Senate fishermen wind up singing the 'Blues' By MAM MAGYAR Priedland said the gefilte would be "a perfect choke" fame was that he was once married to Samantha Eggars. Sen. Charles Yates, D-Burlington, protested. "We've SUieheese Cwrespoadeal for the state's Pint Fish. "I asked nun where his people shot gefUtefish and he been floundering on this issue long enough. It's only a "In the first place, it is totally inactive, doesn't eat a . told me, 'The same place your people shoot spaghetti.' In fluke this comes before us. After this debate, maybe the thing — thereby conserving all other forms of life, animal his memory, Senator Hamilton, I have to go back on my blowfish should be the state fish. On the other hand, TRENTON - It wai no nuke - just the fishiest issue and vegetable — and just lies there looking up at you, the State Senate ever carped about. word to you that I would support the bluefish. I will cast maybe the jellyfish is more appropriate." while it sops up all the fish stock in which it rests," my vote for the gefUtefish!" Russo said. After » minutes of political reeling and dealing, the Friedland noted. Friedland's motion to move Hamilton's bluefisn bUl to bluefish survived a whale of a challenge from the But prospects for a Jewish-Italian gefUtefish coalition second reading to replace it with his gefUtefish amend- "In the second place, the gefilte, being a mixture of quickly dissolved when Sen. S. Thomas Gagliano, R- ment failed 14-15. . gefUtefish and swam away with Senate approval as the stewed or baked fish stuffed with a mixture of fish flesh, Monmouth, stood up to propose the baccala, an Italian official state fish. bread crumbs, eggs and seasonings, more accurately codfish, as the state fish. "Who said Hudson County always gets what it The bluefish bill now goes to the Assembly for 'de- reflects New Jersey's population mixture," be said. wants?" Friedland lamented. bait.' Sen. Anthony Scardino, D-Bergen, immediately gave Hamilton's bluefish bill then sailed through the Senate "As an assemblyman, I introduced legislation to Sen. Stephen Perskie, D-AUanUc, seconded the Gagliano's choice a bipartisan seal of approval, and Priedland amendment, pointing out that "The gefUtefish by a 36-1 vote, with only Sen Lee Laskin, D-Camden, make the catfish the state fish because it was the only one Senate President Joseph Merlino, D-Mercer, gaveled Sen. questioning the "porpoise" of it all. that could survive in our polluted waters," Sen. David J. industry at the Shore is well-known." Matthew Feldman, D-Bergen, out of order when he stood Friedland, D-Hudson, asserted in suggesting that the Senate Majority Leader John Russo, D-Ocean, rose to up to protest. "I'm not as serious as these guys," Laskin said "gefilte (genus Manischewiti)" would be a better state his feet grimly and turned to Sen. William Hamilton, D- "He's Italian," Merlino said, pointing to Scardino. sarcastically, then turned serious. "We wasted 20 fish than the bluefish (Pomatomus Saltatrix) Middlesex, who sponsored the bill to make the bluefish the "You're not." minutes fooling around with this fish bill and we're going "We have nothing against good oil Pomatomus official state fish. Merlino recognized Sen. Frank J. "Pat" Dodd, D- to pass important legislation with no debate. I didn't want Saltatrix," he said. "We are, however, somewhat trou- "It is with a heavy heart that I rise to break a Essex, long enough for him to propose a compromise — to dignify the debate by voting for the bill." bled at the fact that it is, after all, an active and quite promise," Russo said. "David Friedland's touching tale "the Irish salmon which immigrated to New Jersey from Laskin's lucky Friedland didn't hear him. voracious fish — and we fear that New Jersey's image reminded me of when I was a schoolboy at Asbury Park the upper reaches of the Shannon River." He probably would ve told his Camden colleague to will be tainted by Its identification as the 'State Fish'." High School, and I met a Jewish man whose only claim to "We have Important business to deal with today," "Go fish." The Daily Register . VOL. 102 NO. 136 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1979 20 CENTS Khomeini prepares in case U.S. attacks TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranians reportedly nounced the constitution as a tool of dictatorship stalemate. voted 60-to-l for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's while the minorities, many of them Sunni A spokesman for the court in The Hague said it Islamic constitution, giving the Shiite Moslem Moslems, opposed it because Khomeini and his would begin private consideration today of the patriarch supreme power for life, but there was Shiite Moslems rejected their demands for auton- suit brought by the United States against Iran, no word of how many boycotted the referendum. omous home rule. and a public hearing was set for next Monday. Khomeini's militiamen increased the guard at Officials had predicted the. boycotts would The Security Council held its fourth meeting the occupied U.S. Embassy, apparently in antici- have little effect on the outcome of the vote. At on the crisis Monday night, a 32-minute session in pation of a U.S. attempt to free the 50 Americans several polling stations, reporters saw Moslem which four more countries joined 28 others who held hostage there by students demanding the priests sitting in front of the ballot boxes instruct- earlier protested the detention of the Americans return of the deposed shah. Foreign Minister ing people to "vote yes only." The clerics, and in Tehran. Sadegh Ghotbzadeh said all the hostages were anyone else who chose to watch, could see wheth- U.S. Ambassador Donald McHenry said he still being treated and fed well, and he denied er voters deposited the green "yes" ballot or the expected a resolution to be introduced today. One reports that they were kept tied to chairs. red "no" vote. being circulated by Nigeria reportedly called for Final results of the referendum were not ex- Meanwhile, the American hostages began the release of the hostages and urged Iran and the pected until later in the week. But initial returns 31st day of their confinement, and Ghotbzadeh United States to reconcile their differences from the vote Sunday and Monday pointed to reported on their condition in an interview with without using force. DEATH TO CARTER — The faces of these Iranians outside the U.S. embassy landslide approval by those who voted. NBC-News. yesterday captures the mood of this Islamic republic, as the division between the The charter mandates theocratic government "It is not true that they are tied with the In Washington, U.S. officials said the Carter two countries widens. The students holding about SO Americans hostage sav they in this predominantly Moslem nation, and oppo- chairs," he asserted. "... In the beginning, in a administration has had no'success in finding won't compromise on the return of the shah. And the ruling revolutionary council nents claim it wUl confirm Khomeini as a dic- couple of days in the beginning, that matter was a another country that would give the shah refuge, has boycotted the UN. Security Council meeting In New York. Meanwhile, the shout tator. little harsh. But later on it was eased off and now and some officials were saying his stay in the In the street Is 'Mara bar Carter!' Death to Carter I Reports from Isfahan, with a population of they are sort of free to talk to one another and go United States was "open-ended." 671,825, said the vote was 38,672 for the constitu- and discuss and even sort of make jokes. And The shah moved Sunday from the New York tion and 1,637 against. In the smaller northern city they're becoming rather friendly with our stu- hospital where he was treated for gallstones and of Bandar Gavaneh a vote of 13,3004 was re- dents over there." cancer to the Lackland Air Force Base near San ported, and in Ardebil, near the Soviet border, the Ghotbzadeh reiterated that Iran wUl not ac- Antonio, Texas. Violent crimes up tally was 50,000-112, the government said. cept any UN. Security Council decision on the After Mexico refused to let the shah return Leftist and centrist political parties had said crisis unless it includes the surrender of Shah there, President Anwar Sadat renewed his offer they would boycott the referendum as did leaders Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and said he doesn't of asylum in Egypt. But the shah was reported to of the Kurdish, Arab, Baluchi and Turkoman recognize the competence of the International feel that he would not be safe if anything hap- 7 pet, in county ethnic minorities. The political factions de- Court of Justice to rule on the IIS -Iranian pened to Sadat. By ANDREW SHEEHAN pared with a statewide in- ported crimes in each munic- Violent crime in Mem- crease of 8.9 percent. ipality, the crime index was mouth County increased sev- Monmouth County Prose- on the rise in Long Branch, Arabs, Africans support U.S. en percent in 1978 from 1977 cutor, Alexander D. Lehrer Eatontown, and Atlantic Highlands, while total crime because of a higher number noted that the increase in re- UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Arab and African Said Ambassador Leon N'Dong of Gabon: nian people," said Ambassador Blessing of reported rapes and physi- ported rapes did not reflect a decreased in Asbury Park "Despite our sympathy for the oause defended by Akoporode Clark of Nigeria, "but to understand and Red Bank. members of the United Nations, in an unusual cal assaults. higher number of incidents. show of support for the United States, are calling the Iranians, we are bound to regret the fact that that is not to approve the methods the Iranians In an annual report Issued "With 70 to 80 percent of County police depart- for the release of the American hostages in Iran. have selected to redress their deeply felt griev- by the state police's Uniform all rapes left unreported," ments reported 9.1 percent Frequently in the past they have been part of ances. Crime Reporting Unit, said Lehrer, " the figures more arrests in 1978 than in Third World groups that opposed the positions Related stories, pagei 2 and 4 "We earnestly implore the government and crimes In the county were indicate that more women 1977. Juvenile arrests were taken by the United States. But the seven African the people of Iran to release the American reported to be of a more seri- are coming forward, which is up 13 percent and adult ar- and two Arab delegates who spoke in the first the diplomatic personnel of a mission, as well as hostages without further delay and unconditional- ous nature in 1978, although encouraging." rests were up six percent. three days of the Security Council debate on the its premises, should be the object of aggression ly." the number of total infrac- Lehrer said that the rise in Lehrer praised the Juve- U.S.-Iranian crisis all censured Iran's violation of and violation." tions was constant with 1977 other violent crime is a state nile Division of the Mon- the principle of diplomatic immunity. See Arabs, page 4 figures. and national trend, not just mouth County Prosecutor's "I can understand the grievances of the Ira- Compared with a 12 peculiar to Monmouth Coun- Office for the increase of ar- percent rise in statewide re- ty. The seven percent crime rests and indictments of juve- ports of rape in 1978, reports increase in the county is niles. of rape in the county in- abreast of a 7.9 percent in- "There is no question that School classification opposed creased S.7 percent. The 87 crease in the state, according juvenile crime is on the in- sexual assaults on women to the report. crease all over the country. Fortunately the courts have By DAVID SCHWAB The 1975 New Jersey them on the basis of min- Only two of the 13 state superintendent of the Mid- (seven more than in 1977), The crime index, which Local school super- "Thorough and Efficient" imum standards. board members voted against dletown Township schools, paralleled an increase from registers the number of allowed us to try perpetrators of adult crimes as adults, in intendents are overwhelm- law (T&E) requires that each Under the proposed sys- the proposal in a preliminary said he "understood what the in to 905 in the number of rapes, atrocious assaults, ingly opposed to a proposal, school be evaluated by the tem, each school will be clas- vote. board is trying to do and in atrocious assaults. The re- breaking and enteries, larce- some instances." said Lehrer. scheduled for a state Board of commissioner of education in sified as "approved," if it Local officials do not ques- the long term it may be help- port noted that Long Branch nies, and motor vehicle Education vote tomorrow, ordej to make improve- meets all of the minimum ful. But in the short term, has the largest Increase in thefts, rose from 24,778 to The report cited a state- tion the need for some form which would classify school ments. The board is consider- standards; "approved with of evaluation, but they are there may be a lot of misun- reported rapes — from 10 to 24,881— an Increase of less wide Increase of 9 percent in districts. ing changes in the adminis- condition," if there are spe- derstanding on the part of the 15 in 1978. than one percent in the coun- automobile thefts, which rep- strongly opposed to the clas- The issue may become one trative code, made public last cific recommendations that sification scheme because community and a negative ef- ' Defined as an attempt to ty. The crime rate— the resents the first increase in October, which would eval- must be corrected, or "unap- fect initially." number of crimes per 100,000 that catagory since 1973. In of the most controversial In they say it is simply a label do serious Injury or to threat- recent years. uate schools by classifying proved." which will be misunderstood The superintendents fear en injury with a lethal weap- residents— rose from 5,033.8 the county, the increase was to 5,061, the report said. from 1,275 to 1,435. by the public. that if a school receives a on, atrocious assaults in the "I'm very much against rating of "approved with county rose 7.S percent com- In a break down of re- Murders, which Increased from 12 to 13 incidents, and the system," said Dr. Donald condition," many will think robberies, which climbed Extra security funds D. Warner, superintendent of the school is not approved. slightly from 389 to 398 re- the Red Bank Regional High Several echoed the objections ports, were the only other in- School, who plans to attend of the New Jersey School The Inside Story creases in crime in the coun- tomorrow's state board Boards Association (NJSBA) ty, according to the report. meeting and to try to get on that parents may withdraw THE WEATHER sought for Rutgers the agenda to air his objec- their children from such There were slight de- tions. schools or the rating may Mostly suuy and windy today. High in the mid 40i to creases in larcenies and san support for the appropria- for an investigation into se- By MARK MAGYAR "I am not against the hurt students' chances of around U. Partly cloudy tomorrow. Complete report breaking and enteries, but the Statebouse Csmspoaaeat tion on the Joint Appropria- curity problems at the New page I. evaluation of schools, but I being accepted at some col- two catagories accounted for TRENTON - Two Mon- tions Committee and in the Brunswick campus after re- leges or getting jobs. At Wit's Ead It 89 percent of the county seri- Legislature as a whole. ceiving telephone calls from am concerned about publicly mouth County assemblymen stigmatizing school sys- Superintendents and local The doachs' borne oa MCOSS tew 11 ous crime. said yesterday they will push "Students can't study if Monmouth County parents Troy's 3-polater paces Rutgers 14 "A great deal of these they're concerned about their who said their daughters tems," he explained. "We school boards have written for a supplemental ap- don't classify municipal gov- the state board to object. The Giaata' Perktas faces new challenges 14 crimes are committed by ad- propriation, if needed, to beef safety," Van Wagner said. were afraid to go out at night. dicts in immediate need of "If the problem at Rutgers Is Last month, three Rutgers ernments or hospitals, yet NJSBA and the New Jersey up security at Rutgers Uni- they are in the same business Education Association, which Bridge advice .... tl • DAILY REGISTER money." said Lehrer. versity, where four women that the administration needs University women were sex- ••statss 8 PHONE NUMBERS more money for more police ually assaulted on campus, as th« schools — serving the are often on the opposite side The thefts, which were students were sexually as- public." of issues, are united in op- Oastllled lt-2* Mali Office 542-4MI centered mostly in nighttime saulted last month. officers, floodlights or other and seven women, including Dr. Bemhard Schneider, See School, page4 Cemlct. .... tl Tell Free 171 MM non-residence dwellings, re- Assemblymen Richard safety features, then we'll get at least one Rutgers student, Crttswora' puxle. tl Tell Free sulted in a loss of an esti- Van Wagner, D-Monmouth together and come up with It. wer£ sexually assaulted in Editorials. * Classified DepI 54M7N mated $11.9 million in proper- and Middlesex, and Anthony "Villane is touring the the Somerset Street area ad- Santa and The Elf EaUfUlameat • I ClrcidaUn DepI 542-4M9 ty and cash, the report said. M. Villane Jr., R-Monmouth campus Wednesday, and he joining the campus where Lifestyle U.U Sperts DepI S4Z-4M4 and Ocean, said they would should come back with some many Rutgers students live, Make ADate 1* MMdlelown Bureau C71-225* ideas on that," he said. according to police officials. Starting tomorrow, a serialized Doa't Be Late work together to get bi-parti- OMtwrlet -•• < Freehold Bureau 431-2192 California Creations has Villane brought the secur- "I'll be touring the story, Santa and The Elt will begin Iporta..... 14-11 L««K Branch Bureau ..2I2HII ity issue to public attention Rutgers campus (tomorrow) great gifts for Christmas. 41 JlmColtralllaM. in your Daily Register. ,_ t Slatekease Bureau (M-Itt-9358 Broad St., Red Bank. JimCottrellisSO. two weeks ago when he called See Extra, page 4 2 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4.1979 Democratic presidential nomination, Kennedy spoke at a fund-raising dinner for Cranston, who is seeking re- election in 1980. Hayakawa, in a tele- 1 phone Interview from his Baby Boom ' ready to vote Washington office, declined WASHINGTON (AP) - The most significant voting bloc comment on Kennedy's of the 1980 presidential election could be alienated "baby quip. boom" Americans who reached voting age in the 1960s and 1970s but have yet to cast their first ballot, says Republican PALM SPRINGS, Calif. DALLAS (AP) - Jerry pollster Robert M. Teeter. (AP) — Singer Fraak Poarch sells bomb shelters, "My contention is that those people are not going to go SUatra will provide the and since the crisis in Iran) through their entire lives not participating in the process" and food and the drink as well his business is booming. that the 1980 elections will bring them out in droves, Teeter as the stars for a $l,SOO-a- There's a backlog of 15 said Monday. plate St. Valentine's Day orders, and sales haven't Of the 75 million Americans who have reached voting age benefit dinner show in Feb- been this good since the since I960, he said, some 50 million have still not registered to ruary for Desert Hospital, Cold War in the 1950s, said vote. according to the hospital the president of the only "This is a large group of potential voters who ought to be foundation shelter company in the city voters," Teeter said. "For the first time since the 1930s, Sinatra spokesman Lee telephone directory. Frart SUatra there is such a large group of voters, outside the electorate, Solters said details haven't Most of his customers available to either party." been resolved but that he don't call them "bomb that he left the television He conceded that to date, California Gov. Edmund G. t and hospital represent- shelters" any more. show after 12 years because Brown Jr. has been the only presidential hopeful with any atives would discuss the "Some people say they he felt it was time to move noticeable success in persuading large numbers of non-voting gala (or M0 persons at a want one for a wine cellar. on. Americans to register. Brown Is challenging President Carter meeting Saturday. Others say they want it for for the Democratic presidential nomination. SCENE OF CONCERT DEATHwS — Police cover two bodies on the plaza around Foundation director storage or to use as an ex- CHICAGO (AP)-Terre Cincinnati's Riverfront Coliseum last night after at least nine persons were killed as Roland Knapp said he hopes tra room," Poarch said. Haute, Ind , is the most no- "We sold one to a man who Troop pullback discounted a crowd surged to get Into a rock concert in the building. to pay off the balance of the where place in America, foundation's $50 million wanted it for his poker games." says comedian Sieve WASHINGTON (AP) - Describing the move as a "propa- pledge to the hospital's Mirtla In the January edi- ganda ploy," administration officials say they have strong building fund. Poarch said his father tion of Playboy magazine. designed the underground indications the Soviet Union will start pulling a 10,000-man Terra Haute's response? shelter 25 years ago. It sold tank division from East Germany this week. Rock fans stampede; SAN FRANCISCO (AP) "Well ex-cuuuuuuse- me!" They view the action, signalled nearly two months ago by - Massachusetts Sen. Ed- for $1,9(5 then, but costs $3,495 today. says Mayor Bill Brighton, Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, as a tactic in a campaign ward M. Keaaedy, cam- quoting one of Martin's to persuade North Atlantic alliance nations to reject an paigning here for fellow •JM best-known lines. American proposal for stationing longer-range missiles in Democrat Sen. Alaa LOS ANGELES (AP) - Martin was quoted as Western Europe. 11 die, eight hurt Crautoa, poked fun Sunday Comedian Paul Lyade, con- saying he thinks Terre tending he had not been These officials, asking to remain anonymous, dismiss the certgoers were apparently at California's other sena- Haute, population 70,000, CINCINNATI (AP) - into his first term Saturday, forced off the "The Holly- impending withdrawal as having very little military signifi- unaware of the deaths and tor, Republican S.I. Hay- qualifies as America's big- Panicked fans stampeded said many concertgoers stood wood Squares" television cance because, they say, it would represent only a fraction of injuries, and they were not akawa. gest nowhere because it has their way into a rock concert In line for up to seven hours, show, has fUed a $10 million Russia's estimated 530,000 troops in East Germany and other by "The Who" last night, and mentioned from the stage. "Sen. Cranston and I "very little Main Street. Warsaw Pact nations. and "when they saw the lawsuit against The Na- Fire Chief Burt Lugananni Concertgoer Michael Jor- doors open, everybody made serve In the Senate with And literally not a restau- According to the officials, there are signs the Russians tional Enquirer. said at least 11 people were dan, 17, said: "I was in the a mad rush — they lost all your other senator, Sam rant with any good food. will try to make the start of the withdrawal a "big media killed in the crush. middle. It was crazy. You had Hayakawa. My desk is right Rebutting statements "They say you can sense of rationality." published In a National En- event," as one official put it. They said they understand the At least eight persons suf- to fight to save your life." next to his sleeping bag and always tell that you're He added: "There were quirer article last month, Russians are inviting Western press and West Berlin tele- fered serious injuries, of- And 15-year-old Suzanne pillow," Kennedy said, somewhere when they have thousands of youngsters here, Lynde said in the suit filed vision to cover the event, probably Wednesday. ficials said, and many others Sudrack said: "You could laughing. manure ads on TV," Martin some drinking beer, some yesterday In Superior Court sustained minor injuries. The see people getting hurt. Peo- smoking marijuana and oth- A candidate for the added. Thousands cheer tree lighting injured were taken to five ple were flailing elbows and ers just wanting to get in out hospitals. smashing noses. You could of the cold." NEW YORK (AP) - Thousands of people braved chilly Ray Schwertman, a 49- see people going down." Blackwell said the concert temperatures and jammed into Rockefeller Plaza last night to year-old usher, said the A paramedic, who asked went on as scheduled because watch the annual lighting of Rockefeller Center's giant crowd surged through a door not to be identified, said: officials feared a riot might Criticism of shah puts Christmas tree. into the 17,000-seat Riv- "We have all sorts of Ufe break out if it were called off. Thousands of others trapped on the mobbed side streets erfront Coliseum just before saving devices. We have The coliseum where the could not see the 65-foot tree and had to settle for partici- the gates were to open at 7 drugs. We have highly trained incident occurred is the site pating in the thunderous cheer that arose when the lights went p.m. people, and none of it did a bit of most rock concerts In Cin- Kennedy on defensive on for the 47th year. "First, they threw a bot- of good. They just died. We cinnati, including recent ap- WASHINGTON (AP) - recognize how bloody my would conclude Is that the A show starring Jo Jo Starbuck and Ken Shelley preceded tle through a window in the couldn't save a one of them." pearances by "The Beach Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's tongue is from being bitten." the lighting of the tree. door. Then they pushed Jeff Chaney, an Army vet- country's divided, that the Boys," Rod Stewart, and presidential campaign is Robert Strauss, chairman The show included the voices of the 110-voice Collegiate through the hole, making it eran and a student at Miami country may have a different "Fleetwood Mac." being dogged by a flurry of of the Carter-Mondale Cam- Chorale and the 24-voice New Yorkers from Radio City Music bigger. Three or four of us (Ohio) University, said he did view of the justification of criticism over remarks be paign Committee and former Hall, and Christmas messages from Dr. Bryant Kirkland of tried to hold them back, but it mouth-to-mouth resuscitation "The Who" is among the the capture of toe Ameri- made about the exiled Shah of special ambassador for the the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and Alton Marshall, was no use. and tried to save three of the oldest surviving British rock cans." Iran. Middle East, was more president of Rockefeller Center Inc. victims, falling "because groups, and is featured in the Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., an- "We couldn't hold them direct. At 7:54 p.m., Marshall enlisted the aid of several young- people just didn't seem to recently released film, Kennedy returned to other GOP presidential back...They carried in one He said Kennedy "seems sters from the Police Athletic League to push the button that care." "Quadrophenla." The group Washington today and sched- hopeful, said Kennedy "wit- boy and laid him on a table confused at times ... Just re- set the huge tree alight with hundreds of multi-colored and he died. Others were He said one woman was wrote the rock opera "Tom- uled what was billed as a ma- tingly or unwittingly may be sparkling miniature lights. my," which also became a jor speech on domestic policy ally doesn't seem to know providing progaganda am- laying out on the plaza," said alive and clutching his leg as what he's doing." The tree is a Norway spruce from Spring Valley, N. Y. Schwertman. he tried to unsort the pile of movie. only a couple of hours before munition for the Ayatollah " President Carter's schedule "I am saying It Is an error "I've never seen anything people, but died before she With such criticism swirl- They were among the first had him formally declaring to Inject anything Into this like it," Lugananni said. "I could be freed. The con- Ing around him, Kennedy First black mayor in New England to smash their guitars during his candidacy for a second campaign that could en- can't even tell you what certgoers, he said, "...could performances on stage — a tried all day yesterday to em- NEW LONDON, Conn. (AP) - Leo E. Jackson became term. danger these people over killed them." see the people all piled up and practice later picked up by phasise that be feels the hold- the first black mayor in New England when he was elected by But It was the Iranian there," Strauss said. Officials listed the dead - they still tried to climb over many other performers and Ing of toe hostages Is totally his fellow City Council members in this southeastern Connect- crisis that dominated the last Kennedy declined to com- most of them said to be of them just to get up front." groups. unjustified. icut city last night. 48 hours of Kennedy's most ment late yesterday at a high school or college age — Cincinnati Public Safety campaign stop in Bismark, Jackson, a welding Instructor at the Electric Boat ship- as seven males and four director Richard Castellinl "The Who," a four-mem- recent campaign trip. "Whatever the repressive yard in Groton, received the votes of five fellow council ber group popular In the Unit- Political leaders In both N.D., when asked about the aspects of the shah's regime, females. Their identities said the victims were ap- criticism of his action. members. Two members of the seven-member council were were not released Monday parently trampled or suf- ed States for 16 years, Is led parties joined the Carter ad- I don't believe it justifies the Asked specifically about absent. night. focated. He said the rush on by Pete Townshend. One of ministration in crltiiing Ken- action of the Iranian govern- Strauss' comments, Kennedy The mayor's job is largely ceremonial in New London, the door occurred because the group's original mem- nedy's decision to describe ment in holding the hostages Dr. Alex Trott, emergency pointed out that they came with power resting with the city manager and the City some seats for the concert bers, drummer Keith Moon, the shah as a dictator who and I fed that very strong- room supervisor at Cincin- from the chairman of Council. were reserved while others died from an overdose of "ran one of the most violent ly," said Kennedy. nati General Hospital, said Carter's campaign and said, However, Jackson's rise to the mayoral chair has been were avaiable on a first- sleeping pills in September, regimes In the history of the victims suffered multiple "I don't feel I have to re- hailed by black leaders in the state as Important, even though come, first-served basis. He 1978, at age 31. mankind." In a luncheon speech In bruises, and "there was spond to anything Mr. Strauss he will not have been elected by the voters. said he would seek an or- They suggested Kennedy's Reno, Nev., Kennedy In- some evidence of footprint- The band's albums have has to say, quite frankly, and dinance to require that only action could be interpreted by cluded, at the last minute, like injuries." included "Who's Next" and I don't Intend to, quite frank- reserved seats be sold to such the militants holding 90 some strong criticism of the Storage tank blast kills one The concert, which was "Who by Numbers." The ly." Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- sold out, went on as sched- concerts in the future. Americans hostage In Tehran group also recorded "Quad- as signaling a split among the In New York, the shah's meini. TORRANCE, Calif. (\P) - One person was killed and two uled after the victims were Mayor J. Kenneth ropenhla" and "Tommy" as nation's leaders over the Is- senior advisor, Robert F. "The Ayatollah has vio- others were critically injured last night when a Mobil Oil taken away. Many con- Blackwell, who was sworn albums. Corp. storage tank located near a city street exploded, police sue of how to deal with Iran. Armao, termed Kennedy's lated every principle of in- said Secretary of State Cyrus remarks "unfair and un- ternational law, and virtually Torrance Police Sgt. Greg Fahnestock said the injuries R. Vance said: "I think one dignified and totally untrue." every nation on Earth has apparently resulted from the explosion engulfing vehicles of the strongest weapons that Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. condemned him for his ter- mqving along Van Ness Avenue. He said details remained All of a sudden Carter we have is the strong con- of Tennessee, the Senate Re- rorist action," the senator sketchy. sensus that exists. Anything publican leader and a can- said. There was no immediate identification of the fatality, or that tends to undermine that didate for nil party's I960 Senate Democratic Lead- whether the person was in a passing vehicle. is clearly unhelpful." presidential nomination, er Robert C. Byrd, although The tank was located just south of Van Ness Avenue and is even with Kennedy At the White House, press said: "The best thing I can not mentioning Kennedy 190th Street. It exploded and caught fire abdut 6 p.m. and was secretary Jody Powell said do or that Ted Kennedy can directly, said the Iranians WASHINGTON (AP) - still burning two hours later, police said. were lumped together with dog," Caddell told reporters. the president would not be do Is to keep our mouths shut. should realize the American President Carter, set to an- independents, who can vote in Strauss, speaking at a drawn Into a political debate If I was there (In Tehran) and people are united on this is- The two critically injured victims were taken to Torrance nounce officially today that some Democratic primaries. news conference at Carter on Iran while the hostages' read this statement from a sue. "The voice of the presi- Memorial Hospital. Hospital spokeswoman Anne Bailey said he is seeking re-election, has Among both groups of voters, campaign headquarters, said lives were at stake. Then presidential candidate and a dent Is the voice of us all," Cynthia Moore, 19, of Redondo Beach and Richard Love, SO, pulled almost even with Sen. the poll showed Carter led the Iranian situation has Powell added: "I think you senator, the first thing I said Byrd. address unknown, were being treated In the hospital's burn Edward M. Kennedy in a new unit. Kennedy 48 to 46 in a head-on helped Carter politically by opinion poll. race and 42 to 40 in a three- She said both received third-degree burns over SO to 100 giving him an opportunity to Carter campaign chief way race with Brown, who percent of their bodies. show himself as steady, cool Robert Strauss said he was got 11 percent. and decisive in a crisis. Mobil spokesman Ken Hahn said he was not immediately surprised to see Carter com- No progress reported . And Strauss predicted sure what was in the tank or what caused the explosion. ing on so quickly and sug- Carter's own chief pollster, Patrick Caddell, Kennedy's attack on the shah gested that Kennedy has had been a political blunder Students burn Iranian flag caused himself further politi- said the Iran crisis may be inflating the president's ap- that will cost him votes. "1 on new home for shah cal damage by his criticism think it's damaging political- KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — About 250 students at a of Carter's decision to admit proval rating temporarily. Kansas City high school burned an Iranian flag and chanted ly td Sen. Kennedy," Strauss WASHINGTON (AP) — to give the shah wide latitude situation at the U.S. Embassy !> the former Shah of Iran to the "We're still the under- said. Carter administration of- in choosing the countries be anti-Iranian slogans during a non-violent demonstration yes- United States. in Tehran. terday in front of the school. ficials are reporting no would like to ask for resi- Carter was scheduled to progress in efforts to find a dence and In deciding when "I think Americans believe we (high school students) announce his candidacy of- The administration, don't care," said Andy Schroder, an organizer of the demon- Mexican president hits haven for the deposed Shah of he wants to go. Carter said. Is still com- . ficially in the East Room of Iran and some are beginning The only thing the admin- stration. "We're trying to show we do pare." the White House at 2;30 p.m. mltted to pursuing peaceful Schroder said the students were protesting "the Iranians to talk of his American stay istration will not do at the Initiatives to win the release " EST today, then attend a seizure of Iran's funds as "open-ended." moment, they said, Is grant treating us the way they are." fund-raising dinner at a of the 50 American hostages. . He said he didn't think there were any pro-Iranians at the MEXICO CITY (AP) - Air Force base In Texas. "Let's not speculate on the former Iranian ruler per- Those initiatives Include a Washington hotel in the eve- manent residence, a atop they demonstration in front of Hickman Mills High School. It was ning. He recorded a five- President Jose Lopez Portillo that," Secretary of State world court suit scheduled to said President Carter's Lopez Portillo said he did Cyrus Vance replied when feel would Inflame the tense be beard Dec. 10. not held on school grounds. minute television speech to not renew the deposed shah's be broadcast at 8:55 p.m. freeze of Iranian government asked yesterday whether the assets in the United States Mexican visa because be administration is considering EST on time purchased from "did not have to risk the min- Cold prices up, dollar drops the CBS network. was "a precipitious decision offering permanent residence that will seriously de- imum Mexican Interest in a to the ousted monarch, now The Daily Register NEW YORK (AP) - The price of gold hit a record closing Earlier in the year, Carter conflict that Is not ours. (USPS-H5-440I was trailing Kennedy 2-1 in teriorate the International recuperating at an Air Force level in New York and the dollar plummeted yesterday In polls of Democratic voters, monetary system." "It would have Ir- hospital near San Antonio, reaction to new worries about the situation in Iran and but an ABC-Louis Harris poll He told a group of Mexi- responsible on my part to Tex. The Sunday Register elsewhere in the Moslem world. released Monday night can reporters Monday night risk, In a foreign process, na- But privately, officials ex- (USPS-334-570) The price of an ounce of gold in New York closed at $431.50 that oil producers may have pressed little optimism he Published by The Red Bank Rtgflttr showed Carter trailing Ken- tional interests," he said. Ettabhlhed m li;a bv John H Coofc and Htnry Clav an ounce, up $14 from Friday, according to Republic National second thoughts about invest- He added that the United would be leaving the United nedy 44 percent to 51 percent Main CHIkf Bank. At New York's Commodity Exchange Inc., the price of among Democratic voters in ing in the United State* or States had put no pressure on States anytime soon. And On* Register Pltia, Shrewsbury, N J OWl gold futures for delivery In December was $431.30 an ounce, • even keeping their oil money they added that the decision a head-on race. the Mexican government to Branch Otlicti J13.20 rise from Friday's level. in dollars. on when and where he goes •74 Rl. 1), Middlelown. N J. 07741 The poll showed Carter get It to let the shah return. MonmouthCoOntvCodrthou&e, Freehold, NJ 07721 The previous high close for gold in New York was $4M.2S even closer in a three-way Carter froze the assets In will be up the shah himself. J7« Broadway. Long Branch, N J 07740 Statthouu. Trenton. NJ.0MIS on Oct. 2, the same day the metal hit an all-time high of $444 race including Gov. Edmund retaliation for the seizure of Spokesman Hoddlng 50 American hostages at the Member of ihe ASWK lated Pren. The Aitoclettd Preit «s eniiiied e»c lunveiy an ounce in Zurich before closing at $438. Gold had traded as G Brown Jr., of California, Carter said he preferred to to ihe utt ot all (he local new* printed in Ihe ntwwiPtr #i wen ai ail AP ne*i high as $441 an ounce'in New York that day before settling the third major contender for U.S. Embassy In Tehran by let the administration's poli- d<*p*tches | * back at the close. the Democratic nomination. Moslem militants demanding cy remain "somewhat mud- M«mt»r ol Ihe American NtwUlMr Publisher* AiHKlalion. Ihe Audil Bureau«f Circulation, Ihe New Jersey Preu Anociilion. When 1979 began, gold was trading at $226.80 an ounce In In the three-way matchup, the U.S. government ex- dled" about whether the shah Second Oatt Postage paid at Red Bank. N.j 07701 and at Middletown. N J tradite Shah Mohammad can veto offers of asylum 1 New York. the Democrats polled gave 07741 Published Sunday through Friday Mail tubtcripltonb payable in advene* Reza Pahlavi. such as the one he has from Gold, had its best day in Europe yesterday since the Oct. 2 Kennedy 44 percent, Carter Term Daily Sunday DaHv and rally It rose $19.90 an ounce In London to cloae at $431. In 40 and Brown 10. Carter has refused to turn Egypt. Only Only Sunday On* Year Ml 00 tit 00 J*0-» Zurich the jump from.last Friday's closing was $13 to $4» an Carter actually was ahead over the shah and has given Privately, officials said Home delivery by Carrier — Daily and SundaytI 00 a week, Sunday only IS him temporary refuge at an the administration is willing cents ounce. of Kennedy when Democrats Single coov *I Counter - Daily JOcentv Sunday Mtenli State briefs' SHREWSBURY, N.J TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4,1979 The Daily Register 3 Senate gets compensation bill RefUter StalehoiiK B«reau Checking OK'd for savings and loans TRENTON - A bill that would permit non-academic school employees to collect unemployment compensation TRENTON (AP) - A bill that would allow savings and Bedell maintained "most savings and loans in southern, same corporate tax base on savings and loans that banks pay during the summer months cleared the Senate Committee on loan associations to issue non-commercial checking accounts central and western New Jersey don't want to have checking Savings and loans now pay an institutional tax based on Labor, Industry and the Professions by a J-2 vote yesterday. passed the stale Senate 23-4 yesterday. accounts This would force them to." their net worth Banks pay a tax on their profit that usually The bill, which could be posted for a Senate vote as early The measure, originated in the Assembly, now goes back The bill does not mandate checking accounts, but savings uuiks out to more money for the state than the other as Thursday, was approved by the Assembly before the to the lower house for concurrence with state Senate amend- and loans not wanting to provide the service may find institutions pay The bill would leave both tax structures November Assembly election. ments. themselves forced to if they want to remain competitive. unchanged The Senate committee split along party lines on the bill, Stale Sen. Frank J Dodd, D-Essex, said the bill was Bedell said. The measure goes to Gov Brendan T Byrne for considera- with all three Democrat!, including Sen. Eugene J. Bedell, D- needed to boost savings by giving savings and loan association tion Monmouth and Middlesex, the committee chairman, support- patrons one-stop banking More state newt: Page 5 Other bills headed for the governor are measures that ing the bill, and both Republicans, including Sen. Brian T. Checking accounts would be available only to individual would: Kennedy, R-Monmouth and Ocean, voting against it. patrons, not corporations or partnerships. it's a bad bill, all it means is some people will move — Establish a preretirement education demonstration The New Jersey Education Association has lobbied heav- Opponents, led by by state Sen. Eugene Bedell, D-Mon- their accounts from one place to another, not spur savings," program ily for the bill, arguing that non-academic school employees inouth, said checking accounts coupled with a different taxing said Senate Majority Leader John Husso. D-Ocean. — Permit persons aged 18 to 75 to serve on grand and petit should get unemployment during the summer because the structure would give savings and loans unfair advantage over With a savings and loan's tax advantages, "we're now juries, with, residents over age 65 having a choice whether to average annual salary among contracted 10-month custodians commercial banks. talking about something to tip the balance further from the serve The lower age limit now is 21 and secretaries is less than 17,900, and such hourly wage "It's a good bill, it's consumer legislation," Dodd coun- banks," Bedel) added. — Prohibit an employer from firing an employee who is earners as cafeteria workers and aides receive less than the tered. -""S^i Other opponents wanted the bill amended to include the summoned for jury duty or who becomes a juror current private sector minimum wage of $2 90 an hour. Opponents of the bill fear it is the first step towards giving unemployment compensation to teachers. Five states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have passed laws making non-academic school Amendments to Bedell bill OK'd employees in their jurisdictions eligible for unemployment compensation during the summer since Congress made it By MARK MAGYAR working people or break my covenant with the pensation. optional for states to do so in 1976. Statebouu Correspondent various groups who worked in good faith on this — Occupational diseases are compensable not bill, including the state Chamber of Commerce, only for those employees working directly around Battleship bill is approved THKNTON - The state Senate yesterday ap- the AFL-CIO and the New Jersey Business and the hazardous substances, but also for those em- proved a series of amendments designed to make Industry Council," Bedell said. ployees exposed to the substances in their work- TRENTON — The Senate yesterday approved without the worker's compensation bill acceptable to po- "I sat down with all of the groups who worked ing environment, such as teachers* exposed to debate a bill sponsored by Assemblyman William P. Dowd, R- licemen, firemen, first aid (quad members, on the bill over the last few days and we came up asbestos-covered school ceilings. Monmouth and Ocean, to create a permanent U.S.S. New teachers and labor. with these amendments, which should satisfy — Workers will receive full compensation for Jersey Battleship Commission to find a home for the aging Sen. Eugene J. Bedell, D-Monmouth and Mid- most of Herbert's objections. an injury even if it does not affect their ability to battleship, which is now in dry dock in Oregon. dlesex, prime sponsor of what will be the first "We have the votes in the Senate to pass the continue to work. "For example, if someone "It will take about thirty seconds to get Assembly concur- overhaul of New Jersey's worker's compensation bill in this amended form, and we're going to do loses a finger which he doesn't use on the job, he rence on Thursday, then it goes to the governor for his laws in 17 years, said the amendments "apply to so at the next session. The Assembly Labor Com- will still receive full compensation for the loss," signature," Dowd said. "Gov. (Brendan T.) Byrne indicated specific conditions and will Improve the bill." mittee has already reported the bill out favor- Bedell said. "Before the bill was amended, he he would sign the bill with the amendment we adopted Bedell's bill was originally posted for a vote ably, and the amended version will go straight to would have received partial compensation." Thursday." the full Assembly for a vote. Governor (Brendan Thursday, but Bedell withdrew it after Sen. Fran- — Require employers to prove that an employ- The Senate amended the bill last Thursday to give the cis X. Herbert, D-Bergen, announced he attended T.) Byrne has agreed to the amendments, and will sign the bill," Bedell concluded. ee continually disregarded safety procedures to governor authority to appoint all IS public members of the to submit a series of amendments to "liberalize" bar them from collecting worker's compensation battleship commission, with the advice and consent of the the bill. The amendments added to the bill yesterday for an injury suffered while not following com- Senate. The Dowd bill originally would have required Byrne to "Debating Herbert's amendments on the specify that: pany safety policies. appoint all nine members of the existing battleship com- floor would have put a former labor official like — Policemen and firemen en route to an mission to the new commission. me in the uncomfortable position of having to emergency who don't have time to put on protec- — Make it easier for workers to collect com- Dowd said Byrne would "probably" appoint all nine oppose liberalizing amendments designed to help tive gear are still covered under worker's com- pensation for a job-related heart condition. members of the old commission to the new commission anyway. "He Just didn't want to set a precedent where the legislature could tie his hands on appointments," Dowd said. Senate OKs judges for county Varlese, Simonsen convictions upheld By MARK MAGYAR Simonsen, 45, appealed after a county jury expense vouchers allegedly filed by the three TRENTON '— Monmouth County would get two more But the panel reversed their convictions Stalebouse Correspondent found them guilty of misconduct in office and BRSA commissioners in connection with a for obtaining money under false pretenses Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court judges under a bill TRENTON - The Appellate Division of obtaining money under false pretenses on water pollution conference in Denver, Colo., which passed the Senate, 37-0, yesterday. and also ruled that Wichmann exceeded "the Superior Court yesterday upheld the 1978 June 25,1978. which they attended in October 1974 at BRSA power of the court'' by ordering the two mea The bill was sponsored by Sen. S. Thomas Gagliano, R- convictions of two Bayshore Regional Sew- A third BRSA commissioner indicted with expense. Monmouth, who noted that Monmouth County has only about to reimburse the BRSA for the full cost of erage Authority commissioners for miscon- them, former Union Beach Councilman The three men were supposed to attend their trips because restitution is not included half as many Superior Court judges as Union County, which is duct in office, but reversed their convictions Arthur Lembo, had pleaded guilty to a charge the conference from Oct. 6 through Oct. 11, comparable in population. as a penalty under the relevant statute. for obtaining money under false pretenses. of misconduct in office and been fined $500 but they left for Las Vegas after the second The court said its decision "is not to be The Gagliano bill must pais the Assembly before going to Former Union Beach Mayor Fred the preceding June. day and admitted submitting vouchers to the the governor for his signature. construed in any manner as an express or Varlese, 67, and Holmdel contractor Andrew The indictments stemmed from falsified BRSA for reimbursement of expenses as if implied holding that the authority must reim- Democratic Gov. Brendan T. Byrne vetoed a similar bill they had remained in Denver for the full burse defendants" Varlese and Simonsen for last year, but that was before Monmouth County's Republican period of the conference. the money it paid to the BRSA in restitution senators agreed to withdraw their opposition to Byrne's After their convictions, the three men in 1978. nomination of Laurence A. Stamelman of Long Branch to a were relieved of their lilfSA com- The appellate panel based its reversal of Republican vacancy on the Monmouth County Juvenile and missionerships, and Varlese and Lembo also Domestic Relations Court. the convictions for obtaining money under were relieved of their Union Beach municipal false pretenses on the possibility that the If Gagliano's bill is signed into law, Monmouth County posts. defendants received the money "because of Republicans hope James "Chippy" Coleman of Asbury Park, Monmouth County Court Judge William T. or not withstanding" the falsified vouchers former GOP state assemblyman and county prosecutor, will Wichmann fined Varlese SI ,000 and Simonsen they submitted, "rather than by virtue of the be nominated by Byrne to one of the judgeships. $2,000, and directed them to reimburse the authority's reliance therein." BRSA for the entire trip they had taken. The "This is particularly so here in light of County men named to council jury found that Varlese had defrauded the proof in the record that the wrongful in- TRENTON - Two Monmouth County residents were BRSA of 1196.62 and Simonsen of $120.44. clusion of the expenses referrable to the Las among the nine persons nominated to the state Marine Fish- A three-judge Appellate Division panel Vegas side trip was known to some of the eries Council by Gov. Brendan T. Byrne yesterday. headed by Judge Baruch Seidman yesterday commissioners and may have been clearly Byrne nominated Raymond T. Richardson of Port Mon- upheld the convictions of Varlese and Si- apparent to the others, but was disregarded mouth and Ralph A. Real of West Deal to one-year terms on monsen for misconduct in office. by them," the court noted. the council. Richardson, 58, is director of public relations of Seacoast Products Inc., Port Monmouth. A former president of the Belford Seafood Co-op, he serves on the Mlddletown Township Data from Kozloski bill is vetoed Harbor Commission and is a member of the board of directors Stiow»ri Stationary OcclucUd ^^f NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE. Register Stalehouse Bureau of first refusal in his sales contracts," Byrne of the National Fishmeal and Oil Association. NOAA, U.S. Dipt of Commerce asserted. "Condominium associations are Richardson was a member of the New Jersey Fish and TRENTON - Gov. Brendan T. Byrne permitted to do so." Game Council from 1956 to 1960 and from 1965 to 1972, and was yesterday conditionally vetoed a con- The Kozloski bill was designed to define the commissioner for New Jersey on the Atlantic States dominium reform bill sponsored by the late certain condominium lease terms as "un- Marine Fisheries Commission from 1965 to 1972. Assemblyman Walter j. Kozloski, D-Mon- conscionable," with the intent of placing the Real, 49, is an attorney in West Long Branch. A member of WEATHER FORECAST —' Rain is due for part of mouth, and sent it back to the legislature for burden of proof in a court action on the the "Mosquito Fleet" of New Jersey, a salt water fish- the Pacific Northwest, northern Idaho and Minne- reconsideration. owner, rather than the person leasing the sota, northwest Montana, and parts of North Dako- ermen's club, he served on the Citizens' Advisory Committee Sandy Hook "Assemblyman Kozloski was an able leg- condominium, to prove that the lease is "not to the Ocean Township Board of Education and is a member of ta, according'to the National Weather Service.No islator and I had hoped he would be able to unconscionable." TODAY -High 8:15 p.m. significant precipitation Isexpected for the re- the Correctional Reform Committee of the New Jersey State and low 2:21 p.m. move his bill together with my suggestions Byrne said he agreed with provisions In mainder of the nation. Bar Association. TOMORROW - High 8:32 through the legislature toward enactment of the bill defining as "unconscionable" any a.m. and 9 p.m. and low 2:23 his bill," Byrne said. "His passing is a loss condominium lease which: Assembly OKs pipeline bill a.m. and 3:06 p.m. Local forecast to all of us!" — Requires the payment of rents on park- Yesterday's high temperature at the Register weather Byrne said he could not accept the pro- ing, recreational or common facilities for 10 TRENTON — The Department of Environmental Protec- For Red Bank and Rumson bridge, add two station was 41 degrees. The low yesterday was U. It was vision in the Kozloski bill which would define or more, rather than 21 or more, years. tion's Natural Resources Council would be given jurisdiction 34 at 6 p.m. and the overnight low was 2*. Today's I a.m. all condominium leases which give con- — Requires an annual rental exceeding 20 over gas and oil pipeline placement from the bulkhead line hours; Sea Bridge, deduct 10 minutes; Long Branch, de- temperature was H. There was no precipitation In the 24 dominium owners the right of first refusal on percent, rather than 25 percent, of the ap- (about 200 feet from shore) to the state's three-mile limit boars ending at I a.m. today. There were 32 heating the resale of a unit by the unit owner as praised value of the leased property. under a bill passed unanimously by the State Assembly duct 15 minutes, Highlands bridge, add 40 minutes. degree days yesterday, M for the month and 111 for the "unconscionable." — And does not separately state in the yesterday. heating season to date. "Under the rules implementing (the selling price of a condominium what the The bill would give the Natural Resources Council, whose HILaPrcOIH Albany II K .11 My Planned Real Estate Full Disclosure Act), a condominium membership fees and recrea- jurisdiction now extends to the bulkjiead line, the authority, Amarllla n Mciyr developer is not permitted to include a right tional fees are. with the approval of the governor, to license corporations to • u M Southern Jersey lay pipelines on or under state tidewaters. AllMvllla M ii cir Atlanta M41 it cir Mostly sunny and windy today. Clear tonight with lows Under present law, a corporation wishing to lay a pipeline 41 17 9 mostly in the 20s. High in the mid 40s to around 90. Partly 41 M cir Protter in HFA probe through state waters would have to petition the State Legisla- Blrmlavnam 41 cir cloudy tomorrow. High mid 40s to round SO. Precipitation ture for approval because no single agency has the authority Htmarck II My •atia 41 » probability near zero percent through tonight. Winds west Regliter Statehouse Bureau Law enforcement author- Protter's HFA insurance to issue pipeline leases, according to Assemblyman Harold P. .17 MV U 41 10 to 20 miles per hour. TRENTON - An Ocean ities are investigating how business brought in about Hollenbeck, D-Bergen, who sponsored the bill. •attala 11 Township man who sold in- Canino and Raphael managed cumusc - iUt 11 -acir $800,000 in annual premiums. Hollenbeck said that "with this legislation, (the council) Ckartita WV It 1] cir SOUTH JERSEY EXTENDED surance coverage to 40 state to "borrow" $1.8 million If Lawrence White of Mid- will be able to set rates for riparian leases which will be of the Ckavama It cav Extended forecast for Thursday through Saturday. from Parkview Towers while CMcaaa a 11 My Housing Finance Agency dletown, former HFA proper- greatest economic benefit to our state." Cincinnati M 11 dr Fair. Lows mid 30s to around 40 Thursday and Saturday. projects is tied to two West falling almost «2 million be- n 11 .It cav ty management director, in- Revenue derived from pipeline leases will go into the Fund 11 cir Low to mid 30s Friday. Highs around 90 Thursday and hind in HFA mortgage it New York developers who sisted that all HFA de- for Free Public Education under the bill. Dam, wn 11 cir Saturday. Mid 90s Friday. are under investigation by payments without HFA of- Danvar M at cir velopers obtain bids from The bill, which is supported by the state's utilities, now •MaMataat M u state and federal law enforce- ficials stepping in, the news- Dclrttl V 11 Mv Protter before contracting goes to the Senate for its approval. a Jersey Shore paper said. V 11 ment, agencies, the Trenton for insurance coverage, even II 7 Mostly sunny and windy today. High mid 40s to around Times reported yesterday. SSr M 11 dr Protter's $50,000 mortgage if they had already received Funding for reservoir approved HaHM 14 U cav SO. Clear tonight with lows around 30. Partly cloudy According to Bergen loan to Kinkead, which she n 71 .17 My the required three bids, ac- Haattaa 41 44 My tomorrow. High mi40s to around 50. Precipitation proba- County mortgage records, used to buy a $67,000 home in TRENTON — The State Assembly voted unanimously 17 cording to HFA Executive IMIWII n cir bility near zero percent through tonight. Winds west to George Protter, owner of the Hackensack, is also a target yesterday to appropriate 93.1 million from the 1976 Clean JackfvlMa M M Clf Director Bruce G. Coe. 11 rn northwest 15 to 25 miles per hour. George Protter Agency in of the ongoing HFA probe by Waters Bond Issue, including (150,000 for engineering and Kant City a a Mv >i Wanamassa, made a $50,000 the State Commission on In- design of the Manasquan River Reservoir. utvmi 14 cir The Daily Register re- Lima Rack B ii «'f Coastal forecast mortgage loan in 1976 to vestigation, the Attorney ported in October that White The bill, sponsored by Assemblyman Joseph Patero, D- Lanltvllla 17 cir Manasquan to Cape Henlopen: Winds west to Sharon Kinkead, an HFA of- General's Office and the U.S. was asked to resign by HFA Middlesex, still needs Senate approval before going to the Mimikll 8 dr Miami 7a1 41 My northwest at 15 to 25 knots today and diminishing to five to ficial. Attorney's Office, according officials in April after he • governor for his signature. M la Mv 15 knots tonight. A small craft advisory may go into effect helped win an HFA man- Mpta-ll. f>. a IS Mv Kinkead was then as- to the Trenton Times. NMkvllla a Cir today. Fair through tonight. Average wave heights three signed to monitor Parkview Protter did not return sev- agement contract for a firm MaoOrtMM H M Mv in which two of his former Long Branch women win prize Maw Yark 41 17 MV to five feet. lowers and Overlook Ter- .eral telephone calls to his of- HarMt M dr New York associates were in- TRENTON — A mother and daughter from Long Branch OUa. City 4•t M Mv Northern Jersey race, two HFA projects in fice by The Daily Register Ooaka M dr West New York owned by yesterday. volved. will share a 110,000 top cash prize in the "Meadowlands Ortaaaa 41 47 Mv Sports Lottery," the New Jersey Lottery Commission an- 41 11 Mv Clear tonight. Lows in the 20s. Today mostly sunny and James Canlno and Alvin •MaMi 71 41 dr nounced yesterday. UlUtaiin It 17 Mv windy. Highs mid 40s to around 90. Tomorrow partly Raphael. The Trenton Times JOIN OUR a 11 has previously reported that Mrs. Eleanor Goode and her 27-year-old daughter, Ann P-UaAOra n 41 .aU cloudy. Highs again mid 40* to around 90. Marie Goode, who frequently team up to buy Lottery tickets RwHCIty a M Kinkead is under investiga- CHRISTMAS tion for allegedly receiving OR or place bets at race tracks, won the 110,000 prize. 8 11 •dxr Eastern Pennsylvania Mrs. Goode won more than $8,000 in the "Plck-4" num- dr gifts and trips from Raphael 4a1 at Mv Today variable cloudiness and windy. Highs mostly In CHANUKAH bers game several years ago. *t P. TMUM a M Mv while she was In charge of n n Mv the 40s. Clear tonight. Lows upper teens to mid 20s. monitoring his projects for Mrs. Goode, who teaches special education in Hoboken INPTM a M Mv CLUB NOW! 4* 41 JH rn Tomorrow partly cloudy. Highs again mostly in the 40s. the HFA. where she lived until five yean ago, said she will use the tMkMM a M .14 rn money to buy a new car to commute to work. Her present car MSJ.M-ta B jj Mv EASTERN PENN. EXTENDED Protter is a close friend of has more than 78,000 miles on it. Her husband, Thomas Goode, Waaktaaaaa B41 » dr Extended forecasts for Thursday through Saturday. Raphael's and handles of the is a plumber. HI—YaaHraav'a mm. Fair. Lows mid 20s to mid 30s Thursday and Saturday. Mid insurance business for the Cecelia Ferguson of 103 Fletcher Lake Ave., Bradley •tc—PracaMutM tar Mm•anaw- 20s to around 30 Friday. Highs in the 40s Thursday and Canino-Rap'hael HFA Ine 7 a.m. IIT vattaraay. Beach, and Hugh S. Grieco of 410 Eighth Ave., Asbury Park, Saturday. Mid 40s to near 50 Friday. projects, according to HFA won (2,000 prizes in the new "Meadowlands Sports Lottery.1' records, the newspaper said. MEMBER FDIC • 29 OFFICES 4 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1979

