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yOL. IM^ Na 83. (ClMdfled A dvcfll^ iSOUra^MANCffiSST^ i--— 8 1932 . y A ^ ^w- • w#; •. T, NOypmR , ,

Three Liyes Situfeilr Oiit Herie V : f.,- ' -r?

V »:•: n . .--S'ivXr- 2 AHACK A GUARD ReciMa Bcbg As f WUte Man and Negro D rirn foro HKS. HARRMAN, .v>y N ■ > (— Workers Kept Away By Watdmian*8 RAD. MAGNATES .. ^ Gm, Gnardian Finds Ez- 1 ' Votmg Reported In Eerk idosire On RaSs Before WnWW, IS DEAD Mani^ter*s 1982 National elec- ti^ glN every Ipdlcatioo of cxceedr Irt Votitig Returns Homw-Reigy Wulber h A riin l of Pilot Train; ing all fieords at 3:80 this afternoon . (^y tlie AssocTaied Presa.) Was Known As Richest Wo­ wlth^ of 8,796 votes recorded Vote Eait and L ow h Norik- on the fiourteen writing lUMhlnes, di­ Town or J^ednet Hoover Roosevelt Mnch More Neaity; Presi­ A.M. vJB. S . T .) man h U. S. When Hns- vided as follows: Women, 2,977 an ' IpMlH, NtTSdA Nbv. 8 ^ (A P )-> Mttsburgh, were the other victims. tha women's divieton the high ma­ Livermore, N. H ...... 1 13 in 1909, ia dead. ♦w. — r'lr' T' was at the controla when chine wae 491 and the low 1 1 :4 9 A' wattibsum fuardlDf tb« railroad tbf ship went into a tail spin and oraabed to earth. Houston (44 Harris The widow of B. H. Harriman, 826. preaa tim a ^ ^ V o tja T ^ Ify Aeaoelatad Ptm i rlfbt from epeculatlve enterarieee and More Claimo Honorf of firet Woiaaii GltaaraUyBormuy ewuoyclcudy waamarwaattaar, witawith Lowe. rein in I evMtuafiy created the Harrtman EUCTONiiininis T^^flnt woman to c u t her bal- in lena parts el Now f tg M The attack occurred, Lowe eaid, Nationai Bank. and rainrain u4 e^sm uleus peiito two nettee wect of Falieadc, Nevada, Bong Hrit Phee h I), S. OoriBsr et OVER 60»,000 LISTED in tits« nmidwMt aad aerthwat, did a t an uader-paee where the leuthem M lit. Nebo Place who cut her not am ar to'bava atack^' ap- factto track! are croeeea by the hillet M 8 o'clock. When tho polls Weeten Pacific. threj^ and aeientifle projeeta. The To Rogort Rosak. I Voto b ^ )# f h r k a d epaaad w u a leag Um of vot* BBIULT W KINTUOBT on waltiB|r aad tha aumbar eon- NOT BNOWN TO N IO n The tejured watchman, Paul 1 . meat f a n ^ waa the etft ef iOdOO Doipito Gloomi Wonthor •CM! and 81>000,000 i!» a atate tirniad to Tacraau aub hour until arij^untoTteM w tocagar Plab reported to him, Lowe aaid, park ia the mouataineua regioae Naw Aahfofd, Maaa., Nov. 8 — T h a Go To York City t ^ peak w u rcubad at 10 o'clock. While you're riMcking up the Tju that he heard a noiae on the tireatle London Expoet Record vote tm iih t don't look fe t any- to ba dMiaiva, abowid aavaral Imi wMt of the Kudaon river in the (AP)— iittla town Ash­ From 10 e^eleek until 11 o'clock, 1,- itancu of Diinecratio gSlBf. U tm above him and that he ‘‘went up to highlande. Bbe waa reiponiible for m v o tg i were recorded is tht hour ttaiBg from Kntucky. Inveftlfate" ford, Baattad daap in tha BMcahira AftotPolb Cloie. Naw Aibferd, Ifan ., Drat to ifpoift, Bear llountain bridge, which jritb no bfok la altbar tha two Bronktof Voto Todnj; gaya Kewar 84 u d ftoeMVcit I, flab aaid be waa attadced by a orouea the Kudeon to .make the hilla of waatam MMaaohkaatta, llMS uatU aborUy altor l l e'aluk year for U m t a s pres- •egve and a white man aad eWslMd agalB today alalmad tba^ he&oM of •iMtlM, oeufiting XcB- whmai four years a g B iad park more aeeeialllf, Keevir Jrotta and Bhet in the h u d . ^ Ska aat ih^lNiafi BiliilBiBt Nhael halif tha flrts^oemmualt^ki • ika ' Ota l i j i Two,) tu al^ f vetoi...... won't,atwtod 'ewo».1f■ the blackneea of the aage-covered athlatlo flald for Triulty loheol and Ona Niw Ashford raildant oast aaida Ita tela of liita a r aad apata- ia the uat atato in With her li homa Oity. wara a w a n ^ u d offL . hilla along the right-of-way, which gava art mMUrplaeaa to tha Matro- •ad aftarward to motor to Naw alaotorai votaa. hfa vota for tha Booiallat ohndldata tor today and jumped into tha spot­ Ciala bpd to’ oloa th * 14oori e ____ a t that point ^ i t a tortuoualy gDl^aa muacum aad other inatitu- for govaraer, Alfrad Bakar Lawla. York oity to raoelva faturaa at tha . m im iTt CHARGES arily1/ i to------hudlc tha------crewdi._ through \the Humboldt rivar canyon, Twaaty-thrM votai war# oast for light, lor tha finale of tha grat tocky, which doa not itarT'ceunt- nmaaiTir and rc-oroaalng the river. Za tha daya when aha waa aotivsly National Dopaocratio haadguartars politloal dmma. Liautenaat Oovarnor Youagmaa, la tha BiltaioM Hot#]. iag its Votes until tomettow asern- IhjA aud ha aaarohad tha tracka and handling and inoraaaing tha vast Republican gubaraatorlal caadldata, In automebilaa and afoot and in lag, started voting ia incrcaalag found two atloka of ^namlta tlad Harriman fortuha, frianda uaad to •ad eight for (Sovamor Joseph B. With Mrs. Rooaovfu, kra. Jaifiaa 26 iitU In Hilifu To Bo rural dlatriota, in horia-drawn niESIDENT NEARS numhera, while T exa premlaad a tegither but without parouaalon aay that it waa monay which oama l^ a e v sjt, the govaraer’a T3-yaar vahicla, votara of 189 t o ^ veto et around tOOfiOa es agal nat eapa or fuac, railroad oflioiala aaid. to her from bar father that aarvad (Oonrinoed on Page Beven) eld mother, and IJUlott, his sedoad ■warmad to tha poUa to chooa Oonv 709,000 four yaara______ago. Ohio,J, Mieki- neadlng profuaely, but not aerl- aa tha original nuoleua of her hua- son, Mr. Rixtoavelt intended' voting Sent Bock .To Stond natlout'salght p rald atial alactora ; CAUFORNIAHOME u u d Indiana Mab'rookad for new oualy wotmdad, Tlah flagged down baad'i fortune. She waa tha about 8 p.m.. < a U. I. aaator, six congruama anf 6Igha to popular balloting. the pilot train that ran aa a safs daughtar of WlUiam J, Avarell of . up, his campaign Triol. a alata of atato offlcara, including In Mtooottrl guard ahead of the Preildent’e Ogdenaburg, N. Y„ baaker aad hrisf talk, Mr. ^ se v a lt^ in the governor a d membera of tha ItOMavait r u two to OM in tha special. Railroad police and leoret preildeat ot the Ogdenaburg and EUROPE WATCHING filled w(th. emotion, said: 1988, G aaral Aaatmbly. - first praotoot to report in Jonlto, Lake Champlain raiitoad. ^the maana through which BlatiM day brouipit foreoaata of Very fired At Canpeifo Mo., a d w u far ahead to tk# Orly (Oontlnaed en Page Seven) Meets Future Wife. the ideals and hopes of .tbe Anieri- H allfu , Nov. 8. -(AF) — A puty cloudy, but ralnlea weather, a toot returns from all too aputkani states. Young BdWard Harriman, than an . 8 . Uo Ptople.tMy that * grater of 36 Spaniards arrive.rrlved ia... Halifax ... that auatainad politloal laadcra in Ends— Loiee Hie Tempi Onilforala, boma state of Presi* obaoura but promiaing flgiira, want realiiatlon. aU s’for the best in-aay to d » on tbs stsamer Magnhlld from their bop# that a record brakln d a t Hoover, reported a euly light up to Ogdanaburg ona day to ooa- he,.only the bumble Bt. Pierre and joked about being numbor of m a and taroma woul11 vote to L u Atofriea and a good ault Mr. Avara)I about a t^ laaia s a t hop)* to Spain to,faoe charges OMt ballots befort toe poUa oloied 2 SHIPS DISABLED .emblem of tlfis rsstoratloa.’’ of mutiny. Dnriiu dee Speeck. itart to B a Fraabtoa. matter. He mat the daughtar and BeBeve It Wfll Have Efeet Pptlghkeepsle rally in at 6 p. m. Reglattotia figures show­ Voting to Qhloago u d New York fall in love with her. toe Knlxhts of Coluikbiis hall, Mr. They had fared well ilnce they ed that at le a t 686,Q0<> d tia a s was brisk, u d it w u the egOM-i left toe Spaaisb tyawler Buskalerrla were ellglhle to vote, an inoreuM of When it became known In' 1909 .Roosevelt spoke in toe pytlUo square at St. Plerrs, they aaid. On Board Pralcjatial Special, Bn J torv to aeveland, Milwaukee, Bw BY FIERCE STORM that ha had left her hia fortune, On Solriog Soine of Worid at Beacon‘.whfire p i j nearly 86,000 alnoe 1928 wba Con- 'aul, MtonapoliMtonapolla,.Omaka___ u d other Mra. Harriman received 6,0()b letters According to a dlepatrii from tho neetiout-gave Prosidat Hoover its route to Palo Alto, Nov. 8.—(A P)-r made bis first pamolgn^SdiSasi French poMOMira, itts . 36 ipeii and large urbu caters. askihg for charity amounting to sleotoral v o ta 1^ margin of about President Hoover neared his home Fenuyivanla, oefiftotatly Ilepub- 1267,000,000. She turned them over Problems. boyi., ooiporiilpg'OltaMCt h J t the -40,000. • Leader# aprewed tho Ohd oopffiia trawier'e toew, refused to wefk aa a to ^ for the first time to four Meu bdt . u unusual batfiegreitod to a municipal research bweau to be . -Attor the Kini|itop opifiion.at leait 670,060 vote# would tola'year, reported « ttoftoally kavy -•I Hnrricase Sweegmg Carib­ protest agalnet-ationa thw.hto re­ be cast;.. yeas, rsady to cast bis ballot ad ^sit, be ag^n mross^ the river and ceived while fishing on toe G rad await toe decisia of the natton'a a r ly vote. The voting varied from (UonUnued on Page Fwe) London, Nov. 8.—(AP)—Absorb­ returned pome by. way of RMpetieck. Banks.- Mon to a '1,000 nomiuea repre- a brisk spurt to Pblladeij^hia, Wll- bean Sea— Tbrd Call For ed in their own problems toe coun­ llimM.afifia BStOMB to BAtUSI votera in toe electia for Prastident llaniaport and Reading to a light tries of Europe none-toe-less were (dentlniMO ' a Pago Two) vote to the apital at Harrisburg. he yisitad In They w at ashore at Bt. Pierre Dividing his time yesterday bt intensely interested in toe American a d refused to. return to too eMp. twea rear platform spaoha ud Help Received. the Hudson v^ ey, thousands^ of IN THE EAST TWOMENIKAPrED presidential election today particu­ porsoa^gpthOJrqd, to ' cheer the nom F rab h authoritia' oommunibated longer addrasa, toe Presldat, sn- larly as it might b a r on toe all-im* with Spain end'received ttord that parently tired, showed a lUjh of New York, Nriv. 8—(AP) — The Inee. - 3«veQal.Md iersi.-toowded pyrotechnia of u adttog political portent problems of disarmament', close to/Mr. “ irparito a y toe m a must return; The ordfr temper during his last appearuoe of By ASSOCIATED PRESS - war debts and toe economic crisis. timidly ' tha had no effect on the men, and the the night at Carlin, Nevada. eotpalgn abalded to. the eaat .tq- Two ships were wallowing help­ BY A R e a SLIDE 'Ihese were among to more im­ led. his first day, u d -mllll(tos of electors Went cakp— ^ - him luck In trawler picked up two dexen. na­ To a group clustered about the lessly in heavy seas behind an er­ portant iSues that Europe holds la! tives a the Islud to fill their r o r ptotform of hie. train, many of about the bustoea ef picking a ratic Caribbean hurricane today, common \nth toe young nation pla'ees. • ■ • , - ■ • , ■. thein bundled in bavy coats against Presid at U d deciding who ihiu.be »‘iS and another mysterious call for across the Atlshric. The B^epch, a th o r ltla decided'to too cMll mountain air, be explained their National u d atofte iawnoken help was imder investigation. ' ...... • > • jscue Gangs D i k ^ For And as. .‘minions of 'Aipcricsu deport toe desertera u d put them that he had-bea speaking- many and admtototraton for tha . yean The disabled craft were the tohi'ht the-aUy«lairi on toe steamer MagnVild frir Hali­ Immediately Uead. T a of the* 12 Blue Funnel line freighter Phemius voted, Bhiiripean stiaitesnien w G r a SpePkhig:. op Jpeal and .state Issues tim a a day during bis trip aro w Britain, Fnmce, Italy and-elsewhere fax. Arriving here today, they Sixtea Persons Fail Into Cel­ the continent and asked to be ex­ eutern itatu gave thelf deotorai and the Quaker line freighter San Men BnriedQnlerTons of betore ihem riopal ipewc^, Mr. were locked up in the immigration v ota four yean ago to Mr. Hoover, Simeon. They lay within 280 were making new and Important cused. moves in intern^Upnal- affairs. Rtoaevo^toMrid u»^ho)totorate of detentia quarters to await a Hner but Democratio leaden challenged miles of each other off Cape Gra­ New joii^- to/aptooto -A bdnd issue for Englad^ Thaice they wiU be lar-i-PolicananProree “Oh raspberries" a m a Uoutsd^ tho UkeUhood of hleto^a rap ea^ cias a Dios, Nicaragua. Debris. Prime'Minister Ramsay Maepon- from toe crowd, a toe Presldat i old of Great Britain led off. Aroused sent to B a Sebutia, Spain, to itadf today. The mystery message was picked Beven) stad trial. started to re-ater his car. , “I do not cacede a aingte atato to up by the steamship Sixaola, pre­ to indignation over the apparently Hero pf the Honr. “If the m a who made that re­ slow .procedure of the . preparatory the oppositia’’ wu the final wiBcfi sumably In the Caribbean, and the Scranton, Pa., Nov. 8.—-(AP) — mark will step forward; I will tend from Jam a A. iteley,'Chairnaa|i call letters were G-B-W-Y. The Trapped imder-a slide of C(^ and commission at Geneva he inslStefi ln to. him” toe Presid at called, turn- the House at (jommoxis - yesteovlay the-Democratie nattonal comasit^i Sixaola reported the S O S to the rock while digging fuel in Avoca, Fall River,-Maa., Nov. 8.—(AP)—^ tog b a k again toward his audlace. tee. Navy Department at Washington, two men were trapped.' todsy and that toe world ef a poll­ for a moihent before again gping Hebert of Rhode Ishtnd, eastern A salvage tug from Kingston, dig for them. To Sound Out U. S. ' * There siqme ‘expectation ing ppme heN to^ ^ with a. red hot b ak ’into the car. ebairm a of the Republican . nadoiMri Jamaica, found the Phemius yester­ Cries of men for help as tons of coal stove hovering ever them wHa committee claimed. aU* cf^New Beig-. day after the craft had drifted two earth buried them brought scores of that Mr. MacDonald would turn tri- Stopping his train at Elko, N o^ days in the wake of the blow. Her war.d Washington to. sound out- the a portiou of toe prednet flooring da earlier last Uigkt toe P resid at luid, Maiue, New Haxtoahira, Ver­ men to the scepe. The trapped men coUapped. mont, Ma8sachuMtta, * Rnpi^ Island fuqnel was gone and four holes were are Thomas Coleman . and Lewis old or toe new administ^Uon as pqrtiripatcd to a R ^ b lie a election taking water. She was about 150 Doran, l» ih of Avoca. toe case may. be for support in his The poiiceiueh. John W. Higgiii- eve radio program which emanated a d Ooaectieut^-^ud New ' Yor|tlc- miles east of Cape Gracias a Dios. Resouera endeavoring to reach the urge fur haste. ' son, proved toe hero of the hour. a well from Now York, <^paco. New Jersey, Peaxqdvaxto, Dda- SUM Standtag By men said that both were still alive There was also, a promise of d«- While tha tanUsed .a d lacerated vot­ Bhopuandoah, Iowa a c Washington. ware a d W at Virginia to tha east. The San Simeon had a jammed this afternoon and that they were velopm^ts from the American ers scramhM abemt toe baem at of Part of toe town's three thouead ' Venmnifa "Cuei ' “-'i*' rudder and her steering gear was praying to be rescued alive. viewperint in''the . disarmament ritti- toe p lae which had no outSido exit, peqple stood outsTde the drawn Of the. twelve eastern-Btaitee,'eae brcdien 4(X) mile- off C4>e Gnmias a The prayers of the trapped men atlon. This was contained in.a state­ ' Rwults will be flashed Higginson called to m a above to shadM of his car window,- while from —Vermont—has g ae Raub&eu ip; Dios, and farther to the south. The could be plsinly he^rd by the crowd ment from Norman ^Davis, toe quit the :buUding a d finally, after the brightly illuminated interior toe every p resid atlal'' alaCtien' since United Fruit striamer T ela’ was on the scene. Pbs^dans and an American representatiye in Rome, frdih 'The Herald tonight starting as soon as < returns calming his companions in the oella, 1896. During the aato* J ^ o d ' the P resifiat spoke into a>bank of foUowing ‘ normally ' ftepubU'eah standing by the San Simeon. The ambulance w.ire’ on lumd, with po­ that important developments" might are available.^he comiflete . wire ' facilities of ,The helped them'one by a e td.climb.to mlprdphones to vastly Isrq ^ audl­ United States Navy airx>lane tender lice keeping the lu g e crowds ini be expected in Geneva soon.^ safety. The.stove, Mtoriugh in a pre^ a c e . stata dcaerted thtiarty to 1918 durtog ;the p r o g r^ v * belt'M Sofi- Swan and the destrojrer Overton check. There was no certainty what this ' Associated I^ess w ill-te use^^^ direct wires cenning into carious position. rajnSined upright. > Warns. Agalnat Mistake left Colon, Panama, to aid the While rescuers dug cautiously her was but it could be taken to mean, A number. of billots which too necticut, Deiawiara; Maine, N«W Phemius. have a deep .feeUnF’ he said Jersey, NeW' YoiIk; ' PenttsjdvmUa cause of fear of other ^dss^ the perhaps, that a way had been found The Hwald frbin New York, .Washington and New votera had been' makiug wan hurl­ “th at'toe . choice you xxh^ now is It was not determined exactly Rev. Edmund Langan, pastor -of St. to b^g Italy and France into the ed with them into the dehrla and adWat Va. ' ' - Rav.^en, \ • & enk^ antogementS;,hayV- ipade to m o ra'tb a toe chetween 26 and 40 mtn ia to administer the left Hies of tha v a c e for fGmral work at G rijie^, The aeUixg plitoa was ptoetnot craws. church. ' I ' , A- . ■ ^ • \ . »* . • ...... # , A , . ^ f ■ to the partiea, which may af- Prenper Bdbuatd Herriot'a friend­ of W a n f'5, situated in a building fta t o v a toto oVa a,genoation. A nafiwbile the storm was spreadi- ly gestuTM topard Italy in fecefft :_iAJ^Uu^ ,Tlie Hdwld will giye tei^hohe service it' n o t to tha l)avia aW o sChool. TLi . • iignadhr"' Ipg out today and gathering iutau- t r e a s u r y B A L ^ O E ' nMatake choice toiy huarfi the wel- to 1911. days also gave rtia to the h i^ that bhiiot boW tOnalned to lo tio n wheb fkra of oQr ehildira' and our ohU- sity. hdt weather foreeaatera were ope of'toe>^i^^ndtieP' ln.- i M ^ 8 v r . ^ sAririua - tntoria but ‘a nutober .of toOUe otrato, “wfto apw d o » u south of Havana. Cuba. I 'i * i '• t > rt| jn ^ m p t ^ .. V .1 . 1 . . - ; of Novamber w atk:s8;fN i^ ^ ■^ 7 .(Oopriutrifi''oB' lhifo‘,.Biv(»lii^^^ . (4toiiliioo8 u -'BtBO'tiM)L. ,t >■>- ,X'- -'.vv .;r^, ,• . . ■...... - 1. ' ' ‘v'-R..: ...... ' ! .'i A.* -’/‘■ ft.''.I- - A )P. .Yi' /-'- '--.V •. ■i’

