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Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers

12-31-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Some Cloudiness City Traffic Box Score —To Daft— And Warmer mi 1961 Accidents .... 378 415 Tonight/ Tuesday Deaths ...... 1 - 2 Injuries ...... ' 85 91 Damages ... .$92,010 $121,450 Crash Knocks Bus Into River, 6 Die World Prepares to Youth Killed 20 Reported As Car Burns Injured in deceive New Year At La Crosse West Montana THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i Others will ting out old and by those assigned to the &y th* unnoticed (AP) shout in the new at entertain- task of keeping the vital services By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SUPERIOR, Mont. - A The end of ax internationally Six persons have died predawn collision between a grain tense 1962 and the start of an un- ment spots ranging from cozy of a complex society rolling. in "Wis- corner taverns and tiny dance Some will die around the stroke consin traffic accidents since the truck and an eastbound bus sent certain 1963 arrive tonight for -will start of the new year' countless millions around the trou- halls to big city auditoriums and of twelve. Otners be spanked s holiday pe- the bus hurtling into an ice-choked night cluis. ;. into life. riod. bled world: , The slate's toll for the year is river today and killed six persons. For many, the midnight transi- To get to their parties some Particular emphasis has been ¦will trudge t irough inches of put on highway safety . with ho- 949; compared with 904 on the fi- T^ie victims included four bus tion from the old to the new wiil nal day of 1961 and the record passengers, bring joyful reflections. For oth- snow. Others will walk along tels, coffee shops, expensive res- of bus driver and one of palm-lined boulevards under taurants - and churches offering 955 in 1956. the mea aboard the truck. ers, it will spark sad recollections. Michael Bina , balmy summer-like skies. free lodging, coffee and a morcenT , 19 of La Crosse About 20 other persons were Millions will flock to churches Many will be oblivious to the of rest for those whose celebrating was killed Sunday night when a to raise their voices in song and magic instant. Tney are the .very might leave thern incapable of car hit a curb on the West Chan- injured, Sheriff Francis Tamietta prayer — thanking God for I he sick, the very young, the very safe driving. nel Bridge on the outskirts of the estimated, and some of them hos- blessings of the old year and tired. city, went out of control and burst pitalized at Superior, a western asking His guidance through the Tht Pennsylvania and New Jer- into flames. A companion was in- Montana^ community about 70 year to come. The ' moment will go virtually sey turnpike commissions will of- jured seroosly. Authorities said miles west of Missoula. fer free* hot coffee to any person the car was not equipped with Rescue workers at the crash traveling the super highways. seat belts. scene were reported using blow The Travelers Hotel near La Duane G. Frosch, 25, and his torches to free some of the pas- Guardia Airport in New York has , Roger, 18, both of Sauk sengers. . offered free overnight bilging to City, were killed Saturday night Emergency ^hospital facilities any celebrant who feels the meed when their " car skidded on icy were prepared at Missoula to re- of it. - . " Dane County Highway Y near Ma- ceive injured who could not be Members of .the Adaman group zornanie, left the road and hit a cared for at Superior. will usher in the Hew Year by an tree stump. The sheriff .said the Greyhound assault on the 14, 110-foot Pike's bus, a Scenicruiser. swerved off Peak in Colorado. From the sum- Stanley Frosch, 22, also of Sauk U.S. Highway 10 about 17 miles mit, the groups hopes to set off a City, a brother of the dead men, west of Superior and plunged into fireworks display at midnight. was injured and in serious condi- the St. Regis River, a small tion in a Madison hospital. He said tributary of the Clark's Fork An estimated 12,000 men, wom- the three had been hunting near River. en and children will go through Mazomahie. At Spokane a bus company Jast-minute dress rehearsals for ¦William Reick, 66, Milwaukee, spokesman said 41 passengers the annual Mummers' parade in Was killed Saturday night when were aboard the bus when it left Philadelphia on New Year's Day. struck by a car at an intersection Spokane at 2:15 a.m. The 73,000 temple bells that on the -city's South Side, SNOW HALTS FLIGHTS. . . . . An airport to traffic and snowplows worked throughout the The bus dispatcher at Spokane echo across Japan New Year's A one-car crash in the city of worker struggles through a show drift at Lon- night in an effort to keep one runway clear. (AP identified the bus driver as J. B. Eve will include for the first time Greendale in Milwaukee County don Airport Sunday following blizzard which Photofax via cable from London) Mayer, Spokane. in 20 years an old favorite re- took the life of - Bernard S. Chmie- lit southern Engl and. The airport was closed ¦ ¦ le'wski Sunday night. claimed from Iowa. . ' <• . ' Traffic Deaths The bell, the Choai-in Gankoji Robert Piper, 40, of 'Marten, temple bell, had rung" for three died Saturday night -when he tum- Work Up to 178 centuries in Japan before it was bled from a car which failed to silenced and disappeared during make a curv4 on Waukesha Coun- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS World War II. It turned ap on ty Highway F near Merton. Europe Awaits Relief in Traffic 178 the Iowa State University campus The holiday period began at 6 Fires . 42 and was brought back this year p.m. Friday and will end at mid- Miscellaneous -48 to> Jfapan; night Tuesday. Total 268 Worst Blizzard in Years The nation's traffic death toll LONDON" tfl — Prosepcts of a Deep snowdrifts brought traffic in Dorset County. The coupU's in the first half of th» long[ New almost to a standstill in most of daughter, grandson and another Year weekend appeared runniig thaw in southern England brought below pre-holiday estimates by Norsiqd Retires hope of relief today after a week- southern : England. The weather man were rescued iincoascious man predicted that a belt of rain and in critical condition. safety experts despite a spurt in end of the worst blizzards in moving across the area later to- Helicopters rescued a number fatalities Sunday. memory. A survey of accidental deaths day might bring milder weather. of stranded travelers. ' The big freeze spread over Traffic in and out of since 6 p.m. (local time) Friday After 32 Years rnaia cities Showed 178 killed in traffic; 42 in F ROSTED FIREFIGHT ER ... A fTigid Central Falls, R.L, much of continental Europe. Ris- At least fi vt d»atht in Britain was halted completely. Snow lay ing temperatures in Austria and were attributed to the wearher. so deep on some highways that fires and 48 in miscellaneous mis- firefighter looks like frosty the snowman, at a fire in an unoccu- brought the danger of av- A man and his wife froze I o haps. The over-all total was 268. next door to the blaze were forced attempts to clear it were aban- pied dwelling. Five families alanches around the crowded ski death in their car buried under doned . ' . ' ;• The holiday ends at midnight to flee in below zero weather. Rhode Island and New England centers. a 15-foot snowdrift in a rural spot Tuesday. Roads linking London with tht had the coldest weather in almost two years with the overnight Snowy, windy and cold WMthar low at the Hillsgrove, K.I., weather station 5 below zero. (AP channel ports of Dover and Folke- stone were impassable .Sunday. made driving conditions hazard- Photofax) Snowplows worked all night at ous in broad areas in the North- London Airport to keep one run- east and sections of the Midwest. Chesapeake way clear. The National Safety Council has estimated that 420 to 480 persons The blizzards also swept across may be killed in traffic accidents' Winter Assails Ireland, immobilizing road traf- during the 102-hour New Year fic and closing Dublin airport. holiday period. The record traffic Merger OKed Several automobile accidents to|l for a four-day New Year pe- ( were reported from, northern arid riod was 409 in the 1956-57 ob- WASHINGTON . AP) - The vania and the Nickel Plate wilh eastern France, where tempera- Eastern States Interstate Commerce Commission the Norfol k & Western. servance. ASSOCIATED PRESS closing of Bangor movie houses tures remained below freezing By THE set up one of the nation's biggest and the roads were covered with Tht traffic death toll in Hw for the first time in memory and railroad mergers today 'by au- The commission emphasized Winter unleashed its fury on the stranded some 2,000 persons in that the C&O-B&O case involves ice. first half of the current holiday Eastern section of the nation in thorizing the Chesapeake & Ohio . ¦ was far less than for the com- buses and cars throughout the to gain control of the Baltimore only an acquisition of control by the last hours ol the year. state. an "exchange of stock. But the parable period during the extend- Below-zero temperatures were k Ohio. ed Christmas weekend when more Approval of the control plan C&O had made quite clear that reported today in many spots. Maine's Gov. John H. Reed ap- this was intended as a prelimin- , than 300 fatalities were reported. High velocity winds tore down pealed to citizens to take in the came as two other big Eastern $100 000 Paint The final Christmas tally showed railroad , unification plans were ary step to merger of its opera- power lines, may have swept a refugees. tions ana those of the B&O. 646 traffic deaths. youth off a ferryboat to apparent being processed by the commis- Last year's New Year holiday The 4,500 persons in Lincoln , sion. The ICC said the stock-exchange death, and overturned a motor- Maine , some 40 miles north of . deal between the C&O and B&O Fire in Sheboygan covered three days and the final boat whose operator drowned. These would unite the New tabulation showed 337 traffic fa- Bangor, were reported isolated York Central with the Pennsyl- would strengthen the financial SHEBOYGAN; wis. UR - An ex- The powerful gusts also ripped with no power and all roads condition of the B&O and bolh plosion ripped a paint manufac- talities, 83 fire deaths and 59 off a movie house roof , toppled blocked. carriers wjll continue to operate turing plant Sunday, touching off killed in miscellaneous accidents, crane and a huge construction Maryland recorded three deaths as separate railroads, a fire and causing damage esti- for a total of 479. literally blew a river from its mated at $100,000. There were no boats. In sledding accidents—a boy and "Approval .pf the application bed, stranding numerous a girl -vhose sleds were struck by Trains in Crash injuries. The wintry blast also brought will not foreclose our opportunity Earlier, fire swept a downtown snow in cars and a boy whose sled ca- to consider the lawfulness of any WEATHER fresh accumulations of reened into a tree. retail store, resulting in a loss of some places. future merger application ," the $13, FEDERAL FORECAST Six Boy Scouts were trapped 000. Both buildings were un- At Chippewa Falls commission added , "nor will it occupied. Winona and Vicinity—Variable Bangor , Maine, had at leas* 21 several hours in a car stuck in CHIPPEWA FALLS , Wis. (AP) prevent interested parties from on top of the Tht blatt occurred in th» bolfcr cloudiness and warmer tonight Inches of new snow a snow drift in Washington Coun- — A Soo Line passenger train and raising objections to proposals of room of the D, J. Peterson Co., previously fallen. Howl- ty, Pa., before highway crews and Tuesday. Low tonight 10-20, 15 inches GENERAL LAURIS NORSTAD a freight collided hcadon at slow that application when it is pre- Inc., on ihe West Side. The room's high Tuesday 25-30. ing winds piled up drifts as high freed them, speed at Boyd. Wis., about mid- sented to the commission for its larg- A skelcli by Milton Canilf, creator oj Sieve Canyon. Many eight-inch thick concrete ceiling LOCAL WEATHER as 20 feet. The state's third n ight Sunday. One woman passen- approval. " was crumbled by the explosion. population 50,000, was Tht New York Central and Ne-w see a similarity in Col Canyon of story strip jame, with Gen. Official observations for the 24 est city, Narstad. ger was taken to a Chippewa Falls But railroad industry observers Cause of the blasjt was not known hours ending at 12 m. Sunday: "just about paralyzed ," accord- Haven railroads said the severe hospital. cold knocked out signal systems had acknowledged beforehand that immediately. Maximum , ' 11; minimum, 3; ing to one newsman. WAS HWGTON-Gen. Laur Is ed Stales Air Force. Extent of injury to Mrs. Rocco approval of the C&O-B&O control The resulting failed at many points along their main fire was not noon, fl; precipitation, none The Bangor Daily News Norstod , NATO' s Supreme Allied For the last 12 years, Gen. Nor- Valentino, Fondulac the passenger , plan would be a major step to- brought under control until a util- Official observations for the 24 to publish its morning papk-ifl: ]

