. 4·1}01 ...., ,.,..,_~...,.'!11r • h·1 . ,

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I ; ' • ~" ~ _.. ·~ce·fo

. VATICAN CJTY~eope itj, vt will Oy to Portu11al ------'-'-'"-'--'"'----''--"----'-'------....._.....,,,,....a,--, Ma,y U tow.1•Y for l>U.~ ln-~11.fch and In the world, particular ln.1Yl•bwn1•• 11a ~rlne ·or Our Lmly of· Fatima. • ~ nturninll"I tJte aame d!Y• · , 'lbe l>ope reyealed hli llftenUon to mak'e the rll• ----"'----....._------,;a~--,----.--..._--,.,.------irlmaae of pray41r to .. lbe Pottuau~, aanctuary a a 1eneral audience (ftla1•a) la,,St. P~•• baaWca. Al• fhoqh the DIWI of the b1p , ,. • C • m e without Warnlill, "'iwtenaff l'ot' lht apparlUODI there had- been- rumon--fn-if:Oar bilJb' 16 llitchllaria."of Rome for montba that the 1'1Uma •94'th• 251b anillVUIUJ Pope had been•contemplat. tl1~ comecratlon of the world In, auch a trip • to t}le Immaculate Heart of ' ' . lfarJ br Ph11 XII. Tbe Pope aal4 be WU maklq the one-cllr Yiait to Fatima HI TOLD T~I entbual11Uc 11.ta4 be- 0rdained PJrt!y II lbt l11111tnce of tb11 cnwd In St. Peter'• that bt In• •blabopa of Portu1al but par-- tt,lded to •Pfl1• for · bolb tbt • tlcutar•· to pnJ Honct mon ~ .of the Church and of the •' h ·A hd •. and m~ humbly 111d ardtnU,: world, u,ln1: Ip fnor of pe,ee." 'We bave much at heart Iba ·t ' e· n'C . lOCese • The Pope noted that hla pll• 'U!llff peace or the Ch11ttb ••. r · ,rlma1, to FaUma will be part ft are anxlo111 that tbe 1111- IA(!.. • A 1! of tbe celebntl0111 of lbe DOlb ttou1 leaven or the (ecumenl• . · ______eat) council be 111ured In tbt 1 • .; ., wjloleneu or the authentic fallb, " s d •·~ 7 s 'pe •1 ID the unity or cbulty and ,c. r . ees ·• n_ . :''!!,!1!i1~'1:s'pa~J:ef!:rr: On .un .. ~:r.' a·. y .. qlvatlon\ of the world and, In l· Iii alnctrt aurcb tor 111 ,cu, . . m reVIsmg lllenlcal rapprochement with •1' tho,e::Who bear the name of Arcbb!Jbqp 8cbulte will qir1at1an." • ordain ll' ~ prtuti for can, on law Al tor civil and 1oclal peace the N'dldl'ocue probably 11 the world, the Pope pointed the 1'rr,aJ ;c1u1 for the ST. PAUL-Thia poatconcWar out that "no one reject. peace nut ievml' rian-ln the period, mark~ by rapid chtDlt In- principle. Whoever would famou,' SL lfetnrad Arch­ and dtvelopmut, "la not a tlmt reject It dellberatel7 would INDUffRIAL ARTI PROORAM-Yeunttlen at It. Patrick'• ldleel, I~, hne .. abbey •Qiurch at 4 p.m. 1 01 SWMfay, May 7. for a II- codt'' of canon I••• =~~,,blnuetr .he enemy man, • benefit tf th'" !Mura' Industrial arts trahllnt uch -k, ta111ht 1!f lphrtlM A. Tumtr tf whlcb "mllbt bt outdated to- Harry WHCI Hleh 1c1,.. 1. The i,.y, abtva tre ahown prasanlln,.20 teat ,__ rtcb .. tlie Durlal tllt lllllt etn-S., monow," Father Ladl1l11 Or•r, • Despite nlany etfort1 . to ,e. ui-J•a aclenct teacher which they madt In thalr cl111. Shown fr•m left arw1 Junn Kelley, 11 caildidalta will neelH tbt S.J ., aald beN. cure peace, the Pope continued, LauJ1 •uanbtm; Kavin Balta, H-anl Guarrlarl, Stan Jay; Richard Dean, Mr. Tumar, 11 .. dlaeoult for oilier dloctNa ud Fathtr Oray, ~ canon lawyar unf!)rtunately "we. see •tormld• tar Ruth • lien, S.P., acl1nc• tucher, and Slater A1ath1, S.P .. prliiclpal. n. ii...,.,,111 trft reu,1ou· orden. ~ of tbt from tbt CatboUo Unlveraltv of able obslaclu arilln1 not only I t I fl d th h .,__ TIii I , ..._ I I I Amtrlca, la,utd 11111 .-amlna to In the way of peace .. . but alJo _,_,._1e__ • __ na_n_,_• __ N1Ut___ ,_- __•.__ .__,_•_•_•_•_•_ .•_n_c•_P_r11_,a_m_. ____ -,----- la lnifrl' tllt ~ =~INIUP. . the Mlclwt1t rtjlonal conveir- In the way or the 1t1blllty or lion ot the Canon Law Society of Ille peace which ubll 11 Pm• POPE NOTES SPECIAL OBSERVANCE ) 'Dartt 111111'8n of tbla ,ear'a America. ent." The Ideal or universal con• ordltlatm elau for tbt ~ cord, he 11Jd, "aeenu to vanl1h dloceaa llaYe alrtadJ beta \ °"' Toda:,•, needl, he aald, IN In ID unattainable dream." rr l' I • I . . dalDed=re. Patlan 1 Qarlel otB~ ~~~ :::!!~ t: .:f~!~•tof~u~ ASKING IF the world must \.JQ IS SOCla communicat1ons ( WU I Jut DffhilNir ,Jii liq 111111 111,. peraou. ~pair and. alve Into • "1ltep• .... . _. ~,atbtr \teal tatalilm" and "renounce 'I ~ Patbtr Ool'IIIII, '1l UL I .... ' bt coatilllltd, lh6 areal Impelling duty or b "la • t MCll of ladlua,oll,, "CIDIIOI cope l!llly with tbe avertlna In ti~e the Immense monns *o .. a lleW society alDtd Jut Mardi 11 9f. ' -«la of tbt t'burch. We -d d"eter or a 'ulentitlc' war," l.,U l,I U iz . ' Lotlla. peno111 who can react to the 'Pope centered hi• attention TO II OIDAINID llmday llttela." on the Vietnam war. , · VATICAN CITY-The' world of or the commo~' 'cood with due lance or "every 1erlou1 lnlU•· are: In. Ja11111 ~ . of n. proceu or •earcblnl tor a ••·should we be content with ma 11 communlc1tlon1 was respect for true liberty." live ttiat aim• at tormln1 tbe lltttb ONIYt; lay. lltl,ln Btr• new balance built more by per- attempt,, 10 tar trultlus, to put called upon by Pope Paul VI to crltl~•l •Jud1ment or the reader 16111, lt11 by rule,, would In- an rnd to the contllct In Viet, utlll&e Its "wonderful tech• The Pope 11Jd tht Church and• spectator, and at lllduc1D1 ~'"~'Pllllllp ol.~ FloJdl . ol ~-• •I volvt, ht aald, Lua lellalaUoQ tum • ·hlch crlp, all or us Jn nlques" to contr~~ute 10 tlyi " UP· wished ''to make her own con• him• to evaltate the newa, tht Rov. 'll•:.~:•f=C.rr. Iii • la, ..... flaldl -.11 In, merri11~16ty and>90ITOw, or•I• thtlre urr of hGmanlty lnd "the\bulld· ll,Y,utltj! ~o U11, ~erly develo~I11 11d , lmJae• Iba~. an · • ,, apolla1 Rav, )VI~ ID1y; of Impediment• and .f1111eral . or •l!m1thln1 ell~ to be dono?" •he Jng or I new soc elyl1hat wlD be ment oftffle :worldlot soclat com- •c d lo !iii, 6ot only Wider Lu11,W.1 llev. Duatu Etiennt, pellll law, and .more vl1orou1 '9kod. freer, more alert, more respon• munl,atlons: 4 contribution or I e1thetlcal and tecbnlcal ••· of TeU Cit,: Rn. Ra:,mond le1l1latlon In other areu 1uch Th p · d hi slble more brotherly and more Inspiration cocourai:ement e:il, pl'Ct, but 1110 from the human, Ktultr, ol lndlanapolla; Rn. II thal of respect tor h,llman e ope answere "own nobl~ " hortatloo. '._guidance and ~oop, 'moral , nd rellcloua point of Joseph Madtr, llldlanapolla; riabll and aeparation or power, questloo by uylng unqucstlon, · cratlonl" • · view, bearln1 In mind tbe blsb• or In the Church. a bl>· yc1, and expressed the In a menage on the occasion ' ut values of lite." <, Rev. Jamra O'Rller, or lndl11• apolll: Rtv, Martin Petfr, of hope that new proposals for or World Communications Day POPE PAUL rererred to Valli "WI HAY believe In the necotlallon1 will be accepted. (May 7) broadcast /rom Vall• can Council ll's decision to Calllne the work of commlllli• ... TIii and Rn. Andrew • to Cit:,; humanity the Church( Fa• can Cit>•: the Ponti! cited anll make social communlcallftns cations media. "a noble Weldebmp, IDdlan1polla. , ot p. . aer- ~j °' tber Ony aald, clalm1D1 tnat the rotestant pralJcd the contribution made media a subject of 1tudy u vice," the Pope expreued the • preaent code 1tres1es the dlvlnt by the press lllms. radio, telc, cl'ldence ol " the Church's moth• hope that they ·:may alwaya ~ Amoa1 lbt new dt1coa1 will bt two membtrs·of St. Melnntd element or law too much. "Since ' ,·Jslon and ot~er social corn mu, erly Interest In the furtherance measure up to the nobility of tht Benedletint Arcbabbe,-Fraltr tbe Church b like • net lull or , "}' nlcatlon1 media " to the enrich• of human nlues which Chris• minion which makes tbem ID• \ Mattblu Neuman tDd Frater all kind, or tl1h," he uld, "In COUDCI mcnt, of culture, to the spread tlanll>', as It embrace, them termedlarles and, u It were, Ephrem c•rr-bo 'lrill be or• Ill le1blatlon, we have to accept or ,·arlous ,artistic forms, to wholcheartcdl)', render, more master, and 1uJdu, betweea L dallied lo lbe prlHtbood In· Sep,, a certain amount or conlu1lon recreation lo mutual knowledgo vital and nobler." truth and the public, the reality ltmber, and dl10rder" or rilk p1raly1Jng and unde;standlng among peo• , of the exterior world and tbt the lood human motivation of advocate"d pie& and abo toward the spread lie· emphasized the lmpor- lnne~ reaches or eon1cle11ce." Followln1 IN brief blo,rapbl. many wbo would move the of the Gospel message." ______, ______cal 1kelcbe1 or tht ordlnandl Church forward. • C •1•b d" , • t II d lntormatloll coaceralq CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-An 0111• However, the Pope warned e I acy 1spe...,.sat1ons their Flrat Solemn Mauta: Father Ony al,o aald that clal or the National Cpuncll of 1hat the ability of "thcae lnstru• 11 _ Church .law, 1hould "be more Churchu proposed here that JO ments" to spread "thought, hu• • " RIY. Ja11111) I. Al'Mttll 1crlptura1: evan1ellcal, expre1- Protest.int denominations hold man expression. the Image, In• d H 1 s 'Jbe ioa ol Kr. Hd Mn. Ed· 1polvlne llnot '!!e wwaordrd om( eGrocdlf'u'I aRnt a Jolntr coudnc 11 ~Jmed at "a pro• tormallon and publicity" results. O ward M. Arneson, ot NlntYeb, 1 10 1 • ccu o up at1 ng · 11 m 11 ar to that In the power to "bring pressure reserve to y ee Ind.. Rev. Ame,on wu ,radu• deemer." undertaken by the Second Vall• to bear upon minds, leaving • · •led from lbe Latin School ot " Sheer' formality," he 11ld, can Council. their deep mark upon the men• VATICAN CITY-Pop~ Paul •·ebruary 9, 1952, and Cler! Iitdlanapolla, St. Mary'1 (Ky.> "hu to 10. • It kill• the mind The ro osal was laid before .tall!>' and the conscience of man VI. In granting Eastcrn•rlte bl1h• Sanctllate of June 2, 19S7, Tbb · Collt11 and St. Maur'1 S.1111, and the 1plrlt." • the Co~suf.at1on on Church Un• who Is being pressed and almost ops the same powers or dlspen• ,Is 10, It 11ld, "unleu the Sec• DlrJ In South Ualoa, Ky. Jon, a formal effort tiy the 10 overpowered by I mrll,l,pllclty sallon. he i:a,•c Latln•rlte blsh• ond Vallcan Ecumelilcal Co1111cll d He will oUtr hla Flr1t Solemn denominations to unite Into a or contn lctory appca •· ops last year. has rcsen·cd dis• clearly repealed thla Je1illatlon Mau at 10 ,a.m. Sutlday, Ma\, ~mllllon,mcmber church, The "ONE CANf.JOT Ignore," the pensatlons Crom; priestly cell- or repealed or mlt11ated parta U, ID Holr N&fllt Cbuttb, Steeb • Con1ultatlon'1 76 dcleutc1 al• Pope said, •'the danger and th~ bacy 10 the 1101> Sec. or It '"'s Orovt. lttctptlin will bt beld ID pastoral center tended a. four•day meetlni: here. damage ;which these 'means, Jn a motu proprlo (personal · tbt parlab ball from I to I p.111. , The suuutlon wu made h>• however noble In them,elves. papal document) entitled Epls• SPECIFICALLY, the motu to bt coachldtd with Betledlc• I· CONCEPl'ION, Mo._: BJ1hop the Rev. Colin w. William{, a can lnlllct upon lndlvlduala and copalls Potcstatls, dated May proprlo puts Into ertect tor the lion. Chulu H. Helmalnc or Kan,u National Council or Churches society when they are not em,• 2. the Pope kept to hlmsell the• Eastcrn,rltu ,ectlon 8B or the City.St. Joseph, Mo., bu Joined ployed by man with a sense o right ~ dispense Crom 1~ spc• • , ,. Mlnllte~• or the Mau wW ID• alar r member and a Con1ulta• rcspooslblllt• with an honest If' di . council s Decree on the Pulonl elude: FaUitr aemlnary ortlcl1l1 In approvlnll lion adviser , , c 1c rcgu1 a 11 ons, 1nc 1u ng var . RoblrC Rirtm~. · . Intent and In conformity with Jous ~pe~lmenls to marriage. Olttce of Bishops In the Cbun:b, •rt!'P~•IL M1,r. AD Ibo D y tha 0J1enln1 or a putoral tor: XIIIIIICllllllGI. ol Wortbln,toe, matlon center at Immaculate Dr. Wlll11m1, a Methodist, re• the objective inoral order.'' · The Pope ref ailed that In a Just as lut June'1 De Eplacop• 0., a coualtl, dtacoa;' and Fa­ Conception Seminary here. minded the delegate, that the l'o e Paul expressed partlcu• motu proprlo •of last June he orum Munerlbua did tor the ther. WIWam Pappp, aub­ Epl1cop1I Church, • Consulta• lar :Oncern tor the lnlluence of had i:Jven the umc authority Latin rite. It act, Au1111t a of deacoa. Tba bomU, wUl lie Tbe center, lo open Septem• lion participant, II now comlder• mmunlcatlons upon the to bishops of the Latin Rite. this year, the least ot the rrr.1111- IIYen,by Fatbtr John Sciarra. . ber I, wlll afford future prluta Ing holdlne a "little council" of ma~geco aeneratlon He ,treued That document, Do Spilcoporum lli:uratlon, aa the datt,wben tht flnt•hancl contact with city It• own. He 1ueguted thit thl1 ::: re;ponilblllty ~I tho,e en• Menerlbu1, wu dated June 111 Juridical upect1 or that ltlil- . arr. MtlYIII N. ltttrallll problem, auch , •• • W1e!f:l~loy• council be broadened to Include eaged In dlrectlna youth and ot and publlahed two days later. latlon become eftectlve. nd Rtv. Btrtrand, ff, la tht - IDtD\;'p()Yert:,, racial preJQcVce, cleru , laity from • 11 the public authorltlu u1Jn1 mau ON TH• iubJ•ct of cl•rlcal Section 8B 1'-te1 that: ''Tbt Mn. Frank Btrtrud'and 11,re11t1on, poor education and Con,ultatlon churches. ti r "th 1· • ' "' or tbt aulHtandard houatnc. In addl• • communlca on, or e r own celibacy the Pope ruerved the general law" or the Cbun:b , -r-, late Kr. Bertrand, of rtordl lion, the procram will provide Tht Comultatlon was be1un penonal education •• well •• following dl1pen11tlon1 to him• grant.a the faculty to each dlo- Kaoba, lad. Ht Ii a iraduaje 00 of Our LadJ ol Pro,ldtnet Jllp eouna In peyeholoa, aroup live yean 110 by lho.Epla.c:opal, .the promotion qt bro,\l\erh f 11m --rcsan bishop tll- dllpeut, ID a School, Cltrkmllt, st. Mary•, dynamlca, catac:hetlca, homllec• United ~•byterlan, and lfetho- and peace amon1 men to ~In· particular case, lbe tallbful O\'tr tlCJ. cou11Hllnl aoclolou ecu• dilt Churches and the United cbarae their r-e1pon1lblllty • The obll1atlon or celibacy, whom they lesally tJterclaa au• (Ir. ) Oollt11 11d tbt It. MtlA­ Judp o1 Tbtoloa. mtnlcal and moral theol~CY, Chun:b of Chrlll\ the furtherance and the delen,e that l1 the prohibition to marl')', thority u often u Ibey racl Scbool to wblch ,deacon, and P~lesta that It cootrlbutu to tbtlr aptr. 'J1lt Finl Solemn Mau will be are bound even Ir they are leel• ltual 11•ellare, except ID lh­ olftNd at , p.m. lluadaJ, Mar tlmately reduced to the lay atate cases whlcb have betn t1ptdally U, IIJL llar1'1 Quircb, Flordl or le11tlmately return to ·that reserved by tbt 111preme au- bobs. Btctptloa, II tbt parilh 1t1te In rltea In ~blch married tborlty or tbe Ch11ttb." ball, II tcbtdultd from T to I cleru ue 1101 permitted. tllltltllllllllllal p.111. · • In rltu whlcb a I I o w Falber Paul Oftr wW 11n1 •• married cleru, from celibacy 'Good old d1ya' attbprltat o1 ·u., rtnt Mua. freely cbOHn by a cleric. • Otbar ...tan, no will - LONDON - Ca..... l , ... lllcluda: Bel· • In rite, .,,hlcb do not al• Htenan tf W"'1nlnatw - etlabnta, Patbtr low married prluta, from tbe '""'41 ... a 111rchlatrltt Ill mtllld ll&Dtt, Fatbtr llmwd • problbltlon of enrclaln1 prlutly .,., .. tntw looptun, Fatlltr Jllltllll Wadi, t11f ..,... Father WWlam Snlat, Patbtr functlo111 by manled prlHtl Unltn. A 1W1t .,.._ ...... Rldwd 8mltll ud , ... All­ wbo received the order or· tbe at the 17111 -• ...... et tbony SUaaa. TIii llllmllt wU1 prlutbood without a dilpenaa• tht Mtnttl Aflw,Ca,. ,._ llt ,t,111 by Fatbtr 1111111. lion of lbe Holy See. clatlNI, the ..,._, aaWt -t bl. WllfrN I, ·Dey In 1-.t. tht new d~nt •raalf - a.__ .._ COllflrma ~ pnvloua ltllala· •tllflca"- ef • ..,..... '1111 - ol llr. ud Mra. WU. tloD N,ardllll' tbt powtn of trfat. It - .. ,,., .... frtd L. Dar, of LulfflJl,1 lid.. an. Dar, -. la • - ti , Sutmi-rfte biaboPI COlltillued ::i-- --= ::..:.•,:: It...... ,.. parlall tllm. .. la Pope Plu XD'a apoatoJlc lat• ....1:.:: Mlf...... , W • WU PWIIIN from OU, Laq , ten. CNbne Allatae al rt11ru. , ...... If ... 11 -, II, i-. lleWeltudllllm N• - ~ ., .. Pro,ldeff · ~lelaool, rtnm ol JIIIIIU)' I, 11m; ,_. _,,... -r., q•~C:t..::4•• 11111 T) . a...... Apoatollcla Wterta "' " ) ....' .... L : ~~-Sf. 'RIESTS:· AS,OC,ATiq~ _ . S~-:f5lh~ •. .ile ~ n 0:rditiiltfcl{ lpedful, Jeq IOltalllj cit- • <, :t€i'L• I , ' • '' • L ... Jeu ~ )JJTi~ditional~st1s sern:,o~_. fOllt-ud tllt Blt1Ad _lam, • (Contlllllld from.,... 1) • ne,llu B. ~, v.a,. P.A. Ill offend at ·~....,; .... Ill tlil ,ellNl ll!Jl u met deM"tl all tllt fflll'llal 11111'• (Ky.) ~.. pd It. ~ will ...;,Ja 'Ille Ila, H, 111 uw. a.di, acblduWd from• to,.,.. aolemnll.J and dnotloll•wt eu Jltlllrad.~~of L1ben1 Arla Latin klloOl nftttria llldlW~ l,eeptJan ud ...:. ,.,_ will ~1 ..., contrtn to belp u Ill more Ill- --1o , ..._ ' • '-" ...... t =" ••"- •- Ille parbll --• • ' q~ -Goo~ Shepherd Sunday ttrlortj, d t. 'nit nice cl •- 11 wen .....,. 11 aw DutM J •~ _,, ww ...... "' wm •JUdiafd Sadlillll, V.P,, .lff, 1M111 ~:u~r:t Ilona It. Jftlllnd llebool cl 'llleoloa,. flit .0:. of JII'. ~ Jin. Sul =.: ~:.: ~ Mr. Jadl BtralJ, o( :'!i II Juat . IIIOlher ••1 aome., ol Pint ,llolelllll Jiau ~ be 11:tltw 1111 Oidlallld U • _. Jiolqto!I, tbe 'followllla luDda1 ud an. Kr. ~• ,,._J:', be • 11 • TIida, IJ Good llltphtnl 111111,- Edlror', Nolr-l'ollovlttf' I, IM Im of••'""°" pmicMCI ::: ::•a.~m~ol :.-:; ~•r~.. 8:l~ :.~ ~ft.cl•~ P~at•:..pa':m~ bl Ooilc_,_._eltbl'lllb at::= •!f r.'.:;'; JI-:,.=.~~;;,_.. ~-= 1 1 da,. l eaDDOI lm111nt that the b, IM, pc,lor of St. Ltitf', pcirl,11, llldJalMlpofl,, TIIIIIII' Pcnil 'more Ilk• tllt ordlllary •IPUI· from I to I p.m. Ill UM pariah 1tudlu wtn eo~leted at St. C - x,,r. 1 ' 11.,.. ' : Ooapel and• tbt Mau pr111n J. Cot1rt11tf, OIi April P, Good~ Blllldclw, B1c,11111e of eatt ol utla1, Alld w11Ue Bot, ball. ' Mtlatt4 ltmlnljy Rip lldlool, Boller, Fitller lobqt Bordltrt• today an ,er, p1laltblt to tbt 1,u ,1ro11p lnldlclotlcal ""'°'• 111, •'""°",· 114, nokfd CCIII- CommllllloD t, &iflll Ill UM form F1111tr· Oiarle1 B. blpt wW CoUt11 of ~nl Arlt ud me1er, Falhtr 11:dwiD Soe.i':!' · 111W brttd of reformtn' IA tbt ridmsbl, COlllll!flll _, jll, clffn GIid loifr, i'or 1,-1, ,_ of food, It -m• to me wbolly •:~•;• of ti; Jl~, kllo6l cit ~~11- Addlllollal ~~n=.,~ iJld 8 •re:. 11 ~:=~ Church, 1Ar ldilor, llclot d,dd,d to pml tu 1,st h1 /till. OM of IM appropriate Ulat tbla ••f1Dl7 "· r. rp • •11mmtr •t- wen ltuti Deacoa Mlellatl Rlllklll, Falhtr p· f • 'I •TIM plelun of CbrlJt ti the clwnr, IIIGclt ..., rllllltr=otl I, t/1111 tu t'ICIIIII" fOfflltd Food lbould be totally dltftrul II dlaeoa. Otber -ltbnDII tie UDIHnllJ of Noln Damt,· Aldan will prmb Ille homily ,0 ISSIOftl lofilll dedicated Slltpbtnl who • w, • from tbe ordlllar, •Jll)ffiellff• will IMluda fin prltlt•-, of Finl Bol,11111 Jiau will be - ' l!i ..,. dDWII hil Ult to prolltt bil Ar4'iot1,a11 Prltm' NIii I, • "nlotl" cl,dp,d to 11f·eat1111. / St. Jlll'Jfa parbll: ratbff LIO offeffil al 11:ao 1.m. llmlclan ' .... -Martin A. l'tter Charaden·s1·,cs·· ,. . flock t, not Uktly to appeal to ••ll&rwilu. IM nlllontf of tu Arcllbl,hop.- '" to11J1tctfoll .t...,__ Scbt~!\ FI I b tr Otto May H ill 81 Paal'a Ctsurtb. TIM ion of Kn. Lawnnce J, . elera wjio ba¥t formed a llllloa IOIIII 111, 11,:f, io, art pri,11111p • "rfplr-: bw F~ I, ~• fer ~while-te SdllU..,,.rlcs.8.V .D.h,;atbtr Tb• m~tloa b 1ebtduled Peltr and lbe la~ Mr. Peter of ''""°" 1 troni to proltef tbtlr ownlalere11,. Wolpolr, pc111or of SMrtd f{tort pari,11, l,ffmo,111Ul1, Cl1ld ,...• te ' ~Jc!~ r,8j1 U:S ~•· a to I p.111. ill the 'lenllblt of- st. P1111'1 pa~ ab, 'rell Clfy, the e WREN penoll Yillta = .:;."!:.; 1 i,: TIM allllo11 ol the abtphenl cholnllo11 of 111, Coon111141111g Co111111llu1 for lllt Clffgw A,. fH1 ._.., _,.,. 1 m me • 0 ..! •· Columblll ball Tell City. ordlnand, Je, aUlllded SL lldll· our flulenl lloma ,to mm wbo lladl b1J docU. flock lllto ,oclollow. llut ""' ,.. lher' llor,ta ltcCiwe,. The Concelebrantt will lllelude: rad 'Rish Sebool and Coll•I• of l~lellltD'!~ ~-t,. 11ft IDd nourbblllt p11ture, , paat, M -• - IMllri• bomU, will- be siYtD by Fatbtr Father Anthony !Ut11111, a L I b • r a l Arb. Tbeolosleal IUIDUll be ~mmld ;; . muat be acutely embarru11l11 • :J::,l~:•..:r...• .~:"II, Vlllttnl Tobill, 0 .8.B, toulln: F1tbtr BlalH U.tUeh, 1tudle1 wen lalttn•at•tbl Catl,o, to thole, wbo woqld prefer th• If aol outrlJbt 1ou· of Faith Read re,pectfully and atlellUn• . • In, 1"111111, t.. 1en4 0 .8.B.1 • eouala I Father Wit• Uc UP1nnlt1 America. :t: =~~ 1111111 of problem. • Wbell OIII ..~ , plc_tun of tbt Prnldenl of the 1teie I lo mike t11U1 ivaU1ble 11 whatever he 111.-. He IJ ,the Tbe11 lhillp are, I lhlak, hn• aav. lloDd zs, t, the aon of Uam ' MWllholfer: Father Paul BIi Flnt Solemn·Mau wW be en that tllt flulenl,r.'!~r • Anembly ltltlaS a tODHlllUI of auch matulllta 11: Ct111llllfto Vlttr of OirlJt oa earth. praeUeal fadl wblcb wW fade Fom1t imd,llld lhe late Mn. Vol,t; Fathei" C21arlea Labey; offered at 1:10 PAD, Sllllday, IJ alJo bllflllD and ._ • ...,. tile people OD wbal lo btUtve wtll ., ...... A111trlce and ttr• Beware of tbote wbo CODIIIDI• •••, when their DOHlty dlmt. Bond of Our Lady of Lourde1 and Rev. Mr. Thoma, Boyer, M11 14, Ill SI. Paul'• Church. Jed to "the IUIIII and anon 111d bow to wonblp. • 11111 'other,. We art, of course, ly are llllpill1 11 the Hot, Fa• What 11 more worrbome IJ pariah, lndlanapolil. Ht w11 deaeOn. '1111 bomlly will be ReeepUon wW follow from a to ol bulrlleOIII fortlllll,11 WI Phltffllnl till flock from the atW required to ell'tulflt '111e thtr, beratln1 him for not COD• the lllnd of wrlt1111 111d pnaeb• 1radu1ted from - the LI t In liven by Father Cyprian ·Dull, e p.m. Ill th1,p1rllh aebool cafe- t, mucb to 1111, bat Ill~ 1 le&1Um1t1. Tlll'olllbout ~ wolnt of btmy ud Immorality Criterion, alatt It 11 the Arch· formlllt to tllelr, ,lew1, ' calllll1 1111 whltb tb1U111111 or Clllll• School, SL )11ry 1 (ly,) Collate O.S.B. •. ltrla. profeutooatr · adueatloll ._ t, no lonsar a popular or attn· blJhop'a vehicle for bit mea• him an llldtcWn H1mlel, wbea tloal tbe tradlUollal CatboUc, and St. Maur'a Stmlllary ill ,, 1., bylMINI A Ktaaler Coneel1br111u ._~ · tbe Jiau would-be fulleral dirtetor II aeteptabl• aoalou to tome 111e1 to th, Faithful, but I would be to11111eb modenlloa and re• beUef la Ill• Real Pnaenee of South Union,\ Ky, R 'x 1 25 b tbt f wW be: 111,r. -••rd Bodt· npealldt, rtmllldtd ol tJill brlsbl,eyed rtformtrt. la fact,' su11111 that It thould bt nad speet for Tradition. Bew1re of Chrllt III the Eucbarl1t. Flee Thi Finl Sol11q11 M111 wW et. '" er, ' ton ° bold, an untie; Father Hilary mo1t J mportlllt cle,111ud of It'• 1ett1Dt a Utile d!Ulcult to aelectlvely u l awpecl the lhote who moN aubU, tr, to 1h11 11 • pla,ue. II 1J bereay. be offered 1t- ll l .m Sulld11, :f. }:::.:~ ~:~~ ~~~:.~ ·()lltmmeyer, 0 ,8.B.: Father hlJ e1lllli1. v,anAf tnlll- tell tb1 lhtpherda from- the Archbl1hop blmulf-re1drlt:-dawll1rtde thl Papacy, by COD· JI Ir lnfldeUty. Han DO part May 1', Ill Our Lady of Lourde1 oUi He wu trad~~led from Donald, Sehmldllll; -Father Ed· 1a1 and the ~l'IOllll cbant• wolvtt. · Two wttka you wtn m• atanU, wrlt1D1 and apealdll1 of It. Cburc!i. Rectptloa will be btld the· Latin School St Meillrad ,rard Frazer, S.S., ol W11bllll• 1tri1Ue1 wlllcb broulbl blm 110 to the prclu,1011 Ill Die Ont Pope Paul IA a 1pttcb l found couriied to contribute to the 111la1t the Roman CUrla-tbe Beware too of wrlten and from 2 to , p.m. In L1on1• Hall CoUese and SI Meln;ad School . ton: . F1ther William Mun1bow• place bin fully prep~ quoted ill the lndlan1poll1 Star education of future prlull. To- Pope't admlnlatraUve body, preacben who woold down1r1de 11 Lourdu, followtd by Beat• of T11eoloSY,