'niBRCnNOT Dobioiii* SEE BK STAR vein ; nannitea atet 'wiR fftetete- VEHMONrALWST Dr. lAVame Hdmss, (tel. im iD im m m a a ^ iA a r tha pFmmSSi. 7461) and Dr. Thomaa B lou, - Ja thi) oogaf m sev w ter .aald (taL 6188) will respond to em ^ ' OVER 600jlO O L I R B REPORTEDOVER NATION that "there la o condltloa exiating gency calls tomorrow. * hi (theae cwiau ta sow WfeteR is SVtEFORHOOVEK tocttng the wettoM # m (Ocse- ABOUT TOWN ever, on the preeldejattal, acaatorlal to New York city tor klo mT oetvbd waa timt tha oeiDing out of Mra» of.iss Pearl floem I«A l» Sti and gubernatorial raoM. The Italiaa-Ameriean XAdies’ AM (dentinied f»»s> fjige one eastern appeatepoe a few days the Quardemea wae a. isrecautionary at the hospital 3 ■ ■ dest^cWiDBeNoUi- RepubUmma, in e o n t^ eS all state later the Democratio aai ‘ meaauri to arevsat peaa^ Maon- at 10:8i'.tM i BMinaag after having soeiity will meet tomorrow evening elective osloee except the governor­ t ^ women*! tlae wae ^completely 4t I o’clock in the sewing room of ora campaign mched ita apogee d en , No dUttarbaaeea were report­ beite aSmitted at'9:50 a. m. c M k i A n U a g ship and holding a majority in both ^keeked off. Al ffnith,, defeated tor tha ed. tat Today. the School street Reoreatlon Cen­ branohea o f the General Aeecmbly, ))1 ter. Six Bewc Staadv ptadtety tour areare age, aad de­ CMhgr hlhilettiB. nught to replace Governor W.. L. the men's Uni did.notW w cay feated this year for thel^ooratto OLOUnfiANBAB Creia with fofmer Governor H. lire, M kciatet D. CMfey, tonoeerly felUag off until ekaotty five telnutec aoBfiaatiOB etoodcoa the. platform Ui Kaneae .Olty, Nov. S.—(a P) t t . Wauwgaa. Oeah.,' died at the /'f'l'*''-' ' MontpeUer, V t, Nov. 8.— (A P )— Potterton and Krah have ar­ Trumbull and to reHsleot Senator to twelve, when tiw laxt men ta line Madleoa Iteiiare (Murdea with Me —Partial, unofftctel returaa from Vermont’s electornte, Its largest la ranged a system of amplifiers at Hiram Bingham. imiM Of her brother Timothy Doyle, New Yotte Nov. A—(AP) was just inside of the door of the arm arouaa the shoulder of Oover- M o f 161 preehiiBta la Haaeaa a ty . 196 DciBlaff strtet at o*teock yes­ too Ferey 9 0 ^ , dltoctteff ■' -J)!' history, today wrote Its deolslon on their etore on Depot Square oo that Governor Croee, first Democratic Municipal building. Within two min- aer'Roosevelt maid the other around 6 persona in that vicinity may listen terday eftMtepoa attei six moathe; o f tha eieotton fraud btareau the Immediate political destiny of chief executive in go years, and utes the Une wax m ^ t up and tha Shoulder of ooL Herbert For jPreeldent: Rooaivelt, 1A68: Hoover^ Baflnean dottunlBH P those who sought Its favor. m to election returns this evening. Trumbull, governor from 1924 to the three.: checkers 'of tne men’s di­ Hoover, 1,615. fflaan o f a'obmpttcatiou of Mseases. Lehmaa» Democratic candidate tor Tha daoaaaad is survived by one charged today after a tour , Starting shortly after dawn under 1980, had as their principal oppon^ vision, Qtto Soanlckeea, Sam Nel­ governor of New York. U. B. Beaators MeGOl, (D ), 1,546: places of the City teat toate .We'to cloudy skies that gave promise of 1^. and Mrs. Leonard Perrett of enta Jasper MoLevy of Bridgeport, son and Edward CbughUn sent ity iRala predicted through much of Paulen, (R ) IjMS. * brother, Timothy Ddyla and oaa sis- 1504)00. "floatete” in toe city, vtith rain before the day was over, voters 16 Flower street observed their 2Sth who as the Socialist nominee two a loud cheer after lix hours of the eastern tetritory wae expected CkmgrMs:- Bheridaa -(D) l.s s i; ter, Mrs, M d M t D » le and eeverai 7 5 ^ Of them 'a Meahattea.' in city and town, village and hamlet wedding anniversaty Saturday night years ago polled four thoiuumd steady cheoktag. .The wotfcera hur­ to cut down the vote, although there Guyer (R ) 1,617. Biaeea ead d ^ ew e. Funeral services Bloch said he knew definitely of marked their choice for President, at their home. F itly friends were votes, and Albert Levitt, one of the ried about casting thehr own votes was every Indication the belloting vernor: Woodring (D) 1485: will ho held Thursday at 8:80 at toe four "fhmtera supply houAes’’ in the U. 8. Senate and Congress and a present. Mr. and Mrs, Perrett were rganlzers of the Independent Re- for a few moments as the line com­ would exceed that M tour years ago Brinkley (lad) 1,684; LeMon, (R) hoiihe .of her htotoet, 105 Doming dty and that h. suspected ieverai state ticket, from governor down. given an electric coffee um. lubUcan Party and for years aa menced to lengthen when the store When IS.S'ro,407 votes were cast 1,810. straet, aad at 9:80 in St. Bridget’s other places. Republican leaders, with tradition outspoken ^ponent of the regular and mill employees arrived for the a f ^ a registration of 16,578,189. chureh. Burial will be in Sae^ Bloch’s charge was made after behfad them, were confident of the Manchester Tent, No. 2 Knights Republican Party. noon-hour voting. TUI yearn the eastern reriatration ROOBBVBLT UBADiNO « Heart cemetery, Waur^au, Ocn^ Reymond Richmond, chaiitoaa of result. Vermont always has cast her of the Maccabees, will run a pub i Minority Partlea totaled 17,874,470. . Houston; Nov. S-—(AP)—With 15 the Hoover Engineera ocwmlttee) setbaclt party' tomorrow evening at Communiat and Socialist-Laborites Moderetor Busy electoral vote for the Republican One of the busleet men In the per cent of the eottmated'tetel vote Bttgene BUte said the organization had feoAfVed standard bearer, and this year, lead­ 8 o’clock in the Balch and Brown also had candidates in the field for ELECTION WEATHER counted at 18:80 p. nu in returaa Relatives here and in Wapping 10,000 complaints up to 1 > hall, Depot Square. Six prizes in the governorship and for the poat entire building tide' forenoon had ers claimed, her three voted would early afternoon was Moderator Wil By AMoolated Preee compiled by. the Houeton Chrmiicia have received news of the death of Bloch said he had inforteatioa tbah merchandise be awairded to the now held by Bingham, who led the from 91 of the 140 ptoMiots In Har­ Eugene HUla Which occurred yester­ these "floaters" were to be brought go to Hoover. men and women making the highest fight for a'prohibition repeal plank Uam J. Shea. The moderator was Autunin bhose tor this election Democrats, immindful of previous called innumerable times to In ris county Roosevelt, wna leading day at hia home in Sandusky, Ohio. Into play dutlBg the eftenetHt and and the lowest scores. Refresh­ at his party's national convention. day a typical assortment of Novem­ Hoover 6 to 1. The vote waa: he had assigned workett th wathh reverses, and heartenod by a caba- struct those voters who hari^ ber weather. Older resists will recall that he ments and a social time will follow. Representative Augustine Loaer- Roosevelt 6,859; Hoover 1,084. VM the eon o f the late Wilbur and toe "supply hottsee” tor poeahie iuH palgn whidh has been strenuous The came committee which success­ m who has represented the First made some elip In the machinery^ It varied from snow in the ex- throughout the state, were hopeful voting, found it Imposalble to re­ Hoover carried the county in Electa Halo. Hills. He leaves several tlon on the ground of fraUd^enC fully conducted a card party last District li^ Congress for 6 years, trem;i northwest, and parts of the 1928. nieces and nephews in Buckingham voting. ' of making inroads. month wrlU be in charge, namely, carried the Democratic banner in lease themselvee from the booth. midwest, to warm breezes in south- A Republican governor, Stanley C. One man having voted and left the and Wi^qung. Meanwhile there were thousands William J. Burke, chairman, George the aenatorial race. He, like Bing­ era CaUfornia aad Arizona hut in IN FLORIDA of complaints of mtimidati(» and Wilson, a Republican Senator, Por- M. Bidwell, H. H. Spencer, L. N. ham, favors repeial, but Prof. MUton booth, hurried back to Inqifire of the east anect', to-one margin over his Democratic Daueby, Mn;. Rachel Tilden, Mrs. mann (D) ran against Clarence Sey­ Noon Tetel train at some points in his westward diocese of , for 17 years. street at toe hospital today. Marietta. West, Mrs. Alice Helm, mour (R) In the first; Secrets^ qf. A' check wes taken by Moderator journsy, was the balmy air about Rev. J. S. Neill conducted toe ser­ ’HOME BIEOpRS” PLAN Mrs. Catharine McNamara ot, opponent, while the margin was Riverside Drive was admitted to­ greater in Gibson’s favor. Mrs. Minnie Schlebel, Mrs. Minnie State William L. Higgins (R) was Shea at noon, showing approxi­ him as be reached his California vice, and. a special collection was Rogers, Mrs. Adelaide Pickett, Mrs. pitted against William C. Fox (D) in mately 5,100 votes cast, 2,200 wom­ home. takeh for toe All Saints’ Memorial day. Harriet Richmond, Mrs. Ethel Mon­ the second, and ”T. A. D.” Jones en and 2,900 men. The foiirteen ma­ There were showers in Washing­ Endowment fund. FOR FUTURE M EEnNIS Mrs. Jessie Loomis, 57, of 153; tie, Mrs. Rachel McCk>nigal, Mrs. (R), former Yale football coach, chines were sufficient to' take care ton, northern Oregon, ahd Idaho After the devotional, service Pearl .street, died-at' toe . hoiqfitai^ PRESIDENT NEARS Jane Smith, Mrs. Gena Server, Mrs. was opposed by Mayor Francis T. of the monnal vote, the delay being Snow fell in northwestern Wyom­ cl^ es were conducted as follows; ThoNome B ad ers’ society held a this n»rning at 10:55 foUdwing Ad-' Laura Loomis, Mrs. Elsie Knight, Maloney of Meriden (D) for the seat in the task of checking in both di­ ing aad in the 'vicinity of Butte, hoMe nursing, Mrs. Allen Duck- mwt^thuriastic meeting laist night mission at 9:50 a. m. CALIFORNIA HOME Mrs. Alice Weir, Mrs. GHendorm in the third, long held by Represen­ visions. Party workers were stirred Mont. Missouri too had some snow, w d^ ; handcraft. Mrs. Viola Trot­ at toe South Methodist chuTcb,- the WeUs. tative John Q. Tuaon. by the large vote and were given and rain aa well. Kansas was cloudy ter and.Mrs. Dorotoy Little; drama­ first'tmder toe new slate of officers. VOTES FROM STRETCHER Under the new apportionment act, plenty of work keeping up with the and chilly, Oklahoma frost bitten, tics, Miss Irene Walter. Members Tbe time 'waa taken up by a discus­ (Continued from Page One) Manchester Grange will hold its Connecticut voters also selected a vote. Both the Republican and Dem­ Ohio and Indiama warm though having names for the birthday cal­ sion of plans for subsequent meet­ Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 8.— (A P)— , regular meeting tomorrow evening Congressman-st-laj^e. The major ocratic party had automobiles ready cloudy, Michigan reported cloudy endar are requested to get in touch ings. Tito. December meeting is Clayton J..Ddugherty of this.^ty,' strating their strength and effec­ in Odd FeUowa hall. The business partlea were represented in this con­ for those-unable to reach the,p<^. oondltibns with some rain. with Miss Evelyn Tedford. 'bO bo a rally of all those who have cast his vote to ^ y .from fi. hospital, i'V tiveness.” will include the election of officers test by Prof. Charles M. Bakewell of Refermdum Workers A w et. snow blanketed most of The candidates will meet Friday been members of the society since stretcher. Even before the presidential train and a fuU attendance, is hoped for. Yale (R) and William Citron (D), Mrs. Hamilton J .. Bickford of President Hoover’s, native Iowa and afternoon, Novenjber 11, at which its oripuiizatimi by the pastor. Rev; Three weeks ago Dou^erty who, rolled into Elko, the chief executive minority House leader in the 1932 Scarborough Road, the former Miss In South Dakota temperatures were time they will .coimnue work on the R. A. CoIpittS, a few years ago. It Is chief clerk to toe Dauphte coimty, had opportunity to listen to- his The Degree of Pocahontas and General Assembly. Mary Valll of V^nsted, who is in the twenties /wdth the weather miniatura house they are furnishing. ib proposed to have speakers and commissioners suffered a broken predecessor, Calvin Cbolidge, urge Miantonomah Tribe of Red Men will The major candidates for state chairman of the Manchester Branch blustery. Rain fell lu .Wisconsin and The candidates' are also rehearsing entertainers who will furnish a vertabrae on a fall from a horse..His ■ j|he continuation of a RepubUcaa ad- give another card party tonight in offices below Goivemor were: of the Women’s Organisation for rain and -some snow in Minnesota. under toe direction Mrs. Trotter variety of amusing and educational back in a plaster cast, be Was taken 'jbinistration. The former president, the present series at Red Men’s club Lieut.-(3ovemor—State Treasurer Prohibition Reform, and a number In the south, conditions varied. aad Mrs. little two plays, "Thanks­ program. The committee on re­ from the hospital to his home to ^ y . ^along with Secretary Mills, Senator on Brainard Place. Six prizes wiU Roy C. Wilcox (R) and Thomas of her associate member.-, were very Louisiana and some parts ot Teh- giving on Hickory Slope” and "The freshments last evening, Mr. and Enroute, toe ambulance stiqiped Capper of iCansas, Chidnnan Sfu- awarded and t^ifbhienta served by Hewes (D ). active jiutdoQcs at :Abe. Aftiioicipali 4iifleeeeLX^rUag:fine weather, whUe PUgrimi^ Birst ThantaigtvlBg.i’^They Mrs. WiUard Hwton and Mn^ and Jong v enough Secretary of State—John Danaher building from early mo^ng, ^ plan to present these plays, Friday, M n. William Mimsle, served pump- permit Dougherty to Itc called tote ders of the Republioio Natine de« William Avarell Ksrrlman and Ed­ ®***^?/ \ OoTSf- Santa Fe, N. M., Nov. 8.— (AP) 10 lb. cloth sack .... f l O C ward Roland Noel Harrlman. for Oongrcssmu-at-larf#, predloted Bor Alfred B. Smith, who had hoped his party would poU "between ITO,- ‘—Governor Arthur Seligman today votedlyg • t h e The funeral will be held tomor­ to ^ for Prealdeat again today as plaoad Ban Miguel. Valencia. Gold Dust, large 26c row at Arden, eeat of the great 000 and 160,000 ballote, Uurgelp fn m SPRINGTIME the *etay at heme* voteri.** ha did tour yaan age, cMt hlavoti Guadalupe and laadovalla eounties other RiAdlyl site, 2 pkgs, fo£ .... 25c Harriman country homo at Arden, thi^tonm ^ aaothar bmm. uadar martial law while detach* Krudale Grape Juice, which hM jSO roone sad forgeoue Praaumably that man waa (3ovar- meats from the New Mexico Na­ gardeae. Six hundred laborera Bpr FraakllB p . RooNvelt, who won tional Guard pateplled pelU ^ places FOR HENRY Himt«d by lort ysi pint bottle ...... 10c worked more then live yearn devd- ELECTION RIOT tot l^MOflihtlo Bemlfiatt(» iatith la thoia eouhtiei; Alt Hilidiw Fint If IfH K V , 'tfV T, hRURted by ltd SunnuUd Seedless oping the eetste, which origiully sought-for tha aaooad tltoa aad tor * The period of Martial law la each IS Weeks la New Yerk* had 60,000 scree. f^om gi^th hu b ^ oampalfnlBg. oouaty started at 8 o’clock this Bvee. 18.78*860. M ai drtABM M iht Aid Raisins, 8 pkgi, for 25c Dcnrfte thle grtadeur however New York, Nov. 8,—(AP) — Pe- from Ul Red Kidney Bepns, Mre. Harrlmanwlman brought ‘ up her ehU- lies emerffCB^ u d gua squads were he did aot eey 1^, that Imith drea elm:nply, tsking precautloni to called to US 8trd Asiembty dietriot o^^we .DeaMofatio 4 lbs. for 0 • 0 t e s I . 25c prevent their becoiMiif aware of the ih Brooldya today to break up a J^toteraiiraly temU;y*i wealth, she wae known aear-riot u freat of the poUlBff MidaN. KewMlathfvotlBf booth a f J | R g . R M R Black RaspberriM, an old-fsehloned houeekeepor, place. just IS MMOBda. 8 . tins, 6 for . . . 01 2|5c who dlMliked social gnadeur and The dliturbaaoe started with a dst OlvM Hla Nbon Tsiilglit At 7»30 Gold Dust Cleanser, jcwcli. For ycara she commuted fight betweeaM,tween two menmea waewho dhad m ex*ea* dally to her n W Tbrir office on a geged la a pnleaffcd avfumeat sad tha W aaU aa^jM uatof sooUea with Spocial lOePorformaneoforChiUrm 3 cans f o r ...... 10c oommuteri* trait. spread1 rapidlar a i m pMipMttve Ua w ltoi^ Jowa MaMa a wo* voters MU ataiM Of D I B m C H Native Potatoes, % a ^ No MtlBuita o f her present for­ M tMgr fatM M to oaet tbelv tune was made. beUels. 115 5 1 lb. b . poA pott ...... lO C W l A L L T Felloe used their elubs ea about a *tbetor* 100 Local Pbqple la'Ohe. Funeie e i pafglato M ew ea Bgitk. hsu doMB of the iMdors la the igh t, Mer gweraor with-* gilte Port iMxd, ODD VOrafffMiRMOT reitoriaff order la oily a tew IBii- "HeMdeneef** CoiNfliitBitjr Flip SpOBiprod hr LIobb' a u l' 2 lbs. f o r ...... utes. y • W t y S e Fifth .avwue,** IS c New .Tork. Nov. I,—(AR) Bonsflt of ths m S Fimdi Mayo's Smoking One Ueetlea officials, said ths vours "Please ilgB OB Alla ilM," of New T o ^ i oiactleaiaetrine le a te tjm^^iMstrlct wsrs largsly Ooai- "0. K.**, Din- High School AwUtorinm ' Tobaeeo^ 8 pkgs. for ihute btHldlyr. 9d Herbert Mswihsll Caiy Great 25c a sth D e tfiitrtet of the After he Wed; sad Than. 8:46 N or.ftn dlO ltd Aaaimbl it li the apart- the torater______NOSDi Dior pilie Wei. Nile. Site meat buili NSW KarM, Nov. l.-.(A f) ahlSf differeaoea h i CZASUi CH ^ MAHIEU’S nniM ir wifib fiua tha Mock be- ITM wift rsioiifd fTMi a M n- voting now aad la auff _ AB S M MMOeoii Ob iole;4r twaeiSSrt and Mth etreete aad I NfMiBfe^ta^rbmis iaily to* the ateobifiea la aubootlii tho Bton, BpeikiFi Bode Bkeppe a l Sm Ninth and Tenth avenuei. The dli- ly. .ib.jiad fcg;fttsy lM bu«. |meBee o f "glris** tho oloetion a t D i ^ ~ > WiiBtetfaF GROCERY Mct has MS rttmm i fptm, of and thsir thfst chlldrfB^ri eirHM Roinfvfi tor C m im eh M 848 had ^^aet their ballots by teiMgty from .thsYssoond flqdr "to ttae^ d^a votiag used to bo ■ai Thnnidag N l|k li,S to U iS0 a.Eu a stag party/’lia aaldT^ K -:*v '■‘t t

- ' 'l(A K 6HEST£li EVENING BEBA^O;'EdtItltt'l£AKCm 3a % '£ $ @ | ^ / mmJrn ,.'t ■ I'-'. ^ * ift. He was arrested by the leeal, tiena was 'h«id mid'Dtetri^ . nbimoad 'the-Bo«fitvlVe ; r ' c f :' ^ qp ebmplalnt of.hls w lfa' He m ailer WIUiam’ C.'X%M eK^; Nigh: 'IW pIbB'iW D N U ^ n W ^ WIN Di F O C W ^ t «/*•. . •-1-. I ■’-» wtp $8 and the bests-' of the city presidikL ttierewAs li ' h d ^ b l "■ isforrtbe , p f * •* sod givien a stupended six prMented Jhiiid^ m tmas Seal HBab."' Mism- NlTLOSEmiOME^^^ iths*-JaU sentence and placed on A special m ^ve of the . „ , ' ' ■ ■ ■ have . . ^ f ■ « , » %J^ **> . ' . ’ r '•• ' 'ad( . u j ij ;; . • iv : ‘ , ; ■■■’ ■» ; • • ■.> .. ;■ ' ■; tten. Oebige BcKdumko and was a talk by Rev. Fei^D’N ^ fd f Bdgttr j . Voltiy, 80 " s p d Chethlck of this city were Stafford SpringB, who read -sevfi^ A ih ^ . t^se^whb. •/ After- fmtr wiB$M-'dr bo B ig g e r ^ollegUte** Go^p^es an^d; in police court charged with Intoxl- of his ,inM rest^! poems; '• • • ~ ing and cu^fiiljHng''"the letters, BfbclMr,' 22, wer^e^ prol^bly fntidty meqtfiigB;;claseifiMetiiigB,.aad nu-' of 31 G fi» L oft JBfilrer-Wlult ’Hiose Wh'o P by It Are Out OFFICER SHEA NAMED ca^on and trespassing on railroad Separate m eeting were held , and wuch .;are .tb bb;;-^t'.opt thq night injured t ^ motni^ when the ci^ m erous d|scHusri(ma .tbevM nior class pr^terty. They were arrested . by it was announced>&ere -i^rould lie- an ■hcffOTei,'tbank£|dv^ are:. Miss. Ma- TTiey/Hiduded,..'. Their Winniti|f& iff .whichythey were ridiiig cr^ ed has finally .deddbd im:the. obUcy of local police early Monday mom- Auxiliary o ffic^ school of instruc­ riem ^Prrip^-]^e Cobb,' Rutti Fer­ DEPARTMENT CAPTAIN guson, , Helen Kyuboh and Dorothy 1 ^ a stalled truck.Hhe trunk havlhg'ft and c^||f^ipbotog>- Manchester rebSved U ciuSoadst JtMlge John E . F isk fined B o- tion at South Coventry .,cahontas,^at. the .regular meeting Agent John J. Dwyer attributed’toe lice Fm*ce — Suec$eds Late for! trespassing. the truck when the accident luqipen- made^ reCommendatiPtta. for the of the favored tee>s won Saturday . Rebehah Lodge Boll Call mander WiBiam C. Pfunder will iwe- to be held in Red Men’s hall on Fri­ ed. The injured men were' removed increase to an unusual aoenmulatkgi Capt. Tobin. day night E^'h'year.a special night class. "The class, also inspected the over Sunday rather , than to . any in­ *^reaking” the backers of & ei lot­ Mayflower Rebbkah Lodge will side. . . ■ ' in an ambulance to the Hartford samples' and 'mbra pa^cularly the hoM its Miniiai roll call in L 0.^0. F. Anointed Treasurer is reserved for this occasion and the hospital. They aio believed to have crease in business. ,Tlm bluest tery in Hartford. It is'understood officers’ chaiEs will be occupied by work done- ‘ by th'ei ioad photogra­ cargo a^as coal o f w faito/there w ere At a nieeting of the City CoimcIl this evening. The meeting will At a recent business meeting of fractured skulls and were, badly cut. phers on three members of the com- that while heretofore the pool has held in the Memorial building last heicalled to order at 8 o’clock by the EHlingrton Congregational church, the past chiefs of the Coimcil. There Foley is the proprietor of a. filling thirteen cars. Three ,v contained will be an. entertieiinment program, niittee who were invited to pose. felspar, three' more had empty reaped a tidy weekly profit for its night,'Mayor A. Ei. Waite annoxmced Noble Grand Mrs. Emma Lisk. This John H. Fullerton was named treas­ station at 22 Poquonock avenue, operators, last Sjitu^y so many promises to be one of the most en­ urer to succeed the late . John T. Mc- refi;eshmenta and social hour follow­ Since there waa not a unanimous' boxes, another wt^-a- '(mrload a t Windsor and the son of Mr. and Mrs. opinion and' since'.in a. written bal­ picked winning teanu that they toat he had appointed Acting Cap­ joyable meetings of the season. Tyg Knight. The latter held that office ing the meeting. paper fo r The H erald v iiile . the re^ Herbert FOley of East Hartford. lot a photographer from but of earned a total of $15,000—a aiun tain Richard Shea, Captain of the cosunittees are working to make the for more than 25 years. M. Fuller­ 'N otes ' mainiiig imes were papty, gasoline, Brocker’s home is in Texas. He had town was chosen by the'.clasa, Mr. which the backers were unable to evening a complete succesA. The ton is an active member of the A son was. bom at the Rockville feed and general merchandise. Rockville Police Department to suc­ worked ih limchrooms in Windsor. Quimby Raa announced - to toe class entertainment committee has an­ church and. is a faithful and con­ City hospital on Monday nion^g to p*y- ceed the late Captain Stephen Tobin His permanent address^ is hot that they may .patronize whoever Several Manchester men “hit” the Captain Richard Shea joined the po­ nounced there will be a surprise and scientious worker. Past State Commander of the Amer­ ican Legion Edwaird Li Nevnoaarker known. ‘ to®y wi^- 'In previous'years it has pool Saturday with five . winners lice department as a supernumerary worth while program after the meet­ To Attend Service ATTEMPTED KIDN APING and Mie. Newmarker. The new ar­ always been a custom for the class M that should have won them $15 for in 1909, and was made a regular ih ing. Mrs. Bertha Schlaeffer is in On next Sunday morning members rival has' been, named Edward Lewis to select an official photographer as the $1 which they gmnbled. The 1916. He served under three cap­ charge and she will be assisted by of Hathaway-Miller Post, American pool was originated here last year. tains, Edward Kane, Leopold Krause Mrs. Alice Kington, Miss, Bessie Newmarker, second. there was toe expectation that pic­ Boston, Nov. 8.— (AP) — Miss Legion, and its Auxiliary, Will at­ tures would all be! takien in one stu­ Green slips of paper with the names and Stephen J. Tobin, and has been Di^ee, Miss Lillian Randall and tend the Ellington Congregation^ Miss Jennie Beckwith of Norwich -Overnight Frances Proctor, 18-yeai^eld de^- is the guest of Charles Phillips and dio. In return for this quemtity of of college teams engaged in nine faithful and conscientious in his du Miss Minnie Tennstedt. church in a b^y. A special order tante, was robbed and beaten while family of Prospect street for a few business toe studio took toe twenty games are circulated and those who ties at all times. His long and faith­ 'There will be a social hour and re­ of service, “ Keeping the Faith”, will sitting in hqr parked car on a Back days. to thirty group pictures without ex­ elect to “play” them' select four, five ful service for the city of Rockville freshments with Miss Minnie Tenn- be- used. Rev. John T. Nichols will A . P* News Bay street late last night. or all nine teams they think may has amply qualified Mr. Shea for the stedt as chairman. Others mem­ The Rockville Emblem club will tra charge. This year if toe .majori­ Her assailant 'ittempted to kid­ have a special message for this hold a meeting on Wednesday after­ ty fails to patronize one studio re­ win. Four paid eight to one, five important and' responsible position bers of the committee are Mrs. Eliz- group. . Boston—State Department of nap her but was scared off by ap- paid fifteen to one aqd nine fifty to as captain of the police department. abe^th Hewitt, Mrs. Alice IQngton noon at the Elks Home. Mrs. Ray­ gardless' of which one it is, the proachii^ pedestrians. Vernon Grange Officers public utilities is requested to ap­ group pictures win he paid for and one. A tie game or an upset usual­ Arthur Prey, a young man well and Mrs. Mdty Dowding. mond Hunt,,president, will preside. prove the consolidation of the Lee Miss doctor told police a rag­ At the last meeting of Vernon Plans for the winter activities will the cost distributed among the gedly dressed and hatiess man ap­ ly wrecked the hopes of most of known in this city and a resident Elks* Meeting Thursday Electric Company with the Pitts­ Grange officers for the ensuing year be discussed. The charity card members of toe class.. This amount proached her as she sat in her lliose who gambled but last week here most of his life, was appointed On Thursday evening, Rockville were elected as follows: Master, field Electric Company. It was sug­ a regular police officer. He haa party will be held in. the evening, is to be about 60 cents per capita. parked automobile. He pointed a there were no ties and neither were Lodge, No. 1369, B. P. O. E., wiU Oliver Clark; Overseer, Francis Ly­ gested by the ‘companies the con­ been a supernumerary since 1930 and it is expected several hundred All photographs for toe year book gun at her, shq said, grebbed her there any major upsets meet at the Ifiks Home. Exaltec. man; Lecturer, Mrs. Kate Smith; solidation be made effective Janu­ The xfine gam es oh the last slip and is a veduable member of the de­ people will attend. ary 2, 1933. will have ,to be of a standard 4x6 purse and. demanded she permit him Ruler Edward L. Newmarker will Steward, Wallace Thrall; Assistant size and will have that type of to drive her away in her automobile. were Holy Cross vs. Brown, Lafay- partment. It • was voted at the preside. There will be balloting on Steward, George Dsfrt; Chaplain, Boston—R. Harold Gudger, for meeting of the City Council last background to be decided upon by He pimohed her several times ®tte vs. Rutgers, Northwestern vs, candidates and important committee Mrs. Emma Baker; Gate-Keeper, mer superintendent, manager and ' Ohio State, Oregon State vs. Ore­ night to name the new extiension to the editorial staff of “Somanhls,” while attempting to get toe auto reports. A committee,, recently ap­ Donald Skinner; Ceres, Mrs. Arlene Deaths Last Night auditor of the Technology Chambers keyf from her and her lips were cut gon, Harvard vs. Army, Miami, O, Windsor avenue. Union street, as it This precaution will mean that toe pointed to look into the matter of Skinner; Pomona, Miss Rose Neider- Trust, pleads guilty to larceny of and her teeth loosened. vs. Ohio Wesleyan. Kentucky vs, continues in a direct line with Union engraving for the book- can be done inter-lodge bowling, will make a re­ weifer; Flora, Miss Marion Clark; $2,286 of the funds of the trust and The commotion attracted pedes­ Duke, ViUanova vs. Boston College street to Windsor avenue. Many New York—Mrs. Eldward Heiiry is sentenced to 18 months. much more economically. 1",: > class port and will have good news for Lady Assistant Steward, Miss Olivo has been in constant touch with toe trians and Miss Proctor’s attacker and Alabama vs. V. P. I. Recently names have been suggested as to Hincks; new member of . Ehcecutive Harriman', 81,-widow of the famous Boston—State Registrar of Mo­ those desiring to bowl. Chamber of Commerce office in re­ was scared away. another Hartford pool played al­ what the street should be named. committee for three years, William railroad builder and financier. tor Vehicles Ryan says in a pre­ It was also voted at the meeting The second November session oi gard to the problem of selecting a most exclusively by insumncc- cc;m- the Lodge of Elks has been advanced Johnson. Cologne, Germany — Heinrich liminary report that inspection of LEAPS TO DEATH panv cmn’o^.’ops ve"‘ p" to appropriate $1,000 for the Rock- Stinnes,. 64, elder brother of the late the control system of the plane photographer and has attempted to two nights as the regular meeting To HoU Whist co-operate as they did last year Now comes the failure of the big ! ville Visiting Nurse Association as The Home Economics comxnlttee Hugo Stinnes and owner of one of which carried three socially promi­ New York, Nov. 8.— (AP)—A man in previous years to carry on the night falls on Thanksgiviitf. The when they placed their order for pool which \vu» leport' .sJ have h lu n ^ session will be held on Tuesday of Vernon Grange will hpld a public the most important graphic art col­ nent fliers to their deaths In Ran­ identified as Peter T. Coxe, about 60 New York backing. Hartford po­ good work of caring for the sick of lections in Europe. dolph discloses no mechanical de- their class rings ^ through a local night, November 22, instead of No whist at the home of Mrs. George jeweler. The seniors took toe years old, was killed today when he lice wore investigating the pool the city. Other routine bueiness Ewing of Dobsonville on Thuraday New York—The Rev. Charles Phll- fe c u . m vember 24. At the session a “Lodge ground that the matter of individ­ fell or jumped from a window of his With the hopes of locating the op­ was transacted, including the paying afternoon at 2 o’clock. There will ipbar, 79, evangelical pastor who of Sorrow” will be held for the late Providence, R. I.—Michael Britto, ual photographs Is one which each room on the l5th floor of the Hotel erators. The failure of the pool of bills and granting permits. be prises and refreshments. It is served in several large eastern 39, Rehoboth, Mass., held for par­ Captain Stephen J. Tobin. The eulo­ Individual should decide for himself M cAlpin. brlnnrs to mind the English pool on In Rockville Police Court expected there will be a large num­ churches. ticipation in the armed robbery of gy will be delivered by Esteemed especially since It includes:toe very His body landed on a ledge on the 'm the chances of Bobby Jones to win There were several violators of ber present. Iliese whists for the the HUlsgrove postoffice is exoner­ the motor vehicles laws in the Rock­ Leading Knight Lewis H. Chapman. delicate question of satisfying his seventh floor on the SSrd street side the Britleh open golf title a few Food Sale Wednesday benefit of the Grange are proving ated and released. ville Police Court on Monday morn­ ROBBED PAUPER personal tastes. of the building. years ago in which Manchester men most successful. " New Haven, Conn.—Yale Dally invested considerable money and ing, also several other cases. Pau Hope Chapter, Order Eastern Star, Tlianksglvlng Social New Britain, Nov. 8.—(AP) — News says editorially that because yxiuld have collected a huge profit Rodan of Somers was fined $1 and will hold a food sale on Wednesday xosts of $11.93 fv passing a stop afternoon at the office of the Rock- On Thursday evening, • November From the poorhouse to jail was the of the dlfferencee in training and PRINCE CELEBRATES BACKACHE bad the lottery not been a fraud. eligibility rules of the two institu­ light one evening last week. Al­ ville-Wlllimantlo Lighting Co. The 10, Margaretha Lodge is to hold a road traveled today by. John Bianca, bert Covllle of Ellington, charged sale starts shortly after 1 o’clock and meeting and Thanksgiving social in g4 and Malln Beauleau, 19 who w8re tions less credit is due the Army for Sinaia, Rumania, Noy. 8.— (AP)— Take Lydia Et Pinklwin*! its. victory over Harvard than the GETS THREE MONTHS with the same offense, was given the there will be many good things to Princess hall to which all members convicted in police court of robbing This waa a big day for Prince score of 46 to 0 would indicate. Vegetable Compound same punishment, as was Fred A, eat on hand. The public is asked to are Inrited to attend, The commlt- Mrs. Micbaelena Marron, aged in­ mate of the town farm, of which Michael of Rumania, celebrating his lfyearbMkMlMl|then«dCela tM London, Nov. 8.—^(AP)—W. A. L. Meryer of Broad Brook on the same attend. Worthy Matron Mrs. Qaude ;ee asks for a large attendance. The Springfield, Mass.—Local branch name day two weeks after bis feature of the program will be they also were inmates. They ad­ of the National Metal Trades Asso­ Hannington, the Communist agent charge. Stanlslaw Kulo of this city, Bllson and Mrs. Minnie Teimstedt eleventh birthday. “ catching turkeys.” There will* be mitted stealing jewelry valued at ciation reports an increase of 1,008 Who organised -the “Hunger March” who parked his auto on the city are. in charge. Among the gifts he received were poond. ilenty of fun. Mrs. Ruth Lehmann about $126 from the woman’s'^trunk em ployes since Sept, 1 In 26 western of the unemployed, was sentenced highway all night, was charged $4 Attended District Meeting a spirited young lion cub, sent by a For niortr shtF Toon tetibedwe .sad s chairman in charge and she will and a mandolin. Each received a Massachusetts mStal working plants. hoodschoo . . . nnilts of fotiano •. • Iwn • frj today to three months in prison. The and the costs of the court. William About twenty-five members of circus pla^ng In Bucharest, and a Tioldod to this msmloos niwldns imeh specific charge was that In a speech A. Minor was before Judge John E Stanley Doboss Post, American Le­ be assisted by the following mem- five-day jail sentence ffom Judge Now Haven, Conn.—Now Haven tooM ap ths sTotom sad gins wooson rs- Stanley J. Traceskl. Joeeph Horen- Journal-Courier says it receives a horse from the border army corps. At Trafalgar Square during one .f Fisk in the Rockville Police Cour ; gion, and its Auxiliary attended the )ers: Mrs. Elsie Stalger, Mrs. Kate aowsd Btiwtth sad soscir. U yoa ara Yanke, Mrs. Julius Beer and Mrs. stein, 30, proprietor' of a music report from a reliable source that The Chasseur regiment to which awfoas . . . wssk . • • or xaa-M«m It. last week’s demonstrations he at­ on Monday morning, charged with meeting of the Fourth District held ho belongs notified him that he had ■heald hslp jaa. tempted to Incite mutiny among the assault and battery on his wife at Morris Kellman. store, Was fined $16 for purchasing Dean Mendell of Yale College has in WlUimantic on Sunday afternoon. been offered the presidency of been promoted to the rank of cor­ N oat of anrv IM aamaaivlM poMc-* their home in Vernon on Saturday A joint meeting of both organisa- Helping With Seals the' mandolin without a license to to ao oiT that w ip a n bonriKsd^lp tals deal in second hand goods. Princeton University. poral. awdldas. Bap a hottlo fno} poar drat* The Christmas seal conuxiittee an- iM todap • • • sad o a tn aw coaiuta. T 'I- i '- 's Thls GUILD MAltK appears on s every piece of authentic Grand Rap­ m m m : i l l / s ids Guild furniture. Each piece is l l i l l { ’ registered at the factory. When •I' ‘M 'X 'X ’.* purchased there is issued to you, i i p i i HIP through this store, - the original cer­ l i i i tificate of registration, signed by 1 K ’s ' s ' v < ,s s s " 4 s -I X Guild officials, and bearing the Same - s ' ' S t> s number stamped on the furniture. It is your warranty of genuine value! TRUE GRAND C V | t J, RAPIDS CABINET MAKING

