September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1767 In addition to his service to the Altoona Area ment courses. The College Board has recog- conference and continues to be a leading School District, Dr. Murray is a member of the nized this AP program. voice in the field of workplace development 65 Board of Trustees at Slippery Rock University. Creation of a digital multi-media lab at years later. He has served on numerous community AAHS to enhance foreign language instruc- Members of ASTD come from more than boards and committees and teaches graduate tion. A digital Mt. Lion Television studio en- 100 countries and connect locally in 130 U.S. level courses for St. Francis University and ables students to learn broadcasting skills. An- chapters with 30 international partners. They Penn State. other new digital lab is used to teach multi- work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, Management of the budget for the past 25 media skills and music theory and harmony. in government, as independent consultants, years with only four minimal tax increases Installation of an artificial surface and an all- and as suppliers. over that time period. The 2010–2011 AASD weather track at Mansion Park Stadium and ASTD continues to help its members and budget is $89.3 million. an artificial turf on the Altoona Area High the learning profession build a highly skilled Completion of numerous capital projects in- School intramural field. In 2008, a new Trophy workforce that is critical for organizations to cluding new school construction/renovation at Turf surface was installed at Mansion Park. grow and sustain a competitive advantage. To Baker, Ebner, Juniata Gap, Penn-Lincoln, Ir- Construction of a third turf field, Roosevelt further these goals, ASTD has declared De- ving, Pleasant Valley and Logan elementary Field, at the site of the former Roosevelt Jun- cember 6 though December 10, 2010 as ‘‘Em- schools as well as the $48.5 million Altoona ior High School, also has a Trophy Turf play- ployee Learning Week’’ and designated time Area Junior High School which opened in ing surface. for organizations to recognize the strategic 2008. Offering elementary students a school of value of employee learning. Creation of the Bertram Leopold Recreation choice at the McAuliffe Heights Program at Ir- I applaud ASTD and its members for their Center (five courts, two courts ving School, which was named a National dedication to developing the knowledge and and two courts) on the campus of Blue Ribbon School in 2007 as well as an skills of employees during Employee Learning Altoona Area High School in 1988. Apple Computer Distinguished School in 2010. Week. I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Successful negotiation of numerous con- U.S. News and World Report named Al- porting policies that commit to maintaining a tracts with teachers in the State toona Area High School as one of America’s highly skilled workforce. Education Association, non-instructional em- best high schools in 2010. f ployees in the AFSCME Union, and teacher Becoming the first Pennsylvania school dis- assistants who belong to the Educational Sup- trict to put strobe lights on school buses. THE LEAVING ETHANOL AT port Personnel organization. These agree- Establishment of the William P. Kimmel Al- EXISTING LEVELS (LEVEL) ACT ments included health/hospitalization agree- ternative School for at-risk secondary stu- ments. dents. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Negotiation of payments to the school dis- Creation of a partnership with Atlantic OF TEXAS trict in lieu of taxes from area hospitals. Broadband which has enabled the school dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Outsourced management of the school dis- trict to deliver public access/educational ac- Tuesday, September 28, 2010 trict’s food service program as well as student cess television to Blair County residents. bus and van transportation. Helped the Central Blair Recreation Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise to Improved computerization of the school dis- Commission of which the school district is a introduce legislation to place a pause on the trict Tax Office. member. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) irre- Established countless school/community Establishment of a School Police Depart- sponsible actions in moving forward toward partnerships which have stimulated economic ment will full police powers. This department approving a waiver for an increase in ethanol development in Blair County. in fuel. Implemented a school-based management/ oversees an extensive network of security cameras throughout the school district. Secu- Currently, gasoline contains a 10 percent total quality education program known as Q- blend wall of ethanol, known as E–10. The SITE (Quality Schools Involving Teams for Ex- rity greeters are also assigned at all three sec- ondary schools. EPA is considering increasing the allowable cellence). As part of this initiative, the school amount of ethanol in gasoline to 15 percent, received ISO–9001 certification in January, Established a technology coordinator posi- tion along with a Technology Department. or E–15. This, despite the EPA not performing 2002. any of its own studies on the matter, and rely- Creation of the Altoona Area School District Instituted drug testing for all new AASD em- ing entirely on outside studies. I questioned Foundation—a non-profit organization that has ployees and for secondary interscholastic ath- Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy regard- attracted $2.9 million in private contributions letes. ing the EPA’s decision to move forward with a since 1989. More than $725,000 has been al- Created an employee wellness center. waiver for E–15, and was wholly dissatisfied located for a very successful Teacher Grants Helped AASD become one of Pennsylva- with her responses as to the research EPA program. nia’s first school districts to implement full-day A $507,000 donor-designated gift to the kindergartens at all schools. This year, Al- has done itself on the safety of increasing to AASD Foundation by the family led to toona has 31 full-day kindergartens. this level of ethanol. She deferred entirely to the creation of the new Sheetz Athletic Train- f outside groups and to the Department of Ener- gy’s research. Does EPA not employ its own ing Center at Mansion Park. Last year, Bob HONORING THE AMERICAN SOCI- Sill, an AHS graduate, donated $125,000 for scientists and experts? Is EPA’s position that ETY FOR TRAINING AND DEVEL- it is incapable of doing its own research? We team rooms and coaches’ offices at Mansion OPMENT (ASTD) Park. saw that EPA was inept at performing its own Creation of the national 4,200-member Al- ‘‘climate science’’ research, I suppose we toona Area High School Alumni Association. HON. JAMES P. MORAN could expect no different with the safety of Establishment of partnerships with colleges OF VIRGINIA ethanol levels. and universities that have helped to make Al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But this is serious business. If EPA appoves this waiver, car engines, lawn mowers, trac- toona a teaching/research-based school dis- Tuesday, September 28, 2010 trict. tors—any engine that uses gasoline, could be Creation of the Center for Advanced Tech- Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I potentially at risk for catching fire or having nologies in 1994, believed to be the first of its rise today to acknowledge the American Soci- mechanical failure. Moreover, businesses kind in a public school district in the United ety for Training and Development (ASTD) as tasked with selling this new gasoline with in- States thanks to a partnership with the Cornell one of the largest associations dedicated to creased ethanol could face potential lawsuits University Synthesis Coalition. the training and development of professionals, from consumers who fail to follow posted Creation of the Central Pennsylvania Digital recognizing them for their annual Employee signs warning them that E–15 should only be Learning Foundation, a cyber charter school Learning Week, held December 6 through the used in newer engines. Does anyone truly be- begun during the 2002–2003 school year in 10, 2010. lieve that mis-fillings and misunderstandings of cooperation with 32 Central Pennsylvania Established in 1943, ASTD has been a the sign won’t lead to disastrous results? The school districts. leader in the training and development field. In fact that EPA is even considering this change Creation of an After-School Arts Program recent years, ASTD has widened the profes- proves they simply don’t care. and an Elementary Stage Band. sion’s focus, aligning learning with an individ- I’m not necessarily opposed to increasing Establishment of a rigorous secondary cur- uals’ performance and their organizations’ re- the level of ethanol in fuel—if it’s done respon- riculum which features 18 Advanced Place- sults. In 1945, ASTD held their first annual sibly, and with sound science to back it up. I

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