South Lanarkshire Outdoor Access Forum - SLOAF Minutes of Meeting: June 21, 2018

Scottish Wildlife Trust - New Lanark


Member Representation / Interest / Position Alan Bannister SLC Access Development Officer Andy Nelson ScotWays Volunteer Bill Lindsay Crawford Community Council Billy Prentice Coalburn Community Council Horse & Pony Access David Boyes Group Douglas McArthur Blantyre Community Council Gerard Godfrey Leadhills Community Council James McBain Coalburn Community Council John Foster Cycling UK Patricia Tucker Tarbrax Comminity Council Roddy McTavish Forestry Commission Community Ranger Simon Pilpel SLC Access and Landscape Development Mgr

APOLOGIES Apologies Representation / Interest / Position Chrissy Pritchard South Lanarkshire Horse & Pony Access Group Dennis Walker Sustrans Volunteer Gary Tompsett Adventure Central Jim Robb National Farmers’ Union Melanie Craig SLC Countryside Ranger Michael Heale Biggar Ramblers Nick Prower Whitelee Access Officer Paula Hubens Get Walking Lanarkshire Co-ordinator Simon Amor Forestry Commission - Woodland Officer Graham Roberts Leadhills Community Council

Meeting arrangements (1) Action Chair: Bill Lindsay, minutes: Alan Bannister (2) Apologies – noted as above. (3) Introductions and membership update: Round-table introductions were made. Amendments to and matters arising from previous minutes (March 29, 2018) not in agenda: (4) A Bannister: (4) (7) 7. Robiesland: improvement works will be done at the equestrian access by East Lodge by mid-July. AB

A Nelson asked if the reference in (7) 5. to Carluke Golf Course should have been Lanark Golf Course. A Bannister confirmed this error. (5) Adoption of previous minutes: proposed P Tucker, seconded by J Foster. National Access Forum (NAF) update (S Pilpel)

The Mountain Biking and Enduro sub group producing guidance relating to unauthorised trail building and events. Hopefully available for MTB conference in November. There is a meeting of the sub-group in the next couple of weeks.

Access issue mediation SORA – Scottish Outdoor Recreation Alliance – is a newly formed informal group of outdoor bodies and they have been looking at how mediation might be used to resolve access cases.

Countryside Ranger situation in Scotland Bob Reid of SCRA (Scottish Countryside Ranger Association) gave a presentation outlining the decline in Ranger posts (permanent and seasonal) and their role in (6) access and providing front line services to connect people with nature......

A Bannister: Ranger posts were once funded by SNH up to at least 50% so were attractive to potential employers. This funding ended some time ago.

R McTavish: there are 6 FC rangers covering 70% of the population of Scotland.

B Lindsay asked if it was time to consider volunteers. [Discussion then followed on the pros and cons of this, including the considerable resources required to co-ordinate volunteers.] S Pilpel: communities who take on responsibilities themselves are encouraged. B Lindsay suggested that maybe Community Payback and Clydesdale Community Initiatives activity could be co-ordinated to target places of need.

7 Access Issues Kersewell (by Carnwath) – obstructed access (A Bannister) Negotiations have been going on between the Bells and the Council’s solicitors. Little progress has been made but the Council will not let things go. Another extension to AB (7) 1. allow for further negotiations was agreed at Lanark Sheriff Court on June 19. The next hearing is August 28.

Calderglen ‘Four Oaks’ path subsidence (S Pilpel) Works are complete apart from removal of safety barriers. [Photos were shown on (7) 2. screen of the path diversion and other path improvements.]

‘Non-compliant’ dog signs (A Bannister) A dog-walker from Quothquan had reported signs at three different locations which appeared to be non-compliant – asking/demanding that dogs be kept on leads / on leads at all times and with no reasons given. The sites were a private estate, a promoted path through woodland on Biggar Common, and farmland by Coulter. Alan (7) 3. has visited the sites and is contacting the landowners. AB ...... Discussion took place on dog-fouling and licensing for commercial dog walkers. As agreed at the Forum meeting in March, the meeting in September will focus on access issues relating to dogs. AB

8 Access projects and initiatives WIAT project updates (A Bannister for S Amor)

• We have received a WIAT Management Plan for the Bothwell and Blantyre woods which is likely to be a work in progress. This is likely to have a positive impact on access around Bothwell Castle. • Felling works are complete at Mauldslie. (8) 1. • We are still awaiting the second phase application for K Wood (East Kilbride). • Phase one works are now complete at Chatelherault and Greenhall Estate WIATs and are apparently looking good. There is hopefully going to be a second application at Greenhall shortly to cover the eastern side of the Rotten Calder. Works to replace the bridge at Chatelherault are progressing as I understand and phase two works there will be carried out in conjunction with the bridge.