wbo know 111d tludJ tbt word of sranla thlm-but allo 1h11 those totally 11111ubtt1ntl1ted but quite for the Mother of God la COD• aerv1 II deacon and 1ubdeacoa, ec:aeelebri~II will Include·0 Fa: Jndlan~pollJ ' He IUtnded st' nera n0ffl6 God till faith of tht Chureb la who have thla wond1rful blm• capable of de1radln1 napeet templlble. Ar,yone who · know, rqpecllvet,. Mitr. lame, A. ther JJlchard Mode Faijier Mat• Melllr1d Hliti Sebool CoD11e oi altered and , the most radical 111, of the prltaU, vocallon do for the authority of ,Rome, reU1lou1 blltor, lalow1 the fall me~•l' wW deUver the sermon. thew Herold, M',sr. Jo,epb ·lJberal A~ and wu ,raduated HSI .-. Merhllan It, 111reulom a1alaat uerouac\ not loae th1 true concept of It la ...,., wr!ttrt 1141 1P1ak•r;, itory of dlabonorlll1 Mary bat 1,'.. Mlch1tl Carr · • . Brollhate and Father William from Mirian CoUe1e, Tbeotoa IMl1n1,1llt 4mi· 0 1 1 10 11 1 °'ua ~:m·:•;~ j,.lhlt period of palllful conlualoa. lrf ffllN llldlrect .,. ~d nl ~~DO'f31' rer ~ Rev. Carr 2t, la the IOD of F. Fisher. Mtll', Brokhaae will 1tudlt1 WtN talten I I Xtllrltll :!!'!:: ::put: the.,.., 11 1 1 f QM'5S • • It 11 errtalnly true that one ,,..ch ,f I awtl, 1,,.11 te u m, 1 ° re,.e a Mr and Mri Joba Carr of Holy "deliver th~omlly. Seminary In St. Louis and St. ~n.. bumbr •~nnJiebyp the CIMOI today llatea to 1U prleall 1n11-1111l111 , ..,1111,ce. ·•· ~ • 11 beU:fr Ind God. Jhry II Ro;,ry parbb, lndlaaapolil. He The nee will be helil fdaur'• Seminary Ill South Ua• I "Yovr Calllolk m quea one , OPP with the old-lime 111ur1ac1 th1t .,1,. ., them-their ,.11 In• e 1rut e ea er of the Faith 1, sraduate of tllt Latia from 3: to 5:30 p,m. Ill tbe Ion, Ky. He also h11 atwided Joo,r, Olntd 51 1 Hid. · . they would be preaeblllt and ttnt 11 te muce the iuthorlty :falDJt h;realea. · •Y eloae lo Sebool, St, lltry'• (tty.) Co1Jt1e Grand Ballroom of the Marolt Buller and Notre Dame Unlver- or.d Opmiud f"'llll'OJ HOIM THI HOLY Father partlcu, tuchln1 th• doctrine l!f the ef Heir Pather. Ch1:{ an 1ou wW be tloll 10 and st. Maur•, Semlllary III Hotel. A aecoad pariah reeep- altlea. the 1 1 larly 1ln1led out lht 'C1th0Uc, Church. Some of them have , · ' · South Union, Ky, tlon wlll be held from T to II Flral Solemn M111 wW be S11«:t JIW' Prell 11 111111,, of i tvlnl cur, auccumbtd to • frenzied ur1e to Seco,ad, lltlea to our Arch• THI LAST Cl.AH of 'false 111, Finl Solemn Mtu wlU R,m. 111 SI·. Andrew'• audl• offered 11 2:30 p.m. Sunday; rency 10 every kind of ertor. queatloa evel')1hla1 1ad to blahop. He b the oae to whom prophet, ind hlret1111 ,bephenla be ottered at T:30 p.m. Monday, torlum. · 1111 14, 111 St. Mlebatl'• Church: Thia h11 been, p1lntully evlde11t chaa11 whatever, la older than DI ville Providence hat tom• t would wirn. you 111lll1t-l1 M,1 I, IA Roly ' Ro11r, ·Cburch. · • , le for aome time. That II why lhe lateat bit re~rd. mlrted lhe tire 01 llllt portion that 1roup which· II turnln1 Coaeelebrat1D1 will be four other Rn. JamH O 11 ' th ~ nil c boll of Chrl1t'1 noel!. He II our , ... f th • _.,_ ti .Tbe ton of the late Mr. and ere are ,.a y any al c PATHII, CHARLII Davi• of ahephercl-and all the dloee,an ,a1111lJt the CalhoUc Church I m11n .... r1 o ' I Onuul on Mn. Denali Jt O'Rlley, of Dan, PONDEROSA STEAi( HOUSE m1111lnea put on our pamphlet Eail•lld wa, one of the moat re- prlula are ,ubJeet 10 blm. 'Ibe traditional 1trlet code of 1t1t el111, M11r. Joaepb Brokbate, ,me, ru., Rev O'Rlley, 42, ·II 1 rick any more. ,peeled propbell of eb1n1e and unforlunate union Y(blth ,ome moraUly. Beware of lhoae wbo Father J1mt1 Dooley and Fa, member of ss"::i>eter and Paul lOthllCISIIADUND l would feel. 1ullly .. of con• h11 now chaa1ed blmulf Into • prleah of this dlbcete have would have the Church looten lher J1me, Doherty. The bom• •Cathedral parllh, lndlan1poU1. trlbulln1 lo doubt and conlwloa married ex.CalboUe. othen, formed ha, no authority what, the bo11d1 ot Malrlmoay, •lhote lly will be 1lven •by M11r. Cor• A iraduate ol Danville Rish OPEN ··iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Im ~romllleat bave tone the ever, and, In my opinion, II I who would l!l•ke Ulht of lmpur- • 1chool, the or\llaand attended 11me route. wholly unJustUled lnlrlnaement 111, wbo rl~leuli the noble Ideal uMful •1111 wlll become qvll1 the Chlca10 Art rn,tllute t,ro Sll.,TIIIIS. .1 f A.M.-9 '.M. 1 Chan111 ordered by Vatican upon the aulborlty of the Arch• of dedicated eeUbac,; for the acceptable In 111111, • . • yean, tbe American '1'1\~•\N u were aot lllOll&b for them. blahop aake of aervlce to God• Cburdl. Wini In New \"orll three' Ytar1 FIL-SAT. lf A.M.-10 P.M. TbeJ want ttteall1I 1ub1tanllal By ; eurlou, mlichaace l wu Tbete 1peak • doetrtae forel411 I eaMOt conclude without and wa, sradu,ttd from the ehaa111 wbltb would dutroJ elected, duplle my vocil oppo, lo the llp1 of Cbrl1t and J'tPUI· iympathWn1 ,omewbat with the Collete of Mortuary Science, the Church u the laalllutloa allloa the whole Idea ,ome n1at lo the mind of the Church, coafutlon this con1re11tlon mutt lndlaaapollJ. He·wu I llcenttd 10 10 II f, founded by Chrtat to proclaim kind, of board or committee of He lllJtltuted and ~dtt. feel they hear the dWtrtDI funeral dlredor three y,an. JIIJ' doctrln,t and to be a aource, thlJ union. 1 have made 11 clear Amlil, all tlle confu1lon and emp~ull •~d fnt 11nl :d•:• Enterlnc \he aemlnary la 11159, of H11 •1race. • that I wlll participate for tlle turmoil of lhrn Umu of we ,our P 11 • re 1 1• he attended St. Mary•• (Ky,) l know that m1ay of you are sole and aln&le purpo,e of de- chance, you can keep your bal• Lu:~• 1 •~ i:.cb Colle1e' and SL Maur'a P~•::I wi 1:••~ Sell\!· contwed and wonder-lo who.JI 1lroyln1 thl~ unlop. Undoubte~- 1ncf and 1our FalUI U yoy )latmour um e 1 h~· , Dir}' ja South ,U11lo11u)Cy," ·•«'" 11111 :''.~";P 1 ,, Jlliould_.we,11,im J.et 1M' mal!I' IJ, r wlfl ,ooa be 'tJeeted • heed the Holy l'atber, your e re you ,...a w • Tbe Finl Solemn 11111 •J" J>e aome reeommeildaUoaa. J wlJh to make II tlea; that 1 ArehbltboP-and 1top,,your ear1 react dWert11Uy 10 the ew offered at 11 1.m. Sunday, Ma, Finl, IIJlen to the Holy Fa• have the hllhetl re1ard for the 11ala1t thoae ·who attack: ' trench • 11d 1::•,~ ~• Cbudreb, 1', Id SS. Peter 111d Paul Callie• ther. Search for b1J 111ld1ace. m1ay 1lneere ind devoted 'Ibe P1paey, we •re a1 1 I en I aa ea• dral. A' reception will be held th prlealt who are promotln11 this The B111,ed Sacrament, tertalA e trtalett reaped for from a to 5 p.m. Ill the audl, Con..... lftffy locffld ""' 0th nd union-or a11oelaUon, u !bey Tbe Blened Vlrllll, each er'• ilncerlty a prleat, torlum of M11?, llowuy Co1111, lhe 1,465 y 0 Pa11 th, prefer to caU It-but Ill my The ChrllUan ldew of purity. lyJedlcaUo~. l In t be ood cU, Klll1bll of Columbut, 511 E. I ' O f -»""" can iiochtcl In opinion they are on the wron11 e are • ry I I Tbompton Rd. . a 1.- mlnutn ,,.,.., anvwh,re · traU completely Good Shep, Dtn't !•I the miner ch111111 1hepberdJ, and we boneally Mlalaten of the Matt lllclude: •!l In town. ,Treat 'l'OW famlly to ) DID,Y~U KNOW ••• hero ~unda, aee~•.a Sood Ume "PMI yev, The -• that ,,. 1111 your praxen for ua In what Father Denni, H. O' RlltYv 1 lo menllon II. lmpr1etle1I incl uHlen wlll 11 a dWlcult lllJ!e for ahepberdt brother, of Ra.ntoul, m., areli, a 111ak dlnn,, you can I offa,dl th1t L.. lonalrt • make frequent vlllt• to: So lltlea to the Holy Filher. fall 11111 deauetude end the II well II for the flocll. . prleat: Father Gear,, CoUln, Litten to our Arehblthop. They * * * * * * deacon: and Father Johll Ryan, are our chief and aulhenuc Cl As ~· 1ubdeaeoa. Very Rev. H. Fr1n• -St, Vlnnnt'a Hespllal •i!tpberda. ergy sociation cl1 Van Staten w!U J\ftaeb. -VA Hespllal SOMI NOT TO IIJteu to are thoae who ·,re atlaeklnl foµr -s-,s.. S.nltarlvm -GIMral HNpllal I very eharaclerlatlc 111d flltD• ODS ! -Talbet HIIIM _-Cl1r111111t Olrta lchMI llal quaUtltt of 1enullle Ca• answers al1 egat1· . · tboUclJm: · formerly of l11dlaaapoU1. IJe -Llttl1 ll1tar1 tf the l'Nr -l'lfllllffln ••"'•'"' • Tboae who 1peall i 11lntl w11 1raduated from Sceclna -MelhNht HNpltal -Nvrsl111 He111H the Pope. JI waa loyalty to the By IIV. ltOBIIT J, ...:•bond of communlon wit~ the Memorl1l Bish Sebool, Indian• voice of Cbrltl't Vicar on earth WALl'OLI blthop and with hh brother 1pol!J; and attended St. Mary'• -Cantrel ltatt HN,1111 -tnd llllll'f ethtra, that uvi d European catboll Th hi h the • prlull." The Council further (K,J.) Colle1e and SI. •Melnrtd 111 •. cl•m al lhe time of Lutller'~ f Se .:kff!OD ril: dt or atalu, "Thia union of prlttt• Colle1e of lJberll Art,. Tbe­ revoll from faUlna Into the 0 t. 1 l~al bl 1u 1a rnap- with their b1Jhop1 ii all lhc • ololY tludlu were taken al St. 11 Geel C•llf•f l'OV t• • 1po1tacy of Prote11111tl1m l\ ~!J'~enberd11 ; d• pcop I on more neceuary today · • , no llelar1d School of Tbeoloa. 11 0 wlll uve ua 11 lhla time of con, talllly C: worll u:f a~ d~~:~ci prlut can, la ltolallon or 1la1le: '111e Finl Solemn Mau wtU fu,lon and doubt from tlle tidal ahepberd of ,the flock. HI• ex• handedly, aeeompllah hla ml1 ------L, wave of lntldellly which Html b' rt"tlo I I I II l aloa In I t1tltf1etory way. lie r- D • II O oy1 1, to our O Y CID do 10 only by jollllal force, to be 1ppro1chlll11. St11 with Father and reverent 1ubmllalon with other prlctU under the di th~ PBope. f ho h ... lo our Arcbblabop w11 motl ap, rectlon of church autborlllet.'; LEGION of MARY ew1re o I ae w o 1pe.. proprlale to the Iheme of !he o f •· d f 11aln1t the Real Prenatt of d DI o t ... 1Ute purpo,e1 o •·t ·- lb Bl ... S t I)', ' ' our 111oclallon It, ta UH •1•111 For, Information or Llltratvre, eall Chru "' e eHcv acramen Within the context of ueb • • th -'- f th U ''th t or who try to ehanse the devo- 1 t won.. o • eo1111c , • tlon we ahould liave to our 1plendld 11111, however, and oa prleat, may find mutual 1111J, J Euchariltlc Lord Thi• one 1ueb ID oeeuloa, hl1 exeorl• lance Ill the development of , l Mary Car•on Bob HoffmaM 11 1 reaton why I ao ·,damantly op, allon o_f 1n ataoclalloa of lbe their 1plrllu1l and IAlellectual It. M1ry't Cllurch C11hMr1I Church pose the popular no,celty of prlealt of our Arcbdloeete II, It Uvea. 11 We think• the a,,oc:I~• w.w, m.- reeelvllli Communion ,tandlns 111m1 to me, eapeelaUy di,, tlon would be of areal anlJ• up or whll• 11111111, ' IOIIII I turblll1. ln hlJ aecoad- para, lance to tbt Arebbbbop to "Ill· uow that Pll'IOIII wbo proaiote 1raph, Father Courtney polnU 1•1• In dlle111al1111 with bl• Ill 1eeu1ln1 fill1er at a lfOIIP ,prlctll, even eoUectlvet,, Upt• of prleaU "bleh · be cal!J • claUy about p11tor1I malltrt." union. I would DOI have 111ll1td Ulat be w11 1p11lllll1 of hit LAil' JANUAIY OU~ Arch, brother ·prlut1 In tbe Archdlo- bllbop addre11ed a letter to all o ? ttH, were II Doi for the f1cl hla prle1t1 wherein Ill Hid, "I MAl(E YOUR MONEY WORI( ror,: YOU that be later ldenUfle, ua with wlab lo call upon yaur aatoda, na car CAMI' MAIYDALI POA THI PAMILY1_ Ben Jut I lloun ,.__ d th II I f II drlH from lDdllllapollJ 111d wltkla 10 --Ii aaduaU hl1 1wpect 1111lon, """ an • 11 1 aaca O I J on lllllnlala Tl IJ toO acn Clml! K•--'•••h• former llorM our prleat1 to help form our 1 t --· ~ of ~,.,,,.,... 1111 Invest It wisely end securely through otir THI COMMITIII to which Ardldloeeaan SeDlll," (Tbe WO cars arm. ·- ·- Gnu are Father Courtney nftrr,- of Ardlbbllop lllfd tbl wonl "II• ~ill Ji• b ~ ;!~ -:.;,.:..~ ~': wlllcb lie 111d l ... member,, II aoelJtloll"-not "1111lon.") Far eablu lnlUIICl mlnw llu ll't Ill CCllltrut 'lfllb Kar,daleli LIP.I INCOME MISSION CONTRAC1i compolld ol U prleall of our .from bllat an "llllrlll1eme11\ modem llllltaU. 111d 1IIOden INdlq fadUUaa. (A OIPT ANNUITY) Arcbdloc111. TIMJ ••n tboltll- UpoD tbe 1uthor111 ol lht Artb• lll'amllv Auto Tbe 11111111emeat lllllllberllla .,-JIIOPle lllduda two Ill' ID •~ Ill wbleb 13 per bllbop," thl aaodalloa, u wt r, , Cltbollc pritlla Ill re1~. 1111 ~ II Ill dlarP an~ you wll I rece·lve -t of ,our dua putlelpated. oa,llloa 11, would aolldUy tbe ol • ~ll1ll'N 111d UDdlr Ille ~ dllclli'. 1111 commltlN WU foralld be, mr1m111tal UllloD cl all tllt ln1uranc• '!D-10II e":.. ~.~· .. =. ~ . eomr:= , CIUM 1111 mambera ol thl Ciera prlaaU wllll Hell ollMf 111d wltll p' ---.... th• CIJIIP 11om1, ,,\,all to :,ou ll't IOml • ...... camp A lllali nit If n11n1 i Al -H1fi,,l11fi_...._ _ • bad upl'IIMCI a duln for I our, ArdablJbop, Ill fnlmlal Iv•"• actl, IU.1 llld11decM11• abri1, _.. ",_ • : mYIIIII• ....,.. ._ "eltttul UIOC!lalloll • • • Ill It• daarll.J ud rn1rt11t obedlact MAIYDA' • RIITlllAT .t::,L U~~ . . cordllltl wlUI tlil aplrlt of N• WI woul4I foallr tile putor~I •ntl••1 famlly .. . ' • An I I nalN .. ~IIIIIM•-ltlM 111Wal u tua•llld by Vatltan can Df tbi IOllll •tnut.d to 111. . , Couplea retrllta at lltrat <• ate 11 I.YA IIIIIIN~ ...... U, • U III auoelalloa WIii to C° eaa_,.., ~~ At t111 am 111111U111 ., tbla lbftrt UMM ~a....,. Call for rate• tw 1111_, ntnatJiau:~:=-- 111e ddldna... .,. · 111e __,11 ..11 • comml~ ratlllr Court, ol u woaJ4 Jolli ra111er ODvt· 'and ln•ormatlon. IIIPlffllJla 1114 11ft ol Camp llu7dalr' ORPIHIIDn. 1111 wu to attad, It WII 1111 Ill dlunt. OIi till _, I' CAMl'INO Y:::JlaO,t R 11111111-..t,-ud -...11ean, tnrJ, llowffw,~ wt dil llll tlllllll lllldt ,our aU-..• n~!L·•r!:M••:,_.::' - ~ tllat we ftl'I. DOI or• tllat we ll't "•• 1M --, ~~-• Nlllter t11i GL: at~ ------~,...... ,. .. a aloL All auocla· tnlL" 1'k piltm IC aaftt U a-t =Fl~upt~ ~lllaa fir a t ______prla1a Ill a ~ tbl Good ...... 111111 dote -~•-- ...,.,.,,), 'I M ._. be • o1 t11oN tutn- 1PP111 t. u. ...._.., k11. daJ t ~ •o 1!11 •...._ to tM llllllll, _._.. .., tlll .a: .are.,_ to ...... _ camp 111d _, a,, ,wr m.= a Cllllp ~'-----~ ------• '!'~~~~ ::,.::1 ..... tllllllltrftlellWI Ill...... lla,;dale.l . . 11 lllla•IIYN,~.,:,-a.•:: Write for p,. i =:-'~ :"..i"::: . eoa,w. a,_.,;.. · 'I ,.::.....,_ el 1M llffWlll Wt~ ll wll• "&: Ii l:L,~ ..... • . ~ ~ *.I' tr ~ I ' ~ ...... tt=;~~.... .CAM,~ • ' I r'.4!1J"'..C. Vlllea IJ ....., • J:=: ~ ~.~ ...... 9'111.f•:~ ICY.... · .,._ ,-llldl afW llll ,-t•lt'1 llllllatlla 'WIii ... ~ -~------,.___ ':""!"'_~~'!--~----~-...., 'WITH POISE At'D PATIENCE;. . . .Sta,lin ~s :da'ug/it~r narrates,' • • .I • • • I ' ., . .TII• N~ Cnfnnu of Catllolle Bl,llep. aj,p,owlt, for .U-tioe a1ld opffotlol 111• fA tll• lllllr11V.. tll• pro,• her flight _jrQm communism~- lfllllllaliov of Ill• 11qvnu1 a, /1111ftd ffl' J. C011qUJ, HYJINS or 'l'HE ROIIAN UTUliOV (Lolldoft, J957), 'J'MH lrml,lallou err• publl,hed lln• aftd ea11 b• fumed Ill tM Ir DOIUI l. l'ITlll 1pon1lble for those horrible Important." SM aald Ille coald • thin11, klllina people unJu1tly, not ilnderstand why II 11 lmpol' ' mi,,ol or ,ocnimnl4r, for 1'H, • • • r • NEW YORK-With con1ldet• I feel that responsibility for thl1 I able poise and • wealth of P•· wu and 11 the party'a, the re, tant about "how much I penoa VlctlmH P1sch1II tlence, the dauabter of ' Josef alme and the tdeolo11 u ,i welshed or what he had for1---~--~~~IP""""­ Stalln1 late Ru11l1n dictator, whole," she continued. lunch." She conceded thal tracta at I lenJlhy and packed To the P11ch1I Vlc'Um lei Cbrl1t\1n1 oUer a 11criflce pre11 conference · the events Mn. Alllluyeva-she now use1 "more Information II better of prelM. , which led her to dlaavow com, her mother's maiden . name- than no lnformaUon al all." The Lamb redeemed the ,beep. Cbrut, al.nleu, recoa, munlsm and embrace rellaion. said 1he Joined the Communist cUed alaaer• to the Father, · u I pirty 20• years 110 while 1he SHI IINT roan of l1u1bter ... ra. Svet 1111 Alllluyeva 11ld WII 1 ,tudent at the University throu1h the crowded conference Death and Ille were locked toaetber. In 1 'unique atrua, these cbanaes In her life beRan of Moscow. She said her when she re.ponded to a ques, ale. Llfe'a captain died; now he relana, never lnore to die. durlns ~ r university student studies nurtured the seed 01 lion of whether she eventually Tell u,, Mary, "What did )'OU ,ee OD the Wl)'f" lllllllllllllllllltllllllll1tt111ttmllllllllllllll1JlfflH disenchantment with commu- would apply for U.S. citizenship. "J IIW the . lomb or the DOW llvlna Christ. J IIW the i dllerlal, Patt • ' niim. " W~ll, 1 th~k tdhabel hetor~ !l:: alory of Chrl1t, now risen. I 11w 1n1ell,who 11ve wllne11; " The 1tudy 0 1 humanities marr •ae 11 I ou1 1ove, the clotha too which once had covered head aad Umb1. HOll'ITAL VOJ.UNTlllS-Mra, Owel MIiier, left, and Mra. llllllllatttlllttlllllllltamm1111111ma1111111111a ioclal , flencea and Marxisn; replied. "So; ll J will love tbll ' "Chrl1t my hope bu arlun. He wUI 10 before 'his Otor11 T, Klrtcheff, lotttt of Ovr Lady of' LeuNNs parish, In, dt)'J and were climaxed by the lt1elf made me critical of many country and this country ~II own Into Galilee." dlanapells, will be htnel'ld fer 2,000 htura of voluntNr service treatment 1lven her late hu,, o! the thln11 I could m around ~\~~,~~enB~~e :"!~~~~ ;;~ We 'know that Christ h11 Indeed rlun from the dead. et the West 10th ltrfft Veterans Hospital on Mar I , (Staff band, BriJesh Sln1h, an Indian, me, and to the thin11 I could now .. , Do you, conqueror and 'kin&, have mercy on u,. Amen. phm) . . by the Soviet re1lme. .;, see In our country and In other · Allelula. The daughter of the man who 1oclal11t countric1," she said. She said her first lmpreuions was characterized 11 "a. 20th " Because ii w11 not exietly of 1h11 country wi re very Sood, AT VA HOSPITAL ' century Nero" because ol his what we were ta.ugh! theoretl• She uid many of her friends Venl. Sancte Splrltus • persecuUon1 of rellalons, with cally,'' she continued. ' " Later, had ••lilied the U.S. and told htr la:: d eng11in1 frankne11 diicuued after my father's death, .• carr of the American way of life. Come, holy Spirit, and· from heaven direct on man the nonor.e __ her embi:,cc...olreUalon,_ J_!Ll_liat I h~ e lo~.....9ll.!!!, -' - "Uound the_c~ntry Vlll and 2401 W. Wesll. . Ml 7,an · raya of your ll1ht, Come, faiher of- the poor; come, alver -.Gr_oup to .be ·•1 believe all rell1ions arc ot wltli7ili'aeath-:7>ecauie li,0 beautiful and people kind and CITY WIDI DILIVHY of God'• 1Jft1; come; U1ht of men's hearts.' Klndly Para­ good," • Mn. Alllluyeva said. wu for me the authority whien open-~earted," she said. clete, In your 1r1clou1 visits to man's 'soul you brln11 "They are Just different ways' to could not be-well, I loved him, relief and consolation. If It Is weary with toil, you brln)I · · for volunteer work God. When I am talkina about I respected him, and when he II eue; In the beat ol temptation, your 1r1ce cools II; God, I am talkina about happi- was gone I hl\'e lost maybe o If sorrowful, your word, con1ole II. Llaht most blessed, Two membcn or National Until recently, Blue Ladles neu and the iblllty to lead 1 1qt of faith . .,Just personal IMilb shine on the ,hearts of your faithful-even Into their dul:­ Catholic Community Service escorted patients to 11111 In the good life on earth. . and respect. es~ corneri; for without your aid man can do nothln1 100d, who ha,·c each gh•en more than ho1pllal chapel on Sunday. ThlJ '"There i bould be less 1trug- SHI SAID THAT in the Int and everythln1 Is sinful. Wash clean the sinful soul, ra!n 2,000 ljour1 in hospital ,·olunt~er .service is now provided by me'ln• gle among peoples. This Is my IS years many in Russia,, par- down your 1race on the parched soul and heal the Injured service will be honored on Mon- hers of the Knights of ,Colum• belief In God," she added. tlcularly the younger 1cner1, day, May B, In ceremonies at the lius. Because the hospital I small lion grew more critical or CarolflN S•11•1 soul. Soften the hard heart, cherish and warm the lce-coM• West !Olli St Veteran'• Hos- Catholic chapel can accom, MRS. ALLILUYIVA disclosed conditions especially the lack heart, 1nd· 1lve direction to the wayward. Give :,our seven Pil'II In lodl1napoll1. modate only about 10 priedleux; ·that she had been baptlied In or freedoin " lo think and to FIRST AID TREATMENT- ' holy lilts to your falth!ul, for their trust Is ·1n you. Gh•e · The NCCS Bica Ladies re• Sunda)' Mass Is offered In the the Russian Orthodox Church in dlJcuu and to Judie abo~ For Spola •~d Stafnl' them reward for their virtuous acts: 1lve them a death celvlng special bronze emblems hospital's large lnterdenomina Mt)', 1062. She added: " But thi~ things and cvent1." The dis• that ensures salvation: 1lve them unendin1 bliu. Amev, are Mrs. Oval MIiier and Mrs. tlooal chapel. FJll hcr Francia does not mean .,1 prefer this content hu 'mounted in the lut UNH1 k r,pe off t1CHI • Ith lllunl lnllt. S,..,... Alleluia. ' • George T. Klrkhoff. Bot~ wom• Campbell. 0 ..\1.1 .. or St. Dridll· church to others. Al the time 11,•e years, she said. with ,. Wlltr, II un.cty t-Oftll llU thocol,11, M en are members of Our Lad)• ct'1 parish, Is Calb,ollc chaplain of her baptbm, 1he uid, it WIS The reuons for her ddection lftln with •i:lun tlOlh d lffiC)tftfd wlttl ,._.fle,n. " of Lourdu parish. Approxl• at the Institution. ~ matter or tradition with her from communism, she u ld, ~bit hovtthold dt; clttftlftt Ovid, theft ,,...._ th00 1 with told Wtl tt • M let dty. L1ud1 Slon mately 160 men and women With more than 22 million ID • na th~ Ruuian Church. were climaxed by the treatment c.,t,- I . lkllcnft, Met, from the other 29 organizations ,·eterans In the United States, ·•1 feel a great 1ympathy of her husband, who died In Slon, praise )'Our Savior. Praise your leader and shep, which provide volunteers to the the pressure on th~ation·1 170 toward the lloman Catholic Mo1cow lu t October. ( A Wttkl1,1 Strvlct lo Crlltrfon' R.a.dn1) herd in hymn, and canticles. Praise him II much II you hospital will also be reco11niicd veterans' hospital1 11 heavy. And Church," 1he told the confer- Mn . Alllluyeya uld the, So, CARPIT FASHIONS, INC. 1 can, for he Is beyond all prai1ln1 and you will never be i t the award ceremony. while volunteers, In no way re- ence. During her 1ix,week 1l1y vlet government refused to rec- 2742 Madlaon Avenue • :IOlO Lalerttte Rea~ able to praise him II he merits. But today I theme worthy Other NCCS volunteers to be •place staff ,members, "they do In Switzerland before co~ing ognlle her marriage although he lncllanapel11, lncllana . of particular praise Is put before us-the living and U!e- honored May a arc Mrs Alma pro,•lde on lndMdual, personal to the rclugc of the United was a member or lndi1'1 Com• 1Mn1 breid that, without any doubt, w11 1lven to th~ Sullivan, Mrs. 'Dorothy · Kuhn, iervlce beyond the icopc of a Stafo1, she said she met "a lot munist party. ' ... Twelve at able durln1 the ,holy supper. Therefore let our Mn Lena Beuelman Mrs busy professional staff " acco~d· or line people who were Ca tho• ''When he was denied these l,,;;~;~~iiiiii;;;;;ii;;;j~;;;;iiii~iiiii;i;;;;j praise be full and resoundin1 and our 1ou1'1 'rejolclna full Geo~11e L1Rue, Mrs. 'Louis~ Ing to John Emley, director of lie 1." main human right!, I felt I had Wondllng, 111 r s. lllarguarite \'Oluntary scn ·ice at the West Mn. Alliluyc\'I said she also become intolerant to many Summer Read·1ng Prog' ram ' of dell1ht and beauty, for this ls the festival day to com­ Walsh, l\ln. Ronald E. Cham- 10th St. hospital. WIS •>·mpathc.tlc , toward lhc thing1 to which I wai tolerant memorate the first ln1tltutlon of 1h11 table. hen, l\lrs. lllary Ellen WIiiis NCCS is the only church-al- Christian Science!' denomination, before," , he 11ld. At At this Uble of the new Kini, the new law,'a' new Mn. Ethel Di timan, and Mrs: flllatcd group pro,•ldln11 vol• ., , . She aald she did not ~clle,·e Arqtta Hartman. . unlcers to the lndianupolis vet, I don I IHI much cont,o. her marriage ' was any husineu ( p11ch puts an end to .the old pa,ch. The new dl1pl1ce1 · the h d I H• h s h I . erans' facilil)', Other volunteer ' VtrlY betwHn tho11 thln11 of the so,·ict go,•crnment. After at e ra NI C 00 old, reality the shadow and li&hl the darkness. Christ f,IRS, MILLIR became a hos• organlutlons ore fraternal, wcl• and I do not want to attach e the death of her liusband, she •ii, wanted what he, did at the supper to be repeated In his pltal volunteer in 1953 shorll)• fare or ,·e1erans' groups such certain label lo my r•ll1iou1 related. she was allowed to take 141' North Morldlen Street memory. And JO we, In accordince with Ills holy directlohs, after the NCCS was organized as i°he American J.egion'. Red fulln1," 1ha aald. · his, a,hc1 to Indio. While sh~ ,. • conncrate brea~ and wine tq be 111tv1tlon'1 Vlctfm. locally. An early retiree from Cross~ and Masons. A national ~In. Allilu)•cva said she doc, was there. she said, she reached Offered by: Readak of Chlca:go Ell LIiiy and Co.. she devotCJ orgonlution with jts own di• not beJie,·e her lather alone her decision not to return to 4 Chri1t'1 followers know by'falth that bread Is ch1n1ed one. day each, week to working rector in Washington, D.C.. ..1hould be held ;eaponslblc for Russia. , For Elementary end High Schopl Students into his flesh and wine Into bis blood. Man cannot under- In the hospital s Central Services NCCS has volunteers in all 17,0 the many crimes and atrociUu: Mrs. Alliluyeu said s~e docJ · l 1t1n4t_1hl,!, -"91111PI •ptr,ive ~t: but I llw.!¥ ffitb ,alnrnls and. one ~ay f month• to wa1d \'Ctcruns' ho,pitals across thtl -alll'lbuted to him ' ' not believe her de{cctiQll , WOUlll T'bO - 3.1i,\,, s·es J. 1011s· 1h11 the change, · which Is outside the natural course of vlsltln11. llln. Klrkhoff, who nation l.qcally. the group Is af. . .. · , bring repriulJ ·agalnsl her chi!, ff ff C !) 11 Joined NCCS In 1958, abo works filiated wltti the Archdocesan O~ cho_uue bl dlsapprok, e ho! dren 11111 In Jtuuia. She sold, thin••· takes place. Under the different 1pecle1, which 1 one day a week in Central Ser- Council 'of Catholic Women. man) I mgs Ul thin I • 1 " It was diUi cult ror m~ to tic• June 12-29 & July· 3-21 are now 1i1ns only and not their own reality, there lie hid vices. lier other activities In• ' many other people who stlil arc chic to lca,·e them. but the de, wonderful realitie1. His body Is our food, bis blood our elude hr lpin1 with 1cw1n11 and THI HOSPITAL is currently in our Central Committee and cislon not to rclurn l\'U :oo e drink. And yet Christ remains entire under each 1peclu. recreation pr0Ject1 for the Mar• recruiting young people 15 or Politboro should be rcspon,iblc serious for me... Course Includes: Phonics, Word Annlysls, ~e communicant receives the complete Christ-uncut, un• 1 Ion county Home Guild at Juli- °':er for a summer ,·olunteer for the same thinJs for which he Paragraph Structure, Study Skills broken and undMded. Whether one receive or I thousand, etta, program. Youth volunteers will , alone was accused. She u ld hor son, 22, Is• • Catholic women with few w~rk at least one regularly "And If 1 reel somewhat re• madlcal 11 u d • n t, ,,c,ntly nnd Rnpld Rt!adlng the one receives IS much II the thousand. Nor Is Chrilt I diminished by- being received. The good and lhe wicked o hours to spore arc urgcntl)' .1i!Tleduled day per week be• m1rrl1d, and 1h1 look, to him • , needed for hospital volunteer tween June 19 and September to bo respon1lble for hor 17, d C heel alike receive him, but with the unlike du tlny of Ille or , t M I work. lltn. llenry Animan Jr., I . l'rimory purposes of the new 1oung Christian year-old daughtor. THtlng - Satur ay, ay 13 at at rl dellh. To the wicked It Is death. but life to the good. . ff t ill b I bl I . (No obligation ) •. NCCS repreaentath'e, told The c 01 w c O ena e ecn• Mrs. Alliluyev3 arknowlcdge!I High School-9:30 A.M. Elemcntary-11 A.M. Sec how different Is the result, though each receive• the Criterion. Volunteers are need• ogcrs to gain an Insight into 1. d thot she wu puzzled ab~ut the same. Last of all, if the sacrament Is broken, have no ed In occupational therapy, rec• health career possibilities and WOrl\:CrS arc urge freedom allowed in this country, .• doubt. Remember there Is II much In I frnment II in reatlon, escort aervice, 1ocial to encouraee them In i er\'lng upcclally freedom of the press. Readek lducotlonel Strvlc11 - c/ '! Cathtdrel Hlah SchMI 1nrllnbroken·ho1t:- 'nlere·ls ncrdivlsiorrof the realltY, but · worlr-aides. (a11istancc- to-vcter- others. to-nromote-neUCC hc-nld there is much-Inform!• only I breaklna of the 1i1n: nor doe• the breakin1 dlmlni1h 1n1 tranlferred to nursing A complete hospital orlenla· r r ti bll I d " f it homc1), ward visitation and tion will be provided for the on pu 1 ,c · so111e O un•, the condition or size of the One hidden under the 11,n. many other services. ' youth 1·olunteers who will assist DRUSSEJ.S- Young Christian Behold, the bread of 1nael1 • Is become the pll1rlm '• In laboratories and clinics, help workcu throughout the world •food; truly 11 ,11 bread for the 10n1, and Is riot to be cut nurses with bed1idc care work h3\'0 been called upon to rally German ebarlty In the record, . recreatio~. and behind Pope Paul VI and the to dogs. It WIS prefl1ured In type when Isaac was brou1ht COLOGNE, Germany - Over other patient service1. A call United Nations secretary gen• 11 an offerina. when a lamb wu appointed for the Puch 0. H.Jle,:rrma~ $5.2 million fr'om the 11166 col• to lhe director or voluntary acr- cral, U Thant, In their dedlca, and when manna wu 1lven to the Jews of old. lec:tiol\ has already. been allo• ,•Ice at the hospital will bring lion to the "construction of au• cated for projects in Latin further detal11. thcntic peace a,nd Jfistlce In the '-- Jesu1, lood shepherd abd true bread, have mercy on Funeral Homes America by Advcnlat, German Anyone lnterest~d in volun• world." us; feed us and 1u1rd u1. Grant lbll we find happlneu in Catholic aid fund for the Church teer work at the local veterans' In a mc111£e lu ued on the 1505 South East Street 5141 Madison Avea• the land of 'the llvln1. You know all thlnas, can do QU In Latin America. About S12 ho1pltal-either through NCCS occasion of the feast of St. Jo­ thin11, and feed us here on earth. Make us your 1uests ST 7-7211 million w 11 collected in the or the 1ummcr youth program seph lhe Worker (May 1) 1 IIE2-8488 Irr heaven, co,heln with you and companions of heaven·• 1966 campalcn, It was announc• -may also call the NCCS reprc, ll1en1e Rupulnghe, president of clliuns. Amen. ;\llelula. ed here by the bishops' commls• ,JCntallvc, llln. Arszman, or her the International Young Chrl•• ...... ,... lt1'"'~:. .~i -~0, 1111 alon tor the Adveniat fund. deputy, lllrs. Louis Kossman. tian Workers (IYCW), ·bead• -· ,! ... quartered here, appealed to ·"-- I YCW members to "sit uggle" with tho Pope and U Thant to brine about the rcaliullon of Grinsteiner Funeral Home Archbishop's Schedul~ their upiratlons "for a better . E1tebllahed 1154 life, va1uable education and an - Four Locatlon11 01r.,ao1 N. GltlNITIINH HAROLD D. UNGll I authentic promotion toward Sunday, Mer 7 - Ordln1tlon1, Sunday, -June 4-Baccalaure· , MllreM 2,m, IMI last New Yerll It. Juft, human I n d eoultable Christ the King, St. Monica, St, Lawrence St. Melnrad, 4 p.m. ate M111, Latin School, 9 1.m.; work." Monclar, Mer 1-Sbrra Club lllarlan, Colle1e Commencement, and ,Holy Name (Beech Grove) Altar Boy Awards, Cathedral, 3 p.m.; Graduation, Schulte In 1cttln11 forth • PCQ&rlm for 7:30 p.m. . 111gb School, 8 p.rn, the "dally struule," , the me•• sage urged: Tuesder, Mar t - Confirm•• Monday, June S-Graduatlon, Will My Child PlayP lion, St. llatthew, 7:30 p.m. St. Jllary-of.th~•Woods, 10 1.m.; • Action to Improve the con• Tuesdar, May 1' - Confirm•• Graduation, Cathedral H l I h ditlons of life. lion, Utile Flower, 7:30 p.m.( School, 7:30 p.m. • Aw11enu1 of the realities RENT ... Wetlnesdar, May 17-lleeliDI, Tuesday, June ~radualion, of the modern world. A NEW WURLITZIR PIANO Stall Board NCCW, lndlanap- St. A1ne1 Academy, 8 p.m. • Participation In c1mp1l1m oils, 11 1.m. 'w--'-··-' J 7-G d and demomtratlom for peace Thurid•r, May 11-Confirma• ...... ar, une ra ua, and Justice and In activities di• Uon, Lourdes, 7:30 p.m, • lion, St. Jllary Academ:,, 8 p.m. reeled 111imt unemployment lundey, Mer 21-Graduatlon, hlurday, June 10-Elecllon of and underdevelopment. Shawe HIib School, S p.m. Reverend Mother, Our Lady of • United action with work• Mendar, Mar 22-Confirm•• Grace, 11:30 1.m. en' or11nlzatlom and lmUIU· lion, NailvJty, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 11-Adult Con, tlom for the bulldln1 of I more · Tues4ay, Mar n - Conflnn•• flrmatlon, Cathedral, u 1.m. juJt and fraternal world, bued Uon,'St. ~nee, 7:30 p.m. Thursclar, Julr 6-Pen,etual on respect for the human JIii' Thura4i;."Mar U-Gr1du1- Vows, Our Lady of Grace Con• son. lion, Oldeaburs I, C. Academy, vent, 1:30 1.m. t . 10 1.m. Prldar, Mar 2'-Gr1du1Uoa, Prlvldeace HIib School, I p.m. CLERGY ....,,.,, Mer 11 - oradua• Bishop Pinger's lloa, Qaartrand HIib lldlool, I NECROLOGY p.m·. Schedule lunar, Mer 21-Gradualloa, Mart 7, 1m- NO OILI0ATION TO IUY - - • NT POl 1.W MONTHS , .. w,.,-11no,-..11,.. -11 ..,,u ,_,_., Breblufp.m. Preparatory School, I 1111------asa:sa:::irl Pather IUIIM llmen WNntNlar, Mar 11-IAvuti• WediteNlay, Mar 11 - Conflr- .May 7, 1"4- CALL NOW OR STOP IN AT tun and Flr• I Vows, OUr Lad:, matJon, St. Michael, 7:30 p.m. Palher ••rt Gorman of Grace, l :IO a.m.; Graduation, Thun4ar, Mar 11--Conflrm•· Mar ,, 1•- m.-. . m.-. KeuedJ Hip Sdlool, 1 p.m. UOo, St. Qubtophv, 7::IO p.m. ,.....,. l'eter Kreuach ,. TllurNlar, ,_ 1 - Gradua• PrWar, Mat 12 - Cjlaflrm•· lloll, LadJwood Sdlool, 10 a.m.; Uoa, St. Phlllci Neri, 7:ao p.m. Mar t, IN6- • THI \yURLllZER co. GradualioD, I c IC ID a Web -..,, ,S.r IS-Coaftnnl• Pathff J..e,h lut•li Sehool, I p.m. lloD, 81. '1miln, 7:IO p.m. ' Mar 11 1151- P~y, ,_ 1-GradualloD, ,_..,, Mir 11--CoD!lrm•• , Pe~ f\'lchael lllawe tttNO.PINH. Ollr Lld1 of 0nee, I p.m. tloa, It. Patrick. TIIO p.m. Alie ANIIL Ollf a.1141 IIIICnltMIII RnlOI Pia latunlef, ,_ J-GndualloD, Mer it - Coatlrma• 'i'ar 11, IN4- l,i.,...______r _____ aaatard Hip Scbool, 7::IO p.m. tloA,,.w.,, IL PIUI X, 7:IO p.m. Pathlr Prancla Macke,,I.J. o·

