"Beat the "Beat the

Huskies" Huskies'' 2 =~~0 J>. m. age uun 2:30 p. m. VOL. G, No. 3 UOLLl<::GEJ 01•' PUGlUt up a resistance and then there was sometimes a Mor e cornets, bass horns n url clar- dou bt as to who won the real victory. I l'in1t viHilc:d Scotland, the land lhe ann nal Color Post ceremon y !nets are wanted. Anyone playing When t he Univcn;ily ot' Washing- 1'omorrow the Maroon goes up ag·ainst the University or close frio ncls. Here l fo u nd a man of the Collcg(' of Pugcl Sound on e ol' these is reqneslce "Beat Wn.sh!ngtc!ll." 1'lJA'l' 1'IT11JY COULD :'-lOT S liJT 'rliEJ the lwo KoeperH o r tho Gate, Dona ld ---- 1\!londay I H3 u dcl l'EHiHecl the Sunday Ovet'confidence on the l>H l'l of t h P 'l' IMI~ l•'O H HIS EJ X mCU'rJON FOH Seuring- nn Log WC'l't' pleclged In ru snell a Lrick and e leven l' ig h I· Ll\'ill TIIAT LONG. T-1 orn, vice proHiclPlll ol' the class, 1·e- JllH tiCS H 11 d p b 1 j C i ng Iw WHH chapel spou ltcr al Lhe last " 'cr!nr1sduy ns l ht> l'irAI Rtug-c In ing Loggers are guinl\· Lo ll'Y to• J!t * * spondee! that I hey were Reek ing ad­ Speaking An nounccu ("mHII'IInt J f g o I c~Il'be l>tlt Coarl II b in hiH fi1·st JIC'J'i< >cl duHsc•s-ht• s1ay,., or --- Hpoke !JPfOI'<' tho Meth oclist MPn ';; plimning fo r thb; !'all. 14<'ven or fiJp mr-n o · 0 c ·" r 1 ·n - F'ror;) ill.~l ' t"• ou I he ~er·~rnou i:t 1 L'ol- 1 1 1 1 1 t ' • W'tl I t 1 I J' I Bruth~rhc d 1 J" I 'N 1 I 1 new Kni~-:hts were C'hOHC'll by the ·uarc JS IO rLUllU " 111 lHV ll l'. ,;11 l:11 ' •u hmiH' iu IH'cl. IOW"cl the uollr'LI ('llotolll. 'l'lle "llr"'l'. I .1 ll lUll w ce ;]!< muny lllH OJ'S , HI II \.(' ~0. aH 1 ug on. + .. • - n n . • , ' all I 11111101"' in lhP n.. t.l d>.• h<'l'l; '.I'U•, - rr.cmlJ~ I hen• II in their husbands by the graduating clasH or last year lniF a nd rlchal.ing depurtmentH promise a hut Ollt> ;u·e rl·oshmen. have earned letters in the sport nncl refused by llw thrt'e class president~. this are anxiom; to gel into lhe IH\tlle 1lilnC'ing for t hCl'L American co-eels Amy .Dahlgren, .Amos Booth and satisfadury year, sl wul'l' lwlween dan- fessor C. S. llulc·omb. fa ll in('!udes the diRtribution or over fiubert Lenlherwoocl, wh~ n offered BOD~r TICKE'~"~S . The conch huR worltf'cl tiLl' men t'Cll. 1> ." I Ill • ~.·'(' I'S ll i'C"I'cle llt, 'l'O I'I'ey ThOH<' <' ll l'ollod in llw Con i· begin- J. .1. 10 0 posteJ·s aclvC'rt il:dng t ht• gu me ·' ,.,, o hard to bring :1bon I c·lost•r 11n ity anti • '" ·• Smith. A ll lllr c•o dtlsscs llw n l'oted n ing sc.wlio ns ot' puhlie :-;peaking lulnl with the llnlvcrstty of \VaHhington to rectify the e rror:; commlltecl a nlso Htoppccl in at the Crulllil.Jal t 2u. Amoug lh~~ ~~~ a 1·e AOlll< • with F'entt·al )">oarcl Gr·,· nts J>t'<>fes- and tho RnperviRion or tho ndvnnt·o in ravor or pormit.Un g- t.he f1· eshmen '-' -> 1 week ago. isln ucls. I ronnrl t h:1t a eannilJnl'R to g na n l nnd m·cupy l. lle vacant quncl- good r ceordH ility Amn:; Booth will pic·k lllt'll tllul. fl!{l'etJ with him. a lon u. •r 11ey wi ll lint lee a purl iculnr oJ' nil tiC'kC'I- tnl{iJig Hncl r;el li11 g- at t ho ~. ttt l'l. ·,•t. "etll'-'l'. Boot!! ." encl 1 1111 " ~ ,, 'l'ho l'rm; llmllll lJI(J U l'ile d througll Htn cl " ol' llllllH ilonK a nrl IPH\ICJS, n n e! 'II II I I ~ ' ~ v " ' ., • t •'I •,'' ll"t'i" l lll C'e'l lll " lJ~Jcl l!.\",'t game, WI PO Ce I 11' l'iPI< flllrf will l 1.11(' gnleH ol' the Colo r I'ORI. ancl t. ook "' n ~ u " ' " le tt erman of yeur'K s lnndlng :lilt I IJI•J,\ItNI•;I) O~E 'I'IHXU 1~ ,J.