App Development Checklist for IT Leaders

This checklist is intended for CIOs, IT leaders, and citizen developers seeking to build high-impact no-code or low-code business apps for everyday use.

Over the course of 6 sections, this guide to digital transformation will help you think through key questions to frame every aspect of the rapid application development lifecycle.

Understanding Constraints What are your primary business goals relevant to this project? Have you identified all project stakeholders? ▢ Yes ▢ No Do you know who your target app users are? ▢ Yes ▢ No Are you looking to build one app or a suite of apps? ▢ Yes ▢ No How many internal teams are you looking to support? How many end-users are you anticipating for each app? Can you clearly identify what problem they are facing? ▢ Yes ▢ No What is the status quo system that you are seeking to replace or augment through a mobile app? Will this app be utilized internally, externally, or both? What kinds of devices do your target app users utilize? What is the maximum expected number of concurrent users for a given app? What is your IT budget, digital transformation budget, and/or mobile app strategy budget? What’s your expected development timeframe? Is your company culture aligned to facilitate a rapid application development process? ▢ Yes ▢ No Is your DevOps practice aligned to integrate a rapid application development process? ▢ Yes ▢ No Identifying Features Needs Have you spoken with all stakeholders to get their input? ▢ Yes ▢ No What kinds of data sources do you need (e.g. Drive, Office 365, Dropbox, SQL, , AWS, Azure, etc.)? [email protected]

App Development Checklist for IT Leaders

Does your app need to work offline? ▢ Yes ▢ No What kinds of integration requirements or APIs you are seeking to use? How do you intend to notify and communicate with app users? What kinds of workflow rules are needed? Does your app need NFC connectivity? Does your app need any integrations with hardware devices or IoT devices? ▢ Yes ▢ No What kinds of chatbots do you need? What level of predictive forecasting or advanced data analytics tools are you looking for? What kind of geotagging or GPS-oriented needs do you have? What kind of data capture needs do you have (e.g. text, image, signatures, etc.)? What kinds of data visualization tools do you need (e.g. maps, charts, , calendars, galleries, dashboards)? What kinds of reports do you need generated? What degree of personalization is required for optimal end-user experience? What kinds of devices and screen resolutions do you need? Does the app need to be white-labeled? ▢ Yes ▢ No What level of design fidelity are you seeking? Does your app need to be localized? ▢ Yes ▢ No What features are mission-critical? What features are nice-to-have features? In what ways are your competitors leveraging mobile apps? Defining IT Governance Needs What kinds of authorization tools are needed? Do the BYOD or corporate devices meet security standards? ▢ Yes ▢ No How sensitive is the app data?

Does your app need to comply with existing industry security standards ▢ Yes ▢ No [email protected]

App Development Checklist for IT Leaders

such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC-II? What kind of app usage analytics do you need? What kinds of lifecycle management tools (deployment, versioning, updates, audit trails, etc.) do you need? What kinds of governance tools do you need? (analytics, policy compliance, central licensing, etc.)? Selecting Your Platform(s) Will you be building a hybrid app, native app, or platform-based app? (the following questions assume you’ve chosen a platform-based app) Are you making the app in-house or seeking a partner to build it? If in-house, will IT leaders or citizen developers (i.e. line-of-business end users) be building the apps? Have you estimated the total cost of each platform including development time, app quantity, user forecasting, maintenance costs? ▢ Yes ▢ No What kinds of pre-built templates or reusable modules are available? What kinds of skillsets (e.g. coding, data manipulation, design) would your app creator(s) need given your choice of platform? Are the vendors you’re considering reputable and likely to be in business 5 years from now? ▢ Yes ▢ No Are the platforms you’re considering positioned to capitalize on emerging technology (e.g. AI/ML, Natural Language Processing/Chatbots, IoT)? ▢ Yes ▢ No What kind of support do the app platforms offer? Have you conducted research through industry analysts and 3rd party product review sites? ▢ Yes ▢ No

Building and Testing Your App(s) Who will be building your apps? Have you created relevant support documentation that may be needed along with the app itself? ▢ Yes ▢ No Have you tested your app with real non-technical users? ▢ Yes ▢ No Is this an app that needs to be tested by a dedicated QA team? ▢ Yes ▢ No

Does the app function seamlessly across your intended platforms (iOS, ▢ Yes ▢ No [email protected]

App Development Checklist for IT Leaders

Android, phone, tablet, web app, etc.)? Does the app load at a satisfactory rate? ▢ Yes ▢ No Does the app sync well with your existing cloud infrastructure? ▢ Yes ▢ No What other edge cases might stretch the limits of your app? Does the app still function in unique situations such as low battery, less network coverage, airplane mode, or less storage? ▢ Yes ▢ No Does your app function appropriately when in the background as opposed to opened? ▢ Yes ▢ No Will your app scale with the next device and OS updates? ▢ Yes ▢ No

Deploying Your App(s) What kind of training, if any, will you provide to end-users? Will you be rolling out the app(s) all at once or incrementally? Can end-users easily share the app with other users? ▢ Yes ▢ No Who will be managing your app going forward? Do you have a way to collect feedback from end-users and iterate quickly? Is there a “key man” risk with app creation knowledge being confined to a single person? ▢ Yes ▢ No

Engaging Next Steps Building a robust enterprise-ready app can be a daunting endeavor - unless of course you’re using the AppSheet platform like ESPN, Enterprise, the University of Michigan, State of Colorado, and Fortune 500 ​ manufacturer Husqvarna are already doing. Ready to take the next step in turning your vision to reality? ​

1. Take the plunge and start building your first app on the AppSheet platform with no code for free. Most ​ ​ app creators can create a simple working prototype within one hour. 2. Get in touch with AppSheet team about demos, webinars, and enterprise deployments. ​ [email protected]

App Development Checklist for IT Leaders

Exploring AppSheet Apps These are just a few samples of apps across various form factors and industry use cases. With AppSheet, your data (Excel, G-Suite, SQL, Salesforce, , etc.) is integrated seamlessly into the platform through the cloud and can be accessed and modified anywhere you go.

Building AppSheet Apps [email protected]

App Development Checklist for IT Leaders

If you’re curious how creators around the world have built hundreds of thousands of apps on AppSheet, look no further. Discover 4 simple ways app creators are building enterprise-grade apps:

Ready to build? Start from Data, Start from Add-On, Start from Sample Apps, or Start from Natural Language. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ [email protected]