Lecture 4: Univalent foundations

Nicola Gambino

School of Mathematics University of Leeds

Young Theory Copenhagen June 14th, 2016

1 Univalent foundations

The simplicial model of suggest to:

1. use type theory as a language for speaking about homotopy types,

2. develop mathematics using this language; in particular

sets =def discrete homotopy types,

3. add axioms to type theory motivated by homotopy theory

2 Overview

Part I: Homotopy theory in type theory Part II: The univalence axiom in simplicial sets Part III: Univalent foundations

3 Part I: Homotopy theory in type theory

4 Contractibility

Definition. We say that a type A is contractible if the type

iscontr(A) =def (Σx : A)(Πy : A)IdA(x, y)

is inhabited.


I The singleton type 1.

I For all a : A, the type (Σx : A)IdA(a, x)

5 Weak equivalences in type theory

Let f : A → B.

I The homotopy fiber of f at y : B is the type

hfiber(f , y) =def (Σx ∈ A) IdB (fx, y) .

I We say that f : A → B is a weak equivalence if the type

isweq(f ) =def (Πy : B) iscontr (hfiber(f , y))

is inhabited.

Note. For A, B : type, there is a type

Weq(A, B) = (Σf : A → B) isweq(f )

of weak equivalences from A to B.

Note. The identity 1A : A → A is a weak equivalence.

6 Homotopies

Definition. Let f , g : A → B.A homotopy α : f ∼ g is an element

α : (Πx : A) IdB (fx, gx)

Proposition. Weak equivalences are homotopy equivalences, i.e. if f : A → B is a weak equivalence then there is g : B → A and homotopies

α : g ◦ f ∼ 1A , β : f ◦ g ∼ 1B .

7 Part II: The univalence axiom

8 Univalent types

Let x : A ` B(x) : type be a .

For x, y ∈ A, we have:

I the type of paths from x to y, IdA(x, y)

I the type Weq(B(x), B(y)) of weak equivalences from B(x) to B(y).

Note. We have jx,y : IdA(x, y) → Weq(B(x), B(y))

Definition. We say x : A ` B(x) : type is univalent if jx,y is an equivalence for all x, y : A.

9 The univalence axiom


a :U El(a) : type

Univalence Axiom. The dependent type

x :U ` El(x) : type

is univalent.

Explicitly, we have equivalences

jx,y : IdU(x, y) → Weq(El(x), El(y)) for all x, y : U.


I Isomorphism is equality

10 Univalence in simplicial sets (I)

The rich structure of SSet allows us to ‘internalize’ a lot of constructions.

Let p : B → A a fibration. There exists a fibration

(s, t) : Weq(A) → A × A

such that the fiber over (x, y) is

Weq(A)x,y = {w : Bx → By | w ∈ Weq }

Note. Given p : B → A, we have

A / Weq(B) 6 j i p (s,t)   Path(A) / A × A

11 Univalent fibrations

Definition. A fibration p : B → A is said to be univalent if

jp : Path(A) → Weq(B)

is a weak equivalence. Idea. Weak equivalences between fibers are ‘witnessed’ by paths in the base.

Proposition. A fibration p : B → A is univalent if and only if for every fibration q : D → C, the space of squares

D s // B

q p   C / A t

such that D → C ×A B is a weak equivalence, is either empty or contractible. Idea. Essential uniqueness of s, t (if they exist).

12 Univalence in simplicial sets (II)

Theorem. The fibration π : U˜ → U is univalent. We consider the diagram

U w / Weq(U)

∆ " y (s,t) U × U

and show w ∈ Weq. By composing with π2 : U × U → U, we get

U w / Weq(U)

1U t { U

Hence, it suffices to show that t ∈ Weq.

Since t ∈ Fib, we show that t ∈ Weq ∩ Fib. Suffices i t t, for all i ∈ Cof.

13 So, we need to prove the existence of a diagonal filler in a diagram of the form

A b / Weq(U)

i t   A0 / U b0 where i ∈ Cof. By the definition of t, such a square amounts to a diagram



' u2 0 p1 B2 / B2

q2 p2   ~ A / A0 i where p1 , p2 , q2 ∈ Fib, f ∈ Weq and i ∈ Cof.

