jotstio1 \ L0.1. — •"' bijli' ci .'.- • oreigi - •"/ itt.r, «- . • , . .

i VOL. XX.—N O. 8.

SCIENCE, AND AUT J)EPABTMENT THE WATERFOKD NEWS SHIPPING. DECEMHER , 1807 P 0 W.E K , & :H;E A R NE , S A, LES Published every Friday Evening at 40 King ttreel STEAM COMMUNI CATION . [Opposite the Provincial Hanlt.l WATER FORD 1 & 3 BARRONSTRAWD STREET^ WATERPORD, i AUCTION Ot; HORSES, LESSONS 6 N/*CHEMISTRY. AND MILFORD HAVEN Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford, , 2, TRAVELLING MACHINES,' FARMING 1MPLE COURSE OF LECTURES-on ' INORGANIC for"the WINTER TRADE. All their DEPART- P RICE THREE P ENCE ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE ; 13S. ROYAL Carrying Onods at Through R'ttos to LIMKRICE , TIPPBRART, HAVE now COMPLETED: their ARRANGEMENTS „ . MENT3, STOCK, &c ."4c. ! A CHGMISTRY, will bo commenced" by Mr. MAIL STEAMERS AHIE : procure. STAMPED , 4d.; Y EARLY , 17S. 4d. C , CtoSMit, CAERICK -OK -SUIR, and K ILKEKST. MENTS are LARGELY STOCKED, and at Priceu Mhat Prompl Cash only conia DOWMNO MODBf; dCr)OOIi '6n WeiitfBsDAt ; MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horses , at the. , DAI LY DEPARTMEN T. . ' Kveninpf, the 4th Dccembei1' at- EIOUT o'clock , COMMUN ICATION New and Powerful Screw IVOOHEN . , Travelling Vthlcles, d Stc/im. SILK SEIt(5ES do. . Euelisli Flain «nd Fancy ALL WOOL IlEPPS, do. {C7t> Persons intending properly Tor thi» Sale will be oRn.Aw—Mr. W. D 1 "ate rford and Cork Monday, 2nd Dec French Pl.iin snd Rmcy , An Examination will b« bald by the Department in ^gWjri^^ s. DailvA en, carry-nit Her Majesty's Mails, Sail Frencli Plain nnd Fnncy Sll- K El'INOLINES, do. Scotch I'lain and Fancj- ALL WOOL SERGB3, do. required to have it entered at Mr. DOBBIN'S, or at Mr. NKW Ross—Mr. G ODWIN , Printer. (Sudavs Waterfoid mid Cork Wwlneiday, 4'h „ ¦ do. May, on the results of which Medals and Prizes will ^3S|»^tV^ excepted), Krencli Plain nnd Fancy ALL WOOL RliPPS, do. Scotch GRAMPIAN WINCBY, WALSH'S Office 101 Custom-house .Quay , oa pr bemrc ROM the Cork and Watprford Friday, 6th „ do. , bo awarded according :: ^af**"*"* P WATBB»onD—Prom Adelphi French Piain and Fancy MERINOS, do. Scotch GRANITE WINCEY, Nine o'clock the morning of Sale. Fee for entry, 2s Od. to merit. ' "THE WATERFORD NEWS" W hart immediatel Wmerford and Ci>k Monday. Oth „ 1 (dO-3t). y after tho arrival of tho LitnericV Train Wsterford SILK DEPARTMENT. Purchasers to pay AuctioneersFeet of Five per Cent. Model Sohool, 28th Nov., !867. at four o dark in the Afternoon rcachioj; Milford Haven nnd Cork Wednesday 11th „ MACHINE PRINTING, PUBLISHING, , tK>rkand Waterfoid Fridny, 13lb „ nnd ENGLISH GOODS in Plain and Fanoy. A Urge and Auctioneer. (trmd and weather permitting) in time to enable Pnstenjfors In this will bo found some neloet FRENCH , THOMAS WAL3H , BOOK-BIDDING, RULIN G, to proceed h Waterford and Cork Monday, lfitli „ woll-selected Stock of French and Enfjliah BLACK SILKS, ia Gro Grains, Drop» de France, Gro deSuex, Auctions attended in »ny part of Country or Town. y the 860 a.m.Express Train to Un ion, reach- ' CONVENT OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD ASD ing PaddiiiRton Wnterford snd Cork Wfdncsday,18th „ Frenoh and English BLACK and COLORED SILK VELVETS. The Mall, Waterford, 1867. ¦ (tf) about 6 15 p.m Third Class Pasnengcrs will Cork and Glacio, &c, &c. A First-clnss Stock of NUN3 nf tbo OOOl> SIIEI'HEIID re^pi* ACCOUNT-BOOK M A N U F A C T 0 UY he forwarded by the Wnterford Friday, SOili „ ; . THE ThroiiRh 7 6 a-m. train to London.— Walcr/brd 24tli SHAWL DEPARTMENT. . fully solicit the Charitable Pubi c of H atcrfor PaMencers arnvinR at Milford .nd Oorlc Tur«d^y, „ ~ ~ " " 40 & 50 KINO STREET. Haven on Sunday morninirsg Cork and Watstford Friday, 27th „ lied with the lending Goods for the Season, ia .Himalayan, Taamanuin, Abbotsford, Oroloa, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION to continue' their kind PntrjiMge !>/ aenJing thei will leave per the 0 15 a.m. Train. Well supp ' * Reversible Squares ; also in Paisloy Squares and Searfa. ' ' FBIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH, at KILMEA. WASHING »nd NEEDLE-WOKK to the MAGDALEN From N BW M ILTOBD, from tho Railway Pier FROM CORK TO Berlin, Queensland, and ON roprietor of THE , at 7 45 DEN, and on THOHAB NOWLAN'S FAitif, which ASYLUM, the proceeds of which are tho onlyjmenns T'HE P a ro, Sundays excepted, after the arrivalof the 9 15 a.m Ex- Waterford and Glasgow ... Tuesday, 3rd Dec, 8 a.m LINEN DEPARTM ENT. having made Olssfnw (di is within Three Miles of Portlaw, and Fivo Miles ot of support for Seventy Females under 1 NEWS prrRS and 6 0 a.m. Trains from Paddington Station, London, rect) Friday, 0:h „ 11 «,ra llcaium, i.nd Fine LINEN8, LINEN SHEETING, in Blay and White, Twilled and poor destitute Concerns and GUsnow A large lot or Stont, Waterford, 700 TREES, ASH nnd ELM, Gross their care. his Printing reaching « atcrford (wind and weather permitting) to secure (direct) Mondny, Dili „ 1 p.m TABLE LINEN, in Blay and White, in all the useful widths; TOWELS, in Manufactory Waterford and Glasgow Tuesday, 10th 1 p.m tin, in all the nsefu l widths j Timber, in lots to suit purchasers. ' $& AH¦ who kindl ' Account-Book the departnre of tho 6 0 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork nnd ... „ and sites ; TIOKEN, in all the nsoful width». y aid in this great work of Charity, Glasgow (direct) 3 i/ and White,, in all the uiakcg OWLAN S equal to any in the Provinces, South of Ireland ; and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny Friday, I3lh „ p.m ' ' Mr. N ' Farm it on tho Rink of tie Biver will undoubtedly draw down upon themselves the nnd ' •» " COTTON DEPARTMENT. by the introduction of new Dublin. Pasucnjrers by the 6 a.m. Third Class Train from Gbudotr (direct) Monday, 10th „ 6 p.m Suir, with a Quay for loading. . . blessing of Him " who came, not to call the just, but Waterford aud 0 «.m nnd Widths; SHEETI.VCIS jn Bliy nnd White, Twilled «nd Patent M ACHIHKRT , Improved PartdinRton will alto be conveyed by theso Steamers at R«- Gl«sgow ... Tuesday, 17th „ White and Blay CALICOES, In all Makes , CUIHBEKT CLAYTOW, Auctioneer. lintiers." [o2G- w»gaw (direct) Friday 20lh „ 11 a.m HOLLANDS, in ail Widths; REGATTAS, CHECKS , H ESSIJ constant supplies of duecd Kates. FABIS. Plain in nil Widths; Buff BnrJ White WINDOW Auction Feea to be paid by Purchasers. (It) V , Glasgow (direct) Monday, 23rd 1 p.m Assortment. the latest and most approved 1st Class and 2nd Class „ CORDS, MOLESKINS, &c. ; MARSEILLES, TOI LET, and COUNTERPANEQUILTS-aLarge PRIVATE LESSONS in FRENCH Cabin. and Saloon Waterford ind Glasgow ... Monday, 23rd „ 3 p.m Style of N KW TTFF.9. and a ... . . GUssow H OSIERY. ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTORY Watcrford to Paddington .. 50s. 40s. (direct) Saturday, 28th „ 6 p.m S. HENRI GALIBICRT (French Master in t Paging Machine for Account Waterford and exleniive »nd well-aolected Stock of the N"cwe3t ana bnst things in fcotch, MON' Limerick to Glasgow ... Tuesday, 31st „ 6 p.m This Department contains an the N'O Books—is prepared to execute every species of do. ... 60s. 47s. ' Vests nnd Pants ; 3crm!»n, Worsted, Cashmere, Plain and Fancy Hose nnd Half ACCOUNT BOOKS , of any size, made of best paper, University School), is nt present FOKMI. Kilkenny to do. ... 55s. 44s. FROM WATERFORD TO Limbs Wool , and Shetland nn EVENING CLASS tor Young Gentlemen. A GE- Cork snd 4'h Dec 1 nose ; Ladies' Plnin and Fancy Vest?, Pilerincs, and Crossovers ; Ladies' and Gents' Cloth, Ringnood, Cashmere, and Ruled to any pattern , with or without printed LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, Srd Class nnd Deck, Waterford to London, 24s. 6d. Glamiow Wednesday, , LECT CLASS for LADIES in ihe Morning: . Glasgow (direct) lliunday, 6th „ 1 p.rt Braganzn, Kid, Calf, and Buokskin Gloves. headings , con now be PACI :!) BY M A C IIINK , from 1 to L, R ETURN TICKETS-. From Waterford to London, Ox- For Terms, &r... apply nt tbo Univi-rsitySc liool, or p.. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTA Cork nnd Glasjrtw Friday 6ih „ 1 p.m FANCY DEPARTMENT. 10,000, consecutively , alternately, orin duplicate , at THE ¦ ford, or Reading, 1st clasa and saloon, 75s.; 2nd Class ' p.tjn at 18 Bridge-strcct. (nlo-tl) *¦ ' r~ ^planner that will not, be feels confident, fail to Cork and Glasgow Wednesday 11th „ 1 ' Handkerchiefs and Collar?, in nil the New Designs; n large assortment of FANCY N EWS HsrAM.ixiiMKNT. KiiiR-atrcet. Watcrford . • '. and cabin, 60s. 12th 1 p.w Gents Searfs Ties Silk , ¦>k ^satisfaction, Glasgow (direct) Thursday, „ WHITE nml FANCY COTTON ditto. Hff " Uoceipts numbered and perforated , if required , HASSKLL'S CKLKBItATKD COFFEES TAKES BT STEAXXR. RITOEH TICKBTS Cork and Olsszow Friday, 13ih „ 1 p.m FLANNEL SHIRTS ; also of , • •«• -KXPEDITIOUSLY AND ELEGANTLY. GENTLEMEN'S SILK AND ALPACA UMBRELLAS. nt small id.liiioiial expense. (if.) V/ -stod lir Twenty Yi-ars' u«r> . > jfcAPlli. ¦ , Cabin, Deck, Cabin Deck. Cork and Glnnjow Wednesday, 18th „ 1 p.m SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. LADIES' AND T' "' the- • S u. Cabin to the Saloon on payment of 2s. 6d. each. Gla»gow (direct) ... Tuesday, 2tlb „ 1 p.m ... ment will be fonnd wc'.l worth inspection. (NFARt.T OI POS1TR THE CATHEDIIAL), arniuAct in tlr . ' CATALOGUES, and all olhrr BOOK, ThronjrbTickets»l)o>vinfr Pnsscnjrerstobreakthejonm ey Coik and GIIISJIOIV Tliumlny 20th „ 1 p.m Barronslrand-tlrcct \st Nnvcmlcr, 1M7. fnlS-ti ] CASSELL'S CKLEDRATKIJ COFFEE ¦siute to stat . I ' ier equal to any house. Spfciinens may may bo bud at Paddinsrton Rgilway Station, and at the First- Glajgour (direct) Thursday, 2nd Jan. 1 p.m 1, 2, <$• 3. , McKEN'N'A& COMPANY, No, 1, K per Hi .; Nu. 3, Is. -1.1. per ll> Tasionof Cannd ' > Class Stations of the Great Western aud South Wales, Watcr- ENGLAND A' ford and Limerick and Watcrford and Kilkenny Railways; FARES :- A POTII K CA R I P.S, CI1F.MI3TS, & WllOI .KaALE DllUC'ilSTS ..fiAcRs, ana Ml kind, of LAW FORMS. , .; Deck 10s, NEW GOODS. CASSELL'S CELEBRATED ^CTFTEE! also, at thn Offices of Messrs. J ACKSO & Co., 38, Cannon- GUigow to Watei ford or Curk...Cabin, 17<.6d , MoKENNA who bad for many years con- M0S ' HANDBILLS, in Mack or Colored Inks. * 8« Oil ; Deck . MR. , No. t , 1<. 