


ANTONY BRYANT, Leeds Metropolitan University School of Information , LEEDS LS6 3QS, UK. Email: [email protected]

So one day I was sitting in a meeting about the new global trade regime, NAFTA and GATT and the World Trade Organization. The more I listened, the more I began to simmer inside. “This is a huge new system people are inventing!’ I said to myself. ‘They haven’t the slightest idea how it will behave,’ myself said back to me. (Meadows,1997, stress added)


IS researchers are now far more likely to consider using qualitative approaches than may have been the case a few years ago. Publication outlets such as JITTA, Information & Organization, and IFIP Working Group 8.2 have helped to establish a firm basis for non-quantitative IS . One method that is gaining increasing popularity is the Grounded Theory Method originated by Glaser and Strauss. There are some profound problems with this approach; in particular the unproblematic conceptualization of data, and a level of methodological flexibility that can degenerate into methodological indifference and result in superficial and ambiguous conclusions.

This paper argues that the method is not indelibly stamped with these failings and inconsistencies; although they are indeed failings, despite the views of many users of the method. If these faults are remedied, however, the method is particularly suited to IS research, particularly where it proceeds from an anti- positivist orientation that sees truth as socially constructed and sustained, and where representation is viewed as a distributed, systems phenomenon.

Ken Peffers acted as senior editor for this article.

Bryant, A., “Re-grounding Grounded Theory,” The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002, 25-42. Antony Bryant

INTRODUCTION CONTRIBUTION Discussion of research philosophies and methods within This paper should be seen as part of a general IS has increasingly grappled with move towards the retrieval of the Grounded Theory the choice between and relative Method [GTM] from its positivist origins, and its merits of quantitative and unsystematic use by many researchers who often use qualitative approaches. In part GTM to mask their own - or their discipline's - this has come about as one aspect methodological confusions. of the gradual conceptual In arguing for the importance of approaches such dismantling of the positivist or as GTM, the paper seeks to clarify some central general scientistic hegemony. This has methodological issues, which are of particular concern occurred as part of the agenda to to IS researchers and practitioners. It should also be increase the visibility of seen as a contribution to the debate between the intrepretivist approaches; but it positivists and interpretivists, illustrating how many of has also been part of the move to the suppositions of the former fail to engage with promote a more critical research philosophical developments over the past 40 years. The orientation. Some versions of the reader should be persuaded that using a is critical programme seek to offer a not a matter of choosing an approach from some more extensive and profound methodological supermarket, but something that has far questioning of the entire wider and deeper ramifications. scientistic1 enterprise, usually linked to the wider post- modernist perspective. This involves a exists. But whereas the physical extent of the comprehensive dismantling of scientism in any car is tangible and measureable, the same form, and in some variants denies any sort of cannot be said for the car-as-system – for privileged knowledge claim for science. instance, does it include the driver? Does it include the road on which the car is standing or IS has had to accommodate to these moving? Now consider the healthcare system various trends, and there are distinctions within – another example used by Ackoff. Where the domain that parallel these wider does this begin and end? What does it include philosophical differences. To an extent the – and hence exclude? To what extent does it divisions parallel those which distinguish exist? different conceptions of the two words information and system. Some see the systems Some aspects of this ontological approach as an alternative to the scientific one; concern are raised by Flood in his recent work for others it is an orientation that enhances and (1999), where he argues that there are two complements the scientific approach both central issues for ‘systemic thinking’; methodologically and epistemologically; but boundary setting – ‘yielding a viewpoint that is this is not the key division. The most profound both relevant and on a manageable scale’ (p demarcation concerns the ontological status of 70); and ‘who is to judge that any one any system: To what extent it can be said to viewpoint is relevant’ (p 70 – stress in the exist. In his recent summary of the systems original). A similar sentiment is offered by approach, Ackoff (1999) uses the example of a Meadows in the quote at the start of this paper. car. There is the unmistakable sense in which This issue is critical for IS. Information the car exists, and so it might be supposed that systems exist, but if the system is more than it is similarly obvious that the car-as-system the technology – the stuff you can kick – what is this ‘more,’ and where is the boundary? If it is not an obvious and tangible boundary, then to what extent is its existence dependent on 1 certain actors acknowledging its existence? Scientism can be defined as ‘science’s belief in There are no simple answers to these itself,’ or as Putnam states, people being ‘too realistic about physics and too subjectivistic about questions; and the detailed are not ethics’ –quoted in Brandom, 2000 an issue in this paper. What is important,

26 Re-grounding Grounded Theory however, is to recognize that the sorts of Flood wants to stress that ‘systemic responses IS researchers and theorists might thinking involves, in the first instance, drawing give if prompted – or forced - to deal with such tentative boundaries around stakeholders, questions would indicate a great deal about the focusing primarily on clients, and raising assumptions in their investigations. Does their issues and dilemmas relating to those clients.’ work emanate from determinist and (p 7) mechanistic foundations? Do they have a The lesson from this for IS is that our tendency towards voluntarist and idealist research programme has to engage with the positions? Are they using structuration or central ideas around systems. We have to find structuralist tenets, without consciously ways of clarifying and validating our boundary realizing it? settings and the judgements we make Flood’s position is that the strength of regarding the relevance of differing systems thinking lies in its concern with perspectives. This involves taking account of emergent aspects, as opposed to reductionist social actors, acting in social contexts as key analytic ways of thinking. His overview of constituting factors – what can be termed some of the key systems thinkers distinguishes constituting constituents. The research agenda those who genuinely uphold and contribute to must follow from this, and research methods this strength from those who continue with a must not simply aim at counting but at deterministic bent within a systems context. accounting (in the sense of giving an account He singles out Senge’s influential work (1990), of): Hence the importance of interpretive pointing to Senge’s tendency to develop ‘an orientations to research, and of qualitative uncritical choice of boundary and a lack of research methods, and of the Grounded Theory awareness of the ethical nature of boundary Method. judgements’ (Flood, 1999, p 71). Coupled with a failure to address the issues of THE GROUNDED THEORY METHOD ‘knowledge-power and social transformation’ (p 72), this results in Senge offering a view of There is always some confusion systems that amounts to a ‘reductionist regarding the distinction between the grounded prescription.’ Although Flood does not then theory method and grounded theory itself. A state that Senge’s work undermines the grounded theory is the possible outcome of systems approach, he implies this and so offers using the GT method. One might use the a damaging critique of perhaps the best known method without producing a grounded theory, systems book of the last 20 years. and there are some who claim to use the method as part of an approach that does not Flood finds a far more acceptable and seek to develop grounded theories. Since this rigorous systems perspective in the work of C paper is specifically concerned with the West Churchman (1984), whom he quotes method, it scrupulously makes correct use of approvingly – e.g. ‘systemic thinking begins the phrase ‘grounded theory method’ (GTM) when you see through the eyes of another’ throughout – apart from the title! This may (Flood, 1999, p 69). Using Churchman’s seem somewhat pedantic, but should avoid ethically-minded approach together with unnecessary confusion – something all too insights from complexity theory, Flood is common in discussions of GTM. concerned to counter any form of determinism - or voluntarism - by centring his arguments There is now a more considered and around three paradoxes. well-argued basis for the use of methods in IS as can be witnessed ‘We will not struggle to manage over things – from recent contributions to many key IS we will manage within the unmanageable. journals and conference. Such contributions allow work to be done in the field – literally in We will not battle to organise the totality – we the case of Klein and Myers’ profound and will organise within the unorganisable. influential paper (1999) – without researchers having to justify their research method from We will not simply know things – but we will scratch or grant some level of obeisance to know of the unknowable.’ (Flood, 1999, p 3)