) \ - I ••••

TH• CRIT• Rlc:;.., MAY J, 1"7

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I • il- l '

. . 'Lllrira and Life .. oun runa ... amAml.,.,., ._., NCrila _...... Lord,...... , ...... ,_.,_,,_ Otd. -- ,.._..... "-"""· co ....,,.,.. - - .... of M, ....,, to, - WI/ft a4 ... of all M, .. er.di. ' . . ' • I ' . • ,1 ,. ., MIOl. OIOHI HIOOINI dal ICtloD, I 1111 lllc:lllled to IO -« a,padall;-U 1't Wu, II rtb' IDd hip PllfllNt" an 1-- Ra-t tllll clwow . • . I al0111 ,wllb Iba latter point of I eertalDly de,' lbat!~ ,ond41111UoL Aauotlllr_, sna, an..._..., f1lllllllac 'rime· lDIPIIM -u, '•·mw. 0.11 Iba other• bud, I ban a rlsbt ud at tlm. a chit, ber of the ~tloaed their role at die ,.._ u.. ~ =pU~..., 11111::: would admll tbal Ihm la - to apealtoat oa tbt llf~lb panel polat-4 out, clnarchw OD the ot111r lllDd, tlMl'I III a lllu lodetr .• OD ::=.,•wlllJt tlala, to be uld for tbt IIWIOI" tau.. (tbt war la Vletllalll, for an ottn pr.- to belittle the na1 Mid, r Wair, ,_ tba c1•r1r polatllla to' - ., the• ..... ~:~wt~=--~~:.~~ ba~':t-:i · n':~t•U:-~ to ..ru.!'9"~ ~ •• b·l e plllall•" 1 Iba lbl'H clll'Q'llltll b1a 11.mlltJ of Stat, ud lee- "to kick them to datb." I ab=•n ...,. tM cbarda •• illlJ'n Cllm- 1 ll • o I• e d Ill wbo took part la 1b1 PIDfJ dll- N1arJ II Dtf1111t. W1 11111. ud b1a ,wbb that "we could - tialll" IDd tllat, bf ,_ ol dnudl • IIPOD- cualoD nftmd to abon. •IA WI a1111t, 11 clffOIDIII, ~ bow - tbl• dl•elle.• their lq 1t1te, tbq C111 r1ot1J Nr9d ,,, dnudt- mia.-. tbl coutll of lbllr llltmln ounelns lq lbeN 1uu-. but / • • . . be apected toi_plq I -- 41- re I et :,d .::i with tba !dltor of Cbrlltlanlt1 we abould ud wt muat do to l"lllall)', the three panelllt• net roi. lbu UM ci.s, Ill the ~ · It _,... TodaJ, thtJ made lbl'H point, wllb DO tr•ca of am,pnce and who WIN latemewed b7 the tempcnl arda'• ....orm, ...-v la particular wblcb lbon of III wllb DO claim to IDfalllbWIJ. FAIior of Cbrlatlult, Today . polat, wlllda I ed out th It wbo fm,r Iba . lawlnment of SecolldlJ .. anolber of lb• IIIIPhubed the all-Important Thi• II made ..., "Ill o It clnardt• tbl ehwdla Ill mattm of lodal Plllllllll ob.med "tbt cburcb role of the laymall la the peat-41y Ill Ute ~ me ll w o II Id COIICVD would do well to 'ton• abould not alwa;a be In lb1 cburc:bn' m1Alatr)' to the world. Vatlwl U: WII ,-,,..lll'I l,ne that bl I pier fflJ NrlOUIIJ. roll # Jlld11111nt. and condem• •rm a clerom•n, • be Aid, "llld "'7 foratuU, bf Pope Plll1 free market of · Pint ol all, II 0DI of lb1 111Uon." Tblrt IN limn, h1 l hive lo btp thlDk1q of the VI la hi• nceat .-,ellal, °'! Ideal, the ehmdlll alloald bfl p&111Uall DOied, "wt 111111\ bt uld, "wben tbe Important role lllllllatrJ of die churc:b 111d re- pie Dlm~t of ~ the .._ rlpt u 1111 othlf .. fflJ cartlul not to prmame that la for Iba diurcb to co~ mladln1 the people who an 'If.the roll of the hllrirdlJ II pnbaUon to a,Jlt fo, their prla- D11t COllldtnc• II lbe COIIICIIDCI lboM mtn of lnt•srtty and blah poUUcla111 111d eeoliomlltl that to ta•da 111d to laterpnt Ill• dpt•." lt al•o IIOtld, for cood of Iba wbola cbun:b" or 11 'ao· PW'POII wbo do 1oocl lblap 'they ·~ Jb• churc:b U th11'n tborltaUnlJ the 11«1111 o( _. .f.HllA CLUI IUAY WINNHI lhe• 11 1"'9e are tiff If lie - aha wlllMn 1ft the re­ mUIIIN. that tl;t- laymen ud olber member of tb1 ~I put wllbla IOYffllllltnt. lD lbla, ChrlaU1111. Tbe cburc:h 1111•t allt, to be followed bl lbll mat• clllt 'IKltleM,•uay cant•lt, IPIIIMfN lty th• lena c ... If •IINl111111eU1. Pl'lffl left INI cleric, who want Ute dimdtea '1t. cler11111111 ban to be ftr7 1omeUmea, In 1111 uperltDCt Juat aomethlll1 to which people ter IL•• the dflolP!nnt ol 1111- Mair, .lam•• " • OaMn, Serra IM4ar1ter1 Ma,.aret Walker, If It• .,...,,.,, lc'-1, In.Ilana,.. tci "•tar out of the poUUcal, •o- eanfial about lbalr own peno111I and oblervatloa, w,•n 1l1ber 10. The church la aom1thlll1 Uom), It btlCIIIP'(o ·the r.,_, clal and economic aphirea alto- anotanc• •u U Ibey bad a di• been belated or tolaUJ naall• that with them wherffer wlthoul •walUal PMllff1, fo, 'ell11 T•ITIIICI 0, Mah, If It. Otiwlel'a lch•el, C..-nwllle1 R-•ft C•IIIN, _, It. "lus X '°" aether and aUck to preacblll1 ttct plpellD, to God that mar• sent " they 10 ., . • onten and dlnetl..., tci tab lc'-1, ln411na1Nll11 Miry .le Cah lce, If Haly S,.lrlt le'-', 111411111,..l11 ,,.,. J. Traven, and 11vln1 eoula" an la th• dla- be· tb1 Praldtnl didn't ban 0~ tbe bull of my upert1nc1 Tbua t~ ~~phula 'th• role of~ lnltlaUn fretlJ • to ID­ Cllltaat chalrmtni and Ma,.arlta ...I, ., It. Antheny's lc'-1, Mwrla. Ml1ll111 w•a ICnln Unct mlnorlt)'. • or lbe Secntar, of Stale or lb~ 111 Wublnston. l would lffl!Dd lbe layman In the temporal fllH • Cbrtatlaa aplrtl lllto the ICrllh•r, If II. Amit,... lchNI, laymeur. lach rec•l'tld tU In 11rl• ~. Mere than fl Durla1 the 111111 week that Smtarr of DeftllH dtdD•t lbla complaint and would add order la not to deny that cltra· menlallt,. law, 111d ~ Archcllec111n parllh•a p1rtlcl111tect In the centelt. .:.., Time•• "'1>' appeared. th• hut." that" lbi federal aenlct la men alao have an Important rota of the community bl w...... ,_, comervatln u1111eU«t Pro!& t bleued wtlb aa abwldaace, of to play In the cburche•• mini•- live.~• llllt fottnlsbU,, CbrllllanllJ Tbe polllt la ..u taken a'fll mtD and W0mtD wboll "llllal· trJ lo th• world, IIOI' la It to 'QUESTION WAS ACADEMIC' ,- ;::======::; Today.of a paaelp11bllabed dlaellulon the lralllcrlpt on tht ---e------TERM'ITE aame ienenl 111bJect • ("nit Church and Social CollCUII, • Chrlatlanlty Today, April 1'). Ff. Curran disfusses ·the issues Tbe: three Prot•llalll mlzlll. f t I ) ri ." · • • i '\ ~ ~- .: tera.who took part ID Ifill paJMI \1,'' ,., Ir A. I."•WALL end of bl• own •cUve concern doctrinal' matter. None of lbe dlacllulon, ~ hU• c•11Uo111t, ad- '"""""" ,_ ,...., ,,,. - about chan1e1 on tbe camp111J 1t11deat or f1t11lty atrlkera drew mUUaa that the chlll'ChH mlllt A-I Termite Contnl Ser. WASHINGTON - A happily "l don•t thlnlt 11· can be,. tbe "tbe laaue Ill tenna of obedlence bi' concerned about aoclal II- ,oe MoCAanrr, ,_ harraued Father cb·arlea E. 33-Jdr-old lbeoloslan • aald. or dlaobedlence to eplJcopal au• 111a. tended lo PIii Ueaab em- Bishops' meeting 11nhaa of lbl Blabopl ud tbt ta. Zach h11111&11 la a dlff,rent •,----,W.L Curran poked bla bead Into the "The 1111111 Involve more than tborlty. The q11auoa, It mlaht ph•JII 011 corporatNfiurc: IC• lntelll11J1ci of the fallbful bow penonalJIJ.. •923-3383 doorway of • fellow prl11t•1 Juat one pereon . be aald, w11 PIINIY academic. lion In the temporal order Ill'\ To lbe Editor: !>eat to accept the IDIYllable But It looks. like lbe 1011111 'room. ll wa, lbe aame bead · • •"J11a 1111111lmo111 reaction of• more emphula on lb• cbwtbea . and to Implement 1h11 naw COD• man bellev11 In the principle 1,..______,. IIJ•t bad been pokln1 111 way "We•re 101111 to have to Im• Iba atlldellt• and the faculty," "primary obll11Uon ... to pro- To m1 praamaUc mind, l {Ind cept Into the fabric of lbt Ca· th•!... YOII can•t kllow about a UM N. _..... ,lato mllllona of Uvla1 room, a prove the 1lt111tlon Ill many Father Curran aald. "I• proof of duce the , kind of people tho. the publllbed rfflllll o1 the rt- lbollc Cbun:b. . •. tbl¥ 11nleaa you 11perlencc IL abort time 110. • ways to allow for better com• the fact that lbe 1a,11e w11 not In the crlala momeata of hlllotJ, cent flve,4ay National Confer• . l 111ppoae It bu aome merit, but m1111lc1Uon In lbe area of lbe• doctrlaal or moral Dlapulad beartn1 the mponalblllt1 61 •ence of Catholic BI Ibo p I Tb' Hol1 Splf!t ,bu plded !he principle la I sreedJ mon• F::•r Cll~ran •mlled ~ e;• 01011 ltaelf and Ill the academic luuea do not produce 1 11111111. 1ovemment, cu make the blah• (NCCB) In Chlca10 to be con, 111 lbtoup the Vatlcan Council. 1ter and dOHn•t reallJ know b • • ew, armb • '· ed' hi· proceu11 here 'at CalboUc Uni• moua reacUoa. 111 poulble monl choice" and tradlctory In part. I have conlplete confl4ence that where-to Jlop. Maybe the younc ' ... • - "'~ _.J '!~~ I I .awn 11wore emp Hu veralty." on the cburc:bea' "tint mpoD• In one. lnslaDce, the Blabops He will lnaplre 111Qo cope wltb, man doea not want to ba a cell• - alefder h llf.,.~jd addetto .gie The words came 0111 qulellJ "In ttil, ~uetflen the ac•• alblllty •.. to brln1 people Into are quoted u 1taunchl1 defend• thla eminent fact of life with bate prleat bul u he dOH bow --- 1 via tor's q\i hp_::u1 Ith ; For Felber curran It waa a aim: •mtc -munlty w11 united• • a vital relaU0111hlp with God." Ins the centllrlea-old tradition aopbhUcatlon and wladom. ta be 1otn1 to know wb~t the he waa aha DI • ~ e pie alatement of fact · Yeu ceule't unite the c•m• • or clerical celibacy for the Wet• One other Important ret11ll other aide IJ like 1111leaa be I, aenlor coun1elor at boy1 camp. · munlty en ltlrth centnl. Yeu la 1enerel, l 1101 the Imp,.., tem Church. Al lbe ume meet• of I poulble manled clera for flrat married? But It waa in auoclate pro• HI HAD ANOTHIR fact 1D caut••t Hlfl Uftlte the • ca• 11011 that tbe tliree ..,anellall JN the Bllbope endoned an· In• the Calhllllc Cb11rcb bu been l don't kllow what It la like AlphaltDrlveweya fea~r of moral tbcolo1y wbo mind and be leaned forward 1D ,lemlc cemmunlty en bN, lie· would m11cb preft r to ban the depth 1t11cly lo explore the role ,rout ovtrl~ked. Tbrouab lbe to be I celibate durln1 m)' adult 1 1 , ...... Lffl apo e, ' 1 mualve leather chair lo em• can• the faculty la Mt ••• cb11rcbea, u 111cb. ear nlaUtely of the American priest la caaturle1 OIi( celibate clera Ufe beca111e J am married. ft ~Ce• tlllp For Father Curran It waa the pbaalu what be bad lo aay. 11P entlrely ., C1thellca." little about temporal atfaln and ••octet)', Such a atudy cannot and the' Cbun:b line been la tbe 'chance l tqok. [ don't SCHAP• R end ol lbe flrat day of clauea The dispute that be1an when Tbe· 111111 waa academic fret• let committed Chrlatiaa• 1pealt C!Oncelvablt lpon the laau1 of denied lbe 01f,iprtn1 wblcb resret It. l could hive 1otten CONSTRUCTION ~O. followln1 lbe 1poat1neo111 ab11I• Father Cllrraa wu told hla •P· dom to be eaerclaed In har• 111d act for themaelvn, u la• celibacy for tbe cl•l'I>' and Ila could poulblJ Hrvl lbe Cb11tth lbe wron1 woman. and U l did, n ...,.,,~'ll." 14n1 ., down of the Catholic Unlverally polntment would not be reaewtd mony with university alallllll dlvld11ala, with reference to effect• upon b1a peno111I de- In the nut 1enera1ton. (Continued ·on p11e 7) • of America by Ila faculty and bad 110th1111 to do, he espl'111ecl. Al ,n lmmedlate 11111 11 w,~ tbeae matters. velopment and total tffectln• Tb be of Prot lanl 1t11dent body. Did It mean the with birth control or any other reaolYed wben the a'naollllct ln contrut, u Time nporta. neu In bla mlnlatrJ. e nbum ,nth d " d 1 011 · • • "the moat enterprlal111 of to- A1aln, the Blabopa affirm lbe c era w • en an ,ran · ment came that F•lbe~ CllttlD • day•, chlll'Cbmen" 'bellevF\bal co11Unued uploratlon of tbe fathers were mlnlaten are Th•15 year- G'IVI A·~ loas • . ' appointment would bti renewed the church• m111t nan the rlak permanent dlaconate .In lbe lesion. In what better atm01- ·s1--TERB ' ,.,, .It, I •JMUhat .., ,acacltmlc promoUon of 1•ttln1 Involved IDaUlutlon•ICburcb, to be 1tudled furtber. phmt and HDII of d"1caUoa .• • . • M, ,... , b 'tiiiil • I . I • baa bten 1raatad. ally Ill aoclal action for "only perhaps, OD lbe 11end1 of the could • youn1 family be ralaed Gift on other 5 .,. Now, Father Curran Hid, It la th111, they feel. can the world world•wlde Bhbop1' 1ynod tblJ tlien that wblcb provide, lbl • M UBL I M B time to conalder aome I0DI· nleam uiat 110 upect or Ille fall In Rome. · The permanent flnl•band 1umple of Hnlct · I t•n1e relalloaablpa. • or dealh-lielther love nor dl1co111te would 1urel1. allow to the Church? • Un11111ally attucUn Sterlla1 Sllnr AND TAXI "Tbeae relatlonahlpa wW af. money, neither 1ovemment nor 1111nled men to aerve In lbla Name withheld Sc1pular Medal. · feet theolou ltaeU and lbe wodl war-la beyond the reach· of. capacity. ladlanipolla · of tbcolollana Ill the Church " Goel'• world and· the CbrllUan While endonln1 lbla •ct!on. • Approp_riately en,rned "Goel Bllll DRIVERS · Hid lbe poplllar 1011111 pr1,•,1 faith.'• however. Ibey bluntly rerl(le to , • You. Kolber.'' , who11 helsht _ more than a1x By conviction II well u by pursue or blind themselvH to Str1n91 turn' feet _ collld not be awallowed temperament and also b)' reuon the poulblllty of relnstatln1 tbe Comfl•te ort 1tvrdy 11p even by tbe bdty chair. of my own experience In the reported tho1111nda of American To Iba Editor: 11' Sterling s4so . Wlsti In Nablus. the Holy Land, our 13 Slstera of St. ,,__ U field of ·nU1lo111ly-orlented •~rlull who have left ti\• Ch11tth The comipo,ond•n~bout the Sliver Chain •• •••••• . YOU Joseph have been 11ked to teach Ensllsh to the "The uuca ot com111Wllc1 on ------to take a wife • =:· You ml1bt call them cond11lta I b It th · b I lb Cb h Latin School aeems O'rlt e LIVED tul drlvera who CJirt for American pllarlma. - lib the la"" h be and lo all of 1be other q11utlon1 au m I 1w I e urc taken a 1tr1n1e tum Accordln NEAR " II reflects 'lhe estHm th1 Slaters enjoy In \hit -w "b r.PI ave to the Church facea. In America nffd•-u.d Indeed to the ,reportln1 or' t&elr pbll• A Choice Selection of Motbtr'a ENOUGH Muslim town," Carol Hunnyb"un report,. "Two• opened up, Falber CUrran aald. "The Church probably la lbe tbrou1~out lbe world.:.-la more 01ophy In The Criterion, lta ob- Day Carda Anllablt TO thlrda of the chlldrtn In the Slsttra• achool are HI "AUHD aod then added: blUHI or1anlJ1Uon· Ill tbe cnlalntd prlula, wbelber mar• Ject aeemtd to be that the atu• "Thia ii not a revolt 111la1t co1111try that doean'I have I re• rled or celibate, not marrltd denta should be able to deal MIX Muallm, not to mention moat of the 70.000 th CEMENT? · people the Slstera treated 1a,1 year In their ear• 111\borlty. ae•rcb arm aa a11ch." · deacooa wltb eir llmlled PII· normally with all people. boll\' Cennnltnt IIRI I '!•rllln• Pint Let leuth ., lhn ,;Ever alace VaUcan ll we ,, toral md aecramenlal abllltle1. boy1 and 1lrb. Now It lffN nose-and-throat dispensary." . .. You do live b kn lb t thorlt Ill lb ,ATHIR CURRAN leaned The 11mment1I need, of the that the clamor la for muc,h near enoush to help. Simply walk to your corner ave own 1 111 Y e back a moment and then 11ld, Cblll'Cb are Immense. They m1111 more • OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY • 111 m1llbo1 and send aomethlna ($100, $75. $50. Church m111t be exerclaed "I'm moat appreclaUv• of Car• be met by a mlnllter wbo can · • Mall Order, Promptly FIiied new and different waya. dlaal Sbeban•a poalUoa ID lbl1 .offer Mau and for1lve 1ln, In D1tln1, dancln1, proma; slrl $25, $10, $5. $2) to help CO"]plele the chapel (Ad4 2':' ladlana State Salea Taa) ("simple. functional, devotlonal") the Sl1t1r1 "Tb• COIIIICII told Ill that each whole q1111Uoa. He WU tht tbe name of Cbrllt. friend,. lbe woru. m111t be the are bulldlns evenlnsa with their own hands. one bu hla owa role to play. flnt member Ill lbe blerarcbyJQranted that a married' clerl)' new order of the day. One youn1 ICBIEGS Thia lllvolvea • dlalo111e aad • to my knowled1e, to 1pe1k 0111 uld pre11nt laltlal problem&, student la wonled deeply that (look for It If you vlslr the Holy Land.) To finish Uatenlni proceu. As • pracUcal. for my relnat•temeDI. Cirdla'al rlnclpally economic. la many ball the world con,lall of wom• this deaperately-needed chapel. they need 1111ller, It Involves lbe J>penllll Shehan'• action waa a major parlabea of the Archdiocese, for en. and he la not 1oln1 to set $3.800 for materials and furnlshlnaa. Give them of cb11111ela. ' factor Ill lbe flllal eol11tlon of lbe 1umpl1, It would boll down to to know them. Let'• bop• he INDIANA CHURCH ·SUPPL¥ In memory of your'loved oneaT A plaque at the "I thlnlt there ii a rullutlon caae. a bulc declalon on the part of doe1n't ti to date them all be- CAr&OUC 8VPP£1/ &OVIB entrance will aak the boya and 1lrl1 (1nd non• that aulborlty will be 11erclaed "Now we have to hope that a a apeclflc pariah: Do we waot cauae ~,c one II different, Juat S. Penn•ylvanl• St., lndpl•, / Chrlatlana, too) lo pray for you and youf• forever. Ill a different w11 Ill lbe f11t11re. 1tnact11re of comm1111lcaUon a parish 1ebool or a putor with u different u men an from 107 ca Thia la Indicated by the or• can ·be eat•bllahed ao lbal dlUI· 1 wile add famUyT MOIi par• olber men and men from wom• OAZA: 1111lzat1oii of modem aoclety, cllltle• of 1h11 eort won't' arlae." lahn could not afford llolb. · UNRWA.Comml11lonar-Gen1r1I l1urenc1 Michel• which doea not .,rat, from the Whal about newapapera r~dlo A manltd clera certallllJ WE'RE $75 more cablea urseotly that la needed now top down. Each one contribute•• and lalavl~ u qteraal ,com• would not be u mobile u 1 1 WORRIED for each of our 67 blind boy• end &Iris to com• W• atlmulata each other to con• mlllllcaUon lllec!!,T ·- cellball prlutbooo. Holllinl ·Monsig•or Goossens Sa1s: plete this year'• tralnlna at lht Pontifical MIi• trlbllta to the aoocl of all. • would be a factor 1lon1 wltb a ,. slon Center for the Blind. Gaza•, only. Monslanor ·-·- IOrt of·~·-, baa to ban. "W• Clll't ultlmahly MIYI IMDI wa1e an_d 1deq111te_ fam• ..... """ r all ., eur ,nltlam1 •Ill -tM f mil • Gartland •In Beirut requeslt fh• total lmmedl• pen Ill the Qiurc:b." ,,_. lllllt" P• thar Curran Uy allowance. A " a Y man etely: $5.025. ... Every 11ft will help. Take care 111• converaatloo turned to the Hltl. "We "'"'' ,,.... 