-\1'- will have pl·actito C'las ho ~ in t ile general ly proviflc orcler, uccorcling- l.hC' Ri clp oppoHilo the ir place at l.h e TuC'sday, l'ent.ru l Hoa r cl voted 0 11 lhe may flolve "Cnc's" <·t>nte1· IVO ITiC'H. :\N: 1\ B:\('HI<]I,()lt .'\:\'1) HIS Bl"l'- CIIISSI'OOn l. l'i Kappa Dc• ltu, llle hUll- to Darrel 'rllonwH, preRid<'nl. JlOHI. !~o llo wl n g thiH a<· l, Pres. m. fl. list of nomineoR snbmilt.ocl !'or mrm- Playing besid e h im will be Clwrlcy '1'0:\'S t\HE S.OON 1'.-\1{1'1\:1). Onii'Y dc h:ti.P Ol'j.lalliZuliOll, iH PX)10Cl- * • ,, 1'odd Htw lcC' llriC'I'ly or Lhe his tory ol' t . hership in llll~ J{nlg-hiH ol' the Log 'l'otal of 'l'wc•ut ~ ·l •: ig' h t Lappenbush anrl C'it.her Doll llur- 1 10 11 1 1 1 tho tradition, an1I Dean A llan C. ec co-opera e Wll. lose t epal· t- ancl Hl:' lec·tecl seven or them. Con- 'l'he new member:; bring ihe tol;tl worth or Leroy B1·owning. Bruwn- One duy in SibPria 1 t'ame iu the mcnls 1Iuriug the yflar. 1'hc• elass Lemon made the l'ormal bequest to or puhlic spealting technique, c.:om­ siderable diHCnssiou Wut I threw it away the ClaHR or ·:n on behalf of the before the boa 1·d c·oulcl agree on the Log to 28, two undc•r the limit of The tackle positions will be playe,J ntH! lit another. POflc sirablc 30 which has been :;ct by the consti- hy Ralph Drear and John GS, II Hrolcl Hll'tethcul'l , "arc t he ollw1· seven?" mand are Ta tum anrl Purvis al en ancl IHl!lrly 30 ll1C'n nrc tu rning I~ l·llc•J· Colllmittt•c• ~nliH'<•un AIJ.Jc••·t ' "' ' halfbacks nnd C'harloy Martin, J t< toppc•cl al 1111 .\uu•J·klln hotC'I at The 1!1~7-28 College ol' Pugel out. A commHicoc waR a ppointed hy the Dick Gilbert, 1-lerhC'rl. Wncle UIICI Kt>n - l'nll. Pnrvis averages well over lt!-u,.;;;('ls. 'rhc·J·C' \l'lls 1111 ol1l lad•.· Sound lfnnrlboolc, I~suorJ last· week, '!'h e> Yale, or quartet system, will t>resident to inv<'r> ti."·ute a reJwrtecl yon Yangel·, freshmen; and Don \Va l- ·' " v "' ·I 0 yards with his punts. fi'Oill a c ·ou ntJ·~ town iu O•·<'g-on th<'l'l'. ac,corcling to old students, is one worl< out Hatisfn<·torily for the wom- lack or nnil'onuity tu tltP materia l

P AGE TWO THE PUGET SOUND TRAIL discussed "American H umor." Leon­ COMEDY SKIT EATS CALL MANY YM DISCUSSES Literary 4 ard Farstvedt began the program TO MRS. COREY'S with a tallt on "Evolution of Ameri­ A FEATURE OF SEABECK MEET can H ~mor," which was followed by FOR GOOD MEALS H. 0. HANSON .. .. Societies a piano solo by Margaret Patterson. YW MEETING The gastronomical appetites of The Depen(lable JcW(llor H tl k t f the The "Life and Readings of Mark the College of Puget Sound students, Tuesday Meeting Is Devoted To umor was . le ey-no e o Twain" formed lhe topic of a disser - Other Numbers Add Color To and faculty too, seem to guide thel:· Talk Of Conference 257 So. 11th St. literary society programs last Mon- tation by Betty Anderson. The meet­ footsteps once a day, som etimes Program'. Membershi·p Dri·ve " Seabeck" was the discu!Ssion day evening in Jon es Hall. Altru- lng was m­ "SPIRIT OF ALPHA GAMMA" this class which numbe1·s five stu - ories," ancl "The White and JV!a · SORORITY SUBJECT BURNETT BROS. roon ." A social m eeting with many a lum- dents. Pay us as you are paid The YW girls a re beginning thls nl. of Delta Al ph a Gamma pr esent Main 3643 Leading Jewelers week to campaign for more m em- was ellld at the home of Edwina Main 4978 bers . Sides have been chose11 w1th Smith last Wednesday. 