THE HUNTER HUNTED! **Nature in the Ran;**— oa portrayed hy the famoua artistp R. 'Atkinson Fox . • . inspired hy the battle hetwem ari'enraged bull buffalo and. the savage Indian himterswhoselances roused the beast to fUrUms charge* **Natureinthe Raw is Seldom M(Id” —and raw tobaccos h o i « n o place in dgarettes*

in Luckies Flint-Bnice Is Oiily Store III Hartford a Member of so m ild The Grand Itapds Guild! mellowing, are then given the tobaccos in all the world-* benefit, of tl ^ Lucky Strike puti« • * . • • - ■ - • . . • H in t-!^ ce methods and Flint>Brucern\0rehandise were simply boimd but that does not e^cplain why fying process, described by die to- winT^gnltion. For membership in tiiis' new Guildrcan not bought, can not be begged, .it ctmiefi only by invifat^nl atm*e isftheCsde evetywhere r e ^ d Lucky words -^?^It*s toasted*’. That’s Hartford member of this Guild, wMch djEmandsvaa^^ a atiuidard of merchandising eliiics and praelice in ?etfdUng, of consiradiipn ..Strike as the mildest cigarettje. why folks in eveiy mid authentic design in manufiacture: In the eratife cbimtry, invitations extraded to .'fewer thmi 600 ft|raitiirevstbw»,i6ut <^^ llie £u:t is, we never ov e rlo o k ^ bamkt say that Luckks are such truth t ^ **Nature^iiar the; Etw: mi is ^IdbiOL A1^ ’’ ^ s o t h ^

T ^ v V 'V P h o n e : 2 ^ 7 1Q8 Aiqrluiii St. and;I50Trnmbull St,. Hattfoid

m p m m m — --y-'. PAGEFOUn ’r iUMCBUTBK IVENING BXRALD, SOOTH HANCBlltfnB, OOM lf^TlW A¥, NOVSHBIB I, U6& r ,_ of **f^«*w with tha doM of tht ONU phUewpliy o f tha Osmanmlst would < w « r . . MOm to ba fermr ia^oMlblo of ae> Maybe ThereV Some iGood in iOie Borne, After AH! t' No'dom t AJabama will quiaQy ae- oqitimce. Gennaiiy U one of them. cept without question the reversal Tbe United States Is another, Brit­ POBUSaBO BT THB HBBAXiD PRUm kO OOWriMT. INC of its trial court’s verdict la this ain Is another. But if there lAsny- Never before hak %'t tf nw«n stm t oase.aalfflve the priaoners tlM bene- tUng. llkaly to arouse, ia Amarleaa, ~ 4 tt of aaether—and carefully fabor>- Britain or Osvmaa, any degree of 80 little to kee{j^ Ora*r«] VMmc«r trtaL tolerance of that jdUlosophy it is the Pooatfad Ootebar 1, l l t l But this isn’t the only compUea- rising up of the offenMve opposite tSon in the ease. The CSvll L iberties philosophy of the Nazi, the Fasdst t S ^ s s y s s ^ M XTiBieB made the cause its own; and or the American mr British reaction­ though that organisation’s primary ary. You cannot propose to erect purpose is the admirable one o f de­ dass control and class government OLD MAN MI8KE§filOH CAU6HT ACCUSED O F EVBIVr CAtME OM THE ? BO fO V i bjT 01 oil IN THE Act OF OESTAOYIMO FROynUHtr— 0? IfOOtht BO OMil •ft fending tbs legal rights of oppressed and ekclustvely class benefits for the OrrA’IUTEfi — fujtcio OOplM ...... •.•*• Otuvor^ oso yotf ...... il>tO individuals circumstances have Iden­ ‘Tdgher” orders without arousing at aCSMBBIt OF THE A880CUTTO^ tified it with so nuny reds that most once the proposal of class control, PHB88 people think of it as a wildly radical class government and exclusively Tbo AMoelatod Pr«M to ozelitflvoly •Btttlod to th« OM lo t rapoblleotlOD organisation; and in addition the dess benefits for the "lower” orders. oC oil Bowa dlapotobaa eradltad to H Full exerciffi valuE st or. sot otborwiaa eradltod to tbla Communists themselves have flock­ When the one mistaken philosophy unprecedented low pFice! ed to the defense of these Negroes is abandoned it is almost certrin, fiafi'ed hartln. All rtobta et rapabllootloa ot apparently in hope of putting a that the other mistaken philosophy special diapotobos baraln ora also ra> will also be abandoned. sarvad. feather in their cap. Now the Supreme Court has deed­ PobUsbaPs Bapraaaatotlva: Tba •CONVICTED OF UNDBEMINIMG - A N D c o n d e m n e d A E Julius Hatbews Special Apaney—Now ed against the constituted authority A LONG-SHOTTEB FUEUC COKFIDENCE — UNDESIRABLE - Rowing Machine Turk, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. of a sovereign state and in favor of In New York some individual who Full aanrles ollant ot N B A Ser­ appellants who are being champion­ evidently hates money made a bet vice. Ina Kambar Audit Bureau ot Clreulo- ed by some very violent radicals and of $2,000 to $82,000 that Hoover n r / Uona. others having similar reputation. It would not carry a single state. He $ p 5 The Harold Prtatlof #ompony, lao., is going to be a dose for some people could have gotten a lot more satis­ : ooBUBiaa no Snaaelal reaponalbllity Cor tj^ooropbicol errors oppearlas la outside of Alabama as well as for faction out of that $2,000 by putting advartlsemeats lay the Maneheater the courts of that state and its off! it in an envelope and maiUTig it t o Evening Harold. ^ dais, to swallow. the Manchester Emergency Ehnploy- TUBSDAT. NOVEMBER 8. Jiut the same it may prove to be ment Association or addressing it to We’ve yet to hear of another rowing: machir.3 one of the most useful decisions ever “Any Charity, Anywhere.” There that ai^roaches this value at anywhere near thb DYNAMITE recorded by the nation’s highest surely is something very wrong with new Idw price. It’s ruggedly constructed of The fact that only two men were court. It may put an end to shame­ a system which makes it possible for angaf^ in the Nevada attemt>t to smoothly-sanded solid maple with shaped seat, less and shameful perverdon of the anybody like that to have two thou­ dynamite the President’s train and hard-rubber wheels and oil-tempered springer law in many of the Southern states sand dollars. that the dastardly deed was frus­ Row your way to health in your own room! where Negroes are concerned. trated by the courskge of a single I watchinan should be -proof sufficient I N N E ^ ^ O R K -V E T .W H O b THINK HEb PERPOWA A PU6UC LIKE that no significance attaches to it WATKINS’ PARDON The action of the Board of Par­ beyond the obvious. That there Greatness and Gratitade dons in commuting to four-and a half should be anywhere in the coimtry New York, Nov. 8 — When the years the minimum sentence of even two persons capable of so evil tiaras and bauble fortunes sparkle Roger W. Watkins, fraudulent Hart­ a g ^ in the "diamond horseshoe” of V m ’T K l N S a deed will be, of course, shocking ford broker who robbed numberless the Metropolitan Opera House— ARVELOUS to many normal people. Yet we all When the orchestra heirs the BROTHERS. INC. Connecticut people through his know that there are . many times first tap of the director’s stick and HEALTH-DIET ADVICE ANHATTAM more than two individuals,* among swindling conspirings, will probably the sixers hide the inevitable BY DK. FRANK McCOY By ■ nervousness of a first night— WILLIAM GAINKS our scores of millions, who are vis be received with stony silence by a ((iiestions In regard to Health and INet wiU A great baritone, in his dressing mimi eious enough for any evil deed, no majority of the people of this state. room imek stage, will be sending be Answered by Dr. MoOoy who cam he BEHIND THE SCENES IN They are not much given to finding New York—Young women from matter how bad. at least one telegram and several addressed in qarr et this Paper. Bneleee fault with the proceedings of their messages penned in hours preced­ tbe south sometimes complain be-, The point to be especially regard­ sellhddrcBsed Envelope for B c ftj. cause New York men don’t bop up Board of Pardons, believing that in ing the great musical event of the ed, to our way of thinking, is that New York year. They will be to give them their seats in the the main that body is actuated by subway. Tiie girls don’t think they if this had been in the least in the thoughtful messages, containing a A m SWALLOWERS <|>Will aroh supporters cure this? motives at least honorable and gen­ note of gratitude. Several are al­ should have to stand while men sit nature of a revolutionary plot there Should he ride his Joycycle? Or is it down. Some frankly glare their re­ A NEUTRAL LOOKS AT BOTH erally justifiable. It is perhaps for­ most certain to go to Syracuse, N. In India among a certain sect Of better for him to walk a lot?” SIDES OF THAT QOOVER- would have been a good many more Y. sentment, but it doesn’t do n\uch Hindus practicing yoga there is a Answer: Arch supporters cannot PROGRESSIVE CONTRO­ than two men in the vicinity of that tunate that this confidence exists, for For the famous singer has never good. Obstinate, fellows just' burrow cure fiat feet any more than VERSY. if the people did. not fully believe in forgotten the days when he was a peculiar exercise performed of swal­ their noses in newspapers and con­ Nevada underpass and the efforts of crutches can make you strong. Rid­ newsboy in the streets of Syracuse lowing air. They are able to fill tinue to hog the seats. no one watchman would have pre­ the integrity of the members of the ing a Joycycle should be. good exer­ Washington.—Although the is­ and kind folk helped him on his up the stomach and intestines with A few months here either con­ vailed. So that nothing can be board the release of Watkins would cise, but the best one of all is to vinces the girls that men have equal sues between tbe two major parties way. • air just by closing the mouth, filling take your son for a walk once or be pretty sure to bring down about rights to. subway scats, or recon­ are not very clearly drawn the surer'than that this dynamiting at­ it full of air and swallowing. I do twice daily, having him walk in their heads a ndghty storm of con­ The Story of Bonelli not know exactly what sort or ciles them to a deplorable disregard campaign and the point seems to be tempt was the work of a couple of "pigeon toed” part of the way. This of the old chivalfrc code. New York demnation. / He is Richard Bonelli, and sel­ spiritual benefit is supposed to be is walking with the toes turned in whether Hoover or Roosevelt can wandering enemies o f society ani- dom has any artist reached the derived from the practice of swal­ women simply take it for granted best get us out of the present mess, ;v '• It cost the state of Connecticut an like the Indians do. Just teO him to that they are going to stand in pub- m ated b y mu insane grouch and cer heights over a more circuitous, lowing air, but the physical effects walk Indian fashion patt of the the case of the Progressive against enormous amount of money to catch varied and imcertain trail. are not quite mentionable in poUte hc conveyances when all seats are the Prerident is relatively concrete. tainly not that of any organized time and let him think he is playing occupied. Watkins and convict him—probably Newsboy, engineer, inventor, society, and I also know that many a game. jMoat of the more important Pro­ group. patients, who belch and suffer from On a crowded subway express a great deal more than was ever be­ hotel employe, bookkeeper, me­ gressive leaders are campaigning '' At all ei^ ts, we shal^ probably all chanic, b^ ^ messenger, insurance gas attacks following a meal, upon Che other day a decrepit old gentle-< against Hoover and none of tb.em is <*’011*-fedr!da” ) prefer to bitiieve this m til there is fore spent by tids odmmoi^wealtfa^h inveatigaMr •—: Which just goes wouldn’t be so encouraging for the both en^dd^ring and music bad looking in vain for a cure that liter­ progre^ve vie'wpolnt; wiU be in Alabama it is not easy to been too^eat. He hurried west, ally lies under their noses. to show what a boy from Russia can Less than half of the '.homes-|n Democratic side if it were not for a The diagnosis may be made in (D U therm y) do when he puts his mind to it. imagine. The . highest appellate and got, work in a zinc mine in Ari­ 1. Hoover was responsible for the the United States measure up to comparison with the vote of four zona, not far from the Grand Can­ several ways. ITie fluoroscopic Question; Connie D. asks: "Do Only 14 years ago Apollon was in Federal Farm Board and its work, minimum standards of health and court in that state had refused to in­ years ago. Then there were 31 yon. x-ray will show the patient in ^e you believe in the diathermy steril­ England, 'with no&ing but a great as well as various expanajona of decency. tervene, though it did finally grant His health regained, Bonelli a ct o f sw allow ing air. The b Of L a,' '■ 'r'4'vi-.tfiAi-'V,* V ’t;v- • ' V i w ' ••'•*!. I'I, it V, MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD^iQUra M^^^CHBOTWiVp QNN, T lS

