Public Review Draft Housing Element Constraints and Resources | Public Review

As part Housing Element Update, the City is releasing administrative draft versions of each section of the Element to provide the public with a chance to review and discuss with other stakeholders and City staff.

If you have any questions or have suggestions for corrections or additional information, please contact the City of Dana Point, Belinda Deines, Principal Planner, at (949) 248-3570 or [email protected].

Additional sections of the draft Housing Element will be released throughout the Spring for public review and discussion. A complete draft that combines all sections of the Housing Element will be released in early June 2021 prior to the City’s submittal to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for review and certification.

May 2021

Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Table H Ta Table H L Residential Land Resources Housing Constraints Contents of Table ist of Tables ist of ble H ble Governmental Constraints Vacant Underutilized and Land Planned/Entitled Residential Development Regional Housing Needs Assessment Non ------13 Summary Residential of Development Capacity 2021 12 Vacant &Underutilized Land Potential 11 Planned/entitled Housing Projects 1 9 Planning Application Fees inDana Point 8 Application Processing Timeline in Dana Point 7 Units inand Within 3 Miles o 6 Density Bonuses for Projects with Income- 5 Required Parking Stalls by Use in Dana Point 4 Residential Zone Development Standards inDana Point 3 Permitted Residential Uses by District inDana Point 2 Z 1 Dana Point General Plan Residential UseLand Categories 0 Residential Development Fees for Sample Projects inDana Point - Governmental Constraints oning for aVariety of Housing Types inDana Point Accessory Dwelling Units Underutilized Land Vacant Land n Allocatio –2029 RHNA 2021 Financing ofCost Price of Land Infrastructure Constraints Environmental Constraints Development Fees Local Processing Permit and Procedures ImprovementsSite Codes Code and Enforcement UseLand Controls

...... Public Review Public

...... 31

...... 38

...... 28

...... 32 D

ana ana

...... 24 ......

...... 20

...... 39

...... 29

P Draf o int ...... 35

...... 26

...... 41 the Coa f the t

...... 27

Hou ...... 26

...... 32

...... 32 sing Ele

...... stal Zone 1989 G

e ...... 33

...... n

...... 20 m eral restricted Housing

...... 21 ent




lan | May

...... –2020 Dana Point in –2029 20

...... 21







43 35 33 24 13 25 14 23 19 7 6 2 5 1 1 1

H Figure H Figure H Figure H Figure H Figure H Figure L ist of Figures ist of ------6 Past &Projected ADU Perm 5 Underutilized Sites 4 Vacant Sites 3 Planned/Entitled Sites 2 Item Line Construction Cost 2008 1 Hard Construction Cost per Square Foot 2008

Public Review Public

...... D ana ana


P Draf o int int it Activity t


–20 sing Ele

...... 18 G e

...... n m eral ent

– P

2018 lan | May

...... 20 21

30 37 36 42 34 30

pa c of mix t Communit The acre. summary o summary Community Facilities land use designation allows mix residential designatio multifamily City the throughout uses development. The l lawState requirescity each to havea P General guide the location, distribution, density, and design of all development within the City. L Land Use Controls Governmental constraints Governmental Housing Con and rentaland housing opportunities. The program These ot Housing e therefore not addressed inthis document. governmental c development. Although federal state agencies and play arole in he he a • • • • • her actions imposed by th nd i red with the Dana Point Town Center zoning Plan Commercial/Main Street of commercial

Fees and other exactions Local processing and improvemeSite nts Build useLand controls ( use controls provided by the l provided controls use use use ommercial leme lan Land Use Element Land lan categ ing codes and their enforcement f th

housing e nt l y Commercial Commercia and onstraints, these agencies are beyond the infl general ories allow for avariety of housing types to accommodate arange owner of aw requires ananalys Co

and and residential uses at maximum and and residentialand uses atdensities reaching overunits per 30 acre

a ns permit housing atmaximum Public Review Public nd mixe nd nstraints u plan landuses i

str l se se and u , with, land use

permit procedures are policies, development regulations, stand e various levelse government of on landand e lement and Commerciaand l/Resid aints

D se e se d ana ana - use use

and and lement z and

P Draft Housi Draft identifies the location, distribu g oint ener dev u

s p se se is of the following governmental factors:


al categories e rovided in Table H lement of the City’s General PlanZ and City’s the of lement

p - l/ 1

lan lan - Residential ng

oning) that G

E provided by the General Plan Land Use e . lement lement also also

n at avar W ential densities

eral densities establishes designating

heni pa housing housing


lan | uence of local governmen local of uence l land use desi and useand designations allow f iety May red with Doheny Village zoning -

of 10 to 10to of 1. betw

of d of up to 30 to up units per acre. 2021 policy guidelines for future

single tion, and density of land een

housing ownership and ensities

ards, requirements ards, 5 0 units per

g 3. the imposition of nations famil 5 30 and units per .

y residential, Conventional oning C allow

acre t and aret and


. for a a for

or a a or T ode ode ,

he he

or or A ,

Planned developmentstandards for The substantially increase housing costs. Restrictive zoning standards, densities reduce land density, lot area, yard setbacks, and minim Zoning regulations control development by establishing requirements related to height, Zoning facilitate: Elem Community Commercial Community Residential 22 Residential 14 Res Res Residential 0 Designation Commercial Commercial • • • • •

City’s Zoning Code regulates c idential idential 3.5 idential ent establishes five goals Protection o Preservation of natural resources Directing growthmaintain and to imp Compatibility and enhancemen t among landuses Balanced development in Dana Point Code

Residential Development (PR


– – Main Street 14 3.5 – –

– 30 22 7 idential

f resident-

cost per unit and thus facilitate the development of affordable housing.

Public Review Public

GENE commercial retail or office uses. office or retail commercial A the that serve the surrounding A blend of that A blend of . Prima apartmen a Primarily apartments. attache Primarily duplexes, cond Primari Primarily detached single Description and h and development d evelopment s residential, mixed use, andnumerou other zones. Additionally, combination of of combination serving landuses Doheny serve a community a serve high high as such RAL PLAN PLAN RAL i D r gh ily attached single ana ana f ly d ly or futureor landdevelopment w er ommunity d ommunity t s. retail, professional retail, professional retail,

ttached single ttached etached and attached single density and m and density

Village area. P

Draft Housi Draft

s s oint

D) overlay zone ensures new that developmen are are o

miniums TABLE H TABLE d residential deve ted in ted permit ted permit


number of parking spaces rove the quality of life

- u 2 - evelopment uses by establishin allowable g and

m parking spaces. parking m wide areawide . - , - - - - ixed ng -

family h family home family multi and homes family and townhomes. and family homes. family neighborhoods neighborhoods G -

E in the Town Center and Doheny and Center Town the in 1

e office, and and office, and office, lement lement use re use

n the Town the

Hi eral lopment omes and and omes

gh High sidential er

P s and multifamilydwellings such as lan -

| density and m and density family homes homes family

densit service service

May Center and Doheny and Center

in thebuilding same parcel or as

in a a in multifamily dwellings such as as such dwellings multifamily

development ithin the City. Thesegoals y

m 2021

Higher re Higher - -

and m and oriented b oriented orie ain ain fami

and largeand setbacks nted business activities activities business nted s

. format treet tha - ixed ly dwellingsly such as - ixed t

may include s use use usiness activities activities usiness sid use residential


Village areas Village areas r ential zoning esidential ted in in ted permit

Medium Medium

t can be . .

can can a

Dana Point’s exclusively zones. residential care facilities change fromwhat is above the, Housing Element will language that refers Doheny the to Village zo zoning to be Vill D on Note ho allowed inthe Community F 30 30), (RMF exclusive of density bonus provisions. Residential Single Family ( 2 mixed development ex b production of affordableproduction housing. to assure quality development attractive and local residential areas without hindering the accminimum rental housing opportunities Zon indicates the specific housing typ summary description identifies the principal housing types permitted ineach zone. Ta A Transitional required inother zoningricts. dist contained in the Center District standard Development. The City furthers this affordability by not requiring special design and u muchcosts by as 30 as type They ar housing. t Overall, emerge section on transitional supportive and housing lo and re with law y compl state to Code uilt with similar summary description of each zone permitting residential uses is given inTable u age zo ing Code provides for avariety of housingtypes to accommodate a range of owner and sing or insi multi ngle i n -

use zo use t e ncy shelter he same zone. inthe stated As Housing Stra on on

s fors manufacture only he City’s devel n o ing isinpro still heny Village references the assessment of for needs homeless those and inneed of transitional or

housing and e nes

in place priorin place subj ptable do not do isting at the time incorporation. of the City’s Residentialin uses are permitte d ,

, m

D and specificand residential uses ect tothose .

ana Point Town C ore flexibore standard for develop

Public Review Public mirror the s the mirror —are opment standards are not consider

residential zones of rangemaximum from a 40%, accor –40%, support fami d h cess RSF 2) zon 2) RSF acilities district (CF). Add to , le standards (suchminimum as setbacksand lot size) as those of inclu

r ousing.

ly ly conditionally permitted incommercial industrial/permitted and conditionally

D es the Ho

ana ana and under rev garding zones. The e trictions that ive

provided i ame categories provided re allowed insome are f that s

The la The : A ds groups. Table dingH housing Table for groups. special needs

P Draft Housi Draft hous oint

s of s enter Plan ding to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban us e to 30 units per units e to 30

low barrier navigatio ing Element adoption d th nd use and development regulations for the Town ment within the City’s residential dis

ing are e publication of this use of manufactured home ofmanufactured use

- ning as ifning itis alread w 3

iew by the City a —includi - ng barrier

p permitted p and and G

ly to ly E t e egy section, lement lement n

eral be rev be itionally,City the allows manufact ured High density residential uses are also are more flexible than the standards

o n be navigation centers be can ac n t h

re Multiple inthe Residential Fami ly g P e lan uni room occupancy single |

r as aresidential u n Tabl ised. orm residential ineach zone. The residential dwel May . However, However, . n centers

ed aco ed t draft document, the Do he City willhe its update Zoning

eadline thereforand y inplace. Sho 2021 e H - nstraint to affordab 2 4

. Addit s can reduce ; these standards are unitsr pe acre inthe the City exp se se l ional discussion i tricts necessary n in Dana Point. gs of t of gs u found ld - 4 anything H business business lists the housing he same ec - ble H ble e u 2 ts ts

ts t ts in the hen . The The . and and ses ses he he se - le le 3 y

Th is page intentionally left blank. Public Review Public D ana ana

P Draft Housi Draft oint

- 4 - ng


E e lement lement n eral

P lan | May


Residential 3 Note: 1. 1. Note: Facilities Community Industrial / Visitor Commercial Community Co Professional/Admi Residential Comm Commercial/Residential Commercial/ Mix Residen Re Residential Density High Residential 7 Resi Density Medium Residential 0 Residential Density Low Residential 0 Lo Very Designation Plan General sidential 14 sidential mmercial, In mmercial, ed u - Use The City The nity Commercial Commercial nity tial 22 tial w


/ Density Residential Density /Commercial

Business – .5– – – Main Main 14 3.5 & 3.5 – – ’ s Zoning Code will be 22 30 7 dustrial, and

n Street n

istrative Commercial




Community Fac Community

amended to permit l permit to amended Community F Community Indust Visitor/Recreati Commerci Community C Professional/Residential Residential/Commercial Center Town Commercial/Resi Village Residential Multiple Fami Residential Multiple Fa Resident Residential Beach Resident Residential Duplex 1 Residential Beach Road Singl Residential Residentia Multip Residential Re Sin Residential Resid Residentia Distr Zoning ommunity Commercial/Pedestrian Commercial/Pedestrian ommunity sidential Single ential Single Family 3 rial/Business - Main Main ial Single Family 22 i al Multiple Family 14 ZONING ZONING l l Single Family 2 ilities S - ingle Family 8 Str ict acilities Mixed Use Mixed g eet le Family 4

on Commercial on e Fam ow barrier n barrier ow


Family 7 Road Duplex 18 le Family ential

Public Review Public 4


al/ ily m 12


ily 22 ily

18 V ly 30 ly 12




ana ana

P Draft Housi Draft oin (CF) (I/B) (V/RC) (CC/V) (CC/P) (P/R) (R/C) ( (C/R ( 30) (RMF 22) (RMF (R 18) (RBRD 14) (RMF 14) (RD 12) (RBR 12) (RSF 8) (RSF 7)(RMF 7) (RSF 4) (RSF 3) (RSF 2) (RSF T V t TABLE H TABLE C - SF 22)SF

MS - through through


& V






- C/ ng

implementation implementation R G

- ) E 2 eneral eneral

lement lement

10 to 10 30 Ma 0.5:1 0.5:1 0.5:1 0.6:1 2

30 10 18 30 22 22 18 14 14 12 12 & 50 8 7 7 4 3 2 P .5: x


du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ | 30 Density du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du du/ac 1 May


/ac du/ac

IN IN du/ac ac

related program in the City the in program related



Multifami Co Care Facility, Emergency Shelter, SRO Care Facility, Emerge Care Facility, Eme Mixed Mi Mixed Mixed Mixed Multif Multif Detached S Duplexes Multi Duplexes Detach Detached Si Detached Single Family Multif Detached Detached/Attached Single Fa Detached Detached Single Family Types Housing

mmuna xed f INT ami amily amily amily - - - - - Use Residential Use Residential Use Res Use Residential Use Residential ed Single Family

/Attached Single Family ly, ly Single l

ingle Family Housing, SRO Housing,

ngle Family

Sen idential

ior/Communal Family ’ rgenc s

Housing Stra nc . , SRO , , , L

L L L y Shelter, SRO y Shelter, SRO owBarrier Nav Center owBarrier Nav Center owBarrier Nav Center owBarrier Nav Center

, L mily ow Barrier Nav Center tegy. , L ow Barrier Nav Center

1 1 1 1



residential dwellings of th of dwellings residential 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Notes: Transitional Housing Housing Supportive Single RoomOccupancy Senior CitizenHousing Mobile Home Park Manufact Na Barrier Low Hom Group Home Employee Emergency Shelter Duplex Dwelling, Dwelling, Multipl Singl Dwelling, Facility Care Congregate Li Accessory Accessory Con C= A = Accessory Use Residential Use P= Permitted Use

