Gold Coast District Cricket Club

Annual Report Season 2013/14

To be presented at the Annual General Meeting Kerrydale Clubhouse, Tuesday 3rd June 2014

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Annual Report – Season 2013/14

President’s report

It gives me great pleasure to report on another successful season for the Gold Coast Dolphins, and this my first as President. On any reasonable measure, the Dolphins have over-achieved this year and set themselves up for a bright period ahead. The club again fulfilled its mission to provide opportunities for our players to play at the level of cricket he or she is capable of. At the highest levels, Dolphins prominantly featured in (youth, men and women) and Australian teams (youth and women). Individual achievement was also shared with team success – well done to the Lord’s Taverners on their premiership, 3rds and Women (both teams) on their minor premierships and 1st Grade for making finals in all three forms of the game (and being the only team to achieve this). Special mention to on her Cath Smith Medal and selection in the victorius Australian T20 World Cup team.

Alan McGillivray

Our year started with the retirement of Alan McGillivray as President after 10 years in the chair spanning three stints (1992- 97, 1998/99 and 2009-13). As our longest serving President, the club owes much to Alan - from things as small as our logo, to as big as our clubhouse, all have been the results of his time and devotion to this club. Thank you Alan.

Life Membership – Scott Muller

At the Annual General Meeting, the club also bestowed the highest honour it can on one its members – Life Membership for Scott Muller. Not only a distinguished clubman, Scott was one of our best ever players – a leader of the Dolphins’ attack who went on to take over 100 first-class for Queensland, before earning his Australian Baggy Green cap in 1998/99 with two tests against Pakistan. In what is arguably the best example of why the Dolphins exist, Scott was a local junior that was able to go up through the grade and first-class ranks to finally represent his country, all while still living and playing on the Gold Coast. Congratulations Scott, well deserved.

Bill Pippen

On a sad note, this year the Dolphins lost our inaugural President and Life Member – Bill Pippen. Bill was a key driver in a small committee of like-minded cricket lovers that worked together to form the Dolphins and gain entry for them into the Grade Competition. Bill was also instrumental in securing Kerrydale for cricket from the Albert Shire Council in the early 1990’s. Fittingly, the club is currently looking at ways to appopriately recognise Bill at the ground.

Thank you

To our sponsors – Scoot Airlines, Salmon Earthmoving, Hinterland Toyota, Hot Tomato, James Frizelles Automotive, Robina Home Hardware and Signal Advantage – thank you for your support and ongoing involvement with our club. To our members, please be sure to support our sponsors where you can and be sure to tell then you are a Dolphin!

The Club has been well served again this year by our Club Patron, Ros Bates MP, and local Gold Coast City councillor Jan Grew. We greatly appreciate their ongoing support. Also a special thank you to our Delegate – Rory Solomon, and Cricket Gold Coast Directors—Archie Morris, Tony Radanovic and Greg Kaddatz.

I must also thank the efforts of the coaching staff who were ably led this year by Senior Coach Damian Wallis. Damian had an impressive first year as coach (especially combined with some excellent on-field performances), and we look forward to him developing more into the role in years to come. Thanks also to the support staff who volunteer each week to make sure our matches run smoothly. 3

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Annual Report – Season 2013/14

I would also like to thank the Management Committee members that worked to keep the club at top level throughout the year – Alan McGillivray (Vice President), Gerry Stevens (Secretary), Simon Matthews (Treasurer), Cameron Brimblecombe, Tony Radanovic, Greg Kaddatz, Archie Morris, Bob Menzies Lewis Read, Nick Stevens and Bonnie Graham (part year). After a couple of years consolidating the club’s off-field position, the Committee is looking forward to taking the next steps required to ensure the Dolphins become one of the great grade clubs.

At the start of the year, I suggested three ‘P’s as the areas where the Dolphins needed to focus – Participation, Profile and Performance. Having had the benefit of a year pushing into these areas, it is pleasing to report that good progress is being made on each.


Perhaps our hardest ‘P’, getting people involved both on and off the field continues to be a challenge for a club such as ours. This year was better in relation to player numbers, but there is more to do. Initiatives such as girls ‘Have-a-Go’ and T20 Blast will help to provide a pool of talent for the women, and more targetted and active recruitment for the men will also assist. Off the field, more hands are needed to help share the volunteer workload amongst our non-playing members.


While we arguably are still one of cricket’s best kept secrets, things are slowly changing. The imminent return of eilte cricket to the Gold Coast and the central role to be played by the Dolphins in supporting such a move, will only increase our profile. This year, a new website and a greater social media presence, have all helped to get the Dolphins’ message out. Over 400 Facebook and 1000 Twitter followers suggest a level of interest outside of our immediate membership exists. The future challenge is how to harness and grow this support for the mutual benefit of the club, its members and cricket in general.


