

Role of Revenue and DM Department 1

01 Digital lndia Land Records Modemization l-3 Programme (DILRMP) 02 Consolidation of Land Holdings & 34 Settlement Operation 03 Budget for the year 2016-17 4-5 o4 Registration & collection of STAMP duty 6-8 05 Land Reform (A) 8-9 o6 Land Reform (B) l0- 12 07 Land Revenue Government Estate t2-15 (LRGE) 08- Restoration of Govt. Land ittegally settled l6 09 Strengthening of Revenue Administration t7 10 Resettlement & Rehabilltation (R&R) l7-18

11 Land Acquisition (L.A) t8-26

12 Compliance with the C & AG Report 2627 '13 Right to lnformation Act (RTl) 27 14 Revenue Estate Management (REM) 27 -29 15 Right to Public Services (ORTPS) 29 16 Re-organisation of OAS and ORS Cadres 29 (CONFIDENTIAL)

17 lnter State Boundary and District 30-31 Restructure 18 Nation Population Register (NPR) 30-31

19 OSDMA 3l -35 20 Disaster Management (SRC) 36-3't Land is an important source of livelihood of people and their shelter. Revenue administration touches individual and is concerned with their problems. The activities of the Revenue and Disaster Management Department are not merely conflned to solving people's problems relating to land; these also include providing land to the landless and protecting the Government land. This Department shoulders the responsibility of providing immediate relief to the people affected by natural calamities such as floods, droughts, cyclones, hailstorms, earthquakes, fire accidents, etc- lt also takes initiatives for rehabilitation and restoration work. ln the matter of transfer of property, particularly the transfer of immovable property, the Registration Officers play a key role in serving people and contributing to the resources of the State by collecting Registration Fee and Stamp Duty. Apart from above, the Department also engages itself in many welfare activities like distribution of Government wasteland for agriculture/ homestead purposes, distribution of ceiling surplus land, prohibition of tribal land alienation, execution of the State Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy for displaced persons etc. Over the years the Department have gone a long way in the area of modernization using avenues in lnformation Technology to make the Revenue Administration fair, efficient and transparent. Computerization of Tahasil and Registration offices are few notable achievements in this line The important activities and achievements of this Department for the year 2016- 2017 are indicated below:

Diqital lndia Land Records Modernization Proqramme (DILRMP):-

The Digital lndia Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), a Central Sector scheme which aimed at developing a modern, comprehensive and transparent land records management and information system is being implemented in the State. All the 30 districts of the State have been taken up under the said programme' The Record of Rights (textual data) including the mutation data and other land attributes of all the villages of the State are being computerized and updated regularly. Similarly, the cadastral maps (spatial data) of all the villages are also digitized and integration of textual data and spatial data is being carried out. The updated Records of Right and digitized maps are uploaded in the land record portals of i-e. Bhulekh for display and information of the General public.

ln order to replace the existing system of physical storing and maintenance of land records which has a lot of shortcomings and inconveniences, Government have undertaken to create Modern Record Rooms in ihe Tahasils of the State under Digital lndia Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP). ln the proposed Modern Record Rooms, the land records details shall be indexed and stored electronically through Document Management System software after scanning of the old records. The digital storage and retrieval system shall be put to use for online storage and retrieval of the records, indexing of data and images etc. so aS to move towards Cyber Record Rooms i.e. maintenance of land records in the dematerialized format. ln the meantime, Modern Record Rooms in respect of 279 nos. of Tahasils have already been completed.

ln order to have digital Record of Rights and maps and their updation digitally, the Government have decided to undertake Hi-Tech Survey in Ganjam, , and Keonjhar districts under the DILRMP using High Resolution Satellite lmagery (HRSI) combined with Ground Truthing by DGPS & ETS and in the districts of Sundargarh, Deogarh, , Bolangir and Subarnapur using Aerial Photography followed by Ground Truthing by DGPS & ETS. "The Odisha Special survey and settlement Act and Rules, 2012" has been enacted for undertaking Hi-Tech Survey operation in the State.

Total 10661 nos. of villages of nine districts namely Ganjam, cuttack, Khordha, Keonjhar, sambalpur, Deogarh, sundargarh, subarnapur have been notified by the Government to carry out Hi-Tech survey operation under section 3('1) of the Act, The agencies engaged for the survey work have conducted survey and delivered preliminary draft maps of 1023 no. villages. out of the 1023 no. of villages, 608 nos of maps have been submitted in different Tahasils for verification. 7(3) verification of map have been completed in g0 nos of villages by the revenue fleld functionaries and publication of Draft RoR and map have been completed in four nos of villages. 5--_ l,

All 185 Registration offices have been fully computerized with adequate hardware, sofhryare and connectivity. Conneciivity has also been provided in 286 nos. of Tahasil Offices through VpNoBB. Besides, steps are being taken for connectivity of all Tahasil offlces and Sub-registration offices through Odisha State Wide Area Network (OSWAN). The registered deeds have been made available to Tahasildars through web services for speedy disposal of mutation cases.

The online mutation process has been started in five pilot Tahasils of the State i.e. , Chatrapur, Boudh, , Khorda and Jatni for speedy and transparent disposal of the mutation cases and all efficient delivery of services to the general public.

A Training cell namely DILRMP Cell has been functioning at Revenue Officers' Training lnstitute (ROTI), for imparting training and Capacity building of the revenue field functionaries for smooth implementation of the DILRMP programme.

A. Settlement Operation & Consolidation of Land Holdinqs Out of 5'1,667 numbers of Revenue villages in the State, First Round Survey & Settlement Operation has been completed with publication of final RoR and maps in 48,719 villages & 2nd Round Revisional Survey & Settlement Operation has been completed in respect ol 10,342 villages and '1989 nos. of villages have been de-notified for Hi-Tech Survey Consolidation operation have been completed in 8326 villages since inception of the programme in the State.

B. Disposal of Mutation Cases . There were 1,10,248 nos. of Mutation Cases pending as on 01.01.2016 and 3,67,563 nos. of new mutation cases were instituted by 21.10.2016 in the State. Out of the total number of 4,77,811 mutation cases for disposal, 3,52,883 nos. of Mutation Cases have been disposed of upto 31.10.2016 leaving a balance of 1,24,928 for disposal'

c. Distribution of Land Pass Book ln terms of provision cited under the odisha Land Pass Book Rules.2006 which is being implemented in the State w.e.f from '16.01.2006, Tahasildars have been empowered to 3 ------Tr

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I end Nov,2016 nos. of Land I issue the Land Pass Books to the land owners. By of ,26,47,685 pass Books have been distributed and 20,487 nos. of appllcations are pending with different Tahasils for disposal- Steps are being taken to dispose of the pending. D. Creation of Revenue Villaqe bv Boundarv Chanqe Proceedino 'Out of 5069 nos. of hamlets identified for declaration of new Revenue Villages, 698 nos. of hamlets have been approved for declaration of new revenue villages in the state keeping in view the criteria fixed by the Government on the matter"

A. Colleciion of Land Revenue and Water Rate The collection position of Land Revenue (inclusive of miscellaneous revenue) and Water Rate during the last 5 years was as follows: (Rs. in crores)

Year Land Revenue Water Rate

Target Collection Target Collection

2012-13 573.00 420.17 50.00 34.17 2013-14 500.00 430.94 50.00 55.48 2014-15 500.00 642.31 70.00 33. /J 2015-16 6s0.00 578.15 50.00 42.92 2016-17 1163.59 254.23 50.00 62.51 (up to 31.12.2016)

B. Collection of Stamp Duties & Registration Fees:

Year wise collection of stamp duties & registration fees for the last five years against ihe targets is given below: Collection (Rs. ln Crores) Year Target 2012-13 586.50 545.10 2013-14 1100.00 6ot40

2014-15 700.00 755.82

2015-16 1662.37 2150.13 l

2A16-17 1500.00 ioaa.ot (up to 31 12.2016) C. PLAN BUDGET 2O16'2017i in Lakh) sl. Name of the Scheme Provision in the No. B.E. I Advance Survey and Map Publication. 150.00

2 Building Programme of Revenue & D.M. Deptt. 7000.00 -3 Engagement of Professional Consultants 0.01 4 Protection of Government land 200.00

5 Conferment of Land Rights 25.00

6 Procurement of Furniture and Fixtures for Revenue offices 250.00

7 Strengthening of l.T. lnfrastructure in Revenue offices 2s0.00

8 Strengthening of Service Delivery System of Revenue offices 0.01

9 Computerisation and Digitisation of Registration Offices under 454.00 NLRMP 10 Computerisation and Digitisations of Land Records -NLRMP 200_00

71 Computerisation of Registration offices of the State -Setting up of 750.00 e-Registration 72 Computerisation of Registration offices of the State- Scanning of 700.00 Legacy Data 13 Automation/Computerization of Revenue Offices and Capacity 0.01 building therein 14 Opening of new Rl Training Institute in the State 10.00 15 Crop cutting -Crop lnsuranae 30.00 'J.6 lmplementation of R.R. PolicY 20.00 10.00 agricultural land to Landless families in the state 18 Construction of Flood Shelter 7544.64

19 NCRMP Grant to OSDMA 5200.00

20 NCRMP (Additional Financing) Grant to OSDMA 30000.00

27 Construction of Damaged Houses under ODRP 32000.00

22 1s5.80 and District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) 1600.00 Cens u s Total 86550.47 --l-I


Reqistration Offices:.

