Software development during shutdown

Pengfei Ding DAQ Weekly Meeting March 30th, 2020 Ways to get SW building env • VirtualBox - OSX, , Windows

• Containers: Docker/ - OSX, Linux, Windows (require or + )

• CERN VM - OpenStack VM • np04-srv-030 (for firmware development only) • DAQ teststands

2 03/30/2020 Pengfei Ding | DAQ Weekly Meeting VirtualBox • John Freeman has a nice setup of VirtualBox VM for getting development environment on your own system; • This is based on his setup with some modifications to reduce the final image size by using CVMFS.

• Install VirtualBox on your system; • Copy this OVA file: - - The file has a size of 3.4GB. • Double click the OVA file to import the VM into VirtualBox; • Start the VM, default user is “artdaq” with no password, and with sudo ability.

• Then follow the following instructions to build/run dune-artdaq: -

3 03/30/2020 Pengfei Ding | DAQ Weekly Meeting Containers • Similar to VirtualBox setup, but require your system to have docker/singularity as well as cvmfs installed;

• Pull the following docker image (or convert it into singularity img): - docker pull dingpf/sl7:dunedaq • Copy the following tarball to your host machine: - • Then run the docker container using privileged mode, and volume mount the following path: - /cvmfs:/cvmfs - run:/run, daqdaq:/daqdata, run_records:/run_records, artdaq:/home/artdaq • A docker-compose file and more detailed instructions will be provided soon.

4 03/30/2020 Pengfei Ding | DAQ Weekly Meeting Others • CERN VM: - Similar setup as VirtualBox VM; - Will have a total of 4 VMs configured later this week. • np04-srv-030: - Is kept alive during shutdown; - Softwares are mirrored to local scratch disk; - But reserved for firmware development use. • DAQ teststand servers (e.g. miniDAQ@Columbia): - Limited access in institutions’ internal network, generally not for all DAQ folks. - Similar setup as the VM; - Let us Sys-admin know if you want help configuring your institutions Linux server. - Some notes on configuring miniDAQ server@Columbia: • Talk to Pengfei to decide which option suits your needs best.

5 03/30/2020 Pengfei Ding | DAQ Weekly Meeting cvmfs • If you do not or cannot install cvmfs on your host machine, here is the cvmfs tarball prepared for you: - • You should untar it and mount the directory as /cvmfs in your VM or container.

• Additional Instructions to install cvmfs: -

6 03/30/2020 Pengfei Ding | DAQ Weekly Meeting