In imple Upon use a When O S P Permitted Per Permitted ubject to special use standards use special to ubject rt rt pa as ermitted nly those mobilehome existence in as November of 1993 23, are

ac mitted the higher floors or and gro second on e Occupation cord

d itional Use itional Government Code Section 65583( Section Code Government with ance ured Home ured

in in exi an replace to right by Quart Dwe

mentation of mentation

operat ving Quarters ving In i In project. use mixed a

e Family e lling Unit lling v ers

of amixed of

Center e Famil e



(b by right) by

/ Subdiv /

Permit 9

as transitio as y rig 9

e same type in the same zone same the in type e same the related program in the City the in program related the





use project use


in Chapter 9 in Chapter nal or supportive housing supportive or nal sting sting


single Density C P A P P P C C P C P

5 5 V

Low Low

.07 of the Dana Point Municipal Code Municipal Point Dana the of .07

RSF 2 ery - family ng the Ac Mello when more und floor when C P A P C C P C P P P

5 5


. RSF 3 unit and subject t subject and unit )( Additionally, s Additionally, ’ 3 s PERMIT ) Housing Strategy, Low Density Low , C P A P P P C C P C P

transitional housin transitional

is is 5 5

propose RSF 4 t , new project C P A P P P C C P C P

5 5


d in a multifamily s a multifamily in d tha RSF 7 TED RESIDENTIAL USES o permitt the standards of the RSF 7 district or as part of amixed of part as or district 7 RSF the of standards the n 1 rtive housing shall b shall housing rtive C P P P C C P C P P P C P


5 5 s update will City he

30 fee from Doheny Park Road. Park Doheny from fee 30

residential un 11+residential with g and supportive housing are permitted are housing supportive and g RMF 7 Public Review Public ed



5 5 4

RSF 8 Medium Density Medium tructure, it is only allowed as part of a of as part allowed is only it tructure, C P P P P C C P C P

5 5

D e permitted by right in all zones all in right by e permitted RSF 12 its Zon its ana ana P P P P C C P C C P

5 its its

ing ing


Draft Housi Draft RBR 12 least least at reserve must District Overlay Coastal the in oin C ode to be consistent with state law. C P


5 5


RD 14


5 5

- a 6

(including th to those restrictions subject only (including and use aresidential s RMF 14 - ng




- wher

High Density High mixed E RBR 18 3 - eneral eneral use pr use lement lement

e P P P C P C P C C P

multifamily and mixed uses are permit are uses mixed and multifamily - G DISTRICT G 5

use project use

oj RSF 22 ect P

C P P P C C P C P P P C P lan

5 5 |

RMF 22 May


same same C P P P C C P C P P P C P

5 5

RMF 30 requirement requirement 2021

IN DANA POINT P P 10 A P P C C P C C C P 1 1,5

1 1 4 ,


percent percent C/R

P P A P P applie C C P C C C P 1 1,5

1 1 4 o ,7

f the uni the f P/R Mixed d ted

to conveto C C P P P P C C P


ts asts TC-MU -Use P P affordable units. affordable P P C C P P P P P C P n

6 5

tional multifamil tional


e t P P P P P P C P P C C P d require permit of ype 2

2 2 2 2 2 ,5


P P P P P P P C P 3

y). 3 3 3 3 ,5 R/C-18


CC/P Facilities ommunity ) Industr Co that applythat to other C C C

CC/V mmercial, mmercial, C C C

V/RC ial,

C &



(l) (k ( (i) (h) (g) (f) ( (d) (c) (b) (a) De j) e) )

velopment Standards (1) Standards velopment

building prima (between Buildin Minimum Minimum Landscape Coverag (Private) Space Open Minimum ROW line) to Adjacent Flag Lot and Cul Standard Lot Mi Flag Lot: Side Exterior In Mini access extensio Flag Lot line From Setback Mi (4) Height Maximum Minimu Coverage Lot Maximum Minimu Fla setb Cul Standard Width Lot Minimum ( Size: Lot Minimum terior Side terior nimum Front Yard Building Building Yard Front nimum nimum nimum g Lot (for access extension) access (for Lot g -

De ac mum Ultimate Ultimate RESIDENTIAL ZONE k line) - Sac Lot (a Sac Lot m Landm Area Per Unit Depth Lot m

s on the same lot) same the on s (5) (from co (from (6) Lot

Rear Yard Setback Side Yard Setback

Alley or Street

Public Street ROW n) ry and a and ry - d nnection with with nnection t front building building t front g

e Separation Separation Public Review Public - Sac L Sac 2)

(2) (2)

cce ot:

(from (from ssory ssory

(5) (5)

D e (3)




P Draft oint 17,500 sf 17,500 sf TABLE H TABLE 2

RSF 2 RSF 100 ft 28 ft/ 28

Housing Ele st 35% 25% 30% 20 ft 30 ft 70 ft 10 ft 20 ft 30 ft 30 ft 10 ft 15 ft 10 ft 10 ft 20 ories

ft 7

G - 4 e Residentia


ment ment 11,667 sf 12,000 sf 2 stories 2 25 ft (7) ft (7 25 RSF 3 RSF 28 ft/ 28 35% 25% 30% 80 ft 20 ft 50 ft 10 ft 30 ft 10 ft 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft 8 ft 8 ft 8

P lan


) May

l Z

oning Districts oning

IN DANAIN POINT 20 2 stories 2 8,750 sf 8,700 sf 21 RSF 4 RSF 28 ft/ 28 45% 25% 30 75 ft 20 ft 50 ft 25 ft 25 ft 10 ft 30 ft 10 ft 15 ft 10 ft 20 ft 5 ft 5 ft 5 (



2 stories 2 5,000 5,000 sf

RSF 7 RSF 28 ft/ 28 60% 25% 3 75 ft 20 ft 50 ft 25 ft 25 ft 10 ft 30 ft 10 ft 15 ft 10 ft 20 ft 5 ft 5 5 0%




(l) (k) ( (i) (h) (g) (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) (a) De j)

velopment Standards (1) Standards velopment

on the on buildings (between Separation Building Minimum Minimum Landscape Coverage Minim RO toAl Adjacent Flag Lot and Cul Standa Minimum Rear Yard Setback Flag Lot Side Exterior Inter Minimum Side Yard Setback extension) access co (from Lot Flag line: Fro Yard Front Minimum (4) Height Maximum Unit Per Area Land Minimum Ma Depth Lot Minimum Fl line) Cul Standard Lot Minimum (2) Size: Lot Minimum ag Lot (for access extensi access (for Lot ag W line)W ximum Lot Coverage Lot ximum - m Ultimate Publ m Ultimate d

ior Side ior e RESIDENTIAL ZONE um um - rd Lot rd S

a (6) c primary and access Open S Open Width Lot

Lot (at front setback front setback (at Lot

ley or Street -

s de nnect pace (Private)

ame lot) ame Public Review Public - ic Sac Lot

(2) (2)

Setback Street ROW

ion with ion with

(fro on)

(5) (5)

ory ory

D (3) (5)

m -



P Draft oint 80 4 4 28 ft/ 28 stories RSF 8 RSF TABLE H TABLE , , 60% 25% 0 s 7 20 ft 30 ft 4 10 ft 15 2 2 10 ft 10 ft 20 ft 375 8 5 ft 5 ft 5

0 ft 0 5 5 ft 5 ft 5 Housing Ele 00 sf

f ft f / t

sf 2



G - 2,917 sf 3,000 sf RSF 12 RSF 28 ft/ 28 stories 4 e 60% 25% 60 ft 20 ft 40 ft 15 ft 15 ft 10 ft 30 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 20 ft N/A Residentia 5 ft 5 ft 5


ment ment


P lan | 10% (11) 20 f 2 stories stories 2 RBR 12 May 2,917 sf 4,200 sf l Z 28 ft/ 28

3. 3.5 ft 50 ft 10 ft 45 ft 10 ft N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 (9) (9) (9) (8) t ( 5 f oning Districts oning


t 20


RBRD 18 RBRD 10% ( 20 ft (10) 2 stories stories 2 1,945 sf 4 28 ft/ 28 ,80 3. 3.5 ft 50 ft 10 ft 45 ft 10 ft N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 ft 5 (9) (9) (9) (8) 5

0 sf ft 11)

15 % 100 sf 31 3 5 R/C 10 ,000 sf stories 40% 10 ft 50 ft 15 ft 10 ft N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - 5 ft 5 ft 5 5 ft 5 35 ft/ ft/ 35 0 f

- (12) 18 /



(l) (k) (j) (i) (h) (g (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) (a De ) )

velopment Standards (1) Standards velopment

buildings on the same lot) same the on buildings (between primary and acces Building Minimum Minimum Landscape Coverage Com Private Common) Minimum ROW line) to Adjacent Flag Lot and Cul Standard Lot Minimum Flag Lot Si Exterior Side Interior Yard Side Minimum extension) access co (from Lot Flag li Ultimate From Setback Yard Front Minimum (4) Height Maximum Unit Per Area Land Minimum Coverage Lot Maximum Min Flag Lot (for acce line) Cul Standard Lot Width Lot Minimum Mini ne: - im d

mon L mum

e RESIDENTIAL ZONE um Lot Depth Lot um -


ac Lot (at front (at Lot ac (6)

Open Space( Rea

de ot

Alley or Street (from (from Street or Alley

r Yard Size

Pu - de nnection with with nnection s

blic S blic

s extension s (2) Sep Public Review Public - Sac Lot

Setbac (2) Setback (2)

Priva aration aration treet ROW treet

setback setback


te and

sory sory (5) (5

) D (3) (5)

ana )


P Draft oint TABLE H TABLE

Housing Ele 250 sf 2 stories 2 1,591 sf 2,000 sf RSF 22 RSF 28 ft/ 28 None 7.5 ft 7.5 ft 7.5 ft 7.5 ft 7.5 ft 60% 20% 5 25 ft 4 N/A 8 ft 8 ft 4 4 f ft 4 0 f ft 0 9

t /du t

G -

4 e Residentia


ment ment

P lan | 20 2 stories 2 May 2,500 sf 5,000 sf l Z RD 14 RD % net net % 100

28 ft/ 28 50% 15% 25 ft 45 ft 15 f 15 ft 1 10 ft 15 ft 20 ft 30 ft 10 ft N 4 ft 4 ft 4 0 ft 0 oning Districts oning /A





30% net ac 30% net 400 sf/du 15,000 sf 2 stories 2 5,000 sf RMF 7 RMF 100 28 ft/ 28 50% 25% 25 ft 60 ft 15 ft 15 ft 10 ft 20 10 ft 15 ft 30 ft 10 ft 5 ft 5

ft ft ft

( (k) ( (i) (h) (g) (f) (e) (d) (c) ( (a) De l) j) b)

velopment Standards (1) Standards velopment

buildings on buildings (betw Separation Building Minimum Minimu Common P Common) Minimum ROW line) t Adjacent Flag Lot and Cul Standard Lot Minimum Rear Yard Setback Flag Lo Side Exterior Side Interior Minimum Side Yard Setback extension) access c (from Lot Flag line From Yard Front Minimum (4) Height Maximum Minimum Land Area Per Maximum Dept Lot Minimum Flag Lot (for acc line) Cul Standard Lot Width Lot Minimum Size Lot Minimum riv -

De ate

een primary and acces Ulti RESIDENTIAL ZONE -

t S m Landscapem Coverage

(6) ac Lot (at front setback setback front (at Lot ac

mate Public Stree Public mate

o Ope


Alley or Street (from (from Street or Alley


he s he

n Coverage o Spac - ess extension) ess d nnection with with nnection

ame lot) ame

e (2) h Public Review Public - Sac Lot

(2) e (2)




t R


(5) (5)

e and

D (3) OW OW (5

ana y



P Draft oint 30% net ac 30% net 200 TABLE H TABLE RMF 14 RMF 2,600 sf 7, 28 ft/ 2 2 ft/ 28 stories


Housing Ele 60% 25% 25 ft 25 ft 45 10 ft 10 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft 10 f 15 ft 20 ft 50 5 ft 5 sf/du 0

0 sf ft ft 10 ft t

G - 4 e Residentia


25% net ac 25% net ment ment 200 sf/du RMF 2 RMF 1,591 sf 4,800 s 28 ft/2 stories 60% 20% 90 ft 25 ft 45 ft 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 25 ft 10 ft 15 ft 15 ft 20 ft N/A

P lan |

2 f


l Z

oning Districts oning

IN DANAIN POINT 20 20% net ac 20% net 100 sf RMF 30 RMF 1,167 sf 4,800 s 28 ft/2 21 stories 60% 15% 9 25 45 ft 20 ft 1 15 f 15 ft 25 ft 10 ft 15 ft 15 ft 20 ft N/A 0 ft 0 5 f

ft / t t

du f

31 200 sf/du 4,800 sf

25% ac st - 60% 20% 90 f 25 ft 25 ft 45 ft 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft 10 ft 20 ft 10 15 ft 15 ft N/A 35 ft/3 ories CF



(l) (l) ( (k) (i) (h) ( Residenti Maximum (f) ( (d) (c) (b) (a) De l) g e ) )

velopment Standards (1) Standards velopment

O buildings on the same lot) same the on buildings (between primary and acces Separation Building Minimum Minimu Ad Standard Lot Yard Rear Minimum Street Inter Minimum Side Yard Setback District Residential U line From Yard Front Minimum Height Maximum L Maximum Dept Lot Minimum Width Lot Minimum Size: Lot Minimum pen Space pen jacent t jacent

ior Side ior Ultimate Public Street R Street Public Ultimate RESIDENTIAL ZONE Side

m Landscapem Coverage o

ot Covera ot ( Alley or Street


ses ses esidential Adj

al Density h ( Public Review Public 13

acent toV acent ( Setback ( ge 13 Setba 13 )

uses uses ) )

ck ck sor

only) D O


ana C (15) W W y


P Draft oint 30 du/ac; 50 du/ac for lots lots for 50 du/ac 30 du/ac; TABLE H TABLE

south of Victoria ( Victoria of south Housing Ele greater than or Vict 35

11 - 100 sf/du 50 ft north of north ft 50 3

2 100 ft ,500 sf V stories ia; 35 ia; 8 25 ft N/A 5% 5 6 0 0 0 0 G - - 0%

CR 4

ft ft ft ft f ft e t Residentia


ment ment - 10 ac 40 ft



lan ) |

May l Z

oning Districts oning

IN DANAIN POINT 20 10 du/ac south of Victoria; Victoria; of south du/ac 10 100 ft from Victoria Blvd Victoria from ft 100 21 35