The most important ‘P’, pleasingly this year it was perhaps also our best. Five out of seven grades playing finals, oustanding team efforts from the Taverners, Women, 1st Grade and 3rd Grade all contributed to a year we should all be proud of. Standing on the outside of the fence, the development and attitude of our players has been the most impressive to see. An improved commitment to the club and each other is evident in the way we play and train. We are not there yet, but with continued progress it will provide opportunity for both individual and team success well into the future. Well done to you all.

The Future

What’s next? It would be easy to simply relax and go with the flow, but for all of us, that would be selling short the opportunity we have to make something great at the Dolphins for both current and future cricketers. The effort will sometimes be long and hard, but through a shared commitment to preserving and then contributing our own little improvements to the ‘Dolphin Way’, we give ourselves every chance of success. Go Fins!

Please enjoy the break, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you all again in Season 2014/15 for what will be a big Dolphins’ 25th Anniversary Year.

Jeff Pfaff President 4

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Annual Report – Season 2013/14

Coaching report

The 2013/14 season was my first as club coach and one I thoroughly enjoyed. The thought process behind the coaching structure this year was to implement more specialist coaching for the players within the training sessions. This was achieved by having Scott Muller to look after the bowlers and Graeme Hick, and then to look after the . I believe that it is important for young players to be afforded this specialist coaching as they make their way in . This is often overlooked as players take the jump from junior to senior cricket , often having to fend for themselves in working on and improving their game.

The club is in a very fortunate position in being able to call upon such fine coaches as we did and I thank them for all of their efforts this year. It should also not be underestimated the role that senior players play in mentoring and helping fellow players out with their games. This is important on so many levels for a grade club , and I was pleased to see younger players continually sounding out these guys for advice throughout the year.

The main focus for the training this year was to give the players the best possible chance of being prepared for their game on Saturday. This was achieved by focussing on specialised fielding drills, increasing the time of batting in the nets , as well as starting the sessions earlier to give the players more daylight to train in. Once again we were in the enviable position of having such fine facilities to train on and it went to another level this year with three very good turf practice wickets available for most of the season.

I would like to thank Rick Shenton for his efforts this year on the Kerrydale and special mention to Jason Hocking for his fine job in his first season working on the wickets. It should never be taken for granted how lucky we are to have such great facilities.

As far as on-field performances went , I think it is fair to say we more than exceeded our expectations. To make finals in five out of seven grades was a fantastic achievement and it was credit to all players of the club. I would like to make special mention of the two women’s teams who both finished as minor premiers of the grade competition . This was a superb effort and one that all of the girls should be very proud of. A lot of credit must go to Garry Lovett and Russell Neilson for their work as coaches of the women's teams, as I know they both worked tirelessly throughout the season.

A big congratulations to the 3rds for finishing as minor premiers for the season. A wonderful feat considering the average age of the players was well below that of most opposition teams.

One of the most pleasing achievements of the season was that of our under 16 Lord’s Taverners team who won the premiership in fine style. This was a great team effort and if anyone saw the way these young lads played and enjoyed their cricket with each other, you would know that the future looks bright for the club.

As well as the great team achievements , there were some wonderful individual performances throughout the year. A few notable ones were:

. Andrew Robinson scoring over 1000 runs for the season and in doing so taking out the Queensland Cricket 1st Grade Batting Award. He also finished in the top 10 of the Peter Burge Medal count. This was a fantastic year for Robbo and I have no doubt that he still has some games left in him at the next level.

. Josh Arnold taking 40 wickets for the season again. This is the best example of getting the reward you deserve from what you put into it. Anyone looking to find the secret to success in grade cricket should look to emulate the way Josh goes about his business on and off the field. 5

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Annual Report – Season 2013/14

. Nathan Black winning the Queensland Cricket Lord’s Taverners’ Bowling Award. . Luke Hickey averaging over 40 in his first season in 2nd Grade. . Delissa Kimmince winning the medal for the Women’s Player of the Season, a fantastic achievement from her.

Along with team success one of the prime goals of the club is to constantly be producing players to represent Queensland at various levels, and then ultimately onto playing for . The chance for Dolphins players to do this has never been as strong as its now , with selectors viewing our club as one of the strongest nurseries for developing state players. For those with ambitions of playing at higher levels, the strongest pathway will always be through plying your trade at grade level.

This year, Delissa Kimmince led the way with an outstanding year for the (including being Player of the T20 Final) which culminated in her selection in the victorious Australian Southern Stars team for the T20 World Cup held in Bangladesh in April. Well done Delissa. Congratulations also to Fran Whittaker for her selection in the Fire this year too.

Once again we were represented well by the men at State level. and Greg Moller played for the Queensland Bulls and both were influential in the team winning the one day title. Michael also had a great T20 campaign with the where he was named their Player of the Series.

Nick Stevens made his Queensland Bulls debut after being one of the most promising players in the state for the last few years. It was well deserved and although it was soured somewhat by an injury , it was a special occasion for Nick and I'm sure it was only the start of much bigger things to come. Other notable selections included:

. Billy Stanlake represented Queensland and Australia at Under 19 level with distinction. His performances at the Under 19 World Cup were eye catching and he is another young Dolphin who is destined for bigger things.