lllilllllllllllliiMiiliilllilllilllllllllllllllllllilllliliiiiliiiiiilllllill * m mm » — -m ^011 • *) * 1 Obituaries Timothy Christmas' stirs a church iiiuiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiliiimiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiii LONGVTEW, Texas (AP) - The Rev. Charles Holland lustily out in the cold, but when he came into the warmth of walked by the nativity scene In front of bis church and heard the nursery, he became very still, very quiet. He was so still, I Francis J. Knox the sound of a baby's cries coming from the manger. was alarmed. But on closer look, I realized he was bright and MATAWAN - Francis J. ing here 17 years ago "My initial impression was that they had added this u an alert. He was looking around. Knox. 78. of Deerfield Lane, Mr Knox was a self- effect. Then I realised it was not from s tape bat it was for "He was clean and obviously had just been fed. There died yesterday at theemployed real estate ap- real," Holland said were traces of milk around his tiny mouth." Bayshore Community Hospi- praiser. Close behind the manger, in a cardboard box about a foot tal. Homdel He was a communicant of and a half square, "sure enough, there was a little baby boy, Timothy's appearance has the "whole church family filled with awe and wonder," Holland said. "It's been an Born in Ottawa. Canada, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic without clothes, covered with a crib sheet doubled a couple ot unbelievable experience, ...a holy, unifying time for us. I see he had lived in New York City Church. Keyport, and was a times," said Holland, pastor of the Pint Baptist Church. lor many years before mov- benefactor of the Holy Name An unsigned, handwritten note found along with the baby this as a reminder of another baby brought Into a cold, angry, Center for Homeless Men on Monday read: "I'm Timothy. Please take care of me" hostile world. Meeker Si in New York City. After a hospital checkup, the S-day-old baby, who weighed "My hope is that 'Timothy Christmas' will be a reminder John V. Conwell Mr. Knox was a 1934 grad- 7 pounds, 14 ounces, was placed in a foster home while the of God's special gift... My prayer in this experience Is that uate of Columbia University. Department of Human Resources tries to find the mother, this little baby bom in this Christmas season will receive PORT MONMOUTH - He was a member of the said department spokeswoman Barbara Calvin. more loving care than that baby 2,000 years ago whose John V. ('unwell, 59, of 217 American Institute of Real "The baby was in good shape," said Betty Nethery, birthday we celebrate," he said. "This is Longview's Christ- Main St., died Sunday at Kiv Kstate Appraisers. He was a director of the church's day care center. "He was crying mas gift." erview Hospital, Red Bank. member of the Certifide Real He was born in Brooklyn Kstate Appraisers. . and had lived here for the A Marine Corps veteran of past 33 years. w oi lil War II, he retired as a An Air Force veteran of major in 1957. Arabs, Africans support U.S. World War II, Mr. Conwell Surviving are his widow, LEFT AT MANGER — Police Detective Earl Claxton world too dangerous to con- of Egypt, expressed dismay was employed in the main- Mrs Mary Clinton Knox; a of Lonoview, Tex., holds an infant found yesterday at a among nations is made pos- template," he warned. at the bad image the Iranian tenance department of Mon- son. David Knox of Chapel Nativity Scene at the First Baptist Church there. Dr. Winston A. Tubman of Li- sible ." Ambassador Kamanda wa action was giving the Moslem mouth Medical Center, Long Hill, N C; two daughters, Charles Holland, pastor, found the crying Infant while beria said the Iranian seizure "If ... the world is al- Kamanda of Zaire said the religion and In effect accused Branch Mrs. Joan Banzaca of Key- making his usual check around the church grounds. The of the U.S. Embassy In lowed to become an unsafe the nations of the Third World Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini He was a member of St. port and Mrs Margaret E. baby, said to be less than two days old, was left In a box Tehran and those inside it place for diplomats to pursue were most endangered by the and his followers of violating Mary's Roman Catholic San lor a of Brick Township; with a note, "My name is Timothy. Please take care of might do irreparable damage their noble calling, mankind Iranians' flouting "interna- the tenets of Islam. Church, New Monmouth. two sisters Mrs. Dorothy me." to "the very process by would quickly become Surviving are his widow, Li inh and Miss Winifred which peaceful intercourse engulfed in a dark barbaric tionally recognized and estab- 'AH Moslems are con- Mrs. Evelyn Nester Conwell; Knox. both of Ottawa, and lished principles." cerned and even disturbed by his mother, Mrs. Margaret three grandchildren. "Small and medium-size certain adverse propaganda Goodwin Conwell of Howard The Day Funeral Home, states, which are the most which Islam is receiving at Beach, Long Island; three Keyport, is in charge ar- numerous and most vulner- present," he said. ".... A Hunt Puerto Rican terrorists able on earth, would ul- general impression could sons, Stephen Conwell of Port rangements. mistakenly develop that Is- Monmouth, and Michael and" Navy's Caribbean com- two youths in a Shootout with a transmission antenna site timately be the major vic- SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico lam condones such practices Timothy Conwell, both at mander, said security was police a year ago near a com- about a mile from the Navy's tims of any disregard of the Lottery winners (AP) — The FBI and Puerto as the taking of hostages. ... home; a daughter, Miss Ju- being stepped up at all other munications tower and the Sabana Seca Base at Toa objective rules and principles, Rican police hunted the na- Islam is a religion of justice dith A. Conwell, also at TRENTON (AP) - The tionalist terrorists who killed bases in Puerto Rico. death of an anti-Navy activist Baja, about 10 miles west of of the United Nations Charter and of international conven- and not of revenge. ... Islam home; a brother, Edwin Con- winning number drawn yes- two U.S. Navy sailors and Responsibility for the at- in a federal prison in Florida Sao Juan. The attackers tions which guarantee order is a religion of tolerance...." well of Howard Beach; and' terday in the New Jersey wounded 10 others as three tack yesterday was claimed in October. forced the bus driver to stop and justice In International Ambassador T.J.X. two grandsons. Pick-It Lottery was 681. The independence groups claimed by the Armed Forces of Pop- It was the first fatal at- and then opened fire. relations," said Kamanda. Muwamba of Malawi said bis The Scott Funeral Home, straight bet paid $301; the box responsibility for the am- ular Resistance, the Puerto tack in nine years and the The bus windows and government could see no jus- Belford, is in charge of ar- bet paid $50, and the pairs bush. Rican Popular Army and the costliest ever made on U.S. windshield were riddled by 41 One of the two Arab speak- tification for the seizure of rangements. paid $30. Organization of Volunteers military forces in Puerto bullet holes, apparently from ers, Abdalla Yaccoub Marines with M-16 rifles the American diplomatic per- for the Puerto Rican Revolu- Rico. shotguns and pistols. Bishara of Kuwait, in opening patrolled the entrance to the sonnel although it "fully Benedict M. Sorino Girl injured in base where the victims were tion. The terrorists in a van in- A survivor said the driver the debate pointed out that tercepted a Navy bus carry- was shot In the bead and "passions that have been takes note of Iran's griev- quartered, and Rear Adm. They said the attack was ances." He also accused the LEONARDO - Benedict bike-car crash Arthur K. Knoizen, the made to avenge the deaths of ing 18 technicians to work at killed instantly suppressed for three decades M. Sorino, 87, of 102 Mon- and have recently found an United States of "threatened mouth Ave , died yesterday EATONTOWN - Nancy outlet are bound to be strong, flexing of military muscle" at Riverview Hospital, Red Grim, 15, of 130 Oceanport deep and spontaneous.".. Bank Ave., West Long Branch, was But he, too, called for the He was born in Italy and admitted to the intensive School classification scored immediate release of the W WANTED \ had lived here 50 years. care unit of Monmouth Medi- hostages and suggested that (Continued) Mr. Sorino was the former cal Center, Long Branch, yes- proved" rating but would re- state board requires that (0 school systems, along with 70 the council authorize Secre- Gold Jewelry owner of the Sorino Piano terday with multiple injuries position to the classification ceive the "approved with percent of students pass the percent of the schools (in the tary-General Kurt Waldheim Diamonds Company, Schnectady, N.Y. sustained when the bicycle system. The New Jersey As- condition" grade. reading and mathmatics tests state) would receive'the 'ap- "to set up a consultative Colored Stones He was a member of St. she was riding was in a head- sociation of School Adminis- The number of schools to qualify for an "approved" proved with condition' rating body that may assist in iden- Agnes Church, Atlantic High- on collision with an automo- trators (NJASA) also opposes which receive an "ap-rating, as he and others have as a result of the MBS tests." tifying abuses and violations Jewelry Appraisals heard, "many schools In the He added that regional lands. bile. the proposal. proved" rating would be of human rights that took Caesar's Creations None of those contacted directly dependent upon the county will have difficulty" schools may be "penalized" place in Iran under the past Mr. Sorino was a member Police said the accident Jewelen occurred at 5:48 p.m. They was willing to predict with percentage of students the achieving the " approved" if incoming students from one regime" of Shah Mohammad of the National Chapter of the 443 Broad St. American Association of Re- reported that Grim was rid- any certainty what rating his state board requires to pass rating. particular district fail the Reza Pahlavi. tired Persons. ing west on Tinton Avenue on school district would receive. the Minimum Basic Skills He said that his school is tests, causing the whole The other Arab speaker, Shrewsbury, N.J 07701 ' school district to lose the Surviving are his widow, the left side of the road when The standards the state board (MBS) tests. an exception and "will have Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid I MZ-M10 # "approved" rating. Mrs. Gabrielle Laisney her bicycle turned in front of will use to classify the Dr. William Greenham, a chance to be approved Sorino; four sisters, Mrs. a car proceeding east and schools remain vague, but ap- superintendent of thewithout condition." Dr. Cummings Piatt, su- Rose Hickey oi Farmingdale, driven by Suzanne H. Levy, parently most area schools Rumson-Fair Haven Re- Warner said that he was perintendent of Long Branch L.I., Mrs. Nina Liccione of 38, of 18 Tilton Drive, Ocean would not receive the "ap- gional High School, said if the "very certain that regional schools, said he has "grave JgZ£w LIQUIDATION Bronxville, N.Y., Mrs. Marie Township. Grim was thrown concerns" about the classi- Tratpolini of Key Biscayne, from the bicycle when It col- fication proposal. Fla , and Mrs. Aida Bacealeri lided head-on with the car, "The general public is not of Italy. police reported. Extra funds sought going to be able to differen- ROCKERS The John P. Condon Fu- No summons was Issued tiate what these classi- FROM fications mean," he said, 168 neral Home, Atlantic High- pending further investigation (Continued) higher education in Novem- lice force has expanded as lands, is in charge of arrange- of the accident by Patrolman with Robert Ochs, the assis- ber, about one-third of which rapidly as the campus has adding that the state should mo SANK ments. Reginald C. Grant, who was tant vice president in charge would have gone to Rutgers grown in size. be responsible for a "public > MIIAtTPDONTtT. assisted at the scene by Sgt. of public safety," Villane to complete construction Joseph O'Connell of Colts .relations effort to make them The furniture understand." Mrs. Edith It. Charles Stoneham, Patrol- said. projects already begun. Neck, Rutgers senior vice man Robert Giaccone and the "I will be looking at staff- "People really weren't president, has criticized Vil- He also said that the pro- Speck Fort Monmouth provost- ing, shifts, the number of po- aware how important that lane for "sensationalizing" posal is, in part, "another marshal. lice personnel per shift, the bond issue was," Van Wagner the security issue by putting indicator that local boards NEPTUNE- Mrs. Edith number of policemen on foot said. "Rutgers' enrollment out a press release on his are having more and more of R. Speck, 92, of Green Grove Drinking bill patrol and in automobiles, the has increased, but the on-letter to T. Edward their powers usurped." Lodge, Neptune, died yester- adequacy of lighting around campus housing hasn't kept Hollander, state chancellor of Anthony Palmisano, su- day at Jersey Shore Medical OK'd by Senate the campus, security at main pace with the enrollment. higher education, calling for perintendent of the Eaton- Pay bills the earny, Center. student gathering places such an investigation. town schools, said his school TRENTON (AP) - Fines Some of that bond issue mon- money-saving tvay Mrs. Speck lived in Red as the Commons, and the ade- board had voted unanimously of up to $500 and. 30 days In ey was to be used for the Villane countered that his Bank before moving here two quacy of the university's se- last week to send a letter to jail could be imposed on un- construction of dormitories. "responsibility as a legisla- PLUS 5V interest years ago. She was born in curity budget," he said. the state board objecting to derage drinkers under a bill "As a result of the lack of tor goes beyond the academic per annum. Brooklyn. "If the problem is money, on-campus housing, more stu- community ... to both stu- the proposal. Her husband, Charles A. passed yesterday by the state "I have not seen that kind Senate. Van Wagner has pledged bi- dents are walking long dis- dents and parents. Speck, died in 1953. partisan support in the Joint tances from off-campus, and "I'm not satisfied when of solidarity in a long time," Mrs. Speck was a member The measure passed 35-0 he said, referring to the uni- would make it a petty dis- Appropriations Committee often at night," he said. administrators tell me NANALAfAN • SHUtW&MJMV of the Order of the Eastern for a supplemental ap- "And some of the off-campus Rutgers has the same amount fied opposition of the NJSBA, Star. orderly persons offense for the NJASA and the NJEA. anyone under 18 years old to propriation this month," VII- housing areas where students of crime as other urban col- Surviving are two sons, lane said. have to live apparently aren't lege campuses," Villane said. Charles E. Speck of Mid- buy, possess or drink alcohol- Van Wagner noted that that safe." "Rutgers is out (ate univer- dletown and Raymond W. ic beverages in public places New Jersey voters defeated a Van Wagner also ques- sity, and it i mid be the Speck of Massapequa, L.I.; or cars. $95 million bond Issue for tioned whether Rutgers' po- safest." five grandchildren and two

great-grandchildren. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT The Worden Funeral hahne's Home, Red Bank, is in charge of arrangements. our Christmas angels . Walter A. Layton capture the holiday spirit LONG BRANCH- Walter by helping others A. Layton, 67, a retired equip- ment operator for the Thom- Our adorable little angels and as Procter Co., here,, died Sunday at Monmouth Medical snowmen were made by Center. He lived at 127 Wash- retarded citizens. All ington St. proceeds will be He was a lifelong resident of Long Branch. divided between: • N.J. Surviving are his wife, , Assoc. for Retarded Dorothy Cramer Layton; a son, Frederick Layton, Brick Citizens • Spaulding for Township; two daughters, Children, Westfield • The 8X6! Miss Barbara Layton, Children's Institute, Livingston here, and Mrs. Margaret McKenna, Neptune City; and • Natl. Multiple Sclerosis seven grandchildren. Society, Montclair • The The Woolley Funeral Home, Long Branch, Is in Children's Psychiatric Center, charge of arrangements. Monmouth • United Cerebral Palsy, Quaker M2 Death Notlcti Bridge • Catholic Community KLEIN— Nina, (nw Jontil, ol «! Services, Newark • Monmouth Road. Wast Long Branch, on Ofcimtttr 2, 1979. Btloved wtfa of March of Dimes Gardnar C. Klaln. Funaral sarvlca Wadnasdav. Datam&ar S, at 11 a.m. at Woodbridge lha Klaln raildanca. *0J Monmowth Hd . Wait Lon« Branch. Intarmtnl Grove Church camatarv. North Baroan. No Our angels calling hours. In llau of flowers, (ton*- lions to tha Monmoulh County Chaplar, and snowmen American Rad Croat, or Long Branch Public Haaltft Nuriliw Association, cost 254; each, wouldb» appraclafad. SPECK—Edith R.,rt. on Oac 3. but you may )•» Of Cratn Grova Lodga. Nep tun*. Mother of Charlas E. and Ray BAILEY JEWELRY & DIPT MART slocks the Water Pik line and al tremendous savings. Judy demonstrates the hand-held shower massage contribute more if mond W. Funaral sarvlca* on Thurs (SM-3) available al an inflation lighting low price of $26 27. The shower massage delivers up lo 9.000 pulsating jets ol hoi water each minute lo day, Dae. a. at to a.m. at tha worden you wish. Funaral Home. M E. Front St.. Red drive soothing heat into lense tired muscles. Shop Bailey lor all your gift giving items — thousands ol name brands sold every day at a discount up BanK. Tha Hay. M. Story omcUtlng. Inlarment Christ Church camatarv, lo 50 per cent off list. Bailey Jewelry & Gift Mart is located in the Shrewsbury Shopping Plaza, Ri 35 and Shrewsbury Avenue, and is open Monday ShrawiourV. Visitation Wadnasday through Friday from 10a.m. until 9 p.m., Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and from 11a.m. till 4 p.m. on Sunday. , 3-s and 7-9 p.m. SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESPAY. DECEMBER 4,1979 The Daily Register 5

(Continued) Voter registration bill dropped Assembly GOP elects Muhler TRENTON (AP) - A bill to allow potential voters to By MARK MAGYAR Muhler were kept in the second, third and fourth- Senate minority whip register on election day wai pulled from the Assembly's Sutekoue Corretpoadul ranking leadership positions they held for the last Sen. John H. Ewing, R-Somerset, defeated agenda at the last minute yesterday TRENTON - Assemblywoman Marie S. two years. Sen. Brian T. Kennedy, R-Monmouth and Ocean, Muhler, R-Monmouth, was elected Assembly mi- Speaker Christopher J Jackman, D-Hudioo, did not ex- Assemblymen W. Carey Edwards Jr., R- and Sen. S. Thomas Gagliano, R-Monmouth, for nority whip yesterday, but four other Monmouth plain why he stopped the scheduled vote on the bill Bergen, and H. James Saxton, R-Burlington, the final leadership post, assistant Senate minor- County Republican legislators lost in their bids staved off challenges from Assemblymen An- ity whip. But Senate President Joseph P. Merlino, D Mercer, the (or Senate and Assembly leadership positions "Both Tom and I are ambitious legislators, bills sponsor, said, "I guess they didn't have enough votes yesterday. thony M Villane Jr. and William F. Dowd, both That's the best reason." R-Monmouth and Ocean, among others, to win the and we both felt we were qualified for the post," The bill passed the Senate in February 1078, but it has been Assembly Minority Leader James R. Hurley, bottom two leadership posts of assistant As- Kennedy said. "Seniority was the factor that stalled in the Assembly. Jackman put it on the Assembly R-Cumberland, was re-elected to that post for the sembly minority whip and deputy assistant As- tipped the scales in Ewing's favor. All three of us agenda twice in September 1078, only to withdraw it. 1980-1981 session, while Sen. Barry T. Parker, R- sembly minority whip. were first elected to the Senate in 1977, but Ewing The bill, popularly known as "Instant voter registration," Burlington, w leading contender for the 1981 Re- was in the Assembly at least 10 years, while I publican gubernatorial nomination, was named to Parker, whose legislative district includes the served in the Assembly four years." has been derided by its critics as the "Voter Fraud Act of Monmouth County municipalities of Allentown, •1978." They claim it would make it easy for political machines his first term as Senate minority leader. Roosevelt and Upper Freehold, replaced Sen. When asked whether he thought Gagliano to round up thousands of illegal votes. The Assembly Republicans shuffled leader- Garrett W. Hagedorn, R-Bergen, who stepped should have run for the leadership post without Currently New Jersey citizens have to register to vote 30 ship titles in expanding the number of leadership posts from four to six, but kept the top four down voluntarily as Senate minority leader. any "seniority" accumulated in the Assembly, days before an election. Under MerUno's bill, registration Kennedy said, "No comment." could be done at any time, including election day, simply by leadership posts intact from the 1978-1979 session. Sen. James H. Wallwork, R-Essex, was presenting proper identification at a polling place, such u • Besides Hurley, Assemblymen Dean Gallo, R- elected assistant Senate minority leader, and Sen. Parker said Ewing received seven votes out of driver's license. Morris, and Walter Kavanaugh, R-Somerset, and James P. Vreeland Jr., R-Morris, was tabbed as 13 to win the post on the first ballo.t Marie S. Muhler Auto insurance reform rejected TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Brendan T. Byrne suffered a Assembly panel spurns 'combat zone' bill major setback yesterday in his plans to reform New Jersey's no-fault automobile Insurance laws when a Senate committee TRENTON (AP) - A bill to outlaw the mouth, the bill's sponsor, said he would work materials and live sex shows are provided," tacked Gagliano's contention that the crimi- voted W) to table the centerpiece of the legislation. establishment of so-called "combat zones" with the Assembly Judiciary Committee to Gagliano said. nal code endorsed obscenity. But Byrne spokesman Joseph Santangelo said the gov- for sex shows was blocked in an Assembly try and work out a compromise. Under the new state criminal code, mu- In a close, but successful re-election cam- ernor will continue pushing the legislation in its current form. committee yesterday. "Zoning should have nothing to do with nicipalities may establish specific areas for paign last month. Herman fought off charges The sponsor of the bill, Sen. Eugene J. Bedell, D-Mon- But Sen. S. Thomas Gagliano, R-Mon- the establishment of locations where obscene adult bookstores and sexually oriented enter- by political opporenls that he was promoting mouth, is chairman of the Senate Labor, Industry and Pro- tainment programs. enclaves for pornography by supporting fessions Committee and joined in the vote to table the bill. He "combat, zones." said only that there wasn't enough votes for it. But Gagliano contended the provision is a "Zoning laws can be used rather effec- The New Jersey State Bar Association Is lobbying against tacit endorsement of obscenity and should be tively to limit this kind of venom," Herman Carcinogens found eliminated from the code that became effec- said None of the five bills in the package has passed either the tive last Sept. 1. . Assemblyman Eugene Thompson, D-Es- Senate or Assembly. Santangelo has said Byrne wants the The bill passed in the Senate in May sex, endorsed the present code and said the package passed by Christmas. without objection, but it faces an uncertain "combat zone" concept has been a success in state laboratory future as this legislative term winds up next in Boston and Hamburg, Germany. Under no-fault auto insurance, which started in New Jersey in 1973, victims in minor accidents can receive benefits month. Herman said he would be willing to con- said. benzene and chloroform dur- from their own Insurance companies for their property dam- TRENTON (AP) - Urge If it fails to gain legislative approval sider compromises in the bill to include a ages and personal injury. The Idea was to eliminate the amounts of two cancer-caus- In addition, employees In ing the tests, and other before January, it must be reintroduced next method of determining what courts call expensive procedure of insurance companies suing each oth- ing chemicals, benzene and the lab are wearing masks as evaporation. year. "community standards" for determining er, trying to prove fault in an accident, to setUe minor claims. chloroform, were discovered a temporary measure for pro- The two drugs have been "I would like to see the bill released from what is obscene. tection. in a state Health Department identified as carcinogenic committee and face the entire Assembly," Gagliano said he believed the process laboratory where 57 persons The lab, In the narcotics agents by the National In- Gagliano said. "Qut compromise - that's could include public hearings on the matter Realtors elect state president worked, Health Com- monitoring unit of the Health stitute of Occupational what it's all about." conducted by county prosecutors as well as a missioner Joanne E. Finley Department laboratory in ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Toms River Realtor Richard G. Health and Safety, Mrs. Assemblman Martin Herman, D- public vote on whether a municipality should said yesterday. Trenton, is where state Palmer has been elected the 63rd president of the New Jersey Finley said. Gloucester, chairman of the committee, at- set up "combat zones." Association of Realtors. The 57 former and current chemists analyze urine samples of persons suspected Palmer, 39, president of Frank J. Cltta-Richard G. Health Department employ- of abusing narcotics. Palmer Realtors, was elected yesterday during the opening of ees were notified by mail The Pick-It Machine is now at the group's 63rd annual convention at Resorts International Dec. 1 to go to designated Urine samples are dried MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER state officials for a physical on filter paper, which is Hotel Casino. IS NOW Palmer succeeds Norman Kailo of Totowa and is one of examination, but Mrs. Finley placed into a container with a NAPPY'S the youngest Realtors elected president of the group, officials said no evidence of cancer solution of benzene and •said. has turned up. chloroform. The container is 38 CARR AVENUE, KEANSBURG snaked, and any narcotics in OPEN SUNDAYS Others elected are: Charles A. Cavanaugh of Margate, Benzene and chloroform We we • fuU Claim Center the urine sample is released Hours: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. vice president; William J. Lou ten of Holmdel, secretary; and are used regularly in the lab- Into the solution. 9 am. to 9 p.m. 7 days a week . Richard L. Schlott of Wyckoff. treasurer. oratory In small amounts, Mrs. Finley said in a news Mrs. Finley said the MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER "A Little Bit Of Everything" release. The problem is that benzene and chloroform can 777 SHREWSBURY AK All Lottery tickets always available Croups protest deer hunt escape into the air during the SHREWSBURY ventilation in the lab is poor, We pay up to $599 on the spot. HARDING TOWNSHIP (AP) - Anti-hunting groups and the chemicals became shaking, the separation of the 747-5220 staged a protest as the annual deer hunt got underway too concentrated in the air. yesterday at the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Mrs. Finley said the situ- Members of the New Jersey chapter of the Humane ation was discovered in Au- Society joined the Deer, Ecology, Environment and Re- gust, and was confirmed by sources (DEER) Inc. and other groups at the Morris County tests in September. refuge to peacefully protest the hunt. A department spokesman, The object of the hunt Is to reduce the deer population by Mitch Leon, said it took the 250 this year. Officials say the hunt is necessary so that the department 10 weeks to ar- HAMMOND ORGAN deer herd can survive a winter without starving in the forest. range for a health main- The conservation groups, however, disputed that theory in tenance organization in Tren- a flyer that was being distributed at the refuge yesterday. ton to test all the individuals and to arrange for state fi- Presents, in person, the fantastic About 40 demonstrators stood in an area away from the actual hunt, shouting and carrying signs against the hunt. nancing for the tests, which About 220 hunters ignored the protest and joined In the start of could cost up to $100 per indi- a 10-day deer shoot. vidual. keyboard talent of "This is the best example of how a public agency should Kelly is sworn in to state post function," Leon said, adding TRENTON - John K. Kelly, 30, of Sea Girt wai sworn in that 10 weeks is not an overly as a deputy state attorney general by Attorney General John long time to resolve such a "MR. Music- J. Degnan yesterday. problem. Kelly, who will be assigned to the Division of Law, is a Meanwhile, Mrs. Finley former attorney with the Asbury Park law firm of Campbell, said, the Health Department Foley, Lee, Murphy and Cernlgliaro. is taking bids for a contractor He received his bachelor's degree from Seton Hall Univer- to renovate the lab and im- LARRY FERRARI sity in 1971 and his law degree from Seton Hall University prove its ventilation. The School of Law In 1976, and was admitted ta the New Jersey state Treasury has allocated and Connecticut Bars In 1977. 1820,000 for the work, she

We got another early gift from Santa Playing a musical salute on three, and we pass the savings on to you. new, exciting 1980 Hammond Organs Our own all wool worsted flannel slacks, Hat Monmouth Mall only) ** of Burlington's Halifax flannel, tailored in plain front, straight leg, belt loop WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th model. Cambridge gray, oxford gray, stone" Don't miss this sensational 7:30 to 9:30 PM musical program by one of blue mix, brown mix, chocolate, forest green. America's most talented Regularly 40.00. Now, a pre-Christmas special, HAMMOND organists! Yes, it's the same Larry Ferrari you've heard and are COLONNADE hearing perform as Mr. Music on 31.90. TV and on his own TV and radio Free waist and cuff alterations included, now or after HAMMOND shows. A gifted performer who AURORA CLASSIC will captivate you with an the holidays. Ask for free holiday gift wrap. entertaining variety of Hammond Organ music! Old Broad and Front, Red Bank. standards ... new rhythms... or your own personal favorites! Best of all, Larry will show you how easy it is to play on all the new 1980 model Hammond Organs! MAKE 1980 YOUR HAMMOND ^ HAMMOND ORGAN YEAR! COMMODORE FREE ADMISSION! AMPLE FREE BENCH! FREE DELIVERY! PARKING! BRING A FRIEND! FREE LESSONS! CONVENIENT Baldwin ~ Hamit TERMS ARRANGED ASBURY PARK MONMOUTH MALL (MID-LEVEL) EATONTOWN CORNER MAIN & 842-7777 MATTISON Open Mon. Itiru Ssl HI 9:30 ORGANS 778-B30O Open Daily 'til 9 p.m.. Sat 'til 5 p.m.