8d. p>-r ll> .; No. S, 2«. per II. . i T: r , • '" * street. London, and Milford Haven Railway Station j or of C«rk to Waterford Cabin, - . , 4* ducted tho Itusinesa of the lato M. H*itniNa - Return Tickets available for one Month , not transferable, f^r Mr. M. DOVTSKT , Quay and Adelphi Wharf, Waterford . Toy tbunks for tho confidence nnd sup- CKLEIiKATKI ) COFFEE ,e conference, in > ; . : Korm, Hai, Glasgow to Cork nr Watintord...Caliin , 25s. (Id. O O'DONNELL & CO. , roturu* CASSEM/S ^M UmU ^ A H ETCRS Tickets, available for 30 days, at a Fare and H A ZLET N , , A-k for tlipsi; CinT"05 at ynnr Ornrer' Biaineaistamed Iromirora ta.i... •. ,_,. . i f:omnanii.« ? . 6-1.; Deck Bt. port awarded to this Establishment since its open- s vaa amani | Ssil«ramim«liinsliip Companies : tno-tliinls fof the Double Journey, are issued at Waterford Watprloid to Cork Cnhiu, 12* , to , This is tbe Cbr.ipest Routi' for Goods to Killcciiiiy , PURCITASE3 for the present SEASON', nnd in every Department they aro now injf, and be^s inform bis many friends Unit nc THE JIAXCIIEST j Account Freight nml Shipping Notes ; Limerick, Tippersry, Kilkenny, Ac. 189^ HAVE received tlioir CELEBRATED COFFEES. 1 Cntick-nii.Suir Clonmel effort ivill lie spared to rcndi-r it in every department CASSKLL'S A corre*".?.": i' . . Insurance & M ercantile Forms Ivillarncy, Tralee, Ni'vv Russ, , , she-wins NEW GOODS. DEPARTM ENTS: lied b ' 1 The Sea Voyage is on/;/ Seventy Miht. C«ber, Tipperary, Midlovr Kcrnioy, Clogliccu, anil the South Supp y * t(> r. . \VB'« I,I orculars; Forms and Notices lor Spirit , , MANTLES , SHEETINGS, worthy the putronayo with which it has been hitherto ¦R ' -, Cafileand Live Stock of all kinds sent by tliese Vessels of Ireland generally. ULACK SILKS. PRINTS. 11. YAN , Grocer, Broad-street , Waterford ; GF.onGE "'. oroVers Tickets; Li. iscs ; TU'KKIKTU'KKIH , LI.VIOVION'SN's, TOWELLINGS, favoured. [n8-!3ni are at Shipper's Risk. Goods and Cattle, Parcels, Fish, &c, For Rates of Freight , &c, nppl to— CORK STEAMSHIP FANCY IIKKSSBS , CHAr.VAM, 51 Quay, Waterford. \Vhole.?;ile by CASSELI., ••'• and 'lottleLabi-Is, in any Reports nf Meeting*, Ser- r CLOTHS, SILK IIAN'DKBR- LADIES' HOOTS &'SHOES will lie convc)-ed hy those Steamers at I,ow Rates, which can Co., PenroHi- Quay, Cork ; W ATEHFOM) and L IMERICK COKUHGS AND CASH SMITH & Co., HO Fonchurch-stroet, London, and G. -V ; mons, Ac; MUSLINS , CIIIEI.'.S, QUILTS, CALICOES, be learned on application ntaoy of the Railway Stations, or to RAIHTAT OFFICES LLMERICK and K ILKENKT : G RAHAM MEIUCS , OLDIIAH & Co., 6-1 Dame-street , Dublin. [olSly H..1.1 . :ii-,?,inccmciits; Hill-IIcaditms and Parcel La- . IKNIIvltY, RUGS, HATS & CAPS. Messrs. J ACKSON &CO., Railway Station, Milford Haven, and BTMHBR HOMAS Oswald Street WINCKVS, .v.^>.«"e., .,; | ..italo;tiii"s ..nd bols at prices to suit nil ; B , Greenock ; T Wnum, 2, DOESKINS HAUBRIUSIIERY. USE ONLY I , nONNKIN. GLOVES, , VICTUALLING ESTABLISHMEN T . Particulars ci Sidr ; j Anii , in short , every descrip- MICHAEL DOWNEY , GUsuow j or to MICHAEL DOWNEY SIIIIITS & TIES, BLANKETS, FLANNELS General ¦ 1 Lut28-tf| 91 Custom House Quay, Waterford . Rl BISONS . LACKS, . ¦!¦<.. • Bool * ami LVrk-Ticlt-J lion of Printing, Plain of Aieiphi Wharl, and Cuitom-bouss Quay, Watcrford FLOWEKS SHAWLS, COLLARS, STAYS, &c, &o. 17, GEORGE'S STREET. ftnof eveiykind ; I Ornamental. AND PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL, IsEW YORK, BOOTS AND SHOES, IN GREAT VARIETY. THE GLENFIELD 1 Omen from neighboring towns attended to with puuetu- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. A LOT OF LADIES' JOHN STAFFORD • !-'y and accuracy. WATERFORL STEAM COMPANY. to inform tho Nobility, Clergy , and 'Jcntry ' INTENDED ORDER of SATL1NQ—DEC, 1887. DRESS CAPS ; MILTANER Y AND STRAW BONNETS. BEGS " IQT ACCOUNT TiOOKS, with or without printed " 1NMAN LINE. STARCH. of Waterford nnd Surrounding districts, Hint he »nd Paged "VTOTICF,.—The Waterford Steamship . 47 QUAY WATERFORD. HAS OPENED HIS XEW VICTUALLING KSTA. *. >•», made in a superior manner, strongly bound, *k* Carry ing the United State*' Mails. r«ui3 tf J> ! juwcntively, alternately, or in duplicate, when required. (gnaM^'xV IJI Company receive Goods for Shipment 83T BLISHMEXT, AT 17 GEOUGK'S STREET, the foltowinj Terms only:—Tliey referre : : 111 onl'rs with which the Proprietor may he favored shall VgMfiff§|^.on rp-L 1115 COMPANY'Sbe full-powered Irish Frieze Woollen Factory, where he offers for fair the very Host description . 1»> l»ii Tl'a tins riplit to carry by any, not hy particular *7^%f^Sv will 1 " ¦' NEATNESS A CCURACY and *a& Steamers despatched HOTELS of IiliKF, MOTTON, I'OKK , AND VEAL. IJ3" All -j) irformed with the utmost , , \ csscls, with liberty 'call at other Ports j T(l|^|a||* Sv CAHltlCK-ON'.SUIK. ¦ ¦ , ly moderate the quality to Tow Ships nnd , Joints Cut to Suit Purchasers. > ITCH and at prices exceeding , and will not be acrnnntaMe for injuries or losses arising from LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT work, considered. HOTEL, in returning thanks to his numerous suppor- • . *.be delny, accidents of tho Spa% Rivers, Fire, the Quoen's Ene- From QUEKNSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK CITY MANSION SIX PKR CENT. INTEREST. NICHOLAS KENXY, Proprietor, pledges himsel l J. S., • ¦ • 30 LOWER BRIDGE STIlliET, DUNLIN. ters for. tlio very largo sliaro of patronage which they • . \\ KING-STREET, WATERFORD. mips, defective Navigation, or accidents from any other cause, CITY OF NEW YORK ... Monday, Oth Dec. , that no material is used in making his FRIEZE, , 1TTRDLY one of the BEST SITUATE , r accorded him during the long period he hns been in nor for any loss which might have been covered bv Insurance, CITY OF ANTWERP ... Thursday, 12tli „ ADM r*HK DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Kilkenny TWEED , OUIJLK DYU FLANNEL , SERGE or contents of CHEAPEST, und MOST COMFORTABLE business, begs to assure them that in his Now Esta- nor for Leakage, Breakage, Condition , Quality, CITY CF LONDON ... Thursday, 10th „ J. Railway, fur the purpose of replacing the IN- BLANKETS, tec, &c, but PURE WOOL. BUTLER'S CATECHISM any Parcels or Packanes, unless specially entered nnd ad va- FAMILY nnd COMMERCIAL HOTELS B the CITY. STALMENTS of the GOVERNMENT LOAN nnd Some doubts boiiiK expressed in certain quarters nr blishment they will Cud it their interest to continue CITY OF LIMERICK ... Monday 23rd „ Is. Gd, lorem Freight f »;a, Goods not removed to be Stored at the Bed, Is. ; I»renktnst , Is. ; Dinner (Urdiitry), B-iND.S falling due, ore prepared to nccept LOANS to the G10NUINESS of those articles, from the low that support. ' • TQAilWOMC BOOKSIXI.EUS, kc. A ND UVEBT 'I IICRBDAT ASD M ONDAT. CLERGT, risk nnd expense of tlie Ciiiisizner*. every Dining snd Sitting Rooms , set apart for undies and nt 5 per Cent., payable upon cither One or Three which they ore oflercd and also as to whether C-i>!"The Establishment will be open from Seven in All Goods will bo considered as subject to a ecncrnl lirn Cabin Pasiaw by the Mail SttwnoM Kiiiliii R prices at . ' ' News Office accordini; to the accom- Fnmilies , Kree of Charge. Accommodation for Seventy Months' Xotice, or Six per .'cut. upon six luonths' ht to tho FINISH here, thereby the Morning until Nino nt Night. ;. • ... '['.pn Sale at The , and held not only for Fieiirht of the same, but for all Arrears Tknradiiy, 15, 17 , nnd 21 Guineas, ' they could be broug modution. five Persona. [ja9-ly] notice. insinuatin;; that they may 1)0 English-made Goods OUSEIiVE :—General Victualling JEstalluhmcnt ¦ [¦• ' v.«ommcndation of the Bishop of Waterford and of Freight, Storage, or other charges dua by the Importer, attendnnce. . Forward 1'assoge includes n full supply of cooked Pro- tS&T A Ni ght Porter alwaj-3 in They will also accept Money on Mortgage Bonds, sold as Irish, I feel called upon to state, that I S LL I. 17 George's Street. 1, f)ore, the Kight Rev. Dr.O'UuTEX ,) Owner, or Consignees to the Company. CAREY, Proprietor. visions. PA I RICK S. «t <> per Cent., for Three , or Five Years, and for the NO Goons BUT MY OWN M AKE , all made and finished d22. f) JOHN STAFFORD, PBOPRTRTOK . of WATERFORD AND HRISTOL. booked '** •!» -. '^Mra for the Instruction Children, Passengers for C.inada, and the United States, Debenture Stock , bearing interest at fi per C»nt, for in my FACTOHY, at MILLVALE 1 Oipsy direct. through on very advantageous terms. DUBLIN , BROWN MUSTARD • ' t '!- !;; •••••• ' "i" BY THE ; Three YearB , and S per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. The Work in the D YE-U OUSE is careful ly attended COONEY'S From Watrrford to Rristol : iFron Rristnl to Watcrford For furtherparticulnrsspplyin BelfaalloJOHNMch.EE, Universall acknowled ged to be a FI I'.ST CLASS u 1 . ' Tuesdav, Dec, 3, ...11 Morn Tlianrfnv, Dec. 5,... is Nona The European Hotel, Bolton Street, For tho year ending the 2!)th September, 18(10, the to and all colours donein Flannel, as well aa LADIES' y -V fVfc£ 7 . Pr. JAMES BUTLER, Arcbbishopof at theCnmpany'»Olhces, 10;{ Victoria-street; in Quesnjcoton, JS for STRENGTH PUUITY TuMilny, " 10, „ 7 M"rn Thornlay, „ 1!,... GJ Morn rpHE EUROPEAN is the largest, the best situate , Traffic Receipts were £22,510 3s. 3d., the Work- CARLET M AGENTA Bum BLUE ARTICLE , unrivalled , , ' ' -ind Emly. ' to C. . SEYMOUR Co. j and in Liverpool to DRESSES, in S , , , , 5. J .- . . CniJ-r Tumlny, •' 17, ... 11 Morn Sunrdiy, ,, 21 ,— 2 All n * X and most comfortable Hotel in the City. All ing and other expenses being £11,429 7». Od., and I'LAVOUK . (mb8 cow) clear Type. Tuesday '• 3| WILLIAM INMAN, 32, Wntcr-strei't ; or to G KKEN , B LACK , YEILOW , &C, A C. ' Printed on good Paper, and in larj?e , „ 10 Mornl have been recently introduced leaving a Balance of 080 lo»- Od., for Interest on t»gy Sold by Grocers , Drupmts; &c. Calt/p v). r«115.