, , Contacts and links Atheism simply makes the statement that there is no creator , no personal God, no judging Join the WPM: http://www.pantheism.net God. Beyond that atheists can be nature-lovers or nature-haters, they can see life and the Universe as joyful - or absurd. Start a group: Humanism is a form of Atheism, but humanists http://www.pantheism.net/uu/groups.htm recognize that most people look for more than just a negative from a life , and have added UU Pantheists email group: statements of and principles. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UUpantheists World Pantheism goes one step further and recognizes that most people feel a need for Pantheist Resources for UUs: something that is greater than themselves and http://www.pantheism.net/uu/ greater than the human race. In our case that uupantheists.htm greater whole is nature on this earth, and on a wider scale the entire universe or Multiverse of all that exists. We also promote a joyful and positive Email inquiries/more leaflets: approach to life. [email protected] World Pantheism has many members who would also describe themselves as atheists and/or WPM website: http://www.pantheism.net World Pantheism humanists, but to these they add an emotional and aesthetic dimension in their connection with The Natural Pantheism website: and Unitarian nature, the universe, and their fellow humans. http://members.aol.com/Heraklit1/ Pantheism and Posters of nature, science, pantheism: World Pantheism has many members who also http://www.nature-art.org/posters.htm consider themselves as pagans and who may observe pagan ceremonies and seasons. World Books on nature, science, pantheism: Pantheism itself celebrates the major astronomical http://www.nature-art.org/books.htm transitions of the year. It has no prescribed ceremonies: people and groups choose their own style. However, most World Pantheist pagans view pagan , spirits and as symbolic expressions rather than literal truths. As one member put it “Nature is enough.” World Pantheism We tend to focus more intently on the wonder P.O. Box 103 of nature and the night sky. Symbolic forms are Webster, NY 14580 fine if they don’t obscure the direct view of these realities. http://www.pantheism.net The core of Pantheism What are the affinities? What are the differences? The essence of Pantheism is a profound World Pantheism would endorse all of the has shared reverence for Nature and the wider UU’s seven principles and expand on some values such as tolerance and justice, but Universe and awed recognition of of them. does not take metaphysical stances, eg, on their power, beauty and mystery. Some Most Pantheists would draw some the existence of , separate from Pantheists use the word God to describe this elements from one or more of the world’s bodies, or personal . feeling, others prefer not to use traditional religious traditions. Among these we World Pantheism promotes a few basic religious words so as to avoid ambiguity. would have a closer affinity for classical religious/metaphysical beliefs: From this feeling flows the desire to make Stoicism and philosophical , as * Nature and the wider Universe, rather the most of our present life in our bodies well as for modern atheism, humanism and than any supernatural beings, are the focus on this earth, to care for nature, and to environmentalism. We would respect and of our deepest reverence. respect the rights of humans and animals in learn from some forms of and * Everything that exists is a part of Nature general. We choose to focus on the vibrant (in their practice more * Mind and body are an inseparable unity and urgent here and now, rather than on than in their metaphysics). We would find * We are sceptical about personal survival invisible realms, spirits, deities or afterlives. less of interest in the Western theist traditions after death, but we look forward to a Modern-era Pantheists include Frank Lloyd in their traditional forms - though we value “natural” in terms of the actions Wright, D. H. Lawrence, Einstein, Ruth individual instances of inspiring life wisdom and creations we leave behind, memories Carson, Margaret Atwood, and Stephen in the Old and New Testaments and in people hold of us, and recycling of our Hawking. Islamic scriptures. elements in Nature. World Pantheism is committed to human World Pantheism and Unitarian rights, peace and social justice. We are So why be a UU Pantheist? Universalism opposed to discrimination in all its forms. Unitarian Universalism is a context where World Pantheism has a close affinity We promote religious freedom, separation you meet sensible sociable tolerant people with Unitarian Universalism. The two of and state, and . with differing religious for organizations overlap and complement We filed a friend-of-court brief in the recent shared spiritual exploration and social each other. There is a considerable area of US Supreme Court case, opposing the “under action. World Pantheism is a spiritual shared values, and at the same time World God” wording in the Pledge. orientation in the sense that Atheism, Pantheism offers a special focus on Nature We endorse and expand on the UU seventh or are: a position and a perspective of naturalism. It can be principle and we make active care for the about our place in Nature and the considered as one of the main “flavors” environment a central part of our approach, Universe. Many people need both a social of UUism, such as UU Buddhism, UU along with . We have collected context AND a context in order to Humanism, UU Paganism and so on. more signatures for UNESCO’s Manifesto feel comfortable with their place in the Many Unitarian Universalists, including for Peace and Non-Violence than any other universe. There are are Pantheist Unitarian ministers, are WPM members. WPM US voluntary organization. We are in the top Universalists, just as there are Pagan, members who belong to UU churches in ten groups saving rainforest at EcologyFund Humanist, Christian, or Jewish Unitarian some cases run courses on Pantheism or and have saved more habitat than any other Universalists. World Pantheism also offers Pantheist services or meets of Pantheists. religious or environmental group. written materials, networking and social/ environmental action among Pantheists.