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002. 27 Antony Bryant scientism, and quantitative quantitative methods. (See Strauss & Corbin, methods. 1998, pp 9-10) The Grounded Theory Method (GTM) The confluence of these influences was is now widely mentioned in the IS research brought to bear on the project to offer literature. The method is still closely ‘strategies for qualitative research’ or associated with its originators, Barney Glaser ‘qualitative analysis.’ and who introduced and In speaking of qualitative analysis, we are developed it in the 1960s. Until relatively referring not to the quantifying of qualitative recently, the method had something of a data but rather to a nonmathematical process of peripheral, if not pariah, status in many areas; interpretation, carried out for the purpose of but in recent years it has enjoyed a resurgence, discovering concepts and relationships in raw and there is a growing body of literature that data and then organizing these into a attests to its range of application in IS research. theoretical explanatory scheme. (Strauss & (See Myers, 2002) Corbin, 1998, p11) Glaser and Strauss first published Glaser and Strauss were concerned with studies using the grounded theory method with what they saw as an imbalance between theory their co-workers in the early 1960s (e.g. Glaser generation and verification. ‘Since & Strauss, 1965; Strauss et al, 1964). In 1967 verification has primacy on the current they published an extended exposition of the sociological scene, the desire to generate method, and this text of origin has remained theory often becomes secondary, if not totally the central reference point for all those lost, in specific .’ (Glaser & Strauss, working with GTM; having achieved 1967, p2) They open their book with the something of a classic status in the general statement that although obtaining ‘accurate methods literature. (Classic in the sense that it facts’ is important, ‘we address ourselves to is always cited, but not always understood or the equally important enterprise of how the followed … or read.) discovery of theory from data – systematically obtained and analyzed in – can The fact that GTM is still so intimately be furthered. (1967, p1 – stress in original) linked to its founders might be taken as evidence for its failure to move far beyond its They proposed a ‘general method of origins. Comparison may be made with action comparative analysis.’ ‘The basic theme of research, which although owing a good deal to our book is the discovery of theory from data the early work of Kurt Lewin now stands on its systematically obtained from social research.’ own as a thriving and diverse research (p 2) This emanated from their concern with orientation. (A recent issue of Information, ‘processes of research for generating theory. Technology & People was devoted to articles … [as opposed to] theory generated by logical on , and not one of the deduction from a priori assumptions.’ (p 3) contributions mentioned Lewin.) Although the two originators went their separate theoretical ways with regard to GTM The two originators of GTM came from in the 1980s and 1990s (see Smit & Bryant, contrasting backgrounds, each with a specific 2000) the essential aspects of GTM as influence on the method. Strauss had worked specified in most of the key sources do not in the Chicago School of social research. This appear to have altered significantly since the was particularly noted for its stress on 1967 publication. qualitative research methods, exemplified by the work of people such as Robert Park (1968), In the GTM literature it is assumed that John Dewey (1991), G.H. Mead (1934) and verification was indeed prevalent in Herbert Blumer (1937). Glaser on the other sociological theorizing at the time, although it hand had worked at Columbia University with is sometimes unclear whether this was indeed Paul Lazarsfeld (1955) who emphasized the the case. Whatever the circumstances, Glaser importance of empirical research, but and Strauss were intent on establishing a basis developed innovative ways in using for qualitative research in the social sciences, as opposed to research that relied almost exclusively on quantitative – i.e. statistical –