This country commissioned its A ^LBiaaaaaW^ "i I^TaMaaiaafca^iiaaaaaaaiiaaMriT^aaB ' T0x95" W4RKLY HUPPED : ¦ first nuclear sub, the Nautilus, ?*WPWPnamfal I QO COLORFUL LOCK-TUFTED mm «* eight years ago. . KK ^ H P-Q n ** 98 * As late as six years ago, the ^L-COTTOH SHEET BLANKET supER.sl2| BEDSpREtDS! p- | u 1S Soviets put on a massive suh «MW | $ >'» building campaign—turning out about B5 new vessels in 195€ alone. summer it s a lightweight blanket - in winter it's a coxy |: tj lW^mBB^^^\ ^\ or Ma cotter . . . machine wash , lukewarm water , J r But they were diesel-powered S B iec extra cover cnine washable. under r.% shrinkage! White , pink, turquoise, twin or boats and this was a "serious I ^C Jk f^x^nS\ \V \\ ' ' ' Jm^**^^^^ m strategic blunder ," said Vice ^^^^^^^W^^^^^^^ i Adm. Elton W. Grenfeli , subma- rine force commander with the Atlantic Fleet, «? with a 1 Tht Sovittt •vldtntly rtaliitd MONOGRAM oil heater THRIFT-PRICED ' ' " SUMR-VALUEt ' this , because they stopped build- 1 Q 'p sL'Sfc ' S^f \ ing conventional subs and began featuring the ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ gearing up for production of nu- ^^^^ clear submarines armed with mis- MAGIC MIXER BURNER siles, Thach said. The Soviet navy's nuclear sub building program is doing "better BaiaiV^l:^*^*&aaaB yaw than expeoted, " he said , and "I 11 t J aaaaBgft^A%:) aal know of no reason to doubt" I 7rx84" «ln l. control *S®!M ^Mi &$ ^ claims that they have fired ballis- fl DCftllTIPiai Rl AUVPTQ See Al1 the ,or laea towtli 3 for $1 tic missiles from submerged craft. doubu b.d *. Ex,ras Comfort W4,,hc,<>,ht 6 ,or 5I Hi|h, medium or low,.. what- p ,u pulns nni ^nunl S C It appears likely, Thach said, over Aims you a«t on your - ' 3 49 that the Soviets gradually will re- Monogram, you know tho tx- 1 ' ™ " """L-. > °« ™W Mattress Pad! 1U place their 400 or more conven- cluuva de»i I aSt mechSi^S . »i, *™ 'T #n of tho Magfr moth damage! Fine quality loo-.ft nylon binding Your thri/ly »5 buys a J Z^S ^L tional submarines with nuclear- Mli«r Burner will five you 1 See all the features*" above, plus these: seam- M 1A low . men, brown, white. mora riett from every drop circuit! Baby pink , turquoise hip value for twin or double beds.. Solids, plaids, machine shocking powered craft— "if not boal for I less-extra smooth; wasblcuchedj|i cotton fill to 4a49 turquoise! Extra ab- boat , of f uel tinL wasbable. {hrough nRi | buy! then on a ratio of perhaps 1 s(ay ^^ B g fan ,lM sorbent and so loiifi wearing! two of the new for three of the " ; : : — .— . old. | * Thlt ratio would mttn about 215 § COAT TODDLERS' SNOW- INFANTS' KNIT Soviet nuclear-powered subma- Gail-Ross WOMEN'S MEM'S SHIRTS MEN'S WOOL BOYS' PARKA? ' rines eventually. I CLEARANCE SUITS REDUCED ' SLEEPERS REDUCED TOPCOATS < Under present plans, the Ameri - REDUCED can nuclear submarine force will Appliance 217 East 3rd St. $3« d total (M boats—41 of them carry- 1 $17 $35 $3- -$5 133^1J 66 $4 $29 - ing I„ ., • $10,, ,T ' MiRses and half sizes. one or two piece styles. M , L. ' P °"1 limn Washable fabrics, pile linings, , I coats. Rrlpper back styles. i,ow„L PSriCB . " " ' r ' ' H favorite colors. Broken sizes, * L AMA Dr. C. W. Gruler 0IRLS' JACKETS S! eAD.S5{ WOMEN'S FLANNEL S2HS!? LG'5P MEN'S WOOL BOYS' CORDUROY \ 131 Choatt) Building phont 4417 & COATS REDUCED CLEARANCE G0W || S R|DUCED STRETCH TIGHTS P^NTS -^ ond ?UBUR BANS i Modern Chiropractic O.^J «P J,U 1.66 $2. 1.33 1.44 CQ "10 8 95 $16 Cflt(on nnnncU or kl ls ,„ 2AlOO 88 ,lrl,' wom.n'. $31 Z**<%>i4 , 2.98, 4.49 P Sizes to wash ble AJT . n 0 rdl* roy P Big savings now-broken lots cozy ^arm styles. 4 Machine a prints ~ 100% stretchable nylon - full Pile and quilt llnlncs rfn.k L iu " S1n ° , J pi and Electrotherapy and sizes. All deep cut priccsl ie. cmy warm flannel. 38 to 44, fnshloncd ~ ! ' y - brokenI or light sKs 3ft % 48 , sleS 4 toTft | Monday thro Priday ? a.m. ft S p.m. I Cptrt Priday Bvanlna 7-» by Appolnltntnl Clost-d littirdmy I CHARGE IT! Penney's In Winona 1$ Open Daily 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. | —¦¦¦—¦¦mi . IM*"* *— ""m ' " ¦ ' " »¦¦ —¦ —, .. - UNDER BOARD STUDY Baumann Files NEAR MELTING Retraining Course For Re-election 1963 to Start Last of Mink Pelfs Ottered Qttiaaily On Warm Note Found The new year is expected to warming trend is expected to set ture dropping to 3 Sunday morn- Near Chatfield The federal government is will- cial training classes in Winona arrive tonight the retraining class—if authorized on a mild note in tonight and Tuesday with gen- ing and 6 this morning. High Sat- BUSHFOKD, and the Twin Cities underr provi- by the Minn. (Special)— ing U> finance a course in stenog- sitate-^toe organized within with variable cloudiness and erally-. mild thereafter except' for urday afternoon was 12 and Sun-: The third box of mink sions of the federal Manpower De- the Winona warmer weather forecast for to- pelts which raphy for unemployed and under- Area Vocational-Tech- brief periods of cooling about mid- day afternoon 11. At noon today fell from a true'e on Highway 30 velopment and Training Act. nlcal School. night and New Year's Day. week and again toward the end employed persons in it was 21. Snow coverage had between Sfewartville and Chat- this area but of the week. Normal highs for the questions of when The school board has been con- A low tonight of between 10 and been cut to two inches or less. field Friday afternoon , where and WINONA WAS authorixed to this area at this time of the was found by whom the class tacted by the Winona ofiice of the 20 and a high Tuesday of around year in the roadside ditch this will be organiz- train 20 persons in stenographic are 21-25 and nighttime lows zero A YEAR AGO today Hi* city morn- ed won't be answered at least un- work ; the other classes in machine state Employment Service after a 25-30 are expected. However, ing by Margaret Nelson, accord- Wednesday will be colder with to 8 above. had a high of 21 and a tow of 7 til next week. shop, auto body repair, clerk -typ- survey here had indicated that with 7 inches of snow on the ing to Elmer Schueler, owner. there were unemployed snow flurries. Precipitation is expected to The Minnesota Department of ing and keypunch operation would and under- ground. All-time high for Dec. 31 Three boxes that were tied employed persons average .1 of an inch or less in to- Employment Security and the be offered in Minneapolis and St. in this area elig- was 54 in 1875 and the low -24 gether apparently were blown ible for training THE EXTENDED forecast for light snow, most likely the latter state Department of Education in Paul. under provisions in 1916. Mean temperature for the over the rack of the truck by the of the federal act. period through Saturday, indicates part of the week. a joint announcement revealed The Winona Board of Educa- that temperatures will average 6 The Winona area had a fairly past 24 hours was 9. Normal for wind as Schueler was taiiug-them that authorization has been grant- tion , however, earlier this month If such a class were lo. be offer- to 10 degrees above normal. A chilly weekend with the tempera- :his day is 17. to tne airport at cocaeiic . \:o ed for organization of seven spe- deferred action on a proposal that ed by the vocational-technical Minnesota and Wisconsin high- of them were found near Stewart- school the school district "would be way department officials reported ville by the Rev. Curtis Fox, pas- reimbursed for the cost of train- main highways in good winter tor of Zion Lutheran Church, ing, including instructors' salaries, Police Say Man Hanska, Minn. Two Jailed After driving condition with the excep- He was en route Pope Is Time' building rental, equipment pur- Howard Baumann Mayor tion of some slippery spots. home from Peterson, where he s chases and miscellaneous ex- Seattle Han Into Same had taken his wile to spend the Cashing Check at penses. It's been estimated that All incumbent City Council mem- A couple of below zero readings New Year holiday with appeared on the Minnesota weath- her par- this would amount to approximate- bers whose terms expire in April Barricade Twice ents, the Bennie Boyurns. Lake City Store ly $500 a student . er map today with International Man of the Year now have filed for re-election. Falls having -6 and Bemidji -3. The contents of the three card- Out to End Police said that a motorist hit board boxes NEW YORK—Pope John XXIII, WABASHA, Minn; (Special) — WHEN A VOT E was taken on • The list was completed today as the same street barricade twice It was also -3 at Duluth. about two by four 81-year-old head of the Roman Two Rochester men, pleading guil- the question feet were valued at $27,000. Rev. of whether the school Howard Baumann, veteran 3rd • Sunday afternoon. Elsewhere regular reporting Fox received who launched a ty to petty larceny before Justice board should ; a $125 reward for enter into any agree- Ward alderman , filed for a fifth According to police Nigel Stone- stations had figures above the the two historic revolution for Christian of; the Peace Henry Kronebusch ment for sponsorsh boxes he recovered. ip of the class term. There have been no other Legal Gambling burg, 34, 615 Lafayette St., was zero mark. Rochester posted a SehueLer picked unity and embodied the longings of Saturday afternoon, chose 20-day there were questions as to wheth- driving his 1957 Imperial north on morning reading of 3 after a Sun- them up at filings for the 3rd Ward post to Hanska Saturday . A call the entire human race for peace, jail sentences instead of paying er such instruction was available By DALE NELSON Center Street at 3:35 p.m. and ran day high of 11 and La Crosse came at was named Man of the Year today fines of $75 each, plus costs. date. (AP) 11:30 a.m. today that the missing here through other agencies and SEATTLE, Wash, - Pol- into the dead end barricade at the had 9 and U for the same times. pelts by the editors of Time. He is the Melvin J. Thompson, 39 , and Ed- one director had been found intact near expressed general op- BAUMANN , 58, has served mor« icy under which Seattle tolerates intersection of Center and Belle- Slightly warmer weather is pre- Chatfield. first man of religion to be so des- ward G. Wilson, 40, were arrested position to the federally-aided pro- view streets. He backed away, years consecutively than any oth- Gordon Clinton has his way. The dicted for WISCONSIN as resi- A member of the Mutation ignated since Time established the in Ziimbro Falls Friday after cash- gram as it would .be administer- er member of the Council. He has I said police, drove around the block dents prepare to ring in the New tradition in 1927. ing a bogus check in Selck Store. ed; City' Council has other ideas. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Mink B r e e d e r s Association. been a member of the finance j and then ran into the barricade Year. ' \ : '' ' ' Schueler was In selecting for the 36th year Lake City. The check for $26 was Under the policy, initiated in *a shipping the pelts , the board asked Superintendent committee since he was first elect- lagain. : Snow was falling in the Mil- to the New the man who "left an indelible made out by Thompson to Wilson , of Schools A. L. York Auction Co. to Nelson to ebtain ed in 1947 and has been its chair- 1947, the city licenses pinball j This time he knocked the barri- waukee area this morning and be sold to furriers. mark—for good or ill—on his- with no account ' ¦registered. - ' additional information , , to answer man the last 14 years. Other com- machines, punchboards, card cade down according to police some light snow is predicted for Schueler operates Rush Arb tory," Time says that peasant-born According to Sherifl-elect Ed these questions and tabled action I who were called, but Stoneburg or m i tt e e assignments include : games and other such devices. the north tonight , but the weath- Mink Ranch about four miles Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli "creat- Lager, the men also are wanted Ln on the proposal until nex t Mon- Streets, parking and safety, sani- had left. Police said they match- says there won't be northwest of ' But state law makes gambling a erman Eushford . ed history in a way that few oth- Olmsted , and Goodhue counties on day s meeting. tary and engineering, health and ed up parts from his car left at enough of it to interfere with the er men were able to do in 1962." similar 'charges. They were arrest- The courses authorized for Wi- welfare, licenses, lighting, insur- felony and the state Constitution the scene and found his car early New ; "Yearns celeBfations. ed by Deputies Marlyn Aitken and nona and the Twin Cities the an- ance and civil defense. outlaws lotteries, which the courts today and arrested him. A low of 14 below was reported THE PAST year, Tim* says, Everett LorenZ. nouncement by the two state agen- He has been charged with in- " He is a lifelong resident of the gambling devices and reaps $500- at Wausau early today, Park was a year of American resolu- cies said , would start in January. jury to miscellaneous property, , city and lives at 263 Kansas St. 000 a year in license fees will Falls had 10 below, Green Bay Bloodmobile Set tion Russian exploration, Euro- The stenography course here would driving with no driver's license pean unification He is married and has a marriied end on New Year's day if Mayor 9 below, Superior 3 below, Madi- , and Chinese ag- be for 20 students and would run and leaving the scene of an acci- gression. In a tense yet hope-fill- daughter living at Endicott, .N.Y ., have held to include all gambling. son 3 above, Racine and Beloit for 32 weeks. Length of the Twin V dent. Damage to his car is more ed time, these were the events Historical Unit and a son attending Winona State 5, Milwaukee and Eau Claire 6. For Fillmore Co. Cities courses range from -11 to than $50. He is to appear in court that held the headlines and caused College. Clinton, an ex-FBI agent and 26 weeks. A total of 113 unem- , I Wednesday. IN SUNDAY'S frigid wtamer, a stit\ But in-the long eye of his- long-time scoutmaster contends ployed persons would be trained Baumann joined Watkins Prod- the mercury reached a high of tory, 1962 may be better recalled the city shou'd comply with the Committees Set in the seven special classes. ucts full time - after graduating gambling only 12 at Lone Rock and Racine. Starting Jan. 1 for an event that took place phys- law, and has ordered all from high school in 1923. He is New Year' Other maximums ranged down to LANESBORO Minn. _ ically in the world' The 1963 committees of the Wi- stopped at¦ 8 a.m. s , The St. s most famed PERSONS S ELECTED for train. now raw materials control mana- - . ' Park Falls' 4. Paul regional bloodmobile will cathedral that had been ges- nona County Historifal Society Day. . . • Youth Admits be but ing may be eligible for a "train- ger for the firm. 6-2 Pellston, Mich., set the national in Fillmore County M.dn 'd a y tating in the hearts and minds of were announced today. " The City Council has voted . ing allowance" based on average He is a member of St. Martin's to keep the tolerance policy in low mark of 19 below zero early through Friday of hexi week. The men for decades. That was the "be- Chairmen are: Bunnell House, John Tlougan; curators unemployment compensation pay- Lutheran Church, the Winona Ath- force until March 15 in the hope toc-ay, compared with the high of schedule is as follows: ginning of the. revolution in Chris- , William ; S. L. Christensen; membership, ments paid by the state during the letic Club and the Winona County the legislature will have done jTheft of Car 76 Sunday at West Palm Beach, Jan . 7, Greenfield Luther an tianity , in the ancient face whose Da-vis; most recent calendar quarter for Old Settlers' Association, city ! Richard J. Harwood, 19, 270 E. Fla. Church, Harmony, 2-7 p.m.; Mrs. 9O0 million adherents make it the Edward M. museum, Mrs. something by then to get the Alice Stelplugh Money Creek ; which tiata is available. The legislature con- 5th St., this morning pleaded Stanley Jandro, chairman: Jan . S, world 's largest religion. That be- , "A NUMBER of friends have off the hook. newsletter, Mrs. Alton Bergh, St. Students over 19 but under 22 venes Jan. 14. guilty in District Court here to public school, Osfrander, 4-7 p.m.; ginning wa the work of the Man . " contacted me to ask if 1 would _s Charles; program, Mrs.; Gretchen may be eligible for a youth train- Police Chief Frank Ramon, who a charge of unauthorized use of a Jan. S, Chatfield Lutheran Church. of the Year Pope John XXIII " file for the Council again from Fountain City Lamberton; schoolhouse, Mrs. ing allowance not to exceed $20 takes His orders from Clinton , j motor vehicle. Judge Leo F. 2-7 p.m., Mmes. Ray Okeson, Con- by convening the Ecumeni- a week. the 3rd Ward , and this has prompt- who, Ruth Girod, Stockton; finance, says a 30-man squad will start a I Murphy ordered a pre-sentence ' rad Brekke and G. R. Halvorson. cal Council called Vatican II, set ed me to become a candidate for : investigation. Company Won t co-chairmen ; Jan. 10, Rushford George M. Robertson; steamboat, four - day crackdown on New ¦ , in motion ideas and forces that a fifth term. ; ,-j -:-• ; ¦•> ¦vT -: ' . : Edward T. Curtis; friends of the Year' s morning. He says anyone . . . S ., . "rl '" t Lutheran Church. 2-7 p.m., George will affect not only Roman/ Cath- Rebuild Store Highum, chairman museum, Mrs. Ward Lucas, and "I do this not only because I caught operating or , participatin g month by police after the car he , and Jan. 11, not only Christians but the Lanesboro Community olics, , Lewiston centennial, Marvin Si- wish to represent the 3rd Ward , in a game of chance will was driving — allegedly taken FOUNTAIN CITY, "Wis. -The Hall, 9 whole world's ever-expanding pop^ ¦¦ ¦ a.m. to 1 p.m., Mrs. Laird Adams, mon,. •¦:•- ; . , . •;. " U.S. Junior but because I have always had be hauled off to jail, booked and from Byron Grossell, Fountain Albert Kirchner Co., whose store -we¦¦' .' <• . '<¦ ¦ ; chairman. ulation long after Cuba is once Committee members: the best interests of the whole city allo-ved to post bond ranging from I t'iiv,; Wis.,- . . . c""ir- i was destroyed in a fire Christmas again libre and India is free of at heart. If elected, I hope to con- ¦ and skidded off Highway 14 on Donors have been solicited in ¦• ¦ ' ' " ' ¦ Bunnell H6user-Wn. Stelplugh, Jerry E. $250 to $300: Not even church and night, won't rebuild. attack." • . \ Berth* of Homer, Miss Beth: Mil I»m of La tinue to provide good representa- Stockton Hill east of Stockton. each community but walk-ins Crosse end Miss Stella Halderson; cura- fraternity bingo games will be ex- Meanwhile, the fire continues. Traditionally, since 1927, the ed- tion for the 3rd Ward while keep- . The youth was hospitalized with this morn- will be appreciated. Mrs. J. R. Mc- tors—Merrill Holland of Minnesota City. Chamber Names empt. ' James Kirchner said Elroy, Preston; is county blood itors have chosen the man or Mrs, Harry J. Busdlcker, Miss Edna Nel- ing the problems of the city as a head injury. " 's supply of ¦ son, Miss Mary Vance and Miss Ethel , ing that the winter program ' • • woman of the year. Selections over a whole foremost in mind. Meanwhile, th« city continues to Assistant County Attorney chairman: . . Kreufcr; membership—/Miss JVlary S. Mills, i coal still is burning in the bin During the first the years:- ( Halvor Lacher of Hart, Luther Nussloch isisue licenses, in accordance with Richard Darby represented tie eight months of "I have often been called "Tha just north of the store. The attach- 1962, of Lewiston and Mrs. Victor Gllbertsen; the council's decision. state at this morning's arraign- Fillmore County residents CHARLES A, Lindberggh, 1927; Museum—Miss Maude Gerries, Sister 10 Top Men Watchdog of the Council' and it ied bin , made of concrete blocks gave 507 pints of blood as follows: Mary David and Miss Marlon Wheeler; Most tavern operators contacted ment and Harwood was represent- poured roof had Walter P. Chrysler, 1S28; Owen D. TULSA, Okla. (0 — Men in the has always been my policy to keep and -a concrete , Mabel, 40;. Eushford , 104; Peter- newsletters—Mrs. Floyd Waldo of Wlscoy; a very close check on city finan- in a spot check said they planned ed by Duane Peterson, The de- a heavy wooden door. Apparently Young, 1929; Mohandas K. Gand- program—Brother Robert, the Rev. Harold fields of . religion, medicine, edu- son, 14; Canton, 33: Whalan , oi -Mua-phy It is my intention to to renew their pinball licenses in fendant is free on bail. , per- Rekstad, Mrs. Leo F. Sr;, Miss cial affairs. ¦' this caught fire and burned •»' . ' , . Harmony, hi, 1930; Pierre , Laval, 1931; . . . . 23; Preston 62: Lanes- Alberta Sell. Joseph C. Pase and Miss cation; government, communica- the hope they would be permitted , 1934, continue keeping a close watch on mitting flames to ignite the 15-20 boro , 27; Fountain, 19, Chatfield. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932 Floretta Murray; tions and sport were named to continue operating the ma- 1941; Hugh S. Johnson, 1933; Haile Schoolhouse—Mrs. Bergh, Miss Florence Saturday as the "ten outstanding these things in the interest of good tons of stoker coal stored there. 55; Wykoff, 20; Ostrander, 26, and Caswell, . Mrs. Ralph Wllll-ams and . Mrs. government and efficient jdminis: chines. , Oscar (Sam) Florin, 81, over- Spring Valley, 79, Selassie, 1935; WaUis Warfield Holland; . finance—Mrs. Lu cas, Miss An- young men of 1962" by the U.S. Theoretically, the pinball: ma- Grace Brethren Paul tration." come by smoke about 9 a.m. Simpson, 1936; General and Mme. gelyn de Groot, Libera and Brandy Junior Chamber of Commerce. chines are for aniusement only, Chiang Kai-shek, 1937; Adolph Hit- Chappell; social hostesses—Mrs. Henry The youngest honoree is James Christmas Day as he was trying Williams, Miss Inez Adams., Mrs. Beatrice with the player getting additional to open the front door, was dis- ler, 1938; Joseph Stalin, 1939 and Leonhardt, Mrs. G. L. Lacher, Miss Har- T. Beatty, 27, of Los Angeles, games free if he wins. The prac- 1942; , 1940 and ris, Mrs. Gladys Anderson, Mrs. Alvln America's . top distance runner. Purchases Land missed from Community Memor- Latky and Miss Helen Robto; ' tice, however, is to pay off in La Crescent on 1949 (as Man of the Half Century); The oldest is Rep. John Brade- ial Hospital , Winona , Sunday and Steamboat —' Hubert Bambenek, Floyd Car Skids Off cash. The congregation of Grace is stay'ng with Kirchner's mother, General George C. Marshall, 1943 Waldo of Wltoka, Paul Pie-Ike and George mas, D-Ind,, who at 35 is at the Brethren Church can look forward Cutler; friends of the museum—Mrs. M. Money limits are prescribed for Mrs. Charles Kirchner, Fountain and 1947; General Dwigbt D. Eis- L. Spencer; Lewiston centennial—Mr. and top age bracket for the award. to the future with the possibility The others are: card rooms, but critics of the City. His sister, Louise, rescued Sewage Aid List enhower, 1944;; President Harry S. Mrs. Nussloch of Lewiston. Mr . and Mrs. tolerance policy say they are not of having a new church. Waldo- of . Wltoka. and Mr . and Mrs. Hal- Curtiss M, Anderson , 34, New Goodvi ew Road from her second floor bedroom Truman, 1945 and 1948; James vor Lacher of Mart. observed. The congregation, affiliated with LA CRESCENT, Minn.-This vil- Byrnes, 1946; the "U.S. Fighting York City, editor-in-chief if the Kathryn M. Lester, 22, 453 where she had been ill with the lage is listed 22nd on a list of 33 the Brethren Home Mission Coun- flu , still is hospitalized but im- Man," 1950 ; Iran's Mohammed Ladies' Home Journal. Macemon , St., escaped injury Ramon sayi any on sel, communities who have been plac- machine* Inc., has purchased five lots proving. Mossadegh, 1851; Queen Elizabeth Jules Bergman, 33, New "York when her car was forced off which payolts are being made will in block two of H. M. ' ed on a priority order by the Min- j Dunn s Sub- The safe still hasn't been opened, II , 1952; , 1953; Caledonia Legion City, science editor for the Ameri- Goodview Road at 1:15 p.m. Sun- be seized when the crackdown division in Goodview near 7th nesota Water Pollution Control John Foster Dulles, 1954; Harlow can Broadcasting Co. day. ! goes into effect , Street and 45th Avenue. Commission. Curtice, 1955; Hungarian Freedom Builds New Club Berl I. Bernhard, 33, Washing- She was driving west on the j The City Council's ordinance Pastor Quinten Matthees said Dr. Malcolm Harganes, Ro- Khrushchev , ton, staff director of the U.S. , going up to the crest of a chester, chairman, .said $1,624,545 Fighter, 1936: Nikita CALEDONLA, Minn. — A nev road ending tolerance on March 15 also the land was purchased with the Ski Tow Opens 1957; Charles de Gaulle, 1958; Civil Rights Commission. hill, when she met another car ¦ provides for an end to pinball idea of constructing a church has been allocated Minnesota by $21,000 American Legion clubhouse Guido Calabresi, 2S, New Hav- that did not allow her enough the federal government which, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is being erected here to replace payoffs. Noting that the pinballs building in the future. Presently Nea r Wabasha 1959 ; U.S. Scientists , 1960; and en , Conn., a Yale University law room on the road, she told sher- , aren't supposed to pay off any- the congregation' meets in the with unused funds from last year, the one destroyed by fire last win- professor. (Speclall- President John F. Kennedy , 1961. iff's deputies. • . one letter-to-the-editor writer community room of the Arthur WABASHA, Winn . will help finance some 27 projects, ¦ ter. The Rev. Robert W. Castle Jr., i way, Her car swerved onto the right suggested this title: Thurley Homes. The new ski tow and chalet in Lit- The requested grants from the It's being constructed of con- 33, Jersey City, N. J., an Episco- ; ¦ Valley four miles south CHANGES AT MABEL snow-packed shoulder, along it for I "An ordinance for amusement tle Squaw 35 communities on the priority crete block and will be ready in pal minister. i of here opened Sunday. It's on list total $2 ,243 897 -Odell Lee Sr 120 feet , then skidded 45 feet i only, providing for the operation , . MABEL , Minn. . February. The Legion will lease Highway 61 near Little Ireland. La Crescent village board re- who will become Mabel village Hugh Hflynlo, 35, Lotm villa, across the road into the left or of pinball machines for amuse- the first floor to the VFW and j $100 Fine Paid There's no phone at the chalet cently went to St. Paul to request clerk in January, has moved into retain the basement for its own Ky., Courier-Journal editorial car- south ditch. The car struck the i ment only." nearly head- ¦ yet, so people wanting to know the a h igh priority because of its need new offices in the former First Na- use. toonist. far bank of the ditch For Drunk Driving . on , then swung end-for-end SO condition of the snow may call for improved sewage disposal. tional Bank building. Here he will Dr. James R. Jude, 34. Balti- Henry L. Veum's holiday spirit of owners. The the Odell Lee Agency in the Cas- feet and stopped facing south- Attempted Leo Dick, one the have his -village office , and con- more, Md., an assistant professor Break-in was dampened somewhat in muni- winter sport area will be open tle Theater building which he pur- in surgery at Johns Hopkins Uni- west, said the deputies. tinue as representative of two in- cipal court today. weekends. companies and conduct chased from his f ather in - 1956 versity and co-developer of a Damage 1o the car was about I A break-in was attempted at the Hokah Priest Named surance ' Jercczek residence at 474 Veum , 70, 716 W. Broadway, his income tax service. His sou , Odell Sr. established the agency in closed chest heart massage pro- $250. The drivfer of the other car Dominic between 3 and 6 p.m. pleaded guilty to a charge of To New Guinea Field Odell Jr., will continue managing 1932. . cedure. is unknown, according to the dep- I Chatfield St. ' Saturday, according to police. Je- drunken driving.and paid the $100 Damage Over 3300 Dr. James W. Ttirpin , 34, Hong uties. Good view Road is a black- by police HOKAH , Minn.-The Rev. Har- Kong, starts near St. I reczek called police later that fine. He was arrested founder and director of a top road that Avenue dike at 4:37 At 5th and Kansas old Miller , MSC, Hokah , has been non-profit medical assistance pro- Mary's College and goes toward I night to report the break-in, Noth- on Manknto assigned to the mission field of FORESTER SAYS Saturday. gram for refugees from Commu- Goodview. ing was taken , according to police. p.m. No one was injured and no ci- the Most Rev. Alfred M. Stemper, nist China. tations were issued following a MSC, bishop of the Vicariate of The ten men will receive their two-car collision at 5th and Kan- Ka"vieng, New Guinea. awards ' at a presentation cere- sns streets at 2:19 p.m. Sunday. Bishop Stemper visited his 82- Those Unused Yule mony Jan. 18-19 ir» Little Rock, The accident involved cars driv- year-old mother at Caledonia , Ark. en by William E. Venske, Foun- Minn., en route back to hh mis- Is Headache tain City Rt. 2, Wis. , and John T. sion from attending the Second Trees Aren't Wa sted Question Lyons, 19, 558 W. Howard St, "Ven- Vatican Council in , where A reporter wandered into the or. "I am unable to stand tem- ske was driving north on Kansas he represented the missions In The best time to thin is when By HAROLD KNOLL / OSIIKOSJI, Wis. —Unused Christ- Swift Manager infirmary, found a tongue de- peratures under 25 below zero, Street and Lyons west on 5th Asia, Africa , South America, and there is a chance to- sell the trees. bally Newt Staff Wrlhr trees are not wasted, the with a green pressor and used it to stir tlic ' .Fahrenheit," Street when the cars collided . the South Pacific. On his return mas Such chances arise -when there are A little map Department Going to Georgia , a thermometer in martini ho was holding. "We'd better get you to a Damage was more than $100 to to the mission field he had com- State Conservation d emands for Christmas trees, complexion ' party fast and his mouth, and his head swath- "Are you a replacement foi* a New Year s Eve Venske's car «nd more than $200 pleted a round-the-world trip, hav- says, because they have to be ci|t pulpwood , telephone poles or lum- William B. Jones, manager of replacement in the city room'." 'then out of Winona before sun- , ed in a towel staggered into -., ' to Lyons' 7:00-9:10 P.M. a coincidence , says, :"where, when they say "You: along with the field totals will be i chair. The temperature was near died in Canada—by all come in and set a spell ,' they governor" greetings Tuesday, de- zero. Features At 1:00-3:05-5:20-7:30-9:40 P.M. on the same date that her pre- pending upon their well wishers dropped into the laps of the three i ' ' , mean it." district judges supervising the .en- I Scranton and his three sons Till 3 P.M. 35c 50c 65c After 3 P.M. 35c 65c 85c vious husband, Mark. - Heilinger „ party affiliations. • passed away. ; I've been bragging so much tire operation from a SI. Paul j were skiing neai by at the time, about Ohio's native sons in Show Although Republican incumbent but were not awaie of her pre- Gov.. Elmer L. Andersen still is headquarters. 1 ' LONDON TV has now picked up Biz that Moe Popkin of Scranton In a/T effort to pare down the dicajnent.; • * 1 equal in office—and drawing the salary— jf I* searchof the ^ our "Knock-knock" jokes: 'IKnock- demands time for Pennsyl- DFLers could point ; to Saturday flood of challenged votes, a team Others on the lift at the Elk y^ife knock. Who's there? Fritz. Fritz vania; Mario Lanza, Eddie Fish- night recount totals which snowed made up of 10 persons from each Mountain slope in eastern Penn- who? Fritz always fair weather er, Fabian ,. Chubby Checker , Lt. Gov. Karl Rolvaag the holder party discussed the problem over sylvania were also rescued with when good fellows get together" Frankie Avalon , Alan Jones, Liz- of a 9!)-vote lead toward the execu- the Weekend and was expected to ladders, although some were close . . '.. . "Knock-knock. Who's there? beth Scott, Gloria Jean , R u s s tive charr. come up with some sort of deci- enough to' the; ground to drop off my Morgan , Jean Kerr , Wilson Girl sion by Wednesday. by themselves. Gorilla. Gorilla Who? Gorilla * dreams I love you." Punsters are Sheila Cass and a few dozen oth- That was with 2,957 of '. th« also very active on British TB and ers are up there in it with any state's 3,785 precincts rechecked one is asked to remember, "A Buckeyes, says Moe. He adds that —and with a whopping 68,430 bun is the lowest form of wheat." Scranton's probably produced ballots called under challenge. HAPPY NEW YEAR* s$ ^\ jL= Are pictures really worth a rfiere talents than any other eity , Republicans, ort the other hand , including Philadelphia and Pitts- displayed tallies from 3,021 pre- Gftuld tell burgh. . crricts which they claimed showed Only Walt Pisne^ this TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: "The Andersen out front by 82 votes. \ PREMIERE SHOWING! / WINONA D^LYsNEWS pessimist is the man who sees a The GOP was, however, close to MONDAYrOECEMBER 31, 1W ¦ ~~~~ stomach ache in every apple blos- the DFL on questioned "ballots , ¦ " VOLUME 107, NO."U som."—Conway Springs, K a n„ with their tab showing 67,742. inered W Published dally except Saturday and holi- ¦ With just about "75 per cent of The State Theater is proud to be chosen as one of the Star. to days by Republican arid Herald Publishing • WISH I'D SAID THAT: The the paper ballots recounte.d, it few theaters i rv^liie SJnited States bring you this show Company, 401 Franklin SJ./ vyinMia_; AMnn Y^u will enjoy every rousing " ¦ ' salesgirls have looked bacic on was estimated that completion of for New Year's Eve.V SUBSCRIPTION RATES this job - - those last-minute, eleventh-hour in the field woufd take at AT 7:00 PW/M 5 ^Single CopyMOcTlSc Sunday __ -. . P.M. and at 11:30 P.fA - shoppers, and have changed that least the rest of this week. moment of a story alive with biiiveTed^y carrier liT:Clty of Winona— Note . , . Regular sfiowind of this feature will b« in February ,. . poem around to " "T~K tne night- Per week 50 cents ^ Leaders in both camps said they NG SEE 26 weeks 112.73 S2_w«ksJ|23.'50 mare before Christmas."—Bob Or- had left it pretty much to the local \} YOU^JWOY LAUGHI . . By mall strictly In edvance) paper stop- T)en. groups of inspectors whether their ped on expiration date. EARL'S PEARLS: "The boys in In PIMmort, Houston, Olmsltd, Winona, efforts would. be continued today. Trempealeau counties; town are calling that new girl Many reported they had shut down I months S4.S0 -3 nuintha ¦ - 13.S0 'Mirage.' They, can see her but 1 year tlJ.OO t month »1.35 — over the . long, weekend and all they can't lay their hands on were observing the holiday Tues- All other mall subscriptions- her —Bertha Shore. ¦ paw -- ~ ~" " day. . ' .: mm '" * V year »15.00 3" n>«nth» uas pi ¦- Comedian Mark Russell, the sa- Both sides did agree that the * rn**»_____S8.M_l month *1.« tirist, claims that while doing a Send change of address notices, undelivered ultimate decision on the governor- copiet, subscription orders and other mall show at the Village Vanguard , he ship vyfnner ]i$s in the rlisputed Items »p Winona Dally. Wews, Box 9S, Wl- happened to say, " Barry Gold wa- ballots. They^are expected' to ap- nona. Minn; ter," and ' a customer -yelled , proach the 100,000 mark by the Second class postal* paid ah Winona. ' MHj p. "That's a great idea " . . . That's time the tabulating is finished in earl, brother. Gala New Year's South Dakota Insurance | Amateur Robbers Lock S -Commissioner Resigns Empty Safe in Chicago DANCE PIERRE , S.D. (AP)-vYtobert A. CHICAGO (AP)-"Rantesl am- Hurlbut announced Sunday he is "ateurs I've seen in years," said TONIGHT resigning as South Dakota insur- one city detective . ance commissioner , effective next He was talking about the "burg- Gaymor Ballroom March 31, because of ill health . lars who used a screwdriver , a sledgehammer , a chisel and an ALTURA, MINN. Hurlbut , 47, and a Republican \ from Miller, said he had prepared electric drill over the weekend in 9 ^tjjBWHK jmAfc 85** ***"—et ^^^'V. i aS Music by a letter of resignation , to be sub- a bungled attempt to open a 70- ERNIE RECK mitted today to Gov . Archie Gub- year-old safe in a doughnut fac- brad, who had appointed him- to tory. • • ' • the berth in January 1961. Police said the safe was un- locked, until the burglars inad- : vcrtantly locked it , had the com- bination written on top, and . was New Year's Day Dinners Served ; einply. vmtfs GOT THEj icnow r [ 12 Noon to 1 P.M. \ Algiers Sets -KJiramiHWiBHi imRHC Dancing New Year's Eve I $140 Million Budget M-,lia KMwi WJKL KMI b** K* K&w."- TM m MK « KSnA| Numb taf ! ALGIERS m — The Algerian [ Louli Schuth and His Orchestra I National . Assem bly unanimously ""ff'-ticmncouw'- »« «5» »5< il/ Tli approved Sunday night a $140-mil- tilf ttTi 1 ion budget for the first three HivSt^^H .ii^r months of J963. Algeria \i first UMmt m^^WWdll UIMlCw TODAY , 'HHHl^i^HM PRESENTS mJ 7^ OAKS full year of independence. ONLY IPll ^PP S !w? PP|||i^^^| w i Visit Carl't Blut Moon Lodgi, On^latka Unci* J The approved budget anticipates \^W income of f r»60 million for (he full , I Carried off by a I ff JJP V VW¥tlUir '$! year. GIANT CONDOR *Wf b Vbl Wb b of ¦ ¦ Jf ^L \ ' In search the ¦*/ «*£:¦; o - " OPEN AGAIN TONIGHT ^ ¦Wi . r "> MAURICE rl« GEORGE WILFRID HYDE mfijtf Country CHEVALIER MILLS SANDERS WHITE

tv ^aB^BHaf^^^n^B^BH^B^B^B^Ha^B^^lBUBr^HBvl^B^BflB^^ a Kitchen \i &^W ^ REOPENS at 9:30 TONIGHT ' vL^i^av ' I ' . ^^HsSa^aV^t^a^a^a^a^a^aWa^i^WnHSa^afl^aH JOIN US FOR "ONE FOR THE ROAD'1


1 For Your Party at Home Serve ' \\ TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY WK ANDERSON A • KWH HAMSHERE - mm® CIFARIELLO • tmiitwmiv IIUOHAIIWOOLI - ROOTSIEWON WILLIAM HOLDEN AND NANC Y KWAN IN QLO \\\ \ \ . I , g3^A n^yy.T'}/ ?jir <:iN 'r "BABTHVIE"I I; COUNTRY BOY COUNTRY CHICK ;| -The World of Suzie Wong" A I r>* * l l y' l , ii ^ 11 , Tht Mo»t on • Toasttd Bon Dellcloui Chicken In A BAIU»I ]» A» 7:00 Only and ORDER BY PHONE —4396 "STALAG 17" „,™ WILLIAM HOLOEN AND OTTO PREMINOER YOU Will LOVE IT... X gONQS At 9;10 Only ^Wf^PL ** TCCHNICOuOlt* » »nw»«« »»»utH> VWTA inw c..»..»»mJ«w». PH^a, «,^lWIS».», B Funera l Services Set For Dr. Guy S. Ford Traffic Deaths CHECK THESE TERRIFIC BUYS During Our JANUARY _ MINNEAPOLIS : (AP)-^uneral New Year s services will be held in Washing- ton, D.C;, and at Lakewood Ceme- Breaking Records tery here for- Dr. Guy Stanton CHICAGO - (AP)--The nation's Ford, former president of the Uni- traffic deaths during 1962 continue ResolutiQns versity ol Minnesota. - at a record-breaking pace. Dr. Ford, who headed the uni- | The National Safety Council re- By LESLIE J. NASON, Ed.D. ed to start at the beginning of the versity from 1938 to 1941, died in 1 ported today that traffic accidents - ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ¦ Professor of Education, semester's work and review the Washington Saturday at the age | during the first 11 months of this • *^^B Awmmm' '' ^Kf ^^rmmm Am\\\m^m amm e^eW' *%%*^m\ ^m\ ^mWm\wAm\\m AM\\M^^^AMW AWWT ' ¦m\\\\\\\\m Am\\W\ " 'm\\\r ^mw ^^Amm University of Southern California ideas and principles, leaving until of 89 after a long illness. I year took 37,140 lives, the highest Do you avoid making good resr later any decision on fresh goals. Memorial services are to be ever for January-November.

" ' ' " ' " held at a ' ' ' ' ' ' " He Would review each principle funeral ¦ ' ' home in Wash- - ' olutions about school ¦ \ ; - > work because - . . - The worst previous U-month pe- . ; . . you think you'll never ieep them thoroughly and work at least one ington this afternoon. The body riod was in 1941, when 35,829 per- anyway? Then you may have been proh.'em related to it before turn- will be flown to Minneapolis rues- sons died.-" making resolutions the wrong way. ing his attention to the next. day. /" The council records showed No- Witb the semester ending in an- He would start each study period Services will be held at Lake- vember was the 13th straight ritiW NG^SoiS I j BEIlRbVM FURNITURE 5 other month, many students realize with a basic plan. He would check wood Cemetery Chapel , "here at month in which there was an hv his progress to date, and review 1:39 p.m. Thursday with inter- their need/for a spurt In learning. crease over the number killed in AH< an of his plan of attack. ment to tallow. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -ocr sets finest senter But the resolution: "I am going to the corresponding month the year I. - _ . ; FURNITURE.; . _ ._ . ' ; _ ' - . _ . __ Ui'.- ' : _ . . _ 1J ^~~^~construction.~~>~~~ Dove-tailed *drawer study more," brings Jittle results. to serving in the presi- before. ^ ^ mirrors, FRED WAS able to carry out dency, Dr. Ford -wzs professor of ^• ^^^ ^^^^^^ • ^^ •^^^^ ¦^^^^ • ^^ ^^"^^ • ^^^ guided and dust proofed, with plate glass In fact, trying to force yourself to this new type of resolution. The If the trend continues, 1962 will study probably will ha-ve a nega- history and dean of the graduate be recorded as the deadliest ever Liftetime Construction Guaranteed. By Flexsteel, Diamond, Royal M*C. BROYHILL "INSPIRATION SUITE" - old conflicting thoughts were driv- school at the university. He also traditional rtyllnej with dogbl. dresser, framed tive effect. on the highways—exceeding 1941, Parlor and Lenoir House.¦ ¦ 1 only, C4QO en into the background by the ac- had served as acting president. ' ' ¦ , mirror, chest, bookcase bed. Reg. $390.00. .... w/f NOW -PJ-vO Students often say to me: "I tion plan that how filled bis mind. when 39,969 persons died. want to succeed, I know I should The, DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS - tui, „,» «K. M U „„ « ¦ ¦ council said Chicago, for -:': WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE - _ . . study more. But I just can't seem Occasionally he . faltered. His the llth consecutive month, re- Choico of nylon fabrics. Fe«m rubber avertible cuah- Q4 CQ . mind drifted back to the old wor- It Is More Blessed ion- RM S239 00 w/t NOW MV4 By BroyhiH. Double dresser, mirror, chest and panel bed. «J4 jn to settle down to it." j mained the safest city with a pop- SO^S ' : ^ ^'' '''' ...... w/, NOW>U5f These students often are subject ry over tie selection of life goals. To Give Than Receive j ulation of 1 million or more;- EARLY ^ER.C^ ^ ^ ^ /¦*** to pressures and tensions because Each time this happened he stop- Based on death rates of 2.4 fa- High grade fabrics, solid foam rubber roverstble cush- CI £Q WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE — there is a conflict in their minds ped work, took a short walk, and MEMPHIS, Term. (AP)—Airline talities per 10,000 registered vehi- ions. Reg. $159.00...... ;. w/t NOW >1.V»F- By Broyhlll. Double dresser, mirror, chest and panel Ci7Q re-established his plan of action in ^ b R ' -WtNOW as to whether they are taking the pilot Jack Adams of nearby Walls cles and 6.7 deaths per 100,000 DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS- "»' «' *»** " - " ^l/^ his mind. He reminded himself Miss., has arranged Ne-w population, > right courses and the right major. a Year's Chicago was followed By Plexstael. Choice of colors and fabrics. OftQ DANISH MODERN BEDROOM SUITE - that the easiest way to complete Day treat for 30 New Orleans or- in its class by Detroit, Los 'An- ' w/t NOW ?tV3 " Double dresser, framed mirror, cheist end panel bed. C4QQ FRED, A COLLEGE sophomore, his commitment to this course Reg. $279.00. • •• • phan boys. geles, Philadelphia and New York. Plastlc tops. Rea. $239.00. . ;,,, ,. : ...... ,....,. Wt NOW JURT was registered as a physics ma- was to understand it and that the Adams will furnish SO tickets 3-PIECE SECTIONAL - jor. He was making a C in physics. best way- to understand was to go to the Sugar Bowl football game By Diamond. Beige nylon fabric, reversible foam cushvff4 AQ SAME SUITE AS ABOVE C1QQ j ...... w/t NOW ^i*rO WITH TRIPLE ORESSER, ...... w/t NOW ^*%»Jr Statement of his own problem: through it step fcy step from the involving Mississippi and Arkan- j lens, Reg. $249.00...... "Even though I try to make my- beginning. sas, pay for transportation and ' DANISH SOFA AND CHAIR - ' - I'm ¦ HOOKER MAINLINE VENTURE BEDROOM SUITE - self study, I neglect it. Maybe Once through with the course, box lunches and supply each boy r¦eeT . * &«A\m\mm '' ENJOY By Baumrftter . Reversible seers and backs. fff ] Q^ With triple, dresser, mirror, extra large chest and book- in the wrong line — I'm not quite *. ' ¦ ;, COCO he found he liked it better than he $3 spending money. the Reg. $140.00. ¦> , , - • .;. w/t NOW #*»** ease bed. Reg. $419.00. ... ¦ ¦¦ w/t NOW VCOiJ sure what major I want." had expected, and decided after B»T^BWe»»ssss! satisfactibj ' ' Originally, Adams planned to tJle5 DANISH SOFA AND CHAIR - . V CASUAL MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE - The plan that solved Fred'a all to go ahead in physics. take his wife 'to the game.While W&B^BSssI° ^ cl° c^t backs. problem can solve yours, too. eW' tailored By Bassett. Reversible seats and Q1 'Q By Lenoir House. Double dresser, mirror, chest and CI 70 Conflicts within a student's mind checking .about tickets, he discov- W§M ^^S^^H an(i foi Reg. $152.00. w/t NOW 3o ! YOU alone ¦ ¦ course, he made a new kind of] " n^B^^B DANISH MODERN CHAIRS - , . " . - ' - ^ - ' MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE — with teachers or parents—and they seats at $6 each. at moderate resolution. Instead of just saying ! are more damaging to study hab- "My K||fef^H^^B 1 feroup. Assorted colers. Reversible stats and backs. flQ OC By Broyhlll. Double dressar, mirror, chest and panel COOO ¦ wife agreed that we can'j ...1. , ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ NOW fdmifj he would study harder, he resoly- ! its. l go to the game a lot of other ^^m^|B|j ^Bprices. Reg. $39.9$...... bed. Reg. $298.00...... w/t NOW &£.£& ¦ Make a resolution to drive out years," said Adams. "We decided ' SWIVEL ROCKERS - • . ^._ SOLID HARD ROCK MAPLE SUITES- those: conflict&-and include a plan to let some children go in a group- 1 1 Group by Lloyds. Naugahyde with revarsible foam C^ ?4_QC By Haywood Wakefield. Cinnamon finfth double dresser; C"iA(k for carrying' out the Tesolutibn. children who otherwise would not ' A. R. (Art) KNAPP cushions. Rog. $69.95...... :. NOW ^J*»a^a frani0 mirrer, chest and poater bed. Reg. $440.00. NOW ^JWF TAILOR-OVER SfEBRECHT'l ¦ Then it is likely to be kept. be able to go." - i HIGHBACK CHAIRS - GUNSTOCK WALNUT 3-PC. SUITE — ^^ Casserole 2 only by Flexsteel. SlishHy stiled. H»hQ By Lenoir House. 1 only. Dauble drasser, framed mirror, C1£0 Sep. $129.09 each. , ...... NOW «*»«* chest and bookcase bed. Reg. $249.00...... w/t NOW $*W KN WING BACKED CHAIRS - ' EARLY AMERIC _ — _ „ WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE - 1 Group by Broyhill. Reversible loam rubber cushions. %CA By Broyhlll. V only. Double dresser, framed mirror, C1Q.O) Suspected in Reg. $89.95. - l.^NOW * " dhest and beokcasa bed. Reg. $258.06. NOW JlOX EARLY AMERICAN ROCKERS — _ Solid maple frames, re- ^.^ 1 Group by Heyweod Wakefield. CCQ -j ^f^^-^j- ^j—C_rn_r- Uj- L_r- EDS backs. Rej. $19.00. ...;...... NOW •P**' ^ ^^ Illness of 126 -' versible seats and No» f lllfffil* A lil at^f la P llfk ^\

