Jilid I Hari Selasa Bil. 2 23hb Februari, 1971


DEWAN RA'AYAT House of Representatives

PARLIMEN KETIGA Third Parliament






RANG UNDANG2: Rang Undang2 (Pindaan) Perlembagaan [Ruangan SO]





Penyata Rasmi


Hari Selasa, 23hb Februari, 1971

Meshuarat di-mulakan pada pukul 2.30 petang

YANG HADHIR: Yang Berhormat Tuan Yang di-Pertua, DATO' CHIK MOHAMED YusuF BIN SHEIKH ABDUL RAHMAN, s.P.M.P., J.P., Dato' Bendahara Perak. Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri, Menteri Luar Negeri dan Menteri Pertahanan, Y.A.B. TUN HAJI ABDUL RAZAK BIN DATO' HUSSEIN, S.M.N. (Pekan). Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, Y.A.B. TUN DR ISMAIL BIN DATO' HAJI ABDUL RAHMAN, S.S.M., P.M.N., s.P.M.J. (Johor Timor). Yang Berhormat Menteri Kewangan, Y.A.B. TUN TAN Srnw SIN, s.s.M., J.P. (Melaka Tengah). Menteri Kerja Raya, Pos dan Talikom, Y.A.B. TUN v. T. SAMBANTHAN, s.s.M., P.M.N. (Sungei Siput). Menteri Kesihatan, Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI HAJr SARDON BIN HAJr JUBIR, P.M.N. (Pontian Utara). Menteri Perdagangan dan Perusahaan, TUAN MOHAMED KHIR JoHARI (Kedah Tengah). Menteri bagi Hal Ehwal Sarawak, Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI TEMENGGONG JUGAH ANAK BARIENG, P.M.N., P.D.K., P.N.B.S., O.B.E. (Ulu Rajang). Menteri Buroh, Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI V. MANICKAVASAGAM, P.M.N., P.J.K. (Klang). AN SRI HAJI " Menteri Pertanian dan Tanah, Yang Berbahagia T MOHAMED GHAZAL! BIN HAJI JAWI, P.M.N., D.P.C.M. (Kuala Kangsar). Menteri Pembangunan Negara dan Luar Bandar, TUAN ABDUL GHAFAR BIN BABA (Melaka Utara). Menteri Pengangkutan, DATO' HAJI ABDUL GHANI GILONG, P.D.K., J.P. (Kinabalu). Menteri Ta' Berpotfolio, TUAN LEE SIOK YEW, A.M.N., P.J.K. (Sepang). Menteri Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sokan, DATO' HAMZAH BIN DATO' ABU SAMAH, D.S.R., S.M.K. (Raub). Menteri Kebajikan Masharakat, Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI FATIMAH BINTI HAJI HASHIM, P.M.N. (Jitra-Padang Terap). Menteri Pelajaran, TUAN HUSSEIN BIN DATO' ONN ( Timor). Menteri Teknoloji, Penyelidekan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, DATO' ONG, KEE Hur, P.N.B.s. (Bandar Kuching). 23 23 FEBRUARI 197 1 24

Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda Jabatan Perdana Menteri, TUAN ABDUL TAIB BIN MAHMUD (Samarahan). Menteri Muda Kewangan, TUAN ALI BIN HAJI AHMAD (Pontian Selatan). Menteri Muda Pembangunan Negara dan Luar Bandar, DATO' ABDUL SAMAD BIN IDRIS, J.M.N., P.J.K. (Kuala Pilah). Menteri Muda Buroh, TUAN LEE SAN CHOON, K.M.N. (Segamat Selatan). Menteri Muda Pertahanan, Y.M. TENGKU AHMAD RITHAUDEEN BIN TENGKU ISMAIL, P.M.K. (Kota Bharu Hilir). TUAN O A E Menteri Muda Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri, . M H M D BIN YAACOB, P.M.K., S.M.T. (Tanah Merah). Setiausaha Parlimen kapada Menteri Penerangan, TUAN SHARIFF AHMAD (Langat). Setiausaha Parlimen kapada Perdana Menteri, WAN ABDUL KADIR BIN ISMAIL, P.P.T. (Kuala Trengganu Utara). Setiausaha Parlimen kapada Menteri Pengangkutan, TUAN MOHAMED BIN UJANG, A.M.N., P.J.K. (Jelebu-Jempol). Setiausaha Parlimen kapada Menteri Pelajaran, TUAN MOHAMED BIN RAHMAT (Johor Bahru Barat). NIK ABDUL AZIZ BIN NIK MAT, J.P. (Kelantan Hilir). DATO' DR HAJI ABDUL Aziz BIN OMAR, J.M.N., J.M.K., s.M.K. (Tumpat). Y.A.M. TUNKU ABDULLAH IBNI ALMARHUM TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, P.P.T. (Rawang). TUAN HAn ABDUL RASHID BIN HAJI JAIS, A.D.K. (Sabah Selatan). TUAN HAn ABDUL RAZAK BIN HAn HussIN (Lipis). TUAN HAJI ABDUL w AHAB BIN YUNUS (Dungun). PENGHULU ABIT ANAK ANGKIN (Kapit). TUAN ABU BAKAR BIN UMAR (Kubang Pasu Barat). TUAN HAJI AHMAD BIN ARSHAD, A.M.N. (Muar Utara). PENGIRAN AHMAD BIN PENGIRAN INDAR (Kinabatangan). TUAN AHMAD BIN HAJI ITHNIN (Melaka Selatan). TUAN HAJI AHMAD BIN SAID, J.P. (Seberang Utara). TUAN HAJI AHMAD DAMANHURI BIN HAJI ABDUL WAHAB, P.J.K. (Hilir Perak). Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI HAJI NIK AHMED KAMIL, D.K., s.P.M.K., s.J.M.K., P.M.N. (Ulu Kelantan). Yang Berhormat PUAN BIBI AISHAH BINTI HAMID DoN, A.M.N., P.J.K. (Kulim Utara). TUAN AJAD BIN 0. T. OYONG (Labuk-Sugut). DR AWANG BIN HASSAN, S.M.J. (Muar Selatan). TUAN AZAHARI BIN MOHD. TAIB, s.M.K., A.M.N., J.P. (Sungei Patani). DATO' PENGARAH BANYANG ANAK ]ANTING, Q.M.C., P.B.S., P.N.B.S. (Julau). CHEGU BAUDI BIN UNGGUT (Bandau). TUAN BOJENG BIN ANDOT (Simunjan). TUAN BUJA BIN GUMBILAI (Tuaran). TUAN AWANG BUNGSU BIN ABDULLAH (Limbang-Lawas). TUAN HAn AWANG WAL BIN AWANG ABU (Santubong). 25 23 FEBRUARI 1971 26



Yang Berhormat TUAN TING MING KIONG (Bintulu). TUAN JosEPH UNTING ANAK UMANG (Kanowit). TUAN v. VEERAPPAN (Seberang Selatan). DATO' JAMES WONG KIM MIN (Miri-Subis). TUAN YEH PAO Tzu, A.M.N. (Tawau). TUAN YEOH TECK CHYE (Bukit Bintang). TUAN STEPHEN YONG KuET TzE (Padawan). TUAN HAJI YusoF BIN HAJI ABDULLAH alias HAn YusoF RAWA (Kota Star Selatan).


Yang Berhormat Y.T.M. TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PUTRA AL-HAJ, K.O.M., C.H., D.M.N. (Kuala Kedah). DATO' flAJI ABDUL RAHMAN BIN YA'KUB, P.N.B.S. (Payang). TENGKU ZAID BIN TENGKU AHMAD, J.M.K., s.M.K. (Pasir Mas Hulu).

YANG HADHIR BERSAMA: Yang Berhormat Peguam Negara, Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI ABDUL KADIR BIN YusoF, P.M.N., P.J.K. (Di-lantek). Menteri Dengan Tugas2 Khas dan Penerangan, Yang Berbahagia TAN SRI MUHAMMAD GHAZAL! BIN SHAFIE, P.M.N., D.I.M.P., P.D.K. (Di-lantek).


(Tuan Yang di-Pertua mempengerusikan Meshuarat)


Tuan Yang di-Pertua , Tuan Yang di-Pertua Dewan Ra'ayat dan Yang Berhormat Ahli2 Dewan Negara dan Dewan Ra'ayat:

Beta menguchap shukor kehadzrat Tuhan Rabbul Alamin yang telah melimpahkan rahmat­ Nya untok Beta menyampaikan uchapan Beta kapada Ahli2 Yang Berhormat kedua2 Dewan Parlimen pada hari ini. Upachara pembukaan Penggal yang Pertama bagi Parlimen yang Ketiga ini ada-lah memberi erti yang sangat besar bagi negara ini dan bertambah2 lagi bagi Beta sa-telah di-langsongkan upachara Pertabalan Beta pada 20hb Februari.

Sebagaimana Ahli2 Yang Berhormat sedia ma'alum, beberapa hari sa-telah Pilehan Raya di-jalankan pada lOhb Mei, 1969 satu peristiwa burok telah berlaku yang memaksa keadaan dharurat di-ishtiharkan pada 15hb Mei, 1969, dan pemerentahan sechara berparlimen di-gantong sa-hingga keadaan di-dalam negara puleh semula. Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato' Hussein telah di-lantek menjadi Pengarah Gerakan dan di-tugaskan untok memulehkan keamanan, mengembalikan pentadbiran yang lichin, dan mewujudkan semula suasana harmoni di-antara kaum dalam negara ini. 31 23 FEBRUARI 1971 32

Dalam menjalankan tugas2 yang di-berikan kapada-nya, Pengarah Gerakan telah di-bantu oleh beberapa badan saperti Majlis Gerakan Negara dan Majlis Perundingan Negara. Beta berasa shukor kehadzrat Illahi kerana dengan kebijaksanaan dan tindakan tegas Tun Abdul Razak selaku Pengarah Gerakan, keadaan negara kita telah puleh saperti keadaan sekarang ini. Angkatan Polis dan Angkatan Tentera telah memberi khidmat yang chemerlang untok memulehkan keamanan negara. Semua anggota2 perkhidmatan awam pula telah memberikan sumbangan yang sa-penoh-nya untok mengembalikan pentadbiran yang lichin. Ra'ayat Beta dari semua gulongan dan sa-genap lapisan dan juga Majlis Muhibbah Negara telah sama berusaha untok mewujudkan semula suasana harmoni di-antara kaum2 dalam negeri ini. Kapada Tun Abdul Razak dan semua-nya yang telah berkhidmat dengan tidak mengira masa dan kepentingan diri sendiri, Beta menguchapkan berbanyak2 terima kaseh. Jasa dan khidmat bakti mereka sa-sunggoh2-nya di-sanjong tinggi oleh negara.

Dengan keadaan negara puleh saperti keadaan sekarang ini, Beta telah berkenan supaya Parlimen bersidang semula. W alau bagaimana pun, kita harus berwaspada dan berikhtiar supaya peristiwa burok yang berlaku pada 13hb Mei, 1969, tidak berulang lagi.

Pada saat ini Beta mengambil peluang menguchapkan selamat bersara daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri kapada Paduka Ayahanda Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj. Selama 15 tahun Tunku telah mengetua'i Kerajaan negara ini dan di-bawah pimpinan beliau, negara ini telah menchapai kemerdekaan dan menjadi negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Di-bawah pimpinan-nya juga negara kita telah menchapai kesetabilan dan kemajuan yang chemerlang. Jasa dan bakti Tunku kapada bangsa dan negara akan senantiasa di-ingati oleh ra'ayat Malaysia dan kita semua berdo'a moga2 Allah melimpahkan Rahmat dan Hidayat-Nya kapada beliau dalam masa pesaraan-nya.

Dalam usaha membena masharakat yang bersatu padu, dinamik, adil dan progresif, Kerajaan Beta dengan nasehat dan kerjasama Majlis Perundingan Negara telah menggubal beberapa prinsip untok menjadi panduan kehidupan kita. Prinsip2 ini telah di-ishtiharkan sebagai Rukunegara pada 31 hb Ogos tahun lalu. Beta menyeru supaya ra'ayat Beta semua memahami dan mematohi sega/a prinsip2 yang terkandong dalam Rukunegara kita.

Satu daripada chita2 Kerajaan kita ia-lah menchipta masharakat yang lebeh adil. Sebagai satu daripada chara2 untok menchapai chita2 ini, Kerajaan telah menggubal dasar ekonomi yang dinamik dan praktik. Matlamat2 utama bagi dasar ini ia-lah, yang pertama-nya, membasmikan kemiskinan di-kalangan ra'ayat yang tidak berada tanpa mengira asal keturunan mereka, dan yang kedua-nya, ia-lah mewujud dan mengokohkan perpaduan negara. Untok menchapai matlamat2 ini, Kerajaan telah menyusun ranchangan2 pembangunan yang akan di-laksanakan di-bawah Ranchangan Malaysia Yang Kedua.

Masaelah kemiskinan di-gulongan ra'ayat menjadi perhetongan utama di-dalam penyusunan ranchangan2 pembangunan. Ranchangan2 untok membasmikan kemiskinan akan menumpukan usaha2 kapada projek2 yang akan meluaskan peluang pekerjaan di-dalam bidang pertanian dan perindusterian dan juga meninggikan pendapatan gulongan rendah di-dalam dan di-luar bandar.

Ranchangan2 pertanian akan menitek-beratkan pembukaan tanah yang luas dan menggalakkan tanaman2 yang bermutu dan bernilai tinggi. Kerajaan juga akan memberi peluang kapada lebeh banyak lagi belia menyerta'i ranchangan2 tanah dan lain2 ranchangan pertanian. Menerusi 33 23 FEBRUARI 1971 34

ranchangan2 pertanian juga, Kerajaan berharap dapat mewujudkan suatu gulongan kaum tani yang maju dan moden yang sanggup menerima dan menggunakan unsor2 kemajuan teknoloji saperti masharakat petani di-negara2 yang sudah maju.

Di-dalam bidang perindusterian pula1, Kerajaan akan menggalakkan projek2 yang mengguna­ kan lebeh lagi tenaga manusia. Kerajaan juga akan menggalakkan penempatan perusahaan2 di-kawasan2 yang kurang maju di-seluroh negara, khas-nya perusahaan2 yang menggunakan bahan2 pertanian dan kayu-kayan yang ada di-kawasan2 tersebut. Kerajaan perchaya ranchangan2 perindusterian akan juga memberi peluang kapada ra'ayat di-kawasan luar bandar menchebor diri dalam perindusterian dan perdagangan.

Selagi kedudokan ekonomi yang tidak sa-imbang di-kalangan berbagai kaum tidak di-atasi, maka selama itu-lah sukar di-wujudkan perpaduan negara yang kukoh. Beralaskan kapada pendapat ini, maka Kerajaan akan melaksanakan ranchangan2 yang akan mewujudkan gulongan pengusaha dan pedagangan di-kalangan orang2 Melayu dan bumiputra yang lain. Ranchangan2 ini ada-lah bertujuan mengubah chorak masharakat2 itu yang sa-jumlah besar-nya bergantong kapada usaha2 pertanian, kapada masharakat yang maju dan moden yang bergerak chergas dalam semua lapangan ekonomi negara.

Kerajaan telah dan sedang memberi berbagai2 chorak galakan kapada pehak swasta untok menanam modal dalam perindusterian dengan tujuan mempesatkan lagi kemajuan perindusterian di-negara kita ini. W a/au bagaimana pun ra' ayat Melayu dan bumiputra yang lain maseh lagi tertinggal jauh di-belakang di-dalam lapangan ini dan juga di-dalam lapangan perdagangan. Keadaan ini terpaksa di-betulkan supaya penyertaan di-lapangan2 ini di-sagenap la:pisan mencherminkan gulongan kaum di-negara ini. Maka, untok memberi latehan dan pengalaman yang sempurna kapada orang2 Melayu dan bumiputra yang lain, supaya mereka dapat mengambil bahagian yang lebeh chergas dalam lapangan2 ini, Kerajaan telah bersetuju menanam modal di-dalam perindusterian dan perdagangan, sama ada bersama2 dengan pehak swasta atau pun sechara bersendirian. Di-dalam melaksanakan projek2 ini, Kerajaan akan berlaku adil kapada semua pehak dan Kerajaan tidak sekali2 berhajat merampas atau mengenepikan hak2 yang di-mileki oleh kaum2 lain. Dengan demikian, Kerajaan berharap dan perchaya pehak swasta akan memberi kerjasama yang tegas dan ikhlas dalam usaha Kerajaan menggafokkan penyertaan semua kaum di-dalam perusahaan dan perdagangan dan dengan jalan itu pehak swasta juga akan membantu Kerajaan mewujud dan mengukohkan perpaduan negara.

Pelajaran ia-lah satu lagi faktor yang penting bagi menjamin kekukohan dan perpaduan negara. Kerajaan ada-lah memberi perhatian yang berat tentang perkara ini dan akan melaksanakan dengan tegas Dasar Pelajaran Kebangsaan yang telah di-tetapkan dan di-persetuju'i oleh semua pehak itu. Kerajaan akan terus melaksanakan dasar mengenai' pendidekan dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan usaha2 hendak menjadikan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan dan bahasa resmi dengan arti kata yang sa-benar, serta mengekalkan nilai serta "standard" pelajaran negara, supaya kanak2 negara ini di-lengkapi dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang mustahak dalam zaman teknoloji moden ini.

Kerajaan sedar bahawa perkembangan perindusterian ada-lah bergantong bukan sahaja di-atas galakan dan insentif2 Kerajaan bahkan juga di-atas ada-nya pekerja2 yang mahir dan 35 23 FEBRUARI 1971 36 terlateh dalam berbagai2 perengkat perusahaan. Dengan demikian Kerajaan telah dan akan mengadakan beberapa ranchangan untok melateh pemuda-pemudi di-dalam kerja2 yang memerlukan kemahiran2 yang tertentu.

Kemajuan yang pesat yang telah kita chapai dalam bidang perusahaan sa-hingga ini ada-lah bergantong kapada ilmu dan kemahiran pekerja2• Jika negara berharap menchapai kemajuan yang lebeh pesat lagi di-dalam perusahaan, maka terpaksa-lah kita berikhtiar memberi latehan2 yang sempurna kapada belia yang di-anggarkan berjumlah lebeh kurang 60% daripada bilangan pendudok di-dalam negara kita mr. Dengan demikian ada-lah menjadi dasar Kerajaan menitek-beratkan pelajaran di-sekolah2 menengah di-dalam ilmu pelajaran sains dan teknoloji dan juga mengadakan sekolah2 vokeshenal di-mana penuntut2 yang tiada dapat melanjutkan pelajaran-nya di-dalam aliran akademik, dapat di-beri latehan dan kemahiran yang di-perlukan oleh perusahaan.

Kerajaan baharu2 ini telah meminda undang2 perburohan dan perchaya pindaan2 ini akan memberi faedah yang besar kapada negara dan akan mewujudkan perhubongan yang baik di-antara majikan dan pekerja. Dengan ada-nya kerjasama di-antara majikan dan pekerja maka akan wujud keamanan dalam perusahaan yang pula akan menjamin kema'amoran perusahaan, dan seterus-nya kema'amoran negara. Kerajaan senantiasa menitek-beratkan hal ini supaya kemajuan perusahaan bertambah2 pesat. Untok menchapai matlamat ini, Kerajaan senantiasa sahaja mengkaji undang2 perburohan dari sa-masa ka-samasa untok menyesuaikan­ nya dengan keadaan dan kepentingan negara.

Sebagai majikan yang terbesar, Kerajaan juga menitek-beratkan kebajikan pekerja2 yang telah berkhidmat dengan ta'at dan setia-nya. Perubahan2 gaji, sharat2 perkhidmatan dan berbagai2 kemudahan bagi pekerja2 telah pun di-persetuju'i dan sedang di-laksanakan. Kerajaan yakin perubahan2 ini akan memuaskan pehak pekerja2•

Usaha2 untok melatehkan pegawai2 dan menggalakkan mereka mengambil tanggong-jawab dan peranan yang lebeh aktif dalam kerja2 mereka, telah pun di-jalankan oleh Kerajaan. Bagaimana pun perhubongan yang lebeh rapat di-antara pehak Kerajaan dengan pehak swasta harus-lah di-wujudkan oleh kerana aktiviti2 Kerajaan sering menyentoh kedudokan pehak swasta dan sebalek-nya. Maka mustahak-lah pehak masing2 memahami dan mengenali tujuan2 dan aktiviti2 yang di-jalankan oleh masing2• Kerajaan sedang menyusun satu ranchangan untok membolehkan pegawai2 dari kedua2 pehak mendapat perhubongan yang rapat dan mungkin juga untok menukarkan pegawai2 yang berkebolehan daripada suatu pehak ka-satu pehak yang lain. Dengan chara ini Kerajaan berharap kedua2 pehak akan dapat mengenali dan memahami sechara dekat lagi tujuan masing2 supaya kedua2 pehak dapat saling membantu usaha masing2 memajukan ekonomi negara ini.

Berhubong dengan keselamatan dalam negeri Kerajaan akan terus mengambil tindakan tegas dan segera terhadap anasir2 subversif di-negeri ini. Gerakan menentang pengganas2 di-kawasan sempadan sedang giat di-jalankan dan senantiasa menerima kerjasama yang erat dari Kerajaan2 Thai dan Indonesia.

Di-dalam bidang pertahanan, Kerajaan terpaksa memperbesarkan lagi Angkatan2 Tentera demi kepentingan keselamatan negara dari sebarang anchaman dari dalam dan dari luar 37 23 FEBRUARI 1971 38 negeri. Sunggoh pun langkah itu akan memakan belanja yang agak besar tetapi sebagai suatu negara yang bebas dan berdaulat, negara kita harus-lah berikhtiar dengan segala daya upaya­ nya mempertahankan diri-nya daripada sebarang anchaman.

Selain daripada memperbesarkan Angkatan Tentera kita, Kerajaan telah juga bersetuju, atas asas-nya, bekerjasama dalam bidang pertahanan dengan negara2 sahabat untok kepentingan bersama. Persetujuan mengadakan Peratoran Pertahanan Lima Negara di-antara Malaysia, Singapura, Britain, Australia dan New Zealand, ada-lah merupakan satu peratoran perundingan di-antara kelima negara untok mengambil tindakan2 yang di-persetuju'i bagi keselamatan Malaysia dan Singapura. Apabila Peratoran ini di-persetujukan, maka Perjanjian Pertahanan British/ Malaysia akan mansokh dan Britain tidak akan lagi memainkan peranan utama dalam pertahanan Malaysia dan Singapura. Tetapi Malaysia dan Singapura akan menjadi negara2 utama di-dalam Perjanjian ini. Kesimpulan-nya Angkatan Tentera kita sendiri mesti-lah mengambil aleh tanggong-jawab2 untok mempertahankan kedaulatan dan keutohan negara kita dengan pertolongan negara2 sahabat jika perlu.

Dalam tahun Tujoh-pulohan ini dan dalam suasana wilayah Asia Tenggara pada masa sekarang, yang sedang menempohi perubahan politik, ekonomi dan sosial, negara kita telah mempunya'i suatu sikap yang membena dalam perhubongan dengan negara2 jiran dan negara2 yang lain-nya.

Beta sukachita menegaskan di-sini bahawa Kerajaan akan terus mengamalkan sikap yang membena ini dengan menjalankan dasar luar-nya yang bebas, sa-aliran dengan masa dan keadaan mengikut kepentingan kita sebagai suatu negara yang merdeka, berdaulat dan yang sedang membangun. Kerajaan sedang mempergiatkan kerjasama dan bersahabat dengan semua negara yang ingin bersahabat dengan kita, tidak kira apa chorak atau sistem politik negara itu, berdasarkan kapada prinsip tidak berchampor tangan, serta hidup aman bersama dan saling hormat menghormati keutohan dan kedaulatan negara masing2•

Berdasarkan kapada tujuan ini-lah maka Kerajaan telah berusaha khusus-nya untok mengukahkan lagi kerjasama di-wilayah Tenggara Asia ini dalam semua lapangan supaya semua masharakat negara2 di-rantau ini akan bertambah kuat dan maju dan tidak di-pengarohi oleh kuasa2 besar demi kepentingan negara2 di-rantau ini. Oleh itu untok menjamin masa depan itu, Kerajaan telah menyuarakan hasrat-nya supaya wilayah Tenggara Asia di-perkechualikan dan di-jadikan satu kawasan yang aman dan tenteram yang di-jamin oleh kuasa2 besar sendiri.