mAttfaff, wara ifit io-8uUy r a w iBdaaver leetety taas'aeoapted an ln> N < laatad. Tbf to tetairtM i vltatteB to attend B,>unlbn» naattlng SniDENTS’ ACnON COLUMBIA . P. FEDERATION Ufhti WM fiflUljrvotad'.dom by a at.Boottand naxt laturdiy, toa SOME SIDEVyGHfS majori^ 9 t MaviD, tbara ^bateg 46 BsaatlBg to b a ^ at I p. m ; mtb a Psrfsot Ettmduos for tbs month T0HEETDECEMDER9 A particularly lively town most- for KM M agaluti ttai .voto. Tbo auppar larvad at B e'oleek. tQultea VEXESCHAMBER of Ootobtr for tbo Hop Ilivsr Vil- inf took place at center town oppofltDts finally votad,to,bavo BO Bumbar of tba mambm^plaii tp at- ON STATE’S ELECTION lags sohool is bs follows: John loro- itMat light! at all at tbo enter, tebd. r Inal SMBlon of Year Undtrl ball Friday svening, to dsoids raiolBdlBg ttaa foTBMr vote.- Mr. and Mra. Baymend Oanflald kollt, Harold Nobis, Harry Borokolit, wbstbsr tbs town sbould install ten of Hartford ipond tot waaH>and u John Wilks, Frank Borokolit, Lion ProBont Offlctri To Bo Hold Mr. and Mri. Orinton I. Will at- By Aaaoolatad IN N Afiolala wboaa tanak do n e t' a i^ N sleotrlo lights at tbs center or tandad Idturdayi'footbdil gam# at uMtM ot Mr. and Mri. Howard 0. tUi yanr. Zn 1M4. Bew a^, botb Tatro, Miks Wilks, Lona Btrlokland, At SoeoBd CongroKBtloml | sbould abiM by tbs vote token four Thmpaen, Dinpprove PhD To Bring Bmma Btrlokland, ZkmiN Btriok- Williaaa OoUaga, WIlllamitowB, Oouaetteut «o of tba offloii wU ba olBitM b a j^ i Church. yMrs ago to have two. As tbs A tablat, tot gift of FrefoMor land, Bophis Wilkis, Gladys Nobis. town of,Hebron consists of three Man. M ill Marjoria Martin ra- firat atatea tmatart nM fttog Ite alao- Tbo tsmpsraturs Friday morning turnad rritb > tbam from ' Dalton, AuatiB WarroB of Boaton TAiivcr- tion raturna. Tba iteDa oIom M 6 Tba Bteta'i’ algttt' pri villages, HSbron center, Oilsad and itty, baa baan plaoad on tot front Ont-of-Town Photographer wont down to 18 dsgrsts on tbo Tbs final masting of tbs Yoi Amston, besides outl^ng districts, Man., to apand tba waak-nd at bar p. m„ four .and five houra bafort alaoton will net teva yanf rigeteua Psopls’i Fsdsratibn of Manobsitsr Habronhoma. ot it. Poterii oburob. Zt boari tbo in toa far wntera atotea. dutiaa. will go to.WamagtM Orson, a low rsoord for tbo Mason. considerable feeling was.. ------afoused by iBaoriptien, “It. Foterii oburOb. Tbs big stsam shovsl which has •ad vioinity undsr tbs prsisnt slats Tba Itev. Malcolm Taylor of Boa- la Jaauwy to oaat formal ballota for Hero On Contract. of offlosrs will bs hsld at tbo Bsoond ton, Maaa., apoko to tbo young poo- Hebron, organiaad 1784, Froiont tba nemieaa of tbair paofty. boon working on tbo now otato aid odifioa 1888. Bnter, Iteft, a^d Fray.“ Oonnaotiout vetera alaoted a Ora- road, was movod Friday undor its Oonfrsgatlonal ohuroh, Friday svo- ilo of it. Poter'a Bplaoepal Onurob raHman at lAtgo tMay ter toa nlng, Dsesmbsr 8. Latsr in tbs lunday at tba 11 a. m., lorvloa from Tba ohurob doera art laft epan for Four oitlM oboaa municipal of- own powor across tbo Orson to resented tbs electric light company viaitori. *rat tlma la 80 yaara. mw raappor- Tba Board of Control of th« Katiman’s oomor to a gravol bank month, rsprsisntativso of tbs vari­ and stated that it would cost tbs the teat, “Heap tbv hoart, with, all tloamaat act uter tlu 1980 eaaaua fioara today aa wall aa Votoig ter Obambir of Oommtroi lait nlgbt whoro it will ohovol gravol to bo ous sooistiss oonnsotsd with tbs] town little if any more to insWl ten dlUganoa, for out of it art tht laauaa Waak-tBd vlaltora at toa homa of gava to# atate aa additioaal rapra- atate and natlenM offioora. Tba oem- almtd a broadiidt oi dliapproval Fsdsration will most to slsot offi- of uia.** Ho proaohad to tot adult Mr, and Mra. Oaorga F. Xibba wara aaatativa but tba UgMatura did inuBitiaa wboaa votera wara ooa- usod in Vtloy HiU. llA ts than tbs two of the original fronted by axoaptienally loop bal­ afalnit two^ local aotlvltlci, tbc first A now roflooting sign has boon osrs for tbs coming ysar. vote. Claude W. Jones, first select- mambari of too oongrogation on Mr. and Mra. Riuban Boalay, Mra. Bot aaaot a radlitriotmg bill, It is plaansd to havs an intsrsst-1 “Divine Ouidanoa,” from tba 08rd Lulu Lord, tad Mr. and Mra. Mor- lota wara itamferd, Anaonla, Involving Manobcitcr rilgb lobool, lacod on tbo bad ourvo about a mils man, spoke in favor of tbe ten light ng spsaksr at tbs Dsesmbsr msst- proposition, and it was brought out Paalm, dalivaring an oloqunt and an I^ d , all of ioutb Maaeboater. and ttialtOB. and tbi second tbs Mi^xctassUr Eslow tbo Orson on tbo Willlmantio ha Rav. tad Mra. Walter Vay of Forty-fiva towai, iaoludlag all toa road, by tbo BUto Highway Dopt. that Hebron center is a dangerous inaplrlng Nrmon. f larga oltiaa, uaad voting maoblaoa, Bnaergenoy Bmploymsnt Assoola- Mlaa QUvo Bmltb waa tba guoat Oiload wara alio oallara. Buaday tion, u c . Tbs m st conesms tbs Mr. and Mrs. Horbort Ootalors and loint for pedestrians especially, vlaltora wara Mr. Aadraw A. Tylar i ^ a toa etoara bald to too paper VETIBANg .VOTINO two obildrob of Motuebou, N. J., isre is much rapid traillc Through of ralativaa bare Bunday. ballot lyatem. Tba inoraaaad aum- rsesntly announced letting of a Rlvenburg ' approaches on the Mr. and Mra. Charlaa C. Ballara of of Rumford, R. X., aad Jamoi Hazal- photography contract to an out«of* spont tbo wook ond at the homo son is now making arrangements for tbe green and grava of Rlvaralda, R. I., old friaads bar of voting maohinaa will make Darisp, Nov; 8.—(AF)--Blx bus toira concern, tbs second a Pf opoied of Mrs. Oobloro parents, Mr. and New York-Boetonm highway, which is New London apant Bunday at tbelr returna avaflabla mora rapidly to­ loads of vateraas, ovar 800 to all, the meeting. Letters have been intersected by the Ool< Colchester-Hart- Hebron home. of tba Xibba family. night. plan of work crebtlon that will, It Is Mrs. Ooorgo Ohamplin. The visit was mailed to all alllllated cburcljes, urg Elder Osoar Snipea of Naw Lon­ from toe Fltoh Boldlaris Homa, wara eharged, operate In unfair competl* in the form of a surprise for Mr. ford road at the center. One death, The Rev. Howard 0. Obimpa gave traaaported to Hartford, Naw Ha­ attendance of tbe young peo- that of a very valuable and much a motion picture on Mexico at toe don officiated at 'toa Bevanto Day tlon to sstabUshed business, Champlln's birthday, which was pie. Advent service at Hopevala Batur' Six partlea were on toe Connecti­ ven, Waterbury and Naw Britain H. B. Photographs loved citizen, had already been caus­ Btratfield Congregational ohurob cut ballota, but only five of them and nearby towns today wbara the Sunday. The present officers of the Federa­ ed by an automobile fatality at the Sunday evening. He gave an ac­ day, at 11 a. m. Mra. Snlpas ac< Written complaint was made to At the morning service of the tion are: Herman Johnson, presi­ had prekldentlal electors. Tbe In­ veteraas may vote la tbs rsspaotlvs the Board, otaarglng that the High center, when the Rev. Theodore D. companying lecture on the subject companled blm. ' dependent Republicans were not local church, tbelpastor. Rev. A. W. dent; Alfred Rlvenburg, vice-presi­ Martin was killed August 16, 1080 Mr. Ctaampe will give the Mexican Mrs. Albert Keefe of Hopevale communities wtaert thsy art regis­ School he 8 obtained a Boston con* : delllnger preached a timely sermon, dent; and Marjorie Crockett, secre­ permitted by a Superior Court deci­ tered. Huge banner% urging “wte cem to take photographs of stu* This fatality could undoubtedly have motion picture at Liberty Hill, and children attended a dinner party sion to pluce the names of the regu­ bis subject being “For Sale” touch­ tary and treasurer. Each society is been prevented had there been even Lebanon, one evening tola week, Saturday at toe home of her broth- for Roosevelt” were prominently dis­ dents, for use In the xear Book and ing in part on the coming election. also represented on the executive lar Republican electors on their played on each of the buses. as a remembrance of graduation. one street light here. There have Leon Bushea baa been taken to er-ln-law and alster, Mr. and Mrs. ticket. When the matter was brought up at Sunday evening the cast which re­ board. also been several narrow escapes on the home of Mra. Truman C. Ivea to Peter HeUeger, In Scotland. Paul cently presented the pageant “The the part of pedestrians since that board through the winter. Broome accompanied her and play­ « regular meeting yesterday, the light of truth” at the local church A number of women were nom­ More than 60 per cent of all flow­ Board went on record in unanimous MniTIlCD TlUr’C shown that the cost The Rev. Walter Vey preached on ed the violin. ers In toe world are red or some under the direction of its author, the text “A new Commandment I inees, most pf.them for toe Legisla­ 'dlsapproal of the action. rAltlbK llnlL d J u d IIXE of the ten lights would be so small ture, but a fedr for state offices on shade of that color. Rev. Mr. Olcott, Field Secretary of as to make no appreciable difference give imto you, that ye love one an­ ' It was voted to authorize and minor tickets. The only woman ‘instruct the president and secretary the Anti-Saloon League gave the other,” at the Sunday service at the TWO ELECTIONS r in ip r u CAI P DAPP ANThn the taxes. There were-many heat- seeking a national position was ief the Chamner to write a letter to pageant at the Scotland church. vllU livn ijillX I A u C /iril I ed arguments in the course of toe Center Congregational church. Holy Elsie Hill of Redding, seeking toe school offldalB, voicing disapproval Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutchins en evening, and epithets like “dumb Communion was celebrated. New Haven, Nov. 8.— (AP)—^Vot­ Fourth District Congressional seat VICKS OXIGH DROP In this and similar instances. Al­ tertained a family party of fourteen bell,” “ tax dodger,” etc., were hurled Clement Wall of East Hampton ers In the Third Congressional Dis­ Sunday consisting of the following sang a tenor solo, “Ave Maria.” trict will take part' In another elec­ bald fr.r 21 years by her father. She .. All you’ ve hoped for in a though public funds are not being The characters In “Father Time’s beck and forth indiscriminately, in addition to their own family, Mr. Roger W. Porter was leader of tion within three months. They will is j n Independent Republican. Cough Drop—medicated with used, as pupils finance the cost Jubilee,’’ toe pageant to be given in caxislng some rancom and--consider­ themselves, nevertheless, the Board and Mrs. Lester Hutchins and son the Christian Endeavor meeting at select a successor to Representative ingredients o f i connection vrito toe annual sale at able laughter. The opponents of pointed out, school officials should Francis of Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. the center Sunday evening, with the John Q. Tllson whose resignation is Senator Frederic C. Walcott and toe Second Congregatlcinal church toe measure were out in full force, use their i^uence to have the stu­ Joseph Hutchins and son Merwin of topic, "What " ’•e the effects of Mili­ effective Dec. 8. The successor will Attorney General Warren Burrows tomorrow afternoon at 4, together while many of those in favor, not are the only Connecticut elective of- dent body demonstrate a spirit of WEishlngton, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. realizing the importance of the tary Training In toe Schools?” The serve until March 4. loyalty to local business. with those who take part in toe eve­ Howard Stanley and daughter Jean ning entertainment, “Scenes In toe Support School Paper of Andover, and Mr. and Mrs. Manchester business men and Union Depot” afe given below. Both Donald Woodward of Columbia. promise an afternoon and evenipg’s flrtps, the Board states, have always Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Mellinger and beMR willing to co-operate with the ftm. their two children motored to Father Time and Mother Nature High school, constantly helping to Arlington, Mass., Tuesday to spend a ■ ■ . '/ • support its various projects, such as hold a grand review in their court. Stomanhls advertising and the ath­ few days at the home of Mrs. Mel All toe seasons and holidays with letic funds. The Board maintained Unger’s sister, Mrs. James Sherman, their various attendants respond to that it was unwise to ignore local returning to Columbia Saturday. Father Time’s invitation and, attend business and to even consider bring­ The town schools were closed Wed dressed in gala attire. CoM gnups don^t chiil his home ing an out-of-town' photographer in nesday afternoon that the teachers Robert Allen takes toe part of to set up a studio in the High might attend the teachers meeting. Father Time and Edith Bratsnyder Bffhool, which it is reported they Mrs. Ethel Bl^ely, Frank Pres­ toe part of Mother Nature. Marion ]|4an to do. ' ton, Mrs. Elsie Collins and Miss "Vittner represents Day and Robert There are at least three local pho­ Josephine Hubbard motored to Rut­ .Richardson, Night; Barbara Keeney tographers, the Board further points land, Mass., Thursday to attend the enters as Springtime attended by The Chamber is not concerned graduation as a nurse of Mrs. Blake' Rain, James Griswold, and Sunshine, now that he uses HIGH TEST fuel whldi obtains tlto business, but is lya daughter, Mrs. Ethel Blakely. Gloria BidweU; Lillian Scott appears dfsling with a matter of policy. Miss Myrtle Collins has returned as Summer attended by Thxmder, The Board took no action on the home after visiting her sister. Miss Earl Knofla'^and Lightning, Carl Eiinployment Association matter, Lura Collins in East Hartford.- Bilyeu; Robert Gardner depicts voting to table the question vmtll Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bamo, who Autumn with Daniel Allen taking 3 EASY RULES for Using ' the Association, made known its were married in the Columbia toe psirt of .Jack Frost and Barbara K oppers C^nneetlentf^oke ]iiMn as to whether it will carry on church last Saturday, Oct. 29 re Sadroadnski toe part of Wind. this type of work and competition turned Thursday after a honeymoon Eletmor McKenna enters as Win­ 1 S h a k e l e s s —^Because K op­ again tois 'winter. auto trip through Massachusetts, ter followed by Marjorie Hunger- pers Connecti­ Contractors Kick ford, Cloud, and Hazel Hamilton, When the Asspclation provided 'Vermont, New Hampshire, Canada and New York State. Snow; Doris Christensen represents cut Coke is all carpentry and painting jobs for New Years, Albert "Virginia, Ldn- fuel, and burns skilled laborers last year, a storm Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woodward entertained . Saturday evening with colh’4 Birthday, Charles.-McCarthy of protestMToUowed from established and jane Scott, cuplds for St. Val­ down to fiite cpntractors. As many of these con­ two tables of bridge. Their guests ashes that were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchins entine’s Day; Florence Harworth, tractors are members of the Cham­ Washington’s Birthday; Jean Her­ drop"through ber, it was felt that it was the duty Mr. and Mrs. James Grimm, and Mr rick, Easter; John Harvey, Me- I the grate with of the organization to discourage and Mrs. Howard Stanley. mortal Day; Meredith Stevenson, this unfair competition. The Board Jr., Fourth of July; Norman Allen, very little charges that to carry on painting Labor Day; Ruth Sims represents and carpentry work in competition shaking. Once DE MOLAY INITIATES Thanksgiving, with Mary Lou and a day is often enough to shake— with legitimate channels of business Adeline Patterson as attendants, is imfair and should not be coim- less frequently in mild weather. tenanced. It would be as fair, ac­ while Louis Tuttle, Jr., appears as cording to the opinion of the Board, HERE NUMBER TEN a Christmas Tree. An invisible 3 Use less draft—Because choir furnishes eight musical num­ to set up discarded looms to give Koppers Con­ unemployed trained weavers employ­ bers during the program. ment in the manufacture of silk or David Chapman Presides As Those who take part in the eve­ necticut Coke to produce other manufactured ar- ning entertainment at 8 o’clock, is High Test ]V|aster Councillor At Last are Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Walton, Mrs. ' tides in competition with established Fuel, it bxims industries. Similarly, it would be as Night’s Ceremony. Russell Post, George Stiles, Helen fair to set up a grocery store to give Copeland Mrs. Lottie Cummings, evenly with­ men employment as clerks. Robert and Daniel Allen, Mrs. ou t forcing The initiatory degree was con­ Agnes Hayes, Marjorie Krah, John Several members of the Board the fire an d recognized the fact that employment ferred on a class of ten candidates Wolcott, Andrew Fiedler, Robert was provided, but the Board did not at toe regular meeting of John Starkweather, Mrs. F. V. Williams, wasting hea^ take any definite action, pending the Mather Chapter, Order of DeMolay, Louis J. and Burton Tuttle, Howard up the chim­ at toe Masonic Temple iMt night. decision of the Association. Keeney, Mrs. Kingsley Kuhney, Mrs. ney. It responds at once to clos­ The Board also voted in favor of David Chapman presided as master Wallace Jones, Mrs. C. E. Wilson, donating a silver loving cup to the councillor, and Herman Montie, past George Sayles, Harry Howland. ing as well as to opening o f , annual cross country race. Dr. D. grand master of the Masons, spoke All sorts of gift articles and con­ dampers. C. Y. Moore offered to pay for the to the new members. fections will be offered for sale at cup, which will be given in the name The ten candidates were: Richard gaily decorated booths. 3 Fill die fire pot heaping of the Board of Directors of the C.'^ Alton, William K. Kilpatrick, fa ll—You can Chamber. Herman W. Montie, Harry Howland, Howard C. Brown, Robert K. REPORT LIGHT VOTE do this with­ Wright, Alton Cowles, Fred Lavey, out danger of Stuart J. Vennart and Winston R. New Britain, Nov. 8.— (A P )— smothering Smith. Lighter voting than in 1928 was' TOLLAND t reported at toe polls today at 9:30 i the fire. Kop­ a. m^ when only about 20 per cent j pers Connecti­ The Tolland Library Association of approximately 23,000 votes in c u t Coke is toe city had been cast. Precinct offl- ] held their regular naeeting Monday lighter than giving carbon in every ton, and because afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the WAPPING cials reported an unusually large { e is using a liiel that responds at amount of “splitting.” coal and hums Library rooms. Mrs. Wright B. Callers at the home of Mr. and once to demands for more heat it responds at once, when you want Bean of Stafford Springs and Tol­ Mrs. William Felt last Sunday were most economically and effec­ land gave a book re'view “The South H Mrs. Felt’s brother and sister, Mr. tively when you keep a deep fire. W hen he opens the drafts .a little heq u ick w a rm th , and banks down equally Pole” by Roald Amundson which was most interesting and instrup- and Mrs. Smith of Hartford, Mrs. “ HAD CONSTIPATION « * * gets quick heat that keeps the whole well in milder weather. ^ tive. Refreshments were served at Mary S. Geer of West Jlartford and . A her daughter. Miss Majorie Felt, also These 3 rules mean less work toe social hour by Miss Miriam and less attention. Your Kop­ house warm when sudden cjold snaps Underwood and Mrs. James A. of Hartford. Mrs. Felt’s wrist has It sa v e s y o u m o n ey because it costs Davidson as the hostesses. been placed in a steel cast, but still SINCE eiRTH OF pers Connecticut Coke fire re­ come along. less per ton, and you use fewer tons. News has been received of toe re­ pains her a great deal. quires less work in firing and Mrs. Myra H. Gallnat of Wethers­ cent marriage of Christian E. Gil­ f f in taking out ashes, banks per­ bert 56 and Mrs. Mary Heintz, 38, field was toe guest of Mrs. Susie S. He’s done what thousands of other That’s w hy five times m ore fem ili^ use both of Tolland the Rev. George T. Waters last Sunday. , MY FIRST CHILD fectly and provides a steady smart people have — switched to Sinnot, pastor at St. Bernards Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Ackley of warmth for less cost. Koppers Connecticut Coke now than church, Rockville, officiating. Larabee street, Burnside, were Koppers Cbnnecticut Coke. Julius W. Ursin and Miss gu^ts at toe home of their sister Then Mrs. King Discovered did four years ago. Otilla J. Horwito 21, of Tolland, and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. were united in marriage at St. Bern­ Edward P. Collins on Sunday a ^ r - A ll-Bb an You’ll like Koppers. Connecticut That’s why you’ll never want to go ba<^ ard’s Rectory. Rev. George T. Sin­ noon. They are to leave next Friday not pastor, .officiated. for their winter home in Florida, PRICE Coke tdo. You’d like it if it st more to old-feshioned fuels, once you have Raymond Smith of Tolland and where they expect to spend toe win­ We quote from her voluntary than ordinary fuel. The feet is it costs; Miss Mary Hedda of West Hartford, ter months. letter: known the com fort and con verueiico have announced their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and Mr. have suffered from terrible less. and ^avin^s of Koppers Connecticut having taken place last week. and Mrs. Phillips Carey all from constipation since the birth of my 1 2 ’ * The reg;ular monthly supper of New Britain, spent the day last Sat­ &st diUd— 9 years ago! ^ 1 have toe Federated church Ladiev Aid urday at toe home of Mr. and Mrs. LE SS SOe It is easier to use because it leaves two- Coke. tried everything and nothing had FOB CASH . 5 0 Society will be served in toe church Wilbur C. Hills. any huting results. Very reluc­ thirds less ashes, and is The way to start is to phqne dining rooms Friday night Novem­ Rev. and Mrs. David Carter motor­ tantly I tried your *Au .-Bkan’ with ber 11. Supper served from 6 to 8 ed to Jewett City last Monday morn­ no faith in it at all. Much to my . 2 3 lighter and more conven­ TVNB IN . us right now or phone yqi^* o’.clock. ing, where they "visited Mr. Carter’s surprise. I have not had to take $ \ Mr. and Mrs. L. Archie Hall and P B B N E T k o pp e r s CELLAR CLUB parents and family. any medidne since starting to use TON CASH William Wuerdig of South Manches­ 12 ient to handle. own fuel dealer—for a Raymond Lyons formerly of East AUtBbam, 4 months Mrs. WTIC ter were Simday guests at the home Windsor Hill, but who now resides Doris E yn King, Ifi’ASbey Road, 9:30 p. m. Monday and Wednesday ply of Koppers Coime^- of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall. in Texas, waa the guest at toe home OxfordTEnfflana. It gives you better heat Mrs. Edward Jacobs, Miss Alice '* 9'p.;n|.‘;Stiiiiday, . . . of Mr. and Mrs. C. Vinton Benjamin, Laboratory testa show AUrBaaiv beciau^ it has moreheat- cut Coke. ' Jacobs and Charles Larrow of over toe week end. He also called cn contains two things whidi over­ ‘ F H E E H E L P Windhain were Sunday guests of. many of his old friehqa in town. ■ frirada. come constipation: “ Bulk” to ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Dewey ercise the totestines; vitamin B to Mra Zoe Beckley who made an to hotter hemtimg and two sons, John and Junior of help tone the intestinal tract. To get this hU;h test fiid, ^ FHB' FREE ■•OK MAIL NAME ON •NB-rCEIfT- autonu^e trip to Canada for sev­ Wherever you live, whatever Florence, Mass., motored to toe yonr dealcT or the Koppers eral days returned Friday evening. The “bulk” in is much type o f fnniiace yon use yon can A farewell dinner was given Mr. home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi T. Dewey like that of leafy vegetables. In- CoRBslelleRt Coke Compuiy Write your name auod address on «n ordiiuay and Mrs. William Ayers, Jr., Satur­ and spent toe day last Saturday. dde the body, it forms a soft mass, have the adviee of a Koppers Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Clapp of oiie«eiit U. S.*Pqat*Ci^.MaU to.D e^ Hrl8 day evening, when seve:^ of their which gently deart the intestinee ^ Service Man udthont eoet or m S E P h r a e Allentown, Pa., were toe recent friepds were present Mr, and Mra. of wastes. ^ - ' oMigation. EDia help is certain koppera CooiiidetiiBiit G»ke.Com pany,'New Ayefk expect to leave tiiis week to guests at toe home of Mr. and Mrs. Certainly this .is more natural to 4ave you money and Ironhle ebitIs r p r is e Haven. YonjftvjOl'tveeeive yon r. e o p y o f ' d ie spend toe winter out of town. Albert Burnham of Souto Windsor. than td to g patent medidnts— A wexUUng gift of a ten dollar There were five from the Wappihg often h a n w . TWO tdhlespOonfda in cheating yonr home. Jnet free iio o k gcjd piece was given Mr. and.Mrs. Federated. Sunday sqhool who at­ ddly are 'nsually sufficient. < If not phime^na a n d ask t o h iv e a Ser^ Sttoeon B. Uihnen by a party of tended toe meeting of Sunday School Tito fitiete in iSfy to relieved this way, aee' your doetor. *■■■--' • ■ ■'■S’i :, their friends Siiturday evening. Workers at the Manehtoter ^^ter .... M ra John 'H. Steele M il be Church last Sunday aftemooiiL They AutBiAn also auppliee Iron, for were Rev. and Mrs. David Cajrter, the MoeoT At all jpwcerfc . ln 't i» h o st^ to.toe S»hra.Truinbull ebap- re^nd-green Made by ter.'^.'A;, r ; Wednesday ' ‘ altenoon Miss Faith M. Collins and Miss Ellen §t tois week. J. Foster sad Mlaa Lola SVwtor. SeUeggH M ■y- \: ■^r fi.-’ . \ [!.«;»■#•

PAGE S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTBI^ CONNi TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1982. ^ ______’ ______■'■ y\' ■'■ ■ ■ . ■. • • • • .i

political drumfire 'Bought aolace in the quietude the votihg booth to­ m & m m b DAILY RADIO PROGRAM BAUNCEnRU.s. day to translate final dem ons irto lASTMlNUTE SURVEY votes. ^ ' ,{rUEtDAY. NOVIMBift • (Owtnl ud lutMn Sttadard Tim*) Neariy five^ million voters had New'York, Nov. 8.— (A P)—Ten- . Net*-*AU procruna to kop bMia olMlv'br m ap s tksnot udIoss speol* registered in the seven far western Bod; eout to ooast (o to o) aoaiirnatleb iDMOdos aiu svaUsblo statloas.) OF POUnCAI. SCENE states and evwy state looked frr year-old Friul Ifareiaate, whoa* fa- Cent. East. shattered record*. ther recently *e ^ Ifia Mace of buri- will 8:30— ailO-Jaek Miller Orehaa.— pro______east oBly: Skippy— ‘ rest re- NOTE; Following m bust mln*^ confident IfidiADa win vote Tbe political westhw eye oenb:r- ngei for a large sum « money, was oroiacasts to bo msdo at rofnlar la> peat: Willie Betta^west Best U. Se Customer D u r ^ ute— minlSiCurea------o f. today’s elections lar” thl* year with little icrstcWns:. ed on California, >'whlch greeted kidnaped en bis wgy to school today Empkiymeat in tervkls startln* la too oanr ovoam •t4»— OHO—Juat_ ___ Plain BUI — wabe, _ f and eonUauIna tbroochoat tho alpbt. .OBly: Plano Plcturesr-«wo eoMt as seen through the eyes of Asso- Michigan— Denjocirsts conimntrat* President and Mrs.' Hoover on their in East Mrd stregt. Polloe express­ on C^eeticut'hlghwayst^ As a result tao sobednlea below are OtOo^^iOO—Myrt and Margo — oaat: ciatei) Press writers in the south, Ing on removing the state from the dash to Palo Alto to vote in Pre­ aubjaot to last minute etaango or eaa* Huak O’Hare Orehestra—midweat Last Month Was England ed the optidon that the boy was held of the State Dep«^ai^' cellatlon. middle west, Rocky mountain states Republican column tidiere it has cinct No. 1 at'Stanford University. 6:15— 7t15—UkuNlo Ika—alto eotat for ransotiL regular forces; mezeas* • W ' fifty- 8:3*— 7:30—Wandering Bey — wabo) and -^e far west been since the birth of the G. O. P. A political situation fraught with (Btf T h t Assooiotad B r* u ) Vincttaio Marclante, the father, five per cent in (3ctobar. 8* edm- Barria Orah.—alao ooaat With Canada Second. T H E S O U T H poulbllltiaB gripd California upon NBO-WEAF NETWORK 8:46— 7:45—Oaorgie Priea — basle; desintbiitl'tha busiaess he acrid aa a pared 'vith September and the 1 ^ Atlanta, • Nov. 8.— (A P)—Ken- ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATES the President’s return. What effect BASIC—East: wear (key) wool wUo Madison Singers—Dixie: Organ- restaurant ' ' ter month bad a fbrty-flva; pin’ eefit wjar wtag weah wll wut wfbr wrc wgy west—Plana Raeitat—luidwaat turi(y, Virginia, Florida and Ten­ Denver, N o v . 8.— ( A P ) — W hilo a half million increase In Democrat­ 7i00— iKO—Aba Lyman Oroh.—baaio; gain over’Auguiti, it was r^rth d ' wben wcae wtam wwj wsal; Midwest: nessee were the niain battle sectors party leadera m Coloraifo, Montana ic registration frill have on tbe The boy, who walks with a slight wmaq wefl ksd woo-wbo wow wdat John Kalvfn-Dixie; Arnhetm Or. W ashington, N ov. 8.— ( A P j — The today by Highway Commlaslonef midwest; Qarrigan 6rch.—waat of the south in the election today. and Wyoming made last minute cal- presidential cont^-shares interest limp, was bslng taken to school NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmJ United States in September had a Jjphn A* Macdonald. Puripg SeP’ 7:15— e:15-Edwln 0. Hill—also ooaat In each of these states the num­ culatiimg upon which to revise their with the three-party clash for the from his home nearby by an aunt wiba kstp wabo wday kfyr ckgw ofci 7H0— 8 :3 ^ K m Smith, tonga—ba* temper, the num ber o f miai) emfrioy<- fAyorable bidance in foreign tnuie of ber of 'qualified voters increased respective claims of victory. New when two m ^ grabbed the wom­ SOUTH — wrva wptf wwao wls wjaz ale; Tha Dictators Oreh.—Dizia Senatorial seat hsld by Samuel M. ed by eoatractors Oh dapainaaat wfla>wsnn wlod warn wrtlo wsb wapl 7:45— S:45—Mala Chorus—o to e 838,678,806, as c o m p a re d ,w i^ 89,- over 1928 and both parties predict­ Mexico, where the Natiopal Guard an; A third man toesed the chfld in­ Shortridge, RepuMlcui. w ork w a a 1,317. This wjdz wsmb kvoo wky wlaa wbap kpre 8:00— 8KKF—Tha Streat SIngar—e to e ed a heavy vote. Along with, tiie was ordered to watch voting, faced to an. automobile, the three men woai ktbs kths 8:15— 9:1^Tem m y McLaughlin—to o 848,806 In September last year. Candidates in-the scrambled Sen- Increased during Oetober tp 8,0S3 states of Alabama, Arkansas, Geor­ todasT’s voting with some forebod- Juniped into the' car, and drove MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kgU 8:30— 9:30—To Ba Announced The total value of exports last atorlal-nice are. WilHam G. Mc- men, a g a ls o f 736. The w d e the 9:0(L-10:00-*Jay C. Plippeneiee—o to o gia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North i n ^ aw ay. COAST—kgo kfl kgw komo khq kpo September, as announced today by Adoo, Dmnocrat; ‘the Rev. Robert P. highway (xmstruction work wder kcca kex kjr kga kfsd ktar kgu 9:3(L-.10:30**-Charles Carllle—o to e Wyoming has been stirred ov a 9:4^-10:45—Piano Taam—east on}y; the Commerce Department, was CarolinzL and South. Carolina, the Shuler, Prohibitionist, and Tallant way in Connecticut c -ring Ooitober Cent. East. Myrt and Marge—rapeat for wait 8132,026,056, w hile im ports w ere registration for this area showed fiurry at the close of the campaign Tubbs, RepuUlci^ WAlUfED OF BIOT was 82,!\'0,000, an increase o f 8665,- 4:00— 0:00—Melodle Thoughta—also o 10:00—11:00—Barlow Symphony—o to o 898,447,760. 5,027,111 voters .eligible to partici­ over the prohibition question. It 4:45— 5:45—Sekatary Hawkins—east 10:30—11:30—Itham Jones Or.—o to o A bloc of 49 electoral votes, 22 of 000 over Septem )^. CommiBsioaer Cumulative figures for the nine pate in the National elertion, com­ comes before the voters on a legis­ SiOO— 6:00—Dinner Music—also south 11H)0—12dXb-Don Rsdman Or.—o to o them in California, la sought in the licmtreal, Nov. 8.— (A P )—^Warn­ Macdonsld states that adAUonal 5:30— 6:30—Donald Navis, tenor 11:30—12:30—H. Stern Orehea.—o to o months period ending with Septem­ pared with 4,537,340' fou r years ago. lative prciposal submitting, the ques­ 6:45— 6:45—Back of the News—alaO'O presidential oimtest The six other ed some weeks ago that a riot was contracts to bo let in November will NBC-WJ2 NETWORK ber showed a favorable trade bal- Including Texas, four of the ten tion “shall the ,18th Amendment he Sekatary Hawkine^^wmaq ksd far western state* are Arizona, Ida­ impettdkig at St Vincent de Paul ru(n to 8330,277. 6:00— 7:00—Hymn Sing—also coast .ance o f 8173,171,362 as com pared traditionally Democratic southern repealed?’’ BASIC—East: wjz (key■) wbz-wbsa ho, Nevada, Or^on, Utah and Penitentiary,' authorities transferred 6:15— 7:15—Ray Knight's Sketch ‘ wbal wham kdka v/gar jr wlw; Mid* with a favorable balance qf 8223,- states voted for the Republican' (Colorado also has a prohibition 6:30— 7:30—Ray ParkinSt Comedy wist: wcky kyw kfkz went wls Washington. All have been in the Sam Behan, a convict to Ports­ Berlin’s birthrate figure for kwk 100,438 fo r the same period last presidential ticket in 1928. 'Virginia, issue to solve, ^a coi^totional 6:45— 7:45—Tho Qoldbergs. Sketch kwer koll wren wmaq kso Republican presidential column for mouth penitentiary at Kingston to 1631, fot a t 8.7 per thousand, wk*> 7:00— 8:00—Sanderson and Crumit year. North Carolina and Florida In that amendment projKisiB^ repeal of all NORTHWEST A CANADIAN wtmJ more than a decade. separate him from Chester dros.- the lowest of any dty in the w6rld. 7:30— 8:30—Wayne King’s Orchestra Wlba kstp webo wday kfyr ckgw cm Exports for the nine months of year joined Texas In the bretdc, state laws regulating the Uquot 8:0(^ 9:00—Ban Bsrnia and Lads ley, negro prisoner who led the un­ Next came Stockholm, wltii . 10.8, SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wla wlax 1932 totaled 81,188,920,041 while leaving Alabama, Arkansas, (Seor- traffic. 8:30— 9:30—Ed lA^nn A Band—o to o successful revolt ^ere Friday, the San Francisco, w ith .11.8, P a ris, 9:00—10:00—Tho Dance Hour—c to e wfla*waun wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl im ports amounted to 81,015,748,699. gla, Louisiana, Mississippi and James M. Speer, Republican state STORM WARNING 10:00—11;00—Lanny Ross. Tenor wJdz wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro French language newspaper Le w ith 14.4, and London, w ith 16. woai ktbs ktbs A year ago exports totaled 81,- South Carolina in the Democratic chairman of Montana, said he ex­ 10:30—11:30—Jack Denny Orchestra Canada said today. 11:00—12:00—R. KIrbery; Olsen Orchcs. MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgIr kgbl 841,773,690, w ith im ports $1,618,- colunms. pected President Hoover to win In Washington, Nov. 8.— (A P )—The 11:30—12:3(^Don Bestor Orchestra- PACIPIC COAST — k^o kfl kgw komo 673,162. that state, by a t least 6,000. Informers, also told authoritia* kbq kpo keca kex kJr kga kfsa ktar Democratic leaders predict that Weather Bureau today issued a east; Ben Bernie—coast repeat Best Customer Cent. East. not only these ten states but Ken­ W. H. McDowell, Democratic that exconvicts planned to dynamite MODERN WOMEN storm warning which said: a s ----- S CB8-WABC NETWORK 4t00— SiOO—The Swanee Serenaders The best customer in September tucky and Tennessee will be found state chairman, said Governor or bum the home of Colimel P. A. 1 NMKsrfwimMirpsla SmI (tsliy dasto LMrrouiitrsSa,sxg - BASIC—East; wabc (key) wice wade 4:15— 5:15—Musical Dreamt, Orchee. was the United Kingdom, which, in . their ranks. Republican' leaders Roosevelt would carry Montana by “Nqrthedst stOra warnings order­ Piuze, warden of St. Vincent da 4:30— 6:30—Singing Bddy-reast only purchased goods w orth $25,728,103. ed B l<^ Island Boston, and small woko wcao waab wnac wgr wkbw wkro .4:45— 5:45—Orphan Angla—east only say they are hopeful not only of a t least 86,000. to Paul. ’Theft of soma dynamite from rdizbleandBysCharilRsMlizbleandtivs'______whk ckok wdre wcau wlp-wfan wjas C an ada w a s second w ith $18,745,160 craft warnings indicated' north of the prison quarries lent weight to •ndnigSSateotretiSyeuxleximfsmatafttiSytua ASiliir, wean wfbl wspd wjsv; Midwest: wbbm 5t00— 6:00—Joe Purst’a Orehestra / carrying til* states of this group wan wfbm kmbo wcco kmox wowo 6:157— 5:15—Piane Duo. Guitar—wja and Germ any third w ith $15,790,884. whlch_vot€d for Hoover four years ' F A R W E S T Boston to Eastport Maine. Dis­ the report and a double guard was 5:30^ 6:30—Liners’ Orehestra—east; The United Kingdom was likewise BAST AND CANADIAN — wpg whp Singing Lady—midwest repeat ago, but expect to Increase the San Francisco, Nov. 8.— (A P )— turbance off the middle Atlantic maintained over the wardjpi’s home . I M I S wlbw wbeo wlba wfea wore ofrb ckao 6HS- 6:45—Lowell Thomas — au t the best customer over the nine An electorate harassed for dajis by coast moving northeastward.” d ix ie — wgst wfsa wbro wqamwdod number. - for some time the newspaper says. *TNI BIAMOND * IAN* -wnox kira wreo wlae wdsu wtoc krid . ®hly; Orphan Annie—midwest rpL month period w l^ totid purchases 6:00— 7:0(h*Amoa ’n’ Andy—eSst only Of 8209,163,824, follow ed b y Canada wrr ktrh ktsa waoo konaa wdbo wodx 6:15— 7tl5—Piano Duo—wla only THE MIDDLE WEST wbt wdae wbig whas wtar wdbj wwva 6:30— 7:30—Jean Fay, Blues Songa w ith 8189,110,091. m id w e s t — wbcm wabt woata wmbd Chicago. Nov. 8.— (A P)—State wtaq wkbb kfab wtsn ksej wibw kfb 6 :4 ^ 7:45—Johnny Hart, Hollywood The chief source of imports dur­ wmt wnax wkbn wgl 7:00— 5:00—To Ba Announced ing September was C^anada which by state, the middle west decided is­ Health sues today that ranged the scale of MOUNTAIN—kvor Uz kob ksl 7:45— S:45—Pat Barnes In Person sold merchandise to America valued' PACIPIC COAST—kb] knx koln kgb present-day politics. PLENTY OF FREE PRIZEE-OCEARS OF FUN kfre kol kfpy kvl kem kmj kfbk kwg 8:00— 9:00—Mualcal Memories A Poet a t 812,507,799 follow ed by Japan Town, Sketch An unprecedented registration of Cent.—East. 9:00—10:00—Country Doctor, Sketch whose sales amounted to 812,135,255. 4:00— 5:00—Meet the Artist—e out; 9:15—10:15—Song Tune Detective The same order was maintained in botir parties presaged a-^ new high Happy Qo Lucky—coast only 9:30—10:30—The Radio Rubea the nine month cumulative figure volume of voting. JUST FOLLOW THE GROm 4:15— 5:15—Captain Jack—east 9:45—10:45—Jane Froman Orchastra m mmols, taut imes were drawn 4:30— 5:30—Skippy — east only; Be* 10:00—11:00—Pickens Sisters — east; which showed purchases from Can­ tween the Bookends—west only Amoe ’n’ Andy—Repeat for west ad a o f 8136,303,751, and Japan m the struggle for the governorship 4:15— 5:45—Musical Comedy—c to c 10:15—11:15—Nat’l Grand Opera—to o between Judge Henry Horner, Dem­ 5:00— 6:00—H. V. Kaltenborn—o to c $99,451,872. .11:00—12:00—Paul Whiteman’s Band ocrat, of Chicago, and Len. Small, 5:1S— 6:1^ReIs and Dunn—o to o 11:30—12:30—Heinia A Hia Grsnadiard Almost half of United States ex­ ports during the nine month period Republican, former ch^f executive THE COUNTRY STORE closing in September were absorbed of the state. X by Continental Europe, which In Wisconsin, home of ProgreS' -AT- bought goods w orth $564,623,225. sive Republicanism, the stats and Europe was also the principsil source National Republican campaigns Q u e e r Tvmt» of supply selling America merchan­ were conducted separately. WDRC dise w orth $287,812,256, follow ed The issues in thumbn^, 'In other closely however, by Asia which sold important midwest states, vrore: STATE THEATER MB BETtfard, Uobb. In Day’s News the U nited States 8276,146,322 in Iowa— Farm relief, the tariff, and merchandise during the xilne months. 'related agricultural topics were em' Tuesday, November 8, 19S2 Textile exports from the United phasized. Detroit— Ernest Stone, 54, barber, E . S. T. States in the 9 months period main- Ohio—Both presidential candi­ chose to take his two dogs with him 4:00 p. m.— Four Clubmen. tsdned about tbe same level as in dates concentrated upon the state. TOMORROW NIGHT / in death. The bodies were found 4:l5-^rchestra. 1931, but im ports declined 40 per Prohibition has been one of the cent. by police on the fioor of Stone*! 5:00— ^Meet the Artist. prmcipal issues In the campaign for A STAGE LOAD OF PROVISIONS GIVEN AWAY FREE home. The barber’s favorite ator 6:15— ^Fashion Parade. Total textile shipments in the tbe state’s junior senatorshlp. ies were of the times when, working 6:30— Skippy. January-September period were North Dakota—The Non-Partisan valued a t 8277,024,000, a gain o f in a large Washington hotel, he was 5:45—Musical Comedy Memories; League is'in control of the state slightly more than 1 per cent over called to the White House to trim 6:00— ^Election Returns. Republican Party and has gone on 1931. *v Textile I m p o ^ in the 6 a President's hair. 6:30— Jack Miller and Orchestra. record in convention as favoring a months period this year were val­ “Progressive" candidate for presi­ Pa.—Eight monk.eys 6:46— Cbandu the Magician. Ligonier, ued a t $181,728,000. dent. which left the Zoo recently have 7:00— Myrt and Marge and Election Nebraska—Senator Gterge W. bben p layin g hob in this section, Returns. WHITMAN WILL PIL e D. N o rris, Republican, 14ft t t * p arty % Uf peeking in windows, invading pan- 7:15— To Be announceil. ranks to campaign . for Governor tries and peltix^ citlsens with 7:30— Election Returns. New York, Nov. S .-^lA P )-A be­ Roosevelt The state has never goq^ sticks and stones from tree tops. 7:46—Margaret Blrks, contralto; quest of 810,000 to a deserving med­ Barbara Troop, pianist; George consistently Republican or Demo­ While frying pancakes Mrs. Mary ical student at Harvard University Westerman, violinist cratic. * V .’-VW.-. Dates saw three of the tribe at her who wishes to continue bis studies . 8:00— Abe Lyman’s Orchestra. Mmnesota— Election day expect­ kitchen window. Offering the cakes at t,he Ecole De Medicine in Paris iJ 8:16— Election Returns. ed to bring tbe Farmer-lAbor tor bait she lured them in, captured Is provided In the will of Mrs. Mary 8:30— Tbe Dictators. movement to a critical crossroads them and collected $3 rew ard. Snizabeth Whitman, filM today. 8:46— ^Election R eturns. Every office In the state involvmg Armed with pancakes she’s look­ Mrs. Whitman, who died in Paris 9:00—Muilc that Satisfies; Street party designation is sought. ing for the other five. Aug. 2 last, made the bequest In Singer. Indians—Both major parties are meihory of her husband, Bernard C. Sacramento, Calif.— Louis Hart* Election returns . Whitman, who w u graduated frojn sought was used to being "on the 6:80— Election returns. H a rv a rd w ith the C lass o f 1846, and water wagon," for ^at was part of 11:30— Orchestra. their son, Crosby C. Whitman, of his job. 2:80—The Captlvatori. He was puzzled, however, when a the C lass o f 1886. 666 8:00— Columbia Artist Recital. UQUIO—TABLETS—SALVE tire broke out under hia seat on a 8:30^Frank Weitphal’s Orchestra. She left 8<1.000 to Albloii CoUege, street sprinkling truck. Calhoun Coimty, Mlcfii., in memory Cheeks Colds first day, Beadisohes of her brother, John Franklin or Nenralgla hr 80 minnfjig. Malaria ALL MERCHANDISE SUPPUED BY Unable to extinguish the blaze In 8 days. Hartsought called &e fire depart­ Church. The residue of the estate ment. Tbe hose and ladder laddies goes to a nephew, Frank B. Church, 666 SALVE for HEAD COLDS extinguished the Maze. of Wellesley Hills, Mass. Most Speedy Remedies Known. ''Raiford, F la.7:-xThe voice Of S u p t WBZ-WBZA L. F. Chapman of the Florida prizoa' BRUNNER’S! MARKET Bprlnglleld — Hoelsa farm apparently has charmz to stir tbe conscience of hlz errant charges. While -serving a five-year sent Tuesday, Nov. 8 Manchester's Leading Food Store tcnce, Herbert Thompson escaped 4:00— Orchestra. last May from a road camp. 4:15—NBC Health Clinic — “Our Recently Supt. Cjhapmaa delivered Vltraalns.” a radio address on tbe ’T^lly of Es­ THIS WEEK’S PRIZES ARE:- 4:26— P lano M iniatures— ^Dorls T ir- capes.” . Sooner or later, he said, the 1— Barrel of Wafhburn-Crosby Guaranteed Flour in wood. law gets its man. rell. , / 12—12 largo cans of Asaortod Fruits. Thompson beard the speech in S t 4:80— California Dons. 2— Barrel of George Washington in 1-8 bags. 18—Case (24 cans) of Aaaoited FVuito tnd Vegotiblos. Louis and hitch-hiked back to Flori­ 4:45— Concert da to give himself up. 6:00— ^Agricultural Markets. 3— 100 Iba. of sugar. 14—Case (24 cans) of Asoorted Fruits and Vegetables. 5:16—Tanges Musical Dreams. Geneseo, HI.— Not that he ever ex­ FREE to EVERY PRIZE WINNER AS. AN 5:30— Singing Lady. pects to get a professional fee for his ALL 4, 5, 6, 7) 8, 9,10, 11—Will cimsist of a'busbel basket of 5:45— ^little Orphan Annies EXTRA PRIZE—CAN OF JOHNSON’S MILKO MALT advice, but a Geneseo physician has potatoes. AND A KIDDIES’ FOOTBALL. issued a little information for the 6:00—Weather; temperature; sport AlP chap who stole a package out of his review. MEATS automobile. 6:09— Radio forecast. SEEDISPLAY IN STATE THEATER BUILDING The package contained a gow n the 6:14— ^Time. ABE doctor used in attending scarlet 6:15—The Monitor views the news. fever cases and It’s chuck full o f 6:80— Savannah liners. lARANTEED ON THE SCREEN—WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY germs. The thief should bum it or 6:45— ^Lowell Thomas. see a doctor. 7:00— ^Time; A m os ’n’ Andy. COMBINATION SALII Davis, 111.—Fred Geiser thinks 7:15—Musical Dreams. there isn’t any such thing as grati­ 7!80— ^Musical skit; election returns tude any more. 7:45— Johnny Hart In Hollywood. “Our car is stalled,” one of three 8:00— ^Bond Bakers’ All-Star Radio Calves Liver EXO'nCAU.Y strainers said. -“Give us a M t.” R evel. Geiser was milking his cow at the 8:8(^ Adventures in Health— time, but he and his daughter and a “Value of Ultra ’Wolet Rays,” 1-lb. friend got the balky (»r to going >Dr. Herman Bundesen. APPEAUNG! again, whereupon the three men 8 :45— ^Dramatic, sketch. took $145 of G eiser’g m