%e L __ awf - |j U M ' ¦ ' EjH BB HIDEAWAY MINNEAPOMS (AP)-A chick- ,f R j |jJH Krai eroBl^^^^'^BBe ^Lssle eW lssBi WA T ' aflgW^, ' {» ' . SJ^B $29i95 \W W ^ ) B en casserole believed to have ITS { BH[ Bft fi9 made six newlyweds and 120 of eWA MAHfeV llAUf ll ^iH ' ^Q \ . ^^KBt^^^^KfSBUa^^^Bf^^^gt^^^^^^^^tw9 xs BtMSR AAnB^MJEae^^^ ^^UP CH R? their guests ill was to be tested . *! " ...... Nbw $io.95 and STUDIO COUCHES today by Minneapolis and St. Paul ^S^ ( { health officials. _ "We suspect it was the casserole i W" By FlexsteeJ, King Koii, Serta and Diamond which made them ill," J. J. Handy PJAI ¦ A| ¦» sflM Baa ¦*« «fTee^sss7f / of the Minneapolis Health Depart- i DlNETTE SETS y HIDEAWAY BEO$- ment, said Sunday. 1 f By King Koil. Nylon fabric innorsprlng mattresses. CI QQ ¦e^»a» ^j »^»»^*^^ i^l^e»^»»^^e*,»*«w^»^ee^>»*^»»^'. . Faam cushions. Reg. $249.00. ....:..:...... w/t NOW ?*0? He added that tests would bo ^ D BED made to determine if a bacteria By Howell, Lloyds, Ideal. Heat, scratch and acid resistant tops. j y Nylon innerspring mat- known as staphylococcus was gJ |, eJ ^,. ^ . fabric, d CQ Lu^RK^OTTON DROP LEAF TABLE — CCQ OC tresses, foam cushiens. Reg. $26«.00. ... . w/t NOW JJHJ® present in the food. This is com- PERCA^HErr^ «JW^a3,J monly associated with cases like 30"x48" with 4 chairs. Reg. $79.95...... NOW H|0EAWAY BEDS- this, said Handy, who is director TABLE — C^O *V Diamond. Nykn fabrics, innorsprlng mattresses, CI 74) of the bureau of environmental 36"x4S"x»0" with « chairs. Reg. $119.00...... NOW ^>I 3 foam cushions. Reg. $239.00. ... .,:.... . w/t NOW «P*li7 hygiene. ROUND TABLE - 42"*42"xM" CI OQ ARMLESS STUDIO COUCHES - The chicken, along with cake, with self edge and 4 chairs. Reg. $149.00. NOW 4**W* By King Koil. Slaeps two. Choice ef colors. «u# $89 cookies, punch and nuts were R*9 *1M,°° ... w/t NOW ^»W served at three separate wedding CHROME TABLE-3&"x48"xt0"x7r' CI OO ' ' * ' and » chairs by Lloyds. Reg. $139.00...... NOW ^IJiU ^ STUDIO CpUCHES - . .. ¦ ¦ receptions Saturday, one in St. 72x108" Twin Fitted Double Fitted ' ^ Floor Danish Modern. By King - Koil.^ —~. Paul and two in Minneapolis. The j y Dnurcc U/AI WIIT TAm c In Early American and COS ^ ^ ^$£i Z ^^ ^ * *z sample. Ch«ic' ef e0,Or*- »»#>. w/t NOW>»i5 sSme caterer* furnished the food W^^SfZ ^nf ^, MQ »"*** ««' . for all • receptions. Reg. $119.00...... NOW $#V LOVE SEAT HIDEAWAY — CI 80 OZ 192 MW22 BIE By King Koil. Reg. $244.00...... w/t NOW ^10 ^ About 120 persons and tht ; | j PONGEE WALNUT TABLE - : couples in the. weddings were ^ ^ ^^^ ^ 7 ^^ By Howell with brass apron, 4 deluxe chairs. CTO Reg. $119.00...... NOW ?l« lW'%e stricken within three or four hours JXN^"N^>^^^^N>%^S^ of the time they ate. ^^ Mrs. Mary Louise Nelson, who a - ) Our famous Grant^Maid * S^;K NOW $69 ES and operates the catering service, said percales, terrific ^|BW _ ^^Bfes^^ \ \ I MATTRESS had sampled i-<^^^ ^^ she and her staff buys at their modest everyday prices, ^^^^»V^B^SS! !!:; !^S!\ V^^^L A - some of the food and she did not ^ > ^S ZV°ti%]r* ... »ow $119 are slashed to an unbeatable low for this >^^i6 ^^;v 3» x3»"x48" ROUND TABLE - J BOX SPRINGS _ 1 know why it would have been at ^^- £* " CCO V X. ^ ^J fault, and 4 chairs. Reg. $89.50. NOW 4W M+tm^*^**^^*^*^^^*^*¦ ^*^**** **. ~-*'\Ve have never had any trouble smooth 186-count. Buy all you need now ' (ytQHt I/VI M/I ^^::;:=^«^. ^^S ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' of this kind,"' she said. 42x38%" Percale Pillow Cases _2 for $l 'f>^>^^^ aff2irUtS!^r..^:,..:..»wJ>US- v . . .»- «* Those stricken were treated at 7^^ kOIL 64TH ANNIVERSARY** OR SLEEPERS - BRONZE TABLE - With white top end 4 deluxe chairs. COfi KING hospitals or by private physicians. Choice sprinswall mattresses and box springs. Compare^ . By Howell. Floor semplo. ¦"Rog. $H9.O0¦ ¦ NOW $J«5. ONLY ' . . with any $69.50 mattresses or box springs. CdQ kll Each 9*tV**V Hamel Boy Dies » T>>-e_r^_rn_0-rX^-%r^-rx^^^ NOW .. . I I W\ IM I eVI t> D A t\ HI I ORTHO LEVEL MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING - C?A CO Kln Koil. R.g. $49.50. . . Each NOW $5<*.3U Affer Farm Accident 1 ( By B DINING K U U IY1 AND BOX SPRINGS- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) —¦ Fritz I sail f%il i eji|ll%e> / PERMEDGE MATTRESSESso C7Q *a(| Ki B. CH NOW WWW Bacr. 3, Hamel, who was injured /\ IFUvmi RN lITU I vni REi \l »« *•»• ***• ^• BEDS- hi J ^^9^esxueKjB' wygjgpiejeeflhejH^^V& fa TW* IN SIZE HOLLYWOOD —• on his father's farm last Thurs- ^^ ^^ ^^^Tv^^jAf^^Ej A «?tefJ ^el eeeeeer cPSi With plostie head- day, died in a hospital Saturday. ^ ^ » J. mattresses, box springs, frames and CCO *I I B Authorities said the boy was boards. Reg. $79.00. . NOW P-KJ.«*U playing near a machine when a ROUND EARLY AMERICAN TABLE — _ _ _ " . wire he was holding got caught in 42" extends to 54". Plastic top end 4 maple side •T40Q ' ^ — — — — rn r~i rii chair.. Reg. $149.00 w/t NOW ^lCJ ^ t he machine and hurled him rm5 J^^ ^Z T Z g^^r^rTfTZm ^^ agalns! a building. .Fritz was the CHhm ) son of Mr. and Mrs. William Baer. ™^ ... NOW $149 ) RUGS and CARPETING WALNUT* DROP LEAF TABLE - )~»*r+***^*i^*^S^+^<^'*^+^**^^i^** By Craddock. Extends to 10". 4 foam flllecl cushioned eT4JC chairs. Reg. $239.00 w/t NOW ^11 W By Magee and Roxbury WALNUT DROP LEAF TABLE — / Nylon, Acrllan and pernTanently moth proofed wool carpets and | "I Can Still By Garrison. 42"xo0"x84" .table with pla(tic toe and 4 4P4C(k carpeting. PARTIAL LISTING. deluxe chairs. Reg. $200.00. > NOW -^AW M'xH'2" all wool Gold Bi»ck Hill by Magee. CI 10 NOW ^A*»» UPRIGHT WALNUT TABLE _ Reg. $169.00. ... «0"xc0"x72" with 4 deluxe chairs. Floor sample. CIOJ I2'xl3'9" Buck Hill all wool by Magte. French Nougat. CI CQ See Her— Reg. $169.O0 -.. NOW JlC** R. g. JUJ.OO ¦ NOW ^1«/J BUFFETS — all wool Danubetq. by Roxbury. Brown and beige QC TW0 FINE PILIOWS AT ONE LOW^PRltf CfiO 15'x4&'5" j,0, CC • 1 Reg. $11V.C0 NOW JOJ ^ .^ Re0< 9s y,d. Sq. Yd. NOW ^«I. 3J Real Dreamy!" J ^^^ F beige tweed. -i ¦ -> r~ r- I~I — ~ r~ I~I r~ ~i i^ r~ 12'xl3'B" all wool Cypress Gardens, CQfl r> i i i "i ^r i i i e e t f R«g. $150.00 NOW -JWO Fluffy FeathetB.Plumply packed gm lilgt ^^/r ^ i ^N. F^j TJ^^ 7 riiiirrr i with c.urftd duck feat liera. Flo- t I ^%\ f > ff ^ m^ ^ ¦ * Hgf ^ Jf *" ?^^^^ f r 50, n> on navy h,o ml Btripe tick. 21x27" cut size. Am j 'h ^ l ' * ' M \ LAMPS and TABLtSj • $98 ^3r . '^^CL. l ™ $z™* . " ' . . : Now Cool-Comfort Kapok. Resilient; * V^Vi^%^Ni^^^^^ K*^^^^^ %i^%^»*^^^^*^ 1S'X I5'7" Harbor View Bamboo beige acrllan, C9CQ j»v I tg± ^I5?55 ^^^^ |HtJU» ' ' Ji <>] $$& N W •won 't mat or retain heat Pastel ^M I ? eC /yJTO/jf/ ff^'yj .'S i h* . fywSf if TABLE LAMPS - QC «'» *» *" • ' ° M '/u. 4TC , groy acrilen„ byfc „ jf^ cotton cover. 21»27" nit «ize. Am j lF W0WM/J 1 Group. Values to $15.00 \ NOW 3>3e33 15'xl3'10" Harbor ^View ^ Falcon Mage*. CfQQ ^^i^S^Wj ^BmB^ ^00.00. . . . NOW ^cril«n»Acrylic.StayBbuoy»nt, POLE AMD TREE LAMPS - 4TQ QC ^ ^TO f % Itf MiUmMiiA»t^^7^J^mSS^^ , all wobl spice Mobile Bay. resilient after washing. Cotton "# / ^rfl| l^4l^mSomlM!Mj/< ff&fJGES^^ Rea $1495: NOW ^>*/a**3 12'x24' OfiO etripo cover. 21x27" cut size. Ami V ' M WwSm^^^^S IgfJ-MAW ALL OTHER LAMPS - "* "™* ' , :" , "^ JfS Reg. to $30.00 ... * UP TO "tVadlW/0 vrtOIT I2'xl9' all wool green, brown and.. white• ripple. ClfiCl txtrd Savings..,S&H Green Stamps ^^^*BB$$ *ut&R ? **¦ »»*¦ ¦¦ • ; • ¦¦ "- N0W wBr STEP AMD COFFEE TABLES - 4TQ QC ; , , Plastic tops. Reg. $13.95. . NOW ^)Jfe3J 12'xW all wool black and white ripple. ^C15W Reg. $244.00 NOW «PA«W IN^^^^ - - -^1 1 1 - all wool Saxonvitle, boino and turquoise. ^*^^^ ^ *^"^^"^^ "^^^^ ^** '^"^ 12'x8'2" NOW CfiO 1 RIIMIT RmQ 1 Reg. $1».00. ^W / . DU l l fl D oVi la#«7 / I5'xir8" all wool Saxonville, greytone. CO10 This Dream Boat obviously is NOW JfcJJ \ r- ^- mr> mr-KJ-* Reg. $310.00 the pink' and real comfy. K > _r>^r>s-^-* -r^^ in I2'xl5'4" all wool Saxonvllle, spicetone. C1CQ Wnybe his Memmy is one of MAPLE BUNK BEDS - Reg. $205.00 NOW ^A%>*» o K, that avail SAVINGS V °"' TW° lnnmpritt9 "•»?«""• VISCOSE RUGS tf^ the many mothers Reg.S.a $109.00S10» M NOWNQW $89S»u^ 9 x12' OC needs" mM tt N0W ^»<^^ thcniKclvcs of our "baby OAK OR MAPLE BUNK BEDS — help keep him , K M department to CA o nn • healthy. We M^^^m^^^T I - BIG OM f NNON O7] ^ ^ " : " : NOW $io9 ss?ftff. ia? A?ff both comfy and J-K. iATM ^ complete line of na- ^^ Maj r' CM.• ' , . ", . , . . . ,...... ¦ ¦ " ¦ Today (national Affairs Our New YearV A -. i " . ( - . ' Wish to You Foreign Aid To the C ity of Winona: Treasury May A couple of new industries like Warner . St Swasey. Battle Rages By SIN. BARRY GOLDWATER A municipal auditorium equipped with Lose Millions Every time Congress decides to cut down on By DAVID LAWRENCE an ice plant for ice shows and ice skat* the amount of American foreign aid, as it did WASHINGTON - The U.S. treasury may lue the day |t fever . ing. . ,- ; in the last session, the administration in office mentioned the idea, of keeping ah "expense-account diary.' For, always claims that a blow has been struck at judging by the talk that's being heard nowadays, the treasury CompLete modernization of the down- millions of dollars or revenue that town business district. this country's effort to combat communism. may actually lose hundred's of This reaction from the President and his ad- it has been collecting heretofore, because the taxpayer now will visers has become almost a retlex action, it avail himself of every tax deduction to which he' is entitled. A broad, new Huff street dike entrance the carelessness of the citizen in to the city from U.S. Highways 8M4. doesn't seem to make any dif- .. The revenue derived from ference whether funds already failing to claim legally speci- fied deductions is probably far A new levee wall in front of Levee Park. appropriated for the purpose To, Your- Goo—— d^ _JHealth___._^___^_._^ 't yet been spent. The ar- larger than the amounts that haven been lost annually to the A new 18-hole public golf course to re- gument is always to the effect have place sandy Westfield. treasury by Improper expense- that congressional prudence, in account claims. the matter of foreign aid, will Epileptics To Wintana County; Thus, government officials create an overseas picture of said this week that the treas- A new court house. growing United States parsi-^ ury is hoping to collect only Have Good mony that may alarm potential about 1100 million a year more A rejuvenated county fair. allies. in revenue than before by be- i . On this basis, of course, any ing strict on expense accounts. Job Records To the State of Minnasota: By JOSEPH G. MOi.N6R, M.O. %• cut at any time in any proposed But if the citizens start claim- that adults Daylight saving time from the end of Geldwater foreign-aid budget—no matter ing every legal deduction and The old belief how ridiculous that budget start keeping recordsin of the with epilepsy are more acci* April to the end of October. might be—could be interpreted by government amount-^hey pay out sales dent-prone or miss work more officials as detrimental to their idea of the way taxes alone, it could cost the frequently has been proved to Voting machines for every precinct treasury many millions of dol- be wrong, according to recent which has more than 100 votes. to fight communism. All of this, however,, lars. surveys. has not diminished the 'One study," Dr. Harry E. - ' heavy and increasing criticism both in and out Some idea of the huge A sales tax . — . equalizer-replacement -^ amounts involved can be infer- Carnes writes in a publica- which would bring relief from real es- of Congress over a program which has cost this red from the fact that, in tion,. Therapeutic Notes, has tate, personal property and income country nearly $100 billion and produced only 1960, the states collected $18 shown that their safety and at- •• ¦ ¦ negligible results. " • ' as ¦ .taxes. ' billion and the counties and tendance records, as well The cut of over $1 billion in the last foreign- cities $18.1 billion in taxes of job attitudes, are better than More taconite plants for the ailing Iron aid appropriation seemed only to whet the ap- all kinds. This totals $36.1 bil- average. petite of those who believe that our adverse in- It's doubtless wise (as he Range, . lion in taxes to ternational balance of payments and our dan- w h i c h are points out) for epileptics not Completion of four-lane Highway 61 to gerous gold position require further economizing generally de- work at heights or around Wabasha, Lake Cfty and beyond, in the field of overseas largesse. d u c t i b 1 e moving machinery. However . \ with medica- AND, SIGNIFICANTLY , the Kennedy admin- on federal tax To the State of WUtorwIrt: returns. Yet tions now in istration has now taken official notice of this use, 80 per- - attitude on the part of the lawmakers as well all the deduc- New Highway 35 from Wiriona bridge tions claimed cent of epi- junction to Marshland. as of a majority of the American people. Of leptics c a n course, it is too much to hope that this recogni- by individuals for t h e s e eliminate or Completion of the Great River Road tion will prompt the New Frontier to slash its taxes added control seiz- demands for ivev/ foreign-aid money. This is not ures to such from Fountain City to Prescott. is to up to only The goal now THE • ' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND¦ ¦ the objective^ either "apply ¦ ¦ —¦ ¦¦ ¦- ¦¦' ¦ -¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦' ' " - an extent thit ; ' . . . , , . . . ' " , . , . $10.5 billion. To Co\r. Elinor L. Andenon: a bipartisan coat of white-wash to the present * there is no in- Now, there Lawrence foreign-aid program or to change it in some are no corn- t e r f e r • A 29,000 vote majority in the lecount. ence with nor- minor details that will make it more palatable parable < figures as to wfaat cdr- to Congress and the people. porations mal jobs . To Harold Stasoon: or businesses .claim- It is slgnif- How do we know that the President is fully Kennedy Not Sincere in ed aa deductions-just for state i can t that . Molner aware of the .growing and local tax payments, but Public recognition for your prediction criticism? YVe know it be- there are enough epileptic cause he recently created a committee to take their deductions for' all taxes, : workers that Nixon couldn't ever be elected to including some federal to make, possible com- anything. a new look at the foreign-aid program and make and parative surveys; because for recommendations. As the White House announce- foreign taxes, added up* to a long time $19.2 billion in 1960. The dis- such people had To Prwldont Kennedy: ment explained it: great difficulty iri getting jobs, Plugg^ crepancy, it w ould seem, could or when they did find employ* "AT THB PRESIDENT'S request, the com- A couple of more Carolines and J.F.K. By DREW PEARSON valing one of h(s prize black when handling Spanish affairs, therefore amount to several ment, they kept their epilepsy ' . : ¦ mittee will undertake an immediate review of Angus bulls. was a great admirer of Dic- billions of dollars which could Jr. s. . . ;. cur military and economic assistance (WASHINGTON —Before a secret. to deter- tator Franco. be legally deducted by both in- Today great progress has mine whether the level and distribution of these President Kennedy summoned TnV administration, he dividuals and businesses. > To Congressman At Quia: his tax a d v i se r a to Palm In Rome, Horsey has been been made in the old habit of programs is contributing materially to the secur- claimed , had promised not to a stanch believer in the right It also seems probable that, hiding epilepsy. Except in ex- A long and happy political career which ity of the United States and Beach, an entirely different tamper with oil tax loopholes while businesses are claiming is directed to speci- and highly secret tax session wing of the Christian Demo- treme cases, this ailment is no will even surpass that enjoyed by Au- fic and attainable goals of economic and political in return for his support of ty, deductions for sales taxes, in- was held in the $400,000 ranch ' cratic par which opposed the excuse for depriving a person gust Andreset. stability in the free world." last year s revenue bill. But present alliance between Pre- dividuals are not. Many tax- of a chance to earn a living house of Sen. Bob Kerr, the in the privacy of Kerr's 350- payers are not aware that they The committee, which is called The Commit- Oklahoma gusher. , mier Fanfani and the Nfinnl and pursue a normal life. To Sen. Humphrey: foot ranch house looking down Socialists. Fanfani, a great have a right to deduct on their THE CHANGE HAS been tee to Strengthen the Security of the Free Two ambassadors of the on his 55,000 acres where federal 'income taxes every World , Will be headed by Gen. Lucius D. Clay, 500 prize black Angus, friend of tbi United States long in coming. I remember A new dictionary with 10,000 additional Kennedy administration scur- graze 4, and a student of American penny of state or local sales easily when a few communi- words. until recently President Kennedy's personal rep- ried down to Oklahoma to Secretary Dillon assured the tax that they pay at the stores Oklahoma gusher that the oil- political methods, bucked both ties started special schools for resentative in Berlin. Other members of the soothe the wrath of the weal- the right wing of his party and In their communities. They epileptics. These schools de- To Postmaster Jack Dugim study group include Robert A. Lovett, former thiest member of the Senate depletion recommendation was * the frowns of the American are unaware also of the fact noted progress because in Secretary of Defense; George Meany, president and to confide that the ad- mere window dressing. The by patching up an that state income taxes, real- many At least three telephone lines into your ministration preparing not administration . could hardly embassy places victims of epilep- ne-w post office. The one you have at of the AFL-CIO; Prof. Edward S. Mason of Har- is alliance between the Catholic estate taxes, state faxes on sy weren't even allowed to at- , a double-cross of Kerr, but a publicly ask for tax reforms gasoline and cigarettes, auto- present is inadequate. vard; Eugene E. Black retiring president of the tlotiMe-cross of the American without mentioning the worst party and the Socialists. He tend classes. World Bank; Robert B. Anderson, former Secre- could not have done this with- mobile licenses, municipal util- But now we've gone a step people on tax reform. abuse of them all, he plead- out the tacit support of a lib- ity taxes, and a number of To Pi«Jol Castro: tary of the Treasury; L. F. McCollum, president ed. But, Dillon insisted, the further. These special institu- of Continental Oil Company; Herman Phleger, The two tax ambassadors eral in the Vatican <^- Pops other taxes are deductible. tions have been converted to were Secretary of the Treas- administration wasn't really . ' A punch in the nose. former State Department legal adviser , and Clif- plugging John. The alliance has. . . been other uses, and the former pu- ury Doug Dillion and House serious about the oil a spectacular success, and the SIMILARLY, in me field of pils there now attend regular - ford Harden , chancellor of the University of Ne- "Ways and Means Chairman loophole and even brought medical and dental- expenses To Nl k Khrushchovj braska. Italian communists have taken schools.¦ ¦ We're making head- Wilbur Mills of Arkansas. And Mills along to assure Kerr that their worst setback. and interest on installment way! ' How do you stand , sir? ¦what g the oil-depletion proposal would Along, enforced "vacation" in Siberia. brought them scurryin Ambassador Reinhardt, who loans and other debts, the pub- Dr. Carnes b rings out an- to Oklahoma was Kerr's Ire be safely sidetracked inside lic seems unaware that tax the House Ways and Means got taken in_by the bad ad- other valuable point. When epi- To St. Mary's Colloot: after he read a secret sum- vice of Counselor Horsey, has deductions are permissible. It lepsy appears in adult life, mary of the administration's Committee. is not generally realized , eith- prompt and careful A new gymnasium been trying to make up for diagnosis and student union. IN YEARS GONE BY forthcoming tax proposals and Kerr calmed down. He real- the error—with some success. er, that donations to all chari- is urgent. From the age of 18 saw its recommendation to re- table and religious organiza- or 20 up to about 35. its most To the Co/lega of Saint Teresa.' Ten Years Ago ... 1952 duce the 27!6 percent oil-de- ized It was not he who was However, wha t the United being double-crossed but the States needs in Rome is a tions—including what is put in frequent cause is brain in- A new library and auditorium. Pat ; Short?idge will begin his second year as pletion allowance. American public. forthright envoy who repre- the collection plate. In church jury; next is the presence of a golf pro at Country Club the Winona in the This happens to be the most Note—The excitement over sents President Kennedy per- on Sunday—may be deducted brain tumor. From 25 to 45 To Winona State College: spring. gaping loophole in the tax oil taxes probably contributed sonally and his liberal views in figuring the federal income percent of brain tumor pa- Approximately 282 young men from this area laws, one that has permitted to a mild strike whicn sent politically. .. - tax. Few people know that tients will have epileptic sei- A new student union and food service entered the armed forces in 1952. the big oil companies to taka losses due to theft or accident zures. the Oklahoma senator to the DI Salle, a libera l governor1 building. tax deductions far in escess hospital. and any accidental damage to of their operating costs. As a of Ohio, and the first national property —• such as damage To Andy Anderson, retiring Chamber of Twenty-Five Years Ago . . . 1937 result, some multimillion-dol- President Kennedy faces a leader to come out for Kenne- caused by storms, floods or Commerce secretary: S. A. Steffen , president of the Merchants lar oil companies are taxed at significant but unpublicizcd dy for president, will probably freezes—are deductible items Bank, is one of a group of men who were re- a lower rate than a family tug-of-war between State De- be the man. ' for the taxpayer to the extent Many more healthy and enjoyable appointed members of the board of directors of man with $4,000 taxable in- partment career diplomats and It's important to note that that they are not covered en- the Regional Agricultural Credit Corp. which come. political loyalties regarding the MEN years. to the death of Warren Austin, tirely by insurance. * has its headquarters in Minneapolis. The senator's own Kcrr-Mc- American ambassadorship the much-lo ve d , ex-senator Many citizens do a good job To Bill Jones, superintendent of Swift & Gee company paid less than Italy. The tug-of-war involves from Vermont, removed on« of itemizing their deductions, Co. packing plant: 5 percent tax for 10 out of one of his best political sup- of the lew recent senators who Fifty Years Ago . . . 1912 porters—Gov, Mike di Salle of but some persons take the 40 13 years, at a time when firms has Invoked rule 12 against easy way by lumping every- PAST A quick trip up the ladder you are now Figures compiled at the office of Clerk of not in the oil business were Ohio. himself. Austin, a Republican, t h i n g In a "standard deduc- Troubled with GETTING UP MIGHTS climbing to the presidency of your huge Court Paul Jasmer show that the total number paying a 52 percent rate, In The President is considering refrained from voting "on a tion" just because they don 't Pqlm In BACK, HIPS, lEGl meat packing flrnv of marriage licenses issued during the year 1912 1958, Kerr-McGee paid no appointing Di Salle as ambas- talc bill because he had in- want to take the trouble to Tiredness, LOSS OF VIGOR was 405, compared with 368 in 1911 and 322. in taxes at all on a whopping sador to Italy, where he would vestments in talc. make itemized returns. To Chief of Police George) Sevord: 1910. $5,378,073 net profit. replace Frederick Reinhardt , Unfortunately, things have There is a trend , however, If you are a victim of thee* An easy solution to the traffic bottleneck All is in readiness for the big charity ball tn Kerr has built up political a career diplomat appointed changed in trie Senate ^ since toward itemization on income- be given at the Masonic Temple this evening and power in the same way that to a top post usually reserv- symptoms then your troubles you can see any Thursday or Friday by then. To such men as Dem- tax returns. In I960, approxi- may be traced to Glandular to be the most largely attended in the history he built up his $33,000,000 ed for political appointees. ocrat Bob Kerr of Oklahoma, mately 45 percent of the tax- looking out your office window. . of charity balls in Winona. personal fortune , is now con- Reinhardt holds a degree rule 12 doesn't exist, Rule 12 payers listed their deductions , Inflammation. Glandular In- sidered the most powerful man from the University of Milan , flammation is, a constitutional To Mrs. E. L. King, Sri, Mrs.'Muriel King provides that a senator should whereas in 1950 only 23 per- in the, Senate. So, when he speaks Italian, and should not vote on legislation in which cent did. disease and medicines that and E. L. King, Jr.: Seventy- F ive Years Ago . . . 1887 saw the oil-depletion recom- have been a spectacular suc- be has a financial interest. But, merely give temporary relief H. M. Herrick was ordained minister of the mendation , he started burn- However, he made the WITH THE treaiury publi- s cess. despite the tremendous person- cannot be expected to remov* The gratitude of all of us for scotching Congregational Church before a ' number of ing the wires to Washington, mistake of listening to Outer- al investments of Sen. Kerr cizing the idea of an expense- the caiises of your troubles. the proposed sale of Watkins Products gathered churchmen of this vicinity. "1 have been double-cross- bridge Horsey, career counse- in oil and gas, he was the account diary lo be kept in Neglect of Glandular In» to Chas. Pfizer 8c Co. and for maintain- Two Poland China hogs were brought lo the ed!" he roared in a voice ri- lor of the embassy, who, man who authored the first one's pocket , however, there flammation often leads to pre- ing and expanding your operations in city today and caused much discussion . The ani- ' ' f natural gas bill which Presi- will be a handy way every mature senility and to incura- moment of the day to keep a Winona. mals weighed 1,025 pounds dressed, dent Truman finally - blocked. ble conditions. ' When Sen, Wayne Morse; D- record of legitimate expenses •The past year men from To District Judge Leo F. Murphy: J/ UL $MfiL Ore., challenged Kerr to in- that are deductible on federal 1,000 communities have been 6ne Hundred Years Ago . . . . 1862 voke rule 12 against himself income taxes , All the furniture and equipment in the The initiatory steps have been taken towards Maybe when nil the tax de- successfully treated here at during the vote on the sub- Excelsior Springs. They havei U.S. Courtroom and judge's chambers the organization of skating club. Lake Winona sequent Fulbright-Harris gas ductions -are added up, the as could be wished treasury will wish it had nev- found soothing relief and im- in the old post office building here for affords as fine a sheet of ice bill in 1856, Kerr bru shed the proved health, your shabby courtroom and office at for and with the aid of the fire engines it is idea aside as a joke. er made such <• a fuss about possible to flood It when necessary lo form new Simultaneously, senators alt expense accounts.and had cen- The Excelsior I Caledonia. tered its attention instead on ice. In Judgment against' members Medical Clinic, R[DUCIILl To Don Stone, incoming Chamber of Com- ¦ of the executive branch of tho ferreting out those who were devoted to the - government really cheating. Checking ex- treatment of dls- HERNIA merce secretary: A pood name is rather to be chosen than who have con- pense-account Items is likely •*ae« peculiar It Hit MUM u and loving favour rather than silver flicts of interests. Their pro- M* The greatest cooperation any new Cham- great riches, tests against Sherman Adams io be a biff headache and may to. . M.r men, and gold. Prov. 22:1 ««« ' ber of Commerce secretary ever had. and his vicuna coat from Ber- easily cost the government hae * New |nl(. nard Goldfinc and against Har- more than it takes in as a re- FREE BOOK To Bill Morse, manager, Winona Industrial old Talbott and his conflict of sult of the new check-up, that t«l). how RECTAL-COLON Development Association: Interest as secretary of liief Air One thing is clear—millions these troubles «.„«„-,,-. WINONA DAILY NEWS way b« correct- DISORDERS Force, forced their resigna- of citizens do not know that , e) I ed that the school was a col- $214.3 million to electric con- Himla To Ben and Rudy Mil lor: MEMBEI Of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Id Q MotU-Cilen n Clanlnlar J lege, "A mud cottage." some- sumers and $39.9 million for I l«IIW«ltll« | A dozen more industries like those you one suggested. construction of telephone ex- t * |HAMt already have to keep employment hero When the log school was torn changes in Kentucky during Its J down in the 1B708, and the 27-ycar history. booming. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively |«P»»MI ' J to tho use for republication of all tho local present white frame structure During the current fiscal " I To All of You! bring news printed In thin newspaper as well as all built , the new school officially year, ItKA loans will rewm . ' J , A.P- new dispatches. was named Mud College, The electricity to 6,504 families and 1 :— Good health prosperity and happiness "What b] irns me up is we paid fi ve dollars a .seat lo last classes were lield in the telephone service to 6,043 cus- ?««»- I during all of 1003. » i-—.,.._ ~»-,-.«.„_«_i'iu Monday, December .11, 1DM get away from all that for an evening." ¦ building 25 years ago. tomers. / ! Armed Forces The new address of PVT. GARY Home Found D. KUNCE, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kunce, 625iW. Howard St., fc: RA 1762*ai4," Co. B! 3rd Medium Tank Bat;, 4th' Armor, For Eight APO 24, San Francisco, Calif. ¦ ¦ " '" "k . " .' CANTON, AMmu-A.3C. Jerome M. Nelson, * »on oi Mr. and Mrs. Young Orphans ¦ Odell G: Nelson, has been reas- & ;i f o$MQ J (I -mmay" JJBetl f 9l> signed to Custer Air Force Sat- KANNAPOLIS, N.C. (AP)~ Ei tion, Mich,, for training and duty ght brothers and sisters begin as a missile facilities electrician. a new life together today at the Ohurch of The airmen, a 1962 graduate of God orphanage due to the efforts of a welfare worker, Canton High School, recently com- ' pleted baflc (ranting at Lackland Miss Andrea Ttlplett. . AFB, Tex.: v - • ; Another brother,.now 10 months ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ old, will join them '¦ - ¦ '¦ •¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ' ¦ when he is 2. , .• On Oct. ,7, ^bner Avery Bent- ARCADIA) 'WU, 40, pdhked their chUdren Leonard Wood. MoJ," sons of Mr. into the family truck for i tnp Sylveui Schultz , over a winding road near Morgan- and Mrs. are ton, ¦ ¦ "¦ - . ¦ ¦• ¦; spending a holiday leave at the '- tf ^iWT^^^ : home of their parents. Bentley lost control of the . vehicle and it rolled down a steep starting tomorrow! ETTRICK, Wis. (SpeciaD-S.M. incline. When officers arrived, Sgt. and Mrs. Paul Barnes and they found Bentley and his wife children have returned to Scott dead. The children escaped seri- AFB, 111., after spending a fur- ous injury. lough with friends in the French The children were moved out Creek area. of their four-room home to the home of an uncle. He was unable TREMPEALEAU, .Wit. - A 3.C. to carry the heavy burden and Ervin T. Staszewski Jr., son of they were scattered to six foster Mr. and Mrs. Eryin T. Staszew- homes in mid-November. ski, has arrived at Bitburg AB, Miss Triplett, 21, the Caldwell JANUARY , for assignment with a County welfare worker who han- unit of the Air Forces in Europe. dled the case; found that the A fire protection specialist,; Stas- Church of ^ God orphanage would zewski vvas formerly stationed at accept all the Bentley orphans ex- Mr. and Wrs. T. De* OJIlind ' Greenville AFB, Miss. He is a cept 10-monthrold Terry Wayne. LE ¦ FASHION SA . '•.! . ' ' * JEiilrem «tudle) , Mri.. MicJiatljJ. G-»oen graduate of Gale-Ettrick High School. ("l talked to them at t group. - ' ¦•¦ - ; I explained to them this may be Andrea Brynestad only way they could remain STRUM, Wit. (Special ) — A.3.C. the Carol Sherman, together," Miss Triplett said. Bride Michael Indgjer ; son of Mr. and 49.95 to 59.95 Becomes , "There were no problems in Mrs. Arthur Inigjer has been re- getting them into the orphanage Michael Gegan Lewiston Plans assigned, Of T. D, Gillund to McChord AFB, Wash., except for the baby - The orphan- after his graduation from the Air age can't take him until he is 2. untrimmed Wed at Hastings training for The bride's father, Dr. L. E. Force technical course But he'll join the others then." aircraft structural repairmen. Be Brynestad, performed the cere- FOUNTAIN CITY Wis.. - Miss Because of welfare regulations, , History Book was trained in the principles, pro- mony for the marriage of Miss Carol Lynne Sherman, daughter the children were not told where coats Andrea Brynestad and T. Dean of Mrs. Willard F. Sherman, LEWISTON, Minn. — The com- cedures and techniques used for their brothers and sisters were be- structural repair of airframe and Gillund Dec. 15 at Central Luth- came the bride of Michael mittee planning Lewlston's cen- staying." They had no Christmas • John metal components of aircraft. In- eran Church. Gegen, tennial celebration next year is reunion. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- dgjer left for "Washington Friday _ Parents are Dr. and Mrs. L. E. cis Gegen. Hastings, Minn,, Sat- asking for -historical information ^ Brynestad, 318 W. Sanborn St., and pictures for the event and after spending a three-week fur- '.'But they ell . tiad a very good urday at Guardian Angels Cath- lough at the home of his parents. Christmas," Miss Triplett said. and Mr. and Mrs. Talmer Gillund, olic Church, Hastings. would like it by Jan. 15. Minn. The stories, bearing the names "Organizations donated clothing Preston, Ryajo Evergreen trees were placed in The Hev. Patrick perform- of the persons submitting them, and toys. I expect the children 99.95 to 119.95 the chancel and white poinsettias ed the ceremony. Miss Patricia will be bdSnd into a book. Ettrick Woman , had the best Christmas of their decorated the altar. Mrs. T. Casserly, Hastings, and a stu- Area leaders in the centennial lives." Charles Green was organist and dent at the College of Saint Te- planning are as follows - The children are Abner Jr., 14; resa, was organist and Eugene 87 Years Old, R. C, 13; Bonnie, 10; Jerry, 9; fur-trimmed Mrs. George R. Mayfield sang "0 Frement — Cullen Pierce , Wil- ' Lord Most Holy,""Grown With Casserly, Hastings, was soloist. liam Roberton Jr. , and Robert Lives Alone Darlene, 7; A. B., 6; H. - . -T., 5; Thy Benediction" and "The Randall; Enterprise — George Still Danny Gene, 4i and Terry MRS. THOMAS Gegen, Heat- Wayne. coats Lord's Prayer." ings, sister-in-law of the bride- Beech and Howard Every: Wrart- ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) - The > ville Robert and groom, was matron of honor. — John Burns, 87th birthday of Mrs. Inga Luthro ATTENDANTS were Miss Ceil MR. ANOT MRS- Gerrit Georgr Hall ; Arches — Alice Bridesmaids were Miss Janeen was observed Friday at the home Morford , Edina, Minn., and Arden Barth, Canton, Minn., an- Gust .Burfeind and Richard , Fountain City, Wirt, of her daughter. Mrs/ Christopher Galesviile Co-op G. Gillund, Milwaukee. nounce the engagement and Sherman sister of Beyer; Stlo — Richard Dorn, Mrs. the bride, and Miss Kathleen Ge- Erickson! The bride's floor-length gewn of . approaching marriag* of their Herbert Luehmann andl Walter and The former Enga Richoldson , she ivory peau de soie was fashioned gen , Hastings, sister oE the bride- To Meet Thursday 4J.M to 49.95 Young Furred Cool«*39 , daughter, Katheryn Karen of Arthur Rupprecht; Bernany — Ray was born Dec. 29, 1875, in Wash- ' with fitted bodice, scoop neckline, " groom. The bridegroom's attend- Dorn and Max Iwinski;«Alrura — GALEJVILLE, Wis. (Special)- Eochester, Minn., to- Wayne , all from Hastings, ington Coulee. She was married to long sleeves and modified sheath ants were Ray Gatzlaff , and Utlca — George Austin Luthro Oct. 5, 1898. Until A special meeting of the Gales- A. Goldsworthy of Eochester, Charles Gegen brother of skirt with two panels gathered at , ^the Daley. All Lewiston folks are ex- his death in 1932 they farmed in ville Farmers Cooperative has the waist in back forming a short son of Mr. and Mrs. Hall bridegroom, best man; James Iv- pected to contribute. the North Beaver Creek Valley. been called to amend by-laws to 11.95 to 25.95 train. Only trimming was a pearl Goldsworthy, Harmony, Minn. erson and Tim Rath, grooms- the book will comply with the new income tax Also working oh More than 25 years ago Mrs. Lu- , ¦• ¦ ' buckle at the back which was Miss Barth is attending men ; Thomas Gegen , 'brother of be Harlan Kirkeby and Mrs. Mein- thro moved to Ettrick, where she 'law. "!' . " from the bride's mother's wed- the bridegroom, and James Claf- ert Kienow, artists;* Mrs. H, 0. purchased a s;mall residence She About 800 ballots have been sent Rochester School of Practical lin,, ushers. to shareholders. Voting will be ding dress. A crown of seed pearls Nursing at St. Mary's Hospi- Lawrenz, Viola Ledebuhr and oth- lives alone. winte r dresses held her veil and she carried white The bride who was given in ers, filing and preserving mater- Mrs. Luthro suffers from arthri- Thursday at 2 p.m. m the Isaac tal and will graduate June SO. orchids and roses. marriage by George lilake, Gar- ial, -and Mmes. Harold Micheel tis and gets about on crutchea. Clark room of the Bank of Gales- The maid of honor wore an Her fiance is empl oyed at den City, Long Island, wore a Murriel Daley and others, typists. She occupies Tier time , with quilt- vilje. ivory ' satin brocade street-length Crenlo Co. A late summer gown ,ni candlelight satin brocade ing, making the comforters front «< . am dress made with scoop neckline, wedding--is planned. made with modified scoop neck- old neckties. She also has tele- ¦ elbow length sleeves, «m< long sleeves and full skirt. Her ¦ line, 3 Quadruplets vision to help pass away the time. Divorce Granted headdress was an ivory satin cir- pire bodice and modified bell sWrt Mrs. Luthro has three living clet with matching veil and she Red Men Poc ahontas with sculpture pleated fullness and Die After Birt* children : Arthur, Puyallup, Wash.; In District Court carried ivory tinted carnations , chapel train. Her silk* illlusion veil Henry, Minneapolis, and Mrs. 25.95 to 35.95 and ivy. To Dance Tonight was held by a matching brocade PHILADELPHIA (.fl-The wife Christopher Erickson, Ettrick; five Mrs. Betty L. McNaliy, 18, has An arrangement of white car- pill box hat sprinkled with seed of an aerospace engineer gave grandchildren, and 10 great-grand- been granted a divorce from Ger- natijns, daisies, roses and gladi- A' private dancing party for pearls. She carried ca|)a lilies birth to quadruplets Sunday. children. ald R.. McNaliy, 21, Lamoille. car coats " oli was used at the reception in members of the Red Men, Decree with stephanotis and white pine. Three of theni died. . Mrs. McNaliy and her mother, the church parlors. of Pocahontas and their guests The bridal attendants wore roy- The fourth, a boy was reported Mrs. Ruth Albrecht, Winona Rt. For travel the bride wore a will begin at 9 p.m. today. ] al blue delustered satin dresses in critical condition today. Social Affairs 3, .testified at the hearing before 1 William Kaehler's Orchestra l "We both told together ' 90 navy silk sheath with white ac- fashioned with scoop necklines and were of Minister Dies Judge Leo F. Murphy in District cessories, The couple will be at I will play for dancing and lunch short sleeves, The skirts had the deaths," Said the father , A{- Court here Thursday. There was 19 home at 431 W. Lunnhurst, St. ] will be served at midnight. sculptured pleats in a modified vin Spector, 27. "Of course we OSLO (AP)-Norway 's minister no appearance by the defendant. Paul. Both attended St. Olaf Col- | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fegre, Mr. bell, The triangu'ar jleated back were very sad to hear it. There of social affairs , Olav Bruvik , 49, Mrs. McNaliy . was represented by 29,95 fo 39.95 ear coatt.... 24.90 lege, Northfield, Minn., and the ! and Mrs. .Albert Peterman, Mr. was attached with Dior roses of the was nothing we could do. The died suddenly Sunday. P. S. Johnson, Winona. bridegroom is a student at the and Mrs; Alfred Fratzke, Mr. and same fabric. Their matching pill- hospital did everything they could. Bru vik, a textile worker by pro- The McNallys were married at University of Minnesota Medical Mrs. Ronald Ready, and Mr. and box hat had short veils. They We just ha-d to accept the fact. " fession, rose through the ranks Ridgeway Aug. 20, 1960, and have 7.95 to 9.95 • School . The bride Is on the nurs- Mrs. Walter Williams are on tho carried calla lilies. The three,boys and a girl were of the labor movement, and no children. ing staff of Veteran's Administra- arrangement committee. the first children born to the Spec- joined the moderate social demo- The divorce action was brought tion Hospital , Minneapolis. THE RECEPTION from 1 lo 3 tors, childhood sweethearts 'who crat government of Einar Ger- on grounds of cruel and inhuman lined wool slacks p.m. was held at Hastings Coun- married two yeara ago. hardson in Tebroanf, 1961. , treatment. Trempealeau 4-H Agent try Club. The bride wore a brown VISIT DAUGHTER To Attend Meetings; and gold three-piece knit suit for Mr. and Mrs. George Cassutt, travel. The couple is at home at 185 Mechanic St., returned recent- Executive Unit Named 506W W. 13th St., Hastings , 111., where they 5" ly from Rockford 7hc bride attended Fountain daugh- WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) - 3.50-4.50 biooios ... . 1.99 visited their son-in-law arid Trempealeau County 4-H Agent City Public School and Winona Mrs. Albert Hittner , ter , Mr. and Ray Shanklin will m-eet with State College. She taught English , other during the holidays members of the stale 4-H livestock in La Crosse Public Schools. The bridegroom ij an alumnus of Hast- LADI ES AID committee at Madison Thursday. 7.95 to 19.95 ings High School, Winona . State ' Lutheran Church On Jan. 8 Shanklin and county St. Martin s 4-H leader representative College and the University of Wednesday Arnold Ladies Aid will meet Hanson, Osseo, will attend the dis- Minnesota. Re is a purchasing sweaters and skirts at 2:30 p.m. in the church base- trict meeting of 4-H leaders at La agent for Hudson "Manufacturing ment. Hostesses will be Mrs. Hugo Crosse. Co., Hastings. ¦ Kochendoerfer , Mrs. John Zehren, <5 N'V . ' § The 4-H leaders executive com- The bridegroom-elect's parents 5*4*3 iv^SS^evT* s JBH f f i «Sl ft 3 i * V '&£! 99 699 g99 Mrs. Ferdinand Erdman and Mrs. mittee for 1S63 has been announc- entertained at a bridal dinner Fri- 4 Emanuel Brnatz.. Officer s will be ed as follows; Hanson , president ; day evening at Stardust Restaur- „ ii^ elected. j ^ r i • I' r^"^ miw/mn - ." 'J • U' KJf -Biffi James Lakey, Trempealeau , vice ant, Prescott, Wis. 22.95 to 25.95 2-pc. wool kniti 14.00 REB ECCA CIRCLE president; Mrs. Ernest Iverson, Eleya, secretary , and Mrs. Ernest )-Mem- ETTRICK, Wis. (Special Halrima, Independence; Mrs. Ner- bers of Rebecca Circle of Living val Anderson, Ettrick; Mrs. Wil- ACCESSORI ES 8c HOSIERY Hope Lutheran Church LCW were liam Cantrell , Whitehall; Eddie Elders Named given a holiday party Friday by Thompson Jr. and "Bill Suttie , Et- ' 5.00-10,95 Handbags ' . . 3.99 and 5.99* Mrs. Maurice Casey. Devotions trick. and Mrs. Curtis Stuve White- . . ; N were by Mrs. J. A. Kamprud hall. 2.00-4.00 Jewelry 1.00 and 2.00 readings were by Mrs. Clara Hen- By Presbyterians -^...... * drickon, Mrs. Mclvin Erickson Rupert Cox, Miles Croom and 2,00-3.00 Gloves...... V t price and Mrs. Alfred Truax, Mrs. Hel- 38, Cloc ks in John Zierdt were elected elders en Temte led assembly singing. for three-year terms at Grace The women wrote a letter to Mrs. 10-Re am House Presbyterian Church Sunday. ^ 1.33-1.50 Nylons 99c Home Thomas Klce '" The Big Difference in insurance \M E. C. Anderson, at Bethany VALDOSTA , (Ja. (API-Thc Ce- Robert Griesel , • starred pricesplui lax for the Aged in La Crease. Mrs. and LeRoy Storsvecn were nam- cil E. Cooks' clocks will ring in 59ef to Broken Sizes and Colors ¦ Casey was assisted by her daugh- Uie New Year in a big way. ed Irustees. Officers of the church can save your bank account \ 99* ter, Mrs. Victo r Folkedal. The Cooks are clock colleclors. school include Frank Johnson, su- They have .18 clo-eks in Hie 10 perintendent; Mrs. Cox, assistant ROBES & LINGERIE ad Mrs. Johnson , STARTS TUESDAY rooms of their home—no two set superintendent, . A serious car accident... a judgment . . . keeps your insurance up-to-date at the same time. The clocks secretary-treasurer. 8,95-14,95 Robei. ....' .6.99 ond 8.99 — two actions that couEd ... anfl makes sure you get fast, fair - . NEW YEAR'S DAY will start Donning and chiming Financial officors are; Mrs, Gor- around midnitht and will continue don Fay . financial secretary; Mrs. wipe out your lifetime savings settlement. 1.35-1.59 Petlti-Panls ...... 99c for some time thereaf ter. Uobert V/allber, assistant financial ^ Explodes wWj Excitomtl 4.00-5.00 Sfeepwear ...... 2.99 "It 's much more interesting to secretary , and Klee, treasurer. But you don't have to worry if you For car, home , or business Insurance , hear thern strike at different In to sec us. As professional in- 5.99-0.95 Slip J, Gowm 3.99 times, " says Mrs . Cook. "Then Los Angeles Customs have the Big Difference in insurance stop we can tell the different person- ... the continuing, personal attention surance men — independent agents — alities of the clocks, and pick out To'ughest for Hope names for them. " of an Independent insurance agent.' we're pledged to serve you first! W Julat Vema's^B ¦ HQLLVWOOD (AP)-Bob Hope , GIRLS AND JR .HI FORMER HOMEWAKERS somewhat peeved , said today, He sees you have the right protection 40mIH SEARCH OF THE ^ ETTRICK, Wis, ( Special MUrs. ""The only hardship on our annu- 15.00-18.0O Girli' Carcoali . . 11.00-14.00 al Christmas tour was going Ben Erickson entertained 21 group 4.O0-7.95 Glrli Sporteweor . . of former Homcimnker members through customs at f,os Angeles . 2.99-5.99 Friday, in honor of Mrs . Arvilla International Airport." Castaways- WmW The comedian and his troupe of 5.00-8.95 Girli Dressei 3.99-5.99 ^JW TECHNICOLOR . Dettingcr , Hot Springs. S.D. Guests were tho Mmes. Henry 60. including Lanm Turner and 18.00-25.95 Jr-Hi Car Coole i . 14.OO-19.0O Sol berg, Peter Esickson, George Janis Page, were detained for roiifcyJuw,«/ ReiUel , Violet Pederson and Jo- more than two hours Sunday after fawj^Mw 5.00-8.95 Jr-Hi Sportswear . . . . 3.99*4.99 tie Gordon. arriving, on a nonstop air force . •• »«ii/»«t *>f«r flight from Guam. ¦¦¦ rfc. TRAINMEN ENTERTAIN 'They'went through all our bag- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krsift , 1007 gage and took a I|C at each piece W. Wabasha St., v/cre guests at a of dirty laundry," said Hope. "It's dinner Saturday evening -at the the first lime such a thorough Williams Hotel given by the Broth- search' haa ever b«n mode of one Winona Insurance Agency erhood of- Railroad Trainmen, of our touts." • JIM SCHAIN • SANDY OSKAMP Lodge 510,' in recognition of Mr. A customs agent said "it's regu- Kraft 's years of serviae. as local .alions, " as he and coilcnRiies 174 Center Straet Phone 3366 j&z^i chairman of the lodge. Members went through the entertainers' ' ¦ ¦ cram presented a gift , to Mr. KralL. baggage pieco by piete. 1 _ - _.._ ' _ _L— . !_ ...... _ . .._ - - Luxury Living^ W By JULES LOH When some, architects set put to design a truly luxurious home they take the position of "never hudget, full speed mind' the l ahead." ' Sarfiuel Paul isn't that kind of architect. w . "ONE Or* THE bisBast cost fac- tors in* a house,is the. cellar," said PauL "I've eliminated the tradi- tional basement in this house by eliminating its need. The garage, laundry and work shop all are on the main level.) as well as the in- door reoreation areas. Not only js it less expensive this way, but • ELEGANCE: This' four-bedroom split are on the same elevation, there is no need of an. expensive base- more convenient." EARLY AMERICA^ The house, design 3r54 in the level is in the form cf a T, with the main living level elongated ment. House of the Week* series, is an Because all the daylight activities to resemble a streamlined ranch. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ elegant four-hedroomi split level ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ! • ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ . ' _-- —I- ,.. __. ,. • " . : : : ~-;¦ ¦ ¦' . - ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' put living level ... . \ j;; . . •; . . .- ...... stretched the main Low wall of tongue-and-groove western red ,ce- ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ so virtually all the daytime ac- ¦<' ' ,¦ ' .¦ ¦ ": ¦ ': ¦¦*¦' '¦ "iy- . .¦ " . ¦• -. ' . . tivities are on the same eleva- Resolutions tion with no stairs to climb. In this respect the design is mpre Flowers for ' like that of a sleek ranch. The Sick For Handyman PLACED AT one and of this "ranch" rectangle, like the cross Br AP NEWSFEATURES PINE- MOUNTAIN, Ga. (fl — bar of a T, is the upstairs bed- Ninety-year-old Harold Magruder * Planning on some 3>Jew Year's room wing with a 1,023-square-foot ' Why not include a icw Get Gmioq j is a firm believer in the old adage resolutions? containing a recre- Lets area beneath it you are only as old as you feel.'r concerning your do-it-yourself ac- j " ation room, hobby room and heat- fiyA- p- SH,RA - I He rarely misses a day driving tivities around the house? The fol- er-storage room. Only six steps 1 i lowing list ' . will give you some [to the post office and his bright separate each; of these levels from The Daisy Family ( yellow car is usually filled with. ideas: the main living level. ; As we were looking over pictures of some brilliantly colored j flowers from his garden. They go 1. I will never use a product The main level and bedroom hardy chrysanthemums one evening last week without reading the instructions in , our thoughts turned to the sick and shut-ins, church, / level total 1,997 square feet not to the family of plants to which they belong. It seems fitting that commionity and school organiza» detail, realizing that the ' manu- counting the 605-square-foot ga- facturer has made extensive tests these popular fall flowers in their, many colors and hues belong to tions and, sometimes,. he makes rage and adjoining workshop, the the largest family of plants in the world, , round of to determine Tiow to get the best , and the Compositae.- . • . a the business offices 135-square-foot screened porch This big family comprises about 12,000 species of plarits distri- and leaves a posy on each desk. result. the 227-square-foot covered porti- ' ' ¦¦' buted over the entire world. Some plant authorities state that plants • . ' 2. I will constantly beep in mind co. . great enemy of nave reached their highest stage IF WI NTER COMES that haste is the Overall dimensions are 85 feet of development in this huge group. the home handyman, ruining more wide by 41 feet deep and archi- the roots is used in some medi- LOUISVILLE, Ky. W) — It was projects than lack of skill. It is sometimes called the aster cines. ;¦. >. '\ tect Paul suggests a 100 foot by family, or even, the goldenrod of a minus 3 on the thermometer 3. I will remember that, while 100 foot plot. f amily. Other weed members^ the outside the Jefferson County : It is sometimes referred Courthouse, the coldest day of the certain plumbing and electrical advarrtaoe of Hs to as the daisy family and family are various type* of this- ¦ job s can be tackled many of them FLOOR PLAN: Note the separate hall from area of the house. House Is basically a isplit TO TAKE full we tles, . year. • ". . , colonial tone architect Paul sug- prefer this name. This large group the common burdock* dog are forbidden by local or state the front service entry to the rear porch, com- level, but incorporates many characteristics of fennel, ragweed and v Spanish Inside workmen were installing gests an interesting color scheme. not only „ consists of * many Varie- air conditioners — for next sum- codes.; pletely eliminating traffic through the living a ranch. boards should be ties of plants, needles. Except for some of the The vertical ; but a large number thistles, most,, of' them >¦ 4_ mer. 4. I will make a periodic inspec- white, he said , with gray batten of weeds as well. The typical are ^ tion of the house to determine nuats, and their, eradication; offers strips; the stone a golden field- flowers are all alike as they are no particular h where there are openings that can earthy brown problem. • easily while stohe; the roof an borne in heads the individual flor- be calked quickly and shingle. For accent, the shutters ets of which are small, One of our principal insecticides^ they are small, but which can in the form pyrethrum District Building and main entrance door should be of a disk, or cone, surrounded by , is derived from the prove expensive headaches if neg- flower heads of a member of this lected. red. . 7 ray petals or flowers as in the Mark Twain once built a house daisy. family, the pyrethum often known 5. I will make tt a point to Or Sell Your Home by the name of painted daisy. in Connecticut and specified that " ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦¦' close all paint cans very tightly Full study plan information on this architect-designed House of the kitchen should be in the front, IT MIGHT be stated here Hiat . ' after use, knowing that more than Gains Slightly A slight increase in the dollar the Week is . included in a £0-cent baby blueprint. With it in hand you facing the street , so he wouldn't daisies are chrysanthemums and, .^^mms^ILMl. 10 percent of all paint purchased the La Crescent Motel by householders is discarded volume of new construction, re- can obtain a contractor's estimate. always have to be rushing in turn, that mums are but glorified eventually because air was per- flected in building permits, in the You can order also, for $1, a booklet' called "YOUR HOME—How breadth of the house to see who daisies although often far rerfmed LA CRESCENT, Minm-Ranch buildingservice was passing by. . • mitted to enter the containers. 169 reporting cities of the Minne- to Build, Buy or Sell it." Included in it are small reproductions of '16 from them in size, color and form. Motel here is laterally raising the PHONE 7466 popular It wasn't neighborhood curiosi- roof. Eight new 6. I will not use power tools apolis Federal Reserve Bank's dis- of the most House of the Week issues. Thus we find that two of our units are being trict in the first 11 months of ty that prompted. Paul to put the constructed atop the north wing GEO. KARSTEN while engaged in conversation with ( Send this coupon to. the Daily News or you . may purchase the » however. favorite garden a friend or relative, realizing that 1962 is seen in the bank's monthly plans or the booklet at the information counter at- the Daily News. kitchen in fiont, flowers are very of the L-shaped building. Al Moore General Contractor building data in the dis- The plan makes good sense foi closely related, in fact belong to is owner. many accidents occur while the report on Enclosed is SO cents for baby blueprint J-54. ' O operators are not giving their proj- trict. ¦' : ¦ a variety of reasons, the ftiost the same genus. ects full attention. Enclosed is. $1 for "YOUR HOME" booklet ? notable of which is that it meas- The valuation of new building urably increases the ease with As might be expected in such 7. I will prevent trouble by pro- permits issu«d in the district a huge group of plants, nearly all viding sufficient ventilation when INA XVlJJ* ••••¦•••*••••.••i.e********* •••••••••*•• **•*»»•*• mi .(••••> IIMI which traffic can flow through and through November this year total- within the Aouse. types are presented •within its con- using finish materials and by plac- ed $468,319,142, compared with Oln pl-l DiMiiHt iili«M*ii»iMi«ii.i«*eea *«ea*e»e*ee e. e t • • ' O Alifi • * »•¦»••••••»••»•• the front service entrance to the course, weeds. The trees, shrubs of at once. tear porch, completely eliminating and vines are natives of tropical T Keep the cold OUT and htat IN ^ 8 I will remember that, whether The total for November this year -jfc ^SSifl r . was $37,978,849, almost identical to traffic through the living area of regions and are of no concern to I with Minerei Reek Wall Insulation using paint or one of the clear the house; and these are only two us here, - ,' - .'. ' aBSff ^f finishes, a vital part of the job the previous November's $37,707,- , I in your ettie and tidewallt. Fast, 425. of a half-dozen exterior entrances. In addition > to the mums and _P^*vi is surface preparation and that If you don't think this makes a 1 efficient service ... anywhere) ' ¦^^ Eleven-month totals for Winona daisies, some of the other popu- ' • _r* _ skipping it will only bring a poor difference , just check the condi- lar garden flowers contained in f I result. and: several other Minnesota and " ¦ or carpet in a , Wisconsin cities were: - tion of the floor this family include the calendula, 9. I will recognize if I decide PB'S the Answer B§J1 well-traveled passage of your own ageratunj , cosmos Coreopsis, zin- ¦ Phone Winona 8-1367 ' BFS - . . JLJIK *- , ^ mi itu to buy a house that shopping , not to mention the plain ¦ ' ¦ ' around for a suitable mortgage, Winona 92,571,372 43^425,019 B-y ANDY LANG the manufacturer's directions for house nia, gaillardia, marigold, dahlia I or Trempealeau 534*6627 . - ' - ' RedMno ...... 1,028,725 l,0<7,99? A}> Newifeatures mixing. Since patching plaster convenience this layout affords. and some others/ Thus, it can be Tather than taking the first one Rochester ...... 13,071,442 9,143,928 , kitchen-laundry-dinette en- , St. Cloud 4,055,252 5,122,929 QUESTION: There are some sets fairly quickly, The seen that this big family provides I FREE ESTIMATES TRI-STATE offered can save me thousands of do not mix too pride of any dollars over a period of years. Albert Lea 1,660,337 1.236,975 large cracks in the plaster walls' much at a time. Fill the opening semble would be the us with a large number of beau- Kg ie~a~Me-ejBB-i Roofina & Insulation Austin 1.979,093 1.000,826 housewife, It's double window over tiful flowering plants without ^ m __M 10. I will try to treat a home Preston 239,000 37,500 of an old house we recently pur- with the mixture, being sure to the double-bowl sink, abundance of which our gardens would seem to project, even when it is a neces- Eeu Clairt 13,746,829 »,853,4B4 chased. Can you tell us how to pack it down firmly. ; Independence 77,550 55,900 counter space, cabinets and huge be rather bleak, indeed. sity, as a hobby activity and not Le Crosst ...:. 5,099,635 4,996,188 go about patching them? The patch should be slightly drive myself to distraction com- ¦ . ANSWER : Before you start, be above the surrounding' area after storage closets and pantry, ad- joining lavatory and direct garage ON CONSIDERING iome> o< pleting it. sure all loose plaster is removed you have smoothed it with a putty these piants, we can see resem- Phone 8-1641 for FREE Estimates for Property Transfers from the areas to be repaired. knife or trowel. When it has dried , access all add up to housekeeping ease. blances that go far beyond the In Wi nona County Undercut the edges of the plaster sand it down. construction of the flower heads, No Building Permits so that the new material will take The patch should be moistened THE FORMAL living room-din- some of which have been greatly hold securely. Wet the opening No applications for building per WARRANTY DEED a couple of times a day for sev- ing room arrangement also is modified, enlarged and doubled mits were received by the city en Eslher B. Dunn lo Brethren Homi Mis- thoroughly. This is to prevent the eral days. If the entire wall is be- planned for up-to-date living. The through the work of the hybridiz- sion Counsel , Inc.—Lota t, 7, I , 9 «nd 10, new plaster from drying out too ing repainted , be sure all such rooms are joined by doors which gineer's office last week. The las Ocjtin'i Subd. tn Goodview. ers. This has been exemplified in Block 2, H. J. quickly. patches are coated with a wall can slide into the wall, if desired, permit, which brought the year'; Edward M. Kammerer to Joseph E. the newest forms of zinnias and Kammerer—S'/j of NEU; E'/ J of SW'/ij Using patching piaster, follow sealer. and create an expanse of 33 feet. dahlias. total new building volume to $2. - -~. r— John S. Poranc el ux to George A,. Po- Faith Evangelical Lulheran Church, Inc., DECREE OP DESCENT , zanc et ux—Lot 5, Block SI, Hubbard's to Howard Sasso et ux—S. 21 ft. of Lot cover. Tie living room whose other. Take the cosmos for exam- Pearl Beatrice Klnssley, decedent, to Add. to Winona. 3 and all of Lot , Blrge's 2nd Add. to fireplace, wall * Raymond Ly|» Klrtflsley et al—Lot 37, 28, main attraction is a ple. In their branching habits they Oruce E. McNaliy et ux to Oowd P. St. Charles.. 11. 30, 31 and 32, Block 2, Falrvlew. Add. built of the same stone used on are like , the dahlias and this A Happy House Mukahy et ux—Lot 1, Block 1, Kl»l«'« <3UIT CLAIM DEED to St, Charles. , c- , also has an 8 foot Add. to Winona. Bernard L. Smith et ux to Mildred Dru- the exterior resemblance is still furtlter seen in Oowd P, Mulcahy ef ux fo A. Keith vold-Lot 2, Olock 2, Smith's Second Add. i / " pair of sliding glass doors leading the thin brown seeds of each. Mantel el ux—Lot 2, Block 10, Wapashaw to St. Charles; Lots 52, 53,' 55, 56, 57 and can be GLAMOROUS . to Goodview. to the rear patio. Although noted primarily Cor its Add 58, St. Charles limits, and Lots 15, K, 17 George L. Rowekamp «l al to George , ~ and IB, Black 4, Wicker's WT~ Friendship, Then Upstairs, all four corner bed- many beautiful flowers, this fam- Rowekamp et ux—Part of NW'/< of Sec. Installed in New or Old Homes Paul F, Drajkowskl et ux to James J. rooms are of good size, have plen- ily can boast, also, of a few food 14-105-9. Draikowskl—Lot 11, Block B, E. c. Ham- Harold Zenk et ux to Emll A. Mollert Scholarship ty of closet spade (more than 38 plants, or types that are useful • KITCHW ilton's Add. No. 3 fo Winona. CERAM,t et ux—N. 45 tt. of Lot 2 and S. 35 ft. of Agnes Lapltz et al to Stella Dudilmkl— lineal feet total) and are served for tho making of salads. These j*. i > Lot 3, Block 14, Blrge's 1st Add. to St. Lot 1, Dlock 29, Hamilton's Add, to Wi- COLUMBUS, tohio (/PI — An by two full baths. There are no include the variou s kinds of let- BATHROOMS Charles. nona. • AAJ MAJCMO George L, Rowekamp «t al to Leo M. « FAMILY ROOMS MruhlouAAJU' James J. DraikowsW et ux to Paul F. Australian student , Jeffery G. less than four closets, plus a dress- tuce and endive. ^ QQ™ Rowekamp et ux—Part ol NWV< ol Sec. DralkowsVl—Lot 11, Block B, E. C, Ham- Smith, will work toward a mas- ing room, in the master suite. O SHOWERS Wm, icurlny) sloven 4JO wcit lib $$ 1+105-9. ilton's Add, No. 3 to Winona. / \ /J ? \V Ctiurch,, Inc. WEEDS THAT make up a fairly L \y <& w \ Fnllh Evangelical Lutheran Mildred Bruyold to Bernard L. Smith- j\ to Curtis C. Randall «t al-S. 21 ft. of Lot ter's degree in civil engineering BELOW, the recreation room large section jpf this family are Lot 2. Block 2, Smith's Second Add. to features a 14 foot stone wall, and " S/^jaiarles; Lots 52, 53, 55, 54, 57 and, 58, t at Ohio State University because some of our most common forms, w^mmmmmmmmmmm ^mimmmmmmmmmt Bt ^immmmmmmmmmmm mmm ^—mmmmmm mm SrTTCharles limits, and Lots 15, 14, 17 and sliding glass doors leading to a one of which is the dandelion. Al- It, Olock i, Wicker 's Add. j his home city of Perth turned on its lights to signal orbiting l ower terrace. The third room on though it Is a weed that is much mL: DECREE OP DISTRIBUTION i¦ as' the lower level makes an excellent ' William Nolop, decedent, lo Marjory No- tronaut John maligned, the bright golden blos- ¦ Y ' r^wWr 1 Glenn. ^^mmMm ENLARGE lop—E'ly 33 .!, ft. of Lot 10 and E'ly 2314 out-of-the-way den or hobby room. soms add a cheery note ' to the HOME — COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL 1 / ] Full lleusepowcr allows full use ft, of S'Jy •« ft. of Lot 7, Block 17, O.p. | Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing ' to Winona. cool days of early spring. It Is of lighting—the home decorator's Your ! Co. of Milwaukee offered a schol- of considerable value, also, In the new room "cosmetic"! FINAL DECREE arship through the International J-54 Statistics Eva Goodrich, decedent, to James D. drug industry, sinec the juice of We can Instal l concealed light! Road Federation to a high/way en- A four-bedroom split level | WIRING K in valances and cornices that bathe gineering student in Perth in rec- containing 1,997 square f*»t on walls with light—create a sense of BASEMENT ognition of the city 's flashing its living and sleeping levels, 1,» . MODERNIZE , spaciousness In small, low-celling You can add any of ttieie lights during- Glenn's space cap- 025 square ieet on lower Uvel, YOUP rooms. to your present home at j . '"^ sule passes in February. 405 square feet In garage and m 7* Horn* Building ¦ ^ A master switch beside your bed tower cost: • ^>| t workshop, US square feet en WE'RE MIGHTY permit* instant control .of lighting _»1 • Cablnot Werk I screened porch and 227 square | anywhere inside and outside the • Furnace Room I • Remodeling I A Tight Squeeze feet on covered . portico. - house . .. floodli ghte end s potlighu Overall dimensions ere 15 PR0U0 OF OUR . J|- beautifully illuminate flower beds • Laundry Room 1-Maa Meaaaa MeMj CUVAHOGA FALLS, Ohio W)~ feel wide by 41 feet deep. £* end trees at night , • • For Complete Personal iied Although Ohio Had snow earlier •met HEATING Let us show you how fuII House- • "Rec" Room Building Service Contract than anticipated this season, prin- V^S REC0RD.. > . M power helps vow bring true glamor cipal Robert Heath of Preston of modern lighting find electrical • Bedroom BRUCE McNAtLY School reported only one problem ¦ living to your home. BUILDING CONTRACTOR in his area: ' • Shop "Too many mothers Call wi today f ora Hou—p owr Phone 8-1059 tried to 304 Lafce Street squash this ycar'4 shocH Into lost Hating. And remember, FULL This is the ideal time for this year type of improvement as frozen 's boot*." / Phone BBSS HOUSEPOWBR ground prevents cave-ins, ealaaaaW/^t'P^ealafl enaJctsa HAPPY HOME FHA Approved ^^ We hove a lengthy record of successful electrical Improvement LaafleaTa 1 V^WS-T W ( 7010 installation s BOILER A for free T_^Hi down through the many years we've been in business in Winona. REPAIRS __^__^__K/^'¦V _\^- ^k modernization _^^B Our reputation Is based on a -wonderful record established KLINE FREE ESTIMATE ON _^5 lfc ' / ettimara* TOTAL COST . . . CALL ______l_a__^__JL ^^^ _^^^H by Licensed Bonded Electricians — your guarantee of quality £££CmfC workmanship every time. "Serving Winona for Over Leon Initiaii Half a Century" Plastering & Maeonry CH AS, J. 0LSEN K 115 W. 2nd SI. Phone 5512 Contractor SANITARY QMIC PLUMBING BAUER °^ 1808 Wait 4th St. & OUnO "Licensed Bonded Elactrlclene" WINONA BOILER ft STEEL CO. Plumbing •& Healing Co. HEATING Phone 4038 16*167 Wert Front Street Phone 5965 HI E. 3rd St. ' Phone 2737 10) Canter St. 125 East Th ird Street Telephone 4578 , MONDAY: me DaJMpRecord DECEMBER $ V ? *62 I DEAR ABBY:

At ^orritaunUy ? Two-State Deaths Winona Deaths Memorial Hospital Mrs. Frank Volkmann Mrs. Anton RoncJou Middle^Aged Man Visiting hours: Medial end Hrgicai LEWISTON, Minn. (Specialj— Mrs. Anton Roniou, 76, 906 Kel- patients; 3 to'4 and 7 to 1:30 p.m. (no children ond)«r 12). • ¦ ' : '• Mrs. Frank Volkmann, 60, died logg St., Green Bay, Wis., died Maternity¦ petunt*i t te J-.M and t to Sunday at 5:40 a.m. at Commun- Saturday at 8 p.m. at St. Vin- «:30 p.m. (adults orh/l. ity Memorial Hospital, Winona. cent's Hospital there. Is Pawing Girls SATURDAY She had been ill two weeks. The former Clara Koske, she -The former, bertha Neldner Was born here July 10, 1886 By ABIGAIL VAN »UREN Admissions , , and ', she : was born here Jan. 25, 1902, attended public schools in the city. DEAR ABBY: The wife who wrote' that her 53-year-old hus- Steven Hauge, 914 44th AVp., daughter of Mr She was married arid MrsIn . Charles to Anton Eon- band wanted to paw all the young: girls struck a familiar chord Goodview.. \ Neldher. ° She^i lived the area dou in Green Bay in 1910. Her hus- ' ¦ with me. T agree that some .men who act like this are "sick." Births hef entiie life. - - - band died in Janaary 1962. But 1 think there is another side. Don't you ' think if mothers Mr. and Mrs. Roman P, Bork , She was a member of St.'Johjj's Survivors are: Two ' daughters, taught their daughters not to encourage older men by ' flirting Fountain City, Wis., a daughter. Lutheran Church. She was mar- Miss Lorraine Rondou, Green Bay, with them and sitting on their laps (all ) ( in fun, of course , we y SUMDAY ried June 7, 1935. and Mrs. Rolland Marie) Samz, wouldn't have so much trouble of this kind? FORT WORTH FAN Survivors include her husband; Mishicot, Wis., and nine grandchil- Admissions ¦ two daughters, Sirs. James (Doro- dren. DEAR FAN :. Not always. Sometimes you aren't even ' - . Lawrence C. Blagsvedt, 1062 W. thy) Butikofer, Maywood, Calif., Funeral services will be Wednes-. aware of the connection until youi get the shockl King St. and Miss Kacen Volkmann, Wino- dlay at 10 a.m. at St. .Willabrod Raymond G. Kiral, Lewiston, na; her toother, Martha Neldner, Catholic Church. Burial will be in DEAR ABBY: Last night, while I wai fix- Minn. Lewiston; onfe brother, Carl; one sGreen Bay. :;¦ -. " . ing supper, my husband came into the kitchen, Mrs. Ruth W. Corey, 117% WaV sister, Mrs. Minnie Hoffman, Wi- WEATHER FORECAST . . . Continued cold and snow flurries are expected in the Lakes put his arms around me and hugged and Kissed nut St. nona, ; and three grandchildren. Winona Funerals weather is forecast for tonight in the northeast area, the upper Mississippi valley, North Da- me. 1 said, "What brought that on?" He re- Elgin Oi Somieman, 621 W. King One daughter has died. but a warming trend will be note& in the south-, kota and the northern and central Rockies while plied, "I love you." Later, when the children ' St. Funeral services will be at 2 Henry J. Mafias east and the central third of the nation. It will light rain will " fall on the north Pacific coast, were out, he said, "Honey, haven't 1 been treat- ing you right?" I said "You always treat Mrs. Clarence Schultz, 416 E; p.m. Wednesday at St. John's A fun&ral service for Heruy J. be colder in the northern Rockies. Light snow (AP Photpfax Map) , me right — what is the matter?" Mark- "St; Lutheran Church, the Rev. Robert Matias, 407 W. 4th St., held was . His reply: "Well, Mrs. Bernice D. Rohweder, Min- Beckmann officiating. Burial will this afternoon at Breitlow Funeral when I came home this nesota City, Minn. be in the druidi cemetery. Borne, Dr. L. E. Brynestad Cen- evening I wanted to type up my speech for the a- p« . - , Chamber of Commerce and found the type- William L. Rumpca, 58 Lenox Friends nv o.Jl J . .-El- tral LuQieran Church, officiating. , St. ;' lison Funeral Home from Tues- "Woodlawn writer out and a letter in it It started, "DEAR Burial was in Ceme- ABBY." Leo J. Wachowiak , 471 Mankato day noon to Wednesday noon, and tery. I explained that I only wanted to write efter 1 p.m. at and tell Ave. the church Honorary pallbearers were Ar- you that I was one of those women who got up in the morning Abiy Dischargts . : thur L. Bn?m, P. F. Loughrey, Leo to make her hus- Miss Dagney Serum V Dand s Dreaxlast, Dr. E. Clayton Burgess, 365 Hittner, Herman Feller, Roy G. Tnanks, Abby. It gave me a thnll to know he NELSON loved me as much as I loved him. KY. Main St. . Wis. - Miss Dagney Wildgrube and Edwin Severson. Seruni, 64, La Crosse, Nelson na- Steven Hauge , 914 44th Ave., Active pallbearers were Merrill DEAR ABBY: What do you think of a mother who sleeps : tive, died at Lutheran Hospital, Goodview. " ' Holland. Leonard Karsten, Milton with her 13-year-old daughter when she could just as easily sleep Mrs. Merlyn Klebig, Fountain La Crosse, early Sunday after a Smith. Harry Einhorn, Rollo Mer- long illness. with her own husband?,-The reason she sleeps with me is be- City; Wis . ! rill and Fred Eastman. cause my father snores. , Well, Abby, SHE snores and keeps me Mrs. Robert C. Wessin and ba- She was bom March 17, 1888, had taught 40 awake. If I don't get my sleep at night, 1 can't keep my head by, 264 Vila St. years and had been with up in school. What should I do? ALWAYS TIRED Mrs. Rex Domino and baby; 360 the La Crosse public school WEATHER system 14 years. DEAR ALWAYS: If there is a couch in the living room, Pelzer St. ' Miss Dorothy L Lano, 351 Chat- Surviving are: Two sisters, Mrs. EXTENDED FORECAST sleep on it. Or fix up a "bed" anywhere in the house, far Adolph (CIara) Quarberg and MINNESOTA — Temperatures ' away from both snoring parents. Good luck, and pleasant field St. Mrs. (Alma) Mrs. Gilman Glenna and baby, Anton Quarberg, through Saturday will average dreams. Mondovi, 1177 W. Mark St. Wis. ; one brother, Olaf , 6-10 degrees above normal. ' Nelson, and several nieces ' and Warming trend tonight and Tues- DEAR ABBY: 3 work in a large office and every year have nephews. day, generally mild thereafter allowed the boys in our office to kiss me "movie style" on New IMPOUNDED DOGS- A funeral service will be held with brief periods of cooling Year's. There is a snob who came to work with us, who lets the at 2 p.m. Wednesday at JL,yster boys kiss her on 'the cheek only. She None. about midweek and again toward contends that it is unethical Lutheran Church, the Rev. J. C. and unsanitary otherwise. Who is right? Available for good homes: end oi week Precipitation will GEORGINA Thompson officiating; Burial wilL average .1 inch One female and three males and or less in light be in Lyster . Cemetery. Friends snow, most likely tonight DEAR GEORGINA: I'm with the "snob;" A kiss on the an English Setter. and may call at Kjentvet & • Son Fu- Tuesday in the north and over cheek is adequate for a co-worker. If he comes back for "seconds" neral Home, Mondovi , Tuesday state Thursday or Friday. Normal — turn the other cheek. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY •evening. highs 15-20 north, 21-25 south ; CONFIDENTIAL TO YOU: May you and yours have a happy\ normal lows zero to 7 below Vernon Vorbeck, 262 E. Mark THE SHED'S GOME . . . And this is all AH machinery and a brooder house went up in healthy and prosperous New Year. ABBY *' I Berf C. Chest«rman north, zero to 8 above south. St., 8. . that's left of one of two tractors destroyed on flames. Their farm is near Rushford. (Manion .MA.BEL, Minn- (Special)-Bert WISCONSIN—Temperatures will " ) What's on your mind? For a personal reply, send a self- average' the . farm of LaVern-e Hegiand, center, His photo C. Chesterman, 83, former Mabel hear normal. Normal high addressed, stamped¦ ¦ envelope¦ to Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills, NEW YEAR'S DAY BIRTHDAYS and Prosper resident, died Satur- 18 northwest to 30 southeast. Nor- sons David and Dale look over the debris, too. Calif. ' . ' . - ' . . ' ¦ ' ¦ • ' ' day ' at Meriden mal IOAV zero northwest to 15 above Palbickij 958. E. : . .. Kan., after aii Catherine Ann illness of several months. southeast. Warming trend Tues- 5th St., 2. He was born Jan. 14, 1879. A day and Wednesday. Colder about PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ¦ ROBERT C. RUAR - . ' : ^ . - ' ¦¦¦ . former depot agent for the Mil- Thursday and Friday. A little Loss $5,000 §. .; X.RA\S warmer Saturday. Precipitation F*R&= TB ¦ ¦ waukee Raikroad at Prosper, he Rooirn 8, City Ball) ' resided at Mabel several years be- will total about one-tenth inch in Winona Co. residents free. fore retiring-in 1957. light show about Wednesday and Princess Soroya Others $1' each. He was married to Grace Cas- Thursday and in north portion In Rushford • ' End of Romanoff s teel. . ' . ' •' . ¦: . -v . Tuesday . Taken last week ...... 44 Survivors are! One son, Walter, OTHER TEMPERATURES 673 Since March 8, 1963 .. .46 , San Dlegb, Calif. ; one daughter, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Arrives in Mexico Mrs. Eugene Hopkins, Meriden; High tow Pr. Era Farm Blaze Last of an By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS measles and won't four grandchildren, and four great- High Low Pr. RUSHFORD Minn. (Special) be able to ride Munici pal Court Albany, NEW. YORK — 1 was saddened, a little, to note the intended , — on the city of Miami grandchildren. His wife and one cloudy .... 26 -n .. Fire destroyed a machine shed Princess Soraya of Iran arrived . Beach float closing of Mike Romanoff's Hollywood plush deadfall as. one more in the Orange Bowl WINONA son, Vernon, have died. Albuquerque, clear ... 44 20\ .. and contents on the La Verne Heg- at Mexico City by airliner and left parade in Mi- Atlanta, indication of the end of the era of wonderfuf American ftonsense. ami tonight. Forfeits: > Funeral services were held at clear ...... 45 29 .. ' iand farm four miles southwest of immediately by auto to spend a Boise,, cloudy ;,.,.... 42 27 The phony Russian prince s restaurant was due 10 shutter on New Lois M; Laabs ,. 19, .406 E. King Meriden this afternoon. 's Eve — permanently. here Saturday afternoon. short vacation at nearby Cuerna- Miss United States, Macel Lei- ' Boston, ' cloudy .I.-..., ;. 38, -4 .17 Year - St., $10 on a charge 'of" failure, to It is quite possible that the younger members of the Twist Set and Destroyed with the building on vaca. - .-- . lanl Wilson, -19, of Honolulu, will - Mr*. Jfrsia Hayes Chicago, cloudy ...... 17 13 the Oian ridge farm were two replace her and wear the evening stop for a traffic signal. She was Cleveland, show ..... 21 13 !oi the followers of Bobby Darui and The former queen of Shah Mo- arrested' by .police at. 3rd *nd MONDOVI , Wis. (Speclal)-rMrs. Sandra Dee never heard of Roman- tractors, corn picker, hay mower, hammed Reza Pahlevi said she gown created for Miss Universe. Denver, clear ... - ..;... 61 20 .. song hits from the Crosby pic- The girls have the same measure- Main streets at 12:37 a.m. Sunday . Jessie Hayes, 76, died Saturday off's, but they never 3ns, Phoenix, cloudy ..... 68 40 of the greatest ed in fear of the gossipists who Hegiand at; 3:30 p.m. when she The sheriff's office said the of- by police at 5th and , Call, Colombia. Miss Carolyn Lee was arrested Archie, Eau Claire, and Harlan, Portland; Ore., rain .52 45 .19 states symbols were ruthless in bestowal or with- saw it from an upstairs window , fending weapon had been held by at 11:50 p.m. . of the United States, the 1961 M echanic streets Eleva; two daughters, Mrs. Arnold Rapid City, clear ,..: 48 17 , .. the country ever drawal of favor. And the studios started a string of events that are Ronald Platzer, 20, Minneapolis. and queen, crowned Miss Fernandez. Saturday. (Nora) Erickspn^Eleva. Mrs. Stm. Louis, cloudy ...... 31 21 ... permitted — and ruled the actors—if you kicked up not unusual at such times.. Mattson died while en route to a }l .. ¦was • - » * DRESBACH Edwin - (L&rabeileT Hageness, lie- Salt Lake City, cloudy 3R .hat before a fuss you got suspended and Mr. Hegiand was in the woods hospital. Third member of the , Miss Universe , Norma Nolan of party was Hal R. Shore, 20 and DRESBACH , Minn. — Virgil E. loit, Wis. ; two brothers, Harry San Francisco, cloudy 53 47 .. the phrase "sta- there was very little jumping from cutting trees. He-had taken the pleaded guilty Walter Mondovi, and jive sis- Sea ttle, cloudy 53 46 .66 tus symbol" crept Buenos Aires, Argentina, has the also from Minneapolis. c Woolly, . Dresbach, . and , Ruark one lot to the -other. family car , and other means ol Friday before. Justice F. T. Schini ters, Mrs. Albert ( Lectio) , Jones, Washington , clear ... 35 11 .. into the national transportation was on fire. Mrs, (T-Trace) to a charge bf speeding. He was who lives in Idaho; Mrs, Harry vocabulary, unless you were THOSE YEARS, tht Thirtiej Hegiand called the Rushford fire ¦ arrested by the Highway Patrol (Clara) Parr and Mrs. Rcid (Ada) "somebobdy" you couldn't get in, and 'Forties, comprised the day of department and started on foot to ' ¦ , on Highway 14-01 at 8 p.m. Dec. LaDuke, both of Mondovi; Miss and to be on easy insulting terms the true celebrity—the big opening get her husband. The older chil- "Save Here That Otfms 21 (or driving 50 m,p.h. in a 40- Mina Fleischauer, Tuba City, Lig hted Star Built with the proprietor marked you at Grauman's Chinese, the flood- dren weren't at home. One son ^ ( zone. He paid a fine of $10 and Ariz,; Mrs. Earl Emily) Boyer , high on the list of the -worth- lights in the skies, the pawprints was in the woods with his father On Man-Made Island May Build¦ . . • . • ¦ and¦¦ Earn¦ ¦ •¦¦ fl H | costs of $4. Phoenix, Adj.; 14 grandchildren whiles in the snob center of the in the wet concrete, the limousines and others were in Winona play- * " i " . jllliil^ii and nine great-grandchildren. Two In Independence Lake universe — old-Iashioncu Ho lly - and bodyguards and rubbernecks. ing basketball, brothers are' dead. wood. A star was really a star; today Six-year-old Donna couldn't keep a Generous Dividend '^^^ Pfli Drug Store Robbed Funeral services were held at 2 INDEPENDENCE, Wis.-A star , the word has nearly lost its mean- up with her mother but wouldn't 8 by 8 feet p.m. today at Mondovi Methodist , has been erected by THE FACT that th« proprietor, ing- stay home, so Mrs, Hegiand re- With Phony FBI Call Church. The Rev. J. Edward Phil- the Elk Rod &. Gun Club on the who called himself Prince Michael ' Romanoff's, which started out as turned to the house with her. Di- L ROSA , Calif- (API- lips officiated/ Burial was in Oak island built in Bugle Lake last Alexandrovich Dnutr i Obolensky an inside joke, was portion to the ane, a bit older, then ran to the SANTA . summer. Swire heard an Park Cemetery. „. Romanoff , was an erstwhile con whole gaudy scene, as was the woods to get her father. Pharmacist John The star is placed on a stand authoritative voice when he an- Arrangements were made by man named Harry Gcrguson, Brown Derby earlier, and Chas- Mrs. Hegiand attempted to hook Funeral Home. eight feet high, and' is easily seen origin New York swered "the telephone at his drug Kientvet A Son , made no differ- en's at about the same time. It up the pumpjack after calling the fro m any point around the lake. ence at all to the gilt-edged rating 'i store: William E. Flaherty It is tunica on at dusk each day. was a time and scene of infinite fire department so there be wa- agent of the FBI. - of his clientele. Hollywood creat- snobbery. Prince Mike , dignified ter, "This is an ETTRICK , Wis. (Special)—Wil- Rufus Reck , Ivan Stendahl, Cliff but just as she reached down information that your ed stars from people named Gumm as ever to the end, bemoans its to do so a barrel of gasoline ex- Wc have liam Edw-ard Flaherty, 94, died in Kampa, Robeit and Henry Helge- ' store is going to he held up in at and Lench; if tliey could make passing. ploded. She had to run in the op- his sleep ^bout 3 a.m. today his sori, Mijce Skroch and Mclvin Judy Garland out of Frances a few minutes. We have the place ' posite direction. home here. built and wired it, Gumm and Cury Grant out of Ar- '"There s a new kind of snob- under surveillance and we will April 12, 18«8, in ¦ bery," the elegant Mik« says, "A he He was barn chie Lench they could tnke Harry DURING THE two-hour stay by arrest the man as soon as , Ireland , son of Mr. shirtless , coatless , tip-less kind of with him County K erry Gcrguson seriously as Mike Ro- the R ushford fire department, one comes out. Co-operate Mrs. Michael Flaherty. When snobbery. There is no room any in every way so we can get cvido- , and Mother, 3 Children manoff , And the food was excel- fireman, Arnold Peterson, was he was-11' he camo here with his more for an elegant restaurant like " lent , although the proprietor felt called home. He received word Jicc. parentsV who homestead land Die in Iowa Fire mine. This is the end of an era." A shabbily dressed man walked free to call his customers louts. ¦ that his father, J. A, Peterson, had Miree niites northeast of town . (AP) It was quite a womderful world, suffered a fatal heart attack at in a few minutes later and an- ' he was employ- IOWA CUV , Iowa — A staging a For'many years the old' Hollywood of inflexible Chippewa Falls, Wis, nounced that he was , otherwise he liv- mother and three children died Fireworks Banned on ed in MiLwaukee through a caste system, where Louis B. May- The fire continued to flare up holdup. hever married. in a fire that swept narcotics ed here. He here Sunday er reigned serine as emperor, during the night, Hegiand dousing He took $50 and some are; One b r o t he r, farm home near East German Wall ' out Survivors ' • Zanuck played polo, Gable was the flames with water. and calmly walked . , Galesville, and one sister, ni«ht. • still waiting for the John , 41 , her two called "The King, " and two broth- BERLIN (AP)-Police on both Swire is with whom he lived. Mrs. Laura Aicher ' Mary, , Debbie, 8, and Bar- ers pamed Moscowilz bid high sides of the Communist wall are FBI. The funeral service will bo daughters ' and Cindy Shrader, 5, of against each other for prope^ies trying to discourage" the old Ger- Cuba Sets 1963 Thursday at 10 a.m. at St. Bridg- bara, 5, Cedar Bnpids died in the fire that in the names of M-G-M and man custom of blazing away with s Catholi c Church, the Rev National Budget et' destroyed the two-story ' Brick 20th Century-Fox. Those were t^e fireworks .on New Year's Eve. James Ennis officiating. Burinl Aicher home, . days when a position in relation to Exploding firecrackers sound HAVANA (AP) - Tho Cuban will be in the Catholic Cemetery. the salt, either on the lot lunch ta- like gunfire and could be mistak- Council of Ministers approved a Runnestrnnd Mrs. Aicher died in a vain ef- Friend,M Bldfl. Burmelster . Sfflj^f services will he 2 p.m. r<*tar« n«*ded rnoivtur* for tmtter heftlth ^^TJ^JX He married Louise Codrfii Sept. Funeral . and big Coop and Bbig.rThc names and grtatar comfort I 17, 19101 in Fargo, N.D. She died Wednesday nl Whalan Lutheran on a ninrquce Invariably sold out OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 5:30 TO P.M. ; • Oct. 5, 1923. Oluirch, the Rev. J. F. Endcrson the house, even when such a com- Economy ff FA QC D«lux« (TTQ AC Survivors are: One daughter , officiating. Burial will be in Wha- modity of utter mud such ns "San Modal 4>3^*«IJ MwUl 3>l a»IID WE jjy^lwr Mrs. Clifford Wilson , .Whalan ; I mi Cemetery. Francisco" Included Joanclte Mc- four grandchildren; six Rveat- Friends may call at Johnson Donald together with Gable and DADD BROTHERS STORE STATE FARMfY grandchildren ; three brothers , Funeral Homo, Lanoiiboro , from Tracy. , fllPDD 576 E. 4th Phon. 4007 INSURED SAVIMGS I Tuesday and at tho ¦' rin ind Cuuilty cmtw ,SSi James, Southgatc, Calif. ; /Arthur , 7 lo 9 p.m, -- - "!'' " " ' ' ' "" hem ttmtill^l»|loM»lMl'C~3J Auburn , Wash, and Itobcrt, Sil- church after Wednesday. » YOU ARE STILL h«»rlno th« McKay: Trojans in Worst Physical ' PASADENA, Calif. wvA

