' . ~"'··.·'--- . t- I

f.--c> ,..a..,.,.s u1ifZ ~·r~a;:-h ~/,'t>rf! r<..-.1. K'(Lco?'~' ·~~ J 't k.h!.. /h ... ,.,,~~ ,IJ..s.rpvA:>~ 1 /cj I, I .. /; !./~_, 3 R.tsc..""(. ..-0 Af.;r>rJ: Oft,_ .. r m(J~ ''( fH~-e c..;, \">.j 11? s '-'-' ...... s ··-·



FROM I Amsrioan Ropreaentutive, Algiers TO: Seoretury of State, Washington

DAT~ID: May 20, 1944

NUMD';;R: 1669 X' CONTROL COPY -'llil8tH!l! From Murphy nnd Smith. Referenoo is made herein to my oable of May 20, No. l6ea. and citizenship information obtained from inter- view with individuals 1s submitted herewith, as follows! Alexander Schweitzer y '),uiroga. Born Mexioo Oity J.!ay a, 1919, of German father and Uexioan mother. His father, Leo Schweitzer, lived in Mexioo from 1905 until his death in 1927, and h1B moth~. Oonsuelo 'luiroga, now resides in Mexioo Oity at Oalle de Danubio 46. He is bearer of Mexioan passport No. a,

1eausd at Berlin Juno 26 1 1942 1 by tho Swiss Legation. ~ . Bruno Heoht-Sandoval. This subJeot was born in San Salva- dor, ootober a, 1918, of Gs~ father and Salvadorean mother. Mother, Eva sandoval, resides Metapan. Department of Santa

SS Anna. His father ~as born in Germany August 8 1 1886 1 plaoe

unkno1111. 1 and from 1911 to 1928 ree1ded in El ·Salvador. Sinotl 1928 aubJeot has lived in Oologne with father and three sisters. Stating that he and three daushtsrs ware prooesding to Lisbon and thsnoe to El Salvador, he reoelved·letter from hie father

dated lladrid, Maroh 241 i944o He alleges that a Oolone1 in zepada/Sa1vadorean Forelsn Otfloe ia assisting his mother ~n· DECLASSIFIED obtalninl !Hnto Dopt. Lotter, 1·11·72 By lllLParb.Daro MAH 'I 1973 .--~-----·--·······--·,,., ..... ,. .... , .. _.' -

.... ·-a-

obtaining entry of hie father. While his father and sisters were tree, he has been interned at Tittmoning tor the past

28 months. An undated Salvadorean pas~port, issued by the Salvadorean Consulate General at Geneva, is in his possession. Clementine Muller Poiry. This subject is the wife of Isidore Poiry and ls the bearer of o Belgian passport, issued ot Brussels on May a, 1944, No. D•592. Bormann Zwillenberg. Dutch. Honorary Nicaraguan Consul at Rotterdam. This subject is the bearer of Nicaraguan pass­ port No. 2/1943 including two children and.\vite, issued tar travel "to all ooflntries of the world" by B. Litsohitz, Nicaraguan Consul SWitzerland, on April 13, 1943. Separate

passpore&, issued by same Consul on August 60 1943, are pos­ sessed by wits and two children. Two documents, one dated January 10, 1939, and the other JUne 2, 1941, allegedly issued by Nicaraguan secretary ot State, Antonio Barquero, were in ' his possession. That both dooum~nts were sent to enable ht.

to proceed to Niqeragua is o~aimed by h~• Mario Baretto. Father, Andres Barretto Rios, resides Calle Callao B 42, Yoa, Peru. From 1938 to 1941 he studied

medicine in ~rmany. Since 1941 imprisoned and/or intsrened. He is bearer of passport No. 55/413, issued by the PeruTian

Consul at Hamburg se~tember 6, 1939. He was born September 24, 1917, in Hamburg of Peruvian parents. lullo Ziaold de Valdez (JUlio: Zizyld de Valdez), Ytor. Born in Born in Germany Ootober 10, 1884, of Peruvian father and German mother. Parents both deoeased, His father, JUan

Zizold de Valdez was born July 12 1 1660 1 in Aroia. ·\'/hen an infant the subjeot visited P~ru with his parents. He alleges that Ills father returned to Germany about 1667, where he resided until his death without returning to Peru. Slnoe infanoy subjeot has not been to Peru. He olaims that the Swiss took up in Septlember, 1943, lias oousin, Sam Stern, Hotel Wnrwlok, Sixth Avenue and Fitty•fourth street, Hew York City and broth!r, Cnrlou de Valdez, residing 7250 Hillside ..\venue, Hollywood, California. He in desirous of ,, residing in the United States and olo.ima' tho.t'he is not Jewish. In oonversstiond'l he appears to be ,anti-Peruvian. Will transmit additional !~formation. Otto William Strauss. This subjeot was born in Germany in 1892 and has naturalization oertifioate No. 1641 issued by 1 the Ministry of Government at Us~agua, Maroh 2, 1921. From 1912 to' 1921 he has been a reddent of Oapr Graoias a Dios,

Nioaragua and 1s holder ot passport No, 3/1938 1 i!;Susd Feb­ ruary 10, 19381 by Nicaraguan consul General, Hamburg. His wife, Regina BJ.sle Mal, was born September 18, 1892 1 in Frank­ tort, and she ls bearer of passport No. 194011 issuel February so, 19401 by Jose Vi~eveno, Nicaraguan consular~ General at AlnsterdB.II, llhe

;·... ,,

The Couprines (Uhuprines) and Gruensteins were interviewed by Miss Rodriguez, who is Secretary of the Costa Ri•an Lega­ tion, and she has transmitted to San Jose full partioulara by oable. Prior to the departure of the vessel, tho Peruvian Consul Baroelov did not make an investigstion of the status of his nationals.

CHAPIN Follo,'a'll13 ls froM >:urphy nud SLtith,

.e recdv.-d the lJef.Prtt1ant 1 tl con!:\dentl!!l CE.\Jle to :;hratilo~~t~d

;'IIY 1<', :'o, ;0:3, \n b~f,~&t~nr.r~c-' SlU'~.ncen h(>rj be;,n given b;.r the sov~rrt"I\Cnt of S:oatn tlmt ~~~-:f. (-1 :· 3 m.n:;kt:s ·,,·O'!l.lrt be held ln SpE:ln, :>l~'t ... ~ 111 f>l ~ : ·: (j) 0 ~1t(v1eu:_2f tr.e cn\JJ.c fro" Ambnr.andor At\yee in l'<.u.r!n Ft·tinc thr.t ;-::q J\o \1.0. r-tr•'"IUY OJlJlOBed to nn;: rcfugP-118 rer.-JJinlr•• ': 11\ -ll!'rceloM' ""~ ln viow~

1\lth 'tpon rtmE ipt nf nJ:nrro!)dnte P.P6t\rf'nees fro~ S)l'll'lillh'•Go•erMent, ., no r~ru,;,es wnrc di.,ec;'cnr'

~ , . (2·.:1 • lr.nb•cr;;) fM11ly 111t.

<;enuinn refur;co cace13 aM an· atte1!1pt is, be\ng l.lE.de through the-l7er

P.ef~~e ilo<>r(t rllpresentative to htvt thsOI d\semberked at Alcteiou, \le voul<' U'-:n to knov if the Deper\111en\ er.proves their dlseccbnrk'itiOD here.

\1e r;;quent 11n urgent revl:r.

'•fO ar" C?bl'.ng 96)'8rllhl7 1nfort:lat10n Oyl\Ot!rnin,; tl oubtful C&Gil9o


DECI.ASSrFmD Btato Dept: Lcttor, 1:11;.72 DOJUlA.GaRL By 1~ H. Porka DatoS£.e...2 0 1972 1~....., ~· .•. \ . ·,, . . •. ~"'-. . '

,..,...,-· d'Tif'il

JunelG,l944 . ~-DEPARTMENT CF STATE L~.:1!:W 11 1 ,U ;.,.~Y: DIVI~W' :l 01'

"U ., ,,, . ·•··· .< ...... ~0 1944 .~ .'~(, J u.. r-~ U~_.,.W.&vvOt-i · COMMUNIC/tT~~.NS _ . 1'ho J!uowin;; iuut ~oti~l1!bllfl'llhon,al to tho >riouu l'opublioo, tho l!:r.\Ol'gouuy ~·.tlviaor:r 00),1• i•littno for l'•ol1tionl ;.)ofoU:oJO ut LontoVi1100 011 L.uy )1, l'J44 ut19.Ptod Ul>on tlio rooOJ.J:•\Oudation of tho Unitod titatou JJ.0:>1bor a resolution i'(tVOl'iu.,;, u!Ab3eot to csucntiol l.•or.wrvut1ono l.'oi.!ru:a:111., ::~eow.•lty, tilo . cxollnnuc or Gm.'HUil nntiouulo in tldo itomiophoro ll{~tlinat cortnin llOl'Oo·no bolouuillt;:; to tho OP}lrouuocl llOO}}lou .. o:t ·;,;lU'OliO V4l0 bO!U' clOOUIOICUtll itlilllOd b:f Ol' in thO llUI-•a ol' the ;J.. ol'ioril\ rol>Ubliou oi' otllor non•l.-1Ul'Ol>olm otutea · l'oi'leot:Ln.,; u r:l:~ht of udnduo:Lon to or p);'otoot1oh by l.iUOh l.'O!JUbliOJJ Ol' fJtUtOO o . .

. 11 'l'1to JJoporta ..ont fool~ tllut .it io oastmtiAl to Pl'ocood no (iU:I.okly uu ,poouiblo \'lith tllo _prouontntion tO thO UOJ:I:<(.n ilOVOl'!UllOllt or 001\0l'Otu l,Jl.'O,llOOUliJ . blitlGd UllOll tho Hcuolutiou in liUu~tion. uud llopog tk1t tho eovor&>Oilt to which you 'arc uool.•ollit®, ~1blob hnu l>ro­ nw .• ubly l.ly thin tino l'OOuivod oi'i'i~iul. uotif1cut1on o1' the ~~oiJolutiou i'l'a·t tho l)o.C.'1l11tteo i''•1lll bo ~;ill1n~ to join in th1u co.mmol\ lll'O~C~<~ \litb. ttlo·,othol' .'.tnoriOl\11 . ~ ::=1•opuulico · umJ. • th1~ :{;QVcl'.lll•IOllt. c .~.'llc •. Llo.[lt\rt~;.ont \Iill be :.l:1!.l to lo!I:S.'n oi' tlflY' initil\tivo tol{Oll u.:r tL.o ,;9V_I)l'lJII'.Qllij ttl \lh1oh fOU uro nool!oditOll J;o.imrJl.Oi~:ont thia dcuil';lblc stop 1u-stl'CI~thon1u:~ tho ooJtU:.On ·tL•out ~;r:11UJt. tlifl - "xio. ---,, ·, .. ·--- ~ -~-. ~l ,_.~ out;Gootc

DECLASSIFIED Blate Dept: l..cllcr, 1-11-72 By R. H. ParkS otti_sfU~, 1972

.·,: .:. .. · '-~---_'I ' . ' •

!- '

t:.l•. i.:j~uc}cl'D. tho l'OPl'GOOl\t~tivo or. tho Uni toit lJiiiitou on the J:..l,,el'.;!.Ol\O.Y' .. ~viuo:~.•,y Oo.mm1tteQ fo1• J.•olitioul iJoi'onao. ~ho JJO.I.Htrt.mont is uundinc you in tho acmr i'utUl'o u copy of tho oi':l.':loiul trunolution o1' thill doowuonti. J.'llUl'o wiU ulao bo uont you in the non1• i'utUl'o ru1 1natruot1on outlin1n.~ ool'tL\1n-pointa oi' uotion in l'ollpeot to tho lll'O,Jrr.ru on llhiuh your ro).JO:t•t 1u doe11•odo 1'


~. -a eo i- '

DEPARTMENT ;'f',- INCOMING ~ ' DIVISION OF ·. OF F TELEGRAM/ ·" cpMMUNJCATIONs· STATE BJR - 399 La ,paz _..\ -~NO ~-O~QS or:11s. te:le:grarn mus't be: . 5 ./ I).;A) ~ pm•aphrasEd bEforE bhng Da\e:d Se:ptE:mbe:r ·.25 1 194 • ( ~, : . communicate:d to anyonE 1 //. 1 . othe:r than a: Gove:rrime:nt R:o__d--~~:5_2 a.m •. 2.6'.;h%·,., l) tJ.), Age:noy. •rssmnritEPi l--- f.fPv<'--- .~·r·-:>r;,~-· • ~-~ 1 . ,_ 1t 0,1~1 1 t,!_ I · . i 11• \1 I:,)I()I'J Ofl.

Se:ore:tary of State:, 1 .I ... I) ? 3 111<1 \•Tashington.• - (:U(t;lli!Ji'i!GAJIUNS . I /Jt-H\ f"••r"n•)l')•~ JJ f--.. .~~ l?OS, se:pte:mbe:r 25, 1 p.nr;-· < j~ ~ Andrade: state:s that no pe:rsons be:arihg-3oliviarl .._I docume:nt'ation in which Gove:rnme:nt j,s inte:re:ste:d in titE se:nse: inte:nde:d Pe:partme:nt 1 s airgram 337, Se:y'GElilbEl' 1 are: known to bE in GErman, OO_.?UPiEd. te:rritory~ 1 , Andrade: addEd .that Bolivian GovErnrne:nt oontinue:s to ·( · inve:stigate: situation. · It. is my pErsonal opihion (/) that thErE is and \'1111 be:· no futurE intEl'ESt in '.;his subje:ot and that the: De:partmE:n't can c1is:re:garc1 any

·COMl~ROt COPY f.~-~ (\ ' \ c, ~ .·' ~' ,, ' 'I A•33? 5;40 I'M / ;ll-!:l:!IDl~l:lll:l

l.J\. .f1\Z

'!'he follow~ message or f'llguet 9 lua been reoe1 ved from Jlollletllbas•y, u:ldl'idl ..IIJC'.i:J:: ln reo,.,onoe to .l:.mbaesy' e repreoenbtlonn _Li'o:relgn Office hno tol'lllllllJ eXpressed wUJ,lngnese ot IJpl\blsh oovei'IUIIent

to cooperate in br1ng1~ to eucoeeoful conoluslori.propooed "' al'l'~ei:IEints tor oxollanse on 3pun1ob tel'J'i tory ot O&ftl•:n \ \' rut1orl:lla 1n !·t~l'£18UaJ antr JJol1\t1t' tor vornons in Uertn;lll-ocoupied tan1tor1es beai'tl1{5 cl.Oouruontation ot thoae oountr1os but hae

1nto~d Embaooy oral~r that 1t 1o not yet 1n.reoe1pt ot repre­ eontnt1one on this wbJeot frotl flll'aguQ¥~ and llo11v1i\n aovorn- t . '. t~ente llhose ll'tlpreoent:;~.t1yee in tln

t1one. Uti.WI.l:~o'& In v1eu or earl1or \>rolll1oeo gi"fen to ;vou 1n thlo raor,out \- v ~~ .- - -- . and reported in YO\tJt ~200 ot oruno 2'1, ))le~ae urge i)Ol1V1'\D ott1o1aJ,e to tvlte npeeilio~t notion nooessaey to ·a~ble Opa,ln to brine to oorullunS:on Sf.\id exch.'lftgO ~elllSnte~ In thin connection~ you l1laJ l'fJper.t ar.eur~,noee--glven 11'1 Deyartment•a ,J}-22l ot J~ 2

· etat1Jlu, tl:.').t; -lJiO'tli: ·ln COI'ltelllplntlrit '"'ch excJi.~e ftoSOtltltlone, ·- _ c - - · ~ -_ -~'· - - _ .- - • · . -. - ·-- • • r: 0

"- ' to t~~e tuli rea9ons1b111t1 tor all nrrangemante neaesenry to route tueE~e :Jeroons to r-lu.oes elsewhere. UtN.Uo~·~

Jt.UU. glw tt·

\ \'

t.IW ll·lhV: .KI) 9/l/44

DECLASSIFIED State Dept, Lcttcr,-1·11·?9 By R. 11. Pnrks Date SEP 20 1972

-:\-, .. ;

the toUC!Ifiq ••taat et Alipet 9 hat bHa reoelN trea "-''ltat'T, lairi41

Cl1JOD Ia re.,.all h ...IIJ't repret•taUoal l'oNI&a OffiM llall ftnalS, e.wpretllec\ wWbi~Mtt ot llpdlllh Cleftl'lll!lellt to eaopen.ta ta 'bl'bclq to .....t.r.t oeulta!o. prepoiM ~•• to• 8M'e•p oa llplato ten~­ ,,.,. of hNM aaUellalt Ia ...... , M4 hUrl& tor Pll'tllll Ia h--t.... lel tenltei'SII beariq 4oeD~MaUoa of tbote aoaatritt \l&t hat lateNII ..._.., o~ tllat it it aot ,_, ill NOIIpt ot "P"._hUo114 .. tble tUJHt t._ l'aft&uqan u4 lollYf.aa OowJUeatt vbole HpHiftti\U.'fltlla lfMr14 are eUU wUIIo11t lattnotlue. 1MqWD Ia Tiew of earlf.el' pi'Oidtll 11.,.. to 1011 .,. tblt "tpMt u& ·...,.,..11 Ia TOIII' J.-280 ot Jue -:Yr, pl••• u,. lollvla.ll ofllclal.l h take t,...tlllt ac\lon RIIOIIII&JT to naUe &p.la to 'brine to eonoluetoa eatt ...,.,...... ­ ~··· Ja thll GIUHtloa1 JOI& _,. Hpeat Alllln.DCII p ... 1a DlputMfttft AoOUl et .r.. a •tatbc tat ~ Ja toatHPletS., •••· ...._...... tlatleat, tt te aot upeotet tbat tho &OTGraa&llt ~~~ vh!ah JOil are aooNillhot wm pl!JIIoallT _...., IIIII' ~ !'Uital iato itt ttrrit117 ..... oa a .....NI7 01' toataUn 'buln. 'lhll GoftJUent lt ·prepare«. to take. f1IU N'Ptul\lUt' t'l' all ...... tt ....,1&17 to ro•t• tMte pereeae to pla•• · el...-re. ~

\ .

4a26 P••• August 31, 1944

W.111 Chauncey (for tbo Sec1 7) Abrahallllon, Cohn, DlBoia, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Leeser, W..., JlannOn, KoOonnaok, Cable Control Files · C9N1 rlOL ~OPY

;; .. u: J1,r e 26, 1'.,4ho

t- .. C t D: July 7 1 E HM

~ ~. P:.RTM£N1 OF Sl! EJ JUL 7 1944

DIVISION Of n-28~, J~re 27, 1~44, 5! U l£eiii,IU~ICIITION9 ~ nrCRG: < l ;e!'en;nce '-'8'H•rlr"el.1. 1 S secret rirt;r!tr;: •. -221 of

June ~. 4:J5 p.m.

Fvreif'n .. ff~:irs in1'·1r:.cci rcc orP)ly on June 24 t!'lut he hOUlcl he VCl'Y C}~IUl:.te by Ccr.-..•Jyitl/' ... i\,h tho tf\ rl;·;ue.>ts 1\t the LOT' oJ' n> :.e 4 of ~lie l.lrgl·>.l!;. under rel'oronce; til~>t ne 1 1.vcs tho ~,,,,r·ovf.l of the Bnlivillll p1:r:e 6 of the t:e:>!lr1..:_ or.t's uirgrhm un6.er nd.,ereroe; rnd t,,·,l't l~e .ouJc illli eci1t•t,;Jy oorr, .. n,r1:tor.tc :.ith the

J oo!l] n l'resc·wtll ti ve C'f the ~·roteotine; .JC": er f.lon!'; the

t:rF m unaer rot'ereuoe.

./CO]) ....rw H• ./erb i.IilGH.tU..