(A DIVISION OF ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE, INC.) The Daily Register Carter perfects patronage game Established in 1878 - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON flow of Uncle Sugar's sweets of the labor force is out of WASHINGTON - For has been even more spec- ARTHUR Z. KAMIN three yean, Jimmy Carter tacular. The city of Concord — Oil exports wUl have to WASHINGTON recently got a $1.2 million Ur- President and Editor has shown a notable lack of be raited to a minimum of S.S •kill in the game of political ban Development Action million barrels a day, aiming hardball that gets a presi- SCENE Grant to renovate a group at toward 4.1 million. But this Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor dent's programs through Con- buildings across from the goal probably can't be gress. state capital And the Depart- reached without foreign tech- 6 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1979 The name of toe game is ment of Transportation hat nical assistance — which in patronage, and Carter's during September and Octo- agreed to pay the entire coat ber, when the president has the put has come from the weakness in the crucial con- of a commuter line from Con- United States. test with the old pros on to beat Sen. Ted Kennedy in cord to Boston. 'Recent events have unified us' Capitol Hill stems largely the state's caucus vote for the Ordinarily, local govern- ANDERSON — Military expenditures from his self-appointed role Democratic convention. * ments must put up ZO percent will have tob e cut in half No as a Washington outsider. Greater Orlando Aviation of the cost of light rail sys- After three yean, Jimmy new arms purchases will be Making deals with key mem- Authority Director John tems But Gov. Hugh Galen, Carter it finally learning bow possible, and the implacable bers of congress was beneath Meacham reflected the mood almost alone among Demo- the game it played in Wash- imam will try to sell his him — a holier-than-thou at- of Florida officials when he cratic leaders In New Hamp- ington, and he't playing it fighter planet and missiles titude that went over like cold got an unexpected V> million shire, supports Carter over more vigorously than hit back to the United States grits with the lawmakers. in Federal Aviation Adminis- Kennedy. "The word came predecessors dared to do. The revolutionary govern- Yet oddly enough, no pres- tration funds. "I thank the down," a former top DOT of- IRAN'S ILLS: When the ment's weaker military posi- ident has shown a greater lust Lord I'm not from some nice ficial told us. furor over the American tion will encourage re- for the heavy-handed use of Republican state," he told In Los Angeles, Mayor hostages finally subsides, the sistance from the Kurds and patronage when it comet to our reporter Hal Straus. Tom Bradley also supports people of Iran are going to other separatist groups. personal presidential politics. "Carter having to win here Carter, and his loyalty hat find that the hysterical rant- Carter has shelled out the couldn't have come at a nicer paid off. The city recently got ings of Ayatollah Ruhollah — Reserves of feed grams taxpayers' money with the time." DOT funds for more than 200 Khomeini will be no protec- have been "almost totally munificence of a rich uncle to So great was the presiden- buses, and has been promised depleted," and cattle and tion at all from the harsh poultry stock must be rebuilt. states that will have an im- tial largesse in Florida that the money for 700 more — the realities of their situation portant impact on his re-the White House apparently Carter administration's larg- — Electrical power pro- The realities are that grams will be drastically cut nomination and re-election feared a backlash. One Flori- est single matt-transit grant Iran's economy is heading for chances. da mayor told us that on a to date. back; all 14 planned nuclear toe rocks, and no amount of reactors will have to be recent "treasure hunt" in "I would have to think inflamed rhetoric from a bit- If he succeeds in his not- Washington, he was told not that some of the stuff we're scrapped. so-subtle efforts to buy a sec- to expect much in the way of ter old man can avert dis- — Six of seven major doing In L.A. is Carter's aster Sooner or later, Iran it ond term with federal grants federal funds. The press was thank-you to Tom Bradley," petrochemical projects will to carefully selected targets, now too likely to play up such going to have to come to be dropped. a DOT official admitted. terms with what the religious presumably he'll ditch his grants, he was told. And Carter's pork-barrel — New superhighways and Mr. Clean image and play the Other states with early fanatics call the hated "for- airport expansion will be can- custodians seem to be wising eign devils." patronage game with Con- delegate selections are also up toth e essentials of patron- celed. gress the way less high- swimming in federal gravy. age politics with Congress. An unpublicixed report by — Almost needless to say, falutin' presidents have done. Within the past few weeks, Democratic members told us the Georgetown University the tourism budget will be The Carter team's per- for example, two small towns that the* allotment of 1980 Butinest Diplomacy Pro- reduced to zero. formance in Florida has al- In Iowa have received Urban census-taking jobs given to gram spells out the fix Iran it — Social services pro- ready been chronicled — tun- Development Action Grants congressmen to hand out it in if her 131 billion budget grams, like water purifica- neling millions of dollars in totaling about 1800,000 based strictly on loyalty to remains constant: tion, will be expanded - if federal funds into the state In New Hampshire, the the president — Already about one-third the money can be found. Leisure will kill you By ART BUCHWALI) iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiim daughter said, "we won't be "You can't do that," I WASHINGTON This able to tee the Washington taid. "I have to watch the country is producing so much ART Redskin-New York Giants 'Today' show in the afternoon leisure equipment for the football gam*." if I'm going to watch home that nobody has any lei- "I'll record the Redskin 'Cleopatra' in the morning." sure time any more to enjoy BUCHWALD Giants football game and it. A few months ago I bought "Why can't you watch the we'll watch it while '60 'Today' show at din- a television tape recorder to mi IIIIIIIIIIIII iniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiH Minutes' it on the air. We can make copies of programs tee '60 Minutes' at 11 nertime?" my wife asked when I was out of the bouse. cord "Love Boat" and we o'clock." "Because the Wolfingtons Last week I recorded the could watch it later in the "But," my ton said, "you are coming over to bear me Nebraska-Oklahoma football evening. She protested that promised to play the plnball play 'Tea for Two' on the game. When I came home in "Casablanca" was showing machine with me at 11." Biehwald electric organ." the evening, I decided to play on Channel S at 11:30 and she "Okay, we'll play pintail "I thought we might play it back. But my son wanted to wanted to tee it again. at 11 and watch '60 Minutes' noon or be charged for it an- computer bridge at dinner," play "Baseball" on the TV "Don't worry,",I assured at midnight." other week. I have an idea. I my wife said. A new clothes line screen with his Atari Com- her, "we can watch 'Love My wife said, "Why don't won't go to work Monday "We'll play it after my puter. We finished four in- Boat' late Saturday and we listen to the Vienna Opera encore," I assured her. Caterwauling about "interfering decisions that belong within the family, morning and we'll watch it nings when my wife came in 'Casablanca' on Sunday while we're eating and then then." federal bureaucrats" tends to make us rather than in the hands of public of- the room and asked me if I morning when we get up." we can save an hour to play "Then when will we see squirm; the phrase has the disingenuous ficials." There have also been com- would like to listen to the computer golf?" "I waa hoping to use our 'Monday Night Football'?" "But if we watch Jacuxsi Monday morning," my son wanted to know. ring of 1950s harangues by Southern seg- plaints that restrictions on the hair Vienna Opera on our hi-fi 'Casablanca' tomorrow "That's good thinking," I my wife said. "Tuesday," I taid. regationists about "states' rights." length of male students might be viewed stereo set. I told her I was morning when can we see the laid. "The only problem it waiting to finish the baseball "Okay, then I'll tape "Does that mean you're Still, just because opponents of any fed- as an act of cultural imperialism instant Polaroid movies you I've rented a TV tape for match so I could watch the took of Ben yesterday after- 'Cleopatra' and that runt for 'Cleopatra' and you can tec it not going to work on Tues- eral regulation are determined to picture directed against Chicano and game I had recorded. noon?" three hours." Monday afternoon." day?" my wife asked. the U.S. Department of Health, Educa- Indian students. She taid if I watched the "We'll tee them after we "You could show it Mon- "I'm using the set Mon- "How can I go towork, " I tion and Welfare as a lair of trivia- Actually, dress codes for public- football game for three play backgammon on the new day night," the suggested.. day afternoon," my son said, yelled, "when I've got to obsessed zealots doesn't mean that the school students have staged something of hours, I would miss "Love table." "I can't do that I have to "to play digital hockey on much leisure time on my Boat." I told her I would re- tbe TV screen." department has to oblige them by giving a comeback as an issue in educational "If we do that," my return the tape Monday after- hands?" credence to that stereotype. And yet that debate. One reconstructed permissive is exactly what HEW Secretary Patricia educator has attracted national attention Harris has done in the matter of public with his insistence that minimal stan- school dress codes. dards for student dress can help to pro- Put the missiles on the bus Reversing a sensible decision by her mote a necessary sense of esprit de predecessor, Joseph Califano, Mrs. corps and discipline. Of course, his view East Keansburg public for the passage of a aged, as well as senior Harris has announced that HEW will get that clothes make the student may be To the Editor: good comprehensive national citizens. The affluent, true, and it may be false. But its adop- A recent Register column FROM OUR READERS health insurance program middle-class as well as the back into the business of arbitrating dis- objected to the proposed ex- M km MM wrlltf'I e. such as the "Health Care for poor due to the fact that this putes over local school dress codes. The tion by a school or a school district penditure of several million certainly doesn't amount to an endorse- All Americans" Act keeps legislation will cover every- frail legal basis for this sort of interven- dollars by the Federal Gov- growing. This legislation one. ment of Invidious discrimination by sex. ernment, which plant to out- tion is the department's authority under S1720 in the Senate sponsored A recent editorial in the Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. Nor does it cry out for federal interven- fox the Russians by deploying by Senator Edward M. Ken- mobile missiles on artificial Journal of the American Since even the most thoroughgoing tion in the decision making of local will arrive in New York or rain and sleet from the nedy and among the co-spon- Medical Journal a passionate . railroad tracks. Anyone who anywhere else. No spy would always-broken windows, sors our own astute human- advocate of sexual equality hasn't yet educators who in most areas of the coun- commutes to work by way of statement from Dr. William try are far more susceptible to com- Have a chance to crack their tripped by the artfully-ar- itarian Senator Harrison A. Gibson of Vancouver points lobbied for unisex clothing to be declared the alleged New York- wall of secrecy. No com- ranged beer cans on the floor, Williams. In the House of munity pressure than is HEW. Keansburg-Long Branch bus out purely on cost benefit a constitutional right, the invocation of muter ever has. and finally gassed — like SO Representatives the bill analysis how important it is the Civil Rights Act in the matter of line could suggest a far In the unlikely event ene- people were this morning — H.R.S191 sponsored by Con- In itself, HEW's decision to get back simpler and safer system: to recognize that billions of dress codes seems a rather strained ex- my troops ever did locate a by the sulphuric fumes which gressman Henry Waxman dollars can be saved in the into the dress-code business might not put the missiles on board the invariably fill the seating and among the co-sponsors ercise. And, in fact, it turns out that the New York-Keansburg-Long cost of hospitalization and amount to much of an outrage. But such occasional bus toNe w York. Branch bus, our security area. our own learned Con- lobby for HEW monitoring of dress codes just plain waste, through con- examples of bizarre overregulatlon — Our country's first advan- would still be intact. The It will be argued by skep- gressman James J. Howard. tinued investment in medical is concerned less about sexual inequality and this is not the only one — give tage would be one of total boarding party would have tics that there it not enough research. than about students' rights generally. powerful aid and comfort to those who secrecy, since no living just as much difficulty get- room on our buses. But this it This urgently needed leg- Thus this statement from Muriel Fox, would bar federal agencies from in- creature knows when — or, it ting past the line of standees obviously of no consequence. islation for all people not only Those legislators who op- often seems, if — any of this president of the NOW Legal Defense and as present commuters do. If the bus company can daily coven the necessary medical pose the "Health Care for All vestigating even legitimate violations of hapless line's hapless wrecks Then, they'd be buffeted by wedge 55, 60 or more com- and hospital bills but also the Americans Act" which would Education Fund: "We believe that de- civil rights. Like any general, HEW Sec- muters into quarters de- necessary preventive medi- solve the ills of the health cisions about a son's hair length or retary Harris should choose her battles signed at best for 90, it could cine and the funding of basic care delivery system as it is whether a daughter may wear slacks are carefully. certainly fit in a couple of medical research. As Senator today, should have on their long-range missiles. (Not in Kennedy has stated so many office door the following the luggage area or rack, be- times in speaking about the sign: "If you think medical cause they often don't have "Health Care for All Ameri- research is expensive try dis- one.) cans Act" preventive medi- ease." Avoiding a coup The buses are Ideally cine and basic medical re- Milton Wilkotz search will bring our so cost- Amidst all the other bad news for the ment was thrown into question when the suited to secrecy, not only State Chairman because of their random ly medical services available Health Security Action Coun- democracies these days, a brief surge of army's commander Gen. Luis Garcia scheduling, but also for the to everyone, young, middle cil popular optimism has been blunted by Meza threatened a revolt over Ms. brilliant reason that many of the army in Bolivia. Gueiler's order that he also surrender them have no interior lights. There a hard-line military officer, command. For additional security, tem- Col. Alberto Natusch Busch, recently Obviously Bolivians, who have spent peratures could be kept wanner than any Invader Today in history staged a coup against the incoming civil- almost 11 years under military rule, could bear (when it'i warm), By The Associated Press don't want to give up their brief taste of In 1941, American bomb- ian government of President Walter or below freezing (when it't Today is Tuesday, Dec. 4, en struck the Italian main- Guevara Arze. But while Col. Natusch democratic freedom. And neighboring cold); our bus company per- the 3S8th day of 197*. There land for the first tune. In Busch was on the way to the dictator's governments of the Andean Pact — Ven- forms this magnificently. are J7 days left in the year. World Warn. chair, the ousted president refused to ezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru — And finally, putting the Today's highlight in his- In 1975, President Gerald missiles aboard our buses resign, the Bolivian Congress balked at have demonstrated that they want to tory: Ford ended his meeting with would demonstrate to the en- In 1945, Congress ap- Chinese leaden in Peking recognizing military rule, and a general avoid another blow to the democratic tire world the absolute safety proved American partici- without achieving any signifi- strike paralyzed the capital at La Paz. aspirations of the region. and reliability of American pation in the United Nations. cant breakthroughs. Initially, even the army felt the pres- Given Bolivia's political record, at arms. Fact is, if they can On this date: survive a 50-mile trip on this In 1783, George Washing- In 1977, Iraq walked out of sure and turned against the colonel, who changeable as mountain weather, tbe legendary bus line, they can the Arab summit in Tripoli, world will keep its fingers crossed while ton, quitting as commander decided to exit, demanding only that probably withstand a direct in chief, had a farewell din- breaking the united front President Guevara be set aside, too. The the present situation is resolved. On a nuclear strike, and then ner with his officers in New against Egypt's peace moves Bolivian Congress grabbed the chance, continent where the man-on-horseback tome. York. with Israel. elected Lidia Gueiler as interim presi- dictator has all too frequently been seen Frederick J. Walker In 1851, a workers' re- Thought for today: A dent and Bolivia's first woman chief of and hailed as the answer, it would repre- bellion broke out in Paris and woman is constantly inspir- Concern was suppressed by Louis state pending an election a year from sent a major shift Indeed if a civilian ing a man to do gnat things, Batontown Napoleon. The event is known and then preventing him from now and thereby starting a period of government would be allowed at last to To the Editor: in French history as the "De- accomplishing them. — Os- great rejoicing. But that positive settle- rule. *4e^ The concern of the general cember Fourth Massacre." car WUde (1*4-1900) SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4.1979 The Lfeury Register 7 Two police officers beaten in Middletown fight By WARREN RICHE V sons which took place at the LaRosa's home at According to the police report, the first bead with bis fists and that he then released subdued," the report said. MIDDLETOWN - Police arc continuing 861 Middletown-Lincrof t Road. officer on the scene, Pollinger, chased a youth LaRosa Jr. in an effort to apprehend LaRosa The report said that with both LaRosa's in investigations of a reported assault and bat- Among the arrested were: Salvatore F. through backyards after the youth fled the Sr. He said that while he was struggling with custody, Mrs. LaRosa no longer put up a fight. tery on two police officers early Saturday LaRosa Sr., 40, Barbara LaRosa. M, and truck. Meanwhile, a group apparently con- LaRosa Sr. LaRosa Jr. "went after" Mc- The LaRosa's were taken to police bead- morning on Middletown-Uncroft Road. Salvatore LaRosa Jr., 11, all of Middletown- gregated'around backup Patrolman McCauley. Cauley "while Mrs. LaRosa punched and quarters, where they were arrested and re- The investigations stem from a Saturday Lincroft Road. The three LaRosas were Pollinger in his report wrote that after he pulled on this officer, screaming to let her leased on a combined total of f 17,000 bail. incident when Patrolmen John Pollinger and charged with assault and battery on a police located the youth and returned to the LaRosa's husband alone. LaRosa Jr. came back at this Kevin McCauley were reportedly beaten, by officer, resisting arrest and aiding and abet- front lawn "a person who was identified as time punching this officer while also yelling to Police investigations are continuing into members of the LaRosa family during an ting others to escape. Salvatore F. LaRosa Sr. was punching Patrol- leave his father alone." two aspects of the Saturday incident argument on the LaRosa's front lawn. Another unidentified adult was arrested for man McCauley and Barbara LaRosa was at- The report said that a special police officer Police said they are investigating a report According to a police report McCauley re- interfering with a police officer. tempting to pull LaRosa Jr. from the officer." on the scene, Art SchroepfaiL^' continued to go that, at one point during the incident, a citizen ceived injuries to his head, nose, groin, chest Five juveniles, Involved in the same inci- The report continued that: "McCauley had from McCauley to (Pollinger) putting persons was asked by a police officer to call local and legs and Pollinger received Injuries to his dent, were charged with drinking alcoholic the three LaRosas on him throwing punches off both" while the two officers "continued to police for help but ignored the request. head, chest and abdomen as a result of the attempt to take people into custody." beverages while underage, and one of the five and attmpting to pull him to the ground while Police said they are also continuing to incident which occurred shortly after mid- be was trying to keep LaRosa Jr. u custody jueniles was also charged with assaulting a "Each time one LaRosa was apprehended, investigate a fight which reportedly occurred night. and also keep other persons in the cab of the the other two would intercede, causing his or police officer. during a party on Pitts Court, Oak Hill, Friday Members of the LaRosa family declined to truck. her release. This officer finally used chemical A police report indicates that members of night. comment on the incident yesterday on the the LaRosa family became involved after po- "The first subject. LaRosa Jr., was ap- mace to subdue LaRosa Sr., which caused him advice of their attorney. lice attempted to arrest a group of teen-agers prehended by this officer only to have LaRosa to stop punching and struggling," Pollinger Police stopped the pickup truck in front of Nine persons were arrested and four police in a pickup truck. Sr. and Mrs. LaRosa jump on this officer, wrote. the LaRosas because officers saw the truck officers were called in to end an apparent The three LaRosas reportedly came out of attempting to free him," Pollinger wrote. "Salvatore Jr. was then pulled off Mc- leave the Pitts Court party where bottles were dispute between the officers and various per- their house during the arrest of the teen-agers. He said the elder LaRosa hit Urn in the Cauley and after a fight with (Pollinger) was reportedly being broken on the street. Zoners reject U-Haul plan By PAM ABOUZE1D tract, which is located partly West Long Branch lawyer would be razed in a business tone and partly representing Self Storage Ac- The board took issue with EATONTOWN - The Zon- in a light industrial zone. cess, said the proposed out- ing Board of Adjustment, U-Haul's advertisement in Frederick Simon, U- side storage of U-Haul trucks the New Jersey Bell Tele- scheduled to make a final de- Haul's lawyer, argued that not in use would "amount to cision on Jan. 7, last night phone Directory which it said the company should be per- the same as a used car lot and could lead customers to be- directed Its attorney to draw mitted to build in the zone that would not be permitted up a resolution refusing a use lieve that the business is al- because "the character of by the board." ready built and in operation. variance for a U-Haul house- the area is commercial and hold storage and truck and offices just aren't feasible." The proposed business U-Haul is listed in the tele- trailer rental business on He also argued that Self would include temporary cus- phone book at 327 State High- Route 35. Storage Access is a similar tomer storage of household way 35 with a corresponding John Reuter, board chair- type of operation- and was goods in a new building of phone number which it was man, said that last night's granted a variance to build in approximately 10,000-square determined during the meet- vote authorizing the resolu- the zone several years ago. feet An existing former ing is actually a Middletown tion doesn't necessarily mean S Thomas Gagliano. a gasoline station on the site U-Haul number the variance will be denied. "We have on occasion gone the other way when it came to the final vote," he said. U-Haul Co., Newark, wants to locate the business on a nine-acre tract on the north side of Route 35 near Industrial Way. Self-Storage Access, a Route 35 storage business, which is opposing the vari- ance, contended last night •wih HW •» DIM «l that U-Haul did not show any GIFT OF LIFE — Shrewsbury Girl Scouts work on today from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. The scouts are, from left. special hardships or reasons posters promotina today's Shrewsbury Blood Drive. A Lisa Redford, Simmy Woodard, Amy Brunski, Jody why it should be granted a mobile unit from the Central Jersey Blood Bank will be Ackerman andJennifer Cantelo, all 9. Mrs. Virginia variance to build a com- stationed In the Shrewsbury Plaza shopping center Hudson, 18 Sickles Place, is chairwoman of the drive. mercial operation on the Little Silver approves pay increase By DAVID SCHWAB ' reached. are a potential fire hazard. the council urge residents to fire department members. LITTLE SILVER - The The mayor said the union Gale said that "with the check their fireplaces before He introduced an ordinance Borough Council last night did not have the "clout" nec- energy crisis there has been a and after use for potential that would make it easier to gave a seven-and-a-half essary to bargain for signifi- tremendous upsurge In the damage. recruit new people by percent pay raise to seven cantly higher wages because use of fireplaces." But he According to Gale, recent eliminating the age limit and maintainance workers who so few workers belonged. noted that in some houses, building codes, which require the requirement that persons had been without a contract But, he added, "the borough fireplaces are built upon that a fireplace be con- who have served in fire de- since last April. had the money and we were wood beams, which can heat structed on a brick or cin- partments in other com- Mayor Anthony Bruno said never in an antogonistic posi- up and eventually burn. derblock foundation, should munities must wait a year a majority of the workers had tion." He reported that Sunday eliminate this problem in before serving in Little Sil- dropped out of the union In other business, Peter night the fire department had newer nouses. He said that ver. The proposal will be dis- which was representing them Gale, the outgoing fire chief, been called to put out a fire this new code was adopted by cussed at a public hearing in contract negotiations told the council that fire- that had started in that the state only one-and-a-half Dec. 17. before the agreement was places in some older houses manner. He suggested that years ago, but it has been in The council also voted to effect in Little Silver for a grant cash "incentive longer time. awards" to several employ- "We don't know whether ees who bad been granted a Sea Bright eyes new parking any building codes will pro- promotion last year but who created by landing the heli- tect homes The only thing we were prevented from also re- SEA BRIGHT - The spaces between 6 a.m. and t can urge is caution," he told ceiving a pay increase. The Borough Council last night or- p.m. to give local merchants copter, which Edgerton planned to use to commute to the council. additional funds will be trans- dered a survey of a narrow the maximum benefit from Council president fered from the adminis- strip of municipally-owned the additional parking area. his Wall Street office, in the densely-populated residential Laurence McHeffey said that trative account, according to property between Ocean and Council, with one dissent- the borough is "in need" of Bruno. East Ocean Avenus, hoping to ing vote, agreed to drop from line out as many as 20 new its agenda a proposal from parking spaces. Paul A. Edgerton to use a The property, extending vacant lot adjacent to his 7 from East Church Street to Marius Lane residence as a the front of the Marine helipad. Lumber Co., is part of the old The Planning Board last railroad right-of-way. week recommended that Councilman LeRoy S. council deny the proposal, Gibson, suggested placing a citing factors of noise, dust, two-hour limit on the new and safety that could be

HOiESALE .AREHOUS,1E We Sell add a touch of ForLess! Christmas whimsey with annalee's RECLINERS bonus! VA Ib. of unique dolls PW ME am mi m CMWTWI chocolate with any 11.00 Annalee dolls — known for their TUFTED BACK purchase of godiva creativity, craftsmanship and RECLINER IN individuality. No two are exactly "HERCULON" fine chocolate! alike because each and every face is carefully handpainted! Shown Purchase 11b. or more right ^8av.$S0 are iust a few from the larae now we'll give you another selection in our trim-a-tree shop. 'A Ib. of Godiva chocolate as a bonus! From our A. 7" anael on cloud. 9.00 collection of Godiva candy: 8. 12" mouse with candle. 18.00 The Gold Ballotin. a gold- C. 18" Mr. and Mrs. Santa dolls color gift box with 11b. of with a basket, 34.00 assorted milk and dark D. 7" skier mouse, 9.00 chocolates, all tied up and ready to give, with a gold cord, 11.00. nnes 8 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4.1979 Proving you need the aid