Kerajaan berpuas hati bahawa Malaysia mempunya'i nama baik dan harum di-kalangan antarabangsa di-sebabkan oleh dasar luar negeri kita yang tegas dan bebas. Kerajaan berharap kuasa2 besar akan memberi sumbangan yang membena terhadap hasrat kita untok bergerak maju dan memelihara keselamatan dan ketenteraman di-negara2 di-rantau ini.

Beta tersangat berdukachita dan terharu di-atas kehilangan jiwa dan harta benda yang telah berlaku di-beberapa buah negeri di-dalam negara akibat banjir baharu2 ini. Sunggoh pun banjir yang sa-dahshat itu tidak di-ramalkan, jentera2 dan anggota2 Kerajaan Pusat dan Kerajaan2 Negeri telah bergerak dengan pantas-nya menjalankan kerja2 membantu dan menyelamatkan mangsa2 banjir. Badan2 sukarela dan juga orang2 persaorangan telah pula 39 23 FEBRUARI 1971 40 menyumbangkan tenaga dalam kerja2 pemindahan dan bantuan2 yang di-perlukan di-dalam keadaan kechemasan ini. Firma2 dan dermawan2 pula telah menyumbangkan wang ringgit dan berbagai2 jenis bantuan yang sangat2 di-perlukan untok mengurangkan penderitaan mangsa2 banjir itu. Benchana alam ini telah pun membuktikan sekali lagi bagaimana ra'ayat dari sagenap lapisan masharakat yang berbilang keturunan dan ugama dapat dengan sendiri-nya dan dengan serta-merta bersatu padu untok menolong mereka yang malang.

Kerajaan juga menguchapkan setinggi2 penghargaan kapada negara2 asing dan badan2 antarabangsa yang telah menghulorkan berbagai2 bantuan kapada negara kita. Bantuan2 yang mereka telah beri dengan ikhlas dan kena pada masa-nya itu mencherminkan hubongan yang rapat di-antara mereka dengan negara kita.

Kerja2 bantuan serta-merta dan pemulehan mangsa2 banjir ini hendak-lah di-uruskan dengan sechepat mungkin supaya mereka dapat memuleh kehidupan mereka saperti sedia kala. Sebagai suatu langkah pemulehan Kerajaan telah pun bersetuju memberi beberapa jenis bantuan serta-merta. Kerajaan akan juga mengkaji dan menimbang ranchangan2 jangka pertengahan dan jangka panjang untok mengelak dan mengurangkan kesan2 benchana banjir di-dalam negara.

Di-dalam Persidangan Parlimen ini Ahli2 Yang Berhormat akan mendapat peluang mengkaji dan membahathkan beberapa shor Kerajaan yang penting untok mengukohkan ketenteraman dan perpaduan negara. Beta berharap Ahli2 Yang Berhormat akan memberi pertimbangan yang teliti, mendalam, ikhlas dan jujor kapada shor2 ini. Keputusan yang di-chapai kelak akan menentukan masa hadapan negara kita yang di-chintdi ini.

Kita harus-lah juga meninjau masa hadapan negara kita ini. lkhtiar2 Kerajaan di-dalam tahun2 enam-pulohan dan tahun2 dahulu daripada-nya telah pun menghasilkan berbagai faedah yang sedang di-nekmati oleh ra'ayat seluroh-nya. Matlamat2 dan ranchangan2 bagi tahun2 tujoh-pulohan ini menegaskan hasrat Kerajaan memperbaiki lagi keadaan ekonomi dan memperkukohkan ketenteraman dan perpaduan negara. Kerajaan berazam melaksanakan ranchangan2 ini sechepat2-nya. Beta menyeru ra'ayat sekalian memberi kerjasama kapada Kerajaan dalam usaha-nya membasmikan kemiskinan dan mewujudkan perpaduan negara. Dengan izin Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa dan ada-nya kerjasama ra'ayat, boleh-lah kita dengan penoh keyakinan memandang masa depan yang lebeh gemhira dan chemerlang bagi negara dan ra'ayat.

The English Translation is as follows:

Mr President, Mr Speaker, Honourable Members of both Houses of Parliament:

We tender thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed upon US to address Hon'ble Members of both Houses of Parliament today. The opening of the First Session of the Third is of great significance to the national and more so to US after OUR Installation on 20th February. 41 23 FEBRUARI 1971 42

You will recall that, after the General Elections on 10th May, 1969, a tragic event occurred which necessitated the declaration of a State of Emergency in the country on 15th May, 1969, and the suspension of parliamentary rule until conditions had returned to normal. Tun Abdul Razak bin Dato' Hussein was appointed Director of Operations and was charged with the task of restoring peace, securing smooth administration and re-establishing harmonious relations among the various races in the country.

Jn carrying out the tasks assigned to him, the Director of Operations has been assisted by a number of bodies such as the National Operations Council and National Consultative Council. We are thankful to God that, with Tun Abdul Razak's wisdom and firm action as Director of Operations, the country has returned to its present state of stability. The Police and the Armed Forces have rendered distinguished service in maintaining peace and order, while members of the public service have co-operated fully in restoring smooth administration. OUR people from all walks of life and all sections of the community, together with the National Goodwill Council, have contributed in restoring racial harmony in the country. To Tun Abdul Razak and to all those who have selflessly dedicated their time and efforts in their work, WE express OUR heartfelt thanks. The nation is indeed proud of them.

With conditions in the country returning to their present state, We have approved the reconvening of Parliament. Nevertheless, we must still exercise vigilance so that the tragedy of May 13th, 1969 will not recur.

We take this opportunity of expressing OUR sincere wishes to OUR beloved uncle, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj, on his retirement from the Office of Prime Minister. He had l·ed this country's Government for the last 15 years and under his leadership, this country achieved freedom and became an independent and sovereign nation. Under his leadership also, this country achieved remarkable progress and stability. His services to the nation will always be remembered by the people of Malaysia and we wish him all the blessings of Allah in his retirement.

In endeavouring to build a dynamic, just and progressive society, OUR Government, with the advice and co-operation of the National Consultative Council, has formulated a number of principles which will serve as a guide to our way of life. These principles were proclaimed as Rukunegara on 31st August last year. WE exhort all OUR people to understand and observe the principles embodied in the Rukunegara.

One of the aims of our Government is to create a more just society. As one of the means to this end, Government has formulated a dynamic and practical economic policy. The main objectives of this policy are, firstly, to eradicate poverty among the have-nots irrespective of their racial origins and, secondly, to obtain and strengthen national unity. In order to achieve these objectives, the Government has drawn up development plans to be implemented under the Second Malaysia Plan.

The problem of poverty of the people is the first consideration in the planning of development programmes. Programmes to eradicate poverty will concentrate on projects that will provide employment opportunities in the fields of agriculture and industry and also on those that will increase the earnings of the lower income groups in the urban and rural areas. 43 23 FEBRUARI 1971 44

The emphasis in the agricultural programmes will be on large-scale development of land as well as the planting of high-valued and quality crops. Government will give opportunities to more youths to take part in land and agricultural programmes. Through the agricultural programmes, Government hopes to create a group of progressive and modern farmers who are receptive to and are prepared to utilise modern techniques, like the farmers of developed nations.

In the industrial sector, Government will encourage projects which are more labour intensive. Government will also encourage the location of industries in less-developed areas throughout the country, in particular, agro-based and forest-based industries using the available resources in the area. Government believes that such industrial programmes will also provide opportunities for the people in the rural areas to participate actively in industry and commerce.

It is difficult to obtain national unity so long as the racial economic imbalance is not redressed. In view of this, the Government will implement plans to help create industrialists and businessmen among the Malays and other indigenous people. The aim of these programmes is to change the structure of that sector of our people at present largely dependent on agriculture, to that of a progressive and modern society active in all economic endeavours.

The Government has been and is still giving various forms of incentives to the private sector to invest in industries in order to step up industrial development in our country. Nevertheless the Malays and other indigenous people are still lagging behind both in this field as well as in commerce!. Participation in these fields at all levels has not reflected the racial composition of the country. In order to provide proper training and experience to all Malays and other indigenous people so that they can more actively participate in these spheres, Government has agreed to invest in industry and commerce, either in joint-ventures or on its own. In the implementation of these projects, Government will be fair towards all and has no intention of depriving or ignoring the rights of the other racial groups. Accordingly, Government hopes and believes, that the private sector will actively and sincerely co-operate in Government's efforts to encourage participation by all racial groups in industry and commerce. Thus, the private sector would also be assisting Government to create and strengthen national unity.

Education is another important factor for ensuring national stability and unity. The Government is focussing its attention on this matter and will firmly implement the National Education Policy which has been agreed and accepted by all. Government will continue to implement the policy in regard to education in Bahasa Ma/,aysia and will continue to intensify its efforts to make Bahasa Malaysia the National Language and the official language in the true sense of the word. At the same time, it will maintain the standard of education so that Malaysian children are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary in this modern technological age.

The Government is aware that industrial development not only depends on Government's encouragement and incentives but also on the availability of workers who are skilled and trained at various levels. The Government has therefore drawn up plans to train youths in activities which require particular skills.

The raip{id progress we have achieved in the industrial field so far has been due to the knowledge and skill of the workers. If the country desires a more rapid progress in industry, youths, who form about 60% of the population, have to be provided with proper training. It 45 23 FEBRUARI 1971 46 is, therefore, Government's policy in education to place emphasis on subjects in science and technology and also to provide vocational schools where students, who are unable to continue their studies in the academic field, can be given training in skills required by industries.

The Government has recently revised the labour laws and it believes that the amendments will be of great benefit to the country and will help to promote good employer-employee relations. Co-operation between employers and amployees will bring industrial peace which will in turn ensure industrial progress and enhance the nation's prosperity. The Government continues to place importance on this matter so that industrial progress will be more rapid, and, to this end, Government will continue to review the labour laws from time to time to suit prevailing circumstances and needs of the country.

As the largest employer, the Government a/,so places importance on the welfare of its own employees who have given loyal and faithful service. Revisions of salary, conditions of service and various facilities for employees have been agreed upon and are being implemented. The Government believes that these revisions will satisfy all employees.

Efforts have been made by the Government to train its officers and encourage them to take a more responsible and active role in their work. However, close contacts between Government and the private sector must exist because Government activities often affect the private sector and vice-versa. It is therefore important that each sector recognises and understands the aims and the activities of the other. The Government is presently considering a plan to enable officials of both sides to establish closer contacts and, possibly, even exchange suitably experienced officers. In this way, the Government hopes that each will be able to have a better understanding of the other's aims so that they can mutually reinforce each other's efforts in promoting the growth of the country's economy.

With regaird to internal security, the Government will continue to take firm and immediate action against subversive elements in this country. Operations against the terrorists in the border areas are being actively carried out with the close co-operation of the Governments of Thailand and Indonesia.

In the field of defence, the Government has to expand further its Armed Forces in the interest of the country's security against internal and external threats. Although this step will be costly, as a free and sovereign nation, we should endeavour to defend ourselves within our means from any form of threat.

In addition to expanding the1 Armed Forces, the Government has agreed in principle to co-operate with friendly countries in the matter of defence for mutual benefit. The accord on the Five Nations Defence Arrangements between Malaysia, Singapore, Britain, Australia and New Zealand is in the nature of a consultative arrangement among the five nations to take measures agreed upon for the security of Malaysia and Singapore. When this arrangement is formulated, the British-Malaysia Defence Agreement will be abrogated and Britain will no longer play a major part in the defence of Malaysia and Singapore but that Malaysia and Singapore will become the dominant partners in this arrangement. Consequently our Armed Forces must assume upon themselves the responsibility for the defence of the sovereignty and the integrity of our country with the aid of friendly countries, if necessary. 47 23 FEBRUARI 1971 48

Our country has adopted in the seventies, amidst the political, economic and social changes taking place in South-East Asia, a constructive and positive attitude regarding our relations with our neighbours and other countries.

WE are pleased to state here that the Government will continue to practise an independent foreign policy consistent with the times and situation and compatible with our national interest as an independent, sovereign and developing country. Based on the principles of non­ interference, peaceful co-existence and mutual respect for the national integrity and sovereignty of each other, the Government is actively extending its co-operation and friendship to all countries who are desirous of befriending us, irrespective of the pattern or system of their Governments.

With this aim in mind, the Government has endeavoured to further strengthen co-operation in all fields among the countries in the South-East Asia Region, so that, in their own self­ interest, they will become stronger and more advanced and will not be influenced by the major powers. To ensure the future of the region, the Government has voiced its desire for a neutral South-East Asia with the major powers guaranteeing the peace and security.

It is a source of satisfaction to Government that Malaysia's name and reputation are of a high standing in international sphere owing to our firm and independent foreign policy. Government hopes the major powers will respond positively to our desire to move forward and safeguard the security and peace of the countries in this region.

WE are moved and grieved at the loss of lives and properties in several States in the country resulting from the recent floods. Although floods of such disastrous magnitude were unexpected, the machinery of the Central and State Governments moved efficiently and expeditiously to carry out relief operations to help the flood victims. Voluntary bodies as well as individuals assisted in the evacuation and relief operations that were essential during the disaster. Firms and individuals have also contributed money or helped in kind-assistance which was urgently needed to reduce the suffering of the flood victims. This disaster has demonstrated once again how the people from different walks of life, race and religion could spontaneously and instantaneously unite to assist the unfortunates.

Government also expresses its deep appreciation for the various forms of aid given by friendly foreign countries and international organisations. Their timely and sincere assistance is indicative of the close relations existing between them and our country.

The relief and rehabilitation work for flood victims must be carried out immediately to enable them to rehabilitate themselves. As a rehabilitation measure, Government has already agreed to provide various kinds of aid immediately. Government will also study and consider medium and long-term programmes to avoid and reduce the effects of floods in the country.

In this session of Parliament, Hon'ble Members will have the opportunity to study and debate several important proposals by Government to ensure lasting peace and national harmony. WE hope you will give careful, thorough, responsible and sincere consideration to these proposals. Upon your decisions will depend the future of our beloved country. 49 23 FEBRUARI 1971 so

We should also examine what the future holds for this country. Government efforts in the sixties and earlier years have produced the many facilities and amenities that the people now enjoy. The objectives and programmes for the seventies emphasise the aim of Government to better the economic situation and secure peace and national harmony. Government is determined to implement these programmes as expeditiously as possible. WE earnestly urge our people to co-operate with the Government in its efforts to eradicate poverty and to obtain and strengthen national unity. With God's blessing and the co-operation of the people, we all can confidently look forward to a happier and brighter future for our country and our people.

WAKTU MESHUARAT DAN URUSAN RANG UNDANG2 DI-BAWA YANG DI-BEBASKAN DARIPADA KA-DALAM MESHUARAT PERATORAN MESHUARAT RANG UNDANG2 (PINDAAN) (USUL) PERLEMBAGAAN Rang Undang2 (Pindaan) Perlembagaan di­ Timbalan Perdana Menteri (Tun Dr Ismail): bawa ka-dalam Meshuarat oleh Perdana Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya mohon mencha­ Menteri; di-bachakan kali yang pertama; dangkan : akan di-bachakan kali yang kedua pada Bahawa menurut peruntokan Peratoran Meshuaral meshuarat kali ini. 14 (2), bahawa pada Meshuarat Pertama ini Majlis ini hendak-lah menimbangkan dengan serta-merta RANG UNDANG2 (PINDAAN) melalul semua perengkat Rang Undang2 (Pindaan) PERLEMBAGAAN Perlembagaan (No. DR. 14(71) sa-belum menim­ bangkan apa2 Butiran Urusan yang lain yang ada Bachaan Kali Yang Kedua dalam Atoran Urusan Meshuarat. Perdana Menteri: Tuan Speaker, saya suka Dan saya menchadangkan juga : menchadangkan supaya Rang Undang2 yang bertajok "Akta (Pindaan) Perlembagaan" di­ Bahawa walau apa pun peruntokan2 Peratoran2 bacha bagi kali yang kedua-nya. Meshuarat 12 (1), Majlis ini hendak-lah bersidang daripada pukul 2.30 petang hingga pukul 6.30 Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya suka mohon izin 7.00 petang (atau pukul petang pada apa2 hari jika Tuan Yang di-Pertua ia-itu sambil menerang­ ada di-keluarkan usul hendak menanggohkan meshuarat menurut Peratoran Meshuarat 17) sa­ kan Rang Undang2 ini dalam Bahasa Malay­ panjang tempoh Meshuarat Pertama ini. sia saya terpaksa berchakap di-tempat2 yang mustahak dalam Bahasa Inggeris untok Menteri Kerja Raya, Pos dan Talikom (Tun hendak memberi pengertian yang jelas ter­ V. T. Sambanthan): Tuan Yang di-Pertua, utama sa-kali kapada Ahli2 yang datang dari saya menyokong usul ini. Malaysia Timor. Tuan Speaker, saya merasa yakin dan per­ Usul di-kemuka bagi di-putuskan, dan di­ chaya bahawa Ahli2 Yang Berhormat sa­ setujukan. kalian berada di-dalam Dewan ini dengan perasaan yang penoh gembira kerana dengan Di-putuskan, izin Allah kita telah dapat mengadakan sa­ mula persidangan Parlimen. Saya juga per­ Bahawa menurut peruntokan Peratoran Meshuarat 14 (2), bahawa pada Meshuarat Pertama ini Majlis chaya bahawa tuan2 sakalian mempunya1 ini hendak-lah menimbangkan dengan serta-merta penoh kesedaran betapa berat-nya tanggong­ melalu"i semua perengkat Rang Undang2 (Pindaan) jawab tuan2 semua untok menjaminkan Perlembagaali (No. DR. 14(71) sa-belum menim­ supaya demokrasi berparlimen berjalan de­ bangkan apa2 Butiran Urusan yang lain yang ada dalam Atoran Urusan Meshuarat. ngan lichin dan sempurna di-dalam negara kita ini. Bahawa walau apa pun peruntokan2 Peratoran2 Meshuarat 12 (1), Majlis ini hendak-lah bersidang Tatkala saya di-lantek menjadi Pengarah daripada pukul 2.30 petang hingga pukul 6.30 Gerakan kira2 21 bulan dahulu ia-itu pada 7.00 petang (atau pukul petang pada apa2 hari jika l 7hb Mei, 1969, tugas saya yang utama ia­ ada di-keluarkan usu! hendak menanggohkan meshuarat menurut Peratoran Meshuarat 17) sa­ lah mengembalikan keamanan dan keten­ panjang tempoh Meshuarat Pertama ini. teraman. Saya juga bertanggong-jawab untok 51 23 FEBRUARI 1971 52 memelihara supaya pentadbiran negara ber­ pat ketika kita memperjuangkan kemerdekaan jalan dengan lichin dan lanchar dan menim­ negara dan dengan sebab itu tidak faham bulkan balek perasaan harmoni dan perchaya kompromi2 yang telah di-persetujui pada memperchayal di-antara berbagai kaum di­ masa itu di-antara kaum2 bagi menjayakan negara kita ini. Dengan ada-nya bantuan perjuangan kita. Satu lagi puak yang mesti dan kerjasama dari semua pehak, saya telah kita hadapi ia-lah orang2 yang tidak ber­ dapat menjalankan tugas2 saya ini dengan tanggong-jawab yang berchita2 hendak men­ sempurna. Dalam pada itu, saya sentiasa-lah dapatkan kuasa dengan chara menghasut dan memikir dan menjalankan berbagai2 usaha membangkitkan perasaan sentimen, menim­ untok mengembalikan balek keadaan dan bulkan rasa bimbang dan churiga menchu­ suasana di-dalam negara ini saperti sediakala rigal antara kaum2• supaya dapat-lah di-adakan sa-mula per­ sidangan Parlimen di-mana Ahli2 Yang Ber­ Ini-lah hakikat2 yang kita mesti jadikan hormat dapat melaksanakan tugas masing2 panduan tatkala kita menyusun ranchangan2 sa-bagai wakil2 ra'ayat. bagi mengatasi berbagai2 rupa masaalah yang di-hadapi oleh bangsa dan negara kita semasa Sa-bagaimana yang tuan2 sedia ma'alum, kita melangkah masok pada satu babak kuasa sa-sabuah Kerajaan itu datang-nya baharu dalam sejarah negara kita ini. daripada ra'ayat. Kita semua berada di­ dalam Parlimen pada hari ini semata2 kerana Persidangan kita pada hari ini terlambaC kita telah mendapat keperchayaan daripada 20 bulan dari masa yang sa-patut-nya. Saya ra'ayat. Kedudokan kita tidak lebeh daripada juga sama merasa kesal saperti Ahli2 Yang menjadi pemegang amanah bagi pehak Berhormat sakalian tetapi kita semua tahu mereka itu. Harapan mereka yang utama sa­ sebab2-nya. Kekachauan bulan Mei 1969 kali untok kita melaksanakan-nya ia-lah merupakan satu detik hilam di-dalam sejarah supaya kita menjalankan kewajipan2 itu negara kita, tetapi dengan izin Allah, kita dengan rasa penoh kesedaran dan bertang­ telah dapat meranchangkan dasar2 dan meng­ gong-jawab sa-hingga dapat-lah sentiasa ambil tindakan2 yang tegas dan berkesan terpelihara perasaan harmoni di-antara kaum. untok menyelamatkan bangsa dan negara kita Oleh yang demikian, kita mesti-Iah menjalan­ dari terjerumus ka-dalam gaung yang dalam. kan perbinchangan dan penyusunan dasar2 Sunggoh pun pada hari ini keadaan dan kita dengan chermat sambil mengingati dan suasana pada umum-nya telah puleh saperti menginsafi perasaan dan harapan2 ra'ayat di­ sediakala, tetapi tidak-lah sayugia kita melu­ negara kita ini. pakan pengajaran2 dan pengalaman2 yang Tuan Speaker, masaalah2 yang terbentang kita telah perolehi dari kejadian 13 Mei itu. di-hadapan kita sakalian bukan-lah dapat di-huraikan dengan sa-wenang2-nya dengan Memang-lah mudah bagi kita membiarkan tidak berpandukan kapada latar belakang sahaja masaalah2 itu berlanjutan sambil sejarah perkembangan politik dan ekonomi mengharapkan bahawa satu masa nanti ia­ Malaysia. Kita mesti menerima hakikat nya akan hilang dengan sendiri-nya. Tetapi bahawa bangsa kita terdiri dari berbagai sa-sabuah negara itu tidak dapat di-perentah kaum yang maseh belum sempurna dan kuat semata2 berasaskan kapada harapan dan perpaduan-nya. Berbanding dengan negara2 jangkaan. Jika kita tidak bertindak untok lain, negara kita maseh muda dan pengalaman mengambil langkah yang perlu sekarang ini, kita dalam perjalanan sistem demokrasi ber­ maka kita boleh di-kutok oleh ra'ayat kerana parlimen kurang dari 20 tahun. Sa-lain dari­ melakukan kesalahan tidak menyempurnakan pada itu, ekonomi negara kita bukan sahaja tanggong-jawab yang telah di-amanahkan belum menchapai kemajuan yang sa-penoh­ kapada kita. Saya yakin tiap2 sa-orang dari nya, tetapi juga mempunyal kedudokan yang kita ingin mengelakkan dari berulang-nya jelas tidak sa-imbang di-antara kaum2 yang lagi peristiwa 13 Mei itu di-negara kita ini ada di-sini. kerana kesan2 yang lebeh dahshat dan meluas akan timbul kira-nya kejadian itu berlaku Sementara itu, kita juga mesti sedar bahawa lagi. Kita telah menanggong kerugian yang di-tengah2 masharakat kita pada hari ini besar dan mendapat pengalaman yang pahit terdapat satu jenerasi baharu, terdiri dari­ dari perbuatan2 yang tidak bertanggong-jawab pada mereka yang telah menjadi dewasa sa­ dan tidak sopan sa-kumpulan kechil orang2 lepas kita menchapai kemerdekaan. Mereka yang berniat hendak menimbulkan keka­ tidak tahu latar belakang politik yang terda- chauan dan huruhara. Sekarang kita mesti 53 23 FEBRUARI 1971 54 bertindak dengan tegas kerana apa yang kita created fear and mistrust that the legitimate pertarohkan ia-lah untong nasib bangsa dan interests of the non-Malays as provided for negara kita. in the Constitution would be eroded. Mr Speaker, Sir, we meet today some 20 Tuan Speaker, mari-lah kita sakalian semat­ months late. I regret this as much as any kan di-dalam hati dan ingatan kita penga­ Member of this House but we all know why jaran2 yang kita telah perolehi dari peristiwa this has had to be so. The disturbances 13 Mei, dan jangan-lah kita binchang dan of May 1969 mark the darkest period in our bahathkan lagi tentang apa yang menyebab­ national history. By dint of purdent and ima­ kan terchetus-nya peristiwa itu dan bagai­ ginative policies, we have carefully moved mana ia-nya bermula kerana ini mungkin ourselves away from the abyss which then akan melupakan kita kapada musoh kita yang confronted us. Today life has generally sa-benar-nya, ia-itu anasir2 yang tidak ber­ returned to normal. But we shall be extremely tanggong-jawab yang kerja-nya menanamkan foolish and irresponsible if we forget the beneh2 shak wasangka dan perasaan bimbang lessons of 13 May. It is easy for us to do di-kalangan kaum2 serta menggunakan per­ nothing now and to hope that somehow kara2 sensitif untok faedah diri mereka sendiri. things will turn out all right. But a country Anasir2 yang tersebut telah mendapat cannot be governed upon hopes. If we do not kesempatan yang besar untok membangkitkan act, or if we do not take precautions now, perasaan perkauman apabila kempen Pilehan­ we shall stand condemned before our people raya berjalan dalam bulan April dan Mei, as failing in our duty. Surely, everyone wants 1969. Mereka sengaja menimbulkan perasaan to ensure that the tragedy of 13th May will takut dan marah dengan chara mempersoal never ever be repeated in this country. Such dan mempersenda2kan sharat2 dalam Perlem­ a calamity, if it should occur, would be more bagaan mengenai dengan Bahasa Malaysia widespread and more catastrophic in its dan kedudokan istimewa orang2 Melayu, sa­ consequences. We have already paid a heavy hingga memburokkan lagi perasaan tidak price for the irresponsibility and indiscpline terjamin yang di-rasa"i oleh orang2 Melayu of a small group of people who were out apakala mereka melihat bagaimana luas-nya to bring trouble and chaos. We cannot take jurang perbedzaan di-antara mereka dengan chances now because what is at stake is the orang2 yang bukan Melayu terutama-nya sa­ very survival of our nation. kali di-dalam lapangan ekonomi dan pela­ jaran. Sa-tengah daripada anasir2 yang tidak The lessons of the 13th May tragedy must bertanggong-jawab itu telah menchetuskan never be forgotten. Let us not debate and rasa tidak puas hati dengan chara sengaja dispute about what started it or how it memberi keterangan2 yang salah mengenai: happened, lest debating and disputing among dengan perlaksanaan sharat2 Perlembagaan ourselves, we shall lose sight of the common yang tersebut itu dan juga menghapuskan enemy : namely, those irresponsible elements sharat2 tersebut dari Perlembagaan. Satu who sought to sow mistrust and a sense of pehak Iagi dari anasir2 itu telah menimbulkan insecurity among the races and to exploit rasa takut dan tidak perchaya dengan these sensitivities to their own advantage. The mengatakan bahawa kepentingan2 yang sah election campaign in April and May 1969 orang2 bukan Melayu sa-bagaimana yang ter­ provided these irresponsible elements with maktub di-dalam Perlembagaan itu hendak the opportunity to arouse racial emotions to di-chabuli. a pitch. These elements created fear and anger by questioning and ridiculing the Tuan Speaker. kita mesti-lah menginsafi provisions of the Constitution relating to hakikat yang sa-benar-nya sa-bagaimana yang Bahasa Malaysia and the special position of terdapat di-Malaysia pada hari ini. Oleh the Malays, which further exacerbated the kerana peristiwa 13 Mei itu maseh jelas di­ growing sense of insecurity felt by the Malays dalam ingatan kita, maka perlu-lah kita ber­ when they see the widening gap between sikap tegas untok menunjokkan keazaman them and the non-Malays particularly in the kita hendak mengekal dan memelihara economic and educational spheres. Some of kekuatan demokrasi bagi menentang gerakan2 these irresponsible elements created dissatis­ tipu helah anasir2 yang tidak bertanggong­ faction by deliberately and exaggeratedly jawab itu. Kita mesti-lah menunjokkan bukti2 misrepresenting the implementation of these bahawa kita benar2 tegas di-dalam kata2 kita provisions and also by advocating their hendak menghapuskan segala peluang yang deletion from the Constitution. Yet others boleh di-gunakan oleh anasir2 itu untok 55 23 FEBRUARI 1971 56 merosakkan suasana atau susunan politik kita. bagaan. Pindaan ini ia-lah bertujuan untok Pendek kata, kita tidak akan membiarkan sa­ menchegah sa-siapa jua pun membuat kenya­ kumpulan kechil menyalah-gunakan kebe­ taan2 yang boleh menyentoh perasaan sensitif basan yang telah di-beri itu sa-hingga kaum2 yang ada di-negara kita ini. Chara­ menjahanamkan hak kebebasan kita. nya ia-lah dengan memberi kuasa kapada Tuan Speaker, dengan bersidang-nya sa­ Parlimen untok meluluskan undang2 yang mula Parlimen, maka kita semua hari ini menchegah perbuatan mempersoalkan seba­ sedar akan harapan besar hasrat kita dan rang perkara, hak, kedudokan, taraf, keis­ hasrat hati ra'ayat negara ini. Saya menaroh timewaan, kedaulatan atau hak mutlak yang harapan yang tinggi bahawa dengan tindakan di-tentukan atau di-lindongi oleh peruntokan2 dalam Bahagian III (yang mengandongi per­ kita meluluskan Rang Undang2 yang sedang di-binchangkan di-dalam Dewan ini, maka untokan2 berkaitan dengan kera'ayatan); akan terhapus-lah perasaan shak dan waham Article 152 (mengenai dengan Bahasa Kebang­ di-kalangan seluroh ra'ayat negara ini. Saya saan dan bahasa2 kaum lain); Article 153 juga berharap sa-telah mendengar perbin­ (mengenai dengan kedudokan istimewa orang2 changan2 kita di-sini, mereka akan merasa Melayu dan kepentingan sah kaum2 lain), dan Article 181 (mengenai dengan kedau­ yakin bahawa sa-kali pun kita mempunyai pegangan2 politik yang berlainan, tetapi kita latan Raja2). bersatu di-dalam usaha hendak memelihara Sa-bagaimana Ahli2 Yang Berhormat sedia keamanan dan ketegohan negara dan per­ ma'alum, hak kebebasan berchakap dan paduan serta keharmonian ra'ayat. mengeluarkan fikiran di-bawah Article 10 Maka dengan sebab yang saya sebutkan Fasal 1 (a) dalam Perlembagaan telah pun tadi, Kerajaan telah mengambil keputusan terta'alok kapada peruntokan di-bawah fasal untok mengemukakan Rang Undang2 yang 2 (a) kapada Article itu yang memberi kuasa ada di-hadapan tuan2 pada hari ini dengan kapada Parlimen membuat undang2 untok tujuan hendak meminda beberapa peruntokan mengenakan "sekatan2 yang di-dapati perlu di-dalam Perlembagaan. Kita mempunyai atau mustahak demi kepentingan keselamatan dua tujuan yang utama yang sangat penting. Persekutuan atau mana2 bahagian-nya, per­ hubongan persahabatan dengan negara2 lain, Pertama, pindaan2 itu bermaksud untok ketenteraman awam atau akhlak dan sekatan2 menyekat perbinchangan awam atas perkara2 yang di-maksudkan untok melindongi keisti­ yang sensitif supaya dengan itu dapat-lah mewaan Parlimen atau mana2 Dewan Negeri lichin demokrasi berparlimen berjalan dengan atau untok mengelakkan penghinaan ter­ di-negara kita ini. Kedua-nya ia-lah bertujuan hadap Mahkamah, fitnah atau pun perbuatan untok membetulkan menerusi undang2 bebe­ mengapikan supaya di-lakukan sa-suatu di­ rapa perkara yang tidak sa-imbang kesalahan." kalangan kaum2. Kerajaan telah mengambil masa yang panjang un tok memikir dengan Jika sekatan2 yang tersebut dalam Fasal teliti sa-belum daripada membuat keputusan 2 (a) itu di-terima dan di-fikirkan perlu, maka hendak mengemukakan pindaan2 yang ter­ tentu-lah lebeh perlu lagi di-kenakan sekatan2 sebut di-dalam Dewan ini. Kita telah men­ ka-atas perbuatan mempersoalkan peruntokan dapat kesempatan untok mengadakan yang penting dan asasi yang terkandong perbinchangan2 yang berfaedah sa-chara di-dalam Perlembagaan itu memandang berterus-terang di-dalam Majlis Per undingan kapada pengalaman yang baharu kita per­ Negara atau National Consultative Council. olehi, kerana di-atas asas2 ini-lah bangsa kita Kita yakin dan perchaya bahawa pindaan2 telah di-bena dan dengan sebab itu-lah satu itu ada-lah mustahak memandang kapada Fasal baharu hendak di-masokkan di-bawah keadaan dan suasana yang terdapat pada Article 10 yang menghurai dan menjelaskan masa ini dan tidak shak lagi bahawa pindaan2 kuasa2 Parlimen di-bawah Fasal 2 (a). itu di-persetujui oleh sa-bilangan besar ra'ayat yang suka melihat supaya keharmonian di­ Tuan Speaker, saya rasa tidak-lah perlu antara kaum tidak terjejas. saya menghuraikan satu persatu di-dalam Dewan ini untok menunjokkan bagaimana Sekarang saya suka menjelaskan pindaan2 adil-nya Perlembagaan Negara kita itu ter­ yang di-chadangkan satu persatu. hadap semua pehak dan ia-nya telah di-gubal Pindaan yang pertama yang terkandong di­ basil dari persetujuan yang telah di-chapai dalam Fasal 2 Rang Undang2 ini ia-lah oleh kaum2 yang besar di-Malaysia sa-telah mengenai dengan Article l 0 dalam Perlem- perundingan2 sa-chara berterus-terang dan 57 23 FEBRUARI 1971 58