1 could DOI be upected lo report of one blind child ($75) or twor alwt, of theoloo and the free- atnH:ture ether than htall- to a new aullnmtDI 011 two . c,· .. ,_ 111 weeu• notice. clom lbeoloa la DI may req..... IIMa. Thia could be reaolved with 1 YOU Will HAVE a FREE For a free 'copy of Monslanor Notan•• recent esplorla~lacllld.lal lbe free• "la the Ions. hard pull •llcb 1be eatablllbmtnl pf a dloceun COPY •rtlcle for prleat,. ".Holy Lind. Tormented do!II to I mlatakea. atnact11na c111 ba difficult. Tbe vicar for lbe manled clera. t" Lind," ,end us your addren. II conclud11: ''1'11• re'a 1 ,tllffer•llce !Nay dan11r la that aome people uy Parlabts lnteruted In bavla& • GUARANTEED INCOME "Come to the Holy land. pllarlm. But come 1ft th• way - - tt.elen," we 4G11't need atnactuna. We married priest to aent them prepared. Come prepared to cry." P•th•r Cunan aaW. do Mad lbam, and Ibey muat be could paUUon lb1 clloceae and C, le. adaptable to tht needa perbapa l11tmlew a pn11ptdlve "la tbt pa,t tbeoloo wu dt• the Um1•." pu~ and bla famlt, la much PHONE Have you looked at your will recantly1 The d11cUv1. Toda7 man Ja more obnnld that tbert•a al• lbl 111111 w11 that Proleat•DI How llttl1 will buy an Annuity? ------YOUR WorAer. Commun11r n..,_.piper, 101 new ,tr,nsth ID411cUvt; and by lta Dllurt I confllct bllwND d11rabll• •consn11tlooa lianclle 111cb 111111• You may 1t1rt wr)h •• llttle •• $100, elfhouth the la,..er your •um the LAWYEII • last month from a $1 million bequ11nrom • that la a more haltbla. problll1 lb' and flllllbWtJ. • Uona. · greater wlll be your beneflfl end 1t• x 1• vlng1. Some Annultenfl bealn with /- Brooklyn real eat•II 11ecutlv•• . •• Your ba· proceaa. "We 11•-d a iraater ampbula There la no doubt In my mlDd • amall amount end m•f1Y• It II 1r•tlfylng te report., have lncrMHII their . / qu,ih to us (lqal title: CATHOLIC NUii EMT "llan lltv•r mu.. the per• oa chaa,,, OIi 4"-.tlaua11Ct. that celibacy for the clero wW life.long_return _by taking ~ •ddN AnnultlN. , .. , ·- WU,AH AHOCIATIOII) will fl1ht Communism and fact automobile. n. producet Wa lllad atructuna that iialal be aa opUonal matter wltbla • be used II you direct. In th• Hotv Father's name. different 1ty111. lomatlmu be chaqe 111d dOll't retard IL" fn 1,an. It remalna to Iha of wlada 1111, with III Sdael, but lul How 11 the •mount your ' Return determined? doean•t throw Ford out ol bull• Your R•te of-Return 11 the •mount The Society for the P,.,...tten ef the ------...._,, Paith p•y1 you • I en SPOI' AMultent, up to I per ~ per •mum,. de­ 0..r INC:tc>HD M.1'.AH FIND$_ . _ ------...... • What la lbeolop aa,wayT pendlna on your .,. at the time you HCVN en AnnUtty. 1IINe ,aYffllfttl M-.notNolan: "Prom the point of l'ft of : wlll never run out end wlll be 1•nt to you fw the rNt ef y•ur Hfe: ,011_ __ ------ME. 2.9352 Ptel,e IIAlol..______mont lbeotou. r lib to,looll at 2313.We Wish. St. It 11 the nOectlOD oa the Cllail· NOMI AND f9tum CDUPDfl tlall life." with your ITIIHJ,___ _ tATBOLI£. POIIIGN MISSIONS offmn1 . Cl1Y' _____.,.,. __ zi,o6- THINIXTQIIUtlootoudted oo the outlook, _la l'alltlr Oar· 136 WEST ST. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 46225 ru• Ylew, for Cltltollc lllper CATNDLIC NIA• IAIT WILPA• I AIIDCIATIDN • educatloa. 8- WU nluctut Jo USHII ~! but lie did .., 1h11: ------Dt.ir Mon1lgnor Goouena1 "IWlllluiereanl'9U ...... I em lntemtecl In .your OIPT ANNUITY PLAN. NEAREABT we eouJ4 lllnat OW' time. tru• ave 1114 taleltt Ill I btttlr WIJ. Inc. NAM• ...... ,...... MIBBIDNB "For aulllPla, the Amertcu Funeral Home, ,. fllANCIICAltDINA&.INUIIAN...... bllltop• .ald11M1,-a,da ADDRIU ...... " . MIGll;.IOHN p. NOlAN. N•tlonll~ ...,._,..,aDbruebNol Wm. A. Uwr CITY ••••••••••••••••••• .'••••• ·• ••• STAT ZIP COD Writ.: CATMOUC NIAii EMT Wl&.rAIII Auac. bowledp. ....anlallllldlle • ...... • ...... ,. a,o ~ Avenue •New Y~ N.Y. 10011 ...... ,._._ .. Thia lncJulry will lie kept In, atrlct _..,__ Mll'wlU •.U • ...... T....,_.112/YUIIIIII HMO · 'Miat II I pari•IIT' -4 'llow II ,,... .• !MM •tdltorttJ to lie coiicemd 1114 tlen~.. . . aerolledT'.. 1114 to allortlOII Jaw• ------~-·------~---~------...... : ).. GIBAULT-CATHEDRAL AXIS Phyaleal testing TM ...... c ...... , awardtiavallable, . Socia/. Seroites aids ...... ,..,~ .. ea..,1t­ ._ The CYO omet Ill•....; Ill• ...... ~ooaced , R11m,1tl•M-Mlllt tut,.....~•· '· ... .., ....~ ,. Jtctlllr, 1111 Ill the plsJllcal tclaeatloll rehabilitation work ~.::,, 111a1...... fllUII& _.., alllalll -tact c-...... tbt ••'t;.-...... AAU.CVO ' ar ANM - I~ Homtllft and poor pareal• lsle,c.lnl ...... Arel. tertJflcalel. TIM tatlllll .. ~ • child nlatlalll partl.U, coo­ 11'1111 compUea with .._,_ Ollct a fttlt four boJI, I ao­ ttlbuted lo their placemtllt ll ,tetUII& alalldan1a fw - bJ-dU• dal worker and • Rqb Crou Olbaull b1 1 Juvtllllt fOlllt ftnnl ... IJOIIPL Brother meet arolllld a· desk l11 ·catbtdrll Hlp •lcbool. Judi•• lleflll budnd Cfflllk• IN , Tbt1 hlYt bad I rear ol 11aall line a1raadJ II.a dlttrlbattd, TIMI boJI an hftndl-theJ " cla1111 wllb much llldl,ldual with about 4,000 tGul put1c1. Ulrtd uptrMlltel and IIMJ llltlltloa ud IIOW 411d thtm• , pants upected bJ J-. l'ort,• ban common probltm1. '11111 11ln1 Ill bluer cl111n '!'hen th became 1cqu1l11ted IHI Jtlr pl tbtJ aomtUmta fHI lllalplll• ' INDIANAPOW - Tbt flflh i! Olbault School Ill Tern Haute. canL ... =~':! ~ llllllaaJ Ardldl-.it Bud Popt th• fllMA pro,ram. Olb1ult, 1tatttd1bJ Iha Brothen TbtJ'fi all bad lo uawtr tbt 0oaetrt will bl bald at Cbart· of Kol, Crou, pro,ldfl • pro- dl&o...... ltctlve 1bleld alld nh1blUt1tlon que.u::u, "-rt -n ,ou nnd Hl1h School on Sund•J , WHO All 1B1 pro Ir• m for pre-d1llllque11t l>ffll? • , • t . 1111 '7, at '7:IIO p.ps. '1111 tom• ._ ti ,_.._ boys. - ~ - DlflfllCULTIII arilllll from bllltd Stnlor Hl1h alld Junior • ti Tbt1 IIOW know whit It h tbtae problems al'L, dlscuuld lllp School. bands wlll Include - like to come from I re1lme11ted 111 · tbt lfler-1cbool qillet ol tbt 118 1tude111J frllm Cb1rtr111d =.;= !:"!..~~"::; . l111tltutlo11 to home, where It II hip 1cbool. Tbt IOdal worker, ,llld Ritter Hip Schooll and I ., 10,_1.... "' 111let to bruit the routine about Paul N. Vitale of Catllollc Social 1 aouth and wetilldt parub 1r1de ------~~ 101111 to bed; 1tudyl111. 11111111 Services, brou1ht •tbt bo11 to­ tcbooll. llP 111d dolll1 cbor11. aether. Brotbtr Cb1rl11 BJ• ------m1rowlc1, C.S.C., rtprtsartl Ullder · th4i dlttctlon of Fe• the commwlit, lbat stiff.I lber • Randolph Manball, of Glbault. . Chatafd• Hl1h School, Bernard Sometlmu lht bo)'I e&Chllllt Welnler, of Chartrand 111d Ted Camping lde11 on meelln1 1pecUlc 1llu• Hlnlda, of Ritter Kiah School, allon1 1ucb 11: the youn1 players wlll perform CONSOLATION cOM,• TITION CHAMPIOMI, DNI ~ PLAY CONT• IT-TN1 attracllntr 11rlltd trtllll ef tht1pl1n1 11 orcbest·al alld balld woru writ• "I can't talk to my old man." (retll Christ lht Kint, lndlana11'll1, •lid lhtr ...,.. 1111111 lty our ...,....,.,,.., luat after wlnnln1 the ch1mpl1n1hlp In the " Well, I found that If I IP• ten and 1rr1111ed b1 noted com• list tops. Cenaelttltn c,m,..ltltn af i+. recNtt '.lunlw CYD Ont Act Pl•r ~entt1t at It, C11herl1t1, In an 11trem1tr cl•" b1ltle with pro1cb mine 1h11 ••>' .. ," poun. At other tlmtl the YIIUt ,I Heir Name and It, Ann, tht Nenhaldtn - tut lor tht allm m1rtln ef - 1Mlnt, with Hely N1m1 flnl1hln1 aecond and SI. • the dlJcuulon II 1h11 each boJ Ann I cleae thlnL ltandlnt at tht rltht In lht loacl1 rew It Ml11 lamra artW11, wht dlrtcltd Chrlat tht King's wlnnln1 New coach signed 1,000 mark know, that he II 1101 alolle with ..,.,. In tht Ctntelatltn lortdltt, after tht ,iar had ltlt In tht first l'IUnd af the ....,1., c111t11tfll• a problem-three others art Ill ------""!'"------===:-::=---':------:----- tflKREN Mort than 1,000 or tlO per cent tbt 11me boat. He 1ee1 that by Brebeuf Prep' MC>fjUMENT CO. INC. of 1pacn 1nl11bl1 for 'lb• 11181 otbtra art mHllnl tbt 1llu1lloll Fr. Jobn'·Elford IUlllllltr camplDI IIIIOII Ill and m•Jbe bt c111,too. 'lNDIANAPOLIS - Ralph D. · Martctrtllla1ffl - MenumMlh Brown Cou11t1 have been rt- Tbtrt ar, Umta wb111 tbt COIi• Poehll, preu11tt, b11d foothill celvtd by the CYO Office, ae- nn1Uo11 becom11 b o I l 11 t , to be speaker_ and wrutllnl coach at Bloom• m1 I, Wuh, It, flL 7.7u, cordl111 to an announcement this Tllat'1 fllle, too, accordlll& to lnaton Unlverslt1 H11b School, ======:i::::=:::! WfllL Vitale, for Ulen tbt bo1tWt, NEW ALBANY, lnd.-Falher hu been 1l111ed at Brebeuf 01111 one week of camplll1 II 1111'1 ,01111 to burl IIIJOIII, 01,. John E I r o r d, Arcbdloce1111 Preparatory, School for nut filled for llrla at C•111p Cbrla- 1111 tbt bo11 1 c,c, lo taDI Youth Director, •Ill be principal year. He wlll be 1111Jtsnt foot• tllla-that ol J11111 25. Tbt Wffk out-r•tber than out-mt ball and bead wre1llln1 coach. of June 18 for Slrll at C1111p of their ho1Ul117 one of tbt speaker at the first annual CYO Rancho Fr1111111 la 1lao fllltd, worthwhile 11pect1 of the ••It• Banquet for the New Albany A native ol Eau Claire, Wis., About 111 placa remain the 11 111110111. Deanery. 'l'be event wlll be held Poehla 11 a 11114 1radu1te or Wfflt of Jul, 111 for bo)'I II Wednud11, May 17, 1t Holy lndl1n1 University. l11 1118$, he C• mp Rancho Fra1n11a. All VITALI, who II I aupe"llor Faml!J parish. wu 1111111111 football coach at otban remain open . at Cltllollc Social Stnlce1, alld Cathedral Hlah School. At Dre• Father John Elford Arcbdlo- Brother Cllar1t1 •who ,la 1111J. Strvln1 11 banquet C0•Chllr• beill he wlll like char1e of lbe ceaan Youth Director: 11ao 111• lallt principal • 1Oatbtdnl. ' aet men are Paul Welch and Bob lnlramunl 1port1 pn,1r1m and nOUllced IJuit famll, camplns the 101b;of tach mHIIIII, TbtJ Walen. Wllllam Grantz, dean• teach b111lne11 and ph71lcal will be proridtd at eem, CluiJ. occlllo111U, 1t1p Into Ult -dll· ery CYO executive ICCNIII')', education counta. Una the nu-ol Aupd 10 U Cllllfoll to fOCIII 1Uentlo11 Oll•a wW be muter ol ceremonies. ,aufflelfn\ riipoue"II made. 111• parUcular ,.thoupt. SometlmN Jltporll will'.' be 1lve11 at lbe tll'tlted famllJea lbould -tad tbtJ lrt called upon to PNI• event by Bill Callaban, CYO F1tb11 Elfllfd lmmedlatel1 II HIii po11lb11 aolullolll lo prob­ board president; and Ron Nolan, RETREATS tht CYO Ofllct, 1502 w, 18th ltm1. SomeUmtt tbt1 ask: "Do Youtb Councll president SI lndluapolla. JOU lblllk 1clln1 that WIJ II 1111- Nominees for Johll Bosco Week-End Partlal caqtplnhlpa art llao tul?" • Medals will bt prtaeattd bJ FOR MEN 1v1l11bl1 far molt camplnl A~ .l1!'• WljltlJ dlscuulou 11 Bill Callahan,, Also to be •••rd· weeb for tboae 1111abla to ef. 111cett.... 1 , ed 11 1 Youth,OUl1t111dl111 Ser- flrl. ' ,.M. .. ford·tbt pp'" lllllce rtlunlllll lo tbtlr homta , 1,lce Award. Paul Welch (MS­ .. lull. ,,. ,.M. Opelllllp ~ Ill lbt COUii• l&A..tall from Olbaull, all art ITOO) la reurv1Uon1 chairman aellon-111,tralalq prosram for ~ In aci-1, still III tbdr for the event. Ult llllln 111M -kl for &Iris bo •• ud still Hltr lo 1¥014 'ALVERNA, •.~TREAT HOUSE al C.mp Christina, alld the flrlt trouble that ltd to tbtlr th/.ee Wfflla at Camp ll•llcho IOinl , to O11/lulL Tbll IJ US.IMt Fnmua for bo:,a. Appllca11ts Vltala I IIIIWU. \ JAM~S ~- m111t hne eo111pleled the 11latb EJ • J •l D,tW . snde. • ecbon s ated f I IICOND PLACI WINNllll, aAND-ORCHIITllA COMl!fflTl~ht Its tint ,.., af ,artlcl• ------· 1 Those, who 1utteufuJl1 com- ,,t1tn flt lht aa1111-0rcht1trt c-petltltn at tht IN7 CYO'CMlt lltttrvmental Music Cente1t, . Corptiat1on ' plete the coune wlll be ell1lble l N • Alb 1h11 ll'tllP frtffl tt.ir Namt, ltech Oren, under• tht 41Ndltn af Jerry Craner (lhlnt rew, U.S.D.A. Cattltlllan's U11 Ytur to serve u Junior counsellors 8 eW any ltft), was named lor tht lllllte• ,- ,-celve tht atctnol place ;la~, lothlnd cham111tn It, Alt' Choice PINI flR• Ullt MIAT the rtrnalnl111 yean or blah tt.tr, Clark1Yllle. C11npet(ltf aialnat nlnt ett,e, 'lfllllll, ~r Name•, mu1lcl1n1 wen lhtlr • Tender & AFNB schools alld u aenlor counaellon NEW ALBANY, Jn4,--8tncera • Dell lo after blah school. The tralnln1 for the New. Alba!IJP De1111r, •••NI wllh a ..i1d rtndltltn tf "Cenctrt Chi.Cha" and "0,,... lerth." I I ~ u• Outlet Cltertt pro1r1m for boys ii not limited Jwlior CYO will be elected at • ,, • QRD''"'DEALERS · to aemln•rl1111. meetJ111 of the Deaner, Youlb., wr. •- • -:.6• I I . BEEF SIDES - Plus Extra StHk Loin .======i Councll II Sacred Btart pariah, wan.,, •O uispose ;,, e~ Of lnd'1anapol'1s EXAMPLE: 150 lb•• @' 35c lb._ sa,.so Jetreraonvllle, OIi MoadaJ, M11 s-.., ·.. i::, (hly 11.11/W"' ,., 11 • ...,,_. - ._ ~c.;. 19 Sanders Cleaners Noml11e11 for PNlldent IN o/ Church lands c. T. fltnertfli Ct,, Inc. - 2 Big Locations-,- int IIAIIIN ,n ,_ Ron Turotr, or Ho!J Trllllt1, __,.. .______.,... ____ .______. ld'Martllt Cattle , Outl I alld S111111 Hartman of Sacred ~IF£. Brull-A plan to 1• 111 IICDW. • lhWN • • Heir lollll t-o, "fl, Plllllo Jtrr, Arlitrman PINI • - ,_, , - ol .__, "'" 16 NOfl 2-0, SI, • ...-.. 2-0, !NtMtr 1-01 H I(. Iha Ce •n S 8 ..._ PU1A .,.. m •HearL dlltrlbute Church land amon1 lhWN .....,, lotrl' .; ... 10 ..I. SI, . , .. I-It l~lt , ....., ,. 1 OW IMT ti ' Harr,ld 17 • N 2 st Other 110mlnte1 lllelude: vice Brull'• poor WIii be propoctd r-··· 1, ,-.;,.,t """ 20, St, &."ii J.'t,,,jl.:... t,~~· 0. , · ,,-i, .:=•Y,:-..n, Inc. • Pl I , ••~ MIAT pre1ld1nt-M1rl11n Stumler, of lo the country••· hierarchy by · ~ 1, s,. ~ 2s, St, ,_ UNY ...,1, TUa NU IIIP ,aul Ha"tr flint Saltt Opell Dally 10 A.M. lo S P,il\, Sat, • 81111. I A.M. to I ,)(, SI. M•17.gf.U,..Xllob1, and Ju, 2:1, It. 1,,....,t 2,, ow i..4y ti 1,.,..,, lmirt & ,.,_ 1- ,,._,,., ••.n• Ice Faulkner of Hot, Trllllt,• Affhblthop Helder Peu-oa Ca· !21 Ut1lt llowtf 21, 11. Mot1htw 201 Htt, a.a a .. ., •-• - .. ..,.._ ...... u. 11 - - O11nd 1 Wm. Weber & Sons mretary-ltmll Qulllltert, of 1111n of • and Recife. "".l!..\!:. ~; r.~•t.r:\t!N11,11y 4 SI, ...~ ~\. !.:i"!i'A,~~1.~ti~~ ~======~!:::======~ Our LadJ ot Perpetual Help At I preu conference here ...-. 2, It, llffltdtttt o Clwftu! '"° •Int .., ,.,,.,.1 s,. ,.,. ti An 41 •~r• of l'l•c llnu" • · • • Sf. lilt 2t, f. PM X 56, Mtvflt tlnnt1 111d N111c1. Kruer, of SI. All• the arcbblJhop said that the 91,._"'T 't, "'t.;:Tit= ':1 litl u , ltech Ulony'a; aild tre1111rer-Pam propocltlon "wlll 111turall1 1•n• ..,..., 1,; C1!,11, ;,.. a.., ""· 11. ~ Jl~t::,.t:_ ~~Tt 'f~•,r- -~~,n1~­ Scbutler, of Ill. Mary's, New Al· erate Uouble wllb tbt rich and l:,l t,.::;" ,T' ~.. ~:· t:..,.',.'.01 • Otto . Brtadtd Flab Porllolll rot 1 b1111, and D11111 Lutbtr, of Holy tbt bour&eollle, who control -• t , i/oi1 1,1~1 21, St, ,i.s 'JC lhWN 1, It. 1111 5:1, 11 .,_. o1 Alt Fl.all Frlaa F1mll1. Ult sruter part of tbeae lallda." 1, St, ...,.._, 2( s,. ,,... ,, 1, uni. 2'1 11. M,, 11t111tN Ctvkt '"'. llol .., ·-· ".· It.~.. ,, II. Plllllo Nttl , ..1,111 It. ,1.. X ... -•1 c....r U. U, O.r Lf4y lov- 141 SI, Molt- 11,- 11 SI. Ctthorl., M, Uttlo ,_ 21L.1!,.1_ I • 10, • -- . , St. - '\ II, - . , 'I· CIM C ,-, ,_ 'j 2:1, I • - Clwhl "" . 1't!l - ., ,. ,..,, t , llot ,, II - f!'~i.. 2 1/YI~:~ r,=t s,, ,1 Ate 211 SI, I/It 56, II, 1Mo o1 Ate •· · 11- "/,.!.';, ~ •11~=:,.'-:uf': : ...,. lhWN It Clwkt , .. t ... 441 11, - • M•I wMk.J ~ HEW..Jw&idU ~ ~~~~r t.~·=-r :.··-:: 13: [ ~ ~ ~ '. I 0 ~~f'?t!il ~~CYO -~O~TES ~. l! Help Provide the Best Education Pp11lbl• .for ''"""lhWoo M1 1 It1 ,II I-, lodl0.5 S-0, 1 II, C.rhtolM - = : : = :.. 4-01 INll'lltf >-21 11. ,..,, ,.,, s,. ,_ De1dll11t for entrlta Ill Ille I, Tomorrow's Priest . . . Be with Us. at the ~ t'.i,'l,'.k:.,~ "r'.:, ':,"~, Cadet ao,,• Tradt and Field C o.s. cllJ••lde meet 11 WecllletdaJ, UNY 1KU.1U w,,. 10,-.Tbe event II alaled for Seminary Festival Benefit Banquet May 24th 1967 - ol J;Yty, •U 11 1 p.m, SUndl)', 1111 U, It 'tbt s - " II. Mo1tdlr u, SI, = CYO Stadium. Twant,-elsbt E ~NUFAOURER'S BUILDING Indiana State FairQrounds · It I:: ~ -,';; ~ ~i ~.. . ,vents INI acbedulad. PartJd· M ~ • r-ir lrt.itr 17, It, Aa-, IL patlo11 ii IIOI limited lo parlabet Tomorrow liltl EY - 11, s,.'W':"'., "i,.'i::'"" who have partlclpiled Ill dual- I 20, f;. - ti ,.,, 12, c1v/11 1111 .....'rlf mtel Pl'OIJ'lm&, ~ II. t1.!; tt' c.-t 11 It, IM- , • N $180 ·A Plate Banquet .;w.. 1, s,. lodl 17, St, ,_ 7, Cadet Olril' Tndl u4 J'llld A , f.: =-i.::•..'l:..= J,' ,~tt!'l:: mnt will bl bekl .....,, Ila, ·will be in the W'~a, .., flM 1r'OVa Na.. Ce ..r .--,... lbc •I..._., , ~'t Htlft 71 , It, Matt J7, It. 11, at Ille CYO ...... SlltrJ R - •• 11t1r s,,,11 ,s, Heir c,., d11dllllt la 1117 IT. Nl..a 11• .,,.,..,. 21• II, •- t1 II, lflllll art aclledu1td Ill t1lnt y Formar Govtroor Mattllew E. Wei.all (Gnerel Qalrlllul) tf 1 17 ,~.' ,~~ :i.!:.'i~. ' !'· "'!'• .._, ~:Uled bJ ap, NOi Mn, Marioll Ruclttillllua (Co-Chalrmu) Mr. ud Mn, AlfODto Henwidu ...... 1114 I, electric business Ma,.or Johll Barton Ru. Jo1eoll Doolq 0 - It It, ~ t-o, It, ~ • ,Mr. Bob Baur,_ Rev. WWfam Mllllibowtr 1 F. Mr. 1Dd Mn. Joa,ph Sacbnbtlm Mr. 111d Mn, Doaa1d L. JOD11 t!~~~ li ••~;:..':"'r.l, i~ ~ CYO J~!. ~mmer ~ Today, their putnta own Hooeler EneraY and rural Mr, Mtrrlll Cobtli Rev. Oeci,11 SebuUIII :r. ·w, Nol~ ftlattr 1,1, ,,. AAlllooi, ··- -- ·- u, -­ eledrtdty II PIIIDlllns and 1wat1ns the water U­ Mr. J1111 W1Wu Mn. A.ilba Babllltt ~A;:> "·J.- 11 Alt 1-0 It. ,. deadllllet .,., 11. lam- I TIN Daaolln of llabtlla • Mr. ud ...... ,. A. Wllbtlm, Jr. babilt an bathtd ID. It II oookJna the food they •t. - t-o, "• ""° 1-0, 11• .t..il,,:; 1•, Buellall dead1llle la J- L and warmins the ftoort 'they play GIL N Mr. •lld lira. 'l'lloma, a. Parrott Mr. Robtrt carll It. i- 1,,, 11. - 1.1, .., Pla1 will bt&III 1pprollm1ta!J Mr, ud Mn. MarUII atru1a Jl"•fi:' ::""'~ '::,' ~~,•~~• Clw1ol Jue U,•• or-row, lhlY will ba buylnJ eledrtdty ••• for D Mr, Nldlolu v~ Mr. ss _ .. ,,. -1-0,.'!' - • I their f-.Uitlr tc::'n JDd their fanm. And llr. Job Grude • Mr. Jl L l-01 It, ~loo 1-0t II. MMt -01 It. B'••"• ••• • 111110 r I I llr. 11&1')' I. r-1 ' Mr. n. G. GalbNlalb -1•11:s-M1•• ~NJ w - • DWIOW, 1111, will OW11 Homier Bws,. 'l'bat'1 Rn. Jobi~- Mr. ..P J. t: \!:.. " N. N1 It, - ll1tclt,fll1 OGII 'hunll ...... ,.,, rural eleddo mu•&ba ownad by ... · A , J• Bart Mn. "' ' .Wblaut.,lla,L TIie_,...... , • 111d Iba 1'1 rural allCllrtc. tbat a.Im up N !!'LI- Jolaallt1t11 Mr. m ~... Ill 1111 wll bl Wd ,It 8ouda Gron ;;;.EJtortaelldort • Mr...... kalilatell. lllllllclpal 0lmM OD J- 11, barrel- A llr. • J•- M. 1tru1• llr, JliGf.."J, GfJdr 14, 11. Qullfleatlou wW bl =~llackucl llr. I'. J'OII . Mr. ~ T, J'lna ~GUE, Tbt NtU.