Winona ; ALMA CENTER RIPS ALMA 1 00-81 Daily Packers Retain Crown News Cotter Wins for Fifth Straight Winona Cotter won its second a row and pushed its season rec- [ come on strong".in the last three ski. Sam Czaplewski, Bob Judge, Sports game in the Cochrane-Fountaih ord to 6-2. I games and now seems to be estab- and'Schultz combined foY eight City Holiday doubleheadec Satur- ] lished as one of Cotter's strong straight points. Six points (15-9) Page 10 Monday, day night 64-45 over Cochrane- RAMBLER Coach John Nett scorers. ' was as .close as Cochrane Fpun- was pleased with the showing of '¦;. With the score tied early in tain City could come for the rest On16-7WinOver N.Y . December 31, 1962 Fpuntain City. 3-3 » The v.ctory was Cotter's fifth in guard Gene Schultz , Scliiutz has the first quarter Loran Koprow- of the game. - • The Ramblers steadily built their lead to 31-21 at half-time. Schultz and Judge polled eight Nitschke Is and seven points, respectively, to lead the Rambler first half at- Road Cleared tack. COTTER CAME out in the sec- Most Valuable ond half and poured in -eight NEW YORK (AP)-Green Bay For Liston, counters before the Pirates rc " .le . 45 per had done in their 37-0 rout last for the heavyweight boxing cham- cent for the game, hitting on 27 New Year's Eve in Green Bay. pionship. of 60 shots from the floor. The The net result was the same, But the method used to clear it Rambler defense held Cochrane- Fountain City to just six field though. The Packers still are may hurt -Patterson almost as much as the first fight did. ,- goals in the first half in 24 at- champions of the National Foot- . tempts; The Pirates ended the ball League. Promoter Tom Bolan said the government had approved a set- game with 16-50 for 32 per cent. The story of tho gams is told tlement of tax claims against the THE RAMBLERS uwd five dif- best by the voting for the most last fight Sept. 25 in Chicago, in ferent defenses in the contest. valuable player. No Jim Taylor. which Liston knocked out the then Coach Nett credited this to foul No Paul Hornung. No Y. A. champion in the first round. . trouble early in the game. Tittle. The award . went -to Ray Bolah said this was a major C'ctter O.M*- ?I re^ Nitschke, the Packers' 6-foot-3, factor in a rematch, and he ex- bounds to 24 for the Pirates. 220-pound ball-hawk who may be pected to make an announcement Cotter will host Austin Pacelll the rhiddle linebacker of all-star in a few days. He said either Las at St. Stans Gymnasium Wednes- Vegas or Baltimore is the likely day, nighi: site, with Miami an outside pos- In the other contest in the tour- sibility. nament Saturday night Alma Cen- STATISTICS Under the -settlement by the ter turned back Alma 100-81. Packers Giinta Commissioner of Internal Reve- nue, all but'. $400,000 of the more Ttti FREE - SCORING affair Flrt* downa ... " II II Rushing yardaga 1M 14 than $2 million impounded the was featured by nine men scoring Passing yardage »*¦ • l»J night of the fight will be releas- in double figures. Passes ... 10-M 1MV : Rich Noll of Alma led all scor- Passes Intercepted by .. 1 I ed, Bolan said. Punts s-a* r-n A plan to pay Patterson his ers with 31 points. Jim Hartman Fumbles lost 0 3 counted 24 and Larry Kreibich (1 estimated purss of more than $1 rardi penalized ...... 44 million over a i7-year period had and Orlyn Hoksch 12 each. to be junked , Bolan said. The gov- Ray Ransom led five Hornets into double digits. Ransom scor- ernment agreed on a two-year pay ed 22 teams for the next 10 years. period , which will up Patterson's , Bob Hart 21, and Jay Nitschke recovered a Phil King WELCOME CHAMPION PACKERS . National Football League champions; The crowd tax payments a great deal. Buckley 20. Vince Riizic tallied 17 fumbled on the Giants' 28 late in Waving a sign that, tells tie story and smiling . never wavered although the Packer plane was and Dave Amidon 16 to account fc- S6 of. ; Alma Center's loo the second period.with the Pack- widely , a crowd estimated at about 8,000 gath- n-early three hours late in returning from New ¦ ¦ ' ers holding a perilous 3-0 lead. points. . . ' . ,' ered in 7-below zero weather Sunday night to Yortc where Green Bay beat the Giants 16-7 in PARK-REC Two plays later, after a 21-yard Collar (M) . Cochrane-FC (45) , (AP , . pass from Hornung to Boyd Dovl- welcome the Green Bay Packers, once more the title game. Photofax) IS It pf tp (g It pf lp , Koproikl J \: 3.7 Tack* j » it ers Taylor charged headlong into Fltk 1 1 1 J Ecker J 0 1 4 the end zone on a 7-yard burst Gokes, Elks Ciapleskl J * 4 10 Wolfe nil for Green Bay' Brown* 0 0 0 0 'Florin 1 4 3 I s only touchdown. Judge « 1 1 13 Auer 0 0 0 t Earlier Nitschke deflected a Tittle Wlidenbg 1 o l 2 Dlttrlch j J j < /eresek o o Schmltf pass that was intercepted by Dan ^ 1 o 1 t J I Stay Unbeaten Burtsy • O 0 0 Twbrldga J 3 I 7 Currie. , ' io Schultz 10 1 is Kamroskl II ft 0 Tumbles Slaneckl 3 O 4 « State Abts St. O 0 ft ft 0 lai PEE WEE Sftflrfly after tho Giants scored W U W L Natl 3 14S : ¦ ¦ their only touchdown when Erich Coca-Cola l 0 Amer. Legion¦ • ¦ . 3 3 . — Totals 13 15 II '45 McKinley ...5 1 JayBees .... 1 5 Total* J7 10 2] <4 Barnes blocked Max McGee's Winona Hotels . 3 3 Paint Depot ... 0 4 COTTER II 13 U 15—U punt and rookie Jim Collier of COCHRANE-FC tl 10 13 tt—4] Arkansas recovered in the end Tech Plays Here Saturday Coca Cola and McKinley hung CHIIciali: King and Petersen. zone, Nitschke swung into action on to the No. 1 and 2 spots in the again in the third period. He Winona State College, loser of Looking back on a 74-73 loss lo points. Lyle Papenfuss got 13 of Park-Rec Pee Wee League Satur- pounced on the ball on the Giants ' games in hvo nights in the St. Olaf Saturday night at Mary day. two his 21 in the first half. , 42 when Sam Horner fumbled a La Crosse Invitational holiday , E. Sawyer Auditorium , Dr. Rob- State faltered just before ihn Coke defeated Paint Depot 14-8 KING FUMBLES . . . The ball squirts from the arms of Phil Laver Turns Pro punt. Five plays later, and McKinley squeaked by Wino- Jerry Kra- basketball tournament , takes a j ert Campbell , WSC coach said: halftime gun and went off ?a-3.T King (24 ) , New "Y ork Giant hal.back , as he is hit by Dan Currie mer kicked the second of his two-day layoff before resuming in arrears at the intermission. But na Hotels 24-23. "WE PLAYED better ball, but In the other contest American (58 > of the Green Bay Packers, (top) in the second quarter of the three field goals. The kicks trav- drills Wednesday in preparation ;j led by Dick Papenfuss, the War- , eled 26, 29 and 30 yards. Michigan Tech we muffed a chance to win it hy Legion downed Jay Bee's 12-7. NFL championship game Sunday in New York's Yankee Sta- For $110 000 for a duel with riors outscored St. Olaf 24-16 in (AP) '"You couldn't throw the long here Saturday night. blowing l-and-l free throws in the the first 10 minutes of the second Steve Strelow hit eight for Cokes dium. Packer Ray Nitschke, voted . the game's most valuable BRISBANE - Australian , last minutes ." half and forged ah seconds left but I he dies stall- ski and Florida end Floyd Dean ciation , signed Laver ) WABASHA, Minn. (Special ) — . the Packers bench (unoccupied Associated Press Sports Writer , a 6-6 reserve cen- ed out the remaining time. Elks kept its' slate clean by beat- were signed to professional con- The professionals will open an across the frozen turf . ' ter , was the most ing UCT 30-22 in the Park-Rec Wabasha St. Felix won its second American tour in Boston Feb , l^Iany people have troubles of Winona oulshot St. Olaf from- the tracts by San Francisco of the ¦ . 8 cl a m a g i n e, field by one basket and hit 36 Midget Basketball League Satur- game in two nights by downing National Football League Sat- ? Tho only points tho Giants one type or another on New O 1 e fiun against day. Saturday. \ ear ':, ua\ . Bui pay the poor percent for the night. The Oles Arcadia 57-46 urday. Su Mao Lad. harness horse of scored were turned in by the de- 'Winona. He hit D, Papenfuss had 33 percent, TV Signal humped Bubs 4S-21 in poured fense on the blocked punt by footbaEl fan. tor 30 points , 17 in the first half , The host Yellow.iackels The announcement, by the 4!)ers i the year in 19fi2, has earned $567,- At the free throw line , Slate the other loop contest. came following the appearance of 84!) in his racing career. Barnes and the recovery by Col- While some of his fellows have and walked off as " most vaiiiaWc alski counted 12 poin(s to in eight poinls to start the second The 8- only with the flicker- made 1-7 of 23, St. Olaf 20 of 27. John VV' both players in the Gator Bowl yenr-old gelding belongs to Irving lier , to contend player " in the two-day holiday .af- leud F.Iks. John Alliens scored 11 half and break a 22-22 halftime ing that is produced by twitching , fair. Winona SUI« (73) SI. Olal (741 game which Florida won 17-7. I Bcrkemeyer of New Milford , N. J. The Giants stopper! the first 14 It pi lp lg II pi to for UCT. lie . aching eyeballs , the football fan O.Palmj Packer drive In the first quarter "WE HAD no one who could 11 1 5 14 Mo* 1113 Bob Orcden and Pat Hopf pour- Dick Peters led St, Felix with must coordinate that flicker with ' Modieskl 0 0 1 0 Olion t 1 3 14 ed in 17 and 14 points to pace TV and forced Lombardi to settle for a flickerinp; television screen. atop him , " said Campbell. "We L.Pafuii 7 7 1 Jl Runler It]] 30 poinls. John Knspcr added 10. a field goal. Then New York start- ' ia_. , WINONA M 10-73 S^N.SNIW MaHHHaJj^j,g UFEp to the 40. throw lane. teams will be in action in the ST, OLAP 16 14-74 lti7. Pepin 47-37. ^ Although the Packers led all the Rose, Cotton , Sufiar and /Orantfc | For State, (lie Pnpenfu.s.s brolh- into old. pla.ns—^ wav , ranging from 3-0 to 10-fl , bowl games and each of 1liom Is!; ers combined for 45 points , 21 10-7, 13-7 and finally 16-7 , the Gi- scheduled for national television I of them by forward Dick who had ants were in the ball game until coverage, j If) In the Warrio rs' second half Kramer kicked his third field goal Hero's* the lineup: drive, Mark Dilley collected lo WITH HFC CASH wilh only 1:50 to play. ROSE BOWL at Pasadena , Cal - • Mini Place 8-0 Mark Willie Wood , the/ Packers ' all- If . -- Top-ranked Southern Cali- If you want to pay off all your bills or take care of fornia , Winona Dog s Place star safety man , was thrown out , 100, vs. No. 2 Wisconsin medical and dental expenses, |ust give us a ring and of the game for striking an offi - it-l. to r televised by NBC nt 5 I I In Stacy Field Trial arrange the necessary cash. Tf you have plans for cial , back judge Tom v Kelleher , p.m., EST. j after he was called for pass inter- SUG-AR BOWL nt New , Orleans I| Two Winona dogs raptured hon- home improvements or a late vacation, simply call us , , Irish Ton ight ¦ Mississippi 0-0 Against for the money you ference in the third period. The — Third-ranked ors Sundiiy In Ibe Gopher State He- 1 *— • official said it was an overt act vs. No. 6 Arkansas , 0-1 . to be irlcvcr Club field trials at Stacy, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS knocked from the undefeated Northwestern (3-7> at Michigan need. You can make, c«ih MQNTMY PAYMENT PIANS televised by NBC al 2 p.m ., KST. I r a that called for a disqualifi cation. Minn , Fourth ranked Illinois ' record bracket at Wichita 71-M as the for on afternoon TV contest , Illi- almost any family " *' u n • « 6 ' COTTON BOWL nt Dallas - (4-Si , Indiana at )IM ptym Wood gets nn automatic $!>0 fine. Storm of West Newlon , a Black as the only unbeaten Big T ) , Minnesota * " """ * The championship was the anlionocallorvisit to )' 10 S S.74 $7,11 S fl.89 $18.30 eighth for the Packers and their No, 7 Louisiana State , 8-1-1. to be i Leon Indian , won first , in the der- loiiiuji l by Noire Dnmc in the Based on preliminary play Cl-fi ) nt Ohio State , Wisconsin ° fifth victory in seven playoffs. televised over CBS at H p hi., by slake. mini's f.nal tune-u p before Hie Michigan Illinois and OS 17 i nto as (6-3) nt Purdue. i Household Fmarftey 30O 172 i 2i :)5 2'W) 54 ')" They won three in 1920, 10:10 and EST. ' (lump ' s Coca Boy, a Chocolate conference title rmec opens Satur- the prime title contenders. Tho Oregon Slate , luihhcil by Mel " f 50O a.7.04 :il!81 48,75 fK)!74 1932 before the league ORANGE BOWL at Miami -- Labrador , owned and handled by day. Wolverines posted nn a-1 record Counts ' 3.r points defeated Iowa ^ 600 .U08 | 41,38 58,00 108,48 was split Fifth-Tanked .Alabama, 91, vs. > inlo two divisions . The Giants now I Cliff Murray, won a certi ficate of Illinois will put nn (Ml marl; on by defeating Yale , (he defending fi7 for the Far West tour- I'aynnnh iiicluil* r/mr(« a! Hit monthly rait , to he tele- ff hav e lost four playoffs in a row No, 8- Oklahoma, B-2 merit in (the derby slake. the line against Llic strong Irish Ivy League champion , 82-71. nament title in Portland. !'¦(% on (hat part tif a butamr not t\- vlnecl over ABC nt 2 p.m., KST, ¦ in the opener of a Chicago stadi- cttilint $.100 and l)i% on ony iimamiia. and have a sad 3-10 record, In addition lo Illinois ' lest Wisconsin 's Ken, Sicbel tallied The. long windup weekend start- um doiiblchcnder. Undefeated 23 points to lend the Badgers over Each Packer gets $5,8811.57 and Saturday Nat'l Hockey Lea que against the Irish , who were ed with four Ramos -- W, L, T, ft OF OA Loyola of Chicago , No, 3 in the iM;u'(|iieltf 70-5(1 and to the Mil- each Giant $4, 166.05 from t lie featuring Florida 's 17-7 upset of n 11 downed 78-70 by Kentucky Situr- gross gale o( ,243, U0, all rec- Chlcano U 10 » *\ Associated Press poll , lakes on waukee Classic crown, (.^HOUSEHOLDFINANCE ?1 Penn Stale in Iho Gator Bowl nt | Toronto ., ,.. la II 5 *l 111 tl Dayton in Inn nightcap. (l«y, other games Monday night ords. Jacksonville, Fla, and continues ! Montreal H » II 3» 101 11 send Houston to Minnesota Cl-fl) Drake held Eric Muslim* to In Detroit 14 11 « 31 M II points , today wilh lh 1 1 1-1« half , to edge Minnesota IS7-05. MCW YORK 0 • 7 0— 1 Paso, Tex. West Texas Stale and notion a ?i a it u MI outscored Virginia ; "Sii-fi in Hie Insl Drake is at Purdue (4-4> and lndi- 52% E. Third St.—PHONE: 8-2941 OB- FOI j. Kramer (»). SATURDAY'S RESULTS (o 1 4-4 1 nt Notre l)um« Wednes- With Marcus Sanders scoring 33 OB—Taylor (7, run); J, Kramer (hick), Ohio University, each R-2, are Montreal 1, Detroit 1. six minutes win 1)2-74 and lake .\nn HQWS; 9.30 to 3,30 MONDAY thru FJHOAV NY—collier (recovered blocked punt In slated for that one, There is no Chlcaon I, Toronto 1 (llo), the New York Holiday Festival day. This will clear the docks for points , Michigan Slide upset Snb- mmmama *mawmm»m ^mamammmmam*mwmmmm»mmmmammm a»^amtMmam ^^ »nd ione)> Chandler (kick). SUNDAY'S RESULTS championship Sattirdny. Saturday's atari of the title cam- pac of Hawaii 103-1)4 In tho Pear) OB-FOi j. Kramer (It). national tclc\ Is/on of Iho Sun Montreal I , New York « . WE MAKE LOANS TO WISCONSIN RESIDENTS OB-FOi J. Kramer U0>. Bowl I Clilcioo 4, Bolton X, Second-ranked Ohio State, wns paign with this schedule: Harbor Festival. ROCHESTER FORFEIT: CRANDALL NAMED COMEBACK OF Chicago Takes YEA* SU FFER SIXTH LOSS ST. LOUIS W-Del Crandall, Basketball catcher for the Milwaukee Hornets Crush Al Braves who makes his off-sea- Undisputed son home here, will receive the Scores timeback-of - The - Year Award ALL-COUIOE— frcin the St Louis baseball writ- Chicago Loyola n, WyentlngU. LOS ANGELBS CLAMIC- Ice ers at their annual dinner Jan. ChampkwurJp Gophers Meet NHL lead 15-5 in First Test •JCIA 41, Colorado State 44. ' 28. S-M HOCKEY STANDINGS pver Rochester s Colts who failed Hornets. Munson also had two as- Crandall out of all but is Seventh By THE ASSOCjATED PRESS to show up Saturday night. Then sists and Carroll one. George Muth . Stanford 43, Wtihlngtoa 41 (1 OT>. W. L> T. PTOPGA Sunday, the Winona sextet smash- added two goals and Eddie games in 1961 because of a BCA.C HOLIDAY FESTIVAL— It took 51 minutes of: frustrated WINONA 1 0 • 4 IS 5 Rata- shoulder injury, hit .297 in 107 Illinois *2, Wait Virginia 74. Owaronna ,. J « • 4 II 4 ed Albert Lea 15-5 at the West End jC2yk, home on' furlough, added WtST CLASSIC— effort to do it, but the Chicago Austin games in the past season. • 1 • » J * rink. two more. Championship Black Hawks finally broke through AlbertLta ...... J • o I 14 •regon Stata 44, Iowa IT. Houston Quint Boston rookie Ed, Johnston. Rochester • 10 » I • Third N. a a OWATONNA defeated Austin 9-3 ~TH M»n*at» ...... • • » » E HORNETS broke to a 1-0 California m, Oregon 44. By THE ASSOCIATED PR1SS Hastings, Neb., Invitational The Hawks, blanked for the Sunday for its second straight win. lead in the first 7V& minutes but FMffil , de- first 51 minutes and trailing the Winona's Hornets made their No report was available on the Seattle 75, Arlreiui if. The home floor never looked so feating Omaha University 75-70. three straight Albert Lea goals tied QUAKER CITY— good to the Minnesota Gophers, Emporia State turned back lowly Bruins 2-0, bunched all their 1962-63 debut in the Southern Min- Rochester-North Mankato fracas. the score at ' Ailing West St. Jnaph' (Pa.) 74, Brlgham Young Beth- the . 16:20 mark. Mun- * scoring in the last nine minutes nesota Hockey with a pair of vic- Winona is to travel to Austin son pushed in 44. who return tonight to take en any 83-49 in the all-Kansas final. tories over the weekend — though a goal at 18:00 to QUEBN CITY— Houston's basketball team after and beat Boston 4-2 Sunday night, Wednesday night for its next end the first period scoring. Arliona Statt U, CanUlut 4). they had to take the ice for only losing six on the road. At La Crosw, Wit., tht hotf moving into sole control of first league test. Winona shoved in seven BIO- BIOHT— college won its invitational with place in one game. Lance Carroll and Roger Munson goals in Champlonahlp The Gophers started out impres- the National Hockey the third period against Kantat W, Kimai Srala U OT). each recorded hat tricks for the . goalie Sparks Lakers « sively early this month with three a 82-60 triumph over Luther oE League. The Hornets claimed a. forfeit Dcug Colstrup who finished with Third Decorah, Iowa, while St Olaf woa Oklahoma Slata S4/ Iowa Stala J*V triumphs at Williams Arena but The victory lifted the Hawks out 32 saves. MOTO R CITY— then hit the skids. They've got the consolation by edging Winona, of a first place tie and gave them Bill Bambenek, DaPaul tl, Ditrell 77. 74-73. . Tom Malchow , who scored! a two-point lead over idle Hornet net- SUOAR BOWL— one more non-conference foe in Toronto. minder, had 21 saves. Over Detroit Auburn 71, Houston 4* (OT), Houston before opentog their' Big 30 for the Oles in the final , was New York, working under new The well-played MILWAUKEE CLMSIC- Ten season at Ohio State Satur- the tourney's most valuable play- coach George Red Sullivan same was mark- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Champlonshlp— , came ed by only five Wisconsin 70, Marquatta J4. day . er. from behind a three goal deficit penalties. It was strictly a case of the rich The Hornets Consolation In other games. South Dakota and tied Montreal 44 in the only have scheduled a 7 getting richer and the poor get- Navy 7], Utah M. Minnesota's bid for victory defeated Macalester 58-54 and p.m. practiceTuesday POINSBTTIA CLASSIC— • other Sunday game scheduled. at the Wist ing poorer in the National Bas- over Drake Saturday sputtered Long Beach State beat touring End rink to prep for Wednesday' Vandirtillt 4», Furman aa. Rookie Johnston turned in 88 s feeiuall Association Sunday night. SUN CARNIVAL-' out in the closing seconds when Hamlino 85-72. game. The Los Angeles Lakers and St. Taxas Wottarn 45, Taxaa 49. saves in a brilliant effort against ARKANSAS STATl INVITATIONAL— reserve Joe Cahalan tossed In two Chicago and had the Hawks Winona (IS) Pot. Albert Lea (3) Louis Hawks, the top two teams Taxas AAM (0, Virginia 50. free throws to preserve a 67-^65 blank- Bambonak .. BIG TEN ed until Eric Nesterenko jammed : G ...... colstrup in the Western Division^ knocked SAVANNAH INVITATIONAL— decision. The Gophers also trailed ?£¦- Jehannton off Detroit and Chicago, Third Round the puck behind him at 11:24 of u««^H•*•Sk. • Ltt ...... Llndalt the bot- Florida Stata 7», Oaorgla loutfearn » by a two-point margin at the half , STANDINGS the final period. Nesterenko tied Munton ...... :. c ...... Wattrum tom two teams, thus widening of Alabama 73, Oaorgla it. 26-24. .; , Nafcon ...... tw.... Sorenaon the gap between the top RICHMOND INVITATIONAL— •y THB ASSOCIATBD PRBSI it four minutes later when he tip- CJnroll RW ... . and the Wllllim & Mary 74, Rlthmond S». Although ha played but abc vr. L. ret. .. Nalton bottom. ped in Bob Turner's long shot WINONA ALPINE CLASSIC- minutes, Cahalan scored 13 points, Illinois I o 1.W0 , and SPARES: Moody, Ratalayk, Mliml (Ohio) 74, Pann Stata 44. Michigan I 1 M» goals by Bed Hay Morken,.. ^Hagen, Tralnor, Flamry, CM- St. Louis dropped Chicago 107- tops for the winners. Eric Mag- and Murray plewskl, BVANSVILLE— Ohio state ....7 1 .m Balfour 23 seconds apart nailed it Gtrtti, Bolaixi, Muth. 100 . while .Los Angeles came from Evantvllla 71, Souttitm Illinois .40. danz was high man for Minnesota WISCONSIN ...... 3 Mi ALBERT LEA SPARES: Skaar, Shta. behind to beat Detroit 135-130 and PAUL BUNYAN TOURNEY— with 18. Purdue « 4 joo down. . Jehnion, TWeien, HirteMirs, Tulbarg, All- Champlomhlp Iowa 4 S .444 Montreal beat Detroit 5-1 and •rtl. maintain its 3-game margin over Mlnnasota Dulutti 71, BamWII 45. Ohio State, which is- 7-1 in pre- Indiana .. ...:..,...... J r .171 FIRST PERIOD SCORING: Wlnona- the Hawks. . Third placa conference play, is figured to fight MINNESOTA 1 I .US Chicago and Toronto tied 1-1 in Raraicryk -(uniaUftd ), htt; Garth .... 5 7 f-11 Colstrup (.AL) 123, Chicago edged Cincinnati 108- Duka 111, Wak* Forasl 17. V ", two of the best' ...... is li i—jj Bradley 71, Louisville 70. SL Thomas, another MIA.C York looking pugi MILWAUKEF, Wis. «Mhe Uni- 164 and St. Louis topped Boston team, outclassed, Buena Vista of in the rankings, meet in the tele- 102-100. Michigan *1, Yala 71. versity of Wisconsin basketball Princeton Tt, PavMton 70. Storm Lake, Iowa 8*>60, to win vision fight of the week at NeTf No games are scheduled tonight Drake 47, Mlnnasota *5. team Is seeking new worlds to Bell Top Lineman Butlir It. Oirtmouth S5. the Red River Classic at Fargo, York's Madison Square Garden.- conquer after beating Marquette INTERCEPTOR ... Al Gursky (43 ) , Penn State halfback, In All-American Bowl N.D. A balanced Tornrnie attack The 10-rounder will be telecast na» for the second time to take the intercepts a pass from University of Florida's Tom Shannon. The AWARD FOR HANEY was led by Tom Raih with 19 tionally by ABC at 10' p.m., EST. Moyer, with a 34-8 record, is tho title in the first Milwaukee Clas- ball was intended for Jerry Newcomer (22) of Florida. The inter- TUCSON, Ariz.. (AP) — Tackle MILWAUKEE, Wis. iSi - A "dis- points. Defending champion Con- sic Tournament Saturday night. Bobby Bell of Minnesota was tinguished alumnus" award will cordia won third place, beating World Boxing Association's world ception ended Florida's first touchdown threat in the Gator Bowl. junior middleweight 154 'pounds The Badgers had too m u ch named top Major School lineman SR. HIGH OIRLS * be given Fred Haney, former Vadley City. N.D., 85-459. shooting from the floor and the Newcomer (22) brought down the interceptor before any runback. in Saturday's fifth annual All- Hai-Roo • ¦ " • W. fc manager of the Milwaukee St. Qoud gained the finals" of champion. Archer 31-1 is ranked Allay Gill ...... 10 3 the 160-pounders by free throw line, too much speed (AP Photofax) American Bowl. The Small Pln-Ups I 4 Braves, at the annual diamond. the Wayne State Holiday Tourney eighth among end too much versatility for the Schools won their first victory in Qe Qetlert 4 4 Dinner of the Milwaukee chapter at Wayne, Neb , before bowing to the WBA. : Warriors in rolling to a 70-56 vic- the bowl , a 14-13 triumph over the Bowlereltes .... 4 4 oE the Baseball Writers of Amer- Washburn of Topeka, Kan., 64-58. Moyer's title won't be at stak* Unknown , 4 I weigh over the limit. tory. Wisconsin won their first SHERMAN: VINDICATED TH EMSELVES Maior Sehool All-Stars Striken** .'.....: » II ica Jan. 20. JMankato took third place in the as they will meeting 78-58. A crowd of 10,846 gathered to watch the Badgers and Warriors after Navy had ta&en third place by beating Utah 73-58 in the con- Hornung: Never solation game. Marquette beat Navy on Friday night when Wis- NASH'S PRE-INVENTO,,___,,,-_RY,,_ consin topped Utah. I ^^ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ^ l '.! Ken Siebel, who had teamed HHH|HBHU ; HHHHH|[| j | JHIHHB^H laflHaflalBBBf^L«BBBBBBBBBBBBf .|HHH|HH| with Jack Brens to lead Wiscon- In To ugher Game sin against Utah, was once more ' NEW YORK tiB-It was a game was losing coach Allie Sherman's ll the director of the Badger attack " IT ra^L3 ^ , ,<, * both teams were proud of—the firmly-intoned comment oil his aTarJaT^alBBBM BBM ^^^B. ^L^IVBM .^l ^| L l^r^B^L^auZBlIIBB a ^f ^riliw LBBBBIJaVBBBB B BBBBBBBBiau^tBBBBBBBBTBBBBB kAaTaTa¦BBBBBBB¦ BBr" ¦4TiBBBBf4l BBH in the game with Marquette. The Brtv^Htalafl aBaCJalV Jam aVBBBLI B^^BL ¦ HaVBBBmlll alBBHJalBBB LBBBBBBBvI JnMk^alBBBBlalBBBt Badgers' most valuable player, losers as well as the winners—a club, reflecting on the crushing back in his starting role dose, savagely-fought game. 37-0 defeat the Giants suffered at Siebel, 't Green Bay in last year's title \\\\ "\-W rr ^k \\\\\\\\ ' B B BBBBBT B M once more after injuries, was pick- "They couldn have been bet- aVBBBBBlSr*ltK^aV BBBBT^ W^^Am\\\ \W la»BBBBBBBBBBa»BB »-IL BBI BBBBBBBUia ^IaT^^aBBBB!J BBB BB a»BBBBB^~frV^M ter," said coach Vince Lombardi playoff. "^H BBL BBBBT^ " ed as the tournament's most val- B^^UBBB BB LB J BBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBnlliSjPlIur LBT I B II ^alBI IBBBBBV BBBBBaB\^ afHraBBBBlnHl BBBBBLlalBVLlB all ^llBBBBBtXjiV of his Green Bay Packers, who Then Sherman went on to give ^- amnrf mmm B I LB^E J^HLBBBBBBMmr Tmmu r i ¦ ! ¦ BBT "rWill samBE.\m\ J ^B^B rT^aB^T*Pf» ma^SSKSSJMmmm\-\-T 3K-i-Mam uable player. a capsule sum-up of the pun- r aB rTl . had just won their second straight U~TT~Tjr jmm \II Tl B I I I I I I 1H M[ | | | «¦ TlB ¦tTTMTTllB B I I BBV-W4-4-4-I He scored the Badgers' first bas- ishing battle ^^J \ % >Lj in BM JI^I National Football League cham- , played in icy winds |EZSI~T^I1IB "IB,BIIB MIBMB1MB1>BaHOFF^nl ^l^^ IH ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ped a pair of basketball games a*BlI«a«a«a«nia«liBBBBBHaVaWMaaBBaVBa«BBa1Ba1BaBBB«ia^^ 10% iBaBaBaHiaAHaBBBBVaBaBB ^aBaBaBaBaBaBaBK a Ray Nitschke, was termed "su- *14 Gopher Sextet over the weekend in the Mankato perb" by Lombardi . Sherman MLm Loyola Invitational Tournament. called his fiery defensive unit LONO SLEEVE H Saturday night the Rockets fell "great." £» B^HMH to host Loyola 49-34. Rollingstone Nitschke's performance, which l ^^ £ ^^ Cops RPI Tourney trailed by only two at half time earned him the game's outstand- but faded'in the second half. TROY, N,Y. (AP) - Minnesota, ing player award , exemplified the Dave Rinn led Rollingstone significance of the day' $3.95 to $7.95 Valuts living up to advance billing, de- s defensive | R«g- / 1 L ; (&% feated host Rensselaer Polytech- with nine points. work. j^^^^^^^^^^H nic Saturday night, 6-3, and Mlad«lphla tl, Chicago «. stable was fourth in earnings. Police Search for 1 P.M. New York BIO OlOKOl ; Stock Prices DINNIS THE MENACE Administration Burglar Who Left Governor Race a^ i. ^ .^ .M .l.^«MaM «HMMM V l^ M^ MMi« >^MHNMHl!Illllll \VmJ»k Abbott L 76 Jones & L 47% Allied Ch 44 Kennecot 65% Loot With Priest Allis Chal 14-% Lorillard 42V4 May Ask Tax MINNEAPOLIS Ml — Police are Top Story of Amerada 114 Mpls Hon 84% searching today for a youth who Am Can 45% Minn MM 53 had half a change of heart about AmM&FS 2QVi Minn P&L — Cut of S4 Billion the stickup he pulled. Am Mot 16. Mon Chm 49V4 WASHINGTON (API - Walter He turned some of the loot over Year in State AT&T 117- Mon Dk U 38^ Anaconda 40% Mon Ward Heller, chairman of President to a priest hut was unyielding to By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 33 the clergyman's suggestion that he Arch dan 42 Nat Dairy 63% Kennedy's Council of Economic A huge question mark still Advisers, has indicated the tax also give himself up to police. Armco St 51% No Am Av 66% The Rev. John B. Garvey, pas- hangs over the outcome of the Armour 43 Nor Pac 40 cut the administration will re- outcome of Ehe Minnesota gover- quest of the new Congress will tor of Holy Name Catholic Church , AvcoCorp 25V4 No St P-.v 35% said the youth came to him at nor race; BethSteel 28%' Nwst Airl 3S total more than $4 billion. ' "What is required is not a small the rectory Saturday and ex- However, there s no question Boeing Air 37 Penney 42% cut of $1 billion or $2 billion , but plained he'd held up a grocery but that the suspenseful contest Brunswick 18% Pepsi Cola 43Vi a substantia] cut. A $3 billion or Friday night, between incumbent Republican ChiMSPP 9'/8 Phil Pet 49V« $4 billion cut won't do the job," "I' m sorry I did it, I never done Elmer L. Aadersen and DFL can- Chi & NW 13V4 Pillshury 51% Heller said in an interview Sun- anything like this before," Father didate Lt. Gov. Karl Rolvaag Chrysler 74 Polaroid 1*4 day on ABC-TV's "Issues and Garvey quoted him as having said. ranks as the top state news story CitiesSvc 56%aPure Oil ' 87% Answers." He gave $83 in loot to the priest, of 1962. Comw Ed 44% KCA 57% then hurried away, ignoring the In a poll of Associated Press Cons Coal 35Vi Rep Steel 34%> Heller described -tho Ulll un- member newspapers and radio- veiled administration tax plan as suggestion he give himself up to Cont Can 45 Rex Drug 32% authorities. teleyision stations, the governor's Cont oil 55 Rey Tob 41 . a big balanced program. "Includ- contest was ranked first by all ed , he said, will be a large re- A check with the grocer later Deere 52 Sears Roe 76% duction in the lower brackets, a showed a youth had phoned saying but one of the 15 casting ballots. Douglas 26 Shell Oil 38Va cut in tax rates above 65 per cent, the money would be returned via The other ballot gave it third Dow Chehi 56% Sinclair 35% more incentive for investment and a messenger. The victim told po- place. duPont 238 Socony 58% a reduction in corporate rates. lice $170 was taken in the holdup. On tha basis of 10 points for a EastKod 108% Sp Rand 1314 FordMot 46V4 St Brands 65& • Opponents of tax reduction have first place rote, 9 for second, and ' :. .. '" "Wtll,••r« you going to l«t him play In the argued that lower levies would Gen Elec 76% St Oil Cal 62% so on, the Andersen-Rolvaag bat- ' tufc AU day?" balloon the federal deficit. On this tle was accorded 148 points out GenFoods 78 St Oill Ind 47& point Heller said the choice was Proxmire Charges of a possible 150. Gen Mills 31% St Oil NJ 59% {F/rif Pub. Monday, Da«. 17, MOi further deficits with a weak econ- Gen Mot 58% Swift k Co -40% In far-away second place with WINONA MARKETS State of rVMnnesota ) ss. omy or tax reduction with some GenTel 22% Texaco 61 V» C*onty of Winona ) In Probata Court : 84 points was another running • temporary deficits and a growing Goodrich 42% ' Texas Ins «S3!4 Reported by No. 14,908 . Norway political stoiry—congressional re- ' lit Ra Estate or expanding economy. Denied in districting and the new lineup in Goodyear 33 Un Pac 33% Swift & Company Prank Kluilk, Decedent. "For 5'/i yean this economy BERGEN\ Norway /PI—Charges Gould Bat 37 Un Air Lin 32Va Buying hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Order for Hearing on Final Acesunl has been operating below, consid- ' the . U.S. House that saw Minne- Monday through Friday. and Patltion for Distribution. by Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., sota's Republican edge drop from GtNo Ry 43% S Rub -40V4 These quotations apply as of noon: today. The representative of the above named erably below its potential," he that a Norwegian ship had recent- Greyhound 32 US Steel ¦ . All livestock arriving after closing . time •state having filed his final account and 6-3 over the Democrats to a 4-4 43% will be properly cared for, welsttad and YOGI BEAR said. "The tax system keeps pull- ly teen engaged in trade with petition for settlement and allowance tie. Homestk 42% West Un 2BY* priced the followinp mornlno ; ttiereof and for distribution to »h» person* ing out of the economy too large NBW YIMt'1 Cuba were denied Sunday by the A third-pl ace tie with 74 points IB Mach 391% Westg El 32V4 CLOSED ALL DAY tttereunto entitled) a total amount to permit the prod- vessel's owner. HOGS IT 15 ORDERED, . That the hearlns each went to the story of Louis- IntKarv 50 Wlworth 63% Tha hog market is steady. ttiereof be had on January 17th, 1943, at ucts of industry and agriculture to Einar Hausvik, also declared that Strictly meat type additional 20-40 cents) ' iana's reverse freedom riders sent Int Paper 26% Yng S & T 85% 11:00 o'clock A.M., before , this -. Court. .In be sold at full employment lev- his ship did not get a contract fat hogs discounted 20- 40 cents per hun- ttia probate court room In the court hous-« to Redwood! Falls, and the strike dredweight. Minnesota, and that els." with the U.S. government, as - In Winona, nolle* Heller said the economy was that idled the Minneapolis Star Good hogs, harrews anil glltt- hereof be given by publication of this order Proxmire said in protest. Hausvik " ' 160-180 14.3W5.50 In the Winona Daily News and by mailed capable of producing $30 billion to said the deal fell through. and Tribune for 116 days. .. :. , 1 80-209 .,. 15.50-1575 notice as provided by law. $40 billion more in goods and 200-220 15.75 Dated December 14th, 1962: Proxmire protested to both Sec- Tbt surprist second-placs show- B&O Merger . 220-240 ...... 15.25-15.75 E. D. LIBERA, services without strain. This, plus 240-270 .,... 14.10-15.25 retary of State Dean R usk and Sec- ing of the Minnesota Twins in the Probata Judge. full employment, would produce retary of Agriculture Orville Free- 270-300 ...... ;,... 13.75-14.10 .' (Probata Court Seal) some $5 billion more in taxes, he American League, after only their 300-330 13.25-13.75 S. D. J. Bruskl, - ; man Friday against the Norwegian second year in the Twin Cities, 330-360 ...... ,.....; 13.C0-13.25 Attorney for Petitioner. said. .. . tanier beiiig given a charter to Good sows— The state of the nation's econ- was ranked fifth most newsworthy Highlights 270-300 13J0-13.75 (First Pub. Monday, Dec. 17, 1942) carry a U.S. foreign aid cargo of story with 70 points. 300-330 ...,...;...... 13.25-13.50 omy was the subject also of a surplus tallow to th« United Arab . 3J0-3M 13.00-13.25 STATE OF MINNESOTA yearend statement Saturday by The next five in order were : 340-400 ..,.., 12.75-13.00 COUNTY OF WINONA Republic. 400-450 ...... ;.,...... ¦•.. 12.25-12.75 IN DISTRICT COURT Secretary . of Commerce Luther Interstate Highway 35 squabble, THIRD JUDICIAL. DISTRICT Tho senator said the Nora had 450-500...... ;. 11.75-1225 H.v. Hodges; 68 points; Minnesota Gophers lose Turbulent Sales Stags—:' SUMMONS Economic activity hat achieved called at Nuevita, Cuba, in July Big Ten football title in contro- 450-down ...... ;...... *-50 John S. Pozane, Teresa Pozanc, Ray- and at Aguirre in September, NEW YOBK (AP)-Sharp gains 450-up 9-06- *50 •mond J; Pozanc, Barbara A. Po- record levels, he said, and the versial battle with Wisconsin, 61; by Baltimore & Ohio issues on Thin and unfinished hogs .. discounted atanc, and George A. Pozanc, economy is basically sound. But, Hausvik said that "one of the an eighth-place "tie between mine CALVES Plaintiff* merger news highlighted a tur- market > It steady to strong; . -vs.- ports he says our ships has been that shocked the Iron The veal , he added, the rate of forward layoffs bulent and confused stock market few prime S31-32, AV, H. Kennedy, Raymond O. Mitchell movement in recent months was to, Aguirre, is not even . in Cuba, Range and primary election de- Top cholcei . '. . 30.0 and John R. Mitchell, as Trustees In session today as 1962 trading drew Choice .; 27.0O-29.00 -the Matter of the Trust under Last Will slowing down. but in Puerto Rico, which is a feat of Rep. H Carl Andersen, ¦ L. Mitchell, , ¦ ¦' " ¦ near its end. Turnover was ac- «ood ....:...... ;...,.....,; 21 .0O-2«.00 and Testament of Mary The pace of progress next year U.S. territory. . ' • . 58 each; and the picketing of the Commercial to good .... la\0O-2O.O0 deceased, John R. Mitchell, Jotin Lsmb> tive. . . Eleanor Mitchell, Ray- will be slower than in '1962, The truth of i.he matter is that St. Paul stockyards as part of the Utility ...... ,16.00-17.00 ' Mitchell, Mary On balance the list had a thin- Boners artd culls ¦ . '.' . ;.;..... 