11:00— ^Tlme; w eath er; tem perature; I HOLD AtTTOIST sports review. ; 11:15— Complete election story. Lean Ends Hartford, Nov. 8.— (A P )— Cesare A . M . Guiel, 42, o f 85 W hitney avenue, Fancy Corned lb. i f i § 12:80—Time. Holyoke, Mass., was arrested by 19 State Policeman Runt of tbe Staf­ ford Barracks following an accident - SHOOTS ESTBANCffiD WIFE at six o’clock Simday in which An­ ILONDE in drew Ozzogo, 46, o f W e st S p rin g- Torrington,-Nov. 8,— (A P )—Louis lamb Fores ^ She Yearned for the Love field was so badly injured it yvas at i (jiagne, of Meriden charged »>lth as­ first thought he might not recover. sault and mtent to kill was held Conuino Spring Wholo or Half lb. VENUS' s His recovery now la expected al­ without bonds here today. It la ex­ That Had Crucified Her! Her 1*1 «el* ai *e AeeHwe wees* though his face and head are bad­ pected that he wUl be heh^ until his ly lacerated. wife (Mm testlQr kgainst Mm. The love that had made her a Andrew Washington, negro, of His wifb ig a patient at the Char­ Ridgefield, Is' httd at the Danhuty lotte Hungetford hocpltal with a Oysters standard fu gitive... .that had sent her from —WITH— jail pending the outcome of injuries bullet In her chest His condition HERBERT' to Robert Jackson, negro, who waa was fitvorable this mording. city to city, jeluding police» dreo4ing twice stabbed In the back and once Gegna, who bad not lived with his P b i t 2 9 < M A I ^ A L L in the side, the knife penetrating wife for two months visited her last discovery, sinking lovfer and lowort his lung. ^ night and requested her to aceom- pany him hade to MeridSD and live A&P MEAT MARKETS What could be the end for. thia President Hoover In reminiscent with him. Upon her refusal, be is mood, recalls the joy of "sliding said to have shot her. , He was ar­ woman? GARY ■ down h ill on one’s t B u t the rested at the home of a'sem In M en- GRANT ^ rid hatt*t found It fu n . d*B ahoftly after the'ehootiBf. . r*\' >r‘. ■’S-V


o l a t o ^ ths-dlstittetloii they have the pong n a u ttt opcfi untfi tfie^eur to s of0eok:4osT ^ DYNAMllE PLACED HOOVER 24, ROOSEVET 8 held sinoc 1916. ^ . lea oute ..the difficulty of •at tt fit* tomaeranaat and therd- WfiBg IlMrl 12 WIN TRADE BATSTATEFUKXS Ihc townsfolk had expected to getti^ m results out4o. fits rsst inIU«C9oM iBUstfiotteaB)rao- t o^dMfcv have the vote IR th in u iu tl of the country.’^*7116 nearest' tsle- ed unless a&fixe toting Ust had cast C ats” aro FOR HOOVER TRAIN; FIRST RETURNS SHOW this y«ur hut -iAfla’t figure ' on mione w as aliDOSt tw o mils* away. their w lota. That gMiat the count­ Sion. Tito] G r ^ r y \ Q0•yelU^old N w The Bdvkahlrs Bsgie. ja Plttsflsldi ing would be until 9i46 a. over !lhai^__ SCHOOL HONORS TO POUS EARLY ass., dally sad-a msmbsr of ths m., ttinci tniiM looked bad TUa afi^Boon it (Ooallatted Itom Paga One) ASbfordlte.' 2 ATTACK A GUARD Qrefoiy, who lives two miles from Associated Press, sst up a private utttontoeretary of State Cook ruled asU dSUvemd • ttok on­ radio communication between the that the r^trarsjnlght noake their to the HOiosa UaMnP gcoup.^ / m y (D). Again one of the ballots the 180-yeac-old aehoolhouse iln which file votfii weri cast, iaslstied old schoolhouse in New Ashford and dedaebnoB They obtained a (Continued From Page One) was its Pittsfield ottioe. The returns ^yddatt’a ce^cata that Mias U it Annoanced By Director Both Sides C hin Victerr, OB- The vote for lieutenant governor on walking to the polling place. He sebmed aQ offers ^ fifies and relsyed by the radio to Pitta-' Ingraham would be imable to vote service men from the pilot train was: flelo and thence by telephone to the because of filness, and the. polls searched the roadbed and vicinity. Oaspar G. Bacon (R) 24. trudged along file epuhtry road bmff^ EA i m Ib i i Today—Annis servers Agree It Will Be a a Roosevdt Di^er on which was Boston bureau of the Associated closed aa soon as fits other 88 regis­ Find More Dynamite John B. Swift (D) 5. painted a horsa^pe. tered voters had east their ballots. Twenty auldltional sticks of dyna­ Close Vote. Walter B. Hutchins (SodaUat) 3. Then that blank presidential bal­ Margaret Ingraham, the tice Program. mite in a sack were found along the James W. Dawson (Communist) lot had the board of registrars S4th New Ashford voter, whose bal­ Western Pacific right-of-way, above 1. guessing for a time and some min­ lot was not counted, was ill in a i f i t l and 400 feet from the rails upon In 1928, when SI townspeople utes were spent checking the ballots. North Adams hospital. She had a Y . M. C^A, N otes The honor roll for the months of which the special train was running. Boston, Nov. 8—(AP) — With 17 were eligible to vote, 28 marked up It was liardly light this morning severe *oold and for a time it was feared her illness would rob the Ass yea betiniit# wMi tUM* September and October was an* Lowe said there was bo indication electoral votes at stake, Massachu­ their bfffiots for Herbert Hoover when a dozen clanging alarm deir irsegujarltiis: bufSiBg; and 3 for Alfred E. Sznlth. clocks routed New Ashford’s voters town of 'its distinction. All of the different periods at the ttouneed tods^ by Director J. G. that any attempt had been made to setts Democrats hoped today to re­ Efforts were made to have her Y. M. C. A., that have been set scanty or too Sequent piUMI tamper with the rsdis or to dynamite peat the Wilson and Smith successes This year, the voting list has in­ from their beds. Dressing was a at the State Trade creased to 34—^19 men and 16 matter of but a few moments. No cast an absentee ballot but... .—legal *^agide for certain aotivlttes have i t T w i ' the roadbed or the President’s train, of 1912 and 1928 respectively for technicalities intervened. been assigned but two. These two aehooL Twelve students make up but he was unable to explain the Franklin D. Roosevelt, while Repub­ women. One of the women was in a one cooked brMkfast since coffee the list. Their names and depart­ North Adams hospital and her bal­ and doughnuts wsrie . served to all A messenger carried the absentee remaining periods afs of thirty min­ presence of the explosive. licans counted on their victories in ballot from Miss Ingraham’s bedslfle utes each. Aa originally planned ly erUfiddBriift- r‘-'> ments follow: The special train was delayed 40 every other campaign since 1^96 tq lot, because of legal complications, voters at the polling place. Carpentry Department, Robert was not included In the vote re­ The polls opened at 6:46 a. m., to New Ashford and it was learned there were many periods turned, ditiom Uam evotytokm Niy minutes while railroad police and give President Hoover the state. ported. and the^^first penwn on hand to cast that it had to be postmarked from over for men and boys, but Mrs. Doan'sPiUs. KseonaMfidld special agents aboard the pilot train A record registration, nearly 1,- Over at 6:28 a vote was Mrs. LiUian Sanford the town in which it was “mailed.” Walter Crockett has taksn advan­ SOyesn. Sold svefywbn*. D rafts Department, Austin searched the right-of-way and coun­ 800,000 has been recorded, and a Klrause, Albert Krause, Andrew It was the fifth successive presi­ Proctor. Mrs. Proctor makes her The messenger carried ’the ballot tage of many of tbs open periods try nearby for trace of tbs two men record vote was anticipated in both dential year that New Ashford has home at Gladbrook Farms, former back and the envelope was stamp­ that were left and haS formed sev­ Rankin. major political camps. Democrats Electrical Department, John described by Fish, Lowe said. held the distinction of being the home of Mrs. Augustus Belmont and ed at North Adams. eral different clubs. This, together John F. Oiester, Associated Press professed to see an easy victory for first community in the coimtry to one of the show ^bsces of New But another law required that at with additional boys’ and men’s A/Oaniw, George Batulevitz, Everett Governor Joseph B. lay, who is Brewer, Robert Haugh> Alphonse correspondent accompanying the report its presidential vote. The Ashford. V . least two towns must separate the clubs that have since been formed, President, said no one aboard the seeking reelection, while Republi­ Kirka. „ . result today was officially an­ Most of the New Ashford towns­ absentee voter from the place where has almost filled the program from special knew of the attack on the cans counted on the vigorous cam­ nounced at 6:20 a. m., two minutes folk had voted when Makaroff the ballot is opened and the highway 4 O’clock iP the afternoon Until lO Efaehine Departmentr Leo Kawin' paign which Lieutenant Governor ski, John Kynoch. watchman and that secret service later than the announcement walked iq> to the polling place. The from New Ashford to North Adams o'clock at night A O lu M e Floreale agents aboard said they knew noth­ William S. Youngman has :tiade to came through four years ago. tabulation was done quickly under passes through but one town, Wil- Tonight from 6 to 7 o’clock the Textile Department, ^ve him the Chief Magistracy of Desplanque. ing of the dynamite being found. The voters of the town have pre­ the direction of Chairman Harry E liamstown. North Methodist church boys have mwnayg Fish, Southern Pacific officials the Commonwealth. pared for days to maintain their Smith, of the New Ashford board df StiU anothei' law provided that the use of the gymnasium. From 7 Major Allan L. Dexter will ad­ The Republicans were confident, y said, was taken to Carlin, Nevada, ■ dress the assembly on Thursday leaders said,-not only of winning the — ;— —4— afternoon. An Arm istice Day pn>- on a gasoline speeder after the train School continued on toward California. His state’s electoral vote but also of fram has been prepared sweeping in the entire state ticket will be closed on Armistice Day. condition was not serious, they said. are Sheriff Harris said he sent a depu­ headed by Youngman. r Applicants for night school Fifteen Congressional seats were ' stiU enrolling and may do so either ty from Elko to learn details of the attack but had heard nothing from at stake. Four Demoeratio encum­ during the day or evenings. The bents and 10 Republicans are seek­ school is in session Mondays and liim. Thursdays. Unit trades are offered. When the train arrived here It ing a fresh mandate from the elec­ torate while in one district, the was still 20 minutes behind schedule Eighth, the annoimced retirement and stopped only long efiough to of Representative Charles Underhill TOLD FATHER IS DEAD change engines for the run up the has left the field open. Truckee River to cross the Sierra In addition, the voters were to Nevada moimtains through Donner DOWN pax..: upon three questions proposed AS HE WORKS AT POLLS Pass and into California. by referendum. One would m eet Railroad officials said the Presl the sentiment of the state on the dent and all hl6 party were asleep so-called lame duck amendment to FranciB J. Keefe Gets Telegram when the train passed through here the United States Constitution; n- Wm ItistaU Any Electric At Municipal Building Where other would legalize the practice He Was Checking Names. of chiropractic in Massachusetts, MERCHANTS SOUCITED while a third would authorize pre­ \ primary conventions of state Mrtles Francis J. Keefe, of 66 East Mid­ with the tight to endorse candidates Range In Your Home dle Turnpike, received word of his ON XMAS LIGHTING for state-wide c^ce. father’s death in Salem, Mass., this Beside the candidate for general lyeifftitig and went to Sidem by train office, several hundred candidates soon afterward. Mr. Keefe was Chamber Asks Storekeepers To to the State House and Senate were working at the polls checking names Contribute Towards Fund up for election with important c: it EUROPE WAT(3HNG “The children )n wheel chairs at Warm Springs” ha continued, “also MRS. PONZEilff.E FDNEIRAL ELECTION IN U.S. appear in great hope.” * Meriden, Nov. 8— (AP) — The ELECTRIC RANGE ftmeral of Mra Madalena Ponaelle, wife of Bernardino Ponzelle an< (Confinued From Page One ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE mother of Rosa and Carmeia Por selle, famous opera singers was held n t’?c Ur’licd SUtea. Juat w h^ turn this morning at 9:30 o’clock at the Ihia L.uuld take was uncertain, but Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lagel of I home of her son, Anthony P. Pon- the best most observers hoped for WlndsorviUe today anpounced the were new negotiations for revlse( marriage of their daughter, ^^ola selle, 111 Bradley avenue and at 10 war debt settlements, or plana for Take Advantage Ot Our o’clock at St. Joseph’s church which Lagel, to Frederick J. Henderson of Model 8662 was filled to capacity. A requiem them to be instituted in connection 60 Hemlock street, this town. They | with payments due the United were naarrled in MiUertown, N. Y., Universal High Boy high mass was celebrated by Rev. States. on September 2,1932. Walter J. Lyddy, pastor of Our iMtsdled Easy Payment Plan Lady of Moimt (jEirmel church and MoM $744 Ito Lnx ThMe Top seated in the sanctuary Rev. Nicho­ $ 1 8 7 . 5 0 las F. Murray, and ^ev. Edward J. Oemplete with warming oloeet—auto- A $mall down payment of only $15 installs White and Gray Foroelafai Enamel Domenski of Branford {md Rev. mafie tinaer and condiment sett with Otuonie Trimmings. William J. Monaghan of thi;u city. any range in your home. Two years to pay $ 1 6 9 . 5 0 Uutslled the balance* Otoob sad OeadlaMit S et: CLIMB mOHEST PEAK Puente del Inca, Argentina, Nov. 8.—(AP)—^Emil Borchers, heading an AuatrO-German Alpine Cfiub ex­ MRS. ROWE’S MOCK (BERRY PIE pedition, reported today that the TRY THIS! 1-2 oup Meded raisina chopped fine, 1 cup cranberries out lenytb- party had scaled Mount Aconcagua, highest peak iu the western hemi- vlaa and ths aaada wafited out. Mix i 1-2 thsp. flour with 1 eup s ^ e r e . Aigar and pour on It l-$ eup boiling water, allowing it to cook 6 nfia- More than half way up they found • We Have told you diat utea. A.dd firult and tap. vanilla. Use two-crusts. Bake 460 de­ an alpenstock dr<^i^ iar 1930 by grees 2S minutes. the Delamotte Ramsay Expedition **BLUE BLADE** has edgfia and a littia higher they found the l>ack of the Enplsh Captain Marden G ill e t t e harder than glass. Take a vdio disappeared on the climb in "Cook By Wire — Not By Pite"* 1931. They ate the tinned food they L Aaa^ee. O IE “BLUE BLADE** and cut found in it. te I At the summit of the highest peak a window pane (preferably they planted a staff and burled a tin box with the date and the names of your neighbor’s). Then drop the climbers. us a line about your experience and we will send 3^u two new NOTICE blades with our compliments. N Having left ray bed and board I Gillette Safety Rai»r Com­ 778 M ain S i Phone 8181 vfifi noi l^ reaponsible for any bills i - caatfiPdlRfi by n y v lfe , E va PUzDla, pany, Boston, Massachttsetta. o f. TsScmvOle, after tUa data; No- v^ber 8,1982. ' (Ifigned) . MATHEW PUZKIS. V ' V-.- • i ■:

’0m ■PS-- i i r i T ' s JPAGE EIGHT

with TIMy ^ Di fact, the svetege a^. at death SATiN MOTIFS IS USED FOR A MOULDED 6 0 W» WITH TfNV CAP from cancer in 1901 was 59 and'the UE£VE$. ■, average Age aL death-from cancer in 6 -Vij li 1921 was 61.7. Thus the average .The gtjrlsiwUth Longevity tiUia age at wUch . cancer clalnu. its vi(> being hemd'foom,. IE 6 0 WM AT THECEMTER IS ALMOST TOO INTRIGUING WR. ■ "MlBleadiiig'V .• tims is not decreasing. to ask, “ilqilrj ‘ WORDS rr IS ofpink crepe satin with blue valemcie^ bs ... ' ' Moreover, Dr. Macklin shows Iw me ? Mv hair csiApnpt XLvm LACE ABOUT THE NECIC AND fo r m in g THE PUFFED BY DR. MORRIS' . her figures that the ritel tecrease fim ^wl^^o^” Thar* waa no holding Dona th* SLEEVES. . Editor, Jonriial of ' Ammctfui in percentage of deaths from cancer . Theih axe!^i Medical Ateoelatlon, a a /t of Hlygela, neat day. She ineieted upon be­ is in pe^le over 60 - years' pf^agA hair can he’-flxdic^effoetivety. GOWN AT THE RIGHT, OF CHALIC WHITE CHIFFON •' tee Bodte Magarioe : The real reaison why thejre- are m ote ever, it .depeh^ oUvtee quality of. • ing taken to Stan Ball’s side just AND BEIGE VALENCIENNES’, HAS LONG FULL SLEEVES AMO Time and again those - wko ' a r e deaths_____ from _ cancer,__ Sbte V ^acti^y your hair, the j thichuess, the eba^ careless with teeir shout' and relatively’ is ,as soon as possible. Asper and the A HIGH TIEO NEGKLINE. obrious from a of yomr head^ your featqres asd even doctor delayed as long as they that cancer is focreasiog,i;>t^t''it te study of what medicine has done to your^oeekts leugte and dared and finally gave in, after becoming a greater greater improve the health of manklnd‘gen­ If your hair is tine, Imttyery teto menace and that somethini'ought to erally. and stra^ly,..! suggest h per­ breakfast. be done about it . < Asper carried Dona into the sick manent.,' Yoti ’.can'get theinTUbwa- It has been'argued'i-repte^ In 1901 the 'causes .of death were days so they look very, very nat­ rpom and set her chair beside Stan’s this column that therevltei been no bed, The. yoimg adventurer was such conditi(»8 as infectious die-) ural, and. when the waves-are soft actual increase in^etei»er^W eiases, appendicitis, childbirth «nil And loose' th ^ -b^m e the'inajmity asleep but he stirred as she bent the so-called Inoraase iar ^ -a^ p aten t toward him. He was pale and his similar causes. In 1921, due to im­ of wpmen and girls. rather'than a real 'bhei; ^^e'^tigure proved- sanitation, ^rptoid bps-prac- ' If your hair is thick, that’s, an­ face had lost much of its strength, brought forward to' .siip^rt the’ but he was the same Stan Ball. It ticaUy disappeared; the increase in other matter. You can have thick statement! that' can.ber'ls. ihcfieei^g our knowledge of tefectious diseases hair shingled in ve^ imusual ways,* seemed his lips were ready to smile are the death rates ftofii disease per at any moment controls diphtheria and other infec- with zig-zag bangs going this way 100,000 of population.■ tious^dlseases. on one tenmte, that way on. another, The doctor left the room noise­ Dr. Madge: T.-Mack^: has care­ and the mdes cut in layers so -that - lessly and Asper followed. Dona fully analyzedi the. causes'of death Surgical skill has so greatly im­ proved teat appendicitis is diag­ you have a wonderful windrblown sat looking down at the man she in Canada since 1900. She points look to you. heat, fascinating and had so nearly killed. Her gaze may out that more people how live to nosed early in more cases and oper­ ated on satisfactorily in more cases. orisdnal. ' : have carried a message or he may the cancer age than did formerly, n your hair is thick and evoi and^ not have'been ds soundly asleep as the diagnosis is much better today Nevertheless, there has been work­ ing against what medicine can do long, here is one coitiure, partiipi' he seemed. At any rate, his eyes than It was 20 years ago, that the larly good for dark hair. Part it just opened and he loolmd up at her. mortality records are better kept tee complexity of modem civiliza­ tion and the increase in tee number to one side of the'front, carry it She smiled and murmured soft­ how thain they were before, and that back covering the upper half of many more people get early and of deaths from diabetes amd from ly. ‘T came to see if there was' heart disease. your ears,' secure it tight at the - anything you wanted.” good medical treatment now than nape of the neck. - i Stan surveyed the pillows prop­ used to. to 1901 the average age of death Now’ divide your pigtail and ruff, ped behind her and a grin spread in Canada was 31; in 1921 it was each sloe slightly, then roll it gently over his face. “Tour father says I One of the problems which arises 38.6. In 1901 tee death rate! per and pin it around your bead, a bit get what I want around here. Do in tUs connection is the- question as 1000 was rS; in 1921 it waa 10,6. Dr. like a halo put on at this season’s I?” he asked by way of greeting. to whether or not cancer is tending Macklln concludes: jaunty hat angle. With it done soft­ His voice w^ weak, but he was as to occur at progressively younger “Cancer Is Increasing because, by ly, this gives a girl a very demure p-sure of himSelf as he had ever been. ages. She niiade a very careful preventive methods, there has been look which is becoming to many.' I Dona blushed. “I am sure he will analysis on’ this point and finds that created a large population to grow A prominent society girl in New do a lot for you,” she said. there is no apparent tendency for old and, having grown old, they are York who has exquisitely shining; “And you?” He was still holding the age of death from cancer to be kept from dying of those ills from -soft, black hair, wears it paried lower in 1921 than it was in 1901. healthier boy, with bright eyes, rosy site where archeologists discovered her with his grave eyes. which they formerly suffered.” cheeks, a fine appetite and no ear­ straight down the center, drawn I the skull of the •Pe&n Man late in hack quite severely, but qh, so { “I’ll be nice to you, too. That’s ache. 1929 confirm definitidy the belief 'that ■»what I came to see about. You But dui-ing those weeks of worry very, very smoothly into a huge big-’ That doctor up at mother’s said the a true prehistoric man, and -not - an knot at the back of her . slender might want something special that and suspense .Jim’s favorite remark ape man, lived there.: ...... f could fix.” Dona suddenly de­ same thing Iswt year.” was, “I knew it would be this way neck, like a figure eight put side­ cided that she was getting into a “ I haven’t the money." but you would not listen. If any­ ways. dangeroiu comer. “Csmcel the order for the tubs in thing happens it is between you and QITICI^' THAN a w in k " Bangs are the smart answer to r, “Soup is all the doc will let me the laimdry.” the doctor." many a'Btraight-halred girl’s prob­ lems. But they must be unusual :have. Yqu might fix me a steak “I’m trying to sell this place, and A coward!, A shirker of all mor­ Boston.—r“Quick. as, a. wink” is we’ve got to have them.” pretty fast, but nbt' too fast for the ones, often tee thinnest layer of ir­ and some baked potatoes and a pie.” al responsibility where the children’s regular bangs, slanting sideways His eyes were twinkling. By Olive Barton Then Jim’s wife suggested other health or welfare were concerned. new'high-speed camera that was de- ways, but Jim could not see it. •scribed by the.Massachusetts Insti­ and trained to stay put. Shingled ' “You shall have your steak and qawsz ay nea INC. It is not fair for a. mother to have hair must be . done in the sculptored .baked potatoes and pie,” Dona Mother Accepts Situation. to make such decisions alone and tute of Technology recently. Mem­ “Well, I’ll have to take all the re­ bers of the institution, by' means Of way, to give you a good head shape. promised. FATHERS MUST NOT SHIRK then be blamed if the unexepected And any kind of a smooth, band- DUTY. sponsibility, I guess. I’ll pay for occurs. the camera, calculated the wink of it some way. But I’ve made up my an eye to be onerfortieth of a sec­ some knot of hair is . excellent — .. She .vas wondering if he knew anything, that is, except- buns over About Dudley. v “Jim, the doctor says Teddy’s ton- mind. Teddy has to have that op­ ond. silis must come out.” eration. I can’t let him go on like THE. MISSING LINK ears. They distinctly -are not smart “And if winter -comes?” Stan and moreover, they ar,e not really paraphrased the title of a book be “What for?” this. He’s had earache for two “BAMBOO HONEY” ,had seen her reading on one of his “Well, he won’t eat, end he is a nights and I am frightened.” Cinciimati, O.—A most important becoming t o many. bad color. He’s not gaining and link in the chain Of humsui ancestry secret trips to camp. “See your young fire eater?” he "Suit yourself. But remember, The, first reference to sugar ob­ and teey had not had a chance to he has, so many headaches.” If anything goes wrong, I’ve told has been discovered by researchers tained from. cane was made by “Winters,” Dona correctpd. asked. ' be alone. The stingless bees of Panaum 1 “Winters,” Stan murmured. “Oh, all children get that way. you.” under the direction of Dr. G. B. Bar- ’Hieophrastus, in the third century, gather lubricating, oil with • their "He’s gone.” The words slipped “Yes, thank you,” Dona smiled He eats too much candy.” Having washed,his hands of the hour, of the University of Cincinnati. B. C; ; H e, mentioned: it as “honey down upon her parent. feet to mix with the wax for their, ' out unbidden and Dona blushed She hummed an old time, a west­ “No, I haven’t allowed him to have whole matter because he was unwill­ Fossilized wristbones foimd on the which came from bamboo.” honeycomb cells. furiously. -Asper looked at her for a long ern ballad she had learned, as, a any for a month. HP isn’t at all ing to take any small proportion of '. “And be took the little senorlta,” minute, then shook a heavy finger. girl. Her vocal solo stopped sud­ well and I am .woiried.’’' the responsibility, Jim felt better. Stan was watching her face closely. “Now look here, young lady, none denly and she turned about. Some­ "I never had mine out and I’m all His real reason for non-support of “And she took your glove,” Dona of your woman’s wiles with Ball. one had steppec’ up behhid her. right. And I used to be sick all the the doctor’s dictum was not those he - could not help but remind him of I’m making him timber boss of this “Stan Ball!” she cried as he slid time \vhen I wes. si kid.” ' had given. He was afraid. He " that. cutting, and I don’t want tol have to the grass at her feet. “You are “No. you .aren’t all right. You knew his wife would do the best “My glove?” Stan was puzzled him ruined.” disobeying doctor’s orders!” have all sorts iof things every little thing anyway. Whatever happened i and showed it “He’ll never take it,” Dona said. “Malloy told me you were here. while:. . I thiiajc yeu t lcm sllsishould he could not blame hlfoself If Teddy “Your right band glove,” Dona “He’s a cattle man.” He helped me to within lO feet of come ?eut,. too.'!’ , did not stand the operation as-he insisted. "He’ll take it and like.it,” Asper this enchanted spot, then quit me “I teink teepe are too many oper­ should. Stan laughed. “That’s a queer assured her gruffly. “I want a cat­ cold.” Stan’s voice was low and ations and all this topeil' tiueteess Is 'The operation^ took place. There one. Both my gloves are over in tleman here so as-to get Seth Doby soft. “I had to come, Dona,” he nonsense. Qjve tee kid some castor was a complication and the child teat pile of rags that you ruined.” and that crew at Blind River over rushed on, suddenly unable to keep oU.” was a long time getting well. His eyes moved across the room to­ their tantrums.” back bis words. “I’ve watched you “Jim, I kpow the dpptor. is right. Eventually he emerged a stronger, ward a closet door. every day and wanted to talH to “I suppose that glove was Dud’s.” Dona smiled a contented smile. you alone but aoihebody was ad- ■r.V' Dona was ready to admit that she “I think we—that is that he will ways around.” He suddenly became 'had not a single thing to hold like the Job,” she said sweetly. self-conscious, and hesitated. against him except the fact that she Asper laughed outright and turn­ Dona laid a hand on his arm. loved him and did not want him to ed away. He was very busy get­ “Yes, Stan. You wanted to ask me Pattern find it out at once. ting the work straightened out and if you should accept Dad’s offer.” The doctor bustled in. “You must ready for a government check that Stan, snorted. Her words sud­ By HELEN WILLIAMS let me carry you back now.” he would imcover all of Swer^n’s denly brought him back to his old Here’s an especially wnart dress In coat styling for girls-of 11, 18, 15 said with a professional frown. crookedness. Asper knew that the self. Rising from the grass ho and 17 years. "Oh, I can walk,” Dona assured job at Three Rivers was going to caught her by the shoulders and It is ciarried out in na^;blPe cask-mere wool jersey. The smart high him, and rose from the chtdr. She cost him a pretty penny but he was shook her gently. “I came out here neckline is accented'red rough, crepe silk used for tee collar took two steps and wobbled. The ready to pay it and continue the to tell you that I love you and that . !_ , ; \ ' and tie teat by next instant she was in the doctor’s work. I want you to be my wife.” the way cut in one arms. Dona wanted to cry. Instead she "No more of that or you go right laughed unsteadily and let him piece. The bone ' back to bed,” warned the doctor as There was a moon* again and draw her to him. He. showed plain­ buttons down the he started for the door. Folly Moimtain was bathed in ly that he was well on the way to front repeat the j- a soft, silver haze. The aspens m Dona smiled a farewell to Stan. recovery as his strong arms drew red tone. 'The cap He grinned at her and called softly rustled gently and the spruce mur­ her close. Hungrily his Ups found sleeves give the after them. ‘Til have them bring mured with a sigh that added soft hers, then, all was silence ^except me in to see you tomorrow.” music to the song of a million night for the humming of tef cricketed widened shoulder folks, of the insect family. Dona The moon swung l^ h over Ftdly effect qow so Im­ Dona insisted upon being carried sat on a log at the edge of the Peak and revealed every nook and portant In tee fv'’' out to the porch. She sat there clearing and watched the last, patch cranny on the mountain. It dis­ mode. The jakirt watching the busy scene below. As­ of shadow slip from tec cliffs high covered two shadowy forms sitting Is slightly circular p-f: per had the mills going smoothly up under the rim of Folly ‘ Moun­ clasped In each otheris arms gazing aqd has an in­ again and the men who bad lately tain. raptly at the grandeur of the night verted niait at the iSifSPSS \}' t ' been combing the bills with rifles Malloy bad been up to see her but seeing none of its beauty. ceqter-front t o were moving about at peaceful and had just left. had said he (THE END) give ample width tasks. The old timber king was was going to see Stan Ball and then to the hem. striding across the clearing with his he was headed north to take a job It takes but 3 head up. He looked her way and as range boss. Dona had felt a MIGHTY NIMROD waved, then came up to the porch. yards of 39-inch little ache in her heart as she bid material with % him goodby. She had tried to per­ Stockton, -Calif.—Either the deer yard of 35-inch suade him to stay and help Stan Frank Sylva, Sonora huntei;^ shot at doptrasting to copy W A NTTO LOOK YOUNG? boss the timber work but be had was adept at dod^ng bullets, or it it exactly for the answered, with a grin, that two had a ctormed life—anyhow, Fraink miss of 16 years. The secret of keepng young is to cowpunchers would be sure to brought'a deer home recentiy. He wreck the'works. declared that it was the same deer Style No. 8181 is feel young—to do this you must watch also interesting in y your liver and bowels—there’s no Malloy had stayed at camp until he had shot 37 times during the past need of having a sallow oomplezion— a bottle, green Stan was ready to walk. The next few weeks., His 38th bullet brought woolen, overplaited dark rings under; day his friend was to be' allowed to it down. / —a bilious look tn vour in mllow, with the walk about a little and Malloy had colTar u d ' tie of eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor wili ■uddenly decided to take a job on ATTACKED BY TRACTOR yellow rough crepe tell you ninety p^ cent of all sickness, the north range. He had been good silk. comes from inactive bowels and liver. to Dona while Stan was mt^ding Dr. Edwards,.a well-known phy­ and bad, taken her for many rides Fort Worth, Texas.—Soft sod was Still another sician in Ohio, perfected a vegetebie into the new peaceful htiis- dU that 4mved the Ufe of Liouis scheme you’ll like compound as a substitute for calomel Cooper, 2tf-year-old'ranch em pire, is twesd woolen in A to act on the liver and bowds, whidi Dona eettM back and smiled into the night. Malloy was a real here recently. While he was attempt­ rhum browB shade. he gave to his patients for years. ing to couple a trailer on to a trac­ Us* etarohed Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are friend, one she could call on again for anything she needed that he tor the clutch slipped with the gears white pique for the gentle in theirAction yet always effec­ in reverse. The 1400-pound tractor collar and tie. W liich See if tive. They help bring about teat nat* night have. Her thoughts were backed over Cooper’s legs, chest, Make It detachable ural buoyancy which all should enjoy with Stan a second later. She had arms and stomach and then, running so as to be readily erne of the you can by toningup the liver and clearing the seen.little of him alone. He had in a circle, It ran over’Us-feet a sec­ laundered.' V; system m impurities. been on the porch and in the office ond time. other guests Dr. Edwaras Olive Tablets-are of her father but the build­ - For more sim­ solve’ this ^ kiu3wnbytheiroliveoolor.l5c,|30^60c. ing was now a beehive of activity pler“ h tet,” it is A van. equipped with a magnet, ever lo fasoinating knew the se­ exciting hew is being used in some cities to re<« nuMfo of a wine- red rough crepe move screws and other bits of metal silk wlte matching cret of Amos mystery serial from the highways. That’s another tow tranmarent hasard faced by the man who etlll vrivit’ U ^ for the Peabody's amftz< written by Ga* drives a Modsl-T. ooUAr and tie. The SPECIAL OFFER! buttons may be ittg death? . briel!eE*Forbush self . eorered or .'i Manehester Herald iw .be made of To All Who Wish to Study Hairdressing the, v elv et You'U . Pattern Serrlee BMnrel a t th e easy mahner in which For a Raraid Pattm a«d lOo 3 1 8 1 It nsey be made An extremely important development , in m atampa or coin dlraotly to Mid yeti’n- he-more FaaUoo Bureau, Manobaatar Ehra- thaihrvlirdated-^ ■■■ the Hairdressing Industi^ makes it advis­ uing Hfrald, FHftb Avenue and the result, have A dr#M of imart ■ophliticatton 28rd a t f ^ Nfw York GUy, Be outiily. able for all who wish to study Hairdress­ sura-to fill in number ot pattahi yoa,«’'‘alre. ^ ing to immediately call :or write to Mr. i-' I ' }‘*-i .1 Pattern No...... ooveriBf ,the.face Paul D. Kerin, Registrar, The ^Hartford kL*-, PrtooteooBte PAtchwork quUte, emhrold^. wavk, -a«d ...... , Academy of Hairdressing, 603 Main-St., maklar lov*ly^aT|5& At .’.J; ! s r ..-I 1 JKHlir lOUlUV, flMHUBUI*; t. .H. i’ Hartford, Conn. • eeaeeeeeeee'aeeeeeiDeeo Btft'of tea pAttem. . • ■ • N 1. * . - • , -r. iv. • v & r ' ite'MiiliniMl). '.V...:.- iif, 4.-V -


PAST RECORD GIVES PRO GOLFI$» READY TO HIT WINTER TRAIL FOR GOLD BROWN SUGHT EDGE May Be Favorite h Game Recreation Center ENGLAND RICH IN North Esders Dsfatd Qrom With Columbia Satnrdar, Items of Interest W N G ” CHAMPS, FffstGiiaeAiMklM(r,Wnner Most Cpptini Two Weat Side Building Bruins Have Defeated Five The RMreation Centers West Side Games k » Tw irdlN ot Cosst; NeitherTeam Boasb Im* voUey ball and basketball leagues TAKE JACK DOYLE . P . . that are to be held during the winter Unbeaten Elevens So Far. months will get under way next presstve Record Brt Eagles Look Better Os Pijwr. ; week.

New York, Nov. 8.— (A P )—Brown Monday, Nov. 14 the volley-ball I b Haibd As a WsrU’s Cham* The itmuail'football leries for the championship of Han- %nd CJolumbia, which between them league opens and Thursday Nov. 17 Cssadena Chester will opes Sunday afternoon, professionals will take. ■'nell. you will be uxxable to play kindly I has batched out a chick? According to the agreement Supporters of Brown’s side of this notify the one in charge so that — ...... ■' 'T— 4> ------reached by officials of the Red Men Gene Saruen, Walter Hagen, Leo If 3TOU did, then you should know week’s argfument will do well how- g^nieone else will have the oppor- and Eagles, the winning .team must Comparative eVer, to forget about Columbia’s tunlty of playing cm the teams, Dlegel, Mac Smith and company are I that it means England has once capture two games, as ties, and more or less indifferent performance ______v headed for a prospecting tour. Hid­ more found a world’s champion Records BOWLING scoraleas games will not bs countsd. AMt. Tb* leagues are not only for star den away in the hills and hallows of heavyweight prize fighter — on Colp^te, the only ot^er m ^ r CM 1 also for anyone who BON AMI WINS The teams have agreed on a ipl'.t the golf courses in southland awaits paper. This time his name is Jack EAGLES The Bon Am i took three games of Mxty pe>' cent to the winner and ^65,000 in the form of prize money, 1 Doyle. ' 6— Dunbar >A. O...... $ be willing to play. from Merz’s Barbers in the Y. M. C. forty per cent to the loser, but the with an uncrossed goal line, still wUl A. bowling league iM t night, win­ Fon 40 years or more the British 14—Rockville Qerks P VoUey-BaU List and thf professional golfers are all be waiting for Brown even. Should ning by 128 pins, M KeUsr’s de­ I have been trying to find a scrapper financial basis is qpiffSWhat involved 2e-^artford Spurtans ...... 6 set to hit the winter trail. the Bruins check Columbia. Col­ F. Haxuen, B. Bissell, N. Angelo, feated Shearer’s Buicks two out of bnwuMtmoemi who will teach those proud Yanks as it depends on weather conditions 18—’Windsor Looks 0 gate. facing a well beaten and in­ J. Breen, P. Waddell, S. Taggatt, I. ikree games by 26 pins. Allen of The purses are not so full this something, and always it is the Should the Red Men or the Eagles 0—AU-Harttords • S The Sporting News is a paper | other way around. Forty years ago experienced Syracuse outfit In a tra­ Quinn, E. Boyce, S. Gxutafson, J. the Bon Ami captured high single year, but $65,000 Isn’t to be sneezed win the first game, the second 7— Prison Team • ditional battle this week, is almost Chapman, B. Schubert, A. Ford, W. and also high three string, hitting at. printed weekly in St. Louis, and is their best bet was CJharley Mitchell. game ends in a tie, and weather 0—All-WllUmaatlo...... 18 certain to win and thus continue its Wilkinson, B. Jolley, E. McAdam, B. 153 in his second game, with a to­ With brassies, irons and woods devoted exclusively'to baseball. It halts the series, the team winning imbeaten record right up to the Wemer, R. Cordner, C. Bycholskey, all sharpened, the boys will ansv/er w * with that husky champ. John sui» the first game will take sixty per 71 19 tal of 898. might be regarded as being “in the he loped around the ring so battle with Brown at Providence | m . Nelson, J. Metesdf, D. McConkey, The scores: the eall of the filthy lucre by first cent of the receipts of the first Ricn m e n a . C. know’’ regarding any inside talk fast that .Tobn L., getting a bit out Thanksgiving day. L. Anderson, W. Hadden, J. Falko- Bon Ami stopping off at Washington, D. C., game, splitting 80-60 on the second • —WlHtoaaasett A . O. . * . . .. 6 Of the EMt’s five other unbeaten ski. Brennan ...... 108 — --- ■ 103 where $2500 in prize money will go concerning Hornsby’s possible, sue- of breath and slightly sore, grunted game, all percentages being flared 0—Wliidaor Lodes ...... 0 cession to Gabby Street as manager “Say, Limey, what is this, a nm' after expenses are deducted. Should 6—AU-Harttords . V arrays, Pittsburgh will be favored BaskHhaU lis t AUen ...... 124 163. 121 398 to the winners of the 54-hoIe, medal 115 of the Cardinals. Says the Sport­ ning match or a fight? one team win tbe’first game and over Nebraska. C. Vennert, N. Angelo, D. Kerr, J. Gado ...... 106 182 368 play. Capital City Open. This match, e*—Bristol. North Sides ...... 0 Brozowski ....1 2 8 — — 128 ing News: lose the next two, the winnor of the 0—Boys' Club, New Ipndon. to Falkoski, B. Bissell, F. Bissell, J. the first of the x ^ t e r swing through In later years the British champ ROSE BOWL NOMINBBS Kebert ...... 126 126 128 880 “Although Sam Bredon and last two games will take sixty per 6—New IMiath Pawnees ....to Grobbon, D. McConkey, A1 Ford, J. the south, will take place Nov. 12 was Bombardier Wells, but he New York. Nov. 8.— (A P )—There Keeney . 105 102 207 Branch Rickey, as well as Rog cent of the receipts of sU three Breen, P. Waddell, J. Chapman, I. and 13. didn’t do much hom>}arding. Then it are other possible nominees but right Coleman ...... 118 122 240 Hornsby him s^, went, out of their games. On this basis, each tea u wiU 18 M Quinn, B. Jolly, W . Wilkinson, E. The trail here turns down 4he was Joe Beckett. Joe vowed He now it appears that one of tturee way to assure everybody that the collect forty per cent after each iMcAdan^, H. Brown, L. Anderson, Atlantic coast to Pinehurst, where would polish off that French danc- eastern football machines—^Pitts­ 682 684 588 1804 engagement of the Rajah as player game, the other twenty per cent be­ B. Boyce, Bkurl Anderson, S. Vennert, the Mid-South Open, a medal play tog master, Carpentier, and then admission charge wlU be low burgh, Colgate or Browm— re- Merz's Barbers on the 1933 CJardinals was not the ing banked pending the outcome of event, take place Nov. 15-16. visit America and show the Yankees e n o u ^ to escape tax. c e ^ the bid to play the fa r western ^ Hamilton ...... I l l 99 140 350 forerunner to his eventual eleva- t'le series. ’rb e n u e gang will mosey along what real fighting was. ’The-meeting was attenddi by the representative, probably Southern, in g^cholsW, R ^ I L F. Mikoleit ...... 97 82 91 270 tio - to the management of the Coaehes Choose OfHrialt A ll London turned out to see his following officials from toe Bam s: the annual Rose Bowl game at Pasa- “ ted Obrimsky ____109 113 96 318 to Miaiql, where one of the two im­ Games will be cancelled by mu­ team, the man on the street arched polishing act. But the only polish­ hm il. N'aw Yesx’s day* I Tub foUowiBgf in6n btb JTike . . . . • 94 107 106 807 portant events of the winter season tual agnvement^ of'the officials 'The Edward Comber, manager; Billy a quizzical eyebrow when the news ing poor old Joe did was to the ring. w K i m . on the basis of its to meet at the W est Side Rec ttf- Howard ■•••••191 n i 104 336 will be staged. This session, the matter of offieWs at the games was Copdaad, captain and ' Brufiig I became known. It was the famous contest in which Miami-Biltmore, match p^y, will left to the two coachis. W altct Moske, coach. The Red M di v% e “Somehow, the man on the street two blows were struck. Carp hit a :. ■V.J. C882, 812 m 1681 ,carry $10,000 in prizes, zmd will take Harrison of the Red "M e n and represented by. Pete VeadriUo, mr-n* could not be convinced that the Joe and Joe hit'the floor. ager; Walter HarriSoa, boaota, shd V l Q d u ' LU c IT e L B U lw A D | vr* ».»,• i ■ t j . ------. — t- — ' place Nov. 23-25. Brunig Moske of the Eagles It is Messrs, Breadon and Rickey were Then there arose a new champ William Leggett; preSlden< ot the Armv Notre Dame and Pennsylva- E. Bissell, F. Hansen, J. Falkoski, Shearer’s From the east, the troup of min­ expected that local men will ...... 100 107 93 300 not looking ahead for possible in the person o f Phil Scott. He got club. ^ nia, c ^ get by Nebraska, Carnegie w . Wilkinson, J. Gribbon, Frank Rand ing golfers will sally forth to the chosen to officiate. Games will Behrend ...... 104 123 142 369 eventualities that might bring the as far as America and inside of Tech and Stanford without defeat Waddell. west coast, meeting at San Francis­ played on s*ioceeding Sundays until Other Seiiee TIUm Lindgard .....1 0 6 99 98 302 Rajah back in charge of the team some fight rings. The trouble with Side Building the series is Settled. ’The Red Men I t was back, in 1927 that the Cubs ----— EMt 99 97 298 co, Dec. 7-12, for the San Francisco on which he won his greatest dis­ dear old Phil was that his fighting YAIJG DENIES CHANGE opening night for the newly Fraser ...... 1 0 2 won the toss and the first game will annexed the town championship, de-'; Wilkie ...... n o 103 103 316 Open and a few more thousand tinction as a field leader in 1926. was done mainly in a nice comfort­ N ew Haven, Conn., Nov. 8.— (A P ) formed Church BMketball League is he played at .Mt. Nebo, the second feating toe Cloverluaveii In toe sec-' - I. ■■1 1 ■ ■ ■■ bucks. Following this match by “This was a manifestly unfair at­ able horizontal position on the floor. —With the Yale varsity footb^ Tuesday at 8 p. m. Games at Hickey’s Grove, and the third, it ond game of tha cetles, 13 to 6. aft­ 521 531 588 1685 only a few days will come the Pasa­ titude toward Charley Street, who necessary, at Hickey’s and so‘on. er Ui(: flTbt game endto in a score­ eleven in the midst a t the Recreation Center are South Keller’s dena Open, Dec. 16-18, and the has given St. Louis two pennants The present srear has been very its “big three”^ games, the Yme AUi-- Methodist vs. St Mary’s—German Should Inclement weather cause less tie. In 1928, the Cube had a Miller ...... 122 104 114 340 Santa Monica Open, pro-amateur, during his three years’ incum- rich in “coming’ British world postponement of the first game, it comparatively easy time, Winning letlo Association has Church vs. Swedish Lutheran. A t the Knowla ...... 99 106 98 80S Dec. 30 to Jan 1. ben^, but you can’t shoot a fan for champs. First there was Jack that reports that ch an ^ ^ l ^ y. M. C. A.—St James’s vs. St Peterson, who won a couple of ordl will be played on the following Sun both gazdes from the Cloverieaves,' McGuire ...... n o 119 103 882 After a week of rest the pros malmig the first and last guess.’’ day at Mt. Nebo. 13 to 6 and ' 6 to 0. In 1929, the made in the Bridgets—North Methodist vs. Cen Willis ...... 123 106 96 324 ______nary fights and thus became British season are “so much idle talk.' drop in on Los Angeles, site of the Eagles’ Record cnoverieaves were replaced by toe ter Congregational. Keller ...... 88 n o 113 821 There Talking offlciail notice of numerous Los Angeles Open, Jan. 7-9. you have it— the excite- Neither team will enter the series Yiajors, who fel* before the Cubs by reports of contemplated ‘ changes in After this event comes the second with an impressive record, but of 542 546 523 1610 overwhelming soor i, 19-0 end 22-0,' the coaching personnel, the Associa­ This league is open to church of the two big matches of the winter the two, the Eagles are superior on after the south eaders went through members, ramging’ from 16 to 21 tion issued the\ following statement season— the A gua 'Callente Open, S S lS rt tev. uckrt a number of flttb ruler, paper. ’The Eagles havq played sev­ their season imdefaated. years of age. Anyone interested BRinSH-AMBRIOAN. value about $10,000. This will be and hollered for a fight with Peter en games this season, winnin,; four, In 1980, toe championship ■ touch with their High scores, Davies, 840; Murphy, staged at the Mexican City Jan. lowed him. “A t ^ e present time Yale Is not I should get in son. tying One and Irsing two. ’The vde- ohanged hands after four Utteriy thinking about tmy cosohes other | church officials. 325; Wylie, 316; Brennan, 311; 11-14. The Sporting News suggests that But before his ambition could be toiies were at the evenss; Lbe Ctopeland, 310. St. Louis fans are “guessing that’ fought games. The Msjori wen toe than those In charge of the team ^ . w j From Mexico the toup>will s \ ^ g Rockville aerks. 14-0; toe Hartford League Standing. Hornsby will succeed Street and flrilt, 6-0, and the next tW a ended to now The many rumors of expected Each player will be furnished with back east again, ta.ting in the Spartans, 26-0; the Windsor Locks Scotland ...... 8 points that the fans see Breadon and scoreless ties, toe Ms^rs.wtoatog changes in the personnel of the staff a league membership card, and the Phoenix Open, medal play, early in Town Team. 18-0; and the TVetiierS' Bnglcmid ...... 8 points Rickey getting ready for such an the fourth, 6-0. Last ysar, Jie fln t are so much idle talk.’’ various managers are requested to the winter, a few big tournaments in field Prison ’Team, 6-0. Defeato were game ended in a soor t M t tie, wheii Yale officials declined to amplify turn in their list of players by Nov, Wales ...... 4 points eventuality. suffered from the AU-Harttords, 6-0 Texas and other state:;, in the south, Why, doesn’t it appear that the Majors played the All-MaaChas- the statement. 14, to make the players eligible to Ireland ...... 4 points and the AU-WUlimanties, 13 to 0. Wales, and finally back into Florida again. there’s trouble already! ten, successors to toe Oluba T h e play in this league. The season will finish with the big The tie was with the Dunhhr A. C., second game w m won.by the Ma* V __ Allison ...... 7 2 82 74 228 8»6. jo n 18 to 0. after which toe teSin Baker ...... 8 4 81 109 274 North-South Open at Pinehurst in Hornsby A t Second The Rec team practices tonight Red Men’s Record gave way to the Eag|eo w be wtU Pants—Passes McMenemy . ...9 2 97 91 280 March. Ostensibly, the idea is to play I from 7 to 8 p. m. The Red Men A. C. have played attempt to dupUbate the rec­ Brennan ...... 108 80 114 811 Hornsby at second base and Frisch I cubs' six games this eeason, winning, two, ord by bringing three subeeaatve Dummy ...... 7 9 80 86 346 at third. But surely there |s| By Assodated Prew The Junior Soccer team is expect­ Tying one and losing thres. Th e club eham^enships to the. north end,; Pittsburgh—-Pitt scouts may say ed to play a game here this Sunday little doubt among any_of those defeated the Willimansett A. C. 6-0, who have watched. Hornsby’s play NebrMka hM an "even^ chance’’ and anyone desiring to play on this 435 429 474 1888 M .H .S. SOCCER CLUB I and the Bristol North Sides, 6-0. the last few years that he no against the Panthers Saturday b u t team_____ are requested to leave their England The tie was with Windsor Locks PORTER STREET W IN ^ longer is a second baseman. H e there’s nothing in the record to give names at the Blast Side Building Donovan .. ...7 9 80 86 345 Town ’Tsam, 0-0, the same team can still hit, to be sure, but a r q ^ d the Comhuskers much hope against | office, Torrance .. ...102 83 91 276 that was later drubbed by toe WINS LEAGUE RTLE the bass bis fielding just won’t do. | ’The Porter Street Hevea aosed out - the conquerors of. Army, Notre Siunamon . ...8 7 85 90 262 Eagles. The defeats were inflated The hardiest optimist among ths' toe West Side Bulidoge S atm i^ by Dame and Penn. Nebraska has* The league for Saturday nights Holmes ...... 94 98 99. ■ 291 by the All-Hartfords, 7-0, the N ew critical paying clientele knows ysry a score of IS'4. O'Connell 'of the . beaten Iowa State and KansM State Murphy ...... 132 105 88 325 London Boys’ Club, 33-0, and for basketball h u already two teams well that Homsbjs no longer is an BuUdof^ ran the length of the fleld by one touchdown, K a n su by two WITH r VICTORIES New Britain Pawnees, 19-6. signed up and any independent infieldsr, and Hornsby knows it | to score, and Catos and Frento and a weak Iowa eleven by one point group or team wanting to enter 494 451 454 1399 Scores BUstoadlag izshed ever to soors for Porter Ireland. f himself. In seven games the Eagles com­ as against their one defeat 7-8 by should do so at an early date u this It would be more reasonable to Minnesota and none of these teams will be started within the next two G. Pools ----- ...8 1 103 94 2711 piled a total Of 71 points to 19 for g’The Porter Street tievea wants ...106 96 95 assume, in the light of the facts, looks to be anywhere near as strong weeks. D. Poots ... 296 Only Four Teams Entered In their opponents. The Red Men earn' gamss with any toanui espedaUy the C. Davies .. .. .118 116 106 that Hornsby’s. chief baseball ser­ as Pitt. 840 ed a total of 18 points to 89 for Sub-AJpiaee. Call 6079. S. ’Taggart .. 85 n o 102 ^ 7 vices in the year of 1933 will be their oMionents. On this basis, the The schedule for the girls church as a coach* He is a _great developer Jack Doyle he’e a "fighting Tho summary:. Providence— Perhaps the schedule buketball league is as follows: Dummy ...... 8 9 83 172 C. C.l. L This Year; Locals odds would seem to favor the Porter Street • Y ii S- BolMegs S. Herron 84 84 of y o u ^ tU talent T'here probably I moiuter." Hlagles, but comparative scores ere maker knew something or maybe Wednesday, Nov. 9 is not a wiser teacher in baseball. ■■ a Turkington ...... H. O’Connell it’s just a coincidence, but so far Methodist vs. Swedish. Many remarks in the press box satisfied, up bobbed another "com< generally misleading, as anyone LeftBttd 479 607 Hare Won Seven Games, five of Brown’s first six opponents S t Marys, vs. St. James. 481 1467 •year- who picked Notre Dame over Pitts­ S. Swarts ...... Egglesea Scotland during the late world senes were burgh wlU remember-with, in most have been undefeated up to the time Wednesday, Nov. 16 to the general effect that "tWe m sh - Left Tackle J. Copeland . . . 90 121 99 310 they met the Bruins. The seventh. Methodist vs. S t James. Lost, Tied One. would not have happened if the