mendalam di-adakan di-antara kita sa-sama protected. It is also surely right that the very sendiri sa-belum daripada kita menchapai foundation of the nation should not be the kemerdekaan. subject of divisive and dangerous debate.

Mr Speaker, Sir, it is hardly necessary for Tuan Speaker, saperti saya telah terangkan me in this House to expound upon the care­ Perlembagaan kita telah meletakkan sharat ful and balanced character of the Constitution yang adil kapada semua pehak mengena"i which was so painstakingly negotiated and dengan kewarganegaraan. Bagitu-lah juga agreed upon by the major races in Malaysia peruntokan2 yang lain di-dalam Perlembagaan before we attained independence. Part III itu mengenai dengan perlindongan ka-atas of the Constitution relates to the provisions hak2 yang sah bagi semua kaum di-Malaysia. regarding citizenship. Let those who are Mithal-nya, peruntokan2 berhubong dengan citizens of Malaysia under its provisions be kedudokan istimewa orang2 Melayu ada-lah ensured clearly that their rights shall not be di-saimbangkan dengan jaminan yang di-beri challenged. This is surely important to them untok melindongi kepentingan yang sah bagi so that whatever fears may have been aroused kaum2 lain dan juga peruntokan kewarga­ will now be set at rest. negaraan yang telah pun saya sebutkan tadi. Peruntokan berhubong dengan kedudokan Now, the basic provisions relating to the Bahasa Malaysia sa-bagai bahasa rasmi dan acquisition of citizenship represented a fair Bahasa Kebangsaan yang tunggal ada-lah and balanced compromise. The same careful di-saimbangkan dengan jaminan bahawa and balanced approach runs through the other bahasa kaum lain boleh di-gunakan sa-lain provisions of the Constitution protecting the daripada untok tujuan2 rasmi. Berhubong legitimate rights of all races in Malaysia. dengan peruntokan mengenai dengan kedau­ Thus the provisions relating to the special latan Raja2, saya perchaya tidak sa-siapa position of the Malays are balanced by the pun hendak menchabar kedudokan Raja2 itu. guaranteed protection of the legitimate inte­ Saya yakin bahawa tidak sa-orang pun ra'ayat rests of the other communities and by the yang ta'at setia suka melihat bahawa perkara citizenship provisions to which I have referred. kedudokan Raja2 itu menjadi bahan perba­ The provisions relating to the position of hathan dalam gelanggang politik. Bahasa Malaysia as the sole official and National Language is balanced by the gua­ Ini-lah perkara2 yang termaktub di-dalam rantee for the use of the languages of other Perlembagaan kita yang bo!eh di-sifatkan sa­ races other than for official poses.pur As bagai soaJ2 yang sensitif yang mesti di-larang regards the provision relating to the sove­ siapa2 jua pun mengadakan perbinchangan reignty of the Rulers, surely no one will awam mengenai dengan-nya ia-itu perkara2 disagree that their position should never be yang boleh di-gunakan oleh anasir2 yang open to attack or challenge. Any self­ tidak bertanggong-jawab untok merosakkan respecting people will surely want to ensure perpaduan ra'ayat. Saya suka menegaskan that the position of its Rulers should not be di-sini bahawa peruntokan yang menjadi asas subject to debate in the political arena. negara kita ini patut-lah di-pelihara bukan sahaja kerana menjaga kepentingan2 kita These are the main provisions of our bahkan kerana ia-nya terlampau suchi untok Constitution relating to issues which may be di-jadikan bahan2 perbahathan yang mer­ regarded as sensitive. These must be removed bahaya. from the realm of public discussion which Tuan Speaker, sekarang suka-lah saya men­ could lead to the exploitation of these issues jelaskan pula bahawa kuasa hendak di­ by irresponsible elements to the detriment of berikan kapada Parlimen untok mengenakan all our people. The careful and balanced larangan2 mengadakan perbinchangan awam provisions of our Constitution guaranteeing di-atas peruntokan2 sensitif itu tidak-lah ter­ legitimate interests of all races in Malaysia masok perbinchangan tentang perlaksanaan are the very foundation upon which this peruntokan2 itu. nation exists. To challenge them is to challenge the very principle upon which the Tuan2 tentu-lah bersetuju bahawa perun­ nation rests. Tragically, they have been tokan sensitif itu tidak-lah patut menjadi challenged. The consequences are only too bahan untok perbinchangan awam, tetapi well-known to ail of us. It is not only in the tidak-lah di-dapati adil kira-nya chara2 pelak­ interest of all of us that they should be sanaan peruntokan2 yang tersebut di-sekat 59 23 FEBRUARI 1971 60 daripada di-bahath ia-itu setakat yang me­ yang bertanggong-jawab. Tetapi kita semua ngenal dengan perbuatan2 menyalah gunakan tahu bahawa apa yang kita katakan di-sini kuasa2 untok melaksanakan peruntokan2 Per­ ada-lah di-rakamkan dalam Peringatan Me­ lembagaan itu oleh Kerajaan atau mana2 shuarat Dewan dan terus di-laporkan oleh pehak yang berkuasa. Ada-lah di-chadangkan alat2 sebaran 'am. Jika kita hendak melarang ia-itu perkara2 yang boleh di-persoalkan itu perkara2 sensitif itu di-binchang dengan sa­ akan di-tentukan di-dalam sa-buah undangan chara awam dengan memberi kuasa kapada yang akan di-kemukakan ka-Parlimen tidak Parlimen meluluskan undang2 bagi menghad­ berapa lama lagi. Tidak siapa pun dapat men­ kan kebebasan berchakap mengenal dengan dakwa bahawa ia-nya mempunyai kebijak­ haP itu, dan membolehkan di-ambil tindakan sanaan dan tidak melakukan kesalahan, dan undang2 keatas mereka yang di-tudoh me­ kami dalam Kerajaan sentiasa sanggup lakukan kesalahan melanggar undang2 yang menerima sa-barang pandangan2 dan shor2 tersebut itu, maka tentu-lah patut dan adil tentang chara2 bagaimana peruntokan2 itu bahawa Ahli2 Parlimen, atau mana2 Ahli dapat di-laksanakan. Kita telah mengakul Dewan Negeri juga terta'alok kapada bahawa ada-lah untok kepentingan kita ber­ dakwaan itu kira-nya kita sendiri melanggar sama bahawa peruntokan2 itu di-beri perlin­ undang2 yang tersebut. dongan, dan kita juga mengakui bahawa ada-lah bagi faedah kita semua untok men­ Kita patut-lah sedar bahawa Ahli2 Parlimen jamin supaya peruntokan2 itu di-laksanakan dan Ahli2 Dewan Negeri sentiasa-lah men­ dengan adil dan saksama supaya terchapai-lah dapat perhatian istimewa dari orang ramai tujuan2 dan maksud2 di-adakan peruntokan2 dan uchapan2 mereka di-dalam Dewan ada­ terse but. lah menarek perhatian ra'ayat. Jika Ahli2 Tuan Speaker, sekarang saya beraleh pula Yang Berhormat di-benarkan menimbul dan kapada pindaan yang kedua ia-itu Fasal 3 membangkitkan soaP sensitif dalam Dewan dalam Rang Undang2 itu yang bermaksud dengan tidak terta'alok kapada kuatkuasa hendak meminda Article 63 dalam Perlem­ undang2, maka tidak-lah berarti pindaan yang bagaan berhubong dengan keistimewaan Ahli2 di-chadangkan dalam Fasal 2 Rang Undang2 Par!imen yang menjamin bahawa mereka ini. Dewan ini telah pun bersetuju bahawa tidak akan di-bawa ka-pengadilan mahkamah kebebasan beruchap dalam Dewan ini tidak di-atas sebarang perkara yang mereka uchap­ berarti sa-saorang Ahli itu boleh menyentoh kan dalam perbinchangan dalam salah satu perkara yang boleh membangkitkan perasaan Dewan atau dalam mana2 Jawatan-kuasa kaum dan mengancham kedudokan kaum2 Dewan. Kita berchadang hendak memasok­ di-negara ini. Tegahan ini telah di-tetapkan kan satu Fasal baharu dalam Article 63 yang dalam Peratoran 36 kapada Peratoran Majlis bertujuan bahawa sa-saorang Ahli Parlimen Meshuarat Dewan Ra'ayat yang menentukan yang di-tudoh melakukan kesalahan di-bawah bahawa ada-lah salah pada peratoran meng­ mana2 Undang2 yang di-luluskan oleh Par­ gunakan perkataan'.2 yang harus membangkit­ limen menurut di-bawah Article 10 (4) sa­ kan perasaan bersakit2 hati atau bermusoh2an bagaimana yang di-pinda dengan Fasal 2 di-antara satu kaum dengan satu kaum lain Rang Undang2 ini, maka Ahli itu tidak ber­ dalam negara ini. Saya perchaya Ahli2 Yang hak mendapat perlindongan di-bawah Article Berhormat semua bersetuju bahawa Per­ 63 (2). Sa-hingga Parlimen dapat meluluskan atoran ini tidak memadai: untok tujuan'2 yang undang2 di-bawah Fasal 4 Article 10, maka di-maksudkan memandang kapada suasana Akta Asutan, 1948 atau Sedition Act, 1948 yang terdapat pada hari ini. Saya rasa tidak­ saperti yang di-pinda di-bawah Ordinan lah memadai dengan kuasa yang ada pada (Kuasa2 Perlu) Dharurat 45, 1970, ada-lah Speaker untok memerentah Ahli2 Dewan berjalan kuat-kuasa-nya. Pindaan yang ketiga menarek balek kata2-nya setiap kali mereka ia-lah Fasal 4, dalam Rang Undang2 itu melanggar Peratoran 36 itu. Ini bukan sahaja memberi kesan yang sama kapada Article 72 memberatkan tanggong-jawab Tuan Speaker kapada Perlembagaan berhubong dengan yang mesti memberi keputusan dalam sekelip keistimewaan yang sama bagi sa-orang Ahli mata pada tiap2 kali kejadian itu berlaku, Dewan Undangan bagi mana2 negeri di­ tetapi yang penting-nya kata2 merbahaya Malaysia. telah terhambor dan tidak dapat di-padam­ Tuan Speaker, saya memang-lah sedar kan lagi. Oleh yang demikian, Ahli2 Yang bahawa Ahli2 Parlimen dan Ahli2 Dewan Berhormat mesti-lah juga terta'alok kapada Undangan Negeri ada-lah terdiri dari mereka tindakan2 undang·2 di-atas kata2 mereka yang 6 1 23 FEBRUARI 1971 62 merbahaya itu saperti orang awam. Ada-lah Fasal 6 (a) dalam Rang Undang2 ini ber­ di-chadangkan bahawa Ahli2 Dewan Par­ tujuan hendak meminda Article 153 dengan limen dan Ahli2 Dewan Undangan Negeri memasokkan sa-Iepas sahaja perkataan yang di-dapati melanggar Undang'2 ini hanya "Melayu" di-mana2 yang tersebut dalam akan di-bicharakan oleh Hakim Mahkamah Article itu, perkataan "dan bumiputera mana2 Tinggi, Akta Asutan, 1948 akan di-pinda Negeri Borneo". sewajar-nya untok mengadakan peruntokan Fasal 6 (c) dalam Rang Undang2 itu chuma itu. merupakan satu penghuraian sahaja dan ber­ Tuan Speaker, sekarang saya berpaling tujuan supaya di-masokkan satu Fasal pula kapada Fasal 5 dalam Ra�g Unda.ng2 baharu (9A) kapada Article 153 yang meng­ itu yang bermaksud hendak memmda Article huraikan pengertian perkataan2 "bumiputera 152 kapada Perlembagaan berhubong dengan Negeri2 Borneo" sa-bagai mempunyai arti Bahasa Kebangsaan dengan menentukan yang sama dengan pengertian yang telah di­ pengertian perkataan'2 "tujuan2 rasmi" atau chatet dalam Article 161A kapada Perlem­ official purpose dalam Article itu. Perlem­ bagaan. Saya rasa tidak-lah perlu saya bagaan telah menentukan bahawa Bahasa menerangkan tujuan pindaan ini. Malaysia hendak-lah menjadi Bahasa Ke­ Turning next to Clause 6 of the Bill, which bangsaan dengan tidak menghalang atau is in three parts and which seeks to make menchegah penggunaan bahasa2 lain ter­ amendments to Article 153, I propose to deal kechuali untok tujuan2 rasmi. Sa-bagaimana first with Clauses 6 (a) and 6 (c) together. yang Ahli2 Yang Berhormat sedia ma'alum, Clause 6 (a) of the Bill seeks to amend perkataan2 "tujuan'l rasmi" dalam Article itu Article 153 by inserting immediately after the tidak di-huraikan pengertian-nya. Oleh yang word "Malays" whenever it appears in the demikian, ada-lah di-chadangkan supaya per­ Article, the words "and natives of any of the kataan2 itu di-beri pengertian yang jelas Borneo States". Clause 6 (c) of the Bill is dengan chara di-tambah satu Fasal yang merely explanatory and seeks to insert a new baharu yang menentukan bahawa perkataan2 Clause (9A) to Article 153 which defines the itu berma'ana sa-barang tujuan Kerajaan, expression "natives of the Borneo States" as sama ada Kerajaan Persekutuan atau Negeri, having the meaning which it already has in termasok-lah mana2 tujuan untok pehak ber­ Article 161A of the Constitution. I do not kuasa awam. Saya rasa pengertian ini sangat­ think that this will require any comment. lah berguna dan perlu untok menjelaskan lagi tujuan yang telah pun sedia di-fahamkan. Tuan Speaker, mengenai dengan pindaan yang terkandong dalam Fasal 6 (a) kapada Tuan Speaker, saya suka memberi jaminan Rang Undang2 itu, saya juga perchaya kapada Ahli2 Yang Berhormat dari Sabah bahawa pindaan dapat di-terima oleh semua dan Sarawak bahawa pindaan2 kapada Fasal pehak. Tujuan asas bagi Article 153 itu ini sa-bagaimana yang telah saya terangkan ia-Iah untok memberi kesempatan kapada tadi tidak-lah sa-kali2 akan menchachatkan orang2 Melayu maju dengan lebeh pesat Article 161 yang menentukan bahawa bahasa supaya dapat pada satu masa kelak mereka Inggeris boleh di-gunakan dalam kedua2 bertanding dengan orang'2 bukan Melayu buah Negeri yang tersebut untok sa-lama dengan mempunyai sharat2 kelayakan dan masa 10 tahun sa-lepas daripada Hari kebolehan yang sama, kerana pada masa ini Malaysia. ada-lah di-akui bahawa orang2 Melayu belum Sir, I would like to assure Honourable menchapai kemajuan yang sama pesat dengan Members from Sabah and Sarawak that the orang2 yang bukan Melayu. Hakikat yang amendments to this Clause as stated above, sama saperti ini terdapat juga di-kalangan would not in any way affectArticle 161 which bumiputera Negeri2 Malaysia Timor. Oleh provides for the use of English in these two yang demikian, pindaan yang di-chadangkan States for the period of 10 years after itu memang-lah Iojik. Saya patut-lah menge­ Malaysia Day. mukakan bersekali Fasal 8 kapada Rang Tuan Speaker, berpaling kapada Fasal 6 Undang2 itu yang bertujuan untok meminda dalam Rang Undang2 ini, yang terbahagi Article 161 (A) Perlembagaan. Pindaan ini kapada tiga bahagian, yang tujuan-nya untok ia-lah untok menyelaraskan dengan pindaan membuat beberapa pindaan kapada Article dalam Fasal 6 Rang Undang'2 ini dan saya 153, saya berchadang hendak menjelaskan fikirtidak perlu-lah saya menerangkan dengan terlebeh dahulu Fasal 6 (a) dan 6 (c) bersekali. lebeh lanjut. 63 23 FEBRUARI 1971 64

