flags, which Post 7, Passaic; Henry B. Francis, Post 5, eight p. m. At eleven o'clock the mustering of life in camp, and Miss .Tosio Maync and Miss National Councils of Administration, Senior rated. Overhead wero two largo officers centre-piec- Taylor, Post 33, Jersey City; was accomplished, and the installed. Vice Department Commander, and was Chief of had for a e an enlarged badge of Camden; William GRAND Morrow read and recited several selections. W. W. Larkins, Post 71, Gloucester, and Benj. E. Davies was appointed Adjutant, TIjE' Staff of Commander-in-Chie- f Wagner. the Order that had been used in the memora- pjY. F. Bright, Post 42, Bridgcton. Frank Pickering S. M., and W. F. Ketcham Q. The fourth annual convention ofthe Woman's ble Encampment at Baltimore.. The centre served, stage A ten, hjumorously in- M. S. Coffee aud sandwiches were then MASSACHUSETTS. Relief Corps, Department of Massachusetts, of the had an Commander-in-Chie- f Van Dervoort, during feeling was good to Republic, scribed "Bummers' Den." Within was a mat-tra- ss N. J., vis- and all went home that it auxiliary to tho Grand Army of the tho recent Encampment at Trenton, be there. Proceedings of the Department Encam- The fifteenth annual Encampment of the De- was held in Boston on the 30th ult., Mrs. E. and burning candle. In front was a largo ited Aaron Wilkes Post, No. 23, in Dippolts' partment of Massachusetts convened in Fau-cu- il Florence Bowker, the President, in the chair. stuffed turkey, such as tho boys used to "con- Building, aud expressed himself as much Comrado S. G. Patterson writes us that a " ago. side of tho of Richard P. pmentsPost Meetings and Work. Hall, Boston, on Monday evening, January There was a full attendance of delegates and a fiscate in days long At cither pleased with the handsome manner in which public installation of ollicers 20th, Dahlgrcu Post, No. 2, of South Boston, large number of interested spectators, all ladies. stage were Gatling guns, and on a line to the tho hall was furnished. Ho remarked casually Roberts Post, No. 244, Smith's Ferry, Pa., took furnishing the guard detail, and Comrade Kane The various reports were highly satisfactory, rear four stacks of muskets and stands of to a comrade that it was the most elegant and place in the Masonic Hall at Glasgow, Pa., on acting as Officer of the Day. Dept.-Co- George the total number of subordinate corps being colors. At their bases were groupings of knap- best arranged of any he had seen so far. the 26th ult. A number of visiting comrades was grace- Com- In our Grand Army columns, this week, will II. Patch called the Encampment to order. twenty-one- , and tho gain in membership 220. sacks. Tho entire arrangement from Rochester Post were present. Past present $10,-00- 0 boxes and galleries Post, was tho bo found reports of the proceedings of the fol- Among the distinguished officials Since the corps were organized tho sum ot ful and appropriate. In the mander Woodruff, of Rochester Commander - in - Chief Van Dervoort ; work. At 12:30 was a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen. MARYLAND. installing officer. The officers are as follows : lowing Department Encampments : New Hamp- were has been expr nded in relief Vice Commander-in-Chie- f J. S. Commander-in-Chie- f Van Dervoort and Colt's band occupied a central position in the Commander, John S. Ashbrook; S. V. C, Rob't Pennsylva- Junior o'clock A. Thompson, Jr., A. A. A. G. De- Connecticut, al Captain J. ; Q. shire, Massachusetts, Bangs, of Maine; Surgeon-Gener- Azcl Ames, the Department officers visited tho convention gallery. Nearly 000 persons wero at tho table. McClelland; J. V. C, George Mackall M., Lieutena- on 31st ult., mus- Potomac and Illinois. Tho Maine and Ver- Massachusetts; Adjutant-Gener- al F. formally President Among those seated at the table were partment of Marvland. the HarrvLyon: Surg., Millirens; O. D., nia, jr., of and were received. The Post, No. 30, located at to-da- y. Judge-Advoca- te nt-Governor tered T. Brown mont Encampments will be held Tho E. Brown, of Omaha, and Past cordially welcomed the Commander-in-Chie- f Sumner, Secretary of Stato George B. Dawson; O. G., Dougherty; of Sec- Northrop, Comptroller Sloat, General Coit, Cherrv Hill, Cecil county, Md. The new Post Wallovcr; Chap., Capt. James H. dates of the Indiana, Iowa and Missouri En- Gcorgo W. Williams, of the Department and comrades in a felicitous speech, and the who Adj't, Charles with re- Jewell, Commander-in-Chie- f Paul is named after Capt. Joseph T. Brown, S. M., S. G. Q. M. S., Wm. yet fixed. Ohio. All the comrades were received retary, M rs. Sarah E. Fuller, gave a brief Maryland Johnson; Patterson: campments have not been ef company tho Sixth tho heartiest applause. Accompanying the sume of the work of the corps during the past Van Dervoort, Chaplain-in-Chi- I. M. Foster, commanded a in Boyd. Tho Post is doing well, and is con- Adjutant-Gener- al was organized the most Adjutant-Gener- al F. E. Brown writes us: Commander-in-Chie- f were also tho following also made by Adjutant-Gener- al F. E. Brown, Past regiment. It under stantly increasing membership. four vears. Brief speeches were old veterans in its "Applications forwarded by The Tribune for comrades: S. A. Barton of the National Council Mrs. Boyington, and the Senior Robert B. Beath, of Philadelphia, favorable auspices, many of the the Chaplain, county having already made application One of our subscribers writes us that Com- Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana and of Administration, Assistant Inspector-Genera-l Vice Commander, Miss Mason. Commander-in-Chie- f Commander J. O. Smith, of Wilcox Post, John Cecil Posts in Iowa, for membership. The following officers were rade Brown, of Baden, Beaver county, me in Boston and Alfred C. Monroe, and George G. Bailey. John Paul Van Dervoort was then introduced L. Rice and Andrew J. Wright, of the same, two boy3 insido Tennessee, have reached or : A. McCreery; S. V. C, Pa., has lost two little girls and George C. Joslin, commander-in-chie- Comrade K. M. Shaw, Insp-ct- of the Depart- elected Commander, T. "Within F. Bruce, F. W. Meriam and as the first f of tho Grand Adj't, of three weeks by diphtheria, and that six other been attended to. Thanks." the last Aides-dc-Cam- Seibold; V. Jos. T. Cantrell; p on the Commander-in-Chief'- s occupied tho platform of ment of Maine. General William H. Bulkeley, E. J. C, Army who had ever ; Surg., members of his family havo been prostrated week wo have forwarded to headquarters ap- was formally Corps con- on behalf of Tyler Lyon I'osts, G. A. R., James T.Kelly; Q. M., Allen