urgent and critical. When Pam leaves there will be none of our current members who are famiUar with or comfortable with doing the complete process of inputting the required information for accessioning of artifacts. So,in effect,this important and necessary part of the work at a museum comes to a halt at that time.

It is critical for this work to continue in our museum at this time. Without the continuation of this work,the preservation of our area's history comes to a halt. A full time staff person will enable this work to carry on and the person would also help plan and oversee the future development of the museum,search for grant funding for projects,solicit donors and support for the museum, supervise summer staff and a multitude of other duties for the museum.

We feel that a full time staff person, with sufficient experience and qualifications for our museum can be hired for around $ 50,000.00 per year plus benefits. We would ask you both to consider an increase in our annual operational funding from $ 25,000.00 to $ 50,000.00 in your 2021 budgets. The increased amount of $ 25,000.00 from each would be dedicated to the employment of a full time staff person for the museum.

Your favorable consideration of our request will be much appreciated. If you require any further information, please contact me.

Sincerely, ,

Charlie Miner,Secretary/Treasurer Drayton Valley and District Historical Society


SUBJECT: Extension of Highway 616 – TWP 480 (RR71 to RR72)

DATE TO COUNCIL: November 20, 2020

PREPARED BY: Adam Saltesz, Project Manager, Public Works Lynden Fischer, Director, Public Works

PREVIOUS UPDATE INFORMATION – August 18, 2020: On July 7, 2020 Council passed the following motions: 502/20-07-07 – Moved by B. Guyon to complete the engineering design work for upgrading HWY 616 extension to pavement standard. 503/20-07-07 – Moved by M. Gressler to amend Bart’s motion to say “direct Administration to bring back the costs for engineering design work for upgrading the HWY 616 extension to pavement standard to next council meeting” CARRIED

Administration has gathered the costs associated with the engineering design work for upgrading the HWY 616 extension for 1.64 kilometres to pavement standard and provided them below:

Phase Estimated Costs Estimated Engineering Costs $152,000.00 Estimated Construction Costs $1,520,000.00

NEW UPDATE INFORMATION On August 18, 2020 Council passed the following motion: 0576/20-08-18 – Moved by H. Swan to add HWY 616 extension to the budget discussion for 2021. CARRIED