Tuan Speaker, saya suka menjelaskan As the intention of amending Article 161A bahawa chadangan membuangkan Fasal (1), is to place the natives in Sabah and Sarawak (2) dan (3) dalam Article 161A telah di­ on the same status as the Malays in the States buat dengan permintaan Kerajaan2 Sabah dan of West Malaysia, it is necessary that Clause Sarawak menurut sa-bagaimana Laporan (3) should be deleted, as otherwise there will Jawatan-kuasa Antara Kerajaan atau Inter­ be anomalies. The privileges that the Yang Governmental Committee Report. Dengan di-Pertuan Agong can give under Article 153 terhapus-nya Fasal (1) dalam Article 161A, to the natives of Sabah and Sarawak will kedudokan bumiputera dalam kedua2 buah only be in respect of Federal matters, i.e., Negeri ini tidak-lah sekali2 akan terchachat matters under the jurisdiction of the Federal kerana mereka akan terus mendapat keisti­ Government. These amendments will not in mewaan·2 yang sama di-bawah pindaan yang any way affect the powers of the State to di-chadangkan itu. Maka dengan terhapus­ provide privileges to the natives in the two nya Fasal (2), bumiputera dalam kedua2 buah States in matters which are under their juris­ Negeri itu akan mendapat kedudokan yang diction. By these amendments, it can now be lebeh baik kerana mereka akan dapat keisti­ clearly seen that the natives of Sabah and mewaan2 yang di-beri oleh Article 153 bukan Sarawak are placed exactly in the same sahaja di-Sabah dan Sarawak tetapi juga position as the Malays in the States of West di-Malaysia Barat. Malaysia. Oleh kerana tujuan meminda Article 161A Tuan Speaker, sekarang saya beraleh pula itu untok meletakkan bumiputera di-Sabah kapada Fasal 6 (b) dalam Rang Undang2 ini dan Sarawak sama taraf dengan orang2 yang memberi kuasa kapada Yang di-Pertuan Melayu di-Negeri2 Malaysia Barat, maka Agong selaras dengan kewajipan2 Baginda sa­ perlu-lah Fasal (3) itu di-buang, kerana jika bagaimana yang telah di-tentukan di-bawah tidak maka sharat2 itu akan berchanggah. Article 153 dalam Perlembagaan ,untok men­ Keistimewaan2 yang boleh di-beri oleh Yang jamin perezapan bagi orang2 Melayu dan di-Pertuan Agong menurut Article 153 kapada bumiputera Negeri2 Borneotempat2 yang ber­ bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak ia-lah patutan banyak-nya dalam universiti2, mengenal dengan perkara2 Federal sahaja, maktab2 dan lain2 pusat pelajaran yang lebeh ia-itu perkara yang di-bawah kekuasaan tinggi dari perengkat menengah di-mana di­ Kerajaan Pusat. Pindaan2 ini tidak-lah sekali2 dapati lebeh banyak chalun2 yang berke­ akan menchachatkan kuasa2 Negeri untok layakan daripada tempat2 yang di-sediakan. memberi keistimewaan2 kapada bumiputera2 Saya rasa perlu menjelaskan tujuan2 Fasal di-dalam kedua2 buah Negeri yang tersebut 6 (b) ini. Saya telah pun menarek perhatian dalam perkara2 yang terletak di-dalam ke­ Dewan ini bahawa salah satu sebab yang kuasaan Negeri itu. Dengan pindaan2 ini, membawa kapada terchetus-nya kekachauan maka jelas-lah bahawa bumiputera Sabah dan dalam bulan Mei, 1969 itu ia-lah bertambah­ Sarawak ada-lah di-letak kapada satu kedu­ nya perasaan tidak terjamin di-kalangan dokan yang sama dengan orang2 Melayu orang2 Melayu di-sebabkan jurang perbe­ dalam Negeri2 di-Malaysia Barat. dzaan yang mereka dapati di-antara mereka dengan orang2 yang bukan Melayu terutama Sir, I would like to explain that the sa-kali dalam bidang2 pelajaran dan ekonomi. proposal to delete Clauses (1), (2) and (3) of Saya juga telah menerangkan bahawa salah Article 161A was made at the request of satu daripada tujuan2 besar kenapa kita Sabah and Sarawak Governments in menchadangkan pindaan2 kapada Perlem­ accordance with the Inter-Governmental bagaan ini ia-lah untok membetulkan mene­ Committee Report. By the deletion of Clause rusi undang2 keadaan tidak sa-imbang (1) of Article 161A, the position of the natives di-dalam beberapa lapangan kehidupan in these two States will not be adversely ra'ayat. Chara2 dan langkah2 yang lain yang affected in any way as they will continue to perlu juga di-ambil untok membetulkan enjoy the same privileges under the proposed keadan yang tidak sa-imbang dalam lapangan2 amendments. Now, the deletion of Clause (2) pelajaran dan ekonomi. Dalam bidang eko­ will enhance the position of the natives of the nomi, Kerajaan telah mengadakan satu two States in that they will now be able to Ranchangan Ekonomi Baharu yang bertujuan enjoy the privileges accorded by Article 153 untok menyusun balek ekonomi negara not only in Sabah and Sarawak but also in dengan maksud supaya dapat-lah tiap2 kaum West Malaysia. mengambil bahagian yang sama di-dalam 65 23 FEBRUARI 1971 66 lapangan perniagaan dan perusahaan negara. bagitu, satu penyelesaian yang segera perlu Satu lagi perkara yang belum sa-imbang ia­ di-buat bagi mengatasi keadaan2 yang ter­ lah pelajaran yang ada hubongan rapat dapat sekarang ini. dengan kemajuan ekonomi dan sosial. Tuan Speaker, pada waktu ini Perlemba­ Hari ini bilangan penuntut2 dari semua gaan Universiti menetapkan bahawa Uni­ kaum yang mempunyal kelayakan untok versiti itu di-kehendaki mengambil masok melanjutkan pelajaran tinggi telah bertambah kesemua penuntut2 yang di-beri biasiswa dengan banyak-nya. Namun bagitu, di-sebab­ Kerajaan dengan sharat mereka mempunyai kan oleh latar belakang sosio-ekonomi yang kelayakan2 yang di-perlukan. Oleh yang serba kurang dan kemudahan2 pelajaran yang demikian, mungkin dapat kita memudahkan tidak menchukupi di-kawasan2 luar bandar, penuntut2 Melayu masok ka-Universiti dengan maka kemajuan akademi penuntut2 Melayu chara memberi biasiswa kapada mereka pada banding-nya tidak-lah bagitu baik saperti dengan tidak kira tentang latar belakang yang di-kehendaki. Keadaan ini telah meng­ kewangan mereka. Sunggoh pun bagitu, tentu­ n akibatkan tidak ada-nya imbangan antara lah chara yang saperti ini tidak adil kera a kaum dalam beberapa kursus pengajian di­ biasiswa kapada penuntut2 Melayu yang ber­ universiti. Sa-bagai chontoh-nya, di-Univer­ kelayakan mesti-lah di-beri berasaskan siti Malaya terdapat jurang bilangan yang kapada kebolehan mereka dan kedudokan luas antara penuntut2 Melayu dengan bukan kewangan mereka. Mungkin juga tujuan Melayu dalam sa-tengah2 kursus. Angka2 membetulkan kedudokan yang tidak sa­ untok membuktikan kedudokan yang tidak imbang dalam fakulti2 itu boleh terchapai sa-imbang itu ada tersiar dalam Kertas Puteh dengan chara mengeluarkan arahan2 pentad­ yang bertajok "Ka-arah Keharmonian birnn. Tetapi chara yang saperti itu harus Negara", yang telah pun di-ishtiharkan. Sa­ menimbulkan silap faham dan salah penger­ bagaimana yang tuan2 dapat saksikan, tian. Oleh itu, perlu-lah kita mengkaji dan sunggoh pun keadaan itu telah mula bertam­ memperbetulkan soal ini dengan chara terus bah baik, tetapi kepesatan-nya tidak-lah terang kerana ia-nya bukan sahaja mengenai chukup memuaskan dan belum dapat meme­ dengan orang2 Melayu bahkan satu masaalah nohi kehendak yang ada pada hari ini. yang berkait dengan kepentingan kita semua. Keadaan tidak sa-imbang di-antara kaum2 Oleh yang demikian, kita patut menerangkan itu akan menimbulkan berbagai akibah yang masaalah ini kapada seluroh ra'ayat supaya dapat mereka faham tujuan dan sebab-nya merbahaya kapada bangsa kita dan mesti­ kita mengambil tindakan yang tersebut itu. lah di-atasi dengan sa-berapa segara yang Di-atas asas2 ini-lah maka pindaan kapada boleh. Statistik angka2 yang tersebut itu Article 153 itu di-chadangkan. menunjokkan dengan jelas keadaan yang sa­ benar-nya. Banyak lagi faktor2 dan angka2 Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya suka mengambil yang lain yang boleh mengesahkan keadaan kesempatan ini juga untok memberi jaminan yang merunsingkan itu. Angka2 itu dapat bahawa kuasa yang di-beri kapada Yang di­ menunjokkan dengan jelas-nya bahawa orang2 Pertuan Agong untok memberi arahan Melayu maseh jauh tinggal ka-belakang kapada mana2 Universiti, Maktab2 atau Pusat2 Pelajaran yang lebeh tinggi daripada dalam beberapa jurusan pelajaran. Mithal­ Tingkatan Menengah supaya merizabkan nya, dalam jurusan sains, bilangan siswazah untok orang2 Melayu dan bumiputera bagi 1970 22 bagi tahun ia-lah orang Melayu Negeri2 Borneo tempat2 yang berpatutan daripada jumlah 493 dalam Fakulti Sains, banyak-nya akan di-laksanakan dengan cher­ sa-orang Melayu dari jumlah 71 orang dalam mat dan teliti. Tujuan pindaan2 ini ia-lah Fakulti Kejuruteraan atau Engineering, 15 untok merizabkan tempat2 bagi kursus pela­ orang Melayu dari jumlah 49 orang dalam jaran yang tertentu di-mana penuntut2 Melayu Fakulti Pertanian dan 4 orang Melayu dari dan bumiputera bagi Negeri2 Borneo yang jumlah 67 orang dalam Fakulti Perubatan. terlampau kechil bilangan-nya. Dengan chara Nyata-lah bahawa keadaan ini sangat-lah ini-lah keadan yang tidak sa-imbang itu akan tidak adil dan tidak di-ingini untok kepen­ dapat di-atasi dalam usaha2 hendak meme­ tingan negara . Kerajaan sedang mengator lihara perpaduan negara. Saya suka men­ langkah2 jangka panjang bagi memperbaiki jelaskan bahawa pindaan yang di-chadangkan kemudahan2 pelajaran dan memperbaiki lagi kapada Article 153 dengan menambahkan latar belakang sosio-ekonomi yang mundor satu Fasal baharu (SA) yang terta'alok kapada bagi penuntut2 di-luar bandar. Sunggoh pun Fasal (I) dalam Article itu. 67 23 FEBRUARI 1971 68

I would like to make it clear that the pro­ sekarang mana-kah arah haluan yang kita posed amendment to Article 153 by adding hendak tuju. Mari-lah kita sama'2 mengingat­ a new Clause (8A) will be subject to Clause kan bahawa perjalanan sistem demokrasi di­ (l) of that Article which places the respon­ negara kita ini mesti-lah memperhitongkan sibility on the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to keadaan masharakat berbilang kaum yang safeguard not only the special position of the ada di-sini. Negara kita belum pernah ber­ Malays but also the legitimate interests of tentang dengan chabaran yang kita hadapi the other communities. sekarang ini. Saya suka bertanya kapada Ahli2 Tuan Speaker, akhir-nya saya suka mene­ Yang Berhormat sakalian ada-kah bijak bagi rangkan Fasal 7 dalam Rang Undang2 itu kita berbalek kapada chara2 yang lama ia-itu yang bertujuan hendak meminda Article 1 59 di-atas nama demokrasi dan kebebasan ber­ (5) dalam Perlembagaan dengan mengadakan uchap, maka ada-lah patut kita membiarkan peruntokan bahawa sa-lain daripada Article2 anasir2 yang tidak bertanggong-jawab bebas yang telah pun sedia terchatet di-dalam-nya, menjalankan tipu helah mereka untok mem­ maka pindaan kapada peruntokan2 yang ter­ bangkitkan perasaan perkauman sa-hingga kandong dalam Article 10 (4) Perlembagaan membawa bangsa dan negara kapada jurang atau mana2 undang2 yang di-luluskan menurut kehanchoran, atau pun kita bertindak se­ Article ini, Bahagian III Perlembagaan, karang ini juga untok menarek kebebasan itu Article 63 (4), Article 72 (4) dan Fasal 5 dari mereka supaya dapat kita dan demokrasi kapada Article 159 tidak-lah boleh di-buat berparlimen berjalan dengan lanchar-nya. dengan tidak mendapat persetujuan Majlis Saya yakin dan tidak ragu2 lagi apa yang kita Raja2• mesti buat sekarang, bagitu juga saya yakin Sa-bagaimana Ahli2 Yang Berhormat sedia apa yang di-ingini oleh seluroh ra'ayat negara ma'alum, Article 159 (5) telah pun menetap­ kita di-atas segala2-nya ia-lah supaya suasana harmoni antara kaum kekal terpelihara dan kan bahawa pindaan kapada Article 38, 70, juga supay 71 (1) dan 153 tidak boleh di-luluskan me­ a negara kita mara terns ka­ lainkan dengan persetujuan Majlis Raja2• hadapan untok memenohi hasrat menchapai perpaduan dan kema'amoran dalam suasana Sir, I now turn, finally, to Clause 7 of the aman dan damai. Bill, which seeks to amend Article 159 (5) of the Constitution by providing that in addition Tuan Speaker, sa-kira-nya maseh ada to the Articles of the Constitution keraguan atau perasaan bimbang di-hati sa­ enumerated therein, no amendment be made tengah2 Ahli2 Yang Berhormat di-sini to the provisions contained in Article 10 (4) mengena! pindaan2 Perlembagaan yang ada of the Constitution or any law passed there­ di-hadapan kita, saya berharap sa-telah di­ under. to Part III of the Constitution, to nyatakan dengan terang-nya tujuan2 serta Article 63 (4), Article 72 (4) and to Clause kehendak Rang Undang'2 ini dan sa-telah (5) of Article 159 itself without the consent mendengar penjelasan2 yang di-fikirkan perlu of the Conference of Rulers. As Honourable keraguan dan rasa bimbang mereka itu sudah Members are aware, Article 159 (5) already pun terhapus hendak-nya. Dengan itu saya provides that no amendment to Articles 38, meminta supaya Dewan yang mulia ini melu­ 70, 71 (1) and 153 shall be passed without the Iuskan pindaari2 Perlembagaan ini dan consent of the Conference of Rulers. I believe menunjokan dengan nyata kapada seluroh that the proposal to entrench further the sen­ ra'ayat bahawa kita sakalian di-sini berazam sitive provisions of the Constitution in this hendak menjaminkan jaminan sistem Kera­ manner and to entrench Article 159 (5) itself jaan berparlimen yang sesuai dengan ke­ will be generally welcomed as providing adaan'2 di-negara kita. Mari-lah kita semua further assurances that these constitutional yang chintakan serta ta'at setia kapada prov1s10ns safeguarding the legitimate Negara ini berdiri tegoh dan bersatu hati interests of all races in this country would not demi kepentingan utama menjamin bagi be eroded. memelihara harmoni dan perpaduan untok mengekalkan tujuan bangsa dan Negara Tuan Speaker, bagi penutup-nya, saya suka supaya mara terus menchapai kemajuan dan menyatakan bahawa negara kita telah melalui kema'amoran. krisis yang amat merbahaya dalam sejarah­ nya. Perasaan takut dan benchi, marah dan Sir, in conclusion, I have no doubt in my churiga telah di-bangkit'2kan. Mari-lah kita own mind what we should do. I have no merenongkan dengan mendalam dan teliti doubt also what the broad mass of our people, 69 23 FEBRUARI 1971 70 who wish above all that multi-racial harmony ties in this country. Thus the Government should prevail, and that our nation should intends to entrench not only the Status of develop peacefully towards greater unity and Bahasa Malaysia but also the status of other prosperity, want to do. languages used in this country. It should also If there are doubts or misgivings in the be noted that Article 152, even after its minds of some Members of the House on the entrenchment, continues to guarantee the use, various constitutional amendments now for non-official purposes, of languages other before us, it is my hope that, having stated than Bahasa Malaysia. This point is some­ and explained the objects and the intention times lost sight of and hence it is essential to of the Bill and after having listened to any bear in mind that so long as there is no clarification that may be necessary, these departure from this provision of the Constitu­ doubts or misgivings will have been cleared. tion, which is now to be entrenched, we have I, therefore, ask this House to approve nothing to fear. these Constitutional amendments and show The third politically sensitive issue pro­ clearly to our people that we are determined posed for entrenchment is Article 153. Here to ensure the working of the parliamentary again, this Article provides not only for the system of Government suited to our present special position of the Malays, it also pro­ conditions. Let all of us who have the love vides for the legitimate interests of the other and loyalty of our country at heart stand communities, a feature which is apt to be lost united in the larger interest of ensuring sight of in the heat of political polemics. national harmony and unity for the survival In fact, the Honourable the Prime Minister and for the continued progress and prosperity took care to emphasise this point in his of our country. speech. It is, however, important to note that Sir, I beg to move. (Tepok). the entrenchment will cover the whole Article, i.e., the legitimate interests of the Menteri Kewangan (Tun Tan Siew Sin): other communities as well as the special Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya memohon izin position of the Malays. It is important that the untok berchakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris. non-Malays bear this point in mind when (Dengan izin) Sir, I beg to second. There is, considering this matter. in fact, very little for me to add in view of the It is also proposed, in view of the fact that fact that the Honourable the Prime Minister the Malays have so far managed to obtain has dwelt so thoroughly with all aspects of the only a very small proportion of places in the Bill now before us. University of Malaya for certain courses of The main purpose of this Bill is, as Hon­ study, that places should be reserved for ourable Members are fully aware, to entrench Malays and other indigenous people in such three politically sensitive issues in the Federal courses of study where their number is Constitution. The first is Part III which deals disproportionately small. This was made clear with citizenship. This is clearly to the advant­ in paragraph 118 of the White Paper which was age of the non-Malays, because in future, issued for general publication earlier this year assuming that these proposed amendments when the Government made known its inten­ are passed by Parliament, no one will be able tion to introduce th is Bill on the resumption to question the inalienable right of the non­ of Parliament. Paragraph 19 of the same Malays to full citizenship in this country White Paper also made it absolutely clear together with all its rights and responsibilities. that in the implementation of the provisions The second politically sensitive issue pro­ of the proposed amendment it is the intention to be fair and just to all communities, so that posed for entrenchment is Article 152 of the even though reservations are made for Malays, Constitution which, among other things, provides that Malay shall be the national and the non-Malays will still have their fair share official language while preserving and sustain­ of places in these courses of study. ing the use and study of the language of any It will, therefore, be seen that the proposed other community in Malaysia. It will be seen, amendments are eminently fair to both Malays therefore, that Article 152 is actually a very and non-Malays. They will safeguard the fair Article because, while it provides for the interests of not only the Malays but the non­ national and official status of the Malay Malays as well, because the Government re­ language, it also ensures continuity of the use cognises that both Malays and non-Malays and study of the languages of other communi- feel insecure, though for different reasons. If 71 23 FEBRUARI 1971 72

I may, I would like to amplify this point as a model of Parliamentary democracy. In further. The non-Malays are aware that the practice, however, the exercise proposed has Malays feel insecure, in spite of their greater not altered the basic position all that much political power, because they feel that the because these three politically sensitive non-Malays are so much ahead of them in issues are already embodied in the Consti­ the economic field. The vast majority of non­ tution and cannot be amended without the Malays therefore accept that the Malays necessary two-thirds majority. Furthermore, should be given a helping hand in this field. our multi-racial society is so unique that it They, however, also wish to be assured that is probably the most complex and complica­ in the implementation of policies designed to ted plural society in all history. Conditions achieve this purpose, their legitimate rights are, therefore, anything but ideal for a full­ are not taken away. This fear is both under­ fiedged democracy and we have to accept standable and legitimate. Indeed, it is not this fact. It will hence perhaps be agreed by necessary to take away from the non-Malays all right thinking people that, in the last in order to uplift the Malays economically analysis, it is better to have something less for the simple reason that this country is than 100% democracy than no democracy at comparatively empty. Even in West Malaysia, all. That is the sobering thought which this about three-quarters of our total area is still House should bear in mind when it finally under virgin jungle. In East Malaysia, the takes a decision on this vital question. population density is only about 17 per (Tepok). square mile. There is, therefore, plenty of Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Masaalah di-hadapan room for everyone and hence it is not neces­ Majlis ia-lah Rang Undang2 bernama Suatu sary for one race to advance at the expense Akta bagi meminda Perlembagaan Perse­ of any other. kutuan di-bachakan pada kali yang kedua Bearing this point in mind we, therefore, sekarang dan terbuka untok di-bahath. welcome the assurance, and this assurance will be spelt out clearly in the law, that Tuan Lim Kit Siang (Bandar Melaka): though these politically sensitive issues can Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya minta izin (Dengan no longer be the subject of debate or dispute, berchakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris. izin) Mr Speaker, Sir. we, Members this will not affect the right of any person to of the Third Malaysian Parliament, who have question the method of implementation of at last taken our rightful places in this any of the provisions concerned. For example, Chamber after twenty-one months of our it will be possible, even after the proposed election and suspension. have, as our first amendments have become Jaw, for any person business, the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, to contend that the method of implementation 1971. of any such provisions has not been fair to any party in some way or other, though he No more important Bill has ever been sub­ will not be able to question their propriety. mitted to Parliament since Merdeka and no In this connection, it will be essential for the more important Bill is likely to come before Government to ensure that in the implementa­ Parliament in future, assuming there is still tion of the provisions of the law on the a Parliament. For the Bill, if passed, will matters dealt with in this Bill, scrupulous care have such far-reaching consequences in the will be taken not only to ensure justice to all, life of the Nation that the entire direction it must be obvious to all that justice has been of the country will shift to a new course. done. If implementation is based on these The Government has presented the Consti­ fundamental principles, the road ahead should tution (Amendment) Bill, 1971, as a highway be comparatively smooth. to national unity and a formula to prevent a recurrence of May 13 racial riots in Malay­ It is not without significance that the pro­ sia. The issues involved in this Bill are of posals embodied in this Bill reflect not only the utmost importance to Malaysians for they the thinking of the Government, they have involve the fundamental question of nation­ been fully discussed in the National Con­ building, national unity and national survival. sultative Council and have been generally It will be necessary to consider, in this debate agreed to as far as I can gather even by the the basic question of nation-building and parties represented there. whether the measures as proposed in this I readily concede that, in theory, what we Bill can make this greatly divided Nation are advocating is not what one would regard more united, harmonious and prosperous. 73 23 FEBRUARI 1971 74

