PERMIT APPLICATION s140 Heritage Act NSW – 1977 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, RESEARCH DESIGN, & HERITAGE IMPACT STATEMENT 111 Scott St and 1-3 Bolton St Newcastle, NSW Natalie Blake and Martin Carney AMAC Archaeological Management & Consulting Group Pty Ltd Archaeological for Pacific Lifestyle Resorts February 2010 Disclaimer The veracity of this report is not guaranteed unless it is a complete and original copy. This report may be inaccurate, incomplete, not original, or modified, if it appears in monochrome form and the signature below is a copy. Martin Carney Director (mobile 0411 727 395) Archaeological Management & Consulting Group Pty Ltd AMAC Ph (02) 9568 6093 Fax (02) 9568 6093 Archaeological Mob 0411 727 395 E-mail
[email protected] Cover Image Early map of the Town of Newcastle, Armstrong, c1830. Vicinity of study site circled. Virtual Coquun-Hunter River Project, Alexander Turnball Library, The National Library of New Zealand, MapColl 817.95gbbe/1830/Acc.3580. Archaeological Assessment – 111 Scott and 1-3 Bolton St, Newcastle 1 CONTENTS PAGE Executive Summary 7.1.1 Documentary Research 3 7.1.2 Significance 3 7.1.3 Physical Evidence 4 7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 4 7.3 STATEMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE IMPACT 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 BACKGROUND 12 1.2 STUDY AREA 12 1.3 SCOPE 12 1.4 AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION 12 1.5 STATUTORY CONTROLS AND HERITAGE STUDIES 12 1.5.1 NSW Heritage Act 1977 (as amended) 12 1.5.2 State Heritage Register and Inventory 13 1.5.3 National Parks and Wildlife Act (1974) 13 1.5.4 Newcastle City Centre Local