THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 34, Number 20 Thursday, May 24, 2018 TO THOSE WHO COURAGEOUSLY GAVE THEIR LIVES… AND THOSE WHO BRAVELY FIGHT TODAY… THANK YOU THE Page 2 May 24, 2018 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 %HDFKHU&RPSDQ\'LUHFWRU\ e-mail: News/Articles -
[email protected] 'RQDQG7RP0RQWJRPHU\ 2ZQHUV email: Classifieds -
[email protected] $QGUHZ7DOODFNVRQ (GLWRU 'UHZ:KLWH 3ULQW6DOHVPDQ PRINTED WITH Published and Printed by -DQHW%DLQHV ,QVLGH6DOHV&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH TM %HFN\:LUHEDXJK 7\SHVHWWHU'HVLJQHU Trademark of American Soybean Association THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS 5DQG\.D\VHU 3UHVVPDQ 'RUD.D\VHU %LQGHU\ Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also 0LNH%RUDZVNL+RSH&RVWHOOR&KHU\O-RSSHN 3URGXFWLRQ delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. -RKQ%DLQHV.DUHQ*HKU&KULV.D\VHU'HQQLV0D\EHUU\ 'HOLYHU\ Rewriting School History by Kayla Weiss “When that final buzzer sounded, and we knew we had won, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was keeping in until that moment.” The Lady Blazers, celebrating their state championship. File photo by Bob Wellinski In any year, clinching a berth in Indiana’s state basketball champion- ship is cause for celebration. Katie Collignon achieved something even more remarkable, guiding Marquette Catholic High School’s Lady Blazers to their first state title Feb. 24. They beat Class A No.