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methods. The targets of their criticism were capitalist” to the mass of “proletariat” testers.’ not limited to such work, however, since they (p 10) also pointed to the deficiencies in the work of Ignoring the convoluted and more polemical social theorists; and they questionable imagery, Glaser and Strauss were singled out C Wright Mills (1951), whom they laying the foundation for GTM on the basis of accused of exhibiting ‘only little theoretical two criticisms of social theory in 1960s. In the control’ (p 5). This sentiment is reiterated in first place, they pointed to a gap between Strauss and Corbin’s work in 1998 – ‘Theory theory and substantiation, with grand derived from data is more likely to resemble theoretical expositions exceeding any the (sic) “reality” than is theory derived from empirical base; and, second, this hiatus is putting together a series of concepts based on exacerbated by instructors and their experience or solely through speculation (how researchers limiting their endeavours to one thinks things ought to work). Grounded supplying precisely this underpinning. theories, because they are drawn from data, are likely to offer insight, enhance understanding, GTM was then put forward as a remedy and provide a meaningful guide to action.’ (p to correct these deficiencies by generating new 12) (Note the way in which ‘speculation’ is theories, but still using the criteria of rigour seen to involve ‘ought’ rather than ‘might’: associated with existing – predominantly Also the quotes around the word reality, which empirical and quantitative - work. Glaser and is used unadorned elsewhere, although the Strauss were quite explicit about this, indeed authors do say that ‘only God can tell infallible they stressed that the method must adhere to humans the “real” nature of reality’ (p 4). If scientific rigour, and that the generating of space permitted, it would be interesting to use is the sole job of GTM on this statement itself, looking at terms sociologists. Professionals and lay people such as ‘experience,’ ‘likely,’ and ‘meaningful ‘cannot generate sociological theory from their guide to action.’ A cynical observer might work. Only sociologists are trained to want it, wonder from which data God emerged.) to look for it, and to generate it.’ (pp 6-7). Glaser and Strauss were not then This coincides with their position seeking to privilege any specific agenda or regarding the ‘interrelated jobs of theory in political priorities for social research; but they ’ (p 3) - ‘(1) to enable prediction and were arguing that a non-quantitative form of explanation of behaviour; (2) to be useful in research could still attain levels of rigour and theoretical advance in sociology; (3) to be validity that would stand comparison with usable in practical applications – prediction well-established quantitative ones. At their and explanation should be able to give the time of writing (1960s), they characterized practitioner understanding and some control of sociological research as heavily biased towards situations; (4) to provide a perspective on validating the grand theories of the behaviour – a stance to be taken toward data; sociological pantheon. The legacy of the and (5) to guide and provide a style for grand social theorists - Marx, Weber, research on particular areas of behaviour’ Durkheim - had generated a vast array of (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p 3). theories that were largely devoid of the All of these five aspects would be validation drawn from empirical underpinnings. Thus students were readily acceptable to even the most encouraged to immerse themselves in these ‘verificationist,’ empirical sociologist. In fact the idea that research should yield a basis for theories, and then to ‘test them in small ways’ (p 10). Some exceptions, particularly Robert prediction and control based on study of data is Merton (1957) and Talcott Parsons (1937), had a fairly succinct summary of a scientistic or positivist position. broken with this trend, generating their own grand theories. ‘But even these few have This early statement of the method can lacked methods for generating theory from be read as an that qualitative data, or at any rate have not written about their methods – in particular their own ‘general methods. They have played “theoretical method of comparative analysis’ – can be as rigorous as quantitative ones. As a

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002. 29 Antony Bryant consequence, research developed using GTM fails to point out why not; but his paper does at can make the same knowledge claims as those least hint at some unease within the GTM fold made by research findings generated by more about its philosophical bases. traditional - verified - quantitative methods. It Positivism is founded on the assertion is, therefore, not surprising to see that Glaser that knowledge of reality is only possible later stated that ‘Grounded Theory does not through observations; the ‘rule of represent a change in philosophy and scientific phenomenalism,’ which asserts that experience thought’ (1998, p 44). The principles behind provides the unique basis for knowledge. GTM, and its characterization of scientific Furthermore these observations can and must discovery are completely in tune with the be value-neutral, since judgements of value standard positivist orthodoxy of the 1960s. have no empirical content. Scientific This was perhaps readily understandable in knowledge is developed by gathering together 1967, when their work first appeared; but it is repeated observations, so that general law-like hardly credible to maintain such a view in the generalizations can be made. This archetype 1980s and 1990s without at least engaging of what constitutes valid knowledge should with critiques of positivism. apply not only to the natural sciences, but to all other modes of enquiry. GROUNDED THEORY METHOD AND POSITIVISM Certainly there are some statements in the ‘standard’ GTM literature (attributable to A study of the work of Glaser and Glaser and Strauss singly and collectively) that Strauss, and others quoted and cited in the stress that the researcher’s own views do have central texts on GTM reveals an almost some impact on the research process. But complete silence about any of the key there is a far stronger, clearer and consistent developments in epistemology and philosophy thread from the late 1960s to the present that is of science in the last 30 years. One searches in readily identifiable with the characteristics vain for a reference to positivism or mentioned above. The ‘rule of interpretivism, let alone any substantive phenomenalism’ is central, and intimately discussion of Thomas Kuhn (1996), Karl linked to the key role that is played by ‘data’ in Popper (1968), and the developing all GTM writings. Glaser and Strauss philosophical debates about their work. continually refer to the theory being ‘grounded in the data’; this is part of the mantra of the Even now, these failings have not really grounded theorist, and like a mantra it is been addressed in the context of GTM. Haig continually chanted, but rarely questioned or (1995) has pointed out that the method has examined. A few examples from early and late been accused of a ‘naïve Baconian GTM publications will serve as illustrations. inductivism,’ although he offers no characterization of what this might be, nor – ‘[t]he basic theme in our book is the does he specify any sources of this criticism. discovery of theory from data The problematic nature of the process of systematically obtained from social deriving general law-like statements from research’ (G&S, 1976, p 2); repeated observations – i.e. induction, – ‘Theory based on data can usually not be presumably what Haig means by ‘inductivism’ completely refuted by more data or - is not explained. Popper’s work in the 1960s, replaced by another theory. Since it is too and Kuhn’s in the 1970s are only the most intimately linked to data, it is destined to obvious and well cited examples of critiques of last despite its inevitable modification and induction. Moreover, Haig reiterates the point reformulation.’ (G&S, 1967, p 4); that Glaser and Strauss wished to see GTM as – ‘… the generation of theory from such a ‘general theory of ,’ insights [sources other than data] must then meeting ‘the accepted canons for doing good be brought into relation to the data, or there science.’ Haig does not see these factors as is great danger that theory and empirical problematic, simply stating that ‘these world will mismatch.’ (G&S, 1967, p 6); methodological notions are not to be – ‘The first step in gaining theoretical understood in a positivist sense.’ Although he sensitivity is to enter the research setting

