The Suffrage Daily News (Helena, Mont.) 1914

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The Suffrage Daily News (Helena, Mont.) 1914 The College of Montana l rs. J. A. Kelly acting chairman of Miss Margaret Sanders, Miss Har- The Sweet Grass Boosters' LOCALS Rosebud County, canlm ii Thursday riet Sanders, Miss Helen Sanders Club Deer Lodge, Montana. prepalred to marshall hl.rforces ,for and Miss Katherine Sanders are all Big Timber Mont. Mary Stuart, the big day. prize winners at the Montana state Collegiate and Academic Courses of the dean at the Uni- J. Kalserman, President fair this week. Miss Harriet San- Study-Special Courses in Music, versity of Montana, received a hearty HOW ABOUT ders won two first prizes, one on welcome at headquarters Thursday YOU? LOOK US UP Domestic Science, Commerce and Do you suffer from "coll feet? plum pudding, one on fruit cake. afternoon. Miss Stewart has just Miss Helen Sanders carried off the Oratory -- Able Faculty - Thorough Are you a crank and peulimist?? been on a tour throughout the state blue ribbons on white loaf cake and Training-Student Supervision. Do you suffer with n vous pros- and spoke Wednesday evening to chocolate layer; Miss Katherine won Bell Phone 213 ind. Phone 1313 perity ? four first prizes as follows: Choco- Board, Room and Tuition for the the Carpenter Union in Great Falls, Butte Floral Company Have you the "malitia chill"? late and nut cakes and then Year, $275. on two She also spoke at Ravalli where an Do you suffer with enari? kinds of candy. Miss Margaret San- Flowers and Plants for all Occasions People of Helena and visitors to enthusiastic audience was gathered, Do you get "rheumati,,s"? ders is also a prize winner in the 27 West Broadway, Butte, Montana Never had a real good time in your the State Fair may have the oppor- similar audience in St. Ignatius. arts and crafts department. Can Deliver Flowers in Any Part of the State in life? First Class Condition. Faculty of Miss Stewart is one of the wittiest, tunity of hearing the Do your eyes fail yor •m looking originaland logicalspeakers on the SPOILED THE STORY. Music and Expression at the Pres- to see which way ,o .mp? Montana platform to-dlay. If she Young Mrs. Rosenberg of Lewis- byterian Church Thursday evening at Then get busy and join he suffra- speaks this week in Helena the gists. town was talking in her home town 50c. McKee & Lane's Suit Shop 8 p. m. Tickets, people who hear her will 'be accorded on suffrage when a woman, whose a rare treat. WOMAIN sentiments were evidently the oppo- SUITS. COATS. -i site, began to interupt her. "If these GOWNS AND NOVELTIES It is necessary to give notice that BILLINGS BOOK BINDERY She walketh veiled a; dieeping, sufragists could get a man, they there is absolutely no more available Odd Fellows Block For she knoweth not he power; wouldn't be out howling about votes East Main Street Morse Block, Next to Fire Hall Forsyth, copies of the Suffrage News. There She obeyeth but the le,ling for women. Say, lady, I reckon you Montana WE DO has been many inquiries for the first Of her heart, and the,;:gh leading couldn't get a man nohlow." Mrs. but every case there were General Book and Loose Leaf Bind- edition iii Of her soul, unto this hi ,:r. Rosenberg was rather enjoying the none to be secured after the first ing-Blank Book and' Magazine Bind- Slow advancing, halti ig, creeping, situation, as her husband was only day. There were 600 copies printed Comes the Woman tee t;:e hour- around the corner in his office wait- WhySuffer FromStomrachTroubles? ing- Make Rubber Stamps - Carry the firstday, 1000 the second and by She walketh veiled and sleeping, ing for her, but an Irish neighbor Kelly's Complete Line of Stationery--Steel Thursday the demand was Aso great Stomach Remedy relieves gastritis, heart- For she knoweth not her power. who stood by answered: "Whist, burn, sour stomach and all disorders Die and Copper Plate Printing. that 2,000 were printed. It was arising Charlo'te Perklts Gilman. lady, she has a six-footer." rom fermentation of food. thought to be a somewhat difficult Manufacturers. Sold by all druggists or send $ 1.00 to attempt to start the paper. Now it J. A. Kelly, Forsyth, Roundup, Lewistown, Mont. looks as though it would be still HYSHAM HAS more difficult to stop it. Thursday noon a seven passenger a Doctor, a Church and Two A Bank; car drew up at headquarters. It was SUPERIOR Saloons, one Restaurant and one loaded with suffragists who had made the trip overland from Butte. Barber Shop, one Hardware and three The