LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

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LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) renth scries, V ol . X No.24 Monday. March 30, 1992 Chaitra 10, 1914 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Third Session (Tenth Lok Sgbha) (Vol. X contains Nos. 21 to 30) bOm SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price! Rs. 6.00 [ORIGINAL ENGLISH mr>CB»lNOS IMCXUDSD IN ENGLISH VHMION AND O m to iN A L H i n d i proceedings i n c l u d b d i n H i n d i V e r s i o n w i l l b e -rwevrBn as AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT TUB TRANSLATION THBRBOF.J CONTENTS {Tenth Series. Vol X, Third Session, 1992 1914 (Saka)j No 24, Monday, March 30, 1992/Chaitra 10,1914 (Saka) Coi UMNS Oral Answers to Questions 1 -4 2 ‘Starred Question Nos 450 to 457 Written Answers to Questions 42— 484 Stat red Question Nos 458 to 469 4 2 -6 ? Unstarred Question Nos *>097 to 5147 62— 457 5149 to 5240, 5?42to S310 arid 531210 532b Papers I aid on the Table 484-486 Messager from Raiya Sabha 48G -48'7 Matters Under Rule 377 487— 493 (i) Need to onsure adequate 4H7 -4b8 compensation to the families whoso children have dwd due to release of to<ic fumes from Hindustan /'me i td Shri Ram * Krishnu Konathala (»») Need to sanction Link 488— 489 Highway’ connecting NH 17 and H-47 waGuruvayoor Shri P C Chacko *The sign + maked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was acually asked on the floor of the House by that Member Co lum n s ( hi) Ne ed to set up an electronic 489— 490 telephone* exchange at Ajmer, Rajasthan Prof Rasa Singh Rawat (iv) Need for early completion 490— 491 of Kapadwanj-Madasa broad guage railway line Dr K D Jeswani (v) Need to provide funds to 491 State Government of Karnataka from tho Cenrtral Road Fund forthe repairs of State Highways Shri Devaraya Naik (vi) Need to arrange medicines 491— 492 and take other steps to control gastro-enteritis in Saigujd tribal district of Madhya Pradesh Shri Khelsai Singh (vu) Need foi setting up of a jute 492 mill in Barpeta district. West Bengal Shri Uddhab Barman (vih) Need to provide royalty at 493 increased rates on crude oil to Gujarat Shri Naranbhai Jamalabhai Rathva Statutory Resolution Re Disapproval 494— 553 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Ordinance and Securities and Exchange Board of India Bill Motionconsider to C o l u m n s Shnmati Geeta Mukherjee 494-498 Shri RameshwarThakur 498— 501 545— 551 Shri Jaswant Singh 501— 509 Shn Sarat Chandra Pattanayak 509— 510 Shn SudhirGiri 510— 517 Shn Bolla Bulli Ramaiah 5t7— 520 Shn Girdhari Lai Bhargava 520— 525 Shn A Charles 525-530 Shri Nitish Kumar 530— 533 Shri Pnthviraj D Chavan 533— 536 Shri Shankersinh Vaghela 536— 540 Shn Kamia Mishra Madhukar 540— 542 Shri K P Reddaiah Yadav 542— 544 Shn Syed Shahabuddin 544— 545 Statutory Resolution Re Disapproval of 553— 560 the Securities and Exchange Board of India Ordinance — Negatived Secunties and Exchange Board of India Bill Clauses 2 to 35 and 1 552— 553 Motion to Pass Shri RameshwarThakur 553 Statutory Resolution Re Disapproval of 571— 585 the Ce6S and otherTaxes on Minerals (Validation) Ordinance and Cess and Other Taxes on Minerals (Validation) Bill Motion to consider Co lum n s Shn Gtrdhari Lai Bhargava 553— 556 Shn Balram Stngh Yadav 556— 560 Dr Laxminarayan Pandeya 571— 576 Shn Somnath Chatterjee 576— 582 Shn Lokanath Choudhury 582— 584 Statement by Minister 560— 571 Bofors Investigations Shn Madhavsinh Solanki 560— 561 Constitution (Amendment) Bill 585— 608 (Insertion of new Part XIA) by Shri Chitta Basu Motion to consider Shri Sriballav Pamgrahi 586-591 Shri Bhagwan Shankar Rawat 591— 595 Shri Sobhanadreeswara Rao Vadde 595— 598 Shri Sudhiri Giri 598— 602 Shri Oscar Fernandes 603-605 Shrimati Dil Kumari Bhandari 605— 608 Changes in the Time Table for Discussion 608— 610 and Voting on Demands for Grants LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA SHRI ASHOK ANANDRAO *■ DESHMUKH Will the Ministerof INFORMATION AND Monday. March 30. 1992/Chaitra 10 1914 BROADCASTING be pleased to state (Saka) (a) the percentage of population to be ______ _ covered by AIR and Doordarshan 1992 93, State wise, The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock (b) whether it is proposed to cover the entire population, and [MR SPEAKER in the Chau] (c) ihso the steps taken by the Govern ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ment in this regard*? [English] THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD Coverage by Alr/T.V. CASTING (KUMARI GIRUA VYAS) (a) to + (c) A statement is laid on the Table of the *450 SHRIK PRADHANI House STATEMENT (a) Percentage of Estimated Population to be covered by AIR/TV services by the end of 1992 93 State Vn ion Territory Air TV 1 2 3 1 Andhra Pradesh 99 78 4 2 Arunachal Pradesh 98 44 4 3 Assam 98 82 4 4 Bihar 99* 91 7 5 Goa 99* 100 0 3 Oral Answers MARCH 30.1992 Oral Answers 4 State/Union Territory Mr TV 1 2 3 6. Gujarat 99* 76.8 7. Haryana 99* 98.5 8 Himachal Pradesh 91 61.9 9. Jammu & Kashmir 94 90.3 10. Karnataka 96 68.7 11. Kerala 95 86.3 12. Madhya Pradesh 96.5 60.1 13. Maharashtra 98.5 81.7 14.' Manipur 99* 66.4 15. Meghalaya 96 97.2 16. Mizoram 95 72.3 17. Nagaland 97 69.6 18. Onssa 98 77 19. Punjab 99 100 0 20. Rajasthan 98.5 61.5 21. Sikkim 80 95.0 22. Tamil Nadu 98.5 90.1 23. Tnpura 99* 93.3 24. Uttar Pradesh 97.5 92.4 25 West Bangal 99* 96.7 26. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 80 99.0 27. Chandigarh 99* 100.0 28. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 99* 43.6 5 Oral Answers CHAITRA 10,1914 (SAKA) Oral Answers State/Union Territory Air TV 1 P 3 29 Delhi 99* 100 0 30 Daman & Diu 99' 100 0 31 Lakshadweep & Minicoy Islands 99* 99 32 Pondicherry 99* 100 C * * Fully covered Notes Coverage figures in respect of Doordarshan includes population living in fringe areas where elevated antenna and boosters are required to obtain satisfactory reception (b)and(c) Steps taken by Govern ment mission station when there aie 21 stations in to Enhance Air/Hfv Coverage the whole of 21 p iriiamentary constituencies in the State of Orissa but not even one At present Radio and Hoordarshan pro transmitter is located in my constituency'? vide coverage to on estimated 95 9% and 81 % of the population of the country respec KUMARI GIRIJIVYAS Sn as I under tively F urthe- expansion of the electronic stand, Korapur and Jevpore are covered media is being earned out in a phased which are very near to the constituency of the manner depending upon availability of ad hon Member Malkhangiri r. being covered equate resources and inter se priorities 32 soon We have already ord* ted foi that I AIR and 152 TV transmitter projects are have noted the point of * w ol tne hon either at various stages of implementation or Member envisaged to be set up With the commis­ sioning of these projects Air and Doordarshan SHRI K PRADHANI Jeypore is not coverages would be available to 97 5% and within my constituency It is wi*hm the Koraput 90% population of the country respectively constituency There is not even one single transmitter centre m my constituency SHRIK PRADHANI Mr Speaker, Sir, the Minister has replied that 77 percent of There are different stations around the people of this country will be covered by Nowrangpur parliamentary constituency As the end of 1992-93 when these projects are I said earlier, it is a very large constituency completed covered with full of forests and mountains at different altitudes Even with boosters and higher antennas, about 50 per cent of the I would like to point out that my constitu­ people cannot view television programmes ency is one of the largest constituency in the in my constituency Will the Mmistortake into country having an area to the extent of 400 consideration this fact and complete within kms in length and 150 kms tn breadth and the year 1992-93 the project of commiss on not even one TV transmitter centre has been mg a new transmitter Centre in Nowrangpur*? put up in my constituency KUMARI G1RUA VYAS I haw already May I know from the hon Minister why mentioned that I have noted down the point this discrimination is there tn regard to trans­ of view of the hon Member 7 Oral Answers MARCH 30,1992 Oral Answers 8 [Translation] [English] SHRI ASHOK ANANDRAO THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE DESHMUKH Mr Speaker, Sir, the hon MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND Minister has not given a complete reply The BROADCASTING (SHRI AJIT PANJA) Sir, purpose of asking the question was to know I Just want to add to the answer given by my as to what are the plans to cover entire colleague There was one question asked on population of the country The hon Minister the provision of TV sets to Panchayasts This has made available the area-wise figures as is different from the transmitter with a high well as the number of Doordarshan and power or low power Akashvam stations The hon Minister has also stated that radio and TV coverage is I must inform this House that so far as nearly 95 and 81 per cent respectively TV sets are concerned, 5, 000 community TV sets were allotted during the Seventh Mr Chairman, Sir, Doordarshan is the Plan period for the North Eastern region best medium to reach the masses but tne because it is a far flung and tribal hill area hon Minister did not give separate informa tion about rural areas when ever she should We waited forthe report of the Council have give separate information about urban there I e , the North East Council and, ac­ and rural areas Shri Rajesh Pilot has said cording to their suggestion we have sanc­ that each Gram Panchayat will be piovided tioned community 1V sets for some places telephone facility Similiarly, if television sets There are tnbal and hilly areas Even though are provided to each Gram Panchayat infor­ we cover it by population-wise through our mation about the rural welfare programmes, transmitter,
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