i.-. Red Bank Area Yi CapyrtgBt-The Xed Baric Reciter, Inc., UN. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Today Defends Raise in Viet Manpower

By JACK BELL . at a closed meeting of the Sen-Southeast Asia, American Legion legislative dinner Cong, and its political front, tile WASHINGTON (Af>) - Sec- ate Foreign Relations Commit- fighting forces are "fully capa- Wednesday night that President National Liberation Front, are etary of Defehse Robert S. Mc-tee appeared likely to revolve ble of meeting our commit- Johnson is following a middle the creatures of Hanoi. He pic- Namara strides Into the eye ofaround why—with 215,000 Amer- ments" around the world. course between quitting South tures the Viet Nam "conflict-j* the senatorial 'itorm over Viet icans already committed to the McNamara's announcement Viet Nam and resorting to only a part of the power stru£ Nam today prepared to defend a struggle^Jie Communists. still that another 20,000 men will be "massive escalation and viogl- e to save Asia from commu- 0 000 increase In U.S. fighting are able to call the turn on thesent to Viet Nam came only five lence" to win there. nism. ei> there, ... . escalation of hostilities. days! after President Johnson The' vice president drove He had, he said, a "rewarding McNamara was expected to McNamara told a news con- told a news conference: "We do home, as he had in a three-hour experience" answering the e called upon to, support Vice ference Wednesday that if need not have on my desk at the mo- session with senators previous- questions of; senators about President .Hubert H. Hum- be the American manpower ment any unfilled requests" ly, that the President is unwill- equally divided between critics phrey's ' assertion Wednesday commitment in Viet Nam could from Gen. William C. West- ing at this point to recognize the and supporters of Johnson's ight that the "tide lias begun tobe boosted to 350,000 without moreland, U.S. commander in Communist Viet Cong as a conduct of the war.' .",-s turn Jn our favor" in the effort ordering Reservists to active South Viet Nam, for more men. "separate entity"—as Sen, Rob- But he said that while it was o halt Viet Cong aggression and duty- McNamara did not sajr when ert F, Kennedy, D-N.Y., pro- "easy to debate and theorise to bolster die-South Vietnamese The defense chief said that the additional 20,000 men will be posed—at any negotiation table about Asian communism" 10,000 economy. although there are now about sent into Viet Nam. that may materialize. miles away, aggressive and One of the pressing questions 300,000. U.S. servicemen in Humphrey told an American Humphrey said that the Viet (See McNAMARA, Page 2). "

HOLMML — David" Stewart, 15. Old Mill Rd. and East Main St., On Bedell's Tuition Question ledkiaf Icrulhad seven-foot diftghyundtr the St»wart»' 25-foot cabin crui»- "'•'.' ••' -M^v Cqlhsge Answers Pledged • • &'LV '-rilir-- -i :-:••'•'•••' FREEHOLD — Answer* to department because of a pending by the state and the previous that the college is using public In this regard, he differed with ft' whether Monmouth .College .is appropriation of $400,000 -.$200,- appropriation by the county may aid to meet operational costs the view of Assemblyman Alfred properly spending public funds 00_0_ ..fro. m funds of the 1956-66 well be unlawful." of its entire institution. N. Beadleston' R-Monmouth, ."* : appropriated for it were promised budget and $200,000 in the pro- State aid was requested under Dr. Kilpatrick said the Intent sponsor of the 1962 bill,- Mh .;i4^V..*'w^ .••.•"<••;•".. for today and tomorrow on twoposed 196847 budget — to the a 1962 law which permits the of the law to encourage county Beadleston has contended the in- 4P)rJfl -But, with th» Increase in Viet 'the payments may be used for fronts, county for added aid to the col-state to contribute up to $200,- aid for junior colleges — only tent was to reimburse counties jfis.- into law;.!*- Nam fightihg,'the broader met-graduate work...... : Freeholder Eugene J. Bedell lege., -.....,,. ... 000 a year to match county funds Monmouth and. Union Counties for college aid they had allocated &&. Jitoi.. GV BjHJVsure panedthV House. 381 to 0. .Veteran* attending school 'part- raised the issue earlier this week May Be 'Unlawful' contributed to support junior have junior colleges — and to at and 'thus relieve county tax- edticatloh, home, loan and th« Senate M to 0. • time .will receive scaled-down a letter to the state Depart- "It is my opinion," Mr. Bedell colleges. least double whatever county payers. J#fitt .to' veterans.• An iMtividua] can receive JIMpr/pients. ment of Education on: grounds 1 wrote, "that this appropriation Mr. Bedell said it Was apparent contribution was to be made. r Oil Service jobs to tniasioner. lt«4to veteran* d eo*Bb*.r«fl**. ies of three young government appeared in heavy overcast over southeast of Saigon raked the fuel storage dump a few mil«s active paynrtBU for -Veterans those aervlfl* it lent tix montti "We will have tn answer prob- TU»«ftoV.«6it About tUajnU- employees executed by the Viet the rjorth on Tuesday and their self-propelled oil barge Paloma from Saigon. • who .have completed collage, butsince JaitTl, UK, ibfy'by Friday," he aald. IMn * .Mr, Bedell JWtote to the state Cong. Their hands were tied three crewmen, were listed as with a barrage from recoilless in the pait; three months, the missing. rifles - and 50-caliber machine Communists twice before have Want* WLB Ballots Disqualified A ifgHt spatter plane crashed guns. In' the secoad unsuccessful tried to sink, shipping in the river In the sduth yesterday 40 miles attempt in five day's to block approach to Saigon. In Decem- northwest of Qui Nhon on a the inland capital's main link ber they fired on a Danish 2,000 Exposed reconnaissance for the to the esa. freighter. On Sunday, they hit ^^i^^Wri^-InDenial 1st Air Cavalry Division. Two Ten crewmen were, reported the Panama - flag freighter Americans aboard were; killed. wounded. At least one Viet- Lorinda with machine-gun and Jungles, Paddles Combed namese sailor was said to have recoilless-rifle fire 21 miles louth *ESt UW the county board, Spain made a move Tuesday, US. planes carrying nuclear "This election was a-little con- borough was told she could cast mnouncing that 2,000 persons she said: "Umotf that I w» not fusing. anyway. Toe districts a write-in vote but was given in- weapons. th» only person in West Long r had'been exposed to.a slight Candidate Petitions Set were combined. It was the only correct instructions, causing The Soviet Union charged that Bran* to be denied • choice in danger of radiation after a U.S election In which ban awl liquor machine to Jam. B52 boirfter and KC135 tanker the United States had caused LONG BRANCH - Election at-la'rge. They will assume office been set, a group composed large; this election. I respectfully re- vtores were- Allowed to, stay widespread radioactive contam- quest ifi ballot* cast in West ' Discussed • writi-ltt. ballots." monuclear ' weapons were The reason for U.S. silence, a announced yesterday. vote a change of government to Bernard puce, group spokes- , Mr*. Baldl *aid she did vote, aboard the B52 when it crashed high official said, was to comply Each petition must bear at least Plan A of the mayor-council sys- man, said 21 names of potential bujt not for her write-In candi- Kilmer Teachers near the Mediterranean Coast. with Spain's desire for no public 135 valid signatures of city voters, tern. candidates Had been discussed comment on the matter. Miss Camassa yesterday said by the group, adding that a pub* d*l«. «t ibwldn't have, though," The conventional explosives she said, and must be filed no •hfidded. surrounding the critical core of 'With Spain perhaps threat- later than 4 p.m. on deadline applications-for election challeng-He opinion poll would be con- Wter^being tuned down^by the the hydrogen devices blew apart ening us to remove our air day. ers must be filed with the coun- ducted and the results verified foial election officials, she said To Study Union bases, we couldn't very well go The election, set for May 10,ty Board of Elections by April by computers. He said the poll two of the bombs upon impact will ohoose a mayor and five 26. would attempt to ascertain which *h»-spoke to.an officialron the with the earth, a Defense De- against her wishes," this official f desires councibnen, who will be elected Hours after the filing date had candidates would appeal to Which «e4iryi Jetton board wto told EDISON, N-J. (AP) — About said their were partment, spokesman said. (See RADIATION, Page 3) a memo voting elements in the city, and ht#»t 0ov. Rfonan! J, Hwghes,bait of the'nonvocaUonal teach- expressed In to the There Was no nuclear chain Federal Electric Corp. of P»ra- the slate would be chosen ac- tit^Mcratii'arid the Republi-ers, at toe Camp Kilmer' federal reaction,. Job Corps training center plan mus, which operates the center cordingly. ^ can* bad'decided Jhere would be A third bomb was found ap- 'no! to>«eet next week to form a under a federal contract, sever- Meanwhile, speculation IJ ram? branch pi Die American Federa- al months • ago. The spokesman parently virtually Intact Marlboro Board Supports tiitt hu been tome pant throughout the city on pos- 1 sdid 'the'concern took no action The fourth remains, missing — said 3. Rui- Uon 6f Teachers. the object of an intensive search sible mayoralty candidates. An- teH WoolW borough clerk as so the teachers decided to form nounced as definite candidates About 30 p( the 76 teachers at a union so they would have a by 20 U.S. Navy ships, thou- wfll Hi county clerk. Mr.,Wool- Kilmer met-Tuesday night. A are Councilman Edgar N. Dinkel- 1 stronger voice. lartdg of U.S. and Spanish mili- ley ,, wfeo returned from Florida 20-Room School Plan spiel and Bruce Woolley, a locaj tary and civilian personnel and petition circulated among the A spokesman for Federal Elec- TuMttty afternoon, said, "V 1 harried qfficlais at the Pentagon MARLBORO - The Board of original option, which has lapsed. Last night's meeting was ad-funeral director and member of had "been htr* and was- asked group' Mid they were seeking tric said Wednesday "the com- aitd State Department. Education' last night announced The land first was placed under journed until March 23. At that the Board of Adjustment. t a. Write-in could.be cast better 'teaching conditions' Jat thepany is very much aware that camp, More equipment, and • One of the guesses Is that thethat, with reluctance, it has option by the board In May, 1965. . . . Rooco N. Bonforte, city post- liavtFsald 'ye*-' < there are many problems a»so- tlme abandoned its twice-defeated pro- The cost for the 20-room school - ^ ^itd will set the master and a former commisslon- ». first ruje ift^an' election greater say in teaching^ policy. dated with opening and operat- posal for a 24-room school and, has not yet been determined. amount of the bond issue which er, said he had not decided wheth- ihatlfjKKi'Wir'tHkethf candi- A spokesman for. the 'teachers ing a large Job Corp* center.;. er to run but indicated that ht th.e company is constantly im- with the backing of the mayor, Man Critical council and Planning Board, will was leaning toward a negative; +• proving and upgrading its pro- response. He noted, however, that gram and facilities. ask for one of 20 rooms. After Crash Leo J. Scully, Sr., the presi- County to Share Cost oheck with postal regulation* r, Today's Index 'Of course, in attempting dent, announced the new plan. revealed there would.be no legal something new and different, HOWELL TOWNSHIP - A 68- obstacle to his candidacy. year-old Colt* Neck man was "It ia not What the ultimate |J»tt^.'T«W»bip,)D«B»craU ttlnk' they see a aonte people find It difficult to would be," he said. "At the time Of Bayshore Prqject Almost certain to run for May- reported in' critical condition at be flexible and adaptive, we are or is Councilman Milton F. Un- «AHM to eajfttibib4a « RepubUean seli( P. page I Fltkln Memorial Hospital, Nep- of opening it may be necessary to confident that Kilmer's teacher* FREEHOLD — The Monmouth freeholders, $705,000 is required termeyer, a former mayor, and tune, today after his car rammed take further action." in 1966. '*. 'G. ^4lnutr «veal* J»r hufband, the will, as in in the past, make a County Board of Freeholders political speculators see Samuel truck, broadside. In referring to the other town- jr epmwtadnUr, hu bean h«tplta]li*d lubatantlil contribution to thil agreed Tuesday to participate The freeholders approved a 10 Teicher, a local realtor and a Maxwell M. Perry, Howell ship officials, Mr. Scully aaU\ that •<*»* continuing /effort," the spoke* per cent commitment, appropri- leader of the Better Government Township state police said, w(u the board had "» strong indica- In a $7.9 million Bar/shore pro- man' said. ating $70,500 for the current year. League, as being the beneficiary traveling north on Rt. 9 at }0:« tion that' they will support this tection program, paving the way First year payments from the of the league's organization and, PEC officials were to me»t e.m. yesterday but failed to stop with full faith." 1 for awarding of Initial contracts state will be $352,000; Keansburg, money in a race for the mayor-, Thursday to Iron out closer Una his car for a traffic light at a A referendum is scheduled June 1. $190,500; and Rarltan Township, alty. .- of communications' between the jug handle near the KOOJ Broth- Tuesday, Apr.ll 28. $8,100. company and the teachers, lie iM..»tore, Same Property - Under the plan, developed by All political observers expect added. Hl» car, struck a truck driven The school Is expected to be the Army Corps of Engineers and Bids will be taken May 4 and large field for both the mayr Tb« teacher»"J|rau|> w*» la by Richard E. NlelMn, 135 built on the turn, property orig- (he State Navigation Department, contracts awarded June 1. The oralty and council. meeting* im#y in hope of George St., Point Pleasant, who inally proposed, a 13-acre parcel the federal government will pro- project Includes depositing 3,000,- Can Your Wife Serve acqujrlni | chjrter. , Wai attempting, to turn on a on Union Hill and Tennent Rds., vide W.5 per cent of funds for 000 cubic yards of sand along a A % Ib. sirloin steak, baked Tte .ceHtiur, which opened In green signal onto the highway. In Robertavllle. the three-year project for Keans- 17,300 foot beachfront, between potato, texas toast, and tossed February 19M and has an en- Hospital officials reported Mr, The Board plans to purchase burg, West Keansburg and East Waackaack and Pews Creeks, salad for $1.39; even lower for rollment, or 1,100 school drop- tarty, suffered head cut* and the property from William Hawk- Keanstiurg. raising the elevation of the pro-children? Bonanza Sirloin P" can o«U Ironi poverty families, was chest injurle*. Because of' his Ins! for %l,m per «c|t. • THe share to be paid by the tective berm to 15 feet above and doe* every day of tlu> week. thi tubjept of a critical report condition, state police have not Mr. Scully" pralied Mr. Hawk- ilate, county, Keansburg, Middle- mean sea l«vel. 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. We art lo- l«st November' by eight m«m-yetquastioned hhn, NoauremoW In* for Mi willlnlness to sell tha town and Rarltan total* tt* mlt Levees would be built Into Rt. cate on Rt. 85, In Mlddlatowa- (SJflLMER)»3) was. {Hoed pending (nveatljation. larid, at Hie iam« price u In, the Han of Which, according to the (See COUNTY, Page 3) Adv. , •- ,. n Holmdel Politic* in Ferment Democrats Seek to Prdfil jjjy

By VHXUM KKHAKDS, Xd the GOP dumped former Repub- Mayor Poole'j appointments. He pute whd is a Democrat "just Young GOtP ue Mat proWte. (Flrrt of Two Articles) lican Committeeman Vincent J. added a GOP primary battle, if: isrrt." We recognue thejf |we a good. HOLMDEL - Democrats here Maneri. combined with continued fight- Mr. Madden, Mr. Ppee and organization tndHpf it would be are planning to capitalize on a 'You w^uld have thought Al ing between tjie Republican can- club Secretary Louis -DlGiroUmc a good contest" (i split in GOP ranks this year to would have an obligation as Vin- didates, can only help Democrat- look to i,*n upcoming meeting to Young Republii expand their foothold in this tra- ny defended him a number of ic aspirants. be held in Town Hall-to "reac- "Old Guard" in the jiriflwiry ^eo.1 ditional Republican bastion. times at committee meetings," He did, however, indicate all tivate" ihe Democrat!* Club-as tion). ' ' ! '"- "' i Archie R. Price, Jr., Demo- he declared. is not solid with the Democrats. "a call to arms." Queried as to an apparent lack cratic county committeeman and Mr. Price and many others He noted die party has split in Mr, '*>ric« and Mr. Madden of active Democrati^except for here were "disturbed" when a party chieftain, asserted last the past as to which GOP fac- view the Young GOP at a more a handful, Mi£Prlce7»».-! Mayor Poole failed to appoint tion to support. night that the Republican "Old formidable political foe than die organization' mat ha»;» « Mr. Maneri to a six-year seat on Guard" and Young GOP factions Apparently, Democrats here "Old Guard." The view is based time bringing home I winner the Planning Board. The mayor feel it, easier to pull the lever "are so split the only, direction upon a tradition of co-operation have a hard time maintaining appointed Larrabee M. Smith, for an "Old Guard" GOP can- here between the two parties, they can take leads to us and terest." •• --. former Young GOP club presi- didate than a Young GOPer. even though the GOP has been ( the rebirth of the two-party sys . DiHerent'VIfw/;-'-^}' dent, to trie post, and Mr. Man- careful to maintain its power. tem here." Most Young GOP members, he Looking to the; party's future eri charged he had been "double -stated, feel that a person of re- Mr. Price asserted, "The He points to last November's crossed." here, Mr. Price ind Mr. Midden election—in which Democrat Pat take different views. ' P. Posada, Jr., lost to Republican Expects Maneri Move Forecasting the possible polit- Where Mr. Price seeks to top- Mayor Alfred C. Poole by only High Court Ends Review pie the GOP si it mumes an ical role Mr. Maneri will • play 111 votes—as being indicative of increasingly divided po»ture, Mr. the year, Mr. Price said he ex- Democratic strength here. Madden wys, "we have to main- pects the former committeeman While there were two Town Of Confessions Decision tain our present status, move to make a move of some sort. ship Committee seats at stake WASHINGTON : last year, Democrats ran only Supreme Court has completed a state is obliged to. provide ship grows. •)J. ' ,v" ",-v( . ;•• one candidate-Mr. Posada. buck them head en. searching re-examination of its lawyer to a police suspect he- Mr. Price informally declared "Second guessing his thinking, historic Escobedo decision ap- fore taking his confession. "As Holmdel grows, inoMtxo- open season on the mayor last I would say he'll turn indepen- parently deeply divided on how pie will move here from UM 4jtf. ARCHITECT'S SKETCH shows Cross of Glory Lutheran Church, which will be situated "It's a question of the facts in night. dent." it should be applied to police each individual cue," Ringer on a 4.1-acre site on Cambridge Dr., Matawan Township. Construction is expected to "It's obvious from the number Mr. Price said Mr. Maneri has investigations across the land. said. "Since there are mor« DetnoJ' "always been in the thick of crats registered in, th* urban get underway in two months. of people I've talked to that a In one sense at least, Justice things. I Just can't see him fad- But to William A, Norris, a areas, it followj more Democrat* great many Democrats supported Potter Stewart suggested ing from Holmdel's political Los Angeles attorney appointed will be moving here." Mayor Poole. Wednesday as three days scene." of by the high court to represent a "Without our support, he hearings on five Escobedo4ype Mr. Price, however, notes Re- William K. Madden, Democrat- man who bad been convicted of publicans hold' two-to-one fUSS Cross of Glory Lutheran Plans wouldn't have been elected," Mr. cases drew to a close, the court murder on the basis of a purse- 1 Price contended. ic Club vice president, views the over Democrats in regUtrawM.' may be chasing a "will o' the snatching confession, it means Mr. Price—a thrice-defeated GOP rift—iwhioh, on the surface, "I guess this tonwhip Is'rtch' wisp." suspects not only have the Tight candidate for Township Commit- has quieted down—as being good that It !i attractive to ReWNi. Construction in Matawan Twp. to a lawyer's assistance daring tee—asserted Democrats have for the Democratic party at elec- The Escobedo ruling in 1964 cans. *"• -. ,, , . '„•<>,. for the first time extended to a police interrogation, but that the MATAWAN TOWNSHIP- zation, WhicJi deeded the site, facilities seating 186, an educa- since become disenchanted with tion time, but bad for the town- "As long as w* have one-icfft suspect in a police station the right is not "contingent upon Plans call for the new Cross of from the Board of American tional wing of classrooms, and Mayor Poole, an "Old Guard" ship the rest of the year. zoning, it will take a good buck right to consult his lawyer — request." Glory Lutheran Church to b< Missions of the Lutheran Church pastor's office. Republican. "We as Democrats want to to buy a. house here. and set off a national debate on What about ttte justices them built on a 4.1-acre site on Cam in America, and from the con- On-site parking facilities will a.'. "His appointments indicate he see them claw each other to 'Traditionally, the people who police practices. They hang bridge Dr., here. Construction gregation at a special meeting. so be constructed. hasn't kept faith with his Demo- pieces so we can step over their in selves? / , can afford this are Republican!, the balance until the justices slated to begin in two month The immediate, unit of 5,000 A 50-foot high free standing cratic supporters." dead political bodies," he as- Although Chief Justice Earl by and large," Mr. Price laid. hammer out their differences if will be of modern design. square feet will contain worship cross will rise above the struc- Against Menges serted. Warren cautioned one lawyer Mr. DiGirolamo, conrmentirni, they can and, perhaps by June, The initial phase of the build- ture. Other units are ulttmatelj Mr. Price indicated local Dem- However, Mr. Madden favors against "trying to read our on next week's meeting, said,, reconciliation of factions except announce their decisions. 1 ing program will cost betweer planned for the site. ocrats voted a Poole4Posada tick- minds,' Uie only clues at this "We're here, but we're very at primary time. He noted polit- Again and again, as lawyers we We have to get some new $100,000 and $150,001). First services were held in et in an effort to deny a suc- point are in the justices' bench »*- cessful bid by now Committee- ical fighting over the indus- pressed their cases before the residents interested to aid those- The architectural firm of Finni September, 1963, and the con- remarks and questions. man William H. Menges. He trial road, the Old Manor-New- court during the exhaustive re- who haven't fallen by the way- Lyman and Finne, Elizabeth, gregation was organized in April, The Escobedo decision threw hinted that some "Old Guard" stead sewer plan and other sub- view, they/ were asked by' the side in revitaliiing the party." preparing final constructio 1964. Its parish boundaries includi by the narrow 5-4 vote, the drawings, with help from Kui the southern section of Matawai Republicans did so as well, but jects "doesn't do the township justices to give their own Ol the entire, situation, leading RIVERVIEW Illinois conviction of a man who Carlson, 66 Avalon La., bulldin Township as well a,s all of Marl apparently the majority voted any good." ings of the Escobedo ruling. The Democrats are sure of one thing Red Bank the party; line for Mr. Menges— answers were diverse. was prevented by police' from committee chairman. boro Township. Mr. Madden, an attorney, pre- which/ Mr. DiGirolamo states Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruck (nee a Young GOP leader. seeing his waiting lawyer before Approval of plans hat been Rev. Richard A. Weeden is pas- dicts a widening of the most re To California Deputy Atty. squarely: "There isn't a real two- Anita Clemens), 93 Pinckney Rd., Esco- confessing a murder. obtained from the Levitt organi- tor of the congregation which He blasted the mayor because cent GOP split, in the wake of Gen, Gordon Ringer, the party, system here." Red Bank, a son, Tuesday. numbers between 100 and 200 Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Wer- families. It presently holds ser- mann (nee Blanche F. Chinery), Discuss Budget vices in Strathrmore Elementarj 36 Nevada Dr,, Hazlet, a daugh- School. At Colts Neck ter, Tuesday. defendants and wfcoreln " ' Mr. and Mrs. Vetrano (nei New Jersey: Fair and quit Judgment has been t No. DO on map (nee Juanita Merzedez), 114 MARINE entitled "Revised Map of West End Heights, Long Branch. New Jersey, North Broadway, Long Branch, Cape May to Block Island: Blade by J. W. Seaman, C. E. dated Sept. lTUi ISM" which map daughter, yesterday. Small craft warnings lowered a( as duly filed In the Manmouth Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Mazza 5 a.m. Winds becoming south County Clerk's Office. Baifl prem* (lea are Also known aj Lot 4 Block (nee Carolyn Bellapietra), 15S west to south 10 to 15 knots to 113 on the tax map of tlie-CHy night except 15-20 knots neai 6t I«ong Branch. ,' Franklin Ave., Long Branch, And the Court, by sajd Order, ha daughter, yesterday. Block Island. Southerly 10 to IS tug let the 18lh Jay of March 1M6, between the hours of 10 e.m. ar.'i i knots tonight, increasing to 15-20 p.m. prevailing time, and the Tax knots tomorrow. Fair today, Cdflector1 of the Oity of Long Branch at Ml office In tht City Hall of Long partly cloudy tonight and tomor- Branch, as the time, plnca and po McNamara row with chance of showers late ton before whom the defendants I this caitte shall pay to the plaint! (Continued) tomorrow. Visibility five miles or the amount due for prlnclpnl and In- ttrtst on plaintiff's certificate of taj subversive communism was not more, lowering to one mile or aal« u aforesaid, together with j>lalr> a subject of debate by nations in less in fog or haze late tonighi tiff* taxed roits in thin suit. You are Riven this nollct Inn' Ihe area. TIrere, he said,"it is • and early tomorrow. you may appear and niakp redenvp- harsh, dangerous reality." TIDES tlon of the above promises. In de- fi'ilt thereof the plaintiff shall be Humphrey's report on hi Sandy Hook Utlsjd to be vestal of an Indnfenaablf estate of Fee Rlmplo In said promises nine-nation tour of Asia wa TODAY — High 4:54 p.m. am Ptbruarr MUi, 19M generally recorded by those who low 10:54 p.m. FRANCIS W, LAWLEY Attorney for Plaintiff sat in as a friendly exploration TOMORROW - High 5:18 a.m, 100 Highway No. 35 and 5:54 p.m. and low 11:48 a.m Red Bank. N. J. of administration policies which March 3 J1H.5S have been under attack by some and 11:54 p.m. NOTICE senators, For Red Bank and Rumson NOTICE TO AlkSKNT nKFKNIMNTR suriiiuoit COURT OF NEW .IKRSEV Sen. J, W. Fulbright, D-Ark. bridge, add two hours; Sea < IIAMEIIY DIVISION, IMSJ341I Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long ttale of New Jersey to FRANCIS Foreign Relations Committee HAYDEN «nd III* hrtr.-i, deviate chairman, indicated that McNa- Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- SPECIALLY EQUIPPED! has pleated all-vipyl seat upholstery, and personal representative*, am lands' bridge, add 40 minutes, hid, their and ar.'y successor* I mara was not likely to get nff so bright-metal trim, 240-cu. In. Big Six, white- right title and Interest, and MRS well from senators who "all like SATELLITES FRANCIS HAYDEN, wife of sal. Francis Hayden. If any. the vice president very much.' ECHO I at 7:11 p.m. and 3:1 walls, wheel covers, sale-priced options too. You are herehy summoned ami re a.m. tomorrow, south of, New SPECIALLY PRICED! O'-l-fc] to sfTl'e tii>on McCue am Sen. John J. Sparkman, D- O'Hern, B>(js., plaintiff1! attorney Ala., and other senators emoted York City, 28 and 44 degree w.ic-.e ndiirpHs Is 60 rtroad Street, Re< Bank, New Jersey, an answer to the Humphrey as denying he had above horizon, respectively, mov- Complaint filed In A civil nctJon, irj ing NE and SE. lllllSt3ng comes with frisky 200-cu. in, which Luke Kralyvlch in plaintiff am mnde any promises for In Francis Hayrien, etc. et al. are dp reased aid to South Korea and ECHO II at 10:36 p.m, today Six, floor shift, bucketseats, full carpet, wheel leiwiftnta, pending in the Superior Court of TJew Jersey, within tlilrty-flve daya ihe Philippines in return for north of New York City, 00 de- after Much 24. IMS etclmlve of such grees above horizon, moving NE, . covers. Over 70 options. date. If you (all to do so. the rr- . ftelr sending additional corriba demanded In the cnmplntnt will be roops to Viet Nam. taken against you by default. Yoi slisll file your aniwpr and proof n Most of those who came out of service Iff duplloata wllli Ine clerk nl Ihe session with Humnlirey said Marlboro the Superior Court, atate House An nex, , TVefrtoi,, New JerBey IInn accord they had heard nothing new (Continued) ance witith tthh e rulel s of ddv>l l practicti e Humphrey Mmse'f said he «r>1 procedure. will be on the April ballot. This action has been Instituted for didn't think he had changed the purpose of fori-olaMng a certain Because of the growing number eartlqca-te of tax sale, Rffrctlng lands inyone's mind. of school election voters, the t(l Uti Township of MIddletown, Conn tv of Momnoulh and State ot New -LEGAL NOTICE board voted to set up two dis- SK—1, krW»n u Lota M, 17, (a .,,,| ORDINANCE »r,M tricts. Ford Dealer N ' in Block "K" on Ms|i of New KMtwtouri Hellhte, which ortiricate Notice li hereliv ifven tint Ihe lot- Voters in the first district, WM el«out«d by Ihe Tax Collector of owing ordinance was nasucd 'on Us tht Township of MIddletown, dated Ot ireond snrl ttnsl reading by thp Munlcl which will include municipal elec- c«M>«r 12. 1N3 and recorded In the 1 Council of Ilii ncrouirtt or Kiins- llonmouth County Clerk's Office mrg at a regular niPetlnf hold on tion districts one and two, will Mar I. ltM In Hook 2(65 it pagt M; Vnlnitiitay, March 3, Idea snd afltr ote at the Central School, Marl •M Wl. Die eemna to whom Mi's piibllo hKarlnf tun time wu orilirtd MOUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY tKXtci Is addrttstd, are made put- idnnlrd and annrnvrd md brcomps oro, Ufa nVtr.dant be>o>uM you an the 'ffertlvs after publlahed a* required mMn of Hid Unds and jiremlMi, 'If law, Voters in the second school »r thilr njaiwvtlt* spmnu, as hare- AN nrtnlNANOB AMENniNO 0111)1- lection district—municipal elec- (ANCK NO. 3H ENTITLE!! "AN OR- 90 MONMOUTH STREET RED |ANK N4140M IINANCB CONCERNING DOCS" AND tion district! three and four—will 1 MUHTllut O. MJQWUAN, . HK AMENDMENT* AND lUPrLC rote in the Morganville Independ- - Clark et Superior Court ENTS rWCHBTO. Mtma (, 16. )T, M IH.M March I H.ll jnt Fire Co. building on Rt, 78. If Teacher of 'Trainafclests Says It's a 'Beautiful Job' By JOAN TURNER They are John Sullivan, 19, "good-afternoon" kiss for Miss KEYPORT - "I have learned and Henry Jackson, 18, both of Cohen. how to adjust to living with those Red Bank. Lessons involve the study trf children or I could cry my eyes When they are compelled to shapes and forms, colors and out all day. It's such a beautiful leave the class at age 21, Miss recognition of numbers and let- job." Cohen feels assured they wi ters. Each child is taught in- With this statement, B. Doro- be accepted into a sheltered dividually and in accordance thy Cohen capsules her 11 years workshop. "They follow Instruc- with his capabilities. as teacher of the Keyport Gram- tions absolutely and correctly, if Playtime is listening to music mar School's "trainable" class given in simple form." and building with blocks. One of handicapped children. The class is limited, by law, little girl danced to music sup- Miss Cohen, a lifelong resident to ID children and in Miss Co- plied by one of the student's at 75 Broad St., graduated from hen's class the ages range from transistor radio. the same school in which she seven to 19. Wash, Brush Teeth now teaches. The children, who will attend After lunch, the children wash their faces and hands and brush "I won't say how long ago; ler class until they are 21, are chosen through tests given by their teeth. Each child has his people make 'too much of a own cloth, soap and brush In fetish of dates," the said. school psychologists and com from Red Bank and Madison small plastic bags which hang Having graduated from Key- Township, as well as Keyport. on a wall behind the sink. Each port High, she went on to New- Their transportation is supplied bag has the name of the student ark State Teachers College, ; by the various Boards of Educa- attached. where she received her certifi- tion involved. "Thi3 helps them to recognize cation to teach elementary Miss Cohen escorts one boy their names," she said. classes. personally. Miss Cohen studied Saturdays "I taught fourth and fifth "I am confident he can cross and evenings to receive her per- grades at the grammar school Broad St. by himself, but, you manent certification for the here, but due to my mother's know, I worry about the cars," teaching of these children. LEARNING HOW — Miss B. Dorothy Cohen supervising game of checkers be+ween- illness, I then was away from she explained. .Handicapped children sre two of her "trainabla" students at special class in Keyport, Mary Beth Schulmeister, IS, > teaching for nine years. After classified, through psychological A typical day of the class, of Madison Township, and John Sullivan, 19, of Red Bank. The class has the school's all that time, I thought I had which is sjmilar In appearanc testing, as "trainable" or "edu- graduated from teaching," ihe to a kindergarten class, consists cafole." checker's champion, Henry Jackson. said with a smile. of lessons, playtime, lunch, "One of my students, upon my Recall) Hartzler Call clean-up time and a loving, recommendation, was re-tested She related how the then and was immediately placed in Liberal Faction Opposed superintendent o f Keyport's the fifth grade," the instructor schools, John Hartzler, called Petillo's reported. her to request that she teach the "When the class first started, first class that Keyport would some of the other students In ILLNESS REVEALED — State Highway Commissioner have for the handicapped chil- Condition the school, not realizing how Assail YR 'Exterminators' Dwlght R. G. Palmer, 79, of Short Hills, absent from his dren which was made possible cruel it was, would make some TJRENTON — Now it's mem The Monmouth Young Repub- Mr. Todd answered Veling's Jetij of my children do stupid things bers of the "Exterminators," a lican attached to the letter a ter last weekend saying his in< ; Trenton office for threa weeks, has bean hospitalized for by passage of the Beadleston f Act in 1955. Is Critical But, gradually, over the years liberal group within the state photostat exf an "Exterminators" formation had been turned over;;, •bout that time and no data has been tat for his release, my class has been accepted and Young Republicans, who are un- instruction phamphlet he said to William F. Tompkins, legal., She accepted and the class was RED BANK-John A. Petillo ol the children are even liked. der fire. he found during a meeting of the counsel for the senior GOP in- hit wlfa revealed yesterday. IAP Photo) in operation the same year. 114 Maple Ave., assistant county "In fact, Henry is the check- New Jersey YR's last Dec. 19, In vestigating group composed of- "The first day was a sham- prosecutor, is in critical condi- J. Frans Veling, of Middle ers champion of the school and Cumberland County^ Alfred C. Clapp, John E. Diarj bles. I thought I had accom- tion this morning in Rivervlew town, an officer in the Mon has been challenged by some of mon, and Waller Van Riper. plished miracles bys just getting Hospital. mouth County Young Republi- Mr. Veling also read the form the junior high school students. The three members also re-, Palmer Hospitalized, the children to sit down," she A patient in the intensive care cans and Associate Vice Chair- to state YR members at a meet- He Is also a very good chess ceived copies of Mr. Veling's,, said. section of the hospital, Mr. Pe- man of the state YR's, has sent ing Feb. 18 in Burlington Coun- tillo was taken there yesterday player. strongly worded letter to Web- ty. protest. Since that time, when Keyport morning after suffering a heart 'People ask me if my work iter B. Todd, chairman of the Mr. Veling told The Register-, HU Wife Discloses had one of the first of such He wrote Mr. Todd that the attack at his home. is challenging. Challenging Is itate Republican Committee, classes, many other communities form is one of the reasons "the the "Exterminators" have been-, SHORT.HILLS, N.J. (AP) - efforts of his supporters to run A close friend of Mr. Petilli such a hackneyed word. I Just :omplaining about the makeup now have similar programs, but active for some time. He also State Highway Commissioner him for governor, saying he last night said: "John is very, love these children." of a team which is investigating following people should be dis- she still has two students with Dwight R. G. Palnier has been wanted to spend more time with very sick." Staff members al the conservative "Rat Finks" qualified from the investigation is curious as to why groups her who started the same day hospitalized for about three his wife, Helen, and their four the hospital said mouth to mouth group, The Register has learned team: Michael Rubin, Laurence probing the "Rat Finks" have- she did. weeks-and no date has been set children. resuscitation was used when he Radiation ixclusively. Hecker and Samuel Turkus." changed hearing dates so often." for his. release, his wife said arrived there to restore breath- Two years after accepting (Continued) Bigotry charges have been The writer also stated: He denies the "Rat Finksf yesterday. ing. Meyner's appointment to the said. "The fact of the matter is leveled at the "Rat Finks." "Basil Beck, chairman of the deal in anti-Semitism. Conviction His physician, Dr. C. H. Scar- Mrs. Palmer said the 79-year- highway department Palmer in- we've' had a statement ready to The state committee is direct- Cumberland County YR's also pellino of 119 Maple Ave., at oW commissioner "is in good troduced Meyner to Helen Ste- be released by the U.S. Embas- ing the probe. Mr. Veling's let- should be disqualified as a team first declined to comment on his spirits.! He Is doing whatever venson. She is now Mrs. Robert sy in Spain for the last two ter, read, in part: member by virtue of a public Is Reversed patient's condition. He later con- the doctors tell him to. B. Meyner. "This appeal is based upon the statement made at the Dec. 10 firmed reports, however, that a weeks." "He Is recuperating slowly infortunate but intended makeup session showing his prejudged Although his job is one of the recently installed machine, One version of the situation as tf$ugh'.::He was very tired when By Ascher >f the YR pre-investigating bias toward the 'Rat Finks.'... touchiest in state government Cardioverter, was instrumental explained by some officials is he went In," she said. :eam. To wit, these persons Palmer seejns to thrive on it. FREEHOLD ,-. A municipal in saving Mr. Petillo's life. II that military security was the "This appeal," the statement lave a direct and personal and She declined to say which hos- He said from the start he didn't court conviction of Francis P. was used eight times during thi overriding factor In the first few concluded, "is directed to you, •rejudicial interest in the out- pital the commissioner was In expect the job to be easy or Tucker, Jr., 65 Queen Anne Dr., day. Mr. Petillo was consciou days after the crash. The United first because of your reputation :ome of this investigation. or the nature of the surgery, free from criticism. Shrewsbury, for assaulting a last night, and talked to mem States did not want top secret for fairness, and, second, be- "This is so because of their adding that doctors were stilt "If one day goes by when at neighbor's child has been re- bers of his family. materials to fail into the foreign cause the Investigation under the membership in a well organized YR team, as presently consti- performing tests and no, date least one complaint doesn't versed in Monmouth County Riverview Hospital has three hands. group called the 'Extermina- tuted, will result in the demise had been sat for his release, cross my desk," he once told a Court. of the machines, which have At this time, too, officials felt tors' who are diametrically op- of the Young Republicans of "He would have liked it very legislative committee, "That's Judge Edward J. Ascher re- been credited with saving many the missing fourth tomb would posed in their philosophy, to that New Jersey as an effective body mi'.:h' i( there had been nothing when I'll know I'm doing my versed the action of Shrewsbury lives throughout the nation whe: be found shortly and a public at the 'Rat Finks.' " within our party." In the press. He just said he was job." Magistrate William J. Gladlng it is necessary to convert the statement could be made. going away ... and he did go on grounds that no appearance rhythm of a patient's heartbeat. As the search developed, the away," she said. She agreed had been made In the appeal by Mr. Petillo's law office Is at story goes, United States offi- that it had been a pretty well College the complainant. 12 Broad St.» :: : - ", * cials began to see a need to MCAP Board to Review kept secret for three weeks. (Continued) Mr. Tucker had been fined S50 make a clean breast of things in Newsmen first-noticed^ his ab- Dr. Kilpatrick said the law by the magistrate on the com- view of widespread press re- aponigrb Status Monday sence, on Monday, when:the tall, was not clear on how a Junior plaint of Daniel R. Caplan, 90 Soldier Held ports that nuclear armamen white haired commissioner college must apply money It Queen Anne Dr., Shrewsbury was involved. ASfiURY PARK - The basic I MCAP for further consideration failed to appear before a legis- receives but that the state de- whose son, Howard, 15, had been For Damage Spain, nevertheless, stood fast agreement between two anti-pov- MOAP is the parent unit of SB lative appropriations committee partment considers the intent to struck five times and knocked for no public statement. erty agencies and appointment ot DC, down three times by Mr. Tucker n executive director of one of hearing, Russell H. Mullen, an be to cut back costs for students. HIGHLANDS - John W.~Cl- the refusal is attributed to in the latter's yard Sept. 20 them will be reviewed by, the aide, who appeared in his place, Cities Other Law ebon, a soldier stationed at Fort several factors: Spain has 1965. Edmund J. Canzona, Red Board of Trustees of Monmouth said: at the time Palmer was "The law is similar to another Hancock, turned himself In to an authoritarian government. Bank, represented Mr. Tucker "indisposed." law for aid to county colleges Patrolman Walter Monahan ear- Spain did not want to alarm the Community Action Program, Kilmer in the appeal. Born in St.Louis, Mo., on June in which the county and the state ly yesterday morning after he somewhat backward folk of vil he, Monday. (Continued) I, 1886, the youngest of eight join to reduce the cost of tuition In the trial before Mr. Glading, had allegedly damaged 21 parked lage areas where the crash oc Joseph Taylor, executive direc- bers of the Rutgers University cars in a four-block area from chHdren, Palmer never went to for students," he said. the youth had testified that he curred. Spain did not want the or of MOAP, said the discussion staff who were under contract Eay Ave. to Miller St., police THE college, but went to work in a In his letter, Mr. Bedell asked was walking his three month old United States to' announce dealing with MCAP and the to FEC to advise on teaching at reported. Louisiana lumber camp, later the state department for a dog when it slipped out of its something that involved Spanish Small Business Development the center. tried,; selling, then became a prompt reply on grounds that collar and ran into the Tucker Patrolman Monahan found an- Center will be on the agenda of territory. The report, originally pre- partner in a Harrison cable the Monmouth freeholders are yard. The boy said he retrieved tennas broken, windshields and regular public meetirig of the U.S. officials acquiesced, pared for private distribution, company. • currently considering whether to the dog in shrubs outside a rear windshield wipers damaged, MCAP board at 8 p.m. at the cited what it termed "flagrant The company merged with undertake a county college pro- living room window of the Tuck- ripped interiors and indicator Neptune Municipal Building. deficiences in the program," in- otters and in 1954 Palmer re- gram and that the controversy er house. arms bent around the steering Mfr. Taylor, County Freehold- cluding over concern with dis- tired: from * SlOO.OOO-a-year post over the Monmouth College rela- Mrs. Tucker testified that she wheels of the cars. Viet Nam er Director Joseph C. Irwin and JERSEY as head of General Cable Corp. tionship would have a bearing. Cichon was turned over to th< ciplinary measures, a preoccu- had observed someone through (Continued) Dr. Georgge L. Stevenson, repre- to serve as highway commis- custody of the military police al pation with a good public image, Dr. Van Note had scheduled the window and that her hus- 10;30 a.m. in the long Tao sentini g MCAPMCAP, and ArthuAth r T. the Fort. Charges will be mad and a tendency, to degrade sioner under Gov. Robert B. his press conference to make a band went into the yard where Canal, a, narrow channel that Young, SBDC board chairman, BANK Meyner. statement in regard to the Mon- he encountered the youth, Mr. when the investigation has been runs into the Saigon river at nd thhe SBDC personnel com- corpsmen in their own estima- He has been highway commis- mouth College relationship to a Tucker said the neighborhood completed, Patrolman Monahan Nho Be. The Lorinda was hit mittee met last night to discuss said. sioner, matchmaker, and trou- county college program. His of- had been disturbed at that time in the same channel to the south. the topics. k ble shooter ever since. fice said, however, that he would by reports.of prowlers and house Several hundred guerrillas are Mr. Young announced Feb. 20 Palmer served as treasurer of also reply to questions rising out burglaries. He said the boy ran known to be stalking the swamp- hat on recommendation of the • ENJOY the Show More See it ot The PLAZA • the; Democratic National Com- of Mr. Bedell's letter to the, directly at him and that he Boy Admits lands in the area. jersonnel committee Rocco Cap- state department. !h Ontury-Foi pruinti mttyje in 1952 and Inter declined struck him. U.S. Marine officers at Nha onigro, a former Monmouth Magistrate Glading held that, Be said there was no doubt the County sheriff's officer, had been leven if Mr. Tucker's action Bomb Scare The Place to Go—For the Brands You Know • Communists were trying to block appointed SBDC executive direc- I might otherwise be lawful, he MADISON TOWNSHIP - A 14- the canai since they struck in tor at. an annual salary of $10,' was not satisfied that the de- year-old Laurence Harbor boy the narrowest section. If the 500. It was disclosed later that ll gree of force used was justified admitted telephoning a bomb ship had sunk, it would have under an existing agreement JOHN DANIELS by the circumstances. scare to the Browntown School tied up the waterway and ith MCAP the appointment was The Caplans had made the police reported yesterday. tightened the serious shipping subject to Mr, Taylor's okay. Mr. complaint and prosecuted it and •Hie boy was apprehended by bottleneck. Taylor has not taken any action 4 Semi-Annual SALE! would have been responsible to police and turned over to juvenile Marine Sgt. C. J. Fisher flew yet. respond to the Tucker appeal in authorities. over the stricken vessel in an Under a revised agreement ,«^. JAMES CflBURN-lEE J.C0BB-8ILA EOUN county court to sustain the con- According to police, a Ihrea armed helicopter within an hour which is under consideration, SB- viction. was made Monday that a bomb of the attack and reported: DC would gain more autonomy would go off in the school by b«*J t| W Ml! rt tin! HI. tart h 1M1 »W OFF .High Flame* Reported and its personnel appointments WEEKDAYS 10 a.m. Tuesday. COLOR by 0EIUXE-CINEMASCOPE 'Flames were curling 15 to rould not be subject to outside at 7:15 & 9:25 County Patrolman Charles Spinola re- 20 feet high from the center hold. jonfinnation. SUITS ported hearing the boy talking The water around the ship was Mr. Young said the agreement (Continued) about making the telephone call bubbling from the tremendous ; REGULAR NOW 36, about 6,600 feet in Waack- lad been submitted to the Of- Fri. 6:00, 8:00 10:00: Sat. & Sun. 1:40. 3:40, 5:45, 7:45, »:50 aack and Thorns Creek, and 7,000 SIZE IS NO HANDICAP heat. !ice of Economic Opportunity for feet in Pews Creek. It is an- DENVER (AP) - Don Day, 'Minesweepers a few hundred ipproval and is now back before | 59.95 to 85.oo 47.60 to 68.00 ticipated that as a result of the coach of Thomas Jefferson High's yards away from the tanker were co-operative effort lands in Denver League football cham receiving Viet Cong fire from OUR DIRECT Keansburg, West KeanSburg, and pions, had only one boy on the the west bank. There was quite East Keansburg, will be saved squad who was not bigger than a firefight going on." COMPARE NEW CAR RATE himself. Day is 5 feet 6 and OVERCOATS from erosion and protected from Fisher said the U.S. Navy LST, weighs 153, yet he won two let- flooding, and that wider recre- 875, was heading down river You Receive 12Mos. UMoi. 24Mos. 30 Mos. 36 Mos. ters in football at the University ational and boating use will be when the guerrillas attacked. $ 37.08 $ 31.52 of Denver. $1,000 $ 87.08 $ 59.30 $ 45.41 59.95 to 75.00 47.60 to 60.00 permitted. "Listening over our radio, I got the impression that the 1,500 130.62 88.95 68.12 55.62 47.29 skipper of the ship had been told 2,000 174.16 118.61 90.83 74.16 63.05 SPORTCOATS The Breath of Spring by higher headquarters to turn 113.54 back," Fisher said. 2,500 217.70 148.26 92.70 78.81 AWAITS YOU AT ... "I heard him say, 'Hell, no, 3,000 241.25 177.91 136.25 111.25 94.58 35.00 to 45.00 28.00 to 36.00 we're going In,' and the LST 158.95 129.79 110.34 turned on Its fire hoses toward 3.500 304.79 207.56 the tanker, its 40mm guns CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE AVAILAILI AT LOW COST 1 Op.n WidMidiy and Frldiy Evaningi 11111 p.m. SEASONS toward the west bank where the Viet Cong were, and started Per Hundred shooting with both." $ BEAUTY SALON By this time, the tanker wan tekroNTOWN 4 nuzzling the banks of the canal Per Year where you'll always find with Hi rusty hull. A large num- 4.50 tni "A coiffure to suit any stason" ber of Vietnamese junks were Stud.ntt' YOUR CHOICE FREE: INIATIONAL Clothing Specializing in Hair Coloring in a narrow canal near the Viet Cong positions. • POLAROID LAND CAMERA and Permanent fVaves By midday a Vietnamese gun- MODEL 20 boat reached the tanker, the fire •k Hwy. 31 «d Wyekof* M. SSHWY. 36, PORT MONMOUTH was nearly out, and It was taken IATONTOWN 23 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK in, tow for Nha Be. • KALIMAR CM J5MM CAMERA 542-4(110 CALL 787-1111 "I Just can't imagine why they * MONMOUTH MOWN* ' r CHARGE IT - 30- .90 DAYS - Ofw tomtit mi M*v I**** didn't pick a larger target." said • MuiM Officer «t Nh» Be. (• '1 JMM yoW«,f*tiud Aft •«. m p*a» my would har« At fed *«d ir fit* e Chairman Ponders Novambtr *« f m Obituaries «( ifaotft hats," ht laid. Is Buried FURNITURE CO. JOHN M. DEMAREST RICHARD J. SHELBRICK 'Most Confusing' Election SCRANTON.Pa. (AP) - Lt. WYPORT, N. 4. EATONTOWN — John M. MATAWAM - Servicei for| WEST Carol Ann Drazba, first Ameri- By WILLIAM HENDERSON admit there is more controversial forms the candidates extolled, he Dwparest, 57, of 19 Ukeview Richard J. Shelbrick, WEST LCWG BRANCH - talk going on after the election explained: 464-0181 Ttf. died Saturday injfftkin Hos- old sso n of Mi-, and Mr& ' $ can nurse to die in the Viet Nam County Clerk J. Russell Woolley then there was before It was "Three candidates stood' for pitalitl , NetNeptunee . ShdbricShdbrickk, 90 Main St.;St; ,W Wili l be war,'was buried.here yesterday says he never experienced "an held." Republicanism and three for the i Born in Louisville,- Ky., Mr. conducted tomorrow, morning' at with military honors after a election so confusing• as Tues- The convention will select a in : Summit 11 o'clock In Bay FViitral Home, Democrats' philosophy." Demarest iived Requiem Mass in her home par day's was," and hopes, there plan to reapportion the entire % years and in Chatham two Keyport. never will be another like it. Legislature. The program must The county clerk said that if The boy di«d Tuesday. He vjiH ish,, ' . ' ' . Jeari before moving here a short Discussing the Monmouth elec- meet with voter approval. there had been issues, competi- tfn» ago. • " • be buried in St. Joseph's Cenie. ' Miss Drazba was killed in a tions which named three Republi- tery, Keyport. To Study Cost tion and campaigns, it would ; *' W graduate of the Univer- helloopter crash Feb. 18. The can and three Democratic dele- The chairman, Mf. Woolley, sity of Pennsylvania, Mr. Dem- have been a different story on It was incorrectly reported daughter of Mrs. Marceila Draz- gates to the state constitutional who also is the Monmouth County Open Mon. end Fri. evenings arest was employed by the Man- The Register yesterday fli.at ser- convention, Mr. Woolley told The Tuesday. ba and the late Joseph Drazba, Republican, said he would make Life Insurance Co. 22vices would be conducted today. Register: a check to see how much the vein, and in 1»64 bectm« gen of Dunmore, Pa., she was "Some people still don't know bipartisan election really cost era) agent for the Bankers'Na- GLORIA JEAN CORRIGAN Viet Nam only lour months. what it was all about and ! must the county. tional Me Insurance Co. dafr, FRBEHOUO -Gloria. Jean "It is possible no election at ie served as Monmc^h County, Corrlgan^ daughter of Mrand all was necessary. Instead, ifefresentative of the \Gasoiine Mr*. Jos$j(h f. Corrlgan, 9 Pros- Boiler, Burner Pact think the Republican and Demo- DiDeijerj s AiAssociation i andd was a pect,, PI., died yesterdayyy at her cratic state committees could member of flie Holland Society home after a lengthy Illness have picked the bipartisan slate qTNew York City. He was a She was a communicant of St and saved the state and tax former deacon of the Central Ms* of Lira* Catholic Church, in Marlboro; payers money, although I am not Presbyterian Church of Summit here. , , ' * MARLBORO - A contract for Education Act of 1965. certain that system . would be j Ifr, 'Demarest is survived by Besides H»r parents, she is sur- a new boiler and oil burner for The money will be used to legal," Woolley said.. ftewife; Mrs. Margaret McCamp- vived by a brother, Michael J. the' MorganvMe school was purchase books and visual aids He explained that no matter iw rdl w for the library. tiU -.„ two brother?.„„,..„, Cow.-Cowiganr Corrlgan;; * nitersister,, Patric.Patricia A.Aji » *l Simkin and Sons, how the delegates were picked ~ ' Perterthh Amboy' last' night, on a A. Demarest of Lexing-Cornganvnn >I^«IU,. and.heaiiU'jictr. piternapavc^s netl grandgiajiu- P Superintendent of Schools Rus- the ultimate result would have ton,'Kv. and Arthur Damarest mother, Mrs./Annie Corrigan, all base bid of $5,328. sell R. Wright announced that been the 6ame.' lioiig Island, N.Y.; his iteomoth at home, and lier maternal grand- The Board of Education also teachers have been working with "As delegates," lie said, "they ij} Rev. Victoria Booth Dema parents, Mr. and'Mrs, H, Russell received bids from Boro Plumb- staff members from other schools will pick a plan to reapportion est; and a stepsister, Miss Eva Fatten of Adelphia. Ing and Heating, South River, in the Freehold Regional district the state Legislature and In the geline Demarest, both in Italj •Services will be under the' di-17,414; F. C*Gibson,.Inc., Free- to co-ordinate the elementary final analysis it will be up to the tnd another stepsister. ^I rection pf W, H, Freeman and hold, $5^20; andSarbo, Inc.,'Mid- schqol math programs. Mrvoter. s who elected them to ac- Claxton Monro of Houston; Tex. SOn, here. dletown, $6,946. Wright said new materials will be cept or reject that plan in next selected in order tp introduce a November's balloting." O'REILLY INFANT A bid from Anthony's Plumbing modern math program in kinder- MRS. KATHERINE SMITH He said he still is puzzled as MIDDLETOWN - Kathleen * and Heating, Red B»nk, failed garten through the third grade SUAVE NEWARK - Mrs. Katherine to include 'ail- • Of 'the required to why the state Alcoholic O/RHK g-month-old daughti here next year. Beverage Control Commission al- af William J. and Patricia Smith, 69, 99 Lincoln St., died papers,' Trie program will be extended yesterday In Monmouth Medical lowed bars and package stores SPRAY FStepatridt O'Reilly of 17 SeheV The board voted to submit an to the fourth, fifth and sixth to s{ay open during the polling Dr,. was dead on arrival at Rlv Center. Her husband was the late ii>plicaiJion to' the New/Jersey grades' in the following1 year. Julius Smith. She was the daugh hours. The ABC group closed erview Hospital, Red Bank Public and School Library Ser- Modern rhafh programs are al- taverns in Long Branch during yesterday. ter of the late Will and"Malinda vices Administration for $2,106 ready in use In the seventh and Jones Maddox. recent change of government Xounty Physician C. Malooh in federal funds/ under Title H eighth grades. elections. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. BI Gilman said the Infant, foun : of the Elementary and Secondary Leo J. Scully, Sr., president 'Something New lirher crib at 7 a.m. ytsterdaj David Towlsr,'/it' Matawan, and of the board announced the fol- Mrs: Earl Kponce, of Newark, "This was something new un- died of suffocation. lowing board committees, with der the sun for me," he informed ".Besides her parents, she is sui and one brqttier, Will F. Maddox, the first named to serve as chair- 1 of Hillsbore, Gs. ; MarineXJnit The Register, adding: vived by two sister. !, Noreen aw man: Finance, Mr. Scully, Daniel "Some persons say they were Patricia, and three brother*, Wil Fajierali'SehifietAwill be Sat- K. Stattel and'Joseph Vota; build- prevented* from writing-in a EXTRA SPECIAL Him, Kevin and Michael O'Relll: urday af'II a.hi.'in the Bei Protest ing and grounds, Alfred LaWura, favorite candidate's- name but all. at home; her grandparent Funeral Home, Matawan. Burl! Mr. Stattel and Lawrence " C.I've yet to see an election where FILLED Mr. and Mrs. William A. O'Re will be jin Maplewood Cometwi Youngman; textbooks and sup- there weren't such markings on Ijr.and- Mr. and Mrs. H. Fit: Freehold.,.; ' . ''•:'• plies, Dr. Charles 0. Webber, the-voting machines, one way or PILLOWS pSrlck, all of Bronx. jjCAMDEN, N.J. (AP) - Miohael J. Ryniewicz arid Stuart the other." '~K Mass of the Angela will MICHAEL ADAMKO • Ckmden County Marine Corps H. Brown; : transportation, Mr. Blames Gov. Hughes FULL SIZE offered at 11 a.m. tomorrow COMEY ISLAND, N. Y. - Mi- League sent letters to President Ryniewicz, Mr.' Youngman and Mr. Woolley declared that any A 2.49 VALUE .....ONLY l«Zo SC Mary's Catholic Church, Neiv ohael-Adamko. 75, of 2862 Brad- Johnson and Postmaster Gener- Mr. LaMtfra; teachers, Mf. Stat- confusion among voters and at Mpnmouth. Burial, directed al Lawrence %Brien Tuesday Wi raitm DM Mfht H limit qoontltlM. N«M told t* tftoton. rncu tmcllvt tttru Wad. enserg St., died yesterday at tel, Mr. LaMura and Mrs. Lil- the polls most likely stemmed Morch m, im. Whin mionMlM Int. W« on ml rusHiilbli for typMropWcol trrara. tSe John F. Pfleger Funefi his home. night protesting what it terms lian Vanderwiel; Cafeteria, Mrs. from statements .made by Gov. Home, will be In Mt. Olivet Cemi the "exorbitant costs" of send-Vanderwiel, Mr. Btown and Mr. Born in Romania, he was a to Richard J. Hughes that 537 42 58 LINDEN tfijr. retired iron worker. ing' packages air mail Viet Vota; grievance, Dr: Webber, Mr. wanted both party leaders Nam. Browri arid Mrs. Vanderwiel; pub- ORANGE ST. | BROADWAY BROAD ST. Hut t« Km Int He is survived by a sister,' work with him in establishing bi- NEWARK outw store at. lic relations, Mr. Youngman, Mr. NEWARK RIO SANK 5 REX CLAY Mrs. Annie Adamko of Freehold; The local league, composed of partisan slates throughout the Open Wrt. an* Op*n WM. m* OpM WM. OT« ' mt jfJEPTUNE — Rex Clay, 74, two nephews, William and Theo- retired and active Marines in Ryniewicz and Dr. Webber; poli- state.' Fri. 'Ill » W. til » M. til t Frt. Ill f JIM Rutherford Ave., died Tues- dore Adamko of freehold, and a the South Jersey area,.request- cy, Mr. Vota, Mr; LaMura and Informed that dozens of lgcal day in Fitkln Hospital after niece, Mrs* Myron Kayes of ed that the government allow Mrs. Vanderwiel. voters didn't know what plat- short illness. He was the fathei Bridle. packages for the righting men at Glenn Clay of Long Branch Services will be under the di- to be sent free or at the same and Marcellus Clsy of Red Bank. rection of the W. H. Freeman rate as surface mail. ^Born in Moorefield, W; Va., M and Son Funeral Home, Free- ; Cay had lived here 35 years hold. ' i Rich'E. Philbin, public rela- He was a retired laborer. tions officer for the league said: fAlso surviving are four othei MRS. H. L. SCOTT Relatives want the men in Viet SOTs, Thomas Clay of South thought ot but the high cost of bridge, Mass.; Conway Cla> BBLFORD - Mrs. Helen R. Scott, 57, wife of H., L, Scott, sending the packages makes it Here; Morris Clay of Rahwaj prohibitive too often.'" sad Donald Clay of Nyaok, N.Y. owner of Scott Funeral Home, i~ brother, Thomas Clay of J. JHLChurch St., died in her home He said that ratesVfor pact ifiica, N.Y.; a sister, Mrs. Bettj this morning after a long ill- ages sent by surface mail were ©dmorid of Mootefliild, and "ness. -,~ much lower, [but that it took grandchildren. Born in New York, Mrs, Scott several weele or longer for was the daughter of Mrs. Wil- packages to reach their destina- ^Arrangements are directed by liam E. Stone, Clesjwater, Fla., tion. Air mail rates, he said, tlffi James' H., Hunt Funeral and the: late F^Jward Roarke. sometimes exceeded the value Hqme, Asbury Park. She lived in Bejftrd 33 years. of a package's contents. Mrs. Scott ws;sja member of =• ALFRED D. SNOOK St. Clement's Ebikopal Church, Philbin gave as an example 3IEWT0N —' AHred D. Snook, the Beacon Hill "-/Country Club, a package he sent his nephew in Da Nang last week. 7Ttof Walnut Dr. West, Paulin- Leonardo, and th^ Daughters of skill Lake, died Tuesday in New-'America, Bayside Council, "I sent towels, several bars of ton Memorial Hospital. He was Keansfourg. : soap, cigars, candy and peanuts the father of Alfred W. Snool Surviving beside her husband in a container the size of an of; Freehold and Mrs. Idareni and mother are two sons, Major envelope box and it cost $5.68 Horner of Asbury Park. Burtis W. Scott, USAF, Blythe- air mall." JBorn in Pellettown, Mr. Snot* ville, Ark.,, and, H.Laurence fad lived in Matawan arid The Jeague also sent letters to Scott, Jr., BeWord; one daughter, New Jersey Sens. Harrison Wil- Marlboro State Hospital. He was Mrs. John C. McGee. Belford; r-Vmember of Matawan Lodge, liams, D, and, Clifford Case, R, one sister, Mrs. C. Walt Rich- and Rep. William T; Cahlll, R mond, Middletown, and eight mm. grandchildren. ~:*lso surviving are his wifl Services will be Saturday at 11 Mrs. Minnie Snook; anothei a.m.' In the Scott Funeral Home, Hold Laborer daughter, Mrs. Ruth L. Baile; Rev. Ralph Edwards, vicar of of Paulinskill Lake; a brother St. Clement's CHuroh| officiating. Erank M, Snook of Sffllwatet; Burial will be in Fair View Cem-In Death Of srflster, Mrs. EJIda Haveni, here, etery, Middletown. aid 28 grandchildren. rServicw will be tomorrow Policeman J?p.m. In theSmith Funeral DANIEL J. PIZZI J. EAST ORANGE, N.J. (AP)- Home, here. LONG BRiANCH - Daniel A Newark laborer was held by Pizti, S3-, of 130 Second Ave., police Wednesday, charged with MRS. DAISY GREEN died unexpectedly yesterday at Monmouth Medical Center, here. murdering an East Orange Po- :WEST LONG BRANCH - Mrs. lice sergeant. .•_. BMsy Green, 73, of 211- Locust He was the husband of Elizabeth JO*., died Tuesday in Garder Pizii. Irving Eugene Washington, State Manor Nursing Home, Born in Newark, he was the described by police as a Black Holrndel. son. of,ths late John and Rose Muslim, was, held lit Jail here fjtorn in Tinton Falls, Mrs Pizzi/ He was a retired super- pending an;*rralgnment Friday. Green was a daughter of the late visor of the A. i P. food stores The 3i-y#TTo!d former dub Mr. and Mrs. William Van Brunt, In Newark. boxer surrendered.to FBI,agents Sfie was the widow of Daniel Besides his wife he is survived In Newark Tuesday night, He Green, and had lived In the shori by a son, John Pizri of Point had been the object of a 27-state area ail her life. ieasant; a daughter, Mrs. Rose search. ^Surviving are a daughter, Mrs Romano, : here; •"• five brothers, Washington U charged with fiprense Gilham, here; twe Michael Pizzi of Miami, Flu., shooting t6< death Sgt. William SERENE-the first grandchildren, and a great-grand Anthony Pizzi and Adolph Piai, A. Connelly last October.' , child. both of Blpomfield,' James Pizzi Connelly, ,51, was gunned down THI MINUTE YOU -Services will be at 2 p.m. to- f Newark and Gerald PlzzI of as he stopped a Man jn t stol- UFT YOUR HIAD rtorrow at the Woolley Funeral Freehold; a sister, Mrs. Jennie en automobile In East Ofcinge. and only pillow Home, Long, Branch, with Rev. Cerrato, d. jMaplewood and six The officer was putting? the Jflhn R. Carty, pastor of the Oldgrandchildren. suspected auto thief Into,i.the First Methodist Church, West Services will be under the back of the «r when a scuffle Long Branch, officiating. Buria rection of tjh« Damlano Funeral erupted. The officer was ''hot filled with forever-lofty Home, here. three times, He died three hours be In West Long Branch 1 Cwnetery. later at an East Orange hospi- tal. , • MARGUERITE K. DONNELLY Freehold More than 100 men from sev- Fortref fiberfiU— ^ONMOUTH BEACH - MIM Thomas John Gerstenberg, 3d, en police department* joined in Marguerite K. Donnelly, of 136infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. the search for Connelly's kiMer FROM THIS Ocean Ave., died yesterday In Gerstenberg, 2d, of 21 Asbury A New York, Black MusHrnr was machine wash and dryable Mpnmouth Medical Center, Long Ave,, Farmingdale, was chris- charged with the slaying last No- RIVOUITIONART PILLOW Stanch. ... ;ened Sunday . at. the St, Cath- vember, but'he was Cleared of gporn W New York City, she erine's Roman Cafliolic Church, the charges four days later •f* the daughter of ths late Mrs Farmingdale. Mrs. Bruce Lykes, when police confirmed Ids Wargeret Kaughran Donnelly. She Freehold and her; brother John As a club boxer, Washington 20x26" finished SIM ftSlded here 33 yean. r. Gerstenberg, Wilmington, Del. fought under the name 'Gene ~i-ie was a communicant of the were tht godparents. A family Washington He is a native of irch of the Most Precious dinner followed. Asheville, N.C., according to po- her* and was a member lice files, and had resided In the _the Rosary and Altar Society. Mr. and Mrs. James Pclke, 11 Newark area only for the past Fortrel T* polyester fiberfill from Celaneae makes this nniqiw pllloW Iving are two brothers, Ongi Way; have named their In- several months. , - . ipbn E. Donnelly and Thomai nt ion, Michael Edward. Washington '.surrendered whit mats orloisp, even aft«r washing and irfi»ibrtBMhi£ ! ?Donn«Hy, both of this!' place. through his attorney Calvin YOU CAN WATCH IT 7 She Rosary will be recited'to- Colleen Wilkinson, daughter of Hurd of Elizabeth, late Wednes- • Gn* longer w<«t» plm thesoftwd luxurious feV ^'- ' • "- f$rrow at 7 p.m. in htr former AT. And Mrs. Frederick Wilkin- day night, East Orange police RITUJtN TO JMMjly cwered with embossed striped floral eotrani son, 27 Waved y, Fla., had said they had received a tele- finished sise, $9; fcl«S7" bolster finished to*™H? Rtquittn Mass will be offered as guests' at .a p»rt/ on her tenth phone call earlier Informing ITS ORIGINAL fHAN saw*. T.U. ot nttr losmirlM, toe. » • tht Church of the Most Prf- birthday. Elisabeth Bresnahan, hem Hiat Washington was 'go- Blood Saturday at Colleen BtrksJew, Muy Ann ing tp surrender. \ wtK ft* direction ofOsley, Darken Waters, Carol CAU OS MIM OR WWTI. fm itilvsry la Nsw Janay «s4 to dallnify,ws«s It N. Y. mi h, (wu|H 9Jt).9.\ «M IDsl, niltsn (O^f. If), MN Mtf'9 OH* NoWOffc M^ffWiWI^ flROltON In Cfc#fry Hill* J«taf.l*ijr ' Synkowikl, Cindy 'WlrVan, '*#tf opfo ''ftp*III Bwrtia Atfitnt.Md Dona* VA- Register Clasji- f T lAMNRMR't MONMOUTH OWNIVIRY BAY WOM10 AM. TIU. f«M F.M, INCUIQUftt UTUMA« Prevprt Fdrest Fires Jewelers Record Gains in '65 customers (area cod* 201JI re- nearly half tbe state's telej>hoee»f WKtt(5(50 -Section Fire grass, fallen timber or for Wayside, Indian Springs, ceive reports lot Asbuiy Park. Touch-Tone features f new Warden Albert Younger hat that may came a forest fire wit! leeveytown, Green Grove, NewBack State y NeW|i>k and Morriifown; the oldr^hone equipped with push Hked public co-operation In pre-out first obtaining the writte firewsbury and part of Wai •eport was fer New ¥«*•• City tons instead of « rotary venting forest (Ires. oermission of a state, divisioi ownship; and James Reynolds nd vicinity. By the end of 1966, it He advises that all clean-up section or district fire warde llenwood Rd, Behntr, for Income Tax NEWARK - New Jeney Bell asiinni. It is the forerunner of NEWARK - Members of the ,new type of telephone switching Thi-compmyaljo noted that have many more burning should be done before . . .Permits shall not be nece- lendola, New Bedford, Col- 'elephpne Company added inorr 'ouch-Tone calling' is now avail- ready to offer Touch-Tone the start of the spring forest sary for burning of any of th •ngwood Park and the balance Jew Jersey Retail Jeweler* As- phones to its statewide network -.ystem that will be used through- sociation support a state income out the Bell System-by the year ible in 107 exchanges - serving .vice. -•.. '•.••-. fire season, which normally be- ibove enumerated material ' Wall Township. last year than ever before in it gins between March 1 and 15whe. n thfe fire is set at a dif, ax, Bruce Goodwin of Rumson, :000. Burning can now be carried out tance not less than 200 feet fror i.ssociat'on secretary, announced history, registering a'net gain of Nev/ telephone buildings and F.EEDS JEWELERS FAMOUS with comparative safety If all any forest, brush land, sa1 lolmdel Kiwanis 'esterday, 119,253. facilities went up in other parts precautions are observed, War- marsh, or field containing dr Unanimous support for the By year's end, according tq of the state as well; •4en Younger says. 'BONDED DIAMONDS' grass pr other inflammable ma- lears Quartets ax was voted by members rep- the company's report for 19*5i more m construc- terial from which fire may br He reminds the public of the HOLMDBL — At a meeting ol resenting more than 169 retail New Jersey Bell'* 2,100,000 bui- tion during 1965 — J154.8 million state forest fire law: transmitted to any forest, brush he Holmdel Kiwanis Club a Jewelers statewide at a special 4-thiui ever before.in the com- land or salt marsh." Peasant Valley Inn, the Middle- meeting Tuesday night in the irieas and residence customer! pany's history;," Mr. Lilley said. "In all districts for which were using 3,672,867 telephones'. 1 fire wardens have oeen appointed Fire wardens in Monmoufch nwn-Raritan Bay Society for theRobert Treat Hotel. \ This wa*' the fifth time in six . . .no person shall set fire to County from whom permits may "•reservation and Encouragemen A factor in convincing mem-The report was .issued today. years thit the construction pro- or cause to be burned waste, i Bartershop Quartet singing In sers of the superiority of an,in. ;ram topped the $100 million be obtained are Wsrren pibitts, \merica presented the program. Calling reached new highs, too; fallow, stumps, logs, brush, dry 625 Green Grove.Rd., Wayside, :ome tax over the sales tax ad-15.307,000 calls on an average mark."' The group, comprising 25 'ocated by its opponents wa* business day, 580,000 more than ; The company offered ''Its' cut members, sang old time songs "A well-presented caie by a in 1964. All In all, the, typical tarter* ' several new : telephone and novelty numbers. History d representative of the League of (few Jersey resident makes 755 services -Jast year. the organization, was given by itsWomen Voters," Mr. Goodwin telephone calls a year, compared Expanded direct, distance dial director, John T. Breichner, 3d, said. with the national yearly averag- ing (EDDD)' was introduced and of Little Silver. All funds given Jewelers favor the Income of 588 calls per person. '.., -will be made available on a •sSHtrmnt dm* to the society are donated to thelevy "basically became we have gradual basis throughout the Logopedics, an organization thai In his annual message to share $189.50 just been relieved of ttie cost of state' over^he- next few- years t1wk.tr enii renders therapeutic assistance to administering a (federal) excise owners and employees, • Robert Customers,served by.EDDD in children with speed) defects. tax." Mr. Goodwin continued; D. Lilley, president of New- Jer- the' vicinity of Camden and Master of ceremonies was Wil"A sales tax U hard to police sey Bell; said the company's 1905 Newark: can' diat collect,' person-; Ham Slater, Red Bank, who in nd costly to administer ... It report "reflects the-., dynamic to-person. and -credit card calls vited aU Kiwanis groups to at- ilso hits low-Income families,— growth of our bujinesg and ofdirect from. residence, business. even those on relief. Low-Income the state of New Jersey.vOn,«l; and coin telephones.' tend rehearsals of the quartet counts — station gains,- calls Tuesday evenings at the VetDeopl- e pay the same percentage MagiciUt a new" type of auto-:' as high-income people," the construction, revenues'—-it''.was' erans of Foreign Wars Hal!, Rt. an imprtssjveyear." natic"; dialing, service,. was.. of-; 35, Middletown. He also invited Jewder added. fered in. .1965 to increase the the public. New Jersey Bell'si operating' speed and' efficiency of making This week (he Kiwanis Club revenues increased $29;'rtitlioir p^^ne calls.; The", Magicall set viewed a film, "The Widening We Must Care in 1965, reaching -a stotal- of. $488 automatically dials any one 'Of Path," shown by Albert Mach, million. Operating xbsts , were 1,000. pre-recor,ded numbers. $383 million ($170 .million 'in "JWAYSTO chairman of the program am Last' November , in co^pera- * M« MHty D»w», P JEWELERS music committee. A discussion Founder Speaks wages and salaries),'5.4'per'i "'»'• with '. the, U.S;' Weather tAry*treasurer. $]85 $|59 .- •Granulated—50 lbs. *Granukited-50 lot. 1.19 2.19 Th« double breajted PEAT MOSS e Cu. Ft. Compressed 10,6.4, 60% Organic 10-6-4,100% Organic blu« blar«r. , SALE-PURE FERTILIZER SPHAGNUM FERTILIZER 79 j, Kridel in-firociucad •Granulated—50 lbs. $2 • 50 LBS. OUR LOWEST NtlCIIN $299 th» currenf vefiion 10 YIARS