(a) District Sub-Registrar Office : 30 (b) Regular Sub-Registrar Office : 83 (c) Ex- Officio Sub-Registrar Office : 72 Total : '185

A. e-StamPing has been introduced in the State . As a part of Ease of Doing Business' e-stamping of Odisha has become the of Odisha with effect from 27th June' 20l6 Government lSthstateinlndiatoadoptthee-Stampingsystemforcollectionofstampdutyand issueofe-StampCertificateelectronicallytotheregistrantpublic.Forthepurpose' StockHoldingCorporationoflndiaLId.(SHCIL)hasbeenappointedasCentral of Stamp Duty Administration Record Keeping Agency (CRA) for computerisation for issue of e-Stamp Certificate valued for System (C-SDAS) in the State of Odisha Rs.1000/-andabove.Asthetransactiondetailsarecapturedinthee.Stamping systemaswellasonthee-stampCertificate,Governmentandregistrantpubliccan Certificate online from the website of Stock easily verify the authenticity of e-Stamp any denomination can be Holding (www.shcilestamp'com) Stamp duty of secure and tamper proof' lt is issued on obtained on a single paper which is highly features embedded in it which cannot specially designed paper with many security be replicated. oAtpresent,thee-StampCertificatesareissuedinthecountersoftheStockHolding Bhubaneswar' Sambalpur and and opened at Registration Offices at Cuttack' inthebranchofficesofStockHoldinglocatedatBhubaneswar,Cuftackand .

B. e-Pavment of reqistration fee 2016 have been notified in the . The Odisha Registration (Amendment) Rules, 08.04.2016 enabling the e-payment of Odisha Gazette vide No 664 dated registration fees. 6 fees has been As part of Ease of Doing Business (EoDB), e-payment of registration introduced in the Statew.e .t. 27 .06.2016. The registrant public of the entire State can deposit the registration fees through online and offline payment modes of odisha Treasury Portal (https://www.odishatreasurv.qov.in). The Registering officers can also deposit the cash collected in their offices using the offline (over the Counter) payment mode of Odisha Treasury Portal'

C. Remission of stamp dutv for women

As a part of women empowerment and to protect legitimate rights and entitlements gift deed of women, Government have remitted 1% of stamp dutyon sale deed and executed in favour women in respect of land and house' ln case of sale and gift deed executed in favour of women in respect of land and house, stamp duty shall be charged @ 4% instead of 5%'


1 k lnordertofacilitatespeedyprogressoftheon-goingRailwayProjectandtoprovide Govemment have exempted stamp e rail communication to remote areas of the state, n dutyandRegistrationfeesinleasedeedsofGovernmentlandinrespectofthe )t following 7 Railway Projects:

i) - Bimalagarh New B.G. Rail link project lg ii) Haridaspur- New B.G. Rail link project rd iii) -Duburi-Sukinda Road New B.G. Rail link project nd iv) Sambalpur-Titlagarh Doubling Rail proiect v) Daitari-Keonjhar-Banspani (DKB) Rail link project vi) Sambalpur- Talcher Doubling Rail pro.iect vii) Khurda Road-Bolangir New B.G. Rail link project' the of E.

Year Tarqet Collection (Rs.in Crores)

2012-13 586.00 545.10

2013-14 1100.00 605.40

2014-15 700.00 795.82

2015-16 '1662.00 2150.1 3

2016-17 1500.00 1088 (up to 31 .12.2016)

Land Reform (A)

A. Distribution of House Sites to Homesteadless Families

The management of land and its distribution to the needy persons is one the foremost responsibilities of the Revenue and Disaster Management Department. Under the flagship programme 'Vasundhara', government land up to the extent of ten decimals/cents is being provided fee of premium to each homesteadless families for house site purpose under the provisions of Odisha Government Land Set$ement Act, 1962 and the Rule, 1983. Vigorous attempts are being made from the highest level of Government down to the field level to expedite the implementation of this important flagship work'

Out of 110g04 numbers of families identified as homesteadless in a fresh survey conducted during 2015, as on31.01.2017, 9o669numbers of homesteadless families have to all been distributed with homestead land. Steps are being taken to provide homestead land the homesteadless families identified during the recent survey'

B. Distribution of waste land to landless families for aqriculture pulDose.

With a view to improve the economic condition of the weaker sections of the society is being and to boost the agricultural production, Government land up to 1 standard acre allotted free of sa/aml to landless persons of the State since 1974-75' families have been During the year 2016-17, (as on 31.01.2017) 349 nos. of landless process is going on. provided with Ac- 334.525 extent of Government waste land and this

priority basis All Collectors have been directed to provide Government waste land on pertaining to their to the identified Schedule Caste and Scheduled Tribe landless families districts and thus achieve cent percent target in this regard'

c. MQ_JAIvl!-tvto 4l-lA

a campaign under ln order to protect the land rights of the poor, state Government launched the name 'Mo Jami Mo Diha' in 2007. The main objective of the campaign is to ensure allotted lease restoration of possession of the land in favour of the poor who had earlier been of Government land with emphasis on those belonging to sT and sc communities.

out of total 433056 no. of applications received (as per the information available from 21 )st districts, others are yet to furnish the required information) till 31 .0'1 .2017, under the aforesaid hip scheme, in 393140 no of cases, physical possession have been restored in favour of original ing lease holders. the D. Requlation 2 of 1956. Ito ln order to control and check the transfer of immovable properties in the scheduled per Areas of the State byScheduled Tribes, the Regulation 2 of 1956 has been enacted As vey Tribes the provisions of the said regulation, transfer/alienation of land belonging to Scheduled lave to Non-scheduled Tribes in Scheduled Areas of the State has been completely prohibited. o all

A total no. of 4361 cases involving total area to the extent of Ac.6614.9254has been instituted on transaction/ alienation of tribal land to non-tribalduring the year 2016-17(as on 31.01.2017). Outofthese 109 nos. cases involving land area of Ac.57.31have been decided cieiy in favour of the Tribal's. Further, 630 numbers of cases involving area Ac' 336.65decimals in reing vihich land was restored to Scheduled Tribes. " - --_------_--..9E

Land Reform {E}

A. Collection of premium throuqh conversion of use of aqricu purposes other than aqriculture:-

Section 8-A of the Odisha Land Reforms Act, 1960 allows conversion of agricultural land for the purposes other than agriculture in a limited scale and in genuine cases. As per the legal provisions, the Tahasildars (Authorized Officer) can allow conversion in favour of the land owner and collect conversion fees as per the prevailing rate. Year-wise collection of conversion fees under section 8-A against the targets are furnished hereunder

Year Target Achievement (Rupees in Crores) (Rupees in Crores)

31.03.2000 Nit 't.99 2000-2001 Nit 3.33 2001-2002 Nit 6.70 2002-2003 15 13.87 2003-2004 25 14.33 2004-2005 35 25.53 2005-2006 35 23.33 2006-2007 45 27.19 2007-2008 27 34.45 2008-2009 35.22 36.53 2009-2010 40 47.79 2010-2011 54 62.07 2011-2012 70.70 64.12 2012-2013 76.49 50.21 2013-2014 Nit 47.31 2014-2015 76.94 57.74 2015-2016 84.64 69.25 (except Kalahandi) 2016-2017 84.64 42.76 (Up to December, 2016)