County Seat of Mineral, the Newest They were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Irish County in Montana General Stores, six Passenger Trains and lattle dsaughter, Betty; Mrs. J.R. daily, two Big Lumiber Yards, Crack E. Seivers, Mrs. Grace Rabbitt Superior Is Growing Fast and son. The big auto, decorated Baseball Team, two Real Estate for the oceasion will serve as the Big Auction Sale of Town Lots Firms, Weekly Newspaper, Town reviewing stand for Governor SATURDAY. OCTOBER 3rd Stewart and Mayor Working before Hall 40x80, City Street Lights, Good Two Railroads, Electiic Lights. Water System whom the big parade will pass. Roads. Address H. SCHOENFELD. Superior. Mont. SECRETARY COMMERCIAL CLUB Mrs. L. F. Higgins of Deer Lodge came in on Thursday in time to Hysham, . Montana register for her part in the suffrage parade. Mrs. Higgins has accom- plished much for the educational The Columbus work of her little city and is a val- ued worker in the suffrage ranks. COAL! Mercantile Company Mrs. G. M. Gilmore as a worker at the Suffrage booth Thursday. The Best Coal Is Mrs. Gllmore comes from Glendive, Columbus, County Seat of where she is kept busu looking after a large ranch, a business in The Acmez County Old Stillwater town, and the many details of the suffrage campaign. King Koles General Merchandise Bought Mrs. C. H. Eaton, a voter from PRODUCED BY THE and Sold California, registered at headquarters this morning and 'will represent a Acme white state in the parade. Coal Co. ACME. WYOMING Another car came all the way from Eastern Montana Butte to take part in the parade. It FRANK L. WOODS was driven by Mr. Willis Ellis and Montana Sales Agent, Butte, Mont. the passengers consisted of his wife, his mother, Mrs. J. B. Ellis, and Mrs. Summer Normal E. B. Clinch. The car will represent the Montana Equal Franchise Lea- VOTE FOR Camp gue and chrysanthemums will for- nish the major part of the decorative Connell's Lake, Carbon County e! East Rosebud scheme. Wellington D. Rankin Miss Rosa Dell Miss Vinnie Burton Once upon a time, not a thousand Announce Complete Fall and miles from Helena, it occured to FOR CONGRESS Winter Stocks in Women's some Anti suffragists to make and Misses Billings, Montana some men of straw and set them up President of Montana Men's Equal Suffrage League as an example and warning and label them. "Men who vote for equal suff- rage." So a representative held her- Suits, Coats, self to a nearby vendor in such ma- Scandinavian terial and asked for the straw. "How Dresses, murlch do you ,want?" courteously THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Millinery, Bank asked the man. The lady explained Etc. American that she wanted some to stuff some OFFERS SPECIAL straw men to represent the men who BIG TIMBER, MONTANA voted for suffrage. "Well," said the OPPOT .UNITIES FOR WOMEN man, "you have come to the wrong LIBERAL CULT:Jr E IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE SPECIFIC An Efficient Mail Order Service place . You would need such a lot SKILL OF TECHNICAL TRAINING IN THE WORK AT THE of straw to make them all that I UNIVERSITY. COURSES ARE OFFERED IN really woulden't want to take the President W. P. Franklin. contract for supplying you." HOME ECONOMICS CHEMISTRY F. R. Hickman, Vice-Presideni THE FINE AR rs PHOTOGRAPHY E. J. Moe, Cashier BUTTE, MONTANA Maggie Smith Hathway re- MUSIC PHARMACY ported art headquarters Thursday JOURNALISM ACCOUNTING morning. Mrs. Hathway is the whirl- LIBRARY WORK STENOGRAPHY wind PHYSICAL EDUCATION TYPEWRITING For the Newest in suffrage orator. She has travel- led 4284 miles in the state of Mon- PUBLIC EDUCATION TEACHING The Absarokee Hats, Suits, Coats tana since June 5 and has talked to .. THESE COURSES ARE THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL AND ARE Umorle Ipeole than a great many DESIGNED SPE( IALLY TO PREPARE YOUNG WOMEN FOR Trading other speakers combined. She will TEACHING I CHOSEN SPECIAL LINES. THE WORK IS Company Dresses and Wraps be a valuable addition to the suff- ALL IN TlHE HANDS OF EXPERTS. WRITE FOR A At Very Moderate Prices rage worlkers. COPY OF THE UNIVERSITY REGISTER. General Merchandise Visit The enterprising little Chinoolk w'orker, MIrs, John C. Duff, arrived THE UMIVERSITY OF MONTANA Absarokee, Montana EDW N BOONE CRAIGHEAD, President. at headquarters and was soon busy SHEEHAN'S MISSOULA, MONTANA 103 W.Broadway Butte assembllling the deligates from her The Biggest Little Town in the State. section. "Watch Us Grow".
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