|f. | THOMAS HAitVKY , Waterfnr.t. modern improvements , £11, Jlillvale Mills , Carrick-on-Siiir, 1807. [n27- tf " RECOMMENDATIO N. of which there is n, consider- Manufactory— STEAM M ILLS, BACK LANE , DUBLIN. From WalPrford to liristol From Rrislol to Watrrford, and the entire house pupered. painted, and decorated. Loans, after the payment 1 »pprove of this Edition of the Right F.ev. Dr. , from 4 Direct. I »t Pembroke Dork. RAIL WA Y TIME TAIiL IOS FoM N<) K Twenty Suites of Apartments for Famllie*. Drawing able surplus*, and the opening of Ihe New Line Pianoforte, Harmonium, & Music Warehouse, ¦di !r P . Kit's Catechism, and recommend it to the c«llinff COUNTY OF WATEUFORD ' Friday, Dec. n, ... 1 Aft'n Tgniiv , DM. 3 _ 01 Morn Roiros from 2s, 6J. to 2s.' "TiitBDfr Koomion the ground Kilkenny to .Maryborough, will materially increase l) ADO A 120 , QUA Y , WA TERFOltD. ,3i Faithful of these Dioeoses. TtMaT. „ 13, .« 8 MomrTdcirtar, ,* 10 >H 5 Mnrn WATKRt'Olt , KtLKKNNY , M UYUOUOUOU floor free of charge. the Receipts. "\ D. O'DUIEN , R.C.B. FrlJny, „ •ill, ... 1 AU'n|Tiit«ci«r, ,, 17 _ in) Morn " i5< 31 ... 9 Morn U p Trains. Soup, Fish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree, in Coffee They will , every hal f-year, send to ench creditor, a ADJOURNED ROAD SESSIONS. 1P00. iTorinay, ,, C8T C . A. JONES if j <'\fiterford June 2, " On Early Mornine Sailings, the Cabin of the Steam- TR41N* OW. WrrK DAT5. KCNI>A\1. Room and Restaurant, from Two to Seven o'clock dnily. statement showing the full particulars aud amount of -&TOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the AD. JKJP XTEXDS to all parts of the South of Irrland, •- I yr—fa Orders from any part of the Diocese, sent in ers will he Opi>n to receive Passengers arriving from London ' ' 1 " "« f * H^ '^'iTS., I 2 43 I V .V3 Bed. including Servants, 2s. Gd., 2s., And Is. 6d. the several Loans due by the Company. JX JOUBNED KOAD SESSIONS, for the purpose mifr n U* Cla"»- ' ul' * Cluiv .ClmiiC'B.. C^ as. Cl»5i. Proprietor. undemipned at the E tho THREE YEARS' SYSTEM OF HIR E, «;¦ C. R EDMOND , Printer and Publisher hy the Nielit Mail Trnin. MAM »O »OU H »*- fm3I-tf,] J. MOLONY , Applications to be addressed to the of Receiving TcndorB and entering into Contracts for itlu rectcd to 10s. Od. " "»*"••"• , A.,K r.M. r. M. I r.K. I « .»i . r.»i . r.M. after which , and without further Paymont, the PIAXO- promptly at- Cabin Fare, 16s. Od.: Servants and Children, Company's Offices, !il) , Mary-street , Waterford. the Works passed at tho S pecial Sessions for the 7 Wa' -rf ord Srtct OlCce, 40 King-street , Return do.. 25s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin h in li in h m h m b m li m h m roKTE or II A R JIO .MUM becomoa tbo Property of the : 4 •¦() COMMERCIAL HOTEL , By Order, several Baronies of the Coanly of Wntorford, will bo to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. Cork, or Wcxford, 31s. fid., Steward's fco included ; Deck W»tfrford.~drp ? t '> ta 611 « w — — — llh-er. Special terms of Hire payable quarterly, in i te .. . Mullinavii t « 1" 1 10 4 40 -- _ 4 40 — SQUARE DUNGAJtVAN. WILLIAM WILLIAMS Secretary. held nt the following places and on the day s herein-, ^ 7s. 6:1. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. , , advance. C. A. JON ES ' from every Catholic Bookseller in Th,.maJlown ... 8 52 1 40 5 14 — — 5 15 — HOTEL is situated in the very boat part of WMerford, Nov. 20, I86S. (jilO-tf.? after mentioned :— « May be h*d Retail Kilkenny ...aril 0 30 S 14 5 40 — _ £ SO — THIS Buys from the most eminent makers only, ns a prool the Town. Tho House is clean and airy, the at JIilepo3t Wednesday, lull Dec h tho Diocese. WATEUFORDCamilla, VtANDtta , and LIVERPOOL. Zephyr. Do dtp » 40 J SO 5 50 — — fin — of which the increasing demand and the fact that all Kilcullihcen , , , 1857. 10 30 3 3 «t 33 — — fi 45 — Charges very Moderate und every nttention paid tu the Thursday, I 7itoM ¦WATEnjORn: rROM uvr.npooL: Ahbeyleix , MONEY TO LEND, him during tlip past nineyenri Gaultier, at C.illaghaue, 12th Dec, 1S >7. Muriboro' arrl II 0 3 31 7 II — _ 7 IS — com lor Is of Visitors. A Good Waiter in attendance. the Instruments sold by Mondiy, Dec. 2, „. 3 Afln'n Tnejdij, Ore. 3. „. i Aft'n _ S UJI of ^100 and upwards, for a lixed term iven satfolac .ion. Middlstliird, utTramore, Friday, lath December, 1SR7 MornJThuriday „ 5 ... 5 Morn Maiyhoro'.- rfep 1 1 3 47 7 M — convenient to the IS * have, in i-vrrv instance-, ' Fritlnr. ,, fi , M. 6 Dntilln nrrl 3 .15 S 3i 0 .10 — _ — — S3~ Excellent Livery Stables aro of years, at an easy rate of Interest. ^ U ppertliird, at Canickbeg, Saturday, I-Uh Dec, 1SU7. E It \ Mrnilay, „ 9, ... 3 Afln - n|Tnefd»y, „ 1U, ... n Morn — — (m3l-tf) C. A. JONES bus jnst retorned from London with a SECOND DELIV li Morn Hotel. Apply, by letter only, in the first imitance, to Mr. ' Glcnaboiry, at Ball ymacarbery, Monday, lGth Deo., FiiJiy. ,, )3. —in riorn/rhurMliy ,, , —II Down Trains ») largo assortment of l'iniiol ortes, including Semi-grand, or Mnnilnr ., Iff , ._ 3 At'n 'n Tueidav n > T, •• - MM W HITK , 10 Lambeth Road , London. (nt-13i ,S<|uaro!i Grand Tiichnrd Obli ques Sumi-Cottage 1807- (i 19, ... 4 Afm"n TRA1SM ott WCt.K lllVft. HtfftltAY i. Grand , , Fci.fui't<-<<, with a.11 reuvnt , p, ¦ NEW WINTER l?L*nst ' * «' * Vl*ft3!IJ*3 ; 11ONCK STREET, WEXFORD. Ee--embcr, 18C7. Monday, „ 30, ... 3 A'tn'nlTutndiiy. „ 31, ... 1 Attn 'n ^n by Messrs. BioulwooJ , Collard, Krard , Kirkinan , ttc. * ¦ •" '"• is a Ocntnl and Cocifortabl« Hotel , in which Drum at Clashmore, Wednesday, .j Obin Fnrc, 15s. ; Servants and Children , 10s.; Deck, 7s, « THIS SPECIAL NOTICE C. A. JONKS has ii largo ussortment of Harinoiiinms Deeius Within , ISth »! B O L G E R ™™ ^^ : L ^: 3S& everything can bo hod «n the most Moderate terms. Deci-mber 1SC7. ' M . Od.; Children. 4s. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. li m li m li in li m ^h in h in I n m —Eng lish and French make; Second-hand Pianofortes; , Clarence Dock. D'll.lin — — 9 n ; — IJ5j- Rest Dublin nnd H ex ford Spirits; also lirr.ndies, GREAT BOON to the Public has been Decios Witliout Drum, at Dungarvarj, Thursday, '9th " -Ji«d bin SECON D DELIVERY of Goods received at * _ 55 _ Knglisli mid German Concertinas, in great variety; niltleBlitledu to . Marylinro nrr/ In 14 2 — n 9 i — Winci, Porter, Ale, &c. (aul5-tf) December, 1807- (joous, amonRst which WATERFORD AND LONDON. Murybnro' ...i/r;i | 6 30 HI 'JO 3 3(1 — — II 50 — A achicvod in the Violins, Fiutcs, Cumuta, ito , &e. A tine-toned Organ, ible Vessels. '>0 tJ3" Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. —peering,r a« it» . ,. - Aurora, Vela, Aura, or othor elig Ablicyleix I 6 til jtO 40 3 — — 11 40 — with lViliiia :iud mo lorn improvements, New, by Plans 'and SpeciDcations of the Works cm be seen , , , '-OI» : Kilkenny ...arcli 7 40 11 30 4 4i — — 12 35 — ¦ future he was aboi GUE AND TROM _ JUCDUCTION OF THE TEA DUTY! Bevingtuii. "ill !¦(. Sold a Bargain. nt my Ollice, whero also Forms of Tender can be y WHITE Tnormbr DfC. 5 ... i Artn'n Wnlneidaj Ucc. «, ... 8 Morn D.) Niw Mnsii; .it half in:irkfd price. (my-l-3m) obtained. aeirt beat pasiiona .;.>'1KGS , CALICOES, Thurtilaf „ 12 ... 2 AUn 'n Wednesilay „ 11 , ... 8 Morn TlH.mastown ... 8 -.'0 12 5 14 — — I • — (& 8 Afin'n Wt,lnf»ila7 „ M>, .„ 3 Morn Mullinavst I 90 — 5 Hi \ — _ liO i — THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, quote my JIUPIC ; \VA l: EIIOUSK , 12O QUAY. Business to commence eich day at TWELVE o'Clock, ^, LS Thurdliy „ 19 ... I enabling me to ,ire f fon.l . np^,^GLOVKS Thiupdiy ., SO ... 2 Aft n'n Wfdnctdav „ 25, ... 8 Morn Kilmacow 9 IS I a S III - — J X)li ! — A DJ0IN1NG the Turtninus ol" the South Wales except at Ballymacarbery, where it will begin at ONB ra v¦ 5i ' W»lf rfi,nl ...arrti 9 M 1 80 1 3(1 I — — \ — Cabin Fare, 20». ; Deck , 10s. ^ f\ Railwiy Company nt New Milford, nnd the Land- for general purO THE KSW ROSS MAIL CAR o'Clock. templatcd wife , .j MMJ NG of every description. mid Foreign Steam BEST TKA , ,b# J LOAII IHO K EBTIIS:—London—British K AI . I:> Pint C'l«*» Single '1'ickM. 12'. C>1 ; Si'cnnd . Oil. : ScionJ pose use, at .<-¦ ... j agony at ag a 0 rcturncd with a Large Wharf , Lower East Smitbfield , . Public are re pcclfuily informed that the nbove ^ W; Secretary to Grand Jury. ' il- ¦ IHn.. I.etW' II Walerr.itd nnd M>iyli.iriing !i. The QUAY, WATEUF011D, at 7.0 u.m., until «xccpt the mercy ot v QOORS , the choicest and Soutliwark. extensive Kstnhlisliinciii is rep'cte with every necim- Noticp fiiS-in Secretary's Office , Court Houso, ^ AND PLYMOUTH , VERY SUl'KRIOIl TEA ... 2s. 8d. „ further . County ysical po- ^o):, consisting of WATERFORD WATEUFORD AND I.IMKUICK UAILWAY. modiition. Cuffee, (.'oniincrciul, nnd Sitting I!.-i(ims ; Wntorford , Nov. 2'J; 18G7. lyse his ph Aurora, or other eligible Vessels. • ¦- Aura, Ranqer, Vp Trains from ll'aterfnd. Iiilliur». Cla». Uln». Cla,. riMlK KmiCT OF THE OlST.MEST , . r added to her Ladies Thur»>i«y. „ 55, — 2 AMn n Tluir'ilay, ,. 21, — . This Hotel issituutcd on the banks of the attond a Grocery, Wine, and Spirit . Counter, • 1 A >r | A .M . y.M r M . | A .M A M . I .H . J. To the very core and ccntie of all diseases which the Atlantic waves, wl. ,..„. -_,,„„„ „.. ._. (,'alun Fare, 20s. : Deck, 10s. Taking Roods for Falroouth _ i ii EECIIAHT AMD IUST-C LASS F AMILY G ROCBR , l to JIAKY Ri'»N, Tlie Store, Tr.imore. ' • • ;CLOTI1ING Department , ^ " ir' " Milful'l Haven, ati'l commands a most extensive ticw of T M F this, remarkable preparation App y "7 , : ,1 • r; Southampton, Portsmouth, and places ndiacent. Ili in ; Ii in li in li HI I li in in li m afl'ret thv huiimi body, felt there live nil Ins !. ' Walerfuid....