t'.wi V -^ ; M ^ c k r a r i f e -e v i ^ q : HiSuSSfeHTi^S ; '. 'f?:. .;i$^f

.« , ; « 1, f 'U>' "'iT liOBT—PASS BOOK NO. 4474— ROQM; AND BOARD at I18JK) per Notice iB hereby given that P i m week; The Hotel Sheridan. Tele­ 'M ancheBter Book No.-4474 issued tgr The Ssiv- phone 8678. Ings Bank \A Manchester has been By ASSOCIATED Oklahoma C lty -It .waa bad plough ihrening H erald f lost or destroyed, and written, ap­ LARGE HEATED ROOM with thought Joseph Hanker, for his Tme A Scries ^ ' Disfcuasiiig Modem: .Methods oC' plication has been made to said board; henne privileges, 63 Garden Joliet, Bl.—^This being election day to listen to PresldMit Hoover over New York, Nov. 8.—(AP)— c u i S s m E D < r bank by the person in w;hose name atreet TeL 6194. the 60 inmates of the Will county the ra^o but when she turned out JUmes A. Farley, Democratic Na­ .... Trdinidf.the. Youth of Our Gowtry. '< AinnERTISEBfENTS Jail decided something should be Governor Roosevelt," Henlter left such book was issued, for payment tional'ebainttaii,xGkl>t'his Vote in of the amount of deposit represent^ done in the way of voting, so thfi home. Then fearful of lodng hia Count-alx aTtracn words to a Itao. ^ b llo Sd&ool 6, at Madison avenue ed by said book, or for the issuance APAitTMENTS, FLATS, chijrf deputy sheriff furiilshed thep vote, be aslted County Attorney toUCATlQNAL ibEAS <8brariss. Sim ^ material ta:n as$u- i n & M orris’ advleiB.' M orris, a DismoCint, and 86th street, today and while A K iSB •Mb eomt u >a word u d ooxnpowd of a duplicate book therefor. TENEMENTS 63 with eahiple bUlote and a ballot ral child’s manmir wsaJa^wdnesd pi words sa worda Minlmuin oost Ip^ box. told him he still could vote ae he standing in line express^ confi­ the Idndsrgarteo. Miuifiai. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ Nobody will be elected on the hadn’t changed hia legal residence. dence that the Democrats would Witii so much attention being of a type fitted to ,tfie .______strength of the votes because they win ‘to a sweep.’’ . paid' the s' delivered direct to steam shlp']^s. floor. she declares she did four years timber from which school tsachen wan to ward off tha buffets of real­ The Democratic National chair­ more than'one tima _ For further information ci& 8063, Madlsonville, Ky.—Gov. Ruby Laf- ago. In the 1928 presidential elec­ were made. Such persons were en­ ity. The wan must be built carefUHy Tbe inadvertent omission of Incor* 8860,8864. Ferrett ft Glenney, Ihc. FOR RENT—^ AND 4 room tene­ man expressed his confidence that trusted with the.Mudy iad most im­ in order not to overwhelm the child rect puUleatlon of advortlslnx will tai foon told bis home town friends in tion Hoover got a majority of one ments, all improvements. Apply 96 vote in West Point. She claims that Governor Roosevelt will be dected pressionable period, of children. and at the came time to make it rectified only by eancellatien of tbs' an address be often wished he was la this statement; obarxs made for tbs service .‘endered. SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the Foster street Telephone 6230 or vote. puMr Hhnds strong. Ths.eblld must slewty find back on tbe Circuit Court bench be- "Tbs crowd in this school today is All advertlssmenU most conform accommodation of their large De- 4646. cauaa tbe office of governor was Until quite recently small chil­ himsslf, bs must not be filled wftb In style. B6py and typosrapby with Luxe bus for lodge, party or team final evidence to me of the desire on dren w en' dressed la tbe style of a meaaure of dried meal from the remlations .mtforeed by the publish* hard on the pocketbook. Dover, O.—A bulletin posted at trips St special rates. Phone 3068, FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat with all "If I had known’’ he said. ’T the mill of the Greer Steel Company the part of tbe electorate | not only their elden, formal suits, dresses, p a e t •rs and'^ tney- reserve tbe rifibt to of this city but of tbe entln coun­ edit, revise or reject any copy eon* 8860, 8864. improvements, at 610 Center street woqld have let one of my opponents today read: "We don’t care hqw you and cape, and they were likewise in­ M rif ee Rrtrodoead sldered bbjeetionablq. Triepbone 8889. try, to perform their duty as Amer- have tbe nomlnatloD. Of course, vote, but vote." structed in the saae manner us The tmialtfaB from classical ClOSffiO HOTJBS—Classified ads to HASTINGS ft MILLER. Local and i 'sns. I have Just come ftom tbe adults. Educatlonbad been j| 8 v e UttJe be pnbiTsbed same dsy most be rs* long distance moving and truck­ FOR RENT—NOV. 1ST., five rooms, after I was nominated, I did not Latin and G titt to seienea has been eelved by 13 o'clock noon; Saturdays want to be defeated by a Republi­ Candler, N. 0.—Mrs. Annie Grif­ Democratic headquarters where I thought other fiiiui "eran it in. Jam ing. Large or small Jobbing. Low fltfif floor, with garage, on liUey received hundreds of msssagss from mstttianad. Paee^ wera rightly do- 10:30 A m.. < can.’’ fin, who 4eclar.s she is tbs coqn- it in, for ebUdno’s hssds are. hot- mmmMng th at < rates. Prompt service. Dial 4266. strefit Dfifir Center, o ff Main stre e t an over tbe country indicating that ' A ODUket’f admUMion TELEPHONE YOUR t^ s oldest first-time voter, gave low.’' But dindren’s.heaiAi are n ot to tha adwol aboilM ba datorininsd ' 4, Inquire 21 Elro street Phone 566L New York—No matter who else her age as 106 when she r^ilstdwd conditions are entirely satisfoctory hollow . • WANT ADS. ' in every state. upon ite prsparatoiy vitiqa for Itis, Ads are accepted over the telepbons FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat with aU wins, the election is going to be to vote in today's elections. 'rratniag of tsachen for tha pur- Sdanea baeama a part of every PAINTING—PAPERING 21 Mra. Grittin said, as her name *1 am satisfied my previous pre­ poae o f giving tbs best instruettoa at tbs CBARGB RATB fivsn above improvements, and garage, 57 Sum­ somewhat of a victory for night man’a Ufa. as a oonvsnlsnce to advertisers, but PAlNnNG DECORATINO, paper dub owners. Police Commissioner went down on tbe registration dictions will materialize In a by the most impravsd methods is a tbs CASH RATB8 will be aoMptfd as mer street tdepbone 7641. Edward P. Mulrooney has changed books, that she bad never voted be­ sweeping victory, today." work of tbs niastosnth eea tovy. A FlmUly, it waa daddad that teaeb- FULL PATUBNT if Paid at Cbs bnsi* banging, |2 a room; also glassing. curfew regulations to permit night fore. Europaaa by C|m uama of Psatalozzl ing must bs as Itfs-liks as poasibis ness oflios on or before fbe seventh A. Kanebl. Telephone 7641. FOR RENT— 'THREE and 4 and tha wartbiasss of any matbod day followinf tbe first Insertion of room apartments, heat, Janitor clubs and dance halls to stay open She is the widow of a confederate whose great work covered the pe­ each ad otherwise tbe CBAROB' came to ba Judged to its slmflaritv, service, refrigerator furnished. Call until 5 a. m., two hours later than veteran, tbe mother of 10 children, FRAUDS REPORTED riod 1800<^26, sat the ban roUkig. RATB will be colleeUd. No responsi* COURSES AND CLASSES 27 usual, to welcome merrymakers. and can still thread a needle. Before bis tima memorization of tbe to actual afur-iebooi living condi- bility.... for errors . in . telepboned ads Arthur A. Knofla. 6440 or 4181, tions. Tsadisrs b^;an tsschlBg ptt> will bs sssumsd and tbei accuracy/ 876 Main street. New York, Nov. 8—(AP) — Tbe Catechism and a few'atandard facts cannot bs guarantesA b e a u t y CUl/rURB—Bam frbllt pOs tbs msaiHng of Ufa, Election. Frauds Burssu of tbs compoesd aducatjon. It can be read­ learning. Details frse. Hartford ily sssn that aodsty waa never go­ Dswey, an Amariean now teaUbbif INDEX OF FOR RENT—THREE, five find six Bobvsr engineers committss rsesiv- Academy of Hairdressing 308 room tenements, with all modsm CROSSNOT WORRYING ing to improvs much , without ois at Cdumbla UUvarslty, has base CLASSIFICATIONS ■ FIRST AERIAL BRIDE ed hundreds of reports of allied tbs most outstanding prsaehsr of Main street, Hartford. improveme|its. ^ u lre at 147 Bast iniroduetion of some new thinking. Births ...... A frauds in election polling places to­ the new education. Educational 2SOfl;Rff#B1RStS .’••••#•••••••#••«## 0 Center street or telephone 7864. Some scheme to awakeo and assist MErrir.jtf c • c.s:ae c •>,»##•; * e ••••• • C OYER THIS ELECTION day from its 2,x00 watchers. method Is now eoncsivsd of ss bs* Waterloo, N. Y„ Nov. 8.—(AP>— pupils to think indepsndsntly in­ Deaths • • c • c •# e e * P FUEL AND FEED 49-A 6 ROOM TENEMENT, all improve­ The complaints ranged from re­ ing a counterpart of Uvlng. Cftrd of Thftnko •••••••••••••••• S peating to intimidating and Jostling stead of resorting to memorizing ments, garage, good location, rent Mrs. Mary A, Boynton, widow of Xu KOmOrUtD *«• ;«.••aec.#e»e#.d.4 F FOR SALE—HARD WOOD also voters to prevent them from east­ was needed. Peatalozii believed that reasonable, 26 Walker street. In­ Dr. John A. Boynton, noted geol­ XdOSt End Found ••#•••###••••## x range and fuel oil. V. Firpo, 116 Hartford, Nov, 8.—(AP)—The ing their. oaUots. During tbs first edneatlen ceoaieted of the develop- EX-GOVEBNOB VOTES JXnnouncoAonlE ,«#•••••••••#•••• * quire 80 Walker. Td. 7268. ogist, walked to tbe polling plaqe to mast of tbs Individual, tbe unfold­ PorionElf ccscceecccesccceeee pACSI * Weus street, telephone 6148. election wan not wearing heavily on' hour of voting such eomplslnts were AetmucbHes cast her vote here today accom- received at the rate of 10 a minute. ing and bringing out to use of Wbat CASH PRICE on one half cord 4 ft VERY DESIRABLE 8 room suite in the icholariy shoulders of (Sovemor Plainvillc, Nov. 8.^(A P)—Form­ Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 anted by memories of another elec- "We have received enough natun created within the child, not Automobiles for Bxchanss .../. s bard wood, 13.60: sawed to order, new Johnson Block facing Main ^OM today. He voted in a Repub­ the pouring in of a collection of er Governor John H. Trumbull, O. O. Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 4 Sion day, sixty-tw o years ago whsn charges of repeating to make us be­ P. candidate for governor, cad bis 14.00. Hickory, sawed to order. steeet, all modem improvements, she became the first aerial bride. lican ward, in New Haven thia dry material from without He was Auto Repairing—Fainting ...... 7 including beat Phone Aaron John­ lieve repeating started with tbe ballot in tbe Plslnvtlls town him at Auto SCnOOlS eeceoesecscecceege 4 *A 4,50. Range oil 8c gal. L. T. Wood Just past her ninetieth birthday, morning and spent the remainder of opening of the polls," it was an­ tbe first to realize cad understand Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 3 son, 8726 or janitor 7685. 8:55 o’clock this momiag. Nsws Co. Phone 4496. Mrs. B i^ton plans a combined cele­ tbe day on tbe Job at tbe CapitoL nounced by Horace A. Demarest, the difference between content (e.g. Autos*.*For Hire ...... 3 bration of her birthday and wedding Tonight he will be at State bead- history), drill (spelling), and ex- photographsrs took llasbugbt ple- Oarages—Service—Storage ^.... 10 WALNUT, NEAR PINE street Republican candidate for Congress Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 MIXED SLABS |3JK>: oak slabs 84. anniversary. As Miss Mary A. quaiters for a few hours to hear preaslm (quisle) subjects, and bs tures of the local msnufactursr is Elpecial fireplace wood, cut to order, beautiful 4 rooms, brano new, from Qu4eni who was in. charge of his name was bsti^; ebsdksd dif and Wanted Autps—Motorcycles .... 13 West of St. Louis she was married tbe returns. tbe bureau. realiiijid tli|it/each should be taqiht BMiuees and Profcaeional fiervlees oak 84.25, bickqry 84fi0. Cbas. scraped floors, $20.00; also 4-6 November 8,1870, to Dr. Boynton of. But tbe election was being taken in a neelal^m y. Qiit of his .belisfi udien he took hdd of tbe voting ma^ Business Services Offered ...... 13 rooms 816-818. In ^ re Tailor Shop. Household Services Offered Staye. Dial 8149. _ Syracuse is Professor Thomas S. 0. in_ stride. . 4| • -t andptaas^me &a kindetfarten,! ehinp^jever* Afr. Tpumbun cam e.^ Building—Contracting ...... 14 Telephone 6680. ^ ' - , * * *• Love’s balloon'''UniteirBfateir'lifter ' '’T m 'g^ S to New York toiflor- klifiw, ;elm garten, garden. Frohi the fbUsldone. Hte wjjfe arid Saulft- Florists—Nurseries ...... 11 SEIASONED HARDWOOD, stove GARNER GOES HDirnNG ter, Jean,' wera axpaoted .t6 to te FOR RENT-^FIRST CLASS heated it ascended several thousand feet in row," tbe governor suddenly an­ bis idesis came the devoiopmant of Funeral Directors ...... 10 size, furnace c-iunks or fireplace the air from Central Park, New later in the day. Heating—Plumbing-Roofing ... 17 apartment; also several single Aid nounced, ehjojfing tbe surprise the the normal school eystohi so famil­ lengths |7 cord or |4 load. Gray Y ork City. iar to modem people. Insurance ...... IS double bouses In good locations. reporter was unable to conceal. "In Uvalde, Tex., Nov. 8—(AP) — ) Slilllnery-Dressmaking ...... 10 birch |6 coru. Cbas. Heckler, tele* It was tbe first recor^d aerial Sdf-ExpresriOB Apply Edward J. HoU. Phone 4642. fact ril be there tomorrow and John N. Gcumer, voted for himself Moving—Truckings—Storage ... 30 phone Rosedale 13-13. marriage and the baHoon waa fitted Somewhat later, about 1875, the Painting—Papering ...... 31 Thursday.” for vice president of tbe United Professional Services...... 33 FOR RENT—4-ROOM tenement 6 with a special wicker car that ac­ If be is re-elected, the governor States and for all other Democrats idea that education conalstod of Repairing ...... 33 GARDEN—FARM—DAIRY Ridgewood street; garage: rent 820 commodated six persons. The party fears the people of Connecticut will today and immediately took to the self-expression to take hold. NOUCE! Tailoring-Dyeing—Cleaning ... 34 month. Inquire L. LentI, 178 landed at Mount Vernon, 25 miles think be has gone to celebrate. If w oods. It was believed that rieadlag a page Toilet Goods and Service •;...... 36 PRODUCTS 50 from the takeoff. Wanted—Business Service .> .... 36 Parker street Phone 6623. be is not re-elected, he fears tbey The Democratic running mate of or performing aa act made aa im­ An persons Uabls by IsAir to pay a Bdueatlenal At the time there was some ques­ will think be. is depressed and has Franklin D. Roosevelt Speared at pression upon the mind. A fte r re^ personal tax in the Town; of ^Bolton Courses and Classes ...... 37. FOR RENT —NICE FOUR room tion of the legality of a marriage in gone into hiding. . flection and thinking over the im­ are hereby notified that arid tax is F O R s a l e ;— ^TABLE and stock car­ his voting precinct. soon after it Private Ihstructlon ...... 38 tenement with all Improvements, the air and tbe ceremony was re­ pressing, the very natural thing to. dua and icoHectiUe.duriug thp pariod Dancing • •••eeeeeeeeeeee* cs"• • e e.e 38-A rots. H. C. Bldwell. Dial 5379. Aa.a matter o f fact, tbe governor opened. 34 Woodbridge street. I^one 7541. peated at a Fifth avenue hotel. A will attend tomorrow the annual He expressed confidence he would do /w oifid be t o . exp resii. one^s Noveifiber .lS to DtoCm bpr'to;'!!^, M usical-D ram atic e • e e e e e • e e 30 clergyman from Philadelphia per­ Wanted-Instruction ...... 30 FOR SALE—FINEST yeUow globe meeting of the National Institute of be the next vice president thought of it. This ides of impres­ inclusive. M behcIeI FOR RENT—DESIRABLE 6 room formed both ceremoniea. turnips In town. Forest Buckland, A rte and Letters o f which he la pres­ He left for an unannounced desr sion, reflection and expression ‘in­ An tasMs unpaid after December Bonds—Stocks—^Mortgages ...... 31 tenement excellent condition, near Business. Opportunities ...... 33 HUlstown. ident. Thursday he will attend the tinatioh in "the country," accom- volves tbe use of whatever training 16 wni be charged | 1 .0 0 addltionri. Money to*T^an ...... 33 Center. Inquire Kemp's Store, 763 annual meetii^ of the American pani^ by Bee Morrison, a Uvalde a pupil has had. A well-trained pu< Taxes niay be paid shy dsy at zqy Help and SItaatloBS Main street. STEL OPTIMISTIC Academy , of Arts and Letters of business man. pil will not allow his thoughts to home during the above mentionto Help Wanted—Female ...... 36 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 run rampant nor will he allow hia period. Help Wanted—Hale ...... 30 FO R REN T—W ILLIAM and" Hud­ which he is chancellor. Thursday evening he la acheduied for an ad­ expression to become uncontrolled (Signed) Help Wahted—Male or Female .. 37 son street 4 end 5 room flats. W. R. GETTING OUT VOTISS Agents Wanted ...... 37-A FOR SALE—^FURNITURE, consist­ dress at tbs 50th anniversary of and out of place. ANTHONY A. MANEGGIA. /Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 38 ing of parlor, kltcben, and two bed Hobby, 66 Henry. Dial 4649. New York, Nov. 8.—(AP)— Situations Wanted—M ale ...... 30 the AutlMna’ C2ub.' Meriden, Nov. 8.— (AP)—Despite By 1850 little children were no C ollector. rooms. Inquire at 26 Cottage street Charles M. Schwab, chairman of a cloudy morning a record early longer taught hard subjects long Dated at Bolton, Conn., Bmployihent Agencies ...... 40 tbe board of the ^thlehem Steel I.lve StCcfc—Pets—Pealtry—‘Vehicles HOUSES FOR RENT 65 vote was cast here today. A check­ hours at a time in grim shops or U- Nov. 7, 1982. r Dogs—^Blrds—Pets ...... 41 Corp., returned from Europe today MRS. TAFT VOTES up at 8;30 o’clock showed that 8,- 111 VI Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 abowl the liner Rex, silent on his FOR RENT — NICE COTTAGE 788 of a total of 17,669 eUgible to Poultry %nd Supplies ...... 43 voting choices in the election. New Haven, Nov. 8.— (A P)—^Mrs. Wanted .— Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 FOR s a l e ;— ^LARGE Assortment of home, 6 rooms with 2 car vote had cast their ballots at the garage, Schwab registered before leaving William Howard Taft, the former For Sale—MIsccllaaeous garage tools.'As I have no further shrubbery, shade trees. House in eight voting districts. Articles for. Sale ...... 46 four weeka ago for England, where president’s widow, who came to her m i Boats add Acoessories ...... 48 use for same will sell cheap or perfect condition, 78 Mather street When the polls opened at 6 Building, Materials ...... 47 he received the Melchett m ^al for old home here from Washington, D. o’clock scores o f voters were re­ trade for late model sedan or coup. Robert J. Smith, 1009 Main St dlatinguished service in the luel In­ Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 William McKee, 18 Griswold street C., for the election, voted this morn­ ported in line at every precinct Electrical Appliances—^Radlo .. 49 FOR RENT—6 ROOM HOUSE, dustry. He planned to go from the ing in the same precinct aa two of Great activity is being shown in Fuel and Feed,...... 49>A Tel. 6500 after 6:15, pier directly to bis Riverside Drive f Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 steam heat oak trim, garage. 836 Connecticut’s nominees for re-elec­ getting the voters to tiie polls. The StofO‘ Household Goods ...... ' 61 per month. R. T. MCCann, 69 Cen­ home and then to hia polling place tion. Democrats have 103 official can GEoaSstSciaBOi Machinery and Tools ...... 63 WANTED—TO BUY 58 ter street Phone 7700. to caat bis ballot The Taft home, now occupied by and the Republicans 48. Ih addition Musical Instruments...... 63 Reminded that he waa not ex­ Office and Store Equipment .... 64 J. J. Pelley, president of- the New many private automobll'es are being Specials at thf Stores ...... 66 ' I BUY ALL KINDS of househola pressing his usual optimism, Haven railroad la near the resi­ used. Wearing Abparel—F u rs ...... 17 goods, furniture etc. Better prices Schwab replied: dences of Governor Wilbur L. Cross, Wanted—To Buy ...... 63 HEAVY EARLY VOTE paid If you call or write. Nathan “There has been an overproduc­ Democrat, and Senator Hiram Bing­ PRINCESS WEDS Roeaist Board--Hotela—Raaarts Liverant Colchester, Conn. Tele­ tion of optimism in the United Restaurants Boston, Nov. 8.—(AP)—A heavy ham, Republican. ’The 70 year old Rooms Without Board ...... 03 phone 97. State« in the last several years. I governor who waa on the Yale Paris, Nov. 8.—(AP)—Princess Boarders W anted ...... 69-A early morning vote w u indicated in am optimistic. I have not lost my Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 several large New England cities to­ faculty at the time Taft was law Emeline de Broglie, dsjiflhter of Hotels^Restaurants ...... 01 faith in America, if I have loot a'lot professor there, caat his ballot about Mrs. Reginald Fellowes, was mar­ ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 day. Here and in Cambridge, at Fall of money. I feel, that ultimately thia Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 the time Mra. Taft voted. She came ried today at the Town . Hall in TO Real Rstate For Rent River and Providence, R. I., observ­ country la going to be Just the same FOR RENT—FRONT ROOMS in here Saturday to spend a few days Neuniy to Count Alexahdre/de Cas> Apartments, Flats. Tenements .. 63 ers told of a steady stream of ballot aa it waa when everything waa 4 Business Locations for Rent ... 64 Selwitz building, single or double, with friends. teja, son of- the Countess Frances de casters. bright and sunny.’’ Houses tor Rent ...... 66 hot and cold-water. Rent reason­ Casteja who was Katherine Garrl Suburban for Rent ...... 68 Both Worcester and Springfield able. Inquire Sdwltz Shoe Repair son of New York. <§> Summer Homes for Rent ...... 07 reported heavy voting with several EARLY VOTERS DIBS WHILE VOTING Wanted to R e n t ...... 68 Shop. precincts In thfi former dty report­ Real Ehitate For Sale COMMITS SUICIDE e Apartment Building for Sale ... 69 ing 200 voters in the first hour of New London, Nov.. 8.—(AP)—Al­ ' Richmond, Vn.. Nov. 8.—(AP)— balloting. Business Property for Sale ...... 70 VOTING IN BRISTOL ton T. Miner, Democratic candidate A woman voter dropped dead aa she Danven, Mass., Nov. 8.—(AP)— Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 Concord, N. H., also reported a Houses for Sale ...... 73 Bristol, Nov. 8.— (AP)—Twenty- for secretary of state,' William 0. caat her ballot here today. Her hua- Custus Roche, 64, an ardent Hoover X^ts for Sale ...... 78 five per cent of Brlitol’s voters heavy vote. Fox, Democratic candidate for Con- hand waa a Judge at the poll In workM* in the present campaign and Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 passed through the polls within four The weather over New England greaa and Dr. 0. John Satti, one of which she was voting. a political leader, was found dead in Suburban for Sale ...... 76 waa generally overcast with run or Real Estate for Bxehange...... 78 hours after uiey op^ed this morn­ the Democratic presidential dectora She was Mrs. Emma L. Jackson, his cellar today. He uks bagging by Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 ing. A survey showed 8,000 persons thredte of rain and texnperature were among the early voteni here 46, the wife of D. L; Jackson. Phy­ a rope. He had been chief o l^ at Auetlou—Legal Netleea had voted by 10 a m. and lon g llniss ranfed from warm In Portland, today. All were accompanl^ to the sicians said heart failure caused the Danven state hospital for 88 Legal Notices 0 • 0 • 0 • ox*. 0 • 0 t:uio • «| TS were at each precinct Maine to raw and cold at Concord. polls by their wives. death. years, ntiring several yean agoi

GAS BU G G IES-Jeet a Father Br FRANK BECK (BEAD IHLi BTOBt, tBEN C O M Wee Duncy, quiet aa .'a mouse, have done. At leaat nqr fow^ are walked right up to ' tbo chiekeq aafo and' aound. They might bavo house. He kept on . grain’ aU g o n e iit o ;'' which made the fritena trait I t waa tha tanner. He. Beamed along. anid .very shortly, toM .tha.lqfl However, soma o f them' .ward t he could lorit around tfab, b a m •low and DOndy abouiad; '’Ooitaa,' to aee what ha ooulid aea.' let’s gel If we dept bu ^ up ni' Into the bam wea punoy l^ t very Ukely get in whmfi'^ . and there about rii hour wga The other Tiniea ,ipn \out meat- AU of a eud^ to: riuout and Duncy hoard oto' .tlmm •ito to the others cried: shout, "My goodnoap, ‘ *1 found a deer haM ed and why. ara:ltu b | ib up in tite hern. Now nio! I am fotai.