15.00-dovm mond Otis Mitchell, Leonard A. Slag- ; ¦ Slaggle, Capital Securltiea Hodges said, "and at a level well the Nora has been once in Cuba," protest by the National Farmers ly higher ' edge. Tax transactions ' ¦ . . CATTLE gle, Jessla below full employment of the na- he said. "It arrived in ballast in Organization , 41. The cattla market: Steers arwJ heifers Company, a corporation under tha and s witches of various Icinds lower) cows strong to .25 cents laws of the State of Minnesota, North- 's economic resources. " Ju3y and took on a cargo of mo- 25 cents a corpora- tion muddled the trend. higher. land Investment Company, A tax cut is imperative, Hodges lasses which was unloaded in Gaining prominent m• n11 on Dryfed steers and yearlings- tion under the laws of the Stat* of Changes of most key stocks The Deposit Investment said, to expand consumer buying Hamburg, West Germany. were stories about Mr. Magoo, Extreme lop ,. 27.25 Minnesota, Duiuth zoo's mongoose, the Gul- were fractional. Choice to prime ....;.....;. 25.00-2e.50 Company, a corporation under th» power still further and to in- . Good to choice ...... 23.25-25.25 laws of tha State of Minnesota, also all heirs of the above nam- crease the incentive for business If you do a lot of yeast baking, brandson family that traveled by Steel < th&res w*r* unchanged to Comm. to good is.oo-2i.oo the unknown Utility 16.WWown ed persons deceased, and all other •t THINK: I COUUP OFFBrX THAT AUTHOR A to invest in hew and more mod- you'll find a dough thermometer covered wagon from St. Cloud to easy, motors narrowly mixed, oils persons unknown claiming any right, Dryfed heifers— ¦ FEW £UGi5£STIOW£, &*>V OOf ern plant and equipment, and in is an extremely useful piece of Utah to start a new life; resigna- steady to higher, chemicals most- Extreme 1op .:.. ¦„. 2B.75 title. Interest, estate, or lien In tha inventories. kitchen equipment. . " " " ' tion of Chief Justice Roger Dell ly lower. Choice to prime ...... ;.'. 24.5O-2S.50 real estata described In the Complaint , and Minne- Good to choice 23.25-23.75 herein, . of the supreme court The Associated Press av erage Comm. to good ...... 16.00-20.00 Defendanta. By Alex Kotiky deaths. l«.0O-down THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE APARTMENT 3-G . sota traffic of 60 stocks at noon was up .1 Utility DEFENDANTS: Cows- ABOVE NAMED - Others considered included the at 243.0 with industrials up .1, You, and each of you, are hereby re- Extreme top 15.25 of the Gopher Rose Bowl victory; defeat Commercial 13.25-14.50 quired to Answer the Complaint rails up .4, and utilities o-ff .2. Plaintiffs, which is on file in the offica of Rep. Falter Judd; adoption of Utility . .. 12.25-13.75 Court, The B&O issues rose on news Canners and cutters 12.75-down of the Clerk of the above named nine Battle Lake children by a and which as to all Defendants personally that the Interstate Commerce Bulls— .you, and couple; the school Bologna 1.5.00-14,50 served Is herewith served upon North Carolina Commission had approved control to serve a copy of your Answer to said and missing Commercial 1-4.00-15.50 subscriber, at his population increase, of B&O by Chesapeake & Ohio. Light thin ...... '. 14;50-down Complaint upon the Carrie Caye Oachs , 4, found in office, In the City of Winona, County of The ICC said this step would re- Winona and State of Minnesota, wlrtiln Duiuth, father charged with kid- sult iri financial strengthening of Frotcftcrt Malt Corporation twenty (301 days after the service of naping. Hours: 8 a.m. lo 4 p.m.; closed Saturdays this Summons upon you, exclusive of the B&O. Submit sampla before loading. day of service; and if you fall to so No. I barley ...J1.05 ; Answer said Complaint of tha Plaintiffs, B&O common "rtampad" 4* ai- No. 2 barley .«5 tha Plaintiffs will apply to tha Court for senting to the C&O share swap No. 3 barley .; .90 the relief demanded therein. No. 4 barley .05 Dated at Winona, Minnesota, offer advanced well over 2 poinls. this 13th day of November, 1942, ABL Suspends B&O preferred advanced more Winona Egg Marlcot HAROLD J. LIBERA, than 4 points while B&O bonds Grade A (lumbol .1* Gradt A Owe) .34 Harold J. Libera, jumped a couple of points. C&O Grade A (medium) - 25 52'A East 3rd StreH, and B&O regular common were Grade A (small) :- .- 14 Winona, Minnesota, Grade B . '....,; 25 Attorney for '-Plaintiff*. unchanged. - Grade C II' Notice of Lis Pendens Operations Losses -of about a point were (Same parties as In Summons Immediately By Saunders and Ernst preceding this Notice.) MARY WORTH BULLETIN taken by "Woolworth and Eastman Bay Stat* Milling Company Notice Is hereby given that an action Elavalor "A" Grain Prices has bean commenced and Is now pend- Kodak. to 3:30 p.m. CHICAGO Iff) — The American Hours: 8 a.m. ing In said Court by the above named Polaroid was up more Oian a (Closed Saturdays) Plaintiffs against the above named De- Basketball League formad two point, but "IBM pared an early ad- No, 1 northern spring wheat ...... 1.J2 fendants; that the oblect of saJd action la yean ago, it tuspendlng opera- No, 2 northern spring wheat 2.20 to determine the adverse claims of the vance and was barely held by No. 3 northern spring wheat ; 2.14 Defendants to the real esta te hereinafter tions, offlciali confirmad today. No. 4 northern spring wheat 2.12 ¦ a fraction. and In the Complaint described, and to have No, 1 hard winter wheat 2.0J It adjudged and decreed by said Court No. 2 hard winter wheat 2.04 that the Plaintiffs Johh S. pozanc, Teresa A good many transaction's wert No. 3 hard winter wheat ...... 2.02 -l,«l Pozanc, Raymond J. Pozanc, and George Missouri, R.l. Aces for "cash," meaning immediate No, 4 hard winter wheat A. Pozanc are the owners In fee of the delivery, thus allowing sellers to No. 1 rya 1.14 first hereinafter described parcel of real Sign With Buffalo No. 2 rvt 1.14 estate, thai the Plaintiffs Raymond J. record profits on '62 tax returns. Pozanc and Barbara A. Pozanc are the (AP) Prices were mixed on the owners in fee of the second hereinafter BUFFALO, N. Y. — The 11.00; several dacka cholca and prima described parcel of real estate, and that Buffalo Bills of the American American Stock Exchange in ac- shorn lambs with No. 1 and 2 pelts 19.50; tha Defendants, and each of them, have Football League said Saturday they tive trading. cull to good slaughter awai 6.O0-I.00; few no right, litre, estate, Interest or Men In, Corporate and U.S. government cholca and fancy vnooled (seder lambs to, or upon said real estate, and to have had sign-ed Jim Johnson of Mis- 17.50-19.00; good and cholca 15.O0-17.SI. the title in fee simple to said real estate souri and Alan Arbuse of Rhode bonds declined in slow trading, CHICAGO quieted ln the Plaintiffs. CHICAGO UB -(USDA)- Hofla «,500,' The two parcels of real estate affected Island to- 1963 contracts. butchers and sows steady to 25 cents by said act ion are situated In the Coun- B6th s igned as free agents al- PRODUCE htghari 1-2 190-525 lb butchers I6.7S-17.2J. ty of Winona .and State of /Minnesota, and though Arbuse, a 243-pound line- 17 head «t 17.50; mixed 1-3 190-230 Iba are described as follows, to-wlt: (AP) ( USDA) 14.25-17.00; 230-340 lbs 14.00-14.25; 2-3 250- The Southerly One-half (Sly. Vil of man, was the 14th draft choice of CHICAGO - - 290 lbs t4.85-M.50; mlJ Help Wanted—Male 27 Stovai, FumatM' ParH 7S State of IMInnesote ) ae. , County of Winona ) In Probate¦ Court HEATINGI HEATINOI - The UrgSst M- ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' ' ledlon ot gas or ell heating equipment In . , NO. .1SJ4J» . • ' .. .. • Want Ads CHAUFFEUR / Accessories, Tires, Parts la Re Bflele ef town. Expert service and Installation. 104 Used Cars 100 W. A. Blechlnner, ette Ktitwli ee RANOE OIL BURNER CO., H7 E. Rtl SALESMAN WE HAVI over e thousand tire* on tier POUTIAC — IOJJ, 4 door herdtop." Welter A. BlecJilrtger, Oeeedini. > St. Tel. 7477. .Adolph Michalowskl. wil l which we are offering for sale at less trade for older at. Tel. it mT " Order for Heerlrrg eel petition for freBete Start Here Semi-driyer experienced. than cost. Winona Tire & Retread, 1241 of Will, Llmltlncr Time tt .. File Clelmt- Typewriter 77 E: Mtl. Thereen, end ter* Hearlnf TYPEWRITER* having tiled e and edOlnfl machines ftr USED TIRVS- M to $4 each. Come In '61 Ford Slatanea M. Blechlnger OTICE National¦ Can Retinnlnfi Co. or rent. Reasonable rates, free de- V-8 petltien tor the prooela of the Will of seW N ¦ uH and tee them at FIRESTONE STORfS, Iter liner l complete equipment. Lew ' ' livery. See US for all your- Office supplies. decedent end for the appointment of Ste- " . 1101 E. 8th 8t. W0 W. art). miles. Local car. M,W. Liberal allow effective January 1, 1943 ttili news- desks, files or oHIce chairs. Lund Type- fenea M; Blechlnger el Executrix, which paper will accept blind (or Keyed) ads ¦ artce for four old ear. •*rlter Co. Tel. 5222. ¦ . . . . Will Is on file In fhl* Court and open to only In tht following classifications: Motors, Etc. ¦¦ ' "^ ' Boat*, 106 Inspeetiorii • - - •:¦ tt, tt , 3», 29/ SO. ' ;¦ STOCKROOM CLERK 'A STAR IS BORN/ * a new name In the IT tS ORDERED, That the heerlna 37, 41. 96, 102. ¦ adding michlne world. . .REONA. TMS BOAT REPAIRS cost more in trie soring. '59 Ford V-8 thereof b» : 'had on 'Jeniiery II, 1943, et BUND ADS IN THESE CLASSIFICA- in Industrial Plaint. ; manually operated comrjact model lias Have It done noV et WARRIOR MPd„ Stetlon wagon «r., Fordortiett * redte, 11:15 o'clock A.M., before this Court li- TIONS WILL CARRY AN ADDITIONAL High School education. a lull keyboard end Is the 10 key styte, SOB 4th St. Tel. 1-3444, one local owner. (1*495. the probate court room In the court house CHARGE OF 33C FOR EACH INSER- subtracts, totals up to W,0B0 and has j?- we Advertise our Prteee *, . ' ' " ' ¦ ¦¦ Prefer experienced in ; 1 figure columns, ( for regular fllglts TRAILERS BUILT, repaired or rebuilt In Wlnone, Minnesota, arid that oblectlcmt TION- /- . . - ' :' .- to the •Ilowance of- said Will, If any, Be end 7 for rota is. Here Is the reel news, el BERO'S TRAILER, »M W, 4th. . industrial and Tel, 4na. Expert work on ill of them. filed bertore said time of hearing) that ttie Ads In ell other classifications accepted automotive parts. : fhli |iw*l sells for lust tst.M.* see it time within which cre(ll«r« M said de- ronly If they carry in address (or tele- et WINONA TYPEWRITER SERVICE, cedent may file their cUtmst toe limited to phone number) cfh»r than » blind ad tei e. am. T«I. *xtm Trucks, TractoraV Trailers 108 four months from the date hereof, end Apply: : ' MSaWi^%P 3J Veers In vVlnona essslr m Box number . that the claims to filed be heard art Davis Hatfield Wathlnq, Irsonino Machines 79 F0RD-l»S3, 1 ton true*, very good Llncolri---Mer«ry ^eiojt>-Corntt April 17, 1943, at 10 o'clock A.M., before Open Mon. 8, Frl. Ive. t, Set. R.rn. MAYTAO AND eRIOIOAIRE - Pest, shape. Clayton Hammer, Oeleivllle, this: Court In tfUT proMrt court room In •* the WINONA I DAILY Miller Waste Mills, In c. service. Complete stock of perls. Wis. Tel. t07R aelesvl llt. 1 court house In Wlnone, Minnesota, and that rt fti, notice hereof be fllven by publication of ; 515 W. 3rd St. Choate'* co. nm. PICKUP CAMPtRS—complete wrtti, or From the entire staff this order In the Winona Dally News and & SUNDAY NEWS •vlrhovt pickup. Also eampfbMf Tnvel WanUd to Buy >t Trailers, sleeps 4, J burner ges stove, by .mailed npllce as provided by lew, at Quality CkrvTClat..• ¦^ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦ - ¦¦ * ' « "a»as»>»a>>le-i.i ti M aiii I ¦ —seem . Ice* box, 12 gal. water supply, *I7I. Dated December !., 1?65. ' | . " ¦: E. D. LIBERA; WANTED SCRAP IRON * METAL LARSEN CAMPER SALES, 2V> mlltt INOT ICH N.w. ot Eyota, Minn , on wry, a. Probate Judiie. . HIQHESTRAW CUM PRICES* WOOL PAID (Probate Court Stall \ This newspaper will be responsible for MASTER MS, W IRON AND METAL CO. Milton A. Kludt, only one Incorrect Insertion ol any Used Cars 109 HAPPY 207 W. and, across Spur Gas Station Attorney for Petitioner, ' ¦: ." . --. classified advertisement published In 110 South Elm Street, the Want Ad section. Check your ad ELECTRICIAN WM, MILLER SCRAP IRON & METAL CHEVROLET-1MI Impale, red. '41 me- La Crascent, Minnesota. and (all 3X21 If a correction must be. CO. ,eayt highest prices for scrap Iron. tor, 250 h.p.,- automatic, Good sf.ipe. made. ' mefeli, hides, wool end raw fur. very reassonabfe. Tel. 4-2400 after < tve* ¦ NEW YEAR i21 W. ]nd . nlngs. . . ' ' ¦ (Flrit Pub. Monday, Oec. 17, 1»42) Steady year around work. Tei. 10a7 . BLIND ADS j UNCALLED FOR— Cloned Seturdeye . Please drlvej safely State at AAlnhesota I ss. ~ FORO-1953 hardtop, »17i. 10IS rVlerlon St. ever the holiday! County of Winona ) In Probate 9, -11, 19, JO HIGHEST PRICES 'PAID Court E-J, ufor scrap Iron, mitels, Mo. 13^71 Apply: rest, IHdOs, rate fure and wooil HAPPY NEW YEAR In the Matter et me Bstate ef f rom : -HEMEMBER - August Melir, Decedent, Card of /VUMA, TWg SAUtWAU AND J IHC& Sam Weismari . Order for Nearlna on Petltien Thank* Miles Croom \. & Sons Drlvlng and drinking for ~ ' INCORPORATID • Summery Assignment or Distribution . . ¦ MATT&S 1* NYSTROM'S STREUBER- - . • XT. WHAT ^5E «8v W. Trt T«l. (M> Chrysler * Plymouth do not mix. Dorothea W. Meier having; filed e pe- I. wish to express my sincere trunks Miller Waste Mills, Inc. tition Irs this Court »lle**lng that said end appreciation to all my relatives Roomt Without Meala 88 decedent died Intestate and that said estate) end friends who sent gifts and cerds 515 W. 3rd St. TO START THE NEW YEAR! consists only of the homestead of said during my recent Illness at St. Francis FOR MEN—bedrooms, let floor, prlvsht 1(57 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-dr. sedan. decedent end only such personal property .hospital. . Farm Implamentt Coal, Wood, Other Fml bitri end emrtnee. Tel, 4ts». V-8, automatic transmission, raalo, •s Is exempt from all debts and charses Mrs. Ray Streubir 4t$ 63 whlteweils, 2-tont. In Probate ' Court anil praying for a sum- Halp—Male or F-amalo 28 BIRCH fireplace wood, «n oak block Apirtmants, Flats 90 $995 . mary' assignment or distribution of said l est and Found wood, oak slab wood. EAST END COAL 4 ~ ^ estate to the persons entitled thereto; FULL OR PART time saiespersortS, 20 & CEMENT PRODUCTS CO., ttl E. BROADWAY VI. JOHiAldeal central ioce- LOST—boy's black rimmed glasses be- New Idea ¦ ¦ ' ' ' IT IS ORDERED, That the hearing hrs: per week . Permanent position. Pay Btti. Tel. 33M. ' . .: ¦ Hon, l Bedroom apt., Hied shower and NYSTROM'S ¦ thereof be had on January 17th, 1963, at tween 7th St. - . and Jetferson School. bath, paneled kitchen, iiparete utlll- Lost within past month. Tel. 4380. excellent. College student acceptable. ¦ ¦ ¦ We wlU close at 4 p rn. 11:00 o'clock " A.M., belore this Court In . . SLAB WOOD tils, Tel, 3SW, ; ' . - ." - . Imperial - Chrysler ~" " Write E-20 Dally News...... : s Oood quality green slab wood, ' ¦" ¦ the probate court room In the court house (arm7"one Monday, Dec. 31 STRAYED TO MY lambrovm- DAVE BRUNKOW & «ON UPSTAIRS APARTMENT In r«sl3eratial Plymouth Valiant In Winona,: Minnesota , and that notice of er must Identify and pay far this -ad. , FLAIL-TYPE * Trtmi»aleau, Wl». «r»», but near downtown, tlvlng room Sales t, Service said hearing be given by publication erf P. Wilbur Burns, La Crescent, Minn. mahogany-panelled. Kitchen, two bed- 1M W. 2nd this order In the Winona Dally N»w« and "- WANT A JOB MAN'S BLACK floure skatea, wWV red rooms, bath with shower. Alr-condltlon- Open Mondays, Fridays 'til 9 p.m. by mailed notice as provided by law. New Cara skate guards, black socks Inside, lost Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum 64 ed. Refrigerator, stove and kitchen fa- Dated December nth, 1»«. WITH SECURITY? on 5ih St, Reward. Tel. 8-1704. - bli set furnished—otherwise unfurnish- JBBP SALES, PARTS and service for E. D. LIBERA, SPREADERS ilrJ ~liwiJNTb ^Y SAT Ii ^nfl ^"'^iw. ed. Heating -fumllhed. Tel. 1334, Trust Probate Judge. Discounts up to Store. B0R2VSKOWSKI CHECK OUR LGT Winona, Suflalo and Southern Wabasha Personals "3 . Dipt., or after 5, Tel. 9258, Counties Tour franchlied JEEP Oeslerl (Probate Court Seal) FURNITURE, 302 Mankato Ave. Open ~ . ' There are thousands of gov- tor over S. D.. J. Bruskl, YXnT~CAN COUNT on us for plenty of The Spreader That Has evenings. • DOWNTOWN APARtMENT-wlth kltCheS F. A. KRAUSE CO., So. on Hwy. 14-41, Attorney for Petitioner. - . . ernment positions to be filled ette and bath, 2nd floor over Sle- food New Year's Eve and New Year's WJuTNOr^BEDROOM^SET-^aubU'"'bM, : Day. We'll be here round .- brecht's. See Oscar Norton, same ad- Auction Silas ' the clack. during No Competition cfiesf of drawer* with mirror end clos- ¦> (First Pub, RUTH'S RESTAURANT, 126 E. 3rd fteviext tew montli*. dress, or Steve Morgan, Morgan's Jewel- : Monday, Dec 11, 1»41J . ed cabinet with drawers. A little bit ¦r ¦ :. • - , ¦ ':: y. . ;¦ . . , . . , . :; . 39:; . ALVIN KOHNBR ¦:" ' All types of positions for men old-fashioned, but first quality. Price J_ : • . • NOTICE OF LOSE WEIGHT safely, easily and eco- —Designed to do a perfect job AUCTIOMEER. City and state licensed MORT6A0E FORECLOSURE IALK nomically with Dex-A-DIef tablets. Only 860. Tel. 9330. \ FOURTH W. S27V*-J room apt. and bath. and women, age 18-82. Far of spreading, especially in - _ __ _ All modern, not heated, space heater USED CARS \ end bonded. ?S! Liberty St. (Comer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thet de- 98c. Ford Hopkins, OAK DINING room table and 6 chairs. E. Sth and Liberty).. Tel. WW. fault has occurred in the conditions nog pen manure. furnished. Available Dec, 1J. Tel. 2915 of that ARE YOU A PROBLEM DRINKER?-Man complete details send name, Reasonable. 10U W. 2nd. Tel. e arid 98c slies. GOL.TZ ' ness. ' This Is It. Real estate *nd equip- no competition. FURNITURE MART Business Places for Rent 92 WINTER handling of your sale. In the sum of S151.1B, which sa id taxes PHARMACY. 274 E. 3rd. Tel. 2347. ment plus living quarters Included tt very are now . unpaid end delinquent; and reasonable price. See or call SEE IT AT Esist 3rd and Franklin MODERN 1st floor office. Contact Furs by said mortgagors have failed to -pay the JOIN US for a leisurely New Year's Day Francis. Insurance premium In the sum of»J14.Bl ... watch tha Rose Bowl parade and W. STAHR , AGON THORP SALES CO. the game on TV In the Captain's 374 W. Mark, Winona Tel. i»3 W which became due and payable on the Household Articles 67 Houses for Rent 98 ( Co.) Insurance policy on ¦ said premises on Quarters. Dinner will start at 5. RAY Formerly Minn. Sales MEYER, INM KEEPER, WILLIAMS February 20, 1«2 | that no action or pro- • ¦ • ¦ -¦ Insurance 3ft F. A. Krause Co. RENT Blue Lusffe electric carpet sham- SOUTH WABASHA-S bedroom modern : ¦ ¦ ' .. . ¦ . ' 120 Miracle Mile Off. Bldg. ceeding has been Instituted at law to re- - 'HOTEL.. . - . . , , .;. . . . .« . pooer for only SI per d»V. H. Choatt home, Tel. 747*3390 or write Box «, ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ WIND-UP! cover the debt secured by said morlgerfle, t. CO. - . ' " . . ' . ' Ke lo g, . INSURANCE PROBLEMS l g Minn. j _, Rochester, Winn. or any part thereof; that said mortg 2nd. Tel. SOeS. option and do hereby Moving, Trucking, Storage 19 Hay, , Vessey...... :AT 9-8790 declare the unpaid balance ol principal Tel, 7108 or 8-2453 ^ Farms, Land for Sale) 98 Clark and accrued Interest on said mortgaoe MAN, WE MOVEI Careful, efficient s*erv- WILL DELIVER shlves for beddlno lo' 1958 OLbSMOBILE Immediately due and «22 W. 5th Winona your farm. Cell for prices. Tel. itss. Radios, TalavlBlen 71 payable; that there Ice. Call BERNIE'S TRANSFER, 2» 35. ACRE FARW-possesslon March 1, Is due and Allure. ' Fiesta 4-rloor hardtop station claimed to be due upon -said Mankato. . Tel. 8-244B. Contact Donald Erickson, Laneib oro, mortgage. Including Interest ~ FOR B8TTER RADIO TV 3ERVICB ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ANOTHER THORP SALE to date hereof, can be terfible, but not Money to Loan 40 Minn. ' ; ,. " . : wagon, radio, heater, power the sum of Nine Hundred WINTER MOVING Breia's TV Service ; . - . Eighty-two and- do If tor you; Fast service, ex- COMPLETE SAW MILL AND { 3/106 Dollars ($982.03), If we. Raise Healthy, Profitable U W. Be lie view Tel. 747e. steering, power brakes. 2-tone EQUIPMENT SALE , , Including the afore* pert handling. WINONA DELIVERY & NEED MONEY? Whatever your specific Houses for Sale 99 * V sald Insurance premium of. $14.81; need may be you'll hsve the funds for Calves Without Feeding EXPERT WORK" on all TV and redlo re- finish, whitewalls, looks lik* Having sold my building to the 1. TRANSFER, 404 W. 4th. Tel. 3112. ¦ - end that pursuant to the power of -tale It when you borrow fr.vm Ml NN. LOAN ., - WINONA FIRE J, WEST LOCATION-Owner sacrifices mod- ' ¦new. ' • '' • ( Whole Milk! .. , palr. All maJces. . . - . • . Village of Kendall , I am dis- therein contained, said mortgage will be Plumbing/ Roofing 21 4V THRIFT, 166 Walnut. Tel. S-2974 and POWER CO., 54 E. 2nd St. Tel. 3065. em 3 bedroom home, large lot, /W.950. \fore:losed and the trad of land lying end your money can be ready when you Goodview. Basement home, large lot. continuing the Saw Mill Busi* . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ SETS-Ctmsoles end $1295 *elng In the county ef. Winona, State of KEN-WAY Electric SEWER CLEANING stop by. . . . :¦ - . ' FEED USED TELEVISION Rent terms. S3.W5. Many others. See ness and will sell all of my Wllnnesota, described ai follows, to-w lt: JERRY'S PLUMBING portables. The elze end style yeu want Shank, HOMEMAKER'S EXCHANGE, 59 at -¦ ¦¦' ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ' property at Public The Westerly Forty-live (45) feet ef Lot 827 B. 4th ' T9I- -9W4 , Loans —- Insurance —. E. 3rd. . . - ' . . ' . . . ' . personal Two (2), and the Easterly one-half of ' 1 959 PONTIAC Auction, located on Main Street 'lot Three (3), In Block Real Estate CALF Hardt' s Music Store OUPLEX-Bast on bus HmvWll base- JBonneville 4-dr. station wag- Seven - (7) of ELECTRIC ROTO ROOTER 1st , ' Laird's Addition to Wlnoha, 11.8 E. 3rd Wlneni men! and lot. immediate possession. in Kendall Wisconsin, on located upon For clogged siwers end drains. floor opt. JB.COO, Tel. ; ' at nwri or on, automatic transmission, and forming a part of Government FRANK WEST AGENCY r 3705 Lot Tal. 9.509 or 6436 1 year guarantee . vTinone's Finest Electronic Repair after i p.m. Three (3), In Section Twenty-three C23), 175 Lafayette St. Tel, SJ40 MILK REPLACER for All Makes power steering, power brakes, Saturday, Jan. 5 CALL SYL KUKOWSKI ^ ^ Township One Hundred Seven (1071 North, _ (Next fo Telephone Office! Don Ehmann TV Service BY OWNER^bedroom' rambleMn Good- radio, heater, whitewalls, elec- Sale starts at 12:30 p.m. Indoors. . of Range Seven (7), West of the Fifth IT COULD BE VERY EXPENSIVE to from view. Living and dining room, kltdheni Principal Meridian, W0 \N. tMflTi T«l. «"» tric tall gate, door-to-door car- SAW MUX EQUIPMENT-AU "tinker " with your plumbing. We can recreation room. 1-cer garage, large lot. will be Authorlred Dealer for »old by the sheriff of aaW save big repairs If you call us for the Sswer and water In. Tel. S-3349. 4M0 W. peting, solid white. steel ball bearing portable or APMIRAL-MUNTZ-ZEMITH ' ¦ ' ' county at public auction on the 1st day ef 7th. ' __ little ones. LOANS wef FARM & GARDEN "" stationary saw mill -.with a 48* February, 1943, at Eleven o'clock A-M„ PLAIN NOTE-AUTO-FURNITURB " ~ ~ BY OWNER—3 bedroom houses. Move $1995 at the North front door of the Court 170 E. 3rd St. Tel. blade and a 40 h.p. elec motor FiRANK O'LAUGHLIN 2915 ' FREE TUBE TESTING In now. Ping-pong table and 10' ove^ House In the City of Winona In said Hrs. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Sat. 9 am to noon SUPPLY PLUMBINO 8. HEATING Radio & TV head door. Tel/.oOW. with 3 head blocks and 4 wheel : county and state, to pay the debt then 116 Walnut Winona ,. 207 E. 3rd - Tel. 3703 TuT)e8 1 9^0 rUMBLErl rubber tire carriage with saw lecured by said mortgage and taxes. If Wanted to Borrow 41 Save' 20% on - BTH E.—Owner leaving city, sacrifices Cross-Country 4-door station any, on said premises and the costs and Hafp VVantod—Femalft 26 Bt modern 3-bedroom home. $4,200. Easy dust auger and chain. Edger. attorney's fees In the sum of Seventy-five Tube Center In rear of store ten-ft. C. Shank, 551 E, 3rd. _ wagon, standard transmission and no.'IOC Dollars ($75.00) Arliclai for Sale 87 Swinging cut off saw. 34-ft. all and disburse- THERE WILL BE a few excellent Avon COMPLETELY FURNISHED — Two bed- with overdrive, reclining seats, ments allowed by law, sublect re redemp- Write H elen TED MAIER DRUGS steel hall bearing conveyor. 390 openings at of Jan. 1. $7,000 Wanted . rooms, luxurious bath, deluxe kitchen. tion within twelve months from said 411 14th. St. N. E„ Rochester, l-ISH HOUSE—I section take-down model! radio, heater, luggage rack , 2- Scott, i arop. DC welder. Large table date of sale. Eesy storage and rnovlnt. Tel. 4M9 Mobile home price under 14,000, pay- , and have first choice. ______, tone finish, local one-owner Dated December 11, 1962. 1st Mortgage elter S p.m. ments $63.38 m month. New and complete and saw. 24* sticker planer. for babysitting, . 4 day *k ¦ Adam CAPABLE WOMAnJ ' RED TOP MOBILE HOME SALES car with 28,307 miles. Hard to Buchmlller 'B - to 5, starling Immediately, Tel. INSULATED PORCH—6x12. Can be at- For Reliable 12" planer. Resaw siding ma- Louisa .week, Highway 41 Winona ' Buchmlller City Property tached lo trailer h*use. Tel. i°19 elter - tell from new. ' 5666. ft lT~ " chine. Table saw. 1,000 ft. pina _ Mortgageoi. 5:30 p.m. 3 BEbROOM rambler wlth attached S. D. J. Bruskl, GIRL OR LADY to help with housework J TV or Radio Repair cjaraje. Breereway Ml the kitchen. $1695 lumber. Logan lathe. 2 micro- Attorney tor Mortgegees. and) chlldcare for 2 to 3 weeks. Mrs. Write E-21 Daily News MOVIE CAWER/WS m.m.A F 1,» lens, Large recreation room In full tiled base- meters. 2 H.D. moving dollies. Donald Schnlepp, Pleasant Ridge. Tel. carrying cese and ttlephotoNlens'. Ruoer ment. Every wanted feature. Choice east alnflle 4, JS Pl-W holster. Cheap. Call us ... We are your central location, One of the finest Iron house moving bolster. 1951 , (Pub. Date Monday, Dec. 31, H42), H34». ______*"" 1960 FORD Tel. 3B03. .__ homes In this area. W block to bus, with typing and bookkeep- _ ~_ . ^V . Ford IVa T. truck. 1945 truck. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION YOUNG LADY Dogs, Pets, Supplies ABTS AGENCY, INC., Reeltors, 15» Wal- 4-dr. station wagon, automatic private cilice. Good 42 FREEZERS $19» to 415». Used refrlaera- PHOTOFACT EQUIPPED TERMS: Sums of $15.00 and OF ing experience tor ¦ nut St. Tel. 4242 or after hours : E. R. transmission, Dally News. torf $25 Used TV's 150. FRANK LU.LA radio, heater, MUELLER FARMS. INC. salary, Write E-23 BEAGLE PUPS — 3 purebred*., $25 each. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Cley ft-3737. Bill Zlebell 4354, E, A. under cash. Over $15.00, Va NOTICE IS HEREBY & SONS, ra E.jtu. whitewalls, all white with light GIVEN pursuant 463 W. Mark. Tel. 8286. - - Abts 3184. , , equal mo. to the provisions ol Chapter 300, Lews of r^l^Wante r^Male 27 - ~_ llARGE selection ol used re- _ down balance in 6 ^ r" SEE OUR " blue interior, local one-owner, 1 the Slate of Mlnn-sota, for the year ef B EAGLE HOUND—male, n-ionlhr eld, frloerators, electric ranaes and TV jets. "We understand your set best." EAST WABASHA-500 block. You wHI ap- payments with i of 1% time 1933, that a corporation SIS. Inquire 409 Grand SI. or Tel. 4J77 BIB ELECTRIC, 153 preciate the extra room and pleasant reduced in price. was Incorporated Management Trainee ¦ All reconditioned. charge per month , plus filing under said Act wilh the name "Mueller alter 5 p.m. E. 3rd. Lerge, email appliances. atmosphere of this well kept 3-bedroom MAN. married, under 40, to assume busi- We're' fully equipped with a nice terms can be ar- Farms, Inc.," and that on the JSIh day 3plpe7~iileno, «450. Tel. home. Full besehnent, furnace heat, $1695 fee. Longer ol Decembor, 1963 ness responsibilities. Must be seeking; In- Horses, Cattle, Stock 43 HO TRAIN^l*7~ PHOT OFACT LI* lot and garage. Near schools and church. , a Certificate of In- Apply In per- or 2442. SAM'S ranged with the clerk before corporation was duly Issued fo said com- dependence and a future. ~ 7t57 Sea or call Thurs. evening, 4 to ' BRARV-the world's finest TV- property must be pany. son at Winona Holel, HOLSTE7N HE7FERS^-IO, due In Jars. We carry a full line of AUTOMATIC 1961 TEMPEST the sale. All LaPean. Joe Helm Jr., Lewiston, Minn. Tel The purposes and oblecls and general 9 p.m. Ask tor Mr. . ELECTRIC HEATERS. Robtl- Bros. Radio service data. We have W. STAHR 4-dr. station wagon, 4-cyllnder settled for on the day of the ¦1767. 4th. Tel. 4007, 374 W. Mark Tel, e?25 nature of tho business to be transacted and ~ ~ Store, 574 6. tho complete manual covering engine, automatic transmis- sale. No property Is to be re- the powers of this corporation shall be as FEE OER P|GS-367"Clarence Rusle^r*Pe>- very you that's tollovi/s: To purchase, sell, lease, acquire terson, Minn. ' (7 miles S. of Rushford) W USED FURNITURE STORE the set own — sion, radio, heater, local one- moved from the premises be- and operate a farm or farms ol all kinds; (First Pub. AAonday. Dec. 17, 1962) Te l. 864-7831. 273 E. 3rd St. why we understand your set owner, all white. fore making settlement, to pu rchase, sell, own and use all kind s of STATE OF MINNESOTA ' We Buy We Sell DAfRY Cdws^2oT".l fresh, balance to best! R GERNETZKE , farm machinery and equipment, supplies Furniture—Antiques-Tools Nosteria WALTE OWNER COUNTY OF WINONA freshen from now until spring. May be and -toots; to buy, sell, own and deal In IN DISTRICT COURT and other used Items $1895 KENDALL WISCONSIN seen Saturdays and Sundays and after . all kinds ol farm animals) and generally THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Tel. _M701 _ _ USE OUR VARIOUS 4 weekdays. Ruben Elllnghuysen, Rt. ^ Lui THORP FINANCE CORP. to ta ke, purchase, acquire, hold, own, ex- SUMMONS YOlPREPLACE InaF'old weter 1, Wljion»._ Tel, Rollingstone 2t»l. BEFORE PAYMENT PLANS FOR Terry Monroe , Mt. Hope, Auc- change and lease or otherwise acquire, sell William E. Lloyd end Myrtle Lloyd. ~ heater, see the A. O. Smith Permeglas and dispose ol real and personal property Plaintiffs, PUREBRED DUROC bo«r* and gilts, vac- heaters — gas or electric models In the REPAIR COSTS. Christos tioneer. LaVerne Hall . Rep. and any Interest or right therein! to pur- •vs.- clnateo tor cholera and erysipelas. Clif- proper sin for you. VENABLES Cloice IMckau, Ontario, and chase, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire, John Frederick, Olio H. Brelllow- ford Holf, Lenesboro, Minn. (Pilot use and dispose of personal property, Helena M. Broltlow, Carl G. Brolttow. Mound). SANITARY 75 W. 2nd Tel. 8-2711 Arnold Olson . Kendall . Clerks. Breltlow, Frances E. Hlxson, H. Choate & Co. Sa Va Die chattels, rights, easements, permits, pat- Lillian L. RUSHFORD LIVESTOCK COMMISSION PLUMBINO & HEATINO Thorp Finance Corp. o( Maus- ents, trade-marks, copyrights, privileges, J. P. Tschumper, Ida Tschumper, N. auction avery Wed. afternoon. Livestock 141 E. 3rd St. Tel, 7237 Open Monday & Friday Nites Til 9 Dodge, also ton , Clerk. , licenses, franchises, bonds, stocks and P. Dodge, Jr., Laura W. , bought dally. Tel. Rushford 844-0149 col- de Folos! olher evidences of Indebtedness and to do ell the unknown heirs ol Ihe above lnr-1. Refrigerators 72 and perform all lawful actr, which In the named persons deceased, also all other " ludgmenf of Its floarrt of Directors may persons or parties unknown claiming SELECT, PUREBRED HOLSTEIN bulla, DAILY NEWS In American or Ru- be, necessary or deemed—' advisable to any right, title, estate. Hen or Inter- serviceable ego and younger out of E lbs. MrsT. la a) BAMDENEK'S et «? Mankato. to exercise all rlohts and privileges of action, which Complaint Is on file In the Chris Slebenaler, Fountain City, . Wis. TED MA I ER DRUGS (Come and seel K ownership Including- the right to vole office ot the Clerk ot said Court In the w c* thereon to the same extent as a natural Court House In the City of Wlnone, Minne- Wanted—Livestock 46 1 cPLOVU «- I'el. 2349 WANTED person might or could do; to sue end Do sota, and to file a copy of your answer " " ~ " " RCA WHIRLPOOL I WAN TED TO ail Y l 0 to 20 co-wV orTmlifc ^ sued In Its corporate name and lo enter with the said Clerk of said Court within ixo exchange BIdg. consignment. Richard Louks, Houston, PARTS - SALES - SERVICE 10% OFF | Into obligations or contracts and to do twenty (20) days alter the service ol Ihls Minn. . Washers — Dryers eny acts. Incident lo Ihe transaction of Summons upon you, exclusive of Ihe day 4/4 & 8/4 No. 1 C & Btr. Aspen Us business or expedient for the attain- of said service,- and If you fall fo> so Top prices for all livestock Ranges — Refrigerators On All ment of the purposes and oblecls stated serve your answer, the Plaintiffs will apply OREMELSBACH STOCK VARDI Wanted—ReaTEstata ~JU>2 In these Artlclos. The powers herein to the Court for relief demanded In the Lewiston, Minn. Flooring and Wall Tile enumerated shall he In furtherance end Complaint. Dally Hog Market Feiten Impl. Co. WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES or Basswood. not In llrnlfatlon ol the powers conferred YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, that fas. 4UI on springing cows-hellers. 113 Washington St. Winona FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY upon corporations ot like kind under the the oblecl ol said action, among olher THIS WEEK laws of the Stata of Mlr-nesota, things, Is to determine the title and ad- Farm Implements 48 Coal, Wood. Other Fual 83 "HANK" JEZEWSKI Tho address of Hie renl- tared office of 'verse claims to tht land hereinafter de- - — ~ ¦ (Winona's Only Real Estate Buyer) WANTb CORN DRVINtt^l«ilir sheil'ron ««ld corporation D., Lewiston, scribed, claimed to have been absolutely For YouTbreatest Heatlno So place your order now Tel. A3M and 70M P.O, Box 34S Is R. F. your farm In large quantities. Minnesota. ' forfeited lo Ihe Slate of Minnesota for Bring e Bargains Burn sample for moisture test, Herb or Gale for later. Tho names and addresses of Ihe Irscor- idelinquent taxes, and that such acllon RW. x Any Lengths - affects the following described lands -situ- Haase, Stockton. Tel. Rolllnojstona 7472, COMMANDEIt COAL porntors arui 1 sizes - Lump, Slove, Stoker Corl H. Mueller, ated) In the County of Winona, Slate* ol UNIVERSAL VACUUM PUMP—wlllf mo- Now 9x9 R.F.D. Lewiston. Minnesota; Minnesota : tor, 13 stall cocks pipeline/ 12 drlnklno WANT ADS Paul A. Mueller, Lot Nine («), Block Eight (t), Plat ol cups; large double . compartment gel- PETROLEUM CdKE any amounts. Smoke R.F.P. Lewiston. Minnesota; Belmont Addition to the City ol Wino- vanlred milker wash tank; IS stan- ' No Ash - No Vinyl Asbestos Tile Alfred L. Mueller. na, being located upon and lormlog e chlons, P, Wilbur Burns, La Cres- ~ R.F.D. Lewlslon, Minnesota . part of the Southeast Quarter of the cent, Minn. RUBY-GJLO STOKER first Northeast Quarter (SEv* ol NEV.J ol ~ ~ SELL- SELL -SELL Tho names and addroases ol Ihe USED MILKERJ PUM PS Boosts Stoker Performance llC each Board of Directors of mid corporation -are: Section Twenty (JO), Township One Hundred Seven (107) North, of Ranee SP-11 Surge, 2 years old. Universal 3 Carl H. Mueller. unit pump with motor. Several others R.F.D. Lewlslon, Minnesota; Seven (7), West of the Fifth Principal MOBILI1EAT FUEL OIL Meridian, Winona County. Minnesota. al lower prices. OAK RIDOE SALES Cleans as It Burns Paul A. Mueller. ' , A SERVICE, Mlnnelska. Minn. Tel. Al- USE THEM OFTEN Minnesota.... . IDeled December 4, 1942. R.F.D, Lewlslon, lure ieu REINHARD'S Bros. Inc. HAROLD J. LIBERA East End Coal & Khoury Alfred L. Mueller, , " ' " R.F.D. Lewlslon, Mlnntsota. HOMEUTE CHAIN SAVi/i Floor Shop Dated this 26lh dtv of December, IvAJ. Harold J. Libera. e» sure and see the ne-w C-l Cement Products Co, Attorney tor Plaintiffs, tiot.fJ . «ii E. ath 1 Iron"Mountain , Mich. Til. 774-6333 MUELLER FARMS. INC. , 5229 Call 332 IN: Carl H. Mueller, 521", East 3rd Slraet, AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICB "Where You Get More Heet 227 E. 3rd Tel Winona, Minnesota. " President. ' 2nd * Johnson . Tel. S45S At Lower Cost" CLASSIFIED AD PAGE-AMERICA'S MARKET PLACE M , By Roy tt-qn* 1 SUZ SAWYER y ' " . - , Monday, 04K«mb«r31, 1W2 ¦ ' ¦ ' ' . ¦/ . . . . _ ^- ^ . \ . ^__ — * . -r *—.