Business By SYLVIA PORTER You and your child are expected to pay (Second of four columns) something toward expenses. If the total you pay is figured by a national agency, it doesn't There's no secret to getting financial aid to change much from one college to another, even help offset college costs. You simply must YOUR MONEY'S the most costly one. What does change is the N.Y. stock quotations prove you need help, and with increased amount you need for the higher -cost colleges. eligibility for middle-income families in the The following CSS table suggests rough esti- law, it's worth a try. . NEW YORKIAP) - Monday S ConFdk I 7* 7 92 244% 24^ 24*+ % OMoEd 1.74 9 SOI 144k i4'-» 14ft— W mates of contributions from a two-parent fam- MtioniipnciiforNtwYorti CniNG 3 7 IBS 40V) 40 40 — OkiaGEl.6011 341 14ft 14ft 14«b+ W WARNING: But you must apply for it! Just WORTH &1E s ComPw2 36 t 140 204% 20'* 20%_OklaNG10O8 104 24M 14 14 - * ily, one working. Sal*. ConlAlr .40 9 1231 94% 94% «'..+OMit 1 61553 17ft 16ft 1746+ * applying for admission does not qualify you for PE rtdi Miah Low CnllCerp 3 i 233 2*'* 2*4% 2**+ % Omark 1.44 S 13 33te 334k S34fc+ vt aid dollars. Here are rough estimates of contributions ACF 1.24 ft 91 34'4 34 Cr.llGrp2 4O* 524 21'* 27H 21+4%OwanC 1 20 7 264 26 2Sft 15Vi+ w MilllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIIHIIIIII for a two-parent family, one of whom is work- AMF 134 6 271 M't 14'. ContToM 36 7 673 IS 144% 14*— '•»Owtnlllt.H 4 MS 19* 19% 19*+ % Your best bet is to apply first to the vast AM I CtlDala 40 I 3*9 S3'-» 52'* S3'*+1 PPG 2 6 107 W* 29ft tf*«- Vt ing, with two chldren in college: ASA 24M— 9W 32** 3l's federal programs: Basic Grants. Supplemen- child's guidance counselor or financial aid Coopln 1 84 9 73 M4% 64 644%— V% PacGE 2.44 6 511 23* 23ft 23ft+ % With an annual family income of $14,000 AbblLt) 114 714 404. 39** _ iG I.N 8 274 S5«% 55'* 554% PacLte 1 24 4 73 23'* 21* »*- Vt tal Grants, work and loans. officer at one of the schools you are consider- ttnLtli.W S 328 344% 34* CrwnCk 6 2B6 28* 21% 28'.-,- PacPw 1.93 I 154 Hft 1*46, 1»ft+ ft before taxes, the contribution is roughly $370; t irPro .80 9 29* 31'j 31% CrwZ*l 2 10 7 244 40 394% 39V] •acTT 1.40 7 76 13 114% 12* Next to these largest sources for aid come ing. Akiona 80 6 $4 124* 12' > 1 with an income of $18,000, it is $960; with an jrtW .80 8 220 IB '. 17* 17h + PanAm s sw 546 s* SH- ft all the others. Applying for federal aid is a lot (]) Follow instructions; report your in- AlcanA 2 40 4 191 40 39* Oarllndl.BO 6 234 39% 38 38 —, PanEP 3.10 7 62 i»V» S7ft 50 income of $25,000, it is $2,170; with an income AISLud 1.2B 4 108 26 * 2ft DataG«n 11 277 544% 53'/. 54f%+1 PenDix 40 10 3ft 34* 3«— 'A like seeking a job through an employment come, debts, expenses, assets, number of chil- AllgP* 1 7ft 7 171 17 16* + Davco S6t> 3 10 14''i 14% 144% Penney 1.76 7 75e 15ft 25 % 154- Vt of $35,000, it is $4,(70 and with an income of 1 agency. You don't have to track down most of AlldCh 2_ SSI 454% 44*4b« - DavtPLI 74 7 105 144% 14Vi 14%— PaPL 204 6 S« 10* II * 11*+ ft dren in family and college. Include heavy AlldSIr 1 60 t 4] 24% 24 $40,000 the contribution would be $6,140 24' i - Daara 1.80 1 463 3*4% 36 364%— Penniol2 58 I W3 514k 5046 50ft- * the aid money. The college financial aid ad- AlHsCh I 00 b 148 364. 36 expenses, such as those related to a family 36 — DeilaA 1.20 7 118 38'-'. 3B'<% 3B4% Pennnlwl — I 34ft d34% 344k— * Alto* 2 80 4 214 SP. Sl'< ministrator will do it for you — after you have If you have one child in college, your con- IfM D«nnv> M * *9 14'* 144% 14* PepllCoi.14 9 405 15ft 15 1546— V* members's handicaps. NOTE: You will not Amax» 1B0 7 224 41'• 40* 40*— DfllEd 1.60 7 173 13'. 13' J 134%-*- PerklnE .7113x4*5 3*v» 35ft 36ft• Vt provided information about your finances, tribution will be moderately higher. If you AH*M I 40b S 799 434M 42'I have to wipe out your assets to pay for college. 42*— DiamS 1.60 B 277 26* 2*% 26'.- Pillar 1.3212 1201 40ft >9ft 40 . have three, your payment plunges. AmAir 40 3 2*3 9*t 9'-i9* + DigltalEq 16 701 67'» 6** *7* + PrulpDI 20e 7 434 I7Vk 16 264*+ Vt often through a national agency such as the Depending on aqe and other factors, $16,000 to ABrnds S * 216 65 64' i PhllaEII SO 7 156 14H 14* 14Ut— 4* 36*. Dillon* I 0» 8 1419 1*9% 1*4% 1*4% College Scholarship Service. The CSS will esti- Your child is asked to pay about 35 percent ABdcst I 60 6 970 37% PhilMtii 25 9 6*5 15'* 3446 S4ft M9.000 of your assets may be "protected." 34* Durttv .7211 348 40* 394% 40% + AmCart I BO 5 174 3S _ _W.6»11^4Vt_13 124% 12*— PhllPet 1.40 I 544 47* 44ft 47 — Vt mate the amount your family can afford of current savings for each year, about $600 2B** After that, only 12 percent of your REMAIN- ACvan I 60 B *9S 29 OowCh 1.60 8 1304 32V% 314% 314%— Plllbry 1,72 0 16 361* 36'« 36'/i+ Vt 1>* toward college costs and how much you still from summer savings and something from AEIPw 2 22 8 B33 m'l _ Ora»r 1.10 9 463 52V* 51* $14*—1 PltnvB 1.40 I <65 28*- »Vi 3»4k ING assets is considered in determining your AmExpI.BO 7 239 31'/* 314% duPonls 2* . 720 404% 394% 39*— Plitltn 1.3011 602 14 234* 23H Vt need. financial strength. special benefits (Social Security, etc.), if any. AFamil Mb 4 101 10'atEnt.521O 220 B* BH B*— (2) Obtain the FAF or FFS from your account. 354% + Robins .40 9 154 *4k 9'/* *Vd— V* B*UfChi 111 731 3S'/i 34* FlaPL 2.40 6 28* 2544 25Vi 25H Rockwl 2.40 4 36S 434* 43% 43%— % 47* 48 — BaxtTrv MIS Sit 484t FlaPow 3 B 63 29* 29H 294%— Rohrlnd 4 95 14* 14* 14ft— '* 20* 204*. BMlFd 1.20 B 412 21 Flwrs 11} 383 51* SI 51% Rorar .14 9 734 is'* U'/J 15ft+ v* 124% 12*— Bektr 7 92 12'* FordM 4 2 264* 30'* 304% 304% Rowan .1019 74 36'* 35ft 36'*+ V* BvilHOw .9612 11 1919'- * 19^— ForMK 1.56 5 72 26* 2*H 26* 384% RC Co* 1.0416 34 12ft lift 12**— • Bendix 2.B4 6 59 394. 394% + FrankM .40 5 201 BH B B + 2** RoylO S.Sle 3 327 77ft 77% 77%— 4b BenfCp 2 * SI 7!', Jh'.i \ FrplMntl.2012 34* 4B<* 47Vi 47t%— 34% RvderS 1b 7 33* 25 344* 25+4* BtnatB 13 5*7 4 t nit-iii 1.40 4 S3 27% )'>'• 26'*— 23'* SCM 1.30 S 36 1444 14% 34U- 4* BvttPd .24 B 271 24'. 19'* CAF .60 5 220 10'* 10% 10* + Saf*WV 1.60 6 61 344*03346. 344*+ 44 BethStt 1.60 3 S» 20'* GK Ted 30 5 270 234% 224% 23v* + SJoMn 1.40 I MB7 31% 314* 32 Keep eating despite inflation Black Or 6810 202 224k 22 22* + Gannett 213 323 46' , 46 4*% + 5ILSaF2»l 34 54Vt 54 S4% ft BlckHR1.60 9 4H 25% 25 25 + 45* + GDvns 120 9 1981 56 55' 1 55', 1 - StRagP 2 6 213 27ft 27% 17ft+ 4* Boundsl 40a 6 14V9 45'* 4444 GanEI 2.60 7 1039 464% 45* 45*. Sambo* — 4*1 64fc 6V* 6U>+ % By DAVlO R. SARGENT,...,,,. i lam mill portfolio of speculative Bois«C 1.50 5 431 324k 32'/* 32*— new investment funds in two, GnFdS 2 6 119 344% 34'* 34'/» + SFalnd 2.60 7 117 54% S2ft 53%—1ft Border, t.S2 A 222 2S% 25 Gnlntt SO 9 399 45 434% 44',-. SFelnt 7258 41S 34'/, 34 34%+ ft « I am 85, on Social Se- Florida Power & Light and bonds, and a few "mistakes" BorgW 2 30 '- 78 )«'. 33* GnMillil 32 B 191 241* 244% 244%— SchrPloi 44 I 5*7 2** 3fft 29'/, curity, and my wife (57) will Utah Power & Light, as well could prove costly to your Bo* Ed 2.44 6 70 214k 21 GMot 5.30c 4 2038 50* SO1* SO'*— Schlmbli.1020 550 96 95% 95*- * Branlf, .20 9 385 '•'• r, GPU t.Ito 4 1119 B 7H 7*— kottP .93 5 1144 It 17V* 11+4*soon retire. We plan to sell as in International Tel. &capital. This general caution BriitM 1.4411 1044 34'*35'* 32'* GnSigf.11.2811 370 37% 3*f% 37% + S*abCL3.2O 3 64 2646 26V* 16%— * BrltPtM 02t 7 1497 33'. SearleG .5111 S12 II 17* 17ft— % our large bouse and buy a SUCCESSFUL Tel., which has a stake in is more important now when 11 GTE 2 72 7 864 IB'* 27* 27tt— Brnswk .80 S 398 114k Glire 1.S0 5 137 20'* 19* 20 + leers VM 7 16*1 18% II lift— % BucvEr 88 7 207 21V20. * smaller one. How should we many industries. most economists believe we 25* Gtneico 91 127 3* 3Vi 3H_SfwllOlll.4_ 0 I 289 S3ft 53% 53Vj Vt BuokR .84 7 336 2* ShvllTU.271 4 I 31 11 31 15% GaPac 1.20 B 324 25V* 244% 24*— invest surplus money realized All of these stocks are are in a recession. Secondary Burundi 40 6 352 15'* bPd1.*2 7 3* 244% 24 24 — Shrwln ISeiS 173 27* 17 27V* ituriNu 2 10 9 461 SB'* S7'* from the sale (plus some oth- listed on the NYSE. They cur- GattV 1.6011 19B fc9"i *?'* 69>/i+ 3 Signal t 7 1034 39* 31 3** 1* INVESTING companies can get badly BrnsRL IB 921 »Vi 6 GlbrFn .60 6 34 13 124% 12H ipPet .56111377 »* 9V* *% er funds) for Income? B.G. rently yield about 9.S percent Uurrgh 2.2011 358 79* 78* GlllttU 1.72 7 233 25% 25 2S% + Singer .501 315 7ft d 7ft 7ft burned in a business down- CBS 2.80 7 176 48 47' , GdrlCh 1.44 4 X*0 19V, 19% 19%— ~ Una .4811 75 114ii lift lift- % New Jersey on average, and their turn. CIT 2 60 7 30 53* 53V. Goodvr 1.30 6 1404 12'* 124% 12*— SmtklnM 4417 072 63 6046 61 —IV* CITwd _ 26 S3* 534% A— There are many good- dividend history indicates Gould 1.72 B 171 25 244% 24*— SonvCP.IOeil 60 7% 7ft 7V*+ V* milMllllHIIIIIimiMllllllMIIIHIllllHIIIIIHl But a well-diversified CPC 3 8 282 u61* 594% Grace 2.05 B 312 37* 374% 374% + SCrEG 1.61 9 351 16ft 16* 164*— 4* quality companies that have that managements will keep CarnSn 1 90 7 48 29>* 29 GtAIPc _ 92 7'* 74% 74%—SCalEd2 72 4 281 14 1546 16 + ft pects. They may be aphun- t through this "inflation- mutual fund specializing in CarP* 3.08 6 261 \f > 19* GtWFIni.B4 6 39B 23* 23'* 234% iouthCo1,S4 91311 13% lift 13%+ % raised dividends at a clip that increasing payments to CartHwl 10 7 ' 64 17'* 17* Greyh 1.04 I 239 I4',i 144% 14Vi SoNReiVSOlO 140 uS2Vfc 51* J2 + H equals or exceeds the com- propriate selections for abeating" category will reveal stockholders in the years speculative bonds is some- CH.ICk.80b 7 349 i.lnlii Grummi.2011 195 20 194% 30 + SouPac 2.60 5 119 33* 324* 31*—* growth stock portfolio but CalrpT 2.10 7 108S 54'/1 53'* GlfWttn .75 4 610Ou1BVi 17'/J 1B>* + KHIRV 3 20 S 104 55 54V* 55+4* pounded annual rate of infla- quite a few high-yielding ahead. thing else, and I would ap- Ce(anse3 20 4 184 45 44* Sperry 1.56 7 413 a1* 41ft 414*— 4* 14% — GullO.12 25 6 772 35% 344% 35'.% + hold little appeal for older, companies whose dividends prove of this approach. A CenSoW1.42 6 **5 14'J 14V.. irD 1 SO 7 41 21% 21 II — V* tion (6.7 percent) over the 51 — ' GltStUt 1.36 7 520 11% 11 i>"»— Q- Would now, when In- CentrDal1b16 424 SI 4% 50* GulfUtd 110 391 23% 224% 224%— Saulbb 1.1414 543 38'* 174* N + Vt retired investors who need to 14'*— have kept pace with rising logical candidate is Keystone Crt-teed 9010 3* 144% 14' j Halllbt 212 23S 79* 78% 78Vj— StBrnd 1.41 9 206 2446 24% 24%— % past decade. Many are fast- terest rates may be speaking, CaitAir.BOb 9 464 23'* 22'* maximize immediate "eat- living costs. Utilities pre- B-4. Over half of the fund's Harris ,7212 157 31 30% 30vi— 1 StOIICI 3.20 6 160 574I> 56ft 57%+ Hgrowing companies with low be a good time to buy lower- Chmpln140 5 211 234% 23 HartoHk.5612 145 23% 23 23%+ ' .tOInd 3 91477 83* 83 I3'<1+ Vt ing" money. dominate in this group. I sug- nearly half billion in assets is CMmSp 80 7 368 10'* 9'* HartfZdWb 4 65 7* 7Vt 7* + S10IIOtii.M11 165 83'* 79% B1% + 2ft yields and excellent pros- 1 rated bonds? I notice that Cha&M 2.40 4 372 J' > 3** Htrculti 10 5 S*S 20% 20 20'*— ' StaulChil 10 7 643 19'* lift 1*V*+ ft Nevertheless, a careful gest that you consider placing invested in bonds with an Cha»i*2.32 5 30S 27' . 27 some companies whose ob- Htubllni 66 9 259 28'* 284% 28'*+- ' SlarlDg .8410 536 1*ft 19ft 1*%— V* CrtlPneT 2 5 53 22* 22' 1 HtwItPki 4017 422 57'* S6V1 57'*+ 1 StavenJ1.20b 4 17 13ft 134h 1344- V* SiP rating of BB or lower. CI.rlsCft.521 8 116 U'i 13"* ligations are low-rated have Holiday .6610 1444 16* t*4% 14'.. SunCo 3 7 270 67% 65ft 67ft+1ft Cr.rvsl.jrlO.— 707 6' > 6% Keystone B-4 has out- HollyS _ 403 484% 47% 48% Svbron 1.08 8 21 16ft 16VH 16** % fairly good operating re- Citlcrp 1.30 5 1780 22V. 2m Homst 1.40 9 720 40 39 39',.+ I TRW 2 6 154 37 36% 36ft— H performed the StiP 500, and CiilesSvl.6011 292 82% BO* cords. Don't they offer a Honwll 1.60 J 78* 7B 774% 77';.-. Tallev 1 I 37 •% I IV*— ft Citvlnv 1.20 4 34* 184% IB HOSPCP SOU 342U41'» 41% 41%— TantpE1.44l 140 II 174b 18 + '/* chance for capital gains as most "good-quality" bond CUrkE 2 20 S 79 37Vi 37'/i 1 HoushFI.55 S 109 19% IB'/. 19% + Tandy 9 133 so * 39ft 3*4*— ft Dow down 2.73 C IrvEl 1.92 7 216 174% 17'1 Housln 2.36 6 S9B 304% 30% 30%— well as providing generous In- funds as well, over the past 5- 1 Tendycttn 3 10* 4H 4ft 4'/, NEW YORK (AP) - change after announcing a porary permit for a casino- Clorox .7* 6 207 10*» 10 * HousNGI.1010 120 36* 3*Vi 364% Teklrnx 6413 156 51% M 50'/. come? M.W. Florida and-10-year periods (all dis- CftcaBti .44 9 152 6'i * HowdJn .4414 4B4 21% 204% 21'* + Teltdn 9.92t 5 249 135% 132* 135% +3ft Gold, silver and copper issues natural gas discovery off hotel in Atlantic City 1 CataCI 19*10 742 34 134% Hugt.sTls.B414 277 SI * SOVi 504% emrint 30 736 23ft 114* lift— % tributions reinvested). You CtMflPali 06 7 SM 15 14H sparkled on Wall Street yes- Texas. Itel slid % to S after the A— I feel this is srictly an C Ind 1.84 5 71 24'* 24'. 24f% + Telex 11 161 344 346 34fa— ft CoiPmn 1 40 4 56S 194% 19 can obtain a prospectus and NACP 3 5 158 474k 44''. 47'/» Tennco 2.40 8 440 39*4 3*% 39'/,- % terday as precious metals computer leasing company area for professionals. Most Co.t|na2.S0 6 17 4** 4*% Bally led the NYSE active u hit .9SbS3xBS0 114% 11% 1)4% + Taaoro 5 S55 II* IB 16*+ 4* other information by writing ColGas 2 44 9 322 36 35''. prices spiraled, but the gains individual investors don't dahoP 2.4010 97 23' 1 23% 21^% Taxaco 2.14 5 19*4 2*ft 29* 29'*+ V* list, rising VM to 32V*. State reported a 1176.1 million CmbEn 2.4010 64 55 54%53 IdtalB 1.60 5 xBO 21'* 21 2!4fc + TaxEct 2.7010 232u63ft 614* 63 +14* to the fund at P. O. Box 1311, CmwE 2.60 7 711 22 21477% * '• failed to pull the stock mar- government sources in New third-quarter loss, and an ac- have the knowledge required IPICPI 20 5 213 2* 2J'/1 21* + Texlnat 212 1*7 90* 69V* 90 + % Comtat 2 30 7 109 MH 35'36%* — Boston, MA 02104. INCO .40*12 171 19'* 19 191* + Taxlnl —124* 15ft IS 15ft— V* ket out of a decline spurred Jersey said Chairman Wil- tively-traded IBM fell H toto sift the wheat from the Conoco 1.90 6 113* 45'* 44H45*+ Inaxco .1424 214 2B% 27'* 28 —TaxOGs .4813 IM 51 57 58 + * CortFd 2 44 6 276 24% 2424 — Vh by concerns over the Iranian chaff in this sophisticated (Mr. Sargent cannot an- ln«trR3.1*7 48 50 49H 49* TxPcLd.45*24 3 46* 66''i 66'/)+ ft liam T. O'Donnell planned to 64%. Polaroid rose H to 26% lnldStl2BOj 4 221 30* 304% 30*— T*NUtil 1.64 8x138 19ft 18V* 1* + '* crisis. The Dow Jones aver- step down from his post, at after announcing a fast-de- field. In addition, it is hard to swer all mail personally, but American ntrlk 2.3JO 4 9 24* 24'/, 34'/.— TVMSglf 1.2011 244 30ft 294* 30'*+ ft iBMt 3.4413 2083 65'* Wi 644%— Textroni.SO 4 303 2544 25 25*+ ft age of 30 industrials slipped least temporarily, to theveloping instant color photo achieve adequate diver- will answer all questions pos- intFlav .M12 474 201* 194% 19*— Thlokol 1.55 7 64 45 4444 45 „ NEW YORK(AP) - Monday 2.73 points to 819.82 as de- film. sification in an individual's sible in his column.) inlHarvl.SO 4 420 37'* 3** 37'* + Thrifty .66 9 37 13 12% 13 + % company could win a tem- jMtionalprtcftforAmtrfcan' n(Mln 3 8 52 57'/. 57% S74%— Tlgarlnl .00 4 404 IB* 1744 II — % StockExchanaeilsuas: clines outnumbered advan- IniPaprl.M) 4 3S8 37* 37 37Vt Tlm*iM1.20 B 59 36% 354b 36 -. Satai 1 InITT 2.40 9 5520 26Vt 25% 2S'* + Tlmkn 3*6 161 SI * 504* 5lft+ 4* cers 4-3 on the New York Barnegat Bedrmnster Berkeley Heights Bernardsville Blachwood Brick Town Camden Cartetel Cherry Hill Cr»ntord East &. PE ndi High Low Close Chg lOwaBfl 52 7 211 24% 234% 24 + Tohhelm.60 I 16 lift 1746. II .. AcgisCp 11 10S \Vt 1* Vft Stock Exchange. Big Board lowaPS2,04 6 18 204% 20'/. 204k TWCorp 9 377 17 16'/» 1644 Ait... 16 7 13-16 13-16 13 16 IttkCp 14'117 27V% it , 27 — Transrrtt 12 5 409 18 17ft 17'*__.„ volume dropped to 29.03 mil- ASc 1E „ 44 *'* *H 6*~ telCp MU1B17 54% AH % — Transcoi.2415 211 39* 39 39ft— 4k Aiamerg 40_ 132 17* 17V, 174k__ lion shares from Friday's JhnManl.92 5 108 23'* 234k 2344 Travln 2.00 4 215 M 37% 371* itlsCM 16* 8 3J2 3 2* 3 + JohnJn 213 oil 7* 74'/. 7S<* + TrlCon2.03e— 64 1*4* 19ft 1*4*+ ft AutmRad _ <> 2* 2* 2*— 30.48 million JonLgn .60 9 54 10'* 9* 10^ + Trlco .1113 145 13% 12ft 13ft Sanistrg 371— 684 144% 14 144%_ JOlttns 1 B 64 19Vi 19Vi 19'/»—- ' :sEPI.42 7 331 15ft 15'* I5%— % BergnH 24 e 39 9'-* 94% 9*— JovM.g 1 72 B 195 324k 31'* 31 — TCFox1.40a 6 43 4044 40ft 40ft- % The dollar's value plum- isveriy 1B«1O 61 8* 84% 84k— K marl (M | 742 25'* 24* 24*— UAL 1— 347 21% 21 31 — Vi aowVailg 1O_ 231 32'* 31V* 314%— ' meted abroad and the price of KaiirAM.M 4 329 19'.', 19% 19Vi + UMC 1.20 4 x35 13% 13V* 13'*+ % BradfdN 26 B »87 114% 10% 11'-* + KanGE 1.9411 111 174% 174% 174%__ UNCRai.50 6 06 21ft 21 214k— Vt gold rose $14 to M31.5O an Brascani 201 26 18% 18 18'* 1 KanPLIl »* 7 l]7 18'i IB * IB'/.— UVInd 10C 7 156 2* 21* 3* CK Ptt .1624 41 174% 1*4% 16*— Katvlnd 3 60 BH 84% |4% + UnCarb 3 S 471 39ft 39ft 394*- % ounce here as Iranian stu- Carnal 1.50 7x139 24% 23H. 23d+ 2' KaufBr 24 7 145 B* BV. |Vt_UnElec 1.44 7 311 13ft lift 13 — ft ChamoHo —SOB 1% I1* H»— dents continued to hold 50 Kclloflgi 32 9 142 IB'* IBVi 114%— ' UOIICI11.30 9 193 46* 46% 4*4h— ft ClrcleKl.IOB 70 224% 22>* 22Vt— Ktnnct 1.4011 *S7 27V% 26 27 +1 UPacC 1.8010 509 75ft 7S% 754*— ft Colemn 1 6 45 14'* 144tj 144%— hostages in the U.S. embassy KcrrM 1.5510x4*2 61 59* WVt— Uniroval _ 439 3ft 34* J* % ConsOG _ 134 71Vi 21* 22'*+ '* KlmbCI 3 88 6 M91 40 d39'-i 40 + UnBrnd 20* 6 106 lift 11% "'/>. in Tehran. Reports circulated Cookln 20t 7 S 64% *4% 64%— KnlgtRd .70 9 13* 244% 244% 24Vi + Cornliui 80 7 46 17'* 1*''i 17V«— 1* USGVPI2.40 4 177 33ft 31% 31%— 4h anew that Iran would press Kopprs 1.40 7 25 25'* 2S 2SVi CruttR .3*32 IB 16H 1*4% 16'/.+ '* USInd .76 S 135 9 84h 8'*+ V* Kraft 3.30 6 90 464% 454% 4«%— USSte*M.6O 4 3548 17% 16ft 17 — % other oil producers to stop Damson ' _ 214 19 18 1fl% + ' 1 Krogarsi.36 5 330 IB * 17'/. 11 UnTech2.2Q 7 541 41% 4O4fa 404fa— ft DaUPd ,3012 62 17 16* 1**— 4% accepting dollars in payment LTV 1 380 7* 7i* 74%-f UnlTel 1.52 7 1071 lift lit* Il4f + v* DomePg 5 _ 657 43'* 42% 42' > LtarSg 1.04 S 164 21% 204% 2l% + Uplohn 1.7310 832 474% 47V* 47ft— % DorcGsn 20 9 98 2* 25H 25ft— '* for oil. LteEnt ..7211 x14 23% 224% 2]4%— USLIFE.6I4 335 24 23ft 23* * Dynldn *7 146 9'i 94% 94%— 4% Lthmn1.33«_ 176 114% 114% H'/.- EarthRas 1 9 52 26'* 25'* 26'. t V» UtaPL 1.7611 100 II 174* 174b— % LtviUF 16 848 u28'/> 26'.'* 27'*+, The stock market ii "in FedRes 25 15* 7* 74% 74%—% •Ian .4012 10] 36% 35ft 35ft 4b LOF 2.20a 4 130 24V> 24 24'*— VaEPwi 40 4 1431 lift 10ft 10ft— ft FrontA 20b 5 27 12 11* an emotional selloff in re- LlgMt 2.50 6 592 41% 38V* 3BV%—2 WachOV 86 7 61 16*4. 1144 II*— ft GR) illiM 191 4 3* V, '* LlilvElll.lOU 253 60'-. WVt 604%+ ' sponse to concern over the GntYeiig *S»1O 322 12'* 12V] 12*+ Vt WalMrl .3015 49 35% 34* 35%+ % waltJmiao S tsi 30ft 30% w*+ 4* GoldWH -*4 7 40 11 10') 10'* + Litton 1b 6 750 3B4% 37* 314%+ 4% possibility of things heating iComi 1 9 344 46 45% 45*— ft Goldtltld — 92 1% 1'* t%_ Lockhd 14 8*9 u3O4% 28* 3Q4%+14% WirnrL1.32 9)171 1*4 1*4* 19*—* Gdrichwt — 11 i'» i'» r. ' s 1.30 4 12 60% 60 60'*+ '* up in Iran" said analyst WMWt 2.M B 15 20V) 204* 30ft— % GIBatinP 119 165 IB U'» 17> LnStar 1.40 4 261 244% 244% 24' WnAIrL .40 4 330 Ift Ift I1*— ftCharles Jessen of MKI Secur- GILkCh .3216 23*u39' 38* 39 LILCo W8 6 3B4 15 144% 1J WnBnc 1.44 4 102 31% 31 31—4* HolivCp IS 124 12''i 11'. \V LaLandi.4812 1627 474% 4* 474% + 14k ities. WUnlonl 4O_ 211 22ft 22 22%+ ft HOUOM 8013 22i; 21% 19'. 204+ 4% LaPac 60b 6 102 20'-. 204% 20*+ % WastgEI 97 510*9 II* 11% 16%— 4* HOSkvOg 1— 2 64 64 64 — '*LuckvS 18x120 16'» IS". 16 W*verhr1.30 7 671 31* 204* 31ft— % "The longer the Iranian ImpOUAgi 20_ 396 38* 38% 38*+ 4% MGIC 1 9 433 29* 29V% « _ . WheelF1.30 » 15 34% 33 33 —3% IrtitrSys 16 183 1 15-16 1S-1i Macmlll 82 7 2135 13* 134% 13*%— '* situation drags on, the more Whlrlpl 1.40 7 71 11* lift 1146— % IntBrtknt 5 108 2H 24% 7 Macv 1.8S 6 6* SOW 50 50 WhlleMt 31315 6'* 5ft 64*+ 1ft Iniplasl .4013 1 16'J 16V) 16' MdsFdi 25«_ 207 17 16* 17 people begin to think the un- Whlttak .30 5 700 16% 15ft 14 — Vt Kalsln .75c_ 26 I** 1H> 1; MaglcCI .60 4 376 7* 7vk Wicket 1.04 4 37 15'* H* 15 thinkable," said Robert LoewTwl _ 63 31 304% 30*— MAPC01.40 9 647 34'/» 34 Wllliami 116x660 26ft 26% 34%— V* Marlndq 7 281 1 3-16 I1* 1 3-1. MarOill1.60 6 876 49V% 49 Stovall of Dean Witter Rey- WinDx 1.61 I x29 M% VVt 2744+ % Marmpi: 25_ i 20 19'* 20 MarMId .80 6 X49 1S<* 17'* Wlnnbgo 100 3D 3% 3 1 —,, _, McCulO 9 399 9* 9Vi 9*+ <* Uarrlot .2010 21* 1*4% 16 nolds. He noted the ner- Woiwlh 1.60 5 401 25* 2544 354*+ Vt Mesoint 26 3 21 94- %"'» 9* + artM 2.12 6 194 40% 39* 39*— % Xarox 2.40 9x447 42% 61ft 42 —VvousnesI s has resulted in a MitchlEi.20.3 82 29* 28'-. 29>*— Masco .60 9 38 244% 24% 244%+ % ZaleCp 1 08 6 14 30% 30 30 NKinrity _ 195 6* 6 t%— '•» lasivFg _ 237 94% 9 9%+ V% market increasingly con- ZanithR .60 9 345 ** 9ft *44+ V* NtP«t«nt _ " 6* 6'-) May DS 1.40 5 64 23% 23 21%+% Copyright by The Auociated Press 1*79. cerned with "oil, precious NProc SSe 7 MavtgiaOa 9 90 2BVi 27H 2B%+ * Nulr* 12 McDrmi.20169 444 23* 23* 234%—'* metals and military stocks." NoCdOg 26 McDn.d S6 9 412 42'i 42 41%— 4% OiarkA.15t 4 27 5 McOonD.75 6 B40 304% 29!* 304% + Local Securities Analysts noted some op- PF ind _ 48 2 1 McGEdi.BO 6 3* 25'/» 25'/» 25* Ban* stock quotation* courtesy Out timism that recent prime len- PGEP,W2.57_ 10 224% 22 McGrH 1.28 9 145 26'* 25V) 23Vt— 4% water & Wallt, Alburv Park. Industrial PECP .55121 334 34% 3% 34% Mead t.BO S 219 25'* 254fc 25'/.+ quotations courtesy Fahiwtlock A Co., ding rate reductions would PrenHa1,49 6 39 23* 23'* 23*+ % Melvillei 40 7 N 27'* 26'-i 27 ... Red Bank. r RtshCol'.24 8 9« 13W 13'/> UW Marck 1.3015x404 71 * 71% 7tVi— • ANKS IMA** continue to spread. Risrt A 3 445 26H 25'/i 25*— * Lv .96 7 242 19% 19 !»'*+ '* Allaire State Bank II Robntch _ 20 *'* 6* 6*— V% MiuPlln — 899 514% 49H »'* + Brunswick Bank 1 Trust 11 13 But "there's a distinct betMlg 10 IS 34% 3'. V/4— MGMI .6Ob 9 242 17* 174% 17V*— A Central Jersey r/* •*. Solllron 12 53 5 4* 4*— Vt MldSUt 1.5* 6 2320 134% 134% 13' Chemical Bank ll'/i IS* cleavage over interest Svntsx 1 1010 294 374% 37 374%+ '* MMM 2 40 9 5*4 50 49 V, 494 Commercial Trust 17H livt 1 rates," said Stovall, with sev- SvstErtg 12 54 16 * U 16Vt— MlnPL 1.94 5 *7 IB* 184% 1IH+ '* Fidelity union Bank Corp 10 X'M TtrraC 1OJ_ 127 9* 9Vi 9V»— 3 6 96* 52'* 51% 511%+ '* First Jersey National 13 14 eral comentators believing USFlltr .3* 8 174 14* 14i* 144% + MdMor ,JO 6 38 14 14 14 , . First National T.R t] U UmvRs .3221 55 22'* 21* 22^— MohkDta 11 371 15Vi 14* 15t%— % Franklin stale ... s » rates might head upward Vern.trn .10 6 33 74% 7M T.t— Vt Monun3.4O 6 399 584% 57* 58% JlrleY Shore » H again if the Federal Reserve Wstbrng s.70_ xTO 22* 22H 224% MntDU 1.BO 7 88 IB'* 17* 16'*+ '* Mldlanllc Bank 15 » WilFln .52 3 x24 24!% 24% 244%— MonPw2.O4 8 45 20*% 20Vi 30^—4% Mldlanllc Preferred IIUi lOUi moves to aid the sinking Copyright bv Th« Assoctatcd Press 1979. Morgan!.50 6 323 46 4SVi 45'*+ '* Ne« Jersey National Corp.. Itu KH» MorNorl 40 9 13 31 30* 31 + Vt Ocean County National ll'/i 14 dollar. Footnotes Motrolai 4O10 352 49H 49% 49%_ 9% Peoples National Lakewood, X 41 Shrewsbury State livt 13 Among silver and gold MtFiMl 1.2O10 49 294% 39V« 294%+ '* io.t»*loiiV«»or« unofficial united Counties Trust Co II 14 MtSTal 1.33 7 21 24Vi 24** 244%— '* mining issues, Dome Mines Unitrit omorwlM noltd.ral«ioldivid*r.dt United Jersey Bank 10U. 10") NCR 1.60 7 23* 63% 62'* 63'*— '* lAttwtoftaoinB toblt ort annual diiburM INDUJTHIAL NLInd 1 2011 804 344% 33* 34\-%— Vi gained 2V, to 45 and Hecla mtflft bottd on tht lott quorttriyofitmt Autodvnamlcs 5'/- a NLT 1.12 7 382 244% 23'* 244k— 4k onnuoWtckirolton Speclol or Mlro dlvld Brockwav HVi IM* added IH at 24H. Asarco rose NablKOi.62 7 xBB 214% 21% 21*%+ Vt •ndi orpaymtfllt not dtiignaUd oinaul Buck Engineering J*a 4*» NatAirl 5O_ 32 48% 474% 46'* + % IH to 294. after boosting cop- of or* idtnlintdmtht following looinoi** CHO Corporation Va NalCan .73 5 22 20Vt 204% 2O'/j— % O Atio t»l'o or t»\lro» b—Annual rott De Tomato Industries 34* 4U OI»I1 80 7 BIB 29'* 38Vi 39 + 4% per prices by 12 V. percent. ptv> ikxk dividend c-Llqulda(lng divi- Electronic Assoclatas...... tfa 7 NatFG 2.S4 6 4 28 274% 274%— '* d»nd t—OecloftTd Wpo'f '" p'«t*dmg 12 EAC Industries 4U «W NatGvPl.41 4 314 19'* 19 19V%— V% — D#dortd or paid atltr ttoch IFF IIH 1«* An actively-traded Gener- ISemle 10 393 29'/. 28 29 upfj yp 1 Paid H1I1 yaor< Foodarema M* 111 r atlStl 2.60 3 102 2*Vi d25* 35'.*—'.', al Dynamics fell Vi to SSVk, noominail^ftrrtd or no action GlDson-Homaiu IM* I7W alomii.10 4 434 30V* 29h 30 — Vt toktn al laif dividend mttting. k—D«c- Kino James Ent Cere Va and Lockheed gained IH to tvPwsl.12 7 19 23V% 224% 23 + % kirn* or paid this (tar, on accumulatlvt Metallurgical Int I t EngEI2 3* 7 79 23'/) 224% 23%— % 30%. Ford was unchanged at iitu* win. dividends (n arrtart. n—N«w Midland Glass IW tilt • wmt1.30«6 804 33 31'/i 32*+14% iito* r—D^clortdorpaldin prtctdlng 12 Ocean Airways 2' • 2* iaMP 1.44 6 269 13% 13 13 . . 30H in active trading despite monttn plus Hock dividend l-Pald In Monmouttl Capital 14 orfwnt 92 4 315 25% UVt 25'/.+ Vt itock tn prtctdlno 12 months, .itlmottd Monmouth Park , 14 a report of sharply lower No- oAPhll 70 4 34 1** 264% 2*4%— 4% CAD vaiuf on tm-tflvKMtf or f «-M>« 'n°^'|M ' *"" J (u" OSIPW2.28 7 2t6 2344 23'* 23*+ % Precision Optic* w .«* Among active oil issues, ortrp 1.80 7 241 44 42*% 434%+ Vt Radiophone Corp VM Ht Wn*nUiwtrd ««-With worrentt. •*— wslAlrfJQ 7 *1 179% 27Vi 27*%+ 4% Ray Comm Ind. tnc 14* 2W Occidental Petroleum was WI»fW»itworront..xdlS-E«-dlitrltK,llon wlBcpt.32 « 93 2544 254% 35*+ % iplral Metal IV* 1W off Vt at 27%, but Houston Oil »| — In bonkrwptCV or rtCtMnhlp or Wtlndl.DS 7 142 354% 3444 35',%— '* rlangle Industries 7H I c . — bthAa rtoroortlivO "«*•' tn* •ont.ryptcy Ion 1.60 7 63 31*1 31 31h+ Hu s Hornet 14Ui I4*a & Minerals gained H to 2W« Art. or ttcurlilts nwmtd bv Svch com orSlmiMb 1 397 JS"A 1444 II _.United Telecontrol 1W» 14* % Ptmiipstaurg Perth AmDoy Parstppany North Newark North Ehzabelh New ProvKterKe Mocnslown Moorwtown Menlo Park ^ cclPaliSO 51281 274% 26* 27V,— H on the American Stock Ex- SHREWSBURY, NJ. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4,1979 The Daily Register 9 'Bent9 may rate as worst play of '79 By JAY SHARBUTT bedroom stark naked, dons a bathrobe and tries to resume plains he's in the camp because he signed a petition that NEW YORK (AP) - Really bad dramas don't come events of the night before, there's a pounding at the door. would "make queers legal." along all that often on Broadway. But "Bent," starring SS storm troopers are out there. In short order, Gere admits be is posing as a Jew. He rising young actor Richard Gere, may easily qualify as ,. They're taking part in Hitler's infamous "night of the grows fond of his fellow inmate, lands him a job on the the worst of 1979. long knives,'' purging homosexuals in the military and the same rockpile with him and before long they are in love. It opened Sunday. It seeks to dramatize the fact that friends of same. The visitor tries to flee, is shot and his The two never get together physically. But they start homosexuals, like Jews, were persecuted unmercifully in throat is slit. fantasizing love-making in extremely graphic terms while Nazi Germany, many winding up marked for death in Gere and Grant escape. In time, though, they're standing at rigid attention during three-minute "rest Hitler's concentration camps. caught, after Gere, refusing to leave his lover, turns down periods" in their 12-hour day. But even with a few scenei of genuine shock and offers of aid for a solo escape from his elderly homosexual Sample dialogue: "I'm touching you, I'm kissing your horror, it proves a badly done, unbelieveable tale of uncle (George Hall). eyes, your lips, mouth, inside your mouth.. your chest " It homosexual love marked by dialogue that is mundane, They're put on a train headed to a concentration gets worse, and remember, they're supposedly inside a grotesque or just awful, depending on the moment. camp. A drunk SS captain, who apparently didn't get word Nazi concentration camp. Gere plays a young, dissolute hustler who lives in a of their sexual preference, suspects Grant is a homosex- The curtain takes a long time to drop, staying up amid seedy Berlin apartment with his lover (David Marshall ual. He and his thugs savagely beat him. recurring vows and denials of love and lame jokes about Grant), a dancer. The play opens with Gere suffering He forces Gere to do likewise, resulting in Grant's sex. The proceedings finally end on a predictably tragic from a severe hangover. death. And, after striking a sick bargain with the officer note for both lovers. Seems that not only did he whoop it up the previous to be identified as a Jew, not a homosexual, he arrives at For the record, the play is by Martin Sherman The night, he brought home a sturdy, blonde-haired chap — the concentration camp. direction, which gives the play a slow, often stultifying whom he called his "little storm trooper" — and spent There, he meets an inmate (David Dukes) who tried to pace, is by Robert Allan Ackerman the night with him. help him on the train. Duke wears a pink triangular badge A As for the cast, well, they all showed up and tried As the visitor (James Remar) emerges from the identifying him as a homosexual. He sardonically ex- hard. Television Today New York Channels — 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 EVENING hlaprlnclplaa.(6Onilna.) 19)2 Robert Klain, Joan Resltlsr MM) ev Dm... 0 fD HAWAII FIVE 0 Stava leagues and trlanda, ODMOVIE-(COMEDY)"* Thetili Hackatt. A ramarriaga SUCCESS STORY — The success of the Maureen .90000 NEWS McGarrett confronts a tapad convarstatlon with 191) Jack Weston, Rita S I lOVE LUCY pair of political terrorists Callas haraalf, rara per- Morano. (Paid Subscrip- forcas a young child to try McCrlnk Band, one of four rock groups which per- who are threatening to kill and murdar tha naw rival O JOKER S WILD Trot*.!,. . formance aequencaa and tion Talavialon) Sanita- formed at Shore Sounds I, a benefit rock concert spon- o HAPPY DAYS AGAIN thalr policewoman- nawsraala. tion company ownar un- of hla mothar'a affac- sored by the Monmouth County Arts Council, Red Bank, 0 HUMANITIES IHHU6H THE Body S BMHtllKl Girt hostage unless thalr SB NEW JEISEY NEWS wittingly takas rafuga tlons.(2hrs.) demands ara mat. (60 Hi O THOUGHT FOR IODAV Is expected to result In more such concerts. Proceeds AIIS CD MOVIE UUVlNkf)" Awing from his murdarous UNCLE KOYD mlna.l brothar-ln-law in a gay )I5 ©MOVIE (ADVENTURE)*"-a Ihe from the first concert will go toward support of the • O FHE MISADVENTURES OF Mi Blunder, 1912 Laurence Aquenant 19)0 RIcardoMon- S MCNEWS Naamlth, Lynna Fradar- bathousa (2 hra.) council, primarily for renovation of the Monmouth Arts • CAROl BUMETT AND F1IENDS SHEBIff IMO Whan Orly'a W.10 OMUVIE IBBAMAAUVIMlllKl!" talban, Joaa Farrar. Icka. (Paid Subacrlptlon 1 uast: Stava Lawrence. molt lamouacltlian, Sen- Acron lha Bridge I9SI Rod Scientist! Invaatlgate a Center, Monmouth St., Red Bank. Televlaion). Time, traval, I AM NEWS ator Calvin Plowara, e» • Bronwi/Bluit/Jo«a Stalgar, Maria Landl. mystarious source of pol- a kindly ghoat and cob- I IK TAC DOUGH plraa In a whirlpool bath Evary hand la againat a lution In tha ocaans. (110 HtUMUI/St.lra/rTM webby houaa maka I I CIS NEWS from a heart attack, hla man on tha run and mil- ISAHFOtOANOSON unacrupulouacampalgn Aav ahivary anlartalnmant for lions of dollars can't save Ml SMO'VIE-((OMAkcir s lSsM I iNEWJHSfTNEW! managar Mas to covar up • S TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE tha whola family. A Dick his Ufa. (2 hra., 14 mlna.) to Tahiti With an All Girl Crew l«6tt I I6MWINGYEAIS hla damlaa until tha polla . M0VKS'St.lves'ig76Stsrs: anslan plot of monay PUfKlO IcKAN NfW YOKEt I I EVENING MAGAZINE 8 crime reporter en- Barbaau, psychiatric baan belittled, bats a 09 QUESIION (WHIM WNIBi FRIDAY, DEC. 7TH ~ WC NEWS lacaa ona of tha blggaat counters dangar and sociologist. (60 mlns.) frland ha can baat Mm to challangasoihlsllrewhan PoldarkJWNJS, WNJT) Tahiti wlthan all girl craw. I MASH. dacait whan ha aarvas as 1:30 O NEW JE8SEY CEBSPECIIVE HKIACDOUGH ha Mrea a dlaablad a go-between In dealings (114 mlna.) machanlc. iioo eoooooww, OMOVIE-(MAMA)* 4 A Mallei ABC NEWS involving undarworld lac O MASH 01 t«nl«K( 1961 Catharlna Ml BM0VIE (WESTERN)** VSoulli I DATING GAME ©MOVK (DMMA)"'.i Srn«n llona. (2 hra.) O MCKIE6LEAS0NSH0W Danauva, Philippe Nolrat. (Mil Louis 1949 JoelMcCrea. Great Wall Alaxle Smith. I INEWIYWEDGAME on" 1965 Chuck Connora, OS TWEES COMPANY Ralph O JIM tOCKrOM; PtlVAlf Normandy farmer's un- I ODD COUPLE Stalla Stavana. Rafuga fa Furly triaa to one-up a vi- INVESTrOAIOJ happily marriad daughtar 3 00 O SERMONEIIE I OVEI EASY Hoat: Hugh •ought In a 'houaa' whara aitlng blg-ahot frland by O W0H1D IN ACTION IWNIM la purauad by tha local OMOVIE-(WESTERN)*' BultalFor Downs. Guests: Sophia drug addicts halp aach Introducing Chrlsey as his •D German commandant Sontmal 19m of China Loran and Jack LaLanne othar to braak away to naw brlda. 1130 O CD CIS LATE MOVIE and a handsome French ffl MACKEH IEHK» ttPOH rajoln tha human raca. (2 Ot NOVA 'Tha Bridge Thai BARNABY JONES: Tha Army offlcar. (110 mint ) (CHINESE RESTAURANT) iMIX)l:J0 ' • DANCE TO THE MUSIC Of SOLAR directed the Players' May livan's "H.M.S Pinafore" ATLANTIC HIOMLANDI production of "The Hound of ATLANTIC CINEMA- Make reservation* early S25.00 deposit required and "Cox and Box" will take Wh«n A Slramxr Cam IR) 'IS. «:I5 theBaskervilles." IATONTOWN place at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow COMMUNITY I — A Urge cast including peo- and Dec. 12 in Fellowship "IO"IR)7:I1,«:U ple of all ages is needed for COMMUNITY II— Hall of the Presbyterian Animal HOUH(R) 7:B.«:3O the February production. Church at Shrewsbury, FREEHOLD FREEHOLD I — A comedy for aduKs 842-2200 Blngham Ave., Rumaon. N.J. Persons Interested in tech- Sycamore Ave. "IO"(RI7:IJ,»:JJ on the river nical or production work are FREEHOLD II — who can count. The shows will be pres- And Juilica For All IR) 1 M.1.X also invited to the castings. FREEHOLD III — ented May 16 and 17. Flddltr On Tha Root (&) 7:49 Sharon Reid of Manasquan or The chorus is in its 31st HAZLST Barbara Ciszak of Brick PLA1A — season. It is continuing a FMUMr OS TIM llaal (Ol 7:41 Township may be contacted CINEMA I- tradition of presenting a fully How Funny Can Sa« Ba? IR) IX. for more information. staged and costumed spring <:» CINEMA II- stage production with or- »nd Juitlca For All IR) 7:10. <:» KEYFORT Auditions today chestra. Membership is open STRAND — to persons who can meet Visions {X} 12. 1 t5. 4 2i. 43J, t.M, for Beth Ahm show Jack'N Jill IX) audition requirements. 1:10,1:2P.5:».I:IO, IO:X LONO BRANCH ABERDEEN - Auditions The chorus is a 1979 reci- LON« t R ANCN MOVI1S I - AM Juitka For All IRI 7:19,1:10 for "Lovers and Other pient of a grant from the New LONO BRANCH MOVIISII — Strangers," to be presented Jersey State Council on the "IO"(II)>:I9,»:M MIDDLETOWH by the Beth Ahm Community Arts in cooperation with the UA MlDOLETOWNI — Players in February, will National Endowment for the Animal HoutalR) 7.« 1$ continuing to celebrate Its UA MIDDLETOWN II — take place at 8:30 p.m. today Arts. . "IO"(R)I:1S.»:1O UA MIDDLETOWN III- and Sunday at Temple Beth George Sumrall, chorus StarilngOvar IR) 7:19.9:30 Ahm, 550 Lloyd Road. president, 18 Manor Drive, OCEAN TOWNSHIP MIDDLESROOKI — The production is a set of Neptune, or William Shoppell Haltowaan tR) 7:30.9:29 Jr., music director, 56 MIODLIBROOKII — 13th ANNIVERSARY four comedies about mar- North Dallas Forty 7:15, f:30 Enright Ave., Freehold, may RID BANK riage. It has five male and RID U.NK MOVIMI— SPECIAL five female characters. be contacted for additional Jaguar Llxs (PG) 7:10. t:» RED BANK MOVIES II • The show will be staged Information. Animal Housa (R) 7:*>.»:30 MIDDLESEX COUNTY PRIME RIB *4" Feb. 2.3.9 and 10. EDISON Winter concert MINLO PARK CINIMAI- Tha Rosa (RX. 4:10, 7:19.«:1O every Wednesday for tlated at school MENLO PARK CINEMA II — Movie by Presley StarlingOvar 1.4,4,1.10 WOODBRIDOE the next 9 weeks HAZLET — A 35-member WOODBRIOOE CINEMA I — to be at library Ftddltr On Tha Root (G) 1.5.1:15 orchestra and 70-member WOODBRIDOB CINEMA-II — Join us every Monday nlte SHREWSBURY - "Blue chorus will perform at 8 p.m. And Jusllca For All (R) 1.1:19. 9:10. 7:4S, IS for our Monday nite football Hawaii," the 1961 Elvis Pre- Dec. 11 at the Raritan Valley tOMIRIIT COUNTY School Winter Concert, SOMERSET sley hit film, will be shown at RUTOERS PLAIA CINEMA I - ADVKNTURI WILL BIQIN and Half-Time Buffet. 7:45 p.m. Dec. 11 in the Mon- Cresci Blvd. And Jusllca For All (Rl 7 »,»:4O ' RUTOBRS PLAIA CINEMA II _ mouth County Library Margaret Parent will con- "I»"(RI71S»SO Served 5 p.m. until doting Eastern Branch, Route 35. duct the orchestra and the Also featured in the film chorus will be directed by 741-1621 are Angela Lansbury, Joan Michael Hernandez. R — RaaHcsas. l> Blackman and Iris Adrian. Contemporary selections Fair Haven Rd. •fair Haven Admission is free. will be featured. AT WIT'S END My son, the cinema critic