McLane stall'. Tho Encampment then the Massachusetts Woman's Relief and O. tho same disease. The case seems to bo Y. ; to visitors, Richard Thomas; Chap., Wm. J. Graut; D., with plications for Posts at Athol, X. Dundas, opened in accordance with the ritual of tho vention. Commander Van Dervoort said that extended a graceful welcome the of members of tho Department Com- J. W. Miller; O. (J., Joshua Greer ; S. M., J. H. one worthy tho attention the Minn.; Rockville, Wis., and "White Rocks, Order, and Department Commander Patch when the Grand Army of tho Republic ceased which was responded to by Army vicinity. following ceased to and by Post Commander Smith, Drummond; Q. M. S., James H. Mahan. Grand in that Kan., and have been notified of tho proposed delivered his annual address. Tho to recognize the women of the war, it mander flicks is the substance of his remarks : recognize the principles of its organization. At of Sprinficld. After the repast, addresses were At a meeting of Winfield Scott Post, No. 114, organization of new Posts at several other or - The first topic touched upon by the Commander Andersonville, lying behind the dead-lin- e for made by Jewell, Lieutenant- POTOMAC. Philadelphia, Pa., held on tho 29th ult., P. P. points where applications for charters aro being was the membership, in which he .showed that the six months, the only face that looked upon him Governor Sumner, Comniander-m-Chi- et Paul C. Dr. Ferguson, after alluing in glowing terras numerously signed. Department hud made a gain uf fifteen Posts and with sympathy except those of tho colored pe- Van Dervoort, of Omaha, Clam Barton, Com- A full Encampment of the Department of tho to the past record of P. P. C. Georgo McMullin, December 31, aide-de-cam- Comma- 2.161 members, mid the report of When Rice and Wright, of Sprinficld, Stato G. A. R., was held at Grand Army now an p on tho stall of the 1SS2, 12.413 in jjood standing. The oplewas that of a white lady of Georgia. rades Potomac, was for members S. A. Wed- nder-in-Chief, presented him a heavy MAINE. fmunciul condition of the Department is better the prisoners had been exchanged and were in Senator Plunkett, of New Haven, Mr. Hall, corner of Ninth and D streets, on with than ever before, and there is n cash balance in its the hospital in "God's country," as it was Hubbard, of tho Vourant, Chaplain-in-Chie- f nesday, January 31st. After a speech by Dep- solid gold rauk badge a gift from the Post. a large stock of supplies on lmnd. In face, Waterloo, N. Y., Adjutant-Genera- l reports of As- W. Post, favor beside called by the boys in blue, the first they Foster, of uty Commander Burdette, tho Comrado S. Kimball, Liberty, Tioga Tho following officers of R. Mullen ulltidim; to Memorial Day, he advocated special Beath, of Philadelphia, and Inspector Shaw, of General Cameron, As- Yassalborough, Maine, havobcen preceding the saw was that of a woman. He believed that sistant Adjutant John county, Pa., writes us that the Post at that No. 33, North memorial services on the ftibbath soldiers had tho Maine. Marshal Kinney off- Quartermaster General A. J. Gunning V. C. Colonel 1. day : also the practice of causing the attendance of the mothers and wives of sistant place now numbers forty members, and will dulv installed by National J. to proudest out- iciated as master of ceremonies. The occasion and other officers were read and referred to ap- R. C. Burgess; S. V-- . C. children upon all memorial services. In speaking heaviest burdens bear. The probably double its numbers by next fall. S. Bangs: Commander, to all present, following-name- d Surgeon, of the Soldiers' Home, the speaker paid a tribute growth of the Grand Army of the Republic, he was ono of rare enjoyment tho propriate committees. The E. C. Coombs; J. V. C, JohuWithee; to (General Sargent, who was absent in tho West Auxiliary Corps. addresses being of unusual interest and elo- comrades were elected for the ensuing year: S. Comrade Henry A. Zimmcrmann writes na Gregory; Q.M., Henry A. Ewer; O. D., stated that thought, was tho woman's Araasa seeking a restoration to health, and aid and sympathy of loyal women, quence. The election of oifiecrs on Friday re- S. Burdette, Department Commander; Fred that a new Post was established at Peckville, Gcorgo Ramsell; been opened and was in good run- Without the twenty-eigh- Henry F. Baker; Chaplain, the Home had to-da- y Pa., on 25th ult., t mem- Gen- believed stars and liars would bo sulted as follows: Commander, B. Hyatt, Mack, S. V. C; W. Howard, J. V. C; Dr. Flor- tho with O'Neill ; Adj't, J. A. Rowe. After ning order under its present superintendent, he the O. G.. Owen by wife as matron. of of Meriden ; S. V. C, William Berry, of Hart- ence Donohue, Medical Director; Rev. Ben bers. themselves eral Cunningham, assisted his floating all over the South. Their letters m services, which in e, the installation present number of inmates is ninety-liv- all in hos- ford; J. V. C, Frank D. Kloat, of New Haven; Swallow, Chaplain. James W. Wisner and impressive, abundant ra- The love and fire encouraged the wounded were beautiful and aged and broken-dow- n men. lie announced that living, to go again M. D., Myron W. Robinson, of Colchester; wero elected delegates to the Na- OHIO. (considerably than Andersonvillo aid from the pitals to rcsolvo to live, and, Charles King tions better the trustees of the home would ask cause. He wished Chap.. James W.Davis, of Waterbury; Council tional Encampment to be held at Denver, Colo., followed by a Camp-fir- e, at legislature, as the fund on hand was but $25,000. to tho front in the great John M. Bell Post, No. 119, Washington fare) were issued, be enlarged so of Administration, Henry M. Durfey, of Nor- August. Among the prominent comrades a speeches were made and personal rem- and the principal was rapidly being used to keep that the organization might that next H., Ohio, was named for Captain John M. Bell, which clothing. He advocated women march wich ; George Robbins, of Waterbury; Fred. present Gelerals W. E. W. Ross and Un- of tho war given, interspersed with the inmates in food and all loyal and philanthropic could wero who lost his life in an attempt to save tho live3 iniscences county conventions, but recommended monthly with the men of the Grand Army. Speeches E. Camp, of Middletown; Fred. L. Warren, of derbill, from Department of Maryland, and semi-month- down songs and patriotic music by the North ly of parades of some of his company, who were run by war and visitations instead Vice Commander-in-Chie- f Bridgeport; Christian Quein, of Danbury; Department Commanders James T. Smith, Yassalborough