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U N S U U S E U R a C S S Everett ( t 3 r N H e v LINCOLN o w M i r y Belmont ys R 6 ) t ti c 2 d h 1 Fresh Pond Somerville Natick Development Center Annex 1 R A 1 v 7 BELMONT y d DISTRICT r e w o ) Waltham Chelsea H c 7 DISTRICT t M n ain Cambridge Broad Sound S o St Boston Natl C Hist Pk ( n St SUDBURY 5 sto DISTRICT 7 e M C G Integrated Support Command Winthrop Boston W Watertown e 20 m Boston Post Rd Watertown Arsenal o r WINTHROP ton P i o a Bos s t Rd l Charles R 6 D 1 t) y S r DISTRICT WESTON Hw n 9 Boston Harbor St ow Be Brighton WAYLAND Wabasso Rd ert Burton St aco Charles River at n St 108th Congress of the United States Heard Pond (W Ave Weston Reservoir y Charles R w Mountfort St ) H 30 e 0 (South t Saint Marys St v 3 Ave) ) S A y t n w 90 6 S Chestnut Hill City View Rd o H 1 Reservoir t t n ng S y o Newton ti t Muddy R n w g u H (H t in Ayr Rd 9 Boston Harbor Cochituate S h wy s Leverett Pd StH 95 a MIDDLESEX Beacon St Boston ( W Dudley BROOKLINE Pond DISTRICT t) StH ton S Brookline Lake Cochituate wy 9 (Boyls DISTRICT New Pond Str Jamaica Pond 7 (Worcester St) y 9 NORFOLK 8 Hw St Paul’s Ave 93 St Wellesley Wellesley Ave Framingham S SUFFOLK ( t N M H C e a w WELLESLEY h a ) p i y FRAMINGHAM n Morse Pond r e o 2 l v n S e ) StHwy 135 6 A s t Lake Cochituate 7 t s l e 2 ) l St) l S tra (Cen R i t 1 ) R d 6 t H y r 1 S i e v o Farm Pond w y n u e c w to l H r t n g Reservoir Natick Research Development tH B S o in ( C S and Engineering Ctr NATICK h 8 ( s 2 5 a 13 y wy Fisk Pond W H ( w S St St) Needham t rly H (H H e t av a w (W S n y NEEDHAM c 3 o A ck l S t t) t) Quincy Bay S Hull HULL t o 9 ) Hull Bay i t l 0 Weir S Quincy Massachusetts Charles 1 ( E River e Waushakum Pond 16 y Weymouth River Straits Pond Bay g y w w d Fore River tH H i S Charles R t r S B ASHLAND 95 ( Dover Dedham MILTON t Charles R ) y 3 Al NORFOLK Ashland Reservoir e StHw v St) 8 ge t) DEDHAM A Weymouth Fore River (Brid S Milton 2 h h y p Hingham g l i w DOVER o S SHERBORN H H d Farm ( t t n H Pond 9 S a w 0 StHwy 138 (Blue Hill Ave) Musquasheut 1 R The Gulf 6 t) y ( Pond 1 y ( S 2 S y w C n 7 t w o o H H t H t g ( t M 93 n w S in c S y h o as a i COHASSET r 1 W n d ( 2 WESTWOOD S 6 S S t t t HINGHAM H ) WEYMOUTH w ) y HOPKINTON BRAINTREE 3 North S A Whitmans Pond t lt Dopping Brk H ( Aaron (C W S w Scituate (M S t River h H y tH MEDFIELD a ie e S Braintree s w f a w h y 2 d 93 t i 5 J y H n 3 2 u HOLLISTON o g s 2 95 w t 8 SCITUATE w S Sunset Lake on ti 7 tH c s y S t) ( e w M 6 R 2 t) Great Pond Reservoir C Atlantic Ocean y 2 d 8 a u 1 S ) i s 2 y n ( Weymouth n h M Lake Winthrop 4 i o NORWOOD S n w t S a g H g t t i H ) t in n w H S Ponkapoag Pond w h Charles R S y T s Medfield t StHwy 18 (Main St) y Scituate ) 5 Norwood u ) a 3 lt r ( n W (W A t) e 1 S k p hi MILLIS y p i t e k in l T w o e g Willett Pond (P StHwy 3 H lp e Randolph S t S t a c il ) S g n t r W e i ( m id ’s v StHwy 126 (Summer St) CANTON H o RANDOLPH w r Reservoir y Accord Pond P ) - Pond n Millis-Clicquot o t s NORWELL NORFOLK o B North River Weymouth Great Pond t) S StHwy 12 S t 3 (Main MEDWAY ( H w ) S E y 2 e HOLBROOK t Marshfield lm 7 k S S t WALPOLE i (M H t r S p t H e StHwy 109 (Main St) ) t w n St a s Hills r w b Stop e y i (W u 3 n y Holbrook S 12 R 5 T y S Farm St 2 ( t 3 H w F S 8 t H ( ) w t r t W a H S y Charles R n w a S 1 Walpole k s o y l 8 i h u n 3 i t ( n h 7 B ) 7 DISTRICT S t 2 g R e S t Highland Lake Dr ) i y d to v n n i w f e Daisy Dr Old Post Rd o ROCKLAND S r a H t t Bay Rd r ) 9 d (M t S l (Main St) AVON S West St A Cleveland Pond t 1 ) y w StHw HANOVER School Meadow Brk STOUGHTONS y 1 tH Brockton Reservoir 39 S tH Abington (H w anov