By ERMA BOMBECK > two years ago when we asked him to splice together some Mom: '"The Seduction of Joe Tynan' and I loved it..." A lot of parents go through the phase where their of our shots of South America. We own the shortest home Son: "Just missed making a statement." children go to college and two weeks later want to have movie ever recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. As Mom: "...up to a point. Of course the one I really liked their parents tested for irregular flow of oiygen to the he said, "There was only ten feet of film that had any was 'Apocalypse Now' which was breathtakingly..." brain. Adults don't know anything. quality to it whatsoever. I cannot believe you left home Son: "Coppola had a concept but it didn't work." Oh, I can take the humiliation of kids asking, "Do you without a tripod." Mom: ". . . dull. You're absolutely right. Of course understand what I mean by the term 'bottom line'?" What really gets to me is that I can't enjoy a movie 'Luna' was a shakeup for me, really gross..." I can handle the condescending way they spell in front anymore without his Ronacizing it. Son: "Beautiful film. Sensitive and real." of me. I can even endure their impatience when they ask Son: "Seen any movies lately?" Mom: ". .. made a million according1 to the critics and me something and when I don't hear it they shout, "Never worth every'penny of it." mind!" Son: "What about 'Life of Brian'?" What I can't stand is their sanctimonious superiority. Mom: "I haven't seen it, but the Clawsons saw it and They all go through it. We no sooner got one child raised walked out of the theatre. „. " who didn't know how we managed to feed ourselves Son: "Most brilliant piece of satire to come across the without a working knowledge of statistics than we had to screen since Chaplin." live through an economics expert. Lifestyle Mom: "... laughing. My gosh, they couldn't stop." God has now chosen to send us a son who is majoring in Son: "I'd be Interested in comparing your notes on "cinema." 10 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1979 ' 10.' Or did you relate at all to the metaphor? " Kmlift *» by Carl PwIM Forget the home movies. We stopped showing those With luck, maybe I'll outgrow him. CHARITY BALL — Completing details for the festive Charity Ball sponsored by the Woman's Club of Tinton Falls are chairmen of the event, Mrs. Kenneth Keefe, Lincroft, left, and Mrs. Joseph Belec, Tinton Falls. The annual benefit will take place Saturday at 8:15 p.m. in HINTS FROM HELOISE The Barclay, Belmar. Nobel Prize recipient Instant Christmas gifts is B'nai Israel speaker RUMSON-The Adult torate degree in 1962. DEAR HELOISE: Once the terminals and clamps are clean, cover them with Education Committee of Con- I've finally found a good use for empty instant coffee Jars. a thin coat of petroleum Jelly. This will last for some time, gregation B'nai Israel, Hance He and his wife Anne and I make Christmas presents out of them! retarding corrosion. — Joe Snyder and Ridge Roads, will pres- their three children live in All II takes is a little paint and some cotton swabs. The DEAR HELOISE: Highland Park. ent a lecture by Dr. Arno swabs make great brashes that I can throw away after I'm To get more Juice from a lemon, boil It for a minute or two Pensias, a winner of the Dr. Penzias has been a through — no mess to dean up. la a small paa of water. Nobel Prize, to celebrate the lecturer at Princeton Univer- I paint the jar tops bright colors, then paint designs on the You will be amased at the amount of Juice you can then 100th anniversary of the birth sity and a visiting professor Jars — sometimes flowers or geometric designs. Then I letter extract. — Mrs. Robert Brown of Albert Einstein. The pro- there. He is associated with a "label" on the side. DEAR HELOISE: gram will be Sunday at 7:30 the Harvard College Ob- I've used the Jars to hold buttons, cotton squares, lea bags Anyone who sews a lot these winter days knows the p.m. His topic will be "A servatory and is a trustee of and hard candles. frustration of trying (o release loose ends if polyester thread Scientific View of Creation." Trenton State College. Last Christmas, I painted the tops red and greea aad filled from their fingers. It simply won't let go! Dr. Penzias, an the Jan with bite-slie pieces of my own homemade fudge, The solution to this problem is to place a folded terry He is a recipient of the astrophysicist, is executive individually Wrapped in red, green, silver aad gold foil, then washcloth (lightly dampened) in a pan or dish close by. Henry Draper Medal from director of research, Com- gave them to friends. Rub your fingers across the washcloth and It works like a munications Sciences the National Academy of Sci- They certainly looked pretty. — S. Rossi magnet, drawing the thread away from your flagers. — ence and the Herschel Medal Division at Bell Laboratories, Bet those friends thought they looked good enough to eat! Beatrice Di Eaes Holmdel. He is a graduate of of the Royal Astronomy Soci- (Which I'm sure they wasted no time in doing.) Thanks for a DEAR HELOISE: the City College of New York ety. He is a member of the timely tip! — Heloise To keep fruit cake moist and fresh, put a slice of bread la National Academy of Sci- and received a master's HINTS FROM HIM with It, then wrap the whole thing In foil or plastic wrap. Degree from Columbia Uni- ence, the American DEAR HELOISE: No need to use expensive wine or Juices. — Helen Bromley Mstronomers Society and the versity in 1958 and his doc- To rid battery terminals of c-orroslon, ase a tablespoon or Baffled? Stumped? At your wits' end because you can't American Academy of Arts two of baking soda In a glass of water. find the solution to a housekeeping problem? Let Heloise help and Sciences. Drench terminals and clamps, wait a few seconds, then you. Drop her a note today, care of this newspaper. Sorry she dry. Or If very corroded, use sandpaper to carefully remove can't answer individual letters personally but she will use the A special coffee hour is the corrosion. best hints and letters in this column. planned so that those attend- ing can meet Dr. Penzias. Mrs. Bette Leibowitz of SPEAKING OF YOUR HEALTH Middletown, is chairman of the adult education commit- tee. Other members are Mr. y and Mrs. Philip Balaban, HHIllii mil pkau k« M* Lartfl Mrs. Virginia Kemln, Fritz CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Handmade Items that will be Silent' heart attack scars Froelich, Rabbi Jack Rosoff, among the features at the Annual Christmas Bazaar at Fair Haven; Mrs. Elaine St. James School, Red Bank,*are previewed by, left to Danzig, Little Silver; Dr. and right, Mrs. Patricia Gilmartin, Colts Neck, chairman; Mrs. Albert Gordon, Solomon Sister Mary Denise, principal, and Mrs. Kay McGloin, By LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. disadvantages of mammography. You must accept the fact Lederman, Mrs. Lorraine that your doctor is in the beat position to advise you about its Red Bank, who is In charge of reservations for the I am recovering well from a heart attack. When I was Stone, Middletown; Mr. and value. luncheon and dinner in conjunction with the event. It taken to the hospital my doctor Insisted that I must have bad a Mrs. Robert Susser, Red will take place Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the In addition to X-ray mammography, there is also thermo- Bank; Robin Zager, Ocean- previous attack years ago. I am M and up to the time I waa school, 30 Peters Place, Red Bank. Luncheon will be taken sick three months ago, I was always active la sports and graphy, by which the temperature of the surface of the breast port, Mr.-and Mrs. Jacob Sil- served 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and dinner, 5 to 8 p.m. Holiday is studied for the diagnosis of tumors. There now are new verstein, Lincroft; Mrs. never felt any symptoms of an attack. How do yon explain cakes, cookies, preserves, handmade sewing and this?-Mr. E.C.S., Minn. ultrasound scanning techniques which are coming into their Gloria Landy and Dr. Sanford own as excellent diagnostic methods for breast study. It is knitted items, and games and used toys will be avail- Dear Mr. S.: Your experience is not an unusual one. Many Stein, Rumson. hoped that these sonograms, which use sound vibrations DR. ARNO PENSIAS able. people have "small, silent" heart attacks that do not in- rather than X-ray, may eventually become a procedure of terfere with their health or with their dally activities. Bouts choice in the diagnostic screening for breast cancer. of indigestion are usually quickly forgotten. Such an episode is ANN LANDERS easily attributed to overindulgence in food or drink, when in Your fears must not cause you to delay following your reality it may have been a small, silent heart attack. doctor's advice. When you were admitted to the hospital, your elec- Dr. Coleman welcomes questions from readers. Please trocardiogram apparently showed evidence of scar tissue that write to him la care of this newspaper. was the aftermath of a silent attack. Such scar tissue if undeniable, even though the patient has no awareness of a Patient's dignity robbed. heart episode. This problem has become an important one. It is hoped that these silent coronary heart attacks will come to light, so Dear Ann Landers: I am tients against this sort of hu- you is to be complimented for can I make amends without that patients can readjust their patterns of living and perhaps, recuperating from surgery in miliating observation? After calling us to task. I hope his looking foolish? - Mrs. T. la avoid more critical heart attacks. During an attack of ques- a five-bed male urology all, a patient is not communi- physician will read his letter O.C. tionable indigestion, there are now some excellent enzyme CHRISTMAS SALE ward. There ii sufficient ty property. — Exposed aid pay more attention to the Dear Mrs. I,: Go to each tests of the blood which will pick up a small heart attack, even space between beds for a Against My Will total art of medicine. —Sin- and every person to whom in the absence of the usual heart symptoms. CELEBRATING OUR 40th YEAR table. Curtains may be Dear Exposed: Your com- cerely, Hoyt D. Gardner, you told the story, explain Middle-aged people who are overweight and who smoke, drawn, which does give one a plaint is valid and deserves to M.D., President AMA." that the earrings turned up in should not accept casually that attack of indigestion. IN MONMOUTH COUNTY. little privacy but conversa- be aired publicly. I responded: a forgotten pocket and say, I have been scared about having an X-ray of my left tions are heard by all. Visit- I decided to send your let- Dnr Dr. Gardner: Thank "I am ashamed of myself." breast. Is there anything else I can do to find oat if I have a ing hours are from 8 a.m. ter to Dr. Hoyt Gardner, you for your humility and You will not look foolish. growth there? — Miss S.T., On. until 8 p.m. president of the American. candor. The world could use You will look like a person Dear Miss T.l Many people like yourself are caught in a SAVE 20% TO 4Oo/o I am writing about the Medical Associations and more physicians like you, but who has the courage to admit trap of confusion about mammography. So great is their lack of concern for the digni- ask him to comment. alat, where are they? — Sin- you were mistaken and the confusion that they delay by months having an examination ty of the patient. The most Here is an abbreviated cerely, Ann Landers decency to clear the name of that will definitely establish the presence or the absence of ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF intimate history and physical version of his response: Dear Ann Landers: I cr- an innocent victim. any growth In the breast. examinations are conducted "Dear Ann Landers: The inged when I read the letter Ann Landers discusses You alone cannot possibly evaluate the advantages or within hearing (and often letter from your correspon- by the woman who felt guilty teen-age drinking — its DIAMOND RINGS-EARRINGS viewing) distance of the other dent should remind all physi- because she listened to some myths, its realities. Learn WHAT DID HE DO... occupants of the ward, at cians that we mast not be- vicious gossip, believed every the facts by reading "Booze well as their visitors. come so obsessed with tech- word, then later discovered It and You — For Teen-Agers to bo so unhappy at Christmastime? DIAMOND NECKLACES Doctors make rounds, nology and science that we was not true. She was mad at Only," by Ann Landers. Send leave our patients feeling de- often accompanied by young herself for being taken In so 50 cents and a long, self-ad- 1 personalized and robbed of . LADIES AND MEN'S GOLD interns. The eyes and ears of easily. dressed, stamped envelope to dignity. v visitors follow the groups I work for an exclusive Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11895, from bed to bed. It li difficult "Healing li an art as well Chicago, Illinois 60611. STONE AND FASHION RINGS dress shop. Recently we put 14 K Gold-STERLINQ-QOLD FILLED to describe the feelings of a is a science. When we fall to on a fashion show. After the demonstrate that we are Christian Women's sick person under such condi- show a pair of lovely earrings MEN'S AND LADIES' tions. Of course, he is unable aware of both elements, we was missing. I assumed the CHAINS AND BRACELETS to help himself. He li treated show a lack of concern for Christmas luncheon woman who wore them last as a "thing" instead of a human dignity and self- took them. I repealed the EATONTOVVN-The Red 14 K GOLD LADIES' AND MEN'S human being. esteem. This means we are Bank Christian Women's not complete physicians. story to several friends. Where does the responsi- Yesterday, while cleaning Club will have its Christmas WEDDING RINGS bility Ue for protecting pa- "The man who wrote to Bell luncheon Wednesday at my closet, I found the ear- noon here in Old Orchard Inn. rings hi a pocket. I'd like to The program will include forget the whole thing, but Adele Licata, Sue Johnson SEIKO WATCHES Garden club slates dinner party guilt Is gnawing at my Insldes and The Elizabethans, a sing- 14 K GOLD NECKLACES AND EARRINGS EATONTOWN—The an- Collins, vice president and •nd will not let me rest. How ing group. SANTA and the ELF BOY nual Christmas dinner party program chairman; Mrs. BRACELETS AMD FASHION JEWELRY of the Root and Branch Lorenzo Fernandez, record- appearing in this newspaper on Dec. 5-and Harden Club will be held Sun- ing secretary; Mrs. Stephen AerMc Dancing LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS day, Dec. 9 here in the Old Potosky, corresponding sec- continuing for 17 chapters. It's another A SMALL DIPOItT HOLDS VOUR PUHCHASI Orchard Inn. A cocktail hour retary and Mrs. George DO IT NOW! will be at 4 p.m. and dinner Brown, treasurer. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR THE JAN. holiday fable filled with fun one) adventures served at 5 o'clock. Prizes will be awarded for SESSION IN SOUTH » CENTRAL N.J.t 60 BROAD ST. Newly elected officers the best wrappings in the gift CLASSES FILL QUICKLYI of Esleban the Elf, written by Lucrece exchange and for arrange- RED BANK who will serve the club for For a lun filled evening, a chance to see and try this super-fitness Hudgins Beale. Don't miss a chapter. the next two years will be ment competition held sport buy gilt certificates and register lor class loo - join us for a Op«n Thurs. * Fri. nights installed. Mrs. Stanley throughout the year. Mrs. HOLIDAY DEMO at - (uilwik, retiring president, Nelson Walling and Mrs. RUMSON COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL The SEA VIPW SQUARE will present the gavel to Mrs. Raymond Scheurer are in BELLEVUE AVE., RUMSON, N.J. Lower Imtloppotllt Sterns JEWELERS William Mueller. Other of- charge of arrangements for WED. DEC 58pm.orTHURS. DEC 6Bp.m Daily o Sunday Register FIN* DIAMONDS S/.VC1" IM* ficers will be Mrs. J. Emmett the party. FOR INFORMATION, CALL 842-5451 °vsar SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1979 The Daily Register 11 Family roots in colonial homestead SUERITE HENDERSON Lail in a series •*•< RUMSON—There are many unique facets to Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. dough's gem of a home, not the least of which is a "door to nowhere." That particular portal is to the right of the broad wide- plank pine entry of Holly Farm, an authentic colonial home- stead located here at 16 Ridge Road. One of the panels in the handcarved door is carved right around a knothole; a touch that Mrs. Clough delights in. The door opens (if indeed it could open!) smack against the stairway wall of the adjoining step- down banquet-sited dining room, where the detailed fireplace wall is believed to conceal a huge walk-in fireplace, a remnant of earlier days. nrw Many little history mysteries abound at Holly Farm, which dates back to 1670, and is one of five residences to be open to the public Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the annual Holiday House Tour sponsored by MCOSS Nursing Services. Originally, Holly Farm comprised 700 acres at the east end of Rumson Neck, known as Passage Point. It was developed as a plantation In 1689 by Lewis Morris, a cousin of the first Governor of New Jersey. The property was acquired in 17S7 by Richard Salter who built the original homestead (some original shingles may still be seen on the front porch) sometime prior to 1753, when part ownership passed to John Hartshorne, his brother-in-law. Hartshome's ownership HOME SWEET HOME — Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. spanned the Revolution and for many years the house was an Nursing Services. The beautiful home, chockful of his- Clough, their sons and family pet "Truffles" take time inn and summer hotel. tory, will also be one of two homes open Thursday irony out for posing in front of their Rumson home, which is 7 to9 p.m. for a candlelight tour. The Clough family has resided at Holly Farm—now situ- one of five on Friday's tour sponsored by MCOSS ated on six acres complete with Dutch colonial guest cottage, post and beam barn and a playhouse—for six years. During the 1800's, the estate was owned by Seabury Tredwell, a New York merchant who traveled to and from Rumson by boat. In the early 1800's, the owner was sportsman Harry I. Caesar, who restored the main house and added the present living I room wing. Thereafter it belonged to C. Frederic Neilaon Jr., • and later to Joseph C. Hoagland Jr. who in the lMO's added a first floor guest bedroom and bath. A Hoagland touch, which Mrs. Clough Joyfully points out, is the see-through glass rectangle in the added bathroom, which provides a termites-eye view of the original founda- Hilli 1 FAMILY PORTRAIT — A portrait of one of Mrs. tion. Walter J. Clough's forebears, Margaret Hendrkkson, hangs in the entry of the Clough home. Mrs. Hen- The home, obviously, has been much-loved and very drlckson, born In 1788, was great-grandmother of Mrs. appreciated. The present owners have restored the interior Clough's great-uncle. woodwork (even managing to repair pine floors with original 1 sub-flooring boards from the attic) and Mrs. Clough has put her "finishing touches" (she's a student at Isabel O'Neil's | 1 Studio Workshop, NYC) to work. Tour-goers may note the brilliant turquoise interior of the comer cupboards in the 1% original living room, the chair there done in primitive design I 1 in the manner of Queen Anne, the handcarved duck decoy by Roy Smith, Navesink, painted a la Chinese Export. Displayed in the first floor den of the Clough home is Mr. *sH Clough's collection of some 20 signed and numbered prints of paintings done for the annual U. S. Interior Department's "duck stamp" art contest. 0* \ The Clough home and the residence of John B. Caddell, 203 McClees Road, Locust, will also be open to the public for Thursday's 7 to t p.m. champagne, candlelight two-home tour planned for working women, commuting husbands, etc. On Friday, the day of the full tour, the roster of homes i features also those of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stanley Jr., 578 Navesink River Road, Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aborn, 187 Grange Ave., Fair Haven, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Burns Jr., 36 Bellevue Ave. here. On that day, a buffet luncheon will also be available from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 n p.m., by reservation only, at Rumson Country Club. \ All the homes and the club will be decorated in com- 1 petitive holiday motif by garden clubs of Oceanport, Shrewsbury, Rumson and Colts Neck, Garden Club RFD, ROOM WITH A VIEW — A French antique applewood Middletown, Grow and Show of Allenhurst and Seaweeders of desk and a pair of antique chairs occupy a sunny 1 Mantaloking. window in the large living room,of the Clough home. On the desk are two exampleS'Of Mrs. Clouoh's finishing There will be a boutique at the country club, a Christmas skill, perferted in Isabel O'Neil'sStudio Workshop, New Kitchen in the Aborn home and a Holiday Garden (with York. The wooden box has a metallic finish and the wreaths and other holiday decorations) in the sun room of the handcarved duck decoy is painted in the manner of Clough home. LITTLE LAO — Walter Jaques dough Jr., 3, called Chinese Export. "Jakes" stands by the chimney wall cf the original LK — A warm parlor with workingflre- No children will be admitted. There are special rates for Holly Farm homestead. The stairway is one of three In place, handsome pine floors and matching corner cup-' seniors. For tour tickets and luncheon reservations, in- the home that lead to five bedrooms, fiye baths and a boards Is to the left of the wide entry of the Clough terested persons may contact MCOSS Nursing Services bead- sewing room on the second floor. Jakes has two older togistor photos by Don Lordi home. quarters, Bodman Place, Red Bank. brothers, Billy, 11, and Anson,9. ASK DR. BROTHERS Sharing bed with mom

By DR. JOYCE BROTHERS this produces almost un- and certainly she Bags me There's something cow- youngster or an adult, needs Dtar Dr. Brothers: My lt- bearable anxiety within the about everything and aay- ardly about nagging for It's to learn to trust himself, to year-old son has gotten Into child. This is usually the case thlag that displeases her. I like a hit and run attack. The find ways to build up his self- the habit of sleeping with me when the child's fears are worry aboat her because she person who nags is usually esteem so he's strong and ever since Us father left on a rooted in unconscious sexual doesn't have as many Meads afraid to actually face the confident enough to be able to three-moats assignment out desire. as she used to and I'm afraid real issues but instead selects stand honest confrontation of the couatry. I used to posh There's no need to (eel her disposition may be re- something relatively minor and secure enough to stick him oat bat he says that he guilty, but it would be best to sponsible. I don't think aay' about whloh he can con- with the confrontation until a sleeps much better when he's break this habit now even oae likes to be nagged, do sistently complain. Usually, resolution is found. Dr. with me awl that hell have though it may cause some yoa?-G.M. if the nagger is asked to be James Peterson, a sociologist nightmares If he has to sleep temporary discomfort. Dear G.M.: No, I'm sure more specific, he either turns and, marriage counselor, aloae. Frankly, I haven't seta Dear Dr. Brothers: How they don't. Children imitate and runs (verbally retreats) feels that part of the hostility any hum la this since my can you break a child's habit their parents, however, and or changes the subject and expressed in nagging is self- nuibud sad I have a queen- of nagging? My hasbaad Is as long as your husband con- lashes out in a more openly hatred because the person sited bed and my son carls up also a nagger, bat I've given tinues to handle his ag- hostile way. can't tolerate his own tt one end of It. My neighbor, up oa him. However, I'd like gression in this irritating, de- A nagger, whether a weakness. however, was shocked and to set my daughter straight vious manner, it's going to be behaved as If I was doing btfor* it's too late. She's M. hard to alter your daughter's something terrible by allow- I've beard her nag her friends behavior. ing my son to share my bed. DON'T This made me feel guilty and I suddenly woadered if I was doing something that might harm him later. What would 140 Mm isrkfi M. M tmk 07701 AROUND!!!! yoaaoT—S.T. TstaskM: 7II-77M Dear S.T.: I'd ease him If you. are out even If it means that he goes through a few nights loojcing for. with less sleep. This is a bad habit that shouldn't be en- energy saving couraged or allowed to con- tinue. $$$. FIREPLACE Doctors say there are three reasons why children Frame-a GLASS DOORS sleep with their parents; to reduce fears, to avoid separa- for and accessories, tion and to satisfy sexual im- pulses. Sometimes one need Christmas. will follow another. A child CALL IS — 671*0919 may begin sleeping with his A framed work of art will mother because he's afraid, be the most cherished ANDIRON FIREPLACE SHOP but then become sexually stimulated by her presence. gift you give. See us for 1334 Hwy. 35, Middletown '' Studies show that children all your framing needs. continue to want to share a i Secondary Mortgage Loans. bed with a parent even when NEW VIRGIN

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Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 'Decontamination' of park to be topic Howard calls meeting on Hook closing

By SHERRY KIGDORE be reopened by next spring. "Overflights can disturb wintering waterfowl. Major have been uncovered by beach erosion since WASHINGTON - Rep James J Howard, D-N.J., bat Typical of the heavy mail from fishermen, disconcerted at work, excavation, for example, should of course be exposed to Sandy Hook became a national park five years ago. called a meeting here tomorrow with representative! of the being cut off from a major surf fishing area, was a letter sent the environmental impact statement process." No injuries have been reported, although a memo last fall Departments of Defense and Interior to try to find out some to Howard from a Middletown fisherman, who said he ob- Bennett asked for assurances that nothing will be done on from DOD's explosive safety board warned that "it can specifics on Army plans to "decontaminate" Sandy Hook of jected strongly to closing the park "in the middle of a big the Hook without a public announcement and a chance for the reasonably be expected thaj some people will be seriously old military ordnance. bass run" and with "so little prior announcment." public to comment. injured or killed if action is not taken to reduce the inherent • The Sandy Hook Unit of the Gateway National Recreation He asked why, "since no emergency existed," the closing The director also sent identical letters to both Interior hazards of extensive dud ammunition in the park." Area was abruptly closed U> all visitors at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. could not have been delayed for another month. Secretary Cecil Andrus and Defense Secretary Harold Brown More than 2 million visitors use Sandy Hook each year, 10, only hours after the official closing notice was issued from Similar questions were posed by Derickson W. Bennett, requesting copies of memos and letters that spelled out the and that number is expected to rise to 3 6 million within the park headquarters in New York. executive director of the American Littoral Society, based on closing, any material that detailed the possibility of ex- next few years. Herbert S. Cables Jr., Gateway superintendent, said the Sandy Hook. plosives on Sandy Hook, and a discussion of how the decision Bennett urged that Sandy Hook be reopened immediately. preceding afternoon that the Army had "requested the clos- Bennett said while he was disappointed about the closing to close the park was made. "The risk of accident on Sandy Hook," he said, "appears ing to assess the extent of possible safety hazards" resulting of Sandy Hook, he was far more concerned about potential In particular, he said, he wanted the "citation which gives to be a great deal less than that of driving on Route 36 to from shells and munitions left from the days when the Army environmental impacts of the ordnance search and the right you the authority to close Sandy Hook." Sandy Hook, a risk that innumerable citizens decide to take used the Hook as an ordnance proving ground. of the public to keep an eye on the process. The Army used Sandy Hook as a proving ground for more each day." The Army, Cables said, would expedite the survey and "The Defense Department and the Interior Department than 60 years, before moving the test site to Aberdeen, Md , in A similar complaint was made by Alfred F. Katz, a decontamination process to try to have the park reopened by both need a clear message that measures to clear Sandy Hook 1919. former Atlantic Highlands Borough Councilman and chair- next spring. are subject to public scrutiny," Bennett warned. While park officials have some idea of how many rounds man of the Monmouth County Bayshore Regional Outfall No work has yet begun, however, and fishermen, environ- "Even a quick survey of the area for explosives by people were fired, there is no estimate of how many of the shell; Authority, who told Howard in a letter that the decision to mentalists, bird-watchers and beach-walkers have been rais- on foot can impact on dunes, marshes and the holly forest." were recovered. Eighteen unexploded shells and cannonballs close the entire park was entirely wrong ing a growing clamor for action, or at least more Information. "At no time ever was the area south of the Visitors Center Howard will meet tomorrow with the representatives of ever used to store or detonate explosives," said Katz, a the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of the Interior, retired Army officer who has lived near Sandy Hook since and the Department of Defense's Explosive Safety Board, 1927. which will supervise the survey and clean-up. "How then can the parks service justify closing this An aide to the congressman said he will ask the federal portion to fishermen, school marine environmental groups, offficials "specifically to provide dates and a time tabe for The Daily Register senior citizen strollers, bird-watchers and sightseers?" the study and actual decontamination and a schedule for Katz declared the "jurisdictional question,of responsi- completion of the whole process." bility" for the clean-up should have been worked out "before Howard is very concerned, the aide said, that the park will the premature decision was made to keep everyone out." Clayton names choices for deputy clerk posts FREEHOLD - Free- order to bring the greatest holder Jane Clayton, county efficiency to the court depart- clerk-elqet, has named her ment of the county clerk's secretary, Mary Wadington, office." and Charles V. Mehler Jr., a As district court clerk, Monmouth County District Mehler supervised 28 employ- Court clerk, as special deputy ees and 10 constables, and county clerks. was involved in all phases of Clayton will assume the the court's operation. county clerk's post Jin. 1. Wadington has been in- Mehler, a Wall Township volved in county government resident, will serve as chief since 1974, first as personal court clerk and special depu- secretary to then-surrogate ty in charge of the court ac- S. Thomas Gagliano, and then tivities. as secretary to former free- holder Ernest J. Kavalek. Wadington, a Farm- She has been executive secre- ingdale resident, will serve tary and assistant to Clayton as administrative assistant since 1977. and special deputy county clerk. Wadington has been chair- woman of the county Young Clayton, a Republican, Republican Club and a mem- didn't seek re-election to the and Third Avenues, Long Branch, illustrates the Jane G. Clayton Mary Wadington ber of the Town Task Force, COLLEGE PLANS UNVEILED - A model of the Board of Freeholders last an 11-member group set up by almost $1 million Learning Center that Brookdale clean lines and careful landscaping chosen for the month, but instead suc- the State Republican Com- Community College hopes to build on Broadway 15,000 squarefoot, 16-classroom building. cessfully challenged the in- A. Margalotti, and Robert L. county clerk five years ago. Brunei. Mehler, CLayton said in a mittee to evaluate the Re- cumbent, county Democratic publican party in New Jer- chairman John Fiorino, for She also had indicated that news release, Is a "pro- she would retain two other fessional" with 16 years in sey. Long Branch to be site the «24,0O0-a-year county Clayton lauded Wad- clerk's job. deputy clerks, election clerk county government, 10 of Stanley Davis, and passport them as clerk to the district ington's work in coordinating Clayton had indicated af- and naturalization clerk .court. the freeholder's office. ter the election that she Mary Westefeld. Both are Clayton expressed "de- "I hope to bring the same might replace three deputy earlier Republican appoin- light" that Mehler "has ac- cooperative efficiency to the City likes Brookdale plan clerks appointed by Fiorini: tees who were kept on by cepted this position to serve county clerk's office," Clay- By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN Henry E. Traphagen, Francis Fiorino when he became as a member of my team in ton said. Auch said demolition should begin within the week of LONG BRANCH - Mayor Henry R. Cioffi and the the remaining buildings on the Learning Center site, Planning Board voiced approval of plans unveiled last which include DeLigio's upholstery shop and a building night for Brookdale Community College's new Learning used for storage. One of the other properties purchased Center, to be built on Broadway and North Third Avenue. for the building, the former site of the Vogel's depart- A berdeen plan protested The presentation of plans for the close to $1 million ment store, has been vacant since fire destroyed the project was made during a Planning Board workshop buidling two years ago. session. The college will now have to file for a formal By JOEL HEGEL made at an authority meeting on Dec. 13. The Learning Center will relocate and expand the hearing on the plans, probably at the board's January ABERDEEN — Approximately 20 residents of the Juniper David Knoles, the authority's executive director, has said services now housed in a rented building on Liberty meeting, and site plan approval. Park section of Strathmore protested to Borough Council last the top of the tank has to be 322 feet above sea level to insure Street. night about the possible location of a $1.5 million water- proper system water pressure. Thomas Auch, Brookdale's vice president and treas- The most important innovation in the program at the urer, said the college hopes to break ground in March or storage tank in their neighborhood. The Juniper Park location is at an elevation of 280 feet, new center is the offering, for the first time, of college- April and have the building ready for operation between The residents, members of the Juniper Park Homeowners and would require only a 40 foot tank, while other locations credit courses. Now, only non-credit, adult ecucation and September and December of 1980. Association, asked the council to urge the Aberdeen Township would necessitate the construction of a higher tank, according high-school equivalency programs are available. Municipal Utilities Authority to locate the tank elsewhere. to utility officials. For Brookdale, the Learning Center repesents the college's first fulfillment of a wish to make college-credit "We won't have the full range of programs there — "We believe that the ATMUA has not displayed mature Members of the homeowners association also accused the programs more accessible to people living in an urban probably things like English and history that don't re- judgement and reasoning in selecting a site that is clearly authority of acting "in an underhanded, secretive manner center. And for the city, it is hoped that the construction quire a lot of special equipment," Auch said. "But we're residential and deeded to the township as a recreational concerning this tower." They said the authority should have of the center and the number of people it will attract will excited about being able to offer college credits to people facility," a letter written by the homeowners association and acted more swiftly in notifying area residents and the council give a boost to the long-ailing downtown Broadway who might have been unable to take these classes because presented to the mayor and council,said. of their plans for the tank. section. they couldn't get to the Lincroft campus." Mayor Edward F. Kaufman said the authority "has Robinson said that the authority has sent flyers to resi- The accessibility to public transportation was a major The one-story building will contain 16 classrooms, assured the council they will look into the possibility of dents, in addition to placing classified advertising in two , factor in choosing the Broadway site for the center. administrative offices, a testing area, and other related alternative sites for the tank." newspapers, to inform the residents about meetings at which Anther major factor was Cioffi, who worked hard to services in 15,646 square feet. The buff tones which will "The authority has convinced the council for the need of the water tank was to be discussed. convince the county Board of Freeholders and the college be used for the split-faced block exterior were chosen by the storage tank," Kaufman said after the meeting. "The people are just responding from emotion rather trustees of the desirability of the city site and, Auch said, the architects, Kellenyi Associates, Red Bank, to match "But we asked them not to put it near the Juniper Park than rationale," Robinson said. has worked diligently to pave the way for the college. the existing buildings on Broadway. section unless there is no other alternative." The Juniper Park site being considered for the tank is a "We couldn't have done it without him," Auch added. The plans call for extensive plantings outside the Stephen Robinson, ATMUA attorney, said last night that sevenacre tract owned by the township. The township has building, and, if state or federal funds can be obtained, The mayor continued last night to suggest ways of the Juniper Park site Is one of several sites tbelng considered refused to sell the land to the authority, but the authority has solar-power collectors on the roof. See Long Branch, page 20 for the tank. He declined to name the other locations, but said the power to acquire It through condemnation proceedings an indication on where the plant may be located would be despite towsnship objections. Israel would provide bases to U.S. By J. SCOTT ORR East," he said. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Israel probably would provide Islam, Barkan said, is a very intolerant religion. the United States with "bases for operation" in the "That's one reason they want to throw Israel out of the Mideast if such bases become needed in dealing with Middle East," he said. Iran, an Israeli vice consul said yesterday. But blocking a major Islamic uprising, Barkan said, Nimrod Barkan, vice consul in the Consulate General is the force of nationalism which is stronger than re- of Israel in Philadelphia, said in an interview yesterday ligious fervor in the Mideast. that the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini also is an enemy of "Islam is experiencing a religious uprising, but Is- his country. lam is not united. Clearly the Shiites are more militant "Khomeini is our enemy just as much as he is the than the Sunnis," Barkan said of two sects in the Islamic United States'. The U.S. and Israel are clearly on the religion. The Shiites are the dominant sect in Iran, same side," Barkan said. The major force in Mideastern societies in the 20th Barkan said the takeover of the American embassy in century, Barkan said, has been nationalism, not religion. Tehran and the sacking of the U.S. embassy in Libya, "We've heard about the rise of Islam for at least two Sunday, were not spontaneous acts but were orchestrated years even before Khomeini's revolution. But na- by the governments of those countries. tionalism is the force that will dictate world policy," he "This (the Iranian takeover) is not a demonstratinon said. by students. It is clearly orchestrated by the Iranian The Iranian situation, Barkan said, may slow down government. And it was not a spontaneous demonstration the peace process in the Mideast, but he does not see it as in Libya a major stumbling block. "The Libyan government is in support of Khomeini," "Iran Is dangerous in global terms. In the Mideast, it Barkan said. is on the peripheral," he said. Although Israel and the United States both oppose the "The process toward peace is rolling now. It took ayatollah's government, Barkan said, "Israel is in no Egypt 100 years to recognize the existence of Israel. It way involved in the current crisis." may take another 30 or 40 years for other Mideastern Barkan said however that the ayatollah's actions nations to reach that point. The chances are as good," constitute a "very serious and dangerous threat in Barkan said. breaching international law." He said the past two years have seen major strides The consul said that the recent Islamic uprising does toward peace. pose a threat to his nation, but not one that Israel cannot "When Sadat came to Israel in 1977 and again this handle. year he was very surprised by how much the Israeli "Our existence is assured by our power, but of course people want peace. We have become very moderate and we don't want to fight. It (the Iranian situation) is willing to make massive concessions toward gaining Israeli Vice Consul Nimrod Barkan during interview definitely threatening the peace process In the Middle peace," he said. 14 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, NJ. TUESDAY. DECEMBER A, 1979 Raiders rally past stunned Saints, 42-35 NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Quarterback Ken SUbler hit quarter. wide receiver Cliff Branch with two fourth-quarter touchdown Muncie finished the game with 131 yards on 21 carries and pastes — one a 66-yarder — to rally Oakland to a 41-35 became the first 1,000-yard rusher in the lS-year history of toe comeback victory over the New Orleans SainU in a National New Orleans franchise. Manning finished with 11 completions Football League game last night. in 25 attempts for 159 yards. His last six attempts fell The victory kept Oakland alive in the AFC playoff picture incomplete as he was trying to get New Orleans back into the and virtually eliminated New Orleans from playoff possi- game. * bilities SUbler knotted the game S5-J5 with the 66-yard pass play Branch took the ball at the Oakland 40, eluded the New Orleans secondary and raced the rest of the way down the sideline with 3: It to play. The winning score came after a bizarre turnover. Top grid spot New Orelans running back Chuck Muncie, spinning to elude tacklers, lost the ball. It bounded loose to safety Mike Davis, who scooped it up and Ujen tossed it to linebacker , who carried the ball to the Saints 12. After two to Ohio State running plays, Stabler hit Branch with an 8-yard scoring pass By HER8CHEL NISSENSON that won the game for the Raiders. AP Sport* Writer In all, SUbler threw four touchdown passes and accounted Alabama's come-from-behind 16-18 victory over for 294 yards with 25 completions in 44 attempts. Auburn cost it the No.l ranking in The Associated Press' He hit tight end Raymond Chester with a J-yarder in the final regular-season poll today and first quarter and backup tight end Derrick Ramsey with • 17- enabled Ohio State to vault into first place in a torrid yarder in the fourth quarter — the first of three fourth-quarter three-way race with the Crimson Tide and Southern scoring passes. California. Running backs Arthur Whittington and Mark Van Eeghen Runnerup Alabama received 29 first-place votes from each scored on 1-yard runs. a nationwide panel of 67 sports writers and broadcasters The Raiders are now 8-6 and New Orleans is 7-7. to 16 for Ohio State and 19 for Southern Cal SUbler was intercepted twice and both of the intercep- But eight voters, apparently unimpressed by Ala- tions resulted in scores by the Saints. Cornerback Eric Felton bama's close call, left the Crimson Tide out of their top picjced off the first one, which culminated in a 20-yard three choices while the Buckeyes of Ohio State were touchdown pass from to tight end Henry lower than third on only three ballots and piled up 33 Childs. second-place votes to overcome Alabama's edge In first- APPttate Linebacker Ken Bordelon returned the second interception place votes. OOPS! — New Orleans Saints quarterback Archie Man- The ball, which Is bouncing behind Saint lineman 19 yards for a score. Ohio SUte, which was unranked in the preseason ning (8) is looking for the football he dropped on the Emanuel Zanders (79) was recovered by New Orleans. Manning hit Tony Galbreath for a 17-yard touchdown pass ratings, totaled 1,267 points to 1,265'4 for Alabama in snap in the first quarter versus the Oakland Raiders. and set up a 1-yard scoring run by Chuck Muncie in the second what may be the closest first-place race in the 44-year history of The AP poll Southern Cal was breathing down Alabama's neck with 1,257 points. Ohio SUte and Alabama finished the regular season with 11-0 records while Southern Cal wound up 10-0-1 Ohio SUte and Southern Cal will meet in the Rose Bowl Troy's 3-pointer lifts Rutgers while Alabama faces sixth-ranked Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl. P1SCATAWAY (AP) — Junior forward Kelvin Troy, A week ago, Alabama had 34 first-place votes to ltfor Dragons, 0-2, got baskets by Siorek and Mike Moran to go points as 12th-ranked Purdue, scoring the first It points of the Southern Cal and 13 for Ohio SUte and led in points former Lakewood High School great, connected on a three- ahead 62-61 with 2:07 left. Troy then hit his layup and was game, rolled to a victory over Butler, point play off a steal by Daryl Strickland with 1:43 left in 1,193-1,142-1,141. However, the fumble-plagued Crimson fouled by Len Hatzenbeller for his game-winning play. The Boilermakers, 24) for the season, held the Bulldogs Tide blew a 17-6 second-half lead against Auburn and overtime to give Rutgers a 69-82 victory over Drexel at Strickland and Darius Griffin hit five foul shots in the final scoreless the first five minutes of the game before freshman Rutgers Athletic Center in its college basketball opener last needed a touchdown with 8:17 left to play to nip the minute to ice the game. Lynn Mitchem broke the ice with a three-point play. Tigers. night. Rutgers went into the second half trailing 28-27, but took a Carroll had six of Purdue's first 16. The game was forced into overtime when the Scarlet Florida SUte, 11-0, held onto fourth place with 1,103 37-30 advantage after Just 3:23 with eight straight points. The Boilermakers widened the margin to 18 points in the points and 10-1 Oklahoma, the Seminoles' Orange Bowl Knights could not get off a shot in the final 1:55 of regulation Drexel then went on a 10-2 streak to take a 40-39 lead. first period at 24-5, and still held a 41-29 lead at the halftime time John Siorek's jumper knotted the game at 58-56 with opponent, remained fifth with one first-place vote and Strickland was high scorer with 22. Troy added 17. intermission. 1,068 points. 4:01 remaining. Purdue 83, Butler W Rutgers led 61-58 with 3:02 left in overtime but the Arkansas, 10-1, jumped from eighth to sixth with 951 WEST LAFAYETTE. Ind. - Joe Barry Carroll rifled in 27 Notre Dame 87, Iowa St. 77 points. One voter split his first-place pick between the SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Tracy Jackson scored 20 points Razorbacks and eighth-ranked Houston. Arkansas re- Monday, night, including six in a second-half surge that placed Texas, which fell from sixth to 11th after losing to carried fourth-ranked Notre Dame to victory over Iowa State. Texas A&M 13-7. The Irish were in front the entire game, building a 20-10 Scholarship policy due TIN AP Tta Twenty 7.Nebraska advanUge as junior Kelly Tripucka scored seven of his 17 Si IU IIWIIM rim I Houston ('/,) points in the first seven minutes. • Brloham Yng (1) WASHINGTON (AP) -The government is sending out the Sources who asked not to be identified said the new policy The Top Twenty learns In The As- 10 Pittsburgh 10-1-0 TO Iowa State rallied within four points in the next six sociated Press college football poll, with il.Texai word to most of the nation's colleges that female athletic will force many colleges and universities to allot more of their first place votes In parentheses, records 12.Purdue Hi U4 minutes and trailed only 43-36 at halftime before Jackson led a and total points Points based on scholarship holders must get as much financial help, on the athletic scholarship money to female athletes. The biggest 13 H Weshmylon V2-0 «• 12-6 burst in the first three minutes of the final period. 10H II 17 14 15 14 13 1211 -11-111414 14 Michigan average, as men, sources said. losers could be football programs, which generally soak up a •Ml: iS.Tulane 1,14

DwKMr staff MHH* »y Dave Kliwaen HAWK IN FLIGHT —Monmouth College's Mike Kino (20) goes high up to hit on a Jump shot during last night's Monmouth College basketball game against Philadelphia Textile. The Hawks won, 74-72. Bridgeman, Walton pace Buck victory SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Reserves Junior Bridgeman and Lloyd Walton came off the bench to score 19 and 18 respectively as the Milwaukee Bucks defeated the Utah Jazz 96-89 in the only NBA game yesterday. The Jazz pulled to within 8847 with 2:48 left on a three- point play by Terry Purlow, but couldn't get any closer. Marquis Johnson scored on a six-footer to give Milwaukee a 91-87 lead and Bridgeman followed that with a technical free throw when Utah was called for using a zone defense. Bridgeman hit a 17-footer and Walter sank a free throw to put the game beyond reach for Utah. The Bucks defense held the Jazz to a field goal and a pair of (ree throws by Tom Boswell for the first five minutes of the final quarter. Milwaukee had taken a 71-70 lead into the final quarter. .Johnson finished with 18 for Milwaukee and Quinn Buckner had 12. Adrian Dantley led Utah with 28, Allan Bristow had 14 and Purlow had 13. The defeat broke Utah's two-game winning streak, the longest stretch of victories the Jazz has had in two years. Utah is now 4-20. Milwaukee, leader in the Midwest Division, now is 19-8 NFL Standings Am trie an CMftTMCC NlllMMl CMtttTMM

ra. rr rk 10 4 0 .714 29* 231 Miami •41 119 220 Dalits f S 0 .443 312 142 New .England .577 151 Vk Washington 9 S 0 443 214 244 Buffalo 500 215 241 NY. Giants 4 10 .42* 210 241 N Y. Jels 4 10 419 211 113 St. touis 4 10 0 .214 172 296 Baltimore A 10 0 m ill IU Central CMtral Tamp* Bav 9 i 0 443 243 214 Pittsburgh 110 .714 371 242 Chicago • 40 .571 249 229 Houston 714 121 2M Minnesota * I 0 .429 224 307 Cleveland 643 331 317 Green Bav 4 10 0 .214 214 »• Cincinnati 214 107 lit Detroit 2 12 0 .143 1M 319 WMl San Diego 714 359 239 Los Angtles 14 0 .571 275 247 Denver 714 259 217 New Orleans 7 7 0 500 341 311 Oakland .571 312 294 Atlanta 5 V 0 .357 254 333 Seattle 500 311 325 San Francises .071 244 371 Kansas city .429 221 251 ThurMlav's G*m« Saturday- Me. I Miami JV. New England 24 Dallas at Philadelphia, 12:30 p.m. S *v Denver at Ststtle, 4 p.m. New York Jets 30, Baltimore 17 . Sunday, Dec * Chicago 14, Tampa BayO Chicaoo at Green Bav, 1 P.m. Pittsburgh 37, Cincinnati 17 Cincinnati at Washington, 1 p.m. Denver If, Buffalo 14 Los Anotles at Atlanta, 1 P.m. Philadelphia 44, Detroit 1 Miami at Detroit, 1 p.m. Washington 3fl, Green Bav 21 New York Giants at St Lou.*. 1 p.m. Cleveland 14, Houston 7 Buffalo at Minnesota. 2 P. m St Louis 13, San Francisco 10 Kansas City at Baltimore, 2 p.m. Kansas Cltv 37, Seattle 21 Tampa Bav at San Francisco, 4 p.m. Dallas 28. New York Giants 7 San Diego at New Orleans, 4 p.m. Los Angeles V, Minnesota 21, OT Cleveland at Oakland,4 p.m. Atlanta 18. San Diego 26 New England al New York Jets, 4 p.n Y titird.iv't Game Mm—y, Dec. 9 Oakland 42, New Orleans 35 PMtsburgh at Houston, 9 p.m.

