December 6, 2019 Moscow












Time of Event Description Place of Event 10.00 – 11.00 Registration of participants Lobby in front of Academic Council Hall

11.00 – 14.00 Opening of the Congress. Plenary Academic Council Hall session. Presentation of a textbook.

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch break Room 428

15.00 – 17. 40 Section meetings

15.00 – 17. 40 Section 1. “Corporate law and law of Academic Council Hall obligations”

15.00 – 17. 40 Section 2. “Law of things and Dissertation Hall (6 th Floor) intellectual property law”

15.00 – 17. 40 Section 3. “Objects and subjects of Hall No.4 civil law”

17.40– 18. 00 Wrap-up of the Congress Academic Council Hall


OPENING SPEECH by Vladimir N. Sinyukov , Vice-Rector for Research of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), of Law

Dear Congress Attendees!

This Congress is dedicated to comparative civil law and is intended for exchange of scientific knowledge obtained in the course of comparative studies of civil law doctrines in different countries. Remarkably, our Congress is attended by academicians from the USA, China, Italy, Latvia and the Republic of Belarus. We have the opportunity to learn first- hand about legal doctrines of the respective countries, which will allow us to correctly identify common features and differences in understanding of certain legal phenomena, legislative regulation, determine general trends of civil law development in modern society. I really hope that proceedings of the Congress will deliver constructive solutions and facilitate the establishment of further fruitful professional contact.


OPENING SPEECH by Elena E. Bogdanova , Doctor of Law, Acting Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Dear Congress Attendees! I am very pleased to welcome you to the 1st International Congress on Comparative Civil Law. Let me express my hope that annual holding of the International Congress on Comparative Civil Law will become a good tradition of our Department of Civil Law and the University as a whole. The congress will be timed to coincide with the anniversaries of prominent Soviet and Russian civilians, who conducted comparative legal studies of the civil law doctrines of different countries and made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Russian civil law. This Congress is dedicated to the memory of Viktor Pavlovich Mozolin, who headed our Department for many years and was one of the pioneers in the formation and development of comparativism in civil law studies in Russia. I wish the participants of the Congress interesting discussions, productive dialogues, and creative success!


Viktor Pavlovich Mozolin (1924 - 2015) After the Great Patriotic War, Viktor Pavlovich entered the law faculty of Moscow State University, graduated from it and, under the supervision of Professor A.F. Kleinman, defended his Ph.D. dedicated to the civil procedural relationship (1954); by the way, this thesis, as well as many other Viktor Pavlovich’s papers written in Soviet times, is still quoted. He had risen through the ranks from lecturer to professor at the Department of Civil Law of Moscow State University, where he worked together with classics of Soviet civil law I.B. Novitsky, V.P. Gribanov and many others. In the 1960s he left for the United States, where he taught and worked on his doctoral thesis in corporate and antitrust law of the United States, which was successfully defended in 1967. In the USSR, he was a pioneer in the study of foreign corporate law, and his paper “Corporations, Monopolies and Law of the United States” is still one of the few relevant studies on the theory of US corporate law in the Russian language. In the 1970s, Viktor P. Mozolin participated in the creation of the Faculty of Law at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), which became the next phase of his teaching and academic life. Viktor P. Mozolin worked at the Faculty of Law of the RUDN University from 1971 to 1981 as the head of the department, dean and vice-rector. From 1981 to 1999, Viktor P. Mozolin was the chief researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he led the civil law sector. In 2000, at the invitation of O.E. Kutafin, Viktor P. Mozolin took charge of the Department of Civil and Family Law of Moscow State Law University. He prepared a brilliant assemblage of talented scientists, under his leadership doctoral and master’s theses were written, some of his students work at Kutafin University. He always took a lively interest in everything new and had an amazing ability to ‘light up’ his colleagues, students, postgraduate students, push them to new and interesting topics ‘on the cutting edge’. The range of Viktor Mozolin’s academic interests was truly immense, he looked into corporate law as well as law of obligations, law of things and intellectual property law. In 2011, under his editorship and the editorship of Professor A.I. Maslyaev, the first Russian textbook on civil law was published in the UK; it was translated into English and prepared for publication by Professor William E. Butler. 7

Viktor P. Mozolin died in 2015, he passed away immediately after his 90 th anniversary. Viktor P. Mozolin passed away, but he left behind contributions that remain relevant to this day. Ideas. Adherents. School of thought.


THE CONGRESS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Head of the Organizing Committee:

Elena E. Bogdanova , Doctor of Law, Acting Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).