¦ B II 9 Ar> 'J 5(1 ... j 8 :iO H M her Majesty 's Docky ird , and of the rumanlio and f ie- ¦ WATEUFORD AND BELFAST. j | penetrates. It disappears under the friction of the W ANTE D , wniline witli th<" : • Carrlrk » 4(1 10 VII I 3 3D ... | 9 15 S IS turesque Scenery of the ncic;hliourli"od. 40, MTiHCU/lXTS' QUA Y, sal- disappears when rubbed upon meat. The were ^tirl I ... \ 4 4 «T No. 6, MALL JP! twithiiut p-iin. Simple eruptions, open sores, hard thoroughly the Wholesale and Retail Spirit, Wine, and through the electric w ( . ^ 'n Tufiday, „ !", ... 7 Aftn 'r Coik._ ...arrival ' -2 0 3 0 ] < Si) ... 2 5 j S comfort, combined with Moderate Charges , surpassed Falurdiy, „ 14 ... 2 Afln ! WATKRFORD. T'11 umours, scrofulous developments '¦! all kinds abscesses, unexceptionable references ' Tiif'iln" ,, 17, ... 2 Af'n'n ' I 1 20 li ... ! 1 an I JII Grocery Business ; the most termination of his evci ;- 7c QUAY , WATERFORD. Saturday, „ 21 , ... 2 Alln n . . Liroerick....nriil 3 •>" *> by no other in the Princi pality. cancers old Wounds , and. in fact, every species of in- t ., Jf . .- 2 Afln 'n;Tue«dny, ,. '^4, ... 7 Alln 'n , will be required. (nl5-4t) Saluntay, ' Hot, Told, niul Shuwer Ii;iths. whether in Che skin the n despairi " ._ ... .. _ Tu'iitay, ,, 31, ... 2 Afln'n Uown Trains from Limtrick. !CP TO COUNTRY TEA DEALERS nrimmntioii ot suppuration, , l to " S. A. P.," Offi co of this Pnpcr. indeed, — 4« , All coiumunications should be mldrepscl to App y Cabi- t" , ... los. Deck, ... 7s. tsd. Cliildrcn , ... i TKiI SS OS ^Vl .l. K UAyn KfND*TS flesh , thfc gl;iti(is , .)r among the muscles, can be arreMcd - r»*r, <' ¦ , . are . Manner. folly IOTICE NEW ROSS. Qy iOt') E. WILLIAMS , DEALERS in the COUNTRY, who can pay is its dcitructive course and permanently cured without BALLINAKILL NURSERY, WATERFORD AND u>.iniv.K TEA li-.ll- will find it roucli to Ilieir advantage to order II on ROM ATKRPOUD— Daily, Sundays excpplod , at 3.15 P.M, io4:,|l24:S .'i.i I&2 Ifta Ii2 Cash, danger, hy rubbing in this inestimable Ointment. WATERFORD. ' the folloninK TOWM.ANDS. in F W TO WATcnroso. E GAM// cin5« CI JM O'ass I CI KK, C!M Clui Cl» M DUBLIN. & CO., n^ FIIOM N RW ROSS— Daily, Sundays exceptcd , at 8.30 A .M j from MKSSIiS . STKPIIENS B.'D L KOS , D AD B REASTS, Son US AND U LCERS.— 1 X the I1AR0NY of IDA, COUNTY of KILKEN. A.M I A M A M ? M. r.M. A.M p. || . <|u:ility not to be pro- remed is WATERFORD AND DUNCANNON. Commercial & Private Lodging House, us, combined with exccHrncu of I D uiriny Hospitals in Europe this cclcbiated y POWER begs to offer a largo and Well-grown 1Y , are STRICTLY PRESERVED :— Ii in li in H *n Ii in h m h m h " liberal .SUPPLIEDwith SUGAR, nt COST P1UCE, in Spain and l'ortugul, and in many parts of Italy, the LAKCH , SCOTCH, Sl'UUOb, SILVER, Fill ; CAPl'AH lUUILr.AKKKN. •'<;> ; , ' . I Jlertlis srenrrd and every information eiven by the Agents. D U W III '/ (•;< ...... !» I P 7(5 II! Visiting Dublin can 1)0 accommodated , wli . cb no Profit whatever is charged. first Physicians regularly prescribe its une. It is a AUSTRIAN and WKYWOUTH PINE, ALDEE, 1 GAUl.ST»WN. I CAItKICKI NNANE General Steam Packet Office. Liverpool— Cirk ilrp ... ' ... f II -' 4.1 IN |(l 10 10 „. PARTIES Suuiides will be sent fr ee, nnd postpaid, on applica- for bod breasts and bad legs; and like- SYCAMOUE, PRIVET, liritlol—The ; I 35 8 111 2 13 t l.l with or or without Board, and all tho eoinfoit& sovere ign remedy HEUCII, ELM, HAZEL, 1 llALLlXCL'HHACiH, ItALI.YIIOMUCK , Wntirlord Rtoam Ship Company, 23, Rrunwick-strret, Clomnrl 9 10 | ... STEPHENS & CO., It is to bp found in the chest CHESTNUT Cutrick ! 9 5(1 ... 1 5i) J 1U 1 55 2 S-1 ... n25-tf tion to Messrs SAMUEL wise for nil skin diseases. THORNS, HOUSE nnd SPANISH , BALLIXAMOHAUAX , ! BUSWOOI) Washington liuililinj:». Xon.Mn— A NTIIOM . (i . U OW NSOS , \¦ of a home, on Moderate Terms. r. J and 87 SOUTH GREAT KAL'NXA(JKr.OUE Wnteif.irci.. nfirMn Xi ... ' 2 40 8 (I 3 45 :l 4.'. !i, PARLIAMENT STKKCT, of nearly every sailor , soldier, and emigrant. LARG E EVERGREENS, CONIFERS, 4c. > HALLYKKOUHAX . , Lane: Hritish and ForetVn St«*ain U'liarf, Lower £S" Situation , close to Sncltvillc Rtruet. I)Ulil,IN. 20 Mark GKOltOB'S STKKET, PILES, FISTULA , STRICTURES .—The above class of DWARF, PYRAMID , nnd STANDAUDFRU 1T TREE3. l MILTOWN. 1IALLINCREA En«t Smithfinld , and West Kent Wlmrf, Snuth.vark Piy- Mail Trains in.irkr'l with an asterisk. * ,\ Ticket 14s Oil ; Secon, lit 51. Itoturn -Pint Clan, all 9d ; Mecnnil ilo, Id Oil M THE PEOPLE^SJTEA, parts with warm water, and then by most effectual!) ,-f MKI.V1LI.K R. HE.VDRRSO.V & So5», Donegal Quay ; [jc29 tf] and GASFITTERS, 3 LITTL.E SEED WAREHOUSE , 25, KING-STREET. I MOANROK, HAI.LYMOUNTAIN , PLUMBERS , rubbing in this Ointment. Persons suffering from at the Company's Officc the MALL . WATKRFORD GEOROE'S-STKEEET W ATEBFOBU beg lea ve STEPHENS & CO. HISHOFS HALL liALl.INAMONA. And . . WATERKORD AND TRAMORE RAIlTsVAY. , these direful complaints should lose not a moment in Haud Ianarvs Mali Mitf ris Sueettriort Ditco. Week Das Traint. to inform tho Nobility and Gentry of tbo Countin of fit EOT attention to the above, as com- should be understood that Also the following LANDS in the COUNTY of the arresting their progress. 1' THK NERVOUS AND INDISCEEKT;—Con- PK0M LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK I ; 2 a i 4 5 I o ' 7 i a : o Waterford and Killcenny that they have OPEKKD a bining quality with great strength , nt lowest pos- 0'mtn.cnt on the TO CITY of WAXKKFORl) :— STEAM D it is not sufficient merely to smear the suit Dr. HAMMOND (of the Lock Hospital, fco.) EVERY WEDNESDAY, _ i> rn a m_ ' p m p in I p in p in ; p in p rn BRANCH KSTABL1BHMENT at No. 1, ROSE IN .V. reccornmcn'l it as a Tea that will CHlil'-TEN.-iM UH'Elt NKWTOWN. nnd P^ ¦ sible price, and can affected parts, but it must be well rubbed in for some F.R A.S., F.AS., A:, Member of ihe College oi h m ' h m li m I h m b m j h m ( h rn m t b m STREET, KILKENNY. •;tvc every satisfaction to consumers, and be equal to that it may ' ' AND LOWER , ! ANNEMOUNT. AND FROM QOEEKSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY- W'W «S II 1(1 45 W 0 «2 15 4 0 5 0 li ' .» ] ... considerable time two or three limes a\hy, Physicians and Surgeons. No. II , Charlotte-street. 3" All Orders punctuall y attended to. H3-!t now paying more money. Ballv unUin , Dec. G, 1S67. (d(J tf). •l"nif, i 0 n '11 IS 1 (I I 3 15 ! t 30 !»0 0 ! 0 3n! ... | ... Sr^" that for which they are be taken into the system, whence it will remove any Bedford square, London, \V C, .on :»U.these Ailments A TTr>v A T RTE A.M snip To induce a trial, Samples will be forwarded to any sore or wound «s effectually as though it taere tocmbitier and sbo'ife'n I ifr, and Mpeciallt attar The1ST new ' Sunday Trains hidden which tend CSf~ ll COMPANY (LIMITED), Ferrybank Timber and Coal Stores. address, gra'-is and post free on application. pable to the eye Brjad *nd water poultices, after on Nervous, Mental , and Phvs'u-al Debility. At homs Pr,.t s Patent Candle Co. (Limited), ^F j British ¦ pal . ' : ' /yl\\tO full-powered Iron I , 2 i 3 4 I 5 ! II ! 7 9 9 Undersized have at present on SATJ E n SAMUEL STEPHENS & CO., ihe rubbing in ol the Ointment, will do great service 9 till 2, and 6 till 8. ' Sundntl 10 till 13. :.The " Self- r- ^'''" "''!" ;tl !tollnwin >;10HT LIGHTS ^^tfrjjy .i m n m 1 p m i p ni ' p ni 1 THE : ?: '" " B a in n m f j ? m p m Sii| hUcd by (iro<:cr9 Clll!mi»«« _Ss»-»ara«i3iBia> Screw Stcam-ships "~ . 2, I'ARLrAMK. Thin i.i the y the "" . &« = , li in ii rn 1 h ni li in li m 1 li m ti m ! h in h rr. ASil , and HOQsUKAD ' 'GK'S STREET, DUI1MN. . or for those who suffer from a lled to. Fot hands of ' T> ' . . Shi . Tons. Word «K n 3(1 I 3 30 4 :iO 1 ft (I ... I „ OAK , , PIPE STAVES- also GKOK cancer in the stomach, ters, wlih details of c*sc«'"; ^njmptlr\yep ¦ ¦ > Ti:NTNioiiT LinilT», l)urntinaK las«. Ship.. Ton" '¦ p' 12 15 1 J , „„ Kit , T|.omson .. .3325 Tinore! » 15 12 4l! 3 II 1 4 (I «6 (I | D 3n ... ! SPIIUCK and PlSli DEALS, of various length- and general bearing down. • distin^uUhed Quallflc»tioni fe«*»' WplomsJ! N.B.— of a prison lilt • a IC HT ICIITS Fiuscr.. Grncp 3200 HnLvitTIA , r >i: ¦ Ciuu. s N . L , burnt i» a ~* breadths FINEST BLACK TEA OF YotJTB—SoHEB AND TJtrERJ.— cured in t few '-;'••' "¦ ' ' - ' - ¦ ¦ -.. TllR QuKi!S% (irofan....3tl2 i PiiN!nvtv»»iA,Lewi«..2873 Tho«e marked lliua • are nmll tralnii^ . (ofi-tf) iAtrRUDENCIBB Recent cites «J*jr,i ' t he »clion» of >- atrr. : be radi- ENOLANII . Cutting 3W0 V IRBIMA , Prnvrif 2876 K AFO.S — I'irst ClaMSinnlo TicVet , lod.; Return Ticket, ! ¦ DOW LEY BROTHERS. Blotches, as nlso swellings, can with certainty Lights are known to he tho hn\ \ ( fPHOSE who compi tin that it is impossible to procure Medica l advice forall nitnftd it.:, Sendfill particular Tjetriotic end th' J-ht n Ems, Hull 3200 I I)BNM»«K ,Tliomp«on...287fl Second "Jlm-i Single Ticket, Td.: Return Ticket, Od. call cured if the Ointment be used freely, nnd the ¦ °l who do not alread JL ruilly fine Tea .»t any price nre solicited to order y with directed tnvtlop *end adtlet Kill it tint by post. . • nn m- ° 'bose y nso them Will lirdKpttched Irom Liverpool to N'W York ns follows : Meaara . GABRIEL. ni ht and morning o> recommended in the nianiiin, no tr TEA at THRL'K SHILLIXGS Pills taken g PUBLISH ED (free to ' any "Mdre-s), i ..iy rocommcnJcI. (aulC-tf] HELVETIA Wwlnmday, Dec. lltb WATERFURD & LIMERICK RAILWAY THE OLD ESTABLISHKD DENTISTS, our FIN KST BLACK , instructions When treated in any other way JUST ?l-i are " ' ' ^ D.itterspa Dec. IRtli which i-1 the choicest and moxt delicious printed MEDICAL GUIDE, which contains 'full diree nlc. , ;, ,. Byi", , London, S.W. DKNVAHK ¦ ..? Wednesday, PKR POUND , complaints only dry up in one place to break ont "' " W«ln«day, I>c. 25tli 27, H AIUEV-STREET, CAVENnisii-squAnK, and 86, nnd unmixed with nnj other description. 'Olb. these tioos sod I'reaeriptiTOs for fl)e recovery or Health «DI ERIN ... . ;. . Passenger Through Bookings between Water- imported, nnother ; whereas this Ointment will remove the following dsys. LI 'UOATE Hi LI, LONDON j LIVERPOOL : 134, D UKK - Cuniitci's carriaire paid. «« any railway «taliTRKET, WATEKFORI). cured ham, who may be consulted daily, in confidence. Esu P»xo^uto tho ' For Freinln or P.miee apply to infliiiiiniatmn , eixht or ten Pills should be t.iken night TO NERVOUS SUPFEUERSAR. 