¦-Dftifslfie' Forum Discusses Camp Us Chalkings

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¦-Dftifslfie' Forum Discusses Camp Us Chalkings Forum discusses campus chalkings Petition takes aim at senior pledge removed after seven days, although during the discussion Tuesday, includ- authors claim that at least 10 per- petition was, "not necessarily" push- By KATIE HAMM By STEVEN WEINBERG the individual or group may request to ing the registration policy and the EDITOR IN CHIEF cent of the senior class has sighed. ing for the College to divest from EDITOR IN CHIEF keep the chalkings longer than that time-limit stipulation. "There are peo- In contrast, the senior pledge drive companies operating in countries period of time. There are no chalkings ple who might be afraid to attach their has received donations, from a sin- known for human rights abuses such A group of about 40 administrators, allowed on the academic quad or on name to an opinion and I don't think The last months of school are a gle dollar and urj, from around 30 as Burma and Sudan. Tjernstrom did faculty members and students, met buildings, Dean of Students and Vice they should be," said Emilia time to reminisce for most seniors. percent of the senior class and has say that the petition's concern for Tuesday night in the Pugh Center to President for Student Affairs Janice Tjernstrom '06, who led the discus- Most things they do, be it dine at been running all year. socially just investments did extend discuss chalkings and the possibilities Kassman said at the forurri; No perma- sion for much of the time. "It 's :a 'mat- Foss or write a midterm, quickly to these international causes. of changing the existing policy, some nent spray paint or markers may be ter of principle, there shouldn't be become,, labeled the last. However, Following a Mar. 12 Presidents' even advocating for no policy on used when creating chalkings. anything about approving or disap- as graduation nears, one tradition It's sort of Council motion and a resolution chalkings except for the restriction on Kassman explained that there are aes- proving," said Mike Deheeger '07. "J becomes a first: giving money to from the recent Trustee Meeting, the hate speech. thetic reasons for this policy and also think this policy limits discussion. I the College. ' unfortunate school is currently looking into ways By the end of the open forum, the the acknowledgement of who was think ity&puld be scrapped entirely." Bucking this tradition, some because it's a to make the knowledge of its invest- students present had reached the con- doing the chalkings. The policy was DeheegeWoleed his belief that chalk- seniors have organized a petition ments more accessible to students sensus that students should not have to established in the 2001-02 year by the ings Will stimulate academic discus- suggesting an "alternative pledge" really good idea, and alumni. The PC motion specifi- register their chalkings through the College Affairs Committee and actu- sion on this campus. for their class. This pledge demands people are tak- cally referred to transparency con- Office of Student Activities, which is ally began to be enforced in the '02- Lauren Pongan '09 spoke on the the College makes its investment cerning the College's possible . currently the policy. The policy also '03 year. disadvantage of having a seven-day portfolio open to students and ing a stand for investments in Burma and Sudan. mandates that the chalkings must he A variety of issues were brought up limit to the chalkings: "The chalkings alumni to see it invests only in a what's socially The Trustee meeting established a are usually about social justice "socially responsible" way. Until trustee working group to investigate issues that probably are not going these stipulations are met, they say, just and the College's investments. to go away...I feel like we shouldn't they will withhold their senior right . Jbut in Vice President for College have a cleah-up date." Pongan later pledge. These efforts are making Relations Richard Amnions said the said that the chalkings are "not nec- seniors organizing the yearly senior practice they're College is working diligently to essarily to get you to think a certain pledge to the College uneasy, hurting us.. learn the nature of all its invest- . way, just to get you to think." In though. They noted that the senior ments. He described how compli- this way, she distinguished chalk- pledge does not go towards the Kaitlin Herlihy '06 cated this task is, however, and , ings from opinion pieces in news- school endowment but directly to ¦ Senior Pledge Co-Chair noted that approximately 85 per- , papers, as the forum at times the College's budget next year and cent of the school's roughly $400 focused on the role of anonymity in that the College is investigating its million of invested endowment are the chalkings. Coordinator , of investments as fast aSpossible. .