'.L'hc 1'ollo\J1JI,:3 1nutl'uot1on hm1 boon nuut to tho _JilOl'ioun ·-lllbHo:...icu in oo1•tuin oi' tt.e otllol.' . J:J.Ol'ioun l'o!Jitlllioo: ..-

111n UUl>llOl't Of tho lll'O(;l'Utl 01' tllo ;JOl> .i:-olitioul Dei'onoo nt l..ontovidoo ou t.i.:y 31. 1944 udo11teu upon· tho ro-uol:ii.iGriilt.ition ·ai'-tllo United vtt1tos LlOiabol' " l'ODOlution ;f'~\VOl'illG. tmb;Joot to OODO!ltial l'CUOl'VutiOll:J l'OGCUXt ill<,; l:lOOlll'ity tho . exolll\l}{:O of llormun lll'ltioul!l:J in thio IioJ.litJl>hol'o1 0\ ucn11wt oortuiu vo1.•uom1 bololl,:ill(; to tho Oi>l>rouaod pcoplco of im1•opo \'.i1o bo,1r <1oour.tonto 1ouuotl by or in tho mu,.o o:r tllo .:JJlOl'iomt l.'opul>lio:; o:..• othor uon" :.u1•.ovou.1 :Jt,,t,(j,J l'Oflootlu,::. u 1'1eht of uOtidEJuloa to Ol' ., pl'otoctlot. '>Y ouch l'Ol>Ublioo OJ,' ututoo,

"'l'lw l.oolJ«l't•.:a.lllt i'oolu tiwt it lo oo~,;e::nt1ol to prooood uu t,uiokly nu poo!llvlo viith tho lll'o:JO£ttutiou to tho Ocl'f'-<\;1 UOVOX'Jll,iCillt Of -OOliOl'Otll lll.'OpOC:lt\lOU thut tho ;.;;ovol'IU•:o.ut to i1liioll you ltl'o uool.•od.ituCI. 'lhioh huP !Jl'oaw.tubly by- tluo' t1Iao ·l:ooe1vod oi'i'ioiul not11'1oa­ t1on or tho Hol.lolutiou 1'1'0111 tho UO!IU<&ittoo, \'rill bo \'d.llilJG to ,1o1u in thiu oos.:JJiOil l>X'OJl.'C\Ll \lith tho otlull' l•.r.tox·ioun 1'0lJUblios,: untl ti11:J \loVo1'ru.wnt. 'J.'ho lJoj)£\rtwor.t will be cJ.ud to learn or any in1t1<

• 11 :~ Sl1,3~watcd tranolutiun o1' tllo ilooolu~_ion \'lllfJ rJont you on

I DECLASSIFIED 1- Stato Dept, Letter, 1·11·72 By R. lUark• Dnl<>. SE P 2 0 1972 j Lr. ;,uutle:~.·u, -.;_.o l'Clll'OEHbtut:lvc o.r the 'Jni·i;ed Jtuto;a Oil ,:,o . 4•10l.'r.;onoy ..tlvi;.;ol·y vouu.J.ttoo 1'01' i:olit:l.oul J01' mco. i'llo VqJcil'tl.1.H\t lu 1iOIU11r.._: you 1n the IIGUl' fu·c .u·~' u copy of tllo of£ loiod t:rrmulution of 'c.hiu cloo ..u .out. .rhon•o .. ill uloo uo oout you in tho uo:-~r :('ut .U'C >Jn iuutl'UO tiOU OUtlillill.._; OortalU po1Utl:l of o.~otion iu roopo ot to tl.o pro,9-' ...u 011 \ill:l.oh yo~ l'Of· :1rt is doui:col.l."

e. eo ' ' ~\;~- 221 4:35 l' M

In reference to yotlr A-212~ of Hay 16 and to oiarity the· nattlre ot the probbm w1 tll \lh1oh tlle Department 1 s A-lGl of f.Jaf l 1e oon.. oel'ned, as well as for :;our 1n1'ol'lllnt1on and gu1dllnoe 1n hwthor 1ntonnal appi'Onoheo, there .1o r&1v&n beloH tho ta;.tt of o1l'Ollllll• nlrgrame. ot !lay 1 and Uay ll:

Nay 1, 1944, 7s 36 p.m. ~he tollow1ns n.b~rruua lmve b'on oent by the Depel'truent to the Li.1er1oun llgl!>ns~~:tdors O!'X'tnln :Jouth Jwex>= in \ '-;<- loan oountl'les and are repeated to you 1'or ·your int.Q.nlllltJ.onz f.!al'Ch :$1, 1944, l:Otl p.a. fiinfomnM,on han boGn l>OO(Jived that there nl'o 1n enEllllf-oooup1ed Eui'OllG a hliJber of persona h<•ldinc~ paso~ I porta iaoued in tho ,ndmoo or various Latin 1\iao.t>lQ~n oountrieo 1.n- oludln"" the oountl'y to · 'm1oh you nx>e C.(JOl'et\3. ted. Oul' 1ntctl'llt.:l t1on 1a

that in ll ln:rge llUIIlbOl' Of 0£19~9 aU$ }lOl'OOilO are 1ntel'ned und~l' 0011-• d1 t1one wh1oh are 1mmeaaurably bettex> thEm tllo treatment thoy would reoe1ve 1t they d1li nat have suoh passpol'ts. ·It 1a repol'i;ed that without euoh pnaaporta, guoh persona would be t~anoporte« to ~oland and aeatb. ' . If _ ~!_p11Sht-ot--tbeae-rcfugaeruma the eubJoot of~- a...... mosuuranduaa--r---.______-----. :I ----

DECLASSIFIED I Slate Dept. z,.tt.>r; 1·11·72 _ By R. K Parks Dntc..:S.Ee_20 1972 . . •, -· . .J ...

presented to the Department by the Pol1ah. 1\mbaoaa.dor .1n llaah1ngton. on Deoembeso 24, 1943, in support of the L"'tlCIUeet of hle go\·ornment

that tllio Government 1nteroede•on humant·~t.ll'1an urounae to eave

the peroons oonoerned from deportation t" ~oland by 1nte:rooa.1ng to prevent the w1thdrat-ral of these paoep:wta 1n_ n_a_eer: 1n whioh they may have been 1mproperly iosued. 'l'he followill{S are exoel'PtB from a report of ».r. · Kulllllann, V!oe Director of the InterrsovernDlental Commlttca, ~Jho h~iJ reoentl:,r made

an exhaustive 1nveet1gat1on of -the matter in Elw1t&&rle.nd; ~O'l'ii: ~~- --~------\ v It ie ea~iruated that 4,000 () hsv.e been 1seuud from \ t~w1tzel'l&nd""ana 1t 1s lmot-m that otb.Ol'll have boon Laauell. trom othor

I neutral countl'ioe lnoludlng Sweaon. Demo informants estimated the total numbel' to be no hlsh ao nine to ton tl1ousnud but, some thoueht 'f lhnt it O.ld not ox~oetl. 6,ooo. In au1tzeX'l~1nu it (the oeourj,ng ot the peaeports) was Ol"gan1zed' bf private 1nd1vitlu£>~s and r~nohed J euoh p~port1ono that the Ot11se' 1-'ed(l~l:ll. c-overnmont hnt! to 1nte~ vene. Le~al. notion Usa tflken t!{>;a1'not aevr1l;al of tho or~1mbero attd at the aame time anqu1cy was ronde rege.rd:l.l1~'.the author1ty of 901110 ·ot tho repl'eeentativee of the south Aniar~oan atntee to oarry on

U1eoo t~aneaotlone. \.f.

·~ l

'l'he:re aooo1o 11 ttle doubt tllnt the Uenr.£>.rt t~uthori ticCJ !l.l'e n-

mu•o of t~l1At bee been g-o11'1g on. but fo:t> rencona of tho.!.l' otm the;y

!ll\Vc W. therto not ndO!Jtecl e general pol}.oy cit' ui tlldt•nu1nf~ tho )JHlfl~

porte. \;bile in many onoao ~he pormooe1on of thtlo~, docmment,, ht•o o.ffordeil the otmoro protection ag!'linot perneoution rll\' ov.:Jn l)!)Ooinl

treatruent in some of the Ct!JU)JO, in other Of\eea tht:y ht'~a r.{'X'Olotlod

no pro'teot1on €\t l'~l nut( pnt>t1ou1N•ly ao u~1ore ttw ~)Ol'r.O!l'l cunO()X'n•

eii ~;ere not intoruatl, Or1~1M~ly tho Uenunn o.trthol•1t10B ucem to

llt:'Vo c.ilerishell tlie hope tlw\~ tho -pu1•aono t;ith--theue~~outh-tllliel'ionn '- '· pnocportc tnight oonct1 tuto a btwio for tlltJ En:ohvil{.;e ui1 ilermr.n nnt-

1onnle 111 l;)outll J~r1onn oountr1aa cmt1 ~ \ !o not j.rupl.'Obnllle tlw.t

they et1ll Juwe Vf'.{;UO hopes Of thia. Othf·l' X'OaGOUCI hoVe bean l·ll.!('j­ uectotl. for thoi:r lnolt of oonoiotenoy. Hf,oontly houevor they hi\VO

been WC'.kil'l($" enqu1r1oo tllroU{~h ooma of t';to 'proteottnu pouo:ra or the

Suuth Jl!nOX'iot>.n Oovoxonntento oonoernoil x>egn~irlg thu genu1neMoa of

the doownonto nnct thoy luw,e lmon ottbm~t~int; 11ote of ue:roorlo con~ oe:mo« uith n v1m·l to vexo1f!oflt1on UNQUOTE

Uir Herbert ~eroon, !>1reotox- or tho IntorgoVerl~lielltctl ·c.:om·•

Mittee, 011 the bns1n of tha fore~-o1ll{$ r>eooillmem1e 'illit.tt ·tha Lnt~n

J\riteriot~.n Governments in 1-1horm nmneo ouch pnosportu ·nuve:br;mf· -


<·---- -· ---- ~-. "-~~-~-~ ---~------~·-··-~--=--..._._._.._ .. ~ .. /

-"'- ' ;,J-.J-1 1- p~ 1\ .. (1, - ' t/ iesued, be t'.ppronohed on two pointe, ~iiO'.I.'b; ( 1'1:rnt) thnt the Govern- mente E:.iloula l'Elfl'Ciin from ui thVe !:leon / . 1aoued t'.llu ( eacond) tll-?.t 1t t>nu uhen tlltl lll'Oteotil~t; pouGr on the.

requent of tho l.l-ununn <"Uthor1t1eo 'eubm1te l:l.ets of' 'lnraono Hith_

ounnr.porto they ohoUld instruct tiw pro~eoting !JOt~e;r ·tlu\t the

pe.oe~ol'to !w.ve been coufinned Uli.J,IU'A.'i::

l\1. though the iJO})Prtluent do eo not oondouo 'i:he uunuthox-1zed 1a­ oue of pc.ooporto, 1t cloeo not follo"r thr-.t tho !Jopr-t•tmearll nhoula

~tithholu ito inte:roees1on 1n ll o1tunt1on 111 i·Tliioh .the 1:\.veo of oo

ogreo \11th J;~,,crnon thn t Hhero tl:lOUotm!ls of humun 11vee lie in the

bnl.cnoe beoauo~ ot \Jl.\l' oond1 tlono nut> ·momy peraeoutiono, e.pprop­ rinte oteptl elloulc~ be tnlmn to nvo1u tho. no1~recoc;n1t1on by the Gol'lllv.na of euoh paofJporto.

" 'A.'"no Depf.,l'tllltmt unde~eto.ndo tlmt 1:11eoe pno£11,)0l•tr., appen1•11~ on

thei:r fnoe to have been 1oeued by oor,petcmt offioil'.lo, -:lXIO vnl1d until thoy tu"a oauoelled. While lJapo.:rtn\.qnt l'.greeo i;he.t l.he Govem­ ruont to l-lhioll you t\1'6 n~orad1 ted 1o· entirely ~11 tb!ll 1 ta r1cht in ot•noolliug ouoh paoapo:rto, 1t urges thnt tlle ~iwt ot -ov.ncollat1.on be not exero1eed until tho holdero ahull ll!'.Ve reaohe·a a plMo or - safety, ,

= 0 0

safety, oo thn.t tile P-Ot of oc.noellntion ohr.:ll not be, 1n enoenoo, ooudenmation of the lloldev to o. tarl'lble ileath. JUl. tunt 1u hore

nelted 1e that the Government to ~1hloh you nro ~ooradi tea tlGal u1tll tile quect1on e.t a tlme 1·1hen 1 t o11all cco.:Hj1on tho lee.FJt pooeible

metloure of humrn oufter1nc~.

X:ou eve 1nott'uotoo to mowor1ze the contents of th1o n:l.l'!Sl"DIU,

burn tilo ttoownent nnet t11eouoo tho mntter orally Hi"tll the ~·>v'ernment to 1·JtUoh you nro noorod1 toil. Duoh report no ;you. oubmi t to the iJe­ pnrtlllant on thin oubjoot should be by ·ocorat courier.

April 11, 1944, llCCX> n.m. 11 1~1n1otm' uo:rrioon nt Burn line 1n­ tonuetl uo the.llil tho tlwico yore1Gn Intorooto D1v1a1eon_hl'.B n(lv1aro

h1m 1rLfOl'llw~1y thnt tho Spnn1oll govurnr.wnt hnu i.Joon l?fl

t:-.v.t tho l.ntin II/.!Ol'1Ct'Jl t~ovux'lli'Jontn llp.vo t1en1ea. ruo~Jonnib1:L1 ty t~o

\·Jell na any oln1Do of, the po1•oono,, l~ol

eppronoh (l.vpronx>inte off1o1Cll.a of' the go\7al'fllll~llt _ tio 11hioh you u1•o nooreil1tot\ r.m1 1nc1lt1ro llhet.ncr it hila roneivo

reo).>eot to th~:! vruidity oi" pnor:;10vtc Jlo1u by ouch inturneeo nrul 1f euoh L p~ such 1nqu1ey hno been me.de, ple!'(le tH:oel·~>~l!n the nnture o::: the re-

sponae, it I:'.Jl)',

In view of the per!loun o1 tn~t1on in 'h'i•1oll the!lfJ 1ratfl.l'lleEJo & f1nu theh:oelvea, the oouolv.o1on llUo been r~nohed ·chrt pol~:lt\p(l tlle

only wny of eB1'egunrecution 1a fortlml th to 1n1 tie. te t

l'rooeecl1111) on t\l1a bf.\oio, plo~ao l'.ppronoll tho IJOVtlrtuJent to which you o.r,o o.oorofJ.1 toO. lri th tllo 1•oqucnt tlmt 1 t t~lvo i tn llpproval

to tll~ Gover-nment of the Un1toa Utt~tes nppronoh1nt; the' Ue;m1nn gov~

ernment tlll'OU(Sh v.pproprinto oho.nnolo ui th a. villor to ira1 tint1~ such nen'Ot1v.t1one. l'leoao nlno auviao nppl'O}J~iate of'fioia•.o of the government to wh1oh you are nooX'etli ted thnt ei.tllUnr roquorJtn al'_e . being made of othex• Lnt1n i\merioan oountriea, it beinrs tho hope ot thin Government that 1t llill be J>ut in a pon1tion to 1n1t:;.ste ··exchange· exohnnge dl!!ouvoiono on n lwruiaphox-io bno1o. J:>ienoe aloo advise ouoh off1o1P.le tllnt 1n any exch:;ne;e net:;ot1nt1onc thnt ine.y be enter­ ou into, it 1o of oou:rse underetoou tlw.t unqucoU.oned o1t1zene of

tile Un1 ted ~tnteu emil of the Latin 11me~·~.crm count:r1ao \·1111 he

cono1derod by tll1e c~overnment na beinu 111 a Ol>\tet~ory ent.'i. tlcd to p:r1or1ty over othe:ro. L·lel>'.oe ruoo request the govo:rf!Clent to \·:hich you IU'O aoore(U.teo.,

on huomn1 tru•1nn (Srounllo, nt'f1nuat1voly to a.l>proaoh tho ti-~IX'fhun ~ov­ o:rnment through the pro teo till{) nouo:r Hi til n der.wna tllo.t the 11vee

of all pereono holdill{$ naeopo:rtn 1ooue doOtUitOnto 'be cto.fP.(~Uarded and ,, \ that they be ~1von ~11 :riuht11, p:r1v11egoo v.nb. 1tnr.1~n1t1eo nocorded to o1v1l1an 1ftterneoo of enemy n(l.t1onf\11ty to Hhom tho U"lneve Ooll•

vont1on ret~nro1n{5 tha trontwant of !J:t'1sonero, ot· tlllr io oux>x-ontly

~ppl1a~ by nnalo~y. ~ In v1o~r of the 1r.JHt1nont

1<'1nnllJ 1 116 Q0~1UIW\10flte to you, 1'01' 001l411Uil100.t10I\ to the u'OVeX'n· ment to \~hioh you !'.l'e t~oo:r>e~l1 tGl'l., the subotnnoe Q.t a ouble whiol\ the Uepartwent h..1.o sent to OUl' l11n1ster at J3ex-n EM! tollol~BZ >J,UOl'C: Al.tllougll io.l though the motiveo of the Uenn~no in nooordillf~ better trent!Jlent

to JeHA of' .l:'olish oM.p;1n holtUng p<'.EH.

1fluuet1 in the namoe ot Latin J\rner1oan oountr1eo are not too clear,

1 t ;'Ould Pppec~r tbo.t they 1nclua.e ( 1) aome hope thl't thE1 Dl),ght

be oono1dered exobnnge mato:rir~ lJUe.iuat UeX'Ill:.UIB ill the ueatmm llaru1epheve and (2) oomo foa:r thEI.t t:he11' 1tl-treLitruont might ll1't'ord the Latin Arne1'1ontl oountr1eo n pretext for further l1ml t111g tho

freedom and aoonomio aot1vi tieo of Ge1.1at>.t10 roolilent in euch coun~ tries. 195!:?. \, Tile meaeure reported in your :Uifl.'.J of. Haroi~ 00 nwy be an 1ml1~ \ oat1on that unmuny in bec;inn1nr; to doubt ulletllo:r ouch Jet-m IU'& If\ oouoiderell exohnn~:~o m!lteric>l E>ntl \,1\othor their \irentment would efc· feot the trcv.twont of Gol'lmmo 1n Lnt1n Jlmer1oe. 'l.'h1·a Ooverauaent 1't1··

"'sardo 1 t M eocent1al. tllat tlluoa doubt a be promptly ana afl'notively dlsepelled.