'I'lte program SMITH FLOWER SHOP 932 Broadway Portia Miller and Olive n ccs A.S '"l:he Spirit of the Alpha Gamma," A. G. Seamons, Prop. captains. There is good co mpe- ti · was g iven as fo llows: Flowers ror Evcr~·thing and EV(' l'ybody "Have You Eyes tion and the 11 ew members ara go- "What Do We E xpect of Om· Cor. 9th and Broadway The ing to roll in very fas t. Alumni?" Mlidred Meader ; 'Vc Al•tweciut.e Yom· Pntronage Exami.ned Dean Blanche W. Stev ens an·- "What Do the Alums Elxpect of Tacoma Daily FIDELITY BARBER SHOP nounced that: Dean Milan of Cor- Us," Tlice Amende : vallis, who is r epresenting the " Gamma L=to se," a mus ical number Ledger 620 Fidelity Bldg. Board of Mi ssions of the Methodist by Marie Tromer; The Exclusive CHAS. GREEN .J . A. (.Jaclc Hausen Church , will be on the campus "The P urpose of Gamma and Its Dealers FIRST with the LA 'l'ES'l' OPTICAL CO. 'rhnrsday mornin g and wis hes t o Future," Dorothy Henry; meet all gil'ls w ho are interes ted "What Gamma Expects 'l'o Do i 955 Com. St. For Buescher, Ludwig, an • M. R. Martin & Co. Main 5510 Bnekl ~y-l{ing l!'tmN•nl Ohm·ch The program was concluded by Junia '!'odd Hall en entertained t:or Hobert Burrows, who told the so- the membo•·s with dinner at her 926 Pacific Ave. al your service oiety t ha t "We Kuow It All." home . ------~ r------ALPHA BETAS ENJOY FIRST KNIGHTS PLEDGE NEW Cafeteria Breakfast 7 to 9 MEE1'ING AT LAKE SHORE Mahncke &Co. Alpha Beta Upsilon sorority was MEMBERS WEDNESDAY AN Cafeteria Lunch 11 :30-1 entort!\\ned at the conntt·y hon1e of its president, Audrey-Dean Alber t, ~ ontinu e cl from Page 1, Col. 5 Cafeteria Dinner 6 Jewelers on Steilacoom Lalte for its firs t meeting of the fa.ll semester. The girls molored out from town UNIM.lt'.rH OONS'riTUTION . Since 1883 and after a s hort business session, A'l~ RE GU fJAR MJJ:ETING spent the rest of the afternoon I n addition to th e pledging W ed- ssex • boa ting and swimming. nesclay of the fifteen n ew member s, A warne s upper cooked on an several important matters were Get the $5.00 Meal outdoor f urnace was served on the acted UllOn. The cons titntion, long Ticl{et Habit 919 lalte shore by the hos tess, Ger ald­ unknown to t h e organization, was Speedabout Ine Gaspa rd , lna Coffman and recently unearthed and was read Broadway A udrey-Dean Alber t , at tables set W ednesday to the organization. TO SOME COLLEGE ARTIST under a brightly s triped awning. The r ecommendation was made' by one of the m embers tha t th'il MATH CLUB MEETS officials of the Knigh ts be known ~------by their corre ct titles, namely Sir

TELEPHONE MNN 77-4 5 TUESDAY EVENING Hooktender , Rigging Slinger , Scaler, Ther e is a n orga nization on Lhe Timber Cr uiser and Whis tle Punlt campus tha t is !mown as the Math­ for the ofl'ices of president., v ice emati-cal Hound Ta ble. It is a pres ide nt. secret a ry, tre'asur et• and! medium wher eby s t udents of ma th­ se rgeau t-at-arms, res pectively. ematics may s tudy along lines other The Logs also decided to seCllre a than those which t.heg ket in their typ ical log, to b e pamded a t foot­ ATRIM, new Essex regula r work in the d epa rtment. ball games and used in initia tiond Spcedabout with a special paint job, as first prize- a The nrst m eeting or the year will and a committee was a ppointed l>y pr"cision, Gruen Pentagon Wat ch, the latest Paladin be h eld Tuesday Oct. 11, at 7 : 30 p. Sir Hooktender fo r this pnrp os~:. model, as second prize , and seven t y-Jive other prizes m. a t the home of Dorothy Ge tty, A call was issue d fo1· men to sell of artists' supplies by Eugene Dietzgen Company will Fellow Students at Sixth a nd Anderson s treet. football progra m s Friday in the be awarded by COLLEGE HUMOR to the college downtown di strict and seve t·al r es- artists submitting the best original drawings before VISITS OOLl/llJQE FRIDAY ponded. January 15, 1928. Who choose a store by its styles choose Virginia Sellon was a college vis!