10 B. Transfer and Restoration of Land u/s 22.23 & 23(A) of the OLR Act, 1960 :'

As per section 22 of lhe OLR Act, ',l960, any transfer of land belonging to STs and SCs to people not belonging to ST and SC Communities without prior permission of the competent authority is declared void. Under Section 23 & 23(A) of the OLR Act, 1960, there is provision for restoration of land of SCs and STs to the respective recorded tenants, if it has been transferred without prior written permission of the Competent Authority or if the land has been under unauthorized occupation by people belonging to other than SC & ST Community. Since inception, till September, 2016, land to the extent of Ac."12047 666 has been restored back in favour of 9721 no. of Scheduled Tribe beneficiaries and similarly land to the extent of Ac.13'114.133 has been restored lo 17137 Scheduled caste beneficiaries. c. ln order to improve the economic condition of the weaker sections of the society and to boost agricultural production in the state, ceiling Surplus land up to an arca of o.7 Standard Acre is being allofted free of Salami to the landless persons for agricultural purpose since the yeat 1974-75. Since inception, surplus land measuring an area of Ac.'160636'803 has been diskibuted among '143485 no. of beneficiaries. out of this, Ac.51317.562 of surplus land has been distributed among 49083 SC beneficiaries and Ac.66462.146 of surplus land has been distributed among 53208 no. of ST beneficiaries.

D. Bhoodan Movement:-

The main objective of Bhoodan movement was to reduce disparities in land ownership by encouraging people to voluntarily donate land and distribute the land donated by several generous persons among landless people. AsperreportreceivedfromBhoodanYagnaSamiti,anextentofAc.6,3S'706.50 land was collected as donation, out of which Ac.5,79,994.21 land has been distributed among 1,52,852 no. of landless persons.

1L \p

E. lntroduction of Odisha Land Leasinq Act Under the aegis of NlTl Aayog, Government of lndia, to address the issue of sharecropping in the State, an lnter-Ministerial Committee has been constituted vide this Department Notification No.12063/RDM dated 21.04.20'16. ln the first meeting on 25.04.2016, the Committee have discussed the problems of lancl owners and lessees and decided that the Model Land Leasing Agreement and Questionnaire prepared by Revenue and Disaster Management Department on land leasing will be sent to all Collectors to get feedback from farmers. All Collectors will be advised to get feedback from minimum 50 farmers (25 landowners & 25 sharecroppers) each jn 1/3 of the Tahasils in their districts. Collectors will be asked to give their feedback. Pursuant to the decision taken in the lnter-Ministerial Committee, all Collectors are requested to take immediate necessary steps and send the required feedback by 18.05.2016 vide this Department letter No.1331 1/R & DM dated 30.04.20'16. After receipt of the feedbacks, a draft Odisha Agricultural Land Leasing Act, 2016 has been prepared. Afler finalization of the draft Odisha Agricultural Land Leasing Act, Government Approval shall be taken. Expeditious steps are being taken for the purpose- Land Revenue Government Estate (LRGE)

1 . Sanction of alienation of Govt. land Ac.79.13 in Mouza-Sarakhia under Tahasil in favour of Home Deptt. for OSAP 1st Battalion.( Letter No.12240 dt. 2210412016) Sanction of lease of Govt. land measuring Ac.9.1 78 in Mouza Kusapada under Tahasil of Ganjam Dist. ln favour of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan' New Delhi for establishment of Kendriya Vidyalaya at Digapahandi. ( Letter No. 22769 dl.23t07t2016). 3. Allotment of govt. land measuring Ac.40.00 Dec.in Mouza-Laudigaon under Konist Tahasil of in favour of lndian lnstitue of Technology(llT), Bhubaneswar for establishment of Bay of Bengal coastal observatory and lnnovation centre for Climate Change. ( Letter No. 25682 dt. 20108/2016) r --

4. Sanction of advance Possession of Govt. land measuring Ac.19.707 in village-Pallur hill under Konisi Tahasil for construction of Mega Urban Educational complex. (Letter

No.261 1 0 dt. 25108/2016) 5. sanction of alienation of Government land measuring Ac.1 8.00dec.(Ac.'12.80 in Mouza-Brahmanagaon and Ac.5.20 dec in Mouza-Kabitra) under Keonjhar Tahasil in Keonjhar distr.ict in favour of Health and Family welfare Dept., Govt. of odisha for I estabiishment of Govt. Medical college. (Letter No. 30216 dt. 2710912016\ j 6. Sanctrorr of alienation of Govt. land measuring Ac. 20.20 dec in Mouza Pallur Hill -5 under Konisi Tahasil in favour of Dept. of Higher Education , Govt. of odisha for r) construction of second campus of Khalikote University at Pallur Hill of Ganjam ir district.(Letter No. 351 3 dl. 30101 12017 ) 7. sanction of lease of Govt. land Ac. 200.435 dec in favour of Director, llsER, rS for establishment of permanent campus of llsER, Berhampur at Laudigam )y under Konisi Tahasil. (Letter No. 4956 dt. 1010212017) g. sanction of lease of Govi. land measuring Ac. 44.42 dec in Mouza-Lapanga under ct, Rengali Tahasil of in favour of oPTCL for construction of ng 4OOt22Ol132t33 K.V Grid Sub-Station. (Letter No. 28049 dt. 10/09/2016) 9. Sanction of lease of Govt. land measuring Ac. 9.40 dec in Mouza-Rampur under Rairakhol Tahasil of Sambalpur district in favour of Forest and Environment Department Govt. of odisha for establishment of ECO Park at Rampur. (Letter No. 3'1606 dt. 0711A12016\ lnal l0.sanction of advance possession of Govt. land measuring Ac. 19.36 dec in Mouza- /lt Badsinghari under Sambalpur Tahasil of sambalpur District in favour of Hogher Education Dept. , Govt. of odisha for construction of new campus of G.M University. rder (Letter No. 4323 dl.0610212017) Odisha lnigation tan, 1 1 . Amendment ta Odisha lrrigation Rules, 1961 which is called 1769 (Arnendmerit) Rules, 201 6. Ac. 44.300 in 1 2. Alienation of covernment land measuring an area of Ac.23.880 and onlsl Mor-rz:a TulasaCeipur under Bhubaneswar Tahasil in Favour of Bhubaneswar swar lvluiricin:rl ClrrJoration for the purpose of additional Waste Management faciliiy' e for

13 0 112 in Favour of Commerce l3.Aiienation of Government land measuring an area of Ac of Service Corridor connectivity & Transport (Commerce) Department for deveiopnnent to Astaiatlga Pod 420 in Mouza l4.Alienation of Government land measuring an area of Ac"l0 - BachharapatnaunderJatniTahasi|inFavouroflndianCoastGuardAuthorityfor establishment of lndian Coast Guard Air Store Governr^nent land measuring an area of Ac.26.424 1 5. Sanction of Advance Possession of Government of lndia, Ministry in Mouza - Padanapur under Jatni Tahasii in Favour of an Advance Training lnstitute of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship for setting up (ArP). 16.A|ienationofGovernmentlandmeasuringanareaofAc.l4.T60inMouza-Khudupur underJatniTahasilinfavourofEandTE&TDepartmentforSetiingupanintegrated Campus of SDC-lTl-Polytechnic for diflerent abled persons' of Ac 60 000 in Mouza 17.Sanction of lease of Government land measuring an area - premium and incidental Taraboi under Jatni Tahasil under Khordha District free of chargesinfavourofSkillDevelopmenilnstiiute,Bhubaneswartobedevelopedby lndianoilCorporation(loCL)underMinistryofPetroleum&NaturalGas,Government (SDl)' of lndia for establishment of Skill Development lnstitute in Mouza l8.Sanction of advance possession of Govt land measuring Ac'10'00 Chhanpur&UperasankiaUnderRemunaTahasilofBalasoreDistrictinfavourof KendriyaVidyalayaSanghthanRegionaloffice,Bhubaneswarforestablishmentof dtd'30'03'2016' Kendriya Vidyalaya No-2 at Vide Letter No-9916 of Enclave of different State 19' ln principle, decision has been taken for development an area of Ac 10'00 have Bhawans in . Accordingly Government land measuring been identified for the PurPose .