•\ooord1nglJ, plea!le request the BQOU oftioi~O of thf.l &u1oo Gov·· ernment 1u infomirirt; the Gerumno tlwt. thia Oove~runent h unuex-- · t1.1.1t1ng d1oouoo1ons "11th Le.t1n i\mcr1onn. ooutitx>.loa for a further ex­

ol~ange of Uermnno in the lieetern flcmiaphel'e foro peraona ·in GoX'Olan­ oontrollod tox>r1tory nna __1;h.{l.t; 1Jl_J:JI"Lrumnllot_1on, tho Un1tocl Otnton ------·--~ - _ .. -- ---·------· ---··-----,------oona1del'o thntali -p~raono in V1 ttol· t\111'1 e~oet1hm;•o holQing Jl!lel!l~. -porto ana other dooumento ioa\\Ocl in thn nPraoo o~~ Latin Amer1oan ooun'll:r1es

-•-~.,_-· ~· _;--,.~~.•e.,._-~~::--=-.==--' ~,.i_ __ .L p~ A. 01-.:;u - o - oou~tileo '~ill be el1B1ble for> uuoh exohntl{~o. ill!Dul taneouel;y, plee.se requeat the npprop!'lnte· ::iu1ec r.mtllor1"

tlee to advise tlle Ge:rmana thnt 1n the m'eant1me 1;1>-in Uovarnn~ont ex= ·

pecto thnt those peroono ulJ.l• be ncoortl.fld tho Oliltle r!(Shte, pr1v1~ leu-ee onll 1tilruun1 ties tbnt the G·ornmn rt;cWOl•rll!lent expeote will bo

aooorded to Gomnno ln the i1ooto1"n lliJm:~~lPhere. Yott li!P..l/' udd tllc.t a

oone1daJ'able numbo.r of t~errt~nn o1v1l1£mo 1rlto.l'ncd by VCIX'.t.oua !.ntln

.flmerloan oottntr1eo have been plnoed b;y euoh countr1ea 1n the oua~

tody of the United Stnteo t>nd fl.re preventl;y 111 ouoh ouetody l'tl thin oont1nentlll Un1 ttJ

oommv.111o01bed to our ll1oo1ono 1n tlic Lnt1n 1\uol'ion.n oount:\'1ao oo11a oerne<.l. .,,o oro £uno mnlt11l{) 1nqu1ry of ouoh Lnt1n .1\m.ox>lo:;m ootmtr1oo ,.,1 th roopeot to the nuthent1o1 ty of tho- 1nfol'lltnt1on lnformolly con­

veyi'Jcl to you by the S~Tieo ~'oraien Intcropto il1vio1oll t-~h1oh you l'fl<-1 i feFrea to 1n your 1!10-l of Nnro~ ~l UNtG\JUTi!: ; S);'C;UI;\L IfiS'1'HUC;J:IGdS 1.>.'0 Will:; i\I-1Uil.SE4,).UOH, . ,, :tou f\J'e 1notruotea to memorize tho oontento of th11l nir(!jX't'llll,

burn tbe document flllcl illeot\OB the mnttel' or

to wh1Clh you ax>o f'.CC1'ccl1tod. 13uoh repo~,.,.c; no you oUbli11t to the 1)9-o

-- pnr-tlnent~otLthis _sUJJJeot-ollould_lJe_by._osore_t ooul.'i~x>. ___ ----·-·~------~-~---~------it.prll 132, 1944,

·-- : --.. __.._..::.2.~~~~--· ,-, ,,

= 10,~

•~P1'1l 22, 1944, 7:30 p.u1. 11 Hafol'l'1>lri to tho llez;.axatmont' o o1:r-­

oular airgrmue of Aprll 11, 11~00 a.m., nnd of J.ln;.ocb 31, J.:05 p.m.

the follot·rlno la tllo eubetnnoo of £'- meeeago received from Loudon

by Uir Herbert ~creon, i.J1I•eotoi' of tllrJ Intergovel;'nmentEJ~ Oomm ... ttee. who lo tiOtr 1n i•aoh1ngton: Q.UO'rE Aooord1113 oableo Je1-rieh ilgenov, Jerusalem, nerr oommnnder Vittel GPJIIP ndv1oed Mo.roll £0 ubo•lt 260 to. 300 internoo(J holdinu South 11mor1oan paGOl10rto tbnt they uere not reoofSn1zcd by government conoexoned. It io rulegea thooe peroona lollree.dy 1oolnted for O.eportntlon t>lil1oh onueed pant.o Md deepllil'.

1\genoy he1•e hno pnrUo~ list of people affeotcd, ~lootly Pol1eb. Jewe t>rev1ouely put on Uat of veteran Z1on1nt11, !tnbbio, ot cetera,

for grant or l'P~eatine oert1f1oatec. ABenoy try111f~ to obtt,1n t:rom Oolon1o~ Cff1oe fonnf\1 L'.seurnnoe t.o l:lltlr.t• proteot1ncr poweX' thnt If' theoe l>Oroonn plaood on l'aleGt1ne exohango ·11at in oroe:r to ete1ve

ott deportation UU~tJO'i'E

In v1eu of the 1mn11nent llango~ uh'- ol1 tnoeo the 1>o:reouo 1n.. valved. and in the light or thio Govorn,uant•s deep conoem for

their welfare, lfOI.\ Bhould collliUimionte tf'J nppropxolnte oftiolale ot the Government to 't·lh1ch you nl'e uoor,ea1t'od tile umenoy with which favorl'.ble reeponoee l\lltl i:lotS.ve 1nee.oureo f'..long the-linea U.<3aor1bed • 1n OUl' Oil'OUllll' ail'gi'D.tiS ot 1\pJ:>ll 11 and l·iaroh . 31 D.l'O naeaed. \.t.

. .


= 11 = lCou may aloo ~1ich to 1nfoX'Ill auoh offic1clo thnt 1n adu.li.t.!on to tha approach to flui tzer>lHnu referX'ed to 1n our c,.ruular aiX'{Sl'nm ot

~\prU 11, ,.,e hnve also requested Amhnosador llayeEJ a1m1:•.(>.r•ly to

approach the 8pan1eh UoVGl'~l!mt. A'leNlS kaop the iJepar1llllent prompt--·

11 advised or ol.l developments in t~~!] mnttex> 11 • l·i£11 ll, 1944, 7:30 p.m. 11 111'th ;:v.Jference to prav1ouo ocllllllun:l.­

oat1ono from tho ])epox•tment nnd the :lar Ha:t'U(~ee fl;,aro vouax>Cling

protection of retuc~aee ~lith Latin 1\UJ!'l'ioon doowne11to in Geh'lllnn­ held teX'II'i tcl'y, yotA EU'e 1nfonuea tba·t pi.U'euont to our J.netruct1ono

tho Legation nt Darn 11;)..!! odvioea tho 1:\'noe Government ~rith 1•eepel)t

to ola!mo to Lll~or1oo.n o1t1zonnh1p by retugoel! in Gel11!e.r!-OOll1lrolltld \, \ areao oo tollomu if' -JJO'l'E '1'~10 Department ~r1ll \Uld.ertC;>Jtu fully ~) 1nvvotl£f11~a nny

olo1m to United btnteo o1t1zenoh1p, neoertsa by M'J );Hiroon ~r.:l.t.\l1n

¥' tel'I'1 tor1 undel' onenlY control, upon reooipt from t,\le St,l1os Uovemu ment of n~l pertino11t 1nformD.t1on nvo.1lable to tl~e lflmr.r.mo :r•elnUve thereto. The oll\1mo.nt muot be:preolUllllu to boa United Stntoe o1t1·

zen nnd muot be oooor

and unt1l tho ;;vrlof.l Oov_el'nlller&t_ i~ _DJ?,llOll'lQ!,ll~l~L o.O.Y2.i!lld JJJ ~:l!f~_ E~.!~(\l'tril~n'll. = 12 ~

V~partment to tllo oon~X>e.x>y, epaa.t not) be extended UlF~UO'l'lli

You oro autho1•ized to e.dviae the fiOTarnment: to llhio.\1 you are eoored1 ted of tJ~e foJ>agoing 1t you thia~.: 1 t u!ll holp to obtnS.n

1 to etfeotive ooopaX>ntion in a-eaou1n,.'S tefll800o 'r.l. th Lutin Jllnt:'ll'1~ oan dooun1ento.

'J.'he L.eg11t1on at Del'u llao nloo boer; 1notll'uotec1 to l'aqueet un1ea autho:r1t1eo t6 obtvJ.n from Gernwny '1nW!erango foJ.> return of deported l'&i'Uf5ooo to Vi ttel.

It 1a eaoant1RJ. thnt detilal'ohe of l·lndl'iported by slm1lnr IU'Gent l'epx>oaen~f.'t1ona ~t othoX> f'\ruex>1ooo x>apublioe ,,u lladr1d on Vnl'1oue pointe obve;ed in OUI' oiroUlt\X' a1X'(~run of Apl!'il 11 ana other r'elovnnt oollllll~U\1ant1onll. l>louoe not aoool'dingly and ~dv1oe us ot ~eeulte. Ilu:1.7. c_&ll.!n- '_

'1·/0A '·'·


Reference your A-212 of Uny 16, In order to clarify tho natulie of the problea with which Department's A-161 of May ie ooncerne~ an4 for your information wtd guidance in further informal appro.oh~ ee, there are repeated to you circUlar airgrama of ~ l, 7135 p.m. and Uay 11, 7tJO p.m.

*it·~dt-l\~irl-t.ilit*itit**i'l* - --l,lay--30r±941,------.. ------­ -~- ,.c.J-0 :.3.2 a_.rn, .


- ·- -·-~ ,}_·--·--- -

M. ~f'~dntjp · S/29/44 ~L .. ~\~~.~-

' '


-~ -~- r- -.,~--, -J;------·-- ·----~- -~~-~----- ~~~CONT.ROL COPY ,)

SncrJtnry of St~te, ·

·.i!lsllin ~t•)n.

•\·ln2" 1:~y 16, 191,4., 5:oo p.:1.

y ... ·1 : .'1efor•':nc e lJe;"•rt~~ont; 1 s air.lrum A··l61-, l•l(l.Y 1, 1944,

10:1,.5- u..;,l, < ;;nueru.'.n._; e!l'o_,;-t~:< to re;,tovc .fro:u A.:is-

·,o;.lin!'ltP.d ttl'rltury Jcn;s \~:;.th llollvhtn irtcntit'icnt:~on if'\ doou.·v:nts,

I ul~lll.•iuuud tlti.~ .:;utte::- uno('!'iclatl.y to the ,.Jiuist!;lr

ot F.nei.,;r: Affail'S of tho ~')ollviqn l'l'i>Visl:mal UiJV•H'n•

:i!i.nt nnd. :.e sn.hl•-t)l·-,t he .~td not rc:oall- l!avln'~ hellrd of

any bona fide Ilolivlr.n Jt::\''3·-· either natuJ•allzu(l or \' nutive-htn·n, tlho

if I wouhl l'lud out as 'J'Jr:n ·as J•osntbl~ ·1once::Jilll.l cho identity-of suoh Jews; At:\fOl'tlin:;ly~~n ;oulrl-~he ~u 1i·H·e.;;-c -- oiated if tlu;i Depart.Jonc ooul<.l :iu9ply tl,is· o!'t'ice \lith -·?- available ln!'or.m•tion on tho 1,uhject.

•:oou:;A}m DECLASSIFIED Slato Dopt. Letter, 1·11·79 By R. H. Parka DnwSEP 20 1972 •..

FOif TH!i! l'l'ltlSOl!J\L '!llJ •••••• lMllO!IJ.IA'l'IOtl 0~' 'l'HI!A

'J.'he l>epnrtmont Jlo.e been AP!'1"1zed · thnt ·l'o.pnl. l~unoio at Darn informed l-11n1oter ,llnrl'ison that Vatican had o.ttewpted · to t-IOrk out relief menouvee for Jeue JlolU1rll{ilollv1an doc­ umentc nna 1ntel'nea. by Gol'Uia~. Appm:·ently, tho quect1on of' eventunl 1mm1u1"o. t1on as reoul t or po~o1bll9 excihnuc;e t~aa rained 1n O.dd.\ tiQN to the qUOOt10ll 01' reoot;n1 t1on of dOOUlllenta, l:Jol1 Viti 1e roported. to llnvo replied thnt tl1aoe porAons uould b~ reoe1v­ ecl in IJCI11v1a..

~· I11 tronolll1 tt1~. tba above tor your 1ntormnt1on, .the Devv.:r>t- .. ' ,.. . . mont nuthorhoo you 'to lot it ~e !Qlolm unoffio1nlly 1u o.p!)rop- r1ute quorter11 toot the hell)t·ut 1~toi1t1on of l.n l>mi reported by Vat1onn, H ~ii:~~~ out in .!.~,J71li' · b/thoro!.YI!:!!i'.. ~l?l?.~~o1nted

In adt11t1on, t-7o transmit tor fOil!> ·1ntol'llle.t1on nn .exo&I'J>t. -· from n- oiroulnl'-alr[trrun. to. oome Lati1i JIL1er1oan Republica, _dated .l\pr11 11, ao tollouo: i~-- QUOTg ~lenoe.niao request the govo~ent to uhloh fOU

~ llOOI'edlted

DECLASSIFIED State Dopt.; Letter, 1·11·7ll By R. H. Parks Date..s.Ee..2 0 1972 ,, '•

_: 2 ...

ni'O MOI'OditeC!, 011 hlt!JltUlita~lnll !Jl'OUttde, oft'1I'IIlllt1Vel~ to fiP!>l'Onoh the Gei'IIlan gOVQ!'Junent till'Ol.IJ)l tho proteot1ng ----· --·------power ''11th n demflntl tlw.t the live a of nll per(lone holding PMepol'te isoued in ito name Ol' oln1m1ng ito oitizenoh1p on the bneia of consular docnullente l)e onteguar.llty to whom tho Genevn Convant1Qn regm•d1ll{'; tho trent!Aimt ot ~ . Pl'lnonol"o or war io ourrontly L\ppl1ed b,v t\n!llouy. UN-.4UO'l'li: Xou mey let it be ltnoHn unotfio1o.lly in appX'oprle.te quarters tllt\t· notion W.o113 theeo U.nee lc ooneiaerell by this Government ilO the only ;.effective means to· enve tho }'JIIl'Gono oonoernod.. HULL.




The Departlaent haa b11n apprial4 that Papal Jlmoio at Barn Wormed llinieter Harrlaon that V1.1t.1oan had att&~~~pt.etl to work out raliet lllilaeuree tor Jawa hol41ns Bol.inan tloouaente and interned b7 Oel11111D,Y. .Apparont!Jr, the 'l'l"tion ot enntual s-tuation ae rellllt ot pollible oOh~UJ!e -· rahed 111 adclition to the qul!lt.ion ot ruoanJ,tiClll ot cloo~~a.nta. Bollri.a b reported to .han rapliacl that th"e paroona woulcl " r.­ oliYicl 111 Bollri.ao

·In tl'fUWiitting the abon tor TOUl' 1ntoi'W\t1on, the Department author1Na TOU to let it be lm0111 Wlottio~ in appropriate quartera that tho halptul. intention ot La Paz reporttcl by Vat.iaan, it carried 0\lt 111 faot, wJ.U be thorougtal,y apprao1at.e4 hera.

In acld1t1on, we t~t tor your intCII'III&t1on an exoarpt .h'oa a oil'tlllar uir&l'u. to eCIIIi Lat.111 .Amariean Rapllbllot, claW AprU 10, •• toUowat

QUOD Pleaeo alao H'l"Mt the iO'fanMnt to M11oh TOll are ~oraclit.lcl, on luuluit.arlu ll'OWICla, attinlat.baly to apprO'abh the Oenun aonrmaant. . thi"'Ugh the prot.eeting power with a dMancl that. tho Una ot aU pereone holcl1na paaaport.a 111ued in ita naa. or el•t•tnc ita o1t1.-n.hlp on the bub ot oonaular dOOWIIel\h be l&tepanecl ancl that they be &iY" aU fighta, prbUece• and 1rilllanit111 ao4orde4 to o1\'Uian 1nhm... ot eMilY nationality to llhoa the O.nen Connnt.ion racarc11n1 the traat.aont. of pr1aonere ot war ia CIUI'rantli eppl1114 b,y anal017 • UKQUOTE You~ let. it be bOlln unotfiel&Uy ill appropriate qllartere that aot.lon alon,g the... lin•• ·b ~cl~ b,y t.bU Go\'emaent ae the only etteotin uarui to aan the peraoea aonMrnaclo- ••••••••••••••••• April 24, 1944 2115 P.H.



..... ~- ; ; .

WRESrRiciiW , , -1. No, 11,230. .( Subject: Chilean Government has oon~unicatad to German Government th9 tact that the United 3tatea Gov­ ernment ia ampowa.red to negotiate axchanse of claimants to Chilean nationality for Gonnan nntionala in this hemisphere. . l•,'f:•t \,' - '-' I ·: / Qrr."V.; ;.'..-f) ;_,~,, ' ,-,_.,,~.l "'"'" )· ": ••.<. •vl :;-if~.~ '.~· -:~ ';..'·~ ' i ,J...... I. i._ _~,,.,, ... ,_ ·•4J.i j' 1 .(' /·f ·"-- ·---~~>~_;·-~ The Honorable . t The Secretary of 3tate, - }. ~Iash1ngtoa. Sir:

I-have the honor to report that, by its Note_Varbale_ No. 2~17 oi' October 24 1 1944, the ~baoey asked-the For­ eign Office Ylhether the Chilean Goverrunont had conununicated to tho Gorman novorlllllent, th1•ough its proteoting Power, tho fact that tho Jlaitod :-ltates Govar11111ent_ was empowered :to negotiate oxohanges or claimants to Chiloan nationality for t:Orman nntionels in thia hemisphere, Tho Embassy suggosteJ that, if such action had not yot boon taken, the Chilean Governmnnt m1sht W}sh to request tho &~as Govern­ mont through the Chilean Mission at~rne to inform the German Government t~at such authorization had been granted to the United Jtbtos ~overnment.

Tlleroflhas boon rooe1vod from tlie Fo1•eign Office a tloto Vorbale in roply, in which it is iltnted that instruc­ tions l.ovo bean cabled to t.ho ChUcnn l,II(·:Otlon in !lerne in tho sensa of tho su~estion contained in the Cnboasy's Noto Vorbnle, 'I . .-

The Foroi>".n Office adds that, in a'ocordance with oon­ veraationo hold in May 1944, the Oovorrunent of Chile re­ serves the right to nutho~ze or to, dony entrance into Chile of bearers of Ohiloan paosporta 1•:ho. may take advantage or the oxchange. -·-"'; -c.;:_ .• ~. nespecttully yours,

U~tuZ.' ·l.·l{~Y!vY':I J C!J,UDE CJ~ 00'/IERSi .';


<' ·,, /. I )

: morionn r:mb~aay 1 :.Jrintingo

'I'OI Seoretnry ot :>tate1 iin1Jh1ngton

l.iay 301 19« UU/.\Bllll o~a¥

;... Rotcronoe ia moc\e hel•ewlth to your o1roulnr ntr-' ~!tom of Fay ll. ;.· I nr.l informed formnlly by letter frora ~ernr,mlez --;.. - ~ \.. ,. ~, th~ft in tho onae ot Bern ond i 'ad.r1d ho han tn~~on notiOn -:.\'i··· -~ Oc:l(:) , 1 '? ~. dos~ed by you in n1rgram undor rereronoee ~: U\ --L

J<-t.f>·l'u (..,_ L J ;,}c o/,·Cr 1 '~(4 J .,. .· ... /,-./ ·) /.•.L:l.t.I •'' /{r(, ' t ·~" .~ ·- '" ....._

/'; .... lt.-:t .

Dr.GT.ASS!\IffiD State De:n~. J~..:!ta·, 1·11-72 .lly It lt ;._.,,, ::.:~Ji~p__~o 1972 'I

l I !ll't'~RTMENT OF STATEj tliVISION OF ' .. '",~;;~;~;, ..•... - l.ll~--,... ~·y·l~~~i:~::::~ ...

~-~ _·; §!fl~~A~¥9 ~ ... .JIL.Q.ft\9J!k~lL~fi.H

F'CH. 'l'}!;!! H;RUOii!\l.. ;ill}) $ I Xill-'OHltfoi'J:()N 01.<' 'A'ili~ 1 Jlllll!\Ut.'ADOF:il "'1 .: !.Hr~AtiO, ~)AN Jos£·, liA.n.I\NJ~, 0Jl'l'O, :;,,.N l.l•:.L1f;l.tiOH, C!l•!~'.L'i>I·

tl:!. t:h r·o:!'oro;"~OO to tll>o?iouo commmJicut1ons fl•om tile JJepart­ r.tM

, Am-3:.·~.can o1 t1zenoh1p by rofUr&~oo in Gax>ffi;O!ll.;.ocmtrolled (!l'f.lL\O as

'tll0~1 '1:: 'A'r.o Departruonti ~-dl]. t\nO.ortake !ully to 1t1Vent1gnte cany . '. clG~.w t.o Ur,itod Ot~t~a c1 t1zenq~p., a.eool•!HJO. by flli,Y' pbrocn ~~thin .. .. 0 tOl'l'i tory unt'!er enooy control, upon 1'{30eil1t t'i•C!:1 tho c,.,iEJa 'tldve:rm- ··

. ' ~~'~- -- - ment o1' nJ,i Jlai:tina:nt 1nforoet1on n•ra1:\.a.olo to tl1~ Gol'm.ana ~dative ::; tho:reto. 'i!ho Oln:!.monll mu~t be !>l'OOHI'!lec\ t'Y bQ tt lln:l.ted o:lto.toa· o1t1- ZOI'l ~uia r.Ji.tat be v.oc•l:..'iled all the ):'1r;lltr.. :>l'iv:\lage~,; nnll icmnuiitie~ to f-'h1ch eut).\1 oitiz~no nre ontitl<;Ju •Al11o AnY puX'ticulo.r ola1rn. to: Un:!.tetl tltnteri oit1zensh1p 1s \lllner1nveat1gntion oy the Department ana 11ntU the O•-rien Government. io nneoitionlJ.y ,aay~'eaa by tho "' . ~ -_ --_- 'I -:-.ft ·:; -· D&p,2rtluont to- the contrney, ··~1 t~c~!lie exo'oJin~n tbe.t until the - - _- ·~·:<_·~ -';_. --:.. ; -':~- n'Eci::AssiFIED ·. . Stato Dept. Letter, 1·11·72 .j1y n. lL Pork• DnwSEp 2iJ}Wt2 -. ,~·-~{ ;.~- \

.11ay Department so ~~uthorlseo financbl--'i:C- no~ir.;to.noe no·~ (r·spant not)

ba oxte~nded UNllUO'l'.i!:.