NBA Standings Eastern Conference western Conference Atlantic DIVIBIM MUwett Dlvlslxi W L Pet. Milwaukee 19 I Boston II .7*3 Kansas Cltv ' 14 14 .500 Sv> If Philadelphia 731 Denver 9 u 111 10 New York 12 11 Chicago let llrt 10 12 Washington .455 4 20 tl) UV> New Jersey 10 14 .385 Pacific Division Central Dlylslea Seattle .M0 - Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Atlanta 14 tl .571 ~ Los Angeles Houston 11 11 .342 1 .454 Vi Phoenln .454 V> That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health San Antonio 13 11 .541 Portland 593 2 Cleveland 11 14 .429 ' San Diego .407 7 Indiana 11 14 ,407 .™ Oolden Stele 10 It Detroit I 14 .333

, Yesterday'! Game Phoenix at New Jersey. B OS p.m. 17 mg. "tar", 1.2 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method Milwaukee 94, Ulan 19 San Antonio at Philadelphia, 1:05 p.n Tonlf,ht'i Oamei New York at Washington. 1:05 o.m. Phoenix at New York, 7:35p.m. Cleveland at Indiana, 1:03 p.m. Los Angeles et Houston, 9:05 p.m. San Diego at Cleveland, 80S p.m. Detroit at Kansas City, 1:35 p.m. Boston at Detroit, 8:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Denver, 9:35o.m. Los Angeles *t San Antonio. 1:35 p.m. Chicago at Golden State. 10:15 p.m. iO'^rferrew % vames Atlanta at Boston. 1:1] p.m. Utah et Seattle, 10:35 p.m Try THE BOX. NHL Standings CameMU Conference Wales CeaterwKO Patrick Divine. UWM Dlvlsle. w L T Pts OP °* Buffalo It t 1 15 95 Philadelphia 17 I .5 » 104 73 Boston 15 t 1 3333 It Allante tt 9 1 25 (M n Minnesota 10 t 1!! t) 10 11 1 21 « 1M Nr.Rangers Toronto 11 10 29 19 FREE 7 11 . 14 H NY.Islenders tt Quebec I 11 X n luitntn Ihetl inoiti np""O'i pfov* purcttnrpt vtiliiqifnl vtr>i» 5 17 4 14 Tl ( TERMS Of COUPON OFFER WajMngton TO THE CONSUMER ( . I ' Ihit ntoo >1 (,'Jftt rc'i w In i o*f roupcni iimtMleM mutl be ihown mm,' ifijufs! Pj> 1 1 1 Smytlte Divine* IN btW vtr'r I iMdhad " umt HANIM U. (• nipfii Will FiOt bt TlaHtt Ol M'i I'HiMTkfMl Ol lUnRHIi a/lr ' 'iTinc Veacouver 10 9 » 21 12 71 N»rrli Olvlsle* (nnr..n.i inr MIM oi ttt* otld hitre not heei> comiOiM onih •» Chicago 49 Montreal 14 t HU ItMIT ONE COUPON PIR CONSUMER AND TO SMOMIDS W CIXMUT, submittM *»i Illtfi CIMWS tMll W ron'isuW Winston St. Louis 13 Los Angelas 11 I 27 104 21 YEARS Of AGE Oft 01 OCR Piuprfiij '«)«•"!« (uuLHim M •>' I hit youaVvd tnecqriSun1 w>in fie twis OM«IS in* a>Wirss Vwn'i Mo> HI ••Html ttiil ymi •NK'rntM il ITSHIHJ"! lu Ihcvr Tt'"i *"» O^N pfiiod k»n 'KK M Cii'i »t* Vancouver at New York Islanders 1:03 Vancouver at Pittsburgh, 7:13 p.m. Winnipeg at Detroit. 7:33p.m. COUPON EXPIRATION DATE: JANUARY 31. I960 CRUSH-PROOF BOX "Bostonal Philadelphia. 1:05p.m. Montreal at Toronto, 1:05 p.m. Los Angeles at Atlanta, 1:03p.m. Atlanta al BuHelo. 1:03 p.m. RETAILER: FILL IN NORMAL RETAIL PRICE | INCLUDING APPUCABLE SALES TAX) Colorado at Quebec. 1:03 p.m Edmonton at Minnesota. 1:35 p.m. 16 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1979 Rutgers outlasts Drexel in overtime

Mlchigaa M, Ccatrel Michigan 71 Mike Eddman had 20 points for Penn State, which led at After leading at the half S0-», Cornell was caught In a University of Alabama. ANN ARBOR, Mich. - The Michigan Wolverines, behind the half 31-21. 4M» deadlock with Rochester with leu than six minutes to go The loss put Alabama at 1-1, while LaSalle remained the 34-points of junior Mike McGee, scored their second Nebraska It, B. Washiaftts) M in the game. undefeated after two outings. victory of the season, defeating Central Michigan. LINCOLN, Neb. - Junior center Andre Smith set a Bob At this point, Oeding hit on two key throws, sparking a Alabama attempted to stall the ball with 1:47 remaining Leading 44-38 at half time, Michigan came up with a 35-13 Devaney Sports Complex scoring record with 34 points and surge that enabled Cornell to break away once and for all. and the score tied 80-80. But the hope of a last second shot surge in the opening 10 minutes of the second half to take a pulled down 11 rebounds as Nebraska ran its basketball mark ArmylM, Lycomlagtt failed when Alabama's Eddie Phillips dropped a pass that was 79-51 lead. McGee and Marty Bodnar, who had • career high to 3-0 with a win over Eastern Washington. WEST POINT, N.Y. - Bob Brown scored 8 points and picked up by LaSalle. 23 points, paced the Wolverines. Paul Heuerman scored 1$ Smith's shooting erased the standard of 33 establised by Marty Coyne had 16 to lead the Army basketball team to a LaSalle called time-out with seven seconds left and points for the Chippewas, the highest total for his college Mychal Thompson of Minnesota in 1171, the first season the record-equaling rout of Lycoming. Kanaske's last second shot broke the tie. career, while James Roger had 14. sports complex was in use. The point total tied the all-time Army record set in 1(71 Ken Johnston led Alabama with 21 points, including 17 in The Wolverines climbed to 2-0 for the season, while UU1M, New Orleans 71 , against Colgate. the second half, while Phillips scored It. Michael Brooks Central Michigan's record dropped to 1-1. BATON ROUGE, La. - DeWayne Scales, Rudy Macklin The Cadets took the lead at the start and continued to roll scored 17 and Stanley Williams added IS for LaSalle. MarylaM- U, Pen SUM II and reserve Willie Sims scored 20 points each as sixth-ranked up the score behind Brown and Coyne, leading 41-2* at the half UV, 11, SI. Francis U HERSHEY, Pa. - Dutch Morley's foul shot with 14 Louisiana State raced to victory over the University of New and by as many as 3> points late in the game. NEW YORK — Jerry Hunter scored 18 points to lead Long seconds left in the game lifted Maryland to a win over Penn Orleans. Island University to victory over St. Francis (N.V.). State With Scales hitting four baskets, LSU, 2-0, jumped to a 16-4 Weber State 74. MMwestcn H The Blackbirds, 3-0, had an early 33-12 lead and a 46-30 Ernest Graham's four straight points and a slam-dunk by lead in the first four and a half minutes and New Orleans OGDEN, Utah - Weber State College, led by senior advantage at the half behind their high scorer. Also in double Albert King gave the Terps their biggest lead, 55-51, with 1:45 never came closer than six points after that. forward David Johnson's 21 points, roared past Midwestern. figures for the winners were Riley Clarida with IS points and to play. ConeU M, Rochester U Weber State, which boosted its season mark to 2-1, took John Nelson Bailey and Earnest Bynum with 13 each. Morley, who was fouled with Maryland leading 5543, ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Forward Larry Oedlng led a sec- control early in the game and steadily pulled away, leading by John Lombardo had 23 points and 10 rebounds for St missed the first shot, but made the second. Rich Fetter then ond half attack as Cornell defeated the University of up to 21 points before it cleared its bench and coasted to the Francis, 1-1. added a field goal for Penn State with only two seconds left Rochester. victory. College Basketball Scores •AST Win Peterson 77, Merchant Marina Richmond 132, Biuefteld Col. 69 NW Mluourl 14, Park, Me. M Albngnt 83, Muhlenburg «4 44 Roeno*t77, WaMi. 1 Lea »7 Notre Dam* 17, lew* St. 77 Oklahoma 17, Lot Angeles Loyola IS Allegheny oj, Queans 40 SOUTH Samlord 13, Georgia Southwestern Army 104, Lvcomlng 12 Auburn 90, Texas Wttl 11 • Oklahoma City 69, Arkanui SI. M Bioormburg SI 70, Mansfield St, »S Brevard 7pintof Pun (US) Skinner 5.-2 Front Yard [115) McCaulev 10-I 1 SELECTIONS and Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. extravaganza. Call 495-9144 for reservations. Winning Movetie (IIS) Kurd 3-1 Bravo Nichole (115) Miceli 8-1 Emanator (115) McCaulev «-' 4th 125,000, Allw., 3 ye * tw, 6 Fur. 1 — Scotts Lad, Some Salesman, Even Ridge DECEMBERS John Joe (HO) Lopei *-> Se«v (113) No Bov M 2 - Maybe, Blue Fife aid Drum, Hyde Mils St. James Grammer School, 30 Peters Place, Red DECEMBER 31 3 - Winning Movette, Spirit of Fun, John Joe Bank, N.J. will hold its Annual Christmas Bazaar Sat., The Jersey Shore Scots American Club invites you 4 - Monka Mike, Shilthole, Wig In December 8 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Lunch will be served to celebrate New Year's Eve at a party in B'nai Israel Chisox trade Nahorodny 5 - Debonair Steve, Celt, Celtic Treasure from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Dinner 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Hall, on Hance and Ridge Rd., Rumson, N.J. Music by —"ffy Blueberry Gem, Sexy, Byline Girl Christmas ornaments, decorations, bandsewn, handknit the Tradewinds, dancing 9-till Open bar, hot and cold TORONTO (AP) — The Chicago While Sox traded catcher 7 - Blue Tiffany, Castles Gift, JocoletU articles, disco items, toys, books, games, homemade buffet, $20 per person. For reservations call Andrew Bill Nahorodny to the Atlanta Braves yesterday for minor 8 — Images Double, Queens Bid, Zip Qul holiday cakes, cookies, jams, preserves. Many original Wilson, 870-9786 or Martin Rocke, 842-5796. league pitcher Rick Wieters. I — Clean Edge, Influencer, A One items for sale. Santa will be visiting also! The deal was announced at baseball's winter meeting!. BEST BET: Debonair Steve (Sth) SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAV. DECEMBER 4.1979 The Daily Register 17 St. Rose shows strength Parochials display balance of power Defending NJSIAA Parochial "K" basketball champion Harry Flaherty are expected to handle the brunt of the Carrigan. 'Christian Brothers Academy ruled the county parochial rebounding "Rebounding will be a big problem," Carrigan added. "If basketball scene a year ago. High School "We will rely on more pressure defense this year," we can hold our own on the boards, we will be competitive '' The Colts, despite heavy graduation losses, are exepcted Christopher said, "in order to aid our effort." The Lancers have only two lettermen back from last XQ be representative again this season, but the overall com- basketball preview ST. ROSE year's team: Bill Cowley (6-3) and Chip Carey (5-8), both petition should be better balanced with St. Rose expecteti to BELMAR — Everything looks promising at St Rose, seniors. have, its best team since the 1977 Parochial "B" state except for one small problem. Cowley, who starred on the Lancer football team, should champions and Red Bank Catholic having an experienced A transfer from California who has looked good in practice "We're in Parochial 'A' this season," Coach Pat McCann provide some rebounding while Carey should give the Lancers team returning. is 6-2 senior Bill Strickland said. "We got a letter from the state on a Monday saying that experience in the backcourt. St. John Vianney, Mater Dei and St. Joseph's of Toms "We lack experience at this point and will have to play we were Parochial B,' but then on Wednesday we got one Two other seniors who have shown promise are Dan Bliss River are all in rebuilding years. better defense," Cox said. "But if we play together and work stating that we were in Parochial 'A1 along with St. Joseph's 16-3) and Tom Kelly (5-9) while top prospects from the CBA hard, there is no reason why we can't have a good year." of Toms River." jayvees are Kevin Pianko (5-9), Bill Wiegand 16-1) and Bill CBA Coach Vinnie Cox has some problems, but the Colts RED BANK CATHOUC "The NJSIAA is doing away with Parochial 'C this Wieggers 16-2). could have another strong team if the backcourt comes RED BANK — The Caseys lost only two starters from last year," McCann added. "The reason is because so few qualify "We should put points on the board," Carrigan admitted, through. year's 11-10 club, but they were 6-6 Mike Jones and 6-2 Paul for the state tournament. But how can they qualify if they are but the rebounding will determine if the Lancers can better "Our main problem is that we lost a great deal of Ryan who accounted for much of the Casey offense and forced to win 50 percent of their games?" last year's 9-13 mark. experience in the backcourt," Cox said. "Four guards have rebounding. Regardless of which division they are in, the Purple Roses MATER DEI graduated. Our strength is up front." ' "We have some veterans coming back," Casey Coach will be strong this year with height, depth and scoring punch. NEW MONMOUTH - Siie will be Mater Deis major . The Colts have some sire with 6-4 John Flanagan and 6-2 Paul Christopher said. "The key will be the front line as the "We're deep at all positions," McCann said. "We should concern Seraphs do not have a player taller than 6-2 on the Jeff Kurtz back again, but the only guards with any ex- backcuurt will beexperienced." m better last year's record (11-13)." squad. perience are 5-9 Tom Leonard and 5-7 Bob Gallinaro. All are Leading the list of returning letterwinners is 6-0 senior The Purple Roses have excellent height in Ken Lorenzo "We don't have much sizeor depth," Coach Dick Mc- seniors. Jack McKeon, a good outside shooter. The backcourt will (6-4), Ken Dooley (8-8), Joe Burkhardt (6-4) and Cliff Farren Callum admitted "We have only nine players on the varsi- Other top guard candidates are juniors Tom Zapcic (6-2) likely be handled by seniors Kevin Bornstead (5-11) and D. J. (6-7). St. Rose also has experienced guards in Rod McCann, ty." and Ray Crosby (6-2), both juniors. Fahoury (5-11) while 6-5 junior Mike Kelly and 6-2 senior John Reed and Phil White. Seniors Jim Lawn (6-1) and Tom Elliott are the only ST. JOHN VIANNEY experienced players returning with juniors Sean Devaney and HOLMDEL — "It's a rebuilding yer year, that's for Chris Moran, senior Matt Begley and sophomore Paul Hem- sure." said St John Vianney's new basketball coach, Jim berger also expected to see plenty of action Holiday Gift Idea Guide The biggest name iadio /hack in little computers ™ PREPARE YOUR CHILDREN FOR Tis' the season CLOSED SUNDAY TOMORROW WITH A TRS-80 to remember roum's... EVER-2Y2 Qt MICROCOMPUTER WHISTLING TEAKETTLE THE MOST CHOCOLATE ONLY '/ OFF IMPORTANT 2 GIFT A PARENT

LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER LIMITEDQUANTITIES CAN GIVE! The Com^tl* Photo Shop' 32 BROAD ST. 741-7500 RED BANK lb WALLACE ST RED BANK 747-2273 Open Thurs & Fri Op«n Dally 6 AM lo 5:30 PM HERE'S Photo Shop, Inc Evening till 9 PM._ Friday till 9 PM WHY••. • TRS-80 can teach, solve problems, remember, build vocabularies, Complete 4K Level I System catalog collections. It even plays games like chess, backgammon As Shown, Starts at and space war. Your child will enjoy himself so much you won't want lo tell him how educational it is! $ We believe in TRS-80 not just because it costs less than a set of encyclopedias or a goofccamera, but because its easy to use and Whirlpool it's expandable — it grows with your child — in memory, printing for hard copy output and it "talks" with you using an optional voice 499 synthesizer. Creative kids can even write their own programs. Beauty Supply Co. Undercounter TRS-80's 232-page manual shows how in easy-to-read language Automatic Dishwasher Was $599 In 1979 Catalog 26-1051 Be a smart Santa this year. Invest in your child's future with Hil This gun is a treasure! Complete 16K Level II System TRS-80. It can help give your child a head start in this S computerized and competitive world. Folds up to W x 4K Level I includes 12 video display, cassette recorder, manual and 3V2" for snug pack- 2-game cassette 16K Level II has same plus 4 times the memory and ing...has dual more advanced language. 120/220 voltage for 849 use overseas...and it Was $988 In 1979 Catalog 26-1056 has 2 speeds and 2 MODEL SHU70O0 heats...600 and 1200 watts—for easy styl- Features 4 automatic cycles including POTS & PANS. NORMAL HEAVY. NORMAL LIGHT, and RINSE-HOLD plus enetgysaving Classic French-Style Conversation ing and fast drying! Air-Dry Option in 3 cycles and HiTemp Washing Option in 2 Weighs a mere ,12 cycles for extra-hot washing when needed. Exclusive removable ounces; comes with in-the-door silverware basket and much more. Pieces by Radio Shack styling nozzle; con- tains no asbestos ... "We tenlci what we Mil." Save 10 and the casing is shat- A m terproof! Get one for ELEVISION & You save when you own your own "rent free'-' phone! your next trip! Authentic "Continental" style buzzer, not a bell. Gold- trimmed. Each has ornamental handset, 7' base cord 246 HWY 35 EATONTOWN PPLIANCE CO and modular plug. 43-325 Gold with Ivory. CHARGE IT 'A MILE SOUTH OF CIRCLE 542-4888 /MOST Additional French-Style Selections 49' STORCSl White with golden trim 43-326 Cai#o < T% Red with golden trim. 43-327 ^dVts I f Reg. 59.95

French Continental "Cutie" Telephone "Bonnie n Clyde" Phone SPECIAL Phone by Radio Shack by Radio Shack by Radio Shack 7995 20% OFF Roaring '20s Classic Styling ALL UNPAINTED Oldtime candle- stick design with FURNITURE rotary dial. Black SAT. ONLY 14-Karat Gold with gold-colored Filigree This very pretty, very base and trim. petite phone is the Black handset The Doily and NEW LOAD OF FURNITURE Decorative, antique style adds a perfect gift for your 69 cord, 7 base cord Sunday Register touch of Europe to your room. With favorite little girl. With modular plug. JUST ARRIVED 1 horn* delivered T base cord, modular plug. 43-320 7' cord, plug. She'll feel like a princess 43-321 00 Ut Smart Santas Shop Early ... Most Stores Open Late Nights Til Christmas Most items • WODLETOWN* AIENEEN • OCEAN TWf • HAZLET • UTONTOWN • FREEHOLD Red Bank UNDECIDED?? 1 •IK available ai ntt»,u