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with as few predetermined ideas as possible emerge? (NB – Also it is unclear what the ‘it’ – especially logically deducted (sic), a prior refers to at the end of the quoted section – it (sic) hypotheses. In this posture, the could be ‘theory,’ or ‘data.’) analyst is able to remain sensitive to the Haig (1995) does try to engage with data by being able to record events and these issues in distinguishing between data and detect happenings without first having them phenomena – ‘it is typically phenomena, not filtered through and squared with pre- data, that our theories are constructed to existing hypotheses and biases.’ (Glaser, explain and predict. … grounded theories 1978, pp 2-3); should be taken as grounded in phenomena, – ‘A theory must be readily modifiable, not data.’ Haig stresses that these based on ever-emerging notions from more ‘phenomena’ comprise a ‘varied ontological data.’ Glaser, 1978, p 4); bag,’ and in general they are ‘not observable.’ – ‘A researcher does not begin a project with But he fails to sustain his argument, and a preconceived theory in mind (unless his eventually undermines it completely with or her purpose is to elaborate and extend statements such as ‘some observations existing theory). Rather, the researcher (phenomena) are encountered which are begins with an area of study and allows the surprising,’ and ‘we come to notice that those theory to emerge from the data. (Strauss & observations (phenomena)’ … . So are Corbin, 1998, p 12); phenomena observable or not? If they are, – ‘Creativity manifests itself in the ability of how are they distinct from data? researchers to aptly name categories, ask stimulating questions, make comparisons, In the absence of any sustained critique and extract an innovative, integrated, from within GTM that defends the basic realistic scheme from masses of precepts from being labelled positivist and unorganized, raw data.’ (Strauss & Corbin, scientistic, one can only turn to the consistent 1998, p 13) and repeated aspects of the method itself. Early and late writings on GTM stress that the Taken together this demonstrates a method should give rise to theories – grounded consistently positivist strand running through theories - that meet certain criteria. They the GTM literature from the 1960s to the should have fit and relevance, they must work present. Data is seen as an unexceptional and be readily modifiable (Glaser, 1978, p 4). category; it is simply what is observed. By fit, Glaser means that the categories of the Conclusions are based on accreting multiple theory must fit the data – whatever that might observations, and then using these as the basis mean. ‘Since most of the categories of for deriving general, law-like statements - i.e. grounded theory are generated directly from induction - in the process of theory generation. the data, the criteria (sic) of fit is automatically This may have been conceptually met’ (p 4 – note the use of ‘most’ in this unremarkable in the 1960s; but given the sentence). developments in epistemology and philosophy of science since then, it is surprising that there When a grounded theory works it has not been some extended justification means that the theory can ‘explain what particularly of the use of the concept of ‘data’ happened, predict what will happen, and in the GTM literature in the last 30 years. interpret what is happening in the area of substantive or formal inquiry’ (Glaser, 1978, p Glaser did later acknowledge that GTM 4). Glaser maintains that this is achieved is only ‘one theory on where theory may through determining what is going on in the profitably come from and one method of how area of inquiry through systematic research. A to obtain it’ (1978, p 3). This should not, theory will therefore work if its categories fit however, detract from the inconsistencies and if it is relevant to the ‘action of the area’ within the method itself, and its general failure (Glaser, 1978, p 5). to engage in self-reflection, applying GTM to its own concepts and categories. For instance In terms of the characterization of it still begs the question from which set of data positivism given above, and on the basis of the does the theory about the origins of theory extracts quoted, GTM appears indelibly

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002. 31 Antony Bryant positivist. The entire GTM endeavour seems ‘umbrella term’ by a large number of to be founded on phenomenalism, guided by researchers – by which he implies that they use induction. The only possible conclusion that the term to mean more or less anything they can be made from all this is that GTM want. Babchuk offers examples that range developed from an epistemological position from use of one aspect of GTM (constant that was positivist, and that it has failed to comparison), through use of the method as one justify or to shake off this inheritance. What of several employed on a project, to careful the remainder of this paper will argue, efforts to follow the ‘full complement of rules however, is that this dubious legacy can be and dictates.’ From which he concludes that discarded, re-aligning the method as a crucial ‘[O]ne begins to wonder if this diverse device for IS research and theoretical interpretation of grounded theory procedures is development. representative of the ingenuity of educators and their research designs or simply confusion In their later writings Glaser and over method.’ He is equivocal in regard to this Strauss parted company, with a good deal of flexibility of GTM; is it a source of strength or acrimony. (See Smit & Bryant, 2000, for a weakness? (He concludes that the method is more detailed account of these developments.) particularly suited to Adult - make Without going into the intricacies of the of that what you will.) Robrecht (1995) arrives dispute, the differences that emerged between at a similar conclusion in her review of the use Glaser and Strauss are symptomatic of the of GTM in management literature. She found uneasy alliance of assumptions that lie at the that some authors cite Glaser and Strauss, but heart of GTM: In particular the tension often with little to indicate that the method has between the claims bound up with scientific been followed. At best this amounts to a status and empirical reality, and the attention ‘selective rewriting’ of GTM; and at worst, to detail, context and meaning. This is not to mention of GTM is used as a way of masking attenuate the criticism of the method for its ‘an anything goes approach’ that is scientism and positivism, but it is to allow that methodologically arbitrary and ultimately there are some aspects of the method that do indefensible. begin to take a more interpretive and dialogical view of the research process and any resulting A large number of those professing to knowledge claims. It is this aspect that is use GTM exhibit this laxity of interpretation of critical to IS, as will be explained later. the method, often accompanied by a philosophical naiveté and confusion similar to METHODOLOGICAL INADEQUACIES that exhibited by Glaser and Strauss themselves. An example of this is provided in OF GTM the paper by De Vreede et al (1999), and it is The weaknesses of GTM are not worth analyzing it in some detail. Their paper, confined to the philosophical, they extend to published in a reputable journal, uses GTM in the methodological. One of the reasons that the context of a cross-cultural field study of GTM continues to be held at arm’s length in group support systems [GSS]. The points that some research communities is that all too often follow are not meant in any way to detract it is an excuse for evading methodological from the content and import of the paper. On issues. People who claim to be using GTM the contrary, the paper illustrates the key point often use this as a way of disguising their of the present argument that despite the methodological incompetence or fragility – weaknesses and evasions of GTM, the method particularly if they lack clear objectives or is powerful and often indispensable for have poorly developed research ideas. precisely this sort of investigation. Babchuk (1996) hints at this when In the abstract the authors note that the contrasting Glaser’s ‘laissez-faire’ approach study used a ‘grounded theory approach … to with Strauss’ detailed procedural minutiae. In collect and analyze data.’ ‘From the data his of 15 years of publications in the emerged a model of GSS acceptance in the Adult Education field, he notes cultures investigated that extends the euphemistically that GTM has been used as an Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).’ This