You ure autltor1zed to advise tho covorrunont _to _t·h1ciLyuu ~·!1 l>Cil7ed1tetl of the forego1~ 1t' you tb1nlr. it •·•ill help to obtain 11;3 effective coopernt1on in x•oooui~ refu(Seoo uith Ltl.Un ::.rner1cnn t1ocn.uaen ton

'.Chc l·atsn.Uon ~t lleril ht•s nlao been 1notruoted to ·requeot ::lHiGA nuthol•1t1eo to obtain from lh1l')!lany 1nmed1o.te 1•eturn to' V1ttel of p;;•oviouoly deportoj\ :,•oti.IW}Oil l·rl th .u;ttin JL~nar1ottn document a. 'l'"na ~baoay at ~ladrid, purouant to our 1nat:ruot1ono, ~tl\S obtdnad noeurnnoo that llp<.\1n i·•1ll: enclonvor to al'I'iltl[

It 111 oueential· tho.t ileplJlrche br lladr1d EmbO\OSY be oupported by a1tt1lt11' Ut'(!;ont 1'epreeantnt1ono or othor' J~iorio:•.n ropubl1os in Hndr1d on var1ouo po1nt~ covered in".o\n: o1roul,ar ·ai:rgrao of

JLPl'1l ll and other relevant oomwn1oat1ona. Pleane aot v.ooo~din({l;y · and ndv1ae Uf3 of renulto. HULL · ~~~---=--(GL:t-)-- .. · llont to::·- . Chilo, CoAta'" ll1on., Cuba,. !:.:ouv.ttor. ·:::1 :.lal.vatJ.or, . uuuJ;emaln, Ho.1t1, flontlU~uo, lUcn:regun, ParCI(,ruey, Uruguny and Venezuela•

~llill: HHV: .1\1.1 6/9/44. lU':~ ~-'Oil. \'IE . AAD· ' ") / CON~'ROl COPY .... A-296 I ------)/ [l•:r.\iiT/,!EiiT Of STATE ~ . 121".10 OIVISJON OF llay 1, 1944 MAY 3 1944. COMMU;;~~:~J ~lai\1JDlC/ jt. SJW'rlhGO ( OHILEI.

l-'OR 'lflE l'n:RlJONAL l~D ··--· INFOl\MATION Oi' THU: .Alo!BA.USADOR. With rof&l'flnoe to the Department' ll oirculai'-QirGrams ot l~h 31, ,April 11 and April 22, the Department- ond Har Hetugee Board~are

informed that a certain numbor ot Je~•ll, mootllf of PoUeh origin, now

in Garman-controlled terri tor~ hold passports and ~onsular dooumenh !'-· 1seued in the name ot Oh1lo. It 1e requested therefol"e that JOU \· attempt to obt'i'in cooperation ot Ohilo~ authorities in 1\lnerioan ettoi-to 0 . to e!lVO these people in tho aarae mann_e:r 1n ··•h1oh tho cooperation ot other Latin _Araerioan ·oountr1es. hus 'b~en requested, ··rhono dooumonts are

tO\lnil to l~ave been 1esued to JetJS' in Ueraan•held te:rritorr. Department unde:retanaa that .VaUoan llad al!!O attempted to tfOrk w• .,. ' I· relief mensuree tor Jo~·re 1n Go~-~ld,territol'J holding Chilean docu- ments, Applll'antlJ". tha \question or;. eyentuill 11iunlgrat1on as resuu ot - - possible exohange ,.ra9 raised 1n nddiUo,. t'o the quef)t1~n. of. recogn1 t1on of doOUCients. Ob1lo 1e reported to have· replied that 1notruot1ono to ver1tJ ana recognize passp~rto haVe bean 1eoue4.

requeat does not (repeat not) involve J.mrllis,.-at1on bUt. on the contxoarJ,, .· oontalne

-.-,·DECLASSIFIED. Btate'Dept: Lc!!<>r, 1·11;71

By R. ~Parks nw.Sf(i·z,g:~ 19~ ,,, . ·. . . . ·~~:; __ :__: ____ -'·· ·'-~~- .----·. ..

ppZHM! .!r( OollRIEfi


·. 12:40 ~- .. ' -- ~ -2- oontaine aeoura·;loes that ChUa '1\•111 not _(ropea.t not) be expeotod to u.dmlt )lersono concerned even on_a tenu)orary bo.o1s. !l.coo~~ly,_ ~ro hope tha~ Chile, in the intfreots of humanity, ~.,111 pontpone ·any

Q.Ueotioning _of said documents, ntean~Jh1le __requ~ating.Germans to aocoxod holders treatment to t·1h1ch .Chileans are entitled, ancl will aleo a8ree

to the persons concerned be1ngoons1ilerod exohanuo r.~aterlal for Gorman nationS!~ held in this hemisphere provided suoh h~ldete ot .Chilean paeeports are_ sent to llaveno else"-atere than in. Ollil,e. I \->_ _ In the light of those aaeurnncee, please 1mpreso·uP,on the Chilean

Government tho e:~t~me urgency ,.,1. th t·-bioh this Govornmont v1etm the necessity of acting t&vorably ~r1thout. delaf on proposals pi'BViouel;v submitted and detailed in the a1rgrams under reference. xou· should

~. \ .- 1mpreso upon Chilean oti'1o1al.e that elnoel tnilure to aot t·!O\Ild alinoet . ' oel'binl;r spell death tol' ·the llorsoha involved. ana that o1noe no ,. ;t. (repeat no) reopons1b111t1eo or-obl1gat1on9,~~ula result for Chile trom aoqU1eooenoe in ou:r ~questa, ~·~ ~:]Ould be oorely disappointed S.t Chilean o.uthoX'it1es should not (J;>epent not) ~-rhole-1leartodiy ooopemte

'!-•1th our etfol'ts to ea.ve the~e people. Ploaoe ad'rtse Depar~men\ ot the :rO'intlt ot~~i.&lr' ettorte.

-HU.I..L ··~.·.,. "' ~·'\tfjff··

Department And War Refugee Board are infor1ued that a certain number of Jews, mostly or Polish origin, now in GerlllB.n­ controlled territory, hold paosports and consular documents issued in the lUllll6 o£ ChHe, It 1a requested therefore that you attempt to obtAin cooperation of Chilean uuthoritiee in Alller14an ertortn to save these '}leople in the same manner in l'lhioh tho cooperation ot othor Latin Amedoan countries has been reque11ted, whose documents are found to havt' bf!en .lssued to Jews in German-held territory,

To this end, circular ai.rgra11s of ::arch ;u-, -r,o5}>oh, or Avril 10, 1.1100 a.m., &nd of are being l'Speated to you, and you are requested to take action in accordance thereY~ith,

j Department understllllds that Vatican had also attempted to v1ork out relief measures for Jews in Gerlunn-held territory holding Chilean dooUJIIents-. AJlparEntly, tho queotion of nentual inmigration aa result or pos3ible exchange w.-.a raiaed in addition to the question of racogni..tion o( documents, Chile is reportsd to have replied that instructions to verify and recognize passports huve bcen·iell\ied, d'> Vt.rit'y \. Pleaae above intor,m tion ·and slllphaaizu t.il&.t Depart.JAont'a re~eat. does not (repeat not) involve il~~:ulgration but, on tho contrary 1 contains uaa,lrMces that. ChiJ.e 1dll not (rspe~t. nut) be expected to admit persons coucerned even on a temporary baeis. Accordingly, we hope that Chile, in Ute intere11ta ot humanity, will postpons An¥ queati~1ing br aaid documents, •neanwhile requesting OeNana t<.> aocurd holder• treatlllent to which Chilenna are otltitled, an~ will nls·o airee to tho peraona concerned being C!)nslde~od exohange.matsr.lal,

In the lir.ht .or tilC above alssuranoea, pleaas ilapreaa upon­ the Chilean I(OVe1•nment tho extreme uruenoy ot acquieucing in our requoata and ot acting upon them withoat dslay, You-should impre1a upon Chilean otriciuls that since failure Lo act would _ almoat certainly epell.death fur the peraone involved, and that since no (repeat not) nBponeibilitioa or obligations_ would reault tor Chile trom aCquiescence in OUI'-"~'BqUests, W8 WOuld be eorel,y disappointed it Chilean authorities r•ould not (repeat not) 111\ole-heartedly cooperate with our eftort.s .. to eave theee people,

Pleaee advi11e Department" of the result of your efforta,

BAkzintjp 4/25/44



'""­\ CONTROL ~d~.


·, .\


\ \' 1 !:ocl,ctc.l- :,- o::' Stutc, .. ~~f\i.l'~ ton~ • d'492 r.:o.y 22. 6 pr.t ·''--~,----

I hn.vc it:fo~.:'l:tocl t!lc ::in.:..r.i;cr· or i~oletnl~· o::.' tho 3Ul.H::t~ncc~ o..:' t!1C Do~a~i;:.:cnt 1 e co::::':.i.c!or!t;fr..l toluc:l:'nn noo GUO o~ ::a;r 17; G p::t, l"CG~l.,ill!.nr; nce.cu'!·:c y;Jl::ch)·D.;_:!lt b:; tn::on fOl" "~:10 ~)l.,OtoctlOll ~P:2 COl'tJ,".:i.l: ~ .. ll~Hii1l100 D tl {:. ·::;._ t :;cl, .,:•:.;nc(:: a '~ho :'in:!. :;;tc~' ocouolf. to .::..."'ililc ono, nm~ :tnc".::.cctct'. he ~·:o~l<.1 l"O~Pniu ~l"0::1 col~-(ltn[:· )lin ..>l: 1 o:;oco~~ ~lot.:;:; ~;o t~lo qov.-.:l1l'll:lcn"...p o:~ Col:.ou!J~~~ _~.,.rcno:-:tto~.o. c.nc~ .nnCu.1.0l"; -ln.~~ 1:1ot~lt~ rci'ox• tho nnttor -lmcl: vo :1:!.n GOVOl'l~:JOnt--r::~c!~ 1n tul'!1 :.:!~ht conn::dcl' :;no .;c;>G~·t:·:cnt' n ousco~tion t:,c.t t:1o ~ol:i.c:1 \:oviJ:~:·!ont cOhnult .t1l.c ~- !l:tOl.;"""·~·uo;.;'icnn- ,..~'.lol').:_:finc.:r .~~c.v:.co:.,..../' Go!·.~:!.!.. ttcc f'or ~oli t:tcul ~)o:L'on~o in llO~t~l"t: ~o {;:1c rtrt.ttOl"'o

:n- tho- -~hccnco -o:.:"': .l"'..!l't:tol,_. __ covo1o:_)i.l0llto ·ol' -~nr;tl'Uci;iGus I t~o not co::1to. !~>lute t!t::inc un:l i1U't: .Ol' uct.i.·::.:) i:1 tho : i:.!.~~tc:"~n

yo• ··~ .'. -~ ... PARAPHRASE OF TELEGRAM SENT FROM a Secretary of State, Washington TOa Amembassy, Bogota DATEDa May 17, 1944 NUMBERa 659 'I(

Careful study has beon:-giVen'- to' the- mtter -refe-rred to in your April 29 letter to Keith and in your airgram of April 28, 1944, no. A-401. It is the opinion of the Department _that/-· !n light

of ~eso]-u~:on ~-~~-~he Em~:~~ncy Ad!~'!_ory Comm~the for Political Defense_ the approach of the Polish a_~ ~ont~v_!_~eo., . Goverfimen\as suggested in the draft communication of your

Polish ~olloague, might be embarrassing to other American republica. It is felt by the.Department that the Govern- ' ment of Poland, would best be advised_ to take up this matter f' -first with the Committee wJtl;l a view to obtaininf? a recom- mendation BUPflementing Resolution XX by the Committee to .1 tho American republic••

It is noted by the Department that in the draft Polish communloatlcn ill the la •t aentenoe asserts that the

~X()_}lapge-of--natlonals-would not_ take p_l11.oe__j)u!;_ t_~_t th~ __ _

lives or the persons in q~utlon would be sav41_d by a m·ere -~ declaration. Flrs~ .. ~nd 1ntol'lllatlon frcm Berlin is poues­ sed by the Department to the •:rreot tlla.t an;;·tllltpCf<:ll~nil.llration wU,l not ]Ji;Cf .~.~--~ !ti'JED StntQ lJcp~. J.!:lttcr, 1411·~2 ·By R. lL l'nrl;s DaroSEP 2 0 1972

. -=-.~---- ...... '


will not be regarded by the German Government as satis­ factory in respect to these individuals and it is .further.· confronted by the !'act tr.&t p.bcut a. dozen

are being placed in tho current exohan'ge o!' nat~on~ls with ~ • • I . ' ~ Germany in place of bona !'!do nationals of the American r.epublics nominated !'or inclusion in this exchange by them. Arrangements to find a haven !'or these persons a1•e being .made.oi < . -:<_{ (l:,, :'>\t ls requested. th!lt you carefully explain the !'ore- m: .. : ·;. ,_..., . • f3;;;'going'1to your Polish colleague and lnfonn him tOO. t we are inh;l ~ ~~- . ' otolhorOUghly sympathetic to the achievement o!' the purpose ov, lv . ' t.h'tt ha~ irf'mind but the Department believes that the par- ticular method Of approach suggested by him is not the •· wisest at this p~rtioular moment !'or the reasons given.

You may inform him. that strong,. representations. concerning individuals in question have .~eon, ~de by the United . States Government\ and there are._be'ing made through various channels other o!'torts in their behalf,


REc'd 9 n.m., lloy 9th.

SEcrEtary of Stat£, i;Jashington.

A-,101,, April 28, 7 :15 p.m. ,, J ThE dliinistEr of Poland has today consultEd mE in rEgal'd to thE following mattEr. Accordi:1e; to informa­ tion hE has rE cE iVEc1 a numbEr of JEI'/S now intErnEd at Vi ttEl~ FrancE, bEar passports• of South AmErican countriEs, . althour;h many of thEm al'E of Polish citizEnship. It appEars that until !:arch 20 thE GErman authol•itiEs rE­ spEctEd thESE passports, but tht\t on that.c~atE. thEy ordErEd thE dEport~ tion or,. thEsE pErsons, l'll1ich 1>1ay WEll mEan thEir dEath. IAccorclinel~-, as a humanitarian nEc:surE and l'lith n viEI'I to s:;vints thE livEs of thEsE pEople, thE Polish UinistEr p~optisEs to addr1as a, notE to thE HinistEl' of ForEign Affairs of Color.1oia, ancl idEntical notEs to thE govErnmEnts of VEnEZUEla and Ecur.dor (to which hE is likEwisE o.ccrEditEd) inquiring. whEthEr thosE 130VErnmEnts would bE disposE:d to issuEca public dEclaration to thE EffEct· tht\t _thosE govErnmEnts \'/aUld bE l'lilling to accEpt intErnEd ,citizE\1S of thEir rEspEctivE countriEs in Exchan:.;E fl)f GErman nt\tionals now _ in thESE .cotmtriEs-.--According -to "thE Mi.nistEr1 s_i_rif_cgm_Q.• tion, such a clEclv.ration by south /unEricqn countriEs might- 1'/Ell havE thE EffEct of dEtErring thE GE rr.1an authoritiEs from taking harsh mEasurEs against thE intErnEES o.t VittEl.o ThE Polish MinistEr undErstands that such an Ex­ chanrsE undEr prE sEnt condi tiona is impracticablE and ___c_q.nnot takE placE• Ha\/EVEr,- thE mErE dEclo.ration by thESE-(,OVEI'nmEnts, hE hopEs, would SErVE a USEfUl purposE in prEvEnting inhuman acts. BEforE- forwarding his proposEd notEs to thE gaVE rnmE nts of (Jolombia, . V~EWE~ -2- #A-401, April 28, .7 :15 p,m,, from Bogota,

VEnEZUEla and Ecuador, !!i.E has consultEd thE Embassy to SEEk assurancES th:\t sucn a proposal· ori hiS7 ·part-­ WOUlti bE consistEnt with thE policy of thE UnitEd StatEs GovErnmEnt, HE adds that thE AmErican MinistEr at 3Ern is informEd of thE forEg()~ng,_ and prEsumably can furnish such furthEr information as thE DEi)r.rtmEnt mr.y dEsirE, . -

In viEw of thE fact that thE Polish HinistEr hns lcincny offErEd to hold in abEynncE his proposEd notEs· to thE GOVErnmEnts of Colombia, VEnEZUEln nne! Ecuador, pEnclinr;; an ExprEssion of thE DEportr.lEnt.t,s viEI"Is, it \"lould bE a:,vrEcir.t~d if tElq:;rnphic instructions could bE forrmrdEd to thE Er.1bnss;,.- at' thE Er.rliEst possiblE !:!OrJEnt, j,t thE s:-,;:\E t:'.J::E, it is SU!}~EStEd that thESE instructions bE rEpEctEd to our EmbassiEs at Caracas nnd ;Auito,

.I DA~TIELS 8·10~1 PCD/hl

Dntc)d f.iopt.-,l'lb.:•l' 1')~ 1;:144


~i_._ ..

.;1 .. 2095, sq,-i;;.:·.~i:J;::·: 1~1, 10:10 n.r.1. '· X . 1\·Jl_"cx\ r~cc l)Q~1n~.'·t··'·t0J:t '~; .·:.· .. 1!>51, ~3..::!~'·:;_~;::tUe:•.' lo --.

~)~lO:J .;ni! t:fv1...1 :;o:.' t;j on c.i" nnto 'itl'OtJ 1:j.ifiTJ-t:J. 1J' t)JS .. iiifi r;o Grdii_:d JoJ'l~\;··)b,. ."tx .1(; ~~.,,:"=co:lV·:;cl \,l)dnlr t in iVcply­ 1 t.r\ .;~.tbn:.:·!)Y n no·t~~~ br~~H'!~ .1n Do.tlnrt·:·!unt 'n n5~)."~1'ntn \.H Htido:t· ,_,,'l"ct':!nc,·~ l x·c:-.ci1; ~1 .r.. tx•nn:;ln tinn no follow:\: C.. ;•:.1 t-iElll(;ll ~J;,.., .'l.nt n rm GQl,:.xntGi' nr0 not :~uf"f'J.c iolli; ·:;r; .:\:1n \~ ~o n qu iotc :ietu•oll 1. :-ir.G(~ ~l.t in n li.u:·;nr~it'!::_·lnn .~;nLt.o~ :.:he Cr>vo:\'rt:.it: n t cf .Jubf! c~,,~~ i. i'·~: .. to nvni). i ..t,;.H:lf cf L.h~' : ;n,Hl off'i.ocP fiJ."- tho !..lov,1:rn~t\~n1~. o1· tl~:~::·ihl·:t J... ~~_r~t·:·,:t:J.cn-. b.:-· ,1lvou to G,;la.l'ntbr t~~.l.'0H ·;!t tile :'"lU(;llfl r:!~J.ca ·i,ho 'Hn.\'th J\:'\'.':lc:~n tt-~,vr,rn·:·:nt l'.~Hh' ~u r•illiln:t• cn•·t~:),. " 'l'ho :.inini;.t•y \·:11.1. cmli·.j·})IW' t.tw lll- v':~·l~ir~ntl0n :~liru'tj1.'!i i.n ·\;116 Dt~pn.t'i.i~l<:nt o:.-­ GitJ.~cm·lli.p i;f!;:' L1nt::.\'ntior. in 'W~k~~ to \·{:~.' j.fy t.hu or.nc~~n~.·HH! or _tli.c. ir~f.r::''!,\r.·t;il)n­ .·,r~d t.h,... :..-;i,bnu:,,v ':s:i.ll b~.,"'! i:dul!J i.n:fn.\'n.c.:cli:!' ' " . ('

· ·DECLASSIFIED .. ·at8to Dept. Lettcr,-1·U·7B By R. lL Parks DatoW\R- 7 1973 . ,~· ' . ~ . ·'·. . ' , I~

MIIIIIIIIW September~. 1944

No. 23u X To the Otfioer in Oharge ot the Aaerioan Mission, Bern.