GREENFIELD a [welcome tonic GARDEN PRODUCTS K off! Navy lightweight

LAST FALL'S GRASS SEED worsted flannel

Perfectly Dry — Perfectly Good or Mediterranean blue

WE SPREAD SCOnS PRODUCTS FREE! dacron and worsted hopsaclcing.

SEE OUR SCOnS AD IN THIS PAPER 55.00 and 59.50.

[OPEN IROAD AND MONT STRUTS SUNDAYS RID IANX. H.I. • SH 1*1100 BROAD SI. SHREWSBURY W4S6S PnttnMyWife'iName' The Register's Opinion William Henderson: Politic* Hate in ifoe Mails Keep Oiir Borough Clean There is no state or federal law on the books that can stop or prosecute poison pen writers. : Red Bank's business health has this bad practice. The great majority The need for such a law was never felt so strongly as in tjeen described as being never better. of Red Bank's shopowners, who take recent weeks when hate mail started flooding the atate, inn" lilew buildings are going up in the great pride in their business and eluding Monmouth County. ,• . ,. business district. Borough officials are their town, go to great efforts to keep These vicious letters, unsigned- of course, are sent to heads of families and concern working on plans for a new rail- the business district clean. They know racism, bigotry and anti-Semitic'•phrases. ibad station. Attempts are being that Red Bank's image as a quality The FBI and state law enforcement made to work out traffic and park- shopping area can be damaged by a authorities have informed this columnist ' ing headaches. business section that is strewn with there Is no federal statute that nyi the senders of hate letters are breaking; any . • In those areas—we can all pat litter. law. heeded, must be translated "there is nothing we can do If they refuse to discontinue «end-J whojust puts out his garbage and int*-'o- summonses". ""Th• e reputatio.-^—••-<••n of a- Ing hate mail." , ' ..,•'• i. j ]§>pes for the best. business district and a municipality Monmouth County seems to have poison pen writers, but , Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth many recipients refuse to make an issue ol them. 5 What is disturbing Is that it is should not be downgraded by a care-\ Congress should enact a powerful law which would cripple , losing nearby eyeglasses store, In the store, a glib| are now handling 600 cases a month at eight woman mayor in Long Branch. don Bayshore passenger train service, salesman persuaded the man to sign a con- , legal centers. Throughout the U.S., 23 cities * * * $358,000 a year'on its operation. No- tract to buy two pairs of and communities have set up or are now LETTER FROM FRANCES Henderson, administrative, M hekring: on the> request by the Jer- where dop the railroad cite its glasses at $59 each. The setting, up free legal services and educa- assistant to Sen. Clifford. P. Case, says he did not bypaia JJy Central Railroad to etid the Mata- janitor couldn't keep up tional programs on legal rights under OEO responsibility to the commuters who the Monmouth County GOP dinner last January, as itemed «an to. Atlantic Highlands spur line with the payments and his grants, this fiscal year the OEO is earmark- here. "Sen. Case received no invitation to the dinner," she . Mn was scheduled today In Newark, need the service to get to work. meagre $22.50 in part-time ing $20 million for legal counsel to the poor wrote. Perhaps so, but on two different occasions top' ranking weekly wages were gar- —more than 10 times last fiscal year's $1.8 -a At a meeting' Tuesday night in members of the county organization contacted Case's office ; Republican state Sen. Richard R. nisheed. million—and aims at having 100 communities and asked that he speak at the affair. : . IHiddletown, the? Municipal Public Involved by June. Stout wisely urged that the railroad's An elderly couple agreed * * . • • . • Service Co-ordinating Committee heard application be rejected until the gov- to buy a custom-made or- In addition, several states have passed BITTEREST continuing feud between two men can *e < laws In recent months to expand free legal slate, county And municipal officials, ernor presents his plan in May to thopedic mattress and box found in Asbury Park where Mayor Frank H. Rowland and springs ifrom a firm which service for those who cannot afford It and $ well as commuters themselves, resolve rail problems in North Jersey, Dr. Henry J. Vaccaro, councilman, are,. verbally,-at each claimed to have hiade the to allow law students to handle certain legal other's throats over city appointments. The doctor, who want* \ wee strong and valid reasons why problems under the supervision of experi- And the fact that state planning PORTER niattresses used by Presi- to be mayor, Is said to have a "cure all" for Asbury's gov- ' 1 e service (should be continued. dent Kennedy and other dignitaries. .The enced lawyers. ernmental ills. Js under way to build a park and ride price - quoted by a .telephone salesman was It's scarcely news that the ignorant have <»The purpose of the session was to * * . * '•'••'! facility in the Matawan area must be •little concept of their legal rights and the i pply the committee with Information only.$22 apiece, but after; the deal was set POTPOURRI — Gov. Hughes will probably appoint Re- taken into consideration also. When the couple discovered the cost was J99.50 poor have no'spare funds to pay lawyers to i will need to refute the railroad's defend them when they are victimized by publican Larry Carton, Middletown lawyer, to tha Superior and if that becomes a reality there apiece, plus $48 In taxes, delivery and car- < se for ending the train service. rying charges—a total o( J247, . unscrupulous landlords, usurious merchants Court bench but the recommendation came as a big surprise may be good reason to abandon the «nd money-lenders, arbitrary "public as- to the county^GOP committee. This was strictly a maneuver i, And a convincing-appeal was made ••*••: • •; • • . •••:• .• .•'."•• Atlantic Highlands to Matawan line. sistance" bureaucrats—the three major types by Sen. Richarfl R. Stout . . .NAMING of Mrs. Anna An- -*mainly in these two areas: A CONSTRUCTION worker and hut wife dreach, Keansburg, to county Board of Elections was de- .tThen.; commuters would^' be assured of offenders wjio are the targets of the | 1. That hundreds of commuters signed a contract to pay $395 tor a ™»£Y-«. neighborhood legal centers. cided weeks ago and she's come under new salary rating of 'ihat^an adequate terminal exists for set;' plus carrying charges ot $108. The1- $4,500 a year instead of usual $3,600 . . .IT will take a big still rely on the Atlantic Highlands to * i * * them to get to and from.the Matawan Tidentical set could have been bought tor''! man with lots of voter appeal to beat-Councilman Ed Dlnkel- Igatawan line and, without it* periodic :'< THE POOR, for example, are frequently railroad station. $115—and the TV the couple actually pur- s jiit hy'^'unprincipled landlords with "retalia- spiel in his race for Long Branch mayor. t|affic problems would result on Bay* chased wasn't even new. tory evlctions'^-isimply for complaining about1 N. Y. MAYOR Lindsay has his eye on a prominent New ore roads. . But until that day comes—there is These are just random samples of cases badly-heated apartments, missing windows or Jersey official for a commissionership in the big city . . . f 2. Matawan is not equipped or no good reason why the Bayshore 'recently brought to lawyers at the "Neigh-, falling plaster, A tenant may arrive home POSTMASTER Rocdo Bonforte, Long Branch, can't run for rSady, at this time, to handle the ex- train service should be discontinued. borhood Legal Services Project" in Wash- from work to find his front door padlocked. any public office, as rumored he might, unless he reiigni. Or a delinquent auto buyer may"* find Federal Hatch Act and postal regulations forbid it ... t|a automobiles and buses the com- And we hope this is taken into con- ington, a new attempt to help answer the nationwide cry for legal assistance to low- ' his car repossessed by a "snatcher" who • SLATED for a big state Motor Vehicle post in Freehold Town- ifiuters would need to get them ;'to sideration at today's hearing. income citizens. The blunt fact Is that ex- arrives at night, opens the car* with master ship is Al Villapiano of West Long Branch . . . STATE House lae train station there. isting Legal Aid Societies and other efforts key, and drives off. Standard procedures are scuttlebutt has it that Jack Deegan, Jersey City pal of Demo- to give legal services to the poor simply all-night telephone harassment, threatening cratic leader John V. Kenny, will be the next secretary ^Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington cannot handle the volume rf problems over- letters, wage garnishment. , of state, succeeding Bob Burkhardt, who will return to Wa«h- whelming the uneducated end Impoverished. The lawyers concentrating on the finan- ington to work with LBJ. Pleas for these services were high on the cial-legal problems of the poor are moving MIDDLETOWN Township Committee will probably com-; lists of requests when the Office of Economic into what Attorney General Nicholas deB, plete option on the Monmouth Sanitation Company (Shore- Viet Shortage Is Being Met Opportunity in late 1964 queried communities Katzenbach has called a "new area of law." . crest plant) to give sewerage service to 320 units or homes across the nation on what help was most By so doing, they are attacking one of the at cost of $130,00»-about «0O a unit. How can the'economy, B WASHINGTON - One urgent military declared surplus and was trying to get rid needed. key links in the vicious chain of poverty. minded committee think twice about this offer? , ;•, DEMO- shortage in Viet Nam is being unexpectedly of at bargain prices. CRATIC Party in "Fair Haven certainly !need3 more workers let—thanks to a sharp-eyed Senate investi- McNamara didn't have to be told twice. like Lois Howard, committeewoman and club secretary , . .' iting committee, He acted fast and forcefully. John Chamberlain: These Days DELEGATES to the state, constitutional conventioh will have g Directly as a result of the probing of Sale of the surplus gas engines was to shell out for their own expenses during sessions which the Subcommittee on For- halted, and they were ordered rushed to start March 21 and end June 15. '. : eign Aid Expenditures, Viet Nam. While these are filling an urgent need, COUNTY Young Republican chairman M'MulIaney, who headed by Senator Ernest deceived two anti-Semitic letters the past few days, was Gruening, D-Alaska," U.S. many more are in demand there. The Senate Professor Squares the Circle investigators are scanning the huge stores recipient of three abusive notes during the presidential'cam- fighting forces in Viet Nam Staughton Lynd, the Hanoi-voyaging Yale In the middle Thirties when Walter Duranty, paign In. 1964. He supported Goldwater ,'. , POLITICAL new- are getting much-needed of surplus military equipment abroad to de- professor who tries to be his own cut-rate the tough-guy Moscow correspondent of the termine whether more portable gas engines comer CollingWood Harris, who aspires to be a GOP con- portable gas engine gen- State Department, has expressed bewilder- New York Times, cynically told the late' gressional cahdldate'.,from the Third District is making the erators quite a while be- are lying around unused. ment that others are bewildered when he Simeon Strunsky and myself in the Times * * * describes himself as a "Marxist-pacifist- Annex elevator one day that'Stalin had same mistake many others do. He's getting too personal in Ei fore . it appeared they campaign blasts . . . RETURNING home in the wee hours would. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS-In on-the- existentialist." "liquidated" a few million kulaks in a man- This unusual backstage spot probes of U.S. depots in France, Ger- made famine in Russia. - after finishing our political chores, we often found our pet He is a Marxist, he calico cat, Daisy, waiting on the doorstep. She's been missing ALLEN episode is. a graphic illus- many, Italy and Belgium, Senator Gruening says, because the Marxian To Duranty, this was just a matter or £ tration of the lack of co- and staff assistants uncovered "evidence of analysis of history arrives four weeks in Knollwood section, Fair^ Haven. Probably breaking a few eggs to make an omelette. couldn't stand our political puns . . . LOCAL town seeks law ordination and intercommunication so prev- serious shortcomings in the management of at some "cogent and help- But no fledgling Schweitzerian could take it ent in the vast federal bureaucracy. All surplus property programs." ful" conclusions. He is a banning bullfights in the state although the animals art that way, and I think the "pacifist" in padded with foam rubber, and are Bafer than the matadors... tgo often one agency or official doesn't That's what he reported In a preliminary pacifist because he, a Staughton Lynd should agree with me. Blow what another has or is doing. summary to the Senate Administration Com- Quaker, holds to Albert FOR some strange reason, local youths always pick Sea j» Ironically, this particular affair occurred mittee, headed by Senator Everett Jordan, Schweitzer's concept of In refusing to pay the proportion of his Bright for their rumbles. Latest one, hushed up, was a dllly in the bailiwick of Defense D-NC. On the basis of these findings, the "Reverence for Life." He Income taxes represented by military bud- . . . NEW Assembly bill would allow persons convicted of Secretary McNamara — Senate voted Gruening another $150,000 to Is an Existentialist because geting, Staughton Lynd Invoked the shade of crimes to take Civil Senlce exams for jobs in townships and widely fanfarefl for his ef- continue and expand his Investigation to In- he believes one solves Thoreau, who went to jail rather than sup- boroughs provided they are rehabilitated. ficiency and all-knowing clude the Far East. CHAMBERLAIN problems by action and port the "unjust" Mexican War. Well, mastery. In Gruenlng's unpublished report, he not by thought. Thoreau was right in calling the Mexican The unpublicized details makes a number of blunt charges, as follows: This Is just about as strange an Intel- War "unjust,",for it ^vas a big land-grabbing Cynic's Corner By Interlandi are as follows: "Much useful military equipment is being lectual bouillabaisse as any academic chef expedition, and, though I don't think I would Senator Gmening's sub- sold, scrapped or otherwise disposed of need- could cook up. The actual conclusion of the have refused to pay taxes for It, I have al- committee was directed by lessly; maximum returns are not being ob- Marxist analysis ol history, a conclusion*, ways been sympathetic with Thoreau's posi- the Government Operations tained on property sales; severe restrictions which Lynd.neglects, Is that capitalist and tion. But I, a Thoreau devotee from away IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN! Committee, of which It's a Imposed by foreign governments unduly re- Communist states are locked inexorably In back, find the war in Viet Nam to be a part, to conduct a world- strict military disposals overseas; the prob- a war that is destined to be fought to a "just" war because the land-grabbing, this SCOTT wide investigation of the lems of identifying, acquiring and effectively {finish. In the "final struggle," so the words time, Is being attempted by the other side. (Jfsposal of so-called surplus military utilizing certain military excesses are becom- of the Communist "Internationale" .song What-I'd like to see is a little opera- fioperty. ing increasingly acute and are not being runs, each man must "stand in his place." tional clarity in our thinking. Bringing in aggressively attacked by the Defense De- e * * • ' * There is no hiding place down Were; "paci- the august names of Marx, Thoreau, Schweit- S THESE DEFENSE Department disposal partment; and other government agencies fism" and "Reverence lor Life" are quite out. zer, and Existentialist Albert Camus proves

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v A. Bradford Judd : EAJDrltOWN-The Children Piy;c hit trie Center ha: •nnoanced , .that its directo of tpninf,. Dr. . A. Bradford ONTGOMERY Juddj has received his certif cation in child psychiatry from 'the American Board of Psychia- WARD try «hd- Neurology. , /Owe is a great scarcity the United States of psychiatrists who :Wm received sub-specialty certification in child psychiatry. The Center*"- its spokesmen said, "has ;been fortunate in obtaining the sWyicM -of three such chil «s psychMrl»U-lts medicaj direc tor, pr.ifpwwd Lee Wylie, pr Juddj and Dr. Nancy Durant, wh< h director of the children's uni Of trs.K' J. State Hospital a MarttxH^ but who also serves as ' ft 1» V; consiilttnt tor the center. /"; Tii^': Children's Psychiatri Center Is accredited as a train- Ing clinic, for child psychiatrists :py the American Board of Psy- ?thiatry and; Neurology and by •. ifhe American Association of Psy chiatric Clinics for Children. !The .'psychiatrists who complete .their \ fellowships in child psychiatry a ,the center,will then be availabl practice In this field which so.'jeriotisljf undermanned.



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Guaranteed 24 months against tread wear, road hazards. lean plan, loan! art tailored to mMl against tread wear, road hazards. your MMf and art optn end wilt) no pr«-tre/m»nt ptnoltln. TUBEUSI NDTMDE-IN 1NDTM8 ruDiuu NOnAOE-IN 1NDTIJI TUHKLIW" Tinnns ONLY NO TRADE IN PRICE SND TIRE ONLY OW.Y nas Hicciniue SUES MICE 1ST TIDE 4NLT SIZB8 lit Blaokwill TIRES Still 440-15 S.77" too-u HIM* »• I.M 8.50-13 J0.7K' S.77» »i».ro* JJ4.W •*• •JSO-U ' 1(0-13 JIMP »»* 7.1D-1S , ,;, 7.M.-H .-• ''' > • #(.77* i .'. ' '••'' ««f*»*.'. ;• &»H >s- J.50-14 7.M-15 !».«• i» v :••;.»>, •;;• • 7.00-13 •' «Au»-:- ' :1«M»•'•' ' 7QD.lt 740-15 $».*•* ».77« 9.00-U SMUT a.77 tHLTD* • u- w Marine View 7.B0-H ' .- ' JSo-'w S.7T» 1 uo-'u aw/sjo-is PLUS KXCISI TAX, WHITEWALLS fl MORE PER TIRE SAVINGS & LOAN J 1* ,' i . 'i. , • • I m V Wk»Holii.t]Mnp»*» MONMGUTH SHOPPING CENTER - EATONTOWN, NJ. - TEL 542-2150 , H«r* 55, M*S THE TMILY HfflSttX. W* *» m* tat, « Mr. Medicare TWO fXT TttfU ilnstallatHm CrvUt Vnlon < test ttmpi teprJc jystemiwouM MWG B&AttOH - Mtgiftntt 8AM ANTONIO, T«. « Air- AgreBta At leader aot opertte in existing soil coo- Mm mmn - JMBM t, Stanley Cohen Tuesday 'fined MATAfrAN TOWNSHIP - The man William E. Sohoentober, Jr., dittos. Mitchell, jupervisor of the At-Daniel Connair, 480 Ocean Ave., executive board of the Bayihore son of Mrs. Anna Schoenlrter, HAZLET - Frank J. Agretta, Stall Occupancy Permits The board noted the proposed bur^y .Park office of the Social on a disorderly persons Lodge of Bnat Britfc has an18- 5 linden Ave., Highlands, 13 Maftard St., hw been elected pigeon ordinance 'Will be studied urity Administration, charge. nounced that its anual instal- NX, has been assigned to Sey-vice president of the board of lation and dinner will be held by a committee for another 45 cussed two aspects of Medicare Rodney Clifton, 169 Second mour Johnson AFB, N. C, after director! of the New** Railway For 2 Middletown Houses Saturday. April 23. days. 0 before members of the Greater Ave., was fined $10 for careless completing Air Force basic train- Express Credit Union. He has Based on the diversity of results MIDDUJTOWN - The Board Board member Robert P. McLon- g Branch Republican Club driving. A cocktail pdrty will be fea-ing. served On the union's member- • of Health Tuesday night voted to of the most recent tests and those Cutcheon asked pigeon owners to Monday night. tured at 7 p.m. at the Laurel in The airman, a 1964 graduate of ship committee for the past two continue withholding certificates made in 1961 when the subdivi- Mr. Mitchell explained that submit the number of pigeons tary $3-a-month medical insur- Henry Hudson Regional High years. of occupancy for two houses on sion was approved, board mem- built-in safeguards exist in the the Pines Hotel, Lakewood. Din owned, the size of coops, am ance program. School, will be trained on the jab Mr. AAgresta Is vice president of Highview Cir. built by Century ber Vincent P. Lamb moved the id legislation which prevent govern- ner, dancing and two complete size of properties involved. Mr. Mitchell noted that when as a transportation specialist with the Raritan Township Republican Building Co., South Orange. developer be required to take ment interference or takeover of shows will follow. a patient's physician refuses to the Tactical Air Command. remedial action to correct Mr. McCutcheon said he wants the medical role of the program. Club. For the past four yeart, Township Engineer Richard M. participate in the Medicare pro- Reservations for members and changes in physical conditions. a good effective code before adop- The aspects discussed were he has served as Republican Schulz advised the board he con- gram, the patient will be relm House Hunting! It's open sea- tion. He added it will be based on hospital insurance, which is auto- their guests are limited and are The board requested changes In bursed for his expenses by the county coramitteeman in the ducted percolation tests earlier ordinances from five other com- matic for those receiving Social being taken by Richard Fish- son in the Daily Register Classi- program. nlntt voting district, here. this month. the septic systems to conform Imunities. Security benefits, and the volun- man, 3 Carol La. fied now.


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CURTAINS DtluM 1 pe. 5 ft. spinning rod. Spteft cork 85 hondlt. Stolnleu ittel guidw and tip. All metal quality spinning real, antl-revera*. Full ball pick-up, adjustable drag. For fraih water ri»Slnj. Mfg. Sugg. Llrt T49.J&

100% Polyester fiber. Wash Reg. 3.96 Now Only 2.97 and drip dry. No ironing. Full width 6" ruffle. ARGUS KING NEPTUNE BAITCASTING AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC EYE 54" or 63" ROD AND REEL COMBINATION LENGTHS LENGTHS Level wind baircoiring reel, plairic *4 A M side plates, off/on click. 1 pe. AVt ft. *• 44 126 REG. TO 2.57 REG. TO 2.97 casting rod. Polished metal reel sear, I CAMERA cork handle. * _ , • oa Delna COM hchded. l«Ht h - Keg, 1.170 flethgun. Utei aew imMRt bad with Kodak 12C rartridi* UIM PR. I the Original RAPALA MINNOW LURE Choose from: 2>i" and ZW sizes. Reg. 1.49. We iMtm n* Right Ta Lhutt QtmiHHM. Not I fai Tipejraphlcal Irren.

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' HWTOWCAl TOUR Donna Jean Brown, a Canadian SHREWSBURY - Den T of Cub Gir] Guide, now a member of Pack 50 sponsored by the gram- Troop S2S, was rededicated in a mar school Parent-Teacher Asso- ceremony led by leaders Mrs. ciation hai taken a historical John McCarthy and Mrs. Harry tour to help the boys learn about Mankin. the history of scouting. Entertainment was provided by The deri first visited the NaKi- m O'DonneH, Amy Grubow, Di- tional Boy Scout Headquarters ana Nogs, Midiele Quinn, Janet mnd Museum in New Brunswick. Kalfman and Joy Beecher. Ju- The cubs saw the first* apace ex- niors from Troop 529, and mem- ploration merit badge carried by bers who served on the refresh- Coffldr. Edward White while he ment committee were Carolyn was taking, hit space walk. Fry, Susan O'DonneH, Jane Wels- Next the boys visited the Schiff berg, Caroline Mankin, Barbara Scout, Reservation in Mendham, Hellrtrom, Jill Zibulsky and Den- which is the home of the National ise Farley. Training Sohool for Professional Scouters and Jockey Hollow Na- PACK HAS DINNER tional: Park In Morristown. NEW SHREWSBURY - Cub .Cub Scouts attending were Pack 120 held its annual blue and Bfuce Albury, Tom Burnett, Jer- gold dinner recently at Colts ry Rellly, Denner Stephan Kien- Neck Inn, Colts Neck. zle,- Chet Naiman, Nick Cosen- Cubmaster H.L. Cone welcomed SHOWTIME tino, John Clark and Lee LuloN. Bobcats James Clarke and John Myr«h and Webeloj John Crow- ^ HITCHHIKERS Mrs. Ann Kienzle of Shrewsbury 1st Waatiy DMsfca tnwpen-Hptf wmdw sat til set to eaUk tksir fimrite assisted with transportation. Den ley, Michael Christopher, Ray- •mrrasu b tMr "ilr rmtiWmwa TT nem* at IN Aa. tlttauu Mother Mrs. E|iiabeth Burnett mond Wright, Thomas Clarke, A VUAaMnm Mother mores her twin MM to nfcty via bt.k«t-Uft. Tfcs wonaaV was in charge. , Richard Graham, Pat Smith and hMM w»i In in ir«i where troopen of th* lit Infantry DifitJm and Oe Viet Cmu Gilbert Unger so requested exhibit space. Ad- am) Gold dinner in Buck Smith'!*, Probe Entries win.locked in bittle. SERVICE TEAM MEETS He presented awards to Timditional troops may still apply Palmer, Ave., East Keansburg. MATAWAN - The Neighbor- Galvin, William Graham, Jeff for space by contacting Mrs. Cubmaster Eugene Tame pre- In FreeHbld hood Association of Girl Scouts MioPherson, David Marshall, Da- Christinat, sented award* to Robert Curtis, will,hold a.meeting of Hie servi- d Kirk, Greg Sliwa, Peter Cole Richard Getshall, Neigh- KeWn Lo'osky, John DeRosa and — Three house vice team Monday, in the home man, Maurle Bernhardt, Tom borhood chairman, announced Scott Craig, Den 6r Harry Lan-breaking and ..entering! thai oc- p Club President Hit of Mrs. Walter Ziniwmeister, 139 Wood, Jeff Fox, Harold Naclerio, that "Light on the Mountain," ttltf/Eddie Drovan and D»rrell curred between 8:3ft am and Deerfield La., at 8 p.m. Jan Post and William Clarke. the film recorded at Scout Round- Tronolone, Den 3, tnd Glenn Hop- 12 pm. yesterday are being in- The - meeting, conducted ^ by up Jast summer, as well as a film ler, James O'B*<* P"* ? "M Ten has. two new ,traek coadhes. - material given equal space." ' countries standing between the his final appearance in St. Louis hibit. 0 •/ founding of scouts by Juliette held Wednesday, March 30 at.Bboth restoring-.retired veterans. as coach of the Boston Celtics, FRIENDSHIP TEA HELD p.m. in Sycamore'Drive Sohool. Alludlnf to Mr. KaU's letter as armies of three other countries MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - She reported that Brownie Low. * Bob-Wright supplants Leo John- being "subtle as a bulldozer," on an Island in the Mediterranean Prior to the National Basket- Troops 499 and 475 have entered son, Illinois coaoh for 2S years. Junior Girl Scout Troop 659 and House Hunting' It's open sea- Mrs. Poll, termed It ap ''inference Sea is Important news affecting ball Association game between Brownie Troop 495 featured "In- as performing troops to do a BLUE-GOLD EVENT Bob Epskantp is successor at that my Statements on page 5 ofthe world community," he went the Celtics and the* St. Louis ternational Friendship" is the square dance. Senior Troop 312 HAZLET,- Cub Scout Pack ion in the Dailv Register Classi-Ohio State to Larry Snyder. 40- the Feb. M Register concerning on, "I was pleased to see theHawks, Auerbach was presented theme for their Juliette Low tea. and Brownie Troop 440 have al 263 recently held its annual Blue fied now. season Buckeye mentor his misinterpretation of , facts Register carry it. a number of gifts, including a plaque from the Sporting News Wearing daisies for the nick- were without subsfance," "I would have preferred, how- name of the founder of Girl Scout- Stood In Way commemorating his 1,000th NBA ever, to find it on page 5 rather victory. ing, the girls were presented their Stating.that she's "glad to seethan page 15, since it had more Year and World Association pins. Mr. Kate has peacekeeping substance than some material Auerbach, who has been Each girl then planted a trefoil tendencies," Mrs. Poli charged given equal space," he concluded. showered with eggs and always with the seal of a country into they "were not in evidence in On page 5 of the Feb. 23 issue roundly booed by St. Louis (ana • styrofoam centerpiece, to high- November when he alone stood in of The Register was Mrs. Poll's In the past, responded by offer-light the friendship fteine. the way of peaceful re-unlfica- charge that Mr. Katz was incor- ing "my sincere thanks." And Mrs. Lester Marks ii the lead- NOW... tion of the local Republican rect in claiming that at the club's then got In tiie last word. er of Troop (58; Mrs. Charles Club. Jan. 13 meeting it was "not"I have taken pot shots at youLubow heads Troop 495. /Both "He perpetuates a division in hinted at, suggested, or men-people. . .and you deserved it," groups are. sponsored by the the patty. Therefore, i can con-tioned" that Robert B. Long and but then^adited "ygu're luck; Strathmore'School Parent-Teach- clude that in his association with David DeGroot had. been named hive Be?' Kernar owner of er OrgamuUcm. .->?&. 1? •1 , as 1966 council candidates simply Hawks and the Hawks In St. th3 UN, he has learned how to "A Girl Scout in AeiP'i > t« f! keep Cyprus • at peace, while to hold a position on the pritouis."';;-- . .. ';:; the them* of the tea tt which keeping the local Republican mary ballot for other candidates. Auerbach, b retiring from Junior Troop AM hotted Brownie party at war, She reported that during the coaching after the season to be- Troop 214, in thV traditional In hit Register letter, Mr. fytz discussion of candidates at thecome full-time general manager bridging from one level to an- noted he spent six months on January meeting, it was noted of the Celtics. other In Girl Scouting. DOOR BUSTER Automatic Renewal SPECIALS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT $500.00 Oil MORll Moanrath County National'i new Certificates of De- Q. Suppose I need my money before the specified potit aature 4^% annual interest from the day you maturity? buy them to the tpecified maturity. There's no longer any need to shop around to find a safe, convenient ! A, You may have it The certificate 'provides that place to obtain a nigh interest rate on funds over you get your money upon 30 days' notice. How- $500.00. evsffcin this instance, a reduced interest rate ; must apply. This is a federal regulation. Naturally you have tome questions about Certificate! GIANT TWO.DOOR 1IG 66'>DOOR 66-INCH KING-SIZE PORCELAIN TOP of Deposit. Here are the aniwen: Q. In what amounts are Monmouth County National 36* BASE CABINET 5TIEL WARDROBE STEEL CABINET STEEL SPACE-SAVER Bank Certificates available? Q. How long must I hold the Certificate of Deposit to earn the 4%% interest rate? 15.88 15.88 15.88 15.88 A. Minimum of $500.00 and multiple* of 1100 above that without limit. Spacious utility stor- Sturdy cabinet has lot! Steel construction, per- Baked wiinkle finish. A. Six months to one year — it's up toyou . age. Heinforced sieel, of Storage space, cut- celaintop.2-doordou. Center post, shelf, tie baked porcelain flhiah. lery drawer, bread boii We compartment, 2 rod, more. leeks and Q. May the certificate then be renewed? Q. Who can buy Monmoutb County National Bank 16x30t66'hlgh. dtiWm. 21x32x36* a0x30a(68'l high. Certificates of Deposit? ' . high.:': ••;. .' •, A. The certificate wiH Be automatically renewed for one or more similar periods as provided by its • A. Individuals and non-profit organizations.

terms. ' ',-•'•: •' ••••i. , Certificates of Deposit and Savings Account* are avail- able at every Monmouth County National Bank office. EASEL BACK CORDANATV Q. How and when will I receive my interest? There is one located conveniently near you.