14 The required diagonal filler amounts to a diagram of the form

u1 0 B1 / B1

f g

' u2 ' 0 p1 B2 / B2

q1 q2 p2    ~ A / A0 i where q1 is a fibration, g is weak equivalence and all squares are pullbacks. This is also established via the theory of minimal fibrations.

15 A relative consistency result

The definition of the simplicial model is carried out within

I ZFC + 2 inaccessible cardinals

Theorem. The extension of Martin-L¨oftype theory with the univalence axiom is consistent relatively to ZFC + 2 inaccessible cardinals.


I Can this result be improved?

I Can the simplicial model be redeveloped constructively, so as to give relative consistency with respect to Martin-L¨oftype theory?

Note Recent work on models in cubical sets.

16 Part III: Mathematics in univalent type theories

17 Homotopy levels in type theory


I A type A has homotopy level 0 if it is contractible.


I A type A has homotopy level 1 if for all x, y : A, the type IdA(x, y) has h-level 0, i.e. it is contractible.


A has h-level 1 ⇔ for all x, y : A, IdA(x, y) is contractible

⇔ if A is inhabited, then it is contractible

⇔ either 0 or 1

Types of h-level 1 will be called h-propositions.

Example: isweq(f ) is a h-proposition.

18 Sets


I A type A has homotopy level 2 if for all x, y : A, the type IdA(x, y) has h-level 1, i.e. it is an h-proposition.


A has h-level 2 ⇔ for all x, y : A, IdA(x, y) is a h-proposition

⇔ A is discrete

Types of h-level 2 will be called h-sets.

Idea. This hierarchy can be extended inductively:

Level 0 1 2 3 Types ∗ 0 , 1 sets groupoids Mathematics – “logic” “algebra” “ theory”

19 Remarks on the univalence axiom

Theorem. The univalence axiom implies Function Extensionality, i.e.

(Πx : A)IdB (fx, gx) → IdA→B (f , g)

Theorem. Assuming the univalence axiom, the type universe U is not an h-set. Proof. Assume U is a h-set.

Then IdU(a, b) would be a h-proposition, i.e. either empty or contractible.

By univalence, so would WeqEl(a), El(b).

But, for example, WeqBool, Bool is neither empty nor contractible.

Corollary. Univalence is not valid in the types-as-sets model.

20 Further aspects

Other topics

I Synthetic homotopy theory

I Higher inductive types

I Homotopy-initial algebras in type theory

I Models of type theory in cubical sets

I Models of type theory with uniform fibrations

I Relation with the theory of (∞, 1)-categories

Open problems

I Constructivity of the simplicial model

I Direct definition of (∞, 1)-category in type theory

21 References (I)

Type theory

I Martin-L¨of,Intuitionistic type theory

I Nordstr¨om,Petersson, Smith, Programming in Martin-L¨oftype theory

I Nordstr¨om,Petersson, Smith, Martin-L¨oftype theory

Type theory and

I Aczel, The type theoretic interpretation of

I Aczel, On relating type theories and set theories

I Griffor and Rathjen, The strength of some Martin-L¨oftype theories

Homotopical algebra

I Hovey, Model categories

I Joyal and Tierney, An introduction to simplicial homotopy theory

Models of type theory

I Pitts, Categorical logic

22 References (II)

Homotopical models

I Awodey and Warren, Homotopy-theoretic models of identity types

I Bezem, Coquand, Huber, A model of type theory in cubical sets

I Gambino and Garner, The identity type weak factorisation system

I Kapulkin and Lumsdaine, The simplicial model of univalent foundations

I Hofmann and Streicher, The groupoid model of type theory

I Streicher, A Model of Type Theory in Simplicial Sets

Types and ∞-categories

I van den Berg and Garner, Types are weak ω-groupoids

Univalent Foundations

I Voevodsky, An experimental library of formalized mathematics based on the univalent foundations

I Ahrens, Kapulkin, Shulman, Univalent categories and the Rezk completion