The Secretary ot State encloses a copy ot a despatch - no. 1780 dated Auguat-16, 1944 tram-the Embaaet-at-- San Jose transmitting a copy or a note, in Spaniah text and translation, from the Ooata Rican Foreign Minister in which he requests that the Swias Governaent be asked to forward an appropriate protest to the Ge~an Government against ita treatment or certain persona vho possess Ooata Rican docuaentat1on. The Officer in Charge is requested to transmit to the appropriate Swiss authorities a copy or the Foreign Minister's note and to ask that' the Legation be informed ot the date vhen the protest baaed upon the Ooat~ Rican Foreign Minister's request is communicated­ to the German Gover!llllent. This information should be · · ooaaunioated to the Department as aoon as posaible attar ita receipt•


rroa San Joae, Ooata R1oa, no.·l~eo. Auguat 16, 1944, with enclosure.

REPRIBEN!ATIOI OOBtA~RIOAI __ , - -~: ---..:.

\~ \ •

Wltll ruforance to the Deuartment•s instruction no. 607-'o1' July 24, 191t4, transr.litting a list of the claitnants to Costa Rican nntionuli ty who were removed frunl th9 intornr.tent camp ut Vittel, France, I 1\uve· the honor to enclose herewith a copy and translation of a note received -from Foreign Minister Acosta on the sub- ject, ~ · \ .. I\, will be ·sa en that the l>linistel;, for Foreign Affairs r'literutos his pravious e.ssuro.nce thut the Cw-atu RiO•ln Govermaont will ootlsider as valid docu- . r.tente> ton llald by ouch persons which was issued_ in the 11 mu~e -:>f Oosta Riou. . Moreover • he requests the United , I i St11t;s Government to usk the Swios Govertu,tent to address ~; o. protast to Garmany alone the lines rocoinmended in the :1 encl•>>JUre' to the Departr:tent' s instruction under refer- ' encc.; It will also be noted that_ he indioutes a deolre tC' obtain t,ho exctwneo of certain nat.toncils in whom the O<·~ta Rioan1 Gov

He~pactftllly yours,

:.;z· . .! . ·• \ ____ . '••-: . (!:5' ilt'!~/-~~-- 1 - ,. -l Fay_ Alletl Des Porte a

). - I!'! ; \

! (. F···

nO ...... r~ \L .. .,}'~·· jf ' '

Enc;t6sure 1 \o de\';)atch rio. _!]J_£_ of August 16, 1944. fJ.:,om the Embassy, Am ,1\lAIL ' San los~ Costa Rica. c 0 p y )


I Sefior Ef11baja


hacer- de conoclmiento- del Gobierno 1U8mB.n aU"', mS.s en8r- . gioa protestn por la conduota observnda en es~a mate~ia por los funoionarios alemanes: contra la oalifioaoion. de los dooumentos oostarrioenses de identii'ioaoi6n. poseidos por nurueros prisionerose internados civiles; contra el traslado sin previa notificaci6n de los mismos; a lueares ienorados, de suerte quo ni el Gobierno Protector ni el Comlta de la'Cruz RoJa Internaoional,puedan vigilar · el tratamiento que se lea da; contra la forma inhuruana con que sa los ha tratado, en violaoi6n de eloruentales sentimlentos de pledad.y de ostlptilaolones de paotos aceptados solerunenente por Alemanin. Por ejemplo, este Despacho tiene noticias privadas de que al prlsionero Doctor don Joree Cordero Arias se le ha sometido a ruuy . rudos trabajos y ~ trato violento, no obstante que el Gobierno de Suiza "y el Comi.te de la Cruz Roja Interna­ oional no ht:n po:lUo inforrria:r ni del lu~;ar exacto en. clonde so encucntru ni de su salud y demus oondioiones de vida, habiendo sido solicita'dos esos datos por rui Goblerno lnsistentemente.

Por el m.ismo rJedlo, mi Gobierno e:xige del de Alomania, que de noticia do cc.da una d~ las personas en referencia, · de su paradoro y su sc.lud, as! como de todas aquellas otras que, sin l

Al u~radecer por anticipado a Vuestra ~xoelenoia la atenoion que sa sirvu dar a la presents; ruegole aceptar el testimonio de mi mO.s alta y distinguldu consideruoi6n.


+ "-· ·~ '} .

··-"'!):' '·'>

. ' ,-< Enclosure 2 to desps;~_h,no, 17g0 of August 16, 1944, from Embassy, san Jose, Costa Rica, (-;.Translation


No. 18J6~B San Jose, August 1~1 1944 ..

I,,. Mr. Amb~ssador: I have the honor to acknowledge the rec_eipt of Your Excellency's courteous note No, 312 or July Jl last, in witich you ware pleased to communicate to me that various persons claiminG Costa Rican nationality, named as follo}'ls: Lichtmann, Wetzstein, Rosshandler, .Mandel~baum a~d Lidenbaum; have beort removed from the internment Car>lp of Vi ttel ~ F1•ance, by· tho German authorities to \mknown places; and with respect to this information, the Embassy outlines, tile measures· takan with rat;ard to persons in analogous circumstances as a result of presentine docuraent_s of._identification_:_ wLich tha Goman officials dispute and designate as of unlawful oricin. Cert!lihl/ the Governi!Jent or Costa Rica has confirmed, in the nc. tes ci tau by Your Excellency, that it will con­ siJer effecti.·ll and valid all the doouruonts which numerous European individuals, have submitted in order to .obtailli the protection of our !'lag, since it has no hotice that ·these Jocuraents have been denounced-as invalid, nor has it received ttuthentic proof or such invalidity, and while such demmciations and proofs are not Pl'oduced and quali­ fied· by j;_he nt~tional authorities,· the passports and docu­ ments em'tthatins from its officials must be considered valid and sufficient for t11~ purposes for which issued. Consequently my Govern!J\ent deroands for bearers ot pass­ ports and documents or identification issued by its autllori ties all ,the protection conferred upon citizens of a belligerent· nation by the well-known rules ot Inter~ national law;and }XIrtiQ,Ulerly the. Convention or Geneva, with respect to Pr,isoners t<>r \\'ar. My Government cannot admit t'!}at tlie Government of Germany may assurqe the quali;t:i_()ation of, such docUI!lsnts and pass upon J2.!!.t sa whether or~not, its possessors obtained them legiTimately or illegitimately.,. in order to attribute or deny to· the'm, s.s the case' !llay be, ·costa Rican nationality and the corresponding humanitarian treatment. -To reoosnize this prerogative would be to leave (our) nationals exposed to the cruelties and . ------arbitrary-actions -or-the -aeents-o-r · tlfe-:states- \vliTah·· hold them as prisoners or internees, on the pretext that the docuraentation submitted does not merit credence as establishinc the pationllllty which they ttlaim. And this is impossible.

My GovarnmeJ]-t ~egs Your. Excellency- to ·be so good as to entreat Switzerland, which represents its interests in Germany and the territories occupied by German forces, - -- to bl'ing to- th.S attention ;_qf the German Government its VI~ ~VIr most energetic protest against the conduct displayed in -[---_ II'~~ this ~ \ ~ ' , I "' :·\J. V" fl '" ' ..

• r ' -.. ''

2 -

this regard by the German affioials: against the '< << qualifioation or the Costa Rioan doouments of ident'i­ fication in the possession< df numerous couts and state of health, as 'llell as with regard to all others who, without having been designuted by naJIIe or surnarne in any nota, have demanded that they be considered as ! Costa Ricans on the strength or doouments .issued by Costa Rican officials and subsequently have been removed from the location in which they were, to be conducted to unknown places; It is further demanded th.at tlley be returned to their domiciles Ol' to the former oi vilian ooncen~ration camps in order to aocord them the estab~ j,iahed' 'proteotion or to inolude them in the oxollanges (of prisoners) agreed upon for their repatriation! In declarine its protest a{;ainst the irregular procedure of t.he German Government, as inhuman and vio­ lating the aooepted rules or Civilized Peoples., and in formulating the , demands; exposed • JIIY Oovormuent calls · attention to its, (own) strlot oomplianoo with suoh rules at all times with respect to tl~e prisoners and detained oivilians who are subJeots or Germany, This attituda has been recognized without reserve by the Delegate of the COL11llittee o'rthe lnternationill Red Cross o.nd the interested partfas themselves, The GovernrQent of Costa Rica trusts that- the- Gov­ ernment or Germany will conoede the justioe of its pro­ tests and demands and will aocord ·to the doouments .issued ~------:by ita offioiulsct!ie~ftfll~vulue nme~ren~Tn them,' Just as was acoorded in Costa Rica. to the documents drawn up by tho German authorities; and that, consequently, tho German Goverrunent i.n future will abstain from denying their validity or o·therwise subjeot them tQ disousaion, for this rautter is the ei:olushe ooncern rof (our) national agents;_ and it hopes. in the sante way, that it will pro­ oeed to return to their domiciles and to the olvilian oonoentration oamps in:wh,l.qhtl).ey formerly were kept .the vrH wvrr- ~ ,,,: --·· :,} · · ··· · ' ' ·prisoners ,I

~-... 2 ;..,.., ..

. ..

- 3 -

prisoners ·which it has sent to unknovm places, It particularly invokes anew the fulfilment of the agree-· ment for the exchanee of &Jilitary prisoners and civil­ ian internees which was approved with respect .to the followinG Costa Ricuns: Jore;o Collliel'O Arias arid family; Carlbs Gamboa· Rodriguez; .Rodrigo Gomez Cordero; Roxana und Azyadee Tinoco Lara; Antonia Jimenez Bonnefil · de Charbonell and her daughter; Carlos Collado Martinez; and Alberto GutUrrez Benavides, the last two in Italy and the others in France and . Thankinc Your Excellency in anticipation of the at tent ion w!1ich he will be pleased to give io·. tlia pres.mt coumurticution; :pr.ay accept. the tes'timony of my hic;hest and ruost distineuished consideration,

(sicned) JULIO ACOSTA - ~~t(

~r~,,U-1 ';'

; \ ·,' ·. j.e.fvl, /2 \ \ . \""· ,, . ..' •. c .,:, ' .



.L) ]"::: !:~c .... :fJ. ..!: :.;.~ ·)n J'inl-~~~J .:ll' s·f_J ~l t-r-~-:. (:l~t :.,:1;'-.t~.-·; ·~·:-, 2 ..~.c ·~.rill~--

-?i r·:, :·;.... =.. ll,l';t ~·f ::;.·;:;~-~ ·.,,.;, o·:·vL~•l ·)y 3 n:t,~ Q.;;.l-~0 .\.·.•:: .\-:.~-2;. 1.9;1!; .;t '.:~ :~ J...li~-~"'".; ~;~.u1· r;tc.;ctli.otl J I J:;lis~l G~!.L:.;.c-1.;11 ':.1--n~t :f·;_c·t:) .~.; '.::;;;.o:cf;n:;ot'G tl"l.~~c:., Av ~~;··-~: t; r~:. I 1 t li -t:ll(

3) 7~ .. (:· ·.:J.r.! nt:l'.Y ~J;f r1: ·::: :!: l.Jr~i. n~ ~c,,_,_';_·t;o·ti br nut-~ 1 ~-if~~;.:;;;;:· ~·~d~!:F:·~u~~ -'~-~::FFf:~-'~-~~t~-~~~:;:;:·:~:~~~:,~.~~~~~(: 1)( -p) .- .~:.1·~r:t t., .:--},~"~L7.-~ [;·._J 'J:.tr, ~=rd. .i.:,~· t·::lj_-o!l th'!' H:..n5.1,try o:·.' .H;_J~;:n.~.i.:~~l:; ·~.i !_;~r ·1 ·tBi~•: ~--'j:tr. r·~J~)~'~t .; > '1:.lob ;;~t_;,,l r:c .u·.. ~J11; ·:.>i' ~;-';c:1 ;1 ·;::.'. Cbt:' Hntt:.!ri. ::;,;,;t;c::J OO\'t.n"n···· .... :';-·:.1,·1 t::l-;, '!~~:!.:. 1 :>.~.~~f:.l~~~~i;.1t. '"):;:"' ·~cc ;lj)~.. .n'snc(: .. ·l.i~'lt :; i_ti ~FJ...t1.? !..."i:Jl.:Jl ~i0/"1:--~r,':,~ t;j!:~ U:;:~·.,.'!U (L.. 'lr~l_.. :_·lui!ltl\; li.hst c·.:: 1.:;!.1;::·~· .;~.~;.~·,r:t "\':··~:·J·.J~q. (j~,cu.,~~~1ti~t-:1 n.st ... .>nJln t:h~ t:.:.:··! C~,·~::t ... :~:.:t ~·u At r;y0~·.it.s f::·r it:: n.;tJ.:>·lt.lo. ir; the;: t·ft~! t::?.\"n ~~~?··il an:..·~ r_ao '\ ; ~) 1~ Vi~t ~v tt~ c~tltv(e,nf the Cubrn anv0rn- J"r;:lt '·:lt;t. r:::--;~~¢t; t·. tfl.t.t,P.rt)~-rcl prJbJ.t?,~l ~-~aci~ ~~~l~ni- r~. l t; ~:\ ltr:- i:utCt.U!i.Y ::r. !it_!•.. ;.;:!:..~t;: .. :':1COt·l-:H:s, l c'i.o r.~;-t; fc<:J _ l;b !; .tl, l'.ll:ld l-':!\lai.•.:.:-1'0Jr: 1;:'--"\'~P~:'lcQb '\;hr~ l:\J.nlnt.ry cf 8'·! f;:? ~-::r:r .:.n ~:{~-the~ !.l'>tf,,~nt- ,.,~hu:?r.t l.,:·r.!6Eto' ~h'! a{;f_c;nt;j.Dn \1_f' t;h;~ ·}'ir:&11'!\.::!:!l: \JU!:,:n ,~ltlt~iOl'_:\·t~ ·~n ·.i·!J'le"!!f!Vf?{P 1;}Hj OppOl'n ~'-H.i.ty'off'.H'!.!. -I G':tlJ. n»l; i'eiJ t:> ~ce'"p tile D·mu'trri

' DECLASSIFIED Slnlc Dept; Letter, 1·11:72 By- R. II. Pnrks Dnto..MJhlL.· R 7 1973

~. I.

·. ~~~-(,~-~~ -'v-· , I .

'/. A-1551 6a30tJt September 1 1 1944 ./ ~~i.B;ill;j:t

·the following in trom .. ~r Hetugee llonrd.

1. ;teferenoe ltt ~:~ado to Department 1 11 •~-1229 of Jul7 21. 'l'l1e olar1t1eation reoueetod therein 1a etlll o.w•l1)9d• 2. .lml.egution lJern onblecl that Jul1nn Uelemter, a (

Oub:lll, born on i•'ebruaey 21, 1905, in ~rtll'Saw, !'•olnnd, hao / ./ been oovod by uerman allthor1t1oe from 1nto:rnraent camp Olermont. U ie believed th.:Lt uel'lll.'ln a.uthor1t1ee d.ll oonoicler blm n etnteleel' relish Jew und condemn him to lleportatlon r.nd c:l.enth. Qil.n view ot' ,;rom1Aen given to you ;md raportoll in your

A-1204 or Juno 16, pleaoe ondoi.\VOr to obt:tln epeoitio J'O!

UOleril.tor v.n(l nny other })61'1'lons ol~lt.tr>1y o1tur1tod trec.tlllent to ublch Cub..~ nntlon~le ll~ ont1tlou. ·~tw ~~OSUl\'\Ocee g1 von by this GoVoi'DlllOnt in De!.>nrtment 1 s

Oir~~u~r ·'lJ'P;X'Il.liiO of C·lal"Cb 31 nnil April ll wll:l npply to the

Ollf'U ot ue1ernte:r t..nu all otlleJ' porsonu ollilllarly t!1tua.tad.

lW:U. \otlUI:H.HV: I>G glw O/l/44 00~

DEpl.ASS!FIED Slate Vcpt. Lctt<>r, 1·11·72 I By R. U. Pnrks Dntc.J.!.IUL . 7 .1973 1 -~---········J ;;- _; t J .t,_..,_ ;:':! C0N1" , ~ ( ~tfj;u \ ,Rot copy ...... 10 .1... M :;

J\lllerloan &abnooy, •

t:~o.n Joao.' l AUll201944. I.

veourtmout•o doo~oh-~ul~2~,~::_ O').A~l"'.>- ~ 1944. Cul1n E.Jwldolbnu:a, UU!JibOJ." Boven on tllo l:lot undor . ( rafcu.'o11oo should J.•oud 3ylv1a Holeun i·laudolbuum. Ifull 'ae o I .R ,i'lffi .SK Olf TfLEGR 11 RECF.IVED ,<:..,,-.l.... ~Q ,· ,~(_\ 'J FHOM: American Llllb·•ssy, San Jose 1 TO: Secretary of State, 'liaah1ngton

:1 .TE: l~ay 18, 1944

NUMBJiR: 306 .r -8BOP'i'l' .,..Reference is made herewith to L:ay 17 telegram ~3 from Department. :>- I v ~11 admit Ohuprinea but not Gruneteina.




FROM I Secretary of State, Washington TO: Arnembassy, San Jose

DATED I May 17, 1944 . .-· NUMBER! 223 ~

Madrid was infonned by the Departnient upon the basis 1 of your telegram of May 13, 1944, no. 299, that Grunsteins and Chuprines would be admitted into ~osta Rica and their embarkation on GRIPSHOLM was authorized. It is requested that in view of the Embassy's telegram of no. 304, you urgently ask the Government confirm that ~osta Rica will admit theso

If' OJ Vl g HULL ~ ( JHK)

' DECLASSIFIED 11 ?2 · State D<>pt. lA>l\CT, 1· • 7 1973 By n. 11. Po~lts Dol<~ ..

ElillJ1.JSY 1.:--!~~~~,.,~~ OF THE

~;i'JiT~_D ~~ r r\·r ~.:) OF i\t\lEfHC;\

Sun JosA, Costa Ricu1 6 r,n~ Tti~t ROPY Subjor.t: Costa Ricu conse;:ts to uphold validity of nll Costa Rican passports held by persons w:10se 1 i vas r.:icht ·ot:1erwise be in danger. J1i r;J)f /J .. ' 'J1>'~R4t;i.11141 ·c.~ Tl:e :lo:wral>le ~ . Tho Secrotury cf State, ,' lf.lv J.!.-t,. t.-.-1'4 ~as~incton, ~. ~- -\

' /.' Sir:

~'li tt; refer:onca to my talegrnrJ no, )Ol, of Hay 16, 4 p. m., concGrning the precurlous situation of a nw::~sr of persot

Departtlent' s secret uirgrUI1ls of !~arch 31, April 11 and May 1 and 10 1 and unless the Department thinks it advis­ able or necessary I shall not approach him ugai~ to formulate a de~land addressed to tile GerntCUl Government, tnrough the protecting power, that the lives of all per­ sons holding Costa Rican passports be sufeeuurded and tilat they be E,ivan all rights, privileGes and immunities accor.ied to civilian intarne<>s or enemy nntionulity to which the Geneva Conferences reenrding the treatment of prisoners of war is applied by analogy. since the United States Goverur:ent is the channel of communioution for the Costa Rican Govarru:.ent to the Swiss Government wnioh is protecting Coste Rican intarasts, " Respectfully yours,

Fay Allen Des Partes


1 l) Original note dated Mriy l~, 1944 from Costa Rican L!inister for If\ Fore len Affairs; / 2) Translation ot note.