20-sanotionotleaseofGorlernmentlandmeasuringAc.3.00dec.inMouzaBijaynagar unclertr,4ahakalaparaTahasilofKendraparadistrictinfavourofM/sLancoBabandh Powr t-td.,fo. setting up of lndustrial Training Centre' 2l.Sanctior:ofleaseofGovernmentlandineasuringAc.2.g0dec.lnMouza.Chandma Survey of lndia for establishment of under V'i/asanacar Tahasil in favour of Genlogical j'i value thereof' Fieiii Stafi l-r'air:irlE Cellire * realizaiic i.ri capitalized

11 rGF-*_._ !

Ac.1.860 dec. (for residental purpose) and 22.Sanction of Government land measuring Ac.1.250dec.(forpublicutility)totalAc'3.110dec.ofvillage_Bentakarpadaunder cuttack for the cuttack Sadar Tahasil in favour of cuttack Development Authority, purpose of development of Sector-8, CDA Project Area' Steel Ltd' (JUSL) Ac 382 02 and 23. Permission for sub-lease of land to M/s. Jindal United toM/s.JindalCokeLtd.(JCL)measuringAc.72.46outoftotallandofAc.1240.00of M/s. Jindal Stainless Ltd. measuring Ac 134'070 dec ln 24. Sanction of revalidation of lease of Government land district in village-Rourkela Town, Unit-3 & 4 under Rourkela Tahasil of sundargarh favour of Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela' 25.SanctionofAdvancePossessionofAc.l0.00ofGovernmentlandinMouza- of Govt. of odisha in Govindpur under Domapada Tahasil of in favour School&MassEducationDepartmentforconstructionofModelSchool. 26.sanctionofadvancepossessionofGovernmentlandofAc.,l0.00inMouza- MathurapurunderAthagarhTahasilofCuttackdistrictinfavourofoPTCLfor construction of 132133 KV Grid sub-station at Khuntuni' in Mouza-Ainlabahal 2T.Sanction of advance possession of Government land of Ac.14.82 for construction of under Lephripada Tahasil of sundargarh district in favour of oPTCL 220133 KV Grid sub-station at Lephripada'

28'sanctionofadvancepossessionofGovernmentlandofAc.6'55inMouza-Kundupur for construction under Pattamundai Tahasil of district in favour of oPTCL of Grid sub-station. 2g.DeliveryofadvancepossessionofGovernmentlandmeasuringAc.sl.00invillage- Bhubaneswar for Arilo and Govindpur under Barang Tahasil in favour of OMFED' setting up of fully automated 5 lakhs LPD Diary Plant' of Mouza-Bhangabari 30. Relinquishment of further Government land measuring Ac.12.65 recordedinthenameoferstwhileA.HDepartmentforalienationinfavourofH&FW Department for establishment of Medical College & Hospital at Kalahandi' Government have constituted a "Special Cell" in the Department vide resolution no. 141221RDM, d1d.28.03.2011 to retrieve Government land irregularly / fraudulently settled in favour of different private individuals. The tenure of Special Cell in R & DM Department has been extended up to 30.09.2017 as per kind orders of Hon'ble Chief Minister.

Along with extension of tenure of Special Cell in R & DM Department, Hon'ble Chief Minister is kind enough to pass order to make a regular staff arrangement within the Department in the meantime.

Steps are being taken to make such arrangement within the Department.

The district-wise details of areas detected, areas restored and total area protected is given bellow:

Name of the Total area Total area Total area District detected restored protected Puri Ac.4318.465 Ac.3407.060 4c.2316.720 Khurda Ac.4106.783 Ac.1858.752 Ac.350.000

Cuttack Ac.506.765 Ac.1 1 6.625 Ac.8.925 Jaiour Ac.4005.533 Ac.3895.733 Ac.3.490 TOTAL Ac.12937.546 Ac.9278.170 Ac.2679.'135 Further, Government land measuring Ac.459.946 decimals have been detected afresh to be inegularly/fraudulently settled in favour of private individuals. The Special Cell has facilitated restoration of Ac.2266.197 decimals of Government land in four districts as per details below:

Name of the District Total area detected durino Total area restored durinq 2015-16 2015-16 Puri Ac. 132.590 Ac.944.660 Khurda Ac.25.073 Ac.857.662 Cuttack Ac.38.84 Ac.20.87 Jaipur Ac.271 .963 Ac.463.363 TOTAL Ac.468.466 Ac.2286.515

16 i

ln order to provide various land related services to the public, the duties& responsibilities of base level posts like Revenue lnspector, Assistant Revenue lnspector & Amin weighs considerable significance. These employees are instrumental in extending services to the public in general & tenants in particular at the cutting edge of Revenue Administration.

Keeping the above objective in mind, Government in Revenue & Disaster Management Department are constantly monitoring and taking steps for filling up of various base level posts like Rl, ARl, Amin, Junior Clerk and Junior Stenographers.

During 2016, Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission, Bhubaneswar have sponsored the list of Successful Candidates found suitable for posting as RUARI etc. in the t: vacancies existed in different districts. Accordingly, 210 Nos. of Rls, 266 Nos. of ARls, 7'12 Nos. of Amins& 34 Nos. of Junior Stenographers have been posted in different Revenue districts. Similarly, action is being taken for filling up of the vacancies arising in the districts during 2017.

Capacity building of the above mentioned posts is also very crucial for effective delivery of various land related services to the public. To attend to the above objectives, untrained Rls/ARls & Amins are irhparted training in the existing 02(two) Rl Training lnstitutes d i.e. at Khallikote & Larpank. Besides, another lnstitute at Keonjhar would be functional very cl soon and Revenue field staff of Northern Odisha would be imparted training in the new I )r lnstitute.

The 1st Central on Rehabilitation & Resettlement , i.e, the Right to Fair Compensation & Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 'lst 2013 ( RFCTLARR Act, 2013 ) has come into force with effect from January 2014. Section 108 of the RFCTLARR Act, 201 3 provides that the affected persons or his family or member of his family may at his option opt to avail such rehabilitation and resettlement provisions under such State law or such policy of the State instead of under this Act.

77 Therefore, even with the coming into force of the 1"t central Law on R&R, i.e, RFCTLARR is Act, 2013 , the Odisha R&R Policy, 2006 has not lost its relevance and its implementation continuing alongside the RFCTLARR Act, 2013.

The odisha Right to Fair compensation & Transparency in Land acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2016 have been formulated and published in the Odisha Extra Ordinary Gazette No. 331 dated 1110212016.

Revenue Divisional commissioners have been notified as commissioner for R&R to RFCTLARR exercise the power & perform the function of commissioner for R&R under the

Act, 201 3 vide Notilication no. 1 9436 / RDM dated 25'6' 16'

30postsofAdministrator,R&RinoAS-1(JB)Cadrehavebeencreated.on posts and the previous availability of officers, postings will be made in the above created R&R are notification No. 34160/ R&DM dated 17.11.2014 vide which.sub- collectors & PD, notified as Administrator, R&R under the RFCTLARR Act, 2013 would be withdrawn.

TheDraftodishaLAR&RAuthorityRules,2016forsettingupofthreeLARR notified shortly Authorities at Revenue Division Level have been formulated which will be rules' inviting objection( s) & suggestions for consideration before finalization ofthose '

state Monitoring committee on R&R under the RFCTLARR Act,20'13 has been constituted and notified vide Notification No. 24760/ R&DM dated 9'8'16'

LAND ACQUISITION (L.A AftercomingintoforceoftheRighttoFairCompensationand 2013, it was Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, particularly for imperative to develop and simplify the procedure for land acquisition conductofSociallmpactAssessmentStudyetc.Accordingly,theodishaRightto Fair compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and ResettlementRules'20l6wasnotified.Tofurthersimplifytheprocedure, comprehensiveguidelineshavebeenissuedonabatementoflandrevenueinLA cases,ondirectpurchaseofprivatelandandondeterminationofcompensationaS per the new Act in pending cases, which were initiated under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, but has noi been finalized.