' ! '• •••' • .'....' PHQtO FRAMES LOUNGER PILLOWS A. We will mail you a check or, if you with, we will So, if you're looking for a safe, convenient place to From 3^x4>4'' triple frames to big 11x14" 24 inches' square. 100% cotton cover. Poly ' automatically deposit the interest in your' Mon- •am a'good raM of return on your savings, whether single size; Many sizes In between. filled. Decorator colors, mouth County National savings or checking ac- large or small — or if you need advice on any per- count at the maturity of the certificate. ' tonal financial matter . , . ' 1.77RIG. 2.39 Remember... You Can Bank on Monmouth County National 2 GALLON CAN 500-SHEET GULF FILLER PAPER MOTOR OIL 8X10VJ"-5.HOLI PUNCH Coupon Coupon Expires Expires Sat, 3/5 1.44 LIMIT TWO %' J/5 RI«. fit Member F«b*r*l Dtpotit lnturonco Corp.

OfIN WID. twl Ml DOWNTOWN RED BANK OFFICES CONVENIENTLY LOCATED THROUGHOUT MONMOUTH COUNTY T , Mud) 3, W6f TOE I vilm of m 3,¥ear-Old A« vation Army InterAktionil Staff lorti. • Jury jffpumtly mnxMJaU College in, London. Comoiia- tompeaution for the lttd and ^ ation Army Suit Settled TIM OWordi appeded and a jioned a probationary lieutenant "!%• county »#MJ th* atrip for the hedge. It noted «Ut th* 14,300 squire feet tfland out of jury warded them $15,600. But iii 1934 after attending officers' claim Tor damages, aside (ram a 3.1*cre tract in widening the Superior Court Appellate Di- training school, he served in the hedge, had been $11,117, and Officer to Visit For $11,250 Hance Rd. In 1883. A condemn*., vision decided last July 22 that Buenos Aires before assignment ordered a new trial. The settle- FREEHOLD — Three year-old tion comroiiiion of Keneneth R. Judge Elvin R. SlmmiH, the to territorial headquarters of ment figure approximates the litigation over a strip at corner Smith, J.. Frtndj Rauch, and trial judge, had erred' In per- County Corps the South America east and west clajm indicated by the appeals property at Hance Rd. and New-Samuel Caiotenuto awarded the mitting tfre Jury to hear evidence RED BANK - Brigadier M. territories. court. man Springs Rd., New Shrews- Altomwtd, Salvation Army re- bury, was ended Tuesday in an gional commander in Uruguay $11,250 settlement in Superior and city commander of Monte- Rizk Talk Court. video, will, visit the borough Under the agreement that is Sunday, Match 13. Scheduled me sum the Monmouth County The visit will follow morning Board of Freeholders will pay GJVLWHITNEY WEST LONG BRANCH - Sa- Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Ollflord, worship cervices at the Asbury Iom Rizk, whose auobiagr&phy owners of the property. Park Corps and a call at the "Syrian Yankee" tells of his dis- Salvation Army retired officers' covery of America, will speak at Judge Andrew A. Salvest ap- residence in Asbury Park. Brig- HAS 3VST OPENED ON Monmouth College Wednesday, proved the settlement which was adier Ailemand- will be at the March 9, at 11 a.m. in the sci- presented to him by attorneys Red .Bank Corps at 7 p.m. ence building lecture hail. A 'second-generation Salvation- during a second trial: of the is- His talk, which will follow the ist, Brigadier Ailemand is the sue. Howard A. Roberts, Middlf- sort of the late Commissioner lines of his book, is the fifth program in the college's Student and Mrs, Marcelo Ailemand, AN OVERTIME TEAM pioneering Argentinian officers. Union Lecture Series. Mr. Rizk's ROUTE 46, He speaks Spanish and English. faith in democracy developed DENVER (A.P) -University of from his early experiences un- Denver's hockey team, in KED CROSS MONTH — Frederic Messina, left, mayor of In 1951 he attended the Sal- der old-world oppression. stretch of four consecutive road Shrewsbury, enrolling as Red Cross member in the fund Need Money? Sell those things His life story first appeared in games in the Western Collegiate drive for the Monrnourh County Chapter, receives his the "Reader's Digest" and his Hockey Association this season, you really don't need with a TOTOWA autobiography has become re- played three overtime contests membership card from J. Allen Mohn, Ocean Township, Daily Register Classified Ad. quired , reading in many public Denver lost two of them and Red Cress chapter chairman. Call now. . schools. • •. tied one. . . . ,



Brlilitni tot saau of rour voM chain and neisrs at a ttpr prieal AntluBtleall; traittd is' th» toloolal mtuir, Xnrr Ansrlean will undoutouir mnt W oil- *tti thli VsuiUiil MnbntBt-Ukt l»cilnn> «! our' coniUtuUon, lait u prodetawd br eur. foundtaf ftthfn. IdMl (or frtmlnil IYM te mrr vultor, wlttitrat tnr>eUlntlni. Com* In, ^ sick nnnupl ^

Sturdy, Practical j VISIT YOUR NEAREST CM. WHITNEY STORE FOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUES! black and gold decorated The newest, most exciting and beautiful display of American traditional furniture ever assembled in this nation is now open'on'1 Route 46 In Totowa. See vistas of magnificent cherry, pine, maple and otherfiiienativeAmefi* can woods crafted by the most outstanding brand names in the furniture industry and displayed in breathtak- at an incredible price per pair! ingly beautiful settings. To celebrate this gala event, ALL.CM. WHITNEY stores are; now holding sales of GENUINE RUSH SEATS unprecedented proportions. Visit the C. M. WHITNEY branch most convenient to. you, Wherever you go, you'll find the same stunning values, dramatic displays and courteous attentive service that is the essence of the C. M. WHITNEY spirit. Most important of all, even though C. M. WHITNEY'S prices have been sharply re- duced, for this sale, you have—as always—the firm assurance of the C. M. WHITNEY guarantee! complete satisfaction on every count! Come enjoy the value spree at every C. M. WHITNEY store now! \ 5-PC. GOVERNER CARVER DINETTE > of BENMNGf ON SOLID PME DROPLEAF TEA CART in SCttlD MAPLE

value $229.00 Save 150 on this robust value $6935 •olid pine fnmitnre direct from the hills A boon to the buijr of Vermont. Unusually hbite• i when she thick table tap and serrea her (teats. A 2 CHAIRS chair teati! The mellow prestige piece that's Ttiete Mctlonul tth» tplrt hutcbei. Richlj lscqaered with colprfnl flowera, theie, hjndwrae dbaln 4' »W> and'6' Jilth, ire midn «lth . finish—the worn edjfs practical, t«o! Just fluih ildei ID IhU jou can ua — the real wopd peg- lift the le«T» and itand a full 39Vi" high! The se«ti are gtnnlne rush, practicallT Juit one. or imtal in a row. is ging*—bettow the Took jou have a delight- unheard of except jn.chairs costing more than twice the pri«| jou rtauire! Kotc: Thli li solid of priicd antiques. In- And C. II. WHITNEY ghrei «n BOTH for onlr $19! (One ehttr Mai In • wired, - lacquered heit- ful luncheon table and-iIcohDl rutotut'finUh'l A par- * clnde* Round Ext/ Ta- for two I Note, the may be purrhawd indivldnaUy for $1250, a $2459 yalnel) BIN ttt% utn'. . . and a cluile amom Value ble &i stalwart saddle- uefalihclweibelowl riani like this hare endeared Us to thontfnds of home-loving eur trMiureit $189.00 Beat Chain, | Jeraeyitaa! ' '"'__'' "••-, •

GENUINE "STRATFORD" FURNITURE PAIIl of LOVESEATS tit'front of yont fireplace or picture window, •or miking a rorner grouping, theae beauties i-iv. m\m mm BEDROOM SUITE •re «xwptionallj lovely, exceplionillr comfort- A mister dining room ensemble for the finest of able—and moil exceptionally priced. Bugged A prime example of how C. M. WHITNEY brings hbnlont elegance to honlesl Conceived in elegance md warmth to evoke your1 hems it low< low prices I Beautiful Madison Cheery will lend en- tweed unbolsterjr! Fonmof-tlie-Futiite •Inceie admiration fiora your friends anil gtaests. sells! I'luj a host of other expemlve chantment to the finest of n»sler bedrooms—yet costs you less than $300 199 TliJi Mite features «n nnaioil frettle Table that for • Triple Qrewer, Framed Mirror, roomy Chest of Drawers and unuidil features! Rememlier, not one but « pair value $359.90 exterid* to a huge 42"x96", pins l«rge Hntch Base, «t this price! Splndla Bed. BOOMS Practic»l beat

STORES OPEN DAILY 9:30 AJ*. TO 9^:30 P.M, SATURDAY TO 6 P.M. • USE THE C. M. WHITNEf CONVENIENT PAYMENT PUN MITE 3.1,04KHURST ROUTE 22, IIM mm 17, LIIIII di 17, mum ROUTE 46, TOTOWA lty Milei So. of Eitontown Circle Opp. the Flagthip on the No, Side Cor. of £siex St., Next to Modell'i Jolt JNotdi of Bidgewood Aw. Wnt of Union hlvl oniklti*. r 531-1400 ' i Tkundty, %eb 3, I Kim and Ctroi Graat eotf Ken- Zl Ctnnon iSBftS k-jtaeaey, OHE DAILY REGIStER neth Mclaughlin. infant daughter, Gail Am- •ad Mn. ftnow lh*ri«. Uttte ,»»>IPI 'iin ^•TWIWI, wn .01 Mir. ud Contberg, ion of Mr.3eorje ^Sn. EU mm. attended tip wedding apd Mn. Mario Guaripo, Wynne- and Mrs. Harry Confcerg, Rfy- beta HMDMB, tin. Edht and nctftto of Mto Marili ; in .Store Acre* Mfc wood Court has entertained these Michael Sean, infant son of Mr. Mary 'and Maureen Mc- nolds Dr., recently celebrated Prie*. tin. WUm Hf Caruio to Jiffln Scariello, both Rev.' tad W». Robert w. !'Miai: 12th birthday at dinner In Reed, MetdowiHoofc Aw., visit- Mri. Richard ZadoiWny said of Newark. ed relatives In Wilmington,' Del., tion of hn ninth birthday:. Prank Ave., - was christened lait Sun- and Mrs. Thomas McMahon, 11 the Beau Rivage, Wall Town- Mrs. Edward BuDwinckle. Federieij "Eddie lewis, Theodore day afternoon in the St. Rose Vought Ave., celebrated their ship, with his parents, hii broth- lact Thursday, Mrs. Ralph Norwood, Thro* Koch, William Buble, Peter and of Lima Roman Catholic fourth birthdays at a party. At- er, David, and his grandfather, Mr. and Mn. William Blount rtorton Ave., left for Portland, Mark Guarino. Church, with Rev. John B. tending were Susan and Scott Emil Catenaro, South St. Mr, and Mn. Marvin B. Fow-and daughters,'Nancy and Bar- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wood- Maine, to attend the funeral oi manski officiating. The baby's Mount, Nancy and Jeanne 'ft,, Jr., Windsor Dr., accom- bara. Westfield, spent last Sat- ruff, Tfaton Ave., spent last Sao- her suter•,, MUs iB«resa Murphy, godparents are Mrs. Jerry Kean,Bulla, Karen, .Sandy, Kevin, RoMa MeLaughlin, ;

20-GAUON GALVANIZED ALUMINUM Garbage GUTTER TALK • W» itcottmSn the TUB ENCLOSURES FREE • Towel bar on each siloinsliding aoodooir ESTIMATES • Stain resistant

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Getting Up SPRING COATS AND SUITS WITH LAST Big Paint Values Earlier , THE WONDERFUL LOOKS YOU WANT CALL! Cook 'n' Dunn These Days? ON PLASTIC LATEX WAIL PAINT .. • •'••,' Matchstick RAINBOW Friday and LINE LIGHT-PROOF • WHITE X99 Sa REG 24.95 CAFE CURTAINS 1000 COLORS...... 3.98 gal. Window PANEL PLEAT COAT CHELSEA COLLAR COAT 48" x 2*;" •All wool, fashion-wise coat with Seat-lined kick-pleated skirt; Dashing dpuble-breasted style Shades twin pockets leading into deep new, lined long-ish jacket With withhelted, pleated back, pleats; two more echoed in 3/4 sleeves, decorative braid detachable bib.: Wool and nylon TURPENTINE the shaped panel back, Staflex® trim. Green or curry diagonal with Slnflex® shape-ictaining 59 lining. Colors of Spring. weave wool and nylon- bonded lining. Spring tones; 60"x34" Misses' sizes 8 to 10. Misses' sizes 8 to 18. Jr. Petite sizes 3 to 13. REGULAR 00 ON YOUR 1.79 99' l ROLLER USB OUR CONVKNIBNT LAY AWAY Pure White, But It PL AN... NO EXTRA CHARGE MATCHINO VALANCE ... Kwps Out All Light 32 BROAD STREET KEANSBURG: ROUTE 36 on MAIN STREET PROWN'S RED BANK ASBURY PARK PERTH AMBOY CHARGE ACCOUNTS 741-7500 FREE DELIVERY Rt. 35 at Attwy f ark Clreb 365 Smirii St., West of R.R. Station OPEN DAILY 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - WED. and FRI. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. 18-TTbr-Ur, iUirk t, IMS TOE OAXLT MKBTD! Vaat m&Uai Jf»} JW^

o>ttt Mn vidt 1*1*. Board. todiv^Jwis or M. and Mrs. Aaga Van tivas of, vj;rlaya;xt^ipt of.ciOuns ATUNTIC fW n mltoWenuitdiBt. muat concern ' ' ' Opinions of niitats 1oW*ittfl "Howtver; W efforts will be our ewnmitte*. attana public in the surreal study of tkt j«' meetiaia aad offer «oairtvctiva k o( ao'coBsequWM if-qrur fellow Old Bridge vucdr mutv plan havt bwm re-townspeoplrdwjiot oorae to ut propottls or countar-jiropoaaj* quested by the Cititans Advisory with 4M*. eorom his-com moff, temporary chairman, SO trueh, a Doat and tra&r and town, consists of nine members htnipa beds, wheat ehatft, of whom seven have been newly- mittee believes to be U* puWlc'i Hooper Ave.: Mfi. William H, function and>rasfoiMipty. ' Crawford, Prospect, Rd,; 'Coert trvtches, and cane* wAt Wit appointed by Mayor Jay M Kel- In, *• bVwt. '< lers Two are original members. 'Wre.must emplHSice agajn ttii Engelsman, \$ Eut O»pCeld w Ave.^ James Fallon, 13, East Since A» «re, ahj mU »• "The Citizens Advisory Com- again* (hat it's up-to the cititeas FERTILIZERS mittee serves only in an advisory of AtfaaUe Highland* >tq make Ave.; Paul W. Haningbtn. SS tit ^lfa t capacity to the Planning Board," tha effort to contact-us;" he-saW South Ave; Charles, N?andla, tl Edward Hymoff, the temporary one Wbi f^lfW^litad *—10-* Pleat fas* chairman, explained, adding: S—19—10 Pta#«e! "We do not make decision's, nqt'iUd, 0-20-20 Pt«a* Fas* I* only recommendations. However, itatk e«*red Aa/iaita Ml ft*) our Job is to'listen to suggestions 1earning.d Afria!t«Al**«eak and criticisms of our fellow reil- t£-t~4 S0& Orfealc dents in the town and'base our (OarSptcM) R recommendations to'thf boa'nT-on what' the ptopie have to say Sell, Fait! Th* Daily, lta#at»r 10-4-4 Al wajeak 100% Nit. TeaWleqntetEtewiBcma and friend Charlie McCarthy ; about' town plahning." ..' •• Clauifjfdauifjfd. ' ' ••taffeta l«t lataat^ DMaiaa unUlir. it I)) A», V^bimM. tt-IMWMiUm hraw Speaking on behalf of 'the »d -M*. Jlerfa.aftd hta trmpe apest Die lul two dtyi of a visory committee, 'Mr.-''Hyino(( I Wk Thtiu iMt orterUiaiiif 1st DJrision troop* ^af^B^B"^m ea^B^B^BI : a^Pw^B^Ha' said- the unit' has; made one 8 '' basic ' recommendation to" the Planhing Board. It is' that the C revised' master pltn be" given the widest" possible distribution, and inmittees circulation and • opportunity for discussion by the residents. E 'Since we. were appointed .by Eighlarids Jfyord Mayor- Kellers and had1 our first grade; William See, sixth: grade; get-acquainted; meeting; Feb. 7, ucation President Stewart D King Robert Cadmtts, sixth .grade, and a second meeting'Feb. 26, GARDEN TOOLS 5 the members have talcen time to last night made committee ap- Herbert A. Camsoe was hired pointments for 1966. as auditor-for -the board's Title study both the old plan and the I federal aid project at $300 new orie revised by the board;' The following boar# members he said, and added* MTOES •ST0P7JV were appointed to chairmanships Mrs. Sharon Kellock was hired as speech therapist for the pro- "We needed this tame and, Cff£CJC OCR, PJUCES of their respective committees Cmtiim policy, Mrs Martha Schmitt' gram at $25 per day. fortunately, we used If construc- NO OBLIGATION TO BUY teachers/ Phillip F King, build Sister Jocira of Our Lady of tively. We now can talk about M1DDUTPWN ing and grounds John J. Saor- Perpetual Help School was hired master planning in terms of what n «pd tino, administration -and person- as arts and crafts instructor at it is and is not meant to be. Per- MMHMFItB MM* nel, Gtorge lF, Armstrong; stu- $5 per hour. haps, we now can dispel some of dent'affairs, Allen Turner, cur Ernest Vaughan WSs hired at NIVY R itwaisawy Are. at a>. 11 fc«Jb Pauline Walstrom $600 as summer playground su- sor a Head Start program this HANCE riculum, immer. < fab board sta,ff reJStions, George C pervisor. SINATOt VISITS Ariaeila Ellis, delegate to the county Seven other teachers Were hired Applications have also teen & DAVIS Board of Education, Mr Scior from within the school system filed with state Department of Sawrtor Waltar llaadafit ^ torn Oalst Iafaatty tiiw, and delagate-aU&rge, Mrs at $5 per hour Education under Title II of the Schmitt The board agreed to tend in Elementary and Secondary Ed- 24 Skrawlwry A». application to the Federal Office ucation Act of' 1965 for |M0 In Nine teScSjera .were rehired fo of Economic Opportunity to-spon- federal aid to education.. .. Mlonk the 1966-57 sdhool year Those teachers ate: Mrs. Mary C ONeil, kindergarten, tyrs Carol Pierson, first grade, Miss Kath- erine Isaksen, third grade, Mrs. Margaret 'T Annals, fourth grade, Mrs Elizabeth Espey |t Pays to Advertise in The Register fourth grade; James White, fifth ;rade, James Hudson fifth rIBBHaBlBBBaBBaBaBBBBBaaBBBBaBaiflBBaBBBBBBaaBBBaBB;

• J *:

RED lANK'S OLVCST and LAROIST HARDWARE STORE OPEN SUNDAYS NEW Pants and Topi FR0tmM.T012N00N go on a color binge! THIS SPRING Whoopfat Triasa fwe-way tftaleii tnn4ai#";

pan+t, wirh s»itehao!-down ernsa, e»mV THE PRE-tMERGENT CRAB6RASS KILLER In sinling new ealorit ^urquoha, p*\^\ yallow, oranga and* whifa. Topi In puf*'. I RECOMMENDED BY RUTGERS. safing Pusei^ypa prinb, AH try Wflray,,

(orL ilias I to la>. '/ LEBANON THREE-IN-ONE Tapi,

Fertilizer REG. i - tMttau naeklint ri^, 13,00 '>/•' 2..DacThal c*wr»ii!ir«H»f'wH*. & D.D.T. Grub Control ONLY s»omwiA«. * COVERS 3.500 ip. FT. SAVE! 4 BAGS ONLY $28.50 k Iritic Taw»

Ha^WA^ "W^Pn^tBJI Crafcpeai Ulltr. xiinur ^aW95 UUW aViTKON *$*££$£* *@tft O I Citai 2,500 Sq. ft. Jtft. 7,95 SAVttt BUT 4 BAGS OWLY $25.00 YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT JACOBS KKWHWR6ANIC Back" by Cobbies FERTILIZER in go-go green or tan calf ' It's a itrappy, happy, lPttft>V Mia^f, roi^adad faa «»'« ' s»frty;-eu»hlM i i ,1 •HRBW8«U«y AVt, * PL. I ana] eemfor+t 7474044 SHOP M4 l 'injiy Tugt'-infiifeepte'd birget »"d pu»W*lum a'*hor», ending thwaHo river traf- made, as witH-'otlier large municipal expendi- bers appointed from each municipality in the- utffized byr0fil«i -Beaoif for development .and tures, for bidding on such items as trucks, • region. fic in'nation^t second largest port. ' ,' ' JAt WJrapfiolft) ' increased ratables. > ' - • i construction of buildings to house and main- Then to be determined will be the number The increased ratable* would benefit, to tain them, necessary equipment and, if neces- .'and types of trucks needed to service, the re- a tmaller degree, other munidpahtier In the sary, construction of an incinerator. gion; the number of employees necessary to county. Since the operation to be considered here operate collection and disposal phases' of. the Should rhs develcprdent be [ndustriat, In- involves the use of Union Beach acreage for service, and whatever other equipment ?nd creased employment could benefit the entire |one Code Hits Snags a landfill' operation, an incinerator, at least supplies are.needed for successful operation. ,'v ~ fof several years, would not be necessary. Costs of the entire operation coujd be ap- dually, municipalities n» longer would To be determined first, 'therefore, will portioned in several ways. Since sanitation is face- the, prospect of skyrocketing bids from be whether municipalities shall own llieir own generally provided now through, general tax- among twr> or three competing nrak |n West Long Branch trucks and provide their own manpower or ation based upon ratables, continued usa of (Tomorrow: Concluding cornrnenU from establish! a regional authority which will pur- this method could be chosen. , mmucipaj officMIa on the prospects ot creat- chase adequate equipment and hire sufficient Only in the, case of Holmdel would such Ing a successful jftgional operatfoa.) WEST LONG BRANCH - Two of tfiei borough. The original, map now of developing a small in- arias of contention developed showed the zone to be surround dustrial park, with a Cluster of concerning the new wnjng plan ing a cluster of house* on Ariene buildings, each' of' 10,000 square to ip-iborough at' tlie. Planning Dr., off Parker Rd. The revised feet. This would be done "in Officials Contradict Each Other Boards public hearing on' themap pushes the zone away from few years," he said. . . . . " • ^^^^^ l ( , ordinance last night. Parker Rd., and fronting the Houses 'Not Cheap' ' The proposed ordinance would western side of Monmouth Rd. An Arlene Dr. resident, An- Create four residential areas — The planning board explained thony Gentile, said houses in the Bne specifically for Monmouth the industrial zone was set back area "are not cheap ... and U.S. School Aid Cut Unlikely fcipllege — and a commercial andfrom Parker Rd. to help create nothing should be done to aWec 1 atv Industrial i»ne. a butter zone between the indus- the price of the property.",. By ELINOR MULTER 815, passed the same year, pro- affected youngsters) were more onlyf.l per cent of Hi children towo ranks third wjH) a CiVMht- ?MlIton* Cranriier, an attorney trial area and residential area, In adjourning the specia vides construction assistance. frequent: in the case of both of All districts would afoorb the «d Jon of $jM,000: • , ^he' highest class of the four WASHINGTON - Administra- r%eiehting "Moomoutfl €e»#.i meeting, Mr. McCormack told tion officials have their signals Payments under PL474 for. A the alternates. first 3 per cent. Pemberton Township, Byrlihg- requested the college be allowed •rt*»identl4l zones, ^,.< „., the 60 persons amending that the category children are equal to ;fl., absorption provision, also Tb«,ai»orptiofcp n basb e fggr; p.>ctteptte- .ton County, aandaiaioij p»m .Chief Aj*» Change crp5sedj«n the question of how to expand to the north to Beach- board will consider comments ^ ifit£jroposwl cuts in school the current operating ei^enses recommended by the Stanford gory children would be "»ix par and North Hanover Townallii m 1 Frank S. Bilotta, borough, police made, but cautioned; that it.rep: wood Ave. in Hie two Wocks be- •fid > 'kttttff federally impacted per child, met from local Itudy, .accounts for a maj^r part cent. n*"*Xf*~ >•> same countyr i» rated *t a '^a- W«B>oda .and ,Nw- iwant$ Von property it owns. It and Parker Rd. Francis Palmer, tered in the'Locust Ave. and Wall 1 'I*.-J T\ iiCf.'T • i <»i 'irvia.^'^iliti X-i-.ii'. * s Today to Take ishould be subject to pub- a borough resident, is a principal Sf, area,:.QnIy; light industry rjajT^ timei-^ating;^ie' House jie scrutiny:" in the corporation. ^ ^vch'is scientific and research j jiHe.isaid. that, in the 12 years laboratories'ai« specified for tin Comniittee.on Education and La- ;-VfiM-coH.We-Wte. .^bounded bor. e hjgifjatare from •appWpraiting y»|veMHe limits of the' indus- and "destroy our whole plan." ning Board would be able to fin 65 by th,e Stanford Research In- Committee, set their sights today Republicans, contended that the more money than'it expects to ''•In fairness to tha minority, I tMTzone in the northwest corner The film is- on jthe threshold isH its work by that time. stitute under a'contract with the on- yanking Gov. Richard J. governor wanted quick approval get back in revenues. don'i rw«mt ajj/ojie'to leave this Office Of Educertion. Hughes' income tax plan from of the budget in order to'force .Absolutely" • • • ' unfo,uh-' '•'*:de4,- (epUed won) feeling he didn't haV« : his record $906 million budget. The institute studied the oper- the legislature to come up with committee chairman, SBn. Wll- AioagK time to digest the budget ation of. the impacted areas leg- Twice Wednesday; they tried an income tax. Hani V. Musto D-Hudson 13th, or ask questions," he »aM. as Keansburg islation, and made recommended (o put off-action on the budeet "This is putting the.cart be- at a news conference'•••- after th•e »'•^' v , ...... J noUcehe'wouM changes'. ',.-.;" -.•'..' proposal, which calls for $236 fore the horse," he declared. session. '. call a meettyjg'lor'a'Vote Without The legislation was designed million to'be raised through a "These additional revenues are ? Musto said t^f rts'tridioh • ap> Repoblkait iconsent• if he (Jetect- originally to compensate local graduated income tax. not now available, and may nev-pliedUo the legislature,,but'not ^j«J>y stal%''t.actics;: •': '; school districts for the burdens And twice, they failed as the er be av&ilahle." • to the appropriations committee; In other developments 'former er 1966 Budget imposed by federal, activities. Democrats used a 12-6 plurality After (ailing to win a blanket An'.ipicome tax bill is now,before -'••"- — •' — " ' Payments are based on two on. (he committee to vote them ; of vandalism from the railroad suspension; of hearings, .the $«K tfce' .'assembly and' would 1iave /•-- Without a sey, Central Railroad's applied categories 'of children. Category down. - '.','.• . publicans asked for a delay to nent f roni the •. public, Bor- tloni to discontinue service be- and , on advice of Patrick J. Mc- to 'be enacted before- the |ovar' nue raising package featuitari A children are those who live Another round of partisan ma- allow the'governor to submit ajr «or'« budget Is.approved'.' ;"'-» ' state, lOtterjrja^:f'9$i ' meil adopted the 1968 tween Atlantic Highlands and Gann, Jr., directed the chief to on federal property and have a hftuvering is expected early next appear and testify to this. alternate budget baaed solely on Democratic ' 'committee tax * *" (budget last night, set- Matawan. parent, efl^loyed on federai Week when the committee recon- existing revenues. .Thalt'too-wa's 'an eitimated tax rate of The railroad, in testimony Feb. The gqverning body narried 1 ; chairman said, he hope* the one cent per gaUon boost in gas- property..'I'' '";-- '.. venes for a showdown vote on defeated by a 2-1 margin. ' ' committee wouliinvoti-on. the olifle*'taxes.; • v•:••; " '!, • pet, $100 ; assessed .vajua.- .14, declared that it has suffered Councilman Alphonsus M. Me. the budget. Children-fcx category S either SchoU then argued that the budget early next week, but was He said the'measures' vould ^numetous incidents of vandalism Gfrath to serve as acting mayor live on.or have a. parent em- In a statement read after, the committee could not approve prepared to .give ..the Republic take care of New Jersey's needs In keansburg. whenever Mayor Leonard S* Bel-ployed .on federal property. committee wound up < public s rate i» up 44 tents over that part of the budget hinged can-'•"—*• s6m•'•- e extrr--'"—f tfm e 't o "tak ' e a- wlthout'reairwithout requiring'i bWa -...— , „d Deny Knowledge lezata. is; not available. Most .'.pj the impacted areas hearings on the budget Wednes- on an Income tax because the closer look at the budget If nec-tax. He called for* a' refeVendum Council denied knowledge of Council announced, officially funds are paid out to districts day, the-six GOP minority mem legislature had not enacted the r ual spending is estimated ever having received a report 1 essary.' • ••' '""' " '' ' 03,772, up $99,2M; reserved that Patrolman Frederick Loder under •'•the provisions of PL-874 bers accused the Democratic ad- tax... • . • . . ' Musto's original plans called lion to approve the",package. fc* u'noojlected taxes is set at has been reinstated as of Aug. passed in 1049, which provides ministration of trying to ram I, 1964. His back pay is being money for school operation. PL- hrough the budget "at perhaps %m, up $31,151, providing a Crash Injures processed. A request from the § of $8*S,638. Taxation will patrolman for 39 days of vaca- Highlands School of that, amount. Man, Woman tion time, earned durihg;th,e' time 1» ah Increase of $83,107. RED BANK - James McGiyn of his suspension, has been re- Marlboro Board Opposes .Vpe/ tar" r*t« il«. broken down and Mrs. Mary McGiyn, both of ferred to Mr. McGann for study Brooklyn,. N.V., treated at Robert Kirch was named to the 000, Council Trims Expenses H School Lunch, Milk Cut t» Comity portion, 52 cents, up R|ver*iew Hospital and released Board of Health to fill the un- MARLBORO - In a swift Sen Harrison A. Williams (D- HIGHLANDS - Borough Coun- decrease will not |f/ect;,ijie edu- after the car Mr, Mcplyn was explred portion of John Price's f to,"rick i)M\t bralni fcttf cents, response to President Johnson's N.J.) ahd Clifford T. Case, (R- cil yesterday; trimmed $9,000 catioml standards of the school tween now 'and (text. month'* ••M School), $1.70, up 15 cents. driving was in collision with a term. vehicle driven, by Joel Kampf, Droposal to cut back the school NJ.) and state members of the from the 1966-C7 school: budget, system, meeting to come up with Ideas ^Municipal, $1,93, up25 cents. Mtddletown Democrats lunch and milk programs, the House Appropriations Commit- reducing the current expense ac- oniwhere, Jo cut."",• '•',,•' 2' Wesleyan 'St., Tuesday morn- Surprised At Cut |r ' ;i»j Senior citizens and veterans ing. Testimonial dinner. Martin V. Board of Education last night tee, Reps. 'Edward J. Patten and count from $112,869 to $107,869, ft«.gp>ernlna body" ha»; tha axemptions, 14 cents, no change. Lawlor-Edward J. Roth, Sat., adopted' a resolution opposing the Charles S. Joelson. ' ' , On learning of the budget cut, a y 'Borough Auditor, Herbert A. power t dci h ' v . Dog Cod* Changed The accident, which occurred March 5. Buck Smith's Emerald cuts and requesting Che help Of . A bill to make the current milk Stewart D. King, Boa'r^ of Edu- decide how 'ifiuch at Bridge Ave .and Oakland,St.; Carusoe estimated that the cut cation? president, exjyessej sur- •should: ^ fromf - tht e • Were was no public comment Rooni. Tickets $5. Cocktail hour New Jersey members of Con- program permanent was, Intro- sp«ndjng schedule, but th« jcHoo! was investigated by Sgt. Emerson would reduce .the overall lax rale prise, i based on pfevtoU* .state- h H •ilths council adopted its amend- 7:M.-Adv. iress. ' " duced in the House of Represen- board decides, where the ,'ouU A. Williams. of $4.47 per $100 assessed valua- ments of council j'that It didn't •IteiH to, the dog' control' ordi- "Prwcrlptloiw" Ttie resolution noted that the tatives on Monday by Rep. How- should be,made.' ' filhee. ••';•' ' • '•• '''•'• Old Wgaon Farm tion almost four cents, resulting know where thh e spendinp g ached' All Scott Prug prescriptionn cost of milk — now sold for two ard. ^Introduced was an ordinance In an estimated'rate of iboiit , Public Notice! • Now Open. The first thing on now being filled at Pflrke Drug, cents a half-pint — will rise to The Marlboro resolution notes ^«ttja,e bit,-" ' /idlng for appointment 'of a •*;«.• , •• •, ^ <• • • Opeiv every Sun/lay from 9».m, your, lawn program should be 51 Broad St. 747-378-1.—Adv. six cants, if the cuts are enacted that most New Jersey school dis- He'pointed*(JuVthat before the ,. Jng Impectlor and setting reg- lime. If uncertain, let us test your and type A lunch subsidies will tricts already have adopted 1966- Councilman William MoGowan budget wag trimmed, the board to 12 noon, Becker Hardware, 197 IMlAns and controls for the In- soil.- Free to customers, Rt, 35, Chevrolet, Sale be cut back a penny. The recom 67 school budgets, without allow- Voted against the budget reduc- would have'operated with a sur- " rewnburii Av,e.,!{orner pa,th«-, '"" 'Ion of heating equipment. North of Mlddletown.—Adv.. Prices beyond duplication. Mc- mended cut In the Special Mi IK ing for the proposed cut-backs. tion, sticking to hit previous plus of three per cent of the rin» St., Red Barik. 747-CWS^-Xdv, 'ublic hearing ii set for Wednes- Carthy Chevrolet, 29J-1101.-Adv stand that the school spending Public Notice! Program Will reduce the sub- Board members'suggested that total, budget, Steak tunch-Mc , • schedule totaling $165,765, was ! Op6n every.Sunda/ from 8 ft.m, Beautiful Kitchens . sidy from $103 million 'to $21 an- Increase in. the prloe, ol "With council's rut, we're o Sizzling broilod iteak, niad, E»unc(l; autjidri^ed'police Chief 1 "Mund." mert' Krownbcrger to appear to 12 noon, Becker Hardware, IB? Buy her a beautiful kitchen. million. The resolution seeks lunches of milk would put them crating under no,per cent," he haked potato, Ttxas put. Bonan* titedayimta Highway Depart- Shrewsbury Ave., corner Cathe- Cuitom built by ReWood. 774-7744, th# support of Rep! Jimej beyond the economic means of Mayor John A. Bahrs, on the remarked, za Sirloin Pit, Rt. 3S. MlddJ»- c"'"-1- • t» Ntwarkon Ut- rine St,» Red Bank, 747-O4S5.-Adv.-«Mv. I, Howard, (D-ld Dist, NJ.), most township families. other hand, abated that, tha $5,000 He urged board members luttown, NJ.-Ady.' T!ff DAILY

J r •. v '' Palette Talk Harbingers of Spring—Art Shows By ELEANOR MA8K0 iro City. She was formerly ---tant. To the lepidopterist, Preview AprU 22. Receiving National: West Orange Cham- Meet Rosemary Gilman. represented by the Gallery Miss Gilman's butterflies are of paintings and sculpture ber of Commerce, First Annual From her collection of newest Fluer Delis in New York. "phonies" but the impression of March SI, 19 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Town-Wide "Exhibition, '•"< March works, one would believe that For the past eight years, super-realism she leaves in the AprU 1 and April 2, 18 a.m. to 26-April 16. Professional, ama she never, stepped out of the Miss Gilman has traveled, rich range of, oranges in the 8 p.m. at Ketcham House, 8» teur-novice and under 17 award garden of her Oakhurst home lived and sketched In various chrysanthemums and grasses Norwood Ave., Elberon. Fee: groups. Cash awards from $300 for inspiration. parts of the world — Greece, with their hidden miniature flow- (2 per work. Prizei and pur- in nine categories. Acceptance Her initial exhibition of 10 Turkey, Spain, France and ers — is one of charm exacting chase awards. Info: Harold jury and award jury. Fee $5 paintings at Viscardi, 772 Rive: Mexico. "Rojoneador," the a modern American primitive H, Alexander, Monmouth Col- for two entries. Info: The Art Rd., Fair Haven, has brough only figurative composition In air. lege, West Long Branch. Colony, 743 Northfield Ave., West her current exhibition, reflects, Orange. to the shop of antiques and bou- State: Slate Museum, Cul- in a Mexican manner, her re- tiques, a touch of spring be- Requests for information on tural Center, Trenton, April 8- National: Hunterdon County peated concern with color and cause all but one of her works national, state and local art June 12, open to all artists liv- Art Center, Clinton, N.J., 10th form. She said she went to concerns flowers, including some shows have been' reaching this ing or working in state; paint- National Print Exhibition, March Mexico to paint landscapes — "table top paintings" which are desk, so here it is in a nut- ing, prints, drawings, sculp- 27-May 15. Jury. Purchase and ended up doing abstrac- 8 by 10-inch canvases set on shell. ture, $7,000 purchase prizes. prizes, deadline to submit March small easels. (These are an "in' tions while 6he was there. WHERE TO SHOW - Na- Jury. No fees. Receiving Info: Art Center. vogue for decorators and private Miss Gilman's current work is tional: Painters & Sculptors March 7, 8, 9 and 12, 11 a.m. National: American Watercolor collectors in New York.) like an iceberg, It shows only Society of N.J., 25th Annual, to 4:30 p.m., and March ,10 and Society 99th Annual Exhibition. In her special world of flowers a small part of her inspirations. April 4-JO, Jersey City Mu- 11, 11 a.m. to 0 p.m. at the April 7-23 National Academy Gal- there has been no weeding for Her travels (third class) on a seum. Open to all artists, museum. Information: Leah leries, New York City. Open to Miss Gilman except for remove Turkish steamer, and on the oil, watercolor, sculpture, Sloshberg, State Museum. En- all artists. Media: watercolor, ing extraneous structural lines Orient Express to Yugoslavia graphics, drawings (all media). try forms required gouache, pastel. Fee $5 per from her compositions, yet re- from Greece, which one would Jury. Cash awards. Fee: $5. painting. Jury. Prizes. Work taining with superb control expect would show up exciting- State: Westfleld Art Associ- Entry cards due March 16. due March 24. AWS, 1083 Fifth flat plane to deliberately suggest ly in some way, is buried — for ation fifth annual Statewide Receiving at museum March Ave., New York, 10028. a primitive style. The oolors are the time being at least. Exhibition, sponsored by Union 19. Information: Carol Yudin, Local: Red Bank Methodist clear and bright and she uses At present, Miss Gilman main Junior College, AprU M0 at 131 DeWitt Ave., Belleville, fifth annual Samuel W. Haus- "BUTTERFLIES', 13 by 18-inch oil on canvas by Rosemary GUmdn in currint a stylized outline, giving her sub- tains a studio in New York the college. OUs and water- 07109. man Art Competition April 3-10. jects a super-realistic look. "I where she is deeply involved colors. Jury. Fee and prizes. in Viscardi, 772 River Rd., Fair Haven. Judging April 2. Awards April am concerned with the geometric with painting every day. State: Monmouth College Receiving dates March 25, 26. 3. Paintings and sculpture (re- aspect of the subject and color," "If I can make it by just Festival of Fine Arts, April Info: Mrs. Elven Sheahan, 801 March 13, 3 to 5 p.m. Works re- tive Art, Shrewsbury, April I- School, Mill Mitchell la • ligous theme) due by March Miss Gilman stated. painting, I'll just paint," she B-May 14; Awards AprU 23, N. Broad St., Elizabeth. ceived March 11 from 1 to" 5 21. The tint of Its kind for freshman at Moore College of in church office, Broad St., 9 She added that the stylized said, "And if not, I'll go back p.m. in clubhouse. Removal this banking organization, the Art, Philadelphia. She re- a.m. to 4 p.m. Entry fee $2 each approach has evolved after de- to work." March 17 at noon. Info: Grace theme will b* "Focus oa Art." ceived a Merit Award bit year item by March 14. veloping a very realistic style Miss Gilman is a fabric de- Gilkeson, 10 Laurel Dr., Little from the Monmouth Arts Foun- In her early works, progress- signer and dress stylist formerly Local: Monmouth Arts Foun- Silver. EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD Miss dation and her water colon Art Calendar dation 1966 Monmouth Arts Gal- Kathleen Mitchell, Oakhurst, were among the » selected at ing into "wild abstracts" and with Maxwell Textiles and Bates expressionism, and then re* Fabrics. She also was designer lery Members Show March 13-17 THE WOMAN'S DEPART- b one of more than a down finalists out of SM tntrlet in turning more and more to the and stylist for Florence Walsh GUILD OF CREATIVE ART, VISCARDI, 772 River Rd., in clubhouse of Junior League of MENT of the First Merchant! artists showing In Part 2 of the the NJ. Women's Amateur realistic "I went through so and Casuals, Ltd., in New York. 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury, Fair Haven, Rosemary Gil- Monmouth, Center St., Rumson. National Bank of Red Bank, Hear 'N* See Gallery Winter Contest, Bergen Mall, Part* many morbid phases," the art- Because she likes to travel, one Lucille Chayt Recent Oil Paint- man, Ten Paintings. All media. Open, to MAG mem- will sponsor an exhibition In Art Exhibit, N First Ave., At- mm. She received an award ist stated, 'that I mm want to of her bosses remarked that she ings, through March 25. bership which totals 166. No the bank of the work of artist lantic Highlands. A INS grad- also at the Lou Cooper, show fee. Ribbon awards. Reception members of the Guild of Crea- uate of Asbury Park High In June. . paint only beautiful things." "worked between vacations." FLORENCE WALTER GAL- "I decided I wanted to paint But It's flowers that are on HEAR "N" SEE GALLERY, LERY, 682 Broad St., Shrews- like a primitive, but I found Miss Oilman's mind right now. 60 First Ave., Atlantic High- bury, Paul Lehr, Initial Exhibi- I had too mirth training," Miss When I do the flowers (or but- lands, Kathleen Mitchell, tion of Paintings, closes tomor- Gilman commented. terflies, fruit, etc.), I make them Watercolori and Pen and Ink, row. An alumna of Skidmore Col- all important by discarding ex- in Winter Art Exhibit, through lege, vthere her major was art, traneous decoration in the back- March 19. Miss Gilman, daughter of Mrs. ground and hive them stand sil- N.J. FEDERATION OF Fred Gilman, 275 Park Ave., houetted in black against a WOMEN'S CLUBS: Art and OLD MILL GALLERY, Syca- American Home Day March Oakhurst, and the late Mr. GU- white background." ''"••• more Ave., Tinton Falls, Win- man, studied also with, Julian It really takes some doing to 15, 1:30 p.m., Newark Museum. ter Exhibition, Group Show, FIFTH DISTRICT ACHIEVE- Levl in New York, and the to tike three peppers or onions closes tomorrow. Institute de Cnlturale* in Mex- as she has) and make theni im- MENT DAY, March 31 at 1 p.m. in First Methodist ART FAIR GALLERIES, Rt. Church, Monmouth Rd. and 35, Hohndel, Yenuda Yordan, South .Lincoln Ave., Oakhurst. Paintings, drawings, colla- Receiving deadline tor entries CARPET CLEARANCE graphs, through March 20. 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Art dem- onstration by Winl Smart of MONMOUTH MEDICAL Freehold, at 1:30 p.m. ART All Luxury Carpets Priced For Quick Sale CENTER, Long Branch, Art SYMPOSIUM and CLUB WOM- Auxiliary Spring Exhibition, EN ARTIST EXHIBITION, through May, 58 Paintings. April 2, Fairleigh Dickinson To Make Room For New Styles University, Madison Campus. STATE MUSEUM, N. J. Cul- Receiving in beginner, ama- tural Center, West State St., teur, professional classes in oil, Trenton, Burgoyne DiUer: A watercolor, pastel, collage and Retrospective Exhibition of photography, March 31 from Paintings,. Sculpture and 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 1 Graphics, through April 3. from 10:30 a.m, to.noon.