- 50 ft from alley; alley; from ft 50 40 ft ( 40 100 sf/du 30 du/ac 4,800 s 12 V 8 40 ft 5 14 0 f 5 ft 0 ft 0 0 ft 0 6 - 0% MS % 0 ft 0

ft ft t ) 3 stories 3 )


density D reports id Circulation Oversight Task Force to inform the City Council of and The perm affordable housing,City the maintains redu such as grannyf under state law type amount ofarea available lot for housing. O Parking requirements the City in Dana of Parking Requirements range ana Point. entify and parking circula and ti on solutions inDana Point De (11) (10) (9) (7) (8) (6) (5 (4) (3 (2) (15) (13) ( ( Source: Dan (14) 12) 1) Cit ) ) velopment Standards (1) Standards velopment

and numbeand r of or bedrooms its

11/26/96; amended during 8/99 supplement) five (5)fee (Added by Ord. (Added te of minimum A See Se Additional rea Additional compliance with to propertiesto on Beach Setb 3 (FP Overlay Plain Flood For RBR 12 and RBRD 18, maximum build of ten (10 ten of If the side yard of a flag lot is adjacent zon to the rear residentially a yard of front, front, For existing lots less than fifty (50) feet wide and/or le Subject to the measurement and design crit design and measurement the to Subject unit =unit dwel 5.7 Land Area per Dwelli is Development standard appliesany to See Chapter9.75 plan a Co a when necessary to accommodate the parcel configurationfor an developm A A decrease in landscape Development standard applies to proposed subdivisions of land. The standards may be waived Structures greater than 35 feet shall be subject to Planning Commission approval of a Site y pre y . dec shared parking between adjoining r County.

bonus bonus

Table H ndi ac .

rease in landscape coverag side, ction 9.0 ction k for the first floor as measured a RESIDENTIAL ZONE tional Use Permit pursuant to

pared aParking Implementation Plan in 2019 PointMunicipal Code, Chapter9. Additionally, ) feet.) ent standards pursuant to Section 9.14

t into the required front yard setback. yard front required the t into and rear building due to

. from setback building yard r pro lat

ling units units ling 9.040(a) for special b P -

9 5 summarizes the current parking standards for residential development n (10)percent of thatpor arking facilities are 3 t of the Dana Point Municipal defi Code for posedorproposed to condominiums orother commonlot subdivi he he - s, seconds, units 1 6, 6, 11/23/93; amended by Ord. 94 applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code. ng Unit may not be rounded up. (Example: 14,250 square feet/

Road. t Public Review Public

clusion of aff he inclusion co wh - 3) re 3) verage may be permitted with a minor Site Development Permit ich equals 5 dwelling units, not units, dwelling 5 equals ich

set residential quirement Beach or Road

backs. e may be permitted with a Site Develop uilding setbacks and standards for maximum projections into requiredyards applicable D

Chapter 9.65 Chapter proposed subdivisionla of

ana fro


and seni and 09 m the right the m un ing height is twenty is height ing tion of the lot area bo a bluff t bluff a eriaS in

. P

Draft its. Someits. uses, however, require fewe oint . (stand required to located be on


. 40(c) Parkingrelate the requirements housing to generally TABLE H TABLE op

ordabl ection 9.05.110(a). Point are simil

- Housing Ele

of or housing facilities. may be required Sectionby 9.27.0 - ss than one hundred (100) f ced parking standards for these 09, 5/24/94;09, Ord. 94 -

way line of Beach Road. The second floor may pr a m oject - , w

es alone 12 nitions a

6 hich alidenti and commercial uses.

dw e housing

- eight (2 eight unded by thesi de ever is higher. Mezzanin

elling units) elling nd. These do standards not G integrated commercial dev - 4 e or mixed nd illustrations of de of nd illustrations Residentia


ment ment 8) 8)


feet as measured ei ar ar nt Permit with an approved landsc ed lot, that side yard setback shall be a minimum

- . to direct Cityto staff and P ar 21, 12/13

to those by other imposed cities in lan | e eligible for parking r - May

use) use) property lines l Z eet deep, see Section 9.05.

sions. 2,500 square feet of land p To facilitate the production of oning Districts oning

the same lot IN DANAIN POINT /94; Ord. standards. velopment esmay be 30. 20 p

Development Permit and special

roje including an approved landscape fe el apply to ex to apply 21 ghteen (18) inches above the opment subject to approval of

r recom r

through by the Planning Commission Commission Planning the by

. 96

cts t cts al - 10, 8/13/96;10, Ord. lowed subject to uses. ing spaces,r park is hat qualify for a ting lots where no

and and mendations

annual a Parking and 190 for red 190

a Th er dwelling er pe pe

reduc educ plan. aximum of e City also 96

statu uc - tions e 13, ed ed

the the

to to in in s

Senior Congregate Senior Complex H Citizen Senior Con Single Age A 50’ Duplex on lot less Duplex (including units family Multi Multifamily A H Mobile Single wide and 100 feet d lots than (less 50 feet narrow or shallow on Singl Singl Single Use More than 3 bedrooms 3 than More bedro 3 2 1 6 to Up ccessory Dwelling Unit ccessory Dwelling Unit

be b b ed edrooms wide valesc

- dro Restricted or Special Needs Housing Needs Special or Restricted e e - room or less or room - - 5 - o attached family, family, detached family, detached:


r bedrooms oms om

ome Multiple Family ent Hospital ent timeshares

ly and more and


ousing ousing

than than


Public Review Public

cannot be required required be cannot or Two f minor Site Development Permit provide requirement for the additional stall may bewaived with the approval of a 4 2. 1. C Stalls per Unit: Pursuant No parkin 1 covered and assigne p 2 assigne The garage must 2 assig 2 as 2 stalls 2 stalls Numbe Required reflect presence of special transpor 1.25 stal ma resident for the 1 covered and assigned stall, plus for e stall 1 Same a Pursuant No parking r CUP minor a of approval ( one and dwelling unit; and one (1) c cannot be required required be cannot in lus 0.3 visitor stall unassigned p - overed 2.0 2. 1.0 1.0

car gara car

Covered stalls shall be Plus 0.5 Plus dings detailed in Section 9.71.050. t 0 w signed and covered

(2) covered and assigned parking stalls within a garage per dwelling unit; o covered (2) and assigned parking stalls within agarage for ned and covered stalls with

s D i in agar n a ls ls single ana (1) d and covered parking stalls 1) uncover to California Government to California to g required required g

ge ge USE BY STALLS RKING uncovered stall per additional bedr per

very beds 4 plusparking for on

garage California Government Code Section 65852.2 Section Code Government California equired (with min 40'x20' 40'x20' min (with

P Draft

- unit (may be reduced to 0.67 stall per unit subject to subject unit per stall to0.67 reduced be (may unit

oint ag famil

Uncovered Uncovered be equi be e r of Stalls of r

TABLE H TABLE + nager if if

1 covered1 stall for every ed tandemed

y Housing Ele beyond that that beyond beyond that that beyond an existing garage is converted to an ADU an to converted is garage existing an an existing garage is converted to an ADU an to converted is garage existing an d sta and multiple family listed above 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5

stalls within agarageper dwelling; o 13

pped pped

by t by assigned; uncovered stalls shall not be assigned.

(2) ll, plus 0.5 visitor stall



he Planning Commission Planning he G er with with -

5 e interior f interior stall for the second dwelling unit, subject to the the to subject unit, dwelling second for the stall ed with and assignedstall parking

neral er er

which which Visitor 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 in in ment ment

a garage door openerand roll tation services tation Co dwelling unit. dwelling a garage (setbackto 5feet) 9 per dwelling.

guest guest within a garage or parking structure, parking or garage a within de Section 65852.2 Section de


is required required is is required required is loor spac loor

lan | d projectthe satisfies the required site employee housing employee site DANA P DANA May stall p

2 oom

bedrooms over over bedrooms 4 bedrooms

20 unassigned per dwelling unit. er dwellier e) and1 stall per duplex

/ in excess of 3. excess in other unique unique other for the primar the for fo 21 O . r the primar the r

INT , , replacement parking replacement parking n

g unit,plus 1 stall r

. .


- up up y resideny y resideny in in one (1) pect CUP a garage door. s

) to to


The The

ce ce . .

independent living facilities for one or more occup occupant single or multifamily persons suchpersons as students bsid su public (without throughout (AD 65852.2 In responsewo to the Accessory potential such concessions, affo Residentialprojects that the ma Coa Legi which density bonuses to As Density Bonus restricted housing. Any age 20% very 10% Note: Source: Low/ 1+ Categor stated stated >80% Low/ <2 >80% Low/ st rdab Us)

slation p Househol ry very acre Other p Other Mod major transit stop transit major al al mod within ½ within mod

- Se require jurisdictions to grant adensity b require ximum amount density of b restricted seniorhousing D . for very for Act merely because low l ctions 65400 and 65915 the of

ow trans ow ADUs are attached or detached structures that are constr ENSITY BONUSES FOR PROJECTS WITH I WITH PROJECTS FOR BONUSES ENSITY le h le of land ded Very Low Very erate ( streamlines ; junior A ; junior d y of Affo y of in rojects e rojects Lower

Units colleg ensity b Dwelling Unit R

the Housing Stra C ous d Income Income d assed in2018 cla al itional foster youth, disabled veterans

Con e s low


0% Mod 0% ntit ing would entitled be to a dens tudents tudents housingin dedicated for accreditedcolleges

rdable rdable do) -

ication ication

led to density bonus density to led mile of mile onuses (per state April law of as onuses as a as comply


rsening statewide rsening u and promoteand Public Review Public nit and provide complete indepen


recognize reduction

) deve and serve, and to meet the special are enclosed within the primary residence provide and partial or ad or restric

w Min % of Ba of % Min Reserved t Reserved

l (no affor (no park home mobile or opment it rec equiremen ith t California egy section, t D u rified that aproject cannot be

for Bonus

the la the ana include: lt childr lt t as little as five percent of the prop eives adensity bonus. Legi 100% 100% 10% 10% 10% that in parking requirements o 5% onus proje onus the permitting approval and u ofdwelling accessory

Government Code, P Draft o oint test changes inGovernmentchanges Section 65915 Code test

se Units


ADUs ADUs housing shortage, C , en just en en ts T

or homel or

ABLE ABLE Housing Ele

he City

14 cts receive could . ca onus onus ess ess

( n H %

as as

Min Bonus

G - 2021) tering the will p ity bonus and additional incentives and o Base Uni Base 6 in ex e No M No f ro


neral March March 15% 80% 20 20%

5% ment ment ant. vide housing atbelow market prices dabl updat % changefor income - ax

needs of the elderly

f tden living facilities for one or more e required) 2021 ts th ts projec or

P The alifornia ts) lan

| slation passed in20 workforce - e .


r setbacks


Density Bonus Density state and many jur A f

ound ound aff dded Zoning Code regula on tions p 20 ucted on the er +1% +1% er ordable Go 1.5% 2.5% 1% 1% 21 -- --

B nment Codever Section

at in os


. onu

. ed housinged


restricted ho corp s and low and

(% Base Uni Base (% orat

same lotsame as a Max Bonus Max 20 increased H No No - 6 50% 8 50% 50% 35% isdictions e inc


with the Ma - li , –65918 s as units income income sts thests

using. x ome

nits ts)


City y onl approve N P inaccordanceADUs with state law Since then, SRO pr Center projects TheDana City of Point Single Room Occupancy in of Cit The Each unit within an of the units may unrestr be verylow income 30% and of units the a the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title 24 provisions include standards and f enforcement auth Under the provisions of C Constraints Code Building ing remov study housing rel needs As notedinthe Housingr Pers fo 24- guided by a management unit. proj SRO 2 minimum size of each one- for every one every for including the req renter be must projects SRO occupied andAll contain proposed atleas laundromat. area. Laundry facilities may be deleted if the projec fa laundry o 50 square feet. rior to 2 to rior umerous amendmen umerous r construction. new Similar requirements to the of Federal Fair the Housing1998of Act an hour manager. w formational handouts

limited o To en To ill ill that oject to restricted be so that 50% y and Dohenyand Village area. inmultifamily residential, mixed amend e ADUs ADUs ect shall provide 0.4 secure bicycle s 017 constraints for housing persons to withdisabilities ncourage ciliti Suches. facilities may encl be the numb the sure that SRO projects remain maintained,and safe each SRO project must be found that several policies,

, - bjective

the City would receive person by right by es ass

the Zoning Code to

uire Each SRO project must provide full or parti provide must project SRO Each ated toated the accessibility of dwelling units ority f ority ons with Disabilities with ons


SRO projec

single sment er of app of er d onsi d

, unit development stand Public Review Public ts condi , eli or state accessibility laws regulations and

were to state were law alifornia Code of Regulations plan, which includes, among other things, a provision for anonsite,

minates or reduces impact fees, and requires - , improved, permit processing, lower fees,

person unit is 150 square feet. te family homeownersto construct second units stall for every two every for stall parking 0.8 and of of icted. t ionally per manager's u lications Special Needs Groups D t shal ana

The Zoning require Code s rates for rental the of units inan

. p

l furnished be with t chai abed, r, P rovide standards and procedures for Draft between oint has re to affordable personslow of income. Twenty percent

mits the developmen of the of regul

ards nit. Each SRO project shall provide 0.5 parking stalls shall project SRO Each nit. -

Housing Ele made ped to o ped jum use

osed tall 15 ations, and progations,and

. , u one

As As and commercialand distric n

in 2017 and 2017 in

f its inthe project are affordable to persons of or each unit excluding the onsi

stated in stated G

within and and , persons, with disabilities have anumber of e neral ment ment ver , three

Title 24, the City of Dana Point has the t is within 1,000 feet of an existing e

a do a

P A two A ach unit or lan ously conducted a a City. The previously conducted |

2020 2020 application ADU for s t of singl of t the Housing Stra May zen .