brass band, tho members of and Encampments, as the comrades could not at- were also made by Junior Past a steamer in the Kanawa River, in Virginia, Adjutant-Genera- l Brown, Quar- Delegates to National Encampment, at large, B. F. Ilawkcs, George E.Corson, A. H. G. Rich- which kindly volunteered their services for tho tend one or march to the others, lie alluded to Bangs, while they were crossing the river in a skiff in National En- Gomlalo, Chaplain-in-Chie- f William II. Pierpont, of New Haven; Fred. A. ardson, Harrison Dingmau, Charles C. Royce occasion.' A score of comrades from Waler-vill- e Hie work of the delegation to the termaster Past the spring of 1SG2. Comrade George C. Jenkins campment as typical of that performed by all past Levering and Colonel T. E. Bowker. After the Spencer, of Waterbury; Selah G. Blakeman, of and William Gibson. The Encampment took enjoyed the pleasure of the evening, and Wo- writes us: " Our Post was chartered August 4, delegations to that body, lie commended the presentation to the Commander-in-Chie- f of an Birmingham; John C. Broatch, of Middletown. a recess from 12 m. to Thursday, February S, all voted it a thoroughly good time. man's Relief Corps as a valuable auxiliary to the 1331, with thirty-thre- e charter members. On of flowers adorned tho 7.30 p. m. fifty-tw- (J. A. I., and thought the band of earnest women elegant bouquet that The first performance of the popular opera at tho 1st of January, 1S32, we mustered o workersa benefit to the Order. Several recommen- reading desk, tho delegation of Department "Chimes of Normandy," for tho benefit of members. On 1st of January, 1333, wo s, the NEW HAMPSHIRE. dations, embodying changes in the. rules and regu-altion- olficors withdrew. O. Post, of Hartford, Conn., given in 11 1 importance of R. Tyler PENNSYLVANIA. mustered 103 members, and wc now muster wore recommended, and the t 1st inst., proved Encampment of tho sending a full delegation to the next National En- "Adjutant," Springfield, Mass., writes us that that city on bo evening of the with six elected applicants to muster at our The sixteenth annual grand success. was Encampment of the Department of New Hampshire convened in campment was urged. The closing topics of his matters connected with the G. A. R. have been to be a The entertainment The seventeenth annual next regular meeting. We arc making arrange- ol com- fund of the Post. Pennsylvania commenced at Camp-fir- e Opera House, Lake Village, at three address referred to the personal work tne quite lively in that section in the past week, for tho benefit of tho charity Department of ments for a and bean soup festival, to Moore's mander and his personal and olllcial staff. The Opera House in Wilkesbarre on the 31st 22d and continue o'clock Thursday afternoon. It was a notable eight and several interesting evenIs arc promised in tho commence on the of February Commander represented the Department evening, 2(ith tilt. Upward of 500 delegates were in attend- several days. connection with our gathering of Grand Army men, the attendance S.Y.C.llart, thirty-tw- o: .J.V.C.Bilings, the near future. Thursday the NEW YORK. for In bal-anee- of consequence of tho unpropitious Camp-fir- e by an unusual fifty-thre- e, and the aggregate visitations of the ult,, E. K. Wilcox Post, No. 10, Springfield (of ance. In wo will have a paper, edited a being very large, and comprising should have taken of prominent members of tho Order. thestatramounted to n."7. These were made which our correspondent is a member,), at tended Comrade A. F. Avery, Commander of Cady weather, the parade, which corps of editors appointed by the Commander, number fall of I'osts, to Camp-fire- s, much to reported 1(51 in the spring and inspections tho "Soldier's Camp-fire- " of Kilpatriek Post, Post, No. 230, Breckport, N. V., writes us that place in the morning, was abandoned, and each member of the Post is to contribute Tho .committee on credentials missionary meetings, fairs, and other gather-ings- of of No. 7J, of Ilolyoke. There were also present a few days ago ho was called upon by a com- the disappointment both of the comrades and at least ono incident of the war." present entitled to seats. After the business the Grand Army. His closing topic was "Tho delegates assembled address and re- Army," in which he recom- the Posts from Chicopee, Northampton, and mittee of ladies, composed of wives of members, the public generally. Tho organizing, the Commander's Future of the Grand meeting ton o'clock for the transac- Adjutant H. K. Roads writes us that at a various officers were received. Tho mended the stopping of promiscuous charity to Amherst. About 100 comrades attended and who requested him to call a special of in Music Hall at B. Post, No. ports of Commander Van-dersli- ee regular meeting of James Elliott Adjutant-Genera- Shack-for- d men not members of the Order, and advised that, sat down to fivo long tables in tho City Hall. the Post for last Friday night, and that a full tion of business, Department report of Assistant l of soldiers outside, a small W. Sayers, 243, Bainsborough, Ohio, held January 27th, membership of 3.072. being to meet actual necessities The boys took very kindly to their rations, and attendance was desired. Accordingly, about presiding. Rev. John showed a total percentage of the charity fund be set aside for that in Department, opened the ses- the following officers were installed by Captain past year. Died during for deserving in a short time afterwards pipes and tobacco eight p. m., some fifty comrades assembled Chaplain of tho M. : a gain of 319 during the purpose, and the balance be used come beforo Commander Carson, Commander of John Barrier Post $2,26-1.72-. who may need assistance. were produced, and the really interesting part the hall. Tho ladies had, however, sion with prayer. Department the year, 24. Expended for charity, members of the Order He said, Commander, Captain D. M. Barrett: S. V. C, Coils-tow- n; provide for future, when the organi- Camp-fir- o Speeches wero them, bringing rations, and had spread a tabic Vandorslice delivered an address. in Posts organized at "West Windham and In order to the of tho commenced. " Lieut. J. M. Grim; J. V. C, W. H. Wright ; Q. Far-mingto- shall be enfeebled by years and weakened h t hull for the members and addressing comrades: I congratulate you Hopkintou and n. zation made, songs sung, and stories told, and one and the entire lengt of be the at membership, he recommends Posts to build up prosperous con- M., Thomas S. Roads: Surg., Rufus A. Droyer; al had originated wives. The children were not forgotten upon tho