2 Autos For Sal* 2 Autos For Sale BABYSITTER - For Infant and AUTO REPAIR SHOP - Ball .•ca- lour-year-aW. Monday through Frt- Hon Owner rellriM. Established for MERCURY STATION WAGON 1*71 " i. 1st, In my Fraa- over 30 years MaWn brick buittf- FIAT 1ME 1971— Five speed. 17,000 — All power, excel lent operating tng Only HOMO down incluoas prop- Autos For Salt miles, defooaer. AM. FM radio, two- erly Call ARTHUR BAHLAV condition, sacrifice, 1594 843 55*0 or BABYSITTER NEEDED — Four AGENCY. I74-SSSS ___ door. 30 met), radian, eaceilent con 741-9131 evenings par wee*. 4 90 to tl p.m., AUpi 1W - Four-SPMd, air. »u dition. asking V3W0 530-0M9. week MERCURY MARQUIS 1*73 — Ft at mv home. Highland* araa will EARN EXTRA MONEY AT HOME foot, two-door. X mpg Lookt, run days after 6 end weekends pay $l » par hour. Call W54J4 *«vrlient $1150 741-tSJO doer, fully aaulppad. tape deck — Operating a typing service in- FIAT PEUGEOT DEALER 71,000 mllat, asking $400 Ca CHILD CARE — Part time, mature. formation-Send ielt addressed, BUICK I*7S — Ctnlurv RIMI lim BILL LANZARO'S AUTO SALES '41 41*6 after t p.m. responsible, enthusiastic person stamped anvotape to Ktavlt, 244 'ltd. two-door, hardtop, v-». tut INC wanted to care for three month-otd. Oklahoma Drive, Brkktewn, N.J. m*tiC power iteenng *nd br#»t 334 Mam Si Malawan SU WOO MGB GT 1971 - Good condition, run In mv home, approximately five M721. . air. power window., cruis* ctmti tires, 118)00 or best otter Cal haif-davs par weak Experience pre ittrco with CB. 3t.HU mitei. ».iv* FIAT XI* 1974 - Garage-kept 7473359 57.000 miles, radials, mint condition ferred Must have car. Wayside sat with plum vtlour interior, on* yc« Asking |22O0 Call 495-W3S MONTE CARLO 1f71 — Excellan tion of Ocean Township Call 922-1312 62 MortOMtf gu«r«nl*e. cnc« $JQO under retail. running condition, $1800 C : only 14,99) Tax and licanM tair FORD 1971 — LTD Country Squir. 4*5-7.573 afttr 4 30 p.m. SECOND MORTGAGES - USM la CaU'l*\ UK RM Bank Volvo. Station Wagon. All power, excellen MATURE — Reliable woman USOtMt-Naj fees, no radlaa* . Sawn ondition 291-11*4 MONTEGO 1*73 — Power steering wanted to babysit in mv home. 14 to lo It davs sarvlca. Sad credit no 6LJKTK ESTATE WAGON 1W3 windows end seat, air, stereo Cal 27 hours a week, tour days, Hailat Vcrv good condition, air, CBantana FORD GRAN TORINO — 1*76 Sta 542 4381 after 6 p m araa Call after 4 p.m., 144-107. problem Mr Daniels, 2B-41I7 cot boat hitch, snow ttrts. |t90 or bx tion Wagon Low mileage, mini con otf#r. Call K2 ?04* dition. very reasonable 932-1375. MONZA — 1*75. low mileage tact AM, FM 8-treck. excellent condition 53 Domestic Mtlp CADILLAC IH9 — Coupe DtVII FORD TORINO 1975 — Four-door Asking 12500 1*4-2154 or 244-7121 Needs univertal tolnii, rum got light blue, 351 V-t engine, oowei VOLVO 1*74 — 145 Wagon. Four- JUNK CARS - And truck* wai . FOREMAN — Male or female. For SALES — Beauty Academy saaks brakes/steering Reasonably priced MKJSTANG 1*n — Power Meet cylinder, automatic, power steering, Top dollar, free 24-hour pickup. Ca wiring cabta manufacturer Pre- ambittout person with sales and HOUSEKEEPER - One Oav a tiSOO. Call after 6 P.m. 74 7 1397 ing disc brakes, automatic, 302, cus power brakes, air, roof rack, 74,300 591 1449 or 737-1511. vious factory supervisory back- marketing background. Good op- waak, (2.2S an hour, flexible hours. CAMARO I9U — Automatic. Dowe torn paint, mags, 51,000 miles. 13000 miles. 134*5. tax and MV extra. RED ground necessary Sand resume with portunity. Call Ms. Spence, 442-4007. Own transportation. Tlnton Falls -tearing, i.n cylinder, good rgi FORO LTD BROUGHAM 1*73 - Call 495*035. BANK VOLVO, DEALER, 741 58*4 TOP DOLLAR salary requirement! or apply In per- araa. Call alter s, l*\ mi 71 Merchandise For tondllion, U00 7*75135 Air, power steering/brakes, p< FOR USED CARS son Mon la Frl. to Cerro Com SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY IN- locks, rear deftoster. AM. FM I MUSTANG - 1*71, 302 engine, auto- VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1*74 — LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO., INC munlcatlon Products, Halls Mill TERNSHIP — Tlnton Falls School Sal* CADILLAC 1975 COUPE - track stereo, esc el lent condition matic, air, 60.000 miles. Must Ml Rebuilt engine, very good tires. 15-30 Rt. 35 Sayrevllle, N.J. 717-13C Rd., Freehold, N.J. An equal Op- has an opening tor a psychology mile* wire whMH Sharp 12900 11000 firm. 843 4497 Call 2911474. mpg. Asking si.too. negotiable portunity Employer Internship Requirements must be Situations Wanttd Call m-QM 741-J Sal TOP DOLLAR near completion of graduate course FORD 1975 GRAND TORINO — NOVA 1944 — Recent paint, good Paid for Junk and used cars work leading to N.J. certificate as FtmaU CADILLAC SEVILLE 19/6 - engine and tirai, six-cylinder. 1500 Call 741-1141 FURNITURE SALES 3 LINES Leather, wire wheels, new tire Power brakes/steering, air. $1500 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE — 1*72, school psychologist Pleata call Dr. Call 291-1847 Call after 4:30. 471 4130 good condition, standard, AM/FM Agreulve, high quality Scandina Arnold Cohan, (Ml) 741-4111. BABYSITTING — At my Colts Neck 41.000. (7795, 74/-2M4. TOP DOLLAR PAID vlan furniture store saefcs ex- home, hourly or weakly. 5 DAYS NOVA 1*48 — Dependable Iranspor radio, 11550 Call 842-45*8. For junk cars. Immediate pickup CAMARO 1971 — Power stee FORD MUSTANG 1*73 — 351 V-% perienced sales personnel with high Call 442-4M7 . automatic transmission, M tatlon, asking 1300 Call 222-8200 or 212 22*0 earnings potential In new branch Ir Frt* to Dagln work within ona CONTRACTING MOVE WITH NICK —For lets. Free Mlddlatown araa. Please < month. -CABINET FRONTS estimates. Senior rates, also will Classified Service 212-S2M7OO. travel. Call anytime, 544-91M. WE OFFER: CALL' US FIRST FOR A FREE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PRESSMAN — Fullv experienced ESTIMATE ON CABINET All phases. Free estimates on small and large offset presses. ERONTS. NOW YOU CAN TELEPHONE •UnllmllM aiming potantUI. Hi wn MISCELLANEOUS Call 222-4412 •Guarantaad Incoma to Hart YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON SATURDAYS PRIVATE FACILITY — Licensed • Eitablllhad account!. ; NU-LOOK PAINTING* BASEMENTS — Garages, attics, TO START IN OUR MONDAY'S EDITION. Practlal Nursa and Nursas Aide •Complata caraar training. etc.i cleaned out and hauled away. M/F. Now taking applications for all •Marlt promotion!. CABINET FRONTS DECORATING Free estimates. Call John, 747-U44. shifts, experienced preferred but not •Panilon and oroflt-inarlng plan. DISCOUNTS FOR We sand a construction expert to va required. Call 530-9470. not just a salesman DEER — Expertly butchered and JUST CALL THECLASSIFIEDACTION LINE CALL 24 hOurS-7 DAYS WALLY'S PAINTING wrapped. 125 Call 291 9124 or REAL ESTATE SALES — Join one SENIOR CITIZENS 222-8704 Expert Craftsman-Reasonable •16-9073 of our successful offices, with a Interiors my specially. Ml-mt BETWEEN 8:30 A.M. & 12:30 P.M. proven plan for success, highest CALL 603 Broadway, TRUCK a AUTO commissions, bonuses. Licensed or F. GETZ Long Branch, N.J. unlicensed Call Rick Grimm lI0«I000 RENTAL Matawan office, 3444400, Mon.-Wad., 10 a.m.~4 p.m MR. FIX-iT — Is the expert In town, CARPET CALL 542-1700 CHECK THIS LIST OF MERCHANTS WHO ARE speciaiiiing in home repairs of all INSTALLATION REAL ESTATE SALES — One of Hinds electrical, plumbing and ap- FORD RENTACAR Monmouth County's most successful 63 Monty To Loan FAIRWAY FORD offices has openings for new at OFFERING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS DAILY JIM'S CARPET INSTALLATION — Dally - Weekly • Monthly soclatet. Call Rogar Cozens at Relays, repairs, re-stretches and 222-3400 741-74M for confidential Interview, custom work. 2M-4I77. CENTURY 21, COZENS AGENCY, MASONRY USED AUTO A VAN RENTALS VALUABLE COUPON 113 River Rd., Fair Haven. WfSRflB. RESTAURANTS PHARMACIES . $7 A DAY/I 07 MILE CALL TOLL FREE BOM22-97O3 REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — RED OAK DINER SHREWSBURY PHARMACY Z MASONRY — Will papering and CARPETCLEANING For aggressive office with max- $ HoMowMrs Loin $ 10% Discount to All Sanlor Cltlians Wa PartlclMU In PAA Program ? flatting Fret lltlmatci. Call attar imum training and advertising pro- $ New an tl-Inflation money pro- C Rt JS Hill.!, IU-U54 970 Broad St., Shrewsbury 741-4174. 6 B.m M4-9442. 50 CENTS OFF grimi. MELMED REALTY, I grams will uve you IIOTi of J A-1 EXPERT CARPET CLEANING 471-5450. 9 ttl par month by consolidate £ PALACE DINER LTNCROPT PHARMACY - (£ — Upholstery cleaning. Reasonable * (no all bills Into on* tow - rates. Morris Hoffman, 747-0209. 10% Discount to Sanlor Cltliam Nawman Springs Rd.. Llncroft N.J. ROOFING A SIDING Your Next REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES * monthly payment and evert S 49 Monmouth SI.. RM Bank 741-ai J1 Fraa Doilyary. Sanlor Cltlians DM, Opening for a full-time sates as- S o*v» vou LEFTOVER CASH * count honorad. Wo partlclpalo Si CARPET STEAM CLEANING • AVIS sociate for one of Mlddletown's lead- $ ror any reason — BUSINESS 9 PAA Programs. Call 74l-7iU. " ' GAGLIANO Free estimates, low rates. Call efti DAILY REGISTER OASSKED AD Ing agency. We are expanding. For USE — HOME REMODEL — $ • OLDE UNION HOUSE 0 p in iu 1**7 confidential Interview, call « FUTURE NEST EOO - RE- I I 10% Discount to Sartlor Cltliens Free estimate*, 239-0169 or 222-1ft By presenting this coupon , FOULKS-PRESTON AGENCY, J STORE YOUR CREDIT — V 471-9494. S •nn 1, 4, S months behind — * I ON OUR EARLY BIRDSPECIALS RApiATOR WORtcS HOME - When placing your classified ad u*a now to AVOID PORE- T 44 P.M. ONLY S PLUMBING* (Sony, not good lowrdt Futillf Ad RECEPTIONIST — General office $ CLOSURE. $ , llWharfAve., Red Bank M2-7S75 IMPROVEMENTS duties Including telephone. Very HEATING orContr»ct*dvtrtlfrt) good typing required. Apply In par- RaR'S HOLIDAY SPECIAL"— Pi- son, Electro Impulse Lib, 114 TIRES sasiSivsj&ssSi\ PLUMBING AND HEATING RE- AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Chestnut St., Red Bank. PAIR - Of any mrm. n«»l con- perlng, Minting, carpet cleaning, CROWN TIRE MART 121W. Front St.. Rod Bank. 74MI7* versions, bathraom remodeling, wa- one day service. Professional work RN (M/W) — Full lima, 11-7:10 Discounts to ALL Sanlor Citltons. ter heaters, (ewer cleaning. done by the cheapest guvs around. Call 542-1700 a.m., 94* par eight-hour shlfi LPN, Hwv. M, Port Monmouth, 717-7273. The Dally Register?: tar-ono License number. 1014.. Call 1&7-UJ1. ask for Rlcrile or Rich- part-time, t1-7:3O a.m., I3S Par Shrawsburv Ava.. Tlnton Falls. Secret Suolnttl. ie. Happy Holidays. HUM crwckito: T» w DaHy fttyiitor eight hour shift. Excellent benefits. 747.1m. 40 Jrd Ava.. Long Branch. CLASSIFIED ADS Ont ftogltltf Plan, fthrtwtbury, N.J. 07701 Call Mrs. King at Weitwood Hall 22*4100. Hebrew Home, 222-5177, between | Rt. U Naptuna 77440U 542-1700 > and 4 p.m. 71 Mcrchandito 71 Merchandise For $41* TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1979 The Daily Register 19 For Salt For Salt 102 Housts For Rent no Wanted To Rent DfcSKS, FILES - Tabtev chain, dddiny machines, typewriters, ol Daily Sunday FURNISHING ON A LOW 7 lice Muwmem tic al bargain BUDGET? - Check the USED RUMSON CARRIAGE HOUSE - WANTED — To Itase or renl, prices New or used A AC DESK FURNITURE CENTER OF RED Three bedroom*, two bath*, den. around floor s.cate in barn or shed, OUTLET. 1709 Rt JS, Oakhurit REGISTER BANK Fine furniture tor **i living room and formal dining room for storage of baled wood shavings UMNI Shrewsbury Ave. Beautiful ground* maintained by prefer easy access from paved road Classified Ads Of - Washer-dryer, tt" < owner Excellent school* Reference Call 875 *?21 DIAMOND RING - Appraised val- wall unit, •ftclnfttd. Curtik lovt reouired. lj months security 1500 ue UJW Price negoliabtc Mon wat. livingroom chair; iltrtacab. plus ulihtie* Call after 5 p WANTED - Apartment, Ifiree iruouflh Frl . • S. 141 124* as low as net, three metat shelve* Mort 747 0582 room studio unfurnished, lor Single %n 9449 after 630 p.m woman Reference* In Red Bank DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT KING Atlantic Highland* and Sea Bright - '4 k«r«i, perfect cut, matching 43 cents GUITAR PICK UP — PAF (•._... 104 Winter Rentals area Write Boa A 380, The Dan* 14k gold wedding bands, U7S Register. Shrewsbury. H J 07701 • 72-0200. Eat 244 par line, per dev bucker with Gib ton engravttt en it IDaiM on 10-dar Inaarllonl Hi M3 SWJ, alter S:JO P.m. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING MONMOUTH BEACH — Ren - Appro* im«teiv .3th, appraised For FAST RESULTS GUITARS — Band Mlline Fende Carnage Hout». semi-furr REAL E5TATE guitar* and amp*. Ampeg bauamp $525 a month, heat included II Nov.. 1979. Ilk. yellow Call 741 3912 AT LOW COST Atoutitlc guitar* 727 1195 anytime B 0 FOR SALE DIAMOND RING - Yellow sold, ' *"' II hall carat, ashing 1MW Call between phone HAMMOND & BALDWIN SEA BRIGHT — Furnished Studios W p.m. 7179217 and motel umu—maid service, all 131 Houses For Sale PIANO AND ORGAN 71 Merchandise M Merchandise utilities included Low winter rates CENTER bv the day. week or month No lease * DIMINC ROOM FURNITURE 101 Apartments REGISTER For Salt Wanted 101 Apartments or security TRADE WINDS B''i°« MORTGAGE Nine pieces, two large mirrors Division ol Altenberg MOTEL U1 1837 Call 14? 0724 alter 3 Available Payment 1430 monthly Piano House includes tases Seven vttrs young Classified Ads Did you know LEVOLOR RIVIERA BLINDS AAAAAA — LIQUIDATE UN- EAST KEANSBURG - Four RUMSON — Beautiful one-bedroom VERTICAL BLINDS WANTED ANTIQUES. JEWELRY. modern room*, immediate occupen collage, carpeting, dishwasher. 106 Furnished Rooms and immaculalt Gt* heal, garage 7* Auction Salts We Are N.J.'s 30V OFF LISTI RUGS. FOR CASH. cv. Adult* preferred Security rt wa*htr-dryer. 1400. tennant pay* atl •vith double cement driveway Call 542-1700 Free delivery, Elenbv Products Quired 495 2274 before 2 p.m. utilities 741-219*. today 5*6.500 PAUL P BOVA, Re Largest and Oldest INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES dlior. 671 2544. Toll Fr«« from UIUWM Art* Piano Dealer Ctll 223 444* lor quoit. 159 E. Newman Springs Rd. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Small Shrewsbury 747*200 HIGHLANDS — Small three-room SEA BRIGHT - Oceantronl, two- hotel, kitchen privileges, by week or Suptr Siding Inslillir Mason and Ham I in, Klmbi MINK COAT — Full length, makt Collage in complex of ten Cottage* bedroom apartment with heat, hot A BETTER WAY — To buy or sell 566-8100 Sohmer. Baldwin, Kiwii. Knabc month. Call 291-OOM or 741-1144. CENTURY 2) Phoenix Really. THE Buys oul 1? liai"f load inven htr happy Suitable for adults. Parking avail waler and air conditioning included Toll FrH from •Mlddlttown Area Everett, Currier. Hardman ant 232 *1M ALL LIONEL TRAINS able 1175 ptr month plus utilitits. Also has pool and beach facilities NEIGHBORHOOD lory ot large aluminum siding Player pianos Or Flvar. Top cash appraisal Security and one year lease re- 1450 per month Call 741-3711 FESSIONAL 2*4-4900 dislnbulor! Now you can save 671-9300 LARGE DISPLAY OF MOVING AND SELLING — Many quired 172-092*. household furnishing* Reasonably •8MM SEA BRIGHT — Four large rooms, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Be*t hundieds ol dollars dunng GRAND PIANOS priced Call 747-4770 anytime. ALL PIANOS WANTED HIGHLANDS HILLS — Furnishtd heat furnished, available Jan. t. Call otter Buyer must move lo own lot TK Illff I HUM WMTB DINETTES — New, live-PMK* Colo 300 MAIN STREET DEAD OR ALIVE KEANSBURG — Room* bv week, 3? Center Ave 191-Hii. mal wood, tut fS retlincr. JUS »S MOVING — Air conditioners. Ihree one bedroom tewly decora ed. an •41-0043. lftCtM.1 Beautify, insulale ASBURV PARK, N.J. 07711 IMMEDIATE CASH PAID liqutS- Tree ined patio. privati month Please call 787 3118 or Bothers, JS2 SO Ntw matiremt, T7S9JOO room silt. 150 each. Ont IS.OOO-BTU WE PAY MORE •sMALL APAHIMEN1 1W POM787 68*v for information BROKER S BEST IMS and never paint again! Save W) 9* K.D. SHARP'S Carrier. |200 All excellent condi Mrking. Beautiful |235 i monll Four bedrooms. 21' living room, ib Open daily 9 to 9, Sal. 'til S '38-488* 738-4841 Includes all. 872-1205. Monmouth Rd . Port Monmouth N.J ?5V35% on fuel bills and FURNITURE, ITS Hwy. 34. Witt tion Portable dishwasher. |75. Call WE ALSO MOVE PIANOS ANY- Bedroom, kitchen, living room area RED BANK — Large lovely room, dining room, science kitchen, recre- Keansburg Alter 1 p.m., 49J 009S HUMIDIFIER ation basement, two baths, two-car increase the value ol your lti-4203 or 2*1*2*5 and Ittvt WHERE FULLY INSURED. KEANSBURG — Ntwlv decorated and bath. 5310 per month plus ont nicely furnished, good neighbor SEARS (Excellent, like ntw condi message ona bedroom apartment, available month security and electric. Noptli hood, private entrance and parking garage, '« acre home by thousands ol DRUMS - Greiich tour piece, very lion). Too large lor our *mall apart ANTIQUES — Old turniturt. tool*. Dec. 1, private entrante in private allowed Call atttr *, 671 mo 842 9250 MtLMfcU REALTY Bkr 671 5*tt dollars! good condition, ntw thini and Hi-ment Cult down on winter cold* and MUST SELL — Against our will, a etc. Ont itam or tntlrt conttnts Call home, heat and hoi water supplied, Hal, U00. 741 74M smut. 14 gallon console on castors red top standard *-7' Amtricena suitable for couple, no pets 1255 piu* DESIRABLE TANGLEWOOD woodorain finish. ISO Call M0-OT7 pool table in mint condition Price 787-7835 SEA BRIGHT - Designer furnished AREA — Mtddlclown Attractive Supar Winter electric, security and reference* WEST LONG BRANCH — Two- eight-room, maintenance Ire*- ex- ELECTRIC CHORD ORGAN — alter 6 p.m. weekdays, anytime include* ball*, rack* and cue nicks ANTIQUES - GATEWAY AN- 1100 carpeting allowance provided bedroom apartment in two-family *1udio* and executive suites HAR- Siding Special: Double keyboard, excellent condl- weekend*. 1800. Hull sofa, black vinyl and pine. BOR POINT, 1491 Octan Ave terior home on beautiful treed lot TIQUES. Rl. 3* and Homestead Call 787 2O3i, after * p.m. home, 1325 per month, all utilitits Four bedroom*, 2'-i baths, family lion, with bench and books Mutt 1170. Antique Empire ttcrttary, Ay., Leonardo W1HM. included. Call Jamie Paviis 747-3353 Mil. liking |32S. Cttl 717 IK* IBM TYPEWRITERS 1500 Call before * , 741 5*04 KEANSBURG — Ont-bedroom, room, central atr. two-car garage. $537.00 Delivered ANY KIND — Of weight lifting available immtdiattlv, 1225 per extra insulation plus economical FIREWOOD-SttiootdMk Cord, RENTAL $19.50 per mo 542 2223 108 Commercial GAS HEAT. Mini condition SJ7.9O0 up lo 2000 sq ft NEVER USED — (Hajari, sofa ana] equipment, especially steel weights, month, utilitits includtd. ERA A KOZICKY naif-cord, iplit, tree delivery. Rent with option to buy 173-031; !, 1370. (any amount) Vlnney, 2S3~14*2. 201 495 9*97. Owner. 717-4Q17 $897.00 Delivered 483-9029, SUU93 tlter S p.m. 787 1058 REAL ESTATE Rentals FKE InU IMlUTIOi IN KITCHEN SET — Llkt ntw. four DON'T HAVE THAT SALE - I will KEANSBURG - Spacious one- EARLY AMERICAN COLONIAL FIREWOOD FOR SALE cuihioned chairs, contemporary ONE AMERICAN AIRLINES — buy all your small garagt salt bedroom apartment. Heat, hoi wa- 102 Houses For Rent Thit charming home i* nestled on CLIIICI WITH TOUI II- IIS a cord sign, DavMom, W7S. MI-ifH. Half-fare discount coupon. Expires items Call 2*4-8*15 after 1 p.m ter, air conditioner Included 12*5 AGENTS — Executives, pro- the side of a hill In Little Silver tTALUTKMI No subconlrac Call between 4-4, 2f 1-3745 Dec. IS, M0. 920-M*1. wr month 787 6891 fessional*: Officts available in twoTerraced, shaded yard with privacy LADIES' SPORTSWEAR "MIRROR. MIRROR or three rooms or larger Air. and an In-ground pool. Den with lore! No wailing! Bank financ- FIREWOOD ORGAN LOWREY - TGI. enter BELFORO - Three bedroom carpet, decoration On long term FACTORY STORE ON THE WALL, KEYPORT CLUB VILLAGE —Two ranch, living room, kitchen, avail- fireplace Dining room plu* eat in ing available Call the super Ovtr one cord, %?Q Ulnmenl center Brand ntw condi WHO IS FAIREST bedroom*, 1350 per month. \Vi leases. Red Bant* arta Full ser- kitchen Four bedrooms, screened Call 741-S7U after 1 p.m. Missy, Woman's and V* Slits tion, 1750. Call after I p.m. 495 1887 able immediately, 1300 per month, vlcts Low renls 741-9595 siding installer today! Optn evtry Thurs . Fri , 10-4:30 OF THEM ALL?" months security. Includes heat, hot plus utilities. Ont month's security porch. Very unique Be in for Christ FOUR BR7O-13 — Start Road Han- Sat 10-3. Direct from factory to PAINT — |3 50/gal Interior. TRY 8421449 water and cooking. Call 9-5 p.m. References required Call Peggy, mas. Stt It today 5105,000 daily, 244-U13 ATTRACTIVE MODERN OFFICE CENTURY 21 COZENS, Realtors 222-8704. dler GT radials, mounted on Superi- you. Panlt. skirts, tnlrts, vests and 5.5.20/gai exterior SILVER — Coins, itwtlrv, sttrling 787-4*00. — Heart of Red Bank, private park or wire wheel*, tour-lug, lt» than iacktts. Susan Jay, 10 North Bridge CALL 581-*77* ing, approximate 1*0 sq ft., 1100 a "Independently Owned ' Avt.. Elsntr Bide . Red Bank, N.J or scrap* Highest prices paid. From 6,000 miles, like ntw, 1350. 344-SJM. ont pltct to anlirt collection LIVE IN STYLE — Fuilv furnished, FAIR HAVEN — Thrtt bedrooms, month Call Rocar Company before B13 River Rd Fair Haven PIANOS ORGANS 1*4-4458 executive efficiency The Tower* at den. gas heat, carpeting, fireplace. 1 p.m., 741-3313 (201) 741-741* Monmouth Beach on the Ocean. Immediate occupancy |S50 winter. N.J.'S LARGEST MUSIC CENTER TRAINS — Bought, sold or rtPairtd, 1400 yearly. 291-4852 afttr 5 P m. MiDDLETOWN — Hwv 35. beau- EDWARD W. COLLINS GRAND OPENING SALE Washer, dryer, dish washer, indoor AGENCY REALTOR 946-4144 American Flyer or Lionel C ' and outdoor pool, sauna, spectacular tiful space in professional building, Mil 8008. 16 p.m. and watktnds 1150 sq. It., 671 1488. 2-5 P.m. FOR BEST RESULTS Vlilt our huge showroom. Best stltc- view. Ont vear teas*. |55O PtrFAIR HAVEN — Prime area Beau tion of major professional brands. TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO month. Day timt 842-1*00, eve andliful three bedroom, two-full-bath ELLEfTs HAZELTON. REALTOR classified advertising many used organ*, student Piano*. DOLLARS — Convert Old Jtwalr wttkands 87(H01S. with powder room. Wall-to-wall MIDDLETOWN — Hwv 35, prime Inter Cilv Relocation Strvice Rental* from 17.50 par month. "Tha Cash DON PON'S JEWELERS Will carpeting. Living room, fireplace, office space, with utilities, in pro- 842-3200 only place to makt a decision". LONG BRANCH — West End. Effi- Buy from private owners and e» formal dining room, tat-in kitchen, fe*tional building First floor. 1275 FAIR HAVEN FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER tattl. ANTIQUE CLOCKS RE ciency apartments, ont block from full cellar with tilt. Full altic. Ga- Per month. 671 1488. 2-5 u m. Pond Rd. Shopping Ctnttr ocean, vear round rentals 222-8235. WE'RE OUT TO GET YOU — Into PAIRED AND JEWELRY DE ragt. Centrtl air. hot water heat a home you can afford Owner pro Rt. f. Freehold SIGNED 799 River Rd.. Fair Beautiful yard. 1800 per month. Ne OFFICE — Broad St.. Red Bank, 0 MODERN APARTMENT — Near available immediately. Call day*. vides IO'-I * mortgage with less than For no waling appointment call Haven, N.J. 842-*257. transportation Best timt to call Is ooliabie Call B42-8S89 INFLATION 800 391 4927 041 3965 Eves tnd weekends 30°odown to qualified buyer Tucked before noon, 495-041*. 741-5174. away on a quiet street, find this WANTED - Any condition, old three bedroom, 1'; baih ranch with PIANOS — ORGANS dolls, toys, teddy bttrs, all Christ RED BANK — Two bedroom RED BANK - New professional brick wall tirtplace in family room All Musical Supplies and Services mas items, also Halloween Items, town housts, luxury kilchens. 94*8821 anything before 1950. Will pick up. private courtyard*, 1'J bains, office space Centrally located with Mosaic tile tnground pool with self TUSTING PIANO CO. Top dollar will be paid. 741-4072. carpeting, all ga* heat and apMlDDLETOW- N LEONARDO — parking 520 to 2100 sq. M , 1350 and chlonnalor Distinctive land FIGHTER Our 97th Year Pliances 1450 plus utilities. 741-2196. Three bedroom*, huge living room up. Heal, water, sewer, laxe* and scaping, hand-edged with local Asburv Park 77S-W64 with fireplace, dining room plus eat maintenance included. 741-5111 or ueartut stone I74.OO0 RUMSON RE ALTY. 842-1894. Open 9 to 9 REAL ESTATE RED BANK — Twobedroom lux in kitchen, den. basement, one 84? 2vl8: month* rent plu* security, pay own PIANO — Baldwin, Acrosonlc „ RENTALS ury, carpeting, dishwasher. 1400 in tludtt Mat. 741-219*. utilities. 1550 per month 671-4414. FTRVPLACE leflS Spinet, walnut finish, mint condi- Brand new. four bedrooms. 18' mas tion, $700. Can S4i mi RUMSON — Private office space. 101 Apartments RED BANK - Four rooms with all Ml DOLE TOWN — Available In prime location ter bedroom, family room, IB' coun PORCH ENCLOSURES - Four An utilities, washer and dryer. 1450 Dec., two house*, both in finest sec- 842 3200 Irv kitchen, dining arta. V J baths, month. Call after 4 p m., 747-2141. lions of town. Excellent school sys- garage, ga* heal dtrson Ihtrmopane gliding, win- tems, mint condition. |*75 each. Far SHREWSBURY — Prestige office, MELMED REALTY Bkr 671-5*50 LOOK FOR THESE ADS dows, *' high by iW wide, slightly ASBURY PARK NORTH - RED BANK - Panoramic vitw ot additional information, call afltr * Broad It., 500 set. ft , 1350 t month ustd. 1375, (113*4 if ntw). Call Furnished one-room efficiencies, the Navttlnk Rivtr, two-bedroom, P.m , 671-4174. including utilities Limited parking 741-3110. maid service, laundromat and phone two-bath penthouse. |55O, with op- Call 74? MM. on premise* From |50 weekly More Clarified RADIATORS — Hot water steam. tion to buy a* condo. No pets. MIDOLETOWN — Small Iwo- 9M-5577 741OS14 bedroom home Large yard, garage STORE FOR RENT — 1800 sq ft , on Next Page DAILY & SUNDAY IN THIS BOX Sevtn all together in good condition. Hwv 3*. Long Branch. Last of three 53SO a month plus utilities. Refer various slits. Call 319 2079. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Ap- RED BANK — Three large room*. ernes, security and lease required stores in new Plait Call 229-1550. plications accepted for ont and two all utilities included. U9S per month. 100 Commercial SANYO AM/FM — Casstttt car bedroom apartments, (tear shopping Call Jack McGowan, 747 3004. after stereo, with Dolby system, list price, Available Dec 1, Call days, 842 3965 4 p.m. Rentals and transportation. Hot water, heat Eves and weekend* 741-5174. 11*0, two *K9 20 ounce Ihrtt way supplied Free pool Superintendent *ttrto sptaktrs. 111! price |75. RED BANK 100 Commercial 12 PIECE PATIO SET — flOO; DINETTE SET - Modern, lour POOLTABLE on premises. Call 191-0770' RED BANK — Contemporary one Three-four bedroom, seven-room chain, black with white vinyl pad*, (100. Sofa, (30 packed in original cartons, both Rentals Danish modern dinette Ml, round 11*0. 1*4-6774 bedroom with lergt dining room tnd home, one-car garage. Large back table, four chairs, wooden china cab- smoked glass tablt top, all havt Call 747 0220 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Effi- living room overlooking Navesink yard. 1450 per month plus utilities PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE inet, J75, sofabtd, double, brown chrom* pedestal lags, (100. Call ciency apartment, utilities included, From 1375 741-051*. Walk to train*. 12,000 SQ (t. Tailgate Loading and while stripe*, good condition, 291 3054, atttr 4 p.m. PORTABLE KITCHENAIO—Dish- SNOW BLOWER SALE 1175 a month Call 291-9531. M BROAD ST. private parking A/C, heat, washer, like ntw. (75 firm. Rust arm Reserve now al Little Silver Repaii RED BANK — One-bedroom apart RIVERSIDE AGENCY INC. sprmklcrad Public transport* *9S, audio phile buff, Hiathklt com ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS —High on 747-2424 RED BANK, N.J. pontnt, amp and pre amp, Gtrrard DOLL HOUSE - Colonial with Chair, |1S. 741-0330. Ctnttr. 747-0573. ment. walk lo train, 1275 plus ulill i-..rn.T mllr (90b M). fi) ma; br lion pillars, perfect condition, over one- water front, Scenic Dr. Four small tits. Call 7471579 bttwtan 2 4. AND turntable, housed in a V cabinet with POT BELLY STOVE — (50, Hobai SOFABED — 88", queen silt, one rooms, ideal for one person No pet*. RUMSON — Three bedrooms, Iwo for ant portion three (helves, 175. Moving, must half furnished, MS. Call alttr 5 p.m. baths, unfurnished Walk to busline hrcroft and ilnplr offVr. IM MI. 9,000 sa. ft Tailgate loading, 741-1424. meat grinder, (150, 4' tluoreicen year old. Sears, Colonial. Original Utilities included, 1250. Immediate RED BANK — Three-room avail- private parking, heal, Ull 741 7297. lights, (1.00 each, electric motors 1499, moving, 1350. 873-0670 occupancy. Call 74H5499. able Jan 1. Convenient to tren*por and shops 1700 month plus utilitits, I. r.l air, tM>«l. ,.,, negotiable Month to month Itase, iwrkina. flt-vaior, full Janitorial scnnklered Public transporta DRESSER - Eight drawer* with IS 00 each Table saw. MS I' fluores lation and shopping. Call 741-9029 tion 17 CU. FT. — Copotrtone, frost fret irror. (25. Girl's winter coats, silt cent light, llkt ntw, (SO Cal STEINWAY GRAND PIANO — In COLTS NECK MOTEL —. 180 Per *m month least, one year Itase or ~r.lcr InctuflVd. Prim lotion. refrigerator, S175I. 14" Copptrtont 191-OSS2. good condition, models O, L, A or B, week plus lax and dally rate* avail- RED BANK — 145 Catherine SI RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY. Inv Jn-1 romplrlH > rrrimalrd gas Stovt, 150 Ctll 711-2332 or 1 mediate occupancy APPLEBROOK 747-1100 1125, {70 " to 12") Call 191 HIS. able, light housekeeping Call Five rooms, pay own utilities. Cal 747-1100 747-4HI.. QUEEN SIZE HEADBOARD — 431-8724 or 944-3700- 2*4 2153 AGENCY. 842 1900 THE USEOFURNITURECENTER 10 VOLUME — Encyclopedia Ml. ELECTRIC DRYER — Stars, Cop- Pecan finish, traditional style, tx par, txctlltnt condition, (75. Nettle i eilent condition. (75. 94M074. 197 Shrewsbury Avt., Red Bank 1150, five women's library, $20, six Been*. Hat-batns and Why Nots volume science library. (25. three Creek headboard, 78" plus matching bedspread, (50. 291-131*. RCA CONSOLE — Cabinet TV, new volume high school library, (10, picture lube. $100. Sears air conditioner, two yean old, EARLY AMERICAN — Pint hutch. Call 542-931) TIRES & RIMS 1125, air carry kennel, IM, baby 31" wide, excellent condition, (75. H7a 14 on Dodae Van Rimiliktnew swing credit, $35, two tlrts. one Call 141-9330; 747-4941. ROSENTHAL CHINA — Four plec $75. A PAIR. Call W 2O7T. _^ L7>-15 studded snow, f15, L7t-15rtg- settings script, $200. TWO MODERN - Smoked glass ™ glar snow. %M. 2M-90M. FISH TANK — 30 gallon wood lone Call 74? saw chrome hanging lamps, leather bar, and ail wood stand, all accessories, brown corduroy tola. W1-4312. after AIRLINE DISCOUNT TICKETS — (1*0. 495-1405. afttr 3:30. SKI JACKET — "Sklmaiittr" by S. American and United. $2ieach Call Wool rich Excellent condition 5U4M2 or 583-1070. FLOOR HEATER - Ustd one win nylon, navy blue, slit: medium. 125 TWO LOVESEATS — Yellow Con ler. 1110 Blut velvet sofabed, (45. 5t*-093*. temporary, Bioomlngdale custom AIRLINE DISCOUNT COUPON - Call 291-4504. made, 40" each, perfect condition, United. 130 Call after t p.m. 1*15. Yellow swivel chair, never FREEZER — Stars IS cu. 11. up- SNOW BLOWER - 20" Jtcobson SSMSM. u*ed Stllg. 1100. Oak dining lable. right. (95. Antique oak drafting self propelled, under 10 hours use 40x72, with six antique oak chain. lable, 4l"x3*", (*0. Rtgina rug (ISO. Humidifier. 10 gallons, consoft 1500 Two glass and chrome coffee AIRLINE DISCOUNT - Coupon*. ihampooer and floor polisher, (20. on caiier*. (45. Call 842-411*. tves tables, 150 each Call 530-019*. American and United, available. 291-3044. Must be used by Dec. 15th (25 each STEREO — Lafayette (need* some WASHER — Refrigerator, old fash 741-7344 alttr 5 p.m. FREEZER —(100. Knotty Pint bar repair) plus AR-2 speaker and toned stove Must sell Call afttr 4 and two stools, (35. Two air condi- Jenstn speaker, (45, call afttr 5 AIRLINE — Half fart coupon. Unit tioners, (50 each. Two touch** with 229-9347. p.m., 717 i*72 ed, two lor MO. covers and tablt, (50. Five-Piece WEDGWOOD — Grape pattern Yel- •42-2113 bedroom set, (100. One couch, (25. STEREO — Harmon Kardon 33A 1100. Dual 1219 turntable. ISO. Lloyds low vinyl and chrome bar stools, One dishwasher, (25. Paperback misctllantous. 8421714, ALL ALUMINUM ,tt"K42" picture books, 25 cents each. Washing ma- speakers, (40. Elghl track, (15. Or window with storms and screen*, chine. ^40 C all_741^593© alter 2:30. all (175. Call 495-9307. US. Three 50% airline tickets, EHP. J : Dec IS. (31 apiact. Ctll 2444740, TELESCOPE — Astronomical, 4LV 72 Garage Sales G.E. REFRIGERATOR — Gold, reflector, complete with ntw Btrlow (140. Counter top g«s range, brown, lens. In excellent condition. (1*0 Yard Sales AMERICAN AIRLINES— Half fart (15. ?'»' Chrlstmai tret. (1). Sun- coupon, WO Queen Annt table, 40" beam humidifier, automatic, (25. 717-6579. SQUtrt, (IM, sold sftao carpet. Call 717-773*. GARAGE SALE — Household items. 12»I5. (50. S3O9H1 THREE UNITED HALF PRICE toys, furniture, miscellaneous GIRLS — 30" Schwinn 10-spted bi TICKETS — |M each Must u*e rues -Wed, 9-2 p.m., 335 Main It., AMERICAN AIRLINES — Discount bttort Dec. IS. Call 671 *3S0 Port Monmouth, N.J. coupon (2S or bttt offer. cvclt, llkt new. (45. 747-W7I. 2*4-1105 TIRES - Four Summit Suptr Track GARAGE SALE - 12 Cl , GOLD G.E. — Refrigerator, like Holmdtl, off Palmer Avt, Mon. lo ANTIQUE WARDROBE — V>. COl G 70. raised letter, 185. Four Chevro- Thurs., 9-4 p.m. far TV, wood console, need* tube, (75ntw, V il let Mag-type wheel covers. (IS Here's a "spritely" tip for all you holiday shoppers: 741124*. 495-229* after 5 p.m. Ttlsco solid body guitar anc OCEANPORT MOVING - Tools, 9 GREEN VELVET SOFA — (50; blut Danelectro 10-watt amp, $100furniture, tie. Dae. 8, 7, 9-3. Don't ANTIQUE — White Ironstone bowl velvet chair and ottoman, (35; two 94*3351. comt other hours. 37 Wtrah PI. There's an abundance of imaginative gift ideas to be and pitcher set, (SO Portable Slnoer maple end table*, (20 each; white sewing machine, matal, with cast. parson* tables, (25 and (35. 747-0212. TOYS — And ttwltry from Dtm SHREWSBURY — 45 Queen Annt (75. Artificial »' Christmas tree, (20. kit, all navtr used, all under is Dr., Fri. and Sal., Dec 7 and 8, from 9 found in the classifieds. Check them out today. Jlf-IMJ. GUITAR — Ovation Artist and hard Make good Christmas gifts. Cal 10 5 Estatt salt. Antiques, collec- cast, paid (3*0, MM for (200 Call 4951933. tibles, glassware, tools, household V LII-LtVI fiUTft item*, books, furniture and rug>. MING SING Live Christmas Trees AR MANUAL TURNTABLE TRAINS — 4x1 tablt. HO. lavoui t Cantonese - Mandarin - Hunan DISCOUNT CENTER Ckg them or cut them Freeh cut US HOT WATER HEATER — Electric, engines, cars, accessories, turn Siechuan DKhes Cloaed Mondays rfATUMNO Holly-Greens-Wreaths 117-1014 80 gal. 220 volts. (71. Excellent con- table, old and never ustd, (100 flr<- 76 Auction Salts V 560 Broadway. Long Branch 228-1211 Les-Levi Corduroy Straights dition ,41-nn. ^^ 747-4*73 afttr 3 p.m. Mar. Price S18 00-Ours S12 96 AUTOMATIC WASHER — Toshiba r«T» COOHTBT KTCHtH Bernadotte Farms TWO ALUMINUM STORM DOOR t We Serve to Serve Again Lee PrawaeKad HiUfliu Rl 537. Tlnun Fans TWIGG'S MEN'S portable, excellent condition, yel- INDUSTRIAL FAN - 3*" Chelsea. COLONEL JAMES A. MOORE Mall $21 OO-olri 814 96 5420317 low, (125 or best ofttr. Ctll 7t7-235o. (125. Two A78-13 snow tires, (30. — 80Vi"x30" with jcretns, txctlltn AUCTIONEER MEMORY LANE ANO VOUfM HEN't WOf Norge gas dryer, almost ntw, (75. condition, (25 each. 23" color TV «I« V 30 MomiKMn 842 MM fled Bank JUNCTION VARIETY Open Mon -Fn tin B 30 BATHROOM SINK — White, with 229-3111, wood console, (25. Ctll 747-2849. Hwy. 35. Oakhursl 531 1194 69 Leonerdvilte Road. Beltord TREES. WREATHS M«Jdkiiowfi Shopping dnier ftuctl, (I; Esso oil burner, good V •71-MM GRAVE BLANKETS 671.0*16 condition. (25. 191 0001 alter t p.m. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TWO SNOWS TIRES — F7S-15, tx 77 Pets And Livestock JACK'S BARN A Wonderful Family Treat Poinsetlas-Oecorenoni TRACTOR — 7 H.P., U" cut, runt (.client shape. |3O, portable washing 9 Horseman's Suppkea 1 Apparel MOM'S KITCHEN LEATHER PEDDLER The Bast looking Selection BABY CARRIAGE — Bill Rite de- machine, ILbt.. like ntw, (30 Handcrafled Leather OKU great, ruts nice, iiW Call 741 8237. Toea-FrTtO-Q 12S5t)Ava. Neptune 77S-4B23 of Live e Cut Tree* around BOATMAN'S SHOP luKt, dark blue, accessorial, ex- 741 2M5. Sel » Mon. 10 6, Bun 12-4 Monmnulh Mall 547-7906 Falnnlnwn GIFTS i ACCESSORIES cellent condition, (45. Princess sew- KARATE GUI — Whllt. llkt ntw, Advanced And Beginners Siano's Garden Center TWO-PIECE CASTRO CON »l Mm SI. Fairangyjala. BM2237 BOOKS-SWEATERS-RAIN GEAR ing machine, portable, excellent (its boy Sizt 11-14. (15. 583-5987, after DOG TRAINING TOWN & SURF DINER ENCHANTED FLORISTS Rl 35. Middletown. neat to ,?4WnarfAve 741-5780 Red Bank condition. US. Ctll 717-OITt. s .io p.m. VERTIBLE - Sectional sofa, blue Clattat av« and Sat. aMtrnoons. ' STEAKS » CHOPS SALAD BAR Town* Chevrolet. 671-1516 upholstery with print slipcovers Bavshora Companion Doo Club BAKING DONE ON PREMISES Fruit BesketsFanlwiwefe-Plants BABY CARRIAGE — 195; Swing a- KITCHEN SET — 42", white pedes- IZOO Ga* dryer, |2S. Call 171-7278. 741 KM* CAM) t OIFT MOO ' Open 24 hours-Rta 35. Middtetown 3E. Froni 739 1850 Keyprjn mallc. llkt new. uMd twice, (9, tal tablt. tour yellow and white ped- Unusual GUIS ol AH Kind. Laurelwood Farm Nursery MANNY & MARY'S 495-1405, after 3:30. estal chairs. (100 firm. 531-1171. UPRIGHT PIANO AKC LABRADOR PUPS — Raadv Village Man. MMoletown, 671-2141 VINCENT'S COAT SHOPPE CHRISTMAS TREES — See hanging SPORT SHOP lor Christmas. Call attar 5 o.m. THE OLDE UNION "SpecieHel in Leather & Suede" reel, kve or fresh cut. wreath* roping, BIKES — Two ictiWInn Stlng-Rav KITCHEN SET — Formica, table, m *71-n3! Serving Lunch Irom 12 lo 5 snd Dinner plants Shop insid* or oul. Free Girt Hunting-Fishing -Scuba Diving boys bikes, Ilka ntw, (45 and (30. OPEN 8 A.M. MADE. CLEANED & ALTERED Hwy 36. E Ktintbutg 787 0506 two leaves, six chairs, good condi- 787-1078 Irom 5 to 10 Friday and Saturday with tale Next Brcokd*!* College 60 One Rolllast Girls bike, (Pink), llkt tion, (13S. Call after 5 P.m.. *71 5852. •USED DISHWASHERS — Ont com AKC — Sli-vtar-old ftmal* Pug, Shop earty-bsat the crowds Everything nighta tin 11 p m Stop In al 134 Monmouth Red Bink 741 7516 Ptialani Rd . Lmcrofl. 747-1242 new, (50. All 13". For chlltfrtn 4 to mere ial and ont domestic, good con housa dog. Frlartdlv, trltkv. Cannot loi Christmas Wrappings, decora- KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER - The Olde Union House LOVE LANE TUXEDO SHOP 12 years old. 747-S2t». diiion, (55 each. Call between car* lor. las. Call H1-01U. hona. Nght eels. Faroe,, Electrics and JUBALEE Sale* & Rentals (IIS. Call after S p.m., a.m.-} p.m. 495-1710. toy*. Slocking stutters. 11 Wharf Ave . Red Bank 642-7575 CHRISTMAS TREES BIKES — Raleigh 10-spttd, (50, 1M-4422 BEAUTIFUL KITTEN-Mala.lour Fin* Qllts • Diecount Price* Wreath*, grave blanket*. tre*r> cider Rl 35 & SunMl WanamasM girl's banana Mat. (15. Complete VACUUM. — Hoover upright with months old. looking lor a good horn* PROWN'S t SAL'S 6 Brighton Ave . Weal End. 222-8262 i'id apple* large selection ol quality 922 3860 sound ctntar, Garrard turntable and LIVING ROOM SET — One couch a I tec ft8mtnti, (30; dog houst with loving car*. Call 5314411. 32 Broad SI -741-7500 Had Dank TAVERN-RESTAURANT JUI and live tree* Cesola Farms. Hi ?5W FronlSl 741-2251 RM Ban Sherwood tuner, amplifier, (50. green, one lounge chair-green Beagle slit, (15; hlgh-rlM stt Plu SKI HAUS 520. Holmdel 94642(1 Windsor chairs, (100 for pair. Fire- Stratolotinger. and ont gotd chair matching drapes, 120. 741-9318. BOX HORSE STALLS - For rant BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER StKvtng Lunch and Dinntr APPAML FOR THI place accessories, (35. Slipcover and ottoman. (100 Call 741-5709, with oaddocks at Hockhockson Where They Are Serviced Optn to 1 am lof Itit •KM AND HON-MtlU Living Christmas Trees Chtlr, (10. 671 3326 alttr 5 P.m. VAN SEAT — Rear bench, very Farm. Colts Nack. Phona tvtl., LM Night Shoppoi i Oceenpon Ave 642-6666 LM* Silver MAYTAG WASHER — Six months good condition, (35. UlOtn or UMtJS SERPICOS 141 ShrtwiDury Avn . R«d Bank Hundreds to Choose From BOY'S — Stars ten-speed bike. (35; old. HS0. Maytag dryer, 150 Gibson •42 338* 101 Monmouth St. Red Bank 747-15B6 Conrad Smith Nursery refrigeretor-freeier, $.00. Two sin- DOBERMAN PINCHER PUPPIES 747-0465 CARD GALLERY Waller Hasan goif clubs. Model 305, gle beds, $15 and $10. Bed frame, $10. VARIETY OF HOUSEHOLD — AKC rafllttartd. thraa black and CARDS • GIFTS • JEWELTY Tnton Ave Eatontown (35. 471-1M3. Two snow tires, on wire wheels, ITEMS — Under (20; infant articles tan ttmales. one black and tan mar*, GHta.Rusaae Stover Candy CANDLES" PARTY SUPPLIES 54? 1420 CLOTHES DRYER — Hamilton, 1e- USSRx.4, $35 each. 495-2S61 playpen, |35, swing, $15; toys and champion and show qualities, brad CHAPEL HILL SHOPPING CENTER Ib. capacity, oak. (75. clothcs-12 lo (10; all In txctlltn lor tampermant, big bonad. (SOD and Uncroft Pharmacy HWY 35. MIDOLETOWN 842-5660 Call 119-5771 NORMAN ROCKWELL — Leap condition. Call 842-7253. down. 2a4-«47X attar 3 p.m. Newman Springs Rd.. 741-7610 Fro» Plait. |I|.Toy Makar Platt, COLONIAL — Pennsylvania House 1100. 2*4-9433. VINYL RECLINER ROCKER — FREE — Seven-month-old Dorn's Pholo Shop Inc THE WICKER BASKET BAYNTON'S CONTESSA D OR drop leaf table with Ihrtt leaves and Llkt ntw, SOW. 1135. L*rg« doo Shephard Husky, all Shots, afftc- f w AJ Youf ptMjajuiatifnc Needs Wicker & Rattan Furniture UTTii pann ML*K Rl 34. Colts Nack. 467-8655 CARPtT • VINYL 'LOOM Designer Lingef* & ACC«»O-T« tour chairs, (150. Twin headboard, ORIGINAL WATER COLORS — house, well-in*ulated, very nice, 173 tionale but good watch dog. Call AuttyxlMd Kodak Ptocaaaew 64? hJewmtn Sprlngi Rd , Llncrofl (5. Two round maple end tables, (35. From (20. Great gills. 741-8250 befort 7 p.m. 2M-77W. 15 Wallaces!. Had Banh 747-2273 f AO Schwartt Eel Your Heart Om NSW SHOWROOM 471-0938 QET THE BEST FOP. LESS PLENTY Of IW •AUKINO 741-5O1O WASHER — Ladv Ktnmort, com FREE TO GOOD HOME — Beau- CLIFTON SHOPPING CENTER LOTHLORIEN OpenThur » Fn THI9PM COUCH — 90". (75. Solid maple PANASONIC — 21" black/while TV, pact, portable, * Ib. capacity, two tiful black and whlta cat. lovas dogs, BAY SPIRITS SHOP LAKEWOOO-383 «2B8 DOLL HOUSE MINIATURES 66 White Streel. Red Bank hutch top. (35. Call ' exctlltnl condition. (50 Call 741-5716 years old, (US *71-1427. housabrokan. Cannot kaap - dua to OpenWapm Sun - Free Oaaverv LAUREL SQUARE Con* Town* Shoppaa. Rl 34 7*7->87i IN THE BAG 747-WO7 afttr 1 p.m. allarglas. U4 4M4 altar II Moon. 11t Bay AM.. Htgnaxtk 251-2300 SHOPPING CENTER IOPP Del Orcftankl 431 2465 SPORTSWEAR-DRESSES WHITE SEWING MACHINE —But BRICK TOWN—295-6877 EVENING WEAR-JEWELRY DIRT BIKE — Yamaha M. ftttds PIANO — Upright. Mahogany ca*e, lonholtr. multiple Hitches, heavy GERMAN SHEPHERD — Flo OLD WAGON GIFTS HASSOCK SHOP & ACCESSORIES work, asking (75. (ISO. Call duly construction machine, with month* old. also papers. 1275. Call BARRICELLI FLORIST Bean Beg* - all type ol He»*ocv.» cabinet. Walnut, 1150. 544425* Fo, Al You, Floral Needs ATOLDWAQONFARM FINE HANDBAGS /l7-*7tt afttr 5 p.m. 747-5499 anytime. 7KM7M. Rt 35 & Laurel Ave . Holmdet 1741 Hwy 35. UddMown 65 Broad Si 747-52S1 Red Bar* 316 Can A** . 787 0047-KeanebtxQ NANA'S TOY SHOP 671-0795-W-671 1494 HART HORSE TRAILER — «73, Doe Housae and Accessories 671-0536 new lights, wiring and new floor. Old Fashioned Toys Asking »700. 2»1 «*» •Mar a p.m. 32Whr»Sl Bed Ban* 612 4411 CROWN GIFTS, INC. HAND MADE BY M&M FACTORY STORE $ 00 Religious Articles and Book* TIFFAMY STYK LAHPSVOIFTS PANTSUIT-SKIRT-BLOUSES HORSE — II vaars old. Gelding, 95 Broad St 747-3204 Red Bank 264 Hwy 35. 544-0792. Eatontown 17E FronlSl Red Bank 747-4067 reasonable price. MAHN'S BROTHERS 8 Main SI. Keyport 264-1355 3 LINES - 5 DAYS - 3 OHM UVIN DAVt Open 10 to 5 p m Ratetoh Btcycle* 8 Accessorial Hum uru TMAWM CHUT NORWOOD T.V. MUST SELL —nu Thoroughbrev d Geld- ELSIE'S SUB SHOP Rl 35. Eatontown 542-0030 Sony • Radios. Stereo* ing. 10 years old. excellent pleasure Rl. 34. Belmer Btvd 681-2486 HANOCIIAFTtD OIFTI Shell Look Lovely In Fun hone. MOD or best offer. 121-414* or R«O IAMK 74I-8M7 HOLIDAY MCtMUVnONI Cassettes « T.V.I FOB SALE PRICE UP TO'200" 2724774 •MciAi omem ?95 Broadway. Long Branch 222-6270 Wlniers' Fur Shoppe ELSIE'S II SUB SHOP 120 fait Haven Road. 741 1)359 4 3 Monmoutf. SI Red Bank 741 -2675 Register Family Ads can sail your unneeded Items M Bicycles/ quickly Use our MERCHANDISE FOR SALE columns ONCE UPON A TIME COAST HARDWARE YARNBARN-ELBERON now under a separate distinctive heading Items on- & GIFT SHOPPE iftiponM & Domestic wni Mini Bikes •4UAKFAIT . LMCH • MNNn ANDIRON FIREPLACE 161 Lincoln Ave 223-B776 gmaling Irom your household may be sold lor up to ALL DMMCM UMOU W.te ANTIOUES TOYS . HOUSEWARES • TOOLS MOPED l»l — Molobecene. good 2nd 1 Brighton. Wen End. 670-100* , lver, china 585 B'wey. 222 82O0 Long Btanch SHOP $200 00 (lormerly S 100.00) per article Price lor each condition, asking 1315. TAKE OUT PARTY PLATTERS e unusual, etc Hwy 35. Utdtfttown 671-0919 DAINTY APPAREL »1-15»» item must be mentioned. (MUNDMAY TMAWMI COATS • SUITS • MUMS FAMILY DINING SUTTON & COMPANY HI 79 VUge of Menboro 462 2381 Sportiweer.lmgene»Accei*ori** M Merchandise TANG'S RESTAURANT Ptctmtt -Limp* - Rocker* Hwy 36,707-1006 Eaii KeanHjuig •CAUTIFULLY OlFT WRAP*€D 40 Breed St Red Bar* 741-00*0 Wanted MELINA JEWELERS ASSWIY •UK, N j. mvm Flowering poin AMERICAN LUMBER Call 542-1700 FINE JEWELTY AVON COSMETICS - Sea Bngnt- CHARLIES SUBS LW ChnWa & BUILDING SUPPLY ANTIOUES - All kinds, bought (or Lfv*> OmsVnae Tim. DaotnsWe. Va. Rumson-Fah Heven-Middletown area • No discount it cancelled betore expiration top cash. Marv Jane Roosevelt An- & WATCHES rMydOrMtnaaanti Hand Power Tools-Train Tables Can Dee. 530 094! tiques, in East Rive, Rd, Rumson. Mil BMMHT—m-tns Cor Monmouth A Broad. Red Bank 3480 Hwy 39 Heitet. 264-2613 RED BANK 741-4444 No i mges in copy •42-311*. Member Appraisers As- sociation ol America. 24fMofimoutl County 20 The Daily Register TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1979 231 Lltti.Sllv.r 23) Long Branch 215 MiUwin NOTICI single, non-prom housekeeping or of any such policy of Insurance Is 4. FURNISH 4 DELIVER ONE Long Branch Takt notice that on ine UtOavot unit " 131 Moustf For Salt 131 Houses For Sale 138 Mobile Horn November. i»79. the application of ba limed, shall not in any way re I9W CHEVROLET FLCETStDE R Thornberry and the Junior Section I This ordinance shall ittve tht purchaser of his contrac- PICKUP OR EQUAL TO THE MON- (Continued) lake effect upon Us passage an* tual oWigelions arising from the ac MOUTH COUNTY HIGHWAY DE League at Monmoulh County for a publication according to law /OUR SEASONS REALTY CHALLENGER I960 - 11»so. rou variance to hold a Showhouie on Ihe ctptance of his propotal for the PARTMENT, FREEHOLD, NJ RtC cutting the red tape of city the plans NEW HOMES Introduced: November V. 1979 pure hast of the Bonds. 11/14 l E Rive, R a De mowed out. DUO property know as Lochmcre, on Se> approvals for the construe- ThThe estat slae is expected to M C«ll 2*44413 en Bridges Rd was granted by the NOTICI It U anticipated 1MI CUSIP $. FURNISH 4 DELIVERJONE U0H00 COLONIAL - Four bedrooms, tour Board of Adjustment Tha Ordinance Published here identification numbers wltl ba TRIUMPH HYDRO CLIPPER tion Rather than go before foot about half the con with was introduced at a Regular FOULKS PRESTON AGENCY 0.1th-, wail lo wall carpeting, kilih OARDEN PARK MOBILE HOME Take notice that on th« 15th day printed on tht Bonds, but neither tht HYDRAULIC MOWER OR EQUAL REALTORS t'h, dining room, living room, family Bt'lhdn* Rd . H»ilel Adult p*rh Mealing of th* City Council of tha failure lo print such number on any TO THE MONMOUTH COUNTY the Zoning Board of Ad strucUon cost The 1900.000 j ol November, 1979, the application at City of Long Branch In Ihe County of WogdUnd Or -Middlc.own- room di n central air. Anderson Walk lo chopping tna NY bu Theresa Joseph Trocchia for a vari- Bond nor any trror wilh respect HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. justment to find out if a use total costs figure includes 6/1 M«4 windows, intercom, many more Fi 2M 3911 Monmouth New Jersey held on No- thtrtlo shall constitute cause tor a FREEHOLD. NJ RtC. 11/14 ance on premises known as Lot 3, vember 27, 1979 and will be further nancing arranged (77.900 Block I on the tax map of the failure or a refusal by tht purchaser 6. FURNISH 4 DELIVER A variance is needed, Cioffi the land purchases of about onsiOared for final passage after a thereof to ecctpt delivery of and MV ONE TON BUCKET TRUCK, NEW 1 nr*e bedrooms, 23' m*> Borough of Little Silver wai granted public hearing thereon at a meeting TO THE BROKER - Who tells Ihe 140 Real Estate Wante by th« Board of Adjustment. for tha Bonds in accordance wilh tht OR USED TO THE MONMOUTH suggested that the City WO.OOO, construction and iJtdfocm ]2' living room 22' t above listing, builder will list the of said City Council to ba held at the ttrms of tht purchase contract. All COUNTY TRAFFIC SAFETY EN LynnM. Thompson City Council Chambers. Third Floor, expenses In relation lo tht printing Council amend the joning furnishing the learning P C tallowing properties GiNEERING OEPT.. FREEHOLD. MELMED HE AJ.'TV *8kr »M MATAWAN LIST WITH Secretary 344 Broadway, Lone Branch, N«« of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds NJ RtC. 12/14 ordinance to bypass an tin- center, Auch said, Lenluiy It V*ni Aoencv Board ot Adjustment Jersey on December It, 1979 at 1:00 shall be peld for by the litutr, pro- HAVE BUYERS NEED LISTINGS iUIW DtC 4 U00 p.m. Ided, however, that the CUSIP Ser- 7. FURNISH 4 DELIVER IN clear clause which might A four-classroom sec- Call the Krrr Agency, Inc Dec 4 I1I.M let Bureau chargt tor tht assign- DUSTRIAL DIRECTORY FOR •,M> River Rd Fair Haven. 741 4477 MONMOUTH COUNTY IN- ban college buildings on tion of the building may not NEW RANCH - Ha/let, wall to wall 233 Luris Branch ment of the numbers shall be tht DUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DE carpel, aluminum siding, three AN ORDINANCI AMEHDINO AN responsibility of and shall tot paid Broadway. °e finished immediately if MOLMDEL LIST WITH AN ORDINANCE RIVIIINO TNI OBDINANCI AUTHORIZING TNI for by tht purchaser. VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Century 21 Van* Agency bedrooms. K1.900 ZONKS AND RATES FOR TAX CITY OP LONO BRANCH TO FREEHOLD, NJ flee 11/14 &M-1MI ICABS AND OTHIftWItl RIVI1 LIASI IPACI POR FIRE The obligations htrounder to de B FURNISH 4 DELIVER The toning amende- construction costs come in NEW Bl LEVEL — Mini-develop INO RBOULATIONS FOR TAX liver and to accept Ihe Bonds shelf EIDAL GRINDER RINGS FOR KEANSBURG — Three (amiI, nwnt (64.900 Three bedrooms, 1' J TRUCKS PROM PRIVATILY ment will be discussed at high, he added. The college ICABS SCT FORTH IN CHAPTER OWNED VOLUNTEER PIRI COM- be conditioned on the availability THE MONMOUTH COUNTY noust- Second ttoor super aeart baths aluminum siding, half brick X, TAXICABS, THE REVISED and tht delivery at Ihe lime of de- RECLAMATION CENTER, tonights council meeting, is also considering buying ni, ill wilh loVae rooms, first Moor PANIES IN THE CITY OP LONO 152 Boats A OENERAL ORDINANCES OP THE •RANCH livery of lha Bonds of (a) tht approv- AS0URY AVENUE, TINTON iwo apartment* Good condition CITY OP LONG BRANCH. itHJ ing opinion of tht law firm of Kraft & FALLS. NJ Rec. 11/14 Cioffi also said that no a parking lot to the rear of Driveway Si«.WO 49J. 01M BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Accessories BE IT ORDAtNED by the City Hughts, Newark, Naw Jtrttv, 9. SALE 4 REMOVAL OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF which will be furnished without cost parking variance should be the building KEANSBURG - 137.000 111 Council of lh« City of Long Branch. LONG BRANCH IN THE COUNTY BRASS CARTRIDGE SHELLS, M In the County of Monmouth, and lo the successful bidder, to the affect CALIBRE FROM THE MONneeded because of the Although last night's •at'dbreeie way Large three Will arrange t inane my for the above BOAT COVER SALE OF MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY that the Bonds art valid and legally lM-droom ranch, bungalow, with e» State of New Jertey, as follows' AS FOLLOWS: MOUTH COUNTY CORREC- k properties Call Carlo Construction . Mi Other M/es In stock. canv« Section l. Chapter X, Taalcabi, bindino obligations of Ihe Borough, TIONAL INSTITUTION, FREE- availability of municipal presentation was an in- udnsion attic for Iwo monCompany after S p.m , '87 3W0 r pUstic. SECTION 1: Tht Mayor and that all lha taxable real property ncdroom. Remodeled Subject lo ot an ordinance entitled The Revised Cilv Clerk art hereby aulhorlnd lo HOLD, NJ Rtc. 12/14 parking lots in the area, formal one, the board THE BOAT HOUSE General Ordinances of the City of therein will be Subject lo the law of tJtits Broker. S49 6J00 OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Wayside 1132 OCEAN AVE SEA BRICH execute leases In behalf of Ihe Cltv of ad valorem taxes to pav the Bonds 10. FURNISH 4 DELIVER Long Branch, 1970, adopted January Long Branch with prlvattlv owned SEVIN 4 OIL FOR MONMOUTH The college will does not made only a few minor Woods and Long View Village la, 1971, and amendment* thereto, is and tht Inltrtsl thereon without lim- KEVPORT - J35.0OO SB Mdir blegani new homes from $116 000 ni-nii fire companies for space tor fire itation as to rate or amount and that COUNTY SHADE TREE COM expect to need any vari- suggestions about chang- >tift't Large older Colonial wili*i hereby amended by the substitution trucks In said companies for a Peri- MISSION, FREEHOLD. NEW JER Call S3I i)'.oi Open Tups Sun of the following in place of Section Interest on the Bonds Is exempt from iiv.' sevt-n bedrooms, completely re od of one (1) year commencing Jan- Ftdtrtl income taxation j (b) SEY N,. iru ances for the construction, ing the plans. "•...•Hi-., u S Govermeni owned OCEANPORT — Will build to suit, 104.1: uary t, 1*79 and ending December u certificates In form satisfactory lo 11. FURNISH A DELIVER ONF lUOu-il lo bids Broker. S49 6/00 hum (69000 Passible 10' , 0 moil FLAGSHIP MARINE 104 Zonts and Rates 31, ItTf. that firm evidencing tht proper ex- 19M MALIBU CHEVROLET OR The building was de- Both the mayor and Udge available 787 3SO0 POWER 104.1 Zones Established SECTION 1: The leases to be ecution and delivery of the Bonds EQUAL TO THE MONMOUTH Bdviiner, Boston Whdler The City 'or the purpose ot es- COUNTY PLANNING BOARD. signed with a main en- board members lauded the LITTLE SILVER OCEANPORT - Will buitd to suit, executed shall be with tht Atlantic and receipt of payment thertfor and u tablishing taxicab rates shall be the fad that lha Bonds will not be FREEHOLD, NJ RtC. 11/17 Liyht up the Yule Log in me lire from (69.000 Possible 10'j o murt Engine and Truck Company, trance on,Broadway, near college and said the build iIOO lot, low taxes 10' J°O mort 291-5600 AUTOMOTIVE 4 TRUCK PARTS tic Ocean on the east. SECTION 3: Tht rental Ihrettentd affecting Ihe validity of Cioffi said he expected property, but proponents uage available Call W2 8376 payments for Iht flrt houses Include FOR HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1 B. ZONE TWO shall include all the Bonds. A copy of Ihe approving CENTRAL MOTOR POOL. FREE- FOUR ANTIQUE CHRtS CRAFT any and all services tor the taking of opinion will appear on the Bonds the center to be a major say that the tax revenue ARMSTRONG Hlli BANK - Six room house 26 Mdriugrfny boali, 193* 19S* vint#t thai *r%M south of Broadway and calls and for all other services ren- HOLD, NJ Rec. 12/17 AGENCY REALTORS Central Ave Good buv (11,000 Wood in eacellent shape. Ca north of Cedar Avenue bounded on DATED: November 20,1979 step in the revitalization of lost is insignificant when • •i1) Prospect Awe Little Silve U! NII after 4 pm. dered bv the laid tire companies. 14. FURNISH 4 DELIVER ?45 6S4i or 920-9391 me east by tha Atlantic Ocean and SECTION 4: Section 4 Is hereby ANTIFREEZE TO VARIOUS DE- downtown Broadway. compared to the greater 741-4500 RED BANK — (18.000. 2JJ South on the west by the Borough of West Medelint H. Bucco PARTMENTS, MONMOUTH Long Branch. amended and supplemented to read OPEN 7 DAYS Undge Ave Completely remodeled I I Nt/I MARINA — For Rant* as follows: Rental shall Include the Boroueh Clerk COUNTY, NEW JERSEY FOR THE Although Brookdale re- good it is hoped the center MIDDLETOWN - Cape wilh livm lhitf« bedroom ranch Low income Bay boattng. in-oul berthing servi' C. ZONK THRfii shall include space for the fire trucks DtC. 4 $70.JO PERIOD 1/1/80 12/31/10 RtC. 12/17 ceived preliminary ap- will do for the city. • iiiuin kitchen, den. two bedrooms buyers welcome Subject to bids. lor power and sail boats, 15 to 2i all that area south of Cedar Avenue, SECTION 5: This Ordinance II. FURNISH 4 DELIVER one i and dHatched garagr In Broker. *49 6700 Used boat Mies W 1139 which extends from Norwood Ave- shall take tfftct after final Passage. IMMIddlttown LUMBER 4 SUPPLIES TO THEprovals for the project in The resolution passed tenor and t-Mlt-rior recently pamled nue lo Ocean Avenue; bounded by publication and according to law. MONMOUTH COUNTY BRIDGE RUMSON AREA - Call or send for MAKO, MARQUIS, O M C . the Atlantic Ocean on tha east, by "Separate staled bid* for thtDEPARTMENT, FREEHOLD, NJ July from both the county by the freeholders in July Mi IM.II VA .I'MI FHA welcom Introduced: November 27,1*7*. following will ba received by tht Owners will consider morlqau* to our * Shore and Country Living" I'm i.ii. Johnson, t / Load the Borough of West Long Branch NOTICI RtC. 11/17 1 brochure, mis, descriptions, prices and Ocean Township on the west and Middletown Township Board of 14. FURNISHING DATA EN- freeholders and the state approving the Long Branch .. .in ., .i buyer Reduced \** WO Trailers Boat and motor storage the Borough of Deal on the south. The Ordinance published here- Education at tha Administration on ..«. htsivr listings AP- in,'. Marine Neptune "•, ' i with was introduced at a Regular TRY KEY-TO-DISK SYSTEM TO Board of Higher Educa- site requires the city to PLE BROOK AGENCY, Realtors. Section 2. Chapter X, Taxicabs, Meeting of ihe Cltv Council ol Ihe Building, 59 Tlndall Road, Mid- THE MONMOUTH COUNTY CEN- JEAN IRWIN 117 Ave ot Two Rivers, Rumson, MARINE ELECTRONICS - F ot an ordinance entitled The Revised City of Long Branch In the County of dltlown, N.J. up lo 11:00 a.m. pr# TRAL DATA PROCESSING DE- tion, the college will now provide adequate parking, 842 2900 Ihe latest in Si Te* recorders. VH General Ordinances of the City of Monmoulh, Ntw Jersey held on No- vailing time, Wednesday, December PARTMENT, FREEHOLD, NJ Rec Marine Park Realtor, Red Bank Long Branch, 1970, adopted January 12th, 1979. have to go back to both lighting and police protec- THINKING OF Selling or Buying? radios, direction finders or Lora vember 27, 1979 and will be further 1/2/10 your best buy is 26,1971, and amendments thereto, it considered for final passage after a 1. Chain Link Fencing — Thomp- Complele specifications and boards for final approval of tion for the center. 842-4188 Call TRANS EXECUTIVE REALTY nerebv amended by the substitution son Junior High School. 671 1800 BOAT HOUSE public hearing thereon al a meeting form of bid tor Iht proposed work 1132 Ocean Ave. Sea Brig of Ihe following In place of Section of said Cllv Council to be held at the 2. Corkboard Supplies, on flit al the office of Ihe AAIODLCTOWN Call or send foi THREE BEDROOM HOME — In 104,2: Cltv Council Chambers, Third Floor, Bidders art required 10 comply chasing Department, Hall of Re- our Snore ana Country Living' commercial /one, strategic loca- ui-itn 10-6.2 Rates Established. 344 Broadway, Long Branch, New with the requirements of Chapter cord*. Main Street, Freehold. Ntw Brochure, PKS, descriptions, prices tion, settle estate, available about Open Tues through Sun The price that may bo charged Jersey on December 11, 1979 at roo 127, Public Laws of 197S. Jersey and copies may bt received OceanTownship plans ng properties race Apartments. Large lour-yea Iv-flve (1 Jit cents for each addi- NOTICI TO IIDDIM ship's personnel and salary FOR THE APPLICANT Th* Board of Commtislofwn of SHADOW LAKE CONDO — Twoold male, while and gray, may beil tional passenger from the same 731,000 General Improvement Dec. 4 UK manager, most of the em-guidelines. 04 I ANPORT RANCH - Will build bedrooms, two baths, fireplace, cen- IIM'.'.IIHJ since Oct. 23. family hear household. Bonds, maturing In the principal Iht Borough of Bradley B««ch will 10 Wit. from (69.000 tral air. ranch Atlached, gaiage brokert. Mb reward M3-21B9 E. To or from Zone 2 to Zone 3, amount of tSO.000 In each of tha NOTICI OP DECISION rtctlvt bldt In Borough Hall, 701 ployees that would be af- opens (o eat in kitchen Priced below rears 1900 to 19t4, inclusive, 140,000 OP BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT Main Strati, Bradlav Baach. on Dt- The study was done in one ($1.75) dollar and seventy-five cambtr 11,197« at 1:00o'clock P.M., fected by the ordinance are NEW RANCH — Ha/lel, wall lo wall market (>0's. 6-MIW4. Evenings, LOST LABRADOR — Answer. I cents tor one and two passengers in each of tht years IMS to 1991, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: November 1978, the plan i titut aluminum siding, three 8720131. Jel, 7' i years old. Middlelown area Inclusive, and 141,000 In Ihe year PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby giv- ai ai toon tharaattar ai tha mattar those who work in the and Iwenlv-tive ($.25) cent! for each can bt raachad for raqulrtmantt hedroorm, 151.900 Reward 49* 2296 alter -, additional passenger from the same tits. en to all persons that * public h*tr- begun in January and was household. ig was held on November 7. 197* al during 1990 on Iht following Town Hall, such as clerks 138 Mobile Homes LOST — Female German Shepherd 1361,000 Assessment Bonds. Trash Collactlon — Collection completed in June. NEW Bf-LEVEL - Mini develop leather and flea collar, answers t F. To or from any place In Zone during In Iht principal amount of which hearing an application for a and secretaries. .-I. m (64,900 Three bedrooms, \Vi variance to contruct a dwelling on and removal or all rafuta. traih, "Shtru". Locust area Reward 3. one ($1.50) dollar and fifty cents (40,000 in each of the years iftO to garbaoa. alhaf, ale, from lha Fehrenbach said he spent • •<< Mi.ui/ri Gray, lloppy ears, an canls where lha required fee is Each of the Bonds will bt of Ihe Bank. Fair Haven, and on November 26. swers to RuMie Vicinity Telegrap one dollar ($1.75) and seventy-five denomination of $5,000 except that Dated: December 3,1979 1979 was finally adopted and ap- tempt to rob a Fotomat tion and asked her if she The most luminous vest layer- Hill Rd Children heartbroken. Re cents and shall pay one dollar ($1.7S) the Bonds sold of either issue that ROSEMARY MINEAR proved. ward 671 4016. and savtntv-fiva cants wher* the mature In any one year In excess of attendant yesterday at the had ever been robbed ing over tops and pants, skirls. Attest • required fee is two ($2.00) dollars. the largest principal amount thereof Secrttarv noses, leaies stand out against equalling a multiple of (5,000 will be DtC. 4 SSJO Roy W. Nelson Ocean Plaza Shopping Cen- before, pushing a brown Section 4, This ordinance shall Borough Clark creamy mesh Quick, easy filet 211 Special Notices take effect after final passage, publi- of tht denomination of (1,000 each. ter, Routes 9 and 524, may paper bag in front of her The Bonds will be Issued In bearer 243 Shrewsbury .William c. Rue crochet just flat pieces using cation and according to law. Mayor Introduced: November 27,1979 form with a single coupon attached Township be linked to a purse- and asking her to read the 2 strands ol bedspread cotton COUNSELING - Personal proo lor each Installment of interest Dec. 4 WOO i. rn • relationships, seauality. de Henry R. Cloffl thereon, will be reglstrablt is lo NOTICI snatching at the shopping note inside the bag. The Pattern 447 chart, directions Mayor NOTICI pression Arlene Mehlman, MS Jennie C. DeFailo principal only or as to both principal SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP An Ordinance entitled "AN OR- center only 45 minutes lat- saleswoman told police she siies 818 included. M'.W 842 3443 and Interest rtconvertlble at the ex- MAYOR AND COUNCIL POST- City Clerk pense of the holder Into coupon PONED THEIR REGULAR MEET- DINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER er. crumpled the bag and re- JIM COTTRELL is SO NOTICI bonds, and will be payable In lawful ING TO DECEMBER 13th, 1979IV. SECTION 4, OP THE "RE- JIM COTTRELL is 50 The Ordinance published here- money ot the United Slates ot Ameri- THURSDAY AT 1:00 P.M. VISED GENERAL ORDINANCES The Fotomat employee turned it to the two men JIM COTTRELL Is 50 with was Introduced at a Regular OF THE BOROUGH OF FAIR ca at the otlice ot Franklin State Anne C. Swiltk HAVEN, NEW JERSEY." PASSED $1.50 tor each pattern. Add 404 Meeting of the City Council of the Bank, Matawan, Ntw Jtrttv. told police that two white after she found no note, City of Long Branch in lha County of Clark AND APPROVED" was presented each pattern for first-class air- Monmouth, New Jersey held on No Shrewsbury Township, N.J for Introduction and first reading on men, riding in a white car When one of the two men Each proposal must specify: DtC. 4 $300 November 1], 1979. bv the Mayor mail and handling. Stnd to: 213 Instruction 'amber 27, 1979 and will b* further a. a single rate ot Interest that with a red roof, fled emp- warned her there was a considered tor final passage after a the Bonds ar§ to bear, In a multiple and Council of the Borough of Fair public hearing thereon at a meeting Of 1/8 or 1/20 ol 1%; 244 W«st Long Branch Haven, and on November ». 1979 ty-handed after a second gut) in the car's glove corn- A REAL ESTATE - Sales licensir of said City Council to be held at the was finally adopted and approved. course Mornings. Dec 1021. b. the principal amount ot Bond* NOTICE TO IIDDIM William C. Rue City Council Chambers, Third Floor, the bidder will accept, which shall car pulled alongside the partment, a second car Monmouth Institute, 741 0779 344 Broadway, Long Branch, New TAKE NOTICE that staled pro- Mayor Laura Wheeler be (1,092,000 or any lesser amount posals will be received by Iht Attest: photo establishment, pulled alongside and the ACCORDION LESSONS — Pnvad Jersey on December 11, 1979 at 8:00 which Is a multiple of (1,000, the Borough Council of tht Borough of Leave message for Joe. c/o Ho Bonds accepted being the first 10 West Long Branch, Monmouth Coun- Roy w Nelson which has dual windows, two men fled. Needlecraft Dapt. 61 brauhaus, 291-0224 or write J. Si. Dec. 4 i Ml mature; and ty. Naw Jersey tor tht purchase ot lorough Clerk P O Box 501, New Monmouth, N. c. the price the bidder will pav. Iwo (2) police cars for the ute of tht Dec. 4 15.70 AN ORDINANCIAMINDINO AND which shall bt not less thai Police Department of tht Borough of SUPPLEMENTING "THE RE- Wtst Long Branch, Said bids shall The Daily Register VISED OENERAL ORDINANCES (1,092,000 nor mort than (1,093,000 ISO Other Public Notlcm Fort Dix probes socializing Tha Bonds will bt sold to the bt presented to tht Borough Clark, OF THE CITY OP LONO BRANCH, opened and wilt be rtad In public at 1970" ADOPTED JANUARY U, 1971 biddtr specifying the lowest rate of MEALY , FALK 4 aULONIV FORT DIX (AP) - Dix regulations by social- Interest. As between such proposal the Borough Hall, 95 Poplar Avtnut, 149 HIOHWAY H. P.O. IOX 117 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO Wtst Long Branch, Ntw Jersey on • Y AMINDINO AND SUP-spec living the same rale of interest, • ELFORD, NIW )••»> 07711 Army officials are in- izing with a woman train- the Bonds will be sold to the bidder Tuesday, December 11, 1979 at 3:00 (Mil 49J 1100 PLEMENTING CERTAIN PARTS p.m., prevailing time. vestigating charges that 11 Boi 161, 0U Chotio* SU, New OF CHAPTER XX-ZONING. who offers to accepl ifee least ATTORN! YJ FO« Plaintiff ee. Tort, NV 10011. Print Nami, 222 Eatontown amount Of Bonds. If two er more Sptc If leal Ions and proposal 8l permanent camp per- BE IT ORDAINED bv the City such bidders offer to accept the Lt. Col Peter F. Drury, BOROUGH OP IATONTOWN Council of Ihe City of Long Branch in forms art on file In tht office of tha SUPERIOR COURT OF Address, Zip, Pattern Number. same amount of bonds, then the Borough Clerk at the Borough Hall, NIWJIMIY sonnel, all men, broke Fort a public information of- NOTICE OF DECISION the County of Monmouth, and State bonds will bt sold lo tht bidder offer- NEW> 1980 NEEDLECRAFT of New Jersey as follows: 95 Poplar Avenue, west Long CHANCERY DIVISION NOTICE Is hereby glvan that t Ing to pay thtrefor tht highest price. Branch, Ntw Jersey, and may bt MONMOUTH COUNTY ficer, said the woman ori- catalog. Value packed! Over 170 Planning Board of the Borough Section 1 Section Mi B (a) Mod- if two or more such bidders offer to Inspected and received bv pros Deckel Na F4I04 71 designs—all crafts. 3 free pat Eatontown at their regular meeti ification of Standards for Senior pay the samt price, than the Bonds ptctlvt bidders during tht hours of hflS Dill Kinally told Army author- on September 24, 1979 wanted fin Citizen's Housing, of an ordinance shall be sold to one of such bidders CIVIL ACTION terns printed inside. Send SI.00 entitled "Tht Reviled General Or- 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. or may ba NOTICI TO ABiINT ities she was raped but lat- subdivision approval of lands a selected bv lot from among all such obtained bv telephone request at DtPINOANTS premises known ai Block 117, n dinances of the City of Long Branch, bidders. The purchaser must also (201) 229-1754. er retracted the accusation 17 and 18 as shown on the Officl 1970" adopted January 26, 1971 and pay an amount equal lo Ihe interest Plaintiff Tan Map of Ihe Borough of Eatof amendments thereto, Is hereby on the Bonds accrued to the date ot Proposals must bt on tht stan ANNA L. CONZ1N, on agencies when it came time to make town, a copy of the Resolution gran amended and supplemented so that payment of the purchase price. dard proposal form and must ba va. it reads astollowi: tnclosad In a staled envelop* on tha TRENTON (AP) - a sworn statement. Printed Pattern ing the final subdivision apoto< LEWIS S.FOSTER and JANI DOE, and the document! related there 20'8.6 Modification ot Standards The right Is reserved to refect outside of which shall appear Iht Gov. Brendan T. Byrne has all bids and any bid not complying name and address of the bidder and wilt al Lewis I. Faster, Jane Dea Regulations prohibit are on file in the office of the Eato for Senior Citizen's Housing with the terms of this notice will be Iht dtslgnation "POLICE CAR being fIctltleas. Motr heirs, devisees on his desk a bill that Four Necklines town Borough Clerk and can be a. Garden apartment or lower rejected. BID" addressed to the Borough permanent personnel at . viewed during regular builnt apartment structures may be speci- Clerk, Borough ot West Long Branch would give the state. Legis- fied for and restricted to occupancy Each biddtr Is required to de- any *f WwHr successors la rtfM. till* hours. posit a certified ' treasurer's or and must be accompanied by cash, a Mtf Marast; JOHN I. POffTIR, Fort Dix, a major Army Albert T. Berlc bv senior citizens, at that term may certified check, or bid bond, drawn lature greater control over be defined by the US Department cashier's chech payable lo the order Trusle* MM JOHN I. POSTER an* training camp, from so- Attorney for Appllo Of tht BOROUGH OF MATAWAN to tht ordtr of tht Borough Clerk of JANI ROI, wlf* *f Jtfca I. P« Dated November 30.1979 of Housing and Urban Development tht Borough of Wtsl Long Branch, state agencies, which oper- end Ihe New Jersey Apartment of for (21.840 drawn upon a bank oi UM MKM JMM INMN Iktt*___. cializing with any trainees D*C 4 U trust company, and the check should for not less than ten (10%) percent ot (Mr kainw d*vls**« end ate under the governor's Community Affairs, In that even the amount of tht bid. r*frete*.lauvts MM) a*)V *t Uteir MK- of either sex, even during (rw 1iT«V for following standards shall ovei bt enclosed with the proposal. Whai office. ride and augment the regulations < tht successful biddtr has been Bidders art required to comply cess*ri la rteert, tltl* a*** mter*st; off-duty hours, Drury said. 229 Ktansburfl 70-1.1 and/or 10 B 3 and 94 104,4 as ascertained, all such deposits will be with the requirements of P.L. 1975, ANOUI C. PHILLIPS and JANIT The Assembly voted appropriate. Except where con- promptly returned to th* person* c. 127. DOI, wlf. *f Amtm C. PMIIlM, saM NOTICI making them, except the check nam* Ja««t DM a*.** IICUUHM, 65-0 yesterday to pass the The rule is intended to tradiction or augmentation exists, The successful bidder will ba tMr twin, .Hwl»*jti, Mriawal ntrt- The following ordinance w however, the regulations of those the successful bidder, which will be required lo comply with provisions paswd and approved upon its sacoi sections shall apply. applied In part payment for the taMatfvoi and any *f tfc*lr site bill, already approved by prevent impressionable and final reading and upon Its pub Bonds or to secure the Borough from of tht Ntw Jersey Prevailing Wage cttatn Mi rtt*L tut* a** tetanst, Act, Chapter 150 of Iht Laws of 1963, MX (ft* ITATI OP NIW JIHIY, the Senate, to allow the trainees from being overly hearing by the Municipal Council Section 2. This ordinance shall any loss resulting from the failure ol effective January 1,1964. SHAPED to fit and flatter you the Borough of Keansburg, New Je take effect after final passage, publ! tha bidder to comply with the terms Legislature to review regu- influenced by permanent sey On November 29. 1979 and Wi cation and according lo law, of his bid. Award of the Bonds to the Tha Borough Council reserves Anna L, Conien, th* Plaintiff, to TOPPED by a choice of four ordered adopted and approved aft* successful bidder, or rejection of al tht right lo reltct any and all bids, Lewi j S. Foster and Jan* Dot, wlft Army personnel at the Introduced: November 27,1979 of Lewis S. Foster, Jan* Dot being lations issued by adminis- necklines. Sew one version for Publication required by law. Henry R. Cloffl bids, Is tKpMled to be mad* within hold bids for study and decision tor a two hours after opening of th* bids, period of thirty (SO) days, or to fictitious, their hairs, devisees and trative bodies. base, he said. 1980s first party, another lor Marlam j. So mm* Mayor walvt any formalities, where such personal representatives and anv of Jennie C. DeFailo but tht successful bidder may not Borough Cler withdraw his proposal until aftti formality Is not detrimental to tht their successors In right, title and Under the bill, after an spring You'll km it. ORDINANCE #116 Clerk best Interest of tht municipality interest; John E. Foster, Trust** NOTICI 11:30 o'clock p.m. of the day of such agency issues a regulation, Printed Pattern 9072: Half AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH bid opening and then only It th* BY ORDER OF THE and John E. Fosttr and Jan* Rot, INC THE ANNUAL MINIMU The Ordinance published here award has not been made prior to wlf* ot John E. Foster, said name Sires I0W, 12H, U», 160, AND MAXIMUM SALAR with was Introduced at • Regular MAYOR ANDCOUNCIL Jane Ro* being fictitious, thtlr the Legislature would have tha withdrawal. Th* Bonds will be OF WEST LONG BRANCH Workers get 180. 200, 220. Sue 140 (bust RANGES FOR THE OFFICES AN Meeting of the Cllv Council of the delivered about 30 days after the heirs, devisees and personal repre- 90 days to veto it. It the POSITIONS OF PERSONS EM Cftv of Long Branch In the County of FRANCES L. TOWNSENO, sentatives and any of thtlr suc- 37) takes 2 7/8 yards 45-inch date ot sal* al such place In New Borough Clark PLOYED BV THE BOROUGH O Monmouth, Naw Jersey held on No- York Cllv as th* undersigned sh*i cessors In right, till* and Inttrtst; Legislature did not act, the pay increase KEANSBURG. vember 27, 1979 and will be further fix, or at such other place as may be Dec. 4 sis.oo Angus C. Phillips and Jantt Do*, regulation would auto- Dec. 4 t* 00 considered for final paisag* after a agreed upon with the successful bid wltt of Angus C. Phillips, said name Send $1.50 for nek pattern. public hearing thereon at a meeting der. 241 Monmouth County * Janet Do* being fictitious, thtlr FREEHOLD TOWN- of said City Council to be held at Ihe heirs, devisees- personal represent- matically take effect. Add 40« for MCh pattern for NOTICI City Council Chambers, Third Flooi COUNTY OP MONMOUTH atives and any of their successors In A standing legislative SHIP - Municipal workers fintclan airmail, handling. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Th 344 Broadway. Long Branch, Nc< Each proposal must bt tnclosed STATE OP NEW JIRSEV right, till* and Interest: M«,let Keansburo-Middletown Jol Jersey on December 11, 19/9 at 600 In t staled envelop* and should be NOTICI TO BIDDERS committee would be here who are not covered Stnd to: Flood Control Commission will ho p.m. marked on Ihe outside "Proposal for Notkt IS hereby given thai You are hereby summoned and by a labor contract woud a regular meeting on Thursday, D Bonds" and, If mailed, addressed to sealed bids will ba received by tht required to serve upon Haaly, Falk created to constantly re- cert'ber 6, 1979. at 1:00 P.M. In th DtC. 4 118 00 or in care of the undersigned at th* Purchasing Department of the Coun- <1 Malon«v, Plaintiff's attorneys. receive an 8 percent cost- Kexnsburg Municipal Building, AN ORDINANCE AMINDINO Borough Hall, ISO Main Street ty of Monmouth, New Jtrttv and whose address Is It* Highway M, view regulations to see if Church St., Keansburg, N.J. CHAPTER XX, (ZONING, OP AN Matawan, New Jerstv 07747. opened and read in public In Room Balford. New Jersey. In answer lo the Legislature should try of-living increase under MARIAN MARTIN Rat-Ellen OBrle ORDINANCE KNOWN IV ITS The successful bidder may al his #200, Freeholders' Meeting Room, tht Complaint filed In the Civil Ac the terms of an ordinance Sacrttar SHORT FORM TITLE "TNI RE- option refuse to accept the Bonds if located in the Hall of Records, Main tion In which Anna L. Conctn Is to stop them. Dtc. 4 . M- VISED OENERAL ORDINANCES prior to thtlr delivery any Income Street, Freehold, New Jersey at Plaintiff, and all of you ar* defen- introduced by the Town- Pattern Dipt. 420 OP TMI CITY OP LONO IRANCH, tax law of th* United Slates of Amer 11:00 A.M. sharp on tht oatts follow- dants, pending in th* Superior Court lea shall provide tnat th* Interest ing tht Item. of New Jersey within thirtv-flv* 2MOth.r Public Notice* ship Committee last night. HOTtCl IWt. (FAMILY)" days after December 4. 1979, *« The following ordinance wi An Ordinance amending thereon is taxable or shall be taxable 1. FURNISHING L DELIVERY al a futur* date for federal Income OF DIESEL FUEL TO VARIOUS cluslv* ol such data. It vou fall to do Book mo. of Mortwots. Page II, The Daily Register Pif»*d and approved upon Its Mcon Chapter XX (Zoning) of an or so. Judgment bv Default may b* which covers Block ion. Lot 10. also A final vote on the in- and final reading and upon us publ dinance known by III Short lorm title tax purposes. In such case Ihe de COUNTY LOCATIONS, MON posit mad* bv him shall be n turned MOUTH COUNTY, NEW JERSEY rendered against vou for tht relict known as 175 Main Street Balford. crease will be taken at the hearing by the Municipal Council "The Revised General Ordinances demanded In the Complaint. You Naw Jersey, on tha tax duplicate of of tht City of Long Branch, mo.'" and ft* will bt relieved of hit con- FOR THE PERIOD T/1/BO-/I2/31/B0 the Borough of Keansburg, New Je tractual obligations arising from th* Rec 12/14 shall III* your Answer and Proof of said municipality committee's next meeting sev on November 29, 1979 and wa Bt It ordained bv the Mayor and acceptance of his proposal. Service, In duplicate, with the Clerk You and MCh of you are made later this month. 232 WBMIUI St, KM fort, NV ordered adopted and approved afte Council of the City of Long Branch 2. FURNISHING AND DE of the Superior Court. Slat* Hous* defendants herein because you have. publication required by law. as follows: If fit* Bonds Qualify for issuance LIVERY OF DOCKETS A Annex, Trenton, Ntw Jersey In *c or make claim bv virtue of In- 10011. Print NAME, AOOMSS, Marlam JSpleima Section 1. Chapter XX (Zoning) of anv pollcv *f municipal bond In- JACKETS TO THE MONMOUTH cordanc* with th* Rules of Civil herllance. descant. Intestacy dtvlse, In other business, the OP, SUE Mil STYLE NUMBER. Borough Cler It hereby amended and sup-surance or commitment therefor ai COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, 297 Practice and Procedure. The object dower, courtesy, entry of Judgment, ORDINANCE #115 plemented so that Section 20-3.26 th* option of a bidder, any purchase BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, ot said action is lo foreclose a cer- or otherwise, to have some right, committee awarded a CUT CLOTHING COSTS with our AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH Family shall read as follows: of such Insurance or commltmenl NEW JERSEY FOR THE PERIOD tain lax sales certificate made by title, lien, ar Inttrtst effecting the $50,000 contract to the Bur- NEW FALL-WINTER PATTERN CAT- INO THE ANNUAL MINIMUM "20-3.26 Family (al one or more therefor shall bt at th* sol* option t/i/BO-12/31/fJO RtC, 11/14 Herbert Bredshaw, Collector of Tan- real tslata uting foreclosed. and expense ot the bidder and any 1. FURNISHING ft DELIVERY as, In the Township of Middletown. AND MAXIMUM SALAR person*, rented bv Blood or mar- HEALY. FALK 1MALONIY roughs Corp. of Trenton to ALOG .. sew a new ward RANGES FOR THE OFFICES AN riage occupying a dwelling unit and Increased costs of issuance of th* OF ONE VHF PERSONAL TWO- Monmouth County, N*w J*rs*y, to robe for less $JJ Free $150 living as a single, nonprofit house- Bonds resulting bv reason of such WAY RADIO 4 ONE DECK TYPE th* Plaintiff Anna Connn, dated No- BY: MAURICE J.MALONEY purchase electronic termi- POSITIONS' OF PERSONS EM Insurance, unless otherewise -paid, vember 22,1971, and recorded tn Ihe Atlorntv for th* Plaintiff, pattern coupon. Catalog, $1 PLOYED BY THE BOROUGH O keeping unit; or (b) not more lhar BATTERY CHARGER FOR SCAT nals to be used In the police tour (4) unrelated Individuals occu' shall be paid bv such biddtr, Anv PROJECT, FREEHOLD, NJ RtC Monmoutt. County Clark's Offkt In Anna L. Conien KEANSBURG. faljure ot th* Bonds to be so insured W14 Dated: November JO, 1979 OK. * M.0C pylng t dwelling unit and living ai a Dec. 4 Ul 10 radio monitoring system. Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY, NJ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1979 The Daily Register 21 PAW!! WOULD VE MIND CHOPP1N' ME AN flRMLOAD OF KINDUNWOOD? Crossword puzzle