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is problematic in GTM terms since Glaser & guidance can block a researcher from seeing Strauss (1967) explicitly distinguished what is and is not really significant.’ between ‘grounded generating of theory’ and Here is a succinctly positivist view of ‘grounded modifying of theory’ (1967, p 2 cognition. Other theories, known to the footnote, stress added). Strauss and Corbin observer can simply be discarded, and some 30 years later do seem to allow assumptions can be reduced or perhaps modification, and they note that ‘a researcher dispensed with altogether. The phenomena might have some preconceived theory in mind can be observed from a totally neutral position … [if the] purpose is to elaborate and extend by a dispassionate and passive observer. existing theory’ (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p Cognitive reservoirs of previous experience 12). In this case, however, they stress that the and knowledge can be dammed, blocked or theory does not emerge from the data. Glaser diverted - a good example of what Michael tackles the same issue when he discusses Reddy terms the conduit metaphor (see Reddy, ‘modifiability’ (1978). 1993 and Bryant, 2001). The flow of ‘raw Despite this, the distinction between data’ can be turned on and off like a tap; and modifying a theory (grounded or not) and categories and theory emerge from this neutral, developing an existing theory remains an passive observational practice – ‘we closely enigma. Neither category is ever analyzed in examined all collected data, broke them into the GTM literature. De Vreede et al can discrete parts, and labeled these parts.’ hardly be held accountable for this confusion, As a statement of GTM this is, since it lies at the heart of ‘classic’ GTM unfortunately, unexceptional; as a statement writings; but it does exemplify a group of about observation and theoretical insight it is keenly analytic researchers failing to apply naïve and highly misleading. Coupled with the insights to their own tools. idea that theory can be ‘inductively derived,’ it De Vreede et al offer their version of evades far too many issues and questions that the mantra of GTM – ‘This approach [GTM] have been central to philosophy of science and aims to develop inductively derived grounded epistemology for at least the past 30 years. De theories about a phenomenon. A grounded Vreede et al give no explanation for what theory is not built a priori; rather, it emerges counts as ‘data’ in their work. They see no during study as data collection, analysis, and problem with ‘induction,’ despite the fact that theory development occur in parallel.’ (1999, p it has been largely discredited in such a 205) What they mean by ‘in parallel’ is not simplistic form. They imply that their clear; but in any case they almost immediately observational role is largely passive, yet fail to undermine the statement about emergence by explain how the data can be broken into noting that ‘data-collection activities may be ‘discrete parts’ and how ‘categories could be guided by relevant existing theories’ (p 206). identified’ other than through conscious actions of the researchers themselves.2 They try to offer some explanation and justification for what they mean by being ‘guided by… relevant existing theories,’ arguing that it might be thought that ‘our data- collection efforts could have been 2 An earlier version of this paper (Bryant, 2002) was prestructured using research domain relevant presented at HICSS35; and by chance one of the theories such as the cultural theories of reviewers was de Vreede. Amongst his comments, Hofstede or the TAM.’ Given that they are he said that the original version of the paper made obviously well aware of such theories, the no mention of TAM, but that ‘[T]o get through the authors reassure their readers that ‘[W]e process’ (i.e. to get published) they had to link decided not to do so in order to avoid a TAM to their findings - ‘we struggled quite a bit.’ standard way of thinking about the phenomena Another reviewer made the point that although observed.’ How they managed this feat of GTM may be imbued with the positivism of the cognitive evasion is not clear, but their 1960s, ‘many qualitative researchers in IS have to conduct and publish their research within the imagery is revealing as they develop the point context of a positivist orthodoxy in North America – ‘Having too much a priori theoretical … and thus, the scientific (or perhaps scientistic)

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All of this raises a number of questions, research practice. In other words we need to without having to delve deeply into the pay attention to what they do, rather than philosophical intricacies involved. ‘How do what they say they do. If researchers paid categories emerge from passive observation of more attention to the substantive studies of data?’; ‘Why are certain things held to be Glaser, Strauss and their colleagues (Strauss et similar, and others held to be different?’; ‘Are al, 1964; Glaser & Strauss, 1965), and less to such ideas historically or culturally their lengthy methodological disquisitions, distinctive?’ As soon as one does confront perhaps the value of GTM would be more these queries, however, the limitations of GTM readily apparent. as expressed by many of its proponents An illustration of the value of GTM in become apparent. This is not to say that the the IS literature is provided by Wanda philosophical bases of GTM ideas themselves Orlikowski’s article on CASE tools (1993). are wrong – although I think that they are She uses GTM ‘because it allows a focus on inadequate at best: But it is to point out that contextual and processual elements as well as the assumptions about cognition and the action of key players associated with knowledge need extensive justification, and organizational change.’ Orlikowski offers a this is almost totally lacking in the GTM justification of GTM that refers to the literature. secondary literature far more than the primary Glaser and/or Strauss sources. She argues that WHY BOTHER WITH GTM? GTM has three key characteristics, it is Given the foregoing discussion, why ‘inductive, contextual, and processual,’ and not simply jettison GTM in its entirety? The this makes GTM ‘fit with the interpretive weaknesses of GTM are evident. The key rather than the positivist orientation.’ This statements about the method are steeped in a conclusion is questionable unless Orlikowski scientism that was already largely undermined has a very unusual definition of ‘inductive.’ in philosophical terms in the 1970s and 1980s. However, although she does offer some of the (Although it has not been undermined in standard GTM mantra – ‘concepts that are practical terms, but that is another matter.) suggested by the data,’ etc. – her use of the Ideas about ‘data,’ the ‘emergence of theory,’ GTM approach seems to be one of ‘constant and the essentially passive stance of the comparative analysis,’ using two case studies. researcher to the research context and research What distinguishes the paper (winner of resources are just not tenable. At the very least MIS Quarterly ‘Best Paper’ for 1993) is its they have to be clarified and justified. extensive detail, and the ways in which the Furthermore the entire assumptions about differing accounts that she develops of the two representation and discovery are at best case studies illustrate general and specific questionable, and at worst unfounded and aspects of the respective experiences of CASE naïve. tool introduction. Her conclusions point to the But the basic principles about the importance for IS practice of consideration of conduct of research guided by GTM are people’s motives, beliefs and orientations in another matter altogether. Here we have an regard to their work environment and change extremely well-developed programme for in routines and expectations. Anyone reading conducting qualitative research. Many of the the paper could not help but be impressed by examples of actual research that Glaser and the detail and analysis, yet one might wonder Strauss – in concert and separately - and others what makes the study an example of offer are exemplars of good qualitative developing a ‘grounded theory.’ One aspect of Orlikowski’s paper is the way in which she ‘grounds’ her own use of GTM. She refers to Glaser & Strauss (1967), language of GTM is VERY valuable to them.’ but not to any of their other writings; and she Perhaps this also explains the attraction of GTM for refers extensively to several papers by Turner. IS researchers in the 1990s and 2000s; although it does put IS some 30-40 years behind other A study of Turner’s 1983 paper, together with disciplines. Orlikowski’s, and Locke’s (1996) strengthens