present exceedingly Report of Assistant Quarmastcr-Gener- large charity funds now, and carefully invest them all declared that Kilpatriek Post their Chaplain, James IE. Wiekersham: O. D., Tho3. soldiers' a separate table having been prepared dition of our Department, and upon the grati- ; showed cash on hand and received that the age'd and decrepit members of the Order, and carried through a genuine old either M. Ferguson; O. G., Robert E. Shi-crs- Adj't, Camp-fire- , com- for Supper being announced, tho assem- fying results upon the year's work, as will bo during tho year, $l,G39.99; expenditures, in time to come, may have comfort ami content- and one hard to beat. Tho them. H. K. Roads: Serg't Maj., N. L. Fritts; Q. M. ment, removed, as they must be, from the poor-hous- es ono bly was called to order, and after the invoca- shown by the reports of staff officers. I could $1,354.00. After reports of theso and various far rades returned home on special trains at Serg't, W. Dewitt ; Inspector, William C. of the Slate. He also suggests that Posts com- blessing by J. Cu-bit- t, emphatically epitomize these reports John officers, proceeded to election of oifiecrs o'clock, and on leaving gave tho Holyoko tion of a Divine not more Speeches were mado by Captain D. M. other consider the propriety of investing their funds in was commenced. Right roy- by saying that during the year wc have Blair. for the ensuing year. There was an anniinated estate that can never be sold, said real estate rades the hearty cheers they so well deserved. tho attack than M. Hughey, J. II. Wiekersham, real no wavering, but "seventy-thre- e Posts to our Roster and Barrett. J. C. of Post 31. Fisher-vill- e, being purchased in some growing locality where Wednesday evenimr, tho 31st ult:, Wilcox Post ally was the advance made added contest. John Linehan, Three to our ranks, and Jacob Groves, and Captain Carson. Captain was elected Department Commander, and the ground rent in future years may be a handsome tumid out 150 comrades to attend the banquet straight forward, every eye lo the front. five thousand comrades that terms of Na- of income; this he claimed must be done, as cleared, and as many as been growth and rapid the Carson spoke in tho highest The Scwall D. Tilton, of Post 51, Raymond, re- source at Hartford, given by Nathaniel Lyon and times were the tables great havo the recommended a3 the Grand Army of the Republic has no system of replenished all being bountifully served. made in our Departments, our tional Tribune, and it Senior-A'ic- e Commander. R. O. Tyler Posts, of that city, to the delegates times improvement elected Department stated benefit, and the organization could not re- is worthy the patronage of every soldier. took a recess, churity to the Department Convention, in session at Comrade Cubitt returned thanks to the ladies own Department of Pennsylvania still first At nine o'clock the Encampment tain its present strength and ability to raise enthusiasm Watson, Napoleon, Ohio, accepted the invitation of Darius A. funds. that time. Tho Post was attend as in fitting language for this, the first annual in numbers, in discipline, and in Comrade James P. having Avery says: "Fri- membership. I feel hut echo the writes following officers of Oscar P. Drake, Post 3(5. to a banquet given in honor of Tho annual reports were then presented. the special guests of Lyon and Tyler Posts, and surprise supper. Comrade of its that I that the was day evening will bo long remembered by tho of you all when I say this posi- Randall Post, No. 211, of that place, havo been the visitors. The vestry of the Baptist Church That of Assistant Adjutant-Genera- l James F. received a glorious welcome. The banquet sentiment first-clas- com- Ho was succeeded James P. Watson; S.V. utilized as a banquet, hall, wheic ta- who has held the office for the last s, and what a demand there was for members of Cady Post. The wives of tho tion must not bo lost." installed: Commander, had been Meech, havo made a" report W. C. V. C.,'J. M. Huffman; bles were spread for over 30i The guests, seven years, gave the following as tho record of those knapsacks, which were placed by the rades of tho Post, in all our undertakings, by Chaplain Sayers, who C, Johnson; J. Judge-Advoca- te B. C. Surgeon, : of each comrade, and contained the indis- always given us that help which has made our of his year's work. Adj't, D. V. Hartman; P. Ballard; escorted by Drake Post, marched to the vestry. work for the pat year plate Hollo-pete- a decided success." submitted his official report. Chaplain, F. M. ; Q. M., D. F. r; orchestra from the Highland Band was in Posts 1, 1SS2 137 pensable cigar! The alfair in every way was a gatherings Christy then The Whole number of Jan. Vale, Carlisle, a member of O. Vanpelt; O.G., Jacob Prin-ti- s; attendance, which greeted tho column as it Whole number of members 10,2Ti2 perfect success, and comrades aro very seldom Harmon Cowdcn Post, No. 321, was organ- Comrade J. E. of D..G.W. J. charge of Hoy ; Q. M. Serg't, James entered with the stirring strains of a grand "Whole number of Posts Jan. 1, 18S3 MS permitted to listen to such an army of speakers ized at Westfield, N. Y., on the evening of tho the committee appointed to tako Serg't Maj., Levi Whole number of members 12,113 as wero heard on tho occasion. Just think of matters connected with tho Soldiers' Orphaus' Fiser. march. Lake Village had no reason to fear for year 2,101 15th ult. Including visitors, between sixty Net during the Commander-in-Chie- Van Dervoort, Schools, presented a report, in which he said in her reputation for hospitality. The banquet Gained bv muster 2,3(V1 tho list: f and seventy veterans were present. Com- Comrado Daniel Korns, New Philadelphia, ef congratulate Grand was a most appetizing airayot eatables and Gained by transfer 22n Chaplain-in-Chi- Foster, Jewell, mander Huggins, assisted by Captain Goodrich, conclusion: "We the Ohio, writes us that Andrew Crawford Post, No. 1,-i't- l Licut.-Govern- or of great spread taste and Gained by reinstatement Sumner, organiza- Army upon tho splendid results the G. place by Comrade Jno. drinkables, and was with of Tonawanda, performed the rites of devel- was mustered at that neatness, under the direction of the Ladies' Total gain 4,011 Bulkley, Comrade Beath (our former Adjutant-General- ), tion. The was impressive and beautiful, interest they have always taken in the II. Grore on the 22d ult. The following officers Lost by death 125 ritual opment these orphan schools. Whilo not Corps and volunteer assistants. Some besides representative speakers from thirty-tw- o its phrasing en- of were Commander, Fletcher Douthitt; Belief Lost by honorable discharge 37 and veterans under legal supervision, they are installed: fifty of the young ladies of the village, whoso Lost by transfer 251 the Dcpartmentsof Connecticut and Massachu- listed as charter members of the new Post, under our direct S. V. C, A. R. Holmes; J. V. C, J. A. Correll; largc-lfearte- holy trust com- beauty is proverbial, served as attendants. l,ost by suspension ?. 