- IIIJd J- 11. TIie Ullll1 "Daf• :1111•11.....a. ..,..,• ., i111LJIIN ••• HNtllr p llr. ~ S. Clu1' llr. 0..- T. Pli1lltall llr. Wllliim 1'. Dnw Mn. oe,llli l1nd1 ~ Jullua of Tbl ler't Dell&I" 1or 111 Jlllllr - • ~ ...... ,..,,, ...... 0 N.u.tadt 1111 1111111d Blalafl! 1114 a1r11 wlD Ill 11114 J... 1', "No maim llow ...... lball lhrlJI a.4 '!!'J~.':, Ju 'Wl1llllrllldl, NffltarJ ill prablblJ It Ordwi OD bldllu L . ..artlNde&o..,W.,,natfftlllalMmaklla•~nu., .. - ... tbt VaUcu lllcntartat f• ,,. 111. I .;....,_ XJ IIIOUq Clll'IIUlll Ulllty, I blcllt e ...... Ill tbt Orcllr of tbt N~ 1t111bou IDr tlle.nceat HOOSIER ENERGY DIVISION Uoa. TIie award, - of tile --•1 llulc o.tat, wllldl II ~m~~J;'!i( =.~=:.....,.,-. Nttllerludl' 111.-e. WI• • ftl'I latt antrill, will, lit . a.llCld OD tbt - of tlie malW to Ill •ellooll loda,, ... .-'• 1llrtlldq, , oordli,I • &Ill CYO omot. .. . --, · ,- IN TV INTIIYIIW Theologians see jloisibltr .. .. ··1 asks a:ctjoh J · · ,ptfr:mi,ssion for ·certain pills p1eaie., ...._ .._. u4 IIIMltlll lilll ...... 1111 .,__ ROIIB-'111e new~ Comml11kln for Juatlcl mi Nn YOU-f'ft Dd•lln ttatad tMt 1111 Ill .....a:., 11N1 a1 I dloe9N, 1a'111, diataa ,...,._--. Pelee,~ lta Brit Pf-:1 HUion In Romi, 1111 ..._.""'4 • 1 ....._. ~ ,ai II - 1111 =•o1 _, a - ._ .. .., _._.Ill f11t,1 A,.,, llllidpete lllt ....., Le. Nair Mlt,,...... Jl&a. ~-::, ltiat.r~ C'ODI== ~ ; , "'- pro,n• (Alltl •> ,,.. JorttJ o1 Uilolo •· ...., .._ u1ulm11, ._, Illa •polla, --tu•Har fat!Tal ~ wltlli.e • • l'llthal 11d ~tena,"'°1' the dev-1--t al the c=, ..... lllat .. ftaill YI wlll • NUON DOWNJ. ---- ol ... ., eo•tmqllftl .... ,ftmr la lM ... Cli;, Olbet ...... a a.Jr flmd.nlaia, liatloa, of tbf world. ~.. =".e:: ~-= •Ula ,,..,_, dllcrlll4 J'allllr 110t - •afAte • ...... • :.:: :.S~ =-~~-!~~~,= a~":ia"; In a prm rmfennce at tb• condudoa al Iba IDNlo -.... ., Wrtll,...,,.. ,ai,. ~•~ ':: =-..= IN A ....,.. 11 a .... 811D otbtn arw tradltloul • UM nm. MOlllld, lklrd or focartll Inf, Masr. JOHIJb B. Gremllllon, ~NCntar,l • la a cutflall1 ...._. lltate- 1a faYOr o1 tJia JOI." tioe. htlllr .,._., W aal4 • • 1tnuecr tbat If 1'U tbe •b,..,. of tbt tlon tbil • ~ .. dllatW .. "a, that "u tu u • .alda1 ,.. llllllda1 of a ,artlculat IIWiatll. !t . , -_..-_,,.______,. - •-al Jad,J••" •• ra- FatlMr la11111 llal4 that Ula ap, -r••• _, .., • } lllarua, DUt w-. 1\t Crilerloll will btpa publblalaa Ill lh1 tntlre problem of •tbe k ftoau C. ~ - ol lllt pro.al ol lllo "1tJam ~ - ol &.. c~;111114 rutl,al Caladar for ilia btlldll ti worbn ud patraa. w• Imbalance between devel- mluloa IOted Uaat mu, lff• ...... ,_ t,. NPl'INCOd • dlallf• la lllo ,...... Git ut Ille p,non lo llelp III eompleto llle lllt at u wt, date. oPed and developln1 na- mimat, la U. pledpd tMa- ~~-~ ~= ....~dllq~,.'!_N ~ ~~uaai.::,11'"". It Wt 1tro111t, NCOlllmllld lo oarfltdtn tW UM, ••"• UM -•· lf0111 would be dealt with OD Nlftl to ollocalt - per ~ tit Pops Paul. WOI lllo ma-' ... ~-.. a••~t•...a•,, ....._ ...... _.._,. ..._ • •-,., wi"""lit more local level, ol lllelr ulloul laeoao to - • ., eertala ;1111 ""°"' .,_ .... •-.. ,_ ,,_ - - - tlllllt, W. •IWDmtr, HP,tclaU, Ito ai,, dnDtn, to , It II IIOt llle dotin DOr the 1111u111e tulituce ol dntllto , ,, ,....., ...... :.. .., ...t , ... 110t -etlalq w1a1cJt wu aim,a, "Jou c1o1a, la tJia Ptpe'a ata• mer plctur.1q111 COWllr)' parillM1 for, Ille llklm•t• Ill llom,.1 bdntlao ., tile eomalulora to 1q eowitlla. Tll1a prlaelplf 1 -. - 1..., - - permttt•d fDr tllt au, o1 tllf -{ • blrtll ~" J'adler coobd dlmlua alld wbola•omt faain, •tartalll-'. ll1 a .,._. or Ht 11P pro,nm• 1a· wu ntfflrmtd b1 tile 11111.a• _, - 1a srowbll lh&t procr-•tlOa o, dall4ru." ltrulb' eald tut ,.,,._ ,n , Sood wa, lo 1tt UM Ardldlocttt, wlllcll ladudtt • coaUu. tariou• ·eoutrl.. , lit •aid. Nttloa• at Gt11na Ill' UM, W eataltl1 plUe tllat -W l'IIU• TIM t•adlbs1 ot rupoulble talk obollt Joq dlltJ, n'n • JOII blow, • · , ftatller, Ille eomml•alGa la to be llOlhlDf 1pprtclabl1 bu beta • Illa UM mt111lnlal "ei. an P•Nlllhood, be •aid, "la t11t 1111111 nlaU•• ltrma too. I• two 1 1Umulua U4 llleollrtltm•t ltr doa!1 tl!Jlollp It fl• ~at•_,~ ;~ Uaat 1t~lld dram•Uc dlu11 la t11t 111n a lcml clola1 la ta.a ol ICANtllNG Tffl DIOClll-'l'lla l:IO a.m. IIWII llau t •cb' for eucll prosram• lilat RollaJIG bu UIIOUIICld~ lll ,._ Na... .,. 1e,, tucblq ol t11o Cttbollc C1narcb tllo Joq lllator1cal tndltloa !Mt Sulda, •t. Tem Haut••• II. •-41ct Churchw.t•ptd for re- Commluloa member Jam•1 llllfllUOD ol aettlq ulde two Btu111a of tllb --.uua, quutlou ol MDalJt, la tJia CttllDllc Cnrdl bu Wt bro•deut 0111 hour l•ttr o,er St•tloll W.U ) prlm•rll, J. Nonb, wbo propoeed the per e111t of It• utloaal lllc:omt fallllr' Struut, uld Uaat be 011married Ute " TIM Pope bu 110t tr1e4 to flprt to btllent abut-lu 111d 11unt.a1 llom1 mld111 • 1111 11Wual eommluloa to t11t lleCODd v,u. Ill lffl for tllb l)WlNIN, doullt•d "Yer, mueb whether It codtralttcl, be n14, wltb tllb out 111 .imNlt Be'• W dlneu tbt parllb adult choir for tb1 llu1, IIIOIIIOrtd by p1rilh• eu CowicU, 1xplallled lb• or, lrl a dtdaratlOD lalltld 11, tJia aa, it•t• mmt II IOIIII to rule "Ille teadeae, 1a the put w1ie11 • O'OQP °' IO aporta wllo Uff _, __ .,_, •- ,,. t of • oat all pllll." rl ...t --'• , ... t bet1I wortlq-tor~ lonen Alld frlaida •••• o.•- Mutln .....,, wbo will be or- • a...... ,. • ro,. a• ...a tll• eommwloa, It wa1 at• tad that Father Stnlllky •llo main• our p ut, tau.., ,,_...... TIM, ban ___, a ~,-n. o, dalllld to tbe prlHtbood Sallda1 at St. Mtlllrad, Ila• tb• WIUJU•I eour•llal people tll onr the the pl«dse of ooe per cmt "II a lb• tbl Qnarcb bad God deelde1 bow m•111 cblldrta ,....,.._ ,...... III dlatillctloll of bnlDf mved II dau pmldtllt for alll of bll rrld,:.. at Tbe eommlulon ilmple direct formula for t IANQUIT CHAIRMAN-I'.,, ~a:' a "!ajor bruktbroup" !!:,'[e =mb~I,~ lat~ :=u': ::::--~ u., • tr, II 1l,i,t 111n Ill tb• nmln•r, at SL lltlDrad, •ad all fOUl'I Jt•ra ,ci:ea ~1 a!, Wt call tbt eon, world t•I alread1 aceepttd Ill mer On, Matthew I, Wtllh ID It• teaeblll1 011 Ml ud mar- wb•t ...... pa-Illa do 1II orclt; dl1t1t tllb, •o that 1111 Jad...- whUt 1lud7ln1 tbeolou •t tb• C•tbolle Unlvtnltv of Amtrlc• ' prlllelple b1 IOVel'IIJrltnti. Tbt 11 """" 11 ch•lrmtn If~ rltfe wbell It •PPl'OYed the U 1t""""'tb , ••':..":,., __ ,, wW a1•o bt a pe,-,1 Jadl- H II lb• • . H0••11 IAID lb lb c:ommllilon IUflUI, ,tbat It fl.... -.1,te IMntflt ~...... , rhythm method ol blrtil COlllroL to !" t tu ,,,,,,..,..,. mlllt; but tbert'I t lleaeil re•- 1'It , 1v1":n 1 ofrt~"T•1 LlltwrtncClt 1 • ,. ,P.•~ alldc Itb I• I•~ Mr. Ptttrr mlulon•, role to •~re:teeo: ihould be made tb1 bull of •n fir the .,... c,11ie11, Seminary The reuona slve11 for J111Uf1lll1 Father Baum al•o COlltaadad - ud w, aboul4 lie fl'U8: o ' '' ..., • ' ' ' · ,..,., " -~ putor o 11 th Immediate c:•mp•llll dttl1Ded If• lndl1n1pell1, Thi tnilt rhythm·, be uld, "wen baaed tb•t btetUM of the dJ,lalocl 1bolat IL It II bow to fraat t 11. C11her1nt•1 ,arlah, llldl1n1polll, Nturoed home from II. a;•i:u • • reipomlbll!tY to lnnueace 1over11m111b to will bt held Wlftllltr, Mer no lot1ter on ,i. (Hlll•I) amoa1 tbtolo1l1111 011 UM que1,- lt•te-t, 'bo matter 'ftllf °'11 1111 Bttdl Alie! It, Vlncw'a , the M•.nv- to ~~I• Het,1111, Gme, lut week. in ~et r~e:a.i:,; th~•p!c,~e!o~n:;/!1: bella kdeepla1 ,their prombe1~! 24 11 P•lrtNWMI• act,, whether they WtN mil• tlo11 or con\r•eepUvta, CltlioUea Judfmlllt la made, that It ....,.1111 11ver1l da,1 tbb past week wu M11r, J11n11 I'. 011,1ft, for the need 10 t•lte coneretr • dee• .~ or dnelopme11t end.... factvren• lulldlne, R•M"•• UJtd or not. Tbue Na•on, m111t follow tbtlr OWD COIi• will , ,. tllo !tut llldlpatloo Artbdlou11n SuperiDtend111t o( 8ebool1 and putor ,f It. P1trlck'1 acuo11 to ~ Improve the world'• Ill 1'70. 111111 ni•r a.. tltttlnl4 fnm weN butd OIi lb• total marrled 1eleace1 011 t11s mattu. OIi tllo111 part of t11t Catllolle WU.. ,"1rllh, lndla111polll. Ht tumbled don a aJsht of 1t•ln Ill bll 1ltu1Uon. the ~athtllc Stmln1ry ,..,.,. IUt." He Ald that "11 a Cttbollc II ful." p1rilb aebool 1111 Friday, fracturln1 two nrtcbr•e.. . • '"" Coadjutor Arebblabop A111elo Altar Boy awards dttllft, luthtrl1nd ,.,.... AIIClb ,oa tbl Qurch'• =·~!..!':u:· 11~~ Cl1rti1, • IOJ)bomore at Cathedral Hlth lchHI, b•a ncelved a Fem111du or Delhi ducrlbed fU.246'.•n , · .....,~=•. N1Uonal Seleaee Fouad1tloa 1ummer 1cbol1nblp to atteiiil Ohio the comml11lon'1 work 11 1101 be d ------,--__- _ ~~:, '::e ':;>J'orC:/::~':o.i':::: ~i:i~ :~t ~°r9~ b toll· .... a ' St•te UnlttnltJ, wbtre be 'fill p1rtlclp1t1 ID I m•tbtm•Uca ID• Ju~ ~U b•itUe b•1a1Jut •llt, bul ctpUvea Father Strau1ty 11ld vlllctd b;,'the ar,umail slvtll . 1 1 1 r to presenle 1967 iJ • ' 1UIU!•· Ht II the IOD or Mr. and Mr1. JMtph Cl,rtit, or It. or umall d anlty; IO • P gr1Ul8ges he wouid not want to "p•u b1 contemporary tbeololl~r Hoosier M.ertc'1 ,artU!, lndla111polll. tbat bumu btlllll wW have the INDIANAPOLIS - Several Jud1ment on the moUvatiOII of especially b1 tbt poeJUoa apeUita MONUMINT CO.. INC. . po11lblllt1 or u,1111 a dtee111 hundred el1~tb sracte , 11rven to Monte Cass...1 ' no • J)tOple." out 111 tbt majorlt, report o( - N. ...,.._ WA .... HIU AND THHI-The elabth ir•de sr•duatlon cl111 In humall ex.latuee. The eommll- from ll•rloa Count, p•rt• bu • He did e•utloo however the papal c:pmmwloll, 11 be la 1t'2 from tt.lJ Trlnlt, lchHI, lndlanapolll, will b1v1 a %Sib Rt• lloQ alma at belplll1 dn1Joplll1 will partlclp•t. la the u11u1l •S•IDJt some of Ult Na•om wllon on Sunday, J11111 4. 11111 will ht oU1rtd ID lb• parilb :O:~~d to develop tbemselve•, Altar Bo1 Award, prosr•m Mon, will begin May 7 alvea to JUJtlfy 1ucb aeUo11. cbure~ •t 11:30 ~.m., followed by dlaaer Ill lb• school b1U. For The indl•ri Arcbbbbop, who ~!~I ~:t'.il:f SS. Pe\er an4 Tbo11 who claim tb•t tbf laform•tlon, eoat•et: Min 0111 llm-111 (~) or Id also c:h•mploaed formation or · ST. MEINRAD, lnd.-Tbe an• luue II only betwee11 blllballd Llat-.Buy or S.11 Your Home Ptwtll (• l-1144) • • , , P11her GmW RIM, a,111t•nl putor of tbe commlulon durlllf tbe coun- ~b~b~pt ~~ulte ~ Ji:' au•I May pllsrlm•ae tb the ID~~\:,.!~ imt:n~ bll I.I Heir Ptmllr perllh, RlduaoQd, b•a been electtd board vice presl, ell, 11ld that tb6 comml11loa !:~e~ 1,!111 ~ \!~uh. n Thi SJu\lie of our Lady of Monte ~!m~n,lolll or ou:1:t,!!.. • dent ot the Cltlzena AU Faltb Committee for the Richmond Stele not llltere.rttd ont, 111. provldlll1 event will bfslli •t 7:IO p.m. Caulno will bealn sunda1, May Fatber Str•nllty tho dlJ. -Pros;ects Needetl! Horpltal ill Richmond. Also 111med to the board w11 Mn. ,,..,,, Id, but In IIYJl!.t. 10 tbe world and conclude with Beaedlctlon. 7 at 2 p m contlnutns fhroush• counted tbt r,um1111 tb t the 1• • • I. Hedi, of It, M1ry'1 perllh there . .•. Persona lntemttd In 1tn1t of human •oUdarlly. Father Thomu Breldenb•dl ' the ·m;ath ''The Glorlou, Cbutth 1bould llOt enter lllto the 1 NOW is The Tl•! Monteuorl educ•Uoa •re Invited to • meetlns at I p.m. Mond1y, w:e toco:~•l~~t ~!:dJP' •~~ wlll direct the consre11t10111l ,Mysteries of tbe Roairy" bu matter. The queaUoa lllldtr M1y 15, In the Purdue Unlunlty auditorium, IJOl E. Sllh SL, VI'• IUUtlUOIII ill Illa tllcyell, ,1ln1la1. been chosen u the seaenl ~!'!>11 Ill tbt Cburch, ht ladlaa•polla. Spt1ker will be Jin. Evelyii Froellcb, dlrectreu cal Developmrnt of Peoplu Chairman of the pro,nm la theme · · a•ld, Ii 110t wbtlber - abould ol the Moatuaorl Activity CntN, Silt N. Delaware SI. Sbe wW which ,tasl«d out two urieni Jack Leahy for the Serra Club Fa~er Cyprla11 Dnll wW b~Ye norm, for 110 IIO~ It'll 1pe1k on ••Moateuorl and Jl•tb." • , . Chlrtr11Ml Hlth fchHI laauu for actlo11: the now or re• of lndl1111polll, proJed 1po1i--.'pnacb May HII aermoo ~ tt •ort ~~':! llldl ~ .,, tueher Jthn Ht1111lnttr bu beta fmlD•ttd for the "llaa ~r the aource, from the rich to the 10n. He ii wilted bJ J>aul G. will be 011"Tbt RtlllmdlOll7 alld Cbr~ lo "lb14 1r d 1 11 Vear Award" •t hll 1l1111 mater, St. Edward'• Unlvenliy, Aus- poor ud lllequ1Utlt1 Ill the or• Fox aa Donald Haake. Alcenaloll." 011 1i1a, 14, Fatber COllldlJlc::!'-P • ." rm e tin, Tex. Jkanln1er •trended tbt Lat lchttl If lndl1n1pell1 l•lllz1Uo11 of world trade. Benwdllll Shine will preach Father 8trllllky IUflllted •nd was 1radu1ted from C1thtdrel H lchHI. He II • mem• AMONG MIANS or lmprov- St; Pius X KC on the topl~ "Dt1ctat of the tb•t much or tbt dell, markla1 ber of Lllllt Plwtr ptrllh, lndl1111polll. lnl the Ont problem the eon/. Holy Spirit. Very Rnerelld Ille pill dllcuuloll it•m• from --..:.t... Conrad Loull' subject will bt Ille P0p1'1 dtlln to nllra~ b11 ,-1<,,....~:•.!__...... • MODHN JAZZ ~~OK-1btJ1t1Jllll.4fJ,.Llllllll,ft1 H ' seb. a.Llllffersary:,. "l'lle "-m,tlOD" OIi ...... 21. ltatdleat accur•ttly'."r'J1ii ._ •h"•" .!. Ja~-111114\ltiJ:TBl a11-Davrlur, Wlll111Vi"Ui .Pllsriml wtll be.-Fl'lter De•• ,ear-old print from llilwtukte 1 lllltlal preaentaUoa la the ChrllUaa Theoloalc•I Seminary •udl- . Oprm·• ·ons INDIANAPOLJS-aill n111t.. -•~ con Ji(atthlu Neum•n 1pe1k on. pol11ttd out tb•t whatever the 111 • f, · il:-1 torlum1 1000 W. 42nd SI.; lndl1111P9lll, on Friday and Saturday, IN aebeduled by the St. .Pl111 ''The CoronaUon" OD May 28. papal decbloa II, It will require Pat.Fitzgerald M1y 5'8. Time l1 l:SO p.m. Cominlaalooed by tb• seminary, the (Continued from PIie II) X Council, Klll&bt• of Colum, Miu , 11 celel>r•ted la the ellremtl,y e•Nful tbeolosleal F. C. Tudcer c,. 1 th new work wW future a Jw band ' "cbonu and d1ncm I Lui tben what? l111t1lae tb•t e b111, durln1 lt• •nnlwen•r1 week chapel durlal the moalb of 1117 wordlnJ. ·.· Realtors Broker ? rnr Balter, • member of tbe Jllllla~• Unlvenlty tacutt, • wrote '"th at ma,lorltyboot f~1111 rlfeel pro,nm 1tartJ111 Frld11, May on 'l'lmday, Tbund•y •ad · Sat• A 1ecoad tbcoloal•~ Fatber 2SM22I ., ad rr d • • e ume way • ut ..,e 1 r P HI• II with I da11ce for memben In momlap at 7 a III Gre1or, Baum. O.S.A., 1upport• • • 251.ftft a Pt orme •n orato rlo or P • tIll 22 with bll Jiu mu1lclan1. hood. Tbey took aome chance. the eouncll auditorium. 2100 E. un1,, · · td Jlttber 11ra111ky• oplalon. 1 (ladcetl lly I It •11 pre1tnltd •t the nmlD•r, and 011 JelevWon. Tlcltet1 may ADIi I Hr10111i, doubt U the 7bt. Tbe Shr1111 of Our Lldy Qf Father Baum, Ille facult, of 4' Y11n ,.,...._, 011 bt N11rvtd by phonln1 tbe 11mlli11')', 12'·WI, or purcbutd •t srf'at 1111Jortt1 of them resret Tbe lchedule lncludu u open lloate Cwlno II located 0111 111. lllc:bul'• Colle1, la Toro11to, l•-~------1111!'~ 11111 , the door for• 11.50. ~ • ILprlutbood. They IN proud of their Mondaymeetlni forat whichmemben Pbll • adlftdbec('°'•bbty 1.1 mile 11orth on hl1hw1y of SL Melnr U.S.• 480d An:b' (la·• -- •-•-•-•-•.,.•-•-•-•-•:..•~-•- •~..,•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. . GONI ARI 'IAIINUI' AND 'LIH•ATUl'-Tbe _Fr•nclac•n I 1uppo11, It II eolllOUlll for lndl•n•poU, race ur owner, dl1111 82). 111 Father• of the St. Loub•Cble110 Province now b•ve the option dotln1 motben to know that will ,peak on 1111 IIOO Mile Race of revertlns back IO their baptllm•l a•mu llutud of the reU1l0111 th~IJ' 10111 can 114Y• 111'1 frlelldl, aperle11cea; a Chleku dlllller KC C Jiunb• a1m11 received Ill the no,IUalt, It appear, that tb• m•Jorlty ar •ad for the eiitr lltl ltltlldl Tuuda,; 1111 rumm, tourument O laDS Personakecl the 7oun1er ei.ru aN ebupa1, wblle Ille older prlttll •N of NIIWllriu• to krlow that Wedlltldt,; • dl1111er bmorin, , 1tlcltln1 It out wltb Ille 111m11 aulllltd to them br tbtlr Ill• ~ludl -. ,alld !~ 2&-:,ear membtn Tbunda,, May to sponsQr dance perlon. Som• of Ille lndl111apolll,hor11 mtmbtra wllo ban :~1- _,...,,.~~~--- •• Ht or .._ 11 and a field 11111 at the eoun, Insurance Service 1wllebtd lnelude: Fatbtr Raymond (formerly s•blnUJ) SttU111, '~II~ =~t be cu di Ila, H at II a.m., with Fa, INDIANAPOLIS _ Fm1kJe .... Felber Richard (Uber•lua) Meyer, Patbtr Rlcb•rd (GUt1) wu. n.. ti , ,nat ._11t ol t!1:!'drcs~ ~~~el~ ll111tn and bll orcbutra will INDIVIDUALS U1m1, F•tber Kurt (J•retb) H•rtlcb and Father Paul (BJIOII) ••U-at the ,Id, ol that brut 1 • plar for tbe d111c1 IPOIIIOrtd by W, L_ LW. - • LLIITI9a 011 BUSINESS IL Zodarer. Ooe who did not b•H 1ucb a dlffleult "blndlt'' but who arpme11t. Dotl't Jock the bo, · • Ille Columbl1111 and Co1111dl 431, I 0 ..... eb•aaed anyway w11 Father Jllebael (P•trlcltl Mooney. No up bebllld clollt1r wall,. Let J Ki I h . ds :"'t :hColu~tb OIi ~.:J; - and, INDUSTRY word baa bte11 burd from Fatbtr '111eodoal111 Scbtllcb, or S•crtd bJm ... I tut• ol tbe world e8 y 1 ev:1Wlc1&111 TIit' - --- ames es e i: ~ Hurt parllb, or from Father llllmlllld Ctslelllltl, of St. Roch'• flnt. Let him be llOl'IDal nd ~~~e°:tTi t! 1eld la the Kof c the , p1rlab. Fr•11ebun ml11looen Ill Bru\l baH •aotbtr problem ~;•0 ~:c::U ~~.~~ CHS Fath"n' Qnl., i:,u, Uth •ad Delaware, froll\ bee•uae their reUsto4', namea cannot be tr•ultted lnlo Portu- he YOWII to rutty !!; ~ p.m. to 1 •.m. 111 11 100 0 HERMAN C. WOLFF CO., 111 • Father Kerlc Wood, wilol1 b1J)lbm1l oame ii Gilbert what 111 II dol111, All tblM ar111• INDIANAPOLIS - J a mt I For01ddltloa•l lllformaU011 llld Inc. · EYteae, II bon ID Brull II "F•tbtr Gllbtrt" alld Patbtr meat, btvt Yer, out HllU• Klelle WII elected pruldenl or reaervatloDI, call Miki 0owoe,, 11· P!Olptr Ftldbakt, wllo1a b1ptlam1l 11am1 II Palll, II ltnon 11 1ae11tal.appu), but what a wute- Cttlledral· fflp Sc:bool Father'• CL Mall. Tlclttll •N llO per L L •--t I. P. ,-- I , f, ~ 17 W. Market St. 6>4-7- "Father Pnderlek" ID Brull. (Ooe Frallclll:111 eommellltd that lllld ot luecurttJ ud emptllltu Club at the 1roup'1 elo1lll1 couple. Proeetdl will be 111ed --~- __... -.... INDIANAPO&.IS, INDIANA bli "dldll't know anybody Ill tb• rommunlty e, more.") of cour•p ud determluUoa mfflinl or tllt CllrNllt 1c:bool to purcb111 new 1111Uol'lll.l for