SRT-nun Euc lo .. ure Jill .l ~0 uesp::.1 tell i:o, l J,oo__ of Hey ~ l'JI;4, fr·,,m t.:1e Embn:::Jy ~

Re~Obli~~ de Co;tu k~c~ Secr~t~~:!: ~~e i\~~:.:.c.:...... Itt3g !-~x·... er·~~ ..::c~;

'-}L~-J Snn JosO, l) do mayo de l'JL.l,.,

To:1 ''J -.:.1 ::o:~ur J.e ;r-L!'!-.:: '...:r' .':J. V:....:.e:_.tra Lxceler.ciu e.: :·ec::;c- .~e ~-:: ._: --~e~.tc. t.qt.-_:. L.l"..__)l, estrictUJ:l.ente ~-·· fide~.ciu}, .te i'ec:;h 15 ~e e~r.e ;_eJ, t;L lt: ::.ue 36 sirve re:'_tt··~'!· l~! c: : .. ~ :1: ~el ~~bi~):· .. ._i tte Gv:~t.~~ H:c·.~ res~·ccto ~1e l'.:. !~u.i: oi.;..~ L.·t c!.e r:.~1r.teLe:r ~>~l "V -~-_..r .i..e._JL} .:..: \"ur:os ~-u.::ltt~_-.o:-tes t-·0!'->-::: ~ lL:-J --~n· .S..JI'::'i•O-JS, -~e!J~!'tt~.r.H~I~te _puloncses ~· .~·-~-i.{()s, s0br0 ~·~y,.) Je::;.!.t1r~~ e ...::~J.i'.!~Jr. ll;_.,:-l~el'tl !~:~ber ~1 ~-.:.t· dLd~l) :t f_;_., ·te r:·:teber i..t ~j_~:J L0!1edOYC:J COLtru uc t os lle cr·.lei~u:..l de l~ ~·~l'O~lo3 ~:eco~1e.rios P~l trusl:.~:!o ne ~n..J ~\- J·t_:___r~tlros de tules ; ,t.s~:~e>r~en ~j t.orr.:­ ~:;rios LO co3t:'.!"r >..!CH •. io.:j, 6i. GDCe (te todo!) lo~

~uy c~;:·i~lhcido ccl .. iu:.~cn J V~ie~~~r: Sxce!~t~ci~ let c,~: :'.1r!iilJo.d. Je !'"!.!. -~ucior:1o-.. co:l el ;•rccod~r:.ilO-nto, ir:~licado "'' tH. :J;.! ex~;·e:J;!;ta ::o':'1 1 j'b J.Ge, O!l tun~o JlO hh~·a C0!t:..:t.a­ t£..c~6n gf~cie:~::c de .-:.'Jti'·l03 .1e r~ulJ.rJ..!d. "'"de le;[l ph.sa.:'>:1rtes

en raf9rc:.(. !.u. 1 i~L~n ~te ce::t1~' ·tn ~~or v:tlidon 6:-: y-c~~\S:1· d.e :1lther :jic!'.J e4\.!:ec.~::~.J!3 ;.:J:· f-J:,,;.:.on~n~~~\ ..... ccnl~Hilures crJCt!.rr~cenA..:I !-11l'tlc .... l·.1rmor..te, ~>i u.11 Go lfllr.l;~·lf\ ~~n ueber uo i1.:.:!.~:. i-leal.

A:rcvec.lu o;.;:c ;,_,>r~,:LicHJ(! Pfll'll rdcer11r_u Vt:ostri.t ;,xcole~.ci!• lv:. so:.Ural,~r.t,Jtl tlll(;t~idu 'tJor~:iid.erac i6n.

Excele::t L;hiv ue .• vl' Fay A. Jes J~rtes i::mb!l judor Ex truordirw. .riC> y l'ler.i potenci'-'r io de l!;a t.udos U~:idos C I U D II D.-

Copy: me )·

Enc1oJure No.2 to ~espatch No.14L of Uu.y 16, 1 'J44 from the En.bassy ut San Jose. C.R.


~c;·~l:ic ~f CoJ:~ Rica .. ::.53~:-:· . C if-..:;rc.;~ :~ol~.t.iV:lS Stu: Jose, l.:uy 15, 1'144 .

I .. ·;e ... ~~;~~ :c icfcr~ Your ~xcJllency of r~ce: ~ o'.' ~---·":· Y·.r_; co~_;:·tecus, ~;trictly CJ:lfi.den­ t~a.J.. r.ute . . .::~: c:' t:.:.e ~,_~:~i !.r~st~:1~i~, by -...,·hich y0u r- ·~ · ·_, e .:J t : :. ~ :;' ::ie .. ·.}2vcrn:~n,,t of Cost;o. Hice i ::~ :·es· ec<: '-; t:~c :·cssib~l~ ~':/ 0i' preservl!,g the ·.a< ,l_ v. ·_·..:e .>~ •n:!< ~-iS ~'a~~~J.•~"_:rt.c '"OJ36:3Sed b~r ]~uropea.ns, ... l .. _ l9B •.:.·.: ,Tewsl l:: ~.~nri•..!8t:o:t '\'it:. Na:tch t.;lo'i~e

:: •-:: _.: l- .:. n ~ "' ..:. · <...... ~ t: :. !.'as _. e: c :. t. o t. :1 o 1 e t~lll it y of :·(:X e.::ti.":. ::. :.~r::lcr ::.: :':--ct.ec:. t.:~'3:r noldors : .... t ::- :_ ·J;· ~:· :e.!.t~. .Jf ·~ .e r;clri:.~.r~ t:ut:.cr::..ties. :1 :-··;...~::· :;.:.·'1'-!!·.~:-.e::t \'lt~l ussu~::.e

! --; .:· ._; ,j .. ~- ~ (:- - .... ·. .:~1 ..... :~t~ t~:--.:-:. i .. ,tH;!d:lt2 r.ecesse.ry f·.'r' ~ .. e :r.:;,s_.o!·t .·.. ~v:: t,u r:c·n-Ccst:t Hlc&n te:·ritor.ies f''lSS port:J bJ v of ''nalogous-- .-­ .·1 •... ::6 .~ .. JlJ.er~ yf : .. c., irt.•w r .-• t,:, ; .. r:~:. ted tv t..\Sr.l by tne Ge:,evu Conve11tion wl t.h 1/e:;·, - ~·~ ··.!r~: .,.._ =·;· t:...;J;,d:-~ .)f

~-::": :r:·~.- -~.:~!:~~oct 1:.o c.::.lm!.l:~ic:!Le to 'lour Excellency ... ::e ·.:t.:r:.··-.e .... :;~... 11:· liovc~rrH".lOILt ·.·1itn t.!te ur ...Joedure .1 · ~-1 Le·i ~...... ~.·:.ove c1 ted note, s_iacO,, Hnd until :.:•oc''" .... c; ·_ · ., .. .o;·;c·~~:ve proof ·:>f tno l'd!lSons for the ;_qvd~·~:· ,:.-:.> i"·"")orts un:lt!r l't;li'i:rence, they are 1;.; !Ju .• u;., v·.·-~·i '•:-' re:.1SO!l of .t:1eir hc:villB been issued ':l'i ·~·_ ..;;.· :(.~'-" .:· .,,,·,l .;· 'll'ficiuls, n'lrticnlarlr if a r.n!.1~r.e 1 .::· ::-.: ... H:'eby fu!.fllle:l.

I __ ._:0 -.c~..i _.:;po~·t.tl:tity t.lJ I~ei t.ol~ato t.v "'Your ~·~:<::~l ... t.J:.,!J ·.. 1o 3ent~ ...

. iis E:.:ce1lcncy Fay A. ;)es ?ortes A:•,l>u;;sndor :;.~;{traordin"'ry and Plenipoton,iary of tne U~ited Stntos.

Truns1uted by: me Checked b:·: sr~t ~-


PARAPHRASE OF TKJ,Ji:ORAM RECEIVED ... FR01l1 American Ilmbaaay, San Jose · TOI Secretary of State, Waahington DATIIDa ~!ay 16, 1941 NUMDER1 30,


At Formal consent to upholding validity of all Co1ta U.- -- a!can·paa1porta:r held by person• whoae lives may other• ~~~~ 0:;:>.,., '" ·- ~e be in danger ha1 been given by the Ooata llican ~~~~ Oqyernment. On the understanding t~t they do not come <=~go. . ..., ~:- :'l, to~Coata Rioa, auoh persona may ~e declared eligible for c;. 1\1 exchange.

~ In regard to Jules Orunatotn ~nd wire (ace my cabre of !Jay 13, no. 1?99) no apeoinl mention haa been made and, although they are not eligible for entry into tho country ·until written aaau:rancea are received, they should be I considered in tho catego~ or parson• holding valid Ooata Rioan pneaporta • \ Tho orig1n~.l note wlll be transmitted by de1patoh to follow.

The foregoing message 1a in reference to Emba•ay•a deapatoh 1279, April 17 and Department's secret airgrame

DES FORTES DEC,LASSIFIED State llept Lclwr; 1·11·72 lly R 11. Parks Dow...M8!L. . 7 1973. '· ··~


FH01i: TO: .. May 13, 1944 NUJ.!BEH: 299

You are advised that of the six persona whl oh the Garman Government ap;1roved, Manuel Cano de Castro and Cano de Castro nee l.iaure, believed to be his adopted son • are bona fide nationals. Thero~is doubt about Pedro Chuprine and his wife and apparently Jules Grunstoin and'wife'havo no claim to CosJ;- Rican citizenship. Aooording to verbal nssuroncoa or tho Foreign Office, all four will bo admitted to· Costa H1oa. however, and absolutely mihimum amounta or money may be ox­ ter.dod them. I will cable as soon as confirmatory note is ' '\ . - received. :Also the fo..,~ign Office wants to know l'lhy the SWias Government did not'pr~poae the children or Jorge \ Cordero Arias, although it understando that llrs. Cordero ~,-. has died. Since their relatives here have tunds. advances may be \.l~oq made to all~e~sons ~ the SWiss Government has proposed.


\_ DECLASSlFIED SIA!O Dept. L<>l!cr, I· \1·72 7 1973 By n. l!.i ... :"-<.· ~A.R ..

-. f l ,,, t;Jr! ,f ,_. . (· I/ "._,,"CONTROL COPY' COiJHmf! ll:lOam

J!.l.!!Llfll:\J6:(:· GJ~N Jo.Jc; ( co~T~~ niCAT. l•'OR 'l'Ht;; AD lN'l'I:'!RIU,

'!.'ho Department and the Nar Roftl~flo l3oard are gvatifled ·by the roElulto reported 1n yot.\X' 1270 or April 17. Please convey to the CoAta Rican authorities thio Government's appreciation or their 1ncl1nation to ooopernte on tha lineo inclfonted in the Department 1 n l.\ire;ro.ms ot !larch 31 anti April· ll. ·

Since Qnly quick action oan c~.vc tho victims, you o.re

requested to preac tor l!. note to tho h•otoctlng 1'0•·701" resar«ing the validity of dooumentn and _tho treatment of bearers an ooon

a a pos cibla. ~<'a are n1 eo a•·ra1 tlllf; n · t'orLJal,_ notlfiontion from . i Costa Hioa to the Un1 ted. Jtntoo 1nspal"tment 'n almraru of s\pr1l 11. Hull


W1U.l: f

DECLASSIFIED . · Stato Dopl Letter, 1·11·72 Dy ll. lL Prukn Onto S£P 2 0 1972 CABLE TO AYRRICAN EIISASSY, SAN J0SE, COSTA RICA

Department and War Refugee Boarll. gratified. reaultll reported in your 1279 of April 17. ~Please convey Costa Rican authorities this Government'o appreciation of their inollnation to cooperate on lines inclicated in Departmont's airgram of llaroh 31 and April U, - ·

Since only urgent action oould save tho viot~ua, you are requested to preas for a note to the Protecting Power regarding validity of doouaenta and treatment or aearera as soon as possible, We are also awaiting a formal noti­ tioation from Costa Rioa to United States intioating ita approval of our deolarill8 the persona oonoernell. eligialo for exchange, subjeot to the aaouranoes contained in Depart.- 118nt1s airuam of April U, ~

" ...... May 6, 1944 2150 P,M.

/?LP. ts.1. BLSidthtBAksin/Jp 5/5/44 A-211 .\' 4:00 p.m. 1, 1944 :JC:N'l' mr COUHhR

I Al~WJ~t.l:lX,

UJ\rl JOS~ ( COi.l'l'J~J illQ~) •

Hater to Department 1 o circular airgramo of J.faroh 31, 1 :oe p.m.', of ;•pr1l 11, u:oo u.m, und or J\.prU 22, ?:3o ~),Ul. 'l'he Department has no'~'' been appriBed that l'atlal Nuncio at Bern intormetl ~11n1ster Harril!on thut Vatioun hnd nttemptod to 1-:orlt out relief meanuren tor Je•·•ll holding Costa Rican dooutterrte and interned by Germany. ~~pparently, the question of eventunl 1mm1arat1on ae raoul t of poas1bla exohan!se Has ra1oed in o.d0.1t1o~ to the qUestion or recognition of documents. Oonta Rica io reported to have repliecl that it 1Lt d1ol)oned to reooanize P~lllo­ porto iooued by ito Conouln only to the extent or eir,ht tam1l1oo, and that thllee fam1l1eo "'0\11(\ 'be allo•.-ec1 to l'Om.'lin in, Costa H1oo. only for the llurat1on or the 1·mr, unJ,eoo tlloi·peraona oonoet·ned are either fnrme:roe or induotr1sl1oto.

At tho time this repl~ 1o reportoa'to have boen e1van to Vat1onn, the aceuranoe oontn1netl in our o1rouiar nl:rogram ~ April ll' hr~d ev10.ant-

~ . ' ly not (repent not) yet reo.obed Costa Rio~ ~overlllUent. It is the·retore / felt; n6v1oe.ble to reiterate the a.oeurnnoe ot this Government thnt Costa Rloa t-t1ll not (repent not) be expected to grant phY.e1oal ndniiaeion to :1 any or the persona concerned 11\ the event of exchange or or aey other·.. if procedure I

DECLASSJlllED Slate Dept. Letter, 1-11·72 By n. H. Parks DatoSEP 20 197Z A-211 4:00 p.m. -2~ ~~~ leading to their relea!le, Under theoe o.l!euro~cee, Costa Rica HOUld not (rapoat not) be nolted to pormi~ any of thooo uereons to enter its terri tory even tempornrUy, unless 1 t eo deo1res, .'\ocordingly, tho numor1oul l1ru1tat1on otated in Ooeta HJ.oun reply to the Vnt1o.:in aoemo

no longe:r Juot1f1ou., 1\fl::l the hope 1o expreenod tlltl.t Costa n1or.:, •·•ill ~ree t~ oct in tho aenae of our circular a1rgram of April ll •·•1thout any numerical l1m1tat1ono •·.•llntsoevGr.

In the light oi' thent1 no!'_urancen, plenoe impre.se upon the Coatn IU.oo.n Ooverltr.lent the extreme urgency t~ith Nh.ioh thie Government v1et·rS the neoeaai ty of actincs fnvornbly t·•1 thout delay on propoa~:~ls proviously flttbm1 tted und d&'ta1lod ln the n1r~rnrna under refth•enoo. lCou•"should 1mpreso upon Ooota R1cun offio1ele that since fn1lure to uot ~~uld o.lmoet certainly spell ~1enth 1'or tho persons involved, ,,nu that since no <.repeat no) reopona1bil1t1eo ~:r obl1,•;t\tions 'HoulcJ. ro'Ault for Coota R1on from ucquioaoonce in' our roqUOf:J~S 0-,t·OS HOUlil be sorely disappointed 1f Costa Hlonn nuthor1.t1~o ahould not, (repeat not) •.dlolo-he~,rtedly cooperate t.!1th ous: etrorto to save these people.

HULL l>IJWIOLWIKG 4/2~/44 R 1\f/ ..


Refer to DepartMnt'a oiroular airll'au ot lfaroh 31, lt05 p.a., ot April 10, lltOO a.a. an4 ot ,_....,....,...... ,_,...._,. !he Dtparta&ent haa now ltMft appriH4 that Papal Nlmllo at BuD illtonr.M Klniater llarruWl that Vat1oan ha4 atteapttt to work out Nlltt 114§&'1\Mt tor Jtw llol41na l~ta Rioan clo~tl and 1ntti'IMII b7 Oti'UftT• ApJI&HDtl,y, the qUIItiCIQ ot nentual ~snt.S.on aa n.W.t ot po11lble ex:ohanp waa ra1H4l 1n a4cl1t.S.on to the qQtltlon ot reoolllltion ot cloe\llllllta, Ootta RiA 1e reporttcl to han replied that it 11 cl1apoetcl to ncotniM pa11porte 1uue4 b7 ita Oolllllll OJll¥ to the extent ot ei&ht tud.Uea, ancl that theae tu.U111 1'IOII.lcl be allowcl to rua1n 1n Ooata Rica onq tor the duration of the ..., unltll the peraona oonlt1'lltcl are either tarmere or incll&l­ trlllbte,

At the time tbil ~ 11 report.tcl to han been &inn to Vatican, the alllllftllOt oontalnecl 1n our olroular airgraa ot APril 10 lulcl mcltnt.l7 not (npeat not) 11t naohecl · Ooat.a Rloan goweri!Hilt. It 11 thereton .felt ·afl'fieable to reiterate t£0 aaaunnoe ot t.hia OoYenaent that Ooata Rloa w1ll not (repeat not) be aputlcl to srant Jlbllioal adld.allon to an,y ot the pereona oonaernlcl 1n the ennt ot ~e or ot UJ7 other prollclure leadlna to their relea11. Under tbe11 am&nnMe, Ooat.a Rita woulcl not (repeat not) be ~ aakecl to peralt U,:V of thMe peraona to enter it. t.ll'J'lt.OJ7 enn t..,orarll7, ~· it 10 delir11. Atoordinsl¥, the m11111'1eal 11ait.at1on. akt.tcl 1n Ooat.a Rloan reply to the Ya\ioan .... no lonaer Jllltit114, and tile hope 1e qpraetlcl tbat Ooeta Rita w111 .,.... to aot 1n the ...e ot our e1ro1llar alrsna of .April 10 111tho.t u,y IIWIU'italllait.at.lona 11bataoner. In the Upt ot th11e a ..uranott, pleaae brpre11 11J1C1Q the Ooat.a Rloan son..-nt the ex\,... urpMy ot uquieaeiJic 1n our rtCflNt.l &nil ot ••t.J.Da "'*' til• withOilt. clllay. lOll thOilU 111Frt11 \&pill Ooe\a lioan ottleiale tbat 11M• fallue to · aat 1tOIWI allloat. Ml'ta1nl:J apeU cleath tor the pariiOill llrfol.'rM, 1M tbat. a1nee ao (repeat ao) 1'11pGMibUit111 or MUpt.lone 'IIOd4 n.U.t tor Ooata Ilea t.... aecple....- 1tt Ml' ~uMt.., we ...U bee~ ~laJIPOin'M 1t Oolta Ril&ll authorit.l•• ~ aot (...,..t Mt) 'llt.ole-heart.Ml¥ eooperata with our ettort.• to taft tbMI Jlllllto 11 . •••••••••••••••••• April 2-t, 19« 21~~~t~:t. B.lkslttt~tb/Jp . 4/21/44 No., 1279 ''l~ .<

Subject: v.tews of l<'oreicn l.H~liot.er',reg&rding subject Iill

The !!cnorahle Tho s~cretary of St3te, Wau:tlll$ton.