1,137 setts, and also that d and patriotic which was christened Post Harmon J. Cowdcn, nevertheless an important and Adj't, Daniel Korns; Q. M., J. H. Morrow; -- keeping. therefore behooves After invocation of tho Divine blessing by De- Lost by disbanding ot Posts , woman the world renowned Clara Barton, in honor of that much esteemed citizen, tho mitted to our It Surg., Joseph Ditto ; S. 31., J. H. Ditto ; Q. M. . 1,S50 tho highest suc- partment Chaplain Rev. Daniel C. Roberts, of Total loss who received a perfect ovation from tho com- Captain Cowdcn. of Ninth N. Y. cav- us to continue our efforts for S., L. R. McClelland; O. D., Jacob Wise; O.G., late the of schools, and to use to Post 2, Concord, tho visitors were welcomed in Two Posts have surrendered their charters, rades, in remembrance of her untiring devotion alry. The election of ollicers of the Post re- cess and usefulness the C. M. Rittenhouse. citizen's, in- thrcj have been reorganized, and ten have to and wounded soldiers in the war. tho utmost every proper influence in their con- behalf of Drake Post and tho and the sick sulted as follows : Commander, J. 11. Towle; S. Campbell Post, No. 204, Harrison, Ohio, A been organized. Several recommendations comrades left Hartford about 2 o'clock, tinuance until overy soldier's orphan shall have John vited to fall to and help theinelves. The V. C, G. T. Jcwett; J. V. C, Alex. McDadc; has installed tho following officers: Com- Mrs. Daniel were made, and, in closing, Comrade Meech arriving home at 3, and all declaring that they Chap- had a share in tho great benefaction. Wo can quartette, consisting of Mr. and Q. M., P. W. Bemis; Surg.. I. E. Bacon; mander, S. Penny; S. V. C, P. Corbin ; J. V. Mrs. referred to the nearly seven years he had occu- bad been favored in attending such an enter- O. perform no greater duty to tho State than to J. Elkins. Mr. E. N. Dana, and Julius lain, E. A. Skinner; O. D., W. H. Rolph; G., ; O. ; adjutant-genera- l. loyalty for her C, L. D. Flora Surgeon, Caswell Chaplain, Boullice, then sang "America." Junior pied the position of assistant tainment. Geo. Maurer; Adj't, G. M. Rykert; S. M., G. A. assist in training an intelligent ho seen membership citizenship; wc can do no higher honor W. R. Hartpence; Q. M., G. W. Bowlby; O.D., Vice Commander-in-Chi- ef General I. S. During that time had the Among those present were Commander future Comrade Roland E. Bowen, a member of G. Isliam. of our deceased comrades than William Meade: O. G., C. Dorman; Adj't, J. Bangs .was then called as the ranking officer of the Department go down to 7,550 and its Standach, of Bulfalo; Commander C. O. Fur-ma- n, to tho memories to-da- A. Post, No. 70, Millbury, Mass., died Maj., Q. M. finances at a very low point, while y it Custer to perforin this sacred duty to thier children; W. Hartpence; Serg't J.H.Penny; present, and spoke eloquently for half an hour. on the 21st ult., and was buried on the 25th of Brocton, with a delegation; Com- S., Horseley. The Post has a membership of were called up, successively, has a handsome surplus on hand, and 12,G00 Mayville, accompanied and we can do no greater credit to ourselves I. Then there with Post honors. He was a member of Co. B, mander Kimberly, of un- is in good condition. C. Linehan. Senior Vice members. was represented than to carry out these grand objects with forty and John Fifteenth Massachusetts, and seven comrades of by several comrades; Ripley W. Department Commander Scwall D. Tilton; Col. Comrade George L. Goodale, assistant quarter- by several names on the list of charter mem- wavering fidelity." Medical Director Dr. In General Order, No. 1, issued recently at master-general, that company attended the funeral, among ; presented his report, show- D. Hall then read his report for tho past year, by Comrade C.T.Clark, Department Dana W. King, of Nashua Rev. E. W. Bicker, A. A. Simonds, of Dayton, O., who bers. The speeches and songs went on until Columbus ing receipts of year to have been $G,-112.- them being which tho Council of Administration, Ohio, following appoint- of Lake Village; Rev. Q. H. Shinn, of Ply- the the escaped with him. Tho floral about 2 o'clock, when "taps" wero sounded after Commander of the and the, expenditures $5,813.87. Includ- from prison which performed the duty of auditing accounts, serve on staff aro announced: David mouth; Dr. Eastman, of Hampstead; Col. W. emblenfs were very beautilul. Comrade. Bowen and the veterans turned in to bo in order for ments to De- ing last of 1SS2 and this month made their report. Reports of other commit- Adjutant-Genera- l; Joseph H. D. Cochrane, of Nashua; Junior Vice the quarter checker player, and his chess the reveille called by business at daybreak. Launing, Assistant receipts were $1,591.89, and tho was a famous tees heard. The meeting then proceeded Quartermaster-General- ; C. partment Commander Hiram G. Sherman; (January), the exception, in were , Assistant J. expenditures $9(K18, leaving a cash balance of library was, with ono the finest Comrade O. L. Whitcomb writes that about to tho nomination of officers for the ensuing Mustering Officer; Captain D. B. Newhall, of Concord ; and Albrin forty-si- x, Donaldson, Chief John H. died at the ago of Tunk-hannoc- $083.71, and the other assets amounl to $133.77, the country. Ho twenty old vets of Argylc, N. Y., most of year. Comrade Stewart, of Post No. 9S, k, Inspector; Floyd, Judge Advo- U. Simmons, of Manchester. Tho quartctto of disease contracted in the tinny, and leaves a Grove, H. P. two pieces among tho making the total assets $1,297.43. them accompanied by ladies, held a Reunion at moved that no man should bo nomi- cate. sandwiched tine in wife and two children. at place on tho 31st ult. speeches, tho orchestra also took an occa- Reports were also presented by Medical Di- Baxter's Hotel that nated who had not been regular in tho dis- and An oyster supper was served in tho Kinsman Post, No. 150, Kinsman, Ohio, gave sional hand. was nearly 11 o'clock before rector Azel Ames, Jr., Cliaplain John W. Lee, Comrade C. W. Putnam, Worcester, Mass., excellent charge of his duties. Tho motion was ruled It dining-roo- was handsomely decorated