tbeJfller9 llavQ. an ..itt t lllllllber ol ,,ar.Otbtr olllcen llteted we":. lb~--- Colum.b.:::la::Dl::,.. · ____...... __ ~------..:..----:------r--- PMltl J COllllder DI)' frltlldl, Ed Murph,, bl vie, pre1ldeat; but DOt - ol them act• lib Richard OblrlfeU, Ind vice ht wu ner btlllad a elollter pre1lde11t; Du•rd Ballard,. HC• wall. N- ot tbem an par- ntary; Joe ll•ttillll,, tn•• CATf.lOlllC:S GE'F tlculart, dlatu•tled at riot llaYiq •urer. .,.. tbe wwld f1nt. Alld - ::!u~t11t.:.::.,~.•:'.",!~.D of I to hold .lOW COST Jut tbeJ don't. TIie, -m to : 'l:f.r•::.ld~~ dinner meeting - do tbeJ .,.. ta1kiaa l MEDIC1'1i PLAN tt uot11trw,_ ,... .. wilt. INDJANAPOLll-'ftlt llotber New reu can •et the 'mtdlc•I Jl.retectltll ~ IINII at • ,,_ -ie 11 __..al - MIi IIMN. ....,-, 11ll1 IN o• ~ Aid tlltn - tbe ,owaa 'l'lleodoN Ordt1 ~aqlatan of reu _cen •Htnr. Our 71-,e• r-eW Calhellt ~ OP THI NOll'ITAL. lllilWI'• fNt, ,...,.._, ~. tM · aai•triaa wllll dldai wut lall ~t will - a dllllltr -ltt,-Tht Ctthtllc IClilthtl I_,_ 5'"""--,AN. - * ..... ,..._., ltMritwy ...., •tftfflltr ...... 1111l1ll11fltll 111M111a ....,_... ,w ~ ,- ..._ _ry ...... I Ille,..._ • 1rie1t wWa , brnltry la - meitla1 at t p.e. • TlleldaJ1 flt...... laud ud t Bible la tbe other. JltJ t, Ill Ille It ol C eluhroollll ,,.. 11r. vaunai ... e14 w1111 ... wttt.ut c11114r911; w " • vu,':!..-~•._eet _.:.• ~ •=':""...:e..!: 'C"~ ht 11 the prte•t .s-i ban a at 1JOI N. Deltwan It. lllrJlrlllfttlJ ltw-t ,,_.r• III hr \'W, - •- ,..__., y llf ...... _ 1'1111 1Murw1 fltlN ,,,... the 1111 .ii•, ,__. ':.::1 r- 1!111 11 ca1M811 lly Ill tee-, W _!~ -"':' .,irtt ol in,s ud tbe word ot Oblate Mu, Dnaiport will w11tn yw •re alcfr w hurt, Vtu eat ctlh hr •-ell ...... I• a•lly _,... hllcltt CM~ 1-...... , Cled, wbat doel lit haft to ol· ~ alldt1 OIi bu a1a•1oa work f•r at 1111 wwldJ, apert. Iii Ctll, Colomblt, llou1la Amtr­ _, lcL D1-r n •tnatlou allould P.OLIC~ ISSUED BY THIS SOCIETY I llaft Ula analtlt t4mlrtUoa be made wllll Illa• Geor,la ARE GUAftANTEED RENEWABLE FOR LIFE ,_ • i prte•t fnlDda, ud tbeJ Vo.... aq, GWl1I. ..,. to NPld - • t aaarritd , ., REGARbLESS OF THE PLAN YOU NOW HAVE ' :.:-r:'a! 11ne -.:: :! Guinea priests· YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY 1111"11 ~,...... to , TO LEARN WHAT THESE NEW PLANS ·CAN MEAN TO YOU :&; i;:, ::.r;:. .,J, tC being watched I .... l•edt•i .. --- lul .IUII_...... _. ... ------Catholic Knights Insurance Society • ,- lltw. Y• l1aft t...... IOJa: '-=..:a 1t1roa NO RISK ... .,...... ,...e-l:.. .. ardaed ""tC' ... -"ftD ..... tllCltllolle..,..,,.tbe_ ,::.=.-,:.1::...... NO Pltue 11111a me frff llllorm•tloa • ....,_ tor Catldla C! trJ - •aaod ~~ =tltllawwtd..,_,__to;:::,::- :' ~": DA npon la"·~~o= ... -; • ott.nd b1 ,our --,roru *ltt1, ( ) ••-n- ...... ,, ...... ,....,~ .,., ( I lrldlYldul ( I Life •- , . OBLIGATION ( I Kortpp ( I BClfltDllP ti.ia ( I Qlldna a I ...... De-...... ,,..., II, ...... ,,. a dtdllaa. Ntlltdr - "" ~••c~J:1. bad beta • .., ----•I la ,_._ - ...... alDu that Catlt- mmlaJ• • -,W., ..... la-, .U...,... Ulan W bet111111> NAIii...... DATIi or aorm ...... "" ..,,, ' cll1dlu .._ ...... L II .. ,._ .._ .u111l1l•t1 .. Gl11a- c..a,--~...... MAIL COUPON ADD...... ; ••• ••• ••• ••••••• ,,,,,, PBONS.,, , ,,, ·,,,,,,, ,,, ••,,"" ,, • • • ... "t ...... ,..,,.,...... -·~...., ' 111111•.••• lllod ti1Ct ad nltad to - If _...... tllll lW-...... ,...,, aN If.-Wth Mr, _,... ""°"'' tJia .,.. .. -- - ...... ,...._ Cl'ff'•.••• •••••••••••.•.••.•.. • - .•.••... .•••AB ...... ~ ••••••••• ~ c,ca,11,,, •••• , TODAY __& ______:._. ______,______~ ...... ,...... , Illa ,__ '111119 .. -- " Catlltllt ...... I •••• I •• I •••••••• I I •• I . I . I •• I. I I. oa:IJPAftClf•••••• I •••••••••• I ••• •••••••• I ...... ,., "" ., ..., .,..., • 111 Klffllo clauw la Oiiw. me ., DtMW ,... .. , ...... ,.. ,...... NI ,,u. llllaCIIIM•a.

