Saints Peter & Paul Church

 SACRED THROUGH THE LORD JESUS SENSIBLE WITH THE LORD JESUS SAVED IN THE LORD JESUS  OUR MISSION At Saints Peter & Paul, we culvate the Gospel message and offer the Sacraments  & Worship, acvies & community for  God’s people. “We are God’s coRworkers.”  1 Corinthians 3:9


 4750 TURNEY ROAD • GARFIELD HTS., OH 44125  MASS SCHEDULE Phone: 216R429R1515 • Fax: 216R429R1889 Wednesday & Friday: 8:30am Email: offi[email protected]  Vigil Saturday: 4:00pm • Sunday: 8:30am Church Website: hp:// Holy Days: Check bullen prior to Holy Day  Credit Union: 216R587R0631  Credit Union Website:  STAFF Rev. John J. Schneider, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mr. Robert Bugaj, Deacon Mr. Frank Kozuch, Director of Music Ministry  Mrs. Linda Schiavone, Office Manager Mr. Bill Novak, Parish Maintenance Mrs. Geraldine Koenig, Parish Secretary   SACRAMENTS CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:00pm & the 2nd Thursday of the month 5‒6pm. Front lobby of the Rectory.  BAPTISM: Before any detailed arrangements are made, prospecve expecng parents must aend a preRbapsm class. Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory Office in advance.  FUNERALS: Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory Office before publicaon in newspapers.  WEDDINGS: Arrangements are to be made in person at the Rectory Office at least six months in advance. All couples planning to be married must aend Diocesan PreRMarriage Instrucons.  SICK CALLS: Inform the Rectory Office of the ill and homebound.  RCIA: Interested in becoming Catholic? Learn about the Catholic Faith. Call the Rectory. SAINTS PETER & PAUL PARISH GARFIELD HTS., OH        Ss. Peter & Paul and St. Therese ACTIVITY SCHEDULE    LITURGY SCHEDULE    SATURDAY, June 20, 2020  Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time Wood Carving SaleNChurch  AA MeetingNParish HallN7:30pm MONDAY, June 15, 2020   SUNDAY, June 21, 2020 St. T.N6:30 PM  † Julieta Guzman Gomez  Wood Carving SaleNChurch St. T.N7:00 PM Confessions         TUESDAY, June 16, 2020 Please Pray for the Ill and Homebound   Mary Jane Andrako, Mary Bienkowski,    No Mass Sue Boyne, Thom Boyne, Arline Charvat,   The Cieplowski Family, Sal Crasi,  WEDNESDAY, June 17, 2020  Catherine Dehil, Antionette Dezort,  Ss. P&PN8:30 AM † Irene Karwoski (A) Dennis Dikowicz, Lottie Domski, Ross C. Furcello,  Ed Gabriele, John Gajda, Adele Gispanski,  THURSDAY, June 18, 2020 Laverne Grabowski, Dori Herout, Kathy Hrestak,   Frank Kingzett, Kyle Knight, MaryAnn Koenig,  St. T.N8:30 AM  Special Intention Dolores Kozlowski, Rudy & Dolores Kubicek,    Fr. Joseph Mamich, Daria Melnyc, Karla Muir,  FRIDAY, June 19, 2020 Michelle Nowakowski, Kelly Ann Palasics,  The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus  Kelly Perhach, Robert Perhach, Sandra Priebe,  Ss. P&PN8:30 AM † Homolka & Galiardi Families Ken & MaryAnn Prybor, John Robinson,   Maria Schieda, John Shedlock, MaryAnn Sibits,  SATURDAY, June 20, 2020 Edward Slovenski, Allen Strnad, Darlene Triska,  Vigil, Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time/ Sophie Vargo, Vince Vartorella, Vlanty,  Father’s Day Weekend Stella Wall, Alex Weber, Jackie Yenco   Ss. P&PN4:000 PM † Deceased Members of the    Hrestak & Severovic Families  MASS INTENTIONSO2021 St. T. N 5:30 PM † Michael William Hydock &  Schedule Mass intentions for 2021 on     Faith Corradi (A) Monday, June 15 at 9:30amO2:30pm  preferrably by phone or email. SUNDAY, June 21, 2020  Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time/ Rectory 2164291515 or  Father’s Day Weekend Email: [email protected]   Ss. P&PN8:30 AM For the People of the Parish  If you have a wedding anniversary such as 25, 40,  50, etc. please call to secure your date early. St. T. N 10:30 AM † Richard Golias     REST IN PEACE READINGS FOR THE WEEK  David Foster  Brother of Fr. Clyde Foster  Monday: 1 Kings 21:116; Matthew 5:3842 Mary Jane Bittner Tuesday: 1 Kings 21:1729; Matthew 5:4338   Wednesday: 2 Kings 2:1, 614;    Matthew 6:16, 1618 FEAST OF THE  Thursday: Sirach 48:114; Matthew 6:715 SACRED HEART OF JESUS Friday: Deuteronomy 7:611; 1 John 4:716; The Diocesan Center of the Enthronement of the  Matthew 11:2530 Sacred Heart of Jesus will celebrate the annual Saturday: 2 Chronicles 24:1725; Luke 2:4151 Mass of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, Sunday: Jeremiah 20:1013; Romans 5:1215; June 19 at St. Therese Church at 7;00pm. All are welcome  Matthew 10:2633 to join the prayer of the Rosary at 6:40pm. Please bring a   mask to wear and we will be following the Diocesan The Spirit of truth will testify to me, says the Lord;  guidelines for this celebration. and you also will testify. For more information please contact Donna at 440232 7725 or Marlene at 2164479375. THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST/CORPUS CHRISTI JUNE 14, 2020  PASTOR’S NOTES  Cont’d  When you think that actual grace is necessary for salvation,  The Lord be with you! then you end up believing yourself to be perpetually unworthy Hopefully, just as we resume our reading of the Baltimore of any grace. Instead of viewing your soul from God’s Catechism,our country will resume its recovery from Covid perspective of healing, you will tend to consider yourself an 19. Certainly, much workremains in combating the virus and abject failure. Moreover, if actual grace is necessary to make making the strides we need to have a more just and equitable any good act, how can you be certain of any of your actions society. When we need to do difficult things  such as fighting being really good if you cannot also confirm the underlying a pandemic  we need grace. Specifically, we need actual actual grace? grace.  