an oyster supper at tho town hall on New the members of tho Encampment returned to Inspector William L. Baird, and the Council of writes that Post No. 10 of that place realized which out of order. Comrado Row, of Post No. 179, Old with flags and bunting. After tho repast an L. Osborne, of Ely Year's night which was highly successful. the Opera House and resumed business. The Administration. The committee on credentials about $1,000 from its presentation of "The then nominated General E. William Wallace, enti- of Newbern," at City adjournment was had to the parlors, when re- Department Commander. Rev. Prior to the supper Comrade selection of remaining officers was proceeded reported the whole number of comrades Flag, or the Battle the Post, for J. officers, wero pub- to scats in convention. number and the marks wero made by Captain George S. Orr, a French, Post No. 151, nominated F. Commander, aud the other with, with tho following result: Junior Vice tled the 437; Theatre, January that Barton of forty-fiv- o one-arme- d veteran, and by Comrade Harvey licly installed. The Post has now Department Commander, Hiram G. Sherman, of present, 357. Tho Encampment was then ad- interest of the performance was greatly height- H. Dver, of Post No. 120, Washington, Pa. Commander-in-Chie- Reynolds, and a poem read, written by Joseph members and a large number of applications on Post 12, Claremont, Medical Di- dressed by f Van Dervoort, ened by the evolutions of the City Guards, Comrade Thomas G. Samuel, of Post 123, Alle- who made a ringing speech, and was frequently fifty strong, commanded by Capt. E. R. Shum-wa- y. W. Bird. " Nearly everyone present," writes gheny City, proposed W. J. Patterson, of Post file. rector, Dr. Samuel P. Carbee, Post 42, Haver- " to Man- interrupted by applause. The Post now numbers 453 members, Comrado Whitcomb, aro subscribers Tin: 154, for Senior Vice Commander. Comrade subject of the National Reunion of Vet- hill ; Chaplain, L. T. McKinney, Post 3, Tkujune." The chester; Delegates to National Encampment, At tho second day's session of the Encamp- about 100 having been added during the past National Green, of Post No. 17, nominated Louis R. Rob- erans is being pushed forward at a meeting of Dana W. King, of Nashua; A. S. Twilchell, of ment the following officers were elected : Com- year. During that period the relief committee Tho officers of A. O. Bliss Post, No. 305, which inson, of his Post. Tho first ballot was taken the Ex-soldie- rs' and Sailors' Association held Gorham; John Kenney, of Greenville; Geo. mander, George S. Evans, of Post 30, Cain-bridgepo- rt. expended $1,1! 12.22, of which $819.85 was for was organized at New Baltimore, N. Y., on in tho evening, but tho result was not an- recently at Columbus, Ohio. Letters were read "W. Barnard, of Caremont ; Alternates, Otis C. Senior Vice Commander, John D. the relief of sick and needy members of the November 27, aro : Commander, John W. Wig- nounced until the following morning. At 9 a. from Generals Sheridan and Hazen accepting Wyatt, of Tilton; Walter Cody, of Manchester; Billings of Post 91, Canton. Junior Vice Com- Post, $3:20.45 for soldiers not members, and gins; S. V. C, Robert Wilson; J. V. C. John J. in. every delegato was in his scat. The first invitations to attend, unless prevented by Henry O.Kent, of Lancaster; and John W. mander, William A. Sloan of Post 37, Spencer. for widows and clnldren of soldiers. Sullivan; Surg., Joseph P. Smith; Chap., Chas. ballot stood, Dyer, 225 ; Osborne. 203 ; Patter- official business. Medical Director, James II. Wright, of Post (3, Mechanics' Hall, December, 1882, 70. No candidates having Sturtevant, of Keene; Council of Administra- The fair at Lowery; O. D., Elias Vanseenburgh; Q. M., son, one of the three Comrado J. D. Timraermann, M. D., of Leip-si- c, tion W. H. Lovel, Post 1, Portsmouth ; W. H. Natick. Chaplain, John W. Lee, of Post 11, netted $2,524.19. Dr. Albert A. Wood is chair- Frank Greene; O. G., David Layton; Adjt., H. received a majority of tho votes another ballot Director of Pickett" treasurer, A. Ohio, was elected Medical tho Emery, Post 3, Manchester; W. W. H. Green- CharlestoWn. man, Gen. Josiah and E. W. Mead." Comrade H. W. Mead writes us that was taken, which resulted in tho election of Department of Ohio at tho Encampment held wood, Post G, Peterboro; Martin B. Pluinmcr, Council of Administration Charles II. Par- Rice secretary of the relief committee. Tho tho Post is in good working order, and steadily Osborne, Patterson having withdrawn from recently at Youugstown. Post 37, Laconia; Eben Weed, Post 50, Haver- sons of Post '15, Gloucester; W.W. Scott of Post first two have served continuously for fourteen increasing in numbers. tho contest. The voto stood, Orborne, 27G; 10, Worcester; R. F. Tobin of Post 30, Cam-bridgepo- rt; years. Dyer, 21G. On motion of Comrade Dyer, hill. The old soldiers evidently came prepared No. 2G9, C. Thomas of Post 15, Boston; Commander Austin, of Steele Post, by Comrado Patterson, tho election of INDIANA. to attend strictly to business, for tho election J. Comrade Newcomb, Springfield, Mass., writes : G. D. Bailey seconded Benjamin Pitman of Post S2, Marblehead. and Commander Turner, of Post, General Osborne was made unanimous. Gen- of officers, transaction of routine business, and " The Union Camp-fir- e at ilolyoke. was a good G. W. Miller writes us Past Delegates to National Encampment James No. 200, assisted by comrades of the Posts then read report of tho Com- Comrade that discussion of various phases of pension matters success. About five hundred old boys sat down 32S, eral Osborne the W. Armstrong has installed Meech of Worcester (at large), William H. named, on the 19th ult., mustered Post at on Resolutions, which ho was chair- Post Commander II. proceeded without any signs of flagging, and it F. to a bountiful supper, and with the usual good N. Y. An mittee of officers of Morton Post, No. 1, Hart of Chelsea, William M. Olin of Roxbury, Croghan, Lewis county, enthusiastic some discussion tho report was tho following was long after 3 o'clock before the fall of tho speaking singing a pleasant evening was ad- man. After : C. C. S. An- and public meeting was first held, which Avas Terre Haute, Ind. Commander, Morton gavel gave finishing touch to Andrew Stono of Lawrence, Charles Camp-fire- s adopted. The report of the Connnitteo on the the sixteenth passed. But our aro far from being dressed by Comrade Turner and others. Com- Rankin ; S.V. C, Jacob E.'Vorhecs ; Ad'jt., Geo. annual Encampment. thony of Taunton, Thomas J. Ames of Leomin- bo Soldiers' Orphans, of which