GIRL SCOUT NEIGHBOR- HOOD SHOWS: New Shrews- DEAL HADASSAH Festival bury, March 12 from 11 a.m. to of Contemporary. Art April.% Thursday, Friday and Saturday only! 6 p.m., in Old; Mill Gallery; and 3, home of Dwight Yellen. 222 Ocean Ave., Deal. Patrons Sycamore Ave., Tinton Falls. To clear our warehouse and showroom for incoming merchandise we've NEW MONMOUTH: Tomor- and Sponsors preview April 2 row from 1 to 3 p.m. St. at 8 p.m. gone through our inventory and chopped prices in every direction! Mary's Catholic Church Base- That's why you'll save big money now, by coming into your nearest ment. Judges, Mrs. Paul De- Sandier & Worth store by the end of this week. There's a wonderful Wyngaert, Christopher Tesoro Hobby Show Is Slated and Robert O'Neill. For Senior Citizens • selection of colors and styles, but the earlier the better if you have a definite carpet in mind! RED BANK-The Red Bank Parks and Recreation Depart ment is sponsoring a Hobby PHILADELPHIA'S CUMULOFT Show for Senior Citizens of the R* Red Bank area. The show will be held May 14 in the Mechanic NYLON PILE SCULPTURED O yd Street School and will be open Beautiful cut and uncut pile in a handsome kef pattern, ' Rtg. 7.9S to the public without charge, has moved from from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. White Street, Red Bank, to CRESLAN® ACRYLIC PILE TEXTURED All senior citizens in the area Monmouth Hills, Highlands. are invited to exhibit. There is A handsome all uncut texture that conceals foot prints Weekday evenings, 8 to 10, no entry fee for exhibitors. MINERSUPPLYCO weekends, 3 Jo 5. There will be award certificates and wears exceptionally well. Or by appointment, 872-1011 presented to all entrants. Any Welded steel sculpture, hobby is eligible, but maximum paintings, drawings, pastels space that will be allotted for I PHILADELPHIA'S WOOL PILE TWEED For sale and rent. Suchman, any one exhibitor h a 3 by 6- South of the Krupp Natelson, Campbell. foot table. A selection of tweed combinations in a heavy wool loop orig- The show is exclusively ama- teur. No sales will be permitted. inally manufactured for commercial use. . Reg. 7.95 Entry blanks may be obtained from the Parks and Recreation DUPONT NYLON PILE PLUSH GENERAL ELECTRIC Office, 51 Monmouth St., and must be returned by May II. .De- A smooth elegantly finished plush pile carpet. Good for tails also maybe obtained at •Jyd High-Speed DRYER the office. years of wear. Reg. 7.99 OIL PAINTING with Variable time Dial Control DEMONSTRATION CABIN CRAFTS ALL WOOL PILE PLUSH TOMS RIVER - The Ocean County Artists Guild will present Smooth, silky all wool pile in a luxuriously plush broadloom. 14-lb. William J. Coombs, Toms River f artist, in an oil painting demon- CAPACITY stration tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. here in the Long Swamp Studios, PHILADELPHIA'S 501 NYLON PILE SCULPTURED anil only 673 Batchelor St. His demonstra- tion painting will be offered at A closeout of the remaining colon of one of our heaviest 116* auction at the conclusion of the SAFE, LOW TEMPERATURE DRY- nylons. All uncut pile. ING—Clothe* are gently tumbled program. In smooth porcelain drum, dried A native of New Hampshire, by current of warm, clean air. Mr. Coombs received his ad- 501 NYLON PILE TWEED Never baked against hot metal vance education in the State of drum. Washington at both the uni- Remaining colors in'our heaviest nylon .pile tweed. Beit for versity and the state college, as ADJUSTABLE CONTROL—Select well as at the Frye Museum not showing wear and soil. drying times according to fabric School in Seattle. He also studied requirements. Also cholcs of at the Art'Students League in damp-drying ready for ironing or New York and at the National CRESLAN* PILE PLUSH '. . complete drying. Academy School of Fine Arts. He has exhibited in Palm Beach, Smooth plush broadloom in a wide color range. Easy to clean. NO SPECIAL WIRING NECES- Nantucket, at the Lucinda Gal- SARY—flugs Into any adequate lery, Tenady, and with the Knickerbocker Artists, the Audu- 120V or 240V outlet. bon Artists and the American Artists Professional League at 501 NYLON PILE TEXTURED Dries up to 14-Ib. loads at one time. Variable Lever House, New York. Time Dill Control times dryer to suit fabric Heavy registered 501 nylon pile cobblestone. and load, Fluff-Cycle fluffs pillows, bed- Reej. 8.9S spreadi, drapes etc. His big capacity lint DREW ART FESTIVAL AtktMlhiDt-SlCt trap, safely' start switch, 4-way exhaust On (kft iwl*!i >IM mrifekfe >IMI»f at »I5J. MADISON — The Contempo- venting, full width door with large clothes rary Arti Festival Exhibit opens Phone for . NODOWNPAYMEMI Eatyy forms! load opening, Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. in the g»TtwlM')luMrli|^HtHHMtKMa|Ptritliiiblliillilf»TtwlM')luMrli|^HtHHMtKMa|Ptritliiiblliillilf. V University Center, featuring the "At'Home" Shopping SANDLER & WORTH , Yen Miy Onlir Ui« Until Item TtmHi 111, Ytur ftuAM fi-E fiulir. J« Our Cwut uliplv. Mm ui TMM, works of sculptor Ruth Volhner, and paintings and constructions of Philip Held and Leo Rabldn. *OU7E 35, MONTOWN TRAFFIC OKIE It will continue through Maroh BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 27, open from 9 to 5 p.m. week- 542-2200 * , days and 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sun- 46 MONMOUTH ST. 741-4310 RED BANK day*. Open to (ha public will be three art seminar* conducted at ,Aloii^ Wed* frl) I o.ffl. ft> 9.00 pm., Tv*$., Vwn., Sof. 9.30 OJH. to J;30 pjn. OPEN WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 7 p.m. at the center. They arc Fft* Parking in RMT of Stow Entrant* «• Whltt Shtttt March 8, Kuth Voltoier; March Other Stores Rt. 22, Springfieldi Rt 4. Paramus and Rt, 46, Wayne' 18, MMu*i Findley, and March NOTE-WISIRVICI lYUYTHIN* Wl $01 22, Philip HeW. . r THE DAILY REGISTER Thnrtby, Jfcrrfi 3, 1966-21 Purim $ Purim •,. ^* :\ •:* -, Jmi''1 -• • -' I March 12th Synagogue Services, News ENGLISHTOWN - The yrttb group of Congregation < Sot» of .srael will present a Puriip-jtay an Saturday, March 12, Rt 7:10 is CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL CONGREGATION MONMOUTH REFORM .he Jewish Community CenttT. Begins RutftsOn BROTHERS OF ISRAEL TEMPLE The building committee ' Mia» Sabbath Eve services tomor- Long Branch Shrewsbury accepted the floor plan . for I JIWI throughout the world will date for the murder of the Jews be held Saturday at 7 p.m. when Club. The Purim carnival row are at 8:30. Rabbi Jade M. Services will be held tomor- Sabbath Eve Men's Club and the proposed new synagogue. Wher in the festival of Purim by the throwing of dice ("pur" Sidney Kaiman will read the Saturday at 11 a.m. will include Rosoff "will preach on "Burim row at 5:45 p.m. Purim service will be held Committee "members incfeide Saturday night. means "lot" in Persian), the Megillah. On Sunday, services a costume parade and contest Without the Masquerade." Can- Services Saturday morn- morrow at 8:30. Members of the Mrs. Stanley Kuschilk, Mm." Jay The Megillah, the Book of holiday is also known ts' The will be held at 9 a.hi., followed for youngsters in the kinder- tor Sidney Scharff will chant the 'ng, Shabiws Zaohor, (Sabbath of Men's C!ub participating will be Nisseriberg, Mrs. Abe Cohen, Esther, will be read at services. Feast of Lots. at 10:30 by a Purim program garten through third grades of liturgy, Remembratvce) will be held at Mes Huber) Gerson Friedmaili Dan Passoff, Jack Goldfine,' Jo- In local synagogues and temples, At the Purim services, the presented by the elementary de- the religious school. Mrs. Saturday morning services are 8; 30. Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman i Manihelmer and Monroe seph Bell and Herbert Gold- youngsters will enact the Purim children are given no'isemakeis, partment of the Hebrew school. Harold- Greene, chairman, will at 9:15 for the junior congrega- i preach on "Forgetting Mai- Deutsch. Rabbi Riohard 'F. berg. itory and will celebrate the known as greggers, which they From noon to 4 p.m. Sunday the be assisted by members of the tion and at 10 o'clock for the '-i' or Apathy." The congrega- Steinbrir.k will preach on "Pur- J merry holiday with carnivals and rattle at every mention of Ham- B'na! Israel Tweeners, • the pre Men's* Club and the Junior adult services. Gary IVIindlin, son tion's religious school graduates im Is for Laughing." SCOUT SABBATH - U.S.Y, and the ttS.Y. youth Federation of Temple Youth. .v.ihbe honored at luncheon af- masquerades. an's name, symbolically obliterat- of Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Mlndlin, Saturday at 11 a.m. the Purim MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - groups will sponsor a Purim ter the services. Junior congre- A Purim celebrates the deliver- ing the evil memory. At Temple Beth Ahm, Matawan will be called to the Torah as a carnival will be held in the re- Girl Scout Sabbath will be, ob- carnival. The youngsters will gation is. at 10 a.m. Afternoon ance of Persian Jewry ffom The holiday, a particularly Township, the Purim service will bar mitzvah. Saturday evening, ligious school auditorium, with served at the Saturday services : attend the carnival in costume, services are at 5:45, followed by in Temple Beth Ahm and .Tim- destruction in the remote past. joyous one, also ls traditionally be: held Saturday at 8 p.m. in the festival of Purim will begin. a costume parade and contest the Purim service and Megillah Haman, the prime minister, had celebrated with the family.Purim , Reading Or . the Strathnjore School, when the At 7 p.m; the Megiliah reading for kindergarten through third pie Shalom, here. reading at 6:45. ordered the destruction of all feast, the exchange of gifts and At Congregation Brothers of Megillah .will be read. • The will begin. ..•••£• grades. the Jews of the Persian empire the giving of gifts to the. poor. Israel, Long Branch, Purlin temple's religious school and Purim services will be held CONGREGATION because he believed Mordecai At Congregation Beth Shalom, services will begin with the read- Sisterhood will sponsor a Purim TEMPLE BETH AHM . Sunday at 8:30 a.m., followed by BETH SHALOM has insulted him. The plan was Red Bank, Purim services with ing of the Megillah Saturday at masquerade, for all school age • Matawan Township ' a Purim carnival at 10 o'clock. TEMPLE SHALOM Red Bank thwarted by Mordecai with the the reading of the Megillah will 6:45 p.m. The services Sunday children Sunday at 10 a.m.'. in Sabbath Eve services .will' be Matawan Township Sabbath services for junior aid of hit cousin and foster- be held Saturday at .7 p.m. A the cafeteria of Matawan Re- held tomorrow at 8:30 in the CONGREGATION Sabbath Eve services will be congregation is at 9 a.m. Satur- will be at 8:30 a.m., followed : daughter, Esther, the beautiful costume party will follow. A by a carnival at 10 o'clock. global High.School, . First Aid building, Church St. SONS OF ISRAEL in the Strathmore School tomor- day. Senior services are at 9-30 Jewess who was the wife of the Purim party'also will fallow the At Monmouth Reform Temple, Temple Shalom, . Matawan Rabbi Morris L.. Rubinstein.will Englishtown row at 8:30. Rabbi Sheldon Gor- a.m. Rabbi Henry Lieberman will conduct services. Purim ser- Persian king, Ahasuerus. 10 a,«W. service, Sunday. ' • Shrewsbury, the annual Purim Township, : will hold.a family officiate, Rabbi Abraham Lemont will don will preach on "From Where Feast o! Lots At. Congregation Bnai Israel service will be. held, tomorrow at Purim service Sunday at J.'p.m. AdultservicesSaturdaywill.be preach on Purim at services to- I Stand—The Heart bf Judaism.' vices are at 7 p.m. There wilt Because Haman .chose the Rumson, Purim services will 8:39 p.m. The Megillah will be in the Strattimore School. There at 9 a.m. Junior congregation is morrow at 8 p.m. The Hebrew A family Purim service will be be reading of the Megillah. There will be a costume party. read by : Jules Huber, Gerson will be Breading of the Megillah. at-10:30 a.m. school pupils will read the win- held on Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Friedman, Milton Mannheiiner Children will be dressed in The Purim service, will be' at ning compositions on Jewish his- Strathmore Sohool. There will be Sunday services are at 10 a.m. and Monroe Deutsch of the Men's costume 8 p.m. in the Strathmore School. tory. a reading of the Megillah. There will be a Purim party. AiMERlCA'S. LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHING CHAIN


';A ROYAL TIME — Lyl. Kendall, Sunnybank Dr., Shrews. 1 -bury, it a beauteous Queen Esther and Donald Cooper, '197 Rumson Rd., Rurmon, is a happy King Ahasuerus at :they rahearit th» Purim play thty will present in Congre- gation Bnai Israel, Rumson, Sunday at 10:30 a.m. N«ii ; Wammen, 841 River Rd,, Fair Havern.-^J the bemused "man of the house." Th« youngsters, all nine years old, attend the congregation's Hebrew school. The Jewish festival of Purim bsgins at sundown Saturday. Slate Talk By Rabbi \ FORT. LEE — "Intermarriage A question and answer period r-An; Old-New Problem" will be will follow Rabbi Silverman's the, topic of Rabbi Israel N. Sll- talk. yerman, registrar of the Rab- Delegate,; from 83 affiliated binlcal School- of the Jewish congregations of tfie region Wit! Theological Seminary of Amer- attend. ica,.. When he addresses the Rabbi Silverman is a fellow'of Nforthern New Jersey Region of the national Beth Din of the Jew- the United Synagogue of Amer- ish Theological Seminary of ica' In the Jewish Community America and Rabbinical Assem- Center, 1449 Anderson Ave., on bly and acting chairman of the Thursday, March 10, at 8:30 p.m. committee on Jewish laws and standards of the Rabbinical As- sembly of America. He spoke on Ran Temple intermarriage at the recent bi- ennial convention of the United Synagogue of America. The United Synagogue of America is the association of FAMOUS WESTERFIELD Carnival more than 800 Conservative Jew- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Dr. ish congregations in the United SPORTCOATS & BLAZERS George Wexler, 4 Idlewild La., States and Canada, and a con- has been named general chair- stituent member of the World Our new-fOT-spring'Oolkction boasts vwre man of the second annual Council of Synagogues, color, more test thanlev^r before! You'll•; tsrnival and bazar to be span find pure virgin wools, biawiiy bknds of • sored by the Men's Club and Luncheon Set wool-Oilon* acrylic. Subdued plaids, '. Sisterhood of Temple Beth Ahm, distinctive checks.; .most-wanted solid here, on May 16-21. For Graduates tones in blazers. Regulars, shorts, longs. Committee chairmen inolude: LONG BRANCH - Graduates COMPLETE AltWATIONS INCLUDED feobert Welnstein, advertising; of the religious school of Con.- Howard Schneider, food; Gerald uregation Brothers of Israel will Hornstein, gifts; Gary Leffer, be honored by the National Con- clean-up and sound system; Her- ferencft of Synagogue Youth at a bert Shore, awards, and Mrs. program on Saturday. GOLDEN EMBLEM' Frank Rat?, merchandise. The graduates will be guests The temple chapter of United of the congregation's Sisterhood WORSTED IVY SLACKS Synagogue Youth will sponsor at luncheon after the morning a dinner-dance Saturday, April services. , If it's sheen gabardines you want... 3, at a place to be announced. Discussion groups and skill flannels, plain weaves, reverse twists, i •' Barbara Rappaport, 39 Ardmore sessions will be held Saturday La., USY president, and Sher- af^rnoon, too. ..we have them all! AW fine "',,'.' man Sitzman, 19 Carol La., the The youth group will suoer- worsteds, tailored of pure virgin group's adviser, are In charge of vise tihe games during the Pur- wool. Plain front Ivy model, your tickets »nd information. im carnival Sunday'at'10 a.m. choieepfpolors,'si2es29\o42.' • The carnival is sodnsofed by the Humorist congregation's Hebrew Institute. CpMPLETI ALTERATIONS INCLUDED ATTEND COUNCIL jh 'Great Series' MATAWIAN . TOWNSHIP ' - '•J.OHC, BRANCH - Emii Co- Among those attending • the re- Hall-Prest* never-iron short sleeve K... ,. i,..-,nT.iSf_ ^IH j,e featured * nres'dent's council spon- llj the Great Series of Jew'sh sored by the Northern New Jer- DRESS & SPORT SHIRTS - %"""" —""."f^ 'T be isoonsoreseyd Region, United Synagogue < fy^t (he Men's Olub of ConRre^a- of America, were Gerald J. Ritz \f- ivr"ior^ irf Israel on Sat- and Bernard Klein, president and •They're permanently pressed fora ,. Or.'1'ly wenln? at 8:30. vice president, respectlvelyi of smooth, crisp-looking, just; ironed look ',:The final program of the se- the conqregafcion of Temple Both for life! Dacron* polyester and cotton, '> !ries will'be presented Saturday, Ahm, here, and Robert Weln- Fortrel* polyester arid cotfon...; roread iI^Th' 26, when Bill Jchnson,' ln. chairman of the temple's! collar dress styles, white, sizes U'/i-lBVi • board of trustees. The meeting 3 baritone, and the group,' The mart pUids, siiei S-M-L (14-17.) TV-fl /rom Judea,, will anpear. was held in Maplewood Manor, Comp. Subscriptions are ava liable at value $5 the donr", Additional Information SLIDE PROGRAM .It available.from the synagogue MATAWAN TOWNSHIP -Rab- office. bi Morris L. Rubin«tefn, spiritual leader of T«mo!e Beth Ahm. nar- USE OUR FREE LAYAWAY PLAN STUDENTS OF rated slides of a 'visit to Israel MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - at the recent meeting of the Named "students of tfte m"nW' temple.'« chapter of United Syn- KEANSBURG: ROUTE 36 on MAIN STREET ) at BIB rellglom sohool of Tom- agogue Youth. 'ple Beth Ahm were Robin 'Schneider, Elise Hllf, Ian C«r- FLORAL CROWN ASBURY PARK I PERTH AM BOY nis, Renee Myern, Fred Gart- Austrian brides may weir ner, Joel Corman, Jeffrey Bern' flowered and bejewoled bridal Rt. 35 >'; aged brain or nervous system, and roughly 35 will be found to have a hereditary defect. "The total loss in dead, damaged, and Mrs. Robert V. Anderson Churchwomens Leader defective," reports the physician, 99 (The former Nancy M. Plngitore) 14 "is in the neighborhood of 100 per 1,000. Rate Is High Describes Race Institute Miss Pingitore Married LITTLE SILVER - Mrs, Guest, were Mrs, Bflbwt M The mortality rate is 3.5" per Thomas H. Coursey, president oi Hann»n, Mri. Willl.m H.jtoery cent, higher than the death rate the United Church Women of theand Mrs. Marlon D. Meyerl.' , among U. S. soldiers who (ought Greater Red Bank Area, dls- Hostesses were Mri. Robert R. To Robert V. Anderson in World War 2. According to cussed the Annual Race Rela- Meljer, MM, Lucl!l« Mori «,nd They wore floor-length gowns of Dr. Barnes, more Americans died tions Institute held last summei Mrs. Robert E. Thompson, Rev. Mm mi Whltt Corfram RED BANK - The marriage lr»w« ml Walt* at Miss Nancy Mae Pingitore, red velveteen trimmed with just before and after birth' from at Fisk University In Nashville, Sanford M. Haney, pastor of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter matching peau de sole, head 1950 to 1960 than the total num- Tenn., at Tuesday's meeting Embury Church will >PM& on Pingitore, 18 Coronet Ave., bows of peau de soie, and carber of soldiers killed in all the the Women's Society of Chris "The Meaning qf Easter" at the Uncroft, to Robert Vanner ried pink carnations. wars the U. S. has ever fought. tlan Service of the Embury next meeting April 5 at 8 pm, In Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, Rumson, was Yet despite the magnitude of Methodist Church here in the the home of Mrs. WilHtm T. Harold Anderson, 60 Oak PI., Fair best man. Ushers were John Hoi- the problem this area of medicine church hall. Sawyer, 76 Silverton Av«,. - Haven, took: place Saturday in lister,. Belleville, and M. Craig is1 relatively neglected, reports Mrs. Coursey, introduced by the Red Bank Presbyterian Lyon and C. Garrett Probasco, the doctor. He attributes this to Mrs. Gerald F. Fuller, was one Church. Rev. Charles S. Webster both of Fair Haven. apathy on the part of the public, of 24 women in the country sent Plans June officiated at the double ring cere- Mrs. Anderson, an alumna of the information media, the medi- by UCW to the institute. In des- mony, after which a reception Red Bank High School, .attended cribing the clinic she attended vas held in the Lfncroft Inn. Monmouth College, West Long on churoh and race, she stated, Wedding The bride, who was escorted Branch, and is a secretary in the 'Pre-Teen Pressures' Success in this area depends >y her father, wore an Empire School of Nursing at Monmouth UTTLE SILVER - Lincroft on risk, experiment and trust in Mine gown of Ivory satin ihan- Medical Center, Long Branch. psychologist Dr. Stanley God.—A church is racially Inclu ung. Her floor-length veil was Mr. Anderson, a graduate of Sprung will address the Pre-Teen sive or it is not a church; if il teld in place by a matching satin Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Study Group of the Little Silver ST. PATRICK'S DAY BENEFIT — Completing plans for is not open to all Christians ihantung bow headpiece and iheHigh School and Monmouth Col is not open to Christ." She dis- Parent-Teacher Association Mon- the benefit St. Patrick's Day annual dance are members :arried a colonial bouquet of lege where he was « member of day, at 8:15 p.m. in the cussed the inclusive church vhite roses. Alpha Theta Chi, is with Kidder cafeteria of the Markham of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hiber- housing and the meeting Miss Dolores Ferrogine, Red Peabody, New York. Place School.' He will discus* nians of Long Branch, left to right, Mrt, John Fitzpatrick, community crises. Jank, cousin of the bride, was On their return from a wedding "Pressures of the Pre-Teener" "This "Great Society" will noi naid of honor. Bridesmaid was trip to Nassau, the couple will with a brief session for questions, Elberon, recording secretary; Mrs, Joseph Mrakovcich; be built by trying to make a rfiss Roberta Pisani, Uncroft. make their home in Matawan. Eatontown, president, and Mrs. John Cogan, Long Branch, people alike," Mrs. Coursey sum- Dr. Spring was graduated Iriih history chairman. The dance will be held March marized. "We Americans must from the University of Michigan see ourselves'as 'different' from and served his Internship in De- 12-at 9 p.m. In the Hi-H»nry Inn, Long Branch, with the each other, but not better nor JUST A HOLE troit, . He is consultant for the James Alfano Group fuVnishing the Irish and American worse than each other becausi Little Silver schools as well as of these differences." various other lystems In Mon- muiic, '•'"' ' IN THE WALL mouth County. He also is ad- junct professor at Rugters Uni- 9 Purim Carnival too some of our old friends who like to joke with us, versity and maintains his own MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The BOOTERY St. Patrick s Dance but on* thing all of our customer! agree on is that private practice as a consulting Board of Education, in conjunc- Uttl* SIKrtr Stepping Cinlvr psychologist. He has worked in tion with the Sisterhood, of Tern "Quality *M»nl mm hurt t* tea" there it nothing small about the quality of our cus- tom slipcovers or draperies and the service that goes the Laboratory of Psychological pie Beth Ahm, has scheduled Nnt to Sport Sksp Studies at Stevem Institute and their annual Purim Masquerade with them. Phone 747-4422 for Shop-at-Homt Ser- has been an instructor at Mon- Slated for March 12 "r«r mtR mi ypiinj mt»" . vice or visit Shrewsbury Decorators, 468 Broad St., and Carnival for the children Mill Maureen E. Kelly ; mouth College. - LONG BRANCH - The Ladies John Cogan, decorations; Mrs the Religious School, OMN HIDAY IVININ8S Shrewsbury. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS -An- Auxiliary of the Ancient Order Robert Lawson, refreshments, The'party will be held in the nouncement is made by Mr. and of Hibernians of Long Branch and Mrs. Bridget Dowd, music, cafeteria of the Matawan Re- Mrs. Lawrence J. Kelly, 65 East Farewell Party will hold its annual St. Patrick's all of Long Branch. gional High School Sunday from Garfield Ave,, of the engagement Day dance March 12 at 9 p.m. Also, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, 10 to 11 a.m., in lieu of classes. FREEHOLD — A farewell par- o[ their daughter, Miss Maureen in Hi-Henry Inn, with proceeds Elberon, entertainment, and Mrs.Children of public school age are ty for Edward and Ernest E. Kelly, to Frank C. Hoeppel, going to charities. Edward Whitford, West Long also invited to attend. Chmura, who leave today for Jr. He is the son of Mr; and a four year entlistment in the Chairman of the event Is Mrs.Branch, program. Children have been asked tc Kenneth O. Sharp, 241 Willow Mrs. Frank C. Hoeppel, Sr., West U.S. Navy was given in the Tickets may be purchased attend the party in costumes ap- New York. home of Mr. and Mrs, Larry Dr., Little Silver. Irish and from members of the auxiliary, propriate to the holiday of Purim, Surette.'Rt. 33. American music will be fur- or at the door. Membership in the Feast of Esther. The program A June 25 wedding !i planned. nished by the James Alfano the auxiliary is open to Catholics will be planned by Rabbi Mom' Miss Kelly, an alumna of.St. Attending were the twins' par- Group. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward of Irish descent. L. Rubinstein, spiritual leader Mary's High School, Paterson, Ohmura, Mr. and Mrs. John Committee chairmen are Miss and principal of the school. Re- and Montclalr State College, Ls Alice Hahn, vice-chairman; Mrs. teacher in the social studies MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER Theodor, Mr. and Mrs. Alexan- Entertains Visitors freshments and prizes will be der Zuk; Mr. and Mrs. William Michael Lynam, publicity; Mrs. given by Mrs. Sol Bunin, educa- department at Rumson-Fair Ha- Bodnarohuk, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Picard, tickets; Mrs. From Red Bank tion vice president of the sister- ven Regional High School. HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN Roger Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Harry hood. Mr. Hoeppel, an education spe- CORAL GABLES, Fla - Mrs. cialist with Federal Electric King, Miss Natalie Zuk, Miss Birthday Party Walter Guest and Mrs. William Nancy Theodor, Mark Zuk, Rich- Corporation, Edison, Is an alum- EATONTOWN - Miss Patricia Sagefka of Red Bank, N. J., who Family Reunion Do yon have a figure problem? Let Sylvette solve it for you .. ard Yoncak, Mrs. Mary Suroviu, J. Zaorskl, daughter of M/Sgt. nus of St. Peter'i High School, are visiting here, were honored ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - New Brunswick and Montolalr Miss Linda Theodor, Peter Coot (ret.) and Mrs. Stanley Zaorski, at a party In the home of Mrs. Select your girdle and bra from Sylvette'g Corset Center. Miss Jeanne Theodor, Susan, 34 Campbell Dr., celebrated her reunion of the Hoffman familj State College. Berl Ginsberg, theme of which was recently held in the home o; Sandra, Shirley and Joanne Sur- 13th birthday Sunday at the Non-was "A Trip to Europe Without ette, Freehold; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell MORE FAMOUS BRANDS THAN YOU'LL SEE ANYWHERE commissioned Officers Club, a Passport." Race Relations s Barney Surette, Lynn, Mass., and Fort Monmouth. Fourteen of her Bay Ave. Present were Mr. anc Dominick Boudreau. The festivities began with a Mrs. John Hoffman and family Is Lecture Topic " Novia Sco- classmates were guests at the personally conducted tour of Vil- tia, Canada. party. Stamford, Conn., Mr. and Mrs •RED BANK - Mrs. Tbointt la Vizcaya, a Renaissance pal- Andrew Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs, ONCE YOU'VE WALKED ace housing decorative arts from H. Coursey, president of tfie Sed Henry Hoffman and family, Bank Area United Church W«n- the 16th, 17th, and 18th cenBronx- , N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Jo en, will speak to the Women of, turies. soph Daly, Qoster; Mr. anc St. Thomas Episcopal Churdh i& HEADS UP HANDSOME A continental coffee was held Mrs. John Basile; Jersey City; dinner meeting tonight et 7. in Mrs. Ginsberg's home after Mr. and Mrs. Charles McBurnie : in that beautiful picture of you will look 1 O'ClOCk. '•' :', BESTFORM'S (he tour. Traditional European and family, Leonardo , and Miss better In a frame made by ... accompaniments of brioche, Theresa Martino, Bronx, N.Y. Mrs. Coursey, .chalnhtirit, oV panetone, rum kuchen and DanRober- t McBurnie also celebrate race relations for the United ish pastry were served. his 18th birthday. Ohu.pph Women ol New "Jtkiy, That Little Old Frame Maker will discuss'(he,iple of womShjiji improving tsie' relations ' antt also will report oft th«J3nd Bn> nual Race Relatlbnj Institute COOPER LOSE IS LBS. IN 30 DAYS held at -Bisk" University last *ui$ YOU'LL NEVER WANT TO GO 413 SHREWSBURY AVE. 747-1975 SHREWSBURY mer.'" •' '• . ' ' ,, •;.' Mrs. tawrence Clark <»ill pr*1 Ide. Mrs. Marshall Jonei ll • • • Anyone can bit Nowf program chairman: ,' WITHOUT IT wtl9lir ^ rtw ta. F/ome/eii HOT WATER HEAT cliirfts you. We put it (fit* Parking) I* writing. Los* up to 181 E«il Newman Prove It to yourself. Slip into our Flirtation SpSpringr i Read IS pounds I* 30 days. WITHOUT PLUMBING Call for simple detail* Walk and step—really step out! See If you've jNeext ID A«P> COIN' TO ever walked with such unhobbled freedom in 747-9400 wlrticut obllgotloh. a truly, firm girdle! The secret is patented 7.98 crossover front panels, that sleek your.hips mm •s they free your step. Front, is rayon and cotton brocade, sides are leno elastic, back is vertical stretch satin elastic- for extra RUMSON READING INSTITUTE seating, comfort. Light spiral boning; 3" woven elastic; no-roll top. in white. 16"-, after-school supplementary classes in • Jlttt 25-M, odd to 35. 18", sizes 26-38, odd to 35 READING,- ENGLISH .MATH . . . 'c«utt th»r»Y a lot An Entirely New Ct/hc.pt la Hera. M Full Problem!, Everi ' of prttty girls th«r» . '. . H.itinf (Eiclmiv. U.S. Pttent No. First grade through college GUARANTEE 377H41) INTERNATIONAL ELEC- HEALTHIEST. . .Can't rob Ihe .If TRIC BASEBOARD HEATERS with ef needed l«l-in SAFEST. . .Can't ham children of hoi water circulating, •jrlteni pro- pale. Can't acorch drepee. . . . Phoni ui ,•,-.', w*'r* vide .U.dr, Man Hamtk for ahflt ECONOMICAL.. .Continual tekawt of Complete Satisfaction toomi or aqlln honmt, • • ewen with cuitent offt THE RA'NNEY SCHOOL all m»mb»n of . . , Complete UL, C8A tad ell eppU- Me Moving Parti 1» Wear QuL, .No Plpea to Conntct No IMMUDUICI «Ui approval*. Full-time private school North Jersey Short OCEAN ELECTRIC SUf PLY CO. HWT. 35, OAKHURST 531-342J Russell G. Ranney, Director Travel Agents Assn. ' Pleait terfd me |l(tr»tyr» giving Jttalli •( 741-B080 771. $100 International Hot Wit.r Healing ' Send for bujletln OPEN EVENINGS TILL t P.M. 741. MOO 778-0050 Avpnue of Two Rivers, Rumson tii-1650 842. U27 m- Addrou , A . ' THE DAIL¥ 2,-1966-23

Bridge Fans Play Tomorrow In National Charity Championship EAT0NT0WN - The llth member of the American Con- Cancer Society, totaling more Continent-Wide Charity Bridge tract Bridge League to play in than (400,000. In the past 14 Championship will be played to- the charity game Entry fees years the ACBL Charity Foun- morrow night here in the Civic will benefit the ACBL charity dation has contributed $2.5 mil- Auditorium of the Monmouth campaign whirh last year gave lion from the charity games. Shopping Center, beginning at nearly a quarter of a million Raised $40,000 8:15 o'clock. dollars to the American Cancer Top bridge players In more Society and the United Cerebral In the previous Continent-wide than 200 cities of the U.S. andPalsy Associations. The board Charity Game, played in con- Canada will compete with one of trustees of the Charity Foun- nection with the 1965 Fall Na- another, playing the Identical dation since July 1964 has ap-tionals at San Francisco, nearly set of hands at the same time proved grants to such organi- 20,000 players took part donat- as they are played at the Spring zations as the National Tubercu ing almost $40,000 to the XCBL National Championships of the losis Association, the National Charity. Fund. The local game American Contract Bridge Cystic Fibrosis Research Foun- played by 60 players at the Mon- League in Louisville, Ky., tomor- dation, the Arthritis Foundation, mouth Bridge Center in Eaton- row night. the Child Welfare League of town, raised a total of $150. FIVE YEARS LATER members of fhe cleii of 1961 of Red Bank High School gather to It is not necessary to be a America and the American Tomorrow's game, the llth In plan a reunion. Meeting In the c«f»t«ri« of their alma mater, committee members are, the league's history, Is expected to top the previous record as left to right, Mrs. Pat DeLis«, Fair Haven, invitation! chairman; Mri, Joseph Rizxo, more players join in competing Jr., Matawan, clau directory chairman; Leenard'DiNaplei and Larry Brogdon, both of in a continent-wide bridge event Little Silver, co-chairman. Reunion dinner and dance will- take place July 2 in- the Players everywhere are deal! the exact hands as the experts CobbleStones, Middletown. tackle in the Charity Pairs game at the Spring National in Louis- ville. Each individual section of Loving Strictness the Continent-wide Game Is scored independently, but the av- erages are compared with those of all players In the contest. Formula for Happy Children Awards, in addition to to0 score v prizes for each section, include WASHINGTON, D.C. (WMNS) The strict father was usually, ly got the best out of lift. Thsy prizes for the best scores in — When parents set clear roles ucceisfuC'setf-conf fdeift* and "the wsrTiBle "to"iriffiinri'tSSlr? chil- each district and prizes for over- of conduct which they expect 'amiljr disciplinarian. : dren a sense of high self-est*em all national first,. second*> tnd their children to obey, and when Both parents were , direct and and. the idea that they could';and third place winners. would, succeed in life. .."..; SOFTLY TAILORED SPRING ENSEMBLES — Modeling in they enforce -tfoflse. rules with re- realistic and expected and usual- spect and affection, they are like- t prtview for the Women1* Society of Christian Service Hands Pre-Dealt Although the hands are pre-ly to rear successful and happy fiihion show to be presented at the Red Bank Methodist dealt In order to allow every- children. This is one conclusion Church Wednesday, March 9, at noon in Fellowship body to play the same deals no drawn from a seven-year study, HUFFMAN &BOYIFS completed by the National In- Half,.ara Mrs. Eston Whelehel, New Shrewsbury, left, in matter where he plays, they are not pre-arranged. They are acstitute of Mental Health. . three-piece ensemble with wool check coat in olive Special Bedding Section • v. tually dealt by a computer, and The most successful young- green and two-tone bowler hat, and Mrs. Warran Horra, no one sees them before the sters In school and at play, the Pair Haven, in a three-piece ensemble with white double- game except a committee of ex-study showed, were those with savings on one-of-a-kind quaUty mat- pert players who study the deals breaited Chelsea collared coat, and straw ricrac trimmed the highest self-esteem.' -They and prepare an analysis of what came from homes with the tresses and boxspringt from famous makers hat. The fashions from Vogels Fashion Center and The may happen when they are strictest parents. The parents of Mad Hatter, both of Red Bank, will be presented at the played. Copies of this analysis these, children were likely to feel Route 35 Circle • Eatontown • 542-1010 are furnished to every game di- it more important that their chil- Same Day 'DeliveryService -1 WSCS Circle E luncheon, under the chairmanship of Mrs. rector in a sealed packet. At dren meet high standards than Samuel Griesmer, Colts Neck. the conclusion of the game, the that they enjoy themselves. They MMNM seal is broken and all partlci were also apt to regard "achieve- pants given a copy showing the ment" as more Important than hands he played, thus furnish- "sociability." ing- ammunition for post mortem ERNEST C. H. V0K5TIANDER Touch of Spring Slated discussion of results achieved Strict parents, the study shows, The idea for the continent-wide granted their children more re- — INTERIORS — games was Inaugurated In Mysponsibility, listened to them 1953. more closely, gave them a say WOVEN WOOD SHADES For Church Luncheon in making family plans, knew virtually all their friends, and CLOTH SHADES RED BANK - Circle E of th Modeling the fashions will be tolerated sharp disagreements LAMINATED SHADiS ,,..-'•- Women's Society of Christian Mrs. W. Arthur Poyner, Shrews- Entertain MODELING FOR DEBORAH — Members of the Red more than permissive parents. Service of the Red Bank Method- bury; Mrs. Thomas A. DoHins, Although the stricter parents did WOOD POLES AND RINGS ist. Church is sponsoring a lun-Jr., Mrs. Lane Losey and Mrs. Bank Chapter of Deborah Hospital, Browns Mills, take Prospective not necessarily spend more time „ TRAVERSE RODS cheon and fashion show.Th* John A. Ward, Middletown; an advance look at fashions to be shown at their luncheon with their children, they were event, under Hie chairmanship o Mrs. Eston Whelchel and Mrs. more deeply interested }n them • :„• :.'\ _ '' TABLE PADS ._;';;.;.,. ",,;'••', ' Mrs. Samuel Griesmer, Colt Bruce Beard, New Shrewsbury; Tuesday, March IS, in Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Mrs. Members and enjoyed being; with them. Neck, will be held Wednesday Mrs. Thomas W. Guest, Colls Richard S. Pintley, left, Red Bank, wears a white dress NEW SHREWSBURY - In The firm parents, the study For Shop at honjt Service Call 747-0S67 it noon in Fellowship Hall Neck; Mrs. John J. Riley, River and coat ensemble of looped wool and mohair with hot Broad St. Plaza; Mrs. Frederick Krill keeping with Rush Month foi Indicates, respect themselves, — NO 0IU8ATI0N- Red Bank; Mrs. Richard C. WU pink trim, and Mrs. George Bieliti, Little Sliver, models Beta Sigma Phi sorority, Gam- are independent and less con- Spring fashions from Vogels liams, Little Silver, and Mrs.a dress and jacket costume in black and white s} Sat. 10 to I MOIANK / '•

24- THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1966 Kansas City WEST LONG BRANCH-Mon- but its opponent and game tfme Delaware Leads-Early buckets by Kobb and Korn«g*y -•>» mouth College's 10th straight have not yet been announced. Delaware State jumped out to for a 38-29 lead. A buket by;! basketball victory proved to be The victory gave Monmouth a a 13-8 lead in early stages, but Rich Brain and AI McCorraack'g, > the most Important one of the 26-3 mark for the season, the Monmouth put together a 12-2 pair of free throws minutes toter -. eason. best in the school's history. scoring advantage to take a 20-15 gave the Hawks a 44-33 bulge, It came last night when the Freshman Ron Kornegay be- advantage. The go-ahead basket and the winners held this 11 Hawks whipped Delaware State, came an individual record break- was an outside jump shot by point margin until halftlme, 102-85, to win the NAIA-District er when he scored on a Iayup Paul Kobb that gave the Hawks leading, 48-37, at the buaer.•••••' '•-•• 31 playoff title and gave Mon- with 11:38 left in the game. That a 17-15 bulge with 13 minutes Monmouth broke the gam* mouth a berth In the nationals ga\e him 626 points for the sea- left in the half. open in the fint five minutes which start Monday at Kansas son to break the single season With five minutes to go, Mon- ter the break, outscoring De' :ity. Coach Bill Boylan's team mark of 625 set by Walt Misch- mouth led, 34-29, and then ware, 13-4, to extend its lead] will be in action opening day, ler during the 1961-62 campaign scored (our points in a row on 20 points, 6141. :. The Hawks enjoyed their big- gest lead with 7:05 showing oa the clock when Bresin hit on another outside jumper to make the score, 82-60. That was the ball game. •, Monmouth shot 52 per cent; from the floor, 37-73, while Dela- ware was 33 for 85 for 39 per cent. ' In foul shooting, the Hawks were 24 for 39, while Delaware was 19 for 25. Only Monmouth's Jim Mclntyre fouled out of the contest, while five Delaware men went out on fouls. Mclntyre left the action with 1:23 left to the game. •. ?•,- The only department Delaw«£ held an advantage In was in $£>'' bounding, 52-50, with Ron Hd(v ton taking down 23. The top :Tf bounders for Monmouth we^» Pete Andrews wth 13, and M&> BIG NICrHT FOR THE COACH — Henry E. Schmidt, left, chairman of District 31 College Basketball Association, Intyre with 11. , | presents district trophy to Monmouth College, coach Sill Boylan last night after the Hawln defeated Delaware State, Kornegay finished the gaifie with 21 points. Andrews, Kobb 102-85. Monmouth will now compete in the nationals starting Monday in Kansas City. Players in the photo are Pete and Bcsin each had 19. Andrews, left, and Paul Kobb, co-captains. Delaware's Albie Rue took in- dividual scoring honors with 37, getting 27 in the second half* Horton followed with 20 and Tony Ames had 15. •>>'; Uel»»«re SI. <8J> i SlonmouUi JBJpj,1'1 Fight Hops Border to Montreal G F P H'ic U U 3! Andrewi 1 -;j W. : Horlon 4 10 Knbb 9 1 IS ," MONTREAL (AP) - Scorned Montreal,, a sports-loving Can: "Montreal is a good place bul pion by the World Boxing As- Ames 7 1 15 Kornegay S i 31 •'• Rubin I 3 71 Mclntyu » '« M--1 by New York and kicked out of dian city with a metropolitai the proper place was a major sociation, blamed the Illinois CHEERING FOR HAWKS—Michael Newler, left, of Livingston, Regina Soloff, center, Fratlfr 3 .0 BI M'cormtck 0 *'* •'.-. Chicago, the Cassius Clay-