34 Re-grounding Grounded Theory the view that the method underlying GTM as a process of engagement with actors-in- does indeed offer a distinctive and important contexts; with the corollary that the researcher basis for research. This is not simply restricted is also an actor-in-context(s) - an active, to sociology, as Glaser and Strauss first participating observer who must be wary of thought, but applicable to many other forms of cognitive and theoretical arrogance. This research, and in particular to anything focused implies that the process of research might not on people’s actions and interpretations in be one of discovering or establishing truth, but organizational and other social contexts. rather concerned with developing understanding and adequate models for If the tendentious and misleading specified purposes. Charmaz (2000) in her philosophical underpinnings of GTM are swept recent discussion of GTM makes many similar aside, the strengths of the approach can points, and concludes that ‘we can adopt become apparent. To some extent, what the grounded theory strategies without embracing method highlights is a series of activities and the positivist leanings of earlier proponents of considerations that ought to be primary for any grounded theory’ (p 510). form of research involving people. Strauss and Corbin offer a list of the ‘characteristics of a The problem with GTM is that the grounded theorist’ (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p method is offered in terms of both a 7) – the ability to step back and critically qualitative, interpretive one, and a ‘good, analyze situations, recognition of the tendency scientific’ one. It is important that qualitative toward bias, and the ability to think abstractly. research should strive to be rigorous, but Coupled with the ability to be flexible and unfortunately the latter aspect of GTM has open to helpful criticism; sensitivity to the ‘emerged’ rather more strongly than the words and actions of respondents; and a sense former, and it has done so in the guise of an of absorption and devotion to the work idiosyncratic caricature of rigour, expressed in process. scientistic terms. GTM writings are still predominantly couched in terms of an expert These are hardly specific to GTM, and researcher dispassionately investigating a would be highly regarded qualities in most research domain. This obscures the point that researchers. What distinguishes GTM, research is an active engagement undertaken however, is its insistence on engaging with the by researchers with their own assumptions, actors and their contexts; Turner offers a useful cultural backgrounds and predilections; and it summation as follows; is better to admit this and then seek to This approach to qualitative data promotes the explicate the process as one of dialogue rather development of theoretical accounts which than as some form of dispassionate and conform closely to the situations being detached analysis. The sections in italics in the observed, so that the theory is likely to be extract from Turner exemplify the sources of intelligible to and usable by those in the strength and value in GTM. situations observed, and is open to comment and correction by them. … The approach also In many regards it is surprising that directs the researcher immediately to the what can be termed the hermeneutic or creative core of the research process and interpretive trend in GTM did not come to facilitates the direct application of both the dominate the approach. Strauss came from a intellect and the imagination to the demanding process of interpreting qualitative research background influenced by symbolic data. It is worth noting that the quality of the interactionism, derived from the work of G.H. final product arising from this kind of work is Mead and John Dewey. As Robrecht (1995) more directly dependent upon the quality of the notes, the symbolic interactionist approach was research worker’s understanding of the founded on three premises; the actions of phenomena under observation than is the case human beings are based on meanings that with many other approaches to research. actors invoke as appropriate; meanings are (Turner, 1983, pp 334-5, stress added) derived from social interaction with others; Turner’s characterization of GTM is far meanings are dealt with/modified by people more persuasive than the refrain of ‘theory through interpretation and social experience. emerging from the data.’ Here we see research Yet these bases seem to have been effaced in

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002. 35 Antony Bryant favour of claims for the method to be ‘good with the need to maintain at least a minimum science,’ a tendency that was later exacerbated of method in the conduct of the study, that is, a by the dispute between Glaser and Strauss. certain guide for the behaviour both of the (Although Glaser is certainly justified in his fieldworker and the people observed. (p 9, stress added) criticism that Strauss & Corbin have sought to codify or systematize GTM to such an extent Here is a far more acute and that it could be classified as one of the methods philosophically defensible basis for GTM – that were the main target of Glaser & Strauss and kindred ethnographic approaches. in 1967.) Baszanger & Dodier note that such approaches are prone to a methodological problem GTM AS A FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH whereby ‘the moment at which data are METHOD FOR IS integrated into a whole occurs at an unknown, almost mysterious point of the process’ (p 14). Where then does this leave the GTM This is a more honest view than that of theories approach? Why is it still an important emerging from the data. Yet they are firm in consideration for IS research? Flood’s critique their conviction that methods such as GTM – of Senge, and his lauding of Churchman, are together with the earlier Chicago tradition, and based on the importance he gives to boundary sociological pragmatics – offer a profound setting and judgement of relevance. These, basis for research that ‘is no longer concerned together with the issue of ontological status with the search for references shared by actors (the sense in which something actually exists), … [but one which] aims to take stock of the underline the importance of people’s dynamic relationship between the real perceptions in research activities. Research activities of individuals within the framework issues exist in the sense that some group of of complex, normative references which are people agree on identifying and validating a related to the situation and are not unified’ (p particular topic – and thus identifying a 17). boundary. Once these issues come to researchers’ attention, it becomes critical that They use Glaser and Strauss’ definition some effort is expended in clarifying the nature of GTM, a method of ‘constant comparison of the topic, its boundaries, and its priorities. …consisting of accumulating a series of Consideration of such issues will necessitate individual cases, of analyzing them as a attention being paid to the ontological bases of combination between different logics of action the topic. If the topic involves people, that coexist not only in the field under however, a further aspect of perception is consideration, but even within these involved, since the actors themselves will have individuals or during their encounters’ (p 17). perceptions that have to be taken into account; The aim of such methods is generalization so attention must be given to the accounts of rather than totalization, with the objective those involved: The constituting constituents. being to produce ‘a combinative inventory of possible situations.’ (Note the tentative view GTM offers a range of methods, of the nature of research and knowledge.) techniques and exemplars of ways in which researchers can ensure that they begin to take This interpretation of GTM, by two account of actors’ perceptions and actions. French writers, seems far clearer and more Baszanger & Dodier (1997) capture this in defensible than those offered even by Glaser their discussion of ethnographic approaches, and Strauss themselves. It echoes Charmaz’ which they characterize as empirical; non- argument and reinforces Turner’s codified, remaining open, and grounded in interpretation of GTM that stresses that the observed phenomena. They discuss each of outcome of research has to be ‘understandable these separately, but in general their position and enlightening to individuals who have some can be summarized by their statement that – familiarity with the social phenomena under investigation, either as participants or as lay [T]he principle of openness to what cannot a observers.’ This can be achieved using GTM priori be pre-codified results in the basic since it treats the accounts of members tension underlying in situ studies. The painstakingly and seriously, hence the flexibility required by this openness conflicts