Mr. J. K. Bogert perfect. In the first place they should not rade P. J. Corcoran is commander of the new Surg., W. E- - "Elear, M. D. ; Chap., ster, W. H. H. Emmons of East Boston, Hart-we- ll was was also read and adopted. Tho W.Miller: B. parties. The ladies are a great help, chairman, M. D. : Q. M., C. S. O. Comrade J. Waldron, of Wolfhoro, N. H., S. French of Lvnn, Charles M. Wheldon of 'Stag' Post, and W. P. Rood, adjutant. to election of J. D. Mitchell, Darnell; wc invito them to all our Camp-fire- s. Encampment then proceeded the O. Past Post Commander Jasper War- Co-bu- and should D., S. C. Lockman; G., R. P. Davis; S. M., writes that Pittsfield, W. S. Frost of .Marlboro. C. H. rn officers of Charles H. Bills Post, Wyo- and A. J. officers Some men who were in the army seem The Senior Junior ; Q. M. S., David Denny. Con- ren has installed the following of James of Lowell, Thomas H. Hill of Woburn, J. ming, N. Y., as follows: Commander, C. F. was unanimously Howard Leslie R. Newell Post, No. to think it a duty to smoke until they are aro Sellers, of Philadelphia, tho Post is a military company, Gl: Commander, Thomas Payson Bradley of South Boston. Miller; S. V. C, It. Russell; J. V. J. T. chosen and George F. nected with S. V. Joseph P. V. black in tho face, but I am not alone in claim- J. C, Senior Hagar Veterans, commanded by Lees; C, Heath; J. C, It. Alternates to National Encampment M. R." Q. M., E. II. Owen; Cliaplain, H. S. Randolph Rev. John known as the R. Q. M., F. Chaplain, A. ing that we should smoke less and entertain Faulkner; Junior R. P. Davis as captain, Comrado L. Davis; J. Sumner; Greene of Weymouth (at large), Andrew F. Strong; Surg., Adclbcrt Howard; O. D., Mur- W. Sayres was Chaplain without a Comrade M. Cate; Surgeon, George W. O. D., S. tho ladies more. At Westfield Camp-fir- e tho lieutenant, Comrado Geo. W. Mil- Horn; Smith of Now Bedford, A. A. Stearns of North ray T. Lester; O. G., George Welton; Adj't, dissenting voice. For Council of Administra- Burgett first ; O. G., B. ; leading one of the Department the supper was Comrade E. L. Keys E. Sturchfield J. Waldron Adjutant, Seituatc, George G. Bailey of Hyde Park,G. M. Warren L. S. M., Win. W. McDonald; Q. Pittsburg, and E. J. Sellers, ler second lieutenant, and W. S. M., ; Q. prepared by tho ladies and served by them, Farr; tion. J. F. Hunter, 'sixty J. Sleeper; James Stevenson M. Horton AttleborOjG. H. Smith of M. Colonel A. B. orderly sergeant. The company numbers of Ilolyoke, and venture to say it w:is more enjoyed by S., A. J. Saycrs; Delegato, J. II. Mysomcr, A. II. Schafl'er and L. W. great deal S., John H. Lowd. The Post has a member- E. C. SpofTord of Peabody. Philip II. Creaseyof I Lawrence; Alternate, E. H. Owen. Philadelphia, were men, all of whom have seen a of good working the comrades present than any Camp-fir- e this Shengle, all of chosen. some are now carry- ship of forty and is in order. Newburyport, Alonzo B.Wentworth of Dedham, Thomas hard service, and of whom winter. Tho olficers of Willoughby Babcock Post, Commander Orborne appointed J. wounds received whilo fighting in defense Win. B. A. Hatha- Adjutant-Genera- l, ing Comrade McKinnon, Canaan, Vt., writes Myron P. Walker of Belohertown, N. Y.. C. A. Stewart Assistant and Smith new Post is about to bo organized way of Plymouth, George W. Nason of Frank- A circular has been issued by Commander No. 105, Homer, arc: Commander, of their country and homes. The company is that a at S. V. Win. Saunders: V. Cozzens, of Philadelphia, Quartermaster Gen- "West Stcwartstown, N. H. lin, George W. Powers of Boston. Charles 11. Baker, of 'General Lander Post, No. Skinner; C, J. C, also in the Stato service as Company "A," First Hammond; Adj't, Chas. A. Fora; Q. M., eral. The following were selected delegates to Regiment. Commander-elec- t Evans appointed as Adju- 5, Lynn, Mass., Win. L. Baird, adjutant, asking Frank be Den- Indiana Vcterau O. A. Babcock; 0. I)., F. D. Carpenter; O. G., tho National Encampment, to held at tant-General Department Al- information in the ease of Comrade James M. Middletown, VERMONT. of the Comrade W. Chaplain, Woodrotf; Surg., ver: Delegate at Large. A. M. K. Storie, Post Comrade R. Wisehart, Ind., fred C. Munroo of Brockton, who has been Sargcant, of that Post, who served in company L. Porter; J. J. George W. Rader Post, No. 119, Chas. Hutchiugs; S. M., Harvey Fuller; Q. M. 19; Representatives, J. Emory Byram, Post 55; writes us that C. Chief Mustering Officer for the past year and M, Second regiment California cavalry, Captain 84 ; W. place, which was mustered on the 12th Comrade N. Peck, Montpelicr, Vt., sends S., H. L. Bates. Marriott Brosius, Post E. Bettis, Post at that us the following list of officers of Brooks Post, acting Department Adjutant-Gener- al for sev- Georgo M. Price. Ho was first troubled with 50; Alexander R. Cutler, Post 21; Austin Cur-ti- n, of hist December, by Comrade Joseph P. Iliff, No. 13, in that place: Commander, H. A. Hure; eral monts past. The efficient services of Com- blindness at Fort Bridger in 18(!5, and grad- Post No. 91, Medina, N. Y., is in a very pros- Post 2G0; J. B. Denworth, Post G4; F. R. Commander of tho Post at Richmond, Ind., S. V. C, W. W. H olden; J. V. C, C. H. Carter; rade James F. Meech as Department Adjutant-Gener- al ually growing worse, hits for the past six years perous condition, with a membership of 115, Fleck, Post 83; J. T. Gannan, Post S; O.K. with about thirty members, has enlisted twenty Cliaplain, W. F. Waterman; Surgeon, G. W. for tho past seven years were fittingly been totally blind. He. is an applicant for in- and many more to follow. Gardner, Post 230; W.Hays Grier, Post US; recruits since, aud a near prospect of fifty more. Colby; Q. M., H. M. Pcirce; Q. M. S., F. W. recognized by theconvention, which instructed valid pension and desires to present testimony. a Samuel Harper, Post 155 ; Horatio B. Hackctt, Tho officers of tho Post are: Commander, Wood; Adj't, N. C. Peck; O. D., C. Baylcy; O. the newly elected officers to prepare and pre- NEW JERSEY. Post 51 ; W. Clark Johnson, Post 12 N. Ferreo Joseph A. Young; S. V. C, David Jones; J. V. G., J. V. Morrow. On the 27th ult. about sent him a suitable testimonial. CONNECTICUT. Lightuer, Post 2; W. II. Lanius, Post 37; J. S. C, Benjamin Davis, jr. ; Q. M., Joseph Dutton ; twenty of the members of the Post gave Com- It was voted to send a telegram to Past De- Comrado Georgo B. Fielder, Department Leiscnring, Post G2; Thomas Munroe, Post 20; Adj't, Abraham Hopper; Chaplain, George W. rade .1. J. Young a surprise party. Music fol- partment Commander Horace Binncy Sargent