Long Branch Pinners Clinch S.C. Northern Division a SHREWSBURY - De- Northern Division of the Shore first-place Branchers hold a ^/r\ Lanes, Rt. 35, Wall Township, at from Middletown and Rumson- of 2,591 was nigh for the day. spite losing two of three games Conference Bowling League game lead over second place 3:30 p.m. FH defeating Henry Hudson, Ken Luker and. John Paris to Middletown Township yester- championship. Middletown. The regular league! In yesterday's other matches, paced' Middletown ..to its 'two- day, Long Branch clinched the With one week remaining, the season will- close Wednesday, Uumson-Fair Haven Regional de- Middletown won the first and feated Henry Hudson Regional, third games from Long Branch game victory. Luker rolled'i'\ STANDINGS Tltinnnn-VIt (!) with the top two teams rolling WEIGHT Dill McOomb ...175 H3 318 against each other, Even if Mid- 2-1; Red Bank downed Rarltan yesterday. The Lions took the 207-192-178-577, -while' .Paris W L •I.onr Branch - -...:il II Tom Levy _ 112 112 dletown should /weep all three Township, tyi-Vr, Shore Regional opener, 873-802, and the night- checked in with 2M-169-188-5S1. MHdlrtoivn JBi M'/4 Scolt Montelth _ IK 161 176 503 Itumson-HI 23V, MVi Jeff Miller i...l73 156 160 480 games, Long Branch will still blanked Ocean Township, 3-0 cap, 860-S57, Long Branch won Ray Montamat „ 181 162 115 488 High man for Long Branch wisv.i ry Iludion .'. 13 16 be in first by 2yt games. and Matawan , Regional white- the middle game, 932-760. The ; Believed to have been invented about 250 Brt Bunk - l» !1 Jim Newjoma - 183 200 383 Ken Dennison's 159-215rl9ff-r57Ji, > Uarllan 17 it Bill Llvlnjood 169 169 Long Branch will meet Lake- washed Keyport, 3-0. Branchers' winning score was Show _ 18 n wood, Southern Division cham- Two matches postponed from second only to Henry Hudson's RumsonjFH won the first two' B. G. by Archimedes, the common screw OCMM Twp -.-., IS 54 807 805 630 2,462 JlUu'an 14 !J Hrriry lludnon (1) pion, for the over-all Shore Con- Feb. 22 were contested Tuesday, 937 for top team score of the games from Henry Hudson by a Kwport .'. \l S7 John Simpson 171 1.13 206 535 with Long Branch taking a pair day. The Branchers' team score ! •Clinched Ulle Bill Rosenberg .147 204 110 437 ference title March 16 at 35 totaj of four pins. ' "; >, Works on such a practical, fundamental prin- Gill Vfntlmlglia .,-....191 1(2 333 PostponnJ MRlctira Gary \ylles 161 178 330 BcnnlK Boyka ' .._....,.139 238 377 ciple that its many functional uses have en- ' LOW. BrjiMb (J) Charles ltlnney 158 142 .199 46S WaJM Voimer £ 100. 160 1S5 .1(5 Dav« Yellen 183 122 305 dured the centuries. Richard Flanlgan ...162 172 170 510 ' IDS 803 (37 2,5(5 Jim' Hartner _...H5 175' 320 ' Ifd Bank (114) i *cn Dennleott :,._.,148 103 Ml 502 Rojer Cmvlei 124 138 ll« 441 Makes History-^ lack QUUmpUl ...... 131 .180 331 Qeorge Belouvosi ...,141 182 1B1 -451 Allen Shoemaker .152' 1(7 138 «J The newspaper Want Ad is another of man's ' 82B 1W~ 1117 5,513Peler Cross 168 179 158 515 Mldcllfloini (1) David Cha»« : 210 200 179 58J Mm Brookn- .:.' ::.H2 132 2« inventions which endures the test of time. Jim Marten- ...... 142 142 181) 4M '705 829 820 2,441 Mck Sherrane 172 109 208 574 narllsn C/i)' "en Luker ..:. U2 H8 143 4.13 Joe Wojfckowshl ....128 131 112 401 $100,000 Race With No Betting Bom as a solution to a need for a low cost lolm rarln 160 152 165 47 Glen Wallsak _ 170 107 \U MO lordon Rhodea 157 157 Jim Conway 142 130 KB 420 Jim Lewis .*... 155 1(0 1(8 452 MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - For the eluding the Robert Lehman entry pendous won the first two by M the final starting fee :of'i-. means of mass public communication, it has 728 795 823 1Mb Gary Randolph 101 IM 118 470 first tirne in the history of horse of Turn For Home and Rehabili- wide margins and finished third $1,001) Is paid by the owners of Ilutmon-lll <«4> 793 759 7(8 2,302 racing, a $100,000 race will be tate and Abe's Hope from the to Impressive and Buckpasser In all nine, the Fllamingq i 1111 McComl/ 185 103 183 561 run without any betting when the Grand Prix Stable of Joseph the exhibition before bowing In never been excelled for this purpose.. As in 'om Lev//. Ip5 1B8 203 SS6 Rhore Bi>r. (3) worthi)136,4D0 with $88,560 goto] Icolt Monfellli 147 100 337 John Campion 104 157 118 SOD Flamingo Is renewed today at A. Bartell.and Robert A. Ryfield, the Everglades. to the winner, Second will lelf Mllltr 159 17J IBS 516 Don Dealy 154 156 1ST 4117 Hialeah Park with the all-power- can match the Wheatley pair off Colonial times, the Want Ad daily serves lay Monlamat 158 138 Wi Jim Terry 1(1 183 178 803 Racing without betting for sec- worth $27,280, tfiird J(3,M0 i 1m New»omo 107 HI? Tom Morgan . ...,,.,.128 128 ful combination of, Biickpasscr past form. fourth $6,520. 1111 Llvlngood 185 186 Itlcb West ...... 131 172 303 and Stupendous heading a' field ond or third places are fairly 1 millions. It is used by more people than any fid Englohorn 152 ISO 171 483 Buckpasser won nine of his 11 common, but bctless races In Post time Ml be about 814 1)11 001 2,326 of nine 3-ycar-old colts. p.m., EST. •--''•'v ' Ifrnry Hudaon' (M) 737 7M 807 2,300 starts and established a juvenile such an important stake with other form of advertising. 'olin Blmpiwn ;.,..l(0 189 321! (Icrnn Tup. (0) money record of $568,096 in tak- Without wagering,'the tr*ck Is (Ill noicnherg lit 102 303 Slevt Krleiet ... Acting on the request of large field can't be found in r i3a K9 288 playing It safe. The state law re- ' 111 Vtnllralglla 165 l >3 162 480 Jeff Mendell 134 110 7) 322 Hialeah Park officials, tho Flor- ing the 1965 2-year-old title. He tlia sport's history books. ary Wiles HO 120 208 Norm Engleliorn 1!2 110 242 ida Racing Commission gave ap- has been out only twice this quires tJiat it pay off at a minl- annla Soyka .150 187 141 400 Ira. . ByocJs .-..,171 177 111 491 The only races to Cliarlaa Klnney ...... 201 1S» 178 837 Art Hoffmann .... 160 223 IK 583 proval to fun tha IV»-mHe.race year, running second to stable compare muin Of $2.20 to $2. ... •.--...«,•? Mark Frankcl „ 119 148 with today's Flamingo were Hie 1 814 750 815 2,(18 Barry MUlberf ... 195 155 as an exhibition between the sev mate Impressive in a seven-fur- The Stupendous-Buck ' ', A DAILY REGISTER enth and eighth races. The com long exhibition and whipping Stu- 1963 Spinster at Kecneland at parser entry figured* Jo be so Yeiltrday'i Mntchei 735 781 719 2,232 Mldllrlown (!) mission acted shortly after the pendous by a questionable head which Lamb Chop was outstand- short priced that the track jroijH Im Marten 220 115 149 51 Malawan (3) entry box closed. in the lj/j-tnile Everglades after ing, and last (all's Selima at hlave to make up the taoney rmt\ CLASSIFIED AD lordon Rhodes 105 116 22 Paul Ilornfrlcnd \Kt 149 Mike Botlari .... _,1C4 ltd 1(0 403 bumping his running mate in the Laurel in which' Moccasin, the esisary to pay out. - , }•,:-<) Ick Sheirana 137 138 201 478 Track odds makers declined to / en UlKer - 20' >»2 178 877 larlin ruiiaoh 117 i,i( 173 487 stretch. , 196S' 2-year-old filly champion Rounding cut the entries t$* Win r«rll 204 MB 188 881 Boh navlno _..',...131 1W 137 450 quote figures, but past perfor- Jay Okim 13« IM 171 453 and Horse of the Year, racked Herbert Allen's Gunfllnt; Hand- WILL WORK FOR YOU lm Brooki 147 147 Stupendous had no such, im : Tom Ktflex . 144 110 261 mances indicate that the Eddie uo her eighth straight victory. some Boy from the Hobeau 873 700 800 2^03 Neloy-traincd pair of Buckpasser posing record as a 2 year-old, IiOna* Rrnnch (1) 737 703 741 2,278 But neither had many entries. farm of Jack, Dryftis" Jr.; Blui fayne Volmcr 118 l«r, 188 823 t («> ' and Stupendous from Mrs. H.C. winning two of his eight starts Were were qnly four In the Slayeir, owned Jointly by M. J. ^ For further information or assistance In i»v« Ydlen Hi 180'160 491 Bbb.lBdintlcler ;..;.....,1»4' 1JB IM 474 Phipps', Wheatley stable would ;lch risulian 130 138 jtroy AmKirnon HI 133 is; .ion ! er and Flvo In the Selima, Padgeft and Hugh Grftnt, and m H»rltl«r 171 179 1J4 'rank Fl*kow|kl 190 106 165 431 be to short M 1-10 Were there l«n Dennlion ...IM 210 IM ton ,Wayd« ._ .....121 1(3 Both were $50,000—added events Williamston Kid, a t^p^p en- placing your ad, dial 741-6900. in tij oy. ,, ,. „. . , . :.. . • lick Oultenplan HIlIl 133S }M Mrplco ___ 145 IM M0 &1 the Selima having a gross try owned by Janst Biftl'ttt and •03 wf «57 J,5tt 731 7M 7213,118 N<) horse,araoBg the .men, in- In four races this year, Stu- value of $93,610. PPaul Ternea. 1 T': Mantle Exercises; Twins Still Hold Out TORT LAUDERDAiE, FJa. cut that "looked a little bit more separation, showed no ill effect! Manager Billy Herman greet- anapolis last season, underwent LEO SEARCHING pitching staff yesterday when French hat taken the title » (AP) - Mickey Mantle, the'ail- like a Yankee crewcut and of the Injury during the drill. ed IS fielders, who joined 25 bat- a chest operation prior to spring LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Tony Cloninger agreed by tele- the hardest worker In camp from ling iUr of the New York Yan- little less than a beatle no-cut. Westrum said that Hunt would teiymen, and then conducted a training and has been complain- Manager Leo Durocher phone to sign his 1966 contract. Frank Howard. Hodges acknowl- kees, exercised his right arm "It should," said Pepitone, "II bat in the leadott position this stilt two-hour, workout. He told ing of pain for several days. He launched a searc* for two-posi The 1965 24-game winner came edged yesterday that he if Im- and shoulder in the o&riiouse cost $5." year. the squad that he expects all has been excused from all drills. tion players yesterday as the to terms for a reported $40,000, pressed and that French i» very yesterday and then took several players to work hard. Chicago Cubs continued spring almost twice the salary he drew much in contention for the No. turns around the park in his first METS ALL REPORT LONG WORKOUT The only absentees for the NAVARRO SIGNS training with routine drills. last season. 2 job behind John Orsino. workouj; since signing his fourth ST. PETERSBURG, Fla, (AP) ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The workout ware outfielders Chris LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) - De- Durocher listed veteran Ernie The signing of Cloninger com- straight (100,000 contract. — All 51 members of the New Minnesota Twins went through INDIANS GET READY, Coletta and Joe Christopher. Co- troit Tigers pitcher Julio Navarro Banks among seven players he pleted the Braves' pitching staff Bone chips were removed and Yorfc Mets reported to Manager another long workout in sunny, TUCSON, Ariz, (AP) - Four letta is due to get out of the signed his contract minutes be- hopes can be twenway perform- and left oniy three players yet tendons repaired In the Mantle Wes Westrum yesterday as the 70-degree weather yesterday — regulars were placed on each Army later this week, • while fore the infielders and outfield- ers. to come to terms — reserve in- fhoulder last January. He is no! National League's four-year door- minus three of the stars who team yesterday as the Cleve- Christopher phoned and said he ers Joined battery men for the The new skipper said he fielder Sandy Alomar, reserve expected to play In the season's mats formally opened their spring helped win the 1665 American land Indians got ready for their would be a day late. start of spring drills yesterday. would not hesitate playing outfielder Rico Carty and rookie opener oil April 12. training sessions. League pennant. first competitive action of 1B66, Navarro, who played winter Banks, regular first baseman, at outfielder Vincent Ferguson. First baseman Joe Pepltone Ron Hunt, All-Star second base- Rookie Cesar Tovar, a center an intra-squad game between the JOHNSON AGREES ball in Puerto Rico, was the last shortstop if suoh a late-inning followed General Manager Ralph man in 1964 who was out much field and second base candidate, George Strickland's and the Reg- TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Deron Tiger to sign. He posted a 0-2 defensive move was necessary. WEARING OUT MANAGER Hck's suggestion and got a hair- of last season with a shoulder agreed to terms and worked out. gie Otero's today. Johnson agreed on his 1966 con- record while appearing in 15 Banks had been the Cub short- POMPANO BEACH, Fla. (AP) He is expected to sign today. — Jim French, peppery little The teams also will play Satur- tract yesterday, leaving pitcher games for the Tigers last year. stop for seven seasons before Tovar arrived In Orlando from Jim Maloney the only Cincin- switching to first base in 1961 catcher who had a profitable two day and Sunday, prior to the Venezuela Monday, and said he nati Reds' player Who has not weeks with the Washington Sen- Tribe's opening of a 33-game COURSE IN FUNDAMENTALS "had trouble getting a visa come to terms. THREE HOLDOUTS ators last season, is wearing out spring exhibition schedule against again." ST. PETERSBURG, Fla! (AP) manager Gil Hodges and his the Mexico City Reds next Tues- Phil Seghi, assistant general BRANDETON, Fla. (AP) - But outfielder Tony Oliva, — Candidates for the three open coaches In a bid for a job. day manager, said he and Johnson The Kansas City Athletics re- shortstop Zoilo Versalles and spots in the St. Louis Cardinal came to an agreement in a phone duced their holdouts to three yes- pitcher Jim "Mudcat" Grant ap- infield heard from Manager Red conversation. The Reds' third terday when pitcher Diego Segui peared to be at an impasse with Schoendlenst yesterday about the baseman who led the league last and outfielder Mike Hershberger Twins' President Calvin Griffith importance of teamwork and year in runs batted in is ex- agreed to terms. over 1968 salary terms. pected here today. started a course in fundamen- Players still unsigned are pitch- Oliva and Versalles are worit- Terms of the contract were not tals to get acquainted with each ers John Wyatt and Jesse Hicfc-i ing out at, Miami University. announced, but Johnson's new other. man and catcher Bill Bryan. Se- Grant, top winner in the league salary was estimated at $25,000 Jerry Buchek and Dal Max- gui signed his contract In time last season with 21 victories, has — a $10,000 increase. Maloney vill will compete for the short- to take part in Wednesday's decided to stay in Cleveland un- reportedly wants to doulble his stop job. The ability to work workout. til he signs. estimated $30,000 salary. smoothly with second baseman Julian Javier could be a factor Pitcher Auerflg Monteagudo, UNLOADS LONG SHOT HOSPITAL FOR X-RAYS in deciding who gets the call one of four players who had WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (AP) SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) - Rook- Charlie Smith, number one can- failed to put in an appearance, — Tony Corvlgliaro, the 1965 ie infielder Marv Staehle, who didate to replace Ken Boyer at reported Wednesday and took American League home run Is hoping to earn a utility berth third and George Kernek and part in the worirout. champion, unloaded a couple of with the Chicago Whit* Sox this Bob Tolan, striving to replace long shots over the left field season, was taken to Memorial Bill White at first, also will have AGREES TO SIGN wall yesterday in the Boston Red Hospital yesterday for X-rays of to learn to be a smoothly wonk WEST PAUM BEACH, Fla. Sox' first full-scale spring work- his left chest. ing cogs in the new Redbird de- (AP) —The Atlanta Braves out, i Staehle, a .233 hitter for Indi- fensive machine. landed the biggest name on their Kelso Finishes 4th Tom Gola Plans MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - George Kelso's fourth-place finish was The crowd of 21,031 made Whai Political Career D. Widener's What a Treat worth $500 and boosted his life- a Treat and her stablemate, MLADELPWA (AP) - Tom whipped a classy field of 10 oth time total to $1,977,696. He is ex- Mount Regina, the favorite and• Gola said yesterday he will re- er fillies and mares in the $62,- pected to shoot for the $2 mil the winner paid $5.20, $3.20 J™ tire as a professional basketball 600 at Hi lion mark at the Gulfstream Park $2.40. Alondra 2nd returned $8.60 player and run for the state leg- aleah Park yesterday for her meeting opening Friday. and $4.40 while show price on islature on the Republican ticket first victory in four starts this Kelso carried only 113 pounds was $3.00. in the May primary election. winter. What a Treat, dark bay 4-year SPRING TRAINING "FEETURE" — Philadelphia Phillies — six less than the winner — The 33-year-old Gola currently What a Treat, champion 3-year- old daughter of - and Jockey Willie Boland said is completing his 11th season in new player Dick Groat expresses his feelings about tha old of her sex last year, packed Rare Treat, won six stakes races he thought Kelso ran a real good the National Basketball Associa- old shoes and aching feet after yesterday's first work- top weight of 120 pounds, had a last year while earning $248,338 race. tion. He is a guard with Che skillful ride from John L. Totz in 12 starts on her way to the out. St. Louis Cardinals equipment manager could not Trainer Carl Hanford said he New York Knickerbockers. and won by \% lengths. Mrs. filly championship. thought if the race had been find Groaf'i shoes, so Groat borrowed shoes yesterday. William E. Leach's Alondra 2nd She earned $40,690 \v the Black The one-time LaSalle All- seven furlongs "he might have Groat was traded during the winter. IAP Wirephotoi was a fast closing second. Helen after going the l'/ miles America said he has been asked MICKEY AND SON AT SPRING TRAINING — Mickey won it." 8 Mrs. Richard C. DuPont's Kel- In a brisk 1:50 2-5 with fractions by tfte Knicks to continue as a Mantle, Jr., 13-year-old son of the Yankee slugger, Kelso's next start is expected so made his first start since last of :23, :47, 1:11 4-5 and 1:37 2-5. player and also has been of- to be in the (50,000 Down Handi- comet on the field with his father Mickey Mantle at the September in the $10,000 ninth She ran her race today and fered coaching jobs in both pro- cap March 12 at l|/ miles. Yankee spring training camp fn Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. race at six furlongs and was a 8 that ig all she has to do to win," fessional and college ranks. fast closing fourth. The race was Toemah Third Rotz said. "We had good racing Mantle recently underwent surgery for the removal of "I have decided to run for pub- won by the Argentine-bred Davis Tosmah was third and Whea- luck all the way. All winter ~I'v« He office," he said. "I have given bone chips from his right shoulder. (AP Wirephoto) 2nd, owned by Mr. and Mrs. tley Stable's Queen Empress fin- been wanting to walk back across WHEEL the matter serious thought and • > H.M. Harris. ished fourth in the 1-mile fea- the rubber mat from the infield for me it is a new career and a Time Tested, the favorite, fin- ture, followed by Gold Digger, winner's circle." challenging one." ished second, and Country, Friend Sailor Princess, Mount Regina, ALIGNMENT This was Rotz' first stakes win- Gola will contend for the Re- was third in the race run in 1:10 Blabla 2nd, Ormea, Primarosa Swimming ner of the meeting although he publican nomination for the 170th Frank Porter's flat. 2nd and Stir Luck has won 24 races Legislative district in Northeast By DICK STEADMAN As stated In the NCAA guide, Fh»ladefo>rtra. He'll play his last Monmouth College Coach a swimmer may compete in any Red Bank Tire Co. MBA game with the Knicks Monmouth College will hosl two events including relays March 22. SHREWSBURY AVENUE 747-3404 the first annual Interscholastl Points will be given on a 14-10- invitational swimming and diving 8-6-4-2-basis for the relays and Open Monday thru Friday—8 to 6 p.m.; Sat, to 3 p.m. championship, tomorrow starting 7-5-4-3-2-1 for the Individual at 6 p.m. at the new ultra-mod- events. Two team trophies will Middletown ern pool in West Long Branch. be awarded to the school and to Any male student attending a the runner-up scoring the highest high school in Monmouth or number of points. Attractive Mon- Recreation Ocean County is eligible to' repre- mouth College plaques will be ... LEAOIU! sent his school in this meet. awarded to the first six places Beults Anlmall 4S, Ravens 25 Our In* retw (by iaf, WH* Sanctions have been granted by in the individual events and the Thems 48, Tornados 24 AVIS Bobcats 41, 4 * l'» 28 er mcntti), Include oil ga. til the New Jersey State Interschol- first three places in the relays. Moons 21, Gunners 21 RENT A CAR and proper Imuronct. FMhirinj astic Association, the County There is an entry fee of $1 per STANDINGS W total m«Kli tl hilly ttyilppttf Principals Association, and th event and $3 for the relays. MooM Plymouth! and ethtr flat con. County Superintendents Asso- Spectators admission will be Thems _„.-..- 6 It tktra . . . wltk odvoie* nwvariM. Gunners .,-.. 6 Rnt It ciation. donation of $1 to help defray Royali _ 5 RED BANK MATAVMN POR1 MONMOUTH Bobcats 3 KMIMBWO The 11 event program Is th' expenses of the meet. Animals . .. _ . 3 nil Woldnw soil Rt M oi sirattoMn Ravens „ .. 2 MwM Ave. OM Mvtlopntent Otorjt NttW'l tame as used in all interschol- There already is considerable . A l'l - - 1 W Front Strati McDonald Mobil Wsnwoy It •stic dual and championship interest among the swimmers and Ttornados 0 Col 'C-OM FROBH-SOFH LEAGUE nrUM meets. The order of events in- divers at the various high schools Results clude 200 yard medley relay, 20( and entries are starting to come Warheads 35. Satellites 29 Rockets 3S, Pistons 28 yard freestyle, 50 yard freestyle, in. Late entries will be accepted STANDINGS 200 yard individual medley, on at the check-in time one hour be- ' W Rocket! „, , 8 meter diving, 100 yard butterfly, fore the starting time of the meet Warheads —.±..~ 4 Pistons „ . 3 100 yard freestyle, 100 yard back- which is six o'clock. Satellites 3 NOW OPEN stroke, 409 yard freestyle, and ACROSS f ROM SHOP-RITE MARKET (he -M0 yard freestyle relay. Registration Set KELSO MAKES WINTER DEBUT — Champion Kelso, trails at left, as he Little Silver JACK'S BARBER SHOP ran hit first race of the year at.Hialeah Park yasterday, and finished fourth with jockey Registration HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN In Keansburg Willie Boland. Davit 2nd, left, with jockey Balsamino crosses the finish line to win • HAIR STYLING • RAZOR CUTTING LITTLE SILVER - The Little tha $10,000 race. Time Tested with jockey Braulio Baeza, right, finished second and Wt tell mi Cjlra'nitro attention to hair plteei. iCULLOCH KEANSBUiRG - Registration Silver Baseball Program will hold for Keansburg Blue Jeans Minor Country Friend, second from right, came In third with jockey Don Brumfield. its registration (or the 1966 sea- League, Little and Pony Leagues son Saturday from 10 a.m. until 671-5548 baseball, will be held Saturday (AP Wirephoto 1 1 noon at the Lovett Building of and also March 12, from 10 a.m. the Borough Hall on Church St. to 3 p.m. at the Blue Jeans Fathers are asked to register Headquarters, 10 Church St. their boys. If a father is unable Boys registering, must be ac- Hull Is Hawks' Big Gun to register his boy, another adult companied by either a parent may do so, but no boy may be CHICAGO (AP) - Bobby Hull, Hull, 27, Is in his ninth season Montreal's great Jean Bellveau or adult guardian, and also must registered by anyone other than the Chicago Black Hawks' Gold- of NHL play but already has last night moved into third place Sensational Value!!! bring a birth certificate. an adult. en Jet, has the monkey off his become the first man to reach on the all-time goal scoring list All boys eight through 15 years back and is now ready to lead the 50-goaI plateau twice and, All boys who will be nine years of age from the Keansburg area with his 380th career goal in the old by Aug. 1, 1966, and will his teammates to the National with 13 games to play, is a Canadiens' tie with Toronto. New are eligible and must register in Hockey League championship. cinch to not only break the rec- not have attained the age of 13 York whipped Boston 5-3 in yes- by that date, are eligible to play order to play: Hull last night whipped home ord but also put it beyond im- terday's other game. in the league. SERVICE his 50th goal of the.season to mediate reach. 1 help lead the Hawks to a 5-4 58 Now Expected Barnett Injured victory over Detroit and give "He'll score at least 58 goals Checlc-up/Tune-up Chicago a one-point sole posses- before the season Is over," said NEW TORY (AP) -1 Dick sion of first place In the NHL Hawk Coach Billy Reay. Overhaul Barnett, the New York Knicker- as Montreal settled for a 3-3 Aside from his goal, Huil also Expert factory-trained mechanics always bocker's top scorer, did not ac- tie with Toronto. picked up a pair of assists to on duty. Specialists on McCulloch and company the team for last Hull's record tying goal came give him 87 points for the sea- Scott outboard motors. night's National Basketball at 5:15 of the final period and son, nine short of matching the • Complete stock of factory original Association game in Boston be- gave the Hawks a 4-2 lead but record of 96 set by Montreal's spare parts. cause of an injured left shoulder. Dickie Moore In 1952. • fast service. Reasonable hourly rates. Chicago had to battle off a 4-4 Barnett was hurt in a fall dur- tie to win it on a goal bj Kenny Chicago's next game Is at To- COME IN m T|ME /COMPUTE LINE ing Tuesday night's game aganst Wharram with less than six min- ronto Saturday and the Hawks San Francisco at Madison Square utes to play. return home Sunday to meet Mon- FOR OUR . . . ENCLOSED Garden. He is expected to rejoin Montreal has an engagement treal in what could be a make or JACOBS the Knicks tomorrow night at against Toronto tonight. break contest. Fort Wayne, Ind., where they DOUBLE DIVIDEND DEACON'S BENCH HARDWARE play the Detroit Pistons. Barnett Is the NBA'a fifth- • FOR BLANKETS • TOYS • ETC. SHREWSBURY AVE. and ranking scorer, averaging 24.* TV FIX-UP TIJIW! DAYS SALE • 17"x43"x30" BIRGJN PL. points a game. • PUR REGULAR PRICE $25.00 REP). BANK * Rebuilt* picture tubes—one-yr. guarantee. Thursday, March 3, 1966—25 From $14.95 AD IN TODAY'S 747-4044 THE DAILY RKGISTER AN EXCEPTIONAL IS TV ANTENNA PROBLEMS? CLASSIFIED SECTION BUY AT ., . . . 18 ASK US ABOUT . . . REBUILT TV ANTENNAS - ROTORS - BOOSTERS SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF I ENGINES DON'T MISS IT! UNPAINTED FURNITURE on the JERSEY 5HORl| Let Sears factory - (rained CASH and CARRY mechanics install a re-manu- TV SERVICE - SAVE UP TO factured Allstate Engine at FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO RED BANK LUMBER 5ears Ion; prices! Juit usk «nj • Saari automotive salesman1 CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. "your lumber super mart" ibnut our low engine Instilla- PARTS UNLIMITED tion ratei. 325 MAPLE AVE. gjfjjpi RED IANK Cor. Wall and Pearl Srs., Red Bank 741 • 5500 3204 RT. 35 264-8706 HAZUT Own 7:11 «.m, t« l:H p.m. MM. thru Frl.-I:J» o.m. to S p.m. 1st. Seaift-Aiiloinolive Center OPIN IVIMINSI-.74MU9 INS Uw>. W-M4 4214 A.J. Wolf* A 8oiu ...28 46 Waaserman's — , ,..Al 2T Sal's Barber Btiop _.3114 4314 football coach at the University Women's Bowling Association The highest single game of this much practicing. What llttle'ne 3 k U Htal * Cool _ .58 19 Manaaquan Exempts 4114 24Se4a Star Swim Club 42 33 Dlck'a Auto Electric 2014 541Hoo4 k * Ladder 4 ..- 41 22 Grllll Construction Co. 31 41 of Notre Dame. 20th tournament, held at Brad- tournament was rolled by Gladys does must be enough. Congrat- 600 8erles~B. Gruzinskl 1B0, 212Monmout, h Beach 1 40>,4 25 Nick's Barber Shop 39 38 Rail Bank Recreation .2614 4S14 Molion'i Tavern _...3» 38 Circle Chevrolet 24 51 ley Lanes, Bradley Beach. In theWright, Neptune-244. With han- ulations, Jud. jr.—SO?; George Horel 204, 189, 213—Deal I 39 27 Llncroft Pharmacy „ 38',4 3S!J In announcing this yesterday, 108.' Fair Haven 1 38 27 Brlgadoon „ 38 39 _J0 Series—Lei Steven! 187, 224, 234— team event on Sunday evening, dicap it is a Long Branch 200 Club—John Borselllno 206, 215Belfor: d 2 37'* 2314 945; Bob Worden 279, 190, 185-613; Les Edward W. Krause, athletic di It was a good week for 600 Brink'! Fine Meats „ 31 41 the Wanderers of Neptune com-gal, Joanne Stalker with 245. Lil- B. Oruilnsltl 212, JIM George Horel Neptune Hose 2 39 30 Llncrott Inn 34 41 Josei 211, 226, 198-633. rector, said: sets in the Monmouth County 204. 213; Al Bennett 221, shtrm Ber- Allentiurst 1 - .30 38 Frank's Barber Shop 3344 «1'<4 High Team Series—Red Bank Recre- "The dynamic leadership Ara bined for an even 1,000 game, lian Waltsak is forced to share Catholic league at Harmony trand 218. Buck Bacmelster 209, Freii Neptune City 1 28 38 Knabg-Mdltwn Nat'l Bank ...31 44 lion 2.768; High Team flame—Stephen the high tournament series hon- Irons 208, jerry Mlrablle 120. Jack Adelphla 1 2hV, 4014 J. Gross, Ihc. 975; High Qame—Bob and'his staff have given to ourthe first such rolled by women in Bowl. Sonny Mocoio, St. Cath- Weber 223, Don McCue 210. Bill Boehm West End Engine .2514 4014 ors-«06--Art Mell 206,203; Mort has been extended. Unexcelled 4 ...39 37 Bel Bank Recreation Zlnn 214, B. Mlchnoff 201, Gary Grabel. scratch, great 726 in the Strathmore Clas- Lll Waltsak added 202—564 and it Mary J _ Oakhurst 3 ....38, . 58 le 218, Uy Newman 200, Ozzle Gnuln Holy Family 3 ... Hamilton, 3 . J7SS 2814 W L He originally was given a four sic loop. In a fine exhibition of Pat Maga, a 190, 200-427, on It. Benedict J Newman Springs Market 48 23 200, 214, 200; Abe Fliher 223. Bemle The Mlddletown Hi-Lassies Monmouth Beach i 3414 311Re4 d Bank Savings A Loan ...43 26 Mlnlz 20S, Uarty Fisher 202, 202; Oene year contract as Notre Dame's «t. Agnes l East Keansbttrg 1 ~.._._30 3B hold the scratch high with^lS, power howling, Jud collected a the way to « double win ovsrtiit •t. Mary i-..._ D'Roma Beauty Salon _ 4114 IVh8l|el Ml. 223 head football coach In De- Ocean 1, Sea Bright .30 . W Harry Service Station _.. J914 2914 B Division pair of 226s and closed out with Cllffwood Fire Co. 1 laddie.. 81. Ann t Portaupeck 1 .. —30 86 cember, 1963. After his first rolled by Betty Jacobson 476, «U Joseph .... Red Bank Recreation 38 33 Pti. a great 274, to achieve his fiatt These gals are the only distaff Marlboro 1 29 37 Corson'i Mobile Oil _ 38 33 Irving Kayo Agency 33114 Doris Rayner 550, Evelyn Wal- L it Benedict 1 „ Rumson Exempts 28 38 year, when he directed the it. James j Sheridan Bar 36 33 Phil's Mobile Service J1314 ker S24, Doris Hlnke 549 and700 series. Currently rolling at keglers in an otherwise all mala »t Ann 3 West Long Branch 3 27 .38 W. O- Hammond 34 35 Shore Building 3c Fighting Irish to nine victories Volunteers 1 ...23 43 Monmouth Drug! 34 35 Union Dislrlbutora _ ...28014 June Byoriok 516, This team a 198 clip, he has but one 'aimleague and refuse to be beaten. Mater Del 3 Eatontown « ...1514 WN4 and one defeat, he was given a r. James 1 Mary Ann Inn 33 36 State Exterminators „ .27814 this season, to make that 200 Alex Montone, of die leading Altherf Printers 277 five year contract. rolled games of 878, 796 and 941. II. Ann 2 "E" IIIV18ION Colonial Flower! 3214 3614 average. Walt's Tavern team, upheld the It. Catherine Rumson 3 . , ...45 21 Recreation Tap House 28 41 Kelly's Clothfts 262 Last year he guided Notre With their handicap they wound Mater Del l Phil Daly 2 4114 241Woodwar4 d Construction Co. ...J3H 4314 "irvall Piper 25614 Jud, 34, has been rolling for male honor with a 611 on games Marlboro 2 J8 28 Hc'Danlels Septic Tank 18 91 Dame to seven, victories, two de-up at 2,897. It. Mary S 200 Club—I. Brtslow 215, Charlie nine years, being in the 190 class of 245, 205 and 161. Holy Family l Bellord 3 — .38 28 200 Club — John Otten 214, TomWeltsman 210, Harold fcntln 209. feats and one tie for a two-year For those .rolling next, it is it, Catherine 1 Shrewsbury J 3714 281D'Agoitln4 o 309, Bud Ktlgelman 201. Bayshore Cath. Hen 1 Little Sliver 2 37 2» record of 16-3-li Lois Nahouse, Matawan, who Holy Family 3 .2814 40<4 Liberty 3 3514 3014 must be beaten for the All Event Bayihort Cath. Men 2 2714 411Olive4 r Byron 3 35 31 UNITED MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE WORLD'S LARGEST Boyshora CaUi. Men 3 _.__...26>i «14 Hamilton 4 . — 32 34 A. H. R, C. Golf Purse Hiked honors. Lois sports a nine-game Bayshore K ol O .25 « Oceanport t 3014 3514 W L It Agnei 2 __ 1814 4S:Hailet t 3014 351Qualit4 y Cleaner! 48 24 MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Di- Babe Ruth Series total of 1,620, 1,674 with handi- 200 Club—Bob Waldmann 246, Paul Bellord 4 .29 37 Sunrise Dairy 39 33 rectors of the Memphis Open cap, both highs. Lillian Waltsak, AUTOMATIC Wagner, Jr. 228, Jim Osborne 229, Belief 1 27H 381Dwlght'4 s Plumbing 39 33 Set for Alaska lonny Mocclo 221, Nell Devino 220, Hazlet 3 , 24 42 Marek gency .S9 -33 Golf Tournament, spurred by a Matawan, rolled a scratch 606 In TRANSMISSION 200; Duk« Sweeney 214, Geo. DeStefano Hazlet 1 > 24 42 Rassas Pontlac 39 33 the singles event, but saw Dot 511, Gso. Laurln 211, Walt Borchers Hailet 3 „ 2J 43 Delmar Party Boat 37 35 national television commit- TRENTON (AP) - The Babe MX fMKIt Of CMS SOS, Jerry Solarl 209, Walt Mourltzen "F" DIVISION Manlgrasso Const. Co. .36 36 ment, have voted to hike this Ruth World Series baseball Stavola, Highlands, take first SPECIALISTS NONI HIOMIR SOT, Don Hoeler 205, Gerry Kennedy Atlantln Highlands 2 45 71 Honest Paul's Tavern' 38 36 place with a handicap total of Includsi rarMvMI, 503, Ralph Fapa 203, Pete Brady 202, Neptune Hose 3 _ 42 24 Burdge Movers 35 37 year's prize money to $100,000. games for 1967 will be held in fnontllnpr ihwwfln iMptc John Byrne 202. Al Mancln! 202, John Ocean 2, S.B 42 28 Banfleld Movers ..„_...„ 3114 40%The directors approved the Fairbanks^ Alaska, it was an- 642. LIFETIME tioa oil oil amciivt ««• llelura 202. Herb Fleming 201, ViFreeholc d 4 41 25 Bachitadt's Tavern .....31 41 luijnwirs. Kulblck 2,01, Walt Pcsloiny 201, Paul Holmdel 2 40 Ifl Mlddletown Gen. Tire .21V4 601(40,004 0 increase Tuesday night nounced yesterday. The doubles leaders, both GUARANTEE Wagner, Br. 201, John Gretner 200, Brevent Park 1 39 27 600 Series—Frltzle Gilbert 214, 200, 0PM I a.m. I* I Ml • Oene Vavrlck 200. Oceanport 5 331S 32H194-608. after tournament Chairman A spokesman for the Babe scratch and handicap, are a cou- AVAILABLE If) B. NIWMANIPRIMI Port Monmouth 1 3214 33!i200 Club-Lou KaU 214, Bill Braun Curtis Person announced that Ruth organization said the 16 ple of Lincroft gals, Model Hogan EASY CREDIT RID BANK-CBll MUM 214, Frank Patterson 210, Richie Mark- Deal 2 32 34 the final day's play June 5 will games of the series will be and Agnes Puronas, with 1,140 m Riiiiwd Am. KING'S i QUEEN'S MIXED LEAGUE Holmiiel 3 '. 3114 341e4r 213, Slggy Furct 205, Richie BMub TERMS AUwry Park-CM ffMMt Allanllo Recreation Old Village I .3014 3512054 , Eaj 8hu«a.rd 203, Bin Donovan be televised from the 15th hole played Aug. 19-28 In Growden and 1,212, respectively. Agnes is W L Marlboro 3 - - —30 38 203, Jim Patterson 201, Bob Notto 200. Atlantlo Vending 49 S6 Keyport 1 28 40 Jim McCaffrey 201. through the tourney's conclusion. Memorial Park. the defending 1965 All Events Manlgraiao Const 41 Bl Olendola 1 24 42 Caruw EIBO 40 32 Oceanic 4 24 42 L 4 C Industrial - 39 33 Monmouth Beach 5 .•. 17 40 Atlantic Recreation 38 34 "G" DIVISION Mortenson ft Coutt! 36 36 Relief 3 53 14 Flelcllnfs PlumblngiHeatlng 34=4 37>,4 Monmouth Beach 3 . 50 18 YOU WHO WANT THE ELEGANCE OF THE NEW CAPRICE. Heldles Unolum ...» - 34 38 Eatontown J 43 23 Carpetbagger! _ 33 39 East Keansburg 2 42 24 \ Plaza Lunch 32 40 Naveslnk 2 40 28 YOU WHO WANT THE SMOOTHNESS OF A NEW IMPAIA, Franks Bicycle Shop ...SOH «H4 Allenhurst 1 - - 35 81 Charllel Pizza 30 42 Oceanic 1, Fumion .. 33 33 Oceanic 2, L.B -3014 3!(4 . YOU WHO WANT THE PERFORMANCE OF A NEW CHEVELLE, ELM WOMEN'S CLASSIC LEAGUE West Long Branch 3 32 34 W L Shrewsbury 3 3014 8»!4 CHEVROLET^ J ft T Equipment ...... 50 38 Northslde 1 21 37 YOU WHO WANT THE UNIQUENESS OF A NEW CORVAIR, Shrewsbury Manor 47 41 Colts Neck 27 3» Ayen Trufolo 44« 431Navesln4 k 3 . ...28 40 Town Pharmacy 44 44 Colts Neck 2 25 41 AND YOU WHO WANT THE THRIFTINESS OF A NEW CHEVY S... A * L Co 39H 48 H Portaupeck 3 S3 44 Trade WInda 39 49 Phil Daly 3 . U 5» Celtics Crush Knicks, COME ON IN NOW! Advance Toward Title Associated PriSs Baltimore cut the taker If the Boston Celtics are to beWestern Division lead to $ toppled from their lofty pedestal games by overcoming an eight- in the National Basketball Asso- point deficit in the final three ciatlon, it apparently will have minutes. The Bullets outscored to be done in the playoffs. Los Angeles in that time 17. The Celtics last night took an- with Gus Johnson sparking the other step toward their 10th attack. straight Eastern Division title, Detroit was hot at the start, trampling the New York Knioks hitting Its first five shots. The 140-104. Pistons jumped to a 38-23 lead In other games, Baltimore after the first quarter with Play trimmed Los Angeles 119-113 ander-coach Dave DeBusschere and Detroit knocked oft San Fran Ray Scott each scoring 10 points ,cisco 131-118. Scott finished with 27 points while The victory, their ninth Rick Barry led The War- straight over the Knicks, put theriors with 21. Celtics three games ahead of the Aisorlaled ri idle Philadelphia 76ers. EASTERN DIVISION \\ I. PPel. GB It also put them In such a po-Boslon .: 4S 13 .171 Philadelphia. .44 W .138 I •ition that if they win only five Cincinnati 4» !T .«• « of their remaining nine games, New York « 41 .3*1 UVi the 76ers would Have to win nine WESTERS DIVISIONi n I. I'd. GB of their last 11 for a tie.' Us AngelM 3S 32 .143 The outcome virtually was de-Balllmori) M 37 ,47( 411 Snn Francisco 31 40 .431 TM cided in Boston's first 13 shots. St. Louis .19 38 .433 IV! Eleven of bhein went in, and theDetroit n si .m W \>stord!y's Results Rrficks never had a chance. Boston 140, New York 1M Nine Celtics scored in double Rslllmorr lit, Los Annies 111 figures with Willie Naulls, Don Detroit 131, San Francisco 118 Today's (inme. Nelson and Sam Jones leading Ban Francisco at rtilladflnhla Tomorrow's dames the pack with 20, 19 and 18 re- St. Louis vs. Boston At Provldeaca spectively. Walt Bellamy had 27 New York vs. Delroll at Fort HUM Philadelphia at Cincinnati for New York. Baltimore «4 Los Angeles BUYS

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SKI llAViUft — Obf Ffibtrg, 23 Barker Ave., Eaton-' •own, li orii of tfi« loed ikieri who tr«v»li north to UkV CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY Jtij* ef gepd ikling condition,. Mr. Fribtrg Jr " httf it Snow Rldgt, Turin, N- Y., gtttlng r«*dy>

1 { r. umnftmuvt, mmnnuut jtmirat SALE AJtHOVMCIMBffl AUTO* rat «ie THE DAILY

tlVCHf Km U1E WANT TO BDYAWBD WnCKT FORD IMJ - Two-doer fetrdtefi. No WAKT TO U3U. X DIID TXUCKr WET - Blend tantll aMjnui. Slack Ut IU« 6» the Isf work (or voul m INTO SPRING mast "Raoa". Kail Bank Partway one tent o< your owu cash naeessan down. Bank will finance f?95 et S7.8 bosds or buysri with readr eaial exit to MncroR. Contact Briggs. Til" weekly, call collect, PA 1-7100. OASIS Loads or used truck Ustliigsf 8310. Reward. MOTORS, Rt. 9. Sayrevllle. CALL *TAN AT OT-IS24 WITH ONE OF THESE BEAUTIES! Used truck multiple lining aenrtos. 1934 FORD ROADSTER — Buick pow PUBLIC NOTICES ered. Thrse twos and cam. 7ft pel 1M] DODGE — V, ton pick-up. Radio _ EXTRA SPECIAL _ cent finished for. street or strip. 1 and beater. 11.M0 mllss. WU1 turlHea, 1965 MG 1962 RENAULT '60 SUNBEAM FOUR PIECE BAND available tor 9234. Call mSO) teerAle parti* • IDeU CHEVROLET — Impels. V-t eta 1100 sedan, two-door. Wfiitewalli, radio, haatar. Hardtop convertible, radio. lion. T47-«.'-6. dard 283. Excellent condition. 175 MOBILE HOMES New leftover. Perfect second ear. With «r without whitawtlli. EXCAVATORS — C0NTRACT0R8 - Call JM-mt After ( p.m., 291-11: Rumeon. Need tough fill; alto sep&rats r loads of cement, roclt. etc. 747-4238. L963 FORD UALJOCII CONVERTIB BLCAB l0i58 — Comrtetaly tttrnlilieS, 1955 - like new. McCARth? Chevrot Washer, air CDndluoosr. p.m. Celt (ATTENTION — SERVICEMEN 261-1101 8729709. 9 to 9 p.m. $495 Service life Insurance mult be coni $1495 vetted' within 120 days of dlachafge, CHEVROLET — 1962 Belalr. Foi TRAVEL TRAIUUM-BSB LINE - $795 TOT information C411 Robert J. Ebery, door. Standard ehlK. 1100. All sizes, easy terms, sold excluilvil; 7»7-OM3. 787-4OM. by Holly Hill Trailer Mies, Hwy M, MG-TF 'eit KeaneDurg. W48M. S63 PLYMOUTH-SPORT Fl I960 RENAULT CALL m-»W, AFTER 9 P.M.. 19«5 KEW MOON — 10l»l. watl-16- 1964 VOLKS TRAVEL - TRANSPORTATION 4638. wall carpeting, partially furnished, Feur-door, Mick, radio, haatar, I960 LANCIA awnings. Job transfer, 671-17)7. WOMAN WANTS RIDE - To Keans- NEW 19)6 VOLKSWAGEN BUS Sun roof, radio, one owner, Wnlte. Komble. Price »l!00. A. Have 10«J MARLETTI! - XUSAdo, 10li5.lt- Four-door, btm. Classic, black. 1)65 CHEVROLET S259S burg, from Perth Ambov Oenerel Hos- Whltewalls, 2 new mow tlrei. pital Uave 11:30 p.m., « nlghta. Cell 80 Flret Ave., Atlantic Highlands. living, front dlnlr* and twrcli, Mup $295 Laathar interior. Impola V-l convertible, outo. trone. In nice park. aM-fcw. Power ttnrlng, rqdl«, hsoter.;., TMWJI 1M7 FORD — Very clean. Oood Clean, new interior. nlng condition. Four-door. $178. after «. 711-9921. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE I960 AUSTIN 1965 ROVER S299E AUTOMOTIVE 1963 WHITE AUSTIN HEALE $1195 Good top. SPRITE. Two tops. Call USED OARS — StaUOn wtgOUJ, plek- $295 Three-lltr«r four-door tedon. AUTOS FOR SALE P.SI., airto. troni., titatsr, 2M-U96, UPI. Crown (Opposite Two ouys), Mid- dletown. en-iMi, Mr. Dwjsr, HEALEY 1963 CHEVROLET—four-door n&rdlop. 1943 RAMBLER — 770 ClaMlc, foi Power steering:, radio, heater, auto- door station wagon, slx-cyllnder. aui 1965 MERCURY S249E mfttlo transmission, whltewall Urea, .ax* malic, radio, heater. $1,085. 842-011 1964 RENAULT SPRITE cellent condition. 11,876. S2M334 alter ft. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES I960 PEUGEOT Monterey Breezeway «dan. 1900 PBUOOT — 403 aeries stall Hardtop, whirewalli. Auto, troni., P.St., P.Br. vm FORD SQUIRE - IMS. KeCAR- 9000 mllai, radio.. '695 wagon. Black. 33,000 original mil MONMOUTH MARINA - *AO*OATt Four-spaed stick. Station wagon, four-door* Ihy Chevrolet. Very line condition. 8(75 or best olfe New and ussd boits and moors. U - Mleh-X tirai. 291-UOt 787««9. Weil St., Monmoulb Beeeli. 3S-I4M. WMtawalli, radio. 1964 RAMBLER J129I Station wagon, auto, trait. 19M UONZA COUPS - l»UeH gl.4»S ...J OLDSMOBILE 9t - All powi CAPE COD SAILBOAT — Dacron sails. $495 McOARthy Chevrolet. hardtop. (599. Call Nice f«.nMl/ boat Bast offer. Call $795 $195 Rodlo and heoler. 291-1101 • 747-3338. 6SW7M. 1983 BISCAYNE - Standard shift. SIX- 19*4 OLDBMOBILE DYNAMIC 81-Fou 21' CABIN - 300 h.p. Inboard, ply- 1964 CHEVROLET $1695 cvllndw.'U.094. MeOARthy Chevrolet. door sedan. One owner. Excellent C wood hull, atand-uo bead, sleeps two, Impola two-door hardtop. m-WHL , dltlou Interior and exterior. Dark gri Priced to sell. Call after 9. TST-O4T3. ISM CORVAIR COUPS - sensational metallic. Manual shift, tinner, tilt n Auto, tram., radio, heater. view mirror, side mirror. Two. apei If CHRIS DRAFT ROAMBR — Crula- at ttift McCARUiy OheTfolet JM- windshield wiper with washer, se er. Bleeps four. Excalltnt coivUUDO. belts, twtn tires Including two ano Many eitrae. 291-0990. MONMOUTH MOTORS -1964 BUICK $1895 I960 CADILLAC SPECIAL — Sbarp. tires with wheels and hub caps. 291 1961-21' TROJAN — 1M Intereeptor, Skylark convertible, tour-weed H.2S5. IIcCARthr Chevrolet. 2319. LESS THAN 100 noun; moving must transmission radio, heattr. ^»11H» CORVAIR MONZA — 1962. AuloirMt sell, call alter t. 2S1-0M3. HIGHWAY 35 542-2414 EATONTOWN 1985 VOLBBWAOBN - Nine passenge tranemlsalon, radio, heater, posltra CHETEK — 17'«". ltM Mtb Hsrcunr wagon. Excellent condition. By owner. tlon. Excellent condition. 747-3369. S3 h.p. 1«M and AW It' trailer. Uti. 1964 FORD $1295 747-9621 Call 741-2181. Custom VI sedan. 1992 FORD FAIRLANE "«" — FOu Auto, tram., radio, haater. 1M3 CHBVX II Nova - row-r glide, door stick shift. Original owner. My IB' THREE QUARTER — ManOglTO Dover steering. «,MI. MeCARthy be seen to ba appreciated. $850. Ci Upslrake. Fully eiulppad, convertlbls Chevrolet 291-1101. 741-8354. lop. Motor tip-top, waller. Asking fioo. VOLKSWAGEN — 1994,, Radio and DESIRE INTERESTED PARTIES Call OL 3-4U7. •eat belta. 9,000 mllei. Like new. take over unpaid balances on repi 12' OTARCRAFT - SW h.p. Evlarude. IMPORTS $1,325. Phone 7tl-lM<. ^^ eesaed foreign and domestic cars. 1 Excellent condition. 13*5. Oatf 1B65 VOLKSWAQZN — Ixcelltnt con- money needed. Call for OK. Mr. N 7U-1MS. 1965 TM S2O95 dition. . Reasonable. . son, M2-2414. » H.P. BVINRUDE BLECmiO — 35 741-7J7S. AUSTIN HBALEY — 1964-3000 - Co h.p. Evlnrude, it' boat with BMr- Convertible. IBM IMPALA CONVERTIBLB — Like verllble. White, excellent contlltlc Klaaa bottom. Call W6-W7J, after t. new. Htm. McCAJllhy Oiivrolet. 361- 11,000 miles. Fully equipped lncludli CABIN CRUISER — 30'. Bleeps sli UOL overdrive. Best offer. Call after t p.i 1965 FIAT $1195 942-4763. on foam. Bulltln CO-1 system. Full 1100 wagon. 1994 CHEVROLET stajlon wagon. Pow galley and head. OocMde electric. er steering; automatic transmission, 1956 RAMBLER — Four-door. Radii Water. Extras, etc. Twin Consist rack, Excellent condition. iil-7396. heater, Good second car. Call < Crowns. Must be seen. 13,600. MMM1. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1495 14' RUNABOUT - With 39 h.?. Erin- 1951 BUICK. SPSCIAL — ftmr-door. tan ' 1 0,199. HcCARtny Chevrolet 1963-CONVBRTIBLB — Plymou rude and Atlas trailer. Excellent bur-, 491-1101 Fury, white, black top, red Interlo gain. Price t37». Call WW07. 1963 ENGLISH FORD $895 Clean, 24 000 miles, price 11,600. 84: BAfiS BOAT 1954 CHEVROLET - Impalt Super 3M1. Capri. Sport, V8, 4-apeed, poiltrectlon rear. 1C Seaman with 800 Mercury ana Call 741-0733; after < p.m. 1960 AUSTIN HBAJJSY 3000 - Ne< trailer. Nice eODdltloo. Owner mull top and tires. A-l condition 1950. Ca •ell. 1962 RENAULT $ 495 1962 PONTIAC - Bonnevllle. convertl 291-0643. FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORK*, INC. Four-door sttfan, ble. Full power. No money down. rt. DeNormandle Ava, TAKE OVER PAYMENTS. Call 774- 1961 OLDSMOBILE — F-85, V-8, radl Fair Haven T47-JW0. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S B7O2. • heater,. standard. Excellent condltlo: low mileage. 542-0187. 1962 VOLVO $1795 IBM FURY - Hardtop. Four speed, P-1800 CWpl. big engine. (1999. McOARthy Chevro- 1B58 CHEVROLET IMPALA CO1 BUSINESS NOTICES let 391-llOL . ' VBRTIBLE — Hurst shifter, 283-V- : New top, very good running cotMitio INCOMBJ TAX RETURNS - indlvHual 1960 JAGUAR $1195 1965 MUSTANO — Hardtop. Fully 741-6234 after 6. and business; alao Nsw Tork Hate, equipped, No money down. TAKE repared completely. BuabMa astab- J.I aedan. OVZR PAYMENTS. Call 7T4-97O2. 1960 FALCON — Station wagon. _ dard Ihif.. Good gai mileage. J276. Pshed It yeara In Mlddlstom arts. LARGEST CHEVROLET DEALER 1964 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAG- Good condition. 872-1503. Margery^ Trovato, trading; aa Reliable ON — Air conditioning, V-8, automatic, Tax Service. 6T1-1380. * power steering, power br&ken, radio, ISM CHEVROLET station wagon. Poi A BP1 1963 CHEVROLET $1695 leater. Perfect condition. Low mileage. er steering, automatic trattsmtsstoi types.of masonry. 80WBR, Impola Super Sport, onto, trans. Call KS-2SH rack. Excellent condition. 741-7356. Coatraeti " " fflF*' OFFERS Power steering, radio, heater. 1963 BUICK WILDCAT — Convertible. 19«3 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Tw OLBAH CELLAR*. XARDtJ, OARAOE* Full power No mouey down. TAKE door hard-top. V-8 standard. ExceUe: — Have truck. light haujlng. Call aftet 1963 FALCON $ 895 DVBR PAYMENTS. Call T74-«7.U. »l-33Tt. ... Newport rour driver. Hourly or dally Radio, heater,. !4,000 mllen. ExcdlerA condition. Full cylmdw. White -Brookwood. Call " rale. After » p.m. 2W-337). mwer, air. bucket seats. Console. 3593. Phone 966-5206 nights or weekends. 1957 NABH AMBASSADOR — Ru 25 USEDIMS CADILLAC — Sedan DeVllle. Full good. Oood tiro*. Needa' valve wo EMPLOYMENT lower. No money down. TARE OVER SO. Can be seen after 5 p.m. at Joii dnh ••AYMENTS. Call 774-6702. killlna, 9 Third' Ave., Atlantis Hlgl HELP WANTED FEMALE .nds. 19(3 VOLKSWAGEN — Beautiful. Me- MONTH \^P CAR JARthy Cheyrolet. 1964 MOB - Almost all extras 291-MM eluding Lucas lights,. Abartti, Judac SEWING MACHINE $ GUARANTEE Ignition. Immaculate condition. 7. .993 THUNDERBIRD - Hardtop. Full 4111 after 6. Dower, No money down. TAKE OVER OPERATORS PAYMENTS. Call 774-8702. 1961 RAMBLER AMERICAN SPECIA! EXPERIENCED amOLE NEEDLE — Radio and heat»r. FItcellent corMI DAV BHIFT 1961OLDSMOBILE $895 I960 IMPALA - HanltOP, V* KM, tlon. (435. Call 787-5707. F-85 wagon. UcCARthy Chevrolet. 291-1101 , Mattel, Inc. 963 CHEVROLET — Impalu hardtop, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1961 MERCURY $695 'ull power. No money down. TAKE HWY. 39 HOLMDtL CALL MRS. CA88IDT. 26447W " ^BOTTOM* Convarfibla. >VBR PAYMENTS. Call 774-4702. DODOE PANEL TRUCK — For sat WOMAN to work In bookkeeping da- $ 963 OLD8MOB1LE (8 — Four-door Reasonable. Good running condltloi partmant of estaWlsbed local contain. lardtop. Full power. No money down. Call 747-1521. Hust have pleusnt personality, ba a 1961 FORD $795 TAKB OVER PAYMENTS. Call 774- ood typist and work well with llgurM. 1703. . . Jnellent company beiNtlta. Reply In Two-door hardtop. FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE own hmdwrltlng to "A.T.", Boi DO. pR SALE — 19M Valiant. White. 1963 International Scout 4x4, pick. Red - Bank, stating past experlnea. Standard-, transmlaalon, Dratted, must or full top. Also, 1965 Scout 4x4, hi! references and salary required. 1961 CHEVROLET $995 iell .2M-H92. top. Bucket seats, rear seat, radio $ Two-door hardtop, M3-OHEVROLBT - Bel Air. Two- And 1964 Chevrolet 8,' 4x4 pick-up HAIRDRESSER loor. Full power. No money down. N.J.'s Friendliest Dealer, International Experienced only. AKB OVXR PAYMENTS. Call 774- Trucks, MAURICE SCHWARTZ Vlnmer, 741-77U. !703.. . SONS, 141 W. Front St., Red Bank. 1961 CHEVROLET $795 CAR WASHERS: FULL TIME ONI? Two-door sadan. - Olrla. 19 to JS, (or detailing oaia: cleaning Inside windows and outilds AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE drying. No expitlsnce nseeisary. Qool 1961 RAMBLER $495 wages. Apply Country fludsef Oar Wash, Hwy ii. Mlddlstown, *..flfii$ tale in effect Wrdi' I thru March 5th ONLY. Two-door i«dant 1EVHRAL TBRRITORDDS OP1N — Kor women who are Interested In hav- 1960 CHEVROLET $595 ing e. good, ateady income, plus U.I. SONDEU EVERYONE'S Savings Bonds. Xxpettenca unneces- ' HURRY IN TODAY! Two-door sedan, >ary. Call 141-4343. Or write Mrs. Mar- garet Oulotta, BoxJW. Red Bank. 1960 CORVAIR $495 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - El- SAVE SAVE SAVE! CREDIT perlenced. Full or part time. « t» U Four-door sadan, ; AUTO I antt weekends. Telephone Answering Service. 741-4700. 1960 THUNDERBIRD $895 COUNTER HELP AND PRISCEftl I SALES GOOD HERE WANTED. Apply In parson, no phoee Coupe. cauls.'. .0 la. {lour Martlnlalng, Cams- ills Junction. Belford^^ - . Eni If yea HAVE TWO «r MOI1 LOANS ... W« CAN SSCRETARi'-For real estate and In- 1960 MERCURY $495 FINANCI YOU IY CONSOLIDATING oil yettr MESINT LOANS surance office. Insurance expehenee Nln.-paiienjer wagon. INTO ONI SINail CATMINT ... SO COMB TO 1ONDEU preferred. 'Oood opportunity. Send re- sume to "A.P.," Box 930, Red Bank. aid buy a ear of your «holu one) pcy off oil yoar OILI* 1960 FORD $395 ftATIONS and ORd ap paying leu money par moMl Iko* WOMEN WANTED Wagon. you mlojlit presently bo payhg nswl SEE OUR MAN FLINT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 1960 DODGE $295 NO MONEY DOWN # UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY 942-1200 AFTER 6:S0 P.M. Two-door sedan, SENERAL FACTORY HELP 1959 PLYMOUTH $195 CALL NOW FOR A variety ot sosltlona tramedlatsly Wagon. OAR and CASH available 1959 PLYMOUTH . $250 : SAME DAY Must work rotating suits CAPRICE — Big ear look, big car luxury, and a really btgiiuy 774-6700 Family Faopls. Oood work backgroiiae. during Double Dividsnd Day«. Four-door sedan, i ' prefsirai Applicant must pats rigid physical 1958 CHEVROLET $195 examination I CIRCLE 1 'tow weakly •a Ford _ _. «.M 'eJPonlloc UJS Impale coupe, Golaxls Sedan . . Poymsnts Cotollno, 4-Dr. tuning rats 12-015 per hour •« Pontloc 110.10 plua shift differential •45 Chevrtltf ..111.95 'el Grand Prix ..«•.« CHEVROLET MANY MODELS Catollno Hardtop impola Hardtop Hordlop, Full Power Good opportunity for advancement TO CHOOSE FROM *«s aids - .-. tu.n •<3 T-BIrd »1J.M DOUBLE •el Chevrolet 19.49 'MCtievrolH ».;j Apply 1:30-11 a.m. . " H <-dr. Sedan. Monday-Friday Join tha crowd—but try to ba at tha diad ol Impala Super Sport. Impqlo Convsrtlblf < tha linal Baeauia right now you'll gat a PRICED FROM 'M Mustang ...... IK.?i DIVIDEND Convertible 'el Chevrolet ...M7) Personnel Office mighty handisma buy at CIRCLE CHEVROLET Fdlitoe* $50 UP •41 Chsvrolst _.!».»] (el Air Station Wagon : CO- during Doubla Dlvldand Dayi. (That means. •M Rambler UM Amarictn Can Comptny DAYS! ; Impoki H. T. 'MCTevrolsi U.9i. No. I Buyi on Amarica'i No. I Can.) Pick •«Comil » ti.W Irnpala 2-Dr., Hardtop Cliff wood, N. J. from 45 qreat modali of CAPRICE. CHEVRO- 'M Ford ...»11.9$ Sedan 'e>Thundsrblrd..l11.H AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY No. I Buys LET, CHEVELLE, CHEVY II or CORVAIR. Golnxle Convertible EMPLOYER 'elFontloc H.9S Hardtop. Full Power CJioose, too,, from a virtually endless selection 'aJ.OIda »1J.M Catollno Sedon >a Ford- :... *m BE A BEAUTY COUNSELOR - WMIS No. I Cars of colon, cuitom touches, engines ana Interler StorBsr H.T. the children are In school. Flaxlbla •MBuIck M.M Falrlans. J-Dr. hours. Oood eamlrigs. Call SU-lltl y tfimi. Availability >nd variaty kava. never been •M Olds _..I».M Electro Conv. •# Impoflal I7.M 47-BMO. • oraaf.r—th« buyi .have fever baan battar. But fl, 4-Dr. H.T. NOW •li Ford W.9I Hardtop. Focttry Air HOUBEKXCPBR - Sleep-In. Esperl- hurry—Doubla Dlvldand Dayi ,,won't lilt for- •A) Cnryilsr .._! M0 enced, references, mld-30's. Two chil- XL Ooloxle Conv, '«1 .Chrysler M.45 avarl So set CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. NOVVI 300 H. T. dren, working mother Steady position. .CHEVROLET •M Pontloe ».»0 4>dr. jldiflesex area. Ml-«090. •UFolcon 14.70 •onnevllli Convertible •4) Lincoln -HIM N.'B AND UP.N.'I AND NUlUti1 2-dr. 1 USED CAR LOT •elFontlac 4110 4-Dr.. Foelory Air AIDE* — Needed tor brand new aura- •63 Tempest VM Ing home, ret Interview, call 22MMO BMinsvllls •e)..Pontlat _...«.9O or 121-1200. Rt. 14 at Monmouth Road Coupe Station wogon Bonnevllle Conv. IEORETBRV — RECEPTION!!! — WEST LONG BRANCH •MMtrcury . 11.95 'ii Olds ».M •41 T'BIrd .110,95 Typing, shorthand; good convpsny Mr. Monterey Hdlp. beneflU, five-day-week, a-g, Relooitlng 542-1126 M J-dr. H.T. H. T. . Colllngawood Clr. Apply Moleeu Wire. 3orp., fit 937, Scebeyvllle. MHJ09. FOLLOW YOUR FRIEND? TQ NEW CAR TOMAN OR OUU — Wanted to slsai- n, help wllh housewoik and ohlldreii. SHOWROOM Pleuant working conditions, prfvata BONDEU Special dlieount rates to all oom and bath. Call 747-U77. ROUTE 34 Cov't. and Military tmployseil ALES AND I STOCK CSLB1 EATONTOWN WANTED - Apply at Utoiitll lawman Springs R4.. Ihrswitiurj, I , 542-1000 iAUTOl 01) OPEN DAILY 9 TO 9 HIGHWAY 35 CIRCLE (Cornar of Milton Av«.) Wednesday 'Hi e P.M. [SALES ,325 MAPLE AYE. 74IOI30 Saturday'•III CM, (Mot. CUMIM Adi NEPTUNE, N. J. On Tta Npit »i|») NEW DIRECT LINE TO CLASSIFIED .. 741-6900 SELL THE THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED OR USE WITH A FAST ACTION DAILY REGISTER CLASSIFIED AD! AFTER 5:30 P.M. AND WEEKENDS-DIAL 741-1110