ACROSS 28 Completed 44 Ballot 12 Fiend 1 Gambling 32 Mourning 46 Emotional 11 -- Gynt disc atom outburst 21 Title ol Geography 33 Boundary 46 Fa«y respect reference 34 Girl in 44 Damages B Whal s - book Uncle severely lor me? 10 Cut inlo Toms • Thin Shy bits Cabin Mongolian U Huns 14 Railroad 36 Goddess tribesman 27 Fishing 15 Lariat ol youth •A Latin abb basket 16 Passion 36 Architec Narrative Jb Discharges 17 Related ,'lure style • poem 29 Certain 18 Mystery 37 Large H Turkish telescope award number decree 30 Chris ol 19 Square 3B Teleosl Antitoxins tennis DITTO.' WHAT HAVE VOU HOW COULD >0U / WHAT'S measure 39 Made public •H Completed 31 Former veep BEEN DOING? SET SO DIRTY / A TENN/S 20 Realms 40 English BO Imprisoned 33 Peter of PLAYIN6 ON A COURT? 22 Haggle couniy |1 Goll ha/aid pictures 36 01 health TENNIS COURT? 24 Work by 41 Pullman Homer cars DOWN lood 26 Honky— 43 Goes 1 Aimed 37 Most Duel 26 Thespians quickly 2 Raise as 39 Pease prices porridge in — Yesterday I A ^2le Solved 3 Matchless 4 Ulysses 40 Highlander 4.' Make linn H .1m•1 Munn wife >iwi


"We washed my ears in case the doctor wants to look in them." Andy Capp

«XJ 'AVE A LIE IN, ANY MOREOF YOUR Your horoscope, birthday PET, AN' IU mtf VOUACUPOF T UP AN'YOU CAN- ODFFEE - WHERE r MAKE If Y'SELF!! TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 life brings 18) - Tact takes you far no lVnge^vith you Time is Born today, you are not Alto born on this date today in your efforts to gain decidWJy on your side one to be satisfied working are: Thomas Carlyle. the support of one who has LEO(July 23-Aug. 22) - for other people. For that tamed British historian; Lil- not been friendly lately. You might do well to recon- reason, you must begin early lian Russell, actreis. PISCES(F«b. 10-March sider your priorities. It is in life to develop the inde- To see what is in store for 20) - If you keep your place possible that you really have pendence of both means and you tomorrow, find your behind the scenes, you will put the cart" before the character that will enable birthday and read the corre- continue to exert the kind of horse you to strike out on your sponding paragraph Let influence you wish. VIRGOfAug. 23-Sept 22) own. Intellectual, you will your birthday star be your ARIESIMarch 21-Aprll - Locking the barn door never be happy without the daily guide 19) - You would do well not after the horse is stolen is of challenge of learning to to ask for more than another no avail Make an effort to The Wizard of Id keep you on your mental WEDNESDAY. DECEM- seems willing to give - for think ahead metal. On the other hand, BERS the time being' you enjoy those periods of SAGITTARIUSINov. 22- TAURUSCAprll 2O-May LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) THE 0MEP OF THIS ...PRCMPM& HE relaxation that offer fun and D«c. 21) -- The confidence 20) - Start at once to build a • Move from a position of games and all manner of you display is catching" nest-egg; otherwise, you will mindless recreation. You can encourage the strength Be ready to accept SHCPULP BE never be able to afford the an offer should it be made; Your love of nature should young by your own good nest itself! example don't be disappointed if it is keep you supplied with ever- GEMINI(May 21-June 20) not new places to explore You CAPRICORNIDec. 22- •• Stick to the story you've will very likely spend holi- Jan 19) -- Plans tor the decided to tell Remember days in the country, though immediate future must be SCORPIOIOct. 23-Nov. the details of the situation 21) •• Domestic situations your career may require carefully and completely you relate and all is well that you spend your working laid Consider smal'l" may be more inherently fun- matters CANCER) June 21-July ny than you, are presently days as a city-dweller In the 22) -• Much to your joy, a end. you will adapt to whal AQUARIUSIJan. 20-Feb. willing to admit Think health problem is. as of now. about It"

Doonesbury South dealer • . Sheinwold's bridge advice Both sides vulnerable «at, ITWU6HT nSURE is! the diamonds since dummy's IME SHOULP GET n WmETO tWONEIAJHO By Alfred Sheinwold then bids one noirump. The NORTH 1 strength is in full view, but opponents pass. You hold: • 6 • 652 REVIVAL PAW IT OVER WITH. mm In some hands you must viHI can create an optical il- I LIKE IT-1 BESIPE5, IT'S * ATALKSHOU 52'9KJ6O'KQ54*K8 VKJ6 race for your tricks before 1 \ RIFE MTH P05- PUR1N6 THE 70s lusion in clubs. At the second 3 What do vou say OKQ54 WASN'T TRYIN6. the opponents get theirs. If trick, lead the jack of clubs. smjms! you can't outrun them, try to • K83 ANSWER: Bid two or slow them down. If West is an experienced WEST EAST three notrump, depending on You need four tricks in the player he will quickly play a • J 10 4 your partner's ability to get •Q9873 minor suits today. If you force low club in the hope that you V 10 7 4 2 the most out of the cards. V953 out an ace, a spade will come are about to lose a finesse to 0962 Don't make life too difficult OA8. back. Then you have only his partner's imagined queen. *A74 for an inexperienced (or in- • 96 2 • eight tricks, and when you ept) partner, SOUTH lead the other minor suit the Once you have stolen that opponents will get three club trick you switch to, • AK spades and two aces. diamonds and take your nine Q (A POCKET GUIDE TO O J 10 7 3 •. a How can you reach your tricks. A fake finesse fools many a foe. BRIDGE written by Alfred * Q J 10 5 goal before they reach theirs? Sheinwold is available Get Hagar DAILY QUESTION your copy by sending SI 25 to South Weil North Eul ILLUSION ihe Red Bank Register. P.O. INT Pass 3 NT All Pass BELIEVE A\E, LIFE IS Partner bids one club, you Box 1000. Los Angeles. Calif OOfJ'T YOU OfJCE TWE KIP5 LEFT You can't do anything with respond one diamond, and he Opening lead — • J YOUR I COULDN'T WAIT MlJcM R anri5.ii OLP MOUSE TO /V\O\/E TO A I'VE MAPE OUT A LIST UELL /W HANP5 ARE PLACE/ CHRISTMAS IS C0MIN& CHARLIE BROUN TOHELPWUDECIPE FULL RI6HT N0UJ..COULP WHAT TO 6ET ME W PUT IT 50ME PLACE WERE I'LL REMEMBER IT?

The Phantom Beetle Baile>

WELL...I VOUVE BLACK AMP BOX THEY I'LL SO TO MV SOT TV WHITE OR NEVER ROOM ANP IN VOUI? COLOREP? LET VOU WATCH TV ROOM? FOR&ET 22 The CMly Register SHREWSBURY, N.J TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1979 Matawan board tentatively OKs recreation center By MARIE COCCO the municipalities that must to reject a proposal to use the $250,000 reimburse- bursement should be spent 00 indirectly ' portation issue, said last Kaufman said the council MATAWAN - A proposed apply for the state Green earmark the $250,000 state- ment for transportation a "new'capital project such Robert Fenske, who voted night that be personally did had not met to discuss the II million recreation center Acres grant that would pro- DOE reimbursement, which "The principle of using as bus purchases, or used to against the recreation center, not mean to link the two is- recreation center with for this borough, Aberdeen vide half the cost, or $500,000 would be applied to ltt that reimbursement money reduce the 1982 capital said he favored the center's sues. Michael TrotU, the town- Township and the Matawan- toward building the project. 1981-1982 capital budget, for for transportation has to be budget concept, but also had reser- "What 1 said and will ship's director of recreation Aberdeen Regional School The municipalities ""must app- increased transportation for approached. I don't think the John Comerford, who vations about its possible link state again is that some and public works. He said District cleared its first hur- ly for the grant be because its students. councils will consider our voted in favor of the proposal with future bus purchases. members of the council have such a meeting would proba- bly not take place until after dle last night when the Board school boards are not eligible Aberdeen Mayor Edward proposal favorably if we don't "with reservations," said he "Even though the board told me they would not vote Jan. 1, when he is no longer of Education voted its ten- to apply a for such funding. E Kaufman last Thursday have the transportation des- approved of the recreation seems to have rejected the for the recreation center ignation on that money," center in principle, but felt idea of tying the center to the mayor and two new coun- tative approval of the plan. The remaining (500,000 questioned whether some without some sort of school cilmen will take seats on the Brenner said. the reimbursement money bus issue, I'm not sure that The 6-2 vote was taken at would be raised through the members of the Township board action on busing," governing body. the school board's workshop school board's capital outlay Council would favor the rec- But the majority of the would create a "temptation" they won't be tied by some- Kaufman said. session, and is non-binding budget. If the voters approve reation center when many board shunned linking the to overspend in the 1982 capi- one else. I am particularly Board Prssident Richard the capital outlay expen- township parents have been recreation center to the tal budget. concerned about this because "I haven't counted heads The school board has Brown said an official vote diture of $500,000 in April, the pressing the school board for transportation issue, stating "It's an awful temptation one of the mayors raised the on this, and I don't know how asked both councils state will be taken soon, but he state Department of Educa- more than a year for In- that board priorities in 1982 to get that reimbursement bus issue Thursday, and many council members feel their approval or disapproval could not name a specific tion would reimburse the creased bus transportation may be different from their and spend it for something seemed to want to make the that way. I also don't know of the recreation center date school district for half that for their children. current ones. And three new instead of using it to re- tie as a condition for his coun- how persuasive those mem- before Jan 15, the date on In order for the plans for amount, or $250,000. The ac- Marilyn Brenner, a school board members, Michael duce the capital budget," cil's approving the recreation bers of the council who want which it must present its pro- the recreation to proceed, the tual outlay for the taxpayers board member, asked the Kidzus, John Comerford and Comerford said. ."I don't center," Fenske said. busing first will be vls-a-vis posed 1980-1981 budget to the councils of both municipal- would be $250,000. board last night for a Robert Fenske, questioned want this project to cost Aberdeen's Mayor Kauf- the other council members," County Superintendent of the mayor said. ities must approve them. It is The school board appeared "statement of intention" to whether the $250,000 reim- more than $250,000 directly or man, who raised the trans- Schools. Sewer unit devising industrial pre- treatment plan plant, Williamson said. would get monies for han- Shields said. an industrial pre-treatment served by the authority, what Developing an industrial by government funds, Wil- By ROSEMARY O'HARA dling the pre-treatment and Equipment from In- program by making a survey loads those firms are sending pre-treatment program is liamson added. Commissioner Herbert then would bill the industries gersoll-Rand has arrived at UNION BEACH - The of its industrial customers. now required of every sew- Kukasch said the program and what regulations can be Williamson said the regu- the plant that will be used to Bayshore Regional Sewerage The survey will study erage authority and treat- shows that the federal and The BRSA has also had to created for the BRSA to po- lations requiring the pre- study three plans for reduc- Authority will begin creating what industries are being ment plant in the state, , ac- state governments are begin- re-evaluate the cost of re- lice those loads treatment program were ing the water content of cording to Franklin Williams- ning to realize municipalities pairs to the West Keansburg handed down about a month sludge. on, vice president of Elison T. and sewerage authorities and Raritan Valley pumping ago by the state Department If the water in the sludge Killam Associates, the need help to enforce pre- stations because the lowest of Environmental Protection treatment regulations. bid came in at $71,000. is reduced, the incinerator A berdeen residents urged BRSA's engineers. , in conjunction with the feder- He said it may help the Francis X. Shields, the will use less fuel, because the The program for in- al Environmental Protection BRSA in regulate the com- BRSA's executive director, burning process will run the dustrial pre-treatment should Agency. position of effluent it receives said the price for the work incinerator* according to take about 12 months to com- Kukasch. - Ten days of tes- to remember their address plete, Williamson said. The With the regulations from International Flavors had been estimated at and Fragrances, Inc. $24,000. The added expense ting will be done to determine ABERDEEN - Mayor using "Matawan Township" tional officers; some men survey will take about eight created as a result of the pro- Kukasch said that the in- will be covered by the esti- what process could best re- Edward F. Kaufman said last when referring to this munic- now work 16-our shifts. months. Approximately 85 gram, the authority will be- 1 dustries will pre-treat them- mated $350,000 surplus the move the water from the night the township may lose a ipality. "A fellow working in Olpnsnn s^iri th* new men percent of the cost of doing come the regulator of what's selves or the authorities authority is expecting, sludge. lot of money if township resi- Washingon from South Dako- will ride with experienced the study should be covered coming into the treatment dents do not fill out their 1980 ta, how's he going to know officers for the first four tp national census forms prop- that Cliffwood is part of six weeks of their em- erly. Aberdeen and not Old ployment here. He said people should not Bridge?" Kaufman said. The new officers will list Keyport, Matawan or Borough Manager Paul come to the borough straight Cliffwood as their home Gleason said that the police from the police academy. towns when they reply to dDepartment will add three Last night's meeting was the census questions men on Dec. 20 The depart- last in the old Township Hall, Get the most Such mistakes are often ment is in dire need of addi- according to Kaufman. made because Aberdeen resi- dents have addresses with different postal addresses 3 sought in robbery Aberdeen does not have a between four, feet, eight in- post office UNION BEACH - Police ches tall and five feet, two The question of who lives in the Bayshore were looking for two men and a woman inches tall, with a dark blue where is crucial, Kaufman down vest, blue jeans and a said, because federal and early this morning following a robbery of a Getty Gas Sta- black leather motorcycle state funds are often doled cap. out on the basis of census- tion on Route 36. The third suspect is de- derived population figures. A handgun may have been used in the robbery, which scribed as a white female If people do not list Aber- with blonde hair. deen as their home town, the occurred at 12:22 p.m., police The suspects were driving township could lose out on said a mid-sized, older model ve- many thousands of dollars One of the suspects sus- hicle police said. over the next 10 years. pects is described as a white They left the station east Kaufman made his plea male, six foot, two inches or west on Route 36. during a Borough Council tall, dirty blonde hair, wear- Details of the robbery meeting. He noted, however, ing a sweater and blue jeans. were not available early this that some residents persist in Another suspect is de- scribed as a hispanic male, morning. for your TAX-DEFERRED DEPARTMENT STORE RETIREMENT a year ACCOUNT AT 8-year Special Time Accounts HUDSON CITY $100 minimum. SAVINGS BANK ' YOU! 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