- The re ma inder oe the meeting was Drawings may be done In any medium in black and white. Several drawings may be submitted ifreturn this store for that reason. Besides, they t ot· las t F riday. Miss Sell on, who at- taken up by a s hort tallt by Torrey tended P uget Sound for two years, Smith who explained the dutios of postage accon1pauies each drawing. reason that two pairs of pants are better left in 192 6. Slle is now a steno- the new !>ledges, and a discussion Three fa mous artists, J a m es Moutgomery Flagg, ;'I than one- grapher in t h e office of Charles May- concerning the game with t he Uni­ Gaar Williams and Artlmr William Brown, will judge the drawings. In ca se of a tie two Essex cars will be bury, director of licenses a t Olympia. ver sity. awarded. Other drawings, if accepted, will be paid And Everyone for at regular rates. THIEL'S JACK O'LANTERN See the new Essex Speedabout you may win at AGREES WITH THEM Open till 12 :30 every night-Lunches a:nd Everything Sweet-Fred Still Knows His Milk Shakes ALLEN MOTOR CO. Nexl to Proctor St. Theater For complete details see a copy of COLLEGE HUMOR now on sale on the news-slc.mds. Drawings should Lundquist-·Lilly be sent imr.~ e diate ly to the A rl Contest Editor CALIFORNIA FLORISTS Home of Two-Pants Suits ALL KINDS OF PLANTS AND CUT FLOWERS (RW~£~1tll10f The Best Quality at the Most Reasonable Price 1 Rust Building ~- \ j~ ~· llflli':ON.LASALLE8r 907 Pacific Ave. Main 7732 C H 1 C A G 0. 1 'Ll.. -LOGGERS' SPORT PAGE- PAGE THREE THE PUGET SOUND TRAIL OTLAH WOMEN TO WOMEN HOLD FIRST CHAIRMEN NAMED SAINTS WIN MEET ON FRIDAY CONFERENCE TEAMS BY YM CABINET FROtl D~t~~~ A!ili~Wy the women's scholastic The YMCA cabinet met Wednes­ Otlah, IN HARD GAMES honor society of the college, held its , ATHLETIC MEET day and appointed the following LOGGERS BY · 1927 PRESIDENT first meeting last Tuesday. It was com mit tee chairmen: Fntnlflln John­ SATURDAY Theta Alpha Phi Lays Plans For decided that the club should meet OF SEASON son, membership; Elmer Beckman, 7-6 SCORE Coming Seanson; Require­ the third Friday of every month and progr am: Fred Henry, advertising; Whitn1an Is Only One Nevv Organization Is ments Admit Few Members the subject chosen for the year's Gordon Tatum, athletics; Edward Maroon Outplays La­ of Six C o 11 e g e s to Forn1ed t o Sponsor Ernst, deputation; Gl enwood Platt, study was "American Opera." student t:riends; l<'red Cysin, room, cey In Hard-Fought At a recent meeting oC the local Bring Hon1e Victory W o 111 en's Athletics; The members of the club this year Douglas Hendel, social. Gatne But Breaks Of chapter of Theta Alpha Phi, plans are: Ruth Monroe, president, Saturday Point Schedule Given Jt was decided that no represen­ were made Cor the co ming seaflon 's Katherine Hammerly, vice presi- tative woul.d be se11 t to the coming Contest Go vVrong ___ _ dramatic events. Theta Alpha Phi is dent, Dora Burrill, secr etary-treasur- Six of the six teams in the North­ By Rthel !