The annual Encampment of tho Department Commander of New Jersey, issued on tho 31st C. S. Marks, Post 17Gr J. M. Osborno, Post 89; Tarkleson ; Surgeon, Peter MeKenzie ; O. D., R. lowed, after which Commander Geoghcgan (who is in tho West, in hopes of improving his of Connecticut began at Central Hall, Hartford, ult. General Orders, No. 1, in which ho sets Wm. J. Simpson, Post 1 ; J. M. Sutman, Post 60 ; Wisehart; O. G., Jonathan Brattain. At tho last made an able address, in which lie paid a glow- health), expressing the good wishes of the De- at two o'clock Thursday afternoon last, with a forth the fact of his election and his assuuip--. A. F. Thompson, Post 232; H. C. Teeter, Post meeting of tho Post Comrades Abo Hopper, R. ing tribute to the gallant young Colonel after partment. large attendance from the Posts of tho State. tion of command, also that tho headquarters of 181, and N. G. Wilson, Post 9. Tho Encamp- Wisehart and Joseph Dutton wero appointed whom the Post is named, and also related a Tho Soldiers' Home was strongly indorsed, Ira E. Hicks, Commander of the Department, the Department are established at Jersey City. ment then adjourned sine die, highly pleased to draft a series of resolutions to be forwarded number of incidents of army life. The pleas- and various other matters of business of interest delivered an address, congratulating the Order The following appointments aro announced on with their visit to Wilkesbarre. Tho next to members of Congress, asking them to voto ure of the entertainment was also enhanced by to the members of the Department were trans- on its growth and prosperity and tho hold it the stall' of the Department Commander; they Encampment will bo held in Lancaster. for and use thoir influence in favor of pension- acted. Tho newly elected officers were installed, has on tho hearts of old soldiers. Ho men- will obeyed and respected accordingly: As- tho Mexican an historic reminiscence by General Henry A. be Robinson Post, No. 20, of Hazleton, Pennsyl- - ing tho survivors of and Indian Morrison, bolos 5lrs. and soon 2 o'clock convention ad- tioned that the Women's Relief Corps had been Adjutant-Genera- l, Ramsey, Post piano and a recitation by alter tho sistant John vania, is flourishing, mustering, according to wars. W. Cochran ; a song by Mrs. Major Baldwin journed. introduced as an order of tho Department, and 3. Jersoy City; Assistant Quartermaster-Genera- l, J. fifty-fiv- e comrades in good Georgo Thomas Post, No. 17, violin solo by Comrade Evans, tho newly elected Depart- recommended that every Post lake tho matter G. Fisher, Post 3d, Jersey City; last quarterly report, H. Indianapolis, and a Professor Heuliner. John standing. The following is tho roster of re- lias published a beautiful and complete ment Commander, enlisted as a private in the into consideration. According to tho report of Inspector, Wm. 11. Do Hart, Post 25, Elizabeth; Roster A Camp-fir- e was held on the 30th ult. by n. cently installed ollicers for the ensuing year: of their Post, which contains the name Fifty-sixt-h Massachusetts regiment, and was Ass't Adj't-Ge- Henry E. Taintor, there havo Judge Advocate, Henry M. Nevius, Post b'l, and Cummings Post, No. 37, St. Georgia?, Vt., at Commander, Gcorgo IT. Troutman ; S. V. C, regiment of each comrade. The officers arc : Storks-boroug- mustered into tho United States service Feb- been ten new Posts organized during tho year, Red Bank; Chief Mustering Officer, C. II. Ben- which Comnu&s Rev. A. O. Spoor, of h, V. C., William Shaefcr; Adj't, Gcorgo W. S. ruary 25, 18G1, for three years. Tho regiment and the total gain to tho Department is 792 mem- son, Post 11, Newark (business address Jersey John Meis; J. Commander, Spahr; V. C, It. Vt., gav' his experience in rebel John Jones; Q;M., John Weir; Chaplain, Geo. O'Brien; J. V. C, W. L. Amthur; Adj't, R. M. was attached to tho Ninth Corps, Army of tho bers. Tho present force of the Department is for- City) ; Chief of Staff, Edward F. McDonald, prisons, and showed a ma) giving the location Bush. has a'uiemorial hall fund amounting Smock; Q. M., G. H. Surg., W. Potomac, and participated in the campaign from ty Posts, with a total membership of 3,025. By Post 3S, Harrison ; Provost Marshal, II. II. Do It Shover; P. of the different prisons. He alho described tho to $2,000 aud expects to Johnson ; Chap., A. Boice ; O. ; the Wilderness to Appomattox, and was mus- the report of Assistant Quartermaster-Genera- l Grofft,Post33, Pcnn's Grovo; Ordnance Officer, over in tho near future D., I. Bobbins kind and amount of rations received. The O. ; S. tered out of tho service at the closo of tho war, W. II. Pierpont, tho receipts of the Department C. Post 27, Rahway; Commissary of erect a hall. G., J. Stokes M., H. C. Hendrickson ; Hiuosburgh Glee Club, accompanied on II. Miller, Q. M. Georgo W. the 12, lbU5. Comrade Evans participated in for the year havo been $3,187.70, and tho dis- A. Barrows, Post 2G, Mt. G. Post was organ- S.f Crano. organ by Miss .S. in fine July Subsistence, Walter Lieutenant James Stevens J. Patrick, icndcred Miss Clara de- stylo a number of songs. the terrible battles ol the campaign, and was bursements $2,210.39. Barton Holly; Assistant. Provost Marshal, James A. ized at Peckville, Pcnn., on tho 25th ult., with Gettysburg Post, No. 93. Spencer, has taken mustered out as a sergeant at tho closo of tho livered an attractive address and the session of Sproiill, Post 7, Passaic; Addional Assistant twenty-fou- r charter members. Comrado Fred. the initiatory step in erecting a monument to Comrade M. P. Kent, Worcester, Vt., writes war. He entered the Grand Army of the Re- the day soon afterwards closed. In tho evening Quartermaster-General- , H. J. Fillmau, Post 15, J. Amsdou, with a merry sloigh-loa- d of com- perpetuate the memory of the heroes of tho late us that the Camp-fir- e held there on the 27th public May 27, 1808, and has always been an a banquet was served in Allyn Hall to tho De- Bordentown. Tho following were elected at rades, wero up from Scrantou, and Comrado J. war. Tho executive committee of tho Post, ult. was an enjoyable affair. Comrade Morrow, earnest worker. Ho has been Commander partment representatives and to Wilcox Post, of tho recent Encampment Alternato Delegates to M. Alexander, with two loads from Carbondalo, consisting of Comrades J. W. Archer, E. 11. of Brooks Post, Montpelicr, related experiences of his Post, a member of both the Stato and Springfield. Tho etago was elaborately deco tho National Encampment: James A. Sproull, came down, and commenced business about Bladen, F. H. Freeland, J. S. Meek, and S. H. H.