- rams rams

person unit.person In addition, each al kitchens, bathrooms - person eac that 20

w 21 support and o and able, able, hen evaluating req e h

provided inacommonprovided requir room occupancy ( occupancy room ts ye


, through its provision unit must be at least including the Town ar in20

t 10S t the and isdictions to apply the


t development of t

r resources . r resources egy section, telephone. jurisdictions to hese RO units, not te m te 1 s each year 9 and 2020. 2020. 9 and

needs anager uests , S

The The RO and and


b he 's d y ) .

finds: Local Coastal Program approve and the request for reasonable accommodation Coastal Program, the City maywaive compliance Where arequest for reasonable accommodation is not consistent with the certified Local is consistent with it the if certified Local City Coastal Program. the by approved be shall Section For housing located inthe coastal zone, areques stated The City Community Development Director. well and/or procedures of City, includes the and aprovision ofmarequest, assistanceking the as in rel to regard individuals In ad Reasona by homeowners seeking advice residents with the retrofitting of their homes. Preliminary onsite inspection can rebe quested equal ensure to necessary disabilities reasonable the role of the Certified Building Official. The City of Dana address the of needs disabled Amendments. The City has adopted the City to ensure safety adequate and ac construction rehabilitation; and however, suchandards are st the minimum neces disabled. Compliance with building codes and Title 24 may increase the cost o c onditio • • • • •

dition as f as with the certified Local Coas The requested reasonab building laws, The requested accommodation will not requirea fundamental alteration of the zoning or a The requested reasonable accommodation will not impose an undue financial or available to anindividual protected under the A The request for reasonable accommodation is necessary to make specific housing ( used by anindividual protected The housing, The

Act in the Mu dministrativeCity.the burden on ns to be applied to new developm ’ s ble Accommodatble or appealingor adetermination ) findings .

, ,

t or those on acting their behalf ief from various the landuse, zoning, or b he he

This code includes provisions the of Amer City’s Reasonable Accommodation O nicipal

which is the subject of the request fo requir policies and/or procedures of the City Public Review Public

ies, pr ies, polic rules, in accommodation Code ed California access ion Ordinance

to approve or deny arequest for 8.40 Re 8.40 (Chapter

le accommodation is co residents D ana on Building Cod Building on

t o l Program; and Program; tal

housing. Additionally, the City’s Building Department helps

P Building Draft und oint ce ,

ssibility for resid all

the City includes er regarding the reasonable accommodatio

, Housing Ele

to makerequeststo for

ent to ensu ent to the

16 Standards asonable Accommodat asonable Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act 19 of

e requirements wh w t for reasonable acc G ith anotherwise applicable provision of the

e rdinance neral nsistent, to the maximum extent feasible, ment ment ct. uilding laws, rules re r easonable accommodation, will be

icans withicans DisabilitiesAct. Code


full accessibilit P Point seeks to provide people with actices, pr and .

lan | ent May

reasonable accommodation as , provides provides

and the most recent Calif

reas s. or

20 d onable accommodationonable in en modifying their home. ination responsibilities to 21 om i on)

a process for disabled ocedures that may modation under this y for , poli ,

ci t h es, practiceses, e physically physically e sary fo sary

T if the Cityif the f housing f housing n to the o furth o ornia r the r the

88 be be er er ,

are as f projects oriented toward serving disabl and - off appropriate signage designating the stall "van accessible. foot always at an four of standard p handicapped par The parking, landscaping, and other development features. uses adjacent uses has been considered and the proposed use will not adversely affectcent adja consistency withinclude the zones con are ca costs. A public comment period request is not required for theest proponents flexibility inlocating perso fewer cedistan to one another. homes Group T service access for del commercial uses have and special requirements for employee park in any Commercial/ are permitted in any residential district w com The The therefore no C facilities or other facilitie s that serve the disabled. T Zoning Constraints Code h here maximu are no • • • • re facil er str

- congregate care facilities. munity care facil ; City permits variety awide uses ofst to assi Cit wide parking stall 8 and e are no speciale are regulations no restricting the

Senior Citizen Housing Complex: co 1 Convalescent Hospital subject to C Senior C dwelling u that would provid There feasible are no alternative means for anaccommodation providing at the property and thatand the . eet parking standar Typical Typical d six feet six widerd standard st than ollows: y’s y’s ditionally Residential c Residential persons. fewer or six for ity le Zoning ast one handicapped haveast stall, sha aminimumll dimension of 17 feet ns arking stalls increases. ongregat ity restrictions

findingsof approval ) nit, plusnit, 1 stall fo king stall; t stall; king U a


proposed s proposed re re P Code requires that all parking lots Re to r to ities, co ivery vehicles (e. currently currently m concent m Public Review Public sidential or Professional/Residential district. These uses ac e Care Facilities:e Care 1.25 stalls e greater consistency with the certified L eflect presence of special transportation services ds for u for ds

: he numb he

nvalescent facilities, and residential care facilities for the eld 1for stall every plus beds 4 parking for onsite employee h in all residential and mixed ite is adequately s on

General Plan; Re D - ana

ration requirements inthe Zoning for Code re permitted by right inany residential zone. allows This the number of nonrelated personsall

foot duced park such f such r t ses such as convalescent facil such ses

fo he resident manager.

P Draft Handicapped parking stalls are requ er er - r residential projects requiringditional use acon permit oint wide acces g., for d for g., acilities of required of

alls. ed or elderly person elderly or ed ( a

ny s ny ith a CUP.ith a

Housing Ele

One in every eight handicapped parking handicapped s eight every in One vered assig and

ing standards help reduce the cost of developing

that the nature, condition, 17 tate- eliveryfood of medical and equipment). without additional development or permitti ng additional without ofsiting senior ized to accommodate the necessary spac

are facilitiesare serving or seven residents more by 18 feet s 18 area by

per unit (mayper reduced.67 be to per stall unit G

handicapped stalls licensed resid


There is also no definiti of f on These u These and careand for the disabled neral ment ment

and s and " -

us P The lan | ses areses a s. ned stall,ned plus 0.5 e zones and several commercial May

The reduced ities tructures

care faccare Zo ential care or for fa six cility ocal Coastal Program ning 20 ablishme ,

senior housing complexes, lso permitted with aCUP 21 ing, visitor parking, and

increas owed per housing u deep) and shall and deep) have Code provides r provides Code ilities inrelationshipilities or

include at least one velopment de and ). ired to

parking standards

nt es as the number

of aresidential . guest stall per

sidential care Uses suchUses as by 18 feet ( 18 feetby be betwee be n t as uniq amily, and talls, and edu ousing .

e for for e erly erly ced ced nit. ue ue 9 of of -

t California Government Code Sections 65 pro Point Harbor, beache s, the coastal zone. A variety of land uses are in t 48%CityPoi thentis of inthe Dana of coastal zone ; Dana Point consists Coastal from those not from those permit records not did differentiate between h including b the City contracted withatleast private two firms to provideBuilding Divisio 2. 1. Coastal Zo d dev three A permit rec the coastal zone from 1998 Table permit records, and has GIS obtained services to provide higherls leve of service, maintain more precise building including hiringng aBuildi Official, Building Inspectors, Permit and Technicians. The In 2007, the City converted its Building Divis local The City 4. 3. ake into account any escribed indetail in the“ ccording to City records, records, ccording City to

viding over 1,900 hotel rooms and a 122- a and rooms hotel 1,900 over viding pment aselo part of th government entity fromgovernmententity the County Orange. of The nu The number of new housing units approved for constr that have required been for replacement. The number of residential dwelli The number of existing resi within three m requi 1982. January 1982. coastal zone that have b i miles of the coastal zone inDana Point H ncome households required either inthe coast -

Zone 7 of Dana Point incor

lists ne, including:ne, ord red to provided be innew h

uilding per mber of housingunits for persons familie and moderat ofs low and

annual summaries prov

units constructed demolished and inthe coastal w zone and inthe coastal zone.

es, of which 1,993 f 1,993 which of es, acr 4,134 of be iles. low Public Review Public mits, plan check, inspectio tter monito

parks, cons parks, - there are approximately 80 e Inventory of Income of Inventory or moder

South Co South through through por een authorized to be demolishe ord converted since January D ana uary 1, 1989, onated 1, uary Jan dential dwelling units occupied by low and moderate r residentialr activi coastalties inthe zone.

P Draft ervation areas, res ate- . The units The. were 2020 tabulated from availab v oint e ng units for low moderate and income households ided to theided e Department Stat of Finance ousing developments either in

housi income 588 65590 and require the Housing Element to

Housing Ele

as of 2021, with one more al 18 space campgroundspace atDoheny Beach. State ng project ng he coastal zone in Dana Point, including Dana


ousing Restricted Uni housing provided housing ion staff f n G ,

s all

the remaining52% within is and permitand records services From incorporati e neral al zone or zone al ment ment


within th

units constructed inthe coastal zone . idential

The multifamily

and es and P rom contract to City - lan | restricted uction inthe coastal zone since May

ts within th e coastal zone. App e

tablish ” uses, commercialand uses section. 20 or required inthe 1989 through through 1989 on in 21

afford the coastal zone or

ed itself as a separate ree

ready approved for for approved ready project

i thin threemiles of able units of t miles

. . th

e i The building

s employ ree n services, roximate ly le le ncome ncome below below City building

miles he he wit , 2007

also also ees, are hin of of

r existing affor Thir 32rate market unitsMonarch atthe The only id records City to According equ UN • • • ty o ty ITS IN ired rep South Cove South Monarch Coast Apartm Domingo/Doheny Apartments: 24 f 199 1995

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1994 1993 199 1991 1990 1989 2016 2015 2014 Ye thes entified demolition of of development ar AND WITHIN 6 2 lacement in the c 2 1 dable unitsdable as a condition of their appr

e units were rep Townhomes/Fla Public Review Public ,

no no 3

MILES MILES ents: 40rental units a oastal z New Un New fford D laced ana N/A 150 184 121 300 120 40 40 41 41 57 54 45 23 38 80 33 39 43 51 15 16 12 21 31 27 t 8 4 s: 17ownerships: s ( unit

able units in the City of Dan O

P Coast A


its , with, e oint F THE F one.


Housing Ele

partmen werets demolished following landslide. a COASTAL ZONE 1989 COASTAL ZONE

xtended 19 bedroom familybedroom rental units

( three G Demolished Units Demolished - 20 7 e



ment ment o affordability requirements applie val. val. or moreor units o low income 20low and low ry N/A 14 12 34

2 3 6 7 7 4 5 7 9 3 4 3 0 0 1 0 5 5 4 0 0 1 2 3 P mo

To date, no affordable lan


May derate inc

a Point have been demolished. 20

– 20 21

c 20 IN 20 IN ome curred in 1992 when when 1992 in curred Ne ( t ) l

Unit Increase ow DA N/ 298 117 145 179 120 37 44 11 12 28 13 37 40 41 19 56 54 41 23 38 78 36 er income er NA POINT 8 4 5 0 1 A units have )

d t



subdivider pl be but not limited to provide the connections in topublic already inplace and in good condition. rema of developed sites and to pay apro R Site Improv homes.and about legal requirem housing health, s B B The such as illegal construction, the violator Standards to appropriate sections of the City’s M without apermit, landscaping ( common housing code violations relate to building maintenan cons ce, identify employ preventingand situ Code enfo Plumbing,Mechanical, and Admi e 2: Monthly Reports for January through April 1996 are mis Mont 1: Source: n UN uilding safety and codes esident uilding forced by the the City include most recent editions ofCalifornia the Housing, El

City c ITS IN i aced und ning hly Reports for May through December 1995 are missing Monthly Reports1 s lectric, comm limited to electric,

and prescriband af constru ial developers are required to providethe improvem 2020 2019 2 2017 Ye

four , rceme Codes rea

018 e the provision of storm drains works d works Code vacant land is of aninfill character ar ty AND WITHIN

ements ted aNeigted ,

full and welfare.and However, these codes have the potential to increase the cost of erground in any new, r

nt is acritical component of preserving mproving i and ction and maintenance.ction and T along with amendments specific to

and Co - me time 989 a irectly tions that may damage ents and r and ents e –

Public Review Public

1997, Annua 1997, solutions to code violations hborhood Mainte code enforcement offic de Enforcement with the utility companies for the installation of 3

adopted by the City are considered

MILES MILES New Un New D esources assist inp to l Dep l weed ab ana unications, street lighting, cable and television, are nistrative Co 5 71 45 28 t. of Fi of t. 4 O

frastruc P Draft its oint F THE F rata share of offsite impro nance Reports Reports nance unicipal C atement), and


is fine evised Th

wa H TABLE sing nance Improvementand Guide to inform residents

Housing Ele he City he e developero . t residential structures

ture to serve the project. This i COASTAL ZONE 1989 COASTAL ZONE er


20 des. des. d and m and d , ,

and and

or reactivated residential subdivision. The , ers 1998

ode and relevant progr and necessary inf

G Demolished Units Demolished - and respand has the adopted

7 e sewer connections . Co . –

neral reserving improving and neighborhoods

2020 trash. ment ment Dana ay ordered be to dismantle the activity de de . f aresidential

28 17 14

8 P

ond to pub to ond lan enforcemen

| Violato Point Other. development codes May ents necessar

necessar vements.

and residentand safety 20

rs are rs – 2019 rastruc 20 21 lic complaints. lic .

neighbor 20 IN 20 IN t project is required to Utility lines, including Utility

notified referred and a officers proa officers Ne y to protect public Califo

ms tructio ncludes, but is not M y to enable the such facilit t t ure sys ure ost of the City's . In. some cases, Unit Increase DA rnia hood quality hood ectrical 40 54 37 14 NA POINT n activities


tems are The mo The . The. City Building ctively ies. , Fire,, d to to d

use use


t .