8MIT1 doctor who copies this Advertisement. {s6-(lm* i at the following Low injury to the Enimrl, 2«. Od. and .Is. per liox. Sold it UNDERTAKING B UHNCSS. / TnB N ATIOXAI STKAM N AVK ;ATIO !» CO. (LIMITED ), above, morning. The Ointment will produce perspiration , of the University of' JenaJ"'TiM ' ju«t pn Office of this Paper, and by »U Chemists throughout ami M.D., . 1 H.TheAlbiny, Oldli«l|.iii ., and 23, Water-strrtt, Livf rpool j FARES: thB so es'cnful for removing fevers, sore throat* , ' ill ' Nertobs Sufferci DE3ILITY, nnd all NERVOUS dom, NORTON, DEACON & Co.'a which is lishcil , for the btnefit it T^fEUVOUS AK- To N. and j. CcsiMins nnd H RO »., Quwnitoirn, or to S INGLE JouRXKV—lst CI UM 2I» -Id ; 2nd Class, 1 Ja t|ic King of the chest which urisc from , * , gnd thoic oppressions a FREE EDITION of-. hi* valuable work, ;TF i\ KECIIONS , uhelhcr the result of early errors Mr. M UIIPIIT, Nfwi A L TO (, OABKir.I.S CHKMICALI.T P R I'.PARKD AVlliTB OUTTA NEW YOlt K STORE ' I . 'arricl-on.Snir. 10d ; Srd ClnBf , 'J* Id. Aeilima . l'lronchUin . aul other onuses. WARNING " VOICE =«>':. Y OOjN O UEN : i(I are by very aimj.le and inexpensive I' CUCIIA K HAHEL i« the he3t atopp ing extant for AND GENERAL AGENCY CONCERN . . or oilier wise, means IU.TIIUS Jv.uif.EY—let Clara, D2a j 2nd Class. 23» 9d Ointment nnd fi lls should, be used in tht Medical '^prk on 'the'cuftf"if Nerto (>ornimiy. 'J'hc Teeth, or Toollincbp, and no matter how fur- 1J- yUEEN STKKET, WATKUI'OKII, Uoth the pages). A quickly curcl blii>i Gont Skindiscane tudc , ' !i[p mode of ymirtt lf by the Patent Mf.jrijuttivg Curative and Ur-WmerlM Den 1 CI M 1*2CN« U2CU 1*3CU H .i) liiesli , Muscular Relaxition, Langour, 3*3 free from any metallic substances, und lace is iilso open to such of the Puhlic ns may be Chapped hands rilandularSvelling^Scitrvy Local Weakness li trrauncnt theic adopted, on receipt of a directed enve- EUctric /ie/t.— Cutesspeedily >nd permanently uervous [Xew Sti.liViuJ ... !).4$un !2 oO|»n ».30pm entirely , as it p Hum* ' , dcbitous to dispose of their 1'u.rntture or i>lber Uonac- Bnnioni UornstSoli) Liiiubano Sure-heidi lcssleis, Depression,'&o, i«n\cS If neglected, result 1' .. AU jwrvins may cure Ihcmseives, anil thus not anil phjiiral debility, liksilude, depression of spirit?, Diil.lui Aili'al ... y:)|>in r>.35|»in U3U pin 4.;i0im name signifies, ii «pecial ly prepared for tho purpnv* Cancers Piles Tumours hold Kffecis on Commission. Site of Mo>- Consumption , and frcrojiture Death r iritbrpltia | mirrwge, t.nd , social duties, lins pob- H. J AMFS, ESI )., (Medical Electrician to the London Office of this Pup>>r, aud by ull Chemists throug!atut II ¦ ^lish . B o{ hU ' to send it. Gooil» intended for Sale, as well ai ibe place the civilised world, at the tollowing prioes:—1B. lid - Seat post free to my. IM '&im&mSm&ff a jed po)t giving ihe full be^fi, ,onff expt. Hospitals), Percy House, liedford-erjuarr, London, FOR SALE, the Kingdom. : for almost every til .as of Household Goods, 1». Od., 4n. Od. , Us-. Ws-, and CSs. each Pot. - There postage sUmpi.: .L«tun. ofiiea«||^^H||^^^| rtenv n^vs. with pUin directions f."ORTON, —Dircotions fortheguidanoeof patientsiu ererr N.b.-Additw, Dr. .bMlTl1Y?rT?llSSQ^ dress on «o.«Pt »f c. S..Bp. ly to Joim K IAN & BON , Builders, 27 William 10s. Cd. per Uuttle. Sold at the Office of this Paper, or , JCp Minil She Address ani 1 notice also, N.B. 1 ¦ AdJJU to tb. aiere- dies" can be sent and tested fiee of charge. liefer \pp [o!8-ly each Pot. '. . - " -W-O( r l i : An»tom mlO-tf] by sll Chemist* throughout the Kingdom. . ,. BEACON li Co., U QUEEN . STBKET- d isorder ore affix ed to . , Lon*rn, • t '-} ^P'''4i }P'.0 ' ^ i¦ "?J x" ° ?' B'"alnghaa. fjl y) nee* to the leading I'byticiacs bt the day. Btroct , Wtttcrtord. i^^M /V^-irfP^N 'HWt r

SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES ~ BENSON'S -WAXpSBS sgad CLOCKS. KELLY, COLLECTION FOR THE POPE Cfic +Barttet&. :;i y ¦ ¦' ¦ ' < ¦ .iMtnv-wnicn. Mn. ' • ' M i ; * < j\^- nauowi an uprigbt/^iSra&tHM *' ' BINC became, u hitherto prjSieoVJI;watta " b«i«*omp«»\iefb WATERFORD , LORD BISHOP the Most MR. E. SOLOM ON S , : sprcial ntpointm*uttc?'H.R,BJ lbs P E of that <#.!.¦ not unwilling l 75 , QUAY , THE of the Dioacse, Waterferd, l\ieimbe+ 6j 1867 / BY ¦< ':s< by reserraUook incoai^iblf.witliiAerit ^ts tad, in-* y we tbbjfailTOfM Rev. Dr. O'B KIBN , has received from the Parish Optician to the Royal Family, Patentee of Spectac les, ' ,. * .*** ¦ ) ®.. i 8ii Beturn from the Lon- Sn)«]l (applies, ilow demiod , and »il kind» cf N»tlit tb« ' the tercsts of toe country. JTr.(Jon asm«adj>"will No lap- signal and significant overthrow •twJ to Announca her of CAHIR, County Ti the sum of £44, ns and Manufacturer of Transparent Glassat, ' ; ?¦¦ ¦ i Priio.Me.Ul, London. Claw 83 ,-Dtiblin. CUuCity 10. , ' p i ^^ , ^ BEGS pperary, tarn lower. , ;. r prehension need be felt tha^Qreat^riUia; -per»j*t |jpr^rant spiriti who fomemeo* ' don and Scotch Markets, with a Large its contribution towards the Papal Fund of this 19 , NAB8AU-STRHET, OUBLIN , AND i .&I»k«t ot tn«. Ooid . 0iuVeti ^rtduax^Aby. of dH-corf POREIOK WHKAT-A raodtrato ecnsum>tl»» domin<, tt» inrefosbg to ittisfy thMVfMt'inuVre»sonaibIeolupw ^r 6 ^. ^^ Dioceie : 23, DBNBIGH-PLACE. SOUTH bELOUAVIA, ^ ' l.ooJon to H.TUH. the ttairtdfof W « LKS and "eJiT by their efforts to regain the Supply or WINTER GOODS, which will \>e inrolring as they do the princi le of pon-interrention," poslti ^Sw*^ K«v 11 M.ioney, PP £3 0 0 Kedra ... 1 0 0 LONDON, Induction of M. p«r liartel. H RH. the DUKE of EDINBUROM . p ' on inspection to embrace all the Newest IBTABLISHKD , which henceforth is not more important to America, held, with closed doors, by their round, , Rev KComeiford CC 1 0 0 Michel Burke, Esq, WHO HAS BBBH 43 TEARS PROFESSIONALLY INDIAN CORN—An Improie'l domsnd, at a decline ot 3d. per WATCHES—Chronometers, Chronographs, Keyless -Prtlot|jK{j^H§ for the Season, in 0 0 than to other nations." The Times thinks they will day. preceded Fashions, and Late»t Novelties Kev M Uoonry, CC 1 0 0 Abbcy-nlrwt ... 1 BEGS (o caution the public against the use of the barrel...... - Repeatera, -.Levers. Horiiontals ic. ^hich EmancipationVtwfSSSjS DrStokfs ... 1 o 0 Edward" M'Louithlinl 1 0 0 1 : not be settled ontil Mr. Seward girei way to his «ao- Bonnet, and Kibbons. common, Improper, and badly mnnufactared FLOUR— Demsail slow - In some cases a slight coDceuton was CLOCKS— For Dining and Drawing-Koouu, C»r- Bl^ expMti the confidence we feeljhatrte! Plain and Fanoy Silks, James iMulcnliy. Sisters of Morcy ...10 0 w.SSptiV' Ladies and Children . Esq, Glasses ind Pebbles genemllv sold, which are so riagea,. Churches, O'Me.nrn, Mii< Csthonne GoruiHii , William O'U.inlicll , , COLE ft PROS?OR. JEWELLERY—Specialities in , *! Y , nv - M . ously suffered from them trnstg that it is now - that the question between both countries may be set- •mount of moderation "•nuYgood\ Cashmeres and Coburgs, Ladies' and Children s David O'Gnrman, James Uoland Mrs. Cody—10). each. , and PRICES CURRKNT. Crystals, and Fine Gold for Bridal and t«¦ mi«r!i&*5 'i , unnecessary excellence of tled before the Democrats, the bitter enemies of Eng- " ' ' Mantles and Jackets, Boots and Shoes, Tobias Egan, 7s 6i3. to dwell at length on the Other presents. . vanquished bate shown ; and lf •njihtagjjffi lined and warm -cc his spectacles (so difforent from pebble or similar sub- Presenta- land, cone, into office at Washington. Shawls and Mufflers, Fancy Willimn Evans, .Michael McEnery, Mils Dillon, Pei. IRISH. New. OLD. . SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE—For '' '" - wsrrteoM»-protn?ngwnrw ^rwin|, ^ Samuel stance which ho neither constructs approves, nor or Tea —" TH« M(lrTCHEITErmeniHia»KCA>S' IK 'i!*»*DA. cT 3|iJ Waterproof Tweeds, Slippers, O'Donnell, Jamrs O'Donnell, John M'Carthy, , , tion, Raoiog, Diners a la Russe, liutke Mr» Henneajy, disposes of) and on the advantages derivable from his When the list steamer v«s leating New York, the embarked- In tbo came; and' Hit' ; Imitation beal-skin, Ge°tlem«n o'f T , Joseph Fenton, Laurence Drohnn, Table. morli8e»^rt^ ; ' ! ' I'ierco Britt Bridfce-street; Pierce Butler, accurato method of adapting Glasses to Defective Sight WHEAT, <. d ». At. i ¦. A telegrams announoing the execution of tbe Manchestci : Flower, and Feathers, Gloves, Ties,^ Collars, , Pierce Botler, WORKS OF ART in Bfonie, by the te»t Artists. gendered by the ;m«nner ' in which - UMnSjti?;-. Castle-street ; Michael Mullor, Tbomas D.miel, James (a matter of much deeper importance tban is frequently — Whit* . - - 3s o to 39 onn o on o Feoons bad not beon , rtceixed;. but in .the papers of Hosiery and Gloves, Braces, &o.. — Red . - - 36 0 37 u'oo 0 00 0 their dear hopes of covetted Dwycr, Patrick Qnigly, John Cantwell, James Morriwy, supposed), us such as ore admirably calculated (u pre- the 2Srrl the preparations at Manchester 'were desoribed. power have bin ^Mf Table Cloths, Colored Mannel Shirts, — Shlpplnn do, - 32 o 34 0 00 0 00 6 LATEST MARKETS. Mrs Pnrcell, Thomas Lonergnn, Miss Kitan , Outrai?li i serve the Eyes unimpaired to extreme old age; they BARLEY, perbnrrel »l 81. The«xecnti« wheat OD tbe alasila. No eztrn if* tranuctloaa entered Into, chosen the right man ; and when tbe Ermine Grobo, Scal-Bkin, Chin- print with if and those who have not employed Spco- , millers having confined their operations to their aeiual wania. duced a bill reoewing tbe sot in relation to the wri t of pfrlod ,, Cuffs, in Sable, , Philip Ryan, Timothy Looby, MichnelTwotiil l, Joh n Winter, , — Puperfine« ' - -M0 M «:no 0 no 0 !? O'Neill Michael tacles by mentioning their age and describing si ght Prices nr.alleirrl. M»ize afloat, beln( scare, was held at full habeas corpus passed at tbe last aejeion and in doing .for transferring the mantle, which has betn Minx, &c. Honora Calla^lian, Daniel Mnhony, Jane- . , — lnfi rooderato ex- * . "Repai rs of all kinds promptly attended to. tent, OD former terms. Peas neglected. Flour moved off pealed lo the English QoTeroment for clemency to the November 29. 