When we remember that by Baptism we have  Question 475. What is actual grace? become, and will always be, God’s children, we can always Answer. Actual grace is that help of God which enlightens our take courage in God. Certainly, we will fall and thus need mind and moves our will to shun evil and do good. Confession and the assistance of others to grow. We can be  confident, however, that God is always ready to forgive us Question 476. Is grace necessary to salvation? and give us a deeper love. Answer. Grace is necessary to salvation, because without  grace we can do nothing to merit heaven. In Christ, Fr. John    My commentary.    Did you notice the switch? Question 475 defined a  STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT particular kind of grace whereas Question 476 was asking  about grace in general. Both questions and both answers are HOLY LAND GIFTS completely true, but arranged in the way above they leave the After all Masses next weekend, June 20/21 impression that actual grace is necessary for salvation. there will be a display of handmade, hand Although actual grace is accidentally needed for salvation, it carved articles for sale such as nativity scenes, is not essentially needed. Let’s now find out why. crucifixes, rosaries, the last supper, and many other  Actual grace is the temporary infusion of strength beautiful religious articles. When you purchase one of the and enlightenment from God. Sometimes, this strength is beautiful gifts, you are helping artisans in the Holy Land quite literal  we have occasions of the saints surviving provide for their families. The sale will take place in the tortures well beyond human endurance. For example, it was Front Vestibule of the church. Thank you for supporting an actual grace to St. John the Evangelist when he was boiled in oil and suffered no burns. Most of the time, however, actual this project to keep Christians present in the Holy Land, the grace appears quite mundane. We experience a desire to pray birthplace of Jesus. or a sudden feeling of empathy for someone we dislike. Other  times we think of a solution to a complex problem all a of NEWS FROM AM 1260 THE ROCK sudden without explanation. We recognize an actual grace Cleveland’s Catholic Radio, continues to when our lives become more charitable or peaceful, at least offer additional opportunities to participate for a while. in Holy Mass for those who are unable to attend in person.  Since we often need help in loving God and neighbor Daily Mass can be heard at 10 AM and 10 PM Monday as they are owed, actual graces help us to fulfill our duties. In through Friday. The Sunday liturgy airs on Saturday at 4 this sense, the inclination to do what is right or difficult PM and Sunday at 8:00AM, 10:30AM and 5:00PM. In becomes accidentally necessary. Forwe could havedone the addition, the Holy Rosary is prayed each day at 9:30PM, good act, but we would not have had we not received the and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed Monday grace. In this limited sense, actual grace is necessary for through Friday at 3:00PM. For a complete schedule of salvation. programs to sustain and enrich your faith, please visit  Only sanctifying grace is essentially necessary for salvation. Remember, sanctifying grace is the effect of God’s  mercy in our souls reconciling us to Him through Jesus in the The FEST  Holy Spirit. By definition, any soul that has accepted a day of hope and family when we need it most! sanctifying grace has accepted Jesus (as Lord and Savior) and We are excited and blessed to announce that is saved. Nothing further is required for salvation as such. FEST 2020 is not cancelled! Instead, it will However, God further intends for us to grow in His grace over time. Thus, actual grace enables us tomeritfurther increases come to you ‘live’ from the comfort of your in sanctifying and actual grace. By so cooperating with God, own home. We will be streaming FEST day with messages we become more and more like Christ. of faith and inspiration, songs from national Christian  You might well be wondering why I am making such bands and so much more! We will have an engaging and a big deal about this. I have a two word answer: Irish interactive website where you will be able to experience Jansenism. If you ever wondered why the Church was and do all the things you love to do on FEST day  from characterized by harshness in the early 20th Century, it all crafts and activities to sponsor bags and more! Visit comes from the conflation of the necessity of actual grace for more info!  with that of sanctifying grace. Irish Jansenism  so named for  Irish clergy trained by Jansenist theologians in France  was A Big (belated) “Significant”  not really a heresy as such but the misunderstanding of how to HAPPY BIRTHDAY  grow in grace practically.  