\'[. T•·otl;(••· Cield conrerence at Portland. one or the three national orga niza- er, Alice l'toclthill, SignEl Johnson west Conference went into action last Enthusiasm to the highest degree t:ions on the campus. It ia an honor- a nd Katherine Stahot·n. waR displayed at the Initial ath­ By F t·ed Lo Peuslw ary dramatic fraternity open to both Saturday and only one cam e hon1e 'let.ic m eet or the year, wllich toolc FIRST COLLEGE Playing an uphill game the Col­ men and women. with a victory. Alth ough the oth ers place Ttt esday, in the gymnasium. lege of Puget Sound football t eam 'l' he n ew officers who are can ylng LIBRARY ADDS lost their match es, that fact will h ave Dates for tho class practices were DIPLOMAS HERE met a defeat in the first clash of the on lhe chapter's work this year, a re: no bearing on conference standing. discussed, and it was decided tha t seas011 whe n they los t. Lo St. Mar­ President, Van Spencer Mclened with the Log- for membership, only u minimum of in the Hbrary for the convenience P nget Sound and consisted of four Rangers 7 to 6. tain percentage of turnouts, would gers starting a drive down the fi eld. studen ts succeed in gaining the hon- of tl}e students this year. Most Iduho Gets WallopcIttus Mnd(} tin of Pan Am erica n Union, and the New Olub ]J'ormccl ol'fice, Alice Berry, Dorothy Raleigh, Martin scoring. With a chance to 'l'hls year, however, according to Yale Review. With these there are A Girls' Athle tic Association is ancl Marga ret Hill were named. tie the score at 7 to 7 P urvis missed the new vice !>resident Wilma Zim- about ninety different magazines In the place or r egular meetings being organized, the purpose of Dorothy Raleigh was chosen secre­ the· try for point. merman, Thotu Alpha P hi is planning of a wide range of interest avail- next Wednesday afternoon, the four which will be to roster women's tm·y. For the ofUce of treasurer, Again the Loggers got possession one of its most successful and strong- able in Puget Sound's library. social soror ities on the campus will to play. Meetings will be h elcl at those nominated were: Isabelle of the ball a nd started working it est seasons. A grouP r epresentative Those who a r e interestecl in fie- join in a party to be held at the ~ h e beginning of each sport. Moore, Margar et Hill, Reitha Gehri clown the fi eld with speed and pre- or dramatic interests in the college tion will find on the counter late ·woman's Club House. It is expected that this association and Evelyn Simon. Margar et Hill cision but with the ba ll in Saints' will be wo1·king in the fraternity. It boolts that are worthwhile. The Int er-Sorority Council, made will render a splendid service for r eceived the majority of the votes, territory the timer 's whistle blew and is also hoped that students intereR te cl The library of P uget Sonne! is up of two members from eaclt of the women's athletics. 'Plans are being and will be in cha rge of the funds. the Loggers were still 30 yards from in dntmatic work, will ask to work continually growing a nd is keeping sororities, are sponsoring the affair . a touchdown and victory. 'l'he final In lhe department, toward their re- pace wlth the steadily broadening About 75 m embers and advisors a re score stood 7 to 6 fo i· St. Ma1· tin's. Cl nirem ents lu the organization. curriculum of the college. expected to be preflen t. Fe•·guson, \Vilson, Martin Stu•· A u ew group who were pledged at St. Martin's made first down twice, the close of last. year, are to be ln­ MOVIE SHOW ENTERTAINS Patt•onize TRAIL Advertisers Porter-Cummings Company Puget Sound m ade Urst down 17 Hi a ted Sa turclay evening, October 15. ALPHA BETA UPSIJ... ON times. 