. Matt Kuhnemann represented Queensland Under 19's at the national championships . . Sam Yabsley and Max Houlihan represented Queensland Under 17's at the national championships. . Sam Hain made his first class debut for Warwickshire and it was great to see him playing a few games for the club while he was here.

. Chris Swan took on the role as Queensland Bulls coach and was praised for his efforts in his first year. The conclusion of the season saw the retirement of two very popular players in Dave Heavyside and Brad Ipson. ' Heavy ' made a huge impact on the club in the years he played after coming over from South Australia. One season he was the leading wicket taker in the Brisbane Grade Competition which was no mean feat. His commitment and ultimate passion to the team cause made him one of those players you loved having on your team. There was never any excuses from Dave, he could be hobbling on one leg with blisters or some niggles but he would still want to bowl his heart out for you at the end of the day. He truly embodied the Dolphin spirit and he will be sorely missed as a player and character of the club. Thanks for your efforts " Heav".

Brad Ipson will go down as one of the club legends. He would have to be one of the most popular players to ever have played at the club. His stats tell the story of his performances on the field , leading wicket taker of the club to go with a lot of runs scored at crucial times. This saw him represent Queensland on a number of occasions and most would agree he 6

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Annual Report – Season 2013/14

should have played a lot more. Stats do not measure the other qualities he brought to the club. 'Ip' is someone who wore his heart on his sleeve when playing and you always felt safe having him on your side. He provided many laughs on and off the field and was very good with his time in speaking to younger players and helping them improve. I know a lot of younger players felt very comfortable in engaging with him as he would always give them the respect they deserved. He captained the 1st grade team for a number of years and lead with distinction. He was this year mentioned by one umpire as the funniest guy in grade cricket. He certainly had us all laughing a lot of the time, whether he meant it or not it didn't matter. His sayings and phrases will certainly be missed on the field but I am sure we will still hear them around the club as he continues his involvement in some capacity. Brad it's been a blast and thankyou for eking every last bit of energy out of your body to give to the club. Thanks for everything 'Ip'.

I would like to thank all of the captains from various grades for their time and efforts throughout the year. It is often a lot bigger job then people realise , so we were lucky to have the people we did in these positions.

I would like to thank Tony Matthews for all his time and effort in helping run the nets at training. You probably don't realise how big a help you were , but I can assure you that what you did was exceptional and the boys really appreciated it.

I'd like to thank all members of the Management Committee who have supported me throughout the year . It is much appreciated and your efforts should never be undervalued by the players. Without you guys the club doesn't run.

I'd like to thank Tony Radanovic for his help in the role of Chairman of Selectors. Again another voluntary role that often gets underestimated.

A big thank you to Greg Kaddatz again for giving up his Saturdays to manage the 1st Grade side. You only have to look at a lot of the other teams who don't have someone managing them, to realise how spoilt we are.

A big thank you to Jeff Pfaff in his first year as President. On a personal note, you were a massive help to me and made my job a lot easier. I don't know where you found the time to do everything you did but the club is only going to go upwards with you at the helm. Your ambition and passion to develop the club into something bigger and better should be commended and I look forward to seeing how far we can take it.

Finally to the players. Thankyou for your support throughout my first year in the coaching role. I am excited by not only the talent but also the spirit of the players we have at the Dolphins. This is a young club with plenty of ambition and I believe we are heading in a great direction. You, the players can shape the club and the directon it heads through your actions on and off the field. I saw a lot of this throughout the year and I look forward to what comes in Season 2014/15.

Damian Wallis Senior Coach 7

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Annual Report – Season 2013/14

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Incorporated Balance sheet for the year ended 31 March 2014 $ $ $ MEMBERS FUNDS Balance at beginning of year 96,668 Net surplus (deficit) for the year 1,883 TOTAL MEMBERS FUNDS $98,552 Represented by: Current Assets 33,799 Fixed Assets 65,928 TOTAL ASSETS 99,727

Current Liabilities 1,175 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,175 NET ASSETS $98,552

Gold Coast District Cricket Club Incorporated Summary income and expenditure statement for the year ended 31 March 2014 $ $ $ INCOME

Events 5,213 Sponsorship, Grants & Donations 53,375 Clubhouse & Ground Hire 7,605 Insurance Proceeds 3,576 Membership & Match fees 27,976 Sales - Clothing, Canteen & Bar 21,865 $119,610


Cricket Program 8,967 Events 1,778 Grounds 39,703 Kerrydale 17,902 Other expenditure: Accounting & Legal Fees 35 Bank Fees 644 Depreciation 15,583 Internet 322 Licenses and Permits 414 Printing & Office Supplies 204 Purchases – Canteen & Bar 17,750 Purchases – Caps 2,170 Purchases – Clothing 10,354 Sundry Expenses 528 Telephone 703 Trophies & Awards 670 49,377 $117,727

NET PROFIT $1,883 8