C Coa has also Communit of res The City offers “over pla count the er” the City Coastal and Commission. developme T Local Processing and Permit Procedures wa transportation fees; transportation corridor fees; conne and ctions to capital ho extensive site improvements is lim Consi is provided sidewalk is requiredat least one onof side the one side, and atleast 40 feet for roadways be residential projects approved willb s roadway improvem Though briefl a discuss to project prior to submitting an application. When anapplication is submitted, it is that necessitates discretionaryPermit properties inthe sens proposed residential pr The average time for residential ministerial project review the completed application to various City mi New single- Revie Ministerial p and opportunity to make changes to the application, if necessary, which may result insaved time discre al rovides the typical processing procedure by proj he City of Dana

less than 32feet, atleast 32 feet but les using. nisteri al decisio t if idential pr development er o mo y revie dering that d r and tionary review is needed nia ney m R n C sewer. by Public Works. The width of roadways providing access to par ents for accessor int y Devel ialesident developers pay fees for school facilitie park s; ost of the City is currently served by adequate roadways s and nt while ensu - . review review oastal

making bodies inth stal Commission permit authority family housing residential projects on existing subdivided lots require only if we

the application would d at the public atthe counterd to identify any po e deter

C o evelopment revitalization and effortswill infill be incharacter, t w if outside of the the coastal of zone. For outside if pment D pment ommission depends on street parking depends

Point’s i Public Review Public tive oceanfront coastal or mined inaccordance with driveway locations des and ring safe attractive and development projects. ojects ojects ojects.

irector, the Planning Commission, the and Ci Coun ty development review process is designed to accommod

D for most of its jur its of most for ana in the coasta can l zone e ernal navigation may necessary. be Vehicular access to

. This. counter review p In all are cases, applicants encouraged to meet

i ted City that govern the development review process: the

P Draft oint n

review otherwise

and shouldand not considered be aconstraint to affordable checks

nts fordepartments a10

Housing Ele

s than 40feets for r with para sta llel

by the Pl by 21

conditions roadwa a through Coastal Local a nd administrativend review for several types

i bluff top bluff sdiction, hav G e

e such p such ct type. neral e anning ment ment y

been been unless

; without street parking the roa d areas requiareas Coastalre a Development

thereby avoiding dual processing by rojects, the Planning D P

is estimated is

lan be revbe lls on both sides. A f sides. both on lls | r tential Commission deemed incomp May ovides th oadways with

- an alternative pedestrianan route day day 20 iewed ministerially. Only code conformancereview.

and recreatiand on facilities issues 21

Plan ap There are three t e applicant with an o b

and/ e and d and king facil

parallel stalls on on stalls parallel four weeks four facilities such as lete. ign specifically or CityCouncil proved b proved ive with City ivision cil. The City etermine i he need - Tabl foot idewalks, idewalks, ities fo routes levels levels . - e y the the y wide wide Most Most

staff staff may may H

ate for for

- of of 8 r f ; .

is denied, the applicant mayrevise the project r and app c develo many infill p re In all Environmental Quality A fornia Cali material exam through other developm A majo the by approved devi minor site is adequate size ly con with the General Plan; forresidential projects requiring aminor o r Similarl ( Permits Use Conditional Ci the includes public noticing time frames, typicall Commission. noticing time frames, typical The discretionary review process for aminor site development p the P p for con project allowsand the DirectorofCommun units require development with less than 10,000 square feet of new discretionary review for devel Depending on s theand scope Site Devel Discr ialesident are asas, listed inS ompleti aramet view pe view sidered and the propose roving body, wh body, roving ations

lanning Commission and/or City Council. ple, cases, cases, etionary Review etionary ty Co ty pments CUP r y, there are two

not approved will nullify the conditional u e with the project as proposed or face nullification of the conditional F usermit. pe CUP on ofon environmental documentation,

rs require rs r th relocati opment Permits (SDP) u

from de from the planner assigned to aproject will assess the adequate l is is n

e requirementse ofCalifornia the Envir a mino cil. cil. The discretionary r applies to certain residential uses that may have adverse r , typically typically

formance with City ojects other and small more projects arelarger, exempt. For a consultant may retained be to perform envir ent f Director of Community Development through anadministrative hearing on s velopment standards i r ; ch may approve may ch eatures. Typical conditions of approvalrequire the ap


site developm substantial Public Review Public

d to d that the naturthat

proval of a major a of proval program or minor triggered minor by or projects ashared needing parking program levels of conditional use permits for residential new dev

CUP accommod d ly ta ly

ize o use wi use e D ction 9.09.020 of the Zo the of 9.09.020 ction ) ana

k eview process for amajor for site developm process eview f alteration; e

opment beyond sing proposed resid regula ent permit. s from two to four weeks twoto from nots if

ll not adversely affectll uses, adjacent that and the proposed P e, condition, development and e, of adjacent uses Draft

the project, deny,orthe project, approve withconditions oint ity Developmentgrants, who approval, ct (CEQA) ct ate the necessary space for parking, landscaping, an

be approved by by site development permit, which approved must be

ons. tions.

Housing Ele that may haveadverse im r major

y takes

22 or addition to any use,


Residential development that exceeds those the pro G ential developmen t, there are levels two of con onmental QualityAct (C e

permitadministrative requires hearing an f se permit. neral rom f rom

ment ment floor floor ditional ning Co esubmitwithdr or ject is presented to th

our to eight weeks if to not appealed P le ar lan | - d/or ea and/or family dwellings. May de.

use permit include consistency permit use ermit, Typical findings of approval 20 onmental studies. appealed to theappealed Planning 21 pacts.

evel of environmental four residential less or structure, featu wh impacts onimpacts existing aw the applica EQA). ich i ich ent permit, which p A minor licant to follow to licant

ncludes public public ncludes to review the

Under CEQA e applicable elopment. Residential .

If a p a If


has been complex CUP

re, o re, roject roject Upon Upon tion .

or or

is A d r ,

A jurisdiction, th d coastal zone require approval the ac of e A Coastal Development certain conditions may to need be met prior to receipt permi of entirely. If aproject is approved, p perm modifying the City is beyond the City’s control is required and by the C requirements donot add significant costs or processing time. As above, stated City the maintains c of a approval Program for the area,the and Calif re proposed is consistent with the applicable landuse approving stablished by the California Coastal Act. evelopment ccor • • • c quirements can oastal Develo Development pro of Development of constitute anintensification of use,significant and ch itting and processing procedures as aconstraint. ding Coastal Development Permit Pl Site Building Planning Site Plan Use Conditional Major Mi Pe Development Site Major Permit Development Site Minor Varia Tentative Parcel Map Tentative Tract Map Zone Change of Type d ly,majority for the ofprojects, housing the c

evelopment such n pment of other vacant any property, modifications to existing or Cond or nc p oast ermit must approved be by the Planning Commiss ereby avoiding dual processing by the City and Coastal e a Application A

p increase the cost processing and time for housingincrease cts. proje PPLICAT a ermit, the Planning Com itiona - l d guided developmentguided processes (as detaile

properties atop coastal bluffs Public Review Public an Revi evelopment p Permits (CDP) p l Use Permit ermit is required

Review perties on sand

ION ION ew Permit D

ana rmit P

lanning entitlements ar ROCE


Draft erm ornia C oint Coastal Commission permit authority f

oa SSING SSING TABLE TABLE it include: y beaches stal

Housing Ele within uses the Cit coa y's for proposed

All developm All m oastal

23 d is evelopment sion must find that the specific use or activity TIMELINE

H G - 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 Est


e Act. ------

3 8 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 4 8 weeks 4 weeks 3 3 3 months 6 neral

i regula

ment ment months weeks months mo months mat

Typ a nths e l

ed Approval Period Approval ed nt e issued; if conditionally appr if P

IN IN lan p

anges of landfor ornia Coastalornia Act. | tions, the Certified Local Coastal ical uses activities or subject to

ermit un less projects undertaken within the May DANA POINT

oastal Coastal ts. d below) d 20

ion at apu 21

d d ev ex evelo elopment

m empted. Th

to minimize the

proper . blic

is requ

of its of most or pment Dana Point is Commis stal zo hearing. In

ty which ty A irem c p p oastal ne, ne, ermit e o sion rmit rmit ved, ved, ent as as .

All of these fees are used infrastructure tionconstruc of the pr In addition to fees charged for discretionary permits, Building Fees development cumulative the, City basis.However offers The Planning Fees affordability. exaand ctions are pass ensure quality develo pro of A Development Fees

variety of fees and assess - - -

C ity cessing development permits and providing local services. These fees are necessary Development permit fees for qualifying Americans with D (subsidize by waiving dwelling unit development with 8 v Housing Urban and Development (HUD) (waive fees); and income, very low inco alterations for disabled veterans (waive fees); Development permit Development permit fees for qualify low ery charges charges Coastal BuildingSite Plan Review Planning Site Plan Review Con Major Minor Site Major Development Site Minor Va Tentative Parcel Map Te Zon of Type ntative Tract Map Map Tract ntative riance riance e Change


The comprehensive The s

plans) and buildingplans) permit and fees (inspections conducted by bui

Conditional Use Permit Permit Use Conditional Deve Application income fees for each entitlement sought for any given project collectsand fees on a

ditiona Development Permit Development lo


pment review adequate public and services. Howev pment Permit pment Public Review Public e oject. Examples of the fees include plan c l Use Permit d down ,

to offse to and and

ments are charg

I fee me, and low and me, income fees proportional to the deed NG NG low Permit D

s associated wi th ana to the home t C A


ity ex

et of fee waivers or lowered fees ar


Draft oint T penses incurred by the construction o $ Hourl Hourl $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Fee

ABLE Housing Ele 641 10,096 2,601 27,034 3,680 9,504 6,041 8,890 12,289 e a d by th by d

owner and r low incomeunits 42 and m ing 24

(exempt) to $ (exempt) y rate, maximum of $196 of maximum rate, y $196 of maximum rate, y fee w

( (

≤ 5 H deposit deed household -

deed 4 units) 4 G 50 - 9 e City and other agen c e aiver

neral units); $ units);

ment ment


- res IN IN ; restricted housing for

H fees als

o 7,172

enter, and therefore affect housing DAN program tricted housing for extreme ly low - P ur i lan - | ncome ncome s (asD by defined the 11,496 res ly rate May

A POINT A (major) t o are charged for the actual ricted affor

20 (

≥ developments (e.g.

for for

he 5 21

1 isabilities Act ( ck fees (building and

units) qualifying e associated with:

er, development fees ies to cover to the costies arket rate units) dable units). lding inspectors).

extremely f the project. epartment of

residential “ , ” ADA

a 50- a

low, low,

to to )

f emphasizes options to preserv structure in Point single- Table H to city ( Transportation Corridor fees inclu Orange County c park, library, police) and collected or for city another by a entity (e. within are and sch fees, are typically referred to as development impact fees. These fees may include: traffic impact Other fees imposed are to mitigate potential impacts created by new development ee structure is not considered aconstraint hous to CARITS). These CARITS). 5. 5. 4. Apartme unit nt 3. Condominium unit assumed at 1,500 square feet, 400 square per per 7. San7. Joaq Single 2. Projects1. mayrequire site Unit Rate Market Per TOTAL Trans Joaquin San Wate S Agenci Governmental Other Art in Public Plac F In Housing Transportation Fees Park Building Fees Engi Planning Fees Fees City Fees 6. Ho 6. chool Fees (CUSD) ire Protection ire P subject to subject fees ark square using In using neerin

1 In r/Sewer RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FE periodically conducts fee s


- family h and - family home assumed at 2,000 squar 2,000 at assumed home family

L - - uin ool fee 10 foot ieu

- - g Fees de feesde for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, Foothill/Eastern for units within Coastal Zon Coastal Lieu within fees units for

Lieu Fe

Transportation Corridor fees vary based on zone and increase Jul ev

,which may vary based on dis (Quimby) . 2019


assumed at 1,0 at assumed en

ees ( p o as of agiven city. Some of these fee s may imposed be directly by acity (e.g. s, es

lays development fees for three types of residenti DPMC DPMC use, a 20

ities, ities,

withina city, may and atall not imposed depending be project's on a location.

Corr f e drainage fees, and fire fees. These types of fees va

ees are outside the direct control of th 6 SCWD)

Future evaluations

- s 5

i 7.36.050 pecific

dor includi Public Review Public 00 square feet with


- , environmental

unit condominium an project, es .

and the Coastal Area Road Improvements and Traffic Signals Fees based on


project Housing Project Housing e D

Singl Dana Point, collecttrafficPoint, Dana fees on beh , e

ana lower tudies to

$ fe $ 76, et with 400 square foot

33 $ $2,958.00 $ $ $ $ site appra $ e, Amou e 8,160 3,563.00 1, 4,657.00 5,896.00 assessments, not in

P 7703.00 $ Draft

- 8 200 , no parkland dedication oint 54 121 0 F may may 95 , 9 86 amily amily

or reduce feesor for affordable projects. 1.80 0 TABLE zone. RMF22 in carport foot square . .00 .00 .00 .00 8 nt ES $

ensure fees are appropriate isal

-- 0 Housing Ele 0

r may vary withi vary may

esult inadjustmentsesult to the fees;

. feet garage in RMF14 zone.