'l'he Sniuts completed one Alumni members will be present and The members of Alpha Bela Up­ "Home of the Better Grade 2-Pants Suit" sit'on sorority were entertained by pass out of five, College or P'uget will take part with the active mem­ STUDENTS Souncl six out of 15. bers in the inltiat1o11 ceremonies to an imaginary moving picture show Collegiate Styles Our Specialty Ferguson, Wilson, Martin and be h e.J.d in tho home o f. Wilma Zim­ at t.helr meeting Wednesday after- You can buy Hurworth were a world o ~ power on merman. A banquet followiug the noon. WIEGEL OA.NDY CO.'S BARS Phone Main 2218 934 Pacific Ave. t he defense and the entire bacldield services, will be helcl at one of the The orchestra was r epresiJnted AT THE COl\•IMONS worked well on the offense. Svoboda, hotel s. Audrey-Dean Albert has by Ma1·garet Patterson, who gave a TACOMA Fen·ella , Burger and Hartman were ch ar ge of all the deta il s pre·ceding plano solo. 'l'he story or the pic­ the Saints' mainstays and many times the main initiation. The plans for ture was given by Wilma Zlm me t·­ the power a nd fighting ability of the banQuet are under the supervis­ man. The Vitaphone act consisted REMEMBER of a reading by Alice Johnson. Hartman saved the Saints from los- ion of tho vice president. Van Spen­ "The News Reel" was the title of We can supply a ll your wants Sixth A venue District , in g mucl1 yardage. cer McKenney will act as toastmas- Jean Mudgett's talk and lo conclude with our ·ram ous line of sparl­ T he lineup: Ferguson and Wilson, ter. ing goods. ends ; Garnero and Brear, tackles; ~ro Pr<.,•wnt l"t·ogt•am the program Margaret Taylor, A few of the events sc:hecl uled for Bertha Mills, ancl Betty Gilbert put HOYT'S LUNCH I The C. P. S. Barbers Browning a ncl H urwor th, gua rds; D. & M. Banlfhead, center; Gillihan, quarter; the coming year include the presen- on a stunt e ntitled "Th e CJ'a:ty 'l'hc best Ou11 of Ooffoo on earth Bobs Any Style The Lucky Dog Line 6th Avenue Barber Shop Ma rtin a nd Ta tum, ha lves; P urvis, tation of a p1·ogram in Rt ucl ent body Cats Perform." Sixth Avenue at Prospect assembly, a m embership in the na- After the program refreshments Home of the famous Hoyt Co1·. 6th Ave. & Steele full. HENRY MOHR. HDW. CO. Doughnut Bill Farrell tiona! Drama League, staging one of were served by Betty Gilbert an1l 1141-42 Broadway the plays of the year and attending Mal'ian and Allee Johnson. Main 364:3 PltES. •.rODJ) SP.F.A'I{S IN JU<]JJSO in a group some of t he better drama- Dr. Todd was in Kelso last Friday, tic presentations comin g to Tacoma. JOSEPH'S SHOE STORE wh ere he spoke at the Kiwanis Clul) Those inter ested in dram atic work luncheon in h onor oC high school Try the to the exte11t of working for Theta "We 've Got Your Clothes" Solitl JJ<>at.hc•· Shoes fot· loess t eacher s, and In lhe afternoon he acl­ Alpha P hi requirements are r equest­ clressed the s tudents of the Kelso 2714 Sixth Ave. ed t o see Mr. Holcomb to sign up for BELL GROCERY High Sch ool. possible dramatic openings. RAINCOATS In a few weelts lhe requirements AUTHORITIES, DEOWE ON Fot• Sel'Vicc thut Sn.tisfi<"s will be printed In Th e Trail a nd new ~~ "Cravanette" rain coats of We'll Meet You at 1!'1X'.rUJtBS students will be given a n opportun­ Gaberdine, Bedford Cord, and We clclivct• the Goo