We in the DAP will discuss and consider in our body politic and a wrong remedy this Bill fully conscious of the momentous may aggravate the situation instead of decision we all will have to take, which will improving it. help to decide not only the destiny of Malay­ In its preface to the N.O.C. Report on sia but the fate of democracy itself. "The May 13 Tragedy" published in October, But we shall not be cowed or intimidated. 1969, the Prime Minister, then in his capa­ My comrades and I have not been elected city as Director of Operations, wrote, and into Parliament to be "yes-men" or to be I quote : browbeaten into silence or to surrender our "This Report has been prepared with the full objectives and principles and to betray the realisation that important matters must no longer trust and confidence which the people have be swept under the carpet and that the facts of put on us when they elected us into Parlia­ May 13 should be made known to the public. ment on May 10. 1969. All members of Furthermore, it has been written with the conviction that the objective of national unity must Parliament should be allowed to freely, fully be confronted squarely and the alternatives before and frankly express their views without being us decided upon sincerely and courageously. subject to threats and intimidation. The course of our Nation so charged must be pursued with the united efforts of all loyal Malay­ In this connection, we strongly deplore the sians resolutely, with courage and confidence." Sword of Damocles which the Government has hung over the reconvening of Parliament Mr Speaker, Sir, I cannot agree more with with their oft-repeated threats that Parliament the Prime Minister that important matters will be disbanded if it does not provide the must no longer be swept under the carpet. necessary two-thirds majority vote to amend If we are to survive the stresses and strains the Constitution. No Member of Parliament in our Nation, we must be mature enough to with self-respect will allow this political black­ confront our problems "squarely in the face" mail to deter him from saying or doing what and consider and weigh the alternatives open he believes in, for there comes a time when to us and decide on the best course of action the duty of nation rings out louder than the and pursue it. duty to party, or even duty to a Parliamentary allowance. This is the time when every Those, whether men or nations, who do not Member of Parliament must stand up and learn from the mistakes of history are con­ be counted not only for today, tomorrow or demned to repeat the same mistakes at great next week, but for the rest of their lives. cost to themselves and others. It is in this spirit of confronting problems squarely in the The present Constitution (Amendment) Bill face so as to avoid repeating the same costly is the direct result of the May 13 tragedy. The mistakes of May 13 that I make the following Government has held from the very begin­ remarks. ning that the May 13 riots were caused by the Opposition exploiting the so-called sensi­ It is not my intention here to level accusa­ tive issues during the General Elections, tions against anyone for being responsible for creating racial tensions, conflict and blood­ the May 13 racial riots. But I will be failing shed. Thus, according to the Government, to in my duty if I do not state that the D.A.P. avoid any such recurrence, these so-called and the public at large do not accept the sensitive issues must be removed from the version as contained in the N.O.C. Report on pale of public discussion and debate. These May 13 Tragedy or in the Honourable former so-called sensitive issues are the National Prime Minister's "May 13-Before and After" Language, special provisions for the Malays, book. sovereignty of the Malay Rulers and citizen­ We have no doubt that a very different ship. version will emerge if there is an impartial It is painful to reopen the subject of May Commission of Enquiry to collect evidence 13 racial riots which holds for so many from witnesses of the May 13 racial riots personal tragedies and sorrows without with power to protect these witnesses from parallel. However if we are to learn from reprisals. The world press version is very the lessons of May 13 tragedy, it is essential different too from that of the Government. that we understand the causes and events Although the Government had attacked the which led to the May 13 racial riots. With­ foreign correspondents for their irresponsible out such an understanding it is not possible and unfair reporting, only an impartial to prescribe a proper remedy for the malady Commission of Enquiry can produce an 75 23 FEBRUARI 1971 76 independent finding as to the truth or other­ and that they have never been so race wise of these reports-by checking on these conscious as now at any time since Merdeka. reports. and by inviting the foreign corres­ In fact racial polarisation in Malaysia in the pondents themselves to give evidence. last twenty-one months has gone further and the racial division has gone wider and deeper This is why the D.A.P. had from the when compared to the first twelve years of beginning called for an impartial Commission Merdeka. of Enquiry into the causes of racial riots and the chain of events, so that we can get as Why is this so? If the ban for the last true a version as possible. It is only with 21 months on sensitive issues have not arrested such information that we can draw up correct the rush down the racial slippery slope, how lessons from the racial riots and take the will the entrenchment of these so-called necessary and proper preventive measures. sensitive issues in the Malaysian Constitution promote national unity? Or has the ban on To-date, apart from producing a very one­ the so-called sensitive issues in the last 21 sided Government version of what took place months accelerated the pace of racial pola­ on May 13, the Government has refused to risation in Malaysia? And if so, the entrench­ set up an impartial Commission of Enquiry ment of these so-called sensitive issues in into the causes and its spread. The Govern­ the Malaysian Constitution can only bring ment has not been able to give any satis­ racial polarisation to a head. factory explanation as to why there should not be such an enquiry, if we really want We are convinced and disturbed that the to stop sweeping things under the carpet. ban on the so-called sensitive issues and the Emergency rule for the last 21 months have It is because the D.A.P. and large sections accelerated the process of racial polarisation of the Malaysian public disagree with the in this country. Government as to the causes of May 13 racial riots that we differ as to the remedial mea­ Large and articulate sections of the public sures which the Government proposes to do not accept this ban on the so-called take as embodied in the present Constitution sensitive issues, not because they are opposed (Amendment) Bill. to the National Language, the sovereignty of Rulers, special provisions for Malays and Mr Speaker, Sir, the Government has intro­ citizenship-and we in the D.A.P. have never duced the Constitution (Amendment) Bill on opposed all these provisions-but because : the stated assumption that once the so-called Firstly, they reject the Government's sensitive issues are removed from the pale contention that the May 13 riots were of public debate and discussion racial mis­ caused by the discussion and debate of the trust and suspicion will lessen and national so-called sensitive issues during the Elec­ unity and solidarity will be strengthened. Is tions; this stated assumption valid? Secondly, the scope of the so-called For the last twenty-one months of N.O.C. sensitive issues is so vague that it can cover Emergency rule the so-called sensitive issues any criticism or opposition to Government were banned from public discussion and policy and action, and we are swiftly debate. If the Government's stated assump­ reaching a stage where the practice of tion is valid, then we should be able to say racialism is a virtue and the criticism of with all honesty that the people of diverse racialism a crime; races in Malaysia are more united, more Thirdly, the ban is solely aimed at Malaysian-conscious and there is much less Opposition Members and critics of the racial mistrust and suspicion today than in Government, as borne out by the sedition May 1969. charges which have been preferred against Can we in all honesty say this? I for one two of my party collegues. Saudara Fan will state the contrary, that after twenty-one Yew Teng and Dr Ooi Kee Saik in connec­ months of N.O.C. Emergency rule where the tion with an article in our party journal so-called sensitive issues are banned and the "The Rocket" in December, 1970 issue . . . ban fortified by the Emergency amendment to the Sedition Act, 1948 in August, 1970. The Peguam Negara (Tan Sri Abdul Kadir bin people of Malaysia today are even more Yusuf): Mr Speaker, Sir, on a point of order. bedevilled by racial mistrust and suspicion, It is sub judice. 77 23 FEBRUARI 1971 78

Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Do not mention any­ people, leading to a general undermining of thing which is a sensitive issue. public respect for law and order.

Tuan Lim Kit Siang: Malaysians are aware Mr Speaker, Sir, let us be realistic and of the many provocative statements and practical. Although Parliament can ban the speeches made in particular in the recent discussion of the so-called sensitive issues, UMNO General Assembly, but which seemed and entrench this ban in the Malaysian to carry immunity. I refer in particular to Constitution, there is no way to enforce this the demand by a Selangor State Assemblyman law. who wanted the Government to remove the The Government can ban the discussion citizenship of a M.T.U.C. leader who had of these issues in public forums and meetings, criticised the Government for failing to with­ over radio and television, even in Parliament draw all the restrictive anti-labour measures; and the State Assemblies. But it will not be Fourthly, the ban is seen purely as a able to stop people from discussing and political move to bolster the fortunes of the debating these very issues in coffee shops, ruling Alliance Party and its component street corners, the privacy of their homes and parties which suffered serious reverses in wherever people meet and congregate unless the last General Elections. This is admitted it intends to turn Malaysia into a Police State by none other than the Deputy Prime and employ half the population as Police Minister in his "M.C.A.-Neither dead nor informers to eavesdrop and report on private alive" speech to Joh ore State Alliance conversations and feelings of the other half. leaders in Johore Bahm on January 15, when he said, and I quote : When we come to this stage, whatever may be achieved, it is certainly and definitely "In the 1969 General Elections, sensitive issues--the National Language and the special not national unity and the lessening of racial rights of the Malays-were the issues which mistrust and suspicion. generally brought about the setbacks of the Alliance. The issues must, therefore, be Before I touch on the long-term conse­ entrenched in the Constitution, so that in the quences of this Constitution (Amendment) forthcoming elections, sensitive issues cannot be Bill, I propose to discuss separately the four questioned by the Opposition. And with the entrenchment of sensitive issues, our partners, issues which the Government seeks to entrench the M.C.A. and the M.I.C. will not be at a and place beyond the pale of public debate disadvantage.". and discussion.

The only argument for banning the so­ 1. Sovereignty of Rulers-We in the D.A.P. called sensitive issues from public discussion do not and have not questioned the sove­ and debate and entrenching them in the reignty of Rulers. As far as I know, there is Malaysian Constitution is to promote national not a single Member of Parliament in this unity and lessen racial mistrust in the country. House, or a single party represented in this This result can only be achieved if the House, which has questioned or seeks to overwhelming majority of Malaysians support question this provision. I am aware there such an entrenchment. But if large sections is one political party in this country which of the Malaysian public regard such a move does question this provision. We are told as a political move by the ruling party to that the reason why the Government wants stifle the expression of their legitimate fears to entrench the so-called sensitive issues is and grievances, then such entrenchment will because it wants to prevent these issues not be a cementing force for the diverse from being exploited by racialist politicians races. It will instead become the focal point of and thus create racial mistrust and illwill, widespread discontent and the subject of leading to racial bloodshed. national division, disunity and discord. As the leaders of the Opposition Party, The Government can put any law on the which questions this provision, are Malaysians Statute Book or amend the Constitution any­ of Malay origin, I do not see the logic of how they like provided they have the neces­ this argument. Is the Government seriously sary votes in Parliament. But when Parliament suggesting that if Malays themselves question is used to block or frustrate the popular the provision of sovereignty of Rulers, there will, then the laws it pass will cease to will be a racial conflict and bloodshed command the respect and observance of the between the Malays and the Chinese? 79 23 FEBRUARI 1971 80

However, as I had said, we do not question It is from this interpretation that we had this provision. This is not an issue which contended that the fact that the National creates racial mistrust. I shall come back to Language, by virtue of its status, is bound this subject later, when I touch on the to become the chief language of administra­ principle of entrenchment of provisions in the tion in this country need not, and should not, Constitution. mean that the other major languages in the country, namely Chinese, Tamil and English, 2. Citizenship-What I want to say on this are not accorded even a subsidiary official is that, although it is now a crime to question status and use in the country. the citizenship of Malaysians, we have a clear instance, as I said just now, of an UMNO We stress that the other languages, namely leader calling with immunity for the depriva­ Chinese, Tamil and English- have become tion of citizenship of a trade union leader Malaysian languages by virtue of the fact for speaking out against the Government. that considerable number of Malaysian citi­ How will the entrenchment of this question zens speak these languages and that the in the Malaysian Constitution change Malaysian Constitution safeguards the pre­ matters? It will also not escape notice that, servation and sustenance of their use and even though citizenship is now a sensitive study. This is clearly in direct contradiction issue, which is now not being enforced any­ to UMNO's concept of "one nation, one way, it will not prevent extremists from language" for Malaysia. building up pressure for the removal of citizenship of outspoken critics of the Govern­ Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-lingual, ment and the extremists themselves. multi-religious and multi-cultural nation. Any attempt to suppress other languages can only

3. National Language- The D.A.P. has lead to opposition from the language groups always unconditionally accepted Malay as the so affected, leading to national disunity and National Language, as a vital factor for uni­ discord. fication in a multi-racial society. What the The nation as a whole in the last fourteen D.A.P. opposes and what the people at large years since Merdeka has dissipated too much fear is the use of the National Language energies on this language question. Let us as an instrument for the eventual annihilation defuse this language problem, so that all of other languages and cultures in Malaysia. Malaysians can concentrate on the problem Clause 152 of the Malaysian Constitution of economic upliftment of the have-nots. This states : can easily take place if all Malaysians will (i) accept Malay as the national language; "(I) The National Language shall be the Malay Language and shall be in such script as (ii) accept the constitutional safeguard to pre­ Parliament may by law provide : serve and sustain the use and study of other Provided that- languages by giving freedom to all other (a) no person shall be prohibited or pre­ languages in their use, growth and develop­ vented from using (otherwise than for ment. official purposes), or from teaching or learning, any other language; and The D.A.P. has been accused of attacking (b) nothing in this Clause shall prejudice Malay as the National language in the last the right of the Federal Government or general elections campaign. I challenge the of any State Government to preserve Government, which has taped all Opposition and sustain the use and study of the rally speeches at great public expense, to language of any other community in the Federation.". produce a single instance where we have done so. What we raised were the unhappi­ We submit that in this Clause, the Malaysian ness and frustration of the people at the Constitution guarantees the preservation and failure of the Government to "preserve and sustenance of other languages in the country. sustain the use and study" of other languages It means that no linguistic group in this as enshrined in the Constitution, because of country need fear the decline in use or the extreme demands by influential UMNO extinction of its language. circles for the immediate implementation of the UMNO policy of "one nation, one The spirit and intention, I submit, of the language". Constitutional safeguard is to build a multi­ lingual Malaysia with a common National The most extreme call was one which laid Language for all Malaysians. down a seven-point programme to build a 811 23 FEBRUARI 1971 82

Malaysian nation, namely the banning of supported the project and even helped to non-Malay languages, non-Malay schools, secure its registration. When N.O.C. Emer­ non-Malay signboards, non-Malay news­ gency rule was proclaimed, the Merdeka papers, non-Malay symbols, non-Malay University project was clamped down. buildings and non-Malay costumes. There were leading Malay intellectuals who I would like here to ask either the demanded that Malay shall be the only recog­ Honourable the Prime Minister or the nised Malaysian language, and that Malaysian Honourable the Minister of Education literature should only be written in the whether he agrees that the Merdeka Uni­ Malay Language. There was a Minister who versity project comes within the ambit of the described Chinese as "Mao Tse Tung's Constitutional guarantee "to preserve and language". For speaking out against these sustain the use and study of other languages" excesses and infringement of the spirit and in Article 152 (1) (b) and whether it is not letter of the Constitutional guarantee to its bounden duty, therefore, to support instead "preserve and sustain the use and study of of opposing this project. other languages", I was detained for 1 7 months under the Internal Security Act. Did Mr Speaker, Sir, there is no questioning by the Government arrest the advocate of the any Malaysian of Malay as the National 7-point programme to eliminate everything Language. What is unclear and the source of non-Malay in this country? great anxiety and resentment is the formless guarantee to "sustain and preserve the use The message is clear. Those who seek to and study of other languages." uphold the Constitutional guarantee that other languages be preserved and sustained What is important is not so much to are regarded as enemies of the National entrench the provision of Malay as the Language. A paradoxical situation has been National Language, because that is not being reached. When the Constitutional Amend­ questioned, but to spell out in clear, unambi­ ment Bill is passed, which includes the guous terms the meaning of "preserving and entrenchment of Article 152 (1) (b) with its sustaining the use and study of the other Constitutional guarantee to "preserve and sus­ languages." In this connection, it will be more tain the use and study of other languages", useful for a Parliamentary Commission to be the public will see it as in actual fact a formed to define the extent and meaning of further hardening of the Government attitude the Constitutional guarantee to "preserve and against giving other languages their rightful sustain the use and study of other languages." place in the country. Once this guarantee is spelt out and accepted The people have lost confidence in the by all Malaysians, then language will cease Government, and the Constitution it is to be a divisive force in Malaysia. charged to protect and uphold, because of 4. Special provzswns for the abuse of its wide-ranging powers of Malays-The detention without trial. D.A.P. has also been accused of opposing special rights for Malays. We again invite The people have good cause to be cynical. the Government to produce a single instance The Government's attitude towards the pro­ from our speeches and statements to show posed Merdeka University is a case in point. that we have opposed efforts to raise the The Merdeka University project was proposed economic standards of living of Malays. As to give university education opportunities to democratic socialists, we are dedicated to Chinese school-leavers. The sponsors of the the abolition of poverty and economic back­ Merdeka University announced that the wardness regardles of race. We want to project will be a multi-racial one and will create a classless community of Malaysians use multi-lingual media of instruction and based on fellowship, co-operation and service, examination system. where there is no exploitation of man by man, class by class or race by race. We The Government put all manner of support any measure which will help better obstacles and threats in the way of the the lot of the Malay poor. But we are strongly :sponsors and supporters of the project. opposed to the use of Malay special provision Although the M.C.A. denounced the project to enrich the new Malay rich to make them consistently, two days before the polling day, richer, while the mass of Malay poor remain .on 8th May 1969 it changed its stand and as poor and exploited as ever. 83 23 FEBRUARI 1971 84

There is gross social injustice and grave tion system to bring the peasants abreast with unequal distribution of wealth and income the techniques and know-how of twentieth­ in Malaysia. Over the years, the feudal­ century and a greater rate of industrialisation. compradore and tycoon class have become richer and richer, while the mass of peasantry Every Malaysian will support special rights and workers have become more and more to help the poor Malays, just as every citizen down-trodden. The problem in Malaysia is will support any special assistance to non­ complicated by an ostensible double coinci­ Malay poor, on the basis of need, and not on dence. Firstly, the class divisions in our the basis of colour or race. The greatest country appear very often to coincide with objection to the entrenchment of this provi­ communal divisions; secondly, the disparity in sion in the Constitution and its removal from incomes and productivity between urban and public discussion and debate is that the whole rural areas appears also to coincide along provision will cease to be answerable to the racial lines as towns are predominantly non­ electorate. The Government will be supreme Malay while the mass of Malays live in rural in deciding what it wants to do in this field. areas. We were earlier told that the Constitution Such urban-rural economic disparity and Amendment Bill will not affect the right of imbalance, however, is not a phenomenon any person to raise any matter relating to the peculiar to Malaysia. Similar social, economic implementation of entrenched provisions. But and cultural disparities as between rural and the latest revisions to the Constitution urban areas also confront other developing Amendment Bill which came to us only countries. This is indeed a universal problem, three days ago have considerably narrowed reflecting the slower pace of socio-economic and restricted even the right to question process in the rural as compared to the urban implemention. It is virtually impossible to areas. The key to bridging this urban-rural draw the line between questioning the prin­ imbalance is to promote greater and faster ciple and the implemention of the provision. economic growth in the rural areas, and not The price of making a mistake is to get a by embracing and implementing an evil, Sedition charge, which is liable on conviction pernicious and racialist doctrine, equating to a fine of five thousand dollars or an economic disparity and imbalance with the imprisonment of three years, or both, and the racial division in the country. disqualification to hold elected office or even to vote at elections for five years. Such Any attempt to impose racial theories and punitive provisions will only stifle and sup­ solutions to basically economic problems of press open criticims, though it cannot stamp the have-nots is dangerous as it will pit one out mounting frustration and discontent with race against another, which must culminate the matter. in a racial holocaust. It will also be founded on the monstrous falsehood that all the To understand how some quarters of the "haves" in Malaysia are non-Malays, while population see this provision, it may be the Malays are all the "have-nots." The basic necessary to recall past assurances by problem in Malaysia is an economic and Government leaders that Malay special pro­ class one, and not a racial one. visions is a temporary expedient to enable the Malay community to catch up with the The only effective way to uplift the living other communities. standards of the "have-nots" of all races is to execute meaningful socialist policies Last year, however, a Cabinet Minister untinged by racialism, as in carrying out said that Malay special rights will continue radical land reforms, beginning with the aboli­ to be a permanent feature in the country for tion of absentee landlordism in the padi "hundreds of years to come." sector and distribution of land to the tenant farmers; the creation of a comprehensive It may be useful to recall what the Reid and efficient rural credit, co-operative and Constitutional Commission Report of 1957, marketing infrastructure to free the peasants which recommended the form of Constitution from the triple curses of fragmentation, land­ we should have, had to say about special lordism and credit indebtedness; greater provisions for Malays. The majority report of diversification of agriculture and the eco­ the Reid Commission listed the four matters nomy; a modern and science-oriented educa- with regard to which the special position 85 23 FEBRUARI 1971 86 of the Malays is recognised and safeguarded : It is also an invidious system to the Malay Malay land reservations, quotas for admis­ students themselves. Are Malay students bio­ sion to the public services; quotas in respect logically and intellectually inferior to non­ of the issuing of permits of licences for the Malay students that they need such op�ration of certain businesses, chiefly road preferences? We in the DAP do not subscribe haulage and passenger vehicle for hire; and to any such theory. We believe that given preferential scholarship, bursaries and other the right environment, education and oppor­ forms of aid for educational purposes. tunity, all races can compete with each other on an equal footing. It reported that it found little opposition in any quarter to the continuance of the The fault must lie squarely on the shoulders system for a time, but there was great opposi­ of the Alliance Government for its failure tion in some quarters to any increase of the to build up a modern and science-oriented preferences and to their being continued for education system aimed at modernising the any prolonged period. The Commission re­ nation, particularly in the rural sector of our commended that the preference be continued, country. Fifteen years after the Alliance but that in due course they should be reduced national education policy, six out of every and should ultimately cease so that there ten Malay students entering the University should then be no discrimination between of Malaya still take up Malay or Islamic races or communities. studies when what is needed most are more Malay scientists, engineers and technologists. The Commission recommended that there An entire university, the University Kebang­ should be no further Malay reservation, and saan, has been formed to produce even more that no new quota or other preference could religious and language experts. be created unless specifically authorised by the Constitution. It also recommended that The Alliance can no lon ger blame the after 15 years there should be a review of British colonialists for this legacy, for if the the whole matter and that the procedure Alliance Government had been far-sighted should be that the appropriate Government enough, and had begun revolutionising the should cause a report to be made and laid education system on the achievement of before the appropriate Legislature : and that Merdeka to bring the countryside into the the Legislature should then determine either modern age, we will today be reaping the to retain or to reduce any quota or to dis­ harvests of Malay sixth-formers taking their continue it entirely. rightful and equal places in science, techno­ Mr Speaker, Sir, we are now coming to 15 logy, engineering and medical streams in years of operation of special provision to institutions of higher learning without pre­ Malays. Again, the question is not so much ferential reservation of places. to entrench this provision, as to inquire as to It is because of such failure in foresight how well this provision has helped uplift the and vision by the Alliance Government in standards of living of the mass peasantry. its last decade of rule that our present apart from creating a new class of Malay problems of nation building ...... rich, and why these 15 years later the vast peasantry are still so poor, bakward and Tuan Yang di-Pertua: May I remind the downtrodden. Honourable Member that thisis not a political The present Constitution Amendment Bill forum. You refer to the Alliance Government also seeks to empower the Government to too many times. You can refer to the reserve places for Malay students in institu­ Government. tions of higher learning, even if it means denying non-Malay students with better Tuan Lim Kit Siang: ...... have been qualifications in such plac es. made even more complicated, intractable and explosive. We regret that 14 years after the imple­ mentation of the Alliance education policy, The above subjects are now sensitive issues. it is necessary to introduce such a highly This will be the last time and the final forum divisive policy because non-Malay students where we can openly discuss this, for after who are denied places and their parents and this debate, the sinister Sedition Amendment relatives will resent such discrimination. Act will be lying in wait for its victims. 87 23 FEBRUARI 1971 88

We submit that these issues are not sensi­ mutilated and maimed. Chaos and carnage tive in the sense that any open discussion ruled the day. Emergency was proclaimed. and debate will cause a racial conflict and N.O.C. military rule replaced Parliamentary mistrust. The Governmenthas been dishonest, rule. The newly-elected Parliament was sus­ insincere and unfair in the handling of these pended, and new Opposition Members of issues, and have made them more sensitive Parliament and State Assemblymen arrested, than they should be. silenced or intimidated. I have said large sections of the Malaysian The Government's handling of the May 13 public reject the Government's arguments for racial riots and the 21 months of N.O.C. rule the necessity for this Constitutional Amend­ have not inspired a return of public confidence ment Bill for the simple reason that they in the relevance and credibility of the demo­ reject the basic premise that the May 13 cratic process to fulfill their legitimate racial riots stemmed from discussion of these aspirations. sensitive issues. Mr Speaker, Sir, May 13 Mr Speaker, Sir, let us not delude ourselves racial riots started because there were people into thinking tha once the Constitution who were not prepared to accept the verdict t Amendment Bill is passed, the country is of the people at the polls on May 10, 1969, which returned an unprecedented number of firmly set on the road back to democracy, Opposition candidates in both State and national unity and solidarity. Today, the Parliamentary elections. whole concept and relevance of Parliamentary democracy is being questioned. This is why May 10, I 969 was the highwater mark of there is no nation-wide elation and joy at the democracy in Malaysia. Never had the reconvening of Parliament, for they see as people's hopes and expectations of the demo­ Parliament's first function self-castration of cratic process to peacefully bring about the its role as the highest legislative and deliber­ political, economic and social changes they ative Chamber in the Country. want, been so high. Mr Speaker, let us be frank with ourselves. This affirmation of faith in the ballot box After May 13, 1969 and the 21 months of and democracy is all the more remarkable N.O.C. rule, more and more Malaysians of considering the active campaign of those all races are thinking horrible thoughts. The who wanted the voters to boycott the polls greatest task today is to turn them away from to discredit the Parliamentary process as these horrible thoughts which, if unchecked, "democracy is a mockery and elections a will set the stage for the confrontation of farce." violence cutting across race lines.