BELLINGHAM NORFOLK Stop R Sharon y er St) 27 ( MARSHFIELD ( S ABINGTON P P t S H l a y tH Ocean Bluff- r w m k w y o y S Brant Rock S S Waldo Lake 2 u tH t 5 t t 8 h St w StHwy 139 H SHARON ) Hwy 13 (M ( 8 9 P (P y w ( S la a o M 3 in ( Massapoag Lake ) i 3 O n y 2 e t n o 1 v ) S c d 1 A S e n y A North a S 1 t l t w n t t n 5 e ) ) t tH to S ) l t l S k G ) o c o Pembroke StHwy 3 (Pilgrim’s Hwy) re Franklin S r e Legend B n t ( H StH S StHwy ) a rb t 2 o w H 7 r S y 1 lea e St) Marshfield( R P r M 4 Mirror Lake w ( sa ent 0 t nt (C t i l S 23 v ( ) Neponset Reservoir y t) StHwy 1 ( o H C A t W e e 1 r w n S r tra 1 S 4 ) a y Bellingham l S 3 t a t i t y wy 27 1 s H n 3 ) m 8 StH w Brockton S h e 9 y a w A 3 H h ) ( St) r i S 1 ) t t WHITMAN n t W n w l t DISTRICT d S (Cresce e y t t y S S g 40 e t ) H k ) w ll 1 s a St t r 1 H e StH wy (D t t t a s n S a o 4 w 4 t) Mountain Rd o S S s S E h m B n re (F lin ( l t ( r k i a a n H 0 n e wy 14 S (C Lake Archer 4 Flyaway Pond g B H w t ( St Oldham Pond ) t 1 y o ) Green Harbor- S 23 burn St HANSON y n u Lake t Hw 1 (A 2 Foxborough 7 PEMBROKE 495 S y Cedar Crest Leach Pond w Hanson ( Pearl t DISTRICT ) H F t StHwy 14d) ) StHwy R t 1 S r nty 4 a u ( (Co S S C 2 n Furnace r t o FOXBOROUGH k n e H g S l Pond re t) tH i t w ss S n n y (W w e S Wampatuck Pond 5 e y DISTRICT C 1 s t ( 3 4 ) t Back ( S KANSAS WRENTHAM StHwy 24 6 S t) River 3 Indian um 2 Head Pond y m OKLAHOMA w e Hw H S t y t r Duxbury (Main St) S 27 S t ) ( t S We t) H M S t 1 ( s t S a in 7 ) DUXBURY 2 w tHwy 2 (S 1 S ch StHwy 18 (Bedford St) y o y ol S w 2 t H ) ERIE t EASTON 8 ) S t EAST BRIDGEWATER e c S Stetson Pond n n e StHwy 106 Burrage Pond o t DISTRICT d i t g (Eastman St) l v StHwy 140 n Lake Mirimichi ) o i A t r h 3 S P - s StH 10 y t CANEY n a Mansfield Center wy Hudson St w n o 1 St H o MASSACHUSETTS t W 0 WEST BRIDGEWATER Hw Silver t m ( 6 ( y S Duxbury Bay s Foun t) ( 1 Lake re o e Turnpike Lake d ter S We 06 (T k r 6 (Cen st StH B ) y y 10 S S wy p t w tH 2 MANSFIELD 3 S tH t w 7 (P T S ) y e S PLAINVILLE 2 t) S 1 m 1 RHODE ISLAND y t 0 b S r ( H 6 Robbins r y Little Cedar Swamp M Burrage Pond o t d ( k H 6 w P South Duxbury ( 0 w e 1 n Pond S wy a y ly w H i m ) u t S o t H n 6 S t y St) 2 o 3 t n o S u co S 8 ) u y ) a S t 1 (B F t t th Monponsett Pond s h ( ) w Woonsocket S e A S H m l S lt d t t t ) o ) a S o Turnpike St Greenwood Lake StHwy 18r H 95 B ( Kingston ( 495 3 2 Turley ) 1 t HALIFAX StHwy 58 y Arnolds Mills Reservoir S StHwy S w 106 t n KINGSTON Hwy 3 i Bridgewater A H a l t t) unty Rd t Norton ( Co ) t) ( Main North S M S S Reservoir ( S t) n m o El Plymouth s 0 ( North p 8 m y o w Attleborough t) h Winnecunnet Lake (T H S t t 5 Center S Plymouth CUMBERLAND an 0 Plymouth Bay s BRIDGEWATER 1 Norton Center lea Harbor 04 (P y 1 w Cumberland Hill wy H H NORTH Coral Lake NORTON St t ATTLEBOROUGH S Indian Pond Plymouth Justice ( S T Lake Nippenicket t ( a H PLYMPTON B u w i n S s StHwy 80 y StHwy t t h o ) y 123 1 H o w n y ps H w t 4 24 H t S A 0 a w S sant St) y y et ea v w ) s l 5 o (P e d 8 m 295 ) a a Fort Belvoir o S r ( S B M tH Lake Sabbatia ( d wy R a R 3 8 r A 1 i lt DISTRICT n e (W S 3 n rv a t 1 o r S r Manchester Pond H t a e y C n w n t Reservoir ) y w u Ave) 3 1 H a t 44 1 StHwy 18 (Bedford St) T S Billington Sea 8 Yosemite NP ( Orrs Pond P a Raynham Blackstone River r Attleboro k S Center t PLYMOUTH Valley t) ) in S a C Fresh Meadow Pond S (M e t Falls t n H te w S 2 r 5 S Little South Pond y Interstate Hwy Other Major Road n 1 t 3 Water Body 44 o y t w H RAYNHAM 44 A g St Muddy Pond l n t i Other Road h s New StHwy a DISTRICT t LINCOLN a S Great South Pond U.S.
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