Deputy Heads of the Organizing Committee : Dmitry E. Bogdanov , Doctor of Law, Editor-in-Chief of “Lex Russica” Journal, Head of Private Law Research and Educational Centre of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Elena A. Morgunova , PhD in Law, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).


PLENARY SESSION Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 9, Academic Council Hall Time of the session: 11:00 – 14:00

Moderators: – Elena E. Bogdanova , Head of the Congress Organizing Committee, Acting Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law; – Vadim E. Mantrov , Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of University of Latvia, Doctor of Law

11.00 -11.10 . - Opening of the International Congress


Vice-Rector of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law, Professor Vladimir N. Sinyukov

Acting Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law Elena E. Bogdanova

11.10 – 11.20 - Videofilm dedicated to the memory of V.P. Mozolin

11.20 – 14.00 Presentations :

11.20- 11.40 John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law, the Dickinson School of Law at Pennsylvania State University J.D. William E. Butler ‘Legal entities’ and ‘juridical persons’: confusion of concepts and comparative law

11.40 – 11.55 Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Civil Proceedings and Private International Law of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Doctor of Law Vitaliy V. Bezbakh

RUDN University: founder of the school of comparative law research in the field of private law


11 .55 - 12.10 Professor at the University of Naples Federico II, Doctor of Law Carlo Amatucci Corporate Social Responsibility and the Quest for Incorporating Stakeholders’ Interests in Directors Duties

12.10 – 12.25 Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University Doctor of Law Dmitry V. Lomakin Several liability of a legal entity: rule and exceptions in various legal systems

12.25 -12.40 Professor at China University of Political Science and Law, Deputy Chairman of the Research Institute of Russian Law at China University of Political Science and Law; Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China's Comparative Law Association, Doctor of Law Wang Zhi Hua

A way to codification of civil legislation in China 12.40 – 12.55 Professor at Schools of Law of Wuhan University (PRC) and Xinjiang University (PRC) PhD in Law Deng. Shemin A Study of Intellectual Property Law in the Process of China’s Civil Code Codification 12.55 – 13.05 Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial, Civil and Arbitration Proceedings at Perm State University Doctor of Law Olga A. Kuznetsova

Comparative law research method: from theory to civil practice

13.05– 13.15 Acting Head of the Civil Law, Civil and Arbitration Proceedings Sector, Chief Researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Professor of RAS Doctor of Law Larisa V. Sannikova

Collateral as a financial security instrument in the EU, USA and Russia


13.15 – 13.25 Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of University of Latvia, Doctor of Law Vadim E. Mantrov Regulation of insurance in EU member states

13.25 – 13.35 Head of the Department of Civil Law of Polotsk State University (Belarus), PhD in Law Vladimir A. Bogonenko Integration of new institutions in the civil law of the Republic of Belarus

13.35 - 13.45 Professor of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law Dmitry E. Bogdanov Socialization of civil liability in Russian and foreign law: civil postmodernity

13.45- 13.55 Professor of the Department of Competition Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law Mariya A. Egorova Contemporary issues of the development of law in Russia and France

13.55 – 14.00 – Presentation of a textbook on civil law, Part One in two volumes, edited by E.E. Bogdanova. The discussion will be attended by:

Marina N. Maleina, Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law; Vladimir L. Slesarev , Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law; Andrey E. Sherstobitov, Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Arkady V. Mayfat, Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Ural State Law University, Doctor of Law; Olga A. Ruzakova , Deputy Chief of Staff of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation, Doctor of Law

Viktor G. Anishchenko, Deputy General Director of the Legal Assistance to Business Consulting Group, PhD in Law;


Nadezhda N. Agafonova , Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law;

Tamara V. Bogacheva, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Leyla T. Ibadova, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Anatoliy P. Gorelik, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Civil Law Disciplines at University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law;

Anna V. Kachalova , Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law;

Viktoriya D. Kravets, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law;

Elena V. Oleynik , Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law;

Vera I. Soldatova , Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law;

Svetlana E. Lyakhovetskaya , Attorney of the Moscow City Bar Association “The Force of Law”;

Igor V. Ryzhikh , Associate Professor of Department of Civil Law Disciplines at University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law;

Dmitry G. Tkachenko , Lawyer;

Andrey Yu. Petrakov , Lecturer of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL);

Grigoriy S. Likholatov , master's student of the Faculty of Law at Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar;

as well as participants (speakers and moderators) of the Congress sections and creative workshops, postgraduate students of Kutafin University.