A Pull Mo.al and the Des~rt The Slickest Yellow Slickers in every Sanitary Barber Shop Hon1e of $5.95 HAMILTON'S Under Pantages Theatre Dutch Treat and Gravy Bar The Cleverest Campus Cords --10 OHAIRS-­ SPALDING $4.50 l~ROMPT SERVJCJiJ Hair Bobbing a Specialty ATHLETIC GOODS IN TACOMA FRED JENSEN BLACK & GOLD Men's a.nubllshed WePkly S~ pt , 25, 1~2 2 Dur ing Schoo l Year

J<:DITORIAL STAPF ]~ lve• · l on Stark, Ji]dH.o•·-iu-Chid Ashford numbers amon~ its eorpfl ing, Proctor 2393 r»l"'llll Alluu C. l l<'lll()on or teaehers a considerable number Two Puget Sound normal clepnrl­ MlttiU'cl FIISReM;, AssCHlln.l>C Editor Albcwt l{hlg .J•·., Nc•ws lil1lHor Ma u y Hlnde nts crave popularity. Seeking aCler it "olon; their college ol' Pugot Sound ~n1 du ate s !'rom mont grudnates, Mae Anderson nnd Proelor 416 Proctor 1335 lire . 1' he clefli re to st.uurl well among ·o ne's fellows Is natu ral a nd wheu both the college <.tnd nornutl rl13pnt·L- Hose Phol~n are in the corp~ ol STAFF: W ilma Zimmerman, Charles Maun, Douglaf! Hendel, 'fhomas Dodg­ properly reguluted, TJl'Ol'itnhle. But 10 allow the clesit•e to be popular to ments. Among Litem are Robert 'l'aeonlfl Le11Chers, Mae heing at lh<' ' son, Mlld1·y Sluth, Margaret Swauson, Betty Gilbert, llldna Muzzy, De­ illl'luence one's thlnldng nnd to color his own sincerity an d natnndi ents o r llOt>Ularity. Advertising Manager - Dorothy Gilmore Is teaC'hln~ on Issaquah.' - - -- Harwood Tibbits See and respect the good points in others. T o the best oC your ahilit.y, Assistan t Advertising Manager VaRhon Island. ITer school is new \Viuifrcd Longstreth is at D(•m in g - - - . 0. Edwina Smith as oppor tuniry orrcrR, help every one of your fellows into a clearer unde r­ Circulation Manager - - this year. IPaching iu the high school. - - - - - Alice Ga rtrell standin g or the possibilities or his own life. Business Typist -- - Michael 'I'horniley is at 13t·emor- '1\l'ilh elmina Van den Steen has - - - . Evelyn Dahlstrom Let t11e best Interests ol' your [riends, your class, and your college take ton a nd is making quil.e a uame ror chnrge or the rirst grade instru<'li

Oftlclnl. l'nllllcntlo"' or 'l'lle ANHOelntt•tJ Studo•nt ... 00l4r,fi:GU: OF P fWE'l' SOIJNU Prln tod by Johnson-Cox Company, no J'ac l£1c love. A BALLAD ON CHEWING GUM lilnl et· ~ d fLH Recond-ci fl llH matter at the Po At OJ'rlco nt 'J'n.conta, ·wush in,:;'l on, und er the Act O·J' CongTPSs oJ' J\.fnrch a, H79, q SLASHINGS q How dolh the l illie college gid Subsrt·lptlon prlco, 75o p er ~c tn os ter ; $1.00 pot· HCIIool yenr by mnll. A clvc l·tl ~ ht ~ r·nto:R on request. OY, SUCH DUMBNESS! Improve Nlch s h ining hour? Mrs. H.aleigh: lt m an h ere, was CU.EDI'J' JEWELERS restricted t\nd students mus t obtain special pe rmission from the Stage Dancing 'l'wo Stot.·es at Your Ser vice operalecl upon for appencliciliH, lttst dean before they arc permilled to opcmle such vehicles. Classes !'o r Beginners, Ad­ 25·1 E levenllr St. 1201 Pacific Avl'. At Pugcl Sound we have our own automobile problem, al­ vanced, Prol'esslonal, and for w oe!<. though it is not nearly as act1le as al many plhcr schools. How­ Health and Beauty t·ver , attention s hould be given to the muller h e re before trouble docs occur. Classes Cor l\111:1n a nd Vvomen Las t year it was the c us tom to leave the section o f the drive­ Boys and Girls way direclly in front of .Tones Hall vacant. This was done to allow. space for visitors to the college to park their cars within easy reach of the front entrance. This year that plan is not h eing ob served, but The Trail believes thnl il slrould