Even before the 1969 General Elections, This can only be done if the people of all races in this country are assured that they voices had been raised questioning the meaning and relevance of Parliamentary will have an equal place under the Malay­ democracy in Malaysia. During the general sian sun, that the objective the nation is elections campaign, there was a sustained heading towards is not a Malaysia which is movement to discredit the Parliamentary dominated by any one racial group, whether in politics, or in economics, but where every­ process by urging the voters to boycott the polls. one will have equality of opportunity to advance to the best of his ability, in a multi­ The turnout and the results of May 10, racial Malaysia. 1969 general elections was a major, but very short-lived defeat for the forces of boycott Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Can you speak a and rejection of the democratic process. In little bit slower. three day's time, the victory of the democra­ Tuan Lim Kit Siang: The prerequisite for tic Opposition turned to ashes, and the a multi-racial Malaysia, however, is the stocks of the advocates of rejection of the existence of a meaningful democratic system, democratic process rose from the nadir to where the interests and viewpoints of all unparalleled heights. May 1 3, 1969 was also Malaysians are represented by their elected a victory for those who disliked the people's spokesmen. verdict and started riots in the Federal capital to vent their anger and to frustrate the The proposal to ban so-called sensitive people's will. Malaysians were murdered, issues from public discussion, and what is 89 23 FEBRUARI 1971 90

more, to remove the privilege of Parliamentary Government ms1sts on introducing the immunity of free speech of Members of Constitution (Amendment) Bill, then it should Parliament, highlights the growing meaning­ first hold a referendum on it so that the lessness and irrelevence of Parliamentary people can give their views. democracy in Malaysia. If the Government really claims that the I do not see how any M.P. can agree to Constitution (Amendment) Bill will have the this proposal to cut his own tongue, and support of the majority of Malaysians, then break his pledge to the electorate that he a referendum will bear this out. On the other will be their champion and will fearlessly, hand, if the Government is reluctant to hold responsibly and conscientiously voice their a referendum, either because it will be rejected legitimate hopes, fears, grievances and dis­ or because it is uncertain of the reactions contents in Parliament for remedy and relief. from the public, then this is supporting The basic principle of Parliamentary demo­ evidence of our argument that the Bill does cracy is the supremacy of Parliament, as the not have majority support of the people. body elected and entrusted by the people to This should deserve serious consideration. defend, protect and advance the people's interests and welfare. It is imcompatible with The great tasks in post-May 13 Malaysia, the principle of the sovereignty of Parliament Mr Speaker, Sir, are two : that M.Ps should be stripped of the privilege (1) To restore national unity and arrest of Parliamentary immunity of free speech to the racial polarisation in this country discuss and articulate issues which closely by assuring all Malaysians, regardless touch the hearts and minds of Malaysians, of their race, that they will have an or that another non-elected unrepresentatives equal deal in Malaysia, and that by organ should have such power to discuss removing all the imbalances in the diffe­ these so-called sensitive issues. There can be rent fields of Malaysian life which cause no more effective step than this to undermine alienation and antagonism among the public confidencein democracy and strengthen races. the voice and forces of the enemies of democracy. (2) Restore the people's confidence in the Parliamentary democratic process by If there are issues which the Government genuinely operating a meaningful Par­ thinks best discussed without the presence of liamentary democracy, for without such publicity because of the feelings and emo­ a process there cannot be a genuine tions that might be aroused, the public gallery multi-racial Malaysian nation where all can be cleared, and Parliament adjourned will have an equal place under the into closed session. Under no circumstances, Malaysian sun. however, can M.Ps agree to losing their privilege of free speech and the right to take We have come to the conclusion, after up and voice the people's legitimate dis­ serious consideration, that the Constitution contents and grievances curtailed. (Amendment) Bill, which was framed with­ out due regard to the actual factors sparking It is now also proposed to entrench the off the May 13 riots, will not serve these twin so-called sensitive issues in the Constitution, objectives. so that they cannot be amended by two­ thirds majority in Parliament alone, but must We are also convinced from our contact get the consent of the Rulers in Council. with the feelings on the ground, that the This is clearly a retrograde step and another Constitution (Amendment) Bill will divide, body blow at the principle of the sovereignty rather than unite, Malaysians, and will acce­ of the people in a democratic system. Do we, lerate rather than arrest the advanced racial Mr Speaker, Sir, have the right to tie the polarisation in the country. hands of the next Parliament, presuming there is one, on such an important Constitu­ We have therefore decided, with a heavy tional principle? sense of responsibility, to oppose the Consti­ tution (Amendment) Bill. In the interest of I submit that this involves so fundamental national unity of Malaysia, we propose, an issue that the people should have the Mr Speaker, Sir, that this Constitution chance to express their wishes. This matter (Amendment) Bill be sent to an all-party was never raised in the last General Elec­ Parliamentary Commission which should be tions, and no mandate was ever given. If the set up to learn the lessons of May 13 racial 91 23 FEBRUARI 1971 92 riots and the 21 months of N.O.C. rule, and a racial confrontation accompanied by a point the solutions to a united, multi-racial, confrontation between, on the one hand, just and equal Malaysia. military violence and, on the other, guerilla violence. Such a Parliamentary Commission, which should include non-M.P. Malaysians eminent Such a double confrontation will tear this in their respective fields, should receive evi­ nation apart, and the people of Malaysia will dence and representations from interested be the worst sufferers. If we are to avoid Malaysians and Malaysian organisations to : this road to perdition, let us stand up and be clear in our minds that we must act in (1) find out the causes of the May 13 racial the manner whereby the people's confidence riots; in democracy and the cause of multi-racialism (2) determine the degree and extent of are strengthened. racial polarisation that has taken place Before I conclude, I would again urge in Malaysia in the last 21 months of every Member of Parliament not to allow N.O.C. rule; the Party to dictate his decision on this (3) to make recommendations as to how vital and fundamental question. Only the to prevent a recurrence of May 13 racial conscience of every M.P. should be the guide. riots and arrest the racial polarisation Thank you. in Malaysia; Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Persidangan ini di­ (4) define the meaning and extent of the tempohkan sa-lama 15 minit. Constitutional guarantee to "preserve and sustain the use and study of other Perskiangan di-tempohkan pada pukul 4.30 languages"; petang. (5) review the operation of the special pro­ visions to Malays for the last 15 years Persidangan di-sambong sa-mula pada to find out why it had failed to mate­ pukul 4.45 petang. rially improve the lot of the vast Malay peasantry, and to suggest solutions; (Tuan Yang di-Pertua mempengerusikan Meshuarat) (6) report on the relevance and necessity of the Constitution (Amendment) Bill Dato' K. M. James Wong (Miri-Sabis): at present before the House; Mr Speaker, Sir, in connection with the Constitution (Amendment) Bill which is (7) reconcile the different interests and before the House today, I must admit that I fears of the different races; and and my colleagues of the Sarawak National (8) propose a blueprint to chart Malaysia Party are perturbed by the broad implications on to the course towards a just and of the proposed amendments. The Honourable equal, multi-racial Malaysian nation. Prime Minister has made some explanations earlier on as to the need of these amendments Mr Speaker, Sir, if we all in this House and he has also made some assurances, in are genuine and sincere in wanting to seek particular to the Borneo States regarding the out ways and means to get this gravely position of the natives and the National divided nation onto the right tracks of unity Language. and solidarity, I do not see why this proposal should not be carried. However, I am not quite clear on some points on which he has given assurance and We are now at the crossroads of our I would take this opportunity, Mr Speaker, nation's history. Democracy is on trial. Multi­ Sir, to touch and comment broadly on the racialism is on trial. Malaysia itself is on proposed amendments as I see them. Firstly, trial. the proposed amendment particularly in respect of the muzzling of the freedom of Our decision on this Constitution (Amend­ speech touches on one of the most important ment) Bill will decide whether Malaysia principles of democracy, namely, the funda­ starts anew to build a just, equal, united, mental rights of our citizen-I repeat, the peaceful and multi-racial Malaysia, or whether fundamental rights of our citizen. It would we plunge relentlessly down the road to be a mockery to call our nation a democracy, further racial polarisation which must lead to and a Parliamentary democracy, when the 93 23 FEBRUARI 1971 94 freedom of speech has been curtailed. It it quite clear, Sir, here so that ther:e is no would be a further mockery to call this ambiguity or misconceptio� or m1s�nder­ Parliament supreme when, with the amend­ standing on this point. There is no question of ments, it is no longer so, but becomes a our acceptance of the pro�isions �lready lame duck, if not a crippled House. entrenched in the Constitution relating to citizenship, relating to th� acceptance of t�e The Honourable the Finance Minister has National Language, relating to the. special suggested that it is better to have half a privileges of the Malays and the natives and loaf than no bread. Whether Honourable also relating to the sovereignty of the �ulers. Members in this House will agree with this All these provisions are entrenched m the is another matter. I, however, view with Constitution. There is no question of the great trepidation the erosion of our funda­ acceptance of the National Language, Sir-in mental rights in the proposed amendments. point of fact, I was one of the origin�tors of Mr Speaker, Sir, it is well for us, Honourable Malaysia being one of those _who d1scuss�d Members of this House, to ask ourselves, now m it originally and one who was m�t.rumental that we have embarked on the erosion of discussing the terms and conditions of the our fundamental rights, where will this ulti­ entry of the Borneo States into Malaysia in mately lead us to. If we go f rther, w�at _ . ll: the I.G.C. This matter was settled m 1963. will the next step be like? This 1s the pomt However, looking through the proposed I feel Honourable Members should consider amendments, I am deeply perturbed to know very carefully before blithely agreeing to the that these proposed amendments as they amendments of the Constitution. I also like stand and if they are passed by the House to ask myself and Honourable Members, I will ride rough-shod over the London Agree­ suggest, should do the same. If the amen ­ . � ment and the I.G.C. In fact, to put it more ment to the Constitution is the only way m bluntly, the proposed amendments will breach which we can overcome this difficulty of the London Agreement whereby Sarawak and preventing racia trife and mai taining ra ial l s � _ � Sabah came into Malaysia. If I am wrong. harmony in this country and m this nation _ _ I shall be grateful if the Honourable the of ours, we might agree that, n the l�ght of � Prime Minister or the Honourable the the May 13 disturbance� and •n the hght of . . Attorney-General will kindly correct me. possible abuses by certam poht1. cians of what However, I do not think I am wrong in this are known as sensitive issues which had respect. The implications involved in the resulted in the May 13 tragedy, some form breaching of the London Agreement will_ have of curb or restriction may have to be placed grave repercussions and for this reason I on the citizens of this nation and oblige would ask the Honourable the Prime Minister them to act more responsibility both in their and his colleagues to please have a careful speech and in their actions. However, I mu t � look again on the proposed amendments to question whether or not the Govern ent is � the Constitution. I am sure all of us in this making the proposed amend ents m t�e � . . House would like to avoid the position where­ manner set out in the Bill and is domg it m by the foundation of Malaysia itself is open the right way. M st we tear ut the funda­ ? � to question by the introduction and t�e mental rights which we chensh because of passing in the House of the Amendment Bill irresponsible politi ians and �ust w make � � in toto. this Parliament a cnppled Parham�n� m �rder to make it the servant of the Admm1stration? Which is more supreme, the Administration Touching on the taking away of Parlia­ mentary privileges of Parliamentarians, as or the Parliament? Surely, on the matter of well as State Assemblymen, I feel most law and order, it would be up to the Adminis­ strongly, and my colleagues share this with tration and up to the security forces to see that Jaw and order be maintained. me, that this is a most retrogressive step for a nation like Malaysia to take. Whilst we see The Honourable Member who has spoken the possible merits and the necessity of having before me on this side of the House had restrictions on discussions on the so-called earlier on said, and I feel rightly so, that sensitive issues outside the Chambers of it would be difficult, if not impossible, to Parliament and State Legislatures, I cannot prevent people �rom discus�ing the sensitive think of any reason which will support an issues in the pnvacy of their homes or else­ insult to all the elected Members of Parlia­ where; therefore, is it a right thing for us to ment and State Assemblies. This, Mr Speaker, curtail it even in this House? May I make Sir, is also an insult to Parliament itself 95 23 FEBRUARI 1971 96 and, in this respect, to your Honourable self, then even a mistake unknowingly made Mr Speaker. Nowhere else in the Common­ touching on the sensitive issues will not be wealth, of which we are a member, has such excused and the Honourable Member will be a step been taken to deny Honourable subject to prosecution. The Constitution, I Members of their Parliamentary privileges in believe, in this respect will allow for no the House itself. Surely, there are more ways latitude for an offence made. It is, therefore, than one to kill a cat than to resorting to absolutely essential for us, Sir, to ponder muzzling MPs in this House. Please do not over this particular amendment by taking forget that Members of Parliament are elected away the parliamentary privileges very, very representatives of the people and each and carefully. everyone of them are the means whereby Let us question ourselves unemotionally the people of Malaysia can voice their hopes, their needs, their anxieties, their aspirations whether the amendment to the Constitution and their fears. If these collective voices of is the only way, and is the only answer, in ours cannot be heard and a dialogue carried this particular respect. Would it not be better out within the sanctified walls of this Cham­ to make provisions in the Standing Orders ber, then let us ask ourselves, "What are we relating to the disciplining of Honourable here for? To enjoy half a loaf of bread?" Members of this House on the conduct of Furthermore, Sir, has consideration been Members of Parliament in the Dewan Ra'ayat given to important implications which have and State Legislatures. Perhaps it will be better to give more power and authority to risen as a result of these amendments ? May I ask you, Sir, and the mover of the motion, you, Sir, as the Speaker of the House, to stop "Where do we draw the line on the sensitive a Member who touches on the sensitive issues issues and the non-sensitive issues?" We have immediately and to make sure that any Member who does so will immediately be been told that whilst we cannot discuss or question the principles of the issue itself, dealt with by the Privilege Committee and however, we can, I believe-I still need some subject to the Special Privileges Committee assurances on this score from the Honour­ discipline. The Member could be suspended able the Prime Minister-question the imple­ immediately after the Privileges Committee mentation of the sensitive issues. Am I right? has made a decision; or if he is found guilty of deliberately touching on the sensitive issues, then he could be suspended from Parliament May I ask again where does one draw the for a period of time. I am sure this House line when one speaks in this House when could find a way or means of making the questioning the issues and when questioning uunishment to fit the offence or the crime. Of the implementation of the issues. We are not ourse arguments will no doubt be put all lawyers in this House but, with respect, c forward. I suggest that even Honourable Members of this House who are members of the learned The Honourable Prime Minister has earlier profession may find difficulty in "splitting the on elaborated that some members of the hair". public might hear what had been spoken particularly by an offending Member in this Another aspect which must be borne in House. But the fact is that the Sedition Act, mind, Sir, is that with the passing of this which applies outside the Chamber, will amendment Bill in toto every Honourable preclude any newspapers or persons from Member of this House will have the Sword repeating what has been said in the Chamber. of Damocles, as an Honourable Member has I am sure, Sir, that this would act as a spoken earlier on, hanging over our respec­ deterrent for irresponsible members of the tive heads. Suppose any one of us should public to go out spreading what has been said inadvertently, in the course of our speech, in this House. I am sure, Sir, that with this touch on the sensitive issues, then the Honour­ sort of discipline hanging over the heads of able Member will find that when he walks all Members to behave themselves in this out of the Chamber he will be arrested under House, I think they would act responsibly the Sedition Act, 1948, as amended by the and think carefully before they touch on the Emergency Essential Powers Ordinance sensitive issues. No. 45 of 1970. The onus of responsibility will lie with Honourable Members and not May, I, therefore, respectfully suggest to with you, Mr Speaker, Sir. If the law as a the Honourable Prime Minister and to all result of this amendment is being carried out, Honourable Members of this House that the 97 23 FEBRUARI 1971 98

question of parliamentary privileges be sent Now I come to the special position of the down to a Select Committee for consideration natives in the Borneo States. Another aspect on ways and means of disciplining Honour­ of the proposed Constitution (Amendment) able Members through the Privileges Com­ Bill that I and my colleagues are rather mittee rather than through the amendment of concerned is that the proposed Clause 8 of the Constitution. In this respect, Sir, we the Bill will erase certain special provisions would be, if this proposed amendment passes of the natives of the Borneo States as pro­ through, if I may put it crudely, the vided in the Constitution in Article 161A, "laughing stock" to other members of the Clauses (1), (2) and (3). I would like to point Commonwealth, in that we would be the only out to you, Mr Speaker, Sir, and to the House, Parliament where the special privileges that there is again a breach of the London accorded to Members of Parliament do not Agreement and the Inter-Governmental Com­ apply. mittee Report with the implications involved thereto. Now, Sir, may I touch on the question of the National Language. I have said earlier on I suggest that this matter be looked into that our acceptance of the National Language again by the Government and the Mover of is no more an issue and will not be ques­ the amendment. The ridiculous result of the tioned. However, I wish to point out that proposed amendment has resulted in a con­ with the introduction of Clause (6) in para­ tradiction between the proposed Clause (9A) graph 5 relating to Article 152 of the of Article 153 and the proposed Cl ause 8 of Constitution, the proposed amendment reads : the Bill, the net result of which has been "(6) In this Article, "official purpose" means any to take away the special position enjoyed by purpose of the Government, whether Federal or the natives in the Borneo States. I believe State, and includes any purpose of a public authority.". here, again, the Honourable Prime Minister earlier on gave an assurance that these do not This Clause will conflict with Article apply to the natives of the Borneo States. 161 (1), which reads : Well, if that is the case, then I suggest, Sir, "(I) No Act of Parliament terminating or that a suitable amending Clause should be restricting the use of the English language for included in the proposed Amendment Bill. any of the purposes mentioned in Clauses (2) to (5) of Article 152 shall come into operation as regards the use of the English language in any Another factor which I feel I have to bring case mentioned in Clause (2) of this Article until to the notice of this House in connection with ten years after Malaysia Day.". the National Language is this. Under the London Agreement, until 1973, or until The Honourable Prime Minister, I believe, Parliament so decides, English will remain as has given assurance that this will not affect one of the official languages in Sarawak. the Borneo States; and if this is the intention, This is not because that we in Sarawak are I would suggest that the Constitution be not keen on the National Language. It is amended suitably to give this assurance in merely, however, an example of the educa­ the amendment itself. tional backwardness of Sarawak and possibly As I said earlier on, this Clause conflicts. Sabah in relation to our West Malaysian The reasons for this are obvious. The addition brethren. People in West Malaysia, Sir, have of Clause (6) to Article 152 of the Constitu­ long enjoyed better schools and facilities. tion, if passed by this House, will cancel You have had universities and other higher Article 161 (1) and therefore breaches the institutions of learning here long before we London Agreement and the Inter-Govern­ have them in the Borneo States. Students in mental Committee Report. West Malaysia enjoy an uninterrupted free education of nin years from Primary I to To overcome this difficulty, I propose the e Form 111-1 believe I am correct in saying inclusion after the word "State" in this addi­ this-which I understand is the comprehen­ tional proposed Clause (6) of Article 152 the sive education system. We in Sarawak, following words, "other than the Borneo however-and how many Honourabl Mem­ States" so that the new Clause should read e bers of this House are aware of this-have to as follows : compulsorily-I repeat "compulsorily"-fail "(6) In this Article, "official purpose" means 70% of our Primary VI students-am I any purpose of the Government, whether Federal or State, other than the Borneo States, and correct. Sir?-and also to compulsorily fail includes any purpose of a public authority.". 60%_ in our Form III students. This has been 99 23 FEBRUARI 1971 100 the result of the past and the present, I Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Please confine your would say, failures of the Administration. remarks to the Bill in question. We do not have enough teachers, nor do we have enough schools, nor do we have enough Dato' K. M. James Wong: Yes. In order textbooks. It is, therefore, an educational to accelerate Bahasa Malaysia, Sir, I feel it imbalance-I say "educational imbalance"­ is very essential that education should be between East Malaysia and West Malaysia. accelerated and the educational institutions The Government has done something on this, be made available in Sarawak; otherwise, but not enough has been done since Malaysia Sir, the time will come in the next two or Day; and the position remains today as it three years, again, when the very issue of was five years ago in as far as the problem Bahasa Malaysia itself will be questioned. of backward education in Sarawak goes­ People will ask whether we are ready for it and I am referring to primary and secondary and if we are not ready for it, can we question education and not higher education-and whether Bahasa Malaysia should be intro­ as far as the imbalance of education between duced into Sarawak then? Can we discuss East and West Malaysia is concerned. the problem? When we speak of imbalance and when the The moral of what I have said earlier on, words "imbalance" and "under-privileged" Sir, is that I do hope the Government will are being used in this House and elsewhere, accelerate education and the use of Bahasa I pray, Sir, that the educational and indeed Malaysia by giving us more teachers and the economic imbalance in the Borneo States, other facilities. and Sarawak, in particular (as I think our Sabah friends are richer in this respect) I touch briefly here, Sir, on scholarships. should not be forgotten; and the gap must be I understand that this is now being trans­ narrowed and priority given to the Borneo ferred to the Federal Government. It used to States. We have repeatedly asked for more be under the State and the Public Services teachers to teach Bahasa Malaysia especially Commission did the selection. What guaran­ in the rural areas, but so far I am sorry to tees and assurance have we in the State that say, Sir, with negligible results on the ground. in view of our educational backwardness we I believe the Honourable Minister of Educa­ will receive a bigger quota of scholarships tion will bear me out on this. It is no use for studies both in the Federal Capital as implementing Bahasa Malaysia urgently well as overseas. Perhaps, the Honourable Prime Minister will care to give an assurance when the people are not given the opportu­ on this point. nity to be ready for it and at this rate we are going in Sarawak, I predict that we shall Mr Speaker, Sir, I believe I have touched not be ready for it yet by 1973, unless on most aspects of the proposed amend­ something urgently is done on this. This is a ments. I now ask the Honourable Members challenge for the Government and, in parti­ of this House to give ear and give heed to cular, for the Federal Government and I myself and my colleagues as to how myself hope the Federal Government will give and my colleagues feel in this matter. Please remember the repercussions. Let us hasten urgent priority to this matter. It is useless to slowly nd if I may use a Bahasa Malaysia adopt policies and resolutions if they are not a phrase. "Biar lambat, shukor selamat." Let us being translated and carried on. ponder over this proposed Amendment care­ May I in this respect, Sir, ask the Govern­ fully, so that the best interests of the nation ment whether there is provision in the next are served, so that we are all united and happy Five-Year Plan for a University or a College with the proposed amendments made to the in Sarawak for Agriculture and for higher best interests of our country and its people. education. The Honourable Prime Minister earlier on said, Sir, that we are trustees of the people. Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Are you speaking on I have expressed my views here to this House the Bill? as a trustee of the people, and as trustees of the people, I think we should act very Dato' K. M. James Wong: I am speak­ responsibly. There is the need possibly for ing on the Bill and this concerns education, curtailing the speeches and the freedom of Sir. I am still touching on Bahasa Malaysia. speech outside the House and possibly in the 101 23 FEBRUARI 1971 102