H clude - G 10 garage in RSF7 zone. in RSF7 garage e ing 20 neral d in above totals. dabove in

Condominium n City. n


ment ment $ -

. $122,400.00 $ y Unit Project Unit 923

e $

384 $47, $ $ $ $81,325.00 1 every year by 2.667%. by year 1 every d a 50- a d 46 City 5 32 10,800.00 $ $ $ $

P 3,280.00 4,298.00 1,836.00 4,563.00 5,105 , , lan 3 168 , , |

340.00 024 876. and an ROJECTS IN IN ROJECTS 72 . May

Again, these fees

.00 . .00 .00 60 unit project. 00


3 20 a g. improved real estate value of $38

ry widely from city to city city to city from ry widely l al

, projects in Dana a Point: 21

tra f off other These entities. and and

Some south south ffic fees). Some

DANA P DANA last 50 $


$ Overall, the City’s 2,784,729 - Apartment 1,656

$ $118,350.00 $1 Unit Project Unit $

update 204 133,200.00 $ $

55 vary from city city from vary 28,079 54,222.00 27,000.00 $ $ $ $ 4,298 4,590.00 4,5 5,105 , 694 ,000.00 , OINT . These. fees 062 6 3.00

. .00 the City d its fee fee its d .00 . .0 .00 58 00






a Inglewo knownfault active thes cross City. The Dana Point,like the rest of southern California, is inaseismically area. active Ho c Hazards Seismi instability. Urba subjected to continual erosion fro coastal rocky shore, Extend Bl relative to manmade improvements, suc since impact is highly bea dependent onfactors, including local affected. Som impeded by urbanization, both inDana Point and elsewh b cliffsand of coastal runoff erosion or from beach sands. Most beach c sand There are of types two coastal erosion inDana Point veget includ Flooding is a natural attribute c Water coastal bluffs are the primary hazards t rupture is believed to be limited. G Rose Canyon f Co floodplain, following environmental c cr lot, to lot from differ carefully be should T Envir c constr A local housing incorporates element ananaly Non Federal Emerg onstruction c ffect Dana Point include the Whittier Elsinore, Andreas, San Palos Ve he City ufftop Erosionufftop astal Erosion astal nization has accelerated the erosion pr ation coverage; - onmental Constraints ing the amount, intensity aints G i ng for approximately for ng 6.7 miles, the Dana Point ourse Flooding ourse od Zone,approximately four miles to the southwest. Majo straint Con overnmental

has identifiedhas areas affected by envir

which is which including: e osts ault

ency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplains designated within Dana Po portio

. Bec s. , and f and ,


the areathe subject to flooding during peak storm fl

s, and the and s, rockybluff Point Headlands. Dana These areas have been ns of the Dana Point coastline haven more bee im and stream c and

Public Review Public environmental, infrastructure, r eating the toeacheating need study development propo a

inancing olled. Local geologic condit geologic Local olled. use no known active faults cross the City, the onstraints may impact future housing development inthe Cit y.

D o , ana

of any r mes either from sediment transport during rive str and r a .

nd nd distribution of rainfall round round hannel conditions. Al

P Draft m oint s o Dana Point inthe event of oceanic, climatological, a climatological, oceanic, h as jetties harbors. and iver or stream and is influenced by many factors,

shaking, liquefaction, lands

Housing Ele nearest luffs.

26 ocess inmany locations created and areas of sis of potential and actual non


Because both of these processes have been G e ions vary throughout the can City and even : significant active fault is the Newpor neral the retreat coastal bluf of ment ment

esidential shorelin l

ere, beach replenishment h P natural rivers streams and have a hazards where landdevelopment lan | ;

May soil conditions prior to storms

ch configuration location and e includes areas of sandy and

l 20 and nd developmentalnd forc an r active faults that lides 21 rdes, Clemente San ,


earthquake. esources ows. T ows.

potential for surface vidually. salvidually. indi , pacted thanpacted others,

and rockfalls along and fs - here three are

g and theand loss of overnmental , l and and we

as been been as ver, no no ver, p could rices eam

The The and and int


t s. s. - ; , .

updated its Infrastructure Master Plan in2017 which are currentlying be repaired, upgraded, or repl districts is generally of sewerElement the with lines int SOCWAcondition South and Coast Water District. The treatment toth Two joi lines inthese districts is Niguel County Was The Water and Wastewater growth has adequatecapacity to supp S Infrastructure Constraints from seism b all inland approximatelyfeet 150 inCapist ra The “Coastal Flood with Velocit Haza y FloodingCoastal Deshec T inhibit future housing projects water Standards (Title 24, California Administrative Code). California 24, (Title Standards measur tec and l regulatory T Conservation Energy Communications ( high access to cable and high will able be to expand to in the existing electric and electrical The Diego San Electric and Gas Company Southern and California Company Gas provide O ince the City of is re Dana Point he primary floodwayis he C he ther Utilities ther eachfront properties are in this coastal hazard zone. These areas a - City of Dana Point is served by three sp , wastewater,, recyc and ity has promoted ,

ha . . n eed interneteed a es and progra and es hnical assistance to d

n t

and natural gas serv powers the agencies, Alis d ic sea waves(tsunamis) storm and waves. evels. Theevels. City supports local utilities intheir efforts to provid San JuanSan tewater Authority (SOC

e wastewater districts that s

small part the of city)

very good, with the e the with good, very ms. Capistrano Public Review Public can be can


under accommodate any future growth inthe City. speed internetspeed service energy conservation for residential uses on

On a regulatory level, City the enforces the Energy State regulatory Con servation a On

San JuanSan Creek; seco natural gas systems in the c led water sys

ice to homes and businesses in Dana Point. No deficiency exists evelope obtained D ort antic hroughout the city sites the on throughout 4 ana 0 latively built

W y o Water and Management Agency ater ears oldreported and to ingood be to excellent condition.

WA): th WA): P Draft oint rd” designation extends the length of the coastline and rs homeowners and regardingenergy

ipated population new and residential development Districts. The vast majority .

from AT&T ( AT&T from xcepti no Beach. According to According Beach. theno

Housing Ele t

water sanitary and districts of ems e

27 out, the ex out, erve Dana Point.The City shares the Housing South Coast South

and identifiedand provided by Cox by provided . Noneof. the improvements would o

n n of some lines in Capistrano Beac dary fl dary G e neral Comp ment ment ity, and both companies state that they aced. Theaced. South Coast Water Distri ct majority of c the isting infrastructure is extensive and oodways Salt Creek are Prima and

P l (majority of Da of (majority ianc lan | .

May cessary necessary

e with 24 Title Californ the of ia

Communications. 20

of water the distribution maps prepared bymaps FEMA 21

Allareas of the c SOCWA, provide sewage

both educational and re subject to damage improvements to the e na Point)

ity public information t he South Orange )

and con

preclude or or preclude Addit h, many ofh,

, servation n Moulto Frontier i ty have ty ional h ese ,

overcome the obstacle overcome the affor extremely low income subs T evaluate resi for d pr Zillow amen drives ities, a T Pr Under the 2019 energy stemming demand fromresid new Administrative Co available land the cost of low minor The City’s Building Division staff established an online exped nce applia evaporative coolerswith air conditioning systems; programs home and energy audits reduce is decreas price of housing, it Whi exemp Homes that truly are not suitable for solar electricityall by the used building for compensate to power, solar upgrades, upgrades, automobiles, and small lessdemand energy mix intense, mixed The Cityfacilitated has m r City egulations partner and ddition, the h la ypically, ices ice ice e high - ed

l rise apartment building will idies he e the dable housingdable go


Land of a t. ge

use use r in u

hous ccesse


continue to evaluate new o s home p home cost landincreases of nerally f

s mechanicaland or solar energy systems; building and design orientation. and e in order to bring the housi totalnew constructio interior remodels, windows, re- zo tility costs. Ex d. Similarly, retrofitting ex nd costs incr costs nd ehol ning Do for the d very , desirability of -

us in Building ds. As in the the As past, C ds. in

dential capac all all prices up. e Dana Point T March 2021) March de onde the use of energy efficient appl should should buil low than lowerthan density proj b n of energn of Public Review Public als, aco als, etween of high l ofhigh ding permits er with S - amp , low , C ore e ore

ease as l housing units that are more efficient to operate. land reduce ode heny ge

be required willbe s to install solar panel A re A

les of energy conservation opportunities include weatherization opportunities conservation energy of les - fficient land use patterns

this coa this , and moderate and , - ( $ D mbin is a major constraint to housing production inDana Point to p to DG&E ity and pricand

in and feasibilityand analy y ef 2 ana

view of va of view

monthly occupancy cos occupancy monthly . own Center Plan effect and and and availabilityand

ficient building

ation o P ; retrofit to dual components or piggyback the u , including, Draft p oint portunities pro city to establish or improve rices, isting structures w $ sta ity willity a es 6 a ) 2020 January of as rea

romote energyromote conser


. m Housing Ele ential development. roofing, roofing, ,

f publi

communi which inturn create forneed s more large financial cant e.g., shaded by trees o illion dollars per ac dollars illion .

ects by encouragingwalking, adecrease use of Higher density m and 28 income


solar, hea solar, ng co ng lan G

c an decreases

s do and and installation orretrof e ses of landinDo of ses d and and neral ty, wit ty, ment ment sts witsts

for housing housing d privated financing ne will be es not necessarily lower the purchase pursu additions under 400 square feet. by by approving new h ts as consumption of fuel and energyfuel and of consumption as ts


iances insul and sal P th ener th ting continuing to impl lan | , all, new h oc e . With. a hin the e po e May


possible n and cooling, electric cooling, and i vatio

ted planted review process for re (aka ean view Dana Point s and ies and lic gy- 20 ixed ge b would r lar buildings

for si for he

s, o s, si 21 conserving features can nomic reach of reach low nomic eco n programs. n very zero n n -

use d use itting of m r into tap commu gle . Ho. y Vi tes

net ation has reduced - s and others and l lim

igher density and programs to make make to programs

family homes and l w lage indicate lage evelopments can simi eme eve ( energy homes) ited per listings on r, to achieve to r, lar to those those lar to ore ore

nt gram amount the morethe al efficient eded

panel s and s and se of of se


ocal nity The The . In In .

to to of of e - .

T percent ove cour r the l labor, California, the product being produced. recent to According analysis of Othe h To const able pul that mill operato reporte Wood, rise A a icult diff con plu fluctuate d C Co costs that ma d p lower sa i consol eliminating by costs material waste, hous eading h to onstruction c ependent on he he ves mo ves st o st led back on production capacity fo mb ers, carpe ers, work crete

r to to r influences on the cost of constru ing elp . 2018 between costs 2008and ruction ise incosts is

ers, pipel with in the cost of materials is anothe return f ingdat an plastic r d

ice in s C mit to be to nd take nd ney carrying inlan d onstru epending on mark t s for for s i he Cali gle o ingle igate c gh y o

s, a s, to theirto more ty

the hig osts pr osts per er forn the unit housing itself.the However, cost ffset some orof all theefits ben of amanufactured . aye d a , the, additional longer s rs an rs sing hou costs for the builder and doubled doubled nd composites ction

h dis - r mu

er squar utomating activities, onst associated rs, roofers, rs, ral con ia gene tance from the f

in 20 ima se of ade d Public Review Public

lti r lu nters, and wel aints pos e rily consist the of cost materials Both labor. and th of mber d mber family - 1 foot foot 21. 20 9 through et demand pic D cos in part cade (eve

hard co hard ana

eq al pricesal zones. The u ealers fore ts ed byed construction c u trac

) P avoid i Draft . p actor oint r 2020. This i This 2020. r C m wi ude t ction include ders. tors indicating ly, th umulatively, sts sts and and t ent op

r n ime and th a th by by


Housing Ele in price y, with fa with y, c a for constructing multi h family o cutting down onsite cas fter a fter

As 2022. 2022. Regarding


n in lead weather delays theft, and reducing lab 29 market se of manuf

ted the erators, dr

creasing tigh djusting for inflation) s to G Figure ndicates th

4 and 2018, with 2018, and 2014 ween bet t ability to find sk future occupant. e rther rther creased cost of or cost to the increased e neral -

he t he further further mand based on asoft 2 based based ment ment ese factors can result in20 ic diff woo osts

s y di of

act pe P H ywall ywall

st lan new | d prices,d various news articles cite - ulty infind chan , the, Cityallows ma

1 ure ances of un of financing May at the ris

t and and nes

con manufact homesd can reduce housing ges inthe costmat oferials. installers

it being built and q 20 con H s

inc ille s - in the in

t 21 2

ructi e inwoo struct

rea illustrate mes more beco labor d

costs costs .

ing workers ing

ur sing trans

on time

ousi , c market for e ion costs acr costs ion and uncertand ainty, d housing d ket and mar 019 eme d ng ng price construct the nt masons, climbed 25 climbed (w nufac e or or costs only costs % to 40% to % se se increa portation hich hich

s m uality cost such as as such

factor skill

ca tured a n also y b s by by s ion. sed oss

ed ed be be of of e s


TheHard The The t B t uildin Har LINE ITEM LINE Public Review Public ildings d gs Costs Costs

in in California in

Cali D of Cons of o ana f Cons f forn CONSTRUCTION COST CONSTRUCTION

P Draft ia oint tructio t , ,Terner ruction: Ter FIGURE FIGURE

nerCenter for Housing Inn Housing Ele n:


Ce 30

ecent Trends in Labo in Trends Recent Recent Trends in Labor in Trends Recent nter for Housing Innovation, Housing for nter

H H G - - e 2 1 QUARE F QUARE neral

ment ment

2008–2018 P lan | May OOT 2008–2018

o va r 20

tion, and and Materials and Costs 21

page page7, Materials 8 ,

March 2020. March March 2020. March


f f or or or

I coordinate on exp d costs and the home In the goal of pr includ F gap between a required down payment and pote paym F exceedin interest rate mortg paym impacted the most by f gov local that l year M decreasing interest r in interest r T Financing d community we as forms structural me th A number of companies around the wor cre A percent 95 by hours accep p willing to significantlyd FHA, lenders resource rating c conventional lender go nterest rates ederal HousingAdminis lexi irectl evelo ersons with good cred he he t this tim ag ortg er o thods dit historydit wh d creditd history e is acritic affordabil h suc programs, loan ble ent ent mortgages oan between 2 n owners/tena t ahigher in w down pa ing lowdown y pm a addr e interes

s wit s g the cost of living adjustments n be especiallyn be in lower damaging to re of of t, ent, e,

quirement Such s5% 20%. between and

the greatest impediment to h ates decrease the number of per will b

ho e consider aconsider d person’s are determin conditi ies byed nationa economic l polic and ernments can ss ity Migh fin h which a u l mass of oduc either constraint, C sing anci ng of t rates forases ran purch new home ge en determinin terest and

. e completed ty ty owning a ag , ts ts s whi and 20 and 016 ing moreing affordable h adjus

a Buildings in itsq e Public Review Public const i es on es inancing requirements.inancing Lower initia l tes result inmore po n sout n yments, around

d financd l a

to qu to e it ratings. limitations of lower ra le pro le thought, research crease down payment req s th table- t te or ration (FHA) offers l ruction

hern California fac u do to a to do af home is gre is home e building process.

