Mary Ellen Mark,Laurie Rae Baxter | 128 pages | 28 Jul 2015 | aperture | 9781597113168 | English | New York, Mary Ellen Mark – ‘on the Portrait and the Moment’ – James Cockroft

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. In The Photography Workshop SeriesAperture Foundation works with the world's top photographers to distill their creative approaches, teachings and insights on photography--offering the workshop experience in a book. The goal is to inspire photographers of all levels who wish to improve their work, as well as readers interested in deepening their understanding of the art In The Photography Workshop SeriesAperture Foundation works with the world's top photographers to distill their creative approaches, teachings and insights on photography--offering the workshop experience in a book. The goal is to inspire photographers of all levels who wish to improve their work, as well Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment readers interested in deepening their understanding of the art of photography. Each volume is introduced by a student of the featured photographer. In this book, Mary Ellen Mark --well known for the emotional power of her pictures, be they of people or animals--offers her insight on observing the world and capturing dramatic moments that reveal more than the reality at hand. Through words and pictures, she shares her own creative process and discusses a wide range of issues, from gaining the trust of the subject and taking pictures that are controlled but unforced, to organizing the frame so that every part contributes toward telling the story. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published July 28th by Aperture first published June 30th More Details Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Mary Ellen Mark on the Portrait and the Momentplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jan 06, Jeremy Brooks rated it it was amazing Shelves: programming. One of the best books about making photos that I have ever read. I got this from the library, but I am going to buy a copy. Nearly every page is an inspiration, either the image or the words that go with it. Nov 07, Brian Page rated it liked it. It hardly seems that anyone interest in MEM, or in an Aperture publication, would need advice of that sort. Each photograph is accompanied by commentary that quite often seems a little forced. Either way, the content is the most important. That, Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment all else, makes this book a treasure. It is a must-have book. The printing quality is excellent and the descriptive commentary about the photographs is revealing. View 2 comments. Jan 08, Joe rated it really liked it. The first 91 pages where a photo is paired with insights on how the work was made are very insightful and inspirational. The work is amazing, and you can tell she was a great teacher. The remaining 30 pages feature this same format with student photos. I would have Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment to just see Mary Ellen's work for the entire book, as some of the student work Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment that strong. The last section may be helpful for photo instructors who need some good examples about how to speak positively about student The first 91 pages where a photo is paired with insights on how the work was made are very insightful and inspirational. The Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment section may be helpful for photo instructors who need some good examples about how to speak positively about student work though. Jul 05, Karl Edwards rated it really liked it. Love Mary Ellen Mark and this book feels super personal. Every page reads like you're sitting down with the iconic documentary photographer and the Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment are filled with insight gleaned from a lifetime Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment to polishing her craft. It's a quick read but if you're a fan then you owe it to yourself to get this book. Like all the Aperture workshop series of books the reproductions are superb. Top shelf all the way! Get it. Jan 08, Patrik Flores rated it it was amazing. Mary Ellen Mark is the reason I bought a camera after seeing a documentary about her years ago, life changing moment in ways. This book is as down to earth in its approach to photography as she seemed to be as a photographer. Highly recommended. Feb 18, Phil rated it really liked it. The text is directed at those interested in Mark's creative approach. She offers many erudite insights on interacting with people before and during making photos, having a point of view, seeing with a graphical eye, being persistent, taking control, letting things happen, and so on. I craved more details, but unfortunately Mark leaves out many in these brief notes. Beautiful paper and printing makes this a keeper. Inspirational, as always. Apr 01, Barry Stoch rated it it was amazing Shelves: photography. I really enjoyed this book! Mary Ellen's images are full of magic. The book printing is of high quality, with wonderful tonal qualities, really accentuating these beautiful images. I also really enjoyed the concise write ups on each image. Interesting quick behind the image stories. Feb 15, Ariel Caldwell rated it really liked it. Reading this is like sitting down with Mary Ellen Mark as she reviews her work and tells stories. I would have liked to know more about what she thought of her students' photographs also includedbut