THE DAILY REGISTER HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTTED-MALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT APARTMENTS 28—Thursday, March 3, 1966 COUNTER HELP ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING EVERYONE KNOWS Part-time, day* or nights. No ex- Kar«y Is tha btst aluminum window on perience necessary. Good opportunity. the market. Why settle for less. Win- HELP WANTED-FEMALE Excellent working conditions. Apply to •ROORESSIVE, WELL ESTABLISHED NON-DEFENSE COMPANY It CON- dows' for th« entire houss amount to Snack Bar Manager, VERTING PRESENT E.D.P. OPERATION TO I.B.M. 360 AND HAa OPENING WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN very Itttlt more. Set RED BANK FOR A SYSTEMS ANALYIST AND ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF COM- TWO SUYS PUTER OPERATIONS. IN ADDITION TO STARTING SALARIES AS STATED, NURSES, RN THB COMPANY OFFERS LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS AND EXCELLENT UP TO $12,000? FROWN'S BRAND NEW Bt. 35 it Twlnbrook Rd. Mlddletown OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. POSITION LOCATION IS LONG 33 Broad Bt. Red Bank 711-7600 NOW STAFFING 3 '/i -Room Aparrme-nt BOOKKEEPER - EXPERIENCED BRANCH AREA. , SINGER 8EW1NQ MACHINE — Uied. In law order lectric. *20. Good condition. Call an; {One Bedroom) - INTENSIVE Call 747-3730. SHELL OIL CO. OFFERS THE OPPORTUNITY . SYSTEMS AND METHODS ANALYST Imt, tWXTl $105 OLDAWINO WOMAN — Holmdel area. TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND HAVE • CORONARY CARE UNIT I'YPUJWIUTEaa, ADDWQ machines Own transportation. Wrlt« "C.K.", Box FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE WITH A .U) makes new or used. Guaranteed. 4'/J-Room Apart "lent AT 521) Red Bank. MUST HAVE 1 TO i YEARS EXPERIENCE IN SYSTEMS DESIGN. PRE- Low u |2>. Serplco's. 101 Monmouu) WAITRESS WANTED — Apply in per-FERABLE ON I.B.M. 1401 OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT. FORMULATE gy«- CAREER AS A SHELL DEALER Si Neit to theater. 747-0*84. (Two Bedroomi) MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER son, Bowknot Restaurant, 89 Broad at, TEMg AND PROCEDURES DIRECTED TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT OF $125 Red Bank. FEASIBLE APPLICATION TO E.D.P. COLLEGE GRADUATE WITH STRONG WE BUY AND BULL enylnlnf. and lornul tnlnlnf will be provided. Ex- LEADERSHIP ABILITY. OOOD POTENTIAL FOR ADVANCEMENT. 8TART- evsrylnlnr. Olve the, tutiiut prices, IAT AND COOKINO OAB SUPPLIED cellent benefits. Contact Director of CLERK-TY/PIST — W«rA good typist HIO SALARY $7,000 TO IS.000 DEPENDING ON QUALIFICATIONS AND Call William Let! Furniture, Inc., Hwy. Located on Naveiink River UursIng Service, 222-5200 eit 308. who must also be accurate with fig- EXPERIENCE. RESUME MUST O1VE COMPLETE DETAIL8 OF EDUCA- SHELL WOULD WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY 39, Ulddletown. 7U-S211 Open tvenlnts ures for clerical dutiei. Excellent TION, WORK EXPERIENCE AND SALARY HISTORY. WRITD "C.L", BOX til « p.m. i fringe benefit*. Aptly ATCO CERAM 05 Locu>t Ave, Red Bank EXPERIENCED OPERATORS IOS CORP.. Hwy 35, Keyport. TO MEET AND DISCUSS WITH YOU THE FREEZER—20 cu. ft., uprllht, I1S0. Estontown Dress Ills. &rge doghouse, C35. Atr compressor 'hone 776-8118 775-1915 Phone 5(2-3555. AIR LINE RESERVAT1ONIST — El' ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR COMPUTER OPERATIONS POSSIBILITY OF YOUR ACQUIRING ONE -Ith tank. $25. Ona-ton chain hoist, perienced. Local area. Btart to »80. S35. Shotgun, 12 lauge, double, 135. RED BANKS FINEST WAITRESSES WANTED — Rex Diner, AOB EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 23 Portable typewriter, etc. 7874180. .clous 44» and 5 room apartments, Kt, 35. Keyport. Call 2M-W21. Inter- White St., Shrewsbury. 7<7-MW. OF THESE HIGHLY LUCRATIVE BUSINESSES. TO ASSIST IN SUPERVISION OF OPERATIONS AREA OF EXPANDING two bedrooms, large closets. Frea view from 8 to 9 p.m. MOTHER'S HELPER — Live In. As DRY SINKS irking. Exceptional value (139-114 >. DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT. MU8T HAVE STRONG SUPERVISORY unedlate or future occupancy. Spring* HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED — For Blat with cooking, cleaning, laundry, M I M 01 T 3 XBAE EDUCATI0N new minting home, {for Interview, call three children. References. Salary PERMNCB S ED P ' * ° * - XRAININO AND BX- SHELL REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AVAILABLE UNPAINTED — SUe 15x36x38, 122.43 m Gardens, 283 Sprint St. 741-5672. 229-430O or 721-8200. open. Apply N,J. state Employment or size 15x37144, 129.93. Hutch 10"x37'!> 38", 144.10. ODERN three-room furnished apart- Service. 18 E. Front Bt, Red Bank. T.2I? w N0T A posrnoN FOB A SPECIALIST, BUT RATHER IT IS AN AT SHELL STATION. LOCATED AT SYCAMORE LEGAL STENOGRAPHER — Experi- No fee charged. 1 int. TUl bath, Air conditioned. All enced In Haslet law office. Excellent OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AOOHESSIVB. DYNAMIC INDIVIDUAL SEEKING AVE., AND WILLOW DR., LITTLE SILVER, RED BANK LUMBER lilies Included. (110 per month. Oall •alary. Call 747-3730. COOK - Relief. Two days. Plain cook- ggCELLENT rjROWTH POTENTIAL. COLLEGE DEGREE DESIRED. BUT :er 6 p.m. 291-9033. Ins. Small r/urdng home. Call 741-2069 FROM 5 TO 9 P.M. ON TUESDY, WEDNESDAY Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank WOMAN — Parttlmi telephone sollc- IQ the afternoon. 741-5500 TTON PARK - Red Bank. Apart- Itatlon from your owrt home, it your AND THURSDAY, MARCH I, 2, 3. THREE PIECE — Uvlnj room set, tent for rent Cooking gss, beat In- convenience, Can easily earn (1 to DICTAPHONE TYPIST - Part-Urne. three piece bedroom sets, maple or ludel with rent. Inquire 1670 Branch 11.50 pec hour. Batontown-Hsiawan- 20 hour week, fL75 hour. AGE EM- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL light wood, kitchen set run, Oall vs.. Call 747-2665. Engllshtown-Freehold. Call 741*110 eit PLOYMENT AGENCY. 23 Whits St., 141-451! . 10. Shrewsbury- 747-3494. SHELL OIL CO. AT :ED BANK — Branch and Madison POWER aEWlNd MACHINE — Model Lves.. insclQUs orie- and two-bedroom* ATTRACTIVE, MARRIED UADIBS — MIDDL.E-A.aED HELPER WANTED— PArkway 1-5141 95-1. In working condition, (45. Call Wnrk aeveraL evening hour* as rash- Uye in or out. Adults. FtUr Haven. I47-8TM. rarden apartment, starting at S110, Ap- lon stylists. Free wardrobe and train- Call 7U-6W1, after 5. >ly Apt, 21, Molly Pitcher ViUtgs Court Ing. No Investment, deliveries or can- COFFEE TABLE and two etM-tables. call Mr. 8am Lomaxzo, 741-tlU. vassing. £12 mlramom average guaran-OASHIBR — Over IS- Apply In perton Rosewood mahogany, glass tops. Ex- tee per evening. Call 264-1451. after 6:30 p.m. Tiie Community The PURCHASING-ASSISTANT cellent condition. K5. 59t-725O. ONO BRANCH — Furnished, four iter, Hwy. 38, Eatontown, >oms, bath. Heat, water supplied, DENTAL ASSISTANT - Kiperlenced, STEEL SHELVING — 18x36, 24x36, [ewly dicorated. (100 monthly. 339- PERSONNEL TRAINEE Nww office. Hve day week. AJCB EM. HELP WANTEI>-MALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 36x36. Come and lee at 47ft Shrews- S53. Immediate opening lor career-minded PLOYME1NT A&ENCY, 23 White St., TO PURCHASING AGENT bury Ave,, or call 741-3490. girl with large business service organi- Shrewsbury.. 747-34M. HREE—ROOM APARTMENT -Un- sation. Personnel background helpful. irnlBhid. East Bergen PI., near Broad To Interview, screen test, and dispatch BAIiffiSCftRL WANTED — Experienced SALES MANAGEMENT :, Red Bank. Can be sun Sat and Expanding plant located central N. J. seeks man with buy- KEYS MADE m. Call 741-4499. office help. Able to meet and talk with In children's and infant's wear. Apply TRAINEE WHAT WOULD you da If you lolt high level personnel la office and In In person, Bob & B»tty Shop, 68 Broad ing experience in light manufacturing industry. AMERICAN OIL COMPANY your keyit Be safe, get extra keya. TUDIO OF FOUR ROOMS and apart- duitry. Good telephone voice, somb Street, R6d Barflt. lent, four rooms and bath. Bright, typing. Phone Mrs. Ooodrow, 776-5577 WAITRESS - Experience desired, bujti Applicant mu$t be capable of independent action and beOpening In central Jersey. No travel. PROWN'S (ry. Rent (90. 747-1041. for appointment. not necessary. No nlghtd, no Sundays. We will pay H00 monthly If Jou qualify. » Broad St. Red Bank 741-7900 College degree, sales experience or Otfsri high volume Service station for 'BRRACB APARTMENTS — Five TYPIST — Teletype operator and ille Apply In person. Corner Room Coffe.r. able to iuparviie imall department. Inventory control and ooms, secorM floor, adults only, Im-. Shop. 757 River Rd,, Fair Haven builntis background with at least live Jease. On highway 38. Just north of DROP-LEAF TABLE — Mahogany cleric Pull and part-time' hours avail- "•• warehouse background helpful. years experience. Complete fringe bene- Red Bank. Paid training. Financial Duncan Phyfe 63x39", table pads In- nedlate occupancy. Five-room duplex, able In Red Bank ottlce. Ages 25 to BOOKKEDRER — Pull charge. Auto- fits. Diyi, call 849-7587. Evenings. 747. assistance offered. For Information call cluded, »15. Klde-a-bed sofa, full size, vallable March 1. Spaolous closets, 40. Write "A.R.", Box 520, Red Bank. mntlve experience preremred, but will 015J. days MU 7-2SOO. evenings between T good condition, »0. Modern foam rub- parking. 741-4850. consider other. Mfltawan area. Bt&rt and » p.m., 1884623. ber sofa, sleeps two, 150. Girls' bicycle, I.B.M. TYPIST Experienced. Part- An Equal Opportunity Employer »". »0. Boys' English bicycle, 36". IDDLETOWN — Three rooms and time. Call m. ACB EMPLOrMENT AGENCY, ith. Fumlihed or unfurnished. Very 542-1700. 23 White St., Shrewsbury. 747-34M. SALARY OPEN OUlf TWO—BAY SERVICE STATION il». 741-8468. •A apartment. All utilities. 671-3709. MAN — WorUng rrights, willing to for lease. Four weeks paid training. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN - To cite LADY — Sal«a erperlence necessar. EXCELLENT BENEFITS PLUS PENSION PLAN work days, part-time, cleaning septic HE 64669. > to > and 254-0438. 7 to 10FOR THB PERFECT WEDDING 1RED OF COMMUTING? New co- for child and Home, In Red Bank. Must as receptionist In photo studio. Good tanks. 229-2655 or 229-2219. p.m. GOWN—Bridesmaid drums and all ac- peratlve apartment, Staten Island. have car. Call 531-8889, 10 a.m. to saJdry plw bonus. Apply, Lorsta Stnl resums lncludln« ejperler.ee anil salary Mtiaty to cessories with Individual personal ser- ratlable April 1. 30 minutes to Man- 1:10 p.ro. Sludio, 4T Broad St.. Red Bank. GROCERY CUmK — Full-Ume. ex. PACKAGE 8TORB AND TAVERN vice. Call Dorothy Keith. Friihold. .ttan. (2,500 plus monthly malnts- "A. S.", BOX 520, RED BANK * perienced, days, all union beneHts. Near Sandy Hook State Park. Chance 452-777J. ' ' ince, Call evenings 212-YU 1-6135. CLERK WANTED — ., In person, A'?PLIOATIONa — Are rtow being ac- Apply In person at Foodtown, 138 Ualn ot a. lifetime. Asking 130,000. In St., Keana- cepted for ialesglr!s. Good advance- ROOK COLLECTION — Orntals and CBS Supermarket, 86 ments and salary. Apply In p««on, St.. Matawan. THE BROOK AGENCY minerals. Fluorescent light. Two sht WE (15 PER MONTH - Sublet love. burg. Fabric Dcpt., Buperama. New Bhxew*- MAN — For gener&l work In R*d ' one bedroom apartment New* bury. Realtor csies. can m-nn. Iverythlng supplied except elsctrlcity.' STEADY PART-TIME HELP Bank Hardware a tore. Writ* Post Ot- Bank Building. Atlantic Highlands SHOWCASES — Five. In excellent con- onvenlent location. Call 222-2140 or HELP WAIVTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE flce, Box 206, Red. Bat*. dition. Best offer accepted. Call 747- !9-243C. Flexible 15 noun a week. Household SECRETARY — Immediate opening 281-1717 For mature woman wltb good short- COOK 42*1. before 6 p.m. •URNISIIKD — Three rooms, utilities. Items. Call 291-1687. hand. This choice Don-4ndustrlal posi- NIGHT WORK BBRVLGE STATION — Flying —A for VENDING TRAINEE leate. at, 38, Keaiuburr N.J. Call jlnena, parking. Reliable adulti, no TWO NIGHT WATTREBSEB with ex tion requires ability to meet and deal PERSONNEL DIRECTOR Call Lieut Rtdlce, 5JKE0S CRUSHED STONE lU 141-2688 after 5, all day weekinds. perlence. Apply In person Martini's. with the public. Start *S0 week. ACE A large national full-line vending and 9-5. W2-0Q89. After 5 call 747-0971. El- EMPLOYMENT AOENCY;, 2} White SURVEYOR — CWrt of party. Contact cellerJt bujlneaa opportunity. HIGHLANDS — Two-bedroom apart- Blr/er, Highway 36, Keansburg. food service company has openings for Mr. Santiry, 120 Z, River Rd,, Rumson. St., * Shrewsbury. 747-2494. PROGRESSIVE AND BXPANDDII trainees In automatic food service. Op- COMBINATION DELICATESSEN - All sizes. mint 180, all utilities. U Buddy CLBANINO WOMAN — Full time 74I-4SO0. 'e. Cllffwood area. Factory cafeteria. Own portunity for ambitious young men to Bakery and luncheonette. Excellent lo- 542-9839 or 542-2589. transportation neoeasaxy, 542-1536. COMPANy WITH HEADQUARTERS progress In a rapidly growing Industry. cation. New equipment Growing busl ELECTRIC BOWLING GAMB — 31x10' .'ARTMENT TO SUBLET — fur- TBUBPHONI SOLICITOR — omi, closets. Frea parking, ftnast STEADY AND PART-TIME HELP - take lull charge of building. Good pay. Immediately—4ha best buy In travel sacrifice. Call 747-1584 after 6 p.m rea, (14a. f xpesBes paid. If you are a self starter COMPANY HAS OUTSTANDING REC- Overtime. Call week-days between 10 WANTED - MALE ACCORDIAN IN- and appreciate not having lo report In Apply In person, Ben's Car Wish, Insurance ever offered by the KEM(50- 0 FRIG1DAIRK electric range-Lllie MADISON GARDEN! Hwy. 39 Mlddletovn. and 4 p.m. 7418m STRUCTOR Full time. Must be over PBR INSURANCE CO., whin you aTe 32 SOUTH ST. T41-T8M and out of an office each day, this ORD Or ADVANCEMENT AN 21. Call 322-5322 or S424O76. new. Will sell for 1250. Call 291 lob t* (or you. To arrange for Inter- driving a car-or riding In a bui, taxi, 2421. Irain. boat, alrllner-or even on foot- '/, ROOMS UNFURNISHED — Prlv- view, call T47-3443. Ask Tor Mrs. Bher- INSTRUMENT MECHANICS, GROWTH. HISH STARTINO SALAR' SALESMEN GROOERY OLERK — Part-time, morn- COME IN — Bee the latest wallpapir te batn and entrance. AH utilities «r, BABY SERVICE, INC., 12( 6. 19th ings, all union benefits, Apply In per-whenever or wherever you travel any- Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, has where in the world-only |Q6 a year- books. Free advisory service. Becke* irnlshed. Leonardo. 291-0J17 after 6. ELECTRICIANS, AND LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS, openings tor men, ages 23 to 15, for son at Fcodlcwn, 126 Main St., Mata- Hardware, 197 Shrewsbury Ave., cor- St., Newark, N.J. career in life Insurance sales. Three wan, up to J50.090 prottctlon. YOU—YOUR ILBERON — Single. Furnished. Prl- WAITRESS — Catnjnu Luncheonette MACHINISTS, GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AD year financed training program. Inter- WIFE-&ACH CHILD CAN BE PROne- r Catherine St., Red Bank. Phorfe ate entrance. Large combination llv- Kutmon. Experience desired but not views will be held Monday evenings, INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK — TECTED BY THIS POLICY. Call your 747-0465. -I room-kitchen with dining axes. Bath necessary. Must be over 21, pleasant MILLRIGHTS VANCEUENT. REPLIES MUST (JIVE March 7, 1968, »:30 to 9 p.m. at ot- Bright young man. Company will trail local agerA: STANLEY. BTILWELL NIOE LOT-BABY FURNITURE! Play- Storage space. Parking. - Full Inlorma- and willing to work. Interviews al MUST HAVE HAD THREE YEARS flce, 12 Reckleis PI., Red Bank. Or Btart JSO. AOE EMPLOYMENT AOEN- AGENCY, HOUdDEL, N.J. TEL: MS-pen (T.M. High chair (4-75. Basslnel Ion phorM 222-3559. Near station-buses. day except between 11 and 2, &42&S12 apprenticed trainlnx snd three yesti COMPLETE DETAILS OF EDUCA call Mr. O'Gorman at 74T-220O (or ap-CY 23 White St.. Shrewsbury. 7« (7.50. CarJbed (2.75. Child's table, Journeymen's experience. pointment 34H two chair set, W.50. Baby carriage IELFORD — Four rooms and bath. PLEASANT PART-TIME PO8ITION- TION, WORK EXPERIENCE, SALAR' OLERK — Part time for liquor store (U.S0. Crib complete (16.50. Etc. RUS- las heat. 98 Railroad Ave. Call 717- General housework. Mon., Wed., E. I. DUPONT BOATYARD HELP — Increased busi- Red Bank ares. Average work three INSTRUCTION CIL'8. 25 E. Front BL 741-1093. M2. Thurs., afternoons. Sat morning. Re ness requires additional boatyard me- Fhoto Products Plant HISTORY AND SALARY REQUIRE nights weekly. Reply to "B.E." Box FURNITURE - Contents of Little Sil- HREE ROOM FURNISHED — Aparf- cent references required. Phone after Parlln, N,J. ehanlc art) travel list oueralor. Top 520, Red Bank. IBM COMPUTER PROORAMMING - lent for renL Couple only, 108 Catlier- 6 p.m. 6424664. An Equal Opportunity Employer MENT8. WRITE "C.H." BOX S30, RE: pay, all-year position. Call between 2 IBM KEYPUNCH.. AUTOMATION, ver home. French provincial and tradi- St.. Red Bank. CM AUTO DEALERSHIP Red Bank and 4:30 p.m. Sandy Hook Bay Ma- TYPING. COMPTOMETER. Dsy anr hour and carfare. Call 741-i"* I p.ra- rlvate bath and entrance. Utilities In- Adding Machines — Typewriters General Contractors Painting and Decorating Kinkle A Son. U Apple St.. M EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes ANTIQUES - Furniture, glasiwaie, luded. Call between 12 and 5 at 1ST hrewsbury. WE REPAIR china, paintings, statuary coins, attic ridge Ave,, Red Bank. *DWMG MACHINES - Typewriters housework by the day and on Saturday and cellar contents Highest cash L. BMITII BUILDKR8 - Patios, al- THOMAS SLATX Please call 7475767 after 5:30. Broken glaii In aluminum doon or 'UMSON — Two rooms ana mi, told; rented, repaired. Serplco's, 101 terations, additions, garages. Call in. MACHINISTS - (W&U Twp.) Young window!, Alio acreeni repaired. Fail prices paid. COPPER KETTLE AN- Uonmouth St. Red Bank. 747-0489 Painting and Decorating and progressive associated machine LICBNSED PRACTICAL NURSE - TIQUES. Oakhursl. 531-1699. irhlshed. All utilities. Near bus Ideal 1785 or 741-7330. Fully Insured %1-4S36 building companies require flrst-claai lervice. Frea delivery, pickup. •r om per.-on. 7 Lafayette Bt. 842-3799. Wishes lo book prospective maternity WANTED Fist Bsllmate maphlnlsts and machine operator!, de- cases. Excellent references. 2224352. PROWN'S [tED BANK — Four-room unfurnished siring Interesting and challenging work. Beehives or bee equipment ipartment. Downstairs, r> ivate home, Air & Sea Travel Reservations Home Improvements CARL a JONK3 - Painting and Present facility now requires full time RDLIiASLE WOMIAN wishes small 32 Brosd St. Red Bank 741-7500 Call 776-7283 •ar iaml. M«y 1. 741-6127. wallcsperlnt- Fully Insured. For free day arftt night work. Night personnel laundry to do In horns. Call WRINOER WASHER — In good work- will transfer to day« when facilities 741-8848. GROCERY AND MEAT FIXTURES 'HREE LAROB ROOSn - V'l'n b-'. estimate, call HT-mt Freesers and steil shelving, chick-ou Ing condition. Oall Ben's Car Wash, BE IT A WEEKEND — At Oroislng. HUME OWNERS—Contractor, altera- permit, Present facility now feeing ex- 741-9608. .11 utilities. NO. April 1, Call 291' tions, additions, palming, masonry. pa rid* d. This Is not night ihlft • We counter, registers and scales. 747-OM3 437 Adults. er'i or around the world In 60 days, Small lobs too. sh-niL or 741-4788 after 7 p.m. we can service all your vacation are seeking U)a permanent employ- SITUATIONS WANTED • Male ROOMS — Upstairs apwlment. needs. Petersen Travel, 141-5550. Pearl and Bead ReatringLig mint of qualified men. All Interviews DESKS lilt up. FILES, tables, onalrs. 10 per month. You pay utilities. T. will be tietd strictly confldMrtlrt, Gall ODD JOBS — Cellars, attics and ga-adding: machines, typewriters, office PETS ft LIVESTOCK rlnart, Box 74, Boundary Rd., ofl limitation ft Siding Corp. 838-2026, tot appointment. rages cleaned, Trucking. Firewood for equipment, etc., at bargain prices. «iw :out« 520, near Marlboro Hospital. safe. 222-4065. or used. AAC DESK OUTLBT, Rt* GOING AWAY7 Bipertlf on braided nylon. ILM a CUTTER — For ladles' sporUwear. Boardlni. bathing, grooming. iTLANTFC HIGHLANDS — Urge strand. Sterling1 clasps from 75c Steady job. plenty of pver-ttma. Apply M. Oaknurit. Ml-1990. Asphalt Paving INBULATION A SIWNO CORP. — All >? HANDYMAN—Wants stesdy Job. Main. BRIGOSON KENNBLS. 741-3310 nree-room unfurnished, 1st floor, RBUSULLB'S, 1« Breed St, Red Devon Knitwear 305 Wharburton fit.. terJance work, >-caretaker, pipeflttlng, 21" RCA CONSOLB COLOR TV .dulti preferred, e'.i B. Highland Ave. OENERAL ASPHALT PAVING INO. brands. Over 11,000 satisfied m. . K»rUMA« OOLUES — Oh. KllUedgs EatorUilairieat 741-J1»J. BUSINESS RH Wl»ar4 tnd Karl Mar s Olory 747-1100 INTSRIUR AND BXTBIUOR paint- WB BUY AND BBIi, ANYTH1NO - Shayne at stud. Puptlss due. MHM3. ing. Alto decorating Our prices art r US BB rour seorsWr Ho nss< OFPIOE ENOINXBR DRAFTSMA_._N —• UNCU1R UJAIH ol htrniii, storss, ssUIss, cheaper lhan Ut)r>. Call Stack Writ- miss^es^ >4 notjr answsnnj Dxperlirfctd In atubdlrhilona. aContac ' 't AVAIUBr allies, CBUM, an- BBAOUU - »'« weeks old. Three 14 Broad St. Red Bank ing & tor free Sftlmsle^ilJMB IsTr. Ssnwy, 130 B, RIITM Rd., Ru' iraswa: . MA' JM-4M0. ^W if ''» ".. ;§THE 41 MEMBERS OF THE

A BEAUTIFUL 10 ROOM COLONIAL Meticulously maintained RED BANK AREA iiuide and out. Decorated with a professional touch. A matchless two-acr» set- ting. Features a den plus a family room, two fire- places, 4'/i baths, three- car garage, Superior con- dition. Why not call us for MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE a more detailed descrip- tion or a photo. Asking $49,900. . H. M JOIN TOGETHER TO OFFER THESE EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS (Firm) Realtors

23 Ridge Rd. Rumsofr 842-0600

LITTLE SILVER — Well main- MIDDLETOWN COUNTRY RUMSON $17,500 tainad nven-year-olt) split lev- CLUB ESTATES RUMSON The : CANT^BEAT THISr RUMSONAREA el on • approximately one-half Thr«e-tedVoom • (tourin UnfinlsfiM) A real buy seldom offered. Three - bedroom ranch, Cape Cod on double. lof IMx 90". NAVESINK Convenience, comfort, lux- acre lot. Living room, dining Ov»»i«r muit part with this An exciting view of the Nave- Bom, living room wltti window wall country kitchen, Spic and McGowan Agency. room, kitchen, den, game room, and fireplace. Paneled dining area, charming three-bedroom ranch iinlt River. Magnificent brick urious charm, carefully 1 .four bedroomi, two baths, pow- convenient kilctien, oarage, shad* and frame dwelling, an impos- ipan. Corns have a look. "BLOOD, SWEAT, TOIL, at • greet sacrifice. Just won- constructed two-year-old, der room, basement, fireplace, trees: »17,0I». ASSOCIATES ing dock to daap water and ETC." is needed to cure da/fill for entartaining your forced hot air heat. Double ga- RUMSON friends, Beautiful paneled rec- many other excellent feature! brick ranch, three large Modern seven-room ranch on qutel thi*. property( but then rage. Possession in middle of. reation room Including bar with placet thii property at. the top COMMUTERS SPECIAL shaded street, near ocean, river and l008Hwy. 35 bedrooms, two beautiful look what you have. Lit- June or July I. Asking $311,500.' bus line. Living room 13x23' Heolo- of our lilt, there art five large hot ahd cold running water. Handsome four - bedroom RED BANK — Well located, lator fireplace, dining room, screened Modern kitchen with dishwasher bedrooms (two on firit floor), baths, living room, with tle Silver. Large living porch, kitchen, laundry room, three home, Large family room, original two-family dwelling , Middletown, N.J. and built-ini. Finishad, at- S'/i baths, den, 12x24 kitchen room I fireplace I, "dining bedrooms,-den or fourth bedroom, r/i imported marble fireplace, could ttill be- used at a* six- baths, attached garage, separate tool- and eating area, ISxIS formal Vk baths, bailment, walk tached garage. Wall-to-wall room, kitchen, four bed- bedroom, two-bath, r home or house. Easily- moirvtolned grounds. carpeting. Custom-built swim- dining room, 18x27 living room, to metropolitan tranipcr- paneled den, delightful Low taxes. *»,9M. roorm, two batht, garage. be reconverted to two-family jelouiied 'porch, ' large baso- ming pool 20x40 with under- tation. Great value at kitchen, basement, extras. use again at moderate cost. RUMSON CALVIN G.R.OHLSEN water lighting Elaborate brick ment, two-car garage, electric St. Jame* Parish. Conve- First'time offered. Two-itory Colonlo $30,700. Foreed *hot air heat. Basement. barbecue ne«t to massive eon- doors. Beautiful treei end land- : nient to all shopping and neor schools, shops ond bus. Ground REALTOR Double quage. Quick poiies- floor contains HVixB living room ertte, covered patio. Land- leaping. 1E9.90O. $66,000 transportation. Owner in lion Is possible. Asking (22,- with fireplace, separate dining room leaped. Awnings on house. Act with two built-in corner cupboards. California. Call now. $19,- 500, -.. faitl Won't lait! Only $21,900. A. FRED MAFFEO Sunroom and kitchen. Wee bedrooms 500. ond tiled bath upstairs. Full base- TRADE-INS and THE LOW AGENCY AGENCY JOS. G. McCUE ment. Forced hot air oil heat. Ga' Realtor REALTORS Frank W. McKenna Jr. rage an 75*168' plot. Low taxes. LAWLEY AGENCY Realtors $23,W0. EXCHANGES REALTORS 569 River Rd., Fair Haven REALTORS Established 1732 258 Newman Springi Rd. JOHN L. MINUGH AGENCY 30 RIDGE RD. RUMSON 276 Broad St. Red Bank Realtors-lnsurors 636 River Rd.,. Fair Haven 741-9333 Red Bank ' 747-3000 REALTOR 842-0444 741 -2755 35 Rumion Rd. Rumion 671-0600 741-6262 741-4477 24-Hour Service 24 Hours 7 Days Member Multiple Lilting Service • Dial 841-3500

DO YOU REMEMBER the story FOR A • St. James Parish — Split-level CHARMING COLONIAL REDDEN AGENCY about the people of Holland LITTLE LITTLE SILVER three bedrooms, bath, 22'xl3' RUMSON RANCH In one of the finer areas scrubbing the iniide end the paneled recreation room, sci- 741-9100 outiide of their homes, even IMMACULATE SPLIT LEV- ence kitchen, large dining aree, of Little Silver. 3-4 bad- QUICK SALE (ONLY $17,500) Realtors—-Insurers the sidewalks and streets? That SILVER EL. on nicely landscaped expansion attic; near train and rooms, two batht. Kitchen is what we thought of when bus; nicely shrubbed lot; ex- Member of Red Bank '/j acre. Paneled family we saw this houia, Living room, Four bedrooms, two batht, tras; (FHA mortgage avail- with , breakfast area. room. Three , bedrooms, , OR THE Multiple Lilting Service able) Reduced for immediate Basement with gameroom, dining room, kitchen, den, HEAPS OF LIVING four bedroomi, two tiled baths dining room, living room, 2'/i baths. Attached two- sale to $18,375. patio. Many extras. $25,- all in'Holland Dutch clean con- car garage. All major ap- Yes, Only $17,500 Immeculete four-bedroom Co- fireplace, full basement, 000. dition. Four air conditioners' in- RIGHT BUY RIVER-FRONT RANCH—Hand- toniil on quiet street. Cheerful pliances. Plenty of closet cluded at this exceptional price some ranch home with good -; WE HAVE IT. , COLTS NECK living room, dining room with hot water heat, garage, space. Patio with grill. Ex- corner cabinet!, large kitchen, of $19,500. ' bulkh»sd, deep' water, private Compact, cozy three-b«dr0ojrl_ Four-bedroom, Vh bath 1 tras galore. den, two baths. New wiring, trees. Excellent condition. SAVE TIME street; 26'/i foot living room; home in A-1 condition. Hat' *E Colonial on thickly wood- plumbing end heating. Hurry Brand new three bedroom ranch dining room; large kitchen: lovely view of rivar from living all rooms good size; two baths; ad lot. Beamed ceiling in and see this. $19,500. Asking $30,000 ' SEE three bedroomi, two baths and room. Location offers conveni- paneled den. Fireplace in brick fireplace in living room, dan. Immediate possession. ence to schools, churches, baach RED BANK COLONIAL dining room, large kitchen with Priced at (43,500. and transportation. Excellent fi- living room, basement. SCHANK SNYDER AGENCY Lovely four-bedroom home near breakfast area, 21x10 covered LAWRENCE]. nancing avallabia to qualified Excellent location. $40,- everything. Foyer. Large living porch, two-car garage, full eel. REALTORS buyer. Low taxes! Don't wait. 900. room with stone fireplace. For- lar. Almoit an acre: $26,900. RAYSTItLMAN Call now. mal- dining room. Heated lun- AGENCY SCHILLING 876 B ST., HWY. 35 room. Completely new kitchen [" •'•REALTOR' REALTOR - r 842-1492 ROLAND PiERSON with diihwaiher. One full, bath, R1GBY ASSOCIATES .•••.. REALTOR...-_ wn—5 .Corners (Day or Night) •AGENCY powder room, and second floor Willow Drive and Parker Ave. ;.,,,„ "Our 48tk Year" Realtor REALTORS •" Gall- Anyfi'me-'•' lavatory. Completely redecor- 8' LindeVfe..''" j.-Red Ba'nJc Little Silver 640 Newman Springs Rd. ated, Fully carpeted. Transferred 500 Shrewsbury Avenue 648, Hwy,, 35, .Sntewsbury owner diking $29,500. ",:.. 747V0397:. ..../• ... 747-4121 67l-25$0 Lincroft Center 741-7575 New Shrewsbury 741-7741 741-8600 1032 Ocean AVB. S*a Bright

LITTLE SILVER WATERFRONT URGE THOMPSON AGENCY MIDDLETOWN , RAY VAN HORN WALKER & WALKER CENTURY OLD COLONIAL ' BRICK COLONIAL ' COLONIAL Located on three beauti- On North Shore' of Navesihlc, Farms Homes Waterfront Brick fireplace in living room, FAMILY In immaculate condition. REALTORS • • REALTORS fully landscaped acres. En- Since 1935 VILLAGE Over 30 Years convenient dining room, three Living room, dining room, trance hall, living room, WANTED!! Call 741 -0700 Ranch. Three bedrooms, PICTURESQUE VIEW OF OLD bedrooms, I '/i baths, 2-car ga- kitchen ' plus breakfast AIR CONDITIONED Red ' Bank. Five-bedroom BRIDGE — Ait older home dining room, den, efficient rage. Full basement. Offered 81 E, Front St., Red Bank combination dining and room, den, three bed- completely restored- Seven kitchen, large screened at $29,900. Dutch Colonial. Walking REALTORS living room, fireplace, FOUR BEDROOMS rooms, two baths and a rooms, I Vi modarh baths, brass Make this home a must on your flagstone porch, four bed- CUSTOM BUILT distance to St. James Par-' CENTURY OLD COLO- modern kitchen, laundry, finished basement. Of- plumbing,' Three-ione hot wa- list, l'/i baths. Family room. rooms, vh baths,'three Three-bedroom ranchar with two ish. Living room with fire-" NIAL — Choice riverfront tile bath, plaster walls, ter heat. New 100' amp. ser- baths. Fireplace in living room, fered at $25,000. Formal dining, room. Basement. place, dining room, kitch- fireplaces, Vide board baseboard hot water heit, over- location. Four bedrooms, separate dry well, good vice. 75-ff. bulHnadod water- Fireplace. Sitting among the front. Duel boating.' High bank. floors, two-car garage.and tiled ettathed garage, full en, and sunroom. Two-car storage space, attached trees. Many extras. $32,900. Vh baths. $62,000. RIVER OAKS Summer houia. Many axtras. out buildings. Early Amer- base.ment. An, attractive-, home garage. Full basement. A garage. Plot 83x125* nice- COUNTRY HOME — Co- Beautifully kept three- $26,000. • ican charm,, jiy - excellent in excellent condition. Offered good family house and riwi fy landscaped, with patio. it, 125,900.".",' ••' ' . •'•• lo'riial style dwelling with a bedroorn ranch with fin- WATERFROKT EIGHT ACRES 'GROWING FAMILY Little Silver neighborhood. er rights included- too. Price $18,900. great deal of charm. Three ished basemen*, add a —Delightful view. Magnifice'ht This 'three-bedroom home With Walking . distance to $29,000. Immediate occu- trees. Box holly, TWO. colonial I'/i baths is rd A a I for family WEART^NEMETH bedrooms, I'/i baths. Pri- screened porch and a pancy. homes. One rentaJ $4,200 year- living. Family room, plus den schools and transporta- AGENCY vacy, trees, small outbuild- shaded back yard and ly. Main'.'-house ha'i 12 rooms; or fourth bedroom. Dining area. tion. $37,500. . . CHAS.H. •REALTOR- ings, 3.9 acres. $23,900. you'll have a dream house three baths, two fireplaces, oil Fenead-in large yard with a RESIDENTIAL S COMMERCIAL ELLA WILTSHIRE SHORE AREA —Tiny old for $25,900. heat, asbestos roof. Set far wooded backdrop. Call us to- back from read. Barn, Taxes day. $21,500. Rolston Waterbury 102 WEST FRONT ST. REALTOR Colonial, six rooms and TINDALL , 11,914. Stone bulkhead. Asking REALTORS •I20.II 74I-2240 I480 Ocean,Ava. ' Saa Bright bath; 200 years old. Orig- Sterling Thompson REALTOR $85,000. ' < Shrewsbury Middletown 16 W. Front St., Red Bank 24-HOUR SERVICE 842-0004 inal exposed beams. $7,- AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 804 River Rd. ' 461 Bread St. 2068 Hwy. 35 Member of Red Bank 900. MIDDLETOWN 747-5600 741-9030 Fair Haven—747-4100 741-5212 471-3311 747-3500 , Multiple"Listing 'Service Open 7 Days

EASY LIVING 6N A LOW RUMSON BUDGET — Spotless thrie- Choice rustic residential area. MIDDLETOWN COLTS NECK bedroom ranch with yallow FINE HOMES Spacious modern custom ' built 93 YEARS OF tiled bath, maple toned cab!- EXPERT colonial. - Foyer, large jiving CAPE COD .nets in modern kitchen, alumi- room with fireplace,' den, six $39,600 num siding for low, low main- living room, dining room, 'RED CARPET : bedrooms, 2'/> baths, full base- tenance. Full basement. Low kitchen. Pour bedrooms, Transferred owner regrets In Middletown RIVERFRONTS REAL ESTATE ment. Hot air oil, attached taxes, city lawirs, Couldn't two-ear garage. Intercom tys- I Vi baths. Convenient lo- leaving this almost new SERVICE 67I-23O0 ask for more at $17,900. tern. Large plot, Reduced to JUST A.HOP AND A SKIP— cation. $17,500. New England Colonial, 950 Hwy. 35 To Fair Haven grammar school, ADVICE COSTS COUNTRY RUMSON ' having -four bedrooms-, IN Rumion Bui to Rumion High, Excellent LITTLE SILVER ALLAIRE-FARROW 842-2900 buy, non-development. Sevan- Very 'desirable convenient rustic 2'/i baths, den. There's AGENCY room split level ihaded by fall NO MORE vicinity. Modern Tarnch,-" living LOCATIONS room, dan with. fireplace. Din>- a two-car garage and full treai. Three badrooms,' I Vi CAPEGpD ; I99 Broad St., Red Bank baths, 12x24' living room, sep- Ing'room, two bedrooms, "I'/« Living room, dining room, basement. Offers consid- arate dining room, 11x18' 4M, baths, hot air gas. Largei.pver- kitchen. Four bedrooms, ered for immediate sale. 74I-3450 screened porch ind attached RUSSELL M. BORUS sized one-car garage. Many ex- gerage; Many extras left for PHILIP J; BOWERS trai. 85' cyclone fenced rear two baths. Located on bus your surprise. $22,000. , REALTORS yard. Ample grounds. Lowered line. $19,500. • . 93 YEARS OF & Company tO 938,000,,- . .. ..-.•;• . , CROWELL AGENCY 600 Rivar Rd.. Fair Haven Elwoqd A. Armstrong Rial Estate for 72 Years DENNIS I BYRNE.. JOSEPH LCARLONE A REALTOR RED CARPET " AGENCY ' '. •• 7474532 AGENCY : 60 White St. Red Bank 63 RIVERS IDE AVE. E55 PROSPECT AVE. Tony Hunting, Dorothy Rodgers REALTOR—INSUROR 741-1420 RED BANK—741-4030 SERVICE rpplebrook Agency LITTLE SILVER Jonph Foley, Ruth H. Spoerl 8 W. River Rd. Rumion 741-7200 •75 W. Front St.j Red Bank Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn 741-4500 Russell M. Borus , Phono 842-1150

FIVE BEDROOM RUMSON ANYONE? — Your AN ACRE AND A HALF EXECUTIVE'S RIVERFRONT family will enjoy summer dining . TED HALL AGENCY OF QUIETNESS on. fhe sliatjod, screened porch HOME! LITTLE SILVER Remodeled farmhouse.. lm; GLAZEBROOK 733- River Rd., Fair Haven For this sunny and bright'ranch GROSSINGER of'this easy to, -ear*4pr-home. Cuttom built, decorated SPLIT LEVEL maculate condition An ideal spot to grow children. 842-4200 with a lovely living room, fire- Fireplace in dying room flanked BRAND NEW ON placa and bay window, Three to perfection. Foyer. Spa- Established neighborhood, throughout. 1965 kitchen, ASSOCIATES INC. by bookcases. Dining room _ A WOODED HILLSIDE badrooms, two baihs and raar cious living room, fire- pew modern bath room & HELLER patio. Excellent condition. $38,- beautiful lot, many large opens to a porch. Thro* bed- Brick and frame raised ranch 45 W. River Rd., Rumson place, Formal dining room. trees, entrance hall, big With built in vanity, three rooms, dan, attached garage. with exposed basement. Four 900. Garden house. All In fop con- Deluxe kitchen,'dishwash- living room, spacious din- bedrooms, living room with bedrooms and two tiled baths, 842-1700 . REALTORS dition. We have the key., (29,- RUMSON COLONIAL er. Family room 23 V! 4' stone fireplace, den plus fireplace in the living room, ing room, large eat-in 900. . . ' . . paneled family room, basement plus den. Four large bed- On a baautlful woodicj lot. kitchen, Vh baths, recrea- screened porch. Summer and two-car garage, half acre Exclusiva; agents for Rum- AHOY BOATERS I—Center hall Fireplace in living room. Din- rooms, 2'/j baths. Base- house on bank of river. tion room, fifth bedroom layout with four bedrooms and of frees. Only, 122,200. Call ing room. Paneled den. Three ion Shore Estates.1 One- PROFESSIONAL ment. Two-car garage. maybe bedroom or den, Riparian rights,- • - 2'/> baths. Paneled den with todayl bedrooms, I '/> baths, Screenad COMPACT 4-BEDROOM porch. Walk to schoel, busts Many extras. BARGAIN! all in beautiful condition, acre Jots; .oti bulkheaded fireplace, plus a nautical game- $28,000 room. Cejitra(ly. air-conditioned •-• COLONIAL and shopping. $30,600. $38,500. Many extras. Seven years lagoon connecting, \o the APPRAISERS Attached garages. River rights Overseas- tvnit liquidating. old. $38,500. Shrewsbury River . how to boat slip. Top area {or sail- Two full baths, separate dining ing. A fun house for the en- room, dan, modern kitchen, per- Ellen S. STANLEY K. DOWNS Courteiy Showings Without available'. , Broad and Mechanic St, WM,S,0ARmSON , tire family. Aiking $37,500. fect for the growing family .'REALTOR Obligation : with modest Income, garage, Agency Red Bank : HAZELTON "Homes of Charm and Value" .; Multiple and Other Listings basement, air conditioned, shad- Also t'/j acre HALL BROS. ed side street. Taxes only (458. Realtor 741-1017 REALTORS building ti+ REALTORS High ' value with low mainte- bOWSTRA AGENCY 22 E. Front St. Red Bank nance. Offered at $17,500. West River Rd., Rumion Sycamore Avenue 813 River Rd., Fair Haven . , 91 B, front 5},,R»c| Bank •'. 741-2100 Don't hesitate because there **•;«.!!•.•. Shrewsbury .- 1 Isn't another like It. 942-3200 - -.74M700 ";-•;-;•'w^ 0M4-;;':; '• .,741-7484 • :