— I. ^ . . ' . .*^_ J . ' I I' . *mlM» ' ' '» Wmm m ^—m— ».———. ,11 *» .

THE FLINTSTON6S By Hannq-Barbera

¦ " ¦ ¦¦ ' RIP. KIRBY . "¦ ¦ • ' ' " ' • By John Prentice and Fred: Dickenson

BtONDIE By Chie Young

Ul ABNER . By Al Cbpp STEVE CANYON By iVilton Cantiiff ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦¦! ¦ ._ ' . .. 1 ' ' -- - - w »III —i II «' ' J ' 'i i ¦-*-r-*-i

"r ° Baker's January Shoe ^aa^^aaa\m\mA\ * '^;w ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ A 7-pc DINEHE SET Ja\\\a\ma\mamr*^ ') \ - . . . - . - . . . *i llgg l ^BBBBaa^Ht M s^B^eP^^^^aa^^^^B^^^W^^^^B^^^B^^^B^a^^sW^ jB * " m\Wa%m * ; IN POVVNTOWN WIMONA ' ' ^g0 %jjj ^^^^ KB m^ ttt \ ^Am f m ' 'J A m- ^ j aW 'A' m i f A%W ^Amm mJ^fljfea^^^^^F^ '^'^^StL < ( PP |WI $&AJ\\\ Aa\\\\\\m' ••¦¦¦¦VH aM Bed Pillows E h 119 ¦ r ¦ ° ^f k ^^S^^^^^^-Wi \. ** !#^ Ama\\\\\\\W 1 Hollywood Bed 49.95 lomBf ^m Starts 9 a.m. Wednesday! j ^M[L^^^Ktw

: Growing aaav ^s. Naturalizers and Miracle Treads—even some ; . 1. if \SJJBBV. ^--. $14 .99 sellers included , so hurry! ;¦ ' 4 $099 ; I ^-eaj^t $090 M sizes - value, • ' { ^QESaH ^ ^ #% to ^$1A90|| 1 I j ? j ; to $6.99! «*^ ^ ^ ^B ^3| Jaf " . ' ._,, . J < ' -MMgleafca.^ 45-PC. MELMAC ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ DISH BUNK«• BE•% - oHavs SNOW BOOTS j SET Great Values for Young and Oldl ilSLn^tf .4188 Complete One Special Grouping of 4 styles only—your i 'li^lHBk ^ 1 \ 4 VA95 ^ ^^^ NOW ¦ ¦ ¦ k ft2sss^!£%. choice (UirlnR this Great Shoe Clearance Sala J it ¦ • WHILE TI1EV LAST J iPBEaOir i • jj.aa.Hl ... . "* * ~ ? Shop Early for Best Selections I ¦aBBaKtaaaW. ^ L Reg. $9.99 sell- Finest $11.95 3-Piec« ^^Saa^^aca " K''eups 'were 4 ( rwain vit ) | * ¦¦ ji -r-riirAA ^a%Mj ^i<^ . , a ^^aSa»»* $5,99 1 unlined ers—Pile lined sellers — Spe- • * J VpSy Table Group ' with Fur Cutis, /or greater cial Priced for . j MATTRESS comfort! this Sale! f ^l ^ ^ ^ ^ [ 1-1 your liia i* here, ^ ? ^ you 'va gof a Baroalnl aw aam*a ! LOWLUff ASHO i i • H ^pj -BJI & BOX SPRING I VERTICAL 111 ** ¦ ^^^^aJtSj^Hfil ^; m^mW- _ J STITCHED Jn^mtosbmlm

fcataaaavBJ ^** few"7 1 Hr*¦ ^^3Sr un ^1 Lorge 9xl2' wi»h foam back ^^M ^BaaT 'l* ^^" W?**r , jSB SH 4-WAY M°NEY"" S Men Men 0ES WYLOW>«WI AM RUGt%.l4* 22,88aa aa ^^ta\\W^aW ^»* ' s Quali,y SH0ES s '^^ ^' ¦ SS* - Ew^wf \ Buy How and Save! ft^ss!¦; . • .v^?^Ss8S CLEARANCE ^^^^ values ^" ^ <;> inck,los Frolu h $14.99 WHILE THRY LAST— * a\ ttvBlMOP '1BB» and'01>P C4| J| 00 . , P.I, < ' Shriners — Nunn Bush — y I ll 77 ' I B AII .& Tr.. Umps " L \VaaWKsatv 'iaaaaaV Taylor ¦^ Mattel.! .. . ' ROOM SET r AwSH tV -^JI ^ LY I¦ eJLf ¦ C Q(k l» 1A OO ^0 ^tJ38 ? Y lMrfl ^Bjj ^ga^^^ L to $2a.n5! : Ua«j9«P JsUi<#>*# : f mf iOm^\Wma\\\\WaaaL ^ULm%^Q^ Early American Maple Living Room Set with 1 ^ 2 End Tables and Coffee Table ...... ^^P^I^^^VyVH fe ftv NO EY SI68.88 TH,RD I WUim^max W MON DOWN t ^^'Hl^^ l25 EAST 5T> PHONE 707« J I ^'W ii PPP I^^ CREDIT ACCOUNTS QUICKLY ARRAHGEP .e ^ .eaaW > .JaW aflV .? JaaV ?. aaV aaV. . ? .eaaV . ^ . -aaW ^ . J«BW ,a^..aaW,aaW^BaVA . ^ . aA. ..^ .JaWi4^,aaaaV..a