S.ir: With reference to . the Depart:·,onl' s necl•et u lrgraw1 of March Jl uaJ A!'ril ll, l;i/,4, I hnvo trLO l:oi.or to .;.dvise t!1e Depurti.:ur:t tbat on April 15t.il I discussed t.ho subject- mutter t:loroof wit:l the :.Uuinter for Forei.;n Aff;~irs. He ntt.tod thh;. our cm;vors~>tioh w~ts r.1ost Pp;Jort.uao siace he hu~ boeu cor.tm:iplutiiig 't11klrrg un eurly !-'Port 1m: t:,• to rooouuf!end to· Pre sidon t Caldercn Guardia o cor.Iploto tnvf)stigution of 1

Respectfully yours,

·' '' •., ''' F I /~ ~' Edward 0. Trueblood, Charge d'Affaires ad interim. EGT:mo

DECLASSIFIED tt.ta n~-:-.· -•1···-; !-11-72 . nt n. ;;,l'ezka v .. tSEP 2 0 1972 i· '


G0stn ~'·.. - 'J' Sn~1 .rose~ H=:~n·v - / No._/}Ll }\~trc_h 7, lf}hL

~'l~¥4rrr"~'111J ~ UM/ ·VJ".A.~ t.'1~J.it"'f4hh) .,t"\··~u, ,,...... _{.·· __.J~~~1;:;,r::;'I':' \lle-7eri Cc-:1:;n i<>:·n.:'. in th; c·ivil.iu" / if.,. • .., \111 ,.,.,. ~ f'.Jn ., i.r.L,~rr.r.c·J.t :H:!.'i c:'~ JLt.tc··!J~t: :d~:rt!l --}0'-.'04-:.! .. t::~t i ~:. Of tt~0 ')!' :_nion thHt the ~!:ii.·t~'-:1iX :~vr.-:~1::; GJ..~ ::.1L;: ; :1tn .tior!:. ·nnt.j·)L~:ljt,~· hovu r.o l\t~·~t!l ri~;!\t· ~~~ .. tr. :J~~ •trh~~ Jt.:::~;'-. tt.r.~· of ~}~ct...:; ir. t_bc 01:-r.:~~·!' ti11 ~~:·.~~~~·,,;~~;u ~~; :; il~; ·~~~~~: ~: ~~; ~~;~;:'~.~t~" ~~,'~or ot' t.li.e \Jr:itoti '_jtt~te::t ..·~r .J.cir::...! 1 \ tJ_ wLot. J-,_o in vet·~· ~:rf·tt·!'iil fol' t.t-.n c(~}'~· ·\··lJcL he nt:t·t !J:fL \';it.h t~e L:~il'

to -;,-.~r_;;•:: to D!J:~·cn~ hi :l ·~lev::: ~eci ;.r:'cl .-1:

In chi~l conr.e.-;tion--re!'!Ji'tJncb i~ ,._,,o,to:: r~o L~tt; ~:,;Ut!:l:-y':-~ d•~:·>r)~t.o!t H')., 1505 of t.;~,reL 9, l9L.),

711.5 SR'r/yr


AlRGJ:AJ: o. " SEP 1 From: Dated: August JO, 1944


Secretory of State, Washinr.ton, D.c. A-1917• AUBUSt )0, 2:10p.m., 1944• Ref ere nee DeparJr.lent 's a1rgrtllll 1229, July 21,

5:40 p.m., 1944· Embassy has mad'3 several efforts to ascertain !f' ... rroru Foreign Office wl\etller the instructions mentioned in Embassy's e.irgrrur; 1294 of June 16 were aeut to l.~adrid or to Bern. Unfortunately these efforts have not 11p to the present time met w,ith ouoceso; •the Foreign Office continues reluctant to show llluoh 1.n1.t1utive in thio mat-

ter. I shall not rail to intorm the Department if any turther information is forthcoming :rrom,the Cuban Govern-


GGA/dso 711 he:f'ugee Exchange

DECLASSIFIED Btnto Dept. Lcttor, 1·11·72 By R. H. Parks Dnto.s..Ef_2 0 1972 I CONT rtOl COPY

DEPARTMEIH OF STATE LEG I [•: iiU• \Wt ? t B HI:l DIVIr"l' ~~~ nccrPtur~ of ·ltote .. usl1 ::.nt;tOI:•. 19~~ AUG 7 PM 2 52

cor.;;.~u -~~~ 11 ,IONS /~o. i\~26•17/<~!Dtl~li.QOOD.§, -;_;20 t;.,.,., 5< ( LIAISON) .. ,y deo ·at.eh no. Jul..' 21., 1')1 1, "~f•·rencc 1 1'>•!9, 1 rc. s.rdln,· r.er-:.!LJIJ ir, Cut!s avellnble for C:l\CJH.r•r;e for ~ersecuted ulnorl~ica lh tcrOfe, Ths O:rlap Of t~r Le.·~·-1 .. i.cecJ:<5, u;.der d~::t. e or Jul.:,• :n, fnrnish.::d t.l:~ •· ..~Lbs:;y 1.it.l1 a ~t.l..lt- ott~.;ir.e.: frof'l EJ conf1ds en follows;

"Cf'l.l-7 CD ::e.ctrl

··ch1:r.·e .;•;.rfe.i~ll of .-,ntn,ilebe.oo \ !abu.;a. \

,01.1 itt: rcreH'l<:le to <.lcs. u~ch no.2go or ~J l•ect'I,tF;r l')l,J; Gprmun 1·y dccU.IIIl t..>.lf:t- tl·ey otwr,ot count r:el·cn.t'ter _.9Il, subsidy r)f Cl~l'1in:n Govc1·n· .non t .. l

I~T-c: .\:;t.:l !'ll':t> Stuto lJcpt. l~ltt•n, 1-11·72 Dy R. II. !'arks Dnw.s.££...2 0 1972 ·)·'·

:,tu>:.int: t.hHt it>. ocGH;JJ.eo terrl.t.o.:-lca i;her" ai'0 .ll.O Cuban11 of wl\Olll 70 ·.u-11 of military ag~, ref.~rn:ooe f.rut·!!~sy b()iiW ~l.tCJ'•:stcd tel~o·uphio reply on r.t..-oint \·,l.;'ot: .>lr.:>.POl.lc:s 1lXohan~:;e.

lc,a:m.ldt Gl! t.b~ :~ran~nh ~.. ~.ct o1 ttlis co.~munication " i·"-tU's def~ctive in &ome 1·e -,,ect.:, it. is quoted her~- ·..:·t 1."(-;:

"Con refereacJ.n ~u dc!:rachc 2~0 de- 23 D1c1nmbre l91.J: F.• mbaja(l!! J.. le::oll.no ir,trt·em.l ~e sirve. averi­ c.unr n(unr en ndehmtc cc.;; ·JUhVt·nci.6n de Gobi<:l'no Alierno Cubailo nuevo ~a~JI?·~a. 1'1Cluyendo ho1abrcs edad mil i t1:1r ~' suMi ~cs Ct.dl0\11> <;ue por parte ale!'.Lano. fucron traglu·.".ado• .:. f->'P!li'il:l lHJCe :nas .Jo u01 nilO y cuye &al1Ja no sc h·~i·~a ,,odido aut.orl­ zar por Gobierno Aleman .!lor· flU t'l cont.ro.pa.rt1da con objeto cono~gu1r ~alvo-oon~uct~s neoesqrios d~ Gobierno !:or Lt>.runflr~.::Qno y Lr.Ut)r,: co. StJI'iele. ~ateda (sic l 1:Ulbujadu qu10 !•Odrln 1t1c!:i.curse c;ue 1;ob1ernC? Al.~m8n <:?tltli lHspu~eto n .:J6t•mt~ir oelidn misrno numer·o cu0unos dr1 <.'dad mj.J.itat· c0tto nJ.~ .. :~aiHJs aptos avr·vlcio mUiter du Cult- uan11'estendo igunl::.entc oi t.adtJ •·mbaJlHlll qtle en t .~l.'.'itorioa ocv1Jados oe flncue;JtraJ.l .no cubmwo r.·.· clloo 70 d.e ectad .JJ.litur .Lntcrcsanclo :.1en•~ionada lJ.\Jttjuda rl!ls.Juesta t~lo,·rupat• ~1ol>l'" p.rl1ncr pun~., que propene canJn. . .. JORI'),\l·Ji.. -"

IIDF"'.R \

,-ijfPARTMfHT OF STATE JUL 2 31944 ill·ilil'llMD8Y, OIYiel~ 0, COIOIOUNICIIliON8 G RlCOR~

'J.'llo f'ollm·:1r~g 1a 1'rom the •.-at> lletll!Soo Board.

The uepcrtr... mt nttl t}Je l:lo11t'll Pl'O klil.l'!lly e;t>t>.t1t1ud by tile reetu to :r>OI>Ort<..-<1 111 YOttl' •~1294 of June 10. ~lenoo convey t,w l!!J!>l'C01EJ.t1on of tlt1c LSOVorrllllont to the Uuban.,/ eutJ.ov1t1os. 'i'ho £1Ubot~noe Of YOlU' COQ)lllUil1ont1on is bei~ trcmom1ttou to

t!ie 1\twrionn ;.,;,,,bltet•y, l!Ptl:r1a, 11ith !'. roquoat to oupnoX>t the Uubcm aefl

~'he only quor•t1on in oonneotion 111 th .YOUl' I:IIJOe(1t;:;e El1'1Uofl 1':row t11e fnot thnt Cub~ 'a protoot1ut~ ))01·101' v1e-n-v1n (~l:):rmn.ny 1c ::i:,1 tzorl('llu 1riCitJ•uot1onn l'x>a bOii1!J uont to Cubnn ~ y t:l~>~:rapu .... :b."'.o£y in 1-:.~tlrid. !'lurwe ol1'1>1t~ t!lin flll(l o.(lV1ae. .lould Ploo H:.'JX'oJointe lct'l'111nl; tho cl_r~un uhuu tue 'll'O:.,J.ouJ in- r•tr11nt1onc 110ll:'t) I'Otunll:t oent. ·)·.', hull ,_.ht-t


•lh.UU·u•V:<;l·ill '1/10/44. 11.110

DF.CLASS!FIED Slutc llc1•t. Letter, 1·11·7ll Dy U. U. Pnrka Dntolle,.2 O 197~ CABLE TO AMBASSAllO!I BRADEN, IWlAHA, CUBA

Department end Board highl,y srati.ried by l'oiiUl.t.a reported in your A-1294 of June 16. Pleaae convey this Qovernaent•a appreciation to CUban autborUies. Subs\anoe of your OOIIIIIunioation being tra118111ittod to Amemb.l8y .. adrid nth reque.t 1.o 1Upyor1. Cliban l"~quena.

Tlle only q\le•tlon in connection with your IAB&:;age arises f1·om faco tnat OUba 1 e proteotin6 ywwer ViB-6-viS Gc~ is Switsurland where~<~ i•1etruct.1one 41'1' b4iog ..nt t.o CUbiUI e.tba.uy in ll•dria. Pleaee olarify end advhe, Would also &tJpl·eoiaLe .l•..rning tistu when prot~ised instructiona were ao~~ sent,

10115 a.m. July 15, 1944

lliss Chauncey (for the Seo';y) Abrahamson, Cohn, DuBois, Friedman, Hodel, le.ughlin, Lesser, Mann, Stewart, Central Files, Cable Control Files /lA. '/.~:R. BA«zin:ar 7/li,/44 b a· .ex couru:.-::~1 lA~XX A· _,,_; , X"

~XImX ':.,jOl'llt 1-oEPAP.iMf:NT OF ST'Vtf~-~~·rtJffl. f"it""Jf~·v ~Uv nirgra.m ,' L' N 1 3 1944 !J t~ i ~ • nal {; i~~, ~4,:;

L, •. ~~·:HI c-r . \.Hill IHU:.J:i, _ _c":· :-.::.·c~·~.::.:.t~---

fl J.l;~\11 ( CUll!\: •

norarence 1e c~ade to your '~-1127 of l!.:oJY 26. '·'e tho apr. reo1nte the L'u 11.1n intention of 1nto:rm11)8/tlethe:rlonds

l!:ml: i.esy 1n "r.LElhtr ~ton thut tho Cuban Government uould not

pe1 111 t tho vulldJ ~Y of nny of 1 te puoeporto to l:Je c·uoct1oned \;. \ by .;he Cle~.ne. dot.ovor, it 1o eoeent1al tl!At such colll!oun1ca- u-- t1cn be nlr.o ad,t: eoeed b;y Ouba to ito protoot101!; l'Ot·TOl' tor

tru lf1m1oa1on to BX'I'I(Uly. If th1o oommun1oat1on hne not yet

" beEJz l•laful, ple:,>.n·· Ul'{~e tllo.t it be speedily tranmn1tted, 'l'ho l'OAervn ·;ion mauo to you orr..lly by tlle 1an1oto:r or .: tll te: and 1ntenc nd to be omitted from the oorumun1ont1on to

tho lhtherlunde ;nbase;y ehoul!l tll.eo 1 ot oour!ie 1 be on11 ttecl from 1 he oonllllUn!. ant1on to the proteot1~ po... er. fleaoe adv:_ne •>hether Cuba baa oonsonteO. to the exohoJ L{e negoti... t1ono pUt'3Uant to Department 1o A0-'138 ot

~ atett1n1ua A01'INU Hl'lli: l !11 V: KG 6/9/44 COJ~

DECLASSIFIED Slate Dopt. Latter, 1·11·?1 By R. H. Parks DateS EP £0 1972

---- '· \


Refe,·enoe ie made to your A-1127 or llay 28, Appreciate Cuban intention or inforllling Netherlands l:Mbusy in WaehinftOn thst the Cuban Government would not pei'IIi t th<> vnlidi ty or any ot 1 ts pnt<­ porta to be questioned b;y the Oel'lllena. However, eaaential that auoh oom.unicotion be also addresaod by Cuba to its proteoting Power for tranaaisaion to Oeman;y. It this ooii'II!Un1eat1on hlla not yet been. made, please urge that 1 t be speedU;y tranami tted,

The reservation made to you orally by the Miniater ot State and intended to be old. ttoo froa the OOIIall11oction to lletherlande lllbaee;y should also, ot oouree, be old. tted from the ooJqUnioetion to the protecting power.

Please odvise whPther Cul•• hl>s given her oonaent to exohenge negotintions pureuant to Department's A-7~~ ot Maf a•

...... Jun& A, 1~4 5;lfi P·"'·

IJA. -1.-~·e. BAksinaer 6/8/44 /

AIRGRAM FROM Embassy • \...1 •. •.• '-t •• , Habana / ::.. 44- Dated June 16, 1944 DIVISION OF CJIIliUNlCATIOHS a~ Rec 1 d June 20, 8 a.m. Secretary of State, Washington. CONTROl COPY A-1294, June 16, 9:35 a.m. ' Reference is made to Department 1 s airgrams A-898 or May 31, 7 p.m. and A-968 or June 10, 4:60 p.m. Representations referred to in Embassy 1 s airgram A-1071, May 19, 3 p.m. made by the Cuban Embassy in Madrid were prima?ily concerned with the return of de­ portees to Vittel, However~ after further consulta­ tion today with the Minister of State on the entire matter raised in the Department 1 s airgram A-738 of May 3 and circular airgram of May 11, he has informed me orally that instructions similar to the communica­ tion given by0the Cuban Government to the Netherlands Embassy in Washington (see Embassy 1 s airgram A-1127, May 26, 9:20 a.m.) will be given to the Cuban Embassy in Madrid--namely to request the protecting power to inform the German Government that the Cuban Government would not permit the validity or any of its pass·ports to be questioned by the Germans. The Minist,er assured me that, as in the oase or the. above-mentioned com­ munication to the Netherlands Embassy, no mention would be made by the Cuban Embassy ih Madrid of the Minister 1 e previouely made oral reservation to me, namely that, if conclUeive proof were presented re­ garding the taleification of a , he could not insist upon its recognition einoe tQ do so might endanger the holders or legitimate passport&, The Minister added that no reference would be made to the possibility that some or the passports in ques­ tion might be tals1t1ed. The M1n1ster also eaid that he would instruct the Cuban Embassy 1n Madrid to have the prote¢t1ng power

DECJ.ASS!FlED Bta!o Dept. I.cttcr, 1·11·72 By R. H. Parks Dnto-.S.EU U 1972 -2- ~srm., power request the German Government to accQrd holders of documents issued 1n Cuba's name the same treatment that the Germane hope will be received by her nationals in the Western Hemisphere, The Minister also indicated that the Cuban Govern­ ment is agreeable to all holders of documents issued in Cuba's name being considered exchange material for German nationals held in this hemisphere provided such holders of Cuban passports as the Cuban Government de­ sires be sent to havens elsewhere than Cuba. The foregoing represents the positive action taken on the matter by the Minister of State who I feel has been as cooperative as could be expected, particular­ ly since the Cubans are, of course, primarily interested in repatriating their own ~ ~ nationals,


711 li:MH/goh

, !

m:Cl.ASSIFIF.D stoto Dept. Letter, 1-yi!~ By I~ IL Pru-ks Dnt<>__ 2 0 1972 ----·-- -~PARTi.i~~:T ;;;: :

,.._ (l~8 COM~1UNICA110NS um RECORI\S 7:00 1:' u lhy 31, 11:)44

t>U::·I'l' BYLJ···.J.HMlJ..!H!;lli!!!i J~\1:1\UI,;:::lY ~ CQN1R0l COPY lu\!J, 1;;\ ( ()U:.Il\(

It .:1 not clear therefrom uhether tho Ouban 1:4nbn.cey ln 1-ladr1d .s [il!Jltlng rop:Nlnontntiona conooi"ning the return / of deporto to to V,, t tol only or r~gording en't.lr.c m!?.ttor rc.tood

ln l:lepnrtn rmt 'a J\·~738 of !Ia r 3 and o1:roulnr alf'Bl'lllll ot ~lay

ll• .!'leacH ndvioe on this 1= >lnt. It tllo lntter 1o not yet

achieved, :.>lee"\Clo continue ~ ~ur offox•to 1n tM.o d1reot1on.

Fo· • ~our 1nf'or·mnt101 nnu. gulacnoe, tho 1\ir,bneoy at

London hR r otntecl th1~t tho nt•1t1nh !11n1oto7.' nt flnbnntl ·-oUO'i'ti;

hEio b"en lnotruotod to aor. .re tl\1~ Govol'l'll!lont of f.lubn 11 tht1~ the rcoot r.1t1on of Gnb9n r •DAnorte 1oauea ,to Jetfiah p0rcone ,. 1n countz t.ae una or enemy < mtrol 1,e \18loome6. by I-I lei l1P.Jeoty 1 o

Govornmo1 -~ nnd lntt~r cnp: oc1Ptoe tho Cuban llovol'IIIIlent 0 B re­

ply to t! ,e Vat1onn rognrd: ng th1o mattel'. Ul-J-lUO'l'l!: Hull ghw


wlW:t::OlV: O.Nlt 6/00/44

DECLASSIFIED Stato Dept. Lotter, 1·11-72 1972 By R. R Parks Dnto~~2 Q AIRG!Wl TO AllllASSAOOR BRAD!N, H!BANA, CUBA

Reference 1a 1111.t1e to 7our A-1071 ot Kay 19. It ia not (repeat not) clear therefrom whether Oubah lmbass7 in llatlrid iB making representations concerning return or deportees to Vittel on17 or oonoerning entire matter l'aiae

It latter not (repeat not) 7et achieved, pleaee continue your ettorte in this direction.

For your information and guidance, London Embassy intonu Departmt!llt t~t Britieh IUlUater at Habana l.,UU'l'E h.. been instructed to assure the Government ot Cuba that the reco&nition ot Oub-.n paosportu issuod to Jewieh persone in countries under --en~ control 1a 1;elcomod by Hie llaJeuty '• Governoent and latter appreciates tho Oub~ Oovernment•e repq to the Vatican regardiJla this matter, UN~Ulll'E

•••••••••••• Hq 39, 19« 2&06 P•••

lWcliJUJp ,·-. ~·~w...

l.ii.'i'.:.D: .. ay 25 1 1914

rft.C 'D : !!uy 29; 9 a.n ..

~eorot.ury or .:.tc'..tc, . CONTROL COPY .:·oslllugtou.

,_-112?, ,.uy 26, 0:2~ u.u. )( Iu brin._:iur UJ with tho .. iEistor o1' .. tr;to to ,Cl., the ..inistor sni1' nuy o1' its po.ssportc; to be <;uo:.,tionc\~ by tile l'crmnnH. aow­ ovor, llo ob:.,orvccc 'thnt, ir~ Oc•HoJ.usive proof were pre­ son ted re(';nr<.J.ir.g the 1'r.lsi1'iouti.rJn o1' n t.:u.bun pnosport ho ooulti uot inoist upon its rocu{.;nition ainoe to tlu so might O!ltlru.lGOl' tho holders of J.c.·Llti.:w.tt' prillsports. '.i'i1e .. illistoJ0::;uid tll<•t he io u.;t trtulc-J,,ittinG thib ro­ scrvntiun to t:•c ctllorl


DECLASSTFIED state Dept. Letter, 1gt·P9 ~ By R. H. Parka Dnto_2 0 1972 '·qrptl:i oou~

I /· ,_ / - i 1 Ul44 , , 1 .:31 !.: .;- 7 ,-1-·,


011'"- •. !~lc:HBI\:JJY, I .-('),Hill'·<··

fuuJAN.!~ ( c:u 1.1.1) •

:Uir.'GfUWl'IOll v~' ·.('I!C:

'i.'lle UepnrttJOnt :llld tho Har i'et:Ugeo Uo:1.r

1ntor~nat1on contu1l1ed 1n your :~-~ 68, £1.fl(l are pleased to J.eurn that tho Cubun authoi•itieB n:1ll rot, UUl'i11g the dUration Of tlle

1'<11', rniae the queotion nt 10£!\\e of tllo v:Uidity of paaoport1l 'l1le or1t1o:,lmuture of the r ituatlon r.Jaltee 1t Vltnl bOtof'­

.evor~tl(tatthe uOOUflJ!WtEl ill .roferc.noe lla-tlf1hW,C.l "hOUl.:! ti~e.l~ I •r-1 .[.(_ Cn--v~J~<.'VL~ ?'''