a The FHA is alify FHA The for aloan. ducing 10 times les waste than conventiona l const D as those for first f ing p s as tool lifying guidelines man allows and , o

, with20, ana rate a g amax claims that the process can cuthalf time in

rdable in l

ebt o . P


an amo P ffect thes Draft erson 3D printing mortgages, buy and oint R -

t w ancho Mir 3.5%, low c 3.5%,

o anaverage rate of approximately1 3.1 homes may increase to the point of interest rates . im l ill ill - tg mor atly by influenced d a o


Housing Ele s with poor credit , de meownership is creditwo meownership ousing, a ousing, end um lo unt insufficient re p re

a al home tential 31 cr r e velopment, and money b t o eavor e the same c

edit sons able to purchasea home. Convers e ratio, cash p available for down rates. ushing the ushing - The f The , t oan p an come

f its ime h G age f losing cos losing or example, challenges both e

ll jur ntial homeowner’s available funds. T program uirements and scores. a neral to suppo to h

m ment ment irst 3 First

in 2022. Th 2022. in ams progr ousing rograms ount. d fro d residents omebuye isdictio - down

P buyers l onstraints

- lan

D | envelope of what is possible, and rat to purchas to time homebuyers group are the Whi m 3 s - ts, a ts, May

Many financial institutions rtcons new ratings w printed zer provi

gen es are available with g


ns le le to 5 % to for f for nd e nd

age i age

rs, st rs, y residents to reestablish a 20 er introduced to who have fe have who , develope an rs, cities have little

inc de de tg rthiness. Acc e companyhind be the ally more ally 21

of of irst timeirst home buy a ages. ages. nter a ill offerill flexible rease loan amounts to eing i sy cre e a house.e Poor credit for a fixed a % for

ill ill ons, and there ons, and e

method .

lev truction o net energy e li How es. Increases Increases st rates.

kely be f be kely a d re and nvested dit qualifying.dit t ed ed

w % i ever, variable flexible than

tothe bridge con ordi ayme the er financial

opti d potentiald traditional duce labor labor duce n 20 n ructio - abil raduated struction

orced to to orced i rate, 30 ng to the nto new market. market. ons and

homes i , and nt, and

s little down down 20. ity to n.

ely, are are ers ers he he


June The City of Dana Point’s “ 2021– more m categories used infederal is allocated and t The new construction referred is need A local jurisdiction’s term in “fair share” regional of housing is estima need ted Association of Governments (SCAG). assigning fair share targets to each jurisdiction in this region is the Sout Bernardino,Riverside, San Ventura, and Imperial c Angeles, City o Housing Community and Devel total statewide housing demand, which is then apportioned by the Department State of The “fair share” al within the jurisdiction, particularly lower households. income but for households all who might reasonably expected be topopulation, reside only its resident coordi is effort This groups. programs California’s Reg R used by f by used seholdshou that pay more than 30% of their incomes for hou consider also allocation avoid anover intended the state- • • • • oderate esidenti

ional Housing Needs Assessment Needs Housing ional 2029 An adjustment to avoid anover Maintaining anideal vacancy rate for awell (i.e., fire damage, obsolescence, The number of units needed to replace molitionsde due to attrition in the hous The number of units needed to accommodate growth; forecast household ju f Da than 2029 risd ederal to ensur mandated na Point is in the six designed to meet its “fair share” of exist

i the Orange the County of median income. The120% allocationsare fu planning period is 530 ncome, 120% defined operationally80%, 50%, to asup households earning iction. h

RHNA Alloca concentration of lower incomehouseholds inany one jurisdiction. The fair share ousing , state,, and local as atotal and need the need broken down in into foursehold hou loca e th

al Land Resources h e ousing at each jurisdiction accepts responsibility forhousing the need tion process begins withthe Department State of Finance’s proje Public Review Public lement lawlement requires that each city county and develop local housing s fair share” of the region’s hou and and nated by th the existing tion e - lement of its g county Southern California region, which includes D state opment (HCD) among each of th governments to determine housing affordability. ana


P Draft

housing housing oint concentration of e jurisdiction’s

o as the reg , 231 lower deficit of housing resulting from low

Housing Ele eneral

32 programs: programs:

- ing future and housing for needs all income G functioning housing market; p e lan. This “fair share” concept allocation ional housing needs assessment (RHNA) 101 neral ,

ment ment c and conveand rsions to

ouncil of g of ouncil lower sing v moderate and, 1

ery ery P ounties. agency The responsible for lan |

need forneed the J May

sing cost sing l income households inany one

ow e s overnments when preparing , 20

l tate’s official regions. The ow 21 s. s. This is the threshol ,


98 oderate, non une above rther adj rther s of four factors: four of s hern California - housin


Orange, Los

er i er and and moderate ing through through usted to g uses); g uses); s ofs not ction of ncome a come come stock stock bove bove ,

and and

is is d

an incr address the City the Figureand H ious si var of A number P de planned/ through allocation income 1. 1. housing 4 ( 3 units to be construct to onsit ed units 2. Map Map Ref l any . . P P P P anned/Ent signated for CC = C = CC The maximum base Based Bu 4 3 2 1 plan il f

r dingpermits issue action

an om emental contribution toward on the the on Apartments units Mixed Use Mixed The The d ning period Vista Del Del Vista munity Vi Project Project

tes in the Towntes Center the applicati the al figure Name Theel Mar ctoria applicant Greer

- . mix 3


Commerc T

or may be approved for re for approved be may or ,

s are r are s he followihe

a ’s ’s de itled Residentialitled Development

pproximately ed

d2020, in constructionexpect nsit ’ pr on of a density bonus. A maximum of 365 units 365 units of A maximum bonus. density on of a s prop ounded ounded - GP C ojected e, y is 50 is y use res CC CC i / al (

a Public Review Public R June

, S nd 5 nd os


C/R C/R | |

P PLA | Zoning al to c to al TC TC

TC | SP | nits per ac per units up Total % low % ng section = Commercial/Resid = - - Total Total

- p MU MU 2021

idential and apar MU NNED/ENTITLED e reate n reate A demand of 198 above mod 198above of demand A RHN

entitled r direct -


P and 5% moderate 5% and


491 lanned RHNA ana

and and o le - re. The project de project The re. Other Featu Other merc com 15% 2029) 13 senior u senior 13 ion by theCit RHNA RHNA c commercial s units

s than 1 than s ommercial P

Draft 10.8 housing projects desc the City’s lower a Doheny Doheny 5.2 7.2 oint


low/mod edb to / Ent /

TABLE TABLE . Balance K KSF ent ocation KSF KSF

are The planned and entitled planned The projects will more SF SF ial 5 percent ribe

sidential use.

Housing Ele ial, y - e completede after Ju itled nits income housing units units housing income ) and res .


expected to be constructed and occupied nsity increa nsity

33 Vill tment projects are planned and/or entitled on s 3


the C


H affo U = Town Center Mixed Use, S Use, Mixed Center Town U = age areas - A G is is 11 8 5.50 0.43 0.54 0.92 rdab cres e .5 -- -- permittedon th ity’s capacity to neral

ses to

8 and

ment ment le ho le

nd moderatend income RH


6 using u using vaca e De

50/ 6 un P

PROJECTS to be c be to 30, 2021.30, of the city. As lan | 41 72 75 nsit ------its its 66 May erate-


nits, e si e onstructed either per acre due to the inclu 4 y

and and



with no less th no with 20

193 231 income 38 38

0 0 0 unde 21 P accommodate its RHNA

Income Income

= Specific Plan Specific =


shown inTa ble rutilized 101 82 19

19 o

0 0 0 an units n -


5% very

or off or Moderate NA sion of

198 434 308 and and - 18 39 69 sitethe in c


land a -

Above lo

n llocatio

affordable w income income w Moderate provide dur that is Total Total Yiel

275 530 491 365 H 18 39 69 than than ity - i 11 ng ng



Public Review Public D PLANNED ana

P Draft oint FIGURE

Housing Ele / E


H G - e 3 neral

ment ment

P lan | May

20 21

provide provide housing mixed ( app cost associated with repl 210 m zoning and As shown inTable H p development. These projects the T tha As shown re has more either r vacant Dana Point,like many other co Va perc defau euse of property thaains existt cont ing uses Over 2. V Doheny the that note 1. rod Map Map Ref sidential development U3 U2 U1 V2 V1 V CF = C = CF Total Total n anacre are and pr cant

- lied d lied C identifie tw d lay ) is assume ent) is

uc /R = Vil

own Center zoning the and

Planned/Entitl profit - ; inactiv l oderate income units

ommunity Facility use use please thenote that parcels remain t e ho e . the General General Vacant / Und / Vacant Underutili si den an All espite s such Plan C C

la C in the / / CC or resi or CF ge Commercial/Re ge RHNA RHNA / using inmixed able physical physical MS MS capacity for R d Unde (100 perce (100


1 Surplus Capacity ty

Vac (e.g., development are such, sites c illage

discussion of entitle and planned pr d th Balance after Balance dential o va o zed Sub ant Subtotal ant V V V ed d to pr to d , re -

- - CC = Community Commercial Zon C/R &C/R HIO general plan amendm vacant commercial b e Doheny Village Village Doheny HIO & MS HI & MS charact TC - VACANT VACANT

sholds rutilized rutilized 1 P Public Review Public can . N ites more allowing than 3 rutilized CF rojects - 2 ing opos MU sidential lower lower nt) , ac

ew ew and zoning t t t parc otal ovide the h - 2

ing anexisting u

use zo use O

e , eristics to potentially accommodate h of of for de for ed


address the remaining allocation RHNA Government Code 65583.2(c)(3)(B) Section

combined ar ousing

, F

income hous V zoning D & th igure - e used to Acres ast els and three Village Ma Village = MS ana allowing allowing 1.54 34.0 33.5 0.61 0.9 5.51 1. 6.63

UNDE e City nes. -- -- Land Land 34

ent is current al communitie al

3 development potential on v

capacity amendment is


Draft s opportunities

oint ’s ’s nsities between 40 75 units acre, and per facilit


ju 4

30 units p 30 units usines

Housing Ele

40 25 25 30 2 in in st i se, se, ing and ------l ation - 5 y fo , Street


ify ify


pe . W 35 onsi current Commerci a . For u For . un nding r moder r and underutilizeand the ses), ses),

m H H

0 units per acr hen pr sit TC- derutilized sites that are suitab - - dered und of s, ore G 5 ly 1 2.5 FAR

y er a er

e will largely rely on rely largely will a

MU = Town Center Mixed Use Mixed Center Town MU = 2 Max pend is largely built a specific plan to allow fo L nderutilized p pro neral 35 35 35 30 ssu al/M or or ------

conservative assumption (50 percent) is AND POTENTI

ment ment


ing operty contains existing usesoperty that are ate inc ojects, m ojects, may repla be

vid m a in Street in

to fa is to suitable ed ed P e am lan Hous | eru y f densit May Total ome housing. ome

275 4 4 220 16 , 3 33 18 23

e. t C/R = Comm C/R -- 5 18 i 6 ing Capacity for RHNA Balance RHNA for Capacity ing acant parcels ost d lized la lized 5 9

The remaining capa 2

ap ofap these sites

20 arcels, arcels, 4 sites have the appr

out i out

4 d 21 ced by more by intense and ced

AL AL lower i lower eveloping actors .


nd resourcesnd , ercial/

few n the sense that few

HIO HIO c Lower due to ilitate

1 2 2 110 intensif 5 3 16 82 18 23 ) 93 4 08 =

, 6 6

9 and theand m nco Residen Housing

establishes that

r more intenser more

is is

the ad lower income sites are less assumed assumed ica tial e . le f le I

M n

S units a cent ; . ability to ode tate t p The Ci The city (50 (50 city ditional 128 210 21 ated i 110 or new lease opriate opriate 82 17 83 on and ------ive ive 0 r


law te by by nd nd to to ty ty

Public Review Public D ana


Housing Ele GURE


H G - e 4 neral

ment ment

P lan | May

20 21

Public Review Public D ana UND


Housing Ele


G - e 5 neral

ment ment


lan | May

20 21

density thresh which which units per acre. Addi area. V2. Bas a increase to 35acre units per. si ( requirem Zo CF The for (Government Code section 65583. change fromwhat is l zoning Vill D on Note of excludi T Vac tydensi th environmental or siteex conditions to used be could r and been t As acr per 30 i city V1. anguage that refers Village Doheny the to s he located a located cre here are parcels vacant two of land s te is 30 units per zon

dwell p age zoning isinpro still t such sit such ed on ed , S ant Land his site was previo

surrounded by o by surrounded Capo or more a or otent C This zone all e

zoned zoned W requir

d C e, appe, ng parkin ng to be to ing D

ents of state law t cros lready ne already ommunity ommunity o

re he he ial accom to

Beach Church emains viable site for residential development. L es es Su heny Villa refe ge units perunits acre . sholds, this site this is zonedsholds, appropriately to fa c Villag

e roximatel maximum maximum to to in place priorin place rplus

s the street) is currentlyvacant used and per s nd olds e could yield the could acre, site a mi a per develo g structure in which atleastin 20 o e ) ws - mit , th , Property. Property. tionally, tionally, nimum density of 20 u Commercial/Resid above Facilities (CF) permits ther

Public Review Public mixed modate affordab is site y 23units could constructed be on this si p housing for housing p by right housing dev right by pe usly inc re . rmi

Surplus Site

, the, Housing Element will Assu cess e tos, dedicat be si rences to the Ho - ’ t such a housing a such development right by T s zoning is suitable t use stand and i dent h tte also also HIO he D A e

ana luded i ming and City ap d - 0.93 2(c) density , which permits which , al al : A ist

P Draft

% und SCWD SCWD developme oint u s of s a

ac that that us

itabl ttached or multi of the units are affordable units the of , 2 1397 AB by enacted le housing. n the 4 ential approximatel . plied plied re iew rev er by the City i th A ng Element adoption d

Housing Ele zon re of of

would would - site n 0 e for highere for density residenti employees and/o d to re to d e publication of draft this document, the Do alone multi el

itsacre per quires atlea st - .61 30per unitsac 38

a ( opments V ing as if itis alread ing th owned by the Housing Incentive Ov

- nt, thent, site is ac

C/R preclude the site’ and and o fa o G sidential use

multi re site owned by the Capo C Beach e neral ) cilitate affordable h ment ment be rev be y 18 Zone of inth 5

famil family that propose th fam and and

ilitate affo

cycle housing elements, state P un io lan 50 | re (in line wi by right atd by housing ily y housing atadensity of 2

oca dically ised. considered surplus p surplus considered r th allows the m the allows May its ) 017 . However, However, . South

resid percent the of gross floor a s. s. ted in . e

te Assuming d apotential B to to

eadline thereforand general public y inplace. Should 20

s full s . ased onased the state’s defau

and is thereforand e


lower income househol income lower ential

for for rdable ho

equir Coast Water Distri Doheny Village 21 a er the eastern part of the de overflow parking. This This parking. overflow

development. lay lay al development w th the state’s ns the City exp o up t up es es aximum density t using. ity of ( HIO) HIO) the City o using. a .

y of 30 y of densit Ther

20 units per rop e to this site, s of of ensities m anything planning ’ s zoning erty and erty and eets ec Th e are no e are defa 5 e uses ensity hurch ct ts the

units e site hen

rea, l has has t aw aw ds ult ult ith he he l o y t .

contacted by p invo res that D Bouleva freeing rel host U res ex cover c Extr c U t planning areas appr Blue Lantern and C San e south Existing Uses T Underutilized d reuseand of store le host Under potential. U1 inco development with the Del interest bui sto he planningriod pe urrently urrently ommercial strip mallthat here are three rutilnde nderutilized s evelopment tremel ocating to another city indicate and s . 0 acre) 0 (5.5 yard rage idential id lding.