,. _____...._ ____ ...._____ ~-- .. ' · TH• CltlT•ltlON, MAY 11 1N7

, K-MART PLAZA , • Clartinllle ,.WH ....

New Albany

l.'jr..,I l-'•·clt·r.il S,I\ i111i-. ,.\ . . ~ '. , Connersville ...... ' li:11 ·'· .• ·Gray

Sales Company S0t1lhffll. Indiana, Oldc11 •. Plymouth - Valiant Dtaln • Salu 111d Service camn - ,n_,a - IIIPl•w nu.un - uwcw, • Lumllar • .. Wtalern ,b•. 12MIJI SMITH . • Mlll-rti ' AUTO CO., INC. ·-· .. Sl7 11111 It. Ph, MU674 Barton E. Barker •15th & Shelby It. ~H "451 RHI E1tate· SalH Bloomington and Appral1al1 Visit Us In Our lnnrancc Campus New. Home ltD 0,•114 An. l'h. W•ft11 Beauty Salon Lawrenceburg Yev WIii 111114 Y,wr Ctou,OWII • .S'lloppfn11 Cffllff The S• turdey Social at Hol)' Crou ,tarts at 6:30 p.m. In the .lloblle Homt LlvfNII Is • HIT C~lt IUY · IIM1111ntteft- I'~ UU1~ ,., C•MPllfa l'ONTIAC, STEIN'S at HOLLII MOOltll' church hall, 125 N. Oriental St. 1/apJ>W Llvln11 IUICK, O.M.C, TltUCK SUNDAY, 'MAY 7 11l11 and Stnlce Shoe Store · General Auto Sales Two Card Partl11 featurln;i Blue Skies '1117 Central Bedford Euchre and other social games ... at 2 p.m. and 1 p.m. In Au ump• Mobilehome Sales PIAII~ and MAIN UAHCK-2"6 Chltlfll"" IC. •l,_.,..,.,..,m U , llltkt,tt Jeffress Motors Inc. ' llOYOI CNOII IIAJIOI tlon parish hall, 1105 S. Blaine , ...... ,.. , ...... "41 (Formerly_Sure) A,·e. Ttnwlclet - Cam,-ra 171 - II. I I , • I ~ • I Trav1l1ra City Beverage -~ • Art.Caned Dl1mllldt MUSTANG Dlam·ond1 ..· . .. . ·­ Hemlllon ~ ll1ln ° lenru1 ··l. ~.. ~ .._._.__.!..,._' ••• L II'.- I/ave A Car 10 Fit Your L1111lne1•Wltln1111r Watches --­ $2177.57 Gruen W1tche1 Gora11e, Your. Dud11tl, 'hk n locW. AIL l1tM«4 ,.,....,, J... 1,.., •114 Gift• , Your Per1onoll111 L All New Care In It.ck • re .,ht s,... to, ,,u.-.· Open M Houi:J, T £, Robert Lqws A.1 ~ A*t Ow Dl1e-,nt PUC.tt 1111 17th II. K. W. Auto Sales Jeweler •~.,:~ ;~-~::~Iced C • P. SALES CO. •·- I At,, 144-47M a• 11.. , It, Hl1hw1y1 SO and 41 Ph, 1J44 11~, ""'" lllt, l:ttt'~ ~ 11l!.; ~ Ct11ld Wt ldM Jlffl Gnu,., ""' :r:. • I ,• • • ) b. E. Tre.nnepohl,, I . Pafrq11be Columbus Kokomo to host Fit'ch . S'rot~ers' t Shots MMVDY'S Our SAMPLE SIIOP KC convention WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 Funeral Home "Where Quality •• lll&her HATHAWAY Dalton & Payne The Card Party In St. Philip 1•14 Watt Hlth St. l'hMa 5' Than Price" A.d~rlisera Dreuu and Spotu Wear Neri parish hall, 515 N. Rural 24 llour Ambulance Snvlce 211 Wellllll It. Ph. ffl•W 206 , ..,. ,U.'441 l'••eral B••e Inc. KOKOMO, lnd.-KC Council St., begin, at 8 p.m. A111livlanca S,rvlca SU htre will host the 1961 slate Th• Siar• far Jin KDl&hll or Columbus connntlon THURSDAY, MAY 11 ' ,,_. ffl-441' Lei u, Be Of Sen,ice To You 1m l'•arl It. Dewnle9'1 J76-M1t May 11-21. St. Catherina'• So~I at 8:30 Palronbe Cel111111iv,, 1114lana laalbreelc Center Jtt·"42 John H. Dally Is convrnllon p.m. In the p1rl1b h~JI. Shelby ·KRAFT chairman, 111lated by Robert E. and Tabor St,. Home Furnishing & Our Fields, co-chairman. SATURDAY, MAY 1J • FUNERAL HOME 2 BIG LOCATIONS H11bllaht, or ihe •conve~tlou Social, sponsored by the Al• lppliance Co. Inc. Acre, If l'arklnt . WILSON 7M I, S,ltlNO llnct 115' HIW ALBANY, IND. banquet will Include present&• 1umpllon Parent-Teacher Or­ 2t I. Ctttltr It, Adverlisera Columbus Center & Old1mobll•Cadlllac, Incl' tlon or the annual Catholic Lay ganlutlon In the school hall, ,,_. ~ State & Mapleton '" Dl,tct Itel.,, Dt-tl• Action Award and I speech 1105 S. Blaine Ave. 11 8 p.m. titled, "What I Can Do For lll)' I 21' Jacka... Celumbu1 Country" by Robt!rt L. Daven• port. Plymouth. winner or 1h11 Milan Jeffersonville year•, K or C stale oratorical Brookville rontut. BILL DUNFEE Advertising Mrvlce and CHRIS VOLZ n1w1 cover.. • In the --~ New effl~en CL Y'S FURNITURE ~VE TIME,. SAHLY Pepsi ' New Albany • Jtfferaon- H

a, .I~ .I, ICANl1 Ph.O, bappaed ud w11a It be,u a~ cu oa17 1Pffll)ate oa tllaa IDdl,ldual wllo ~1111 to cue lulle.U, qaaklq. ud ,.,;. wW It will be , -,ar, f«. ,ov

M lltwtleft I ...,._• .,.. not llldlafed la ,oar lelter.0 two poulbWU.. ud attempt u for Utile btalda llllllltll ud lane to be priparad to dial wW. lll&lbucl to '" - Ill UM -W ca.! 111y ...,_..:. hli ..:. all Bulc.U, ,oa lla,a, a doQ'We UIWII OIi til1I bull. Ill, on plauun1. Ver, 11a1t WI U a flet of Ufe. Pertlapa W9rbn 111-11 ud, wll11e til1I 1n1arett 1a h dllWrtit _, 111,. problem. rtnt, ,oar ~•• • w, 1a a l'fflllt "' 1111 on rear- Ille.c•te1t tn,ed1 ID w, type :i•r. IIOt be aaq, lt lllould not aalf, He raNly ••~;.:" -. com,_ ladlffffllCt to Joa •ad II G lmpoulble to ntr atl· la, aa • da1ld. • • ~ wt!tt: to J::ulq to ,enude ll1ai S.ida'sDiscoant call, the dllWNII ,., Illa ·~ ~ MCOlld, Illa mate tlM lmportaue of a P•rflll!' 1111 paraala were dllklrtD tlia =•~••me -m1ltua tlaat n,. oib.r po~IJ 1a tbat llut , 1 y 1 • wute of -,. motlier qd falhet ID tile nar• onr-ladlil1111t wttll 111111 ud 1111- _. made la 111, nana,. fllat Um patteni •Ila• • i{naloped .Dept. Store llher 8'""""' Mant111 ud fa.mu, 1111 ara IDI ~ dllldNa. 'flle7 line llMm IDtotlollaUJ lid 111111 to ballna tile problem of oae at11ar•tloa niller .NctDU,. Tba rcila ol • le lhe191, He a vocatloa 'Jult u truly u Ibo f\nl; IIMJ ban them for Ille tlaat lie la Ille _, IIIIJIOrlant become, a problem of tbe 1111111 b111baDd and (alher la ov IOCJ. 11""" • 11M11 prlulilood .flld· Nllllou, Illa loep,t period of tlm• befoN pen1111 ID tbe world. Tll1a Pll• ,-ntlaa, •ud nr, 11bt, w 'V• today la at bell a d.lfflaalt la ry, •• IN. ct•arli, tllen are - UJ oilier a,-, - 11 llMm, 11111 of. onr-llldulauiN pro- UM followtu ltlltfalloll. II la a ~. 1/ime mea fffl ud IIOl .,...,, It .. mea wllo aN not lateadld for ud It la jJa tlaeH eart, form,- •ldtd ID childhood 1111 eoalllnitd toallDuoul pau,111 wb1di ru11u ID~ t1111 tiley an m.,. ~ • II. manial8 ud f1at11J Ult, ud UH Jean tlaat pe,-aUtJ }Ii-· to dntlop. 1111117 flmlllt1, and our tiljh ~t, belq . ~tel. 'flle7 bellnl H! r~'.'::. )'OW' blbbud I fm, ._., to ::,in:: ft' ,:'-1111 ~T =t =- I do not 1111111 to make,.11ar- dl,oree rate la at lt11t a par• tbtlt fllllctloa la ucb&llnt, to lilllll le ._ Nt be - ol llaam. baad la a lllfllll, tllCatrlc t11J1 tbe wtilppta, bo)-1 of aod· Ual letUmoay lo It. Pl'ffldl money ud. to keep tf the ...... WIie"- It 11 ,...... hr ------tly, II IO DIU, do, but - - • 11lenL Tllia la traceable lo tll· Th t ....,_ hllll ,- dlallta hit lltfMN!lit, 1111111 admit tlaal 11:nowledSt of Auumlnl lbat 11a1i la Ille ct11lva d1mandl of a wilt and ,-, hi ...... I ...... "'"" 11111 It,...... dalld nartn1 la a kind of bbwl• ,... lhe only hope I Clll ... cblldrta 01 tbe domlDIIIN of a liefh .' ,,.,,._• _. fttller, He :,. lnleratt Ill 1111""-' aail edit wlllch too DIIIIJ puall for Yf/AI, JOIII lllllband, and J'OIII' wife. You wW laan to eumlat h11 tfllft ..,. - the Mr, f1111lly 11ft 11 1r1..i, ..._,. ~,J!ulol.11 ~ •• ~111 ~ . cblldtta la frofe11jonal help • .: :;'!'or ':c,~~la':'!,~ I ...... -·- tf Ille chll, aw.. v.. "" .. clw le hit -'-~ C .:: I ~ Prom IOme O lbe polala In JOU, J'OIII'111 Cl 4,.., · 111, ltvt frllll cll'talll 1t1ta- -.-. oft ~~ tlDa ~rtalla IIUer, It la cltar tbat a dlacu,. n. • •• "''"" Ill rtur lttttr I ••- amount ,.,_m -a I lion bttwetD JOU and ,our lllla· • ht 11 "' hit ...... wltla Ille ladlYldaal dl1Jd. All bllld It DOW lmpoulble. Som•• u JOU bellan tlala to be tbe · Yoa.r altuaUoa la IIOI abao- fll'lllll. DIW mlatau1. Tll1a la bow ,ou 111111t HU UM ualat· correct 1nat,1lJ, tlaen It la ID CAPPS BERKOWITZ lutely bopeltu allhoup I would II '!Duld be helpful to bow • Jlllt about ldnllabla. But 11 • aDN of a third part, and hope ,our bandt to do aomet111D1 ceruln!y IJ'IDl It la cluperate. wbetller 1h11 p11tan1 llu been cblld dtwelop1, tbe PINIila llaat ,our hulbllld will nail about It. You will have to make Floor Covering, 11 It cltar that your h111baDd (n,lcal of Illa t1111H mamed lbould be ablt to notice lht lfl1111eU ol -tAIJ help. • JOIII bUlband fNI that he la bu Iott Ill 1Dter11t ID family Ult or U II bu IUddtaly de· _,.. - k1Ddi of penbaalllltt tbat are J rather doubt I compltte n • Important, dtfer DION frequent, ::..,.i.,o,,~~ ;. :... I or marital 1111. Jlllt wlay 1h11 nloptd wltlala nmt Jtan. I ~ ,...._ 1mer11Da. conry c111 bt u,eettd, but I t, lo hll wtlhe,, matt the boma -=--=-- 1 ' ' :Jg --~ - •.. •...... m At thl ,e111f If tht d!IW would hope tbat lbeN Clll be a place which la altracUn to ff ltuthl•"tn'trr"' Center "' ··~· A~. ..,• • 'f.oo :,:._~ .:.·:::::::::::111 ,.....,, :.,..,..; ,.,._ that 1;0me Improvement ID 1111 be· hlm and 1t1111ra11Y. help him to IJ,IO __,_ • '""' • ...... , .,. Ulldnlrole thall "'• linlor. I aussut that JOU so reu,ume 1111 proper rolt 11 Seymour - Wit ahtvl4' lie MUlht 0..ltualy lo CalboUc Social Stnlce,, dlJ. blllband alld father. W• hnt the ht l'IIH "ll.l1t Wlth..Homette..t ' '" ,..,._...,.. 11ttt1 ...... w,111 It 1a· __._ ..:.. cuu ;our problem ID lull with Ona point la quite claar: ·ea -=-."",~....., l'or Complete hrvloa , ,ao ..,__ " CNUII Loundrw a1ld Complete Line of , Ms ,.,.,_...,_'11:f,!'li ...... wuv VJENNA-Yu101lnl1;, com• CHEVROLET Orv ci.011mo Smric• At Low Pri- NOLTINGS I.G.A.. 7,ao ....,_...,.,. -• ...... wuv muabt 1overament bu for the lfflllh Vatley lltl. HARRY'S Toyw MENS WEAR flnt Ume slven ,permluloa for Intl. 0,,0 I II M Dm I Waat ,~:J:l ~ :J!: ~!',!".::, ~~".".'.= o,.._..,,, 11 MatllMn An...... w_ DON TROUT "'" - -llltllMAUU...... 0:,..,,.. UUM AIU German and A111trl1n prletll to .,.,m • Open H Roura • D11 Richarts Men's --, ..., mlnltter lo Oermaa-.peakla1 ••.-s Auto Sain 7 Da71 a Week ••:t;o u,.-""°' 11 11. ,,... 11 ....WW,I touritll la Yu1oalnl1. Lui year -- 1,._1111 Walle.. An, · Shop '. WtnYIUI AIU • • million German,.pe1lda1 tour- Ttl, DMIII 200 E, Tipton 522-2ffl ir.is ,..__ _ "'-::",.~...... WSV\ bll Yltlttd Yu1otlavla.• nucm AIU I Brazil Harold A. Ferguson Yen& M,.c "" Nk.. 1 Pft!Plc Empire Realty ' ,.oo ,.-.a.. ":!'.,.,~...... wrCJ ....., .... Thompson's _ - OM A HO!lda , ASHCRAFT'S 7.00 I A-'Sau• - ...... Will Quality HARDMAN PAINT & 0 , H, FRODERMAN Salt1-8tnlN-Part1 Corporation ,_IIWI _, AnlWICII "Chakd" CHEVROLET ~ ICli CREAM KIDD 7,IOrn: ::::~...... -- ==11 CM··:lllM ::: :::••::~~ BODY SHOP o,rig,i,d lo Sfftlt ,...... ,. ... """ "'° w,n Ill':!, _ -~Ill• Motorcycle., .,. '"t..!!t'l\~ .ton¥~ .... 11111 -'!:.~ Yowff~NU. tfs ~~\l~ii·:::::iu ....,, 11 _ 4 1 """ i ...... 1en1.-~ Tml IIUTIAIU .. a,fialalllal - 1o.a1u.... Insurance A-ncies Tl,.., an,I Chutnut .....,,_ Wttclc Rebulldln& 1J" .,~-.~-~ ~ w~ict~ l· ,i-.m..a1 n2-2on t,JO,... -~...... !'endef Repair - Auto C:.-ral huur,ic-1eni11 W1tlll ...... WINl •TV , ,ao •--r ..,:,:,-:.S.:"' ...... 1101 Franklin 11 N, Mtrltllan 1t: l'h. 2457 IS N. Walnut It. I'll.ml Complete Salu and Senlce t ,4S • A-ltlltlN •••• ••••• •• , , ,-.1HI l'lrllMUth - v,nant -IYllllAIU Franklin Bank a1n1c-. - Chryller Greensburg 12,00 , ...... ,~!:":'...... WN(f aoa 1teCLBI.1AND•s IYAIIIYILU HU AND TllUIT COMl'ANY _,,_ r.e . ... ., . n•• """' lhl01..-...0wlll- ...... 17) New Castle AORA CLEANERS l'ra.. lln, Ind. 4'UI I The Fashion Shop ,,u _..{t.. ~ ...... 11,1 • 4-Hour Service e Women'• & Chlldren'• a,,. Numlter Thrw ,,:io ..,.,_,,.~ wi,s Orsanlatd ID 1ffl (Wa 0,,,11t Ow 0-. PIIOI) App•rel =. .:... . Dr. Joseph 8. , ,.., . ... _....,, 11 11. ,,_, . ... w,o~ In Johnson County In w. NNth · l'h. MU976 h:IO ,...-, - c,. .... - ..... mt W•b•ah Patronize Stores 6Q4"1 ~ DlamoDdt - Watche1 Don Carpenter ·Tho~pson's Comer ~~S a Jneu, -SIIYlrw~re 161 _. IIPU'f - ·- " · a 1nc11 a, " 11111 n - -" RNltor (Acrou from St. Alldrn,'1} .:.,_li=l"'....!:!::!D'ZII:. 112'Wab•ah Our Dlllatrwan - Glunran ...... ~MIii-. IM-1111- Olftware Calboµc Re.u11ou1 Alllclea TlltH HAUT• ...... ,._. Nlt.----llMII• HJ.War I ff2•D17 ~ fU.,,.I IA"" • y- II&-., - 121'aSO'J.... ,,, .....'""' IOII ..,._ ..._ Wlot 144 •. Sth It• Adoerllaen .. Ph. 232-9503 -· IMMallllt, . ~: l '. : ~{.." ~ ~. I • - 1"1.Nl-ma, ,_.,,.. _UO ,- ICft. - -...,,.,.. 11 I Par .All Llntawa, If •-- W•llp.tper P•lnt & Suppllet ~•llu...._,l,. ()ptft M Hour•, 7 Dayal l'OM MATTOX Aute-l'anw .,.. Hetlle DR. R, ;I, TIMMaRMAN , C. H. OLIGER O..n Debolt Concrete U.1. 411-N.W, •Ilea Realtor & Dr. Dorla Timmerman • Pabst Blue ~lbbon • · & SONS .. ,,_._. Schroeder Insurance Co., Inc. Ol'TOMIT1l1IT . • Carling Blick Libel e JII I, 11t It, l'h. 6'MM1 ID L •• • . Agency Ca...,..,.. Cl~Wlnchffter 7 N, 11111 It. l"1. tU~I Dl..,._.lty ~ .. -...... a1ch--. 11111. :=: ,":: '=...,""':l T• D BR~ - PR•MIUM SAL•S, INC, SHEL SMITH Kelllor. Drive In -· HALTOll Restaurant RUSHVILLE .... ltatelltatll_,. ucta eo.- Neff & Nusbaum •· • Ytan If temcal HAL •ITATI SERVICE SHOP of •V• RY TYP• DiatrtRtanol. • Pootw,u for ALL . Harrington-Hoch . TERRE HAUTE SAVINGS IANK.. l'abullul'==" rNlted ..... tN~·~111-taedllllk

\ . . ------' -:------'---- - 0 -- ~ 11•.

PAOI TIN . . ,_ t. Plan installation Father Schm.idl ... $an Antonio. priests· suspended•~" Remember them m your prayers" . · . • ,..,.. a,ou, 1..... 1 • • '""" c.11.,,, '"'"""" ,.,..,,i. on new ,off1cers to be speaker· t 10ta,1 I, tMINIL, l2, Koll trlnltf t "4 Rt11 '""'· " , tM="'•,"';~~in,:'·d,~tttt tf •~':I.: tCIIMOIII INDIANAPOLts-Fatber Wtl• -14 .... ,..... (-11, ' '''" HM t lllll A. m:,ow, ,, ...... O,,,,d, I.NDIANAPOLIS - The Jo~• 11am Schmidt. 8.J.; will bt tbt in wllke of neivspaper article !!i"'·,,..0.1.,:, ,Jr,4,.. ,•~•! k,.•,•,..1...,,, ,.,.,.., A,,11 11. ,..,.,. ,_,.,,. Molh" ti en I Guild of St. Ila;'• ,uut rpealltr for the annual ~ s 1- - • ""· ,~• c, .., ..,.,~ o., ""· parbh will .Install new o er• '''1"ti •• Mother • Dau1hter communion SAN ANTONIO-Three prlull The 1u1ptn1lon did DIii allecl Thtlr Infraction then wu 1h11 • ~~~~, "'w~k1,' ;f ":k~, '!\:i~~i followln1 the annual pltc •ID t AMY , . •oliovu{ " · SI. " •· I c.. ,. •• ""· '""'' ...... , CINIM.. I, o. dinner on ·WN!nuday, May 10. breatdut at A11umptlon paruh have been IUlptD~ from their the fourth prlHI btUUH he lhty did not have lht permll• ,, •t\',.,1~,= ,:;•.. ~:;"~'.''._:.!~'. The dinner will be held In ·th~ on Sunday, May 7. Father duUu In the San Antqnlo arch• wu out of town on Frld17 and 1lon of Bishop llumbtrto Mt• A ,11,., '"' 1hrtt bto,,.,,. •"• ,.. ,.,, ,. t -~~::, ~.:A:_o,~~·rc.h"t.!~,..':.''"'' ,chool cafeteria at t:30 p.m. Schmidt 11 president of Brebeuf diocese lollowlns pubOcatlon of did not know of the olflcl•I db· dtlro1 of . Brown1vlllt to tnl(r Preparatory School. a newspaper article In which 1>le11urt the ltory had drawn. hl1 dloce1t. t •offlll 11. 111, o . 1,. ••111, "-I.I. cot,_ · • Olflcera to be ln1tatltd are: (""re~. •••II 11. 11. J.,,.. ''"''"''· t UHII 1· IIIAIT. •o. 11• J.,,.. ' ""'cl>f 111'1. Robert Gadom1td, preal• The breakfa•~ will be nrved they criticized what they called THI IUll'INIION Ord e r Accordln( to Father lltlltr• Witt or lobtrl c.1 motht, ot 0tnn, J•• Ai,, 11 2'9. Cf'luf·uterday·s (Sunday) M111u dai•-whcn ii wu too late to,do INDIAl\'APOLIS - Dr. Don Motf'ltt of John J. flnMtff, htl!Ofll, of Ht• Albt11r, •Wfhttt . , P1t,kl M. , tn, of Ntw Alll>fny, 111 (tfl'lfttty. ftltwr ti Albert 11'\d 1111 cove red. but I don·t know what • n>·thlng-to threaten u1 with Mittleman. director or the Com• • (0Hlt1llt , belf'I ef WHI l trrt H'4.tlt, Brother Eusene Wel•tnber&er, puling Center al the Un'lverslty t n&NCII t . 11iiiat~ 12, ,,. I"'"'"'' bfotht tt end t i• altltfl t lJt '"'"''"'· will happen now." 1u1pen1lon. Dy then thl'thrut 1 htt1Ut Ctolt1Ut , of Ttut Htutt 1 Mil• C.S.C., of Cathedral Hl&h 0 11 or Notre Dame. wlll be the con• Moci';:;:'hOf ~~~!· ,~ ~,"'~:.°'!,,cf~!;~ t IIA I . IAUII. M.try't Churth, • ~,Ht~ :tft School. vice prealdent: Slater Covering one of those Mane, WU ,ure to become • reality." 0 n,$,. e;r.111 ''iin=Z,~f•:•r.~~ Ru~age sale \'OC1Uon speaker at 12:30 p.m ,,.1,, ,11,., ot ltht l Hwlht1, 1111, Httt· Ge~Jd~. , ~~ch (Hfttf"'' · ~., ., Miu tllt, t nd Mn. Jltft , ,,,• .,,.. ,, ".,,.. lfary S.P., or St. Andrew'• on Sunday wu Father Sherrlll FATHIR SMITH said nothing Thursda)'. May 11. at Marian •on •"d s,u., M,~~~""'"' Leftowu . • mondi bfothtf er AIMft , ...,nut , ,f School. •ecretary; • and Sliter ". . tlHI IU.Wtl l llffr 1111 Covtlt1Ut 11'\d Mn. Mtty HIii, Smith whose own troubles· wilh In the lntm·lew could bt con• College. Sptaklng In the college t MAU 1. 1111u•. Moir 1,1,11, 1<••"• t lltlllt A. SMlfM, 7S, SI, Mliittttt bottl ti W"t l"tt Hklt1 111d rrtftk Ruth Ann, O.S,F., of Marian lQ 1 aid mission~ archdloceun olllclab led In• ,ldertd u dlsmpecllul or In• auditorium. Mlttlcman 1 topic , Joh~~• 1icJ:d ':~" 1~=."'Du~~:.,,~ Mer,·• ChurcJI, April 2,. c,1,.,, ( lfflt• <••tlt1Ut tM Htltft c,.. , .. u. . N th ., Collese. treasurer. ttty, ftl~r tf M,t, l•t l,YM, tf Ttut ' lttlt Hwtt. INDIANAPOLIS-A rulnm11e directly to the late~! Incident. n•mmatory;-11 the 1u1ptnslon will be COJTIPUter aclente. J.. , •- ••• ' '"" • • .,,,... , •"4 Cho1ln sale for the benefit of the Milt lie and Father Jamu KIiiian. charg.,_ But. he said he lelt 11111 Mlulonarlea will be held edllor ol'lhe Alamo Mtutneer. that 1~'lu1penslons wert hand• Saturday, May 8, from 9 a.m. archdlocuan newspaper. were td down on the buls of lht to 2 p.m. In the basement of St. sent on I week's "retreat" three priests' urlltr ouhpokenntu. Ann's Church, 2880 )foll Road. months 110 •Iler belnl arrested Father lltlltrnan also parllcl• TRADE ,@,LJ SEU BUY LEA SE Warm weather c Io I h In 1. while plckelln1 durln1 • ml1nnl pated In the !arm strike, and he {i).. g §,I ~11 @.IT) 0.,0~5 .,tr household utensil• and other" farm · labortn'. strike In the wu one ol the 10 prlull who •· miscellaneous Items will be sold Brown,vllle diocese. .Falhei"l•ttr met with Archbishop I al bar1aln prices. The Mara Hilt Smith wu taler dlschar1ed II Lucey and aired their dllple •• An lnupel\slve Want Ad - t A P ARTMENT L Iiii~, bus, from Penney's on the Cir• archdloceun 1ocl1l action di• sures over the "retreat" ordered A UT O M O rl VE HELP W A NTED SPE C IA L N O T I CE~ cle, 1topa at SI. Ann's Church. rtelor. • for Fathen Smith an'd Killian. • Do11 a Big Job

CALL 635-4531 ISO CA.SH fot r owr ,hl.trch, dwb, o,r S<0\11 OlltlfTAL INI Ask for Mrs. Turpen c·ampua and Trallua mi?:"'li,l~:.. ~ ""'" w,1t1n1 ltvt,,,. 16" • · u:' &Ill toll .,,,,.11 Park Terrace Apt1. • of Mrs.' D.etrv (Oll'lt Ht °"' M:• '67 lrtd• Winch 11,1ltr- lt ST PHILIP NE R I Scoll- Mtf(Uff • Ponlble Bu1lne11 ui-11• 717 Parkway - $6,900 U41 ' ' "'"' .,. ,SPH/1/S 920 EHtern Ave. fl I , lrOf, S a..,.., 2 btf1oom1 NII• 2 WNm. 1,1ft •1td't~•l1t , .... ' 111 on, 1oon.b1fore they ALL WAIJI TO If. Pllli, • :::i ;.~: til (tflWtfl flOI, tfl• c:n~li:i ~-:.•::: 1,!r'rl 1~;;:: Wt ll,built, -,,Jc.k t ktlf'lf, 1-bHr,n. MOd• WI NIii IIITINU STUART AID ttft NWM "'· 11,nu11• • ' "''' ·• c.h1i1nhtt. 11,250, Vtct ftt, Sfeph1n1 RHlty Bocltnhamer Rulty Moving & Storage Co. ID/IP ;f'Ill 111-MII 111-1161 AMIULANCI 717•"' lMtl ., Lt.. lhtt11e, INDIANAPOLIS R. C, Smith Co., Rltn. Strvlu" $2'17, Ul-ttl7 ..,o, Wo11y frtt ... DISPATCH, INC. Call-634-3491 flllPIIOIII ST M A L A CHY · 701 N. ltutt BEECHCRESJ 925-3555 f O il HUH L I rTL E F L O W E'R • 2600 S, Shtrma,n Dr, New 3 Bedroom Hom, u.tb 4own fKA. ,,iu SI S 700, l ltd• TOT. TENDERS' 1 1\11 lttht, tllKhtd ,.,.. . , "'-llt•lfl , oome, fu ll btuffltnt, httfooct •110011, 3 ,_ ltlO(ltl1 ol TEMPORARY WORK ----- NIHIIT 500t EAST ttt httl, l,,tt ,olllt19 loll. Hur Hol, &i.tt .... , ...... FO R SAL [ li't«,o ~~,,:,t 1~:~:"1,t~:~o:, Ntmt, bi.II lrtnt. All tllr vllllllH, the grHIHl 250 ST. REGIS Hu, 10th l trttt, J IHrM, 2 Md· Wooch 1dd1hoi, In ( ltrll'IOl'lt, 156-0-.)0'J, omou 1

111 lltlnela •WI, w.tMI COMPL•TI 'AU'tTION ADDRl:SS ...... 1 ...... Palronge ly Owner - $14,900 ', I r ' J t. I I O II W A II T le U VICTOR ~ITiTIR l • RVICES , OMIIO a.1 ,,.,_ 1a, ,.,, CJTY ...... : ····· ...... , ...... Our Uot,IIOrkl,l.,.._.....,,lllt- BUIINISI IIRVICIS ... ,r/:..,"':;.."f:tt'1.'o;r... - w=:-..::.i,-...... '=:-•n:.Jt" l'orett,,....., ....o. Hedrick CIMck .Cull ~ .... ~-­ PBONB ...... C • J If. ftllll,S PAalli'-ClolW u,,. "'J -- ltMffl .U...... ,t ., .... ,.,.. ,. .. - .______.. Adoer&en -~------,, I. 0 ·------..-- ·- --,, ------M a rt I r1 s v 1, , t; Hayn .Pharmacy, . 4 Phelps D1111 S~ Inc. No. SW. el lquare Gcu ~qu Join: no-, "'"'",.._ s,.tlalleh"' MartlnnUle Meeremn.