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importance that all GTM research gives to the but then so too do trees, plants, rocks, animals activity of : Something that Glaser and and people. Human beings do not, however, Strauss agree on, despite any of their mutual extract information from this raw material. As misgivings. soon as humans turn their attention to any object, we are immediately in the realm of The methods and tools outlined by meaning. If data can be said to exist at all, Glaser and Strauss provide guidance for data is the stuff of which by definition human researchers who seek to follow Churchman’s beings are unaware. precept that ‘systemic thinking begins when you see through the eyes of another.’ Many People cannot engage directly in other researchers who have used GTM come to anything to do with data. Scanning a book into a similar conclusion in advocating GTM as an a computer is a data process; someone trying important part of a collaborative approach to read it - and make sense of it - involves involving conceptualization from both the information; because it inevitably involves informant’s and researcher’s perspectives – meaning. Carbon-based entities are e.g. Fitzgerald & Howcroft, 1998, Ellis, 1993, information-oriented; silicon-based ones are Bartlett et al, 1997. data-oriented. Information comes about because animate entities - particularly human The real mystery about GTM is why beings - construct meaning and exchange these aspects of the method have remained ideas in order to exist as social beings and subjugated to those evoked by the mantra of interact. Meaning construction is a key ‘theory emerging from the data’; and why the activity in all human processes. GTM, early statement that sociological theory is the stripped of its scientistic veneer, is oriented exclusive estate of sociologists has remained precisely towards this aspect of existence, and largely unchallenged in the GTM literature. that is why it is such an important device for IS To date GTM has been widely misused; often practise. as a catch-all that can be evoked as a justification for methodological inadequacies, A large amount of misunderstanding or a qualitative loin-cloth to fool the about the nature of the process of constructing gatekeepers of the academies. But this should meaning emanates from the metaphorical not be allowed to detract from its strengths, imagery in which such discussions are and in particular its value for IS research. couched. This has been explained elsewhere, particularly by Schön (1993) and Reddy Perhaps one of the reasons why GTM (1993); and has been specifically applied to the has had a particularly troubled relationship field of information systems and software with IS practice and research is that issues engineering (Bryant, 2000 and 2001). around ‘data,’ and representation have proved enormously troublesome within the IS domain. The dominance of what Reddy terms The debates often revolve around the the conduit metaphor, leads to the presumption relationships between terms such as ‘data,’ that information flows around a system from ‘information,’ and more recently, ‘knowledge,’ source to target; from sender to receiver. now often joined by ‘insight’ and ‘wisdom.’ (Exemplified by De Vreede et al implying that Many of those contributing to these cognition is something that can be turned off discussions base their ideas on what has been and on like a tap.) termed the ‘chemical engineering’ model (1) ‘language functions like a conduit, where data is the raw material from which transferring thoughts bodily from one person to information is extracted. This is a restatement another; (2) in writing and speaking, people of phenomenalism, since it implies that data insert their thoughts or feelings in the words; exists waiting to be captured and processed. If (3) words accomplish the transfer by there is any rationale for continuing to use the containing the thoughts or feelings and term data, then it is only in the sense of conveying them to others; and (4) in listening ‘something that is stored in objects’ - both or reading, people extract the thoughts and inanimate and animate. Books, records, feelings once again from the words.’ (Reddy, 1993) accounts, computer systems, CDs, disks and the like can be thought of as ‘containing data’;