he used again. Manyaman is Tlr c t·c 1s a large amount or space for curs al lir e north end of .Tones Hull. .This has been planned as a student par·king space. doing worK day after ] n the o pinion of this writer, il would he a good plan lo prohibit sludcnl parking anywhere on lhc enLir·e drive which palsses that an electri throu gh Sulton Quadrangle, and in plac<' of that s pace, grant the day students the l'ighl to usc this Jargc space to Lh e north. This would allow plenty of L'Oom for visilors lo park, and would not motor can do for less duller up the fronl driveway w ith an excess of a utomobiles. than a cent an hour CHAOS OR ORDER? Ever since Lhis wrilcr can remember, there hus been no systemized arrangem ent of m eetings of organizations at the col­ lege. \Vll('never an official of an organization feels the need of a meeting, h e posls a notice to lhal e fl' ec.:l, and then expects all the rcsl of the nH·mber s to appear· al tha t nr eeling. Freque ntly he is unpleasantly s urprised by a l)oor a tt endance a t the business sessions of lhe p articular g roup. Tlw life of an organization depends upo11 the inle rC'sl of its m emlwrs in ilH affairs. The interest of the members dcpl'nds in large llll'asure upon the ir connection w illr the club OL' socicl.y. Jn other \:vonls, jf they canno t a ttend thl'. m celings, lhcy will get oul of louch wilh the activities of the orguniza•lion, which Splendid now dances l't·om New York SL11dioa will cause the m to Jose inte rl'st and will have a detrime ntal Latest Tap Novelt.ies .and Dance effect upon Lh e group itself. Specialt.los ror Solos, Double The solutio n to this prqhle m would :-;eem to he the establish ­ or Groups m ent of a regular sch edule of meetings. Certain dubs inte rest EXJIIJ:IITION ACROBATIC o nly certain g roups or people, and it is Lh crcfot•c possible for Saturday Class Now sever a l s uch socie ties, ullracling different classes of sludcnls, to Forming meet on the same day without hurling each othe r's a ttendance. This w riter recommends Lhal Central Board appoint a com ­ Merrick Studio miltce whose duly il will be lo elarify and regula te the schedule Division & K M. 2J01 of organization m eetings. ~~======- HERE ARE THE TRAIL ADVERTISERS LET THEM KNOW OF YOUR SUPPORT 1 ~ll'bi'I'A- ( 'li'Hti('I' S IIIII] 1),\'1' 1'~ ­ ,Jewde>t'R­ Saullary BHrber Shop Wa~;hin g t on Dye Works Mahncke & Co. The C. P. S. Barbers Royal Cleaners & Dyers Merrick & Race Fidelity Barber Shop Puget Sound (!leaners & Dyers H. 0. Hanson <'andy 1\lanntnctm·ct·s­ J.)l' Ug Stdl•es-­ Burnett Bros. Brown & Haley Brown's Pharm acy Shoe Sto•·os- Hamilton's Proc t. or Pharmttcy Pettit Howard Shoe Co. College men and wom en recognize elec­ Wiegel Candy Co. Guided by human intelligence, Sun Drug Co. Joseph's Shoe Stor e (.1lollwrs- electricity can do al most any Frederic!( Dean Drug Co. l\(usie S tores­ tricity as one of the principal aids to • Davis Men's Shop Hopper-Kelly Co. job a man can do. From stirring J~ll>l'l H I s- to grinding, from lifting to Diekson Bros. Sh erman Clay & Co. progress in the factory, on the farm, and Callforn Ia l~'lor i s t s pulling, there is a G-E motor W . C. Bell & Sons Co. Tacoma Music Co. Smith Flower Shop in the home. specially adapted t o any task. Portor-Cumm ingK Company l\1 isecllauC() us­ Hinz Florist. Fred .1 en sen Bell Grocery l~ Uli C I'Ill l)iJ·t•t•l OI'S­ Con feel lmwt·y's­ Fassett & Co. Madc!UX & nuymonll 210·60DH Commons The Tacoma DaHy r~eclger Taylor Uesla.uranl Buekley-I