Shelbyville .Harold Ash Dodge ;JUR!HY - Sales ·I ~efNm' Complct• Solu a1ld Sffllk• m •. ''""'' m-2141 .I Brownsburg I Announce. topic ONE HOUR TipP,e

JU., and Father Wllllanl Nerln .. the. b1dianapolts .Parish Shopping Lis~ of Oklahoma City will also ;:::i~ l~t th~e .:;:i~~:i"1ea~:~h~j HARRISON ST. GALLERY & STUDIO Oklahoma City•, "Community 224 N.,th Harri- Ma, S-7 of John XXIII," which 6rln11 haturtn1 a Memorial Exhibit (at no cbarse) of the worb !::::::::::::::::::~:-:.•- •:.·:. ·::::::::. ·.·:•:1•:•:1 .....:-11111•111111111111w • 111+111+11111wa•11•mll!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllll9IIIIIIIUIIIWIIIIJIIUHIIUIIIUIIIUlllllUIIIIIIUIIIIIMIIMmllllUUUIUIUWlllllnlJIIIIIUIUUIII people tciaethe~ for worship and or deceued Shelby Co11nty artist,. Over so palnt1n11 and social action on a non,parl1h the work of over 20 artl1t1· will be dltplayed, The 1tudlo f\~j~\JMPTlON H OLY NAME ST BARNABAS S T JUDE ST . MONI CA bials , noth prl ,i1 wlll talk and aallery will be open dally _after the exhibit otterln1 art ••-.------• •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ------•••-•- •- •- •- •- •- •- •- •-•- •- •- •- •}_•- •- •-•... I a,pec~•· "of communitye , 1uch onII suppliesand children. and leuons In 11111 , Ille and land1cape1 for adult, , lrown'• Servlce'"St•tlon 00 GOOD GULP the optimum 1lze of a aroup for PIMN ffl,12'7 _ US,l'IM All De lllfJ. • meanlnllful woralilp, . and the 224 NHth Harri- 1 _ lht_lllyyllle '° 'ohnlOn ind Son • . STAN'S Mr. Albert', 1 , i _.,Nie I Gulf hfllc:a, I , .,, • H S II S I dan1er of worablp by bomo1e, • '.· h ' I • • • " " 119 =• ~- J \,., 1W.~ IM'~ "Mwll ·• Sliell Service Shell Service · •Ir' ty nt I on neou1 aoclal IJ'OIIPI, , , .___ ...;. ____ ....,_-...i._ .... ______, 411 ,, Wt a,..111111 "' !MIi ,,....., UAU .., MOTH 'IVtlUIP 11n1<1 * c~•SA ' 1uunu mvia, ...., • _ k::.. ~C.,. ------•I e AIM• ..., PrNllot $enlce e H•IUTN ... ITUTll' OIPAII Got• W~ ~=-... ~~~ . •:; ,.,,,. I - ·" - '"· . l •·- - a~Wl(I • If...... lclii)MR

C ATHEDRAL 11111 O '1 .... ft" - rDIYI. '!"' MIi ..~~:- oiiiiiiiiiiiiR•OS-S P•HA-RMA--C·Y-- JN Lepper'• VERA'S REGAL MARKET I ~ l!JWJIM!J!: • L - • 1• L - 3I09 English Ave. Peta & Si1ppll11 2106 E. 10th St, ~ 'IMPIIIVEYIII IIMETIISYfAI Tro"iay•s POOD'r.fors SERI • ELL 357"'200 . S..,,lltt ... All,.... T1o,k1I lhh, (At -·"··· _• ilMI.__l"'YM't! ..,""",. ,_t ''"'\.e ,_ ....,. • Sl!RVICI!NO SH ...,.______.,.. '~,.".::,'''* ,..i <•••J,.,.,., ....,._ !° ~!'r:!!'"' '""' _- ,~!!' ·&:,,~•,. ~- ~------••---BECKER FENCE Outllde. -----Hou11 Painting.------" Puritan Water Softeners _ ...,.- - •· • ....., - McKEAND DRUG :.TORE HASSE'$ BAKERY · FrH E1tlmat11 ...,,. ... bl• , ,ktt" ind Iron FIiters VI - __:y _ _ P11Jah -IHI Ctot_.. 11411 N. TN- LI MIN INIIIIU--D -• IAlll ... UNTAU 1-, loWkotlto "'4 luh l,rvlu PIUCIIPTIOIIIT litlC lOl.l,1 "llllg}- . Ult_l . ~•• .:~... Af UIII :' •-t 634-9113 ' Wt ....~ All M>lM- lrH W•tt< Tnts MULHIRN'S STANDARD -• ,.- • .... 1on1c1 .JOCt~ l;.~ITIIIG ft».m, ----•-----• :.,wi::~•r\ r,::•,.:. A & T Drape~ Service '"°'"' Sl!RVIC•' ..._, ~~:'~ i~• ::-,.i.; v..:u:-,~~ A. J. Lekur 1rd Sona. CARPET. 0 I Wlff 11'111 ff, ------• Woodcroft Ph1rm1cy °""J:C-~~"' ~~~;;L • '~sr• . 1st•• Pt1•1'"' ,...,,.. cs.-, ... ,_ L~DY 0 ~ LOUHDES ST C HRISTOPHER PU .:t.~'t:: MOIIAlt't', 0-W Wl71 a.,.rter ef ..... eat.:: :::•NII .. ::..:~._:;:..:_.-:;.-::. '-' l•kallto...,..fln .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111111--• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• 11 ______• • m1:1 &!t'fN'i~o;_,mv,u """'''~-;!:~t..!~.e;.l""' ..... ,__ co _~c~~kw..o.R .. K_ ... tUI ~.r:::=n Uphol1te2.- -~''II• . PARKWAY PIZZA ROSNER PHARMACY ··'='=-=,=·======·="=-= o.1twty II S-11 CN,t1 1HI IILIU OlUG IIOII ,._ 111u,;'m-: ...,.11 :m~~lllT,...._11, 1, "' mi m- . ~•.,,_ ,...,...- , I, BECKER ROOFING ""' , ..... ,1111 '"'"' "'' .., ...,_, u,-'t"'-"• ..._ J. T. Lll11 Post Ten ft1rdw1re . & SIDING co. Ct• fl1 5 f THE KING 5114 E. Mlchl91n St. ·' ,u1 mJC1i,t10N omvau FL 7-1516 JOHANTGEN'S Cook's Gl111 f, Mirror Co. I. 10th & Post ltd, UMtM 627 M11~~ ,i~~~• "''· 636-0666 ..., '1111 ..., ,., lat" 1oL..,. Tlwn, 4 ft 11 o.& RURAL PHARMACY GIAll<'l!i,1-1,11 •- 0,,. 1,JO.f Dtllr, 1M lulldtr ,,. .. .,.. .., ...... J .... MlllOII-- MIi ~lfllllM-ff1- W"'QII~ 1 Brvi,o TV SalH & $ervlce WALSH PHARMACY •: ...... , '"""'' hrfk•• 2'1 I, TROY AV•, ""' llnlu-.... 1.C.I. -UIITII :~~r !1 .m-_: a.iu 14111, llllllt, •al,.- Venetian .99e .,..1 .::u:,rr• ~mar: u1m1 .., HA Attica Flnlabed •• ~-11••-""fa."'.- FL1.-.-PLJ.75'5 IV Nolto - - Ill._ Blinds Ntw llooma Added WA S.1W • S-1554 RICO"~ ~--­_._,... . -1A Termlta1, CIHned · And Up Outtera - Plumblnl -- ...... u.-n111 >...... , .....,.._ ...:::::::::::::::=:::;:: Roaches, Oara1ea - Fumacu ,1)lf~PH T • • 24 Hour Service • Complete Job ~ T JUD E S T P IU S X 'New Taptt lnllalled "c Yd, •, t. " ,~ f t; H L f, R T Wat.,bugs, All Work Guaranteed KASH IS KING Mice, Etc:. Pk k 1/f .... Dtl'-r A"I~ ~ POOD STORKS ORM• 'S• SCHMIDT PHARMACY ALL-BRITE \iENETIAN Carpetl and Interiors 14"L_._ • G1-lt1t ST. ;;':"-""'A"""",.,, lit~ TIETKR'S BLIND LAUNDRY Ulilu-111-TIU We tove . ..~.J;~ ~ 7IM6t7 S22 N, Rural. UWSJ6 4-1N2 (N .. ,,__ c.11 141-lml •11. • 5cMlth · Side Pharm1cy ... •· ==~au•n•••• PHT,CONTROL' USIQ TV's "IAMllY NIALTN IUffl.Y Ulfflr Sl!RVIC• 11111 , . •:-=.~· , .., 1. •••• 1t. m.ua All OAVIO ftllD •• N. 1• NU _..CTIN ~.,=_,..,. 114 .,., f1il .., ,. ht! ..,. ··SAVE MONO. SHORTY'S FAIRWAY, DAY OR NIONT T XACO PU L OIL Credit • • MARKET 0,.. - I uo. to t ,.._ - ""' ftW.-,,- lltvfilf 0oto I UL ff I ,.._ ', T /,•,I Ht /, i'J't==,:,;:t- -••"" S.tbf,ctloo wi" COKTINENTAL Ctmeot, Portland ...... • ...... 1.IO lrvlMten I• A Puel C:., · .:."\'li!l~ooo"1t:Ws Roo&1 Shlnslea m lb. aq...... •• -.., .... " ,.., Canis HIATINO & Pl11t1Jtioard, ..1 ' ul ...... •LIi -.. .. IIWIM WIHIIVP - AIR CONDITIONING Panellnl, ,, (choice I tlDlabel) ...... I.II Alf(ICIATID IHVICI Hit_. a... • ~.ilW.:X. .. 1... Cellini TUI, ~" wblte1 bd. • .. .. • ...... • 1.- Liquor It.re · ...,llecll,,-m _.. ~~.... All Challl Link Feac•~a·,, w ...... :...... II.ID IUIIICI ID•:,-..;,. ..,.... n...,. Gara,, Door and nannr•':!I~ I' .. , , ...... , .. - r=.t: Nalla, I and 11 Common_ 111 lb, ...... ' .. I.Tl IAIT IID• IIK• STOii• •, T l •• OMA', N ' .... lenl.. Ptenlc 'l'lble, I' ...... , Cupola, . . ~ - ...,,..._/Jt ...... tt,lllflli Preductl 'Jllclwood.' 14"114" ...... -:-::,::._ .....l'IMIII IONUI TOP YALU• STAMPS HIATH'S • ------ii"1iii1iiiii!1iiiiii1 lntem• tlonal Preductl LA 011.0TT 'I · SCH\11.rTZ IMO• ll•PAIP lUP•R MARK•T 1...... ·SatlaerlalNI b • hr (o. · • W.Wa, Quality ,_. 41'7 N. ~ fll.ffll "" N. ·Sherman Dr. ~ S:..'fflr:la COlfl IM1 ..., 7IMM6 1•~Aft. ~ ... ~~-,:,~, .. -0~ Wort· 4HI -~-Ave. lal&WL IIUl&nffl-. -ir=- ww;-N...... J14.71N 0-..,,_Col"'_ ' . ,. I I .r .. ! PAO• TWILVI • ·.-,' · THI ClllTllllON, MAY 1," IN7 I \ . . I . .. ,. ' '-. ADDRESSES UNITY SECRETARIAT Petition· issued about defe~nts CAIIBRlDOI:, lla11. - Soma NllllnarttDa'' Jetter aald: "Wt Pope ackriowledges J)apacy:_ l,000 Nmlnarttnl of YtrlOIII r.: an mon and mm. UDCOmfart- 11,iou, dtnomlnat.10111 alped • all!• about accepUat W-11 ,3> letter eddnaed to Defeliae Sec- not •vall• ble to otben." nt1rJ Robert s. McNaman, pro- Some 12 dwomlDIUoaa wen is an obstacle to ecumenism ::• ttltln1 the war In Vietnam and roprtNGted .IJIIODI tbe' lllpen, I: · uklnt a wldtlllnl ' of tht con• who an roalde111J of 41 llat.l ad1nU0111 obJtcllon cltUH In and enrolled 111 1111 Nllllllarlel. ay JAMIi C. O'NIILL quutlon, not only for Chrlatlan- and 1pont.1neou1 effort for m • the draft ,law • Tht l I r I t I t danomlllltlollll lty but alao for the 1plrltual tual unde,vandlnr, almln1 •t All mnlnar, student.I an ex• ,roup of alpen wu - IOO' VATI CAN CITY-Pope Paul h the dl1covtry of tbt trutbJ of VI bu acknowledted ,that the dutlny of the world, 1 e convlc, the fllth and,of the concrete d• empted. under the law, but the Ctthollc Nmlntrltlll. role of the papacy In the Church lion that It la no lon1er • mat• mand1 of ecclulal cbarlly-tlle of God "11 the rravell obstacle ter of dwellln1 on a dl1cuulon sole bun of an authentic and In the path of ecumenism" In of the historical cau,u from perfect unity." -' an audience rranted to the plen- whlchr prNent dh•illon1 orl1ln• The p • '"' th t the For Mother. Ir)' 1t11lon of the Secretariat ate but that 11 ii neceuary to .,.d:; ltlt I I .: for Promotlna Chrl1tlan Unity ror;,, friendly and loyal relt· ;~~h m~nytchle,j~ ~h~itltn 1 (April 28). lions. between the Catholic unity which ctnnet lie 111 .. Gtve A New Daily lfissal Ho-:ever, he edded, the move• Church and all other Chrlatltn ' ptlltd In I few Yllrl, ,He , (TMN Are Up.To-Date) · ment toward 1chle,•ln1 the re- communltlu which 1lncerely aclcltd: ."Patience· 1, an ecu­ unlon of Chrl1t11n1 "1how1 Itself pursue ecumenical 1lms, that· a menlcal ,trtue." 10 be euentlally dependent on fundamental unity betwee~ all • ·MARY KNOLL the my1terlou1 and powerful ac• baptlted Chriltlan1 1lready ex- After l11tln1 11veral of th.,. . MISSAL lion of the Holy Spirit." lat1 In -the faith, In Chrl1t and dlfflcultlea, Pope Paul touched :-,-,-- - Complt~ ltl tut, of all Pope Paul pral1td the work In the Invocation of the _}!011 on the central one: •. 11111 pr111n, .1rr1n1ed with of the 1ecretarl1t and declared Dlened Trldnlty · · · 1~ bf' now "And whit 1hould we 11y of PIIIH mar~ for COlllfOII• that ecumenism "h11 now be- pruent an ac11 ve n every the dlffkulllH to which our Uoaal Ult. Wide Nltetloll of come part of the prog~m of our ' '~fllant Ch~htla_n heart. And separated brothen are alw171 HJmn•; all the 150 Paalma for 1 prl¥tle mtdltatlon aad pra11r, apo1tollc ministry." lie an• t • •.~ems o us a 1rea con• ,o nnsltlvet That which come, IU T• •CHI~"" •uoc1•T• I HONOllllD-1'1,e -•chi"' •••-••-• - al"'ltd _ .. fw ,-. nounced that the lint part of a quut. from the function that Chrlat .. nv .. .. "' - •• ~••• .,., a1nd1nt1 frem ..... : .. directory on ecumenism will be Pope Paul reviewed a number 111t1ned to·u, In the Church of on at Indiana Unlnralty'1 1nnu1I l'eundtr'1 D1y convoctHon Wtdneltlay (May I) In the IU S4.~ luued ahortly 1nd sent tb the of "1l11nlflc1pt 1nd movln&" ecu- God and ~ hlch our tradition hu Aucllto~lum. All wlll rocelve Lieber T11chln1 Auecltto Award,. The fl••• ahewn tllevt with L111her a1nt11"' ...... SllM world'a bishops to 1111st them. mcnlcal encounters, lncludln1 sanctioned with such authority? PrHldent •Ma •J. Stahr (aecond row'; rliht), are, from left1 front row-ltlwartl G, loehnt, . In c1rrylna on ec&menlcal ac- hl1 Holy Land m~tln1 with "The Pope-as we ,II know- ecOMmlca; Robert L, Ctrrlngar, lngllsh, and KfflM!f, J. Kaeblech, radio-TV/ and back row lion. Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Is undoubtedly. the rraveit ob- -Philip L. Ctntelon, hlatery; Wlllltm I, O'Ctnnell Jr,. SchMI, ef luslneu, and Proalcltnt St. Joseph Daily Missal . er~':rt~~~n~~~~~r~~;; !~~:-~}h,~n~:o!!~d:o~'hcli°~:1i:~~~P~~ ~~:~~ :~att~':,a'~.:: e~~~u~~la~ Stahr, ., ,, and Hymnal menlctl commlulons, the ucra- Illusion or Is It • hope founded refer once more to tltlea which r. h • · • ' menu and common prayer and on revealed truth,, If we believe justify our mlulonf Should Clmplete texlJ of all Mluu for every dtJ of lntercommun,lon. Details ha,·e that there already • exilta be- we once more attempt to pre- eac in~ associate'~tJ the year. Ltr!e cltar type. Contains: Hiltory of Stlv•tlon oty Land pboto1rapbJ modtna not yet been disclosed but the tween the venerable Orthodox sent 11 In ltt exact term,, ,uch docul'ljent h11 been worked on Church and our Catholic <;hurch Is really Intended to be- • . llturrlcal 1ilu1 rations, notes on B\ble 111d 11 11 Utura, and many other features. 1'40 pa111. for several. year,. • kind of communion, prepJrln& the lndlapensable principle of · h d t lU the prelude (of union) which THI PLINARY union of the \\·e will attain on the luminous truth, charity and unity? ali'OIll., onoli'OIll., a • .' llndln11· frem...... , - ...... s42s, • aecretarlat wu attended by 3, and bleHcd day of our profound "That ii a p11tor1l minion of · . L111her llndlnt ...... , .. , ...... , ,$9.01 , memben and 16 coo1ulton and total reconciliation'" 1uld1nce, of 1trvlce and of · · ' (April 19-28). Durlna Its meet• , · brotherhood which doe.a not di•· BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - Two teachlna auoclate proved be- lnaa ..,24 prelatea presented re, HI ALSO cited hl1 meetlnas pute liberty and honor to any- Catholic araduate 1tudent1, yond question that we chose the Theae New Ml111l1 ·will tllmlnato for. Methar the fumbling with t11n1ts and 101ulntl"' tl small ports concernln1 th_e ecumenl- with the Anglican Primate Arch- one who hu t lealtlmate poal• holdlna teacbtnr associates at right man for the award. ffh htrtl•to-read print. / · cal 11tu1tlon In varlou, nations bishop Michael Ra_rnsey of Ctn: lion In the Church of God, but Indiana Unlveralty, and Miu quiet competence, hi, creaUve and 1tudled the meanln& of ecu- tcrbury; Ruulan Metropolitan l~stead protecta the rlahta of all Helen J . Weber, profeuor of approach to hi, 1ul111menl1, menlcal dl1lo1ue and of educa- Nlcodemos; the World Council and demands no other obedience nunlna at the Unlveralty, • his lntelllaence and lnalrht, bl1 Mall Ordera Promptly Filled - Add 2% Ind, State Sales lion for ecumenism. of Churches secretary central, than that which Is demanded of member of St. Charita pariah, unitlntln& sift of hlm1tU to bla "Wt Specltllse In S."lce" In recelvlna the secretariat's Dr. Eueene Canon Blake, the the 1on1 of a family! were honored by the Unlveralty work have won him the unquall- OPEN ALL DAY SAnJJ\DAY . membera and consulton, the Brothen of the Proteitant ~om• "It ii not 10 ea,y for u, to at the traditional Foundera' Day lied reapect and. affection of Pope atrtued the permanency munlty of Taite, France, and mike 1>ur apolo&i•. It Is you ceremonies Wednesday (May 3) his faculty and atudent col• .KRIEG BROS. Established ·1892 ' of the Catholic Church'• Inter- others. He added th1t "theie who, with )"Ords of sincerity and In the I.U. ~udltorlum. leaauea, who feel he exempllflea . . 1 eat and dedication to the cause visits are not b11ed on an equl• 1 mlldnus will know how to William , 0 Connell, of Cam, the hlahest and best tradition, c.,.o11e SNpprt, ..... INC!. Chriltlan unity. vocal lrenlclsm, almlna at the make 'when the o«ulon and brla llelaht1, N.Y., and Ken- of the teachine profeulon." of-. 11 . ~ I~ Bleck Sevlh of Ayro1) "The cd'nvlctlon that unity 11 elimination of doctrinal ind .poulblllty arises. M far II neth K1oblech, of Milwaukee, - At the Foundera' Day cero• willed by Chrlll, that It conatl- canonical dlfflcultlu .. . They we are concerned, In all aer,nlty Wl1., tlonr with three other monlea, the Hoosier ,tale unJ. ~ lit S. M1rldlan 631-3416 ., . tutu an Important and 1111ent are the fruit rather of • mutual we now prefer to remain silent teachln& tuoclatu were named ,·enlty marked Its 147th birth• 1nd - lndlenapoll1 631-3417 IRIDll~lllllnlOlllllllllllllllllllllllDOIIWIIHIIIIIIIIIllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIOIIIIWIUIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIO pray." ~.. ~~1:\~e t!.;~:bero;'d1~r:. ~!~eat~~J>' :.~~~~~. tr~~u~,: POPI PAUL concluded by 1uilhed teachlna. . Sfholutlc 1ch11veqit11t . p m·,n·1stry p~oposed 1tre11in& the unity movement'• With the honor aou Cllh . . • Grou complete dependence on the 1ward1 provided from • fund Holy Splrj( to overcome the ul1bl11hed In the I.U. Foundt• BALTIMORE-A propoul for an experimental 1roup min­ weakneu of divided Chrlitlan1. lion by Mn. Herm,n Ueber ol istry hu been approved by the Baltimore archdloceun prints' He uld: lndlan1poli1, and her mother, aenat'e and submitted to Ct~dlnal Lawrence Shehan. '"The certainty that divine aid the late Mn. Katie D. Bachman of. Fort Wt)'lle, In memory of The aroup ministry, which would Involve several parishes will not fall us, 1h at I h e Falh er two of Mn. Lieber'• aon1 who In the experlmentt lnvoh•ea • team appr91ch lo parish work. Is for us ,1 father, that Chrlat ii were I u· alumni BURLING1I_N with us, that the Holy Spirit 11 · ' · : ' A aroup of prluti would jointly determine policy for the 11111 fruitful with prodl&lea, OTHlll reclplen\) of the parish and aeek to use !heir varloua capablllUes to the but 1tren1tben1 us, ael1 u1 free and Lieber Te a ch In I A11oclat1 1dvant11e. To auure compliance with canonical requirements, elves u1 the Inner 1tlmul1tlon ,to Award1,wer1 Philip L. Cantelon, one member ot the team would take.the role of 1dmlnl1tr1tor. continue on the· ro1d we have Fort Wayne, hlatory; Robert L. · • be~ Carrlnger, Knoxville, Tenn., Experiments with croup mlnlstr)' have reportedly been coq- -- Enallsh, and Edward G. Boehne, IISffiMAN' . KODIK ducted In parishes In other U.S. and Latin American dloccse1. Tht S.cr,tarta, for Promot• Evansville, economlca. ,. In each cue, however, only ·one ~•rl1h In each 'diocese wu Int th•1•tl•n Unity tltclded te Pror. Weber and two other affected by th!.,.xperlment U the plan for Baltimore ii ap- ::nunt"•'•~• /'°'"m fer 1.U. faculty membera received 1 1 Proved It wllr"~ver aeve~al parishes and will be the' moat • u!~ ~ ., ecum, •n •m th~ Standard Oil (Ind.) Fo11ndt• , • . ' •~ ,.,. -•1 nnln1 ,ta.. n aem, tlon Awarda for excellence In CIRPE1i extenJlve experiment of this kind In the Amerlcu. , lnarJ11 and ln1lltut11 of hl1ht,._ teachlna. . th IDD~UIIHIIIUIIIUIIOllfflllllllOIIDlllllUlllllllfflHIHDHIUIIII-IIIIIIUIIUIIIUIH , ••::;:~~rtat memben ,tudt~ c,1:u1{~,1!e:':o':n ~~t~. ~op~:i two major toplc.-the meanlnc University and B.S. and A.M. FASHIONS of ecumenical dlalorue and of deareea from Columbia Unlver• Centrally education towanl' ecumenlam. al)y. A faculty member at J.U. Chrlatl1n1 In Actlonl They drafled a document on the since 19'8, ~be bu carried the Locattd We Salute • ~ - meanln& ol ecumenical dlaloaue, reaponslblllty for •II couraea In For All the i·arloulforffirind methods nunlnr aervlce admlniltratlon. - P1rlah11 BOWARD I, JACOBY It can take ind the prlnclpal She hu tauaht ill both the themu which can enter Into It. underaraduale and araduate ffitffibtr of s,. ll•fffl