1B I

During the Financial year 2O16-17, steps have been taken for acquisition of private land measuring Ac.19364.00 dec for ',l 10 projects in the State including projects, the details of irrigation, drainage, railways, industry and other infrastructure which are given below'

@ortant Prorects 2016'17

No. of No of o No, of No. of No ot Ord Notificat - I Total Declarat Area Declarat Area Notmc ef ion area t ion acquir ion acoutr ation u/s - issued/ acqurr NATTTE OF Sectio U/S .6 ed u/s -19 I st. Type of THE U/S.4 7ot u/s "L n (1) of tinally (1) of tnarrv No Project (1) of LA l1(1) of ri,ijrv PROJECT LA Act (in RFCTLA I LA Act, Act, RFCTLA 'r 894 Acre) RR Act, ir"r r 1894 RR Act. I i"[, ,n 8!lt issued 2013 issu 2013 IS ed

8 9 t0 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Road - Rail LA(A) 2 432 2.432 1 Link Project, {R Khuda district tlv Khordha 1 Road - 103.33 Balangir Rail 103.33 2 LA(A) 1 0 0 :1 Link Project, :i ren Subamarekh 2556.4 2556.4 a krigation 46 3 IRRIGATION LA(A) 69 40 Prcjecl(Dist- 40 [.,layurbhanj) Rengali(Left) 212.73 212.73 lrrigation 13 4 IRRIGATION LA(A) 0 Project 0 (Disl- Jaiour) Rengali (Right) 47 lrrigalion 673.47 673 5 IRRIGATION LA(A) 42 7 Project 8 8 (Dist-

Anandpur Barrage 239.59 239.59 4 7 6 IRRIGATION Project LA(A) 2 2 (Dist-

Deo lrrigation 5.200 5 200 7 IRRIGATION project LA(A) 2 ([,layurbhani dist.) Reba dranaige 8 DRAINAGE LA(A) 2 58 620 58.620 (

19 Renovation of Reba Kapali DRAINAGE Drainage LA(A) 12 99.870 s9.870 Channelin Salandi Sanskar

10 IRRIGATION Project in rA(A) 1 0.200 0.200 Bhadrak, Tristnct AMTUIiA MIP

11 IRRIGATION in Jajplr u(A) 1 8 900 8.900 District Kuanria MIP 12 IRRIGATION in LA(A) 2 5 440 5 440 District Phulajhara lvllP in 13 IRRIGATION LA(A) 1 3 080 3.080 Rengali lnjgation Proiect 14 IRRIGATION (Rjght LA(A) 1 8.680 8.680 Canal) in Jajpur district Panchayat '15 Samiti Office OFFICE LA(A) 1 4.590 4.590 in Betnoti in

Master Plan Road in 16 ROAD LA(A) 2 37 429 Kho.dha 37.429 Dist Mayudhalia 17 ROAD Road in LA(A) I 2.478 2 47A Khordha Dist. Industry by IDCO in INDUSTRY LA(A) 1 46.790 46.790 l8 Khordha Dist 243.30 247.67 1S IRRIGATION LIPP 17 4 4.370 LA(B) 0 o Allumina Refinery 117.98 177.94 20 IRRIGATION Proi6ct,Kala LA(B) 3 0 0 handi Distnct i MlP,Dist- 2l IRRIGAT'ON LA(B) 6 63.450 63.450 Ravaoada I UllP{Disl- 739.17 739.17 22 IRRIGATION LA(B) 18 Kalahandi) 0 0

Ret(Dist- 892.83 892.83 IRRIGATION rA(B) 71 Kalahandi) 0 0

Jarahiguda 24 IRRIGATION MIP Dist- LA(B) 1 0 595 0.595 Malkanaqir Doraguda 25 IRRIGATION LA(B) 2 4.950 4.950 Mip lMlP Dis! 237.44 237.44 26 IRRIGATION LA(B) 19 KoraDUt o o TMIP Dist- 395_27 395.27 27 IRRIGATION LA(B) 32 Koraput o o

20 Baghalati 3 4 585 4.585 2A IRRIGA{ION L4lP Dist- LA{B)

Daha lP LA(B) 2 o 812 o.412 29 IRRIGATION Dist-canjam

Andhaflnala 2 9.703 c 703 30 IRRIGATION Mip Disr LA(B) Ganiam Nachuninala 2 11.476 11 476 31 IRRIGATION Mip Dist- LA(B) Ganjam Nuagaon 11o.14 110.14 8 32 IRRIGATION Dist.ibutary LA(B) 4 4 Dist-Ganiam

Bridge al 3 1 239 1.239 33 LA(B) Bridge Berhampur Dislcaniam Mkanabindh 3.769 3.769 34 IRRTGATION a MIP Disl- LA(B) Ganiam Govindpur Diversion I 42.604 a2.604 35 D/w Dist LA(B) caniam Connecling Road lo river 1 297 Connecting 1 1.297 36 Bahuda LA(B) Road Bridge Disr Ganiam Rajaghai 1 2.106 2106 37 IRRIGATION MIP Disr LA(B) Ganjam JaupuniaMl 12.717 38 IRRIGATION P Dist- LA(B) 1 12.717 Ganiam Chheligada 13.099 39 IRRIGATION lP Disl LA(B) 2 13.099 Ganjam Under Ret(Dist procce 40 IRRIGATION LA(B) 4 Kalahandi) ss Talcher- Bimlagarh 329.41 New B.G 296.53 2 2 32.880 41 LA(C) 42 5 Rail Link project (Dist. Anqul) Talcher- Sambalpur '12 23.980 24.660 42 RailLink LA(C) 1 0.680 project (Dist- 3.450 Angul) '39.17 Common 1670.2 0 lnfrast.rctur 43 INDUSTRY LA(c) 44 41 e ol lDco ,92.A3 {DislAngul) 0 Ranchi- Vliayawada '13 12.2U 12 264 0.5s5 44 ROAD Road LA(C) Corridoa

4.950 Differenl Road 63 880 45 21 63.880 ROAD projects(Disl LA(C) -Angul)

2t - " --*-l I ! I] ;:


lndustry(Jind allndia 39.420 16 39.420 46 INDUSTRY Thermal LA(C) Power)(Oist- Anqul) lndustry(Jind 162.46 al Steel & 162.46 0 47 INDUSTRY LA(c) 0 Ltd.)(Oist- Anoul) Acquisitiotl 2.610 of land for LA(C) 2 2.6r0 4A INDUSTRY loCL(Dist- Angul) lndustry (Monnet 11 610 8 1 1.610 49 INDTJSTRY LA(C) Ltd.Xoist- Anoul) Manjo.i Medium 16.190 8 16 190 50 IRRIGATION lnigation LA(C) Prc'iect(Dist- Anoul) Angul- Duburisukin 122.05 122.05 da new B.G. 7 LA(C) 5 51 RAILWAY Rail Link Prcject(Dist- Ansul) Po,Yer Grid 97.040 Co.poration LA(C) 3 97.040 INDUSTRY €f lndidDist- AiStll) NALCO 65.590 Aluminium rA(c) 6 65.590 53 INDUSTRY Prk(Dist- Anoul) Re,|gali 380.73 REht caoal 239.0S 141.64 29 11 0 0 54 I IRRIGATION SFtem LA(c) 0 (Dist-

Rengali Lett ,t49.53 canal 80 *ttt u 0 55 IRRIGATION Systsm rj(c) I (Dist- Dheikaoal) Lsncobaban 416.12 dh Ash PiPe 416.12 15 I 56 DRAINAGE Conidor u(c) 1 (Dist- Dhenkanal) Rungta 23.130 Mines Ltd- LA(C) 3 23.130 57 INDUSTRY (Dist- Dhenkanal) NTPC, 795.85 795.85 Gajamara 4 1 LA(C) 1 58 INDUSTRY (Dist- Dhenkanal) s5.970 Tecton lspat 55.970 59 INDUSTRY Ltd. (Dist- LA(C) Dh€nkanal) Road Over 2.562 Bridge at LA(C) 3 2.562 60 ROAD Similla (Oist- Dhenkanal) OTPCL 982.01 982.01 Power Plant LA(C) '10 61 INDUSIRY (Dist- 5 5 Dhenkanal) Anandpur ganage 655.50 911.48 19 8 IRRIGATION Project LA(c) 0 I 0 o (Dist- Keonihar) KanuPUr 587.54 587.54 49 IRRIGATION lP(Disl LA(C) 4 4 Keonihar) Ranchi Vrjaywada 46 35ai & ROAD road LA(C) 30 46.950 conido(Dist -Keoniha.)