1867. (d6> t:> Fuhy, Joh n Mjhcr, Putt Dorke, Putt Brim, VVin Prender- NEWLY INVENTED TELESCOPES, WHEAT, perhari i-l. nr-«nili» al.twIjr. at Mondnr'a quutatinna. Next lo nothios;doing in ftgrl* Manchester Fenians. THE ORPHAN na«t , Michael Cronin. Dr Kane, Mrs Mnlony, James Roche, . |. , /i. ,. ^ CHILDREN As used by the most distinguished Generals, her Ma- — Awrtan S cultural areas, hut prices rnltd Urm. Linieed and rapeaeed Ricbnrd Johmoii, Brieu Henueisy, Richard Keating, Jobn , print and Winter - - :30 0 h< 39 8 quiet. Ca kt a moved off slowly. At yet the Tory dictators NOTICE jesty's Coast Guards. &o , combining portability with — Msrliinople . . 'on n no n of our union arm,,.. Fenton—2< 6J each. — Benll«n» THE MAYORALTY Wm, extraordinary power and clearness of vision, which '.l . 3!) 6 40 n ARRIVALS IBIS VTI1K take the condition of the orphan and TOWNLAJ.DS in John O'Nrill, Edmond W.ilnh, Mrs John Roche, — Ghlrko TaianrPK, and Odeana Wheat. Rarler. deitrftj j? GAME on the following Riordan Jainea Murphy, John supersede every other kind for the waistcoat pooket, . - \*< I 39 0 Malt. Uals. Flour. THE" WITHOUT DRUM , Mrs Regan, Michael Guerin, 'hrntl . . , 'nn fl 00 0 Entlinh and Scotch 590 230 1310 — 88c dren in the house quite easy. Until - the BARONY of DECKS Greene, James Wnlsh. Mrs M'Grath Deuia M'Grath, Deer Stalking, Military, Sea, and all purposes, both by INDIAN CORN , Vellow. O.lesun n Now that Ibe battle has been fougbl and won, tre shatMs L PRE- . . A Onlnlz , \i1 » 28 Irish ... .„ ^ ... — — — 6J0 — County of Waterford, aro bTRICTLY O'Donolme Margaret night and day, nod some from 3} inches will show dis- -• IlirnliH«iFnxonian • . :fl « 71 9 Foreign l88fiO 7010 — 7159 20100 tbe force of public opinion they won't in the Maurice Buckley, Mrs Shecliy, Ed , can afford to be generous—if, indeed they deserve sani u\> Former leave withdrawn :— Moran, Per at market; Beasta, 1,0.10; aheep and lambs, 6,930; under their defeat, and in any valedictory the clerks of the Cork and Callun unions »,v? 1SLA Sundries. In each. Total £44. — French, per suck, of oqnilu. . |»0 0 00 0 ealvas , 89 ; plga, 17S. Beer, 3< Od to Ss 4d ; mutton. 3a 4d to one from the clerk of the BELLAHEEN ^H,vr »wr. . With superior 3 inch achromatio object glass, two im- - Sa 0.1 ; vi-al. 3i Od to Ss 0.1 ; p irk , 3s Ud to 4a Oil ; lamba Os nd. on ihe subject .'which we make, we shall avoid , Kilmallock union a, KNOCKEYf.AND^ ^^ INDIAN MEAT, , American , per |, r|. or 10lllh«.;nn 0 Oil 0 , ' BALLINTLEA CHRISTIAN BROTHERS. WATERFORD. proved eye pieces, sun glass, portable metal jointed Monday's pricea sustained for baef; business limited. Mntton «gate Orange tleman who graduated in the Commissioners1 MILLEUSrOWN _ J Homn nTnnnrncturc, '„• . ,. n above all, the Billing. vocabulary of the J* BABKAKIIX The Pupils of tho Christian Brothers' Sohool, Wa- stund; -This extraordinary instrument will clearly — ~ per «i.-k J 8 n trade atairnant. Veal muring upwards; slight Improvetneat In Dublin. It will be observed SHANACOOL I , or aqoihu. {; i market. tha) (be KiltrS CASTLEQUAUTER terford Subscribed tho following sums : — show the most important heavenly bodies, sod! exhibit RYE MEAL, • •< tin' 0" 00" 0 p t prints, which have given utterance to some of the board are not so much CURRAHEEN , attached to " houuiSi ,n Joneph Brophy—1O.<. with distinctness the face of any individual, or of a LONDON PRODUCE MARKEr-yxsir-EDAT. matevolence which the tyrannical faction—the ing" as the Waterford " Kockview, November 29th , 1867. ("J Sugar—Prices aust>ilni'±J Is 2d each. 7s ttd. A liBt on application. <)J to 7d , mutton, 4d to CJd per lb. 2,981 cattle aud 8,090 MAYORALTY Corrected this Dai/ for thu Wnterfonl Neirs. sbeep at market. Tin race for tbe chain TJTJT^'p C* Philip Fleming Ed Walsh Wm Hanrnhan Jas DivyerJolin ADMIRAL FIl ZROY'S IMPROVED BAROME- self can have their vote and interest ? We say em- , with 200 son. ud ths din}, ' Laml'stcid E.1 Kirwou Ed Power Michl Kirwan Ed Walsh PROVISIONS. GLASGOW CATTLE-YESTKSIUT. on tho Bfach...(l«t VxhttUT Underhill £120 the weather, handsomely that added, wns a subject of much speculation ia Slnia.pns Jas Mullins Jan Sweenry Joseph Ryan John Hoare Patrick TER, accurately foretelling B ACOH Pins , per cwt .„ „. ... 41a M in 43s (M The buppl; nr stuck nt market '.o-dn; waa larger than laat phatically not; and from experience, we know spcrfiif; c^ ...(2nd Pnic)...L J Pott 181 Or TIL do ._ Thi. Ilefcm-a " Whittj William F Power Patrick B.irry Jamrs Nolan Richd mounted in mahogany, with Thermometer, Price only ...... 40s 04 - 44s . 0™.£^.m. Harry John Buckley Maurice .Murphy James Cnmerford 15s. mitted to. Al the clo-e n lew.were left unsold. The number or nifested, we may cite the fact thai it inspired in tho Exhibition of Works of British Artists, Man- HrAnn do an< nd — .n, nd sliL-ep similar to a-l week ; lop qunhiy in demand at belter a quid pro quo. Those Tory adherents who re- tbegeaiiad jHtnt'<( Hurkivy Redmond Cnady Joseph Johnson John Ker- SOLOMONS' NEW MODEL BAROMETER, price do ... ASl 6d — 46s 6.) , rouse to put his prognostications and about 229 other Paintings, from £0o pricea. Otter anrts remain unchnnxed. Top oxen, 67s 6d per in rhym« befots tlinj! Chester, vick PatnVk Malirr Fr»nci« Phelan James Hackett John 12s 6d. LABO (cbandler'11) .~ 41e Od — 42A Od ewt; do Irish corded their votes with such hUta ] , 63s ; secoudary.iUs lo 03a Ud; mutton, 4Jd to e{d unanimity tor Mr. H. lie. " Orange Blossom" is a well-knowa prophet down particulars in Prize Murp hy Jnim s MiGrath John McGrath Thomas Bourke at Is and upwards. BHTCHF.R8' MRAV. per lb. ia ttittril Correct Thermometers LATTERY ONE SHILLING EACH, entitling the Br.r.r, per 1b ... fin to 7d I LAMB F. S , will tell you now, with tlint placid of racing, and his thoughts aro csgirly TICKETS, Mi.hl G reen Joseph l'lielan William Mnlicr Geowe Bnurke CAUTION !—TO prevent imposition, it is necessary to , per nr... n« nd to n« CORK MARKETS-YESTEIIDAT. witched, pirtiak. tho Drawing, may behad irom Wnlsh Mirhacl 1' Do. per joint 01 to 8rt Vr.M., per 1b... M to 81 ly about Derby time Holder to One Chance in Henry iwrr Jmnes Murphy Michl Phclau note mime and address, and to particularl y bear in BUTTE R — Fiists, ll'7s : seconds, 92«'; thirds, 82a : foorihs. 77s ; speech and deceptive tongue on which reals so much , as he is known to bsie hit nfflbawB. or will bo forwarded direct li.uiiel Dil y Jainr> Dul y Thonins Phelau Jnh'i Wdlah James MOTTOK , porlb. 6d to M ' PORK 5Jd to SJii fiftlu 70i; i.ixlba tier of that (treat event more tho undermentioned Agents, mind that Mr. E. SOLOMONS ONLT Establishment in Iro- , , 51s. Milil-cured - Firsls, 123s ; aeeond s than once. Onr lot] M. and .Tanips POTATOES. I(if1«; thiida . S7s. l.SMI firkins in market. of tbeir nuccess, that they tendered their support by the Secretary on recei pt or cnvolopo (stamped Dol.i r:y Ilry lin J.-lm Nash Patrick Corcorau Thomas STHEET DUBLIN. The adopting lhc nom ia plumt of " Orang« Blouotn "'rtrM I'htlan J.ilin Grant Jolm Fol».y William Kenny Michael land is No. 19 NASSAU , Aversis prlco ... ,. ... 3d. to 6d. per stnna CURK — U hite wh-ai, 13s fid tnlSs 9d ; re.l, ,2a 0.1 to 13s Od: ' directed), together with poatago stamps or poSt-oH.ce to Mr. SLATTERT, because they did not see any the chances of each aspirant seriatim, telling tu tt tLtctT Quinn Jnlin Power John Grint Jnmei Kenny Maurice Hack- entrance exclusively by the Hall Door, within One BRPAT). barley, 10* Od to 10a 3.1; black onts, 8s (id lo Us 2d; white, 8s lod order for the number or Tickets required. connected with 10 9a ii : berr. (la lid. other candidate ; but i-it Mnitin Walsh Joh n WaUh Michl Culford Morgan Deun Door of Dawson-street—that he is not WniT«, par 4lb .. 8d | 4th Od lo Id , we would 89k , how did it This time Inst year : • JAMES (). LAW , Secretary. , onr friend Sir Ben, Jns Scitoii John Powrr Jamm Fuley Jamc-a Collins P.itrick any person of name similar, or other name, and that he WntRKEV. DUBLIN MARKETS-YESTEBDAT. come to pass that it was all that side who had been Tbe glorious prize did (rsin • I 39, Oxford-street , Manchester. DtlBMN ,percal ... I7i Od I O LP Supply or cattle la ser than last weak, llemif .ijy .Michail .MC E TOV John Hennery Thos Magaire employs No AGENTS OR TnAVBLLBits. (n29-tf) , CorV. gal, 17« Od but ot aheep smaller. And now its just upon the curds OORK. puncheon ... 15s 6d Prime cattle, In anticipation of Christmas, brought a little more ready to enlist under his banner,, whilst the Liberal LOCAL A GENTS : Patrick Ca-ln'ii Liuiuncc Dnhhyn William Sullivan Rohert anil For him to do the same." Mall. FISH mnuey. prnl.ably (10a ti> G3s per c«vt , butmldillin^ ior.-rinr Mr. W . C HOKER , Bookseller, 11 the Butler John Whiity Patrick Power William King William CASTLETOWN STEEPLE-CHASES, 1867, werendfu^. Sheep iigain lower—to price 5$l to 6d Mayor, should he be led to imitate the example Wm Pnwer Henri- Kearury and Wra Keating—9J csch. TO , 7il per Hi; *xlrrme lod. the majority would select ? gtVtm l Alliance Life and Fire Assurance 17th. FOWT. AND KCSriS. At Smithfield .Market ti>-day the attendance ofrallch coos and lustrious predecessor, decliniujr to record a csitinr n? John Harrisson—8d- DECEMBER 16th and Fowt., pur dn» 18f nd to IR3 I Fnns • COMPA NY , , ner 120 ... 9< Od atnppera was smnller, but larger or wranlin? calves, &c. Prices Fought under many advene circumstances, the the virtuous assumption tint both canrlidntes wrreloifij Tliotnns Fitzgerald and John Hattc;hton->~7d each. Gttnr., 3J . 6d. to 5s. tnfh . \ Turkers .« S«. 0J to 6j — SnrinRcr cows Tioin £12 tu t?