Whitelee Wind Farm update (S Pilpel) (8) 2. Nothing significant to report on. SP/NP Cycling initiatives and Cycling Partnership (S Pilpel/J Foster) JF/DW/ No recent meeting, one next week to report on in September. AB ...... (8) 3. J Foster feels that the meetings are very controlled by the Council. There needs to be simplified minutes stating when things are reported.

Clyde Walkway (S Pilpel)

a) Upgrading work: David Livingston Centre to Craighead Viaduct. Works are complete apart from installation of new signage. D McArthur gave a first-hand account of his experience with Ecofast path binder and was pleased to see that the Council were using it.

b) Extension feasibility B Lindsay as acting chair of the forum had written to SLC Executive Director looking for support for the extension. He is awaiting a response. Looking to link the south to the Southern Upland Way, east to the John Buchan way, BL and west to the Ayr Way. Discussions will include Community Councils from which there is general support. It is an ambitious project, adding another 40+ miles of (8) 4. route. All Councillors that Bill had copied in to the letter had come back to say that AB/SP they would support the proposals in the letter: • Incorporation of the proposals in the Local Plan; • Setting-up of a focus group of interested parties e.g. SLC, Scot Gov, local communities;’ • Identification of a priority route.

Once this was done communities could look at their local sections and develop them via funding. This way each community work for the overall project and all sections would finally link together.

9 AOCB Round Table Carluke (J Foster): referral sent to Community Payback regarding path works on Lee Meadow Road – not done yet. ‘Old Lanark Road’ signage still required by Goremire Road. (9) 1. A Nelson asked if there was any change to route at New Greentowers farm. A Bannister: route still goes through busy yard with cows crossing for milking three times a day. Some effort was put into looking at an alternative route a few years ago but costs and landowner agreements were barriers, Leadhills path survey (G Godfrey): Leadhills Community Council have started surveying the local path network, identifying places for waymarkers, vegetation (9) 2. maintenance and other things that could be done to improve the path network. Aim to put in co-ordinated bid for funding. S Pilpel: Community Payback may be able to provide labour. Chatelherault equestrian D Boyes had been riding at Chatelherault and one of the gardeners asked him where his dung bags were. David took exception and reported this to Alan and Chatelherault (9) 3. management.

Chatelherault have money for a trails feasibility study. SLHAPAG will be consulted on safe horse routes. Community Councils-SLOAF B Lindsay stated that with Community Council elections in September there was an opportunity to remind them that SLOAF exists. (9) 4. A Bannister: all community council secretaries are emailed about Forum meetings and changes in contact details are kept up to date. Some councils never send representatives – interest in the Forum and outdoor access may depend on the interests of individual community council members. Future Forum meeting venue (9) 5. BL B Lindsay offered that Clyde windfarm could possibly host a meeting.

Future guests 10 AB It was agreed that someone who can talk about dog access etc should be invited.

MEETING CLOSE Next meeting date: September 27, 2018

Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations which may be used in the minutes

CAVLP Clyde and Avon Valley Partnership NAF National Access Forum CP Community Payback NCN National Cycle Network CSGNT Central Scotland Green Network Trust NCR National Cycle Route FC/FCS Forestry Commission Scotland RoW Right of way/recorded right of way GCVGNP Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network SLE Scottish Land and Estates Partnership SOAC Scottish Outdoor Access Code LAF Local Access Forum SOAN Scottish Outdoor Access Network LDR Long Distance Route SUW Southern Upland Way LR(S)A Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 The Act Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 MBT Mountain bike track/trail The Code Scottish Outdoor Access Code

Countryside and Greenspace contact email addresses: Access, Biodiversity and Conservation, Ranger Service: [email protected]

Useful web links:

Access Forum documents, including previous minutes Central Scotland Green Network trust Clyde and Avon Valleys Landscape Partnership Community Payback referral form / unpaid work request Cycle route planner Environmental Volunteering Newsletter Duke of Edinburgh Award Funding (Via SLC and other) mmunity_groups_charities_and_businesses ‘Get Walking Lanarkshire’ health walks initiative *Health Walk Finder* NEW walk4life (find a local walk) Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network Partnership LDR Managers' Forum policy/managing-long-distance-routes National Access Forum meeting papers Royal Highland Education Trust Scottish Land and Estates (Access) SLC online mapping – for detailed viewing of core path network SOAC and the Land Reform (Scotland) Act Whitelee outdoor access

If you want this information in a different format or language, phone 0303 123 1015 or email [email protected]