Naranapur- Brdramanip ROAD al road LA(C) 8 4.650 4.660 proiec(Disl Keonjhar) Anandpur Bhadrak 66 ROAD road LA(C) 16 19.005 19 005 project(Dist- Keonihar) lndustry(M,fs SR Steel INDUSTRY LA(C) 71 77. O 77 644 67 Ltd.XDist- Keonihar)

Gri'l Sub- 6A INDUSTRY station(Oist- LA(C) 0.870 0.870 Keonjhar)

lndustry(Sm all Hydro- 6S INDUSTRY Eleckic LA(C) 2 25.025 25 025 proiectxoist- Keonjha)

lndustry(lvus Rashmi 70 INDUSTRY Metd,ics LA(c) 1 7.860 7 860 LtdXDist- Keonihar) lndustry tvvs K6vi 11 INDI.JSTRY lnt€mational LA(C) 1 16.540 16.540 Ltd.(Dist-

Jharsuguda- Sadega Rail Link 72 Project(Sout LA(C) 5 5 7,83C 7.830 h-Eastem Railway) (Dist.

Wideoing of Bankibahal- 73 ROAD Kanika Road 7 7 40 957 40 95; Proiect u(c) (Dist- Sundarqarh)

23 Rukura lrrigation 310.45 310.45 2 74 IRRIGATION Prqoct LA(c) 41 0 0 (Dist- Sundaroa.h) I Districl , Spo.ts GOVT. 75 Complex LA(c) 1 3.045 3.045 OFFICE (Dist- Sundaroarh) Mino. lP 76 IRRIGATION (Oist- LA(c) 6 29.610 29.610 Sundaroarh) Four Laning d Sambalpur- 205.79 205.76 77 ROAD LA(C) 53 Rourkela 5 5 Road (Dist- Sundarqarh) STPP d NTPC ai 1365.6 1365.6 6 7A INDUSTRY Darlipali LA(C) 80 80 (Dist- sund*oarhl Jharsuguda- Sardega Rdl Link Project(Sout 79 LA(C) 12 12 14.930 14.930 RAILWAY tFEastem Rdlway) (Disl- .lharsuoudal

Rengali- Jha.suguda doubling rail 165.99 165.99 ao RAILWAY 7 link p.oject rA(c) 0 0 (DGr Jhasuguda)

Sambalpur- Rqrrkela 4 80-620 8't ROAD larc road rA(c) 8 80.620 project (Disl Jha.suguda)

lrdustry(Ster 626.22 626.22 l e lndusby) LA(C) 6 a2 INDUSTRY (Dist- 0 0 Jharsuguda) Irdtlsh(OP 425.72 425.72 15 83 INDUSTRY GC) (Dbt- LA(C) 0 0 Jharsuquda) Jharsuguda 84 AIRPORT Airport (Disr rA(c) 2 56.'120 56.120 Jharguquda) l(harkhari 0 360 85 DRAINAGE Nala (Dist- LA(C) 0.360 Jharsuquda) Badabahal 0.570 86 DRAINAGE Nala (Dist- LA(C) I 0.570 Jharsuouda) Sewerage system in 7 24.O97 24.097 87 DRAINAGE Sambalpur LA(C) 7 town (Dis! Sambalour)

24 Sambalpur- TitalaOath Oolrbling 88 rdling LA(c) 3 4.450 3 2.215 6.665 Project (Dist- Sambalour) Different Mind LA(C) 11 9 t.540 89 IRRIGATION lP(Disr 91.540 Sambalpur) 1o I Sambalpur- R€rlgali 90 railing rA(c) 4 0.610 0.610 Project(Dist- Sambalpur)

lnduslry by 91 INDUSTRY IOCO(Dist- LA(C) 3 3.520 3.sm Sambalpur)

Co.laEuction .f 33KV Grid 92 INDUSTRY LA(C) 30.860 Station(Dist- 30.860 Sambalpur)

Shyam DRI St€el 93 INOUSTRY Ltd.(Dbr- rA(c) 2 2.7fi 2.7fi Sambalpu.) Bdinga Toporia 94 ROAD Road LA(C) 9 21.390 21.390 Prdect(Dist- SambalDUr) VljaFYada Ranchi 95 ROAD Corddq{Dist LA(c) 12 15.175 ,5.175 -sarnbalpu,) Sambalpu. Rdrrk€la FqJrlane 96 ROAD 21 47.675 Ro€d LA(c) a7 _675 Projet(Oist- Sambalpur) Brilgo o\€r 0 OrE/ Ong 97 IRRIGATION lrd{ration Ere.tsion LA(c) 3 5.640 5.640 5.72 Prcj€c(Dst- 0 Bdgarh) Ghensali .120 98 IRRIGATION MIP(Dist- LA(c) 13 44.740 41.74O Bdoarh) lrltaliJore 360 IRRIGATION MIP(Dist- LA(c) 4 93.270 53.270 Baroarh) :. Eridgs over 570 t: 10 Riv€r ar IRRIGATION ( 0 Danta(Dist- r-A c) 3.140 3.140 B{garh) Jodamunda 1.097:- 10 IRRIGATION MIP(Dist- 1 Bdgarh) LA(c) 2 3.350 3.350

25 l' I

Kantheswar pur 42.800 42.800 10 IRRIGATION LA(C) 5 2 N4lP(Disl Barqarh) BandLrpaliko 15.990 1 15.990 10 IRRIGATION ta lvllP(Disl- LA (C) 3 Baraarh) Akalijhari 10.080 10 1 10 080 IRRIGATION MIP(Drsl LA(C) 4 Ba.qarh) Saldihi 2 1.650 1.650 10 IRRIGATION N4lP(Dist- LA(C) 5 Barqarh) ong lrrigation 61.625 10 14 61 625 IRRIGATION Project LA(C) 6 (Disr Subamaour)

Suktel lrrigation '13 83.104 83.104 10 IRRIGATION r-A ( c) 7 Project (Dist' Bolanair) Titalagarh 34.040 10 Medium LA(C) 10 34.040 I IRRIGATION lP(Dis!

Differenl 784.68 784.68 10 [rinor LA(C) 81 2 I IRRIGATION lP(Disl 2

lndustry by IDCO(Sahar 138.12 138.12 11 10 INOUSTRY LA(C) 0 0 0 Company Ltd.XDisl- Bolangir) 't 0910 6723. 19364. 2 940 488 162 Total .74 376 323

Compliance with the C & AG RePort Revenue&DisasterManagementDepartmentiSalwaystakingsincereand course of Audit' Priorities are immediate steps to materialize the irregularities detected in alwaysgiventocomplytheAuditobjectionsraisedattheinitialstagesofDraftNote/Draft reports' Paras to avoid / minimize incorporation in the C & AG (Revenue Receipts) up to Compliance against all the Paras of C & AG Report Assembly (oLA) for perusal the year 2013-14 have been submitted to the odisha Legislative ofHon,b|ePublicAccountsCommittee(PAC).Recentlycompliancetotwonos,ofParasofC &AGReports(G&SS)fortheyear2ol3-l4,hasbeensubmittedtooLAforconsiderationof year 2005-06 has also been furnished for Hon/ble PAC. Moreover compliance on ATN for the kind perusal and drop of ATN by Hon'ble PAC'

26 [::'Ell-?lli'ry* !,

As per the guidelines of Finance Department, our Departmental holds periodical

meetings of the Monitoring Committee with the Controlling Officers and ensure appropriate compliance by the concerned Revenue Field Authorities.

Riqht to lnformation Act (RTl)

Right to Information Act, 2005 is maintained very strictly and promptly in Revenue &D.M. Department. All efforts is being taken to provide information to the applicants in time with due regards to the applications under RTI Act. During the year 2016-17large number of RTI applications, First Appeal Petitions and Second Appeal Petitions have been received in this Department under RTI Act. After scrutinizing the said RTI applications and Appeal Petitions, immediate action has been taken to dispose of the same in due time with great satisfaction of applicants/Appellants which are given below.


No. of applications No. of First Appeal No. of Second Appeal Petitions received in Petitions received received Form-'A'

1 2 .1 805 84 29

Revenue Estate Manaqement (REM) I

For effective delivery of various services under Revenue Administration to the people of the state, provision & availability of infrastructure weighs considerable significance, buildings ) for various Govt. Offices like Collectorates, Sub-Collectorates, Tahasil, SR Offices & Rl office-cum-Reside I nce are the key infrastructure which is being dealt & monitored in Revenue Estate Management (REM) Branch of Revenue & DM Deptt.