> each; three jear old to offend either STEWARDS : , £12 to Liberal party mode a gallant strugg and achieved , would remain in i.ffic*, llw COThollS BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON Patrick Co-ilis William ShrrMan Tliomni Hearne Thomas WOOL AND HIDKS. £l7; t»o year "1U , X7 us to jC12, nnd one year tiM , JL'fi to £8: le, failed to m»ke an election. The candidate Arthur Martin Arthur Joseph John Contcn Hnccet »nn1 .. Is 4d toln M I young cnlve -. 20s tu 30s. weanlings , 4l'a to 00a : bacon plga " rrornSttratm* L :-FlVlC MILLIONS STEULINO Michael GEORGE LANE FOX, Esq., Bramhnm Park. ltide.i ... 23> 'A friends who supported him nnd snatched from the " out of form" that he wns not ' \Cf> Prospectuses, Rate of TREASURER —Mr. M. SHANAEAN. WniT«,p»reiTtS0i. i.»> 2«« »d I MOPLO perlh ... nt 7d . , 5i to go in saaramajVi Edwnrd Quinn Joseph Bulger Thomas Hoffan Patrick Field- per cwt. B UTTER— Cooli Od to \%i per lb; firkins to of B BO W N , do 19a sd to I IPT . , 9Jd lOJd and the actual victor was told in the followiog information may be had ing Richard Butler Michael Power Joseph Phelan liobeit Clerk of the Conrse—Mr. J.PHELAN , Hotel ,Tramore 26* D . do ... Oa 6d per lb. grasp ing hand of faction the honors which they iKwtteir- HARRIS , Ajrmt, " So the chnnces ' Mn! KICHAKD Fowler Patrick Larlin Patrick Walsh John Holran James FIRST RACE. TIMBER. have for years held out are Pat Poer will wiaj V ' • Rrn PiHK .perton , 85» 70s TA V KR us the pay for renegadism, ¦ 15 Queen-street. Watcrford Wnlah Pi'tcr Ryan Richard Kirwan Micluel Grant James HE RAMHAH ARK TARES Handicap of 3 Sovs. ] S , per inno 72s 82« CLONMEL MARKETS— WHDKKSDAT. And Slatlcry, mny-Uf , ' . T B P S , TII.LOIV ASSURANCE. , 4Ba to 50« I LATnn ,par do 20s 64 to 21t BiiTir.R—Small supp'y; prices fmm tods to loss per cwt. have done a noble work. Let it be denied us it Might wnit a year or two or morr, MARINE Veale Jnlin D.inuody EJwuid O'Meaiu John Dillon Francis each, 50 Sovs. added ; about three Miles. Horses to ORH 3S<) , Sailing Vessel, to any i ort OO AW. C - Suppl* small. White wheat , to 38s per burrel; ted To grace the Jlnyoral-ty." .jj CarcoM.per Steamer nnd Power Wm Cissidy James Dillon Arthur Winnery Gvorfro UNTEB Esq., on or before dr . 33s do: Mack onts. 15" 3d per do ; « hn<- ost« , I6s 3d per do. may, by those who are interested ./. msurc'i on bo entered with B. J. H , Ooit (average) Ui Od to 15s 6'l I O OKI:. ner'on ... 20« , the Jarge mass in the Irish , U'Uol , au.l linglUii Channels, Firth D.inic! Fii-M uc AnilpuNulan Patrick Moloney Patrick Saturday, 7th December. Weights to be published on MtscKLL&Kitoo s. - Flour, firsts. SSrper uick : seconds, 47s per If not tlint utranira prophetic soul, " OranjnvMouoitt/siii tr) L'"!t'onl I-Mwaid Hiuscll P.,t,i,k llact-y Joseph KODPRR AND CREHN CROPS. TUBSIPS, ... 1.1i „ IT* y droll habitut of snorting circles teltgnaMa Monday, 9th, and acceptances to be made on or before | . VI* per cwt; ortlni.-al. 18* pel cwt E.lward Dunni-llr John Ilienan Patrick I'hilan Pntrick STRA W , ^vheaten 40i — 41* I funno-rii, ... .is<,, 4(U abroad , and tlint a great benefit hns been conferred a Dublin I'ViMiiti* cotrniporjij th BILLIARD TABLE TOR SALE nii Micliael FirMins Jas Mnrp hy P.itrick WaUli P.ilrick Do.foatonl — 46i ' MAiffiOLns . ... IP A .. 17.1 CAKl!lCK-OX ->(JIIC MAHKITS-S ATUHDAT. great race, which nppenred in duo lorn, ill "li iiliitsaVlV O'll.inl> Joseph Cussi'l Sovs. to tho Fund—Entrance, £3. White wheat , Hli- tn 37s per brl : red ilo, 3s to S is ; blaei nuts, on the community by the united action which has njty," under tbe hi-ad y Hush Wixsteil James Wixsted of " uponiug intelligence," ittfl¦ ¦ Thos Dn^Kau Patiick Slunaliau Peter Walsh John Sweeney SECOND RACE. Butter Market. 15n tn 13s 3d. Supply tlirtlu-d ; (lemand dull Hay frum £2 5s crushed it to the earth " latest betting on the Derby " following ¦ ¦*> BF. SOLD, n very hanrlsor^r BILLIARD In £4 per ton , sccordini; to quality ; ttraw (wbeatenl £1 5i— in that local Parliament , s— - ; TO J in"*". Itjtin Thomas IXirinodv D.ivid Hartl ey Uiclid Thomp. Hunt Cup valued £20, added to Sweepstakes of 3 Number of f irlein * weighed at the Puhhe ' f lutter Market , WATERFOKD RACES-MoirDiT:7'"' • V TABLE, made by THUKSTOS, London, together o.nen. £i. Tlie abore scarce—supply mrall. Turoips, Us 8d which the efforts of the great O'CONNELL and his MIII Edward Pnuir Kichatd O'lteilly John Hartley Sovs. each , p.p , 1 Sov. entrance to go to tho Fund. for the Week ending Friday (this iia;/), the 6th inst. per tun-c.irrols 30s—mangolds 15. ( BT TELSGRJPE.) : ' ::: with the Balls, Cues, Limps, &c, all complete nnd in ' , , Potatoes—Dealers boy I.yau Patrick Phelau Muuric* Fitzgerald Edward Mnrp ti) Weight for age, 4 year list. 101b j 5 year, 12st, 71b ; No. of firkins fnr wrek, ending ilm day .... „„. 588 them readily at 5d per ainne , and If cood quality 5^d— retail , 6d associates rescued from the grasping hands which Corporation 1'bte, with 200 SOTI . added., <>; order. , Price [lowost and higher) par ovt., 9«i irn 105s. Od per stone. • perfect .I HII . CS Norris Jukeph Gaule Datul Finn Joseph Power John G nnd aged, 13st — For Horses that have been regn- . now would fai.i clutch Apollo Belvidtre ' 5 li '-l Application to be made to EDWARD R OBERTS, r.sq., Flyun Walter Merry Willi.iru O'Meniii Jiwph Itusscll Thiw Butter In ki-BK „.„...» Ms. 10 rajOs. nd. TIPPERARY HUTTF.R MARKET it again. For years back , Knorkane |V Inrl y hunted with any established Pack of Hounds, No. nf firkins corresponding week late year _ 7.12 Weaton, Wnterford. Hi-ylin David Ileyiin Patrick Hey lin Panicle O'Fa t rill 5'M OSDAT.—4 0 firkins, rrt.m (Ma to 60s per firkin. the domineering spirit was observable amongst the Won by a neck. - f i, .' '• ¦$'' and which never started for £100, or won £20 (private Price per cut » „ „. irs» to I0S1. DAT December (ilh, I 8t>7. (dO-tf) Maurici .' Qninl in Nichol.i s Qninlau Patrick O'Neill Franc s JflTur. .—SOU firkins. 6% Od lo 60s per firkin, The Worm fell, jn:l vr<,» matches cxccptcd). Gentlemen Riders. Servants Wr.uMisDAV.- 6MJ firllnj, 66s 01 to GUs car firkin. minority in the Council , and il had becomo well un- distanced. Waterford" QaMl (laule Dmi« O'.NVill l',,,nni O'Donnill Michael .McDnunell to the post, but was disqualified. •< V. ' f; " TURNIPS Jawes lli'imcsky Michael lio-jnync Timings Un$>Ti Idlwaril excluded. Btttfie, &j !^y ix$e$>& Zfleatfig* derstood, that the wages of sinning against political AUCTION O? Donnell y Phili p It THIRD RACE—SELLING RACE. LOCA L RAILWAY TKAKFIC yan Willimn llonrke Jnlin Kay Josi-ph faith was the Mayoralty. Knowing ST. PATRICK 'S WAKD ELECTI0S. . •" >';' for all Horses Announcement!0/Birtht, Mirriarteaf t Df -athi, ll. each—pre-pald . For the wwk Hiidinir Friday, Novemlwr 29, 1807 the} bad not • BE FOLD BY AUCTION, on MONDAY next, Ryan Thomas Casey William Power Win Molnnry Nicholns Stakes of 2 Sovs. each , £20 added, , To-dny .\Jr J C Henaeuy, reiornina; otSni^fmiUi U.uuiy V.wk-l .MtGraili .llicl.nel 0'iVcil! I^nicl Alollny £30 ; if entered Wateriord Wat- rrord Limerick: Limerick the power to fulfil their inclinations , and keep it all a scrutiny ot the votes TO the 9th Instant, at GRACEDIEU LODGE, by 11st. each ; tbe Winner to be sold for BIRTHS. of this ward, which ^Wttll- Flahavau Laurenci', G-urc c Widih Juhu WaMi lid- " At Tlpperarv, on the 3'lth Nor., aod and and and »O* BEDMOXD. - ¦}' ol'tlic late JAMES A NDEBSON , to be sold for £C0, allowed 71bs ; if for £40, lOlbs ; tba wife of T. St. Lfgar Limerick Xllkoony Foyoea Ennia to themselves, es they do wliere Protestantism and JOS J^SSkX , directions of tiio Executor waul W.i '»li Atklna, E»q.. of a inn. Householders : TUR- Julni J. WaUh Ji.mrs Murphy Kugi-no Carroll if for £20, allowed 2Ubs. Heats about One Mile and (77 miles (31 miles (2S{ mllea'(24i milu Toryism are dominant 170 1 HonsihoWtrs Z. ^H» - Esq., the prodnco of al.cnt FOUR ACHES of AnilrHv Kii2.M-r.iiil Jolm Ilur '.ry limuyni John O'Sul- Dro 1, Hi- Prorincial Bank or Ireland , Weiford, tne wife of O. , the aim of that party in Proxies « Proxies ' ' Tons a-half. Horses to be entered at or before 9 o'Clock D. Iriloe E-q , of adiuchier. upen) open) open) ! open) I ..i.i«..W? \1PS which will be made up in Lois of abont S I'van WilHnin Cullen .Aiatiln -w G u!r- John K IIUCM William , the Waterford Town NOT . 28, it 52. GroeTenor-nqmra London , tbe nife of Daolel Council has been to elect to ' large heaps of PRIME MAN DUE on tbe Saturday Evening before the Race. The , £ s, d, I t. d. £ ¦¦ <1. £ «. i. each. AUo, Two Ryan Mat'hew Dunn Daniel O'llcilly Walter O'C'artoll O'Oonnell Frencli , E'q., "f a Km. | li l V-; Winner to be put np to Auction immediately after the Passengers, ' tbe office of Chief Magistrate the Catholic "SP Bale at 12 o'Ctock. THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. Wiilt .nn Phe!.in John MclCvny Michael O'Grady William Nor 30. tbe "Me of Mr . John, Tim.lei, of n daughter. It will be seen by the nbive that Mr RedmooFtWtaf 1867. (It) O'GniJ y John Cnminins .Michiit/1 Whclau Richard Caithen Race, the surplus ovor the selling price to i»o to the Parcels, ic , 6111 17 4 128 15 4 83 3 5l 78 3 6 whose princi ples have rendered him the most Ambrose by 61avotes on tha householders The Mall, Waterford, Dec. 0, "ii '" " ' Goods 4 Cattle. "62 IU 31 173 8 0 fJ 13 1; 13 10 1 ; sud VfaaiM .l.iu.ts No:i™ Maurire IUan:r. Michael Murp hy Michael Fund. Hones that won a Race or Steeple-chase, M A n f A (fiCf i beat .MrReilmond on the proxies, " November !V, atlbcpsrinh chuieh or Abtyr«ld«. bj the Very obnoxious tu his co-reli ionists ; and the man or property, je*»sZdi I'nwrr Patric k Fewer GmlTii-) Pnwt-r Jnnies It yan Thomas never 13 g otrnert of a portion of which To be Let, or the Interest Sold, valuo £30, to carry 71bs. extra. Horses that R> T . }. A. Andenon, O.S.A., atslsicd by ihe Vrry Rrr M. Total 1333 18 7 302 3 4 172 IS 6^ 159 7 may le dead for abtf AbM W 'J 1...a,as Jamts Moran John O'Reill Cimesponiltnj; I I of independent mind If the Culliolic ratepayers BROWN STREET, PORT LAW, a NEW y-.