Parliament, which I disagree with, but it is Why is it that there are some people up to the Honourable Members of this House amongst us who cannot be as fair-minded or to decide. Let us not, for the benefit of the as worthy or as honourable-the agitators, moment, sacrifice our future and the future the rabble rousers, the race-baiters? It is of democracy. precisely because of this, that we have been weighed in the balance and found wanting, Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Usually, after a very that today our Prime Minister, Y.A.B. Tun wise saying, one sits down (Ketawa). Razak, in proposing these amendments, has to put the seal as it were on these solemn Dato' K. M. James Wong: Thank you, undertakings between all the races. Thereafter Sir. the agitators, rabble rousers, race-baiters, and others shall no longer have a field day. Dr Chu Chee Peng (Kluang Selatan): Tuan Sir, we in the M.C.A. and in the Alliance Yang di-Pertua, saya berbesar hati di-beri are determined to see these amendments peluang mengambil bahagian dalam per­ through. Malays and Chinese, Malays and bahathan pada hari ini. Tujuan saya ia-lah non-Malays, we cannot be at each others' menyokong dengan sa-penoh2-nya atas soal throats every day and every night. Why Pindaan Perlembagaan bagaimana yang di­ should we be and for no reason at all? Is chadangkan dalam persidangan kita pada there unemployment or land hunger? Is there masa sekarang. Oleh sebab-nya saya maseh poverty and backwardness? Let us look for belum chukup fluent dalam bahasa Malaysia, the real causes of these ills of present-day Tuan Yang di-Pertua, dengan segala hormat­ society, not blame them on the agreements nya saya minta izin memberi uchapan saya between the races, and let us come up with dalam bahasa lnggeris. real solutions to real and pressing problems. (Dengan izin) Mr Speaker, Sir, this Parlia­ Mr Speaker, Sir, the Malaysian Chinese ment, the third in the history of Malaysia, community is today a much more united marks a brave new attempt to make a go of community. United w shall do our duty and representative government in this country. e honour all the agreements we have made with Appropriately therefore, we begin with the our Malay brothers. first step-to put beyond further question by anyone whatever what is essentially that I emphasise that in the beginning we have portion of the Constitution which is the result had some misgivings about these amendments. of an agreement, reached before Merdeka, The exercise to recall citizenship certificates among the major communities. To say that issued under Article 30 of the Constitution this agreement is a binding agreement had caused a wave of apprehension and solemnly entered into by all the races, would anxiety. How can the proposed amendments be to put it too simply. This agreement is the be said to be fair if they are going to first foundation of modern Malaya and of modern take away citizenship from some 277,000 of Malaysia. Here is the heart, the crux of the our citizens? Sir, we have sought clarification whole matter-the give and take, then the on this point. We have obtained the clarifica­ tion we need and our fears have now been understanding, later to be spelled out into the allayed. Sir, with your indulgence, I quote terms of agreement, freely arrived at and more or less in full Part III of a special Paper solemnly entered into on behalf of all of us, released by no less than the Honourable the between two great and worthy and honour­ Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for able gentlemen, between the Tengku as the Home Affairs. Part III of this Paper is so father of independence and the late Tun Tan vitally important that I express the hope that Cheng Lock-you give us citizenship as the all Malaysians will come to know of its British did, we recognise that you have a contents. I begin to quote : special position with special privileges as you "The re-examination of certificates issued already had under the British, together as under Article 30 has been undertaken brothers beneath the skin we accept that because it has been discovered that a large Malay be our National Language and number of these certificates are not in eventually our sole official language, while order in the sense that they were issued you accept that we shall continue to use other to people who were, to begin with, not languages for other than official purposes. entitled to be considered under this Article. 103 23 FEBRUARI 1971 104

The certificates subject to re-examination included. There are also those who are those issued before 4th November hold certificates under the Federation 1964. Up to that date 277,848 certificates of Malaya Agreement of 1 948 and have been issued, of which 9,092 certi­ who have lost them but there was no ficates had already been verified before the provision for the issue of a duplicate present exercise was undertaken leaving copy. Now that there is provision to a total of 268,756 to be checked. The issue duplicate copies, Article 30 laminated certificates issued after 4 Novem­ certificates issued on this account ber 1964 need not be returned for have to be withdrawn. checking. It must be pointed out that the exercise If an Article 30 certificate is issued to to recall and re-examine these certificates is anyone it implies that he is a citizen by not aimed at depriving the holders of their operation of law but that he has some citizenship. It is a matter of rationalising the doubt which is clarified by the issue of such System, of making sure that they hold a certi­ a certificate. The Government however dis­ ficate under the proper Article of the covered that there are persons who should Constitution. have been citizens under some other If the Article 30 Certificate now held by Articles of the Constitution but who have any person is not in order he should take been given certificates under Article 30. steps to obtain a certificate under the proper The re-examination has been confined to Article. The applications received from all the following cases : such persons are given priority and their blue ( 1) Where there is real doubt that identity cards need not be changed to red persons to whom the certificates are identity cards nor are they required to take issued, are citizens by operation of law; out work permits for employment purposes. (2) Where there is no doubt at all that Out of 277,000 certificates issued under such persons are citizens by operation of Article 30 before 4 November 1964 only law; 45,078 certificates have so far been returned. If the certificates are found in order they will (3) Where certificates are issued as a be returned to the holder with the following result of fraud or misrepresentation or con­ endorsement- cealment of material fact such as is dis­ closed in the application forms or by (a) Checked and found to be in order on subsequent evidence; prima facie evidence contained in the application form; or (4) Where certificates purporting to be (b) There is no doubt as to the holder's issued under Article 30 are wrongly issued citizenship by operation of law. in the following four instances- (a) Persons who should be citizens by Of the 45,078 certificates returned to-date, registration; 35,3 17 have been checked and found to be in order. 7,424 were found not in order, leaving (b) Persons who should be citizens by a balance of only 2,337 still to be verified or naturalisation; decided upon. " ...... Here I end the (c) Persons already citizens by virtue of quotation. the fact that they have been Mr Speaker, Sir, of the 45,078 certificates included in the citizenship certificates returned to-date, 35,317 have been checked of their parents; and found to be in order-in other words, (d) Persons who are already citizens by 80 % . It is sometimes said that government registration or naturalisation who must not only be fair, government must be have lost their citizenship certificates seen to be fair. Sir, I congratulate the Govern­ and therefore require a replacement. ment. Credit to whom credit is due. On this Article 30 certificates were issued issue the government has been seen to be fair. to these people merely because there Our Chinese people and all other holders of was no provision to issue extracts or Article 30 certificates would be well advised certified true copies of their certifi­ to hand in their certificates as quickly as cates or the certificates of their possible for examination and verification. I parents, in which their names were expect the rush will be on before long. 105 23 FEBRUARI 1971 106

This issue having been clarified, there can Sir, we are confronted with the thorny be no valid objection now to the passing of the problems of race and language and sometimes Constitution (Amendment) Bill. We are not even the problem of religion. Just now, as I overly concerned about the niceties, the mentioned. we are confronted with unemploy­ trimmings of democracy. Parliament remains ment and land hunger, with poverty and supreme and we in the Alliance are committed backwardness. as much as ever to democratic institutions and to the elective process. The woods are lonely, dark, and deep But we have promises to keep, Sir, we are not a one-race party or a one­ race government. Only the other day at the And miles to go before we sleep. Commonwealth Heads of Government Con­ Sir, the moment these amendments are passed, ference in Singapore our Prime Minister. put from that very moment the light begins to his signature for and on behalf of all Malaysia shine through. to the Zambian Declaration of Principle which states, among other things, that "we recognise Mr Speaker, Sir, thank you. (Tepok). racial discrimination in all its forms as an unmitigated social evil and we uphold the Tuan Yang di-Pertua: If there is no other belief that racial prejudice, wherever it may speaker, I would remind all Members that to be found, seriously hampers the healthy deve­ reserve their speeches for tomorrow is not lopment of all nations and all peoples". good enough. There is still one hour's time if you all wish to make any speeches. Through all the vicissitudes of these past years, the Alliance remains a multi-racial Tuan Hashim bin Gera (Parit): Tuan Yang Malaysian party ...... di-Pertua, di-hadapan kita pada hari ini terbentang Rang Undang'2 (Pindaan) Perlem­ Dato' S. P. Seenivasagam: Can this House bagaan untok kita pinda. Saya tidak bercha­ be used as a political platform to propagate kap panjang sa-bagaimana rakan2 saya yang the party? telah lalu, hanya dengan rengkas sahaja. Kita akan meminda Perlembagaan. Yang Tuan Yang di-Pertua: I do not see any pertama untok menyekat Ahli2 Parlimen political platform. berchakap atas kebebasan-nya; yang kedua berkenaan dengan bahasa Melayu, yang Dr Chu Chee Peng: . . . . and the Alliance Government remains a government imbued ketiga Hak lstimewa Orang Melayu dan with a Malaysian centred consciousness to yang ke-empat-nya untok mereservekan seek Malaysian objectives, dedicated as ever tempat2 pelajaran dan biasiswa dengan kuasa to the welfare of all Malaysians. Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong di-mana juga dalam Meanwhile we shall deliver the fruits of sekolah2 dan universiti2 dalam negeri ini. Parliamentary democratic government-a rapid expansion of the economy on all fronts, Tuan Yang di-Pertua, segaia2 yang akan full employment, housing, education, health di-pinda oleh pehak Kerajaan ini ada-lah and other social amenities, in other words, a Kerajaan telah sedar atas kesilapan2 yang growing national cake, a bigger slice for all, telah lalu ia-itu daripada pengajaran 13 Mei. higher incomes, more business, higher Yang demikian dengan meminda Perlem­ standards of living, a rising tide of prosperity. bagaan ini Kerajaan berharap apa-kah akan Sir, let the people of Malaysia know that in dapat mengelakkan peristiwa itu berlaku dan practical terms this is what it means to pass berharap akan dapat menubohkan sa-buah the Constitutional amendments. negara yang aman dan ma'amor kapada sakalian bangsa tidak kira ugama di-dalam With courage and with confidence let us Malaysia ini. Tetapi saya berasa ragu2 therefore move forward with the first step. barangkali Perlembagaan yang hendak di­ We must and we shall pass these amendments pinda ini sa-bagai satu Undang2 yang di-buat so that the road to nation building may remain oleh Kerajaan sa-bagaimana kata Aristotle, the road of peace. We must and we shall pass sa-orang falsapah bangsa ltali, Undang2 these amendments so that united in one family di-buat oleh pehak yang berkuasa itu hanya we may establish before all men a govern­ untok mengekalkan kuasa-nya di-dalam negeri ment of Malaysia by Malaysians for all itu, jika di-salah-gunakan oleh pehak2 yang Malaysians. lain. 107 23 FEBRUARI 1971 108

Bagi pehak bangsaz asing, saudara2 saya Sebab itu jangan-lah bangsa asing bimbang orang2 Tionghua, orang2 India dan juga Parti2 bahawa istimewa ini akan melebehkan Pembangkang sa-patut-nya dan tidak-lah patut kapada Melayu, tidak. pada pendapat say a ia membangkang atas usul2 yang di-kemukakan oleh Kerajaan ini. Nombor empat, penuntut2 Melayu memang Kerana mithal-nya bahasa Melayu, di-dalam benar mengikut daripada banchi di-dalam Perlembagaan ini sudah mengatakan bahawa buku ini bahawa anak2 Melayu amat-lah bahasa Melayu itu bahasa rasmi 10 tahun sa­ berkurangan masok ka-dalam sekolah2 mene­ lepas merdeka akan di-jadikan bahasa rasmi ngah dan sa-terus-nya ka-universiti, oleh di-dalam negeri ini. Tetapi harj ini sudah kerana kesedaran Kerajaan itu hendak masok 13 tahun merdeka belum juga memberi peluang kapada orang Melayu, di-jadikan bahasa rasmi dengan arti kata kesalahan itu bukan kesalahan sa-siapa, tetapi yang sa-benar2-nya, kerana kelalaian dan kesalahan Kerajaan sendiri yang mengabai­ tidak tegas bagi pehak Kerajaan mengikut kan pelajaran2 anak2 Melayu terutama-nya apa yang di-adakan di-dalam Perlembagaan sekolah di-luar bandar. Bila masa-nya ber­ ini, dan tidak-lah juga patut bangsa asing kehendakkan cherdek pandai terdiri daripada berasa waspada, bimbang, mengatakan anak orang2 Melayu memang kurang, sebab bahawa bahasa-nya akan lenyap dari bumi sekolah2 di-luar bandar tidak ada sekolah Malaysia Barnt ini, kerana di-dalam Perlem­ menengah, guru2 di-sekolah menengah di-luar bagaan 152 ini di-dalam Fasal (6) ada bandar tidak ada guru yang berijazah sampai berkata : Fasal ini tidak menyentoh hak hari ini juga, kebetulan pula sa-tengah dari­ Kerajaan; (a) tiada boleh sa-siapa di-larang pada anak2 Melayu bila di-hantarkan ka­ atau di-tahan memakai kechuali untok sekolah menengah di-luar bandar apabila dia maksud2 r asmi, atau mengajar, atau belajar tamat belajar daripada universiti dengan bahasa lain, sebab itu tidak-lah boleh bangsa2 serta-merta ia notis kapada Kerajaan tidak asing bimbang yang bahasa dia itu akan mahu mengajar di-luar bandar. Jadi dengan lenyap daripada bumi Malaysia, malahan sebab kesedaran Kerajaan pada hari ini untok pada hari ini berjuta2 ringgit pehak Kemen­ memberi peluang kapada penuntut2 Melayu, terian Pelajaran telah membiayai: ka-sekolah2 anak2 Melayu di-luar bandar supaya dapat China, ka-sekolah2 Tamil dalam negeri ini. meneruskan pelajaran-nya ka-Universiti tidak­ Sekarang Keraj aan hendak menjadikan dia lah patut di-tentang, atau pun di-bahathkan, sa-benar2 sa-bagaimana erti kata di-dalam di-bangkang oleh pehak2 saudara saya bangsa Perlembagaan ini tidak-lah mustahak patut asing. Kerumitan anak2 Melayu sa-lama ini mereka itu menentang. masok ka-sekolah2 menengah dan universiti2 ada banyak rintangan-nya, tetapi saya tidak Yang Ketiga, Hak Istimewa Orang2 dapat memberi bukti hitam puteh atas sebab2- Melayu, kedudokan istimewa, istimewa arti­ nya itu sa-lain daripada kekurangan sekolah nya di-dalam kamus di-sekolah, sa-bagai di-luar bandar, kekurangan guru yang ber­ saya sa-orang guru sekolah Melayu, ma'ana ijazah dan ada beberapa banyak sabotage istimewa arti-nya sa-suatu perkara yang lagi di-dalam sekolah2 menengah di-bandar2 tidak boleh di-dapati oleh orang lain hanya juga, ia-itu menakutkan anak2 Melayu masok sa-orang, tetapi hari ini apa-kah arti istimewa ka-dalam bahagian sains, tetapi saya tidak di-dalam Perlembagaan ini, maseh umum, dapat memberi kata hitam puteh-nya dengan sedangkan orang Melayu di-katakan istimewa sa-benar. Ini ia-lah rungutan daripada ibu dalam jawatan Kerajaan Division I, orang bapa kanak2 orang Melayu sendiri. Melayu ada istimewa di-dalam tanah Malay Reservation, semua-nya itu tidak ada istimewa Sekian-lah, Tuan Yang di-Pertua, dan pada hari ini, semua-nya boleh di-dapati oleh kapada tuan2 pehak2 Parti Pembangkang, bangsaz asing, oleh saudara2 saya bangsa lain saya berharap bahawa pindaan ini akan men­ yang ada di-dalam negeri ini. Jadi istimewa dapat sokongan supaya Parlimen dapat di­ yang ada di-sini tidak-lah menepati kata yang pulehkan saperti sedia kala. Terima kaseh. sa-benar-nya, sebab apa yang di-katakan itu (Tepok). semua boleh di-dapati oleh ra'ayat yang ada di-dalam negeri ini. Istimewa yang ada di-sini Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Meshuarat di-tang­ sa-olah2 sa-bagai satu perkataan sajak yang gohkan sa-lama 10 minit. di-tinggalkan oleh Lord Reid dalam Perlem­ bagaan ini kapada orang Melayu, istimewa, Persidangan di-tempohkan pada pukul istimewa, tetapi istimewa-nya tidak ada apa2. 5.48 petang. 109 23 FEBRUARI 1971 110

Persidangan di-sambong sa-mula pada oleh kerana kami sa-bagai orang Melayu pukul 5.55 petang. memberi tolak-ansor dengan sa-jujor2-nya kapada saudara2 kita bangsa asing di-negeri (Tuan Yang di-Pertua mempengerusikan ini. M eshuarat) Jadi apabila satu2 perkara, satu2 agreement Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Ahli2 Yang Ber­ yang telah di-buat di-antara pehak orang hormat, saya suka hendak menerangkan China, orang Melayu dan orang India, pada kapada Ahli2 Yang Berhormat, ada pun masa itu belum ada D.A.P. dan lain2 parti, dengan permintaan daripada saya juga, masa maka agreement atau perjanjian itu saperti perbahathan di-atas Rang Undang2 ini sudah kita sa-orang manusia, maka perjanjian itu di-Ianjutkan, kalau tidak salah di-beri tujoh mesti-lah kita patohi dan tidak boleh di­ hari, tetapi jikalau tidak ada siapa2 yang ungkit2 lagi. Jikalau orang China mengungkit, hendak berchakap, saya akan pendekkan orang India mengungkit, orang Melayu pun masa-nya. boleh mengungkit juga. Dengan sebab itu­ Iah saya fikir Mei 13 telah terjadi. Raja Nong Chik bin Raja Ishak (Kuala Selangor): Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya ada­ Berkenaan dengan bahasa tadi, di-dalam lah menyokong dengan sa-penoh2-nya di-atas Perlembagaan kita ada menyatakan, Yang pindaan Rang Undang2 yang di-bawa oleh Amat Berhormat Tun Abdul Razak telah Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri kita. menyatakan bahawa bahasa China tidak akan Say.a menyokong oleh kerana saya tidak habis di-dunia ini, bahasa Tamil tidak akan hendak berchakap di-atas perkara berkenaan habis di-dunia ini, bahasa Tamil akan terus­ dengan 13 Mei, oleh sebab jikalau saya ber­ menerus di-pakai di-dunia ini, bahasa China chakap dengan perkara 13 Mei, kalau dia juga terus-menerus di-pakai di-negeri ini. korek lobang itu, makin lama makin dalam Tidak boleh siapa yang menyekat, atau (Ketawa). Jikalau makin lama makin dalam, menahan bahasa China, atau bahasa Tamil ta'kan dapat kesimpulan apa2, melainkan di-larang di-pakai di-negeri ini, ada di-tulis pergadohan dan perkauman2 Iebeh tebal nanti. di-dalam Perlembagaan. Hari2 orang China Dengan sebab itu, hendak di-salahkan siapa, dengan orang China berchakap China, hari2 tidak dapat kita salahkan. orang India dengan orang India berchakap India, hari2 orang Melayu dengan orang Tadi, pehak Pembangkang menyatakan China berchakap orang puteh; tidak siapa Pindaan Undang2 ini jikalau di-luluskan kata­ yang menyekat. Jikalau ada di-negeri kita, nya ada-lah satu threat, intimidated dan ada orang menyekat, orang itu barangkali threat kapada pehak Pembangkang, tetapi kepala-nya sudah pusing sadikit. pehak Parti PAS menyatakan, ada-lah nampak-nya menyokong penoh di-atas Pin­ Jadi, Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya dahulu daan Perlembagaan ini. Ini satu daripada belajar di-Universiti China. Di-negeri China perkara yang saya bawa terutama sa-kali ia­ sendiri ada orang Hokkien, ada orang Can­ itu Bahasa Kebangsaan, dalam Article 152. tonese, ada orang Shanghai, ada orang Bagaimana pehak PAS mengatakan ia-itu Kwongsi, tetapi di-Universiti2 di-negeri China, Bahasa Kebangsaan, bahasa Melayu. Kita bahasa lain tidak boleh di-gunakan, melain­ telah bertolak ansor sa-belum kita menchapai kan Mandarin, National Language dia, kemerdekaan dahulu. Lebeh baik saya ber­ Official Language dia, tetapi di-negeri ini, chakap terus-terang, daripada di-sorokkan, saya sayang, ia-itu mengatakan higher di-sorokkan lama perkara ini akan timbul lagi. learning hendak-lah di-gunakan bermacham2 Jikalau pada masa itu orang Melayu terutama bahasa. Tujuan kita, saya perchaya, Bahasa sa-kali, tidak bertolak ansor, tidak mahu ber­ Kebangsaan ini pasti di-pakai oleh tiap2 tolak ansor berkenaan dengan Bahasa Ke­ orang yang menjadi warganegara, juga yang bangsaan dan warganegara pada masa itu, tidak menjadi warganegara di-negeri kita ini lepas sahaja kita menchapai kemerdekaan, ia-itu untok menyatu-padukan, menyatu­ chuma ada 300,000 sahaja bangsa asing yang padukan bukan dalam satu hari, bukan dalam telah menjadi warganegara di-Tarrah Melayu. sa-puloh hari, tetapi dalam sa-puloh tahun, Pada masa itu jikalau bangsa2 asing takut, lima belas tahun yang akan datang. Orang boleh jadi. oleh kerana 300,000 dengan kita, apa bangsa sa-kali pun dapat bertutor 3,000,000 orang Melayu, tetapi kerana kita dengan baik dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan. longgarkan citizenship tadi, maka beratus2 Jadi itu-lah sebab2-nya mustahak-lah sa-kali ribu telah menjadi warganegara di-negeri ini, Bahasa Kebangsaan ini menjadi bahasa rasmi 111 23 FEBRUARI 1971 112 yang tunggal di-negeri ini. Sa-balek-nya tidak katakan oleh Freedom of Speech-jikalau pula di-larang siapa2 berchakap bahasa:2 lain. sa-kira-nya pindaan ini di-luluskan ber­ Jadi dengan sebab itu saya perchaya saudara2 ma'ana-lah demokrasi habis di-negeri ini, saya orang China, orang India, orang puteh tidak boleh kita berchakap lagi, ta' dapat ta' payah takut, ia-itu bahasa2 mereka akan kita berchakap dan akan di-sekat Ahli2 hapus daripada tanah ayer kita ini. Tadi juga Parlimen berchakap dalam Parlimen ini. Saya ada saudara saya daripada Sarawak menyata­ fikir lebeh baik-lah kita adakan guided demo­ kan London Agreement dan sa-bagai-nya. cracy daripada bertumpah darah sa-bagai­ London Agreement ada-lah di-sain di-antara mana yang telah terjadi pada 13 Mei. Jadi orang puteh dengan orang Malaysia. Di­ guided democracy yang ada, kalau di-kata­ antara orang puteh dengan kita; orang puteh kan guided democracy, biar-lah guided demo­ sudah chabut, orang puteh sudah ta' ada. cracy asalkan ra'ayat di-luar selamat nanti. agreement itu boleh di-tukar2• Jadi itu ta' Jadi biar-lah kita berchakap dengan sa-chara payah kita takut kerana orang puteh sudah yang lain, yang boleh menaikkan atau mening­ ta' ada, dan orang puteh tidak boleh menang­ gikan hidup bangsa2 yang dudok di-negeri kap kita lagi. ini. Jadi saya tidak mengatakan sa-kira-nya pindaan ini di-luluskan, maka cripple-lab Tuan Yang di-Pertua, berkenaan dengan atau pun habis-lah, atau lemah-lah atau hak istimewa orang Melayu sampai sekarang patah-lah Parlimen ini. Parlimen akan terus empat belas tahun kita telah merdeka, kita berjalan dan kita boleh berchakap di-atas tahu bagaimana keadaan orang2 Melayu. Pe­ perkara2, mithal-nya hak2 asasi orang Melayu, patah Inggeris mengatakan: "Let the Sleeping hak2 ra'ayat lain daripada orang Melayu boleh Dog Lie"-biar-lah anjing itu tidor jangan di-chakapkan bagaimana untok membena­ di-usek2, kalau di-usek, dia terkejut, dia nya, bagaimana untok meninggikan taraf2 menggigit. Jadi berkenaan dengan hak isti­ hidup orang2 kita di-Malaysia ini, baik pun mewa orang Melayu jangan-lah di-usek2, daripada bangsa India, mahu pun daripada kerana kita pun tak usek hak2 bangsa asing bangsa China atau orang Melayu, jadi tidak­ yang menjadi warganegara, atau tidak menjadi lah kita memikirkan, ia-itu orang India yang warganegara di-negeri ini, di-Malaysia ini. telah menjadi warganegara di-negeri ini atau Orang Melayu bukan bangsa penyamun, orang China yang telah menjadi warganegara orang Melayu bukan bangsa perumpak; kita ini akan kita buang ka-laut, kita hendak tahu hak orang-hak orang; hak awak, hak negeri ini orang Melayu sahaja yang meme­ awak. Kita juga mempunyai ugama, ugama rentah-nya. Saya perchaya, perkara ini tidak Islam menyatakan ta' boleh merampas hak ada-lah tertanam di-dalam kepala kita orang; ugama Islam menyatakan tidak boleh masing2, sebab orang China telah ramai di­ menchuri harta orang, kalau churi, kalau ram­ sini, dudok di-sini dan telah membena negeri pas hak orang, kita ada neraka yang lain. ini bersama2 dengan kita bertungkus-lumus, Jadi akhir-nya esok ka-neraka pergi-nya. Jadi juga dengan sebab itu kita ada bertimbang orang Melayu yang menganut ugama Islam ta' rasa kapada mereka ini. Jadi, saya harap mahu merampas hak2 orang, jadi saya per­ kapada saudara2 saya daripada orang2 China chaya kapada bangsa2 asing, saudara2 saya dan orang2 India yang telah menjadi warga­ bangsa asing, ia-itu orang China dan orang negara di-negeri ini, ta' usah-lah takut, kerana India, saya jamin-lah, sebab orang Melayu ini terjamin ada di-dalam Perlembagaan kita, penoh dengan sopan santun, baik hati serta sudah ada terjamin hak2 mereka. Jadi bukan­ tidak mahu membuat perkara2 yang tidak Jah, berma'ana yang pindaan Perlembagaan betul-perkara2 menchuri dan merampas clan ini akan menutup mulut bagi Ahli2 Dewan, sa-bagai-nya. Empat belas tahun lama-nya sa-balek-nya perkara ini ada-lah untok kita telah menchapai kemerdekaan ta' ada menyekat kita supaya jikalau kita berbin­ siapa orang2 Melayu yang telah merampas chang berkenaan dengan perkara, orang2 hak2 bangsa2 asing di-negeri ini. Jadi ta' China di-luar, orang2 Melayu di-luar, orang2 usah-lah takut kapada saudara2 saya yang India di-luar akan mendengar menerusi Jain2 termasok orang2 China dan orang2 akhbar2, menerusi radio dan talivishen. Apa­ India; ta' usah-Jah takut di-atas perkara ini, bila perkara sensitif ini di-ulang2kan, maka kami juga ada mempunyai pelajaran, kami saya perchaya burok padah-nya kelak. Bukan juga ada mempunyai kesopanan, kami juga kapada kita, tetapi kapada orang2 yang di­ ada menganut ugama dan kami tahu di­ luar, dengan sebab itu saya perchaya Yang atas perkara salah dan benar-nya. Berkenaan Amat Berhormat Tun Abdul Razak telah dengan guided democracy yang telah di- membawa pindaan ini untok kebaikan bukan 113 23 FEBRUARI 1971 114 sahaja kapada orang2 Melayu, bukan sahaja di-hadapan kita ini yang baharu sahaja kapada orang2 India, bukan sahaja kapada di-kemukakan oleh Yang Amat Berhormat orang puteh, tetapi pada keselurohan pen­ Perdana Menteri kita. Sa-belum daripada saya dudok2 di-Malaysia ini. Chuma saya harap memberikan uchapan di-dalam Dewan ini, ia-itu apabila pindaan Perlembagaan ini di­ Dato' Yang di-Pertua, izinkan saya meng­ jalankan, mesti-lah di-jalankan dengan sa­ uchapkan tahniah yang ikhlas daripada diri benar2-nya. Jadi macham mana di-katakan saya dan juga rakan sajawat saya yang mana oleh pehak Pembangkang tadi orang boleh Yang Berhormat Dato' telah di-pileh men­ berbisek di-luar, mengatakan itu dan ini, jadi Yang di-Pertua kami sakalian bagi kali orang boleh berchakap di-kedai2 kopi, orang yang kedua, dan kami mendo'akan agar Yang boleh berchakap di-rumah2,ja di kita ta' boleh Berhormat Dato' Yang di-Pertua supaya sihat larang suami isteri hendak berbisek, kita ta' wal'afiat dan di-beri taufik dan hidayat. boleh larang di-antara kawan dengan kawan hendak berbisek2. Kita bukan hendak menga­ Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Di-mana ada dalam dakan Mata Gelap di-seluroh Malaysia ini, Undang2 ini. (Ketawa). itu kita tidak dapat lakukan, tetapi yang mana Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Arshad: Jadi, kalau boleh Kerajaan kita akan melarang orang2 ta'ada Dato' Yang di-Pertua mempengerusi­ berchakap berkenaan dengan perkara2 yang sensitif ini. Jadi saya tidak-lah hendak ber­ kan Majlis ini, undang2 ini juga ta'dapat chakap lebeh banyak daripada itu, oleh di-luluskan. Jadi dengan ini sa-kali lagi-lah kerana saya perchaya dengan ada-nya pin­ saya katakan tahniah daripada saya dan daan2 daripada Undang2 tadi, maka kita sa­ rakan sajawat saya dalam Dewan Ra'ayat bagai orang2 Malaysia baik orang Melayu, ini. baik orang China, baik orang India, akan Kemudian daripada itu, Dato' Yang di­ hidup saperti satu bangsa dan dengan ada­ Pertua, pada petang ini saya tengok dua nya tembok2 tadi saperti yang saya katakan sandiwara daripada ra'ayat Malaysia yang tadi orang2 Melayu, orang2 Islam tidak boleh ta'at setia yang telah kita beri dia kera'ayatan. makan babi, tidak boleh di-persoalkan apa Ra'ayat Malaysia yang saya katakan tadi sebab-nya mereka tidak boleh makan babi. menerusi dua aliran parti yang baharu ber­ Orang2 India tidak boleh makan lembu, chakap dalam Dewan yang mulia ini. Apa orang2 Hindu tidak boleh di-persoal2kan. yang saya tengok, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, Kalau di-persoalkan, apa fasal tidak boleh wakil daripada DAP telah membuat chabaran makan babi, maka di-katakan oleh kerana kapada Kerajaan. Konon-nya kalau Rang Nabi Muhammad dahulu isteri-nya terlupa­ Undang2 ini di-luluskan akan mendalamkan terlupa isteri-nya, dia beri orang lain makan, lagi perasaan perkauman dalam negara ini. mithal-nya kuah daging babi, ini kemudian­ Dan saya chabar Parti DAP, apa dasar Parti saya ini bukan pandai sangat fasal ugama, DAP yang hendak menghapuskan perkauman, tidak pandai-habis orang makan. Apabila bahkan sa-balek-nya Parti DAP-lah parti Nabi Muhammad kita datang, dia kata yang sa-tebal2-nya perkauman dalam negeri daging itu tidak ada lagi haram, rupa2-nya ini. Dan dengan sebab Parti DAP-lah, maka ada karat2 sadikit dalam belanga. Jadi dengan terjadi-nya peristiwa 13 Mei. (Tepok). sebab itu, haram-lah daging babi pada umat­ Dato' Yang di-Pertua, tadi dia telah menga­ nya. Jadi kalau hendak di-katakan sa-chara takan yang dia telah merengkok dalam bagini, tidak dapat di-buat. Kalau di-katakan tahanan, ini ada-lah kebebasan, keadilan yang tidak boleh makan babi, tidak boleh. Kalau di-beri oleh Undang2 dalam negeri ini, siapa siapa orang Islam mengatakan boleh makan juga ra'ayat yang akan menghuru-harakan babi, munafiq dia. Bagitu juga tidak boleh negeri ini, walau dia, walau saya, kita akan minum beer, brandy ada orang Islam minum, patoh kapada Perlembagaan, kita akan patoh pergi neraka yang dalam pada-nya. kapada keamanan dan keselamatan negara Jadi, dengan sebab itu tidak boleh-lah di­ ini. persoal2kan atas perkara ini. Ini ada-lah J adi orang2 DAP pun rela menyuroh menjadi tebu (halangang) kapada kita semua. kawan-nya supaya masok di-tahanan itu. Sekian, Tuan Yang di-Pertua. Satu perkara lagi, saya tengok Ahli DAP tadi di-antara perkara yang boleh menjadi­ Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Arshad (Muar kan peristiwa 13 Mei itu ia-lah dengan Utara): Tuan Yang di-Pertua, saya bangun mengungkit2kan perkara lama padahal me­ ada-lah menyokong Rang Undang2 yang ada reka telah menjadi ra'ayat Malaysia, mereka 115 23 FEBRUARI 1971 116