■<'**>• '-^ f ytKmassmk im m iG aaitu t, aMenii^wdn^^ ‘■■J MaWMiiaM 'm a ^ m i mmitmurnasmi I .• . t' > V OUR SOARkEW SOUSS W SE AND NONSEf@E ToontrviUe FoUi» V i A r Vli ■ A* t I ^ V -■-ii-r':.,:;''. r ' T THE BEST OF ALL SHOCK run bar huibaad... Jf you ««|i ^EM V BlU?' WWItUt Mti fim r COWPUlHt. A ^ t MANP TIMES SORBBRB XB A SBNIB OF liM P aouiuUy aad difait your tdod M O a ______gttleeely you'rara tn‘ vary good . . . JUuthar tbu|r tbla cnvi I Avraa aoiN* o a A a u . ' M«ki.,daa vQua *^ - TbD 'BoF—You iltktr gtv* mt a dStomy naada la a good nva<«ant U ii, or ru tako oot. dUna. . . A amlla naver goaa up In THB VBPUM i e MV 01:1^ Tho OMrl-'-'XWa la M eharlUbla In.* prloa or down In valua . . A lot N0 I/S 8 aeiN6 T O v**S M B itltutloo, you—you thltfl o f paop^a, whan glgan tba Oboloa ba« TO iNvaoi: jOiaoQ. I hm/b AAOMw OH A -eN-boai!t,«My twaaa two aviia, aeoapt both. . .Tba TACIWD ttt^ TMe «&«T ' T H E Y O F T E N HIT HARD. — mora balpful a nan la around th# NOT £0 -pOItTHM auN J. M. Klnf waa pniitfuUy . ______. lajurad . houaa, the more be’a Impoaed on. ‘pnoPoemoN w thb onb vwm Tw TWNewaiaHr wbaa a window wa# blow n ouitit la Xta bard for a girl1 to UiaU U wbatbarn VnOM M1I.Na9eTUU,TMC, oburch d td ^ tba avaning'a aar- bar marriad Ufa wUlwlU be apmt la Otmooicftpaii vlcaa.—WUm&fton, North C^oUna, patching up guarrMa or In tba dam-^ MAN wHO'VMPoaee to iu waonertHnA Momlof Star. m g Bocka. . . .Whan wa have aotb- th mamkbt an Ing to aay It’a beat to aay nothing, ‘PUT ON B m A N v a o o ia . REPEAT qOIOKLY but few of ua oaq do It. . . .Way ICE fUJBB WITH. filNABia BUI had a billboard, write a book if aU you’ve got to aay Am PUwoaN*.*! w\u. BUI alao bad a board MU. can be expraaaed In an eMffhhi* • • Tba board bttl BUI ba^borad BIU, Tba man who won’t apm bla ''‘OlVt ^HIM AN , So that Bill aold the ilUboard money , la moat oaaaa, lata aoma- INTBRVIBWf To pay hla board bUl body alaa taka la away from him. . . Bo after BUI aoid hla [board Wataon—My ebum la vary near* fb pay bla board MU t beard M U No longar bored BUI. a l^ ta d . iu « ^^taaa—It waa kind of you to Fat (oauuyr on tba priaat) — tall me that. X’U para Mm off with ratbar, can faak a guaaUon? one of tba bemaly glrla. Frleat—Sura, Fat. TIP TO LOCAL WIVES: If you Pat—WaU, father, I know aU li about Shrove Tueaday, Aah Wednaa* want your huaband to atop runnli day, and Good Friday, but pbwat after etbar woman, cut bla laga o % tba dlvU la Nut Sundae?. Vlaitor—Wbat do you mix' your IF YOU HEAR A MAN FRE* colora with? QUENTLY REMARK THAT HE Artlat (Irri^tad)—With bralna, NEVER FELT YOUNGER IN HIS air. LIFE, YOU CAN JUST ABOUT Vlaitor—Ob, you paint mlnlaturaa. % GUESS HIS AGE« HE IS PAST IfXDDLB LIFq.

Tbil' Tactful Kuabaad—My dear, Flapper FAmvMT.erp. SAva a man waa abot at by a burglar, and bla Ufa waa-aaved by a button wMoh the bullet atruck. Hla Wife — Wall, wbat about It? The Huaband—Nothing, my dear, osly tba button muat have bean on. ¥ I Hungry and tired Weary WlUla came to a wairalda cottage: Weary WUIle (to lady of the IfMI ho^ae)—Could you apara na an old Lady—But, my good man, tba one you are wearing la nearly new. Weary WlUla—I know. It la tbla SCORCBY SMITH Vain Pleading By John C. Terry coat which la ruining my profaaalen.

A aampla of boarding bouaa oof fee waa aant to the atata ebandat. I f Ha reported: “Advlaa changing r7Ery*you won’t do any TilME — POLigR good. Y*y>you’ra acalpad already.

* T R U T H IN JEST: Lodgaa pro* mete a fraternalitamal aplrlt, and often fumiah a dandy alibi. . . .A borae race may be won by a noae, but in Q u a the race for a girl’a heart a boy may win by a roadater. . . A klaa Moat glrla And aettlng*up exer* aaama to have turned out to be a daaa upwrttlng after too nroeb alt* Ifbot aaving device to help a wife ting up. r j j




SAUS8MAN SAM I f f a Diresay Place! BySBMUi

f a m O u ^ f o o t b a l l P L S ® 1 o a « s \ H * 4l4* tMIEb- ’R3(A\SRNBW _ nW«(**Pbp’’W«Mi*ipp(bmiBSmb' c m eXXELE WIN6SACK R3RMATI0HS tht waiAMit

® O ^ 9 ^ pWNibaMMlweh£La^^ A * |8b AMimdk. ItafonaateiieiaefdMii^

A a«*i SkafeRl Maau aad eRn dM ek 9 ftH m n o n IndufintdbBinsWtbWmm’afMal* ' ^ Bm **A** It liwwi Ee two wBgjbada in ppi* «v\ iieii,^Ml«i4iwi|dMdaNriolliadAl *Ha du ^ md Ea (uRwek k pddtion la iMiiira 4 a U L M lb a n 4 k m i

kkawoEad. t f m m h ^ , hEalpyrdk|nBa,4iiiiBigWiiBiik<4» r S «Nfo *B,** alEirEi 4Ai4 1^ *A> ggraaawfe'iMjlBayi^f / i ' - t : . ff^ T m S L V E Iy-^r--'^

Raymond Bansm who fdl and MACCABEE SETBACK DAN a trip}# fraoikuro of the •■"v'r- , WmXNBfiDAT. N0V.r9, 8 P. BL jmht ai^o'a.fsw weeks ago, has ARnsnUfARABE V ^ BALOH ft BBOWmHALL 'Return Bng^[euieat dtyised Ms own eruteh'by foroi of \ "■ - - r , -> MuBobepter Tent, K. O. T. M. ‘ nsessBity.- It seams that his riib t fleveial p«^e stopped m the 6 PilMP. BefreshiiMnU. i^C H ^D BENVlBNUTrS arm was hurt so badly that he could ram on M w 'e t ^ i ' h ^ The enririimefi^^^ at' the ...... 18 OMlti. Entertaining Orchestra M t use a pair of orutehss so be de­ w s t o r ^ o t t e r t ^ , an¥watob<; llaat Side ReorMtt«n‘'i'biiU(Uity,. h ^ N An Phgren Wetoomel vised a wooden contraption limilar ed Richard G. Rtcb, insurance keen increasing'’BtMMffy within toe p g o ja to t to a atUt It is oonneotod at the sgeirt, 'reiHma a rnmaiy bird by ■pset week.. J. ■ , ™** to ■<> arranged that he. can soocqflng it .mto a eeoond irtoiy V At laet niidit'e}^m4ipi'g3mi blaea dfanp ana ynm m,..no TOMORKOW EVEMNC even ait down if neceeeary. It can Cspt. IfaUnway Names Aides ofllee window'with I an'umbrella. glbere were 82 preim t,a»d;a total of - luadeffpr toidimbtion. UODi"Ctttb'_____ ^.operated_wlthout much,use of ‘ The j canary somehow got oiit womsii took advantages of the , n e „ a Of .^fbe ^vfgular Mon­ Milk. F t^------ra a n -b ---d b v — ABOUT TOWN hie hands. Hansen says he will prob­ For the Day—The. Line dl of the wmdow and 'rerehed on'a period of '45 nanutes. The de dayey bridgeDl party h^d^at Site 4 every climax topght OB 'the s t S ^ e f ffie A1 nERBE TABARM ably be laid up for four more weeks. BiU below. Mr. Rich conceived for plunge for Women has been week were, Mm .,E dward Werner, High schooPauditertdm n ne- The aotttbly meetlaf of the board WilUmantto upon the idea of iia ^ his um­ po great.that In order^IMt evetyone seeond petye to ^Erjai Win. Warren. cial perfbpmawsa f ^ bblklreia;ai$y. of poUco eommlMloBerf, ^ e h was The Girl Scout officers' assoda- March. brella as a sort of a flab net It win bei^ap^ to use tbe.plunge on Fri- Tbere wnesf 8'fir». taWes a t tola eit- At 7:30 toejcurtM rrifM ’o^ toV scheduled for Monday efvenlBf of Dancing 8:80 to IS P. BL Adm. 80c. | aon class for leaders which was to woiliied all rig h t.' . day nights toe two hour schedule .ting-.; -.vi'--: ' • ^ of toa R tottil^ Lbea' lbd*li6WB next week, was held last night a , R. MV6 been beld tomorrow evening nt kas been made.;ibto '8 periods of 40 of two beurp of fSML langlapifW ^ Don’t; forget ^ ’Wednes- tog-abtitA.. carried meity^ty 'an .bx- Burr presided. There was little of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt Stout headquarters m the Cheney Captain RusSeU B. Hathaway, minutes each, ao>tbatie!^ety^e wul deF'ea^babk f ^ 8' to lO p; m. the importance to take up. The motor* building has been postponed for'the have toe opportupfty of using , the ceptlbnalty flhe cast , of M a kunfiSBa in his brief Connecticut address present Marshal of the Armistice Day par­ wtonbiW rebeiying tlfe' beat p r ^ to local people, ' \ cycle patrol during the night has over the nulio from his Hyde Pafk pool. Members ara limited'to one be offir^T n toWn. . ade has appointed Major Jbhn G. plunge peribd. t i ^Ail scats tor Wedaeeday end been discontinued and the night home at 6:45 last night took occa­ The beat on Spruce street has been add- sion to Include Manchester among | Ten tables were in play at the Mahoney,. Captain John L. Jenney, The plunge periods aro as follows: olasais;, beld on •Tburiidy. idgtttsvpwpnnimoes are ed. the towns and dties in the state whist and setback given last night Captain B>ed C. Maim, Joseph 7 to 7:40-,7:4q to 8:2fl-8:i0/tb 9 reserved: aito 'miW’be axobamtod which he said bs regretted mlsskig at the Buckland achpol by the Par- Moriarty,. Clarence R.' Peterson and p. m.'. ' j ' ■'!, V, . • . on bis hurried tour through this ent-Teacher association. First three Fred Baker as bis. aides for the V The senior indn’sikdxing class and toe Center^ Mfnerii.Dnig B m o, and The regular meeting of the Army prizes in whist were won by Mimi Armistice Day psrade. 'Friday ac­ into condition. Bnrou -now ei^; pio- toe Cbnran ‘Bbi^pe at Depot state. young men’s n^^cli^Yare now g^^ Square. ' ’ and Navy club wIU be held Thurs­ Selma Arremony, Evelyn Abbood cording to an Eumoimcemtot mTv<*i ■Weadier Doesn’t Keep Good tog ^ong wlto a vety good' enroll­ pare yourielf for an a^ve year. day evening, November 10 at the The official board of the Church end Mrs. Grace .Derrick. In setback today. The veteran organiisations ment. The West Bide plaocble and set­ clubhouse, Instead of November 11 toe three players who made the and auxiliaries will.assemble a t 9:00 •ybrough tbe courtesy of. James of the Nasarene will meet this eve­ o’clock at toe Army and, Navy club The flrzt eld class Tle ppotponed back card; toanur are lobktog for as previously Eumounced. ning at 7:30. highest scores were Fred Sadler, Szed Crowd From Atteid- from this weak: to,Nov.. ii due to some eompetiQon and any groups or N. Nicbois of Iflgbiand Park.' a/ Mrs. GeorgSy Grazladlo and Miss Eknd toe parade will' be formed on radio has been tostafled. a t the club­ toe east side of Mam stmei op r Armistice Day. lodges wlibing to play a scries of Bdith Pearton. The regular busi­ The Srd. Coinmunity dsnbe will be gapes arei asked to get to touch house in that section, and players ness meeting of the association was posite toe mterseqtion of Forest ing Concert with' Bert MeCq^ey. at tbe setback conducted by toe £«r announced for next Monday eve­ street m the foUowmg order: held on Friday Nov. l i ArmUtiee dies’ Sewing circle tonight mav ning. Fomaalion Night, witb ton niupie by Jik and bis A n y ^ interested; in tbe now or- Bsnd sgato. Tbia iobal band ii bqlng' listen in to the returns. First Division _ m smte of inolement weather the chestraJbat is being fbrmed by Di- Ernest Moseley of Cooper Hill Platoon of Manchester Police. compunientid'*?v .obMgy jmqaic, tyctor fra n k C. Buieb and wanf Educanonal' CJlub’s benefit ooneert and toe attendenoe .ibto^k^sbouid Street, a staunch Republican, is Marshal and Aides. at toe'H igh school ball last night mere informatlen esn receive it / Itoklng for the Democrat who stole SslvatioD Army Band. was well attended with over 800 be even laiTir. thanlest wpek wbibb eeeinii or calling him at either buUt his ornamental porcelain elephant Company G, 169th Infantry. persoiw present.. Tbe program was was 806, end for a splendid evening’s ing during the day time or aveningi. MRS. Howitzer Company, 169th Infanry entertainment .for ^ y a dime it’s last night. Moseley put toe elephant one m toe finest that has been hesrd This fToup of musiciapais under toe HEMSTITCmNG out in the yard with a flower pot on Second Division m Manchester m^a long time and hard to flnd its 'eqiwl elsewhere. supervision of Thomas Tribt a ^ top. This morning it was missing. Girl Scouts Drum end Bugle toe great variety\of style and seieo- It is planned to cemUjet ^e'te of oannid feeds Bxeroiies ia ooBaeotien with the bo air is perioB. , 69x69 All lintn broAkfAit elothi, roit, blui, and Jslliss art to be brought to this Armiitioe eelebratioB be held in mietlor Mrs. roiub Hitt, Msp. several eehoels today aid tcaurrew. Rebort OerdoB'i rlob bue volee From 9 W 9 groin or gold bordor,, rigular f l ...... O S w C ud^iijflBo ibtorprotatloBi of) ”Z Mrs. John Doug­ Mo m You llBgiBg” and "Zb Old ♦ '• las will bs hOstsstss, Madrid'' wore a iw to bear. Hie Men’s Gloves Ths MaBohsstsr Camp Plrs Gins' KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4Beere, "Rome of ibe Raage,*' wm Hallows'sB parw, bsld fast wssk at very plMiiQg,Dr. ModrA clever See Wednesdaj'’* Herald For Bfr Spedak An odd lot of mon’i glovoi, llnid or unllnod in pig. ths hems of Mr. aad Mrs. zJoyd preewtatiOB of "Darlui Green aad tikin, cape and mocha. ^ m m m HOU) OPEN MEETING lie flylBg Maohlae" Wm a eurpriie Nsvtrs of 49 WeedlaBd itreet, was a to leme of thoio prosoat, who nave 92i60 value JL s A grsat suoosts with famst, music, never icea the doo^ in the role of movies, aqd a fanov eoUatioB. Thoss Entartalnmant Program Pra- eBtertalBor. Ttali soleotloa wm the prssent wars Ruth WlggiB, daughter aintfd With William J. Shan more Intereiting when one reallies ELECTION SCORE CARD Women’s Hosiery 0* Mrs. Nsvsrs, Bsrtha Mikolsit, that Dr. Moore learned it m a boy, Bstty MoorhpMss, Viola Adamsem ‘Maatar of Caramonlaa. at a Urn# when flying wm a wonder. Hfro ii fth oltotlon leoro etrd for your uio In t«bulitlnff rotumi ti thoy com#< to Full faihloned hoae, ioi*vlce and Bomi-iervice w iight, Dorothsa MoAdams. Ella BldwtU He responded to hearty applause you on elootlon night. in all colors, substandards Ruth Woodward, Nathalls Moor Ab open msstlBg of Campbell with "Little Jacob Btrauie.'" The of $1 value ...... I I I I I •• I I houss 'yimmls'' Wlggin and Btbsl OouBoll X. of C., was hsld at Bt. program oloied with three flne num­ It ihowi the itfltoi, tholr hiw olootoril votog ,(thow htvf boop fortain ohangog In 48c« V. Woodward, guardian guardlai of ths Art. James's HaU lut night w(th bers by the Glee Club, "Tbanki Be Tonightlight thstbs group is1 holding a I largs numbdr of msmbsrs. and pros' To God” made a dtUng climax, eloctoral votoi linca 1928») hpw tha itatos yotod -in 1924 and in 1928.and alio provide! Cotton Crepe Pajamas hudorait msatmg_ at____ thshome hom^ of I ve merabere in attendanoe.Faul.Fl leaving the audienoe with the spirit room for Jotting down tha 1982 vote of oaoh state. D 6rpthsa r...... McAdams in Vernon. Tl^s „ Arty, grand kiilght of ths ooup of thtBluflvlnt. In one and two piece, Mouth Manohsster girls will asasm oil, introduced Winiam Shea as Ths aruete were ably supported Ai a ijtato-seomi certain for either eandldatq, its apportionment of eleetoral votea plain or tailored ...... a ble at 7 o’clock at Mr, and Mts. maiter of ceremonies of the eve by toe aooompaniets, L. Burdette 97c Alvah Woodward’s at 81 Pine strset nm i. He introduced Rev. William HawlSy, FrederloH. WernSr and Mrs. may be inserted into his column and thufl the nationSl trend May be dlscenied. for transportation to Vernon via P. Reldv, u the flrst speaker. He Sidney Frenoh. All the aooompan- Hemstitched Napkins automobile. The group la making wae followed by Rev. Vincent Mo Ista deserve a great ihare of credit V()teVote for the aucoees of the individual Tv5r good progress on their eymbplio Donougb, pastor , of the Catholic ii1 in 20x20 all linen hemstitched napkins, reg­ Woven bead headbands which, when Churches In Glastonbury! a former numbers. Tbe ortlfits wete' very 1928 1924 THE VOTE IN 1932 In In 1 ular $4 dozen, 6 for $1, e a c h ...... completed, wUl be sent to New York aisietut pastor at Bt. James’s generous in their responies to ap 1928 1924 1 17c headquarteri for official recognition Church. plause. Tbe oominittee for the con< and awEurd. There wap a short ikptoh present qert wishes to extend sincere thanks ed by Antoony*.,0’B|dglit and BlUy to all toe artists wpo. gave of their Gees, with Kenneth Hudson at toe time and talents,'to the. Park HIU 1 Blaptofcl j j RlceCoiml j { f piano. The principal address of toe Flower Shop for .the lovely decora- 1 1 Staie' ‘Veto; •toto MILLS aOSE AT NOON evening Was by Rev. Joseph Qriffm Uons, to toe Mancheeter Herald for 1 1 i 1 of St. Tbpjnae’ Seminary, who spoke its cooperation and to all others who 12 12 Alftbarna ...... 11 , ■ Nebraska .. 7 8 T . ' on Christopher Columbus, the story helped make toe conceirt such a TO GIVE TIME TO VOTE of his voyage and toe foundmg of great succiesB. J Arizona ...... 3 Nevada . . . 3 3 “ PINEHURST! toe xmghts of Columbus fltty years • 1 _ • • : > 1 ago. Paul Ifarmah of Hartford as 1 Arkansas ..... 9. » , N Haini \A 4 ■4' S’ Freshly Ground Beef ^ Cheney Brothers closed their plant T rv Delicious a story teUer apd dancer pleased toe • lb...... at noon today for the afternoon in 13 California . . ; 22 New Jersey 16 14 14 l y c . SCOTCH HAM , ctfder to ailbw their employees plen­ gatkering as did Jimnai'e-Akeenan 6c ANNUAL SALE AND This onr 25o ground beef used for Hartford, m dance numbers. Fol­ _6 Colorado . 6 New Mexira 3 te ty of opportunity to vote. In ordw lowing toe entortamnient m toe J. '3 our Wednesday economy special. "■ that the men and women .would nht upppr hall refreshments were ENTERTAINMENT _7 2 Connecticut ... 8 New York- . 47 ‘ 45 39c suffer the loss of time, the p lS t served m . the basement. *^e com­ * ’ • i i operat.ed' liut Friday morning when W ED j,.N O V - 9, 2 vt0i 10 P . M. _3 1 lb. Orange Pekoe o o mittee having: toe arrangements 4n J Delaware ...... ■3.! J ‘ No, Carolina' 13 12 1 5 Hubbard Squash l^,ls usually closed except for a few charge cojosistea of>^’Mii^ael' S h e^ SECOND CONG’L CjHURCH Just size for one pie. Tea and piEe lOo ., «J«3C departments. 'The reason for running dan, Franclh Coleman, James Tier­ _6 1 Florida ...... 7' f • N. Dakota;. 4 5 T Metal Tra Ball free with each last Friday instead of Friday this ney and Bernard Fogst^. 'i WOdseo^s League for Service. Sc pound parehace. week is because of Armistice.!Day Pageantt *7nEiber nine’s JnbUee”— | UGeorgia ...... 12 Ohio 26 24 24 when the plant'wHl be closed. by S8 Chlldim W ^,' 4 P. M. r ■ ’ "4 "4 Idaho Okiahdma.. 11 Finehurst 52c size Strictly Fresh E nn. a AdmuptOB pirqe- J. tP r 1 5 Sjpecial, dozen ...... Ooinedy. R i' toe Union 'n $ • . ■ * ...... ^ by ao penMQs^ 8 p. M., loc. lilinoia 29' Oregon ; 5 ' 5' 1 Caatftv Travel i^Arfliqea In Variety; Cendy, 15 15 Indiana ...../: Penh. . ; . . $6 Popeoip, |Bto. W 38 ■* * ^ x B u rean l l 13 Iowa ...... It Rhode is. .. 4 T 5 Up‘Side-Down Cake Pan < . fl Ticketa and Uifomatioii , 10 10 Kansas ...... ^ 9 ' ~ So. Carolina 8 T T- On An Btw 1^08. F R E E «vith a hotih of 13 13 Kentucky .Ii..’ It 'a t Sj Pakdta : 4 IB9 Mam Bt Dial 7067.1 or 88641 wrasNTou trsE 5 "T - ■■ - ' ‘ 1 jo ioLouisiana w.... 10^ - Tennessee .11 . 1 12 WILLIAMS* 4 n / - 'r r j PURE t^r 6 Maine ...... - 3 Tcxflp ...... 23 20 20

pmrfmmmt »> Dand Chambers — C«D|l|l FROM- Aiiim Maryland 8 Utah. • • • f • .4; J 4 "7 VANILLA o a n s from iza. to iioo n IT ' 1 . . 4 Tha W. G. GLBNNBY CO. 3 ^aiiaachusetta Vermont . ; ' 3. 1 REGULAR PRKE lie made to aousehblders. 1 1 J C oiEtvaetor Cool, Lumber, Maeons* -9ii|iWUee, L Selaried Employees and 16 Michigan ...... 1 Virginia n SPEQAL 8A U PRICE Eft Palnfe Reliable P^toons;on a iS i l 31 886 Kortti Main Bt. leL 4149 ter'b ails...... nb ebdorsars re­ 12 12 • Minnesota ..... n_ Washington 8 7 B E E F L IV E R aiMi B u i l d e r quired. Our Btaie^feguiated "7 - 1. 1 Omi P e u and

r m , \Q llr^ 'hion'i ;\;a; Kfl DIAL 4151. EARLY:DBUVBI1Y « ^ H. tbiW'laqdia^ t m 'i, C l r*. .w. m m