- y John started for a Race or Steeple-chase, allowed 41 bs. O'Donnell. P.P., and Ber. M . Mazey, O.C., CJ plain Gerald and action was ever held who neglected to sta tsS * WnUer Gccllri-y O'Kf wsnk la«t ve-ir 1532 4 3| 2S-5 0 4 129 10 7- 143 1 3 pers had voted, IN with a good business SHOP, Quarter of .ine uuil Jovph t?ollius— Od earh. Entrance £1. The Winner to pay 2 Sovs. to the Walab, eldest unn nf Cu p'aln Jerrmlnh Walah , Cork , tu Cecili 1 under a bnn by them. The le of that foul Mr Ke.lroood would have been ttmild HOUSE, Ti.tal iitm.ui.t incluilinp smaller >ul'scrilitic.iis Mary Mahony, fifth dnoublcr of the. late Michael Mabony, E.Q., ~~ princi p Moroover, the Liberals oug nnd havinp a Lease for un , , £15 8s 81 Fund. ht lo b»ve had won? J*B* an Acre uf Land attached , Don^arvan. MOON'S C1IANUES. doctrine hus prevailed for too many years buck ; and The Conaervatives bave worked np (n22-2t) SECOND DAY. At C>erlhan Church. Jamss «' every ouo tMttf nncxpircd term of 9G years. a!,h, Eaq , Fetburd, to Jnlia, New Moon ... llomlay, Nov. 26th ... 5.11 when be had. • — • • •— i^fi Brown-street Portlaw Waterford Mechanics' Institute. THE CASTLP.TOWN STAKES Handicap of 2 Sovs. tbird daughter nf ilia late Denis Lsilcin , E*q., Ballycoroanc, , a year ago, an undoubted Liberal was on tlie Apply to Mr. J AMES lUl'Cll, , , FiiKt Quarter ... WrHlumLy, Dtc. 4th ... 10.21 Mr Ambrose had some zealous cantaiieri, amodgstlM each 30 Sovs. added. Three Miles. HorBeB to be countyTlppernry. ve of election , NOT. 3n, at St . Paul'i Ohurcb , Arran.fl uaT Doblin Ancustine Full Mnon ... WeJimiliiy, „ 11th ... 010 p.m • , faction again went to srork , and were Mr John Joati , of Mnllinahro, who' would bthttl Winter Session, 1867-8. ' . , , COUNTY WATERFORD entered the Evening beforo the Race, at 9 o clock, Frost, Earj., merchant, LlmerxV, to Mary, only daugbler of tba L:i»t Qnnrtcr ... We.lnes-Uy, ;; 18th ... 11.39 p.m induced a hermaphrodite Liberal Protestant—one eruplnypd in Riving leases to his three or four tuuntstii THE COMMUTES beg to announce that PRO- and to be weighted by tho Stewards , or thoso they lata Pttrlck Hickio. Eaq.. mercl.anl , Knnis. Mr Edward Jacob, son of Mr Thos W-iafoh, Ul AmtW Nor. 30, at the Catbedisl, Marlh..rnuBh-ilreet , Dublin , Georfe whose honors KKS.-OR GLOVER , ns-isted by THE MISrfKS may appoint. Acceptances to ba declared tho samn .MONETARY A.\U COMMERCIAL and position are mainly due to his UUU...IMUI, ureni pressuro WAS pni on IQB rjfuaiMOT. BE LET, for such terms as may bn a;rro«d Francla, third son uf Daniel l.(.mt>.-ird, E>q., Mount Mary, county . GLOV ER, will Kive TWO MUSICAL LECTURES, tors to roto for Mr Ambrosr. We shall onl TO npon, the DWELLING HOUSE, OFFICES, evening. Entrance 2 Sovs. The .Winnei- to pay 3 (tork, to Tlose Mary, daughter of the late J. Toobev, Km., D DBLIK , TnoKSDAT. —An averaje amount of husiness professions of Liberalism, and his alliance with the y miotoHB in thr> LAK jE ROOM , TOWN H Lli, on the Even- Sova. to the Fund. Knnckane House, cuunty Tipperary. trauii:icti(l in Hank shares ; li:,nk Stuck lull off case—Mrs Capt Fluherty, a tenxnt of Mr JacoVatragsjisl and LANDS of BKLLE LAKE, containing fif, Acres seller! U party of O'CONNELL — lo throw himself into their to vote tor Mi inps or MONDAY and TOESDAY, 9lh and 10th 2361, the hint piice ; National ndviuic'd j for money and Redmond ; Mr E Jacob, sbs ssid.ahiSi Irish Plantation Measure. A large portion or the SECOND RACE-SELLING RACE. D K A T II S . called upon her December. 1SG7, comnieucing each Kvening at Eight ht for i for iiccuiiiit , Nationul ot Liuerpout ,ai:d Uniun hrought jaws, and thus obtain an unworthy triumph. Mr , and signed her paper for Mrimlojs*: been lately laid down in prime Grass I-rindr, Stakes of 1 Sov., and 20 Sovs. added. Weig On Wednesday mornto?. at 104 , Qenrce-»treet , Limerick , In . Why did those Land has o'clock precisely. the nineteenth year of hr.r ngp. Mury. the secnil diusbrerof the p'Ci eilini; vH 'ue fur account. canvassers take, sock a ip*pj4_ut«ajijk pasture except three acres ap!<>—3 yrs, 9st. 71b. ; 4 yrs, lOst 1211) ; 5 yra, Hat H. F. SLATTERT was one of those »ho aided in that Mr Ambrosr and tho entire is now under , t' Mnurice T^nlhan, E*q.. proprietor of the Limerick Reporter and LONDON-, TIIUKSUAT KTEXING—Consols opened , who livi-s in Tramorc, and has rwftEtB f £jf nch Evening Gt.ovp.n.will have lUlbs ; 6 yra and ajjed 12st 41lis. Iloraca that won a in •trady, lie bimrel t hi"hl y manured this year. A considerable »'im has Tipptrary Vindicator. She vr:.s a m'M e^inn iblenaisoti evtry and clusnl without change. li:»liv;iya left off at »n im- ignoble nerk , and we tell him now , in the face of admitted, to attend the board, s,n4 thMtjiiik the honor of introducing a Fantasia on the Double-Ac- Race or Steeplc-chaso value to carry 71bs extra. oben-ieot child, time to attend ' been expended on the Dwelling House , which, is fit , £D0, rr.pect—a fi-n.l , a loving fister, an niniahla and provm.Piit . Kiiiesn slocks closed rnther lunpr. liatika all those til her to the interest* or tbs riMkMfe tion Erard Harp. Horses that never started allowed 5Hib. Tho Winner nffectinrale fiicntl a kind , ccn^lc-hcarted a.-.l unawimiot; protcstolions uttered by him rn Monday the poor p liui for the reception of a respectable family. good. Minos—Dun Pi tlioj firm , lluiUou Bay und lllioois no matter abont tha:, it was BHWrnP Terms of Admission t* each Lecture— Unreserved of Chriitlan. Durlnit her brief career ahc trnn nnd merited Ihe lost, that from that moment the place of a Tory should be filled by a There aro two w.ille:l-in (iardeim, and extensive any Race tho First Day. to carry 71bs extra. All ealee.n, the respect, aod the lore nr all who knew her and in Letter , Aii|ilus nteail y. 112-1,10 in bur gold tihs been , now more than a year T«^>!2MW Front :-ia!s , Is. j Back Scats, dl.; MembcrsJFroc. . - tho-o Catholics who voled for Mr ArobroeeVsTaiBTftJW attached ; n Ion;; lease can be given. Horses to bo Sold for £80. If for £00, allowed 71bs ; the bad InM caused bj her premuiuro dealt', her -iffl cted parent* willi fli ..wii tri.m Ihe H.iuk , nicladiug i8U,0c0 for Nova ago, he was a candidate for the Mayoralty for Ihe Offices Itrservc-d Scats—Meinbt-rn Gd. each J >u ul M'Gratb , the ti-gUlrred propjielorof gmM V.i,a-it is situated five miles from Wa- , , or I . for a if for £40, allowed lOlhs ; if for £20, allowed 211t>s. anil Rorrnwini: friend! lt:,Te tha yreat Kailsf ^cit knowing Scutin iiml the Ua;.r. Amount p;iid nt the Rinkem' Cle«r- tb« Oitisn Belle Lake famil that she died fnrt.6t-d will, all the consolations ol religion—unit year 18G8. He felt that ho should which atyles itselt Liberal aud Caibolio y; Non-members, Is. GJ . each. Horses to be entered at 1) o'clock the evening pre- 1 inu Iluiise for wnk endinit Wcdni'mlay was i71,203,OC> patientl y wait for 1 ,r \W, two and a-half from Dunmore , and one portion [a with the hl IT terforrl, dti K. POWKR. Secretary. of belicrlnc that bcr cssen . H remains Alter official liuurs Cmif Manchester, Klleo , Ihe LOSINO ry pony. His vaulting ambiiion, lioirevcr, FO « I > N EW *. A pplications to be :.q., M .D ., Iho Inst reprwntaliTe In four o'clock, the xind blowing a gale, «itUV;$jjrj£ljj$« TUB Entry at tho Post. to 3 per CiMitCo!i< ='>l.-« 93J — cil. As a reward for his services CONSEItVAlOitlE.Snnd DKM ESMEof GUACE A Grey, 15 3 hands high, with ^ood shapes and Cl.mmel or a very eld and r^pecuble ramily bcl..n»lng tbe a vear ago, we saw Richnrd Briiiitfad No Horse allowed to Start whose Stakes and En- Xe\v3iier Ceut.S.nck 92| — , the coast-guard on waicij^$*$£$ [J ODUK , the of the 1 •» J AMES fine action. Have been ri»jiilsrl town. ^ on Monday DlliU y driven together, 26 In her tlxieenth yenr Margaret d.nuehter of Thomas Nntioim Dank 30 60JH ihe sad spectacle of the venerable created on the high cliff over the ier knowi sitiiatal within Two Milts of Wutr-r- • trance has not been paid in full. . , , ' 01 61J p , .tjtlaW^K A NDERSOX , 12-q., and in Single Harness. AVould bp cold snpuratcl y. Cnnke, Etq., Callan , r«r nh"m n st.lemn Reqalem Mnes and I.el MHi Chairman noon, fell over into the quarry benrntb; »'llUlsl)is,)WWr The Linda , which All Horses to bo entered with the Clerk of the Bank nF iin.1 235i - , in his declining yean, abandoning the ford, on the New Tramorc K"»J. Apply to JAMES SULLIVAN , Cloaiagh , Portlaw. office were celebrated ror htr eternal repose, in tbe parish church Hihci-mn l'.unk 2S 39i — sixty fret. On this look-oat, which was eoMUtJBff&T Measure (ex- Courso at tho Hotel , Tramore, at the time appointed, of Call-in, the Ker. Jamt-s Corr, celebrant. party with whom his political s contain about :JO Acres Irish Plantation Prnvincinl li ml: 2S — — life has been associ- the iwvt uofi nkeepingct-ping a¦ Tiguvixil wnsaldiicu tor-for lrimuMnn:'iilliii 1t1|MBff ; nrc in M. UAKK1NGTON C(; or pay double nt tho Post. Colours to be declared at At llawncccragh , Kilmalluck , of (tier, Mr. P.itrick Browne, ;"' "" tor clusive or Plantation rcs-ived t.y the Executor;, & ., National nf Livvrpnnl (liiniirl) 5 — 121 ated , and recording his vote in probabl y the most is n flj^--stastair signalling, where Britntnd ajJBPJajWPj the time of entry, or forfeit One Sov. seed IWjears. ' good order, aud n"arly all in Grass. Wholesale Druggists and Apothecaries At Bruff, on the 3»< 8 102 J — raised against him in biro over and prevented him from UlTiat T*°""TOftai Nor. ii. at 2,, Kingstown , Mils Sarah the many memorable struggles bead, 4-ouM canjed instant ddtatb*atb,*oraH Kooms Servants' A partments, Water Olu.-tct , &c , and horse saves his stakes. No confederacy allowed. Any Corran. i'l years. KAII.WAT9. wbicb hiv« **g» , MH. it CO. \,c<; to direct attention to their 'sed with which it used to bones, and perfect rep«ir. horseman seen on the conrnc not wearing n Ticket, Nur. 28, .it bis residence, Roe d'Argenton, Pa.Is. Charles fi rrat Southern and Wo!*™ 100 98J — be his pride and his boast to dontially Its escaped withoat broken ^jKH is in • LAI5OK STOCK of PROPRIETARY ami make his way lo bis bouse not (w ditUutditUutvt . BfllMffij the F .UI M HOU?:- . OFFICE*, and LANDS will be treated as a trespasser. Bookage 2« 6J. The Edoarii Uigh. Esq., )ouns<-