,f During the Financial Year 2016-17 , a sum of Rs. 7150 lakh in the main budget was allotted for new construction and completion of ongoing projects of Residential Buildings and Non-residential Buildings of Revenue Administration. Under the Residential Head, an amount of Rs.1400 lakh was allotted for construction of quarters of Revenue Officials & an 27 tf tp u {,

amountofRs.5600lakhforconstruction/renovationofNon-residentialBuildingsSuchaS Colletorate,subCollectorOffice,Tahasils,RlOffices'subRegistrationOffices'Circuit Houses&RestShedsofthisDepartment.AllottedamountofRs.Tl44.54lakhshavealready releasedinfavourofChiefEngineerBuilding,Bhubaneswar'OdishaandChiefEngineer' RW(1) Odisha.

FollowingarethemajorworksundertakenandfundsallottedduringtheFinancia| Year 2016-17 .-

Funds Allotted(Rs. in lakh) Name of the work Rs.200.00 lakh Construction of Rt Atock Rajaswa Bhawan Cuttack -expansion Rs.60.00 lakh ot C-ourt Suilding of Commissioner and Settlement, Bhubaneswar Rs.143.00 lakh aonstrrrctton of New Collectorate of Deogarh Rs.24.00 lakh RenoGxon oGlearlcal vvorks of hostel building' office to building of RlTl and provision of piped water supply RlTl Larpank @andcivil workofRlTl

Rs.12.75 lakh eonstructlon of Revenue lB Karanjia Chandipur Rs.4.00 lakh Repa ir ;nd Renovatiofif Revenue Rest Shed Rs.3.20 lakh Constru-aion ot one Vf .P suite at Kamakhyanagar ffi) cuttack and districts Rs.150.00 lakh ffiswa Bhawan, cuttack Rs,59.97 lakh e ProPosal for has been approved by the Govt with increased construction of R.l Office-cum-Residence ptintharea,fromT26SqFttol526SqFiwithacostofRS.33.00lakh'lthasbeendecidedto of Tahasila and 288 Rl Ofiices running in construct 32 incomplete Modern Record Rooms other Govt. Building / rented building'

Ongoingprojectsof2016-lTincludes'06noofCollectoratebuilding'02noofSub Collectorbuilding,05TahasilofficeBuilding,04ModernRecordRoom,02Circuitl-"|ouse'02 ConferenceHalland250Rloffice-cum.Residentia|Buildingshavebeencompleted, 28 _----.-"_y-

During the Financial Year 2016-17, no of projects were undertaken for construction, these includes construction of 09 no of Collectorate building, 01 no of Sub Collector building, 07 Tahasil Office Building, 05 Modern Record Room, 05 Circuit House, 02 Inspection Bungalow, 03 Conference Hall and 288 Rl Office-cum-Residential Buildings.

At present, 41 (forty-one) number of citizen-centric services notified under the ORTPS Act, 2012 are being delivered by the Revenue and DM Department- With a view to ensuring effective implementation of the notified public services, disposal of delivery of such services is being monitored ihrough the Central Monitoring System developed by GA (AR) Department through Centre for Modernisation of Government lnitiatives (CMGI).

ln order to make available the services at the nearest location, services like Miscellaneous Certificates (Residence, lncome, Solvency and Legal Heir certificates) and Caste certificates (SC and ST), OBC and SEBC certiflcates and Certified copies of RoRs are being delivered online under e-District project at CSCs or at Public Facilitation Centres or Single Window at Tahasils. During the year 2016-17,33,10,125 number of public services pertaining to Revenue and DM Department have been delivered through e-District Project. h h Re-orqani$ation of oAS and oRS Cadres (coNFIDENTIAL) .h

:h State Government are always concerned about the proper and uniform implementation for of various welfare schemes / projects in the state. ;ed Ito As a part of proper implementation, State Government have already restructured the OAS-A (JB) lin from 854 to 996 and have also created a new cadre named Odisha Revenue Service

Sub ln the meantime State Government are taking steps for posting of 47 numbers of OAS (P) recruited through OPSC. Further 69 numbers of newly recruited OAS (JB) officers will . OZ aiso join the cadre soon. i"tr/

cadre and 400 newly selected Similarly, 590 nos. Of officers are already in the ORS shortly' oRS officers selected through OPSC will also join in the cadre

of various welfare This will definitely be helpful for effective and proper implementation '- level of the society and Rerrenue oriented schemes of Governments at every : i Fr rrar. : intef.glate Boundarv and District Restructure:^ ^a-.. ^+. in the Statei A. Creation of New Sub-Oivisions' Tahasils & R'l' Circles

Governmenthascreated53Sub-Divisions,3lTTahasilsand22TlR.l.Circlesin30 DistrictsforprovidingresponsiveandeffectiveadministrationtothepeopleoftheState.

B. Use ol Odia Lanquaqe in Government Offices:-

Necessaryinstructionshavebeenissuedtoallofficesundertheadministrativecontrol, j Department for use of in official work' of Revenue & Disaster Management i

i Boundarv G. lnter State Disputes'- i

issues prevailing *ith th{' Steps are being taken to amicably resolve the boundary been issued to the District Magistrate and Collectors ol neighboring States. lnstructions have I' welfare of our people living in thg Border Districts to accelerate the pace of development and l, border villages on priority basis. Nation Population Register [NPR

for the 1"t time along Modalities of National Population Register (NPR) started with operation of Census, 201 1 work of the filled in NPR For updation of the NPR database, the data entry date of birth' address etc' and new booklets relating to any corrections in the names' is targeted to be completed by enrolments is going on throughout the State which 31',].2017'ThesaidworkisbeingdoneatthedistrictlevelbytheServiceproviders under their direct engaged by the respective Collectors/ Municipal Commissioners supervision. The cost of data entry per record is fixed at Rs.4/- by the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, lndia. The expenditure incurred for the above work would be borne bY GOl. Budget provision of Rs.16.00 crore has been made for the year 2016-17 to meet the expenditure for payment of data entry cost. Expenditure incurred for the above work is fully reimbursable by Govt of lndia.

A. National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project (NCRMP): Under the NCRMP project Structural measures such as construction of cyclone shelters, all-weather connecting roads, strengthening of saline embankments and last

mile connectivity have been 1 ol taken up. 153 out of targeted 54 multipurpose cyclone shelters have been completed during 201 5-16. 143 all-weather connecting roads with a total length of 218.500 km (revised) has been Taken up. 138 roads with total length of 207.400 km have been completed. Construction of 5 km saline embankments have

:I been taken up. A total length of 53.7'19 km out of 58.225 km saline embankments II n ',"Ji have been completed. of' B. NCRMP (Additionat Financing): he For further strengthening of disaster preparedness in the State, the existing NCRMP has been extended under the title NCRMP-Additional Financing. .162 MCS and 100 all-weather connectivity roads with the total length of 170.036 km have been taken up. 81 nos. of MCS and 83 roads (122.565 km) have been completed.

C. lntegrated Coastal Zone Management project (lCZMp): The pro.iect is being implemented in the state in two stretches i.e. paradeep to Dhamara and Gopalpur to Chilika with World Bank assistance. All 14 MCS have been completed and handed over to the Cyclone Shelter Management and Maintenance Committees (CSMMC).

D' Post Phailin Construction of Shelters with support of CMRF and State budget:

31 256 Multi-Purpose cyclone and Flood Shelters in 25 districts have been taken up. 138 shelters are being construcled by OSDMA. Rural Development Department is constructing 110 shelters. Works Department has undertaken 8 shelter buildings. '186 nos. of multipurpose flood/cyclone shelter buildings out of 256 have been completed and balance are in different stages of construction.

E. Odisha Disaster Recovery Project (ODRP): For augmenting disaster resilient houses, Odisha Disaster Recovery Project (ODRP) has been taken up by Govt. with World Bank support in the Phalin affected areas of Ganjam, and Khordha districts with effect from March 2014. 16'168 disaster resilient houses within 5 km from the High Tide Line (HTL) are being constructed. A sum of Rs. 3.00 lakh is provided to each beneficiary for construction of a 254 Sq.ft House having toilet, electricity & water supply facilities. Beneficiaries are also encouraged to build larger houses with their own contribution. The Project is being implemented with 70% funding from World Bank & 30% from the State Govt. The Project Components include construction of Resilient Houses, construction of Community lnfrastructure, Establishing integrated office complex for OSDMA' SRC office and State Emergency Operation Centre (EOC). The works are under progress and likely to be completed this year.