- ' Elaborating on what a socially in hedge and mutual funds. Some of Multicultural Programs Joe Atkins Emilia Tjernstrom, ft senior who responsible investment is, the petition the companies within these portfo- noted that there is a precedent authored the petition with class- stipulates that the College must take lios change day to day, and others against anonymity. Yet many at the mates Sarah Kelly and Adil an active role as a shareholder, voting are considered proprietary informa- , forurri seemed to believe that if the D'Sousa* explained she.- wants on and bringing uf> issues of social tion! not open to the public. chalkings were not registered, mak- increased transparency concerning justice at companies in which the The trustee working group ing them officially anonymous, it the College's investments. "We College invests. The petition defines assigned to catalogue Colby's: would still be known who had done want to find out as much as we pos- issues of social justice as fJhose where investments is due to present its them. "Forcing people to sign their sibly can," she said. it can promote fair labor practices and progress to the College-trustees in NOAH BALAZS/THE COLBY ECHO Director of Student Activities Kelly Wharton speaks at the Apr. 18 Jorum. Their petition is officially dated advocate for stronger environmental Continued on Page 2 at Apr. 7, and. since that date the codes. Tjernstrom stressed that the Continued on Page 2 Colby South End Coalition prepares for Racial incident occurs in Woodman after several Polaroid photographs student (who was off campus at the /•^fpBE^pJBIffiSF^- - - were"'talceri. Orie. remark referred time iie "incident) on Sunday, ¦ ' 'Jofj tlie lipeoffiing Burst the Bttbble week NEWS EDITOR negatively to African-Americans, said "she didn't feel that it was par- the other referred to both African- ticularly addressed at her, nor did By CHELSEA EAKIN raising awareness about opportunities "This will be another large step in Security responded to what Americans and Jewish people, she feel threatened by it, she had no STAFF WRITER available to connect with the sur- our ultimate goal in integrating the turned out to be another incident of Atkins is leading the investiga- problem going back to her room rounding community. Waterville community and the Colby racially and ethnically charged graf- tion. He said that Associate Dean of feeling safe and comfortable in Other activities will include a dri- community more effectively," Colleen fiti in a residence hall in the early Students Paul Johnston would also Woodman." Feeling claustrophobic from a little ving tour of Waterville, a book reading McGee '06, one of the week's plan- hours of Sunday, Apr. 16. According contribute to the investigation. "She thought it was more of an too much time on the Hill? Your by Rhea Cote, author of ners said, adding that she hopes it will to photographs taken by Security According to Director of isolated, probably intoxicated, alco- chance to branch out is corning April "Wednesday's Child," a novel about help students identify more with and provided to The Echo, two com- Security Pete Chenevert, there is hol related, incident more than any- 23, with the second-annual "Burst the growing up in the South End, and a Waterville than they do now. ments, were written on one door of not much of an investigation, due to one was targeting her or anyone else Bubble, Build a Bridge" week orga- talk given by David Scobey, director "The people that we have worked the first floor of Woodman resi- a lack of witnesses. "We are trying in her dorm," Atkins said. nized by the Colby South End of the Harward Center for Community with...they are all really, really, excit- dence hall. to ask if anybody saw or heard any- "I feel the College is going to do Coalition. Partnerships at Bates College, about ed. Any faculty or staff member who A Woodman resident contacted thing. We think there are a couple the best they can . to respond to it, CSEC began as a club dedicated to campus-community relationship recognizes the importance of this Security, at 1:30 a.m. after noticing but they haven't been identified but there's only so much they can bridging the relationship between building. Toward the end of the week event, they... all stand behind us 100 4he graffiti. yet," he said. do," Marcy Shrader-Lauinger '08, Colby and the South End of a panel discussion will be held with percent," McGee said. Joe Atkins, coordinator of multi- Vice President for Student Affairs president of Woodman, said. Waterville, an area known for its President William D. Adams, Mayor The week-will wrap up with an a cultural student programs and dean and Dean of Students Janice "Overall I don't think there was any poverty, and has adapted to working Paul LePage, student and Waterville Capella ice cream social held at the on call at tie time Of the incident, Kassnian said that the resident of personal concern, they felt it's on the relationship between Colby and City Council Member Henry Beck REM center in town, with students gave the officer on site permission the Woodman room did not feel tar- the Waterville community as a whole.
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