11V- • - ••••->• .'••'•. r • t, Mtrefa 3, Ym THE DAILY HGCfSTER. „ HOUSES rot tux HOUSES im SAJUE < HOUSES H>1 SALE ACREAGE LEGAL NOTICE 1 JL. ETfNTH - 11 utrt ttotmweiil Corporation BOUSES rot SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I B B t MIDDLETOWN *rtjr, Vh 4 acres overlooking t golf baseboard heat, garage and basement. of oak. beach, and dogwood trt«i, th* Thursday. March 31, IMS, at 9:00 TRADE YOUR HOUM IN eourie with a sweeping view of the Sewers are In too. Call now to lee seclusion and privacy that Ii so d«-o'clock In U» morning for the pur- SEA GIRT ESTATES Sffddletown countrywide. The home Is Uifs excellent buy. slr&bl* a.ni yet almost Impoislblt to Dosa of electing, pursuant to th* By-On Income well built and hat a sunken It vine attain, perfect drainage, convenient .to laws, five (6) persons to ssrv« at A SLEEPER room, dining room, kitchen with break, CROWELLAGENCY, Realtor Lincroft, St. Leo's parish? 1 have tt for Directors of the Company. NEWARK, - Mirch 15 is th« A Prestige Community of Luxury Homes fast area, paneled den-i and powder iiile for $16,000; buy It and create your JAMES HOROWITZ S3 Riverside Ave. 741-4030 Red Bank own estate. J.D. ROCHE, M.L.B 'Real- deadline for several'tax obliga- This guclous house has: 1. Lots ... room. The master bedroom anrl hath Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn Secretary are on the flrat floor. There are two tor, Long Brtdg« Rd., Colts Neck. Feb. IT, 34, March 3, 10 112.88 tions of New Jersey corporation! trees on spacious lot. 2. Three bed- 946«Sr5 12 DISTINCTIVELY STYLED MODELS rooms. Hi baths. S. Living room with large bedrooms on the second floor, reporting on a calendar-year ba- fireplace. ^. Urge den. 5. Full base- hath, and attractive sewlnr room, or MATAWAN CAPE COD Ranch, 2 Story Colonial, Split Level and Bi-Levels (ims.ll bedroom. The texts are low anrt F MONMOUTH BEACH - Naveslnk Df. ment with ping pong table. These are Four bedrooms, big 17 eat-In kitchen, On« or two building lots, corner. Mrs. PROPOSAL sis. just five of the many features of this It is convenient to commuting. Prlcril fully Insulated, aluminum storma and Johnson, 419-8162 evenings or 898-1000 From $24,900 to $45,000 gorgeous home. Excellent location fo at 1*5,000, far below the cost of dupll screens, laundry In full basement, ays. Notice Is hereby given that sealed Joseph M. Shotz, district; direc- commuter and Red Bank business cation. Call us for an appointment. 18x11' screened porch, cedar shake bids will be received irJ the Reception An elegant letting; of privacy featuring unique convenience to shopping* areas, families. Do come and see It. We're siding, low heating coats, 75x125' lot. FROM ONE LOT TO 100 ACRE* - Room ot [he Office of ih» Director, tor of internal revenue, said cor- hnchway and railroad transportation, school*, houses of worship, Shore r*c- asking only $21,000. PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. Asking $iT,m All conditions subject Cither commercial or residential. Call Division or Purchase and Property, MULLANEV REALTY, 671-5151. porations must file a 1965 in- IreaUon facilities and juit 23 mln. to Bell Labi. Real Estate ror 72 years Lo Government approval. 2n& floor, Room 232-2 State House. Leave ;The Financing To U« H0U1DEL TWP. — 5(4 eorea, In- TVenton, New J^mey OS625. on March come tax return, Form 1120, or 60 White St. Red Bank 741-7200 THE KIRWAN CO. 10, IMS at 3:00 P. M. and will be MODELS OPEN DAILY NOON TO DUSK > Open 7 Days luiles burned-out house, repairable an application for extension, Model Phone 449-3.135 or 531-0O&0 * FOR SALE Realtor :a!l 843-4690. opened a,nd read Immediately there- Member Multiple Listing Office 7BT-5500 after, tor lh« toilowlng: Form 7004, by Ms date, Tney DIRECTIONS: Rt. 35 south to Sea Girt Crossroads Shnpnlnie Center Turn BOATING FISHING COLTS NECK — We have several S1TK WOBK left on Laurel Ave. (poposile Shehadt Run Co.) 1 blocks to OH Mil] Road. MONMOUTH BEACH — Oh Shr«w>- RED BANK COLONIAL — Lovely four- choice bullrllnsT lots. Bee A. KOZICKY, also must pay at least 50 per ledroom home near everything. Foye>r. Real Estate, IU. 35. Eatontown, 542 AlliMIe Flfld Left In model!. <2 blocks In hack of Old Mill Restaurant) ONCE IN A WHILE bury River, exceptional builder's custom Munlel&lr Htstn Collegfl cent of the bqlsnce of ti» tax brick ranch. 20" pier, 3 bedrooms, Large living room with *tor,«e fireplace. 2223 Upper McutilfcJr, N. 1. We're able to offer • lour bedroom science kitchen, dishwasher, 2 baths, Formal dlnirvg room. Heated sunroom. NEW MONMOUTH — Half acre hullil Bids must tie U) made on the Bt&n- due at the time bhe extension is APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR SALE center hill Colonial In one of Kali garage, anderson thermopane picture ^amipietefy new kitchen with dlsliwash- Ing lot. Sewers In and paid for. Askdar- d propoaai form, <2) ertcl6«td in Haven'i most deitrable areas. 2\i window!. Features too many to list. ir. One full bath, powder room and requested. ;econd floor lavatory. Completely re- ing JS.OOO. Mullaney Realty, 671-5151. th« special addressed envelop*, (3) BATONTOWN tiled baths, paneled den, large icreened Must see to appreciate a truly heautl- accompanied by a certified check porch, basement, attached garages tul home. PRtcE $40,000. PRINCIPALS decorated, Fully carpeted. Transferred Conporations which have TERRIFIC BARGAIN — Hurry! Clean, owner asking 429,500. REDDEN AGEN- drawn lo the order ©f Ihe Trea-iurer COUNTRY CLUB four-room, one-story home. Low taxes. Weal home for executive. Humson-Falr ONLY. Owner 222-4460. BUSINESS PROPERTY of the .State of New Jtraey, or a *>'<* Widow moi-erf back to the city. Im- Haven High School area. Asking *«,- CY. Realtor, 301 Maple Ave., corner bond, ar/y of which «hall be In the elected not to be taxed as cor- APARTMENTS & SWIM CLUB 000. See It today. EIGHT—ROOM SPLIT—LEVEL—Land, Berg-en PI.. Red Bank. 7U-B100. amount of fi^s of the bid, trtd (4) de- mediate occupancy for the low, low scaped. Basement. Patio Family room, BEE THIS IDEAL INDUBTRIAL SITE porationi must file a Form 1120- price of »3.B(KI. CUSTOM RANCH livered at tha above piac« on or be- TINTON AVE. paneled den, eat-In kltchm. 717-7312. With modern offices, two-car garait by that date. HALL BROS.; REALTORS Middletown-Tastefully decorated, Ira- and Income property. Centrally located fore the hour named as no hid will Swimming In your own private aw: THREE BEDROOMS - Llvln room, 813 Rtvtr Rd. Fair Haven 741-7686 NEW MONMOUTH — Three-bedroom maculate. IATRC living room and din- In Red Bank area. J65.000. WEART- be accepted after the hour •peclfled. club right on the site ... only mlnut dining room, kitchen, hot water heVt, Member Multiple Listing Service ranch. $13,800. Priced below FHA ap-Ing room. Cor/venlent utility room and NEMETH AGENCY, Realtor, 103 WBid. s not io iubmltted will be consid- Unincorporated businesses away (rom ocean bathing:, while sane IH baths. Low taxes. Approximate pay- praisal. Owner re-locstlng". Many ex- two-car garage. Many extras Included, Front SI., Red Bank. 741-2240. ered informal arid will b» rejected. The which have elected to be ments to qualified buyer $34, pays all . Principals only. 787-3769. All this on a fine lot. $25,0QQ. WALKER Director reserve* the rlfht to reject beaches, boating, fishing and Monmoui MIDDLETOWN — Near Rt. 35, flvs- any and, all bid I and to award eon- Shopping Center . . . one block fro; Priced at $11,000. room Cape .Cod. Full basement. Three UNCROPT — Near CBA. Three-bed- k WALKER Realtors. Mlddletown. BUILDING FOR SALE OR RENT—98 taxed as corporation! must file the west Gate of Fort Monmouth . . Holmdet. Multiple Listings and Trade- x42' corner building. Lot In Hack 50x tract in part or whole II deemed to •ores of beautiful land. «J6,»00. ROSE •oom ranch, Den, two, fireplaces full the belt, interests of the State to do 1965 income tax returns, Forms within walking- distance of express busi VACANT — Three bedrooms. Lir« PAPPIDAS AGENCY INC. Call 257-0404. :ellar. Or* acre. $34,000. 741-1178. ins. Bend for CataJog. 671-3311. 100'. lot on side 20x100', 440 power. to Newark and New York City. kitchen. Partial basement. Low taxes. Ideal for manufacturing. Call. 787-3100 BO, Th« aycceaftful bidder will be re- • ALL — Electric kitchens with _ MONMOUTH BEACH — Three bed- UNCROFT HORSE COUNTRY or 671-0383. quired to (umiBh surety bond In the 1120 or applications for exten- Approximate payments to qualified BELFORn — Three-bedroom ranch. Nestled In the woods, secluded and full amount of tti* corVtrtict, of a com- J«nge. GE refrigerator. GE AIR CO] buyer $113 a month. Only $12,900. Large living room and kitchen. Full room Cape Cod. In excellent condition. yet plenty of playmates In this lovely sion of Forms 7004, together with DITIONING. Ample, off-street • llghti basement with large paneled recrea- Asking $l«,800. Call 22S-0S15. pany authorised to do business In the PUklng area. '• area. This three bedroom ranch ot- State ot New Jersey, a payment of at least 50 per ctnt VACANT — New three-bedroom ranch. tion room. Attached garage. Maw oth-RANCH - In delightfully private lo- ters a charming living room with lire- REAL ESTATE WANTED Modern kitchen. Only $14,900. er extras. 787-3672. cation on 1% aores. Large living room place, 14 baths, dining room, and ar/ Plans and specification!, form of bid,of the balance of income, tax JH-ROOM APARTMENTS with fireplace, dining room, den, kitch- at-In kitchen, fully tiled 24x2T base- NEED VACANT LAND contract and bond for the proposed (ONE-BEDROOM) BE A SNOOP — Sea Inside this three- en with rftsiiwaaher, thre,e rflc« ned- ment. Asking J2S.500. RUSSELL M. work are on file end may be ob- due. $122 MONTH bedroom raised ranch featuring cozy roomi, two tiled bath*. Oversized two- BORU6 Realtors, 600 River Rd. Fair Small lot or large tracts. Call MUL- tained upon application to the Direc- C. DeLucia Agency living room, den, dining room, modern LANEY REALTY, 671-5151. tor, Division of Purchase and Proper- Document 5180, which fur- 4VK00M APARTMENT kitchen, attached garage and, for car attached garage. Lov«ly trees and Haven. 747-4532. .Member Multlpll List- shrubs Asking 138.900. RUSSELL M. Ing Service. HELP - ACTION! ty State Houat, Trenton, Naw Jernty (TWO BEDROOMS) 37 Church Street Keansburg, NJ. added pleasure, swimming pool with 08623, on depoalt of twenty-five ($25.00) nishes more detailed Information J150 MONTH diving board. Only $23,000. Call for ap-BORUS Realtori, 600 River Rd., Fair HELP us; our 12 saleipeoplt nito a Haven. '747-4533. liwnber Multlplt Ust- GREAT POSSIBILITIES — A charm listing on your home, tor »aeh set, this amount to b* re- pointment, nOLSTON WATERBUriY, Ing old nine-room Colonial featuring a rumiM. tn ihiV bldde-r upon return of on this subject, may be obtained FREE HEAT & HOT WATER 787-4424 Realtor, 1* W. Front St., Red Bank. inK Service. fireplace In the living room, a family ACTION li our motto profesilonal M* 747-3500. view art Just a -phonB call away. such documents in food condUioii wi(fi- RIVERFRONT — GRiEAT POSSIBILI- room off the kitchen, a study off the Trade-im—Exchanges In 30 days after th« award of the from any IRS office. .Renting office on Premises. Open 7 Days a Week TIES — An attractive brown shingle living room, and two fall baths, Needa contract. , COLTS NECK — Four-bedroom Cape Colonial on an tort of land right at a new kltcnert and decorating, but It Commercial and Investment properties TEL: 542.9854 Cod. Quality, privacy. Wooded site. has a new furnace and a new roof, Member Two Multiple Listing Services DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Cannot be duplicated for $41,000. J.D. the water's edge. Only six rooms, a WALKER & WALKER Division of Purchase and Property DIRECTIONS: From Red Bank, Roul CAPE CO&-$ 13,900 ttroptace and a toreened poxob, but i »3U)et street with access to rtvpr. Sluggers on the ' Milwaukee ROCHE, REALTOR, Long Bridge Rd., there Is great "add on" potential. The 'aoint. Asking $29,000. Neighboring Rtaltorf CH1A-RIJM F. 8ULUVAN. Director 35 to Tlnton. Ave., turn right on Tti Asium« 4tt% VA mortgage. Monthly Colts Neck. 946-4955. Feb. 25, March 3 I*8-72 Braves in 1965 produced a Na- tea Ave., approximately 1,000 It. 1 setting Is beautiful; a very quiet ipot roperty values as much as $80,000. Shrewsbury Midllrtown-HolmdeJ payment! of JlOO.55 pays everything n an eicellerA neighborhood, Vacatvt. Well vorth seeing! WILLIAM H. HIN- tional League homeitjin record. Country Club Apartments and 8wi: on thli lovely cape with full expan- INCOME PROPERTY — Red Bar*. 681 Broad BU • 208 Hwy 35 Club. ( • J I Seven-room house. Two baths. Con- iwner asking $37,500. Salve your boat TELMANN (Firm) Realtors. 23 Ridge A 40 mph wind pushed a 7-iron Six of them weirt over the .20; sion attic. Inexpensive oil he&t, quiet veniently located. Call 342-O89T. if.rtr.lng problem!'WILLIAM H. HTNRd.- , Rumson. 842-0600. Member of Mul-W741-521E NErS2 U - Five, or six. J-3 rt71-3311bedroom dead end street, Larje lot, completely TELMANN (FIRM) Realtor*, 23 JUdge tiple Listing Service. shot 170-yards to a hole-in-one at mark, a NL club high. They we" hi enclosed with cyclone fence, Homes, furnished or unfurnished, from di COMMERCIAL RENTALS Rd., Kumson. 842-0600. Member ot Mul- $S5 to JUS P« month tor Ineptngi the Hugoton Country Club - the tiple Listing Service, NEPTUNE — Three-bedroom Cap* THE KIRWAN CO. Cod. m bath, storms, screens, full personnel THE BIRO AOBNCt. Rt. first recorded.ace since the cHu Ed Mathews 32, Hank Aaron 32i, 8 DIEIRAELE RIVER FRONT suite- NEW MONMOUTH — Four-bedroom, basement, 75x100 landscaped lot. 35 Mlddlttown. 671.1UUU Mack Jones 31, Joe Torre 27. on first floor in the Tuller BuUdlng. 1% bath, ranch. Wall-to-wall carpet, renced-ln yard, washer, dryer, rerrlg BUILDINO LOT - Within commuting installed new. grass greens Urn T" Rarltan Office 7S7-B608 Felipe Alou 23 and Gene Oliver cl Call 747-24(0. itorraj and aoreeni, la.rg» kitchen, rec- ere-torr, gas rartfe, 20O amp. lervjce. distance to Fort MMonmouth. li aore year. The golfer: Frank Swal- II WOOO SO. FT. LIQHT manurictu FOUR ACRES OF LAND reation room, basement, Bwa.it. Ex- rTesjr Parkway. Owner bought larger minimumiinimumi ; couplplss aore* wMiawsd fofor 4t lolts for leue Can be leased geparai cellenl location. Asking (21,800. Owner, hem*. Available In April 114,900. 174-reasonaeasonablble e priceice. 7T4BB57T4-BB5II, avtnlngi all- plus a three-bedroom house. Basement, 747-3S0O'. 971-2199. I;, containing about 3900 no. ft. hot water heat. Refrigerator, washer 570*nm ter 5:30530 . floor TiT-Iluo. and dryer Included. Also two-car ga- -LEGAL NOTICE IF you ARB INTERESTED—In rage and other outbuildings. Fruit trees -LEGAL NOTICE- -LEGAL NOTJC LEGAL NOTICE -LEGAL NOTICE— ^GKL N0TICE brand sew modern oftlce space, « as well as shade trees. Ideal for horses R and gardening. Asking $23,940. lo located IT .1. center of Red Bank, coi tact u» for further Information. "" NOTICE hi DOWSTKA ASENCTt. 741-S7QO. STERLING THOMPSON AND ASSOCIATES, REALTORS law EXECUTIVE OFFICE Sr-ACE—At LOCAL MUNICIPAL BDDOET Reckless PI., Red Bank. 650 so,, ft. Mlddletown 747-MO0 Local Budget of the Township of tUrllan, County of Mnnmooth for the fiscal resr MM. dignified modern office building wit LAKBWOOD AND SHORE AREA — complete services. Carpeted througl Four-bedroom country home on almost It It hereby certified that the budget annexed hereto and hereby made a next hereof Is & true copy of the Industrial Committee out with most attractive wall trea two acres, near Parkway. Nlceljr land- budget approved by resolution of tht governing body on the sth day of February, IMS. Salaries and Wales tnent and electrical fixtures. Call 7< scaped. Oil heat. Full basement. Two- DONALD J. MALLOY, Clerk Other Expenses F 3730, between 9 and 5:30. car garage. tn,9». Certified by me Airport Plata, Hazlet, N.J. MANY OTHERS CO • 4 - 2225 "workmen's Compensation Innirence It STORE FOR RENT — River Rd. Tnli sth day of February, 186S. Other Insurance -Premium* Fair Haven. Call Weisgold & Krupnick, Inc. It Is hereby certified that the approved budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof Is an fllact PUBLIC SAFETY: 747-2435. copy of the original on file with the clerk of tht govern Ins; body, that all additions are correct and that all state* Fire Brokers ments contained herein are In proof. NEW STORE — m. 35, norm Mon JOSEPH X. SEAMAN, Registered Municipal Accountant Other Expenses: mouth Shopping Center, neat laundra 22W Hwy. B Lakewood 363-3080 Fire Hydrant Service c: mat, 1,800 so., ft. Ample parking, 775' Certified by me 430 Market St.. Perth Amboy. N. J. c S783, 5 p.m. LITTLE SILVER This 8th day of February. 1096. 442 •232$ Miscellaneous Other Expense! tr Aid lo Volunteer Fire Companies RUD BANK. — Hwy 35, near Mo Attractive four-bedroom, two baths, liv- ing room, dining room, large kitchen LOCAL BUDGET NOTICE Police £ Plich'!** Inn, ona or two rooms, wit and den. Full basement with recreation Salaries and Wages T> parkin* mtubl* for professional ol room. Ullllty room and work area. Ex- Section 1. j Other Expenses ol xlce. $7t> n>> See Crowd. Agency, cement neighborhood, close to schools, Local Budget of the Township of Rarltan, County of Monmouth for the fiscal year 1668. School Crossing Guards Riverside Ave., 741-4030. Be It Resolved, that the following statements of revenues and aOBrouruUlons shall constitute th« local shopping, railroad station and Forl Salaries smt Wages : RED BANK .BAIUJAIN - 3000 sq; Monmouth. Asking $24,800. BRUCE budget for Uie year 1966. Other Expenses :-.r"M clear ami clean office space; 60 cent. AGENCY, Real Estate. 542-4142. B« It Further Resolved, that s&ld budget be published In The Middletown Courier and Tha Rid Bank First Aid Organization-Contribution ptc iq. ft, per yeiur lncludinf utilities, Register In the Issue of March) 3, 19M. * Municipal Court Jlay divide. HAROLD LINDEMANN, RED BANK • RUMSON and miles The governing body of tha Township of Rarltan does hereby aocrov* tha following as the budget tor the Salaries and1 Wages Broker. Van Winkle Marine Bldg. around. Complets listings, honus, year 1985: Other Expenses Ettontown. M2-U03. arms, businesses. Member multlpli r wMORALEo S Inspection ot Buildings • 1.19 Istlng lervlce. Large private parking RECORDED VOTE MeMcKAl Y Salaries and Wagea ATM . FIFILARDL I Nays: Nona Other Expenses HOUSES FOR KENT "''RAY STILLMAN, Realtor | PATERSON 4 Inspection of plumbing • I OLINSKT Salaries nnrt Wages •B.C8 "Our 4tth Year" Notice li hereby given that thi budget and tai resolution was aroroved by tha Township Commutes ot the Civil Defense and Disaster Control RENTALS 648 Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 74I-J600 Township of Rarltin. County ol Monmouth. on February 8. 1966. < Other Expenses t. A. (JHHLHAUS. REAL ESTATE A hearing on the budget and tax resolution will be held at Township Hall at Airport Plaza, on Harch IS. BTREETS AND ROAPS: 64,18151 1H.90 S91-O4SS 1966, at 8:30 o'clock (P.M.), at which time and place objections to said budget and tax resolution for the year _ 67,504.00 I7.t00.00 19,071.41 PAUL R. STRYKER, Raaltor. Farms Road Repairs and Maintenance lOB.SOT.n 3,110.19 H Hwy. 36 Leonard! 19fi8 may be presented by taxpayers or other Interested persons. Salaries and Wages —- ... 143,535.00 13S.30O.00 111,82100 (Next to Blue A- White Bus Terminal) .ni farm estates. Stiti Highway 34. Other Expenses Construction. Reconstruction. Repatn J95 to 1173 rer Wontn EXPLANATORY STATEMENT 4,500.00 4,500 CO THK BERO AGENCT MmdH Phon» 916-41U. SUMMARY OP CURRENT FUND SECTION OF APPROVED BUDGET and Malntrnance with State Aid 4.3IW.OO 4,300. H) iU. 36 MH-letowl hy Formula ••,..- -• 24,35151 U.4I GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR: Tear 19M Year 1S6S Street Llshtlng 5!,«6I.OO 50,000.00 34,400.00 II eu-touo 1. Municipal Purposes , ~ T85.343.00 «82,U1.0O •I HOLMDKL — English Tudor. Ssven Other Expenses -. RENTALS - SEASONAL — TIARL' rooms. Two baths, two sunporch«,s, 3. Reserve for Uncollected Taxes- SANITATION: Pi two flreplacei, full cellar. Fully land- Based oh Estimated B3.5 Percent of Tax Collsctlons — soi.BO.7o a ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtors Sewer System 3,000.00 S,000.00 3,000.00 s,ooaoo U 14BU Ocean n.e.. Sea Bright. 812-0001 scaped. Income property If desired • Olher Expenses —_____——. II 2M-3762. i. TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS 987.M3.T0 SM.1U.S0 H VllDS aSiuCCTION OF RENTALS HEALTH AND WELFARE: 50ENIC, DBUOHTFUL, WATER- Board of Health 9,730.00 1,390.00 I.371.U I7M1 e: Furnished and unfurnished. Immed! 4.54(43 u ato occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHE FRONT HOME — Locust. Three bed- ' Salaries and Wagei — 1,600.00 4.54T.00 .57 AGENCY. Oceanport Avt.. Oceanport. rooms, two baths, two fireplaces. Oa- S* Lesl: Anticipated Revenues Other Than Current Prop- Other Expenses •• — 5,000,00 J.750.00 9,150.00 au erty Tax (I.e. Surplus, Miscellaneous Revenues Services of Visiting Nurse—Contractual _ 433S00 rage. Almost *i-acre. Very HttU up- and Receipts from Delinquent Taxes) » S20.M5.0O tHMS.OO keep house exterior. Private sale. Ask- Administration of Public Assistance 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,550.00 8 THREE BEDROOMS — IK baths, lul r.'g $37,200. Call mornings or after 6 Salaries and Wage* —- 700.00 400.00 314.4S 19.91 dining room, modern kitchen with dish i.m., 291-2344. (. DUfsrenca: Amount to be Raised by Tsxes for Support Other Expenses — -••• 1000.00 1,000.00 Cl washer. Within walking dlstancs of Municipal Budget (ai follows): 1,000.00 1,000.00 B Public Assistance (Stats Aid Agreement) 2,000.00 3,000.00 ahopplng. buBllT* and both publlo MADISON TOWNSHIP — Cape Cod, (a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes In- Aid lo Hospitals =- n parochial schools. 1175 per month. Til five years old, live rooms, utility and cluding Reserve for Uncollected Taxes .- H«,MJ.7CI 08,074.50 BECREATION AND EDUCATION: Doivstra Agency. 741-8700. iath; down. Onf» room, almost com- R Parks and playgrounds 7.7M.00 1,430.00 1,423.99 T.01 leted In expansion attic. 65 x 100 lot. Salaries and Wages — 31,05000 31,O14.«T IS SI YOUNG EXECUTIVE recently trans. eUT schools and buses. Owner. 583- 12,250.00 di .Brred from New England, now rent' ICMMARY OF 1WI APPROPRIATIONS Other Expenses — Aid to Privately Owned Library. 3,58V 01 71*92 P Jng house In Leonardo, wishes to shar EXPENDED AND CANCELED 4,200.00 4,300.00 4,300.00 Tent and house with one or two bache OF APPEOPRUTIOJil rOR Salaries and Wages t,«00.00 B.537,35 •3.(9 G EXECUTIVE'S HOME! Custom built. General Other Expenses 1,500.00 5.00000 T lors. Writs T,S General Delivery decorated to perfection. Foyer. Budget Leonardo Post Office. "OTHER EXPENSES" CM. 297.00 583,93125 JD.M3.r5 :lous living ropm, fireplace. Formal din- Budget Appropriations—Ado[>t»d Budgst •fttli.M TOTAL OPERATION* (Item I(A» , •87,523.00 «M,T»M» ffl.00C.00 BEA BRIGHT — Nicely furnlahecl. Two ng room. Deluxe kitchen, dishwasher. Budget Appropriations Added by Family room 23'xl4' plu.i den. Four Chapter 158, P.L, Mil _ T.SM.OO bedrooms, garage. Avallahlo till Jum The amounts appropriated under the title of "Other 8,000.00 1 S150 per month. Utilities Include large bedrooms l\'t baths. Basement. Emergency Appropriations 13,000.00 Expenses" are for operating coats other than "Salaries 8,000.00 Two-car garage. Many extraa. BAR- and Wages." (B) ContlnieBl Priori* 747-1650. RAIN! I3S.S00. STANLEY K. DOWNS, TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS . WJ.1W.M Some o.' tin Items Included In "Other Expenses" are: TOTAL OPERATIONS INCLUDINO •0.S82.7' CAPE COD — Three-bedroom, fir REALTOR. Shrewsbury. 7U-1017. Material, supplies and. nonbondable equipment. 711,323.00 «3»,rar.po ii.ooo.oo •0,297.00 M»,t3i.23 place, lull basement, one-car eaiag CONTINGENT SMALL — Yes, it's small In some Repaira and maintenance of buildings, equipment, Quiet street. Little Silver. 1160. 74; EXPENDITURES: toads, etc. 5753. circles, compact though. Five rooms ill told. It's neat, clean, good ennrii- Paid or charged (Including Keatrre lor Contractual services for garbace and trash removal, Detail: LOVELY COTTAGE — On attract) v lon. It haj big extftu. Fire alarm Uncollected Taxes) ~ fire hydrant service, aid to volunteer fire com- 355.H0.00 527,087.01) 13,000.00 539,883.00 ly landscaped country estate In Phs;lyatem. Transferred ownfir wants wife Reserved panies, ate. Salaries and Wales 4U,840.O0 408,712 00 lat.'x-Ltncroft area. All utilities fur md children with him. Let's give them Printing and advertising, utility services. Insurance Other Expenses (Including Contingent! US.MJ.OO nlshed. Available April 1. Wrii . harAi. 'Offers. Priced at H8.5OO. TOTAL EXPENDITURE! AND and many other 11 erne essential to the service ren- (C) Casltal Improvements ,.mm "A.M.," Box S20. Red Bank. SLAEBBROOK ASSOC, INC.. Your UNEXPENDED BALANCEI dered by municipal government Capital Improvement Fund —. 15.000.00 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Artlstli Favorite Rumson Realtor, 45 W. River CANCELED . . »_..——. Na.Ut.N Road construction or Reconstruction furnished three-bedroom home. Stoni !W. ,Rum»on. 812-1700. with State Aid fireplace, panoramic view Verrazzanc VEST END — Seven-room split. 3% TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT! Bridge. Two-car garage. Private beach. >aUin plus esclospd pslto, r«cr*ation 19M Eatlmatcd 1965 Actual Option to buy. $225. Phone after oom, basement. Storage attic, lmn raal Property Real Property p.m. 291-08(2. Iry room. Low $30's. Call day 7ms, two baths. Brick fireplace In State Road Aid, Formula Fund _.. 3,24.1.00 Centrally localrd Slid. 291-3840. llvlr/g room. J>lnett«-kltchen. At- 3,245.00 3.245.00 (I) Subtotal General Appropriations State Road Aid, Construction Fund 5.000.TO 7,!0O.0O •7,500.« (Items (H) and 54r,087.7( nvenlcirt tD town. PRICED FOR 6. Amount to be Raised hy Taxes for Support of ' ticipated aa revenue and are hereby appropriated for the purooses to which said revenue is dedicated by statute .NATIONAL ORGANIZATION wants of UICK SALE! $2.1.900. STANLEY K. Municipal Budget: or other lettal reQUlrement," ^ Vice apace and part-time secretarla OWNS, REALTOR, Shrewsbury. 7«. (a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Reserve lervlcca In Red Hank, for ono nates for . Uncollected Taxes ,....- 4i6,6l8.70 436,074.50 APPENDIX TO BUDGF.T STATEMENT vnglne&r. Will *upply own equipment, RED BANK — Spacious home COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNI> mite "B.A " Hox 520 licit Bank •r sale by transferred owner. Built TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BT TAXES TOR CURRENT FUND BALANCE SHEET OPERATION'S AND CHAN(JE IN CVHBENT SVRFLVg SUPPORT OF MUNICIPAL BUDGET J 416,6(8.70 436.074.S0 5l(,700.55 I TO RENT by retired couple 1962, Nine large rooms, 2^ baths, Year 1065 Year 1S64 Modern three bedroom apartment, May 'wo-car garage. Quiet court. Near DECEMBER II, IMS Bur phis Balance January 1st »- - 372,580.25 321.SH.81 recreation. 741-0572. 1 occupancy, "A.O.", Box 520, Ked .Is, 7* Total fleneral Revenues .... 867,203.70 81)0,110.50 1,091.788.29 -CURRENT REVENUE ON A Rank. !• " EYPOJtT — Three bedrooms, 1W -CASH BASIS; THREE~-HET>ROOM — Unfurnished Hip, modern kitchen, large living ' Current Tarfea apartment. Adults In family. Permn- U dining rooms, wnll-to-wall carpet, NOTE: The amounts opposite which an • has hern plsced In the far column to the right represent State Alii for •ocatetl In quiet nctgh- Roads allotted, and held In cash hy the state, or In part received In 1865 and In part held In cash by the „ 1065 1)6%, 1064 95%) .2,623,242.30 3,168,571.W rhood. Walk tn city transportation, Slate. 1>llnqurnt Taxed „ 84»183.2i 69,tt7A% WE HA"ii an overlloiv of buna fide ps, churcli and schools, City water Cash and Investments _ - 453,361.05 Other Revenue and Additions Prospsctfl looking for two or four bed- d seuer. Immediate occupancy. rooms. Call us for fast action to have CURRENT riJNR — APPROPRIATIONS Stotu Road Aid Allotments Receivable . 7,300,00 lo Income ...'. .-... 271,202,38 21J.122.1S •Inert to sell. Call .64-0532. Receivables with • Offsetting Reserves: your home rented. THE BERO. Appropriated Expended 1865 AOBNCY. itt. 35. Mlddlelown. 871-1000. IRUh-BBDROOM HOUSE UNDER Total Taxes Receivable ~- 111,348.49 TOTAL FUNDS ... 3,256,568.28 S,777,653.W INSTRUCTION - On 60x150' lot In for 1965 By for 1993 As Tax Title Liens Receivable 24,915.51 m.on. Call 8(2-0113. Property Acquired by Tax Title Emergency Modified By Psld 59,561.00 BXPENDITURB8 AND tor 1964 lor 18(5 Resolution All Transfer! or Chanel Reserved Lien Liquidation •—-- FURNISHED ROOMS fBVV SHREWSBURY COLONIAL — Other Recelvablei 90.00 TAX REQUIREMENTS: 'our bed room i, threa baths, ( 9.GENERAL APPJtOPBIATIOXS Municipal Approprlslionj (95,137.00 •55,109.00 CLEAN, MODERN ROOMS — Private RdPmnnL $27,RO0. Call 747-5380. 3,000.00 School Taxes (Including Local • bilh. tree TV. S3 dally, 111 weekly iLONIAL 8PLIT — Bltven rooms, and Regional) 1,93«,O2S.61 l,W0,m.U per person, double occupancy. HOLLY Ad ml n I it rail v» and Executive 842,778.05 County Taxei (Including Added HILL MOTEL. Rt. 3IS. w. Keanshurg. baths, % wooded acre lot, two Salaries and Wages 19.400.00 50.400.00 17,428.00 17,4M.7» 1.21 TOTAL ASSETS garage. New Shrewsbury. Call 741- Other Expenses: -____ Tax Amounts) 353.43H.ia 841,343.93 RBD BANK — Furnlahed rcom priv- it. I'rlnclpala only. Other Expenditures and Deductions ' Printing and Legal Adverflilni 6.000.00 4,000.00 J,170.00 M70.00 from Income 40,00 ate entrnncc. HIMINK rutim mid cl-^n ,LEr -— Four-bedroom Cotorflal, % MI«r for appointment. Sslarlen an.l Wa^cs 1,500.00 1,500.00 l.SOO.OO LIABILITIES, RFBERVES AND BimPLDS Nice od. Car space. Iteuaon- 1573. No brokers. Other Expenses « 'f,,060.00 8,310.00 E.310.M 6,3fM.95 a. os TAX REQUIREMENTS _..2,»86,701,34 3,508.072.81 ethte. No smokers. 741-0114. Annensmcnt ftf Tuxes FA1H HAVBN-I!1VER OAKS J2.112.W BalarlDB and Wages 12,512.00 12,512,00 l!,I20 Less: Exocmfltures to he Rafsed GKNTMMAN — Rent Invely »lr con- rff-tiodroom ranch on •i-acre. Other Expenses 2,000,00 2.780.00 1,208.00 1.2K7.87 Cash Liabilities . 194,204.13 ditioned room, with private bath. Miut rcr eat-in k!tt:Ui 11 with dlshwasruir. ,by Future Taxes _ 13,000.00 D> sesn. C.-ll 071-92113. Dining room living room with lire- Collection of Taxes Reserves for Receivables ,— .... 165,916.00 Salaries and Wages 14,496,00 13.107.00 13,107.00 13,029.85 81.lt Surplus - — — 282,568.93 TOTAL ADJUSTED plftcp ami built-in TV. Wflll-to-wa 1,935.00 1,135,00 1,111.09 ROOM FOR RENT - 31 Locuit Ave. carpeting, Large liaflpment, Atlachtil Other Expenses 3,550.00 13.05 EXPENDITURES AND Rid Bank Call Birnso. i26.r>O1l. 711-48H3, , \ Liquidation «r Tax Till* Liens and TOTAL LIABILITIES, REIERVES TAX REQUIREMENTS .5,973,701.31 %m,m.Xl 747-95(5. Forecloaerl Property AND SURPLUS — IMS, 779.03 1 [IED HANK — House and store. 11B- • Other Expenses -..—.. 1,500 00 6,(00.00 1,550,00 3,244.58 8.72 119 Shrewsbury Ave. Reasonable, Call Legal aervlcen and Coits Surplus Balance December 31st ... 282,5«8.H 572,B80,5» UAL ESTATE FOR SALE 747-^407. Other Expenses --..... 50,000,00 15,000.00 20,100 00 20,093.(7 «,43 APPLEBHOOK—Three-bedroom ranch, EnRlneerlng Services and Costa HOUSES FOR SALE WAII-IO-W^II cirpelliiB. paneled family Other Expenses ,. -.» 21,00(100 ID, 500,00 . 81,00000 80,952 88 47.11 'Nearest even percentage may be used. room, fireplace, aluminum storms .and rutillo Buildings and Grounds sR'cflns wooilrd ',i acre. 671-07*1. flalarleii and Wages' 1,200,00 1,500 00 1,200 00 1,200.00 School Tax Levy Unpaid .... ._ TJ,87S.M PROPOSED USE OP CURRENT FUND IJON'T MDVJB -- Until you have seen 13,B»00 21,670.00 thts extra special house In Uncrofi. 1 OltiH Expanses -.. H.IO0.OO 20,816.84 1.O33.1S Lest: School Tax Deferred , SURPLUS IN 1M« BUDOET Ftjur liedro-'ini,. three bntlis. Lnrg? /ti .1/ ICW" !' — • hl-lev , 'onr-htrt- Planning B^ard Surplus Balance December 31, IMS 2»1,B«8. (j XftthHrftoft] anrl two-cur garagn. Superb roftm, V'i bat in; many Bttractlvs fea- Satnrig* and. WagAi, 750.00 730.00 7J0.0O TSO.OD •Balance Inclined In Above Current Surplus Anticipated' In landscaping nnd tall trees afford enrp- Other BKWiwei -•-•- -—•• »,S5f).0O . 1,21069 4,310.0,310.00 ' 4,210.00 "cash Liabilities" T5,3».H 19*8 Budget _„„..... 240.O0O.M pbtn privacy. Top school area. Call iisurrn 4'i par ce:it mortgage, Prlnti- Board of Arljustment 'tM«r. Alhlnj 828 000 lalarlts and Wages ,.._,: J,«W.0O l,«50.00 t.850.00 Surplus Balance Rsmalnlng 42,M«.91 IU1.MDEL VILLAGE — Rlstortd Co. Other Exptnies _..»...«-.».... . 92B.0O 780.00 W8.U 1.7J STERLING THOMPSON Iml.'l, nl'ie-roorn. !!« batli nrte lire' Iliads Tr«« , , ASJOOATEI, REALTOR! plaeo landsetpsd, 7Si2.fi lot. Near •lr«alarll » anfml Wagei IM.M 13JM 135.09 wB 747J ciiiwls and itorei. 616 4413. .. Othsr Bxpinlil l.WO.OO m J4)( 1.4W.W •W55- THE DAILY REGISTER ,' Mtrcfc I, 'J90M! - isner Re-elected Still Can't Sign to Fitch ill World Series Game By Hospital Board Danny Kaye's Contract Renewed By CHARLES WITBECK Wednesday night guest spotf Oslo, wearing hit usual costume LONG BRANCH—The seventy- indices of scientific accomplish' Danny treated.the question wifi eighth annual meeting of the HOLLYWOOD - One of the of pants, sweater and shirt, ments. We have always beei silence and a long look 0* i. board of governors of Monmoutn first shows at CBS to be re- while carrying his full drew fortunate because we have no credulity. Medical Center was held In the newed for next fall was Danny evening clotfwi for the big cere- only kept pace, but accelerate! Kaye's Wednesday night town The entertainer sees no tens' mony. board room of the hospital. our scientific dignity, which i meeting, and this early vote of in blending his pleasures wit) When Kaye stepped out o< the Monroe Eisner of Red Bank the nucleus of a good hospital. confidence has added a bit' more business. To prove his poin "We look forward in 1966, plane in Oslo around 11 p.m., he was re-elected for his seventh bounce to th» entertainer's walk. Danny told about' attending the was asked what songs he in- Mr. Eisner, continued, "to tb terra as president of the board Or, maybe it's because spring World Series In the early littles tended to sing, "Hold the phone. opening of a coronary care unit r Serving with him for the coming is coming on, and his ball club, between the Cleveland Indian! What are you talking about?" which will provide a special type year will be Robert C. Stanley, the unpredictable Los AngeJes and the New York Giants. Danny answered, He had no of treatment for our cardiac pa- Red Bank, first vice-president Dodgers, is emerging from their "I was sitting a few rowi idea of performing at the auguit 1 and treasurer; Justice Henry E. tients and to the completion ol winter hibernation. Anyway, away from the Giant dugout, Nobel ceremonies. He was in- Ackerson, Jr., Keyport second .the Wlnona J. Eisner Pavilion Kaye's in a good mood pres- Kaye began, "jo I was able t vited as a guest, vice president; Harry E. Whi-for Deep Therapy, which will ad- ently, and was showing off his talk back and forth to my pal taker,, gea Girt, third vice pres- vance us beyond any concept o! assortment of curves and sink- Leo Durocher, manager of th' It seems Kaye was expected ident and secretary; David T. therapy in; New Jersey. ers the other day while pitching Giant club. Before the game to perform that evening at the Buck, Freehold, assistant trea- a plastic ball wound in tape to started, I waj testing Leo, ques- Opera House where a special Mr. Eisner concluded his mes- surer; William H. Borden, Rum- catcher Harvey. Korman, his tioning him on our friendship. UNICEF show by Norway's lead- son, assistant vice president; sage with a tribute to the mem- number one man on the show. He vowed that we were buddies, ing actors and actresses wai In Dale Otto, Little Silver, assistant bers of the Board of Governors, and ttiat he would do anythinj progress, but no one bad told vice president, and Walter W. "who, in the final analysis, have The Kaye-Korman . battery n the world tor me. Kaye about the event. Reid, 3d of Deal, assistant vice been the guiding factor in the works out in the CBS rehearsal '" 'If that's true, Leo, pal, le There was only oner thing to- president and assistant secre- growth and progress of Mon-hall,, and the act caught the eyeme go out there for just tw< do, and that was race for the tary. mouth Medical Center," he said. of E. J.«"Buz2y" Bavasi, Dodg- pitches,' " Danny asked. Opera House. He arrived at er general-.manager, one night LEADER OF THE BAND Durocher looked at Kaye as i 11:30 p.m., and had his dress- In presenting his report for wh«n he brought his kids out to he were out of his lightheadec ing room pointed out as he 1965, Mr. Eisner paid tribute Recollection Day catch the showh . EEven A Vietnamese firWHh wme Idp from the 1st lafantrr Division's Bandmaster CWO e py mind, and went back to th< walked backstage. Kaye quick- to many sources of support and ly checked the main stage, and Donald M. FlswdWesdi tb. band through "BIB Bailey, Won't Ton Fleaae Coma though the star calls' himself, a business of running his bal encouragement which he said en- Set for March 22 was giving orders to a worker "right-handed Sandy Koufax," club, i The point was clear. Heme." Th« "Big R*d Ona" musicians gate tht eoncwt for the villagera of Lai Kite. abled the medical center to RVMSON - Annual Day of when the curtain went up behind Buzzy liked the way second ba- Pretty Good Year Warrant Offlcar FlewaU conea from Detroit Lakes, Minn. . achieve Recollection of the Manhattan- m. an Unprecedented ana Korman handled himself, Even though the newcomer "1 growth in a relatively short Vllie-New Jersey Shore. Club wil nd he decided to have a little Spy" has consistently outrated Sweater, Shirt, Pants time. be held March 22 at the Nativity Catholic Church, Fair Haven. :un. he entertainer who dreams of "I was dressed in exactly "These accomplishments could Bavasi added Korman's name pitching in a World Series, what I'm wearing now — sweat- Car Owner Is Charged In Accident Miss Jane Correa of Little Sil- not even have been undertaken,' to the Dodger roster, right be- Danny has had himself a pretty T, shirt and pants," said Danny. ver, a Manhattanville College BKEANSBURG - Five charges called police at 4:50 p.m. tb re-suspect Inside the . tavern who he stated, "without the team- low that of catcher John Rose- S^d year both on the show and "I turned, looked out on th« au- graduate now working on Project were made against a Port Mon- port that a car drove over the denied that he had been driving work of the medical staff, the wro, then called Kaye to find off it. dience and said, 'I've been kid- Head Start, was the speaker at a mouth man after his car was in-sidewalk In front of her home, the cat but refused to identify wonderful volunteers, both junior mt how Harvey spelled his last He flew to England to conducl naped.' " Then Kaye called for meeting in the home of Mrs. F, volved In a hit and run accident. struck and damaged two trees himself. and senior, the auxiliaries, and ;ame. Next, a Dodger contrast the London* Philharmonic Orches- a chair and a cigarette, and pre- G. Hussey, Ridge Rd. Miss Cor- Identified as Walter Gllash, 12 and continued on without stop- the entire hospital family." He arrived for Korman, tra in Royal Albert Hall, and ceded to talk and sing for 25 The car was towed away. rea discussed the problems and Gordon Ct., the man wai ticketed ping. She gave Patrolman Frank expressed his gratitude also for Said Mr. Bavasi: "I don't last December he stood on the minutes. rewards of her-work with the for careless driving, leaving the Caputo all but one letter of the Later Mr. Gilash came to head- the leadership and co-operation know if Kaye will release Kor- podium in San Francisco, lead- The following day Kaye at- Addie May Collins Settlement scene of an accident, failure to license plate and described the received from the Board of Free- man, but I assure you we will ing the Symphony Orchestra, be- :ended two Nobel ceremonies — quarters to pick up his car. House In Harlem, and said one report ,«n accident, delinquent car. holders and County Welfare De- pay a substantial amount if the fore flying to Oslo/Norway, as highly formal midday affair Patrolman Caputo Identified of the most important goals of Inspection (ticker and parking a partment. man decides to leave the comed- one of three UNICEF members where Mr, Labouisse accepted The suspect car was located in the program Is to instill in under- disabled car on a public road- him as the same person he had an." to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. the Peace Prize on behalf of front of Wagon Wheel Tavern, Mr. Eisner emphasized that privileged people the desire to way. ' questioned in the tavern. The "any account of the physical Korman to Dodgers? Joining Henry R. Labouisse UNICEF, and an evening ban- Carr Ave., and Identifed by Mrs. help themselves. executive director of UNICEF, - Police Chief Robert Kronen- summonses were issued, return- progress of Monmouth Medical If Korman gets a workout quet where Kaye met the king Hall's 15 - year • old daughter Center, however gjow)ng It may ith the Dodgers, would Kaye in and Zena Harmon, chairman of of Norway and members of berger gave this account: able Monday, March 14, before Nancy. - be, would be meaningless were SellFastl The Daily Register eturn sign shortstop Maury the executive boafd, Kaye be- Parliament. "It was an ex- Mrs. Dorla Hall, 410 Carr Ave.. Patrolman Caputo questioned a Magistrate William Lloyd. came the first member of the It not accompanied by similar Classified. Wills and his banjo for a tremely proud and touching day entertainment world ever to be for me," said Danny quietly, . LEGAL NOT1CE- •LEGAL NOTOOE LEGAL NOTIICE—— invited to a Nobel ceremony, a ——LEGAL NOTICE- -LEGAL NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE The UNICEF man finishes tap- tribute to his UNICEF work with ng his last variety show of the NOTICE Expended. 1B65 children all over the world dur- : UM Appropriated leason March 23, and will take LOCAL BIIMIU'AL BUDOKT ing the past \S years, short breather to watch his focal Budtet of the Botonth of Hhrewsbuiv, County of Monmouth for tht fiscal year 1966, for 1965 By for 1965 As Emergency Modified By • Paid Xxlgers play ball. This summer for 1WJ -Resolution All Transfers or Charged Besirvad No Advance Word It U hereby • cerUflad ths.t tit" bun««t annexed hen to and hereby mule a curt hereof is a true copy of the mt budget approved by resolution ol the governing body on the Rth day of February. 1&68. PUBLIC BAFETY: "" Briefed ahead of time on pro-)anny intends to .visit Viet Nam JRAN W. KABRY, Clerk Tin: 760.00 cedure and on names of the dig-md also be a part of Sargent CerUfifd by me T17 Frond St., Shrewsbury. N. J, Salaries and W«je»'«. „ . TJO.M 780,00 This 8th day ol Fehruary, 1986. 741 • « "M9,»rJ.IM 228,031.00 15*25.03 242,ST8,00 228.4M.JJ . 13,112.42 AJJentotvn, Pa, I DUftrenci: Amount to be Raised by Taxca for Support Question— With all tha "My of Municipal, Budget (as follows): (B) Contint-ent Fair Lady" discussion, I keep Answer" — Frankly, to get (•>) Local Tax lor Municipal Purposes In- more people to watch "Please cluding Reserve for Uncollscted Taxes _»• I7|,KS.»3 13J.ST3.BJ TOTAL OPERATIONS INCLUDINa remembering "Pygmalion" in CONTINGENT ; movie form—I think it was in Don't Eat the Daisies." The the thirties and Leslie Howard show isn't exactly setting TV JtJMMARV OF 1W ArPROMIATH afire audience-wise, and it was 1XFENDED AND CANCELED EXPLANATION Or APPROPRIATIONS FOR Detail; • • comes to mind, but who was the General Salaries and Waits __. lOtDW.OO 97,811.04 83,081.00 95,320.45 1,S6P.55 figured that the addition of Budget Other Expense! leading actress? I can't find any Appropriations— Adopted Budget (rndudtnr Contingent} „_...:..„ 138,408.00 130,470.00 i5.82s.oo Mf.ow.DO i35,6«,i3 ii,«i.s? one who has ever heard of it Vaughn and McCallum as ri • (C) Capital Improvements "iTppropriatlona '....". *— 15,825.00 the amounts appropriated under the title of "Other "guests" would help out. It was : Capital Improvement Fund 5,000.00 1,000.00' 1,000.00 1,000.00 Will it be shown on TV1-K. T., ! Expenses" are for 'operating cost* ether than "Salaries advertised that .they would ap- - TOTAL APPBOPRIATIONS 803.2MJS and Wales." • • Pope, Miss. Some of the Items Included In "Other Expenses" are: TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3,000.00 1,000.00 "l.OOO.OO 1,000.00 pear—but hot that they would Material, supplies and non bondable equipment, Answer — And a great movie EXPENDITURES: Repairs and maintenance ot bulldlns equipment, 1 appear for any great length of - Paid or Charged (Including Reserve roads, etc. (E), -Deferred CharjM and Statutory it wasl it: was released theatric- , SU.H31.it Expenditures—Municipal time. It may not be. fair, but Uncoltecled Taxei) ..» ~ . Contractual services for garbage and trash removal, (II PEFERRED CHARGES: cally by MGM here early in 1939, Rd , 14.3S4.il lire hvdrsnt lervioe: aid to volunteer -fire, com- that's showbiz advertising. panies, etc. Emergency Authorizations 1,229.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 it was! it was released theatri- Emergency Authorizations (N.J.8. 40A TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND Printing nnd advertising, utility services. Insurance was played supenbly by Wendy UNEXPENDED BALANCES and many other Items eisentlal to tha service ren- 4—55) Tax Map, Etc ...... S.100.00 303,298.83 Deferred Charges to Future Taxation: Hiller, opposite *e Professor CANCELED , dered by municipal government. Not Bonded— Question — I recently saw the Purchase or Fire Apparatus 5,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 5.0O0.M Higgins of Leslie Howard, who film "All Mine to Give" and (2) STATUTORY.EXPENDITURES: also co-directed. George Bernard 19i6 Estimated 1965 Actual Increase Or Contribution to: would like to know the actors Heal Property Tax Real Property Tax Decrease • Public Employees' Retirement System .... 4,129.00 1.200.00 1,200.00 2SO.0O Shaw himself ,did the screen who portrayed Robbie, Jimmie, Local' School „....„.„ _.... -.... ;.. fc.64 11.70 ».06« ' Social Security System 10.A.8.I.) 4,300.00 S, 004.00 3,208.00 194.32 County- „ „,.,...... !.. 4$ .54 M' Consolidated Police and Flremen'i adaptation. The film editor was Kirk and Annabelle.—D.L,, Co-' Municipal- Requlrtmants - .SB .04 Fennlpn. Fund , M 429.00 428.00 411.18 David Lean, now voted as the limbus, Ohio. Veterans' and Senior Citizens .10 .01" Police and Flremen'i Retirement System of N, j e,877.»2 3,100.12 4,500 82 <,»«.T S4.09 director of such bladobusters as Answer—Robbie: Rex Thomp- J2.B0 J2.89 . Pension (R.8. 43:8B-1 to E.8. 43:3B-S)_ 608.18 606,18 «KM8 606.18 "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Dr. Jimmie: Steve Wooten. TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGES AND Zhivago." Once a regular on film Kirk; Butch Bernard. Anna- STATUTORY EXPENDITURES shows in TV's early days, "Pyg- - CPHBEXT FUXft—ANTICIPATED REVENUES MUNICIPAL ' _ ™ 26,758.00 17.23J.00 17,23100 15,986.01 1,251.99 belle: Patty McCormack. malion" now, unfortunately, has OENERA1, REVENUES Keallzed Anticipated In Cash (II) Total Gpneriil Appropriations (or been withdrawn from TV circu- 1966 • . 1065 In loss Municipal Turposes> (Items _s I A) t_o Question — Quite a while ago Bnrrtas Anticipated — _ „....„.. _™ !0,O00.OO 85,000.00 85,000.00 lation. f . (O), Inclusive) ...... 270,234.00 246,689.00 15,325.00 262,31C00 247,849.(9 14,334.41 on either the Milton Berle or TOTAL SURPLUS ANTICIPATED _ 80,000.00 85,000.00 8S,000.M Jackie Gleason Show there was (I.) . Subtotal Gfnrral Appropriations (Question—I would like to know i a blonde girl with large eyes, Mlaeellaneoiu Revenue*! Utenu (H) ana'dl)) 270.534.00 246,689.00 15,825.00 262,314.00 247,140.eS 14,-394.41 the name of the song Natalie Licenses: a cowgirl outfit and a straight Alcoholic Beverages ' tyood sings in the move "The 1,(00.00 1,300.00 1,620.00 Reserve for UncoUected Taxes 53,302.01 40,084.85 40,951.85 40,984.85 face—from Texas—who used to Olher „ .... 800.00 Great Race." Is she really slng- State Road AH Formula TunA , 553.00 say: "I lite the wide open 2,300.00 . 2,300.00 5,300.00 Ing^and playing the guitar or is it Interest and Coats on Taxes » 3,000.00 2,500.00 3M733,M7.3B I. Totai General Appropriations 323.53H.S2 287,873.85 1S.6J5.00 303.298.85 lEB. 934.(4 14,364.41 spacesl" without cracking a Bus Receipts Taxji ,,.„ „ 600.00 634.70 all dubbed in? How old is Nat- Franchise Taxes , -...:...... „ too.oo 21,900.00 24,815.18 srnlle. Wasn't that Carolyn Gross Receipts Taxes 22.-00.0O ' 13,900.00 1S.14S.5II alie Wood and Tony Curtis? Are 14,000.00 Jones?—B.J., Bridgeport, Conn. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES DEDICATION BY MDBR-N.J.S. 40A.4-38 'The (IcdleatiMl revenues anticipated durlni the year IMS from Dog they married? — C. M., Pitts- 43,700.00 42,400.00 40,121.115 Licenses; State or Federal Aid for Maintenance of Llbrarlos: Beoueat: Escheat: Federal Orant; are hereby an- burgh, Pa. Answer — No, that was a girl ticipated as revenue end are hereby appropriated for the purposes to which «ald revenue la dedicated by statute named Laurie Anders, As a re- Hecelpls from Delinquent Taxes ... | . „ .,_ „ 25,000.00 or other legal requirement." Answer — The song is entitled 24,000.00 31,333.86 sult of her TV appearances, she BlIDOET STATEMENT 'The Sweetheart Tree," com- OiiMoliil Oeniral Revrnun (HMM 1. 1. 3 am! 4) _ starred in .a comedy western Amounl lo ti« Halsfd by Taxes lor Sunnort of " 1H.400.00 185,455,»1 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUND posed by Henry Mancini, and it's feature called "The Marshal's Munirtpa! Buds?!: CURRENT FUND BALANCE SHEET Hl'BRATlONS ANB C1IANHB IN CURRENT SliRrll'8 recently been nominated for an (a) Local TAX for Municipal Purposes Including Year 1865 Year 1 Daughter," back in 1953, but Reserve for Uncollccted Taxos „„.... „,„ , 174,836,02 DECEMBER 31, 1M9 • Aoademy Award. Alas, the sing- 136,273.8! Surplus Balance January 1st 109,959.88 118,172.00 has not been seen in movies or ' TOTAL -AMOUNT TO BE HAtSBD BY TAXES FOB .CURRENT REVENUE ON A . ing and guitar^playing were -CASH BASIS: on TV for some time. SUPPORT OF MUNICIPAL BUDOET 171,836.83 136,273.85 138,407,113 Current Taxes dubbed. A recording of the song •(Percentage collected: is available, along with the rest of Toial deneml Revenues — , 323,839.1)3 10S3 03%. 1M4 m%) 847,800.88 634,1137,57 287,673.85 303,B33,74 "Delinquent Ta«ei 31,333,88 30,402.60 the Mancini score, on an RCA- (For an answer to your cjues- Cosh and Investments CHIiei* Revenue and Additions Victor long-playing record. Nat- Receivables with Offsetting Reserves: to Income SO.483.43 7S.IIS4.0J tion about any TV program or CU11BEWT FUND — APPROPRIATIOltS Taxes Receivable _;jL..-4 40,1=7.411 alie is 26, Tony 40; he's married actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- Tax Title Liens -Receivable .....;.. , . aM.U TOTAL FUNDS __™ 860,575.11 «38,««8.S7 Appropriated Expended 1065 Olher Receivables 21.310.38 to the former Christine Kauf- er, Television Mailbag, c/o this Total Deferred Charges Required to ba mann, German actress, while paper.) for 19S5 By for 1063 As In 1066 Budget - 7,325.00 EXPENtllTURBB AND - , Emergency Modified By Paid Deferred Charges Required to ba I TAX REQUIREMENTS: she's unattached at the moment. for 1S60 for»85 Resolution All Transfers or Charted Reserved Budget subsequent to 1906 8.30O.00 Municipal Appropriations - 262,3I4iOO 2a7,641,00 OENERAL ArPKOPRIATlONS 1— School Taxes (Including Local (A) Operailons TOTAL ASSETS tiAiMRK and Regional) - 3W,917.30 3ir.lW.0O Question — On the night of the OENERAL aOVERNMENT: County .Taxca (Including Added Administrative anil Bxccuflva: To Discuss Tax Amounts) 133,460.38 127,328.95 power blackout, NBC's Tuesday Salaries an« Wajes „ tUOO.OO 4,800.00 Other Bxpendltures and Deductions Other Exppnses: 5,200,00 M69.50 from Income .'., 95.S5 Night at the Movies was sup- Prlntln* and Lena! Adverllslm 500.60 1,000.00 1,000.00 D22.78 posed to play "GI Blues," star- Miscellaneous Other Expenses 8.211.00 77.24 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SUItPLl'8 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND Sewer Issue 5,400.00 1,025.00 7,2!0.00 1.S47.47 2.83 ring Elvis Presley. Do they plan Financial Administration: TAX REQUIREMENTS u 787,891.88 752,139.81 EAST KEANSBURG - The Other Expenses 1,000.00 I.WO.DO to show it again?—B. S., Bran- Assessment of Taxes: 1,905.00 1.M0.00 - 'Cash Liabilities - , 79.22B.40 East Keansburg Betterment As- Salaries and W,ate> , 2,(00,00 3,600.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 Lesa: Expenditures to be Railed ford, Conn. Other Expcmu: Reserves for Receivables 67,728,118 by Future Taxes _.. l",«25.0O 3,500.00 sociation will meet tonight at 8 iurplus - - . 87.S0S.23 Answer "GI Blues" did Cost ot Revaluation N.J.S.4(IA:4.5! 8,B00.00' 6,300.00 ' 2,200.00 in Buck Smith's Restaurant. • Preparation of Tax Map N.J.S. . , TOTAL ADJUSTED manage to make it in unaffected 1 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES ' 4OA.-4-M „,._ ' 1,900.00 1,8*1.0(1 EXPENDITURES AND To be discussed will be tha Miscellaneous Other Expenses 400.00 1,1)00.00 AND SURPLUS «.. —« n 244,465.83 TAX REQUIREMENTS 772,000.88 . 748,(30.31 parts of the country-*ut NBC Collection of Taxes: ' . 900,00 t81.*3 will probably have a repeat newly-created township sewer au- Salaries and WafM , 5,300.00 B.KM.OO r 5,100.00 e.ioo.oo Surplus Balance December 31st , showing in Hie spring or sum-thority, and its program, and , Other Expenses • _.._ 1,000,00 1,000.00 800.00 737.39 Lefd Berylces and Costs: mer, during the rerun season. water, road and drainage prob- Salaries and Waje» 1.1'HM 2,J'(I.O0 i.aro.oo 3,210.00 'Nearest even ptrirnlnso may lie used. lems. Other Ilxpemes I... 2,500.(10 3,000.00 W87.J7 . Pltnnlnt Board: 3,80»,M School Tax Levy Unpaid _ Question'— Why, but why, do On the sewer issue, the asso- Other Expenses: ' Less: School Tax Deferred PROPOSBI) USE OF CUItrtENT FUND Master Planners Fee ..'.. J « • 1.W.O0 1,513.0(1 BIIRPMI8 IN IM6 MllMiKT people like the Beatles so much, ciation will talk about sewer as- Miscellaneous other Expenns 600,00 ,4n 800.00 100.00 37.17 •Balanct Included In Ahovt Surplus Balance Decemlier 31, 1M5 t7.508.J3 I don't. And plenty of my friends sessments and other costs. Board of Adjustment: "Cuh Lllbflltles" :iJL Current Surplus Anticipated Other Expanses - •.,-- 800.0(1 . •• HO.OO .100.00 :e»,24 16.76 In 106« Buitiet . 8d,000.00 .wonder why also. I am 12, and The group Is asking that the ' Shade Trees • - . ... : I don't care for thorn, — C.C.Townshi, p Cojmmlttee name to the Other Expenses - 2,000.00 1,900.00 3,000.00 1,M1.33 • Borplui Balance Remaining " '.. '. '' IT.MtM insurance: Greensboro, NX. authority two engineers, a bank- oroi)piln«ur»nc« Pimi (or Emribyen . s.irjo.M 1,300.011 M00.OO 1 I.SM.14 43.11 Worknun'i Compensation Insurance ... 3,000.00 3,000.00 3*0(1,00 1.03180 61.50 Answer - Look at It this way er, a certified public accountant Other insurance Premium! 7,000,00 ',700.00 MOO.00 S,»8.1S U6.tt jjVrch 1 ~»5sI5 -41 everybody Meed the SUM and a matter plumber. , 3, 1966 1HE 0MLY BEGBTER Television the Movies |B) BANK EAST BRUNSWICK CtMplete Program TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS amusement .....: formers." Stay with this capsule'history of CAKLTON- TURNPIKE— 7:J0-« (7)-Batman. "He Meets His Match the Mayors of New York—it gets livelier and UaunovUi ArU roundaUott—Nitlocal DTDOOB-Our Kan Flint 1 Mi W:«l Ballet <:». • _ WNJ2W TV Channel I, —The Grisly Ghoul." The Joker (Cesar Ro- more colorful as its saga unfolds. Though OUTDOOR-Our Man TOat T:»; Chumd 1. . WCBS-TV Gunnel i . . WOR-TV EATONTOWN mero) continues to tempt high school students numerous.prints and still photographs of 17th 11:11; Rio Conchw 9:20. . WNBOTV Channel 7 . ... WABC-TV Channel 11 WPM-TV COMMUNITY- MENLO PARK Channel 4. in his duel with the Batman, and even conies and 18th century Mayors of the city will Our Man Flint 3:19: 7:1!; B:«. CINEMA- THURSDAY I1:2S up with the dastardly plan of fixing a high intrigue the cynical historian of its vast 2-Edge Of Night-Serial 2—Weather—Andrews—Color ASBURV PARK Our Man Flint 2:00: 3:58; IM'. «:0B! AFTERNOON periods of graft and few enough of reform, 10:03. 12:M 4—You Don't S3v!—Game— Color 4—Spores—Teogue—Color school basketball game. The Joker's evil is LYRIC- 1—Uv« 01 Life— Ssrlal J-Paul Wlnchell—Children 11:34 so broad, it can only be fun for the young- Walter Kiernan's narration doesn't come to Tha,t Darn Cat 7:10; ):V). PERTH AMB01 4_j»pordy—Gome—Color 7—Young Marrieds— Serial 2—Film—House of Wox— 9—Sergeant Preston Vincent Price—1 hr., a mln Color sters, but the main laughs come when Robin a bubble until Boss Tweed takes over in MAVFAIR- AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- ., •5—Romper Room—Oilldren Cartoons 7:00; Our Mm Flint 1:08: 7—Donna Reed—Comedy • •• I—Bolo—Children—Color 4—Johnny Corson—Variety—Color pretends he's a dropout and tries to mix with the days of Mayor Hall. From then on Merry Wlvej ot Wlndior 2:00; «:30. 11:31; R«turn to Peyton Placi S:2l 11—Cartoons—Children—Color 13—English: Foci Or Foncy 7-FM n-Johnny Holiday- the young hoodlums around. (Color.) through Hylan, Walter, O'Brien, LaGuardia, ST, JAMES- tt—Franklin To Frost William Bendlx—1 hr., 50 mln. Our Man Flint 2:20; 7:20: 8:35. MAJESnC- 11:15 2—Secret Storm—Serial 11—One Step Beyond—Drama 8:38.9:30 (U)-News in Perspective. Tom et al, it's a surface but' serviceable reminder •Tom Jones «:25; 10:00; I'tna Ll- j—Nt*i 4—Match Gome—Color 11:00 Wicker, Max Frankel and series host-moder- of the men we've elected to rule City Hall. NEPTUNE CITY Douce 2:00; 7:30. 7—Never Too Young—Serial II—Passing Porode-Nesbitt M0NTCLA1R 12:10 9—Gypsy—Ponel ator-objector Lester Market, are back at 10-11 (4)-Dean Martin. The gifts of Sid NEPTUNE CITY- lt:«S That Darn Cat 7:10; 9:20. 2—Search For Tomorrow M— Beachcomber Bill—Color S-News their monthly stand for another round of Caesar appear all through this town meeting CLAIRIDGE- 13—Managers In Act'on 1:M BRICKTOWN My Fair Lady 8:30. 4—Post Offlcs—Gome—Color analysis and review of the major news on as he plays musical authority Dr. Wayout, 7—FalhtF Knows Best 4:25 4—New*—Job Teague U BRICK PLAZA- 13—Cultural Background* 4—New*— Nancy Dlckerson 9—News And Weather the worldwide scene. and sings with Martin, Oorge Gobel and 1:15 Our Man Flint 7:20; 11:30. VISIT BIZERTE 1S:4J <:» 2—Film—Miss Grant Take* Richmond- 2-News 9-11 (2)-Thursday Night Movie. "The sexy Abbe Lane. Also, Abbe slithers through 2—Guiding Llghi—Serial USS JOHN KING - Navy Sea- Lucille Ball—W mln. - 4-rFllm—Johnny O'clock— Devil at Four O'clock." (1961.) Spencer "Whatever Lola Wants" and "Sweet Pussy North of Red Bank 11—Guest Shot—Interview man Apprentice Michael A. Rag- 4—Film—The Tender Trap- blck Powell—1 hr., 35 mln. Tracy and Frank Sinatra, a couple of capa- Cat," George Gobel chats about his hillbilly ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 12:55 Frank Sinatra—90 mln. 1:2« ni, son of Mr. and Mr*. Anthony 4— News—Frank McGee 5—Ctiuck McCann—Children ble performers, struggle valiantly with in- radio station days, and Marguerite Piazza 2—Film—The Perfect Marrlooe— ATLANTIC7 M. Ragni, 57 Tecumseh St.. 1:N 7—Where The Action Is Loretta Youno—1 hr, 40 mln. ferior material and manage to drum up lifts the tone of the show with numbers like Ten Little icdlani 7:00: 9:53) Wild, 2—News—Dunn, Murray «—Mike Doiglos—Variety 7-Flim-Devll Dogs of the Air— Wild Winter 8:30. Oceanport, and Fireman Appren- 11—eighth NWn-Cartoon some . interest in this melodramatic film. "If I Ruled the World." (Color.) 4—P DO—Gome—Color James Cogney—i hr., 40 mln. • MIDDLETOWN tice Thomas J. Stable, son of J—Cartoons—Children 13—French Chef-Cooklna 3:00 The tale is a sweaty one about a priest and 10:30-11 (H)-Merv Griffin. Merv turns Mrs, Viola Stoble, River Wasa, 7—Ben Casey—Drama 9:M J—Film—Romeo and Juliet— a convict who join forces In rescuing inhabi- host to an award giving show as celebrities rowN- 9—Divorce Court—Drama 7—Local News—Marth, Beulel • Leslie Howard—I hn., 30 mm. Our him Flint 1:15; 9:30. N. J., visited Bizerte, Tunisia, 11—Film—A Lody Tokes a Chance— II—Surprise Show—Color tants of an island from the ravages of an appear to receive the Gold Medal Awards FRIDAY Jeoi Arthur—^t) mln. 13—Little Big Show HAZLET while serving in the Mediterra- MORNINO earthquake. (Color.) for best.actor, best actress and best motion 11—Once Upon A Day—Children S:» nean abord the Sixth Fleet guid- t.'N ' LOEWS DRIVE-IN- 5—Sandy Becker—Children • 9-9:30 (7) — Bewitched. "The Horse's picture of the yepr, selected by a popular 1:19 4—Education Exchonae—Lecturer-Color Cartoon 7:00; Our M»n Flint 7:07; ed missile destroyer USS John 5-K.inj And Odlt-Cortoom II—Three Stooges—Corned/ Mouth,'' Funny show. Samantha uses her national film magazine. Robert Vaughn and . 11:00; Hljti Wind In Jamaica 9:01). !:4! . . «:» , King. 1:15 PLAZA- 7—News—Peter Jennlnas 7-News 1 powers to turn a runaway race horse into Dorothy Malone were rated as most popular 5-News t:M a gabby lady with a bucketful of problems. actor and actress, Chris Connelly and Pa- Our Man Flint 7:15: 8:25. 1:11 BV6NIN9 2—Sunrise Semester KEYPORT 2-Aj The World Turni <:M 4—B'wona Don—Children The scenes with the horse-lady at the race tricia Morrow, the most promising, and "The ATLANTIC STRAND- 4-Lefs Make A Deal-Color 2—News—Jim Jensen . 7-Pro|ed Know-Hducotlon track are the highlights of the show. Sound of Music" the best motion picture of THEATRE . - 1-M That Darn Cal 7:10; 9:21). 5—Film—3oston Blockle and Hw Law- 4—News—MacNell, Pressman the year. _^ Altanlli- IlldiliUi'l'.-Ti I. •••"''•'" Chester Morris—1 hr,, JSmio. - • 7—Film—Hercules and tiw Ten 2— New*—Hyams, Penza , 9:39-10 (9)-Special. "Rascals and Re- Avengers—Dan Vodls—40 mln.—Color 4—Today—Color 13—Y«ur Place In Butlws 7—Ann Soltiern—Comedy : ' NOW THRU TUESDAY i:S» 9—N»v»s—John winwite—Color hn 11—Porlom Francois II II—Newi-JIAortln O'Hara New-Children • 5—News 1-.H 7:30 :.; National Ballet to Appear Here Tonight mctm 4-Newj-Floyd Kalber 11—Local Newt—Juki Tlllmon 2-News-Mlke Wolloce 2:M 1:11 5—Survey Of The Arts RED BANK - The National will be to series ticket holders capital. Now in its fourth season, 2—Password—Game 9—Walter Klernon—color 7—Gole Storm—Comedy 4—Days Of Our Lives—Color only. the company will make its home 1:29 7:15 Ballet will appear here tonight m 7—Nurse*—Serial f-Sportj-Wostier-r-ior. 2—News—Peter Hyoms at 8:30 in the Carlton Theater The ballet company, which is in the John F. Kennedy Center t—Film—Day of Fear- IH I:N PLUS-"Wild. WiWWInftr", Ruben Ro|o—$0 ,mln. 11-Wenther-Vlvlon Forrar 2—Captain Kanaaroo inder the sponsorship of the under the direction of interna- for the Performing Arts on the 1:(H 5-7-COrfowu-CrilMrw tfonmouth Arts Foundation. . tionally famous dancer and 11—Exploring Our Longuoga 11—Pancake Man—Children >• . ' banks of the Potomac River. 5—Soupv Soles—Comedy The performance is part of choreographer Frederic Frank- SATURDAY MATINETAT 2 9—Charlie Chonlln—Comedy The National Ballet has a reper- 1—House Porty—Llnklette-r—Color 11—Superman—Adventure—Color S—King And Odle-Cartsans .' . the foundation's current sub- lin, was founded primarily as a 4-Ooctors-S'erfal ' lJ-Auto Mechanics • t-M •"• •••••' scription series and admission resident company for the nation's toire of. 26 ballets ranging from 7_A Thus Fb." Ut-Swlol 7:00 5—Sundy Becker-Children . 11—Mlltlonalre-Oramo 2—News-CronWte-Color 7—Little Rascals-Children- classical to contemporary. - 13—Tell Me A Story •-News-diet Huntle'y, Dovld 11—Fair Adventure . ; 1:« BrlnMey—Color • ' • t:J« . 13-Porlons Francois III 5-Colt .4S~W«tern , 9-Farm Report Need Money? Sell thpse things 2:95 J-Mm-sbol Olllon-W»t»ni 1:55 5-News 11—Yojl Beor—Cortoon 9-News And Wenft»r . : you really don't need with a 7—New*—Marino Sanders 13—Art Of Film—Discussion Daily Register Classified Ad. >:M 7:30 J-Dennls The Menoct »-To Tell Tin Tru* 2—Munsters—Comedy 4-Nevw-8ob Wilson Call now. 4-Anomer World—Serial 4—Daniel Boons—Adventure—Color 7—Girl Talk-Ponel 5—Peter Gurin—Mystery 5—Hrph Adventure—Color 9-Enoll*h Por Favor 7—General Hospital 7—Batman-pAdventu rt~Color II—Jack La Lonne-cotor 11—People Are Funny *—Film—Roque Cop— f:05 IS—New Jersey Speaks Robert Taylor—J hn. <—Birthday Hou*e-Chll<|ren 1:25 2-News-rDtkiaIos Edward* II—Lloyd Ttraton—Variety—Color 5-New, '•» !J—Elective*—Education »:H- i f*V."|i 2-Leove It To Beaver . 2—Gllllgon'i Island—Color 5-Yo« For Health 7—Gldget—Comedy—Color 7—Film—I Am thi.-Low- THEATRES •:M Edward G. Roblnson-98 mln. LIKE FIRES? 2—My Three Sons—Color 9—Film—Troll Strjet— i~ Laredo-W»)tem-Color 5-77 Sunsel Strie-Myslery Randolph Scatt-90 mln. 7—Double Life—Comedy—Color 11—Soarlett Hill—Serial CARLTON-NO MOVIE TODAY!! If Is somewhat impos- 11—Naked City—Drama 13-Chlldren 01 Oth-r Lands rantDN 13-Newi In Perspective RED BANK MONMOUTH ARTS PRESENTS ON STAGI sible- to burn 10" con- t-M 4-News-Alec Glfford U pen RAN J—Film—The Devil at t O'clock— 13-Worklng with Science — TONIGHT AT 8:30 P.M. — 1J;M Spencer Tracy-2 tirs.-Coter crete floors, hollow tile J-l Uv» Lucy-Comedy 7-Bewltdied-Comedv *-|ye Guess-Gome-Color THE NATIONAL BALLET f:H walls and metal door 3-Peter Gunn-My,tery *—Mono McCluikey—Comedy-Color 11—People In Confllcr 5—Third Won—Myifery KTitSBUir — MEMBERS ONLY — frames. Mo«t other 7—Peyton Place—Serial lo:19- ASBURY PARK 9—Roscoli And Reformen 13—Tell Me A Storv-lehlWren mum FRIDAY — "THAT DARN CAT" AT 2-4-7-9 P.M. buildings, YES . . . but 11—Honeymoonerj—Comedy 10:20 13-U.S.A.-Po«try 7-News-3IH Owen' 7:10 — 9:20 19:15 19: W us, NO 4—News—Edwin Newmon 4-Oeon Martln-Vorlety-Color IJ-Spoce Age Challenges 5-Oscor Prfml«r«-Hollyvw»d 7—The Boron—Adventure—Color KM A sassy Siamese cat LIKE WATER 9—Fllm—SoWer Woman- J—McCoys—ComesV Bmll RoHibone—40 mln. 4—Concentration—Gome leads the F.B.I.onthe 11—IWerv Griffin—Variety 5-Baf Masterson-Wesfem WE'RE 13-World At Ten 11—Bold Journey—Travel 10:41 wildest chase of all! 10:30 13—Historic Shrines FIREPROOF! 13—Norman Thomas 11:00 2-Andy Grltftth—comedy 5—News—Tom Dunn—Color 4—Morning Star—Color 4—News—McGee—Color 5-^Astroboy—tor-toon 5-News /—Supermarket Sweep 7—News-^Beutel, Martin 9—World Adventures—Color ([ran »—FIlm-Trn Eddie Cantor Story- • M-Mock And Myer-Comedy Keefe Brasselle—2 tin.—Color (Hospitality Sine* ins) 11 os 11:10 13—Hoblo Esponol—Linguaat NATIONAL BALLET stars dance a pas de daux from 4—Weather—Antolne— Color 11:20 $-F,llri^-Ftaxy AAartln— ' . 13—Adventures in Lonnuaoe "Swan Lake." The Washington, D. C, company will ap- B'way at 5+h Ave. Vlrolnlo Mayo—1 hr., 35 mln. 11:30 •• ' 3-Dlck Von Dyke-ComedK pear in. Red Bank tonight at 8:30 in the Carlton Long Branch • 4—Locol Nev»s—Hortr-Color 4-Poradise Boy-Color 5—Cartoons-rChlldren Theatre in a Monmouth Arts Foundation subscription 2—Snorh—Glllord—Color •1—Datlna G«me ^9-Memory Lone-Joe Franklin series program. 11-Carol Corbett-Coior 13—Tlm« For Science 37th RECORD WEEK! AT WALTER READE - STERLING THEATRES NEAR YOU If! ASBURASBURY PARPI K paraiMounit * ASBUKY PARK STARRING TOWN 77MMO Scout Show I MinniMIDDLETOWF N EATONTOWN AN EVENT OF MAJOR JULIE ANDREWS 07MO2O IMPORTANCE- RiKntttlMinrUliinitopeiuailctH Meeting Set ;jyW the screen brings p lieieraratolM flat Hm-iriltil! Ill MAT. 2:30 - EVE. 8:30 & new kind of enchantment!! with Alice, in her For Saturday all-new adventures.' EARLY SHOW SUNDAYS Never Before and meet the most OAKHURST — Mortmoutr Shown Anywheral (Jelighllul characters j AT 7:30 P.M. Council of Boy Scouts has sched in Storylanti!!!: uled a meeting of leaders Satur- NOMINATED FOR 10 day at the Civic Auditorium, Monmoutfh Shopping Center, ACADEMY AWARDS * Eatontown, at 10 a.m. for the INCLUDING Clulct purpose of distributing show tick- RewrvW Stm ets and other information, Ken- BEST PICTURE! New« iMOffle* dall H. Lee, Asbury Park, show BEST ACTOR! DANCING chairman, said 300 troop leaders •r my Writar RtodaTbMtm To the Wally Trio FrL and Sat. Nights had been invited to the meeting in preparation for tiie two-day show scheduled for May 28 and MUSIC 29 at Convention Hall, A.sbury Park. ' AMERICA'S PLAYBOY HERO! Wally at the organ nightly except Monday' Mr. Lee said the "Blast Off" Saturday would give the troop Children 50o MATINEES ONLY! SATURDAYand SUNDAY! FRIDAY - ADDED ATTRACTION leaders ample time to prepare DINNER for .the event which is expected COMMUNITY of 8 pJH. Delicious food—delightful atmosphere . to draw a large attendance dur- FREE! Graciously served 7 days a week ing the Memorial Day weekeni activities along the Shore. Thi PARKING TOWN ot 9 p-m. program is designed to giv AND LUNCHEON scout troops an opportunity t SMOKING ASBURY PARK demonstrate their skills, Mr. Lee KtllONS- Fast or leisurely service -- ;;r said. • kVL THEA1R€S JUDO ACADEMY lie scouts'have titled thei AIT show "Scouting We GO Show." Black Belts COCKTAIL HOUR There will be eight activities In Attendance Daily from 5 p.m. , . areas, including the beach anc Arthur Pryor bandstand, which Cyril J. Cousins will be used (or stage presents' (Judo) PARTIES—WEDDINGS^-BANQUETS tions. Accommodations up to 175 Rt. 36 and E. Alexander Sell Fast! Ths Daily Register Middle Road (Karate) Classified. AIRPORT PLAZA Hml*r 244-4434 EVERY FRIDAY, 5:30-9 P.M. NOW PLAYING 'LAVISH DINNER BUFFE AT 3 THEATRES Offering a selection of 40 delkiout diAM WALTER Featuring: LOBSTER • SHRIMP • CRABMEA', READE* TOWN « SMOKED OYSTERS • SEAFOOD SALADS • PRIME RIBS STERLING 1 MIDDLETOWN ' HAM • TURKEY • COLD CUTS • SALADS • and the THEATRES •7MQ2O WONDBHUL PASTIY TABLE AMES GHBHHI-LEE JLCOBB-GU GOUN PRESENT wilb our Home Baked Specialities WALT DISNEY'S $4.50 per person "THAT DARN CAT" EDDIE KING AT THE PIANO JFri., Sat., Sun.) STARRING Rr. 35 and JAMES COBURN-LE J. COBB-GILA GOLAN-EDWARD VULHARE Ntpfviw City HAYUY MILLS - MAN JONES