“CORPORATE LAW AND LAW OF OBLIGATIONS” SECTION Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 9, Academic Council Hall Time of the session: 15:00 – 17:40

Moderators: – Dmitry E. Bogdanov , Deputy Head of the Congress Organizing Committee, Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law – Irina Z. Ayusheeva , Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), , PhD in Law


1. Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law at Russian State University of Justice, Doctor of Law Vladimir V. Kulakov Equity and the reform of Russian law of obligations

2. Head of the Department of Civil Law at the Southwest State University, Doctor of Law Varvara V. Bogdan Major fault of goods (work, service): issues of theory and law enforcement practice

3. Head of the Department of Private Law Disciplines of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law Olga A. Belyaeva Public procurement: current trends in comparative legal studies 4. Head of the Congress Organizing Committee, Acting Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law Elena E. Bogdanova

Limits of state intervention in the private life of citizens in regulating the use of assisted reproductive technologies

5. Legal Development Line Manager at the Center for Strategic Research Foundation Maksim Bashkatov

Escrow accounts in a comparative legal perspective 6. Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Anatoliy N. Besedin

Issues of corporate law in the works of V.P. Mozolin 14

7. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil and Entrepreneurial Law at All-Russian State University of Justice (Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), Natalya A. Kazakova Specifics of selling equity share in charter capital to certain types of buyers 8. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Alla V. Dobrovinskaya Reducing the size of penalty as a way to implement the principle of equity in civil law 9. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, PhD in Law Aynur G. Demieva Compliance as a new instrument for contractual regulation of economic relations 10. Associate Professor of the Department of General and Cross-Sectoral Legal Disciplines at Faculty of Law of National Research University Higher School of Economics PhD in Law Vladimir P. Vaskevich Borrowing the norms of ‘soft law’ in contractual regulation of a sportsman's professional occupation 11. Senior Researcher of Comparative Law Department at Russian State University of Justice, Docent, PhD in Law Mariya S. Sinyavskaya Scientific heritage of Professor V.P. Mozolin and contemporary issues of comparative contract law 12. Expert of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation, Assistant of the Graduate School of State Audit at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Visiting Lecturer of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, Ilya I. Zikun Synallagmatic angles in the light of transactional unity doctrine 13. Doctoral Student at the University of Turin, the Center for Strategic Research Foundation Rimma A. Chichakyan Synallagmatic relationship in a loan through the lens of consensuality and reality 14. Associate Professor of Department of Civil Law Disciplines at Faculty of Law, Volgograd Institute of Management – Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, PhD in Law Elena N. Agibalova obligations in the mechanism of civil law regulation: сontemporary issues and areas for improvement 15

15. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Irina Z. Ayusheeva Civil law community in a sharing economy The study was made under the sponsorship of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of research project No.18-29-16054. 16. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Larisa K. Ostrikova Some issues of parties involved in tort obligations 17. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law of Saratov State Law Academy Olga S. Alferova Legal nature of a car sharing agreement 18. Senior Lecturer of the Department of the English language No. 8, Applicant to the Department of International Private and Civil Law named after S.N. Lebedev at the Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations under Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sofya V. Kraeva Conflict-of- regulation of noncontractual obligations (comparative study on the case of RF, USA and ) 19. 3rd year postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State University of Economics Yaroslav S. Sviridov Recovery of damages from persons included in the management bodies of business entities when making interested party deals: comparative legal analysis 20. Postgraduate Student of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law at Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University Olga I. Gentovt Limitation of a shareholder’s right to information: comparative legal aspect 21. Postgraduate Student at Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Centre for Asian Legal Studies in China, Assistant Researcher Sun Qi Risks associated with legalization of civil law as part of the corporate law reform 22. Postgraduate student of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Sanat N. Zhilkibaev

Comparative analysis of legal regulation of foreign investments in Russia and China



“LAW OF THINGS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW” SECTION Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 9, Dissertation Hall (6th Floor)

Moderators: – Tatyana V. Soyfer , Professor of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law – Elena A. Morgunova , Deputy Head of the Congress Organizing Committee, Deputy Head of the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Docent, PhD in Law


1. Professor of the Faculty of Law of National Research University Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Law Irina A. Emelkina Contemporary issues of comparative analysis of foreign legislation norms on law of things

2. Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Doctor of Law Evgeniy V. Bogdanov Problems of applying a complex structure model of property rights

3. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law at Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Olga A. Dyuzheva Classification of matrimonial property regimes: what can be borrowed by the Russian legislator

4. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Docent, PhD in Law Anna A. Eliseeva Matrimonial property in the modern world: legal models 5. Head of the Department of Civil Law at Faculty of Law of Kazan Federal University, Docent, PhD in Law Kamil M. Arslanov

On the relationship of Russian and German experience in civil law regulation: history and nowadays

6. Associate Professor of the Department of Land Law at State University of Land Management, PhD in Law Vitaliy V. Nakhratov Land ownership in the modern world 18

7. Associate Professor of the Department of State Law Disciplines at the Institute of Law and Management of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, PhD in Law Elena V. Knyazeva The rights of residential property owner’s family members according to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus

8. Associate Professor of the Department of Banking Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Yuliya V. Lysova Current issues of protecting the title to real property

9. Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Goar S. Matsakyan Specifics of protection of real estate rights by vindication in continental law

10. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Anna G. Malinova Specific features of the use of the terms ‘rights’, ‘freedom’, ‘interests’ in fundametal laws and civil legislation of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China: comparative legal analysis

11. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Associate Professor of Notary Department at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Boris A. Bulaevskiy Inheritance models and cross-border inheritance

12. Principal Researcher at Russian State University of Justice, PhD in Law Natalya V. Buzova Related Rights in Russia and

13. Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Russian State University of Justice, Docent, PhD in Law Galina N. Chernichkina On the development and formation of the concepts of intellectual property and intellectual rights in modern civil law

14. Head of research area on theoretical and practical issues of intellectual property judicial protection at Justice Research Center, employee of the Russian State University of Justice, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Marina M. Karelina Concept of compensation for violation of rights to intellectual property objects in the system of continental and


15. Associate Professor of the Department of Information Law and Digital Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Docent, PhD in Law Olga V. Sushkova Artificial intelligence and intellectual property: the problem of ownership of copyright and patent rights on objects created using artificial intelligence

16. Legal Director of Parma-Telecom LLC, postgraduate student of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation Liya V. Sagdeeva Limitations and encumbrances of property rights and exclusive rights 17. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Elena A. Morgunova

Works and performances as objects of legal protection under Russian law and the laws of some European countries


“OBJECTS AND SUBJECTS OF CIVIL LAW” SECTION Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 9, Hall No.4

Moderators : – Vladimir L. Slesarev , Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Doctor of Law, Professor – Dina A. Belova, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Docent, PhD in Law


1. Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law at Faculty of Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Law Yuliya S. Kharitonova

A contemporary view of digital law in Russia and abroad 2. Head of the Department of Entrepreneurial, Labor and Corporate Law at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Law Yuliya G. Leskova Subjects of social entrepreneurship: comparative legal characteristic of foreign and Russian legislation 3. Associate Professor of the Russian Customs Academy Doctor of Law Sergey A. Dekhanov Law chambers in Western Europe: a comparative legal characteristic 4. Associate Professor, Deputy Head for Research of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Natalya P. Voronina Models of legislative regulation of the creation and activities of agricultural cooperatives 5. Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial Law at Law Institute of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, PhD in Law Olga V. Popova Public-private partnership: limits of use and opportunities for agriculture 6. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Russian State University of Justice, PhD in Law Alla P. Adamenko Peasant (farm) household as a form of corporation 7. Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Elena V. Elnikova Legal forms of peasant (farm) household in the legislation of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan 21

8. Lead Advisor of the Staff of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law Natalya N. Peturova Main development trends of the institution of guardianship in relation to adults in Russia, France and Switzerland 9. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Semyon A. Somenkov Prospects for the legal personality of artificial intelligence 10. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings, Director of the Centre for Legal Studies of High Technologies at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, PhD in Law Olesya V. Belaya Transformation of the objects of civil law rights institution at the present stage 11. Lecturer of Department of Intellectual Property at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Oleg A. Polezhaev Civil law risks of civil circulation objects digitalization 12. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Docent, PhD in Law Dina A. Belova Issues of legal protection of the unborn in Russia and abroad 13. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Oleg S. Grin Regulation of complex property relations under digital technology's evolution 14. Postgraduate student of Department of Civil Law at Kuban State University Ilya Y. Pashchenko

Civil law in the epoch of digitalization: new directions and first deliverables 15. Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Irina Y. Ilyina Trends in the development of legislation on line and tramp bills of lading in Russia and the UK 16. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), PhD in Law Irina A. Grebenkina Legal analysis of novel legislations on real estate as an object of civil rights 17. Postgraduate student of Russian State University of Justice Vladislavа A. Chirkova 22

Peasant (farm) household in the system of legal entities