F. Capacity Building Activities: OSDMA in associ'ation with UN agencies(UNDP), NGOs and State level Training lnstitutions has taken up capacity building initiatives of the officials at state / district / block level, Panchyati Raj lnstitutions and NGOs involved in disaster management. About 20,000 community level volunteers associated with 200 cyclone shelters have been trained in shelter management, Record keeping and Equipment maintenance. 82 ODRAF personnel have been trained Flood Rescue and boat operation. 60 newly ODMF Personnel have been trained on lnduction course on Disaster Response. 33 diskict level officials have been trained in application of GIS techniques in Disaster Management.

32 I . 500 NCC cadets and 200 NSS Volunteer have been trained in Disaster survival skill and disaster preparedness

) Mock drill has been conducted in 502 multipurpose Flood/Cyclone Shelters I across the state on '19th June, 2016. Prepared Standard Operating Procedure and conducted mock drill for management of disaster during Nabakalebar of Lord Jagannath in 4th July, 2016. 'I preparedness prone j Tsunami mock drill organlzed in 328 Tsunami villages of six coastal districtsof Odisha on 7th September,20'16 f A full scale Mock Drill on Cyclone was conducted with the assistance of NDMA in involving all the stakeholders of the district. t Full scale mock drill conducted at Bijupatnaik lnternational Airport, I Bhubaneswar for management air crash involving all the stakeholders. Full scale mock drill on train accident has been conducted at Ambadola Railway Station, wiih East Coast Railway involving all the stakeholders. A full scale Mock Drill on Chemical ( lndustrial) Disaster was conducted with the assistance of NDMA in involving all the stakeholders of the district A Study conducted to map the Flood lnundation areas of Kendrapara District. 50 Civil Defence volunteers trained on Fire Risk Management in urban areas. 200 Ward level volunteers trained on Search and Rescue and First Aid. I Officers of Bhubaneswar City were trained on lncident Response System. Study conducted lo assess the Early Warning System of Bhubaneswar City 30 Ward Disaster Management Plans of Bhubaneswar city prepared by BMC About 20 State level Officers have been trained at National lnstitute of Disaster Management in different aspect of Disaster Management. About 150 Officers of across the state have been trained in different aspect of disaster management at Gopabandhu Academy of Administration with the support of OSDMA. About 2400 masons have been trained on disaster resistant housing in Ganjam and Khoidha district.

33 G. Awareness Generation Activities:

Massive awareness generation programmes have been taken up throughout the state. 2gth October is being observed as the State Disaster Preparedness Day and National Day for Disaster Reduction. short video films have been prepared for awareness development of common people on Heat wave, cyclone Shelter Management, Healthcare & sanitation, Food & Nutrition, community Based Disaster Preparedness and Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF), Management of Floods and Embankment Construction.

GO-NGO Goordination: NGO Coordination cells have been promoted at block, district and state level, with facilitation done by OSDMA. There is regular interaction with the lnter Agency Group comprising 22 INGOs' NGOs and UN Agencies for disaster management related activities' A State level consultation was organized for GO-NGO coordination for Disaster Risk Reduction.

H. Volunteer promotion:

Community level volunteers have been trained with support of UNDP and other agencies. state level competitions among volunteers are organized on the occasion of observation of the State Disaster preparedness day. BeSt volunteers are awarded by the Hon'ble Chief Minister.

UNDP Supported programmes: After the super cyclone 1999, UNDP has played a pivotal role in the field of disaster preparedness. The following programmes have been taken up with support of UNDP.

i. Gol-UNDP Enhancing lnstitutional and Community Resilience to Disaster and Climate Change. ii, Go|-UNDP Climate Risk Management in Urban areas through Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

34 Convergence programmes: UNDP facilitated various convergence activities involving disaster risk reduction programmes with organizations like lndian Red Cross Society, Handicap lnternational, CRS, LWS and others.

Targetlor 2017'18: . Setting of State lnstitute of Disaster Management. . Sett,ng up of another 10 ODMF Units. . Ensuring early warning action plan through last mile connectivity. . State wide mock drill on 'l9th June,201l. . Tsunami preparedness mock drill. . Observation of state disaster preparedness day and national day for disaster reduction.

. Preparation of capacity buirding action pran and capacity buirding for stakeholders.

o shelter level capacity building training for 320 Multipurpose cyclone shelters.

[r pisaster Management (SRC): F n. Disaster Management 1 The state of odisha is prone to various Natural calamities due to it,s geographical pcation. During the year 2016-11, the state experienced multiple natural calamities llke rain, Flood, fleavY Landsride, Heat wave, Fire Accident, Lightning, Hairstorms and whirrwind. to prompt fue and timely response of the state Government, the situation was overcome ibry successfully.


B. Heavy rain & flood Six districts namely Angul, Balasore, Kalahandi, Koraput, Mayurbhanj and Sambalpur iere affected by Heavy rain during the month of August and September,2016. 15,.100 peopte ffected and three persons rost their rives in the caramity. Due to its effect, there was frood

Though the actual average rainfall of the State was 1'1.6% less than the Normal rainfall period during the year 2016, there was a good rainfall during the Monsoon as a result of of which no moisture stress condition occurred to the Kharif crops and there is no crop loss 33% and above in all the districts excepting the districts of Baragarh' Deogarh and Nuapada where some patches of high land paddy crops have sustained crop loss of 33% and above- Steps shall be taken for declaration of drought son after receipt of the crop cutting experiment reports from the Collectors.

D. Heat wave

Severe heat-wave condition prevailed in the State during April to June of the year' Government took a number of precautionary measures to tackle the situation. Measures taken by the Government include launching of Public Awareness campaign through pockets both electronic and print media, mitigation of water scarcity problem in the identified places, and in the rural and urban areas, opening of "Jala Chhatras" at market bus stands vats for other congregation points involving Civil Society Organisations, construction/ repair of roaming livestock, provision of water for the animals in reserved/ protected forests, rescheduling rescheduling the timing of classes and examinations of Schools and Colleges, peak the timings of public transport services and restricting the plying of buses during the hours, rescheduling the timings for engagement of labourers/ workmen at worksites, provision of portable water, oRS and shed at worksites, ensuring adequate stock of life saving medicine, saline, oRS in dispensaries, PHCs, CHCs and District Headquarters etc' Hospitals, ensuring uninterrupted power supply during the summer months' were held to Meeting of the District Disaster Management Authority of all the districts level and the review the status of preparedness. Control Rooms functioned at the State as well. District level round the clock to monitor the situation and the response activities Despitealltheprecautionarymeasurestakentomeetthepossibleheatwave during the year 2016' situation, as many as 45 persons lost their lives due to heat-stroke each of the bereaved Steps were taken to provide ex-gratia assistance @ Rs.50, 000/- to families out of the SDRF. FlF @-*-

iF w tr

E. Lightning and Fire Accident rl .: Duringtheyear,2o16.11aSmanyas380personsdiedduetolightningand59 to persons died due to fire accident. Ex-gratia assistance @ Rs 4, 00,000/- w.e.f. 01.04.2015 fire accident has been the NoKs out of sDRF in case of the deaths both due to lightning and provided to the NoKs of the deceased .

F. Hailstorm Balangir, Cuttack, Mayurbhanj, Nayagarh, Nawarangpur' Jagatsinghpur' Kandhamal' Koraput,Rayagada, Sambalpur, Boudh, Bhadrak' Subarnapur' Balasore' people died under the Keonjhar and Jajpur districts were affected due to hailstorm' 9 impactsofhailstorm.stepshavebeenpromptlytakentoprovidenecessaryassistancetothe affected peoPle.

G. . Snake Bite / Drowning / Boat capsize 276 persons During the year,2o16-17 as many as 400 persons died due to snakebite, Rs 4'00'000/- due to drowning and 18 persons due to boat capsize. Ex-gratia assistance @ to the Next of kins of the deceased have been provided from SDRF'

H. Landslide (Land subsidence) LandslidehasbeenoccurredinthemonthofDecember,2016inNawarangpur to provide ex-gratia district. 3 people died due to that incident. steps have been taken assistance@Rs4,00,000/-fromSDRFtotheNextofkinsofthedeceased'

l. Relief ExPenditure Duringtheyear2016-17,anamountofRs,55070'5l0lakhshasbeenreleasedason for management of different 29.01 .2017 in favour of different Districts and Departments of Phailin and subsequent flood' approved Natural calamities including the arrear liability