«.«ort Dean to Speak 26."—- lL Nimbi* records •kjr 12.&engtfaw!M 9. Nested at At 'Villanova Evening*13. Hang* boxes nlfht, unevenly 10.Iron, Stone, MOOT'S SHREWSBURY - Rev. Philip H. Migrant Ice, etc. delight' 15. Associate 14. Jewish 38. Chair F. Barrett, dean of the College of'lala" month 30. Tank of Commerce and Finance, is 16. Btverage 16. Mine 82. Bold, one of two representatives from 17. Wireleus entrance card, alarm 19. Malt kilns hone, etc 38. Pointed Villanova University who will 18. Protuber- 20. Come in J3.Guttoftl» web . participate in a "Villanova Eve- ance of a 21. Thing; Arabian sort tnlaw S«a Neptunt, ning" Friday in Shadowbrook, 21. Sell 22. Devon 34. Female Ero«,etc ' The' affair is being sponsored 23. Close river "riot" 41.81mulat« By REG SMYTHE by the Villanova General Alumni 27. Live 21.AbaIone: 35. Town in 42. Unhappy ANDY CAPP 2wds. • Iowa 44.3J416 Association for the alumni, un 28. Gaza 29. Cult IT'S TWO O'CLOCK IN > dergraduate parents, and friends 30. Scoffed 1 4 4 1 of Villanova in the Red Bank t 6 B I* THE MORNINV- J 31. Dart,lane«, % area. arrow, etc ll K WHAT'S ^R STORY' Bernard Finan of Red Bank, 33. Third king- % president of the Monmouth- ofJudah 14 14 36. Table T Ocean County Alumni, will be % scrap lt> Ib master of ceremonies. He will 37. Sow or boar be assisted by Norman Peer of ^4 40. Deep-pink w 19 w Middletown and Richard Peer orrose Y/< % % % % of Red Bank. 42. My it ii it 43. Select u % Father Barrett was appointed 44. Blanched 11 dean of Villanova's College of 45. Cheep Commerce and Finance in 1962. motel* 29 si He succeeded his former teach- 46. Loafs er and friend, the late Rev. Jo- Rev, Philip F, Barrett DOWN il il seph A. Bartley. 1. Tense % % King's College in Wilkes-Barre. 2. Culture 53 ib w By WALT DISNEY Father Barrett Is a native of Father Barrett entered the medium % % MICKEY MOUSE W 41 LarksviHe, Pa. H« is a gradu- Augustioian Order in September, S.HUKB K ate of Plymouth (Pa.) High 4. Otherwise, 1949, to study for the priesthood 4J VUAUZ School and worked for the Ben- He was ordained in 1953 and fol- In eh HOV/STHB GOT A dix Aviation Corporation prior Aberdeen % lowing graduate work in ac- 45 NEW J£», BETTER to entering the service in 194?. 6. Compass M> flOOFV? WITHA counting at Catholic University point % 51SSEK After serving in Naval ,In was assigned to the faculty at OUTFIT. telligenoe for three years he was Archbishop Carroll High School. discharged and entered Villano- Five years later he was named va to study in the School of rector. Commerce and Finance. Fol- In 1961, he was assigned to Bridge Advice lowing his graduation he served Merrimack College in Andover, as an instructor In accounting at Mass., as dean of men and pro- fessor of theology. During this By ALFRED SHEINWOLD period, Father Barrett was in- One thing that makes bridge Badgley Elected volved in preliminary studies The Hand a better game than pinochle and and early planning of an. Augus- East dealer elmilar card games of the trick- Equitable V.P. tinUn High School in Reading, Both sides vofaenHe - taking family is that you are al- Mass. NORTH NEW YORK - Eugene D. lowed to use your judgment By SAUNDERS and OVERGARD He was engaged In these du- • K106 STEVE ROPER Badgley, UtlJe Silver, N. J., was when you cannot follow suit. You ties when he was recalled to suc- V Q1094 Am MCAROL fERMLV /UWm/fMT-, elected vice president in the are not obliged to play a trump. O 1064 BUTHERE5AREAICUHE// EVERY MAN ON ceed his former teacher, Father THESE ARE ILLUSTRATIONS CHEWED IUWCH BOVE THIEVES IM A COSMETICS I My PAYROLL SET LA WWiiS ARE HAVIM6/r I MOW-BUT, agency department of the Equit- East won the first- two tricks FOR MY STORY ON EMPimEE MD EXTRA POCKETS PLANT COULOOWRVOrr \ WOULD HAVE A FABULOUS SUE ON MINK I HOUEY-M-I'M ahle Life Assurance Society of Bartley. Villanova's School of WBt . EAST IN OVERCOATS, SO DOZENS OF LIPSTICK TUBES > TO BE DMNS JACKETS, WRLINS/-TH«rCNE \ STILL MAKING Commerce and Finance has an with high diamonds and then the U. S. by its board of direc- AJ84J 4 Noao m.1 SKIP THOSE IN THESE 'CARTRIDGE BftTS'J THAT, STEVE/ WOULD COST DOUBLE THE led a third diamond. South, an tors. enrollment of nearly 1,300 and a ^«2 VKJ1S MADE CF CELLOPHANE faculty of more than 40. unreformed pinochle player, rr WOULD rMGETD*'ITVCULDBE He Is In charge of Hie com- ruffed the third diamond. This V/ORKCNXJUR pany's Career Advancement Di- foolish play cost him 720 points. 4 AQ9752 vision. He had been a second Police Posts West over-ruffed, of course", vice president, thus taking the third defensive O0 82 Mr, Badgley, a graduate of trick. South eventually had to , * *K9 Rider College, joined EtpiitaWe Exam Slated lose a heart trick, and his score fet &ontk Wt* Norf&v in 1932. He is a chartered life was minus 100 points instead of O 14 Pus 3 4 LONG BRANCH - Open com- fcs 44 All Ptes underwriter and a veteran of plus 620. Opening lead —09 World War II. petitive examinations for munic- ipal policemen will be held South is sure to make the con- April 13 for this and three other tract if he throws away a IRS Service Pin Monmoufch County, municipalities, heart instead of ruffing the third Partner opens with one ipa le, Police Chief 'Thomas M. Pesano diamond. West also throws a and the next player passees. } ou UTCtE SILVER — Frederick By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW announced' yesterday. '' ' heart, and East continues with NUBBIN Collender, 32 Laurelwood Dr., a a fourth diamond (the best de- hold: Spades - K 10 6, Hearts group supervisor for the U. S. Beside* ttiis city, municipal- fense). - Q 10 9 4. Diamonds - 10 « Internal Revenue Service, has ities included are (Middletown South ruffs In Jiis own hand, 4. Clubs - A Q 5. What do received a jeweled lapel pin for Holmdel and Keyport. and West throws a 6econd heart you say? ' 20 years service. since dummy's trumps would IT The exams will be given at 6 Answer: Bid two clubs. Since beat him if he over^ruffed. De- STILL Ut. Collender is one of 68 New p.m. at Middletawn High School, you have ljjpqints in high cards clarer throws -a heart from Jersey" employees given career rindall Rd., Middletown. ' you are too strong for a single 6NO0SH dummy and leads out the ace service awards in November, Salaries offered for the. posts raise but not strong enough for TAIL ON of spades to see i£ anything is December and January, Joseph are $5,220.Jbr.'ifolmdel.'&OOO t< a jump to, three spades. The IT.' wrong with that suit. ~- M. Shotz, director of the New $5,949 for Keyport, $5,900 t< solution is to bid something else Jersey district, has announced $6,500 for Long Branch and $5,474 East shows out, and South next first and then raises spades. The awards are given at five- to $6,717 for Middletown. leads a low trump • to finesse However, you are unwilling to bid year intervals to employees who Chief Pesano said the Long with dummy's ten.. Declarer your only four-card because a .bid have completed at least 15 years Branch force is fully staffed, but cashes the king of spades and of two. hearts In this situation service. acceptable applicants would be needs only to get back to bis should always promise a five- considered for future positions hand to draw the last trump. card (or longer) suit. You must Since West has discarded two 250 Bankers Attend as the need arises. manufacture" a bid in your hearts, South wisely gets to his March 25 is the closing date for stronger minor suit, intending to hand by leading a cjub, to the Annual Dinner Dance applications to take She tests, the show the spade support next, MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAUNDERS md KEN ERNST WALL TOWNSHIP - More state Civil Service Department king. Now he leads the queen than 2S0 bankers from Monmouth said. of spades to draw the last trump, To order a Pocket Guide to THE THOUGHT OF A and the rest is easy. Bridge send 50 cents to Red Bank rrRAH6£R-WJNGY0UR and Ocean Counties attended the annual mid-year dinner dance A bridge player would never Register, Box 3318, Grand Cen- mu cm. MW-THWMES JET OF WUIK, Gay Go-Togethers muff this kind of hand; a tral Station; N.Y., N.Y. 10017. RMW-OWT WE sponsored by Monmouth Chap- ter, American Institute of Bank- pinoche player would mangle it It covers' bidding convention, : ing, at Jimmji Byrne's Sea Girt every single time. - point count; etc. _^ KVOTEDFATHKWHO Inn Saturday. Printed Pattern WENJWDWJSHIER Kuda Bux, the man with the fOtlNlOVEWTIH X-ray eyes, entertained with a AfTRUSGUNS display of his unusual vision, that KHOOLTOOffiH! of "seeing" with his eyes JUNGLE RUBBISH WE SUPPOSED; FIRST . WHO is THAT; FORT MONMOUTH — Michael ITEUVCU MO FIND THAT TO FINDf ^ Smith, 26 Amo St., Oakhurst, PHANTOM OTHER UPTHEGtRL. was called to the headquarters 15 HERE- THEN WE LOOK IN THIS FOR OSSIE of Brig. Gen. H. McD Brown, PLACE.' commanding general of the U.S. Army Signal School at Fort Mon- rnouth, and congratulated by the general on being designated "Outstanding Instructor" in rec- ognition of his skill as a class- room teacher THAT6IRL Mr. Smith Is an Instructor in CAN'T STAY IN THE CASE ALL the Signal SCSTOOI'B Department NIGHT. TAKE HER of Specialist Training. OUTWOCK HER. IN A ROOM. 20-YEAR SERVICE By GEORGE SIXTA FORT MONMOUTH - Gar- RIVETS field Adams, of River Plaza, HE BROKE YOUR was presented a certificate in recognition of his 20 years of "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean i GAS LIGHT, MOM government service here. Mat (HEMISS6DTK8AU ing the presentation was Stanley Friday, March 4 C. Mader, Interlaken, director of the Fabrication Division, Re- Present—For You and Yours ..-. If you gain search and Development Direc- new light on situations, your decisions and ideas will torate of the Army Electronics be well-received by others. People are somewhat Command. Mr. Adams is a sheet hard to please today, so extra effort,will be neces- metal worker in the division. sary. You may receive a surprising reward for service given, but let others have their share of Look — a great triple play! attention, too. What fun for a young fashion- Fairview able to mijf and switch pop-top, ': Debra Ann Timidiskf, daugh- bare-midriff top and bell bottoms The Day Under Your Sign ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Timi all summer. Easy-sew in easy- Ariel, Born Mar. 21 to Apr. 19 Libra. Stpt. 23 to Oct. 22 .3-3 diskl, North Wilson Cir., marked care cottons. Forget your cares and have fun Otheri ire under strain, ton, viih t friend tonight. Join cih- BO don't expect too much from her 11th birthday with a family Printed Pattern 9347: Chil- •ra in 1 gay whirl. them. De helpful. gathering in her home. MARK TRAIL By ED DODD dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6.pop- Tiurui. April 20 to May 20 Scorpio. Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 top % yd. 35-in.; pants 1%. Clarify your- bbjectivrr no that felly milters require courtesy. ottiers roncrrned can't pt**ihly J)on't blow your top and be Kenneth Shelly, son of Mr. and Fifty cents In coins for each miiumlerstamt embarrassed later. Mrs. Kenneth Shelly, Rf<**itc \wt money. send for our new, fashion-fillec Virgo, Aug. 22 to Sept. 22 Piicti. Fab. 20 to March 20 % Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kasz,u Spring-Summer Pattern Catalog Reconciliation which you've This la a btuy flay. Get iltrted 1 wttilirljT it pouible. Jndi- early, even tuouin.you want t ba and ton, James, Nutswarrvp Chose one free pattern front 125 little extra rest • • Rd., htfwi' ffltanwd fton ft trip -dip coupon in CiWog, Harry, to Stowe, Vt. »ul Hto for Catalan now. \ -M.

./ - • , Much 3, -mil THE DAEY REGISTER CeevtTMiy, « idbtwad, Ibtt ^tao, would prdb- |€1iips, Favorites Lose Out O>ly tavt a but <(t«t » Hu miijkeC N tppetmi, you can corfn* your purchase* to con- lervttf.'n growth stocks which LAST DAYS In Sales Rush on Market have not benefited from tha list and are leu rttatrafefe to tny By ED MORSE Of the losers among the active Among blue chips, du Pont Investing decline w*ich may develop. In NEW YORK (AP) - The stock stocks, Texas Gulf Sulphui tost 1%, Eastman Kodak ex div- W,t group I favor Coin Products, market went through its second dropped 3, Pan American Worlc idend 2%, Anaconda ex divi- By Roger E. Spear straight session of very heavy Airways; 2ft and Chrysler 2Vi dend 2, kenneoott IK and Spear wdich has quite consistently lift- ed earnings and dividends over selling Wednesday, with Transitron and Raytheon gained American Smelting 4%, would Uke to s«t up a additional purchases I suggest chips and. high-flyers alike tak- 1 each, Permian 1'/, and Collins I Other higtHiuatity issues did retifaJnent protram for my wile; PIC Corp:; Eastman Kodak; the past decade. ing it on the chin. Radio %. not fare badly. Union Carbide aged- 39. I have $2$ a .month Merck, Ic Company. (Mr. Spear cannot answer all Typical of the market's trou- Considerable price havoc wai rote \% General foods %, Ford available for Investment. Could mall personally but will miwtr bles was the fact that American wrought among the higher' ':,:Standard Oil New Jersey H, ' (Q) "I have funds to Invest but you advise me on this matter?" am' rather fearful about going all questions ponible in his col- Telephone, the most widely-held priced, volatile issues. Zenith Reynolds Tobacco % and South umn.) stock of all, the traditional in- lost 7>/«, Polaroid 1% Xerox $%, ern • California^ Edison %. U.S. Into the market at this late date. vestment vehicle of "widows and IBM 5ft. Steel cfosed unchanged and Gen- You appear to b« Do you. think wt *t* heading orphans" over the years, was Rails Weaken eral -Motors lost' %, sighted man as well as * good toward a big decline?" A.L. the most active issue as it wa husband. You have two courses "Harninonton Among the recently-strong MidUnd-Ross gained V/ on available to yop. The first is a (A) I follow closely a great; dumped in big blocks. rails, New York Central lost 1%, t many technical indicators, and AT&T sank to a new 196S-'(6 7 stock »pllt n«ws. American Mo- talk with a member of the New Park" Milwaukee I /,, Pennsylvania tors' rose % to 10% on heavy York. Stock; Exchange which han- right now the ohanc** of a ser- low of 58% at the close, showing Railroad ex-dividend 1% and ious nesrterm decline look slim. 1 trading of 63,500 shares. Its dles ' Monthly Investment-Plans; SUITS'- a loss of % on turnover of 160,-Southern Pacific 2 /,. February siles were-up sharply We.are h»ving unparalleled pros- 200 shares. Pick a sound stock — sap Texaco from » year ago, ' plan. The perity, but some eroded thereafter. Late in Bruniwlc under an timbrelta, to f afce your offer. lucy Erlt day selling became heavy and lulora If it's reasonable, you have a deal. My man the list closed at Its lowest. luri led must give you at least 50% off the sale In late selling there w Can, JI blocks of AT&T 25,000; 18,000 price Hcket. The only thing you have to do and 10,000 shares sold in fairly :&«« A Oil is make your selection and bring it over to :nryal>r rapid sequence, reflecting action Cltlfl >v i t' Coca Cola this man. He must give you af least 50% off, by important money. Cols F»l Market technicians were dis- Colum Qu but you can offer him less. Quite often he 3oml Bolv appointed that.there was not a toil Edit will take your offer. For example... Con Can "selling climax" in the first hour Corn Pd which, would have 'pounded mini O 1 stocks down very sharply to a Crn Zell You can buy men's, ladies , children's shoes Cnic Stl J3H. Ren Mtt M lower point than' was reached. CuRlii Wr -73S- Rer.Tob- . «l •i Apr as low as $1.90 D»ere ~ Rob Control! IT Instead there was only relative- M * Hud Bt Joi Lead «' ly minor selling at the start. Hit Sup 6t K«g Pap U You can buy ladies' skirts, blouses, dresses Joug- Alro Sean Roeb SI' Had the initial selling been of Chem Shell Oil SS1 ! ^ for a low, low price $1.00 the frantic variety, one said, "it ...• Io4 3S% Sinclair 51 lu Pont Smith, AO IS! would have purged the pessi- *]» Lt aocony as You can buy men's, boys' slacks, and shirrs mistic forces and the market tut Kod Son Fas i 41< End John Sou Ry So for as low as $1.00 would be set for a rally that :H« Licit rry. Kd IS' rlrest'on* Sid Brua Tl< meant something^" KMC Cp Sid -Oil Cal n MEN'S, LADIE5', CHILDREN'S, INFANTS' Still Hanging On orl Mot 51% Sid Oil NJ TS> fen Accept 51H Studibaktr u> As it Is, analysis noted that lea'Cigar 31H Textu ' IS! ] SHOES, KEDS, SLIPPERS, SNOWSHOES en Dynam Tex O Sul 111 many small investor! were still fen Elec 107H Textron «' leu Fdi ' 7714 Tldemt Oil 4S> MEN'S, 1OYS', SfORTCOATS, RAINCOATS, hanging on, unshaken by the )«n MotMi 8814 Traniamir M' sharp declines of last week and fn Put lit 31H Dn Carols* 64 SLACKS, SHIRTS, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, Tel * Tel 42H Un- Pac . «< Monday. From the technical !en Tire Un Tank C . *1' WORK CLOTHES, CHINOS, PAJAMAS. viewpoint, it would have been Pic Cp Unit Alro II' IlletU United Cp t< LADIES', GIRLS'. DRESSES, LINGERIE, preferable if stocks were scared 3len Aid U» Llnu M' out of such "weak hands" in or- Soodrlch JSH UB Plywl M' GIRDLES, IRAS, HOSE 3oo4y«ar «5H IIS Rub ' W der to form the base for a solid Qrac* Co 53 ti US Smelt %V n<4 The Associated Press average III Cent Inl S3 Wn Un Tel Special Purchase! ilYt US AN OFFIR 1st Rand 4911 Weitf El of.60 stocks fell M to 348.7 with nt Bui Hch XMM, WT.Ue 1Hot No Reownable Offer Rtfused industrials off 1.7 to a new lownt Harv 4S% Woolwt ! nt Nick Xerox Cp for the year. Int. Paper 31H Yntit 111*1 Standard and Poor's 500-stock 1st Tel * Ttl 70 New Spring Suits index lost .91 to 89.15. Of 1,446 Open Doily 9 AM to 10 PM issues traded, 936 fell and 268 American Br Am Oil Mack Trk Wt; rose. New highs for 1965-'6S to- Cdn Mare Uolybden S5 Z DAYS ONLY — taled 9 and new lows 139. :reol« P M Open Sunday 10 AM to 8 PM Equity Cp 4S Phoenix tU u Eight of the IS most active Fargo Olll Pren Ball Wa RID IANK ONLY! stocks fell, six rose and Family 6

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