to our Music DirectorOFrank Kozuch  Ask Father Q: Where is Fr. Dan's picture? For that matter, where are the pictures of the last few pastors at Ss. Peter and Paul? A: About a year ago we started looking into getting a plaque with Fr. Dan’s picture put into the back of St. Therese. At the time I thought that once that was done, we would know how to do the same thing for Ss. Peter and Paul. Oddly enough, the company thathad done the previous plaques went out of business. We then found another company to do it and looked for a photograph of Fr. Dan. More time went by. Right before the Covid 19 Pandemic happened, we received the plaque. Hopefully, it will be up this week. With that project complete, we will be moving onto the plaques for Ss. Peter and Paul.  Q: Who is St. Andrew Corsini? Why should we pray to him now? A: St. Andrew Corsini was a Carmelite from the 14th century who eventually became bishop of , a town north of Florence, Italy. Although he led a wild youth, he dedicated his life to prayer and penance when he entered the in 1318. Ordained a priest in 1328, his preaching and love of poverty made him a great candidate to become a bishop. It is said that he fled to a remote hermitage when he learned that he would become the next bishop of Fiesole. After much prayer, he reluctantly accepted his elevation to bishop. He redoubled his penitential practices as bishop, going so far as to wear a hair shirt and sleep on a bed of vines. St. Andrew Corsini is important today because he is the patron saint of civil concord. Invoked against civil unrest and riots  much as we pray to St. Blaise against diseases of the throat  St. Andrew rejuvenated the civic health of as its papal nuncio by bringing the poor and nobility together. A true peacemaker, St. Andrew shows us that to merit reconciliation between people we must first humble ourselves and seek God's grace.  A Prayer to St. Andrew Corsini God our Father, you reveal that those who work for peace will be called your children.  Through the prayers of St. Andrew Corsini, who excelled as a peacemaker,  help us to work without ceasing for that justice which brings truth and lasting peace. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.   OUR YOUNG CHURCH PSR: There will be a First Communion retreat day in later June. Further information will be provided via the REMIND app.  Keep our 3 Confirmation candidates and 2 First Communion students in your prayers as they finalize their preparations and make their respected sacraments.  The 20192020 PSR has come to an end and we are preparing for another year in the fall! Registration Forms will be mailed to current students and we welcome any new students for any grade level Preschool to 8th grade! Please email Joanna Parsons, PSR Coordinator, at [email protected] of you have any questions.   STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE

WEEKLY SUNDAY COLLECTION 6720  $ 1,649.00 Adult Envelopes  $ 75.00 Loose $ 0.00 Children Envelopes  $ 1,624.00 Mail Envelopes   $ 223.00 Maintenance $ 10.00 Mother’s Day Remembrance   $ 60.00 Father’s Day Remembrance  $ 20.00 Easter $ 10.00 Palm Sunday $ 10.00 Ash Wednesday    $ 3,681.00 Total for Ministry and Operang   OTHER COLLECTIONS: $ 8.00 Guardian Angel $ 95.00 SVDP  $ 37.00 Mission CoROp  $ 10.00 Peter’s Pence $ 10.00 Good Friday (Holy Land)         To all who continue to dropped off or mail in your contribution envelopes to the parish during these stressful and challenging past few months and even now since we are back to public masses.  We also provide a more convenient way to make your donation. You can create your donation by following the steps below to make on line contibutions. Thank you for your continued support and generosity to the parish.  1.Visit our website: Choose: ONLINE GIVING 2. Select your donation amount and frequency 3. Enter your account and payment information   STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Lord make us trustworthy stewards  of your abundant blessings.  Show us ways that will enable us to fully embrace your  teachings of charity. GRENDZINSKI PLUMBING For All Of Your Plumbing Needs, Call R. Grendzinski Celebrating Life Since 1927 (216) 441-6039 356 W. Aurora Rd. • Sagamore Hills, OH 4747 Turney Road 6505 Brecksville Road 330-467-4500 • (440) 888-1367526-8920 Garfield Heights, OH 44125 Independence, OH 44131 Full Menu at Website DELIBERATO 216-883-3900 LAW CENTER STATION TAVERN Matthew D. Deliberato, Esq. Across From Sts. Peter & Paul Church - Parishioners 440-836-0043 216-341-3413 solon, ohio Four Generations of Quality Service

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