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This allocates primacy to the action of an unmediated transfer of these data packets. sending, and implies that receiving is a Judgements are involved in deciding what relatively passive process, at the most calling constitutes ‘data,’ what constitutes ‘similarity,’ upon the repertoire of actions required how categories and distinctions arise and are ‘merely’ for extracting or decoding. This sustained. Furthermore, communication has to metaphor also obscures the point that what is be treated as an active process, requiring effort sent is a series of signals; information is by all involved. created in devising the message and in As an example, consider the current interpreting it. Reddy distinguishes between trend in the field of IS and elsewhere to focus the signals and the selection processes that on knowledge and knowledge management. occur at both ends of the process. The thing For Davenport and Prusak knowledge is that is sent is not the message but the signal; defined as ‘a fluid mix of framed experience, the message is what the sender wanted to values, contextual information, and expert communicate, and which may or may not insight that provides a framework for correspond to the message derived by the evaluating and incorporating new experiences receiver. Sending and receiving each require and information’ (1998, p 5). Meehan (1999) action and interpretation. This also applies to in his brief survey of definitions of knowledge observation in the sense that the observer has in the knowledge management literature, to put effort into interpreting what is seen; argues that definitions like Davenport and nothing emerges without this activity. Prusak’s are heavily slanted towards a Cilliers distinguishes between the ‘technical-rational’ view. Thus although ‘mentalist’ or ‘functionalist’ view of Davenport and Prusak offer an initial representation, and the ‘connectionist’ definition of knowledge as a ‘fluid mix,’ a few approach that treats representation as pages after this, they state that ‘[N]ot only can distributed (Cilliers, 1998, chapter 5). He it [knowledge] judge new situations and refers to the work of Hilary Putnam since information in the light of what is already Putnam’s early work provides the classic known, it judges and refines itself in responses account of mentalism, while his later work to new situations and information’ (p 11, offers a trenchant critique of his earlier quoted by Meehan, p 5, his stress added). position. Putnam specifically criticizes Meehan rightly points to this as an example of mentalism, describing it as ‘the latest form knowledge as a disembodied object; and most taken by a more general tendency … to think definitely not a socially-constructed, human- of concepts as scientifically describable centred process. (“psychologically real”) entities in the mind or A similar objectification and brain’ (quoted in Cilliers, p 65). Mentalism is disembodiment can be found in regard to the fallacious since meaning is ‘holistic,’ ‘part of a practices involved in developing information normative notion,’ ‘dependent on systems, particularly in specifying system environment,’ and, Cilliers adds, ‘historical.’ requirements, where we often talk about Mentalism is based on a view of cognition as a ‘requirements capture,’ and use phrases such process of ‘extraction’ of discrete items of as ‘get those requirements down on paper data: Connectionism assumes that meaning is before we lose them,’ or ‘we’ve been trying to a property of a network of relationships, where pin down that idea for ages.’ (For a fuller the links between the nodes are as important as account of this see Bryant, 2001.) the nodes themselves. This tendency to objectify is not unique Without going in to the details of to IS. Indeed elsewhere I have argued that Putnam’s and Cilliers’ respective positions, the people seem generally and inherently drawn general connectionist account severely towards object abstractions rather than process undermines those who see cognition as a ones – a tendency that can be referred to as passive gathering of discrete ‘data,’ that can be thingking (Bryant, 2000). It is however, accumulated and later classified into particularly acute as an issue for IS where categories. It also impacts on the related there is a tendency to move from initial position that characterizes communication as statements that afford significance to human

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processes to methods and conclusions that are implied or assumed meanings or ascriptions anything but human-centred and process- fail to receive support from the context or based. events. Knowledge is then a human construct that arises from our actions as social beings IS researchers have to engage with producing and reproducing social systems issues concerned with the socially constructed against the capacities and constraints afforded nature of knowledge, adequacy of method, by social structures. It also provides a resource rigour of procedures, and extensibility of for those actions. findings. GTM – in its remedied form – provides a useful barrier to such tendencies: All of this has extensive ramifications Particularly if it keeps researchers anchored in for IS. The IS research trajectory has to the three premises that Robrecht traces from contend with the activities of knowledgeable the interactionist perspective: Human actions social actors and their stocks of knowledge. are based on meanings that actors invoke as Research and investigation cannot be appropriate; meanings are derived from social undertaken on the assumption that people can interaction with others; meanings are dealt simply be questioned, counted and processed; with/modified by people through interpretation but neither can it be undertaken on the basis and social experience. that they can simply be observed and recorded. The IS agenda has to involve engagement and Such postulates can provide a basis for collaborative construction, involving both the undermining any inclination towards object- participants and the researchers. GTM centred, mechanistic and technicist thinking. presents an approach that directs researchers to Furthermore if IS researchers take on board the consider any selected research context as insights of Turner, Charmaz, and others, then problematic and non-obvious. A challenge application of GTM can be seen to support that can only be met with a contribution from moves that derive from ideas evoked by terms the social actors involved with the context, but such as the ‘social construction of reality’ which cannot be wholly or ultimately reliant (Berger & Luckmann, 1971) and on participants’ own accounts. The techniques ‘structuration’ (Giddens, 1981). Here, in the non-positivist practitioners of GTM apply contrast to mechanistic and technical-rational and exemplify offer a range of heuristics and views of information and knowledge, meaning guidelines for the conduct of such research. If is characterized as something that is we can become aware of the philosophical continually constructed by social actors. contradictions and methodological Giddens’ theory of structuration distinguishes inconsistencies of GTM, and move beyond between system and structure. Social systems them to a clearer view of the strengths it offers, are ‘composed of patterns of relationships then our own IS research will yield richer between actors or collectivities reproduced results, and some of the scepticism concerning across time and space’ (p 26); whereas GTM should start to dissipate. structures ‘have only a virtual existence.’ This existence has a dual nature - the duality of We also have to engage with issues structure - in the sense that the structure ‘is such as those raised by Flood - boundaries and both the medium and the outcome of the judgements of relevance. As Baszanger & practices which constitute social systems’ (p Dodier argue, GTM offers a basis for doing 27). This is not to say that social actors do this this, since it provides researchers with a series in an arbitrary fashion: On the contrary we of exemplars for developing research with continually test and seek to confirm our own these objectives and constraints clearly in sets of meanings. mind; but where the topic of research is non- codified and disparate, having to take people’s Meaning construction is a social perceptions and beliefs into account. In this activity, not an individual one. For the most sense Turner is correct to note that ‘there is no part we do this all the time, without realizing orthodoxy in grounded theory, and I do not that we are doing so. We only become think that it is necessary or desirable that such conscious that we are doing this if someone an orthodoxy should develop.’ (p 347) He draws our attention to it - as I am doing here: concurs with Glaser’s contention that GTM is Or if something ‘goes wrong’; so that our

The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002. 39 Antony Bryant an approach that develops through activities be added understanding, engaging, best ‘expressed as a gerund: negotiating, challenging and contesting. encountering, complaining’: To which might

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The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 4:1, 2002. 41 Antony Bryant


Antony Bryant Having started my first degree in Cambridge as a natural scientist, I finished it as a social scientist. I then completed my PhD at LSE, before taking up temporary posts as a lecturer in Sociology. The curtailment of the social sciences in the UK under Thatcher, forced a change of direction, and I completed a Masters in Computing, followed by several years working in the commercial software sector. Since 1985, I have been teaching and researching at Leeds Metropolitan University; previously as Reader in Software Engineering, and since 1994 as Professor of Informatics. I also hold visiting posts at the University of Amsterdam, and University of Malaya where I co-ordinate an International Masters in Information Management.