instead I learned about them as people. I will probably read this book again in the future. Mar 19, Scott Lawrence rated it it was amazing. Fantastic self reflection of her work. Lots of great tips too. But all in an accessible format. Jan 10, andrea rated it it was amazing Shelves: favoritesre-readphotography. Alex rated it really liked it Apr 07, Andrew Williams rated it really liked it Apr 10, Christopher rated it it was amazing Aug 30, Felix rated it it was amazing May 16, Lorenz Piccoli rated it really liked it Dec 09, Laura Pardo rated it it was amazing Sep 21, Ghayyan rated it really liked it Feb 28, Subhas Ghosh rated it it was amazing Aug 25, Leander rated it it was amazing Aug 03, Josephine Ahnelt rated it really liked it Jun 23, Cloudy Moroni rated it really liked it Dec 05, Jeff rated it it was amazing Aug 26, Smith rated it really liked it Aug 02, Peter Senzamici rated it it was amazing Dec 27, Laura rated it it was amazing Jul 13, Rohan Chakravarty rated it really liked it May 02, Danielle rated it it was amazing Jan 10, Mary Ellen Mark Home Page Mark was a portrait photographer, and a damn good one. How did she manage to get such interesting, intimate, portraits? She asks for a portrait, and the man jumps into a nearby tree. She takes a few frames, then his wife steps Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment. With luck, and some patience, and some work, and willing participants, she gets the shot of the Appalachian Couple. More often than not, the subject will do something you never would have dreamed of. Practice capturing a moment. In almost all cases, Mark is patient, works the scene, works the subject, often for a long time and over Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment visits. She photographed Tiny for several decades, and worked with the Damm family many times, over 5 or 6 years. For example, to photograph prostitutes in Bombay, Mark spent a week walking up and down Falkland Road with her camera, letting the people get used to her, before first going into a brothel. The women screamed and ran. She went back again; the women screamed and ran. She kept going back and eventually made friends with a madam who granted her access to one of the brothels. She made friends. She became part of the community. When the police raided, the women hid her. Really, for Mark, it boils down to persistence, patience, and a willingness to be present, there with her subjects, to gain their trust, and Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment keep focused on the subjects, their moods and needs, and knowing when to put down the camera and help a little girl get ready for school. Concept Content Design. Unlike other books in the series, Mark devotes nearly thirty pages to photographs made by students in her Aperture workshops. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Next Post Next post: Vacation, Shmaycation… but at least it was foggy for part of the drive home. Leave a comment. Say Something! Cancel reply. Excerpt from Mary Ellen Mark on the Portrait and the Moment

I saw that my camera gave me a connection with others that I had never had before. It allowed me to enter lives, satisfying a curiosity that was always there, but that was never explored before. I realized the world was open to me. Mark, a gifted and prolific photographer, passed away just before the official release of this book, her 19th, leaving behind a substantial body of work and a legacy befitting one of the most accomplished photographers of our time. In the s, when Ms. Mark began her photography career, she was a pioneer: a woman in a male-dominated field, working in communities across the United States and around the world. Today, Ms. The recipient of several honorary degrees, and numerous prestigious fellowships and awards, Ms. Mark has also served as a mentor to many, and is known for leading photography workshops in locations throughout North America, Mexico, and Iceland. To accomplish this, Ms. Mark draws from her fine arts training and experience in documentary, editorial, and commercial photography. She writes about the importance of composition and elements within a successful photograph, while devoting a significant portion of the text to the practice of waiting, seeing, interpreting, connecting, and feeling. There are no checklists or formulas to Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment. Mark simply shares her thoughts on how to approach the work of visual storytelling—and ideas on how to observe, approach, and befriend strangers. She emphasizes the need Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment care about others, to be curious, and to treat people with respect. She also discusses the challenges of navigating a path between distance Mary Ellen Mark: On the Portrait and the Moment intimacy across cultural boundaries. The vast majority of Ms. Mark writes of her desire to tell a complete story with each frame; this adds a depth to her work that invites the viewer to revisit each photograph again and again. Collectively, these narratives are moving, intriguing, heartbreaking, tender, and hopeful. All are imbued with the dignity that characterizes Ms. There are other publications on Ms. For those who are just discovering her work, The Portrait and the Moment offers an introduction to some of Ms. She is also the founder of a boutique photography studio where she works with private, editorial, and corporate clients. Enter your keywords. Author s :. Mary Ellen Mark. Release Date:. July 20, Buy on Amazon. Reviewed by:. Denise Simon.