tidak putus asa atas perjuangan-nya hendak Tetapi kalau satu orang itu sudah beruchap menjadikan Malaysia ini menggunakan ber­ semua Ahli2 PAS yang 12 orang itu akan bagai2 bahasa termasok bahasa China. Jadi memberi sokongan kapada Rang Undng2 dengan keadaan yang sa-macham ini, Dato' kami. Ini yang kami tunggu, kalau tidak PAS Yang di-Pertua, kalau ada perasaan yang akan terduga di-mana PAS berada pada sa-macham ini di-timbulkan, maka akan ketika itu. J adi saya tak hendak usek PAS. tersinggong-lah perasaan kawan2-nya yang Lepas ini dia hendak bercherita, dia hendak lain, ra'ayat yang lain saperti orang2 Melayu, menyokong Rang Undang2 kita ini, saya dan juga orang2 India kalau bahasa China sangat berpuas hati. hendak di-rasmikan, maka orang India juga hendak menjadikan bahasa dia sa-bagai Dato' Yang di-Pertua, oleh sebab peluang bahasa rasmi dalam negeri ini. ini, kalau saya ta' habis berchakap pada petang ini, saya hendak sambong besok, saya Orang2 Arab pun hendak jadikan bahasa­ hendak balekkan sejarah dahulu lagi. Fasal nya jadi bahasa rasmi dalam negeri ini. apa Rang Undang2 ini hendak di-luluskan, Jadi manusia yang bagini, Dato' Yang di­ hendak minta semua WakiJ2 Ra'ayat ini Pertua, manusia yang tidak menghormatkan supaya memberikan sokongan bagi di-lulus­ Perlembagaan. Ini-kah balasan-nya kapada kan Rang Undang2 (Pindaan) Perlembagaan negara Malaysia ini? Kita telah beri mereka ini. kera'ayatan, kita mahu mereka menggunakan Saya hendak cheritakan, Dato' Yang di­ satu bahasa yang boleh menyatu-padukan Pertua, bahawa Tanah Melayu ini, atau dia, tiba2 dia mahu supaya bahasa2 ini juga Malaysia ini 400 tahun dahulu negeri ini di-daulatkan dan di-jadikan bahasa rasmi. telah di-jajah oleh penjajah. Orang2 Melayu Kalau boleh manusia yang macham ini, kalau dalam tanah ayer ini yang memerentah dalam ada jalan, tolong luchutkan kera'ayatan-nya, negeri ini mempunyai: kedaulatan, orang2 biar dia balek negeri asal-nya-lagi senang, Melayu dalam negeri ini saperti yang di-kata­ daripada dudok mengachau hendak menjadi­ kan oleh Yang Berhormat rakan sejawat saya kan huru-hara dalam negeri ini. tidak merampas hak sa-siapa juga yang Dato' Yang di-Pertua, dia kata kalau Rang menjadi ra'ayat dalam negeri ini. Sudah jadi Undang2 ini di-luluskan maka ia akan me­ satu tabi'at bagi orang2 Melayu dan Raja2 luaskan, akan melebarkan perasaan takut Melayu dan Kerajaan2 Melayu, tetapi sa-telah ra'ayat tetapi sa-balek-nya kalau Rang Un­ negeri ini di-jajah sa-lama 400 tahun lebeh dang2 ini tidak di-luluskan, Dato' Yang kurang, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, maka ber­ di-Pertua, tidak ada satu jaminan ra'ayat bagai2-lah perpechahan berlaku di-mashara­ dalam negeri ini dudok dalam harmoni, kat orang2 Melayu. Pada sa'at yang sangat mereka sentiasa dalam takut, terutama sa-kali merbahaya sa-kali, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, bagi pehak saya ini wakil ra'ayat yang ia-lah kedatangan penjajah Inggeris; Inggeris terdiri daripada orang Melayu, orang Melayu datang ka-Tanah Melayu ini, menjajah Tanah sentiasa takut, sentiasa merasai: tidak senang Melayu ini dengan tujuan-nya hendak meng­ hati dengan keadaan tingkah-laku yang di­ kayakan negara asal-nya, sa-lain daripada buat oleh ra'ayat Malaysia yang telah kami itu mereka memandang orang2 Melayu ini, berikan kera'ayatan, bukan sahaja mereka orang2 yang tidak boleh buat kerja, orang hendak membolot dengan kekayaan negeri yang lemah, orang yang miskin, orang yang ini bahkan mereka hendak membolot per­ malas, dan orang yang bermacham2 lagi. jawatan di-negeri ini, mereka hendak mem­ Siapa yang ajar ini, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, bolot pentadbiran negeri ini. Ini yang di­ ta' lain dan ta' bukan ia-lah daripada pen­ katakan kalau Perlembagaan ini di-luluskan, jajah2 sa-belum daripada Inggeris. ia akan mendalamkan perasaan takut, tetapi 400 tahun lama-nya, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, sa-balek-nya, kalau Perlembagaan ini tidak di-luluskan, maka ini-lah peluang2 bagi bukan satu masa yang sadikit, satu masa manusia2 yang jadi musoh negara ini ber­ yang lanjut dan panjang. Jadi kalau berubah tempat di-parti2 yang saya sebutkan itu. jenerasi orang2 Melayu pada akhir-nya British datang, maka memang sudah mena­ Kemudian, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, saya sabah dan sesuai. Apa yang saya hendak tengok pula ra'ayat Malaysia daripada parti katakan ia-itu bila Inggeris datang ka-sini, PAS, dia memberikan sokongan kapada Rang mereka hendak perah kekayaan dalam negeri Undang2 ini. Bagi pehak kami, pehak Kera­ ini dan hendak bawa balek ka-tanah ayer-nya. jaan menguchapkan ribuan terima kaseh. Mereka tidak ada buroh, hendak ambil 117 23 FEBRUARI 1971 118

orang2 Indonesia, mereka churiga kalau ra'ayat Malaysia. Jadi ta' ada lagi ingatan orang2 Indonesia pula ramai datang ka-tanah lain, orang2 Melayu ini mahu merdeka. ayer ini, orang2 Inggeris tidak akan selamat Inggeris beri sharat, kalau mahu merdeka, juga. mesti mahu berbaik2 antara orangz China Maka dengan sebab itu-lah mereka meng­ dengan orang2 Melayu. Tetapi dengan bijak ambil buroh2 daripada orang2-nya, ra'ayat­ pandai pemimpin2 kita pada masa itu, Dato' nya daripada orang2 India, dan daripada Yang di-Pertua, kita telah dapat bersatu dan orang2 Negeri China. Mereka ambil-lah kita telah dapat merdeka. ra'ayat ini menjadi buroh untok kepentingan Saya rengkaskan, kita dapat kemerdekaan penjajah Inggeris pada masa itu. Asal-nya ini dengan kerjasama yang di-berikan oleh orang2 India dan orang2 China datang ka-sini ra'ayat orang2 China dan India, sebab pada semua sakali ia-lah hendak menchari duit. masa itu orang2 Melayu tidak lain dia mahu Orang2 Melayu ta' kira apa ; orang2 Melayu merdeka, tetapi orang2 China dan orang2 kira, kalau dia kerja, dapat makan chukup­ India memberi satu kata, memberi satu janji lah, sebab dia tahu penjajah Inggeris sudah kapada orang2 Melayu, kalau kami bersama2 ajar dia, dengan kerjasama 'alim ulama menuntut kemerdekaan, hendak-lah di-beri pada masa itu, kata-nya orang Melayu jangan kami kera'ayatan sa-bagai warganegara dalam kerja banyak2, orang Melayu di-akhirat sana negeri ini. Kami tak ada ingat lain, Dato' ada balasan-nya. Ini-lah yang beku di-otak Yang di-Pertua, kami ingat mahu merdeka. kepala orang2 Melayu sa-lama 400 tahun. Tambahan pula kita tengok orang2 China dan Rang Undang2 ini di-buat, Dato' Yang di­ orang2 India ini sa-lama ini telah mem­ Pertua, hendak mengubah masharakat orang2 bongkar negeri ini, mendatangkan basil Melayu dan ra'ayat Malaysia ini. Tadi saya kapada negeri ini, dengan rela kita beri telah katakan, di-bawa-lah orang2, buroh2- mereka kera'ayatan dalam negeri ini. Maka nya daripada negeri China dan juga daripada menjadi-lah mereka ini ra'ayat negeri ini, India. Datang-lab mereka itu ka-negeri ini berhak-lah mereka ini dapat tanah, berhak­ dengan tugas2 yang telah di-berikan oleh lah mereka ini dapat segala2-nya sa-bagai penjajah Inggeris. Akhir-nya dari sa-masa ra'ayat sa-buah negara yang merdeka. Dengan ka-samasa manusia ini telah melepaskan keadaan yang sa-macham ini, Dato' Yang kerja-nya daripada Inggeris, bekerja sendiri, di-Pertua, kita telah bekerjasama sa-lama berniaga, meminta tanah yang baik2 taraf 13 tahun, lepas merdeka, Dato' Yang di­ tanah itu hingga mereka ini jadi kaya raya. Pertua, tadi Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Orang2 Melayu tidak marah orang2 India, OAP telah mengatakan hak istimewa orang2 orang2 China kaya ini, Dato' Yang di-Pertua, Melayu itu ia-lah mengkayakan orang2 mereka tak marah. Tetapi apa yang di-harap Melayu yang sudah kaya. Saya hendak tanya oleh orang2 Melayu pada masa itu sa-telah Ahli Yang Berhormat itu, lepas merdeka kira2 80 tahun British menjajah negeri kita, 13 tahun, orang2 Melayu yang kaya-kah atau orang2 Melayu memikirkan kalau ta' ada orang2 DAP-keluarga OAP yang kaya ! merdeka, nasib orang2 Melayu akan lebeh Saya memberikan suatu analisa, orang2 terok, akan lebeh susah, akan lebeh sengsara China-lab yang bertambah baik taraf hidup­ lagi, maka dengan sebab itu satu sahaja nya sa-lepas merdeka ini dan juga sa-tengah2 ingatan pada orang2 Melayu pada masa itu, orang India baik taraf hidup-nya dalam ia-itu dia mahu merdeka, merdeka, merdeka. semua bidang. Tetapi dengan kebijaksanaan Inggeris mereka mengatakan bahawa di-mana negeri yang Dengan hal yang sa-macham ini tidak-lah lnggeris datang, maka kaum2 dalam negeri menyenangkan hati orang2 Melayu yang itu mesti berpechah-belah, mesti berbunoh. sudah dapat kemerdekaan sa-lama 13 tahun. Maka dengan sebab itu mereka memberi satu Saya tidak nafikan juga orang2 Melayu ada sharat; kalau orang2 Melayu, orangz China, juga yang senang dan orang2 Melayu semua orang2 India mahu bersatu-padu, baharu-lah sudah jadi Menteri banyak, saya tidak nafi­ orang Inggeris mahu berikan kemerdekaan. kan. Tetapi pada keselurohan-nya, kehidupan ra'ayat jelata orang2 Melayu belum lagi Sebab-nya saya bentangkan perkara ini. terbela. Orang2 Melayu maseh miskin. Peng­ perkara sejarah yang awal, Dato' Yang di­ hidupan orang2 Melayu di-kampong2 hanya Pertua, ia-lah lepas ini saya akan membuat $40 pada satu bulan, Dato' Yang di-Pertua. satu analisa fasal apa Rang Undang2 ini Ini lepas kita merdeka 13 tahun hinggakan mustahak di-berikan sokongan oleh seluroh ada orang Melayu yang hendak tanah tak 119 23 FEBRUARI 1971 120 dapat, dia naik atas pokok. Ini kehidupan yang sa-macham ini-lah, kemiskinan hidup orang Melayu lepas merdeka. Jadi keadaan2 orang Melayu yang sa-macham ini-lah yang yang sa-macham ini, dengan dasar Kerajaan hendak di-betulkan oleh Kerajaan baharu ini. yang lalu tidak dapat mengatasi kemiskinan Dato' Yang di-Pertua, saya baharu sentoh dan kemelaratan hidup orang2 Melayu, bukan dalam masaalah kera'ayatan dan hak mutlak sahaja orang2 Melayu yang melarat, ada bagi orang2 Melayu dan juga Kerajaan telah juga orang China yang miskin, ada juga menjanjikan dalam Perlembagaan bahawa orang India yang miskin. Atas dasar ini-lah orang2 Melayu dapat hak istimewa. Dapat Kerajaan baharu ini akan dapat membasmi hak istimewa orang Melayu ini, bukan-lah kemiskinan bagi orang2 Melayu dan bukan satu perkara yang menjadi rugi kapada Melayu. Jadi, bila saya berchakap tentang orang2 yang bukan Melayu. Hak istimewa ini keadaan orang2 Melayu yang sa-macham ini, daripada dahulu lagi, daripada Inggeris kemiskinan orang2 Melayu ini tidak boleh dahulu dan hak istimewa ini juga kalau kita di-tebus dengan kata, dengan beri uchapan fikirkan tentang orang Melayu ini taraf di-hadapan mereka, dengan nasehat di­ hidup-nya besok atau akan datang dalam hadapan mereka, melainkan dengan satu masa 20 tahun atau 100 tahun lagi akan dasar Kerajaan yang tegas, melaksanakan dan datang, Yang Berhormat Tuan Yang di­ membiayai: segala ranchangan, baharu-lah Pertua, orang2 Melayu ini taraf hidup-nya boleh berhasil. J adi dengan sebab itu Rang sama dengan orang2 India dan China, kita Undang2 ini sangat mustahak demi hendak boleh kaji balek, dalam masaalah ini. Tetapi mensaimbangkan kehidupan bumiputera, ke­ sa-Iagi taraf hidup orang2 Melayu belum sa­ hidupan orang2 Melayu. Saya sudah lupa imbang, sa-lama itu-lah jangan di-harap hak pula orang bumiputera. Orang2 Melayu dan istimewa ini kita akan di-kaji. Kita bukan orang2 bumiputera sama kelas-nya. Saya hendak banyak, hendak hidup biar-lah sa­ sudah pergi ka-Sarawak dan Sabah, sama imbang; pepatah orang Melayu : itek ke­ sahaja kelas-nya dengan orang2 Melayu di­ hausan di-kolam; ayam kelaparan di-kepok sini. padi. Orang2 Melayu tidak mahu zaman J adi dengan keadaan yang sa-macham ini Kerajaan yang di-ketuai" oleh Yang Amat tujuan dan maksud-nya Rang Undang2 m1 Berhormat Tun Abdul Razak-tidak mahu ia-lah dapat menjalankan dasar baharu Kera­ ini lagi. Kita mahu sama2 merasa; menek­ jaan yang hendak membasmikan kemiskinan mati kemerdekaan dalam tanah ayer kita. hidup seluroh ra'ayat, tetapi sa-bilangan besar Tuan Yang di-Pertua, kalau tidak di-betul­ ra'ayat yang miskin ada-lah terdiri daripada kan, rasa tidak puas hati dari orang2 Melayu orang2 Melayu dan bumiputera. dan orang2 bumiputra ini, Kerajaan tidak Saya hendak betulkan ayat saya, barang­ bertanggong-jawab membetulkan, saya per­ kali akhbar tulis besok mengatakan orang chaya orang2 Melayu ini satu manusia juga, Melayu dudok di-atas pokok. Jadi keadaan Tuan Yang di-Pertua, dia mempunya"i satu yang sa-benar-nya begini : Hamba Allah itu, perasaan, kalau tidak boleh dengan jalan dia buat rumah atas tanah orang China. yang baik, jalan yang kurang baik dia akan Kemudian tuan punya tanah (China) itu tuntut juga. Bila mana mereka telah ber­ hendak buat replanting kebun-nya, hendak tindak dengan jalan yang kurang baik, apa tanam sa-mula. Dia perentahkan orang akibat jadi-nya negara Malaysia yang mer­ Melayu itu : Rumah awak mesti di-robohkan. deka ini akan huru-hara-lah, Tuan Yang di­ Orang Melayu dalam tanah ayer-nya sen­ Pertua. Bila huru-hara yang sangat di-hajat diri, dia kena patoh perentah tuan punya oleh sa-tengah2 gulongan termasok orang2 tanah. Dia sudah dudok di-situ sa-lama lnggeris yang menjajah tanah ayer kita ini 20 tahun lama-nya. Jadi dia kena keluar. dahulu. Dia memang suka negara2 bekas Keluar di-mana tempat-nya yang dia hendak jajahan-nya itu bergadoh macham di-India dirikan rumah, hendak dirikan pondok-nya. sampai sekarang-bergadoh ! Ini kehendak2 Di-dirikan-lah atas dahan2 kayu yang tinggi, bekas penjajah Inggeris. Saya akan sambong ta' siapa boleh marah. Keadaan hidup orang lagi esok. ini, pendapatan-nya chuma $50 satu bulan. Tuan Yang di-Perna: Meshuarat di-tang­ Kerja-nya ia-lah mengambil rotan dan damar. gohkan sa-hingga pukul 2.30 petang besok. Dudok menumpang di-tanah orang China, pada hal orang Melayu kata, Tanah Melayu Dewan di-tanggohkan pada pukul 6.33 ini tanah ayer orang Melayu. Jadi kejadian petang.