It is uncleretoot!. fli&IIIM¥{i-f! th..'\t, in uny oxohanae nop;ot1nt1one

~-obioh '"'"l bo entoreo. 1nto. unquoot1oned o1t1?-eml oi' Cttba ·dll be oon111f.leX'od lJy this UovArru.tant na be1n~ in n O:\togoey entitled to pz·1o:r1 ty over· otllore, l-leaao no tv1v1ae <.'ubo.n of1'1o1als.

XOUl' o.ttontion 10 a(Sain ar:\T-111 to the _t\SCUX'I.'.nOOIJ li,1Von in t'h .. ~ the 'lep~.r·tmont 1 o oiroulnr a1mramn of l·urcll :Jl an(l J~pr1l J.l and to the stand t. \l~:en by thlo t}o·•crn>J'Jnt reglll'll.ifle; refugees claiming 1\!:Ierican cit!zenallip no outlined 1n the circular n1rgrutJ of tiny ll. Xou m·e requAated to urge npeetly aot1on, in viop of the imminent l'i.:.\ngOl' ln •!111oh tile !JOraonEJ cnncornea find themselves. l·lea.ao intorru tllo lJa~>arti,Jent of 1.\1\:Y uevelop-




HRU: IUIV: KG 00.·~ 5/22/44 AIRGIWI TO A.\lliRICAN liliBA-SY 1 !IABANA, CUBA

Department and War Refugee Board appreciate infor­ mation contained in your A-968, and are pleased to learn that the queetion of val~dity of passports at issue will not (repeat not) be raised by Cuban authorities during the ~eriod at the war. It is felt, however, that the oritioal nature of the situation makes it Tital that the documents in question be upheld in case their validity 1B challenged by Gsrll&ll.Y. Therefore, please urge the Cuban aonrnment to take the attii'IIUltive aotiona outUned in Departlle.'1t 1a A-738 ot. KaT ), and to uphold ite attitude in face ot poaeible Gerun challen&e.

Department and Board oan peroel're no (repeat no) 11111 in which theee~meaeuree woulA endanger the poeition ot bearers of regul&rl,y acquired doowaents. Woreover, please advise Cuban offioiala that in any exchange nego­ tiations that -., be entered into, it is of course l!,nderatood that unqueetioned oitilene of Cuba will be oonaidered lty thia Qonmaent as being in a uategoey entitled to priority aver others.

Your attention is aaain drawn ~ the assurances pven in Department'• oiroular airgrllll of Waroh 31 and AprU ll and to atul

In view of the illminent ti8n&er in llhloh the pereona oonoerned tin

•••••••••••••• ~ 20, 1944 11135 A.M.

~. 'i.s:e. BAkziniRLSmith/jp 5/18/44 '\.t.',\ ' .. _- ·-_ ' .

-_;.__l.·c·. i_1·~' -~),I'' :

. :; ( i)t th~:· .- ; . ,~-~".;.:; :i.tl ~~i~L.:;._·,_:t-. ~- i 'i ~--~ L-:t .y_~;,~; .-;:-_>· ;'_,_. np"ll. ·.::.,J~ f\:.Li·: P).'f:\.t -G'to (.t~1'. C.. \ .·,r: nt: th.-r.~-­ J."'"".:~t,j to tr-~~v Li!t; ri\}L1i't-i\:rn Vc!.-l:.j:l: fh•.t\)_,~LJ :;:1 ~--- .... _-~·-:;·t~;;.:.,-'_;:i;i lv·7J ..: cf ~!ny .3, B.lld tl) U!,hol~i 1.:.f• nti,it._-.,~i; ·1 d:· : -;_~~~._:.-·iH l::ille:;!gc .. \

it ;q Und¢rn.tovJ x..h•.1t 1 jn rt.;d itrto 1 \t~tquc:et.io}i~:..l c:i ti~Wll~ o~ {;u1:.a l"o 51i e:- u:>.llcidor.Jd by th.l a Gov.;,rmH•1lt_ t>t.: h"ing in " w· t<.'{'ct'Y mltit.lml to ;,_.t·lor-ity cv~l" ot.Jh~l'!l~ Plo::l!itl uo cdvico C\Jh:.n ni'.fiP.i[!l£3"'

lo\1:<' l1ttnntio/l lfl (l~~!!?.n Ur.!:\.n to th;1. Q!;fU;;:-t·1J~.;.:-,:; ~<:i.._r~n ;in. tth~ iYop:1rt -.:.·n'l t e a\l'OU] u:t· Bir~rr<,~·.w ef ~n:rch .Jl ro,ntl ,\.}:~·:D l.t nEd .to thu r·t·;J!d t.,. ~(.~,~-! t.y ·i.J!ia H~'/"V).'f.I.I.l(Jnl ~Qgnt"Jin[{ rut\l.c:jra clai;;-,iuc: Aro•.>l'i

Hllil {;1.;7

fi!Ul1W\VsHG CCA .. -5j22/1,4

c \ IUs a Chnuncoy (for tho -~ely) Ab>•llhamaonl Akl:in1, r>)J.'l'lotein1 CobnJ DuB

. . DI( ~l~~D*~' _li·~-sE~~2o·1972-· By R. }L Pnrk~ Dnto--;---c . . '. ·' '· ..

IAAY ~' a 1~41i . UIVI~HJII OJ' - I-~~~~!~!'!;o\h•p.~ ~ ..

~G~rctary cf .trto, nur.in;;tou.

"-1,';?1, .. ny H1,--;~ .~ .. ,;o;;

Hl1JH.i.l'tt.:C".llt' H t-'f.l0l'l' t: oli•nnlc\J' n irl· l'fiL"i, .~ u:l 11,

7 :~.(, p .. r.~~

... _i'tcu· l>rd.n;:; iHL"~,l.!.'t.l!~tl ;;1' t1!H\ lCt:;;·t. lir:o 1a~~'Gt :l'n;;hb

Vi" t!lO .;o~•tirt.CH!llt' ~) Uil\:l'GI:l, C:~~: ~ J.trt. ~li~!':;. Ui' .. jtot·€) stntctt that it i~ l'o.-::ucst-i_fi.. tJ~;; \;unnn ~.il>u:.,;S'y in


.. :i/J.r:-.

DECI.MSIFIED State Doi>l. l.c!tcr, 1·11·72 By Il lL P


CONTRO'L 0"0. P··l,. .. :,li'

.. DATED: l~ey 6, 19~-~~

llEC~JIVED: liBY 9 lOuu

Soc&•etsry >1' Ststo, rr, .. ;,;ngton; D. C .. ..

Ra:~(~:.osnc.'am 'f3S, Hay 3, 2 p.m., J.9l!.!~. ' .. --

m.n1nt;..•y yr. Ste.te adv.toco l;he.t lt heo been approached b;; ~::ithc!'le.nda Eo1baoGy in \'lsoh3.ngton r1.1.th,F than by .the · VL;t:icen l'ae;erd1ng this mattel'. 'l'he G~\bsn Government · ht.r. c:<•-~·J.oeCi. !letherlanCio E1ahe.ooy thst question of. vn.Ud- .\ ty <.>f t:he panopol'to t~Hl not be 1•aloed by thlo Govern~ n~cut c1t\l'lns the perl:1d of ~wr. Ho\rever, 11' the ·German Go\'cl'lli:!0n :; ncitco an 1 esl'e of the faot the t; oerteln oi' thaL>c paospoPto 113l'P. 1nproperly .1osuecl to persona who nrc m\: Caban oit1zenn, the 01.\ban Government \Tlll' bB Lmeble to exl;end 1 to proteotlon. l.JJ.n~otry of ate.te polnto o•.1t t:~t ben1•uro of euoh pa.ospoX'tn artt reoll;r in e. lllOl"l' frvorsble pooltlon thon lihooeoother pel'oeoutea pe:;.-sono uho

., DA~/SON

GG.fl/ doc~llruf

' DEC!.ASS!FlF.D Btato Dcp\. Lotter, 1·11•72 0 1972 By n. H. Pru:ks Dnto!EP J 2 .. 'CONTROL CliP~ A~ '138 2tl'l0 p.m.

I • ./ apprisocl '~/1at 'l'uzm1 ~run.J:,. • :,_·,1 ·Jn~'l1 :.nr.o1:nci.l ran:i,o·:,,~· Hol>;':\1:()11 tk19.·t 1 lf'C\ t lean 1l.:t• l a ttOtl)J'JGtt a •• ,;u' ··'·'''''' -:>11•;' :~••!.~.1 i ·~;.I' !•1'9:;su>.•ao ••1 ., .• ,1 \l~·'a \I ··'1. n

Gerlll.',\n~hel·l te1'l'1 ~oZ';; ·-.~:.m ;·a.w3 '-!r.r.'1·1ollt :'l;·n;~o:l'. of tt.i:· Nrt rt~ o;1 tr;, l·olant~. ami death, I·r. :1.•: >\>\ile'l'·ltoo& that r.·;)·.m ·o~ 1;11~ c-~ JJ;.• ., l!.:rvll' boon rouna.,· or may bt

1eau.od in the nci.IMl of !•::t1;~; t'mcrtoc.t: r~pui;J.:.ca. 11•t: · ·o c:nol <1.00\il:llmto hnve bean J~tven rooop1i ,,~,, ·~· t-Y c:oun ~l'Y 1n nlwro nonE' tlu:w • -::r-a ~ nnwtl., ~ tho:y l1:~.vo :•.n the 1'tlol: n.f'r•·z~i pt~Coi:oot:.on ·~o t:h .. ?'J(l;~nonu hc•ldhlp~ ) them.

ln v3.•m ol' tll~s l!cy ,:··} ;h ~l'Oil)J~'? ·; to vt Jl:ims o:f enem.v opprofll:lion, th~J 'Oop.t;•~r.i"Jht hal beon~'m•t1cui.::u•.y ':r·~~t:l.flod to learn from the lleX>n 1'0j)Ol'i; t.h~\'i; P~'l.Otl .'l;!)pl"O::wnad. b~r t·lO ,,,,~.t3.onn, "'·vuba ,. repl1ed th:\t pano~1ortr 'nFm)t\ 5.n ils:.> n~ms t;u Jo••EI 1;; t::ox-.:Jatl .. }l!)lt,· terri tory, •·>OI.Ild ba 1:N1c•~\r::i r.c.d i·.y C1~bt\ U' t: 7'0nt Blit• !,.n .~ni: i;he Ur:1tEil1 :Jtul;eu bavc: m ohjt:·:.t;S.on. ,.

l•lellOO veru·,· abOv'C :.'lf.<;:r·r.tt~'l;~~on. Xi' (IOX'J'60t, p~.oaflfl f.(lJt\'a~ to ,-<

[l' I I -'._--_._',•.:. __·.! a .....•·t J. \ ...... ,_.l, ~~J c ,t~... ~·'lrt~t ,. '"\' ( H!'.i~..... -·:-~:-.,"" • ... i;"" ~,·,I _ •u·~.-.·,_,, '.. _··.· ,,_' ·'!-+•.. \•a!;-~;.. <·' .,· ,.. \{ :--- l··.\' . \).. -,1·:-r ,-1"''_,,, .. o··~-

I!; !!l :not ~lo~;l' :-·'m:·~ u!JCl3l't:\1n Cttt~•a ntt.l.iitt·5.~.- U: Cd>3 :l.!" no'i'; ~.r:;m:;:;o'·:lx t-<· 'til'· !U~m:;.a­

~1011 ot~ NH'h pe:r'S~'itt: to]c l ·1G Cu':Jr,.n !l.om.•.mnrrtc, plo:;o( ~n·r had.:>.c ·-;h!1t

Dspn:t>t-1:ont '" ~'Oq\lC:o1if'>t.<1 H. !'er.pHlt t;:. rh;· :.~.n.e;' d1!>c-··w! ).ON~ o< naer-.ltng

al'!Otla\'lr;o iltmn no~ tn·•o.l vr· lmn~'t;i:'::.l'~ on 1:i;.1t,. -:.1~- thr, '·'' 'rt;l•c.lf~' r:on·;nbHl

asour•<)lCJa~- i;ha·~ l}uba '·Jll1 ·1ot b•l o::o:l~i;;J'l ·to nt1nl1'i ~-o~·l•On!l eonco)'ilod. ~- ll.V'Oll on o tempo;:>a:<'Y '·'·liJ:l~. ,;~t •\\'\}' t'i~t·~. ' .. ! ll<>P•> ·:;2~: ;; (\• ).:~, l.il ·.,;l1r::. :lnteroot>l :>f h:.\111;.11'1:\. t'/, ~·n l 'n6<>·t.;.on 1 ~tl.ntl:i.· lfCO:t' ~ho •·•c:r o.·w eounntion- - - ' ... :l.ng of oo1d uooun·.antn. c:r•:·. ln t:·l:l c 'letnt;l..no, :roqneiJt :.

namo the DHme tr."3ntim!Jnt t.!·,.,t; c c:r-m~w y ll.cpo•~ ,,,1).1' b:: l '!)eel vi.l.-·. i.y htlx•

11at1onnls in t'h& t·ls!'··;0r-n E<~Ll~.Gphe;x~ ~ un{'i. , ..,ln. til.cm r ;>;reo t•:· tl'to ).lel'··

aona oonoor-no~1 boi~ oon~=.i.l.oPa>\ Ot CtAbau .'! pacoporta u:t'Q cant to h.;Wi!'la sls~:mlnl"a t:'lm1 in ·illfm~.

1 'l'o acQUa1ut you full•! •. i,.tn th1a UoVn>\l-"~'3llt ~ · :ittiturle 1n this mctt&r·. ,.\- -1.·-s' I .

catter, o1l'oula:r !ti~:~K>sJar :}t' r.-ax•rh 3lt l~Oi.' :n•o .. ,. c: AJl:,•il 11,,

lllOO Gallloo anil of ,,:,J•iJ, ~~?., it:::;n p,m •. ~-•i:~ch hn.vo b~'r.n c;~_nt to various L~o,tin AmePic•::n l'f::,_tb:<.~o<', t'r-o 1·~•1!',2 l'<:po.-:~t

oeparata o~:rcula:~ t•.5.:t>gl'H!>,, ull(•. Y"(l\\ £>X'O l'H(Mao"ii!Hl~;o- m·~;c;,_

n\tthoritlon trl aor. n•lOo.rC:U. 111:-.~ 1~: r.':>l1tl·"Jo';;.;r)n ·•};l;h ,y, ''[I cr.~~~' ot:he:.•

Nazi v:tou ,,s *t\ -Go!•m \\1- uoc; :}-;''''·1.·919. -~·,:~l'i. t.,l.o;r--,~ho--n:t''''- bmn~:"CJ~.md i 0:1' may be found, fl•:l rulO. :).J•)Hil:311t:~ l.:t6:A~r! _:l.n ·~lw: t:~.:- 3 of 0-:·:b:o..

__ _l~_t;h<1 liellt Of_ th& ~:l.JOV>!:_l§':;;\Lf'-1\;I'C<;!Sr .Dl~~!l;:t_ b ;ll'eB-3 l\Jltlll ·::ha Ouban f:OYernmant the a"tr.a;:l!l L'l'~<>nr;y •-•:)t:n: .-l11ol:\ t:lJ.r J-c.v:n;(~;9nt

Vifl•·.J$ the ~03001 ty ot' (.'.t:t.ll'lf: fa1'0ru'b1rr" vrithout lt'JJ<'j (IJ; tl'•0t'El pro-

not ~-oul(\ almc•ct

Nq\Utt'llio, '·!f3 ,,ould b1.1 E:O~-,;·;p dil'm)>9'l~n·;i),'1 J.l' <:U'.;~n•l q :;';?M·?:L';.:~-~" olion:l.rl \' . "' - ' . '· not ,!hole~;1elU'te u;:'i'"l'l'tn ~o n.~va t;,l:H•~ pet>ple. i'leaaa atlvtm;. D·Jl>OI:ftc71•!Ut o:~ t.ll.') · re~mJ. ~ ot' :ro•.t:{• ;ff o:.ot:J.

~IRlJ:(.U.,N:KG 5/1/4.4 IL, ~ ,',~...,.



; eferenoe ill 11ade to your 6149 of llarch 1. Department has lMien apprised that Papal Nuncio at Born informed Minister Harrison that Vatican had attellj)ted to work out relief moasure11 for Jews in German-held territory who face iJulnent danger of deportation to Poland and .death·, It is understood that so1110 of these Jews have been found, or 11141 bo found, to hold pass:,orts or con11ular documents isBUICl in the name of Latin American republica. '\there such docllll

In view of this Governtlent•s pol1oy with respect to victimll of_ enltlllf oppression, the Department has been particularly gratified to learnfrom tho Bern re.-;ort that 11hen approached by the Vatican, Cuba replied that paasports issued in- her name t:l Jews in German-held territory; would be reooMnized by Cuba if Great Britain_and ~1e United Statep'have no objection,

Please verifY above info~tion, If corre~t, please convey to the Cuban authorities tho De~nt 1 s a~preoiation of Cuban attitude arid· \ the assurance· that the United States has no objection to Cuban recognition of such dooumnts. If\ Department underotands that, in a)proaching Cuba, Vaticnu.rail!ed the 11ueetion of eventual 1mdgrat1on au reault o1' poseible exol1ange in addition ~ the question of recognition of documents. '' It is not (repeat not) clear wh~t position Cuba took on tliiil point. Pleaee asoe1i.ain Cuba's- attitude, If Cuba 18 not (r!'peat not) acneable to the admission of such p~eone holding Oubim doOUJIOnts, please emphaaile that Department's request *ith respect ~opening ~isoueeions ooncerninc exohaP&e do .. not (repeat not) involve :t.aip'at.ion but, on the contrary, contains aeeurances that .cube. will not (repMt not) be expected to admit poraonc oonoerned eyen on a teaporuy ~ie. At any rate, we hope that cuba, in the interena o£ humanity 1 rill poetpone unt.U at'Wr the war aDy queetioning of said doc\IAIO!lt1 1 lllld in the ...uuae, Hq,uen Gerr.wty through the~protecting power to accord holders of docuaente iesue4 in CUba's 11a11e the 11&1!18 treat.ent that GeN&Z~T hopes rill be noeiftd bt her nationals in the We Item Htalaphtre1 and will ·also ~agree to the pereou concerned being coneid.end exohanae uterial• '·· ·' 'fo acq\lain\ rou tull,r With this GovernMAt 11 attitude in tb11 11&\ter, oiroulA.r airsrau ot l&arOb 311 ltO, p.a., ot AIIJ'illO, UeOO ••••• and o£ whillh ban beon sent to variCNI Latin American repubUca, are belli& repeated to rau., and JW are reque1ted to ur1e Cuban authoritlea to aot accordlnllf'in oonneotion with Jewe and other Haal Tictias in Oemn-oontrolled territory who have been t0Wid. 1 or ~ be . £0\llldp to hold dOQUIIl\ll&.u.d in the llll!le Of Oubat ·'

In the light of the above aeeurancee, please im.pre1s upon the .Cuban govern:nllnt the ext.reme ur,ency Qt' acquiescing in our requests 1\1'\d of acting upon thelll without de].q, You should ioipreas. upon Ouban offioiala that t~ to aot wo\lld almost ceJ,"tainl.t epell death for the per11011a involved, . I1' appropriate, you ~ add that !Iince no (repeat no) responaiblli"' to receiTe the people ooncerned.wauld result for Cuba. from acquiescence 1n our requests, we would be sorely dlanppoin~ed it CUban authorities would not (repeat not) Uhole"-heartedl.1 cooperate :with our eftor\11 to aa'l'e thePG people, _ Pleaae adrlae 1Jeparti!Gnt or the result of your efforts,

April 29, 1944 10:30 a.m.