C M Juan Cr Juan a me

lved lved a sho a oxim dev entialvelopment de atthis s Ga apist

age ar Grocer uti ast

o househ th ase

nah rd D and ( in r in eloped retail u

y cand good

lized t 0.54 0.54 Victoria e p ( ized site 2 PCH PCH ately of one mile ern full p he redev

29 rano may no may ping center anchored by eek l p e

roperty up for reuse for up roperty Jac , as well as , as roj y leased, the leased, y age of the dev por Lumber p acre Tr Doheny Vi Doheny : The site 3 (U3) otential developers ha who , . ercent) ite 1 k’s Restaurant, District Rado’s Salon, and Fitness

th parcels parcels ects. Va T La ends lds oheny ParkRoad elop tion of Dana Point he Tow he Apartments e ) elopment nd t be r t be

lley sites . involve

. (U2


U opper : ing the site w Three ,

Public Review Public idate foridate re Recent Recent , 1) 1) pote a c

combine of of Shop

ses ses in next threeenewed in y ) descr smaller . n Ce n currently is comprised of si of comprised is is is ommercia u A d accommodate ntial to accommodate

nderutil ll compris ses hou re of th of

Lantern Streets,fron t o the ping Ce ping nter of of

evi ib f i deve D nvolves existing ed below ed ana the

llage District

reuse of as . retail resta and urant tenants. ce fromce den with the natio and Del e i T , te planning areaconsis

use intensi and fication. pro contains the h ith a mixed four lop

ized , fr , a .

a of ed planned orplanned buildings P l

e Draft n oint nter Ralphs grocery sto grocery Ralphs hardware hardware L cho v onting on

the reuse of the - into new use idin shaped groupingrcels pa of land pla t


h tw


Prado. r , demon Housing Ele ey wil ey U2 s. n g x tenants ite o


parcel ned a ned the the The The pro two 39 parcels parcels . (circ -

that Ga consists of a consists use nal tr


entitled Pacific Coast Highway

l , more, intense p pla store and strate

Greer While there are access access h vacate the p ears G n erties nd nd

a ousing previous e development a s tha occupying the occupying or ing nned and entitled and nned projects and S and Big Sportin 5 g Goods ed neral 1 h d in end that are unde ment ment ) 965 l Lu l entitle . ano

Capistrano ts of approxim of ts ( interest inmixed th re.

0.92 ac) 0.92 su points t are under comm for ne for

est potential for re potential e greatest

P , an mber a

itable for higher , Valley Center Shopping T lan

ffordable to lower moderate and - |

the site declining lumb ly ly he prop he T d projed pproxim May he prop he rop

contained a w th

While the is (

volves involves each had their , indicating, that mixe er yard. Ganah yard. er mi at erty 20 multiple sites w Un ’ r c

fronts along both Vi both along fronts s size (6.63 size s en er d U3 d xe cts cts 21

ifi on ownershiomm p ately 73acre ately retail d ately

ty ty d hance its developmenthance i erty owner has been

( n less t less n - ed S ed - use stand and listed inT owne - use and of the of east and PCH) . the use com use Ra

pr density on ownership

area chool m 80 lot lphs ofessional ake this site r ha r han two

ow d

acres) li conso acre mar emonstr

l Lumber l sta in between mercia th

District bu s expressed s expressed ,

n lot) residential an use use s between ithin able e groc n t &Final s existing d

and lot lot and during in the dation - - years . ct office office alone a

H Vista l a both both lone and and

ates ori and - ery ery nd nd 22

an is is a s ,

dev within 1 for the development of Dohen underutilize The City has streamli D along parking to determine ho U2 and permit. expensive V const Type of existing s EIR willreduceEIR future the The the development to developed be p 50 at least p p Hous parcels A p cu Town Center planning planning Envir materials mi Market Cond y f densit res Water Quality Assessm const guidelines. ele Th the capacity of the public right- flo er acre allow and roj ort vailability of R rrently proposed oding llion e City vated to remain idential projec

elopm Villa ec V ions ing Incentive Overlay raint up onmental illage illage n the Overlay. The Overlay. ts proposed on sites the within y Village ) per acre per

As it rel ed w ntifiide ed , ’ 30 feet

ge ge

act s and and

(100 of the D

area, there li ent current development standards wi ke Th ercial/ResidentialComm (V Main StreetMain (V ites ors er d concluded itions on developme on capac

- cent e required incremental required e lu site by preparing yea tenti of po apacity c al culation cal used inthe and of of ates at Zoning using egu oheny Park Ro Park oheny ev and ), mb as o p ts Do highly highly r s hen of t of resid ot : ar and

ity of multiple sites la at the maximumthe density to increase Infrastructure Conditions to the underutilized sites, t flood

ithin the housing Asi ou hen and future development ential of f each site and are no sig tory and/or other ity capac he totalhe building gross Public Review Public en y Vi densities between 4 ent ent vac at abuil t o de de

ned ruct that ar ential uses er y i plain) titlement an ntense

, an eas, ste llage llage Park Road f the 100- from from ant and under ant and - - and and

M increasing

ion nt. both ( the el S HIO) , e

) D ad determ

. . The. City evaluated f ), 2020), since nificant dout at30 units acre per

of planning area ana and

Zone the lack of availabl v le

development d thed . sites can easily en wh -

vels of d of vels , w oximately appr by way . The intent The of

P Draft certifying . structu yea oint

d de d T ith specific standards excepti and ons element, the Dohenyelement, Village Zoning District construction costs ( ws allo ined

in - he City conducted il deta ile wet and dry infrastructur C Incentiv environmental constraints r flood utiliz /R) the

vel Housing Ele ev ng ng planni

1 th

r lea and 75units per acre ( and acilitate the cr



C opment timel Zone Zone 40 ll r al al at multifami reside ly : ed . ity, includ opment. are Aside from from Aside

an an or area, exclud et conditi mark to d ons that sup elevation h

Based the equ of of es

achiev e elevation an in d sit

G the d environm V/MS Zon V/MS HI subject to : allows by

e futur es can all acco be maximu T commercial bui commercial ire e vac neral O o lood h lood from from ment ment


maximiz on that T evel e ing e he de he

th is not c ant for the two

five inches P flood proxi i e.g., 20perce 30 30 eation o res e lan m ires aminimu opmen | nes by atle

) new stru m flood m azar t ental impact report (EI .

densities wo of the underutiliz the of wo e limits ground f

a one percent annual May land,

ing n to 35 35 to id


e e ha onsidered asignificant mity to e ds in a 2020H in ds ntial with aconditiona d

ties intensi and par re ntial 20

zards zards site mize t standardsmaxi is tomize e s theo cost lding conf f avar sid

units p depths highe in the Do king facilities mpl 21 ct

un within the project area. yste

used inth ential ures are appropriately design ast 1 to 3ye


ormance with derutilized nt su

in the ish spa iety of unit sizes. r than the a m can support th er acre er the Dohe the would density ed withed ce and

develo S rges inc f loor re heny Villag analy an for residential land port ydrolo ties pr e


calculations calculations Jua only , is required, ed I

n addition n associated o


a in ses R chance pment ny sites ( the reuse f 2

ht ht rig rs. sid s n Creek $2 $2 ) ssu ites osts forosts the ojected ojected

on on

gy exc for

Village Village 0 uni 0 cost cost

on on FEMA e to $6 to . l ntial m

e less less Th and and

and ( eed eed use use the the the the U1 U1

on ed ed or or or or of of ts ts a e e , ,

h the use focusthe on state’s (whi of A accommodate realize and its 2021 conflu units (A Fortunately Great Depre wester ho place matchesplace well with the typical 1 or stru (which reported the results Southern Califo moder t While ex o L A de Based on the m In Mult intens all floor massingover (2.5 The Town Center Mix change f language that refers Village Doheny the to zoning to in be place prio Vill D on Note to facilitateto affo a onsite limit. re ag f a ike m ousing. DUs are known agoo be to ccessory Dw - pensive. the fa using Lieu Parking Fee a ccommodating ggle to m to ggle u ge zo ge ch also i ch also iple family dwel

ir familyir or addan to ltsity den thresh As As grega ence e devel commercial ate- any n p he City of Dana Po allows atleast 7 . DUs romwhat is above, Ele the Housing

sta Finally Rece ning o arts States of the United incom

coastal coastal Ad heny Village references ted above,ted d of t of ted , stat , ssion) , ak , ncreases the ov o di aintain o nt research indicates

is is pment an avard by th by hese factors indic inim rdable housing. tionally, tionally, elling rnia , D a seconda un e law recently changed to facilitate th e still in prostill

jurisdicti ons , and more and , Calif ana Po househo par afford ows developers inthe thatows coream all buy Progr area to um de lin e C Association of G in e olds Public Review Public king requirements to achieve the most efficient us d Units r

gs ensities fund additional ity tofund August 2020. SCAG 2020. August -

the 5 Use D ob

- able hou able int’

are nsity p


uni add of of r tai

c lds int previouslyrequire d d optio d Ci of ADUs as a as ADUs of erall property valu property erall ess to the Ho its or granny flats

s a at least

perm ty ts per acre n residence inDa itional source of istrict , D

in southern California, t

ratio), ’ verage recent sta iety of unit of planned pr ana s and under review by the City rovi ates young a aging residents young and orni sin – n for prope for n itted by itted : A

ving with t with are living

A allocation A RHN 2029 majority that amajority P Draft 30 units per30 acre) contains development standards th sions stat den ed above the and maximum oint g

s of th of s overnments (SCAG) conducted a seniorsare r as oppos as t us

hat on on household household 2 occupan

ing Element adoption key based on appro

Housing Ele t land resources that is r


e laws preclude this require right ADUs ADUs ’ e publication of this siz s r ment w

parking resources parking 41 tool inachieving ag ning a ning ojec rty owners seeking b to es ed ed ese income e). e). ) on

na Po ab

ld ld shou ts ts to while G A arch size of 2.3 tren and ove t ove ts that seek e , recent, lso changes

s if itis if s

ill revised. be are res of you catingelo heir parentss not (a trend neral any t ment ment hat hat int ,

by rentingby a idential d he ofDana P City

t e d support he g he a remaining h

c parcel allowing housiparcel allowing play a e

ve proje ve hiev due to the ever ADUs ADUs P evelopment of

ng adults inthe metropo . al z

lan | round floor round oning dults enteri May ready inplace. Sho

, the, City exp . However t ing

o live with liveo out a out s dead draft r . ens be af be

ole in theole City’s in strategy to an

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in legislation elevated

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e i In 2020, t In .

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per la P by zoning. Cityto The intends continue maki t ng D S created by la state d thr T constr housi olds throughhouseh s agreement in Dana Point, while offe ring unde incor It is important to note that z on ummary e lanned able ana Pointurrent c ’s devel nd, t S R R nsity th ource: SCA ource: T A U V P ough its planned ough its HNA (D HNA HNA mitting ed and suitable and ed for residential development. lann acant Land DU’s ot n rstands that this vision includ D porate any state density bonu de ng deve ng H he a u evelopm l Potent l

rutilized L rutilized ct affordablect ho - ed/Entitled Units ed/Entitled


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ulti and Dan

ws pa ws g Development Potent Development g sin a a

f d, and entitle, d, Po amil p ity intensity and permitted by int, 20 int, Public Review Public rojec tate law the capac and expanded

plus u ssed the City’s c y sing

21 op singhou

ESIDEN ts ts .

in 2 the menttter pa inDana Point offer offer D

ana some 017, densities used to calculate the residential capac and de and

( potential

0 fami multi es hous es L apac b TIAL D TIAL s p +

– P ment ower ower 3 2 Draft 208 y

1 59 41 3 80%) oint the City the 4 31

1 8 rovis rightmul in 6 sing sing hou


TA nsity bonus provisions



regulations t

Housing Ele

generall E ing BLE BLE t . ions commo o ac VELOPMENT residential landresources

ly h ly

43 has a surplushas a of ial for all segments of

H . he hi he ( affo


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CA lan ’ | s zoningsdar stan 2029 2021–2029 the capacit landthaty is currently on May PACITY

bes . re

For Modera (> the housing housing of cost high the flect A + 20 t use oft use residential landand 120% 4 1 4 er bo 236

34 98 0 0 0 34 vacant un and t icts 21 he he

ve ve community

and and


t . potential ) e , Based

provides affordable 21 moderate – RHNA allocat RHNA